#Jimmie A. Kepler
taniushka12 · 11 months
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A Matter of Perspective, Wolf 359 // Better Call Saul Poster
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defty-picklez · 5 months
If Scar was to win (ScarsweepScarsweepScarsweep) I think he should be the Earth. Grian and Scare are so Sun and Earth coded. The Sun and the Earth circle around each other, Sun will kill the Earth eventually but he stays. The Sun flares but he stays.
The Sun gives warmth, the Sun burns. The Earth is charismatic and beautiful, the Earth kills and consumes. Scar-Icarus parallels from 100hours fits so well too.
He has green eyes and Convex based of of vexes are blue and ofc the brown hair. It's also a funny to think that the guy who symbolizes the Earth is a capitalist. Cub can be Kepler and should be in my opinion.
Mumbo could be Black holes. No explanation.
I think Tango would be Comets, the visual of his fire hair fits and I feel like there's probably some symbolism but I don't watch Tango that much sorry.
Joel needs to be Jupiter because of his inspiration from Zeus. Bigbeans being the biggest planted is also funny.
Also, if Grian is the Sun then how about Bdubs? The next best thing I could think of is either Time or Light. Personally I think he should be Time, it's thematic. If I remember correctly, he's killed people because of clocks, the moment he gets the clock someone's death is inevitable. Time makes death inevitable.
So Etho is the Void right? Like canonically if I remember correctly? I'm not sure. So like the Void/Space? Etho and Bdubs being Space/Void and Time is cool.
Cleo is fit to be Death, no explanation too.
Bigb being Mercury would be funny because Mercury is the god of communication and he gaslights gatekeeps and girlbosses. He's also closest to the Sun so blud gets burnt like a cookie.
So like- Neptune the god is related to Jupiter the god but we're NOT PUTTING that in the symbolism here. Anyways, Lizzie could be Neptune because of her being the blue axolotl in Empires season 1 because Neptune is related to the sea.
Maybe Gem could be Pluto because she's new?
Jimmy, canary boy, he was fated to die so maybe that's his thing. Fate itself was Fated to die. Also, fortune telling by using the stars, Astromancy, is a thing so Flower Husband fans there you go.
Ight, hear, me, out. Skizz. As Venus. Because love island. Think about it.
Sorry I really don't know what for Ren and Impulse. Please tell me if you have any ideas, I would love to hear them.
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choicesjanuary2024 · 3 months
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Listed in alphabetical order by artist name. If I missed adding one on this list, or missed reblogging, please let me know.
Chronicles of a Crimson Summer 11 (ID Fic & Edit, Cas x MC)
Songs that describe my pairings (ID & It Lives Songs)
Starlit night (WtD Fic, Troy x MC)
chosen family (CoP Fic, Trystan)
hello, goodbye ~ jimmy rose (CoP Fic, Jimmy)
laplace’s angel (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
meeting at a crosswalk (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
slam poetry (MAH Fic, Stevie x MC)
A Different Fate - Final Chapter (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
A Little Mess (OPH Edit, Tobias x MC)
A New Perspective (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
A Tipsy Winter Tale (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Clucking Amazing (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
Different Destinations (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
If the hat fits… (CoP Fic & Art Commission, Trystan x MC)
It Always Starts Somewhere…. (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Pen-sive (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
Pietro & Azul (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
Stress Reduction (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
The Morning (WtD Fic, Eli x MC)
Trystan’s 2023 Holiday Recap (CoP Edit, Trystan x MC)
Twenty-Five (WTD Fic, Troy & MC)
A Prince for the Holidays (Blades Fic, Aerin x MC)
His Barbie, Her Ken (Nightbound Fic, Nik x MC)
Loyal to be Royal (Nightbound Fic, Nik x MC, Garrus x MC)
Daddy’s Girl (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
Making It Work (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
Miami Nights: Before and After (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
New Year Wishes (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
Whatever It Takes (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
Alex as the Winter Princess (Nightbound Art, MC)
Aerin x Raine (Blades Art, Aerin x MC)
Aerin x Raine (Blades Art, Aerin x MC)
Ash Clark (ILITW Art, OC)
Captain Pandrosion Elara (AtV Art, Sol, Meridian, Kepler, MC)
Casey MacTavish (OPH Art, MC)
Coffee Date(s) (CoP Art, Trystan x MC)
Detective Lilah Rose (CoP Art, MC)
Ethan (OPH Art)
Gabriel Rose (CoP Art)
Imtura Tal Kaelen (Blades)
Inspired by Mal x Daenarya (Blades Art, Mal x OC)
Kajsiab (Alpha Art, MC)
Kieran (TCH Art)
Lancelot x Guinevere Silhouette (Guinevere Art, Lancelot x MC)
Leaf, King of Birds (TCH Art)
Lilah Rose (CoP Art, MC)
Luca O'Rinn (ID MC)
Mal Volari (Blades Art)
Marianna Howard (Desire and Decorum Fanart, OC)
Nia Ellarious (Blades Art)
Nora Rose (CoP Art, MC)
Sabastyan Thorne Case File (CoP Art)
Saini Rusanen (ID Art, MC)
Tatum x Aubrey (FA Art, Tatum x MC)
Together We Win (Blades Art, MC)
Trystan (CoP Art)
Tyril Starfury (Blades Art)
Wallace (Blades Art)
Happy New Year (RCD Fic & Art Commission, Thomas x MC)
Helios - Emma’s Arylu (TE Art, Familiar)
#plantlove (OPH Fic, Bryce x OC)
Post Christmas Bliss (RCD Art Commission, Thomas x MC)
Spread Joy #841 (Blades Edit, Mal)
Tuneless Wonders (TE, Fic & Art Commission)
Valax (Blades Art)
Hades of House Nightbloom (Blades Art Commission, MC)
I Wasn’t Built For Iceland (AME Fic, Carson x MC)
We’ll Figure It Out (Untamable Fic, Kit x MC)
In Her Arms (CoP Fic, Vasili, Juliana)
The Skies (Blades Fic, Imtura, Ventra)
Turning the Page (TRR Fic, Liam x OC)
A 2AM Christmas Tree Farm [1/2] (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Babysitting the Demonic Duo (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Home without - Part One (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Progression (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Tabloids, or a story in 5 headlines (CoP Fic, Trystan x Emma)
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thelastspeecher · 7 months
Accidental Abduction AU, like to think Stan would get up to other alien hijinks with the alien friends he'd make outside of the McGuckets.
Oh hell yeah. He does make some friends outside the Roswells (aka the McGuckets in this AU).
Hmm a few stray, vague ideas:
Jimmy Snakes is in this AU as an alien but a different kind from the "Frosties"; I don't know if I've mentioned it here on Tumblr yet or not. But anyways, Jimmy and Stan being bad influences on each other. They manage to get their hands on some alien alcoholic type beverages that are probably more akin to getting high rather than drunk (since the "Frosties" don't do anything with fermentation). How did they get their hands on these beverages? Not sure, because they're not old enough. But they get their hands on them nonetheless and get incredibly plastered and have to spend a few days recovering.
Once the alien students get used to Stan, he gets bombarded with questions about Earth and being human all the time. Earth isn't in the galactic alliance or council or whatever, and humans are rare in this corner of the galaxy. Stan pulls a Stan and either exaggerates or lies about a lot of things to make himself sound cooler. Angie and Lute roll their eyes since they know the truth but let him have his fun and don't call him out on it.
Angie and Stan start dating before Stan has met any non-Roswell aliens his age, so he doesn't do a whole ladies' man flirting thing with the eligible bachelorettes. But he does team up with a shy nerdy "Frostie" that he names Oswald, because Oswald is trying to set Lute up with his twin brother. And Stan's always down for a scheme.
One specific thing Stan tells his classmates about is the concept of shoplifting (which is impossible to do on Kepler-62f due to how the stores are set up). Everyone goes absolutely buckwild. They can't believe it.
Stan strikes up a friendship with some "Frosties" that run a mechanic auto shop specifically so that he can convince them to soup up the Stanleymobile to run on nitrogen and fly like the other cars on the planet. He also talks them into letting him try out a flying motorcycle type thing. He crashes horribly and barely avoids serious injury, but he and the mechanic shop people are just thrilled by the trick Stan managed to pull off right before crashing. The Roswells are not thrilled by any of it and once Stan gets a checkup from his doctor (who is a specialist in non-"Frostie" physiology) and clean bill of health, he is thoroughly grounded. Eventually, though, Stan does get his wish and the Stanleymobile operates like the other cars on Kepler-62f.
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inesosorino · 1 year
LOCATION: Their kitchen STATUS: Closed for @coolkep​
Inés was used to living with roommates and for the most part she could keep the peace with just about anyone. Or at least “gently push” them so things could run “more smoothly” in the space they were sharing. What she wasn’t used to was living with an animal. Her father had always wanted a dog, something her mother was vehemently against, and her disdain must have rubbed off on her. She doesn’t look forward to whatever mess the animal left now as she unlocks the door. Inés had already dealt with a long day of classes and impromptu student council meetings. With that in mind, she sees one of her beloved heels visibly ruined and chewed up right in front of that creature. While the dog excitedly runs up to her, she dodges it and swipes up her heel, and walks into Kepler’s room without so much of a knock and drops the show right at the end of his bed. “So we just don’t watch our animals anymore?” The brunette crosses her arms over her chest. “You and your dog owe me a new pair of Jimmy Choos.” 
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gazeta24br · 5 months
Como será a eternidade? Essa é uma pergunta que certamente milhares de pessoas fazem a si mesmas. Mas a resposta fica vaga para muitos. Entretanto, existe um indicador que pode revelar um pouco da morada eterna daqueles cuja vida está sob o senhorio de Jesus Cristo. Falando sobre esse tema, o cantor e compositor Filipe Marques faz o lançamento independente da canção “Eternidade”. Ele conta que no dia 18 de agosto de 2018, começaram as gravações do projeto “Glorioso”, composto por dez canções que exaltam o poder de Deus. Dentre essas canções, destaca-se a música “Eternidade”, que mostra “como será o nosso destino como filhos de Deus, a eternidade com o Senhor”. Filipe continua dizendo que a canção nasceu de uma leitura intimista do Evangelho de João feita em seis meses. Durante aproximadamente três meses, a leitura do último momento de Jesus com os discípulos o impactou profundamente, levando-o a escrever a canção “Eternidade”: “Ela começa com o verso ‘Não se turbe o coração, crede em Deus, crede em mim. Na casa de meu pai há muitas moradas, eu vou para o Pai, mas voltarei e onde estiver, estejais vós também’. Nesse lugar, não haverá choro ou doenças, assim, ‘onde os mudos cantarão uma canção ao Cordeiro de Deus para sempre, onde os coxos correrão e os cegos verão a face do Senhor, que brilha mais que o Sol’”. Durante todo esse período, o Senhor ministrava ao seu coração em momentos cotidianos, como no trabalho, na igreja e ao dirigir, “sobre como seria a nossa vivência nesse lugar. Essa experiência quebrantou meu coração e me mostrou o lugar para qual estamos destinados”. Para a gravação deste projeto, Filipe enfrentou muitos e grandes desafios que quase inviabilizaram a sua realização. Uma semana antes da primeira data marcada, ele se acidentou e quebrou a clavícula, precisando remarcar a gravação. Quatro meses depois, uma semana antes da nova data, ele sofreu um acidente automobilístico com o capotamento do veículo: “Nesse momento, vimos a poderosa mão de Deus impedindo que o veículo descesse um penhasco. Desde então, a gravação foi um milagre do Senhor. No dia exato, amanheci totalmente rouco e enfrentamos vários outros empecilhos. Na hora da gravação, vimos a glória, a bondade e o amor de Deus marcando e transformando vidas ali presentes.” Esse trabalho já está disponibilizado em todas as plataformas digitais. Ele foi gravado e captado de forma ao vivo e orgânica, na Igreja Batista Templo de Adoração (IBTA), em Belo Horizonte (MG). A direção do projeto “Eternidade” é da Panda.mov. Câmeras: Athos Souza, Eloah Roberta, Lucas PKTA, Rodrigo Leal e Panda. Edição e color grading: Panda.mov. Cenografia e produção de palco: Elerson Antônio. Produção de moda: Elaine Govea. Mídia e divulgação: Matheus Ferrero. Teclados: Élison Patrício. Baixo: Carlos Di Oliva. Guitarra e voz: Filipe Marques. Backing Vocal: Isabelle Menegasse, Rhaller Duarte. Guitarra: Gabriel Gonçalves. Bateria: Wagno Wernech. Violoncelo: Breno Augusto. Captação de áudio – Mix: Lucas Guerra. Master: Flávio Libório. Produção: Jimmy Kepler. Cantor e compositor de música gospel brasileira, Filipe Marques nasceu em Belo Horizonte (MG). Formado em teologia, ele é Líder do ministério Libertos e congrega na Igreja Batista em Cristo em Belo Horizonte (MG). Iniciou sua carreira na adolescência, ministrando em igrejas e eventos cristãos. No ano de 2014, finalizou o primeiro álbum em estúdio intitulado “Libertos pelo Teu Amor”. As músicas estão disponíveis em todas as plataformas digitais: CD “Libertos” (2014), DVD “Glorioso” (2019), “Eternidade” (2023), lançamento futuro: EP “Digno” (2024). “Meu maior desejo é levar cada pessoa a conhecer e experimentar o amor e o poder de Deus por meio das músicas que exaltam a glória, a beleza e a graça do nosso Criador. Assim, convido você a conhecer este novo trabalho, para que também sinta o glorioso poder de Deus e não apenas ouça falar sobre ele. Experimente a bondade e o amor dEle.” (Filipe Marques) Assista no YouTube ao videoclipe da canção “Eternidade”:
https://youtu.be/-ysnUOca6po Siga o cantor Filipe Marques nas Redes Sociais! YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FilipeMarquesofficial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/filipemarquesoficial Plataformas Digitais: https://found.ee/f5VxA Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@filipe.marquess? Acompanhe a Frutificai nas Redes Sociais! Frutificai Produções: https://www.instagram.com/frutificai_producoes
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goodcryunicorn · 8 months
while i work on my muses bio here are the ones that are ready for all interactions:
red = original character
$#*! my dad says (Edison Goodson III, Henry Goodson, Victoria Goodson)
2 broke girls (Caroline Channing, Jessica Levine, Josephine O'Connell, Max Black)
3rd rock from the Sun (Dick Solomon, Harry Solomon, Mary Albright, Nina Campbell, Sally Solomon, Tommy Solomon)
6 underground (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven)
007 (Aki, Alec Trevelyan, Christmas Jones, Eve Moneypenny, Felix Leiter, Giacinta Johnson, James Bond, Le Chiffre, Madelaine Swann, Manuela, Max Denbigh, Nadia Pavlov, Q, Solitaire, Teresa di Vicenzo)
7th Heaven (Ariel Camden, Lucy Camden, Mary Camden, Matt Camden, Ruthie Camden, Simon Camden)
8 mile (Alex Latourno, David Porter, Jimmy Smith)
8 Simple rules (Bridget Hennessy)
9-1-1 (Abby Clark, Athena Grant, Bobby Nash, Elaine Maynard, Evan Buckley, Henrietta Wilson, Patrick Nash, Simon Doss)
10 things i hate about you (Bianca Stratford, Chasity Church, Kat Stratford, Patrick Verona)
12 suicidal teens (Anri, Satoshi)
13 going on 30 (Jenna Rink, Matt Flamhaff)
13 reasons why (Clay Jensen, Hannah Baker, Jessica Davis)
16 wishes (Abby Jensen, Jay Kepler)
17 again (Alex O'Donnell)
18 again (Hong dae Young, Jung da Jung)
21 jump street (Douglas Penhall, Fugazy, Greg Jenko, Jane Keaton, Judy Hanson, Judy Hoffs, Patrick Benson, Tom Hanson)
24 (Audrey Raines, Chloe O'Biran, David Palmer, Eric Bauer, Eric Carter, Jack Bauer, Kate Morgan, Kim Bauer, Lara Simone, Michael Mahoney, Michelle Mahoney, Nicole Carter, Rebecca Ingram, Sherry Palmer)
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twins2994 · 1 year
Twins Gut Out Crazy Win In Chicago!
Twins 7 White Sox 3 W-Pagan (1-0) L-Colome (0-1) 
The Chicago White Sox have caught fire with three straight wins after a horrible start. The Sox looked for the sweep on a beautiful day in Chicago today. The Sox bats got to work in the third as Seby Zavala drew a lead-off walk. With two outs, Eloy Jimenez smoked a Pablo Lopez sweeper out to left-center for a two-run homer. This put the Sox up by a pair of runs after three innings of play. Pablo Lopez and Lucas Giolito were dueling it out until the Twins struck in the sixth. Carlos Correa lined a Lucas Giolito slider out to left for a solo homer. Minnesota pulled within a run after six frames. Both starters got through seven soild innings and it was up to the bullpens today. The Twins rallied again in the eighth as Byron Buxton smashed a Reynaldo Lopez slider out to left for a game-tying solo homer. Jhoan Duran got in and out of trouble in the eighth as we headed into the final inning. Kendall Gravemen and Jorge Lopez put up zeroes in the ninth and extra innings were needed. Jimmy Lambert got out of a jam in the tenth and the Twins were held scoreless with the ghost runner. Billy Hamilton was the ghost runner in the tenth and Eloy Jimenez was intentionally walked. Ryan Jeffers could not handle a Brock Stewart slider for a passed ball, which moved up both runners. Oddly enough, Tim Anderson struck out and Luis Robert was walked to load up the bases. Brock Stewart struck out the side and an eleventh inning was needed. Aaron Bummer struck out the side in the eleventh and Emilio Pagan put up a zero to extend the game. The Twins finally broke through in the twelfth as Jose Miranda hit a chopper to short that Tim Anderson couldn’t handle. Trevor Larnach scored on the play to put the Twins up by a run. Joey Gallo drew a walk and Ryan Jeffers couldn’t move up the runners with a bunt. Nick Gordon followed with a run-scoring double to center and the Twins had a 4-2 lead. Max Kepler drew a walk to load up the bases and Carlos Correa knocked in a run with a walk. With two outs, Jorge Polanco drove in a pair with a single to center and the Twins lead grew to five. Jovani Moran came on and Eloy Jimenez hit a run-scoring single to right to inch Chicago within four. Tim Anderson hit into a double play and Luis Robert struck out swinging to end the game. The Twins somehow gutted out a crazy win in Chicago today. 
-Final Thoughts- Pablo Lopez rebounded after two bad starts in cold weather. He threw seven solid innings and allowed two runs on six hits with a walk and eight strikeouts. Jhoan Duran walked two and got out of it in the eighth and Jorge Lopez did the same in the ninth. Brock Stewart loaded the bases then struck out the side in the tenth and Emilio Pagan had a clean eleventh. Jovani Moran gave up a run with the ghost runner, but closed the door in the twelfth. The Twins scattered five hits on the day and the offense needs to wake up. They hit 2-for-13 with runners in scoring position and left ten men on base. The Twins will now head to Cleveland to play the scuffling Indians. Bailey Ober will face Peyton Battenfield in the series opener tomorrow night. 
-Chris Kreibich-
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gonehollywoodrp · 2 years
most wanted athletes? and musicians?
let's see for athletes i'd love to see alex morgan, jack grealish, mason mount, ben chilwell, reece james, jadon sancho, jesse lingard, josh allen, jimmy garoppolo, trevor lawrence, mac jones, patrick mahomes, travis kelce, jaire alexander, saquon barkley, max kepler, kris bryant, aaron judge, gavin lux, bryce harper, kike hernandez and i'm useless when it comes to hockey and basketball, sorry! but know they're welcome as well. oh, and wrestlers!
and for musicians, i'd love to see abel tesfaye, troye sivan, niall horan, the little mix ladies, the rest of blackpink, any of the boys from bts, ariana grande, hailee steinfeld, jack harlow, post malone, dua lip, shawn mendes, joe jonas and kehlani! but honestly, if you have muse for someone, bring them even if they’re not on the most wanted list! anyone would be loved down and appreciated here.
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Poet Scarlett Sabet at 186F Kepler in New York City with Writer and Curator Jeanne Graff and musicians Afuma and L.Gray-April 2, 2019.
In 2014, Graff founded 186f Kepler, an art space without walls.  
Photos: 186F Facebook, Scarlett Sabet Twitter
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taniushka12 · 8 months
the thing is, eiffel is jimmy is saul is kepler. its really that simple!
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queenofthefaces · 4 years
Uncanny Coincidences: An Amnesty Fic
(Also on Ao3)
It was about twelve years since the Reconciliation Apocalypse that Wasn’t. Sylvain had rebuilt better and stronger than it ever was, with a bustling drive for knowledge and exploration—including to Earth. Armed with a new portal, the doorway between the worlds was used extremely liberally, now that it was moved to the basement of the Lodge.
Which, speaking of, business at Amnesty Lodge was better than ever, in a sense. It had become the premier resting stop for Sylvans coming to explore—though none of them had Earthen money to really pay, they worked small jobs, and sent back postcards from their travels.
Dani and Aubrey visited often, and were thinking about getting married. Duck and Minerva had been married for a couple of years—though neither of them are quite sure if they should count the accidental marriage or the intentional proposal as their anniversary. Agent Stern had been given a new post at the Green Bank Telescope, though he was thinking of retiring soon. Mama was sculpting enough that she opened an art gallery down the block from Dave’s Dehumidifier Depot, and often displayed both local Kepler art and art from passing Sylvans. The most popular exhibit was a group project of several pieces showing scenery and daily life from an alien planet.
The day-to-day wasn’t as exciting as it had been, and for that, the former Pine Guard were grateful.
So it wasn’t unbelievable that no one thought twice about the reports of lost items in Kepler. Little things—jewelry, silverware, watches. Things that could easily have been misplaced.
It wasn’t until the thief got sloppy that people started taking notice.
There had been a break in at the Cryptomomica, a window jimmied open in the back. A chair pulled up to the door of the Chicanery to reach the higher locks. A bag too stuffed full of loot and hands too excited to notice the footsteps approaching from behind.
And Billy, who had just happened to pop in for a can of RC Cola.
A large, powerful man with a goat’s head creeping in the middle of the night would scare anyone, but the sight was downright terrifying to a scrappy twelve year old thief.
The next morning, Sheriff Owens had called up Mama. He’d never been one to believe in fate or destiny—but he was a lawman, and coincidences usually don’t come this pretty.
The boy was named Ned. Or, more accurately—N.E.D. He’s introduced himself with a flourished little speech.
“I have three names and I hate all of them! So I just go by my initials: N. E. D. Ned. Sounds a lot nicer than Norris Edgar Daley, doesn’t it?”
Though, the next time he was asked, the initials stood for “Nigel Eduardo D’alimonte.”
He’d already seen too much, and of the scant information he’d given about his past—he had no home to return to. They didn’t quite know what to do with him, so they ended up doing what they did with all the strays of Kepler: they let him stay at Amnesty Lodge.
He didn’t look anything like the late Ned Chicane, but there was something around the eyes, something in the way he held himself, that echoed eerily close. He took his toast the same way—burnt on the edges with peanut butter and honey; he tapped out the same staccato rhythm on tables when he wanted to remind people he was there. At one point, Barclay fell into the beats of old banter so seamlessly, he didn’t even notice until he’d made reference to something the kid wasn’t there for.
And it was a few weeks in, Mama had caught it—the kid had nightmares. Reoccurring nightmares of monsters, of drowning in pools, and being buried alive in snow, of falling from great heights, and of fire, oh, how this kid dreamt of fire. His hands trembled when he saw a candle, though his phobia was expertly hidden, unless you knew what to look for—the tightness around the jaw, the stealthy diversions.
As he stayed at the Lodge, there were nights where he’d confessed to Mama that the nightmares were worse, but that there were more nights where he’d just dream vividly of mundane things. Of locking something important in a display case, of performing in front of a camera, of throwing away cans of RC Cola, of writing letters.
He didn’t know why he woke up crying in that last one; it was a happy dream.
The former Pine Guard spoke in hushed voices about him, sometimes. Some nights, Aubrey didn’t sleep, feverishly researching soul magic with Sylvain, who didn’t have many answers of her own.
In Sylvain, second chances are gifted by way of a spectral form. When Aubrey tried to revive Ned Chicane, it didn’t work—her powers had just been shot to hell.
What she couldn’t have known, though, was when she was calling for Sylvain’s magic to save her friend, it was Earth who responded to the call.
On Earth, second chances are gifted by way of a new life, a rebirth. It just took twelve years for Ned to get back to them.
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dreamy-axolotl · 5 years
Arsonist's Lullubye (TAZ)
Hi, hello, it’s been awhile. I haven't formally written anything with the Amnesty gang, so here is a little angsty Aubrey Little drabble. I couldn't stop the connection between the song and some of herself, so I just started writing it down. Hope someone enjoys this as much as I do!
When I was a child, I heard voices Some would sing and some would scream
Good parents made sure their child felt loved. Aubrey Little thought her parents weren't just good; they were the best. The enthusiasm and compassion she was given followed her throughout her childhood. This made her social. She became a friendly face to anyone and everyone. School time was play time, full of singing loudly in talent shows and screaming laughter in games of tag. Her ability to be the center of attention, to command the room with her child-like dramatics, also followed her. 
You soon find you have few choices I learned the voices died with me
She got older and kids got meaner. Suddenly Aubrey Little wasn't funny, she was weird. The whispers and rumors got the best of her. It felt like a wall of fire in between her and the other kids. It burned. She came home crying and didn't stop until her dad bundled her in the softest blanket and held her (not too tightly) in silence. When her mom came home, she found them asleep, nestled into the couch. Aubrey learned how to drown out the voices, but it took time.
When I was a child, I'd sit for hours Staring into open flame
Her mother never worried about how fascinating fire was to her. Candles scattered around the house had a strange habit of being off when she left the room and on when she returned. Somehow, putting all the lighters on top of the fridge stopped that occurrence. She really didn't mind. Her daughter would sit and watch the flame flicker with wide eyes, attention never quite on the task she was meant to do. The day she finally let little Aubrey light her own candles, she found every wick in the house burning and just smiled, fingers brushing the pendant around her neck.
Something in it had a power Could barely tear my eyes away
“The Lady Flame” came about with a passion. She can't remember how it even started, but a cheap magic kit and a felt top hat was the best Christmas present she ever got. Her parents never told her she was silly, or immature. Her dad ruffled her hair and told her to keep working on her act and her mom laughed and added “just don't burn down the house” before kissing her forehead and sitting back to resume the book she had set down. She did keep working, and with her new assistant Harris Bonkers (studying to get his PhD), she started real performances. Whether it was Jimmy Ainsley’s ninth birthday party or a talent show at school, she put her all into it.
All you have is your fire And the place you need to reach 
Nothing meant more to her than her family. They fueled the fire in her and encouraged every development in her magic act. “If this is what you want, go for it.” Her dad smiled at her warmly. Most people said that fire was too dangerous to mess with, but it called to her in a way that no other trick did. No matter what, she incorporated fire into every performance. “It's like you're having a conversation with it.” remarked a judge during a show. The compliment only pushed her to do better.
Don't you ever tame your demons But always keep 'em on a leash
Burns weren't uncommon. Bandages could be found on her arms more often than not. Anyone who didn't know better would say she was careless, but Aubrey’s parents knew better. They saw her constantly working. New tricks, bigger and better, worked on tirelessly. After failing what should have been a simple maneuver for the umpteenth time, she threw her gloves on the floor. Her flashpaper must have been in them, because they set alight almost instantly. As she stomped it out, tears in her eyes, her mom came in to check on her. “It's alright.” She cooed while pulling Aubrey into a hug. “Take it step by step and you'll get it.”
When I was 16, my senses fooled me Thought gasoline was on my clothes
Aubrey woke up with a gasping breath. Smoke filled her lungs and sent her into a coughing fit. Something was wrong, she thought, as she struggled to get off the floor. Her head hurt and the room was hot, too hot. She remembered, then, the burglars and the fall. All around her, fire devoured her childhood home. What happened? Where was mom and dad? Oh god, her parents! She called out for them, wishing this was all a dream.
I knew that something would always rule me I knew the scent was mine alone
The realization that her powers were real crashed over her in waves. One of elation, a giddiness with new ideas for her act. The next was sorrow. She caused the fire, didn't she? There was no known source, they said, but what if she was the source? Her fault. Her mother's death stained her soul. The smell of smoke from that night never went away, and she knew it was hers, now.
All you have is your fire
Aubrey Little, fresh out of high school, moved from city to city with only her act and her rabbit, trying desperately to forget the worst day of her life. Her dad called often, but they never talked long. 
And the place you need to reach
Kepler, West Virginia, was an insignificant town full of odd people. She got a sense she would be out of there in a week, tops.
Don't you ever tame your demons
The fire wasn't supposed to be that big. That trick only worked half the time anyway, why was this time different?
But always keep 'em on a leash
Her mother's soft words couldn't hear her eyes from the Flamebright Pendant in her hands. It called to her. She knew that somehow.
When I was a man I thought it ended When I knew love's perfect ache
Duck Newton and Ned Chicane became her family without her permission. She didn't know when their relationship changed, but she was keenly aware of the fact that she would die for them, given the chance. Her powers were stronger with them. They weren't afraid, they trusted her. With them and Mama and Dani and Janelle, everyone at the Lodge, too, she could focus. Focus on what she wanted, who she wanted to keep safe, and then she could wield her power with grace. Sure, it didn't always go right, but they were always there for her, and that was what love was.
But my peace has always depended On all the ashes in my wake
All she could see through the thinned crowd was Mama, but something else. Something wrong. “Is Ned okay?” The question silenced the crowd. Mama didn't say what she wanted to hear. This can't be happening. She tried to heal him, but nothing happened. Ned wasn't dead. Mama pulled her into her arms. She choked out “Mama, I- I told him to leave, I was-” her sobs were drowned out by something worse.
All you have is your fire
Adrenaline guided her as she tore through the woods, tears streaming freely and choked sobs escaping her. 
And the place you need to reach
Her feet stilled in front of Janelle, who looked at her with such hope, yet so much guilt. “To take something from someone else isn't a sacrifice.”
Don't you ever tame your demons
Thunder drew her attention to the smoke and light in the sky.
But always keep 'em on a leash
The peak of Mount Kepler was falling and the only thing Aubrey could do was run.
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Artifact Series J
J. Allen Hynek's Telescope
J. Edgar Hoover's Tie
J. McCullough's Golf Ball
J. Templer's Wind-Up Tin Rooster *
J. C. Agajanian’s Stetson
J.T. Saylors's Overalls
J.M. Barrie’s Swiss Trychels
J.M.W. Turner's Rain, Steam and Speed-The Great Western Railway *
J.R.R. Tolken's Ring
Jack's Magic Beanstalk
Jack Daniel's Original Whisky Bottle
Jack Dawson's Art Kit
Jack Duncan's Spur *
Jack Frost's Staff
Jack Kerouac's Typewriter
Jack Ketch's Axe
Jack LaLanne's Stationary Bike *
Jack London's Dog Collar
Jack Parson's Rocket Engine
Jack Sheppard's Hammer
Jack Sparrow's Compass
Jack Torrance's Croquet Mallet
Jack the Ripper's Lantern *
Jackie Robinson's Baseball
Jackson Pollock's "No. 5, 1948"
Jackson Pollock's Pack of Cigarettes
Jackson Pollock's Paint Cans
Jack's Regisword
Jack Vettriano's "The Singing Butler"
Jack's Wrench
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's Kinder- und Hausmarchen
Jacob "Jack" Kevorkian's Otoscope
Jacob Kurtzberg's Belt *
Jacqueline Cochran's Brooch
Jacques Aymar-Vernay’s Dowsing Rod
Jacques Cousteau's Goggles
Jacques Cousteau's Diving Suit
Jacques-Louis David's Napoleon Crossing the Alps *
Jade Butterfly
Jadeite Cabbage
Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Akbar's Smoke Pipe
Jamaica Ginger Bottle
Jaleel White's Hosting Chair
James Abbot McNeill Whistler's Whistler's Mother *
James Allen's Memoir
James Bartley's Britches
James Ben Ali Haggin's Leaky Fountain Pen
James Bert Garner’s Gas Mask
James Bett's Cupboard Handle
James Braid's Chair *
James Brown's Shoes
James Bulger's Sweater
James Buzzanell's Painting "Grief and Pain"
James Buzzanell’s Survey Books
James C. McReynolds’ Judicial Robe
James Chadwick's Nobel Prize
James Clerk Maxwell's Camera Lens
James Colnett's Otter Pelt
James Condliff's Skeleton Clock
James Cook's Mahiole and Feather Cloak
James Craik's Spring Lancet
James Dean's 1955 Prosche 550 Spyder, aka "Little Bastard"
James Dean's UCLA Varsity Jacket
James Dinsmoor's Dinner Bell
James Eads How’s Bindle
James Earl Ray's Rifle
James Fenimore Cooper's Arrow Heads
James Gandolfini's Jukebox
James Hadfield’s Glass Bottle of Water
James Hall III’s Shopping Bags
James Henry Atkinson's Mouse Trap
James Henry Pullen’s Mannequin
James Hoban's Drawing Utensils
James Holman’s Cane
James Hutton's Overcoat
James Joyce’s Eyepatch
James M. Barrie's Grandfather Clock
James M. Barrie's Suitcase
James Murrell's Witch Bottle
James Philip’s Riata
James Prescott Joule's Thermodynamic Generator
James Smithson's Money
James Tilly Matthews’ Air Loom
James Warren and Willoughby Monzani's Piece of Wood
James Watt's Steam Condenser
James Watt's Weather Vane
James W. Marshall’s Jar
Jan Baalsrud’s Stretcher
Jan Baptist van Helmont's Willow Tree
Jane Austen's Carriage
Jane Austen's Gloves
Jane Austen's Quill
Jane Bartholomew's "Lady Columbia" Torch
Jane Pierce's Veil
Janet Leigh's Shower Curtain
Janine Charrat's Ballet Slippers
Jan Janzoon's Boomerang *
Janis Joplin's Backstage Pass from Woodstock *
Jan Karski's Passport
Janus Coin *
Jan van Eyck’s Chaperon
Jan van Speyk's Flag of the Netherlands
Jan Wnęk's Angel Figurine
Jan Žižka's Wagenburg Wagons
The Japanese Nightingale
Jar of Dust from the Mount Asama Eruption
Jar of Greek Funeral Beans
Jar of Marbles
Jar of Molasses from The Boston Molasses Disaster
Jar of Sand
Jar of Semper Augustus Bulbs
Jar of Shiva
Jar of Sugar Plums
Jascha Heifetz's Violin Bow
Jason Voorhese's Machete
Javed Iqbal's Barrel of Acid
Jay Maynard's Tron Suit
Jean II Le Maingre's Gauntlets
Jean Baptiste Charbonneau’s Cradleboard
Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin's Bubble Pipe
Jean Chastel's Silver Gun
Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin's Pocket Watch
Jean Fleury's Aztec Gold Coins
Jean-François Champollion’s Ideographic Dictionary
Jean Froissart's Mirror *
Jean-Frédéric Peugeot's Pepper Mill
Jean Hilliard’s Earmuffs
Jean Parisot de Valette’s Sword Sheath
Jean-Paul Marat's Bathtub
Jean Paul-Satre’s Paper Cutter
Jean-Pierre Christin's Thermometer
Jean Senebier's Bundle of Swiss Alpine Flowers
Jean Valnet's Aromatherapy Statue
Jean Vrolicq’s Scrimshaw
Jeanne Baret's Hat
Jeanne de Clisson's Black Fleet
Jeanne Villepreux-Power's Aquarium
Jeannette Piccard's Sandbag
Jeff Dunham's First Ventriloquist Box
Jefferson Davis' Boots
Jefferson Randolph Smith's Soap Bar
Jeffrey Dahmer's Handkerchief
Jeffrey Dahmer's Pick-Up Sticks
Jemmy Hirst's Carriage Wheel
Jenny Lind's Stage Makeup
Jeopardy! Contestant Podiums
Jerome Monroe Smucker's Canning Jars
Jerry Andrus’ Organ
Jerry Garcia's Blackbulb *
Jerry Siegel's Sketchbook
Jesse James' Saddle
Jesse James' Pistol
Jesse Owens' Hitler Oak
Jesse Owens' Running Shoes
Jesse Pomeroy's Ribbon and Spool
Jester's Mask
Jesus of Nazareth's Whip
Jesús García's Brake Wheel
Jet Engine from the Gimli Glider
Jet Glass Cicada Button
Jethro Tull's Hoe
Jeweled Scabbard of Sforza
Jiang Shunfu’s Mandarin Square
Jim Davis' Pet Carrier
Jim Fixx's Shorts
Jim Henson's Talking Food Muppets
Jim Jones' Sunglasses
Jim Londos' Overalls
Jim Robinson's Army Bag
Jim Thorpe's Shoulder Pads
Jim Ward's Piercing Samples
Jimi Hendrix's Bandana
Jimi Hendrix's Bong
Jimi Hendrix's Guitars *
Jimmie Rodgers Rail Brake
Jimmy Durante's Cigar
Jimmy Gibb Jr's Stock Car
Jimmy Hoffa's Comb
Jin Dynasty Chainwhip
Jingle Harness
Joan II, Duchess of Berry's Dress
Joan of Arc's Chain Mail
Joan of Arc's Helmet (canon)
Joan Feynman's Ski Pole
Joanna of Castile's Vase
Joan Rivers' Carpet Steamer
Joan Rivers' Red Carpet
Joe Ades's Potato Peeler
Joe Girard’s Keys
Joe Rosenthal's Camera Lens
Joel Brand's Playing Cards
Joséphine de Beauharnais' Engagement Ring
Johan Alfred Ander’s Piece of Porcelain
Johann Baptist Isenring’s Acacia Tree
Johann Bartholomaeus Adam Beringer's Lying Stones
Johann Blumhardt's Rosary
Johann Dzierzon’s Beehive Frame
Johann Georg Elser's Postcard
Johann Maelzel's Metronome *
Johann Rall's Poker Cards
Johann Tetzel's Indulgence
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Prism
Johannes Brahms' Coffee Creamer
Johannes Diderik van der Waals' Gloves
Johannes Fabricius' Camera Obscura
Johannes Gutenburg's Memory Paper *
Johannes Gutenburg's Printing Press *
Johannes Gutenberg's Printing Press Keys
Johannes Kepler's Planetary Model
Johannes Kepler's Telescope Lense
Johannes Kjarval’s Landscape Painting
John A. Macready's Ray-Bans *
John A. Roebling's Steel Cable
John A.F. Maitland's Musical Brainnumber *
John André’s Stocking
John Anthony Walker's Minox
John Axon's Footplate
John Babbacombe Lee’s Trapdoor
John Bardeen's Radio
John Bodkin Adams’ Stethoscope
John Brown's Body *
John Brown's Machete
John C. Koss SP3 Stereophones
John C. Lilly's Isolation Tank Valve
John Cabot's Map
John Carl Wilcke's Rug *
John Crawley's Painting
John Croghan's Limestone Brick
John Dalton's Weather Vane
John Dee's Golden Talisman
John Dee's Obsidian Crystal Ball
John Dee’s Seal of God
John DeLorean's Drawing Table
John Dickson Carr's Driving Gloves
John Dillinger's Pistol *
John D. Grady’s Satchel
John D. Rockefeller's Bible
John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and Jr.'s Top Hats
John Dwight's Hammer
John F. Kennedy's Coconut
John F. Kennedy's Presidental Limousine
John F. Kennedy's Tie Clip *
John Flaxman's Casting Molds
Sir John Franklin's Scarf
John Gay's Shilling
John Gillespie Magee, Jr.'s Pen
John H. Kellogg's Bowl
John H. Kellogg's Corn Flakes
John H. Lawrence's Pacifier
John Hancock's Quill
John Harrison’s Longcase Clock
John Hawkwood’s Lance
John Hendrix's Bible
John Henry Moore's White Banner
John Henry's Sledge Hammer
John Hetherington's Top Hat
John Holland, 2nd Duke of Exeter's Torture Rack
John Holmes Pump *
John Hopoate's Cleats
John Howard Griffin's Bus Fare
John Hunter's Stitching Wire
John Hunter's Surgical Sutures
John J. Pershing's Boots
John Jacob Astor's Beaver Pelt
John Jervis’ Ship
John Joshua Webb’s Rock Chippings
John Kay's Needle
John Keat's Grecian Urn *
John, King of England's Throne
John L. Sullivan's Boots
John Langdon Down's Stencils
John Lawson's Mannequin Legs
John Lennon's Glasses
John "Liver-Eating" Johnson's Axe
John Logie Baird's Scanning Disk *
John M. Allegro's Fly Amanita
John Macpherson's Ladle
John Malcolm's Chunk of Skin
John Malcolm's Skin Wallet
John McEnroe's Tennis Racket *
John Milner's Yellow '32 Ford Deuce Coupe
John Moore-Brabazon’s Waste Basket
John Morales' McGruff Suit
John Mytton’s Carriage
John Pasche's Rolling Stones Poster Design
John Paul Jones's Sword
John Pemberton's Tasting Spoon
John Philip Sousa's Sousaphone
John Rambo's Composite Bow
John Rykener's Ring
John Shore's Tuning Fork
John Simon's Mouthwash
John Simon Ritchie's Padlock Necklace
John Smith of Jamestown's Sword
John Snow's Dot Map
John Snow’s Pump Handle
John Stapp’s Rocket Sled
John Steinbeck's Luger
John Sutcliffe's Camera
John Sutter's Pickaxe
John Tunstall's Horse Saddle
John Trumbull's "Painting of George Washington"
John von Neumann's Abacus
John Walker's Walking Stick
John Wayne Gacy's Clown Painting *
John Wayne Gacy's Facepaint
John Wesley Hardin's Rosewood Grip Pistol
John Wesley Powell's Canoe
John Wesley Powell’s Canteen
John Wilkes Booth's Boot *
John Wilkes Booth Wanted Poster
John William Polidori's Bookcase
Johnny Ace's Gun
Johnny Appleseed's Tin Pot *
Johnny Campbell's University of Minnesota Sweater
Johnny Depp's Scissor Gloves
Johnny Smith's Steering Wheel
Johnny Weismuller's Loincloth *
Joker's BANG! Revolver
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Jonathan Coulton's Guitar
Jonathan R. Davis' Bowie Knife
Jonathan Shay's Copy of Iliad/Odyssey
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Jorge Luis Borges' Scrapbook
José Abad Santos' Pebble
José Delgado’s Transmitter
Jose Enrique de la Pena's Chest Piece
Jōsei Toda’s Gohonzon Butsudan
Josef Frings’ Ferraiolo
Josef Mengele's Scalpel
Josef Stefan's Light Bulbs
Joseph of Arimathea's Tomb Rock
Joseph of Cupertino's Medallion *
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Joseph Ducreux's Cane
Joseph Dunninger's Pocket Watch
Joseph Dunningers’ Props
Joseph E. Johnston Confederate Flag
Joseph Force Crater's Briefcases
Joseph Fourier's Pocket Knife
Joseph Glidden’s Barbed Wire
Joseph Goebbels' Radio *
Joseph Jacquard's Analytical Loom
Joseph Bolitho Johns’ Axe
Joseph Kittinger's Parachute
Joseph Lister's Padding
Joseph McCarthy's List of Communists
Joseph Merrick's Hood
Joseph-Michel Montgolfier's Wicker Basket
Joseph Moir’s Token
Joseph Pilate's Resistance Bands *
Joseph Polchinski’s Billiard Ball
Joseph Stalin's Gold Star Medal *
Joseph Stalin's Sleep Mask *
Joseph Swan's Electric Light
Joseph Vacher's Accordion
Joseph Vacher's Dog Skull
Joseph Valachi's '58 Chevrolet Impala
Josephus' Papyrus
Joseph Wolpe's Glasses
Josephine Cochrane's Dishwasher
Joshua's Trumpet *
Josiah S. Carberry's Cracked Pot
Joshua Vicks' Original Batch of Vicks Vapor Rub
Josiah Wedgewood's Medallion
Jost Burgi's Armillary Sphere *
Jovan Vladimir's Cross
Juana the Mad of Castiles' Crown
Juan Luis Vives' Quill Set
Juan Moreira’s Facón
Juan Pounce de Leon's Chalice
Juan Ponce de León's Helmet
Juan Seguin's Bandolier
Jubilee Grand Poker Chip *
Judah Loew ben Belazel's Amulet *
Judas Iscariot’s Thirty Silver Coins
Judson Laipply's Shoes
Jules Baillarger's Decanter
Jules Leotard's Trapeze Net
Jules Verne's Original Manuscripts
Julia Agrippa's Chalice
Julia Child's Apron *
Julia Child's Whisk
Julian Assange’s Flash Drive
Julie d’Aubigny's Sabre
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg's Wedding Rings
Julius Asclepiodotus’ Shield Boss
Julius Caesar's Wreath
Julius Wilbrand's Lab Coat Buttons *
Jumper Cables
Junji Koyama’s Vegetables
Jure Sterk's Ballpoint Pen
Jürgen Wattenberg's Leather Provision Bag
Justa Grata Honoria’s Engagement Ring
Justin Bieber's Guitar
Justinian I's Chariot Wheel
Justin O. Schmidt's Wasp Mask
Justus von Liebig's Fertilizer Sack
Justus von Liebig's Mirror
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I was tagged by @peredain to do one of them tagging game things! So here goes (under the cut cause I’m abt to do a lot of these)
If I were a month, I’d be: July
If I were a day of the week, I’d be: Wednesday
If I were a planet, I’d be: That other planet NASA discovered that’s earth sized and possibly habitable (Kepler-186f)
If I were a sea animal, I’d be: A dolphin or a green sea turtle
If I were a god/goddess, I’d be: Athena and Artemis are the best
If I were a piece of furniture, I’d be: An old, well-used, faded blue rocking chair. Or. A nice display cabinet
If I were a gemstone, I’d be: Ruby
If I were a flower, I’d be: One of those really tiny purple or blue ones that come in small bunches
If I were a kind of weather, I’d be: MONSOON
If I were a colour, I’d be: Blue, leaning towards purple
If I were an emotion, I’d be: The excitement of a child
If I were a fruit, I’d be: Blueberry
If I were a sound, I’d be: Disney songs
If I were an element, I’d be: Yttrium, or, second choice, Bismuth
If I were a place, I’d be: The desert after a storm
If I were a mythological creature, I’d be: Faerie
If I were a taste, I’d be: Dark chocolate
If I were a scent, I’d be: Things that smell like childhood
If I were an object, I’d be: MAGNET
If I were a body part, I’d be: A forearm
If I were a song, I’d be: The Middle by Jimmy Eat World combined with Walkin’ on Sunshine
If you’ve read this far I tag you to do this ;)
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affairesasuivre · 6 years
The Expanding Universe / Laurie Spiegel
In 1977, electronic composer Laurie Spiegel's "Kepler's Harmony of the Worlds" traveled to the edge of the solar system as part of Voyager 1 and 2's "Golden Record". This reissue of her 1980 LP shows how Spiegel always contemplated orbits, heavenly bodies, and the cosmos through her compositions, while remaining affectionately human.
In 1977, American astronomer Carl Sagan selected the composer Laurie Spiegel's computerized realization of Johannes Kepler's 1619 treatise "Harmony of the Worlds" for inclusion aboard the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft's "Golden Record". Kepler's "Harmony of the Worlds" was the lead cut on a collection that held recordings of natural sounds, greetings in 55 languages, selections from Beethoven, Mozart, Blind Willie Johnson, and Chuck Berry, for the sake of demonstrating to other life forms in the galaxy that there is intelligent life on our planet. And now, Laurie Spiegel's music has traveled to the edge of our solar system.
Back on Earth, the New York label Unseen Worlds has obliged us with more Laurie Spiegel, reissuing her 1980 album, The Expanding Universe, and adding over 100 minutes of additional music. At a time when crucial female electronic composers like Pauline Oliverosand Suzanne Ciani are receiving new recognition for their work, Spiegel's music continues to resonate and often sounds strangely contemporary. That her work can be simultaneously dystopian and luminous speaks to Spiegel's talents. She can evoke the chilling cosmos while also crafting something small-scale and warm. When Voyager launched, President Jimmy Carter said: "This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts, and our feelings." His statement applies just as readily to The Expanding Universe.
Spiegel attended Julliard before researching at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, and at Connecticut's Electronic Music Laboratories on the nascent music systems being developed there. (Ultimately, she chose to pursue programming, forgoing musical composition altogether.) The notes within this reissue show the room-sized computers with which Spiegel concocted her music, and her anecdotes recall disk drives the size of washing machines preserving mere seconds of code. She offers details like: "This 32k DDP understood FORTRAN IV and DAP II 24-bit assembly language. It could do an integer add in as little as 3.8 milliseconds but a floating point multiply could take up to 115.9 microseconds. You can bet we all wrote the tightest, smallest, fastest code we could."
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