#It's the one that plays when you're going through Asgore's house
agentravensong · 9 months
The Underground is a Haunted House and Chara's the One Haunting It
propaganda for @hauntthenarrative's poll tournament
Hello! I'm writing this in advance of Chara's next match-up in the tournament against Rose Quartz because, as an Undertale and SU fan, I know it's gonna be a tough one. The ways in which Rose Quartz haunts Steven Universe (the character and the show) are all fairly obvious for people familiar even with just the show's premise.
But Chara haunts UnderTale's narrative just as strongly, if not as obviously. If you already know that and want to vote for them, here's the link to the poll. If you need to be convinced to do so and don't mind UnderTale spoilers (because this will spoil basically the whole game), click the read more, and I'll take you on a journey :)
EDIT: Chara has made it to the finals!!! Here's the link to vote for them!!!
The Basics
If you don't even know who Chara is, here's the primer: they were a human child, the first human to fall into the Underground after the war between humans and monsters that led to monsterkind being trapped down there. Chara was taken in by the king and queen of the monsters, Asgore and Toriel, and became best friends with their son Asriel. Chara's bond with the monsters gave monsterkind hope that they could coexist with humanity once they achieved their freedom.
The underground was full of hope.
But then, Chara gets an idea for how to break the Barrier that's trapping the monsters. A plan that requires their death (though to the rest of the Underground it appears to be the fault of a random tragic illness). A plan that they commit to, but that, unfortunately, fails past that point, because Asriel refuses to follow through on the harvesting of other human souls it requires. As a result, he dies as well, at the hands of humans.
The loss of Chara and Asriel prompts the king to declare that all humans who fell into the Underground from now on must be killed, so their souls can be used to break the Barrier. Because, without Chara, the monsters need a new source of hope. Over the next... 100 or so years, give or take, six more humans fall into the Underground. Their souls are taken by Asgore. Then a seventh falls. And that's where UnderTale the game begins.
Chara as Catalyst
The player doesn't find out about Chara until they reach the final area of the game, when basically everything I just said gets exposition dumped on you while the song that shares the game's name plays (and even then, you don't learn the human's name - remember that for later). However, once you know that backstory, you realize that it is the catalyst for literally everything.
Toriel leaves Asgore because of his declaration of war on humanity, going to live in the Ruins to look after any humans who might fall like Chara did. Therefore, Chara is the reason that Toriel was there to save the playable human, Frisk, at the start of the game and teach them how to survive in this world.
Asgore's declaration (the catalyst for which was, again, him losing Chara and Asriel) also leads to the development or repurposing of the Royal Guard as a group to hunt humans. Papyrus wants to join that organization, and so tries various schemes to capture Frisk, occupying their journey through Snowdin. Then in the next area of the game, Waterfall, you're hunted by the captain of the Royal Guard, Undyne.
Chara's brief time Underground, becoming an honorary member of monsterkind, is part of the reason why Asgore hires Alphys as Royal Scientist to try and find a way to break the Barrier without killing any more humans. It's a large part of the reason why Asgore has such complex feelings about the deeds he's done.
And then there's Flowey. Flowey, the first character Frisk meets, who tries to kill you while convincing you that that's just how the world is ("it's kill or be killed"). Flowey, who tracks your journey through the Underground and becomes the final boss of all but one of the game's routes. Flowey, who is, to vastly oversimplify, Asriel's soulless reincarnation. Flowey, who learned to see the world as kill or be killed because of what happened to him and Chara. Flowey, who, after what for him has been a literal eternity, sees Frisk as his replacement for Chara: the one person who understands him. By the end of the True Pacifist route, in fact, he sees Frisk as literally being Chara. He says they're the only person who's still fun for him to play with, because they can still surprise him -- because they're the one person he hasn't gotten to see every angle, every detail, every version, of, with his newfound power over time. Because they've been gone.
Chara is the one person Flowey still cares about while being literally unable to feel love. And his enduring connection to them is what allows you to get through to him at the end of the True Pacifist route (arguably the canon ending) and SAVE the world.
But he'll never be Asriel again. And Chara will never come back. Not as they were.
Haunting Everyone (including you!)
That's the argument on a pure "sparks the plot" level. But there's way more to Chara than that, if you know where to look.
For one, there's the way they haunt Frisk and the player specifically. It's their name on your save file, on Frisk's stat menu. They're haunting you before you even know they existed.
And Flowey isn't the only person who projects Chara onto Frisk; Toriel and Asgore do too. Every time a human has fallen into the Underground, Toriel has tried to protect them, because she sees Chara in them. And Asgore, if you spare him after fighting him, sees in Frisk the opportunity to get back the family he lost, to do things right this time (he even forgets that he's divorced).
But even that's not all. Because of course Chara haunts Flowey/Asriel and their parents. But their loss, and the things they stood for, have also been absorbed into the fabric of the monster's civilization.
You see it in the complex feelings the monsters have about potentially finally getting their freedom. Before they fell, all the monsters had was rage toward humanity. But then this kid fell, and the monsters gave them a chance. And, in turn, that child gave them hope.
Young one, when I look at you... I'm reminded of the human that fell here long ago. You have the same feeling of hope in your eyes.
That hope for a reconciliation and peaceful future with humanity remains even after humans killed Asriel, though for many of the monsters it's turned bittersweet. It's what even allows for the possibility for Frisk to befriend every monster, which ends up indirectly being the key to their freedom. And you can also see how that hope has been twisted in Chara's absence, most significantly in Undyne's blind devotion to the cause of freeing her people at any cost, and Alphys’s terrible mistakes made in pursuit of the same goal (which also led directly to Flowey's existence!).
Haunting the Narrative — Literally.
And that leads me to my final major point, the most subjective but perhaps most persuasive of all: the grief the Underground felt from Chara's passing was so strong that Chara's short story has been baked into the present-day narrative of UnderTale itself. Without even realizing it, the main characters are all acting out the beats of that story - their story - again.
I've detailed my reasoning for this reading of the game in this post, so I won't go fully into it here (especially considering how many words I've already made you read), but the basic gist is:
Frisk falling into the Ruins and being taken in by Toriel parallels Chara falling into the Underground and being taken in by the Dreemurr family
Snowdin is cozy and homely to represent how Chara came to feel at home in the Underground, and the sibling dynamic between Sans and Papyrus parallels the budding sibling relationship between Chara and Asriel
Waterfall is where the player learns about the history between humans and monsters and what it would take to set monsters free, meaning that you begin to feel the weight that Chara felt as "the future of humans and monsters", the weight that led them to formulate The Plan. As previously mentioned, Undyne parallels Chara in her determination to free monsterkind, whereas the Monster Kid who befriends Frisk and eventually stands up to Undyne for their sake parallels Asriel, who refused to let Chara kill any humans for their souls as part of their Plan.
Hotland... goes kind of beyond the scope of this post, because the Chara parallel requires that you buy into the theory that Chara is the literal narrator of the game. A theory that I honestly believe based on all the evidence (see this video), but I think people's opinion on whether that adds to or goes against the idea that they're Haunting the Narrative in their absence will differ, so. Up to you whether or not you want to look into that.
And then the end of the game is where the past fully catches up to the present, and you decide the world's future.
The monsters will remain trapped by the past Chara represents until you get the True Pacifist ending and let them (and Frisk) start a new phase of their lives (or until you turn their willingness to trust a human against them and bring Chara back Wrong as the agent of monsterkind's ultimate destruction). Until you do that, as long as you keep playing, forcing the monsters to relive their grief (and adding to it), Chara remains. Their story isn't finished. They - what's left of them - can only move on once you do.
It's their name on the save file, after all.
You see? Even if a player doesn't know about Chara until near the end of their first playthrough, and even if they won't really know their full story without going back for the best ending, they're there, haunting the narrative, the whole time. The game, in every sense, would not be the same without them.
Chara was a human child. If you push them far enough, they'll call themself a demon. They loved chocolate and their village's golden flowers. They had a fascination with knives. They drew and gardened. They hated humanity for reasons they never told anyone, but which were strong enough to drive them to climb a mountain beneath which monsters dwelled. They gave those monsters hope. They wanted to give them more than that, and were willing to give their life to those ends. They were the king and queen's child. They introduce themself by saying "Greetings", just as their mother does. They accidentally poisoned their father, and whatever they felt about that came out as a laugh. They made him a sweater. They were Asriel's best friend. They played tricks on him and called him a crybaby. They trusted him with their soul.
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They hid their face in the family photo.
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They still smiled.
... If you'll let me get a little soap-boxy here at the end:
A large portion of the UnderTale fandom, for a long time, refused to acknowledge all the layers the game gives Chara. Too much of the fandom refused to give them their due analysis as a character in their own right, in a story that is in every way about them and their brother (remember when the song called "Undertale" plays?).
A win for them in this tourney would be validation of the complex and vitally important character they always were.
So. Vote Chara. For me :)
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
Here's some more deleted scene panels that never made it in
sorry there's no captions, there's just too many panels to describe and i'm tired. hopefully i'll have the energy/rememebr to do so tomorrow ):
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IM REALLY SAD THIS ONE DIDN'T GET IN. I even drew asriel shutting flowey in a box for this joke to work. There was going to be a visual gag of it being a "soap" box. Haha.
Asgore was originally going to tell Asriel to think of something nice to get his mind off of his panic attack.
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Which, while funny, took away the feeling of intense panic the audience and asriel should have been feeling at the time. It just didn't fit the pacing/mood. It also showed that -well, i don't know if this is a legitimate grounding technique or if it'd be read as "its ok just think happy thoughts <3 then ur panic attack would end" which... is not.... how that works. Even if it was only to give Asriel a moment of respite, it's shown as effective until Asgore brings up a bad memory. So. bad comic sequence.
more stuff under the cut
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I had a really, really hard time balancing the tone of the scene that is currently happening in the redraw. it's why i'm so behind in my drawings, so i'm only now sketching the next couple month's updates.
This chapter has gone through SO MANY changes. I feel that comes with it being the first chapter to completely diverge from the original tumblr version.
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Asriel was originally going to have a very on-the-nose nightmare about Flowey feeling excluded from the family and fearing drowning. Now, the whole darkness/water metaphor for suicidal depression will be introduced when that stuff starts to come into play in chapter 4...
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i mean, just to really hammer home how much i had to delete for this: i actually did sketch out the original tumblr version here. I had it all ready before chapter 2 began posting. But as I was finishing the color for the warship section I realized, shoot, I don't wanna repeat it.
When I first made the tumblr version, i was getting burnt out and the characters just became so much... meaner? rude? to each other. some bickering or annoyance is fine but I have a bad habit of going overboard. That's something I hope to correct in the rewrite -and focus more on less drama and more wholesome/loving moments.
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(note the above scene is shown not in full. its jumping around a bit)
Even tho I was mostly keeping chapter the same the first time I sketched it for the redraw, I added this scene. The idea was that when the house was on fire, Frisk would of ran off to the right of the house to where you can see Old Home.
There, even tho Frisk can't verbally talk, the two have a nice heart-to-heart. Chara remember Frisk has [spoilers] issues. Chara was going to own up to their bad behavior.
Now well, hm. Chara's got a lot of shit going on. Frisk of course has forgiven them (like they do for everyone in the underground -_- oh frisk...) and it's going to be something that's addressed down the road. for now, they've held hands, and shown solidarity for each other. As kids, they're going to goof around and be buddies and not let the cruddy stuff chara did earlier matter. things are so much less of a big deal when you're a kid.
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nightqueen1221 · 1 year
Undertale platonic request male frisk x older brother reader who fall together both the brothers now will try to find a exit of underground y/n act completely overprotective over frisk then any monster try’s to attack or get closer to frisk headcanons
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1.This takes place during a Pasifist Route.
2. I really liked this idea so I did like, 8 times what I normally write.
-God, this sounds like a nightmare.
-Toriel would be so happy tho. Two children? Again?
-Starting off, you would immediately scold Frisk for doing something so reckless, and now to two are stuck down here.
-Flowey begins his whole things with "LOVE" and "Friendliness pellets" and you're just like, "No not today, no thank you" while pushing Frisk.
-You end up running into Toriel not long after.
-"Oh dear, are you two lost? Here you can follow me back to my house. It is not long from here children."
-But you know better, you've heard stories about these monster, and their all bad and nothing could change them. She's just acting kind to get you and Frisk to trust her and then stab you in the back when you don't expect it.
-"No, we're fine. We don't need a monster's help." Which resulted with Frisk hitting you on your side from your remark. "What? I'm not wrong, you don't know what her motives are, she could be dangerous!"
-You end up following Toriel regardless of your reasons.
-She begins the actual teaching of how to do a battle, while you carefully watch.
-After getting to her house and she tells you and Frisk to lay down, you refuse and sit watch Frisk pass out. Saying you're going to protect them.
-Toriel later comes in with two slices of pie, which you rejected says it could be poison. When Frisk woke up you told them not to eat it, but they took it regardless.
-As soon as Toriel starts fighting you tell Frisk you knew this was going to happen and we could have avoided this if they had listened to you.
-Once outside, you're already questions the surroundings and how they don't seem safe.
-When Sans asks for Frisk to shake his hand you pull Frisk's hand away before he can do anything.
-You and Frisk both hide behind lamps when Papyrus enters.
-When Sans say he was "just looking at these lamps" you internally scold yourself for not seeing this though. But to your surprise, Papyrus does nothing?
-Going through his puzzles and learning more about him, you couldn't really hate him or feel like he had ill intensions
-And he would even fight you two, claiming it was unfair for only one of him to go against two or you.
-Getting into Waterfall is one of your biggest concerns, Papyrus told you about Undyne and how big of a deal she was. Even if you can't fully trust him, you'll take his word on that since the people in Snowdin seem to agree.
-You would basically pick up Frisk and run whenever Undyne started attacking, which Frisk was upset about.
-And the biggest shock to both of you is how you got away from her, she was overheating. You tried to pull Frisk away from her to try and make sure she didn't grab them or anything.
-They somehow got away and poured water over her head, which greatly helped.
-You picked up Frisk again, but Undyne just awkwardly stared at you, turned around, and left. Not that you were complaining.
- Alyphs' lab was frightening, but she was most certainly not. She was nerdly and not intimidating at all.
-Mettaton was the real problem. He kept going on with his game show and making you two play. You did not like it what so ever, but Frisk got everything right and was quite content with themselves.
-You didn't listen to any of Alyphs' phone calls, she usually screwed it up, right? But, you ended up getting more hurt than before. Once you started listening, it wasn't as bad as you thought.
-And Mettaton's segments actually weren't that bad, even if they seemed to put you and Frisk in danger, you never really were.
-Maybe they weren't all bad monsters. Maybe it was just King Asgore, whom you are not too far from. You gave Frisk's hand a reassuring squeeze.
-You were fully prepared to fight him, till Toriel showed up. Then Sans and Papyrus, Undyne, Alyphs. It seemed like the entire Underground was on your side.
-Sadly enough, you don't have much memory after that. But everyone in the Underground seems to know your sibling's name and the barrier was broken.
-You apologized to everyone for thinking all monsters were evil or wrong. Good thing they were all forgiving.
-Eventually you and Frisk start walking out into sunset, the end of one journey, and the beginning of another.
P.S. if someone is seeing this and wants to send a request, I do not normal write this much. This is just because I really liked the idea
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ailithnight · 3 years
Admit it, the How To Train Your Dragon Soundtrack is the most iconic movie music of the 20-teens. 
You hear the first few notes of any song and you know exactly where it’s from.
If it weren’t for Shrek, I’d have called it the most iconic movie music of the early 2000′s, but we all know nothing beats All Star as the opening to Shrek.
I just, Marvel wishes it had what Dreamworks does.
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Older brothers Papyrus and Sans x reader
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• Making bets with Sans while Papyrus joins in on the wholesome fun but worries endlessly if he thinks something is potentially dangerous.
• The skelebros are e x t r e m e l y protective of you. Papyrus saw you get a papercut once and immediately threw out every book he ever owned. Pap sees you scrape your knee on a table and he yells at the table to apologise and huffs after the 'stern talking to' and then 'tends to your wounds' even if you didn't attain any cut he still puts colourful bandaids on them. Sans sees how many monsters you seem to be fighting and it's strange how the kitchen is always stock full of high hp foods now, and how you recently never get a single bad encounter with anyone because Sans actually gets out of bed to walk with you places. After all, "If you're getting in trouble I get to watch."
• Helping Papyrus take care of Sans' pet rock. You get him another rock and he gives you the biggest hug he can because "I've been meaning to get Rocky a friend!!"
• Papyrus doesn't know if he's any good at hugging so he has spent countless nights searching for a hugging instructor. He tried Undyne since she has been his instructor for basically everything else, but she didn't seem to be fondest. Toriel eventually teaches him that any hug he gives will be good, but it can't just be good, it needs to be the best!! He wants to be the best. He wants to give you the best hug like you deserve. He lands on wearing every jacket and sweater he can find so he's nice and soft and full so there is more mass for you to hug and he's wearing so many layers he struggles walking but this just leads to him being a cushion in a cuddle pile. Mission success.
• Pranks. Papyrus has got the spirit for it but he isn't quite sure what a prank is, he thinks it's just surprising someone:
"Human! Let's clean Toriel's whole house! she'll be so surprised and pranked!"
"Human!! let's invite everyone over for a party but tell every monster it's a different themed party!" That one was actually good, Asgore was wearing soccer-mom get up, Grillby was in a princess dress, Toriel was in a toga with a leaf crown and Frisk was in a little butler outfit that they 'borrowed' from Grillby.
Pap probably tries to upload a "G3T PR4NKD" compilation to be cooool.
Sans is too lazy to do proper pranks that require effort. However. He is not beyond floating all of your clothes with his anti-gravity to be constantly just out of reach after you make fun of him for being short or using his portals to mess with your stuff.
• Papyrus wants to bond with you so he remembers how he bonded with Undyne, through cooking, so you can bet you're doing cooking lessons together. Maybe with your help, you can even make something edible. Sans will eat whatever you make. You have tested him on this before. You gave him ashy charred whatever and he downed it. He said it was delicious. (When his coat is open, the food just goes through his jaw and you see it in his rib cage or just fall on the floor. but when he closes his coat that doesn't happen? He apparently digests it? Science calls it impossible, Sans calls it a party trick) The man doesn't have a tongue or a stomach but he was nauseous after that.
• Sleep schedules. Papyrus vs Sans. Insomnia vs coma. Sometimes they're awake at the same time for jobs on occasion but good luck seeing them awake together at the same time if nothings going on.
Sans forces you to sleep and take care of yourself and rest. Papyrus makes sure you keep in contact with the people you like and that you eat enough. It's a balance that isn't always struck but you bet that these two will ruthlessly fight their sides, often just playing tug-of-war with you as the rope into either napping on the nest of clothes and rubbish that is the couch or Sans' bed or going shopping with Pap, Frisk and Toriel for new ingredients. Many disputes in this household are settled by coin flips but both the brothers use their gravity-control to flip the coin if they're really insistent, one time they both used it at the same time, that coin is still flipping to this day.
• Living together, you never know what to expect. One morning the whole roof was painted pink because Papyrus got bored, sometimes Sans makes little transdimensional rifts so you just see his hand popping out of thin air to open the fridge and grab a hotdog. It. It was a frozen. hot-dog. he just. he straight up just ate a completely frozen stiff hotdog. you could hear its crunch from his room. followed by a whisper of "worth it". It was in fact not worth it.
• You help Papyrus try out his puzzles, he loves every change you make and adores working on them with you because it's like sharing a part of himself with you that gets better the more you're around! Your question as to where Papyrus got the flamethrower, drill, arrows, maces and weapons for that bridge trap. You may ask but you never get the same answer. He forgot. No one knows. Papyrus has the entire armoury and weapons. (You make theories with Sans but you lowkey believe Sans somehow got it for him)
• If you get hurt or sick, Papyrus is making you all the spaghetti and whatever your comfort food is. And Sans is mercifully disposing of it and giving you actual food from Grillby's or from town. Even smuggling soup from Toriel. Pap reads you the stories Sans tells him since the stories always help him feel better
• The pun wars. Papyrus is guilty of an odd pun here and there but sans will ruthlessly shoot out pun after pun. If you are against them, you will not win. You will fail and you will fall victim to emitting at least one awful pun a day. But if you fight alongside them? you are unstoppable, the Underground quivers before your power, you can not be stopped and all shall fall to your unrelenting wake. The cringes, hidden smiles and sighs of those who can't help but listen to your pun followed by Sans' followed by Pap's is glorious and makes it all worth it.
• Papyrus knows all too well what it like to go without compliments so always makes sure to say whatever good thing he's thinking about you! be it just a thank you for existing and making the Underground a better place to be in, thanking you for staying with him even if he isn't that popular and for helping him improve his cooking! Papyrus also loves to give presents, there is always some thought behind them, like your own pet rock because he knows you'll take good care of it, he plants an echo-flower in a pot in your room and whispers compliments to it whenever he can so even if he's not there you can hear him talking to you as a reminder of how great you are!
• Sans isn't used to feeling this protective around anyone else other than Papyrus so he worries he isn't showing that he cares about you enough because honestly, he doesn't know how to show it 'right'. He's not great at actual emotional words or gift-giving, so he shows he loves the best he can with just, being around, trapping you under him and sleeping on you, him getting trapped by you sleeping on him, even if you don't talk together much, just having someone around is nice, he never wants you to feel lonely or like he isn't there for you.
• They'll do everything they can so you know just how great you are and that you aren't alone. And also as a supply of endless BAD jokes and somehow burnt spaghetti.
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popatochisssp · 5 years
ooh! asks are open! if you're not accepting, don't worry about it! if u are, then how do you hc each skeles ideal job and actual job in the human world?
Their ideal and actual jobs are the same, because I am a softie who wants all her boys to be happy so everybody’s got jobs they enjoy!
As for specifics, I’ve talked about some in passing, but see the full list below! ;3
Sans (Undertale): He has two! He’s a delivery driver and does security for the local mall. The former is a natural extension of his lazy demeanor and special abilities– teleportation lets him make all his deliveries near-instantly and then he spends the rest of the time allotted to him napping in his truck or taking a Grillby’s break. On weekends, he moonlights as a mall cop and it’s equally his speed since it’s a lot of observation and ‘policing’ but very little actual responsibility. He may also, on the side, sell a few bootlegs here and there, but you’d be very hard-pressed to catch him at it.
Papyrus (Undertale): Strip club bouncer. I am one million percent behind this, he would love this job and be loved at this job, and he deserves that. But that’s just his night-job, he has a day-job too since he likes to keep busy and while the sun is up, he’s a personal trainer! He’s fantastic at encouraging people through their work-out routines and they find it easier to stick to their healthy diets and make good choices when the alternative is the horrific thought of………disappointing Papyrus…! He’s very good at his job and has so much fun with it that he barely even thinks of it as a job.
Sky (Underswap Sans): Lots of these skeletons do double-duty and with as much energy as Sky has, you know he’s one of ‘em: he’s a firefighter as his main career, and on the side he bartends. He’s a physically fit guy who loves the idea of being a hero, and he also has no skin or lungs, so he can get into lots of places in a burning building that his human coworkers can’t– and that’s without even factoring in the shortcut ability. But he’s not at the station 24/7 and he likes to be productive, so he picks up bartending shifts where he can. He’s very precise with his pours and he’s very charming and sociable with patrons, so he’s a joy to have on shift for everybody!
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): Only one job for this guy, he’s a librarian! He is a huge literature nerd and the Underground only had what just so happened to fall down and not get completely ruined. Getting to work in a place with thousands of books he’s never seen before is awesome–and so is the actual job! It’s pretty quiet as a rule and the stakes are low, so he ends up liking most of the people he interacts with. A chill work environment for a chill skeleton, he’s very happy here!
Jasper (Underfell Sans): He’s a mechanic, and also moonlights at the infamous ‘dog stand. He likes working with his hands and doesn’t mind getting a little dirty. That plus his intricate knowledge of mechanics makes working at an auto shop a good fit for him. He ends up actually missing a little bit of his routine Underground, though– goddamn nostalgia… When the Asgore in his universe decrees that his subjects who owned shops and food businesses Underground reopen on the surface, a political move to improve human relations and make more positive associations with the very intimidating, violent-looking monsters– he actually decides to go for it and starts manning his ‘dog stand whenever he feels like it. He makes some mean hot-animals and is actually one of the more personable of the Fell-monsters so he’s doing his bridge-building duty pretty well, even if only as a weekend kinda thing.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): He’s still the Captain of the Royal Guard, but…monsters are making some very strong moves toward demilitarization and in peace-times, there’s just not all that much for him to do. Somewhere in all of his new downtime he takes up studying law and eventually makes a career out of it. Lawyer is kind of a natural job for a guy who’s intelligent, has a great head for details, and doesn’t shy away from an argument, so once he makes it through law school in record time, he’s a sight to behold in the courtroom: eloquent, passionate, and always sharply-dressed! He specializes in human/monster rights-related cases and will even do some pro bono consulting for the causes he deems worthy, but if you can pay his fee and he doesn’t completely loathe you, he’ll take pretty much any case. If he’d been born on the surface to start with, though, he may have pursued a career in acting– he’s has a lot of natural talent and still counts it as one of his interests, but… it’s been soured, just a little bit, by the nasty role he had to play Underground. He’ll probably only pick it up again as a hobby, at most.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Like Pyre, he doesn’t want to– and won’t!– give up his position as Captain of the Royal Guard so lightly, but on the surface with monsters integrating into peaceful human society, he has a lot more spare time than he did before and has to figure out something to do with it. He eventually settles in as an actuary. Numbers are and have kind of always been his happy-place: mathematics is cold, hard logic, cause-and-effect that’s simple the way nothing in the messy real world ever is, and aside from physical training losing himself in statistics and probabilities is the best sense of flow he’s ever been able to slip into. Once he gets his degrees accredited, it’s very easy for him to find employment running numbers and he’d start off somewhere in the insurance industry. He’d be fine there for awhile– he’s firm and impersonal, and not easily swayed by sob-stories– but eventually the way the industry is structured to benefit corporations over people becomes a little much for even him to handle. From there, he’ll move on into the private sector and do a lot of freelance consulting for companies to analyze and manage risk. It’s very boring and nerdy to just about anyone who isn’t him, but he likes the work!
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): He’s a commission artist. He doesn’t like going out too much and the idea of getting any of the entry-level jobs he’s qualified for–retail and customer service, mostly– makes him want to puke and/or die a little. When he finds out there’s a thriving community of people requesting and paying for art online, he is so there. He takes a little time to get familiar with digital art and generates a presence for himself online to attract interest and then opens himself up to commissions. He has almost no limits on what he’s willing to draw and quickly stumbles across the furry scene, the kink scene, and the places they overlap, so he gets paid really well and gets to work from home while doing it. For the sake of his brother’s reputation, he tries not to mention or show any of the explicit stuff he works on in front of anybody they know, but he’s personally unashamed about it.
Slate (Horrortale Sans): Ever since his head injury, he’s not really capable of holding down a job– his short-term memory is garbage and his ability to learn and process new tasks is a lot slower than any reasonable employer would be understanding of, so that rules out pretty much all his options right there. Since monsters hit the surface in his universe, though, humanity was shocked and appalled by the circumstances Underground and in spite of some fear and condemnation, the outpouring of pity and sympathy was enormous. A lot of legislation ended up quickly pushed through so that monsters could get regular stipends in reparations for their imprisonment and suffering, and also can receive disability benefits if deemed eligible. With a giant hole in his head and all that comes with it, he’s eligible so he doesn’t need a job, but at the insistence of his brother, he does need to get out of the house. His aimless wandering eventually leads him to an animal shelter seeking volunteers. He likes the pups and kitties because they’re soft and cute, plus they’re all down on their luck like he was. He’s very gentle with even the most aggressive animals and after a very short time volunteering there, he gains a bit of a reputation as a miracle worker…but he doesn’t really care about that, he’s just happy to help the little fuzzballs out.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): Like his brother, he gets a reparations stipend from the human government but unlike his brother, he’s not eligible for disability– nor would he want to be! He craves getting to be a productive member of society again since he…wasn’t of nearly as much use, Underground as he wished he could’ve been. Entry-level jobs would be fine for him, anything to be out and gainfully employed, but he’s rapidly dissatisfied with any of the jobs he takes. He knows that cashiers and clerks and receptionists are all very valuable parts of an infrastructure, but it’s just…not really for him? He wants to make a bigger difference, he wants to help people, and that’s what leads him to nursing. Between his brother’s disability benefits, their reparations, and his wages from part-time employment, he’s able to put himself through school without putting any serious strain on their financial situation and eventually graduates to registered nurse. From his underground experiences he’s no stranger to blood, other human bodily fluids, or even death, so handling it in the context of trying to save lives is something he’s not only capable of, but delighted to be a part of. He’s definitely a little down when one of his patients doesn’t make it, but he’s not devastated by it: he just vows to keep doing his best so that he can help as many people as possible!
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