#It just results in my anger rising way above normal
gogogodzilla · 2 years
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Chapter 3
Summary: You get assigned to a case and Gavin is an asshole. ✧ masterlist ✧ ao3 ✧ wattpad ✧ ✧ previous chapter ✧ next chapter ✧
You gripped your coffee cup tightly as you walked into the DPD, exhausted from the late night before. You passed the android receptionist, flashing your badge, and called out a 'good morning' as you walked through the barriers.
You hurried to your desk across from Gavin's. "Morning, Chris," you said as you dropped your belongings onto your desk before taking your seat.
"Hey, doc," Chris greeted from his desk. "Crazy night, huh?"
You let out a sigh, laughing a little, "Oh yeah, I love spending my nights looking at corpses and watching androids interrogate other androids." Chris let out a chuckle as he returned to his work. You attempted to follow suit, scanning over the massive amounts of cases that were piling up.
Even footsteps behind you caught your attention, and you swiveled in your chair. Connor walked in and your eyes followed him as he surveyed the office, looking for something. Not satisfied with what he found, Connor headed into the break room. You slumped a little in your seat when you lost sight of him.
"Our friend, the plastic detective, is back in town!" Gavin's voice carried from the break room, causing your ears to perk up. Your eyes met Chris's as you pushed yourself away from your desk, ready to stop Gavin before he bit off more than he could chew.
"Better go save our new detective before Gavin gets ahold of him," Chris smiles at you as you stalk towards the break room.
"Hey, bring me a coffee, dipshit!" Gavin barked, stepping toward Connor.
"Aren't you a little too old to be bullying your coworkers, Reed?" You entered the break room, crossing your arms tightly. 
Gavin blanched before scrunching his face in annoyance. "Really, we're back to this, Doc?" Gavin fired back, venom lacing his voice. "This doesn't involve you."
"Don't listen to him, Connor," you order, your eyes never leaving Gavin's. He balls his fists at his sides, anger evident on his face. "Let's go," you replied, gently grabbing onto Connor's arm. Connor gave you a small nod before heading back to the office area.
"You really gonna defend that plastic prick?" Gavin accused as he took a step towards you. You should've just followed Connor back to your desk.
"That's not fair, Gavin," you whispered, trying not to let his words cut you too deep. "That's not what that was about and you know it," you counter, your eyes softening when they meet Gavin's. You've always been neutral towards androids, whereas Gavin was not.
"You know what this is about, Sweetheart? This is about that fucker," Gavin seethed, "threatening our livelihood."
You dropped your arms, hands balling to fists at your sides as you took a step closer to Gavin. "Maybe if you knew how to do your job, then you wouldn't feel so threatened by him, Detective." You glared at him for a final time before turning on your heel and heading back to your desk.
You dropped down into your chair, silently fuming. "Your heart rate is rising well above the normal level, going on like this for much longer could result in lasting harm," Connor articulated, standing stoically in front of your desk.
"Yeah, Gavin has that effect," you grumbled, crossing your arms. Connor stood there for a moment, and your eyes raked over him. This was the first time you were able to get a good look at him. You wondered if he was naturally this stiff or if Cyberlife programmed him that way.
"Why are you here so early anyways?" You inquired, looking up at Connor from your seated position. You felt your cheeks warm up; he was standing so close.
"I've been instructed to find Lieutenant Anderson," he peered at you, "do you know what time he usually comes in?"
Chris scoffed, barely hiding the amusement in his voice, "Depends on where he was the night before."
You rolled your eyes before looking back at Connor, "He's usually in around noon, hopefully, we'll see him before then."
"Thank you, Doctor," Connor replied before turning to find Hank's desk. You watched in amusement as he strode around the office, looking for the right desk. When he finally found the right desk he took a seat, his posture stiff as he folded his hands in front of him.
Hank arrived and Connor stood, "It's good to see you again, Lieutenant," he greeted.
"Oh, Jesus," Hank said, as he rolled his eyes. You hide your grin behind your coffee mug as you watch them interact.
"Hank!" Captain Fowler shouted your last name, "In my office!" You jumped slightly before meeting Hank's eyes. Your stomach turned as you got up from your seat, following Hank and Connor into Fowler's office.
Connor held the door of Fowler's office for you and you nodded your head in thanks as you moved to take the seat next to Hank. Fowler began his speech, but you were only half listening. You took a chance to sneak a look at Connor at the back of Fowler's office; his posture was rigid as he clasped his hands in front of his body.
"This isn't just Cyberlife's problem anymore. It's now a criminal investigation and we've gotta deal with it before shit hits the fan," Fowler paused before running a hand down his face. "I want you three to investigate these cases and see if there's any link," Fowler concluded as he looked between you, Hank, and Connor.
Hank began his protests before you could even begin to comprehend what Fowler was telling you. "Cyberlife sent over this android to help with the investigation. It's a state-of-the-art prototype. It'll act as your partner," Fowler said with finality.
Your jaw dropped. Connor is here to stay.
Hank leaned into Fowler's desk, "No fuckin way!" He snapped, pointing his finger at the captain, "I don't need a partner, and certainly not this plastic prick!" Hank paused for a moment before looking over at you and mumbling a 'sorry doc'. You shrugged in response. 
A growl left Hank's mouth and he stormed out of Fowler's office, the door slamming against the glass walls on his way out. You and Connor watched him leave before turning your attention back to Fowler.
You stood from your seat, "Captain," you said before sending him a nod and making your way back to your desk. Your exit is the calm after Hank's whirlwind storm. You spare a glance behind you, enough to see Connor say something to Fowler and Fowler brushing him off.
You plopped into your chair, watching as Connor approaches the Lieutenant, wincing in anticipation of Hank's reaction. Surprisingly, Hank was silent at his desk, his arms crossed as he stared at his terminal.
You watched Connor attempt to make conversation. He was just so damn persistent. You could tell he really wanted to be on the Lieutenant's good side. Their conversation came to an end and Connor reached out to the keyboard on his desk. The skin on his hand retracted revealing the porcelain plastic beneath and you cringed. You don't think you'd ever be able to get used to that.
Your brows shot up as Connor stood up and moved in front of Hank's desk. Whatever he said set the Lieutenant off and he grabbed Connor's collar and pushed him against the plastic divider.
You sprung up from your seat and hurried to intervene. Jesus, this was going to be tricky. "Lieutenant," you interrupted as you laid your hand on his arm, "let's not destroy the merchandise, yeah?" He scrunched his nose, conflicted, before dropping his arms from Connor's jacket.
"Lieutenant..." Chris cut in, "I have some information on the AX400 that attacked the guy last night... It's been spotted in the Ravendale district." You sent Chris a grimace, your cheeks flushing. Goddamnit Hank, get it together.
"I'm on it," Hank replied, his eyes never leaving Connor's. He turned and headed to the door, "C'mon doc!" He shouted over his shoulder.
"Shit," you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Maybe try a different approach when it comes to the Lieutenant," you joked, a small grin forming on your face. Connor was silent while you grabbed your coat from your desk, "It's okay, Connor," you moved in front of him; he looked almost sullen, "the Lieutenant will warm up eventually."
You patted his arm gently, "Let's go find a deviant." The corner of Connor's mouth quirked up and a feeling of satisfaction filled your chest. You liked when he smiled.
You turned on your heel, following Hank to his car with Connor on your heels.
Rain was pounding against the pavement of the parking lot as you jogged to meet Hank at his car, one of the non-self-driving cars in the city. Connor moved to open the passenger side door but Hank stopped him, "Doc gets shotgun, not you." Connor frowned before removing his hand and stepping away.
You switched places with Connor and hopped into the passenger side, eager to get out of the rain. "He should sit up front, his legs are longer," you offered, a small smile on your face that grew with Hank's annoyance.
Hank narrowed his eyes, "It can earn its place in the passenger seat like the rest of ya." You raised your hands in fake surrender as Hank started the car and began the drive to the Ravendale district. You were in for it now. 
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visd3stele · 2 years
Baghra unpacked *spoilers*
disclaimer: this is ONLY about the books. Can't remember show Baghra that well, nor her interactions with Darkling.
To me, it became clear she's an abusive mother the moment she shared her story with Alina. But there are signs scathered through the pages even earlier: how Darkling is going in full defense mood around her, how she belittles him, her methods of teaching, the way she spins the story to paint her right.
I mean, this is the woman who thought it was normal for her 13 years old son to kill other 13 years old kids in self defense. Who praised him for self inflicted pain meant to cover for the up-mentioned murders. Who made sure to keep him as far from any contact but her own and pressured him into being the best at everything or else he's a waste of breath.
The woman who didn't lift a finger to help her son in his noble fight and as soon as things spiraled put of control was the first to point out how bad he is at making choices, primarly because they don't align with hers. She punished him with her silence and refusal to get involved and aid his cause, showing no support for her own child. And I mean it before the Darkling was born, back when he was just Aleksander, trying to make a good difference in the world.
A healthier relationship with his mother, or, at the very least, a chance to form relationships with others, would have led to different outcomes. A more trusting, open general, who wouldn't feel the need to be in control all the time because otherwise, in his mind, things would go to hell. A grown person who can comunicate, not decieve. And the list can go on.
Looking deeper, I wanted to know why did Baghra do all these things to him. Then rejoice in his downfall and the chaos (she more or less issued).
She has lots of trauma herself. And she isn't the type of person to actively get involved and break the cycle. That being said, let's take a look at her childhood:
Baghra is the only one with shadow powers. A result of her father experiment, if my memory serves me well. A father who is focusing more on his experiments than his daughters. A distant father, whom she feels like she needs to make proud, or else she's a dissappointment.
Her zelos work on her summoning ends in a tragedy. In a fit of anger, she kills her sister. Her father is able to bring her to life, yes, but the horror of striking the killing blow remains on Baghra's mind.
She starts to despise her powers. Hate them. But she can't not use them. And, in the following events, feeling like the black ship of her family, she develops a need to rise. As much as she hates her shadows, Baghra hates the attention her sister gets more. The way her mother looked at her like she's a monster. The way her father must silently regret creating her.
So, she uses her powers to spite them. She tries to have a child like her, to find closure. Everyone looks for their own to feel less alone. And because there is no one like her, Baghra has to make one. Looking at her child to fill a gap in her heart and expect him to fix her is derranged as it is. But she goes even farther.
Now that she's not alone, that there's someone to understand her and love her unconditionally, she can't lose him. She can't afford him leaving her. So she makes sure he depends wholly on her.
The fact he's an amplifier is the perfect excuse, because it's half true the reason he can't touch Grisha is their hungry reaction to it, craving his bones. But it is also convinient. Not letting him have friends, interracting to other kids, all place her as the only constant figure in his life.
Baghra cannot stay still. She can't stay in one place. Partly because of safety reasons, but also because she's running of her past. She can't get too comfortable. She still hates her powers, but they're also the only thing she has left (to remind her of her family). She hates her powerd still, but also sees them as the thing that lifts her above other Grisha. She's stronger, living longer, no one else can possibly understand.
She passes the superiority complex on her son. But he doesn't want to detach from people. He wants to help. And here is where the rupture between them becomes clear. Aleksander takes a stand for himself and does right by his heart, despite his mother's disapproval. She loaths it. He is turning into his own person who doesn't need, nor want her to order him around anymore.
Out of fear of being left behind by her own son, out of anger at his actions, or both, she stops using her powers. Maybe she thinks she's punsihing him, leaving him the only Shadow Summener known. Taste her own pain and maybe he'll give up his cruciade and turn back to her.
When he is close to winning, she can't let that happen. Not after her clear disagreement of his plans. She has to be right, he have to see it. Know it. Believe it again.
When he isn't spooked by it and keeps his ground, she has one more card up her sleeve: her own life. A punishment for his disobedience, one last attempt to hurt him for daring to turn against her.
Part of me thinks she is half proud of him for blinding her. She raised him like this, she should pick what she planted. But it also wouldn't sit well with her that he rose above expectations.
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figonas · 3 years
As Warm As The Sun-Part 1
“When he wakes there is crisp sunlight streaming through his chambers, yellow as a daffodil and nearly as warm as Jude felt in his arms. In limbo between awake and asleep Cardan thinks he might have dreamt that part of the evening as well”
Summary: Takes place during The Wicked King pretty much right before the Queen of Mirth scene and Chapter 15. This is just a soft, fluffy response to the prompt “hug me I command it”.
Words: 1623
Rating: GA
Links: Part 2-Jude POV | AO3
A/N: Tumblr user @jurdanhell brought this prompt up to me and our initial discussion that it didn’t really fit Cardan morphed into “wait yes this is exactly Cardan behavior”. This is my first work on AO3 so kudos would be greatly appreciated, if it gets enough love I might re-write the scene from Jude’s perspective!
Revels all tended to blend together, an endless stream of music and alcohol that somehow left Cardan feeling as desperately alone as always even when in a room bursting with folk of all shapes and sizes. This particular revel was different, if only because Jude was still hovering around him long after she would have normally retreated to her chambers or the Court of Shadows. He could feel her eyes on him, as heavy as the weight of his crown as she stared daggers at him from her position to the side of his throne.
Ordering Jude to do anything would be ordering a knife thrust into his own back, High King or no. So Cardan merely asked Jude to attend the revel in its entirety, but he did so in front of the Living Council, several members of the Low Courts, and Locke who rose to challenge and prod Jude without needing to be asked. There was no way for her to refuse that wouldn’t be seen as backing down from his challenge, so through gritted teeth, Jude graciously accepted his invitation. He didn’t know why he had asked her, perhaps he simply wanted to annoy her in a way that would require little effort from him, or perhaps he wanted to know how she would retaliate. A small part of him whispered that he just wanted her company but he made sure to drown that part of him with plenty of wine earlier in the night. Too much wine though Cardan is loath to admit it, and now as the night winds down he’s not entirely sure he can make it back to his rooms on his own. It wouldn’t be the first time one of his guards has dragged their High King to bed and dropped him on his royal ass but Cardan dislikes the idea all the same. Moving to stand he lurches too far forward and nearly falls off the raised dais before Jude’s hand closes on the back of his cloak pulling him backward where he crashes into her solid presence. “As much as it would amuse me to watch you fall after you made me stand here all night for no reason, I’m too tired to pick you up off the floor,” Jude hisses in his ear, she throws one of his arms across her shoulders as her other arm snakes around his waist. “Dearest Jude, are you trying to take me to bed?” Cardan tries his best to wiggle his eyebrows at her but he’s too focused on his feet as they descend the dais steps and begin the long trek to his rooms. “Don’t push your luck or I’ll leave you to sleep on the floor in the middle of the burgh”. He laughs despite her threat and out of the corner of his eye he sees a small smile on Jude’s lips.
Cardan’s inebriated mind is not as trained at quashing his feelings for Jude as his sober mind is. As they make their way through the palace halls he has the sudden, sickening thought that he likes this, being embraced by Jude Duarte even if it’s only to help him to his rooms. She seems to have forgotten she’s repulsed by him, letting him lean on her as much as he needs. Cardan decides that he would get mindlessly drunk every night if it meant Jude would hold him this way but, perhaps mercifully, they make it to his rooms before he can voice this out loud. The moment she releases him he misses her warmth, her feeling of life and strength, of mortality. Before he knows what he’s saying he opens his mouth to speak. “Embrace me again,” he says, drunk and foolish, he can see the shock on her face despite her desperate attempt to hide it, but even Jude master of power and control, cannot stop the flush rising across her cheeks. Is it desire? Anger? Embarrassment? Cardan doesn’t care, he likes this Jude best; off her guard, almost susceptible to his charms but not quite, she is Jude Duarte after all. She recovers quickly, her expression cooling into something like boredom. “Go to bed Cardan” she points at the monstrously empty bed and he imagines it will be just as cold and lonely as he feels now. “But I am your king, Jude I command it,” he says with what he hopes is a playful smile, but is more than likely a fool’s grin. “So I say again, embrace me and then I will concede and go to bed”. Jude opens her mouth to speak but quickly shuts it with an audible snap of teeth.
She’s at war with herself he realizes suddenly, he can nearly see the thoughts racing in her head. He expects her to push back and fight with him, or to leave him where he stands not caring if he makes it to bed or collapses on the floor right here. Impossibly she does neither, instead, she reaches for him and wraps her arms around his midsection, her cheek resting on his shoulder. Cardan is frozen for what feels like an eternity but is only a handful of seconds as her warmth seeps into his very bones. He wraps his arms around her, returning the embrace before she changes her mind. “I’m only doing this because I’m too tired to fight with you about going to bed,” Jude mumbles softly, Cardan barely hears her above his pounding heart, but he can feel her words from where she’s pressed against his chest. He wants to tighten his grip on her to ensure himself this is real. He wants to bury his face in the crook of her neck and inhale the scent that haunts his dreams; her scent, so uniquely human, so wholly Jude. Through sheer force of will, he stops himself from indulging in either of these fantasies that would most likely only shatter this tender moment or result in him getting stabbed, he is equally disappointed at the thought of either possibility.
Jude seems to forget, if only for a moment, that it’s Cardan’s arms around her, his shoulder her cheek rests on, his neck that she tickles with her soft exhales. She relaxes just a little in a way he didn’t know she could, her palms flattening against his back, the ever-present tension leached slightly from her shoulders. He indulges in the impulse of stroking her lower back with his thumbs, he’s emboldened to tighten his grip on her just a fraction when Jude doesn’t react to the small movement. They stand in silence for several moments, Cardan’s heart racing at a worrying speed. Suddenly, Jude inhales deeply which turns into a wide yawn and she steps back rubbing the heel of her hand across one eye. “Alright, Your Majesty I indulged your wishes,” she’s interrupted by another, smaller yawn which she covers with the back of her hand. Cardan’s hands are still resting lightly on Jude’s waist, she doesn’t move from his touch. “Now to bed with you so I can get in my own. One of us has to be alert enough to run the kingdom,” she points in the direction of his bed and Cardan drops his hands. He is again shocked by how cold his room feels without her pressed against him. He quashes the urge to touch her again, he knows she will not indulge him a second time. When he turns he sways slightly, Jude rolls her eyes and places her hand on the small of his back guiding him to bed. “Careful with your orders Jude or I will tell everyone that you were kind to me,” he laughs to himself though it is not at all funny. “Though I don’t think anyone would believe me”. “You won’t remember this tomorrow anyway,” they reach the bedside where she gives him a gentle shove and he drops unceremoniously onto his too-large bed. The motion sets his head swimming. He steals one last, longing look at Jude before closing his eyes; her cheeks flushed, eyes tired, impenetrable walls lowered the tiniest bit. Cardan tucks the image away to think of when she’s gone and he’s left alone in the sea of cold blankets. “Oh Jude, loveliest of afflictions, I will remember this night for years to come,” he hears her scoff as she steps away from the bed. “We’ll see about that tomorrow,” she sounds amused as she speaks and if Cardan’s head wasn’t spinning so badly he would peel his eyes open just to see one of Jude’s rare smiles. He hears her footsteps retreating toward the door where she stops, he’s nearly overtaken with sleep when he hears her voice call softly back to him. “Goodnight Cardan”. She’s gone before he can respond and Cardan succumbs to sleep only moments later.
She’s there in his dreams as she is most nights. Cardan tries to speak to dream Jude, but the only word he can say is her name; Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude. Over and over again, he calls her name like a curse, a prayer, the last desperate words of a dying man, a humble supplicant whispering the name of an honored deity. When he wakes there is crisp sunlight streaming through his chambers, yellow as a daffodil and nearly as warm as Jude felt in his arms. In limbo between awake and asleep Cardan thinks he might have dreamt that part of the evening as well, but as he shifts under the sheets her scent wafts from the fabric of his shirt into his nostrils. He clutches the fabric tightly, inhaling deeply he smiles to himself before drifting off again to a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
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syubub · 3 years
May 13th Reading
Definitely long awaited and way bigger than I intended it to be so buckle up.
Funky disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!
Oh boy. The continuation of yoongis soulmate saga.
(Note frome future me: it's not proofread but I'm hungry. Sorry for mistakes!)
So so so so
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Let's start.
I started with all the normal jazz. Connecting with his energy and shit. Same as usual same old same old. Platform= same same. I was like, "hey, let's talk about your soulmate and the whole may 13th shit" and we connected via energy stringy thing to the forehead and such. I was intresting bc my end of the string was kinda my energy color! Neato. Looks like some rest has really done me good!
Okay, here's where I start actually asking shit. I made notes at this point before the reading as I usually do. I'm just gonna insert the screen shot here.
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The 14 thing really fucked me up. You'll see later. Also, when I got the whole Pisces Jupiter thing I had to do me some googling bc we established that Jupiter went into Pisces ON May 13th so I was like?? Am I missing something?
I was. I forgot that it goes retrograde and then co.es back to Pisces on December 28th. And I do indeed think it to be significant.
The shit about temperance makes a lot of sense. In yoongis first soulmate read I flipped my shit bc he was like, "You're gonna get temperance reverse" in regards to a card for his soulmate and I was like "pft whatever. Don't play me like that"
And then I got temperance reverse. It's been a significant card from the jump.
I asked him if he had any advice for his soulmate and that's what "Don't wait for big things, you'll miss the small ones that lead you to bigger things" and "Look for facts before assuming" and "Don't try pushing it, forcing it won't make sense" and "A spade is a spade/ ace is an ace" and "Don't make ill informed guesses" all were
Now this part:
"Union has happened , yet to on the physical"
Gave me some hints thankfully because he straight up said no more hints.
This ties back into the whole Jupiter thing too. The seeds are/ have been planted and now they have to grow before they can be harvested.
Well Mr. Yoongi, I'm impatient and I don't want to wait. I want to see you in love pronto.
He showed me a little dream box/ trinket box looking thing and a super vague Keychain with no further explanation... so... there's that I guess.
I can't quite decide if "Don't make ill informed guesses" was a tongue-in-cheek pike at me or if it was genuine advice to his soulmate? He just loves to not explain things.
Now let's begin the monster read.
So. The first row of cards
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I asked the question, "what the fuck was May 13th and what was it's purpose in regards to your connection"
Important is what it was lol. I interpret this as them finding their footing and this being the starting point of the genuine foundation being layer. Like they've been manifesting eachother for a while but May 13th marked the start of them making the real life changes in their actual lives that will be the set up for them meeting.
The seven of coins is about thoughtful planning and creating security/ stable plan. The tower is essentially ripping away anything and everything that was built on unstable foundation and challenging/ testing your character (an extremely rude awakeing if you will). Judgement is releasing the past so you can rise above it and confronting yourself as you are (Also legit awakening) the queen of coins is financial security and self confidence in your abilities. Ten of coins is prosperity and abundance and most of all, stability. Eight of wands is explosion of potential and rapid movement. Temperance is awareness and balance between physical and spiritual. It's also that quiet peace where you find balance.
So. Seeing all those cards it really does seem like maybe his soulmate took on something new that could lead straight to union? Same for yoongi. I'd like to analyze and recent or new-ish habits or hobbies he's picked up?
Moving right along though. I asked what the 13th did for each of them in their personal life and personal journey. Kinda like what came as a result of that energy? Let's start with yoongles
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This was really intresting to me. I think he definitely gained some form of clarity about the situation with that sun card. The 5 of cups tells me that either he was kinda forced to confront some of his flaws in a way that he was trying to avoid or he had to consciously let go of something dear to him? Could be something he had to leave behind because it crumbled with the tower moment but he didn't see it coming or didn't know that it was time to part with it? With that queen of wands though fits beautifully with the sun! Its like he's found warmth after a long winter. Definitely found a spark of compassion and generosity from a place of happiness and love rather than anger, fear, obligation or pitty.
I asked for clarity cards/ anything else that may 13th signified bringing in and we got the 2 of cups and 10 of swords. I have two thoughts. Either he let go of a relationship that he was already in because he didn't feel as though they were particularly compatible anymore (Also ties into the above section) OR the 13th had made him very much consciously aware of his soulmates incoming status and he is now preparing and working on himself for when this person comes. The 10 of swords would be him releasing the past and the pain and any ill fitting behavior that don't vibe with him any longer. Yellow really seems to be working for him by the way.
Soulmate time
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Lol. All signs point to his soulmate genuinely starting a new venture. New creative pursuit that will bring them good money. 10 of pentacles is abundance, prosperity and stability. The ace of wands is a new creative spark and passion and it's the first big steps into something new. The 2 of wands is "the world is in the palm of your hands" vibes. Choices need to be made swiftly and with the ace of wands I think they will be. With the heirophant too, it will be a well informed decision because they've been manifesting this and has been searching for all the possible information.
As for clarity, we have the moon. Damn. Soulmates been doing that shadow work. Dredging up all their bullshit and getting rid of it while still taking the time to sit with it and release it so nothing is unresolved. Also probably extra creative due to all the emotional baggage being thrown out. (Definitely helping with the ace of wands vibes tbh)
Now for the bad boys in the middle
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The question I asked is what those individual changes (detailed in the last two sections) will bring for the bond and I just can with them. These fuckers. I am so invested in their love story bc it's so... them? And just so fucking ROMANTIC. UGH I CAN'T.
Back to the point. High priestess, 4 of wands and the lovers. The high priestess is deep knowing and insane intuition, the 4 of wands is the purest joy and marriage and the lovers is well, the lovers.a magical union.
For the row of bottom cards
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I asked if they had anything at all to add so I'm gonna explain each card individually bc I think they could be individual tid bits of shit.
Knight of coins is good news about finances/ money looking promising and organized work (also dependability!!). Death is all about transformation, the beginning of a new chapter and accepting in order to move foward. Ace of coins is spiritual and material abundance and also a reminder to keep grounded. Page of swords is confidence, important news coming and really good insight! Roots out secrets or hidden things like a truffle pig. The star is promising potential, healing and guidance from an enexpected place. The two of cups is a soul connection, love, intuition especially in regards to another person and a good bind. The emperor is self awareness, foresight, fearlessness to achieve a goal and confidence. Eight of coins rev is poor discipline and skating by on low effort.
Now to the sides!
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Yoongi is the left, soulmate is the right.
So, let's begin with yoongi. The first two cards are anything he wants to say to his soulmate. Wheel of fortune and three of swords reverse. I take this as "its all in divine time/ it's destiny" (wheel of fortune) and "trust your intuition. It's okay to get hurt, you just need to remember you can always pick yourself up" (3of swords rev.)
We have now cards that I asked what he was learning through this process/ in this time. Be positive and first step.
The last two cards are affirmations he wants to give his soulmate.
"When I introduce joy to a situation, I change the vibrational frequency of what's happening around me" and "directing my focus onto what's thriving creates more of what I want"
Now for soulmates cards (same structure)
Strength and eight of swords. "You're stronger than you think. Take every part of yourself and acknowledge it. You're a force to be reckoned with" (strength) and (soulmate snapped at him on this) "the only thing holding you captive is you."
Now we have peer pressure (I think soulmate is learning to say "fuck you" and "fuck off" to people who have a set idea of how everyone should be living their lives), emotional healing and open your arms to receiving.
Then we have "its good to feel good" (lol I feel like yoongi definitely needs this one) and "when I connect to the spiritual realm, I open the door to recieve divine guidance, clear direction, and great wisdom"
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The last stretch my friends.
So. Completion, leave behind the things that no longer serve you. Exist in the present and don't keep mulling over the past or any future happenings. Magic, pay attention to the magic around you. Listen for the signs of the universe and take them as they come (essentially listen to divine guidance) . Be open minded but logical as well. Luminous warrior, try focusing on the good in yourself instead of berating yourself for every small flaw. Spiritual path, self explanatory. The blade, your power can be a weapon when used willy nilly (most often wounding the wielder) or it can heal. Don't fear it but also consider how you choose to utilize it. The give away, be greaful for the sake of being greatful for it, not because you want something in return. The rain maker, manifestation station. Create with the tools you have because you have everything you need in order to manifest. "Don't take life personally"
Now we have heaven sent.
""Let yourself be helped" assistance is coming your way so act on it and say yes"
" This Oracle also comes with the message that you are to trust in the things that you feel and say to others without knowing why. It moves them. You might not understand, but through trust you are allowing yourself not to overthink and censor yourself. As such you are able to become a vessel through which the spiritual gift can be passed on to others. Don't block yourself. Let life happen through you. Only benefit can come from this."
And free from judgment, free to love
" If you have been asking life for a solution to a specific difficulty you have been having, this Oracle comes with the message that a solution is in gestation right now. This situation is already being sorted out and the resolution will come to fruition very soon. Hold tight and wait for the eminent birth of that resolution."
" This Oracle also brings you a message about love. You may find that you are loving, or soon will love, in a different way. You may worry about this love, given that it defies what you have known or been taught about love. Perhaps you are becoming able to love another tremendously, even though you don't have much of a personal relationship with them. You might question if this love is real. It is real Kama it is just happening at a different level to the love and attachment you experience when you are involved in a personal relationship with someone. It is not more or less, it is just a different facet of love. It may be that you are opening up to love the planet and her creatures, including the animals, the ocean dwelling life, your own body, the trees and so on, more than before period you may feel passionately purposeful about giving your time and energy to causes that protect and nurture the Earth and her creatures. You are affirmed in this love too. The universal mother is operating through you to nurture life. She will support you in your work, so that you can continue To come from love and not become drained, depleted or lost in despair or fear of futility. Instead, you will be energised and expanded by your dedicated service to life."
" Finally, this Oracle has a message for those who may be feeling alone or lonely in a need of greater nurturing from others. You are asked to stop, relax, centre and settle into your body to feel your connection with life itself. The air in your lungs is the same as the air that moves through the trees. The water in your blood is the same water that fills the oceans and is moved by the phases of the moon. The flesh of your body is the same substance as the body of the Earth itself. The heat in your digestive system is the same fire and heat as that from the Sun. Feel this connection, then do something nice for another without agenda. Make a donation, even if just a small one, smile, say a prayer, sent out a good thought or make a wish for another. That's it. You have connected to life again and in doing so, life can connect with you. And so it shall.
And that's all for the cards but but but.
Someone (either my guide or yoongi) was like, "do a song. Do a song. Do a song." And I was like, "oki doki, sounds good.
So I asked what numbers I should try refreshing and then it hit me. The number 14 came up before the reading and it seemed a bit misplaced? So I did 14 shuffles and look what popped up
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You gotta be fucking with me.
Istg these fools will actually be the death of me dude. Euphoria is so romantic and I lowkey feels like it describes a bit of what their bond must be like.
I came back to the platform to be like, "thanks homie" and it was weird bc he was practically pure energy? Like usually I visualize his energy as what his physical body looks like because it's easier to comprehend? But nope, he was just a big shimmery glob of energy.
As I was going to disconnect, a few things happened. I felt tingly and the platform was vibrating almost? So I was like, "hold on, what the fuck is this?"
And then
It hit me
I could tell this fuckin asshole was smug even in his blue glob form.
The color was... blue like yoongi but also a light lavender/ pink kinda vibe. Pretty damn distinct.
I was so stoked and I thought we'd all get to chat and I could yell at his soulmate for being an elusive asshat
But Mr smug butt had different plans.
My dude dropped a little marble thing in my hand and I was like ??? And he was like, "you'll know when you need it" and I was like ?????
My guide took pity on me and said, "it's just a representation on information that you've been given but it isn't the proper time to unpack it yet"
Cool cool so like and energetic zip file that will release itself whenever it damn well pleases? Cool cool cool.
Anyway, I genuinely think that my excitement of this whole situation must somehow also influence how yoongis energy handles my prodding? Like what the fuck is this marble bullshit?
To top it all off, he gives me a friendly shove off of his platform.
Thanks, buddy.
Now we are here. And as always, I'm left with more questions.
My main take away is that amay 13th through July 28th will be all the foundation and ground work and December 28th 2021 through May 10th (11th? 9th?) 2022 will be a more likely time for physical union and actual relationship stuffs.
Anyone who knows more about astrology please feel free to chime in on this whole Jupiter in Pisces bit! My understanding is super surface level!!
That was a big boi and now my thumbs hurt real bad. Hope you were entertained by the chaos.
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ghoultramp · 3 years
his voice resides [hawks x reader]
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▷       bnha
↳ pairing: hawks x f!reader
↳ content: injured/wingless!hawks, depression, (implied) eating disorder, (implied) suicidal ideation, angst, mutual comfort
↳ words: 3.2k
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⇢ summary: “it had been three agonizing months of not knowing whether he was alive or dead, you had no one to ask; and if anyone knew anything, they certainly weren’t sharing it openly.
also available on ao3
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⇢ note: my mh took a dive so i ended up writing this :’)
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It had been three agonizing months of not knowing whether he was alive or dead, you had no one to ask; if anyone knew anything, they certainly weren’t sharing it openly.
You sat hunched over your laptop, squeezing your eyes shut as you rubbed hard against your temples. You weren't sure the headaches had ever gone away, just ebbed and flowed with intensity over time. Unfortunately for you, it didn't seem to be showing any sign of reprieve tonight.
You braced yourself as you admitted defeat, it was no use. You were spent. You heaved a sigh as you closed your laptop and stared at the colorful light on the lid as it entered a sleep state.
Your heart dropped as you picked up your phone, watching the screen light up; even that hadn’t got any easier, still expecting a notification from him. Tonight was testing you and you weren’t appreciative of it as you heaved your fatigued body up from the desk. You shuddered as the metal legs of the chair came in contact with the cheap wood flooring, a high-pitched screech rang a bell in every tooth.
“Oh Christ, please stop,” you whined, sidestepping as not to antagonize the chair again.
You stretched your arms above your head and this time it was a satisfied groan that left your lips as several deep popping sounds came from your spine. While it may have been a temporary release of tension, you were grateful for it all the same as you lumbered your fatigued body toward the bathroom.
Opening the door, you felt around for the light cord that hung from the ceiling. You heard its heavy weighted end knock against the tile wall when your hand brushed against it; another, unnecessarily loud—and quite frankly horrifying—sound. You felt the slight prickle of tears as the pounding inside your head chipped away at you.
You regretted your decision to pull the cord, the harsh white light of the bathroom wasn’t friendly on the best of days. You set your phone down on the wide sink basin and when you looked up at the mirrored cabinet in front of you, you found it hard to identify with the person staring back at you.
Dark half-circles that looked more akin to bruises sat under your eyes, your cheeks looked gaunt, the bright spark in your eyes had left after that day, and your once radiant, bright skin now closely resembled ash. You watched the reflection, prodding at your own cheek, fingers pressing lightly against the hollow where there once had been rosy flesh. 
You were so sure you had cried as much as anyone was humanly possible but didn't bother to fight against your blurring vision, letting the tears flow of their own accord.
Your head hurt, your body hurt, your heart hurt.
Everything hurts.
Bracing your hands on either side of the basin, you exhaled a heavy sigh; you felt your body shrink as you emptied your lungs of air.
The distinct vibration of your phone against ceramic echoed reverberated against the tiled walls; you felt worse when your jaw instinctively clenched tightly against the pain. Glancing briefly at the illumined screen, although your vision might have been blurry, the bold text that read unknown number was unmistakable. No one worth their salt would be bothering you at this time of night, most of all someone whose number you didn’t have logged.
You felt your brittle fingers grip tighter against the basin.
“Shut up,” you snarled under your breath, you liked to think it might make a difference.
When it vibrated again you felt your anger bubbling.
“What?!” you screamed as you picked it up.
You stared blankly for a moment, not entirely sure what you were reading.
╭                                                   ╮
         Meet me at our spot.
╰                                                   ╯
  ╭                                                   ╮  
         Please, trust me.
╰                                                   ╯
  You felt your lips curl in anger as your fingers trembled against the touch-screen, typing out the only reply you could think of.
  ╭                                                   ╮
        Who is this?
╰                                                   ╯
   You waited for a brief moment, you felt winded when the next message appeared in the thread.
  ╭                                                   ╮  
        Please, Songbird.
╰                                                   ╯
    This isn’t real. This can’t be real.
The result of your thoughts racing too fast was the overbearing screech of white noise. You felt the bile in your empty stomach start to burn at your esophagus, you whimpered as you lowered your frail body to the bathroom floor while the edges of your vision began to fade to black.
“Nononono,” you repeated the word in one breath as you steadied yourself on your hands and knees. Your heart felt as though it was twisting in your chest while your lungs collapsed on themselves; you sobbed as you gasped for breath.
Your body shook as you silently sobbed, choking against the rasping at your throat, the air felt thick as you lowered your head. You stopped to rest your forehead against the tile, the cooling relief was only momentary as you felt your temperature rise and your limbs vibrate with adrenaline.
You deliberated with yourself about what you might do. If it was him, maybe things could go back to normal, and if it was some sick joke… 
If this is some sick joke, maybe it’ll…
You breathed hard as you gathered the courage to finally pull yourself back up; you held a death grip around your phone as you made your way toward the front door of your apartment. The matter of turning the light off was inconsequential now.
Unhooking your keys from the hook next to your coat, ignoring it at first. You looked back at your screen and read the last message again; with another sigh, you grabbed it and pulled it around your feeble shoulders.
The heavy wood door that stared back at you suddenly felt foreboding, still unable to decipher any rational thoughts over the loud static that bounced around. And what if—
You yelped at the vibration alert. Another text. Your breath shuddered as you opened it.
   ╭                                                   ╮  
        I can’t wait here long.
        Please, make the right
╰                                                   ╯
  It was the push you needed, shoving your phone away in your pocket and reaching out open the door. You may have had your keys but your feet only carried you toward the stairwell.  Not even after the first half-flight did you start to feel the searing heat that tore through your muscles, you cursed at yourself as you pushed against it. As you leveraged yourself against the handrail, you were thankful—for maybe the very first time—that you’d taken a top floor apartment.
You stood in front of the heavy fire escape door, the florescent green-and-white glow of the sign flickered as your hand reached for the bar that opened it. Your heart stopped upon the discovery of a brick that propped the door open; you didn’t truly want to believe someone would play such a cruel trick on you but the evidence was starting to suggest that that might just be the reality.
You were welcomed with a cold slap to the face as you breached the frigid, night air. The silence was eerie as you gently guided the door to rest against the rock, you felt unpleasantly nauseous as you surveyed the rooftop, there were too many shadows that could hide too many things. You decided against taking any steps forward, instead choosing to keep your back to the door with your fingers tightly wrapped around the outside handle.
You wanted to open your mouth, desperate to be able to say his name and for him to answer, but the dread was soul-crushing. There seemed to be nothing in the silence, the only sound you heard was your panicked breathing.
You took a deep breath, your lip trembling as you finally convinced yourself to speak. You just couldn’t bring yourself to say his name, it felt impossible in practice.
“H-hello?” your voice was nothing more than a squeak, fighting against your tight throat.
You scolded yourself for having even just a shred of hope when nothing replied. But maybe, just maybe…
You cleared your throat.
Just one more try. One more try and that’s it.
“Hello?” you called again, a bit louder but still almost as squeaky.
The distinct shuffling of feet could be heard in the shadows to your left, the scared gasp that left your lips was involuntary as your head snapped to find the source.  You gripped the handle tighter when your eyes adjusted to the silhouette of someone who was tall, and the outline of a heavy jacket was deceptive; there were no discernible features you could see.
You strained your ears, attempting to hear what the stranger was saying. You noted that the tone was masculine but the words sounded like croaking. They raised their arm, and you squinted to see them press their hand against their throat.
“Look, if this is some kind of sick--“ you were unable to finish your sentence before the figure emerged from the shadows.
You felt dizzy, sick, relieved, and wholly and completely overwhelmed as you attempted to process the sight in front of you. Your body refused to react, so desperately wanting to run at him, throw your arms around him, and yet… You released your grip on the handle to stand unaided on unsteady legs, willing yourself to take just one step.
He took another step toward you, he seemed just as unsure of himself as you when he opened his mouth to speak.
“I’m…. I’m so sorry,” his voice cracked with each syllable.
He reached for his throat again, eyebrows drawing to the center as he pressed and strained against the pain that talking seemed to physically cause. You watched, helpless, as his ochre eyes developed a glassy sheen, the first sign of tears.
You took a step, closing the gap to only one short stride. You felt your own tears start to well as you examined him more closely; the majority of his visible skin pocked and tight with an almost glossy quality; the harrowing aftermath of extensive burns.
“I didn’t--” he coughed, wincing.
“No, please…” you interrupted, your hand instinctively reaching out for the arm that hung at his side.
It broke your heart when he flinched away, and as you looked into each other’s eyes, that is when you both shed the first of you shared silent tears. He seemed ashamed to look at you, now casting his gaze to the floor. His sandy unkempt hair fell to frame his face, casting shadows on the hollows of his cheeks; it was longer now, to his shoulders.
He continued to hang his head as he tentatively reached his hand out to yours, gently brushing his fingers against your own. You softly entwined your fingers with his, careful not to hurt him as you felt his damaged skin.
“Keigo,” you finally allowed yourself to say his name, choking back a sob that threatened to blurt out.
“Songbird,” he responded, barely a whisper.
You could have stood there, regardless of the cold, forever; to feel even just this small part of him against you again was enough for you. You weren’t sure how long you stood in a peaceful silence when he cleared his throat, readying himself to speak again.
“They’re gone,” he croaked, you felt his fingers tighten around yours.
“Who’s gone?” you asked, looking up at him confused. He shook his head.
When he finally looked at you, you saw the anguish in his eyes.
“No, my… my wings,” his voice was so quiet, “they’re gone.”
You had been so taken aback at the sight of him that it hadn’t even occurred to you; you felt so horrible, selfish. You watched as his face twisted as the uncontrollable sobs escaped his weak body, you welcomed his grasp as he pulled you tightly against himself.
“Let’s get you inside,” you offered, muffled against his chest.
  --- --- ---
  Keigo gently closed the door behind him while you busied yourself with your coat, carelessly laying it over the back of your small sofa. He turned to see you standing there, heart sinking when his eyes examined you closer; your lanky arms hung lifelessly at your side, your shirt—a few sizes too big—exposed the deep recesses above your clavicles.
His face twisted in discomfort as he struggled to shrug his own coat off, you stopped yourself from helping when, upon shedding his bulky outer layer, you saw just how well it had concealed his own frailty. You brought your hands to your face, stifling a gasp with a firm palm as the tears prickled painfully behind your eyes. He hung his head, holding his coat in front of him with both hands.
You were both such a mess.
Swallowing hard against your tightening throat, you reached for the coat in his hand. Despite still flinching, he allowed you to take it from him to place it next to yours.
“I just…” you shook your head, still unable to find any words.
“It’s okay,” he told you, a gentle, sigh of relief left your lungs as his warm palm cupped your cheek.
You felt his thumb gently brush away the stray tear that fell as you looked up at his soft, sad smile.
“I thought you were—“ you choked back your sobs, desperately trying to spit the words out, “I thought you were dead!”
Your efforts were futile, your knees buckled beneath your weight and your feeble shoulders shook with your overwhelming sobs. Head spinning, Keigo held your upper arms, hoping to keep you steady.
“I know it’s selfish,” you cried, “and I—“
You stumbled forward into his narrow chest, gripping his shirt for dear life as you wailed. The veil of shock had finally cracked.
You keened, thumping the bottom of your balled-up fist against his chest, pulling against his shirt with the other. You felt his hold tighten, he was shaking with his own sobs, quiet and subdued.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked as he brought a hand to rest on the back of your head.  
He gave you little room to hit him in the chest again.
“No!” you bawled, hitting his chest with your forehead instead. “I just want…” you whimpered, breathing sharply against your sobs, “It’s not…”
Keigo felt the tension leave your body as you buried your face into his chest, no longer soft and muscular. It didn’t matter as you breathed in deeply; you smiled ever so delicately, his scent the same as you remembered.
“Can we just lay down?” you asked him meekly.
Keigo tightened his arms around you ever so slightly, resting his chin gently on the top of his head. You felt him nod.
“I didn’t mean for it to be like this,” he kept his voice at a whisper, the less agitation on his throat, the less likely it was to send him into a coughing fit.
“It’s fine, I…“ you began to interrupt, but the shake of his chin on your head cut you off.
“I just want to finish by saying this,” he coughed, you felt his body spasm against yours, “I’m just happy to be with you again.”
Keigo felt you gently pull against him and let his hold drop, you looked at him.
“Keigo?” you asked, holding out your hand.
There was no hesitation as he enthusiastically placed his palm in yours. You didn’t say a thing as you turn around, heading toward a door at the far end of your apartment. You felt his hand tighten around yours when you entered.
You released his hand as you made your way across to the bed, all you wanted was warmth and comfort; the streetlights beyond the window cast alternating orange and shadow stripes across the wall and bed through open blinds.
Keigo watched from the door as you moved clambered on top of the bed, curling into a ball. He accepted your invitation when you patted the space next to you. The mattress barely shifted when he sat down on the edge of the bed; he leaned forward with his elbows on his thighs, hands clasped together.
Feeling him shudder, you tilted your head to look up at him; bolting upright when he began to wince. Instinctively, you put your arm around his shoulder; you yelped and threw yourself back when he howled at your touch. He bought his hands to cover his face, shaking his head, trying to silence himself.
“I’m sorry, I—“ you whimpered, tentatively inching back to his side. “What’s wrong?”
When he eventually turned to face you, bringing his legs up onto the bed, his eyes were red and puffy; much like your own, you supposed. You watched the way the light and shadow settled across his face; orange stripes illuminated his golden eyes and his lips, his nose concealed in shadow. You watched his lips twitch while he searched for his words.
“I can still, um,” he tried to compose himself against his ragged breathing and looming coughing fit, “I can still feel them and, um—”
His mouth drew to a thin line, trying his hardest not to have another outburst. He struggled as his eyebrows pulled to the center of his brow and his lip began to quiver, despite being under so much tension.
You rose up on your knees, shuffling the closing divide between you, and pulled him into your bosom; he clawed at your back gently, desperate for your comfort as he nestled against you. You brought one hand to rest gingerly above his shoulder blades, cautious not to trigger a response, and lay your other hand on his head.
“Hold on,” you told him faintly, slowly releasing your hold; Keigo was reluctant to let go. “This is uncomfortable,” you told him truthfully, shifting your knees; he let go.
He studied you as you lowered yourself down, shuffling back on the bed. His approach was slow and awkward on his weakened limbs, crawling into the space next to you. You interlocked with each other without hesitation, Keigo was quick to pull you close to him.
“I’ve missed this,” you told him, adamant you weren’t going to cry again as you felt another prickle at your nose and eyes, “I’ve missed you.”
Keigo brought a hand under your chin, lifting your head to meet his. His palm was warm as he brought it up to cup your cheek, he smiled softly as he watched close your eyes and nuzzle against his hand; you placed your own hand against his, holding it there.
“Let’s just stay here forever,” he murmured, brushing his lips against your forehead, his thumb rubbed gently against your cheek.
“I’d like that,” you replied with a distracted whisper, enjoying the sensation of his warmth next to you, touching you—at last.
A soft sigh escaped your lips as he planted another gentle kiss against your temple, another high on your cheek.  He leaned his forehead against yours, your noses touching.
“Forever, Songbird,” he promised you before pressing his lips to yours.  
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starrbirrd · 3 years
“Why does she have our wings?”
Rhaenys voice didn’t rise above it’s normal, bordering on hushed volume, but her question was sharp enough that it cut through the room like a blade.
Mor, Cassian, and Amren’s bickering came to an abrupt halt, the breakfast spread across the table they were seated at suddenly forgotten. Azriel, who had been semi-hidden in a corner and listening to a doe eyed woman chat about the Priestesses and the Library, appeared much less surprised. Likely thanks to his shadows.
Meanwhile Rhysand, ever her cocky bastard of a brother, didn’t even turn from the balcony to face her. He seemed plenty content to enjoy sunning his wings a few seconds longer, their length gently resting across where Feyre’s own had been before they’d disappeared.
“The last time I checked, there were four Illyrians here, Rhys. So why is there suddenly a fifth?”
This time, Rhaenys was louder, more demanding. Not yelling, but unwilling to play at whatever game this was. Another morning and she might have been nicer, more patient. Rhysand was the one who inherited their father’s temper, after all, and Rhaenys had long since lost the ability to find enjoyment in any type of fighting, especially with her only remaining family. But the night before had been spent reliving the worst day of her life, Velaris filled with memories that made every breath feel like drowning, which resulted in her being far less tolerant than usual.
“No need for the dramatics, little sister. One of the abilities Feyre gained when she was Made was shapeshifting,” Rhys finally answered with an exasperated sigh, his arm wrapping around his mate’s waist, “She wanted to be able to fly with us, so we taught her.”
“You taught her,” Rhaenys echoed, looking between the three men she’d grown up with. Mentally picturing the out of place set of wings, she realized why they had looked familiar. They were, almost down to the smallest of details, Azriel’s.
A sharp stab of betrayal wormed it’s way into her heart.
“Every day there are little girls getting the ones they were born with crippled or carved from their backs, and you thought that this was acceptable?”
It was like she’d managed to backhand them all at once. Rhysand’s lazy smirk dropped, and even Azriel flinched, noticeable only if you’d known him as long as she had. Feyre, to her credit, looked guilty, while Cassian’s eyes glanced over Rhaenys’ shoulder. At the place where her own wings would have been a few hundred years ago.
“Don’t,” she bit out, “This isn’t about me. This is about the women and children in Illyria who would give anything to be able to fly. Our wings aren’t a toy to be played with, and I expected at least one of you to understand that.”
“I’m sorry. I never thought -” Feyre began, stopping only when Rhys held up a hand, frowning.
“You don’t need to apologize, Feyre,” he corrected, squeezing her side lightly before addressing his sister, “I have no reason to deny my mate the pleasure of flying with the rest of us. If I knew it was going to bother you, I would’ve told you sooner, but you aren’t an easy person to find these days.”
“Do not push this back on me, Rhysand . It doesn’t bother me, it pisses me off that for our people, flying isn’t so much as a right, while it’s a pleasure for yourself and your mate.”
Her brother’s eyes flashed.
“Watch your tone, Rhaenys.”
“Alright!” Mor interrupted, jumping to her feet and forcing a smile, “I think we all might have had a rough night, so why don’t we end breakfast early today? Rhae, there’s been a lot of changes to the city since you’ve lived here. Maybe we can spend the afternoon getting you reacquainted!”
“I second that,” Cassian agreed.
Neither sibling looked at them, however. They were too occupied with staring one another down, Rhys’ violet gaze clashing with Rhaenys’ dark glare. The longer they stared, the thicker the tension in the dining room became, to the point that Azriel had taken to standing protectively in front of his companion.
Eventually, and to the obvious relief of all involved, the younger of the two was the first to break their battle of wills.
“It’s fine, Mor. I’m going home.”
Home to Illyria. Home where her people dwelled, the place she’d grown attached to during those fifty years of Amarantha’s reign. Home that wasn’t Velaris, renamed for the mother she’d seen murdered, where her ghost didn’t constantly lurk around every corner.
“You only got here a few days ago,” Cassian protested, but she shook her head, steadfastly ignoring the dismay coming from most of the room.
No one looked more disappointed than Rhysand, but she knew better than to expect him to ask for her to stay. Any apologies they might have would come later, when they were alone and not still itching to start a fight they’d feel horrible about afterwards. She loved her brother, and he loved her fiercely in return, but there were plenty of times since he came to power that they clashed.
Their friends had been on guard for a good reason.
“Have Azriel send his shadows if something comes up,” Rhaenys said once it was clear no one was going to try and change her mind. The anger had begun to ebb, and now she was just tired. As she turned on her heel to go, she sent out a final thought specifically for Night’s High Lord.
A warning.
‘If you continue on like this, Illyria won’t always be so willingly subservient, older brother. Remember that.’
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authorgeek · 3 years
I think “Lonely” is the primordial emotion. The Mother feeling.  At least, perhaps, it is for me. I’ve been lonely my entire life, even and especially while surrounded by the people who care about me.
When I am very happy, the first thing I want to do is to call my best friend. Call my mother. I don’t want to sit in this good news or excitement alone. I want to share it. I want to spread it. I want others to celebrate with. Joy and happiness are only sweeter when shared with others who can join and partake in these things with you.
When I am very sad, I do not wish to sit in despair or lament on my own. I want support. I reach out in hopes others have needed wisdom or assistance, in hopes of community and understanding. Sadness becomes compassion. Despair, Empathy.
Likewise, when I am angry. I find without sharing it anger quickly turns to rage and wrath and resentment. Anger, when shared in community, can become organization. Motivation. Rage steps aside for action. Activism. Movement.
I have found I am not alone in this. Many people react this way when feeling any strong emotion at all.
Emotion, for me, can be a very physical, active, and tangible thing. I don’t just feel happiness, anger, or sadness. I am these things. I am happiness. I am anger. I am relaxed. I am fear. My chest burns. My heart rises to my throat or falls to my stomach. My eyes widen. My gut drops, tightens, relaxes, heats and cools. It’s embodied. It’s painful and aching. It’s balm to a wound, cool and relieving. My hands shake and my legs bounce and I cry and yell or cheer. I sigh and roll my eyes. I breathe. I unclench my jaw and lower my shoulders.
I have always felt everything deeply, intensely, fully. I cannot bring myself to apologize for this. Nor can I change it.
Perhaps it’s a bit like Tinkerbell is said to be. Fairies are so small they only have room for one emotion at once. When she is jealous of Wendy, this becomes all consuming and she embodies envy.
I’ve tried shrinking myself. I’ve tried hiding it. I’ve tried containing everything as best I could. It’s resulted in physical illness and excruciating pain. I don’t want to be palatable to others anymore. I don’t care to be consumable and neat or tidy. Above this, I want a healthy relationship with my internal and bodily self and how the two meld together.
I’ve been called self centered for this, but I pity and sympathize with those who feel this way - constantly setting themselves to the wayside, and taking their emotions out on others through name calling and accusation rather than face their own internal selves. They are deeply afraid at what they see, and it’s too painful to take on, so they choose to ignore and bury it rather than allow it to make itself known and move on. This is how generational trauma forms, and begins the cycles I am determined to break and will take part in no longer. Feeling things in their entirety, giving these emotions full recognition and space is a strength I’ve known few others to understand. People get angry when I insist upon taking up space for myself, but I’ve learned It makes my emotions easier to control, less explosive, and causes less physical and emotional turmoil. Along with the assistance of therapists and medication, which I admit - I am privileged to have access to.  
In fact, my intensity can be exhausting and draining to those who do not know how to take care of themselves this same way. I understand I can be a lot to handle, but I make no apologies for it because those who love me understand in order to handle this kind of intense emotional presence they must share it and be working towards like internal goals. Those who give themselves space for emotional care and self examination are less likely to be exhausted by me, and communicate clearer, kinder, and with more respect - what it takes to hold relationship and share an emotional bond with each other. This is why I share such undying and intense love for those who feel the same. My chosen family, my soul partners, my healers, companions and truest friends.
Above all of it, no matter what else I am temporarily feeling at the time, I am nearly always deeply and intensely lonely. Lately, this stems from physical isolation due to a combination of COVID and my own chronic illness. From the feeling of everything I once had planned, all my dreams and ideas and hopes for the future, being pulled out from under me both by personal illness and global pandemic. I watch others move on, go “back to normal”, gather and celebrate - and there is almost too much for even me to feel. Fear, at gathering again when so many are stubbornly unvaccinated. Jealousy, of the ability to do so, and deep pain, at seemingly being ignored and deserted through it all.
Though, of course, I am not alone in this experience whatsoever. Being politically marginalized as woman, disabled, and queer, I find so much in common with these communities, who are watching the same. We are forgotten in the same way, left behind for the same reasons. All while recognizing myself as privileged because I am white and educated. I know for a fact my experiences are not unique, and I am not alone. I recognize this, it is why I write. Why I speak out, refusing to stay silent for a single moment. Without my voice, even while aware I am not alone, I am going through all of this largely by myself. Therapy and meds can only do so much against such an actively, systemically hostile environment as the US currently is for marginalized people. The human body can only handle so much emotional pain. We can only experience/watch so much brutality. We can only ignore and fall deaf to so many cries for help.
I can turn off the news. I can shut off my socials. I can turn off my phone and deactivate my accounts. I can hide post after post all day long. It can only serve so well in the face of simply knowing, deeply, personally, that the violence and desertion and hostility does not go away just because you’re not seeing it anymore. All that means is that I’ve ignored one event - one shooting - one queer child being exiled from their home - one woman in danger - one more ableist rearing their ugly heads - one more needless death of an innocent person. I am sad. I am angry. I am afraid. For legitimate and real reasons. I am so far beyond being able to turn it off, ignore, bury, and pretend anymore. Without large scale cultural, political, and environmental change, everyone I share so much in common with will continue to feel this way.
And all of this makes me profoundly lonely. So this is me, doing what I do when feeling strong emotions. Speaking. Processing. Reaching out. Sharing. Communicating. Giving it space, exposing it in the light for what it is. Here it is, on the table, forced into the open, just like airing out any dirty laundry. It will not be allowed to hide or shrink, because I must be allowed to breathe.
And suddenly, it feels just a little easier to bear.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
beneath the moon. (sokka x f!reader) pt1
hello and welcome to my new fic :) i hope u have enjoyed urselves and i hope u like it!! thank u very much for reading!! pls share if u can but no worries if u can’t :)
Y/N) let out a gasp, her breath clouding in the chilly air. She had heard rumors of the return of the Avatar, an Air Nomad boy who travelled around on the back of a flying bison. She had never anticipated that they were true. 
“Early morning, rise and shine!” A hard hand pounded at the bedroom door.
(Y/N) groaned in her bed, turning over and covering her head with a pillow. The servant outside sighed. “You have to get up, Princess. You have lessons today.” 
She opened her eyes and stared at the white walls ahead of her. Bare and bleak. She tossed her blankets to the side and quickly pulled on her warmest fur robe and slippers before padding down the hall to the washroom.The servants had readied a tub of hot water for her. She inhaled the steam as she set herself inside and let the servants begin their work. They scrubbed every inch of her body, even the bottoms of her feet (and it took every ounce of her strength not to kick one of them in the face), and combed and washed her hair. They pulled it back into her usual style of two braids and dressed her in her warmest navy-blue coats. One of the servants smiled at her as she tied her into her garments. 
“It’s cold today,” the woman said. (Y/N) gave her a tight smile but didn’t speak. The servant’s own smile fell. She must be new, (Y/N) noticed, because she tried to talk to her. (Y/N) hadn’t spoken all morning, and it was rare if she did. In the past she had been labelled as a difficult child, so she decided it was easier if she just didn’t speak to the servants. She rarely spoke to anyone, really. 
She was escorted to her healing lessons once she was finished getting dressed. (Y/N) was the only waterbender in her family, so healing lessons were the only duty that took up the majority of her time. She sat in the hut quietly, like always, did her work, received good marks, and then left. After her lessons, she was free to do whatever she pleased. But there wasn’t much to do at all, so she walked around the city. 
Sometimes she watched Master Pakku train his pupils. She chose a spot on top of one of the highest buildings, with a good view, where she wouldn’t be seen. Her body itched to try the moves the boys were learning but it wasn’t allowed. Doing so could possibly get her banished from her tribe, and while she didn’t enjoy life there, she had nowhere else to go. So, she chose to watch instead. After watching, she walked around the canals. She greeted the people she encountered with a solemn nod of her head. (Y/N) was the serious one. No one tried to engage her in pleasantries and she was thankful for it. 
“(Y/N)!” A voice shouted as she walked down the icy sidewalks. She sighed, stopped, and turned around to face the source of the voice. Hahn skidded to a stop in front of her, a bright smile on his face. 
(Y/N) didn’t like Hahn. In fact, she detested him. When they were children, he would push her around when they were playing games and pull on her hair. He’d call her names and whenever she tried to bring it up to anyone, they would shrug and give her the average, “Boys will be boys,” answer. She knew it wasn’t right, how their tribe idolized Hahn, and she knew he certainly didn’t deserve it.
“Did you hear the good news?” 
“No, but I have a feeling you’ll tell me.” 
“Your feeling’s right. Yue accepted my proposal. We’ll be married sometime after her sixteenth birthday.” 
She felt the anger rising inside of her but kept her expression calm. She turned back around and continued on her walk. Hahn followed and walked in stride with her. 
“I take it my sister has had a continuous lack of judgement.” 
“What do you mean?” When she didn’t answer, he shrugged. “I’m psyched to be married to the Chief’s daughter. Does this mean I’ll be chief one day?” 
(Y/N) stopped once again and turned to face him. “Hahn, believe me when I tell you that I’d rather choke on a thousand sea prunes than ever let you be chief.” He scoffed. 
“Just goes to show I picked the right sister.” He walked right past her, his shoulder bumping into hers and knocking her off her balance. Once she had righted herself, she headed in the direction she had come. Back to their igloo, where her family would be getting ready for dinner. 
(Y/N) stormed through the igloo to find her family was already getting ready to eat their meal. Her mother looked up at her and smiled brightly. “(Y/N)! We weren’t sure if you were going to be joining us today. I’m glad you could make it.” 
She ignored her mother and instead faced Yue directly, whose eyes were downcast as she stared at her plate of food. “You’re marrying him?” She demanded. “Out of all the men in this tribe, you pick the dumbest, most insufferable--” 
“Hahn proposed to me,” Yue said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I said yes.” 
“For what reason? You could have literally any guy in this tribe, Yue, but you say yes to Hahn? A walking pile of sea sludge?” 
“(Y/N), that’s enough,” Her father said, his voice stern. She sat down at the table but made her mood obvious as she aggressively reached for the food the servants had laid out. “I won’t have you disrespecting your future brother-in-law.” 
“The only thing that’s disrespectful is that Yue’s marrying him,” (Y/N) grumbled. Yue slammed her hand on the table. 
“Why do you have to question every decision I make?” 
“Why do you continue to make stupid decisions?” (Y/N) knew she had gone too far as soon as she said it, but it was too late. Yue excused herself from the table and exited the room, leaving an icy chill in the air in her absence. (Y/N) prodded at the noodles on her plate. She had lost her appetite. 
“You need to apologize to Yue,” Her father said as he took a sip of wine. “Your words were not very kind.” 
“They were the truth,” (Y/N) sighed. “Why does she have to marry him, Father? He’s horrible.” 
“Hahn is a strong boy who is well-respected in the tribe. We need someone like that to help your sister when your mother and I are gone.” 
“She has me.” (Y/N) stood and excused herself from the table. She walked to Yue’s room only to find the door had been shut. She gave it a weak knock. “Yue? Can you hear me?” 
“Go away,” Her sister said from inside. (Y/N) frowned. Her voice had been jagged and watery. Yue was crying, and (Y/N) was the one who made her. So (Y/N) did what she was told and walked down the hall to her own room. She could apologize to Yue in the morning. 
It hurt her to know that she had made her sister cry. It hadn’t been her intention at all, it was just that sometimes her words of care came out wrong. Yue may have been her older sister, but ever since she was born, (Y/N) had always felt a strong need to protect her. Yue was the kindest person she knew, which resulted in a lot of people trying to take advantage of her. (Y/N) wouldn’t allow it. She stood at Yue’s side always to make sure that no one approached her for the wrong reasons. Being the princesses of the tribe meant that it was hard to determine who was actually trying to be nice to them and who was searching for something to gain. (Y/N) had developed the skill of judging others’ intentions a long time ago, but Yue always tried to see the good in people. 
That is why (Y/N) was so angry when she found out Yue had accepted Hahn’s proposal. She knew her sister didn’t care for that idiot, but she also knew that Yue cared deeply for the tribe. She would do whatever she could to protect it, even if it meant marrying the worst person ever. 
(Y/N) changed out of her day clothes and undid her braid. She sat in front of her mirror and brushed out her hair before climbing into bed. She stared at the ceiling of the igloo for what felt like hours. 
She wasn’t sure when she had fallen asleep, but (Y/N) sat up quickly when she heard the horn. Horns meant something was happening, something exciting. She hopped out of bed and ran to Yue’s room, not even bothering to put on her robes, but her sister was nowhere to be found. (Y/N) pursed her lips and made her way to the tallest part of the igloo. It was slippery and required some skilled climbing, but (Y/N) was no stranger to the task. She sat atop the rounded portion and watched as a flying bison and three travelers landed inside the wall of the city. 
(Y/N) let out a gasp, her breath clouding in the chilly air. She had heard rumors of the return of the Avatar, an Air Nomad boy who travelled around on the back of a flying bison. She had never anticipated that they were true. Living in an area as secluded as the Northern Water Tribe, all people did was make up rumors to keep themselves entertained. She had heard enough about herself to last a lifetime. 
(Y/N) felt her mind race as she tried to anticipate the days’ events with the addition of the Avatar. It was Yue’s birthday today, so a great feast had been planned. She only hoped that the Avatar and his friends would be in attendance. 
(Y/N) slid down the side of the igloo and went back inside, where the servants instantly bombarded her with warm clothes and hot teas. “Are you crazy?” One of them asked as they led her to the washroom. “It’s your sister’s birthday and you’re trying to catch a cold?” 
(Y/N) exhaled a breath out of her nose, but let them say as they pleased as they began preparing her for the day. She had learned a long time ago how to drown them out. Usually they weren’t talking to her, but at her, so there was no need for her to even speak. 
As she stepped out of the warm water, a chill traveled up her spine, lifting the hairs at the nape of her neck. It was different than the normal cold air that came with living here. This wind seemed like it brought change. 
Tag List!!
@beifongsss , @aimee1602 , @musicalkeys , @aroyaldarknessblr , @mdgrdians
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hela-avenger · 4 years
To the Stars Who Listen- Part 3
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1583
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: And so it begins! Thanks for all the likes/reblogs/comments everyone! I see them and I appreciate them! I’ll probably be updating every Tuesday and Thursday now so there’s that. Tags are open!
TTSWL Masterlist
You feel like you’re floating in the middle of a dark pool surrounded by cold and unknown waters. It is relentless in its attempts to drag you down into nothing. Some part of you desires to just let yourself sink and try to ground yourself to whatever you find below. It would be so easy and yet a part of you knew that if you allowed yourself to reach the bottom you would be unable to float up once again. 
So you fight against the rising tide to keep your head above the water. It doesn’t take long then to be pulled out of that darkness. 
“She’s waking up.” 
“She can’t,” someone mumbles next to you. “That tranq should have kept her under for the rest of the night.” 
“It’s the power within her. Must have adapted around the sedative to wake its host up from it. The power won’t be put so easily to rest.” 
“Then do something about it!” 
“I can’t until she’s fully conscious!” 
As if on cue, your eyes flutter open. Your eyelids feel heavy and the brightness in the room doesn’t help your sudden weak state. 
“What’s-” you voice cracks and your tongue feels so foreign in your mouth. “What’s going on?”
Your sight blurs in and out but you recognize that bright red hair from anywhere. 
“Hey, Y/N,” she whispers beside you. “It’s ok. You’re ok.” 
You can’t help but feel suddenly angry at the lie that she’s so blatantly telling you at the moment. 
“Liar, liar,” you mutter through gritted teeth. “Pants on...”
A hand is quick to cover your mouth and you move to shove it off only to find your hands handcuffed to the hospital bed. 
“That would have not bode well and you know that.”  
You glare at your assailant only to find Loki staring down at you with a grin. The anger doesn’t fade away at the sight of him. It seems to enhance and he takes notice of it too. 
“Everyone out!” 
Your eyes snap away as you take in the crowd that’s in the room. Everyone is apparently there and you find this sudden urge to yell at them for staring. 
“We’re not-” Tony starts to say before Loki cuts him off. 
“She’s still quite volatile and until she gains some ounce of control, she will not stop until you are all disposed of.” 
With that warning, they all have no other choice but to leave. They all shoot you a sympathetic look and you despise it. You don’t know why you’re feeling so darkly about your friends but you couldn’t stop it. 
“I know,” Loki whispers as he looks down at you. “I know you are quite confused, but I’m going to let go of you now and I hope you can rein in your emotions and be civil with me.” 
His honesty is oddly refreshing and you find yourself relaxing under his hold. True to his word, he releases you and you watch closely as he retreats into the seat next to you.  
“I’m sure you have questions.” 
“So, so many, don’t know where to begin,” you answer. “My head is spinning and I see no end.” 
You frown at the choice of words that flowed out of your mouth so casually. 
“Why am I rhyming? Why can’t I stop? Tell me now before my head drops.” 
“I will answer your questions but I need you to remain calm,” Loki responds. “Can’t have you losing your head... literally.” 
You take a deep breath trying your best to ease your mind, but it was hard. You didn’t know what was going on and why, out of everyone you knew, Loki was the one assisting you with it. 
“You seemed surprised to find everyone here,” Loki states. “Do you not remember how you got here?” 
You shake your head feeling uneasy of not having any recent memories since the museum. 
“You found a book, one of mine, known as the Book of Veritas,” Loki explains. “Essentially, you got too close to it and it unleashed a power to you. I’m not sure exactly the extent of your abilities but I do know that you will have a knack of always knowing the truth of whoever you meet.” 
He pauses as you try to make sense of everything you’ve been told. Oddly enough, some innate part of you told you he wasn’t lying which further proved that his explanation was indeed right.  
“Now, as for your rhyming tongue,” Loki takes a deep breath and shrugs. “I can only presume that this new psychic development is one your mortal mind isn’t capable of withstanding. You are overwhelmed and your mind has reverted to a default language to ease the strain.” 
“This is not ok,” you mumble. “Am I stuck this way?” 
“No, not if I can help it,” Loki answers. “The rhyming is getting on my nerves already.” 
He frowns, narrowing his eyes at you. 
“Don’t know why I told you that. Must be another side effect of yours.” 
You open your mouth to respond but close it when you realize that whatever apologies you had would end up rhyming and sounding insincere. 
Loki doesn’t question your silence and instead props his hand up for you to take. You find yourself hesitating even though something told you he meant no harm.
“I just need to assess the power you have,” Loki explains. “It’ll be quick and harmless.” 
With that answer, you raise your hand as far as the handcuff allowed you to. Loki met you halfway and you instantly feel a warmth spreading through your body. 
“Hmm,” he hums. “That’s surprising.” 
He lets go of your hand and looks up at you. 
“You’ve grown stronger since you first came in. Not strong enough to expel your power physically so we will have to do this the hard way.” 
“Hard way?” you repeat. 
“You need to dig deep and spread some truth.”
“How is that hard?” 
“Because certain truths, the heaviest ones, we like to keep real close,” Loki explains. “You don’t remember this, but you pinpointed some of your friends' insecurities when you first came in. You were quite cruel with them.“
You frown at hearing this hoping your friends knew you hadn’t meant any of it. As if sensing where your mind had drifted to, Loki speaks up. 
“They know it wasn’t you,” he assures you. “It’s all because of the power residing in you. There is no way to extract it without killing you so the solution here is to gain control of it. Seeing as I am the expert on the book and magic itself, I’m going to train you. So first, let’s get you back to speaking normally.” 
You nod in response and take a deep breath. 
“Speak the truth. Use me as a target if you wish. I like to think I’ve got thick skin when it comes to taunting.”
You hesitate at Loki’s offer, but you find it so easy to read him. 
“Little Loki went into the Great Hall. Little Loki had a big fall. Little Loki was the laughing stock of them all. Little Loki felt so utterly small.” 
Loki chuckles at the memory you brought forth. It was simple and childish. Yes it was embarrassing to fall in front of the royal court but it was just a drop in the ocean compared to everything else. He sits back in his chair and looks at you. 
“Now I know you can do better than that,” Loki states. “Come on, dig deeper.” 
You find yourself focusing a bit harder on him and the words just slipped out of your mouth with ease. 
“Silver tongue turned to lead. Thor won her heart in your stead. Princess Elvira loved the royal prince. Loki wasn’t even offered a second glimpse.” 
That one did make him wince but Loki wasn’t utterly devastated at the memory of the Alfheim princess favoring his brother over him. You were getting close to gaining some control but your rhyming tongue still stood strong. 
“Dig deeper,” Loki repeats. 
You take a deep breath and clear your mind of everything but Loki. Envisioning his image, his voice, his overall being. 
Eyes turning red. Ivory skin turning blue. Cold, everything is cold. 
“I…” you stammer out confused. “I’ll rather not say.”
Loki pauses wondering what it is that you saw but withheld from saying. 
“No, it’s a secret for a reason,” you shake your head. “I don’t really understand what I saw exactly but it felt so dark.” 
Loki knew better than to push you to state what you saw in him. He suspected already of the secret you might have uncovered. You had certainly dug deep if you managed to find it. 
He shrugs it off like he always does and looks at you with a small smile.
“You didn’t rhyme that time,” Loki states. “You managed to not only control what truth to find but whether or not to say it. That’s progress.” 
“Does that mean I can get these off?” you ask as you raise your cuffed wrists. 
With a snap of his fingers, the handcuffs are pried open. You stare down at your freed wrists and look up at him in surprise. Last you were told, Loki was incapable of doing magic.  
“How did you do that?” 
Loki doesn’t deem you a verbal response as he offers you a grin before getting up and leaving you on your own.
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen @is-it-madness @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @moonlightprime @islinglivesinshire @musicconversedance @missmadwoman @smaranshakthi @adaydreamingdragon @poetic-fiasco @like-a-wildfire @jasminecalia @ha-tep @charbokbok @setsuna-meiou31 @ms-blvck​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi​ @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie @moonlightprime @badhollandfluff​ 
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despite it all • park jimin
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chapter 2 — soft spot
plot – when you finally go to the bar on 17th street, it's not for help.
words – 3.1K
chapter 1
For a long time you thought you would never take Jimin up on his offer to go to the bar on 17th Street.
Then the day came that you did.
Things go back to normal for a few weeks after the night you helped Jimin. You go to work and for the most part it's easy to put that night out of your mind. Then there's the hours when you can't sleep or you don't have a shift, and it all comes rushing back. You visit your dad's grave and you tell him about Jimin, asking if he'd be mad at you for helping him. You don't talk to your mother, she never could forgive you for becoming a first responder.
Three weeks after that night, you get called to the scene of a gunshot victim in an alley. You and your partner Jeongguk immediately start to help him. Or you try to, at least. He's so young, no older than eighteen or nineteen.
"Come on, kid, hold on!" You mutter under your breath as you try to stop the bleeding. You look at Jeongguk, who looked at the victim with wide eyes, face pale. "Hey! Snap out of it! We need to get fluids in him, start a saline and blood line."
You work on him for almost fourty minutes before he's gone. Your gloved hands and shirt are drenched in blood. You sit back on your heels, a sense of defeat coming over you. You take a second to pull yourself together before you reach over to close his eyes, sending Jeongguk to get a blanket to cover him with, and that's when you see it.
The outline of a tattoo on the left side of his neck. Your blood runs cold and you hope that you're wrong. You reach out with shaky fingers, turning his head just a little, to get a full view of the tattoo. You suck in a deep breath when you see it.
A serpent.
You were right. This kid is in the same gang that Jimin is in.
"Funny, isn't it?" A voice asks above you.
You look up, and the badge around his neck tells you he's a cop. You frown slightly at him, "Who are you?"
"Detective Choi, Gang Unit."
"Well, Detective, I don't see anything funny about this situation." You are tempted to glare at the man.
"They spend their days breaking the law, hurting people and then expect to be helped when they get shot as a result of their own actions." He said, sneering down at the body.
"They're still people." You say, heart twisting at the man's careless words.
"Barely." The detective scoffed, looking down at the body with interest, pointing down at it. "But this one. He was important."
You don't understand what a kid has to do with all of this as you frown crossly up at the detective. "He's just a kid."
"Yeah, but he's a Park." The detective says, a glint of excitement in his eyes. It makes anger stir inside of you. "Park Jihyun, in fact. Second in line to the most dangerous gang in the province."
"So, what? Because of that he doesn't deserve to live?" You scoff in disbelief as Jeongguk returns and start to cover the body. Before the press could arrive and take pictures and videos for the six o'clock news.
The detective shrugs, "I'm just saying, no one will cry over his death."
"You just said he has a family. I'm sure they will." You remind him.
The Detective shakes his head, "No, they're not gonna cry. They're gonna go to war."
"And what? You're going to use the war to catch his brother? While he's grieving? Seems a little cold." You say as you push to your feet. You could see Jeongguk frowning as he looked back and forth between you and the detective.
"I figured I'd give them a taste of their own medicine."
"Are you going to tell that to his brother when you notify him?" You retort, mentally yelling every kind of curse you could possible think of at him.
"I'm not going to tell him."
Your mouth drops open in shocked disbelief, appalled by the detective. "What? You have too. You're bound by law."
"They don't follow the law. Why should I extend them that courtesy?" He shrugs.
"Because his family will be worried sick! And you're a cop!" You exclaim, voice rising a little.
"I'm counting on it." The detective grins before walking away.
You clench your hands into fists, an overwhelming urge to hit the detective coming over you. You look at Jeongguk, who still seemed out of it. You frown at him, he's never reacted like this to seeing someone being shot before. "Hey, are you okay, Jeongguk?"
"Yeah," He nods quickly, a little too quick, but you don't say anything. "Just, his family . . .
they deserve to know."
"They do." You agree immediately. "And I'm going to make sure they find out."
Jeongguk's head whips to you, curious and kind of relieved. "How?"
"I know this guy, he's in the same gang as the kid is, or was."
For a second, Jeongguk looks amused. "You know a guy in a gang."
"Shut up." You feel you're cheeks burn, suddenly feeling shy. "And yes, I do. His name is Jimin and I helped him out once. He told me that if I ever need something to go to the bar on 17th Street. I may not need something, but I figure he would probably be able to tell Jihyun's family."
You turn to Jeongguk, who went quiet by your side. His eyes was open wide again, but this time there was a sliver of fear in them. "A guy named Jimin, who is in the same gang as the kid with a bar on 17th Street?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Nothing." Jeongguk all but squeaks, shaking his head furiously, eyes still wide.
You side eye him, "You're judging me for doing this, aren't you? Meh. Whatever. They deserve to know. I'm telling them."
After your shift, you immediately go to the bar on 17th Street. It was a nice, casual kind of place. On another day, you could see yourself having a drink there. You look around and you don't see Jimin, so you head to the bar to ask for him.
The bartender is tall and buff. And gives off a scary vibe with his tattoos and the emotionless expression on his face. You notice the same serpent tattoo Jimin has on his neck, on the bartender's forearm. This guy is probably your best bet on finding Jimin.
"Uh, hi, I'm looking for Jimin." You blurt at the bartender, who is busy wiping down the counter. You feel a flush rising on your cheeks. That sounded so demanding.
"Who's asking?" The bartender asks without look
That gets the bartender's attention. He stops wiping the counter and looks at your with sparkling eyes, a boxy smile breaking the blank look on his face, making him look more like a puppy as he shakes his curls out of his eyes, "So, you're Y/N."
You're caught off guard by the fact that he seems to know you. It makes you a little defensive, "What does that mean?"
"It's means you're the girl, or woman, who saved Jimin." He says, looking like the cat who ate the canary.
Your cheeks heat up even more, "I didn't save him, just helped him out."
"The cops and the gang who he went after by himself, like the dumbass he is, was after him. If he was alone that night, he would have been killed. Or worse." The bartender tells you, restarting his task of wiping the counter, but there's only one thing that registers in your mind.
"I helped a fugitive?" You yelp, feeling your heart stutter in shock.
The bartender frowned at you, "I thought Jimin said you know who he is."
"I know he's in a gang."
The bartender stops in wiping the counter, looking at you with scarily serious eyes. "Y/N, Jimin isn't in the gang, he leads the gang."
Your mouth drops open and it feels dry. "I helped a gang leader, who is also a fugitive?"
"Aren't you one for the history books." Taehyung notes with a boxy grin.
"Not exactly something I'd like to be remembered for." You tell him, legs feeling weak all of a sudden.
"Eh, apples, oranges." The bartender shrugged, putting down his cloth. "I love strawberries, by the way. Anyway, my name is Taehyung. I'm Jimin's best friend and second in command, in case you were wondering. You said you're looking Jimin right? Well, he's busy right now, but he did say to call him right away if you ever come, so, I'll go get him for you."
And with that, the bartender - Taehyung - disappeared. You looked after him in bewilderment, "What the fuck?"
Less than five minutes later, Jimin walked out from the door where Taehyung disappeared into. He looked different from the last time you saw him. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a black polo neck sweater and a black leather jacket. He looked more dangerous than when he was covered in blood. More attractive, too. You very carefully cut that train of thought off before it could grow roots. You watched as everyone in the bar eyed Jimin, but also gave him a wide berth.
When he stopped infront of you, his features softened ever so slightly. You frowned down at his clenched, bloodied fists, "Have you been punching people again?"
"Punching people is in my job description." Jimin answered, jaw visibly tensed. He looked at you, and you could tell right then that something is very wrong. "You are always welcome here, Y/N, but right now I'm a little busy. One of my men has been taken and I am trying to find him."
You face falls and suddenly a lot of things make sense. "I think . . . I think I might know where he is."
Confusion falls over Jimin's face, "You? How could you know?"
"I had a call today. Gunshot victim in an alley. He had that tattoo-" You point to Jimin's neck, where his serpent tattoo is. "And I wanted to come and tell you. I mean, I didn't know if you know everyone in your gang, I didn't every know that it is your gang, until Taehyung told me just now, but I just wanted to tell you in case you knew him."
Jimin looks at you with wide eyes, a spark of light returning to those cold eyes. "What did he look like?"
"Uh, he was young. I didn't really notice much else, sorry. I was trying to save his life." You tell Jimin, and then something occurs to you. "Wait, one of the detectives on the scene told me his name. I don't know how they know but-"
"His name." Jimin interrupted, a little sharp, but there was an urgency to his voice.
"Uh. Jihyun. Park Jihyun." You tell him, watching as Jimin both deflate and light up in the span of five seconds. You almost get whiplash with how quick his mood changes.
"What hospital did you take him too?" Jimin asks eagerly, hopefully.
You heart twists, knowing that you're the one who has to break that hope. You soften your voice, making it as gentle as possible. "Jimin, we didn't. We tried our best, but we couldn't save him. By the time we got there, he had already lost too much blood. I am so sorry."
Jimin's expression shutters and it makes you feel like someone punched you in the gut. He takes a breath before saying, "Thank you for coming to tell me. And thank you for trying to save him."
Jimin walks away and you want to stop him, to comfort him somehow, but you don't because it's not your place.
You turn to Taehyung, who looks so incredibly sad it broke your heart a little. You know you should leave but you can't just put leave without at least trying to help. "Are you okay, Taehyung?"
"No," He shakes his head, fiddling with the cloth he used to wipe the bar down earlier. "But I will be."
"Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Yeah, actually." He says, surprising you pleasantly. You thought he would refuse your offer. Your heavy heart lifts a little, happy to help, and you nod at Taehyung, indicating to him to tell you what he wants you to do. He looks at you for a long while and it makes you fidget a little. He's not going to ask you to hurt someone, right? You sincerely hoped not. Finally he spoke and you could have never guessed what came out his mouth next. "Jimin is going to come to you. I don't know when, but he will. I don't know what exactly happened between you and him the night you saved him, but it changed something in him. He's been different since that night and it's because of you. So, he'll come to you and seek comfort and when he does, I only ask one thing."
You swallow thickly, having no idea what to do with everything Taehyung just dumped on you. "And what is that?"
"Please be gentle with him. People think he's dangerous and fearsome, and he is. For the most part he really is, but that's not all he is. Underneath that, he has the biggest heart. A heart he usually keeps hidden and locked far away, but somehow, you made it past all of his defences in a night. And right now, his heart is hurting badly."
You give Taehyung a strange look, thinking that he must be reading something wrong somewhere because you and Jimin didn't spend that much time together. Maybe two hours. How could that have been enough time to get past his defences, as Taehyung said? "Uh, I think you might be exaggerating the situation but okay. If it will make you feel better. I promise to be gentle with him. Whatever that means."
Taehyung was visibly relieved by your sincere promise. "Thank you."
"It's nothing." You waved him off. "Anything else I can do for you?"
"No." Taehyung smiles, small and much dimmer than the bright boxy grin he gave you earlier, but just as true. "But I think I'm starting to see it."
"See what?" You look curiously at him.
"Why Jimin has a soft spot for you." He answers nonchalantly.
You very almost choke on thin air. "I helped him out once and told me he'd return the favour. That does not mean he has a soft spot for me."
"Yes, he does. Have you not been listening to a word I've said?" Taehyung all but demanded, placing his hands on his hips.
"I'm listening," You give him a slight smile. "Still working on believing."
"Well, believe it." Taehyung huffs. "Earlier, when you came in and asked for Jimin and I went to get him? He was busy, uh . . ." Taehyung trails off, unsure how much Jimin wants her to know. He knows better than to outright lie though. He settles on a word that is both discreet and understandable. "He was interrogating a guy for answers about Jihyun's whereabouts. You are the only person on this planet I was allowed to interrupt that interrogation for."
"He did say to come anytime I want." You defend, feeling heat creeping up your cheeks again.
Taehyung looks like your words just proves his point. "Exactly."
You sigh, resigning yourself to the fact that you won't be able to change his mind. You glance in the direction where Jimin went and your mood deflates, "You think he's going to be okay?"
"I don't know." Taehyung admits honestly, eyes lingering on the door.
"I have this foreboding feeling that this is the calm before the storm." You say, nodding in the direction where Jimin went. "He was too quiet when I told him the news, but I could see the grief in his eyes. Was he close to the guy who was killed?"
"Very." Taehyung nods. "Jihyun is, or was, Jimin's brother."
You felt your heart drop to the bottom of your feet as the last pieces of the puzzle fit together. You should have realised, the detective told you Jihyun's brother is the leader of the gang and Taehyung told you Jimin leads the gang. "Oh my God."
"Yeah." Taehyung nods, biting his lip.
"I can't imagine how Jimin must feel right now." You say, wanting nothing but to barge through those doors and go hug Jimin.
"I think it helps that it came from you, instead of the police. Those smug bastards would have just rubbed his nose in it." Taehyung says with a distasteful look on his face.
"Why would they do that?" You ask, deciding not to tell Taehyung that the police wasn't even planning on telling Jimin at all.
"Because we're in a gang. Although, they can't proof anything against us. Especially against Jimin. They don't know much, but they know he's our leader. He took over from his dad when he retired, when Jimin was twenty-one. Which really pisses them off." Taehyung looked a little smug over that fact.
"I get that. I mean, my dad was a cop, before he died in the crossfire of a gang war. I was seventeen at the time, so I can still remember how he would get angry or frustrated when he couldn't solve a case or find evidence to prove his case."
"Sorry about your dad." Taehyung says, looking like he actually means it.
It makes you smile a little, "It's okay. I mean, it still hurts like hell sometimes, but they found the guy who pulled the trigger and he's spending the rest of his life in jail."
"Want me to take him out for you?" Taehyung offers. "We got a couple of guys in prison and I'm sure Jimin wouldn't mind."
"No, absolutely not!" You exclaim with wide eyes, heartbeat kicking up its pace as panic shoots through you for a second. "Jesus Christ, first Jimin and now you. What is wrong with you two?"
Taehyung's eyes get a wicked gleam and you somehow know what he's going to say before he opens his mouth. "We're-"
"In a gang, yeah, I know. That isn't an excuse." You sigh, running a hand over your face. A heaviness settles around your heart. "This is going to get ugly, isn't it?"
"Maybe. Maybe not." Taehyung shrugs. "But probably."
"Great." You mutter. Better stock up the ambulance then.
chapter 3
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it!
38 notes · View notes
sly-merlin · 3 years
killing me- 9
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings of this chapter : smut, drinking ,mention of weapons
words :: 7k
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
                    “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: (not tagging the old ones because they have read it already bt if u want , lemme know! )  @yiyi4657​ @sorrywonwoo​ @sillywinnergladiator​​ @suhweo​​ @exfolitae​ @minejungwoo​ @leesalts​  @mal-nakamoto23​ @ro2424​
@kafenetwork​​​​ @neowritingsnet​​​​
K.M masterlist
K.M 8  next
note:: unedited! i’m a bit busy so i’ll try to edit it before sleep!
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“bake up.”
Yuta groaned at the foreign force shaking him repeatedly. He moved, crashing his face further into the sheets, swatting the alien hands away from himself.
“wake up you horse!” this time yuta heard the gurgling voice a bit more clearly. Someone was trying to disturb his sleep. Staying on his stomach and titling his half body to face the uninvited guest, he made out a face that matched johnnys. His face fell flat on the mattress again until he realised what or whom he has seen! He jolted upright, squatting, to face johnny.
“what are you doing here.” He mumbled with eyes still closed, stretching his arms on the sheets.
“it’s 1p.m!why you still sleeping dude?” johnny’s exasperated voice sounded too loud to yuta’s morning self. Or afternoon!
“It’s m-” a long yawn stretched his mouth into an oval shape, that he didn’t mind covering “its my house. I’ll do whatever I want but what are you even doing here?” he completed quietly.
“why are you still sleeping. You weren’t even drunk. Get up and tell me where is y/n!”
“so you are not here for me!” yuta pouted at johnny before throwing himself on the bed again, covering himself with sheets.
“what the fuck yuta! You are not a baby and tell me where is she? Did you even drive her back?” johnny asked sternly, removing his layer of protection.
“the only thing I can assure is that I wanna sleep more. And about your big fat crush! She certainly came back with me but she was crying so I won’t be surprised if she left already.” As soon as yuta’s almost inaudible words reached johnny’s ears, he jogged outside the room, checking the lock of your room. He sighed in relief at the secured lock. You didn’t leave and he was glad.
Johnny noticed your movements when you signed those papers. He was cursing at himself for not interfering but not like it’d have made any difference! The best he could do was to make sure you were fine at the end. Regardless of the fact that your phone was switched off, he was trying it continuously since yesterday night. Countless phone calls and messages but all were futile. His anger on taeyong was just fuelling by your ignorance.
Annoyingly, he fisted his hair before going for yuta’s room again.
“is she in university right now?” he asked yuta, who was looking like a dead body with an open mouth.
“bloody hell nakamoto! Wake up!” he shouted at him, this time the sheets were tossed on the floor.
“johnny babes, just track her. Don’t shout at me. I didn’t do anything this time.”
“you seriously ate your ethics yuta. I’m not needed there so I’m staying until she’s back.” Johnny declared, making his way outside on the couches.
“not needed my ass john suh. Ate my ethics! Says the one who’s seducing his own sister-in-law.” He only muttered before drifting back into paradise.
johnny just sat there in front of the t.v, mindlessly waiting for you, unknown guilt corroding his mind and heart.
Doyeon and mingi’s whispering felt like a hammer to your head. The incessant pounding was the result of some expensive alcohol and the stupid tears. If exams were not approaching in two weeks, you’d have stayed longer to sulk but their future was as important as yours and only one more week was left so you just sucked it up. Now you were eating the lunch brought by mingi while testing them for exam.
“civil laws suck.” Mingi exclaimed, hitting doyeon on the arm.
“no! your brain sucks.” Doyeon reiterated, poking his head with her pencil.
“wtf doyie! My brain is totally packed up to the brim. if you love it so much, then tell me the answer of question 6!” a smug smile made its way to mingi’s lips.
“what’s wrong with no.6 mingi?” you questioned, perplexed as there was no difficulty in the paper yet he was still looking here and there.
“umm. Non bis in idem! It’s not given anywhere. Right?” he hesitantly asked for he knew he was wrong, somewhere.
“what was the paper you wrote last time?” you tried not to unleash your anger on them, so you kept your voice as low as possible.
“double jeopardy!”
“what the heck mingi! Didn’t you mention the legal maxim of dj?”
“maybe not!”
“what kind of law student forgets about legal maxims duffus! Non bis in idem means double jeopardy.” You reprimanded him tiredly, not in the mood to put up much fight with him.
“sorry” he said, head hung low.
“don’t be mingi. I won’t gain anything from this. you need to study for yourself. now complete this before I give you a subjective test. Double prep is always good. Hurry up!”
A collective musical groan leaves them both, as they tend to their paper again, you drowning yourself in your own books.
Johnny and yuta were engrossed in a football match when you entered the hallway. Upon noticing you, johnny sighed in disbelief, before making his way to you.
“why is your phone switched off?” he fumed at you, hands on his waist as you poured water for yourself.
“It wasn’t charged so I left it here.” he knew he wasn’t doing his utmost in containing his irritation and your casual tone just took him off guard.
“you jus- you should have charged it dammit. I was fucking worried that something happened to you and what kind of girl travels without a phone these days!” his hand ruined his already messy hair as he ranted, the reason of which was beyond your understanding.
“it’s not that big of an issue besides I’m not clearly out of reach right!” you scoffed at him, pointing to your arm where the bracelet was hidden, under the sleeves. You didn’t mean to sound rude at his concern but his position was no better .You had every right to be querulous!
“i-you don’t understand. i just wanted a reply from you. it’s the least I deserve! Or don’t i?” his voice went down as his face lost the previous stern expression.
“I saw my phone only this morning and I was getting late so didn’t bother!” you shrugged your shoulders at him, making your way for the room.
“where are you going?” his voice rose a bit as he held onto your arm.
“in my room!” you replied, matter of factly.
“yeah! I thought you were going to greet your dear husband!” he joked, tilting his head towards the couches where yuta sat previously but he was not there anymore.
“I don’t wanna talk johnny!” you said curtly, jerking your hand away. But he was quicker as he pulled you into him, backing you into a counter.
“just leav-
“no tell me what’s the matter with you. what have I even done?” his voice was barely above a whisper, meant only to be heard by you. the rise and fall in his speech was already shaking your resolution.
“nothing! just turned a normal student into a deadly underground member. But it’s nothing big so yeah!” you replied, mock evident in your words. As you tried to leave again, his hands caught your waist as he picked you up, stationing you on the counter. He secured you against his body, restricting your movements. His hard orbs found yours as he hands tightened around your waist, making you gulp in the process. You stared back with same intensity, as if reading his next step. He lowered his front, demanding eyes never leaving yours,
“this is the first and last time I’ll be explaining myself. I don’t know a shit about why he did that. But those papers won’t be used against you. I won’t let that happen. Ever. I promise that with my life. Just have some faith in me” He whispered. Besides it being the precise validation you sought, suspicion couldn’t be helped!
“and why would you do that. Do you also have some hidden agen-
his lips felt soft as they collided with yours with urgent need to shut you up. You froze, so did he. The only movement in your control was of your hands that were tightly gripped to the counter. The silence in the air being tense, his lips stayed still and contrary to yours, his eyes were completely shut. Johnny’s light breaths fanned your upper lip as his chest heaved up and down. Neither of you made any effort to further it nor any to pull apart. Few more seconds passed and he finally detached himself, the bodies still connected. Your lashes fluttered as he palmed your left cheek, speaking in a low husky whisper.
“I promise. Just believe me and when I say taeyong won’t hurt you, I mean it. With all my heart. Can you trust me on this please?”
He was insisting yet pleading and you merely nodded, lowering your head. His delicate fingers brushed the line formed between your brows, smiling softly.
“you have nothing to worry about. with unparalleled record that we have! You ain’t getting rid of me anytime soon. Yeah?”
His breathy laugh tingled your insides and something like awe transformed his face as he felt the warmness of your cheeks under his hand.
“by any chance, are you flustered?” your face went blank at his shameless comment when he was the very reason for your current state.
“n-no!” you pushed him hard while standing straight. He staggered a bit, giggling uncontrollably at you.
“lying suits you y/n. just like your soulmate jaehyun.” You scrunched your nose at the mention.
“don’t talk about him! He’s so annoying, i’m gonna hang him upside down someday o-or turn him into a stew!”
“and feed him to yuta!” he completed. You gawked at him for a moment before joining him in his laughing session.
“there is food?” yuta entered the kitchen, dimming the commotion.
“not for you!” you snarked.
“we have food y/n?” it was johnny this time. you had almost forgot about the sandwiches that were now probably rotting in your bag. As realisation dawned, you hurriedly retrieved your bag from counter, opening the plastics from the sandwiches with a last hope to save them.
“do you know that you don’t have to be ramsey to stuff cucumber and tomatoes in a bread?” johnny shifted, taking the packages to heat them up.
“I was out of bread. So I just took the easy route.”
“lame excuse! Work better!”
“not everyone got time john!”
You strolled for your room, passing yuta in the way, totally missing the frown and cute smile on yuta and johnny respectively. Though yuta’s internals were screaming at him to open his shitty mouth, his main focus was on his empty stomach that was growling like never before.
“pass me one john!” he whisper yelled to johnny, purposely stretching the last word to satisfy himself.
“no! it’s her lunch or snack or whatever it is.” He warned, hiding the oven with his front.
“oh so you have turned a part time servant for her!” he spewed, crossing his arms against his chest.
“no dude. She’s actual-
he was about to tell yuta but he halted his train of words for he was not in the place to tell any of your secrets to anyone , especially yuta.
“she’s what? Your girlfriend?”
“I swear I’m gonna fry you someday!”
“whatever. Now give me a sandwich before she comes out. Hurry up!” yuta looked over johnny’s shoulders to count the stacked portion in the device.
“one, two-
“three. They are just three yuta! Fuck off.” Johnny knew throwing abuses wouldn’t work but hitting him with his shoulder wasn’t either! He glanced at yuta and he seriously looked miserable. Hungry miserable!
“come on-
“are you done john?” your voice echoed from the hall as you approached wearing your famous tank top and cotton shorts. Yuta cursed under his breath, opening the fridge to get himself something.
“here” johnny handed you the plate. He hit yuta’s arm to grab his attention who was practically trying to sit in the fridge.
“renjun and jaemin are cooking their special ramyeon. We’ll eat there, come on!”
“huh!” he excitedly passed johnny to pick his things up.
With yuta out of sight, his focus shifted again on you. “don’t you get sick after eating takeouts?”
“yup I do! My gut is not the healthiest one in the world. But I’ve fewer options and I do check their health certificates so no need to worry.” Your humorous reply didn’t get more than a shit face from him. He leaned again causing you to take a step backwards.
“your hair!” He pointed and you rolled your eyes like you’d see what was happening up there.
“what my hair?”
“umm. Nothing kiddo!” he said before ruffling your hair.
“aah. I’m not a kid johnny!” you shouted at him though he was just standing by your shoulder.
“oh yes you are!” he pouted dramatically and ran but not forgetting to throw a flying kiss your way. “charge your phone, I’ll call again.”
“eww!” you snapped your head to catch yuta standing behind, making faces at johnny who was standing at the front of hallway.
“oh come on you shit.”
At johnny’s comment , yuta just followed and you totally missed the way he scoffed at both of you.
You were truly jumbled by johnny’s actions, innocent yet calculated. You had maintained your calm but he was aware that you were not blind towards his growing attraction. why didn’t you push him away! What was he aiming at? Questions, questions! From the very first day, all you have are questions with no concrete answers.
But Johnny was not the sole occupier of your worries, taeyong held a significant part of it. If what johnny said was true, if his intentions were not so malafide then he’d easily have skipped it. Despite johnny’s assurance, you couldn’t afford trusting him anymore. Not like you could protect yourself from losing anything but your walls would always be enclosed for him.
Your wandering mind was pulled back into reality by a message from your classmate. The date of thesis topic submission was moved to an earlier one, a week earlier to be specific. In reality, you were all starting it a few months earlier just so the pressure could be minimised but it instead felt like a strategy for your doom. You all were supposed to submit the topic and a little introduction even before the qualification exam! And obviously you were behind the so called ahead-of-time schedule. You could have wrote a ph.d worthy book on mafia and their ploys but sadly criminal law was not the option available for it. So that’s how you ended up in the small balcony, sitting on the cold floor, enjoying the evening cool breeze. Search results on both naver and google had varied from “50 best topics of dissertation in international law” to “how to know what is my area of interest?” but every try had gone to a blank page.
By late evening, you got bored of sitting in the balcony and room, so you decided to study with a change of setting and the only place available apart from your room was the hall. After computing various possibilities, you dragged the single seater towards the hall windows and angling the book on the window still, a much comfy makeshift study space was ready. With the newfound determination to complete the task at hand, your eyes browsed every means of information to stumble upon anything you missed earlier, ignoring the blue skies switching to the darker ones.
Yuta noticed the way he was experiencing more fatigue as the days passed by. He never trained this much until he was suspended. He looked forward for it to end so he could feel the same thrill again but two weeks wouldn’t just pass in a blink! He claimed the basement as his new home trying to ignore the activities transpiring upstairs. The desire to stay with his dear roommate jungwoo was irrepressible but his ego didn’t allow him to give in so easily. He wanted to show his anger to taeyong and that was the only reason he found himself coming back to the new home more often.
He languidly passed the kitchen to use the washroom. Only when he was about to enter his room, he noticed the lightening in the kitchen and living room. He groaned at the thought of your imprudent habit of multiplying the electricity bill which eventually he had to pay! Or maybe you were just trying to instigate him! When he was about to put out the lights, he spotted the sofa and a pair of legs perched on the widow still. He took light steps to reach your sleeping figure and suddenly he felt his annoyance melting into astonishment. Your face was covered with the open, visibly heavy hardcover book whilst your half body was on the seat and half in the air with feet placed on the window still for balance that was clearly very very comfortable place for napping at midnight. unconsciously, his hand extended for the book and as he picked it up, you stirred. Panic took over him as he lost the hold leading the book to fell on your face instead. He ducked, cupping his mouth with both hands to stifle the laugh that was about to escape. Luckily you were dead to the world. Hearing no movement, he crawled for the room , getting up only when he was at a safe distance. Without wasting another moment, he did what he was there for in the first place and went to sleep, with a thumping heart that was probably due to the initial dread he felt or that’s what he thought!
The bus stop being far away, you began the long trudge for neos’ house. Taeil had requested your presence two days ago , but being too busy with studying on the first few days of the week ,it was delayed. You’d have never accepted the offer if it was taeyong but taeil suggested you to take your time even though what he wanted to ask or said was important. His readiness to prioritise your convenience warmed you and it were the emotions of the moment that you agreed to him. And now the heat was burning your exposed legs and you were cursing his sweet tongue.
You knocked on the opened door to announce your arrival despite the fact that the main door had automatically detected you to lead you in. you stood there like a statue, moving your neck like an owl, waiting for an invitation but nothing. you banged it again only to hear someone’s cursing from inside.
“who the fuck knocks when it’s op-
A screeched scream met your ears as a man came into your sight. He abruptly started bowing, apologising profusely.
“I’m so sorry noona. I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry. This won’t happen again. I-
“hey, it’s totally fine. I didn’t even hear you in the first place.” You lied, saving him the mortification.
“can I come in?”
“this is your own place. You don’t need to ask or knock noona!” you entered as he gestured you to sit.
“can you call tae-
But before you could say it, he ran inside. You didn’t know or remembered his name but his face looked familiar. Maybe he was sicheng or hyuck or someone else cause you were sure you had met hyuck before!
“I was making coffee for taeil hyung. But he’s late so it’s yours now!” he exclaimed with his eye smile. it was cute and friendly.
“what was your name again?” you asked smiling back at him, noticing the little red on his neck.
“jeno.” He immediately settled on a seat, his focus fixed on you. “I’m making snacks. Do you wanna join?”
You chuckled at his innocent suggestion, “If you meant joining for eating, then I’m all in but if you want my help in actual process, then you’d die hungry today!”
“I’m aware of that but you are never late to learn anything right!”
“wow. Your enthusiasm is admirable but I don’t wanna burn your kitchen.” Your eyes were blessed with another series of his eye smile. it was contagious.
“you are here!” you saw taeil sprinting towards you.
“I’m sorry. I got caught up in the office.” His words came out breathy as he was still panting from the jog.
“no worries but I don’t have much time. I have to study for exams.”
“yes, studying is important.” He nodded before requesting jeno to get him the coffee and water, to which the boy grumpily complied.
“why the fuck is air con off! I’m gonna roast!” He whined and got up again to close the front door.
“now. I’ve two things to tell you or rather order you. you wanna eat first orr-
“no I’m fine really. Just tell me what taeyong ordered this time!” you had no doubt that it was taeyong’s doing.
“forget about that shit. Here, veto power is mine. JENO, STOP MELTING THE ICE AND GIVE ME SOME WATER!” he screamed at jeno who came out hurriedly with both water and coffee.
Jeno took a seat beside taeil but his one glare made him go back. Sighing in relief after quenching his thirst, he continued in a polite voice. “yuta told me about the card. Why didn’t you take it?”
“because I don’t want his money. I’m good with what I have. Besides every transaction related to him would lead me in trouble so why take the risk!” you sounded harsher than you intended but it wasn’t in your control anymore. Mention yuta and you’ll obviously bite!
“the account is already open. Yuta’s gonna transfer same amount of money every month so why don’t spend his money or better, give him a heart attack by paying everything with the card. He’s gonna pay and I promise, he has no say in this so he won’t even scold you!” he sounded quite cheerful which clearly indicated that none of them understood your language.
“no thanks taeil. staying away from his shadow is much safer.”
“shadow runs with the man y/n.”
“the man himself avoids me like a plague so it’s a win win here.”
“what you see is present. Nobody can ever escape a tomorrow! You are evading it today, but one day you’ll eventually face it.”
“I don’t speak quotes!”
“simple! You both collide only to cause harm to each other. For how long do you think this can work. You’ll get tired and I suppose he’d too. when you’ll stop to rest, you’d find him there but at that time you won’t have enough energy to fight off anymore. Placebo is deadly y/n!”
You absorbed his vague statement full of philosophy but your mind couldn’t harmonise with what he meant!
“honestly, I stopped hearing the moment you mentioned yuta so can we continue!”
“yeah sure. Take the card, keep it for emergencies and I’m not taking no anymore. You aren’t hearing me so I’m doing the same. and secondly, can you defend yourself?”
“defend from who exactly?”
“drunken bastards, thieves, goons or whoever comes at you with a knife!” you were puzzled at the sudden mention.
“my personality repels violence and I’ve two strong best friends.” You declared the obvious. The only drunkards you met were outside the clubs and you never went alone so the thought never crossed your mind.
“first is a lie and second is insignificant here. I need you to learn some basics so you won’t need anyone else or just to hold until help comes.”
“what the! Are you actually recruiting me or something? I don’t wanna be a party in your gang wars.” you announced, now clearly understanding what he meant in the first place.
“I’m not telling you to fight with us. You don’t have an ounce of brain do you? it’s for your own safety.”
“safety from what? I live in a rich and peaceful neighbourhood, my dear husband is a corporate of first class, I myself never even go for a simple stroll in a park then who would I even fight?”
“here ,we all are used to the danger that we face everyday. Each and every man you see here is able to dodge anything that comes their way but you.are.not. Just because they are acting like school kids with no care in life doesn’t mean they are any safer. Jeno was making coffee a few minutes ago but after dinner, he’d be going for protection fee collection with others. If shit goes down, you might not even see him again but we won’t let that happen in the first place. It’s not same with you though. god forbid if you attract the attention of wrong people for all the reasons you stated, then how are we going to help you. even if you press the bracelet , it’d take us some time to get there. till then what would you do? You can’t even probably run for more than a mile! can you?”
You just shook your head at him, too baffled to form any words.
“do you devote any time to exercise?”
“I walk enough I guess and some planks when my stomach is out too much.”
“you are no better than these boys seriously.” She rolled his eyes at your statement.
“but despite the exercise or whatever, my strength is nothing against jeno or johhny. I’ll never b-
“if you fail in strength , atleast you can be swift. Or better you can learn to handle a gun or a knife. When do you get free?”
So, that’s why he called you!
“I don’t have a minute to spare for the next 15 days. Prep and exams are more important for me.”
“no worries. We can start after that. But don’t remove the bracelet band under any condition. Some rival mafia has hired a contract killer for you. so run fast if you notice someone following you, press it and we’ll be there. till then just hang on.” Nervousness got hold of your senses as you heard his warning.
“you are fucking kidding right! was I being followe-
“yes, I’m kidding.” he chuckled dryly. “You should see your face. If it was outside the parameters of the room, you’d have passed out already. Panic only leads to death and I don’t want you to die. so do it just for my peace of mind.” You released the breath you were holding till now, feeling relaxed again.
You just nodded at his words. He sounded like some motivational speaker luring you into his lifetime guarantee program but you knew he was right somewhere. you couldn’t depend on the boys to save you from creeps for whole life.
he was good at reading minds, you thought but despite that you wanted to pour the coffee on his head for the heart attack he’d gave you a minute ago.
“it’s risk free and beneficial. What you say?”
“ok. but I don’t wanna spar with the 6 feet ones. I’ll rather learn from you.” it was your turn to cackle!
“we’ll see about that.” He rolled his eyes to the back at your obvious attempt of poking fun at his short stature
Meeting with taeil had benefitted you in every way. The most useful presently was the topic of the thesis he randomly suggested you. “ effect and consequences of veto power in relation to international peace and human rights”.  even mr. kwang, your thesis mentor liked it as it was almost near original. Now you were just left with exams that were just a week away. Fortune was playing in your favour as yuta had been missing from past few days that saved you some extra energy and headaches that you got with his repulsive energy towards you. then there was your newfound love for the sofa that you had permanently dragged by the windows. It helped a lot in relaxing and studying and you ended up sleeping on it, nearly getting used to the cramped neck.
Unbeknownst to you, he did come back, daily. But you were just so occupied that you never noticed the slight shuffling in the midnight. it went on for days until you woke up with a blanket covering your bare legs, evidently not yours!
How to start the finals? By getting wasted? No. certainly not. But birthdays are important, sometimes more than those stupid grades!
The venue for yeong’s b’day celebration was a night club, as expected from yugyeom! He need no reason to get drunk and when his s/o was herself cutting the chains, then it’s the finest deal one could get!
Loaded with university students, the party at the first floor was thundering. The hoots and roars of slightly drunk adults became deafening as soon as the cake was consumed.
“why your classmates are so fucking loud” you screamed in yeong’s ear. You both were seated at the corner on leather seats, drinking away the reality.
“with your dolphin voice, you are in no place to judge them bitch!”
“lets blame this on your drunkard mumbo jumbo!” she jumped in joy at your lame attempt, alcohol speaking out for you.
“btw where’s your boyfriend?” she questioned leaning into your ear.
“who?” you wondered who she was referring to.
“wonwoo! Who else dumbo. His whole army was invited by gyeom but I haven’t seen him yet!”
You just shrugged in response, not wanting to face him. The farther, the better. His possessiveness only elevated your fears. Now that you were bound on taeyong’s mercy, wonwoo would be calling for a danger by being with you, especially when you were incapable of returning his love.
But fate had some cruel plans stored for you. when you were ordering another drink, strong hands gripped your waist. Though beyond tipsy, the moment you touched the protective hold, you knew it was wonwoo. It was always him afterall.
“you could burn me while wearing white and I’d say thank you baby” He whispered, nibbling on your ear, shivers running down to your bare thighs at the sudden action. everyone knew how much you loved white and that’s why yeong had designed this short white satin dress which just screamed “you” and barely left anything to the imagination of the viewer. “and nothing turns me on more than your covered arms.” He continued as his fingers slowly traced the collarbones down to the cleavage, your drunken self melting into his chest. His hands worked swiftly and he guided you into a secluded part to drown the excessive noise. Your back hit a wall as his nose brushed against yours, his slender fingers siding your sling bag to hook at your hips. He bent into your lips, love filled kisses slowly smoothening into hungry ones. The taste he left on yours was of the infamous vodka that he sure had consumed in plenty of amount ,leading him to you. the pledge to keep yourself away from him broke down in figures as he rolled his hips into yours, lips syncing with the movements. His grip bruised your body, hunger lowering from lips to the bare neck. Throwing your head back, savouring his touch, you clutched his shoulders for some control. Scheduled moans became more filthy as his one hand gripped your thigh in a try to hike up your dress. He didn’t do much work as it was already climbing up your hips. A Single move and his fingers graced against your core, tingling sensation burning your whole body. The open mouthed kisses left marks on your cleavage and neck as he fingers fucked you mercilessly.
“I missed you so much baby.”  His wavering yet soft tone met your ears but everything seemed hazy as he drove in and out of you. you felt euphoria in your stomach hitting you once again as he rambled on. “ don’t ever leave me again. you are my only lu-luxury. Don’t you ever dare snatch away the only hope I have! I love you. i fucking love you!” his sped up his actions under the dress but before he could provide you the final pleasure, you came back to the reality he  had divorced you from. you didn’t love him and never would. To his disbelief, you separated yourself from his body, him staggering back with the push.
“I don’t love you woo. This-
Your hands filled the space between you two.
“this was never about love. We need to stop. I don’t love you woo. And don’t expect anything better from me. We are over. This is over.”
Your drunken slurs made evident that though you were loaded, the senses were still intact somehow.
“no y/n. don’t do this to me. I’ll wait more if you want. A lifetime if you say. But don’t say you are done with us. I’d die without you.” his words rang like a bell as you attempted to corrected the panties and dress, waving slightly.
You jumped away from him as his words got registered in your head. Ignoring him completely, you turned to enter the blast again but his strong hold on your arm stopped you. you squirmed under him, requesting him to let you go but his confession never halted.
“let go of her wonwoo!” you circled to see jungkook standing there , anger clear in his eyes. “I am not gonna repeat.” Jungkook was indeed dangerous when he was boiling.
“why was he enough and NOT ME!” you shuddered at the raise in his voice as he jerked you away. Timely, jungkook caught you and instructed you to go inside to wait for him. And you complied but not completely.
you were hot, bothered, angry and helpless at the same time so you did what you felt like. It felt like eternity when jungkook found you gulping some shorts in the bar. His brain went haywire for he realised you would’ve reached your peak by now. He cautiously approached you, checking the level of warmness on your cheeks. You were gone and so was he.
“what did you do with woo?” you asked him in the delightfully lovable voice that he found nothing but scary. You acting cute meant it was end of the life for anyone who would witness it. He had tried to record you a few times before in the said condition but it never ended up well with the screen of his phone meeting your wrath everytime. He helplessly dragged you from the bar towards the parking area, ignoring your initial question and the urge to scold you for the whole ruckus with wonwoo.
“I’ll drop you home cutie” he exclaimed, checking the level.
“I’m no cutie! And what about minjunie. And I don’t wanna go with you. I wanna be alone.” He giggled as you pouted at him, a rare sight to behold.
“yeah yeah I know you wanna be alone and blah blah but its past 11 already -
“soooooo. The protocol shall be followed despite the severi-
“shut up! You are not in a class dude. N hurry up, I’ve to pick minjun’s drunk ass as well!”
The discontent in his tone was apparent while he showed you the way forward. continuously wrestling against his strong hands, he finally gave up when you almost tripped over nothing.  
“stop annoying me y/n!”
“am i?” you pouted at him. “I don’t wanna go with you. don’t you understand!” he rubbed his temples in desperation.
“fine I’ll call someone else. But you can’t go alone.” But as he was fishing out his phone, you were gone.
After five minutes he spotted you outside, waving for a taxi.
“why are you so difficult?” his words fell to deaf ears. Watching you continue your frolics, he thought about giving up as a scheme formed in his head. Stopping a taxi , he ushered you in the back seat, moving to talk to the driver instead.
“no you aren’t coming!” you cried, showing your head out of the window. He grabbed his hair in annoyance, narrowing his eyes at you, “I’m not coming with you my mother! Let me give the address to the driver or else you’ll end up nowhere.” He pleaded, clasping his hands, bowing at you.
You giggled pleasantly at his gesture, hands flailing at him. “I don’t live in campus. I’ll give you the address. Wait!” after searching for your phone, you showed him the address saved in the notes app. That indeed surprised him for he wasn’t aware that you changed but decided against asking you. if it was not your new address, it could be trusted enough to be safer as it was saved under “my home”. Commanding the driver with an extreme firmness, he went away. Even in the drunk state, you were sure to some extent that maybe car was not moving.
“let’s go uncle!”
“your friend told me to wait.” you threw your head back realising that kook was upto something. A loud horn heightened your senses as the car moved.
Asshole, you muttered, grasping that he was clearly following you.
“bop bop!” an eternity has passed for you in a futile try of remembering the password. The digits were changing their positions, as you regarded them.
“bop bop!” you tried again, mumbling to yourself, not knowing that you were not even banging the door in the first place. Standing still in your intoxicated state, arms crossed, the daggers you were throwing at the door would give any passer by a food to laugh but unluckily, there was noone there.
Bobbing your head from side to side, you started walking down the corridor, coming back at the your own door every few minutes. Curiously you pressed random button near the keypad. It was a bell, that you didn’t noticed earlier.
“wh- noona! You are here!” it was jaemin. He hugged you tightly before letting you in.
“duh! I’m waiting from last ten years but you won’t open.” Another giggle let jaemin known that you were in inebriated state.
“you are drunk.” He whispered.
“shhhh” you said , throwing your heels.
With jelly legs, you wobbled to the kitchen, catching attention of each and every presence in the living room and there were many of them.
“oh hiya! Home tweet home.” You chanted, hands waving like the wipers of a car. Hyuck and mark greeted you while jaehyun just sat down again, shaking his head in disbelief. However yuta was stunned and hooked to his place. He saw you navigating to the fridge, dropping the bottle, picking it up again, gulping it down, jaemin snatching it from you, apparently for you own benefit.
Jaemin guided you for your room before you got distracted by yuta’s figure staring you down.
“moshi moshi. Don’t you have any Japanese to throw at me today.” Yuta heard jaemin and others snickering as you slurred, walking unsteadily to him. He simply rolled his eyes, waiting for you to complete your attack.
“oh hi hyuck. I heard you don’t change your underwear for years. Go and take a bath right now. Asap” the liquid jaehyun was drinking, came out as a spray from his nose at the insult. Everyone was laughing at your antics except yuta. He scanned you up and down, eyes fixating on the fresh hickies on your visible neck.
“and you moshi moshi. You a-act like an angry young man all the damn ti-time,” hiccups started in between, “ but answer me with your half braincell- what kind of criminal you are! Atleast hid your face while shooting people dude.”
Yuta’s jaw cletched at your use of words, tension rising in the room. His neutral face changed into an angry one as you went on and on, all while poking his chest with your forefinger. “and that knife of yours! What are you? a street goon who hires little kids to scan cctvs for the-
And your body lunged forward, head resting where your finger was, passed out. Yuta’s red eyes didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. Anger radiated his body as he removed hands from his pockets to push you off but mark scooped your sleeping figure in his arms, signalling jaemin to open the door. After finding the key in your purse, mark laid you on the bed, rolling you to the side as jaemin placed a pillow behind to save you from falling.
They arrived in the hall only to find yuta already waiting for them.
“what was the need to baby her? She’s an adult and got drunk at her own expense. Didn’-
“so what hyung? Why are you making it a big deal!” mark replied.
“she is the one who makes everything a big deal. Didn’t you just hear how she was just trash talking about you all! She never fucking leaves a chance to spit at my face that I am a criminal –
“that’s what we are! We are damn criminals and she doesn’t know anything about us”
“but she says it like we are not even humans-
“I don’t understand why are you always throwing her under the bus hyung! Drunk people speak shit and she was totally hammered. Just let it go! Your punishment is over after two days, don’t spoil your mood over something so silly.”
“you can’t ord-
“yes I can and will order you because I agree with her. You do own just a half braincell that is not letting you think properly. Now don’t you dare mention all this to her in the morning.” Several pairs of eyes wandered between yuta and mark as the air became more pressured.
“so you do admit she is in wrong here hmm”
“she was just acting with her pure conscious. She saw a man dying and went to police. Tae hyung just made sure that she isn’t leaving anytime soon. She is trapped with criminals. What else do you expect from her? I know exactly what you want.” Suddenly mark’s eyes softened as he went on.  “You are craving empathy hyung. This is what I have seen in your eyes from the first day. You want everyone to realise that you are also wounded. You don’t despise her in actual but just the sympathy that wasn’t given to you in the first place. Stop acting like a stone. While blaming her you shouldn’t be forgetting that it was supposed to be me. You filled my spot as the killer. It started with me-
“no ma-
“it all started coz I was dammit feeling too sleepy to finish that contract killer. It was supposed to be a sniper attack but you had to go instead-
“I forgot my cover mark. How are you the cause when the problem was my own stupidity in the first place!” yuta shouted, tense silence following. Mark smiled a bit at him before continuing.
“then why do you hate her so much. shouldn’t you be hating me for sending you there or yourself for being careless. We should be compromising, not her. Just stop fighting with running water.”
He quietly said before picking up his jacket, going out. Everyone took that as a cue for leaving as well. Nobody uttered anything. The house was empty but mark’s words echoed in the space for entirety of the night, squeezing yuta into the reality he wasn’t ready to face.
Your head felt like it was carrying all the weight of the world. Light harmed your vision, footsteps made you dizzy as you treaded for the door. Kitchen was suddenly too far away, everything looking too large for the squinted eyes. Water and sugar! two things circled in your head like a mantra, only until you felt a sharp pain in your waist. You slightly cursed the counter for bumping into you and stepped further to get water. the water soothed only your throat, stomach still craved sugar so you placed the large bottle on the counter, returning to open the fridge.
Some shuffling around the corner woke up yuta, who was resting on the couch. It hasn’t been more than few hours that he finally let himself immersed into the dreamland. His night and half of the day was spent in unearthing the deep hole that mark had thrown him into. He got annoyed at himself for failing in reaching a conclusion that would led to mark being wrong and it was the result of this constant thought provoking activity that he was having a persistent headache. He grumbled at the stiff neck as he got up. 13:03. Another sound came from somewhere, stimulating his body to check. With droopy eyes, he noticed you. actually half of you as the other half was searching for gold in the fridge. The hiked up dress was enough to give a free show of your bare legs without any strain. The thought of you eating his food wiped up all the drowsiness, making him go to kitchen.
“its not your bedroom. Close it.” He criticised, yawns escaping simultaneously. You didn’t move for his voice didn’t reach you in the first place. He tsked at your lack of senses as he neared you. but as soon as your figure got larger, his body met the floor brutally, several groans of pain leaving him. You turned around at the noise to see yuta struggling as his knee hit the polished hardwood. His other hand went to the counter for some support but it slipped causing his elbow to hit the cabinet handle more violently. His shout of anguish striked through your sensitive ears, making you swear in irritation.
Your eyes slowly traced the liquid under his body to the top of the counter. the water bottle. It was tilted and empty by the time you noticed and the water was what made yuta slipped in first place.
“fuck it!” he growled, discomfort contorting his features.
Slowly he moved himself to the other side, bruised elbow secured in his hand, grunts exiting him. You knew you were fucked up as soon as his cold eyes fell upon you.
“I guess it’s my time to call taeyong.”
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marchioness-caprina · 3 years
You Like Me Not?
{ Part 2 }
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Go Read ; { Part 1 }
Pairings : Takami Keigo ( Hawks) x Reader
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Mild Cussing, Stalker Tendencies.
Word Count : 1370
3rd Person's POV
" Seriously? You got a whole collection of Fantasy and Legacies?! " Kirishima gasped as his eyes gleamed with excitement; gazing at y/n who was kind enough to bail him out if the video game store he was in--- correction. They were in.
Earlier that Day; y/n was planning on buying a new game to her Liking since the last few days were spent rather freely with more time to relax and be lazy. For some reason but she's still suspicious to what her teacher is actually planning but hey, who says no to Free time? Especially Sundays.
And in that very shop she had spotted her Classmate; Kirishima who was in a pickle with the store's Manager because he had accidentally knocked over a shelf and destroyed 2 video games.
Poor Kirishima didn't carry enough money with him today to pay for the games he had accidentally destroyed and now it resulted to the shop manager angrily nagging Kirishima.
The look on his face looked so miserable y/n couldn't help but give her Classmate a Hand.
After all, Kirishima was one of the nice ones in the dorm and the two pretty much shared a close sibling like bond. So after y/n offered to pay for it. Kirishima didn't even try to hide his Joy and immediate hauled y/n to ride his shoulder and came out of the store with her riding his shoulders while parading with so much happiness it was contagious.
Now after awhile of the two teenagers laughing and 'celebrating' Kirishima had finally calmed down with y/n still riding his shoulders. The two kept up casual conversations like they would normally do in the dorms while ignoring the stage looks people passing by were giving the two.
" Yeah. I wasn't really intrested in that one at first but After playing the second series it got me hooked " Y/n replied placing her hand on Kirishima's head as the male continued walking.
" Are you kidding!? That Game was so Manly I could play it forever! " Kirishima's wide grin was urging y/n to smile along with him.
Having a friend like Kirishima was very refreshing he took her mind off of things. He's always so positive and cheerful he could shift her mood almost immediately.
" Heh, well if you'd like to hang in my room to play that game I wouldn't mind. I'd bet all my game collection that I'd beat you in the combat phase "
" Is that a challenge!? Because I'll accept it! Real men never back out from a challenge! "
" Yeah, yeah whatever sunshine but you're gonna have to pay me back with your time so I could beat you in video games "
" Hah! Only if you can y/n-chan"
" Oh I'd bet on it sunshine---"
" Well, well, well. What do we have here "
The pair paused in their tracks when a specific winged Hero had landed in front of them. A smug look on his face but his eyes held ferocity and dominance; the type of eyes you'd see from a Male Animal that had his Mate stolen.
" It's the No. 2 Hero Hawks! " Kirishima was unaware or more like oblivious to the deadly gaze Keigo was throwing him.
Keigo's eyes drifted to Kirishima's hands which were holding onto y/n's thighs, if you look at it in a different perspective it just looked like Kirishima was holding onto y/n'd thighs to keep her in place but in Keigo's eyes; He was asking for Death.
" Look y/n! It's Hawks "
" Yeah... I'm well aware of that Kiri " Y/n gave out a quiet sigh turning her head to face away from The Hero.
The lack of emotion from her tone as well as her expression which showed dislike after Seeing Keigo felt like a stab to the side. Keigo's Frustration began to rise but with his impeccable control of his actions and facial expression it was hard to see it that way .
" Well, someone's a bit Moody. Aren't you Happy to see me? After I came all the way here myself to say Hi to you? " Keigo smirked; masking his frustrations with a carefree smile.
" I don't know. Should I be Happy to see you? I think you got the wrong person. Sure I know you, you're the No. 2 hero bit that's it. I don't think I know you in a personal level " Y/n who finally had the guts to face him gave him a small and innocent smile .
Kirishima was slightly confused by their exchange of words was speechless and felt a little awkward.
" Ahh, so we're playing the ' I don't Know You' game. Well I advise you to stop because... It's not the least bit appeasing me at all Little Bird " Keigo stroked his chin; cocking his head to the side.
" Who said I'm doing this to appease You? Nevermind. Kiri let's go " Y/n looked down and gave a pleading look to Kirishima; the type of look where she looked like a dying puppy asking for help.
Kirishima got the message and he genuinely did not like to see a close friend of his in a tight spot Kirishima wanted to help like she did with him. He sensed how tense y/n was and the discomfort on her face was a good enough reason for him to flee.
" Hey y/n didn't Aizawa Sensei say he had something to discuss to us about the upcoming test we were going to have? "
" We did? --- oh yeah right. That, silly me I forgot. Let's go before sensei scolds us " Y/n awkwardly followed his lead and before she knew it; Kirishima was already jogging past Hawks while bidding him goodbye.
Y/n who was being carried away gave a small sigh of relief; she took the chance to glance back and what she saw nearly gave her a heart attack.
It was Hawks; Flying fast towards them with immense speed.
" Kiri Duck! "
" Duck!? Where? "
" No! I mean get Down! Now!--- ahh! " Y/n screamed in fright when she was torn away from Kirishima, Keigo's hands were tighty gripping onto her arms .
Keigo hovered above the ground by a few meters before gently placing her feet back on the ground and jolted back to the sky leaving the two teens stunned and confused.
" What the hell? Y/n are you Ok? "
" Huh? What? Oh I mean yeah... Yeah I'm fine...Why'd he do that though "
" I don't know.... I thought maybe you'd know why he reacted like that "
Meanwhile :
Keigo was seething with anger and jealousy combined. Who knew karma was doing such a great job at biting back his ass like a bitch.
He knew something was up when she didn't show up at his agency, and the day after that and the fucking day after that.
It took a lot of convincing and talking to himself like a mentally decayed crazy person telling himself that;
' she's just mad and she'll eventually come back here like usual'
And today he decided to embrace his creepy inner self and began stalking her. Yes a hero stalking a Little girl like an obsessive maniac isn't something he's proud of but he couldn't help it. If he can't see her today he might go mad and resort to...... Kidnapping.
And to his utter surprise when she finally cake out of the store; she was being intimate and riding the shoulder of another fucking male. Getting chummy and laughing together like .... Like well... Like they're Together.
It took every single fiber of his being from directly ripping her away from that red headed mongrel. He felt so threatened. Like she'd be snatched away any minute now.
The reason why he stole her away from that boy for a second was simple. He didn't like seeing her being touchy feely with another man.
Gods have mercy on the villain Hawks was going to encounter today; he needs to vent and it's gonna get Bloody.
...... To be continued
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golchaworld · 3 years
Free Me, Free Us | C. SB
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➳ pairing: king!soobin x royal aid!reader (fem!reader)
➳ genre: royalty!au, angst, slight fluff
➳ word count: 4.8k
➳ warnings: cursing, mentions of blood/bloodshed, mentions of war, non-graphic depiction of injury, implications of possession/ownership of a person, non-linear narrative, non-explicit sex
➳ summary: Some of the King’s requests are easier to refuse than others. But not falling in love, that is the hardest challenge yet.
➳ A/N: After a while, I’m back! Sorry that it’s been so long; school has really been kicking my ass. Either way, I hope you all enjoy this!
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The lacquered wall in front of you is grandiose, opulent, and stained with deep red blood. You sigh upon inspecting it, suspecting that an aid must have stepped out of line. His majesty is rarely cruel enough to act so murderously, but rarely isn’t never. 
You huff out a sigh, turning your back on the blood-stained wall. The various maids that scurry around the palace will be sure to take care of the mess. You assume a few have already disposed of the offender's body. 
Your heeled slippers clack elegantly along the marble floors as you walk down the large hallways. As you enter into the atrium of the palace, the sound is made dull by the buzz of servants fluttering around. It’s calming, how busy the palace is on a Thursday afternoon. It means that things are getting done. And each thing that gets done is one less thing you have to do yourself. 
The golden clock that sits high along the wall of the atrium reads five minutes to four thirty, reminding you that his majesty is soon to be released from his military meeting. He expects for you to greet him at the door, as he always does when he completes his last schedule of the day. 
And who are you to refuse the requests of royalty?
It’s exactly four thirty on the dot when the young King is dismissed from the military meeting. The doors are opened for him, as usual, and he exits with his usual gracefulness. The only hint of anger in his demeanor is the way the corner of his lips is crinkled up in annoyance, showcasing the boyish dimple in his left cheek. Even throughout the hints of anger, King Soobin is as breathtaking as ever. 
You greet his majesty with a small bow, which the young man just scoffs at before turning and making his way down the hallway. You roll your eyes, instantly knowing that today will be one of those days. 
His anger is clear in the way he walks, his quick footsteps and long legs allowing him to speed through the lavish marble hallways. You trail behind him, as expected, trying your hardest to match his pace. It’s difficult, but you manage to trail him into his chambers. The first thing the young King does is place his crown atop its wooden stand. He then turns to you with ice in his eyes. 
“We may be under siege soon,” he says softer than you expect. “We’ll have to prepare the troops for battle.”
You nod. “Yes, your majesty.”
The young man sighs, unclipping his purple velvet cape from where it is secured around his shoulders. The minute the offending fabric falls, so do the man’s shoulders. He takes a large hand and rakes it through his ebony tresses, causing the strands to stand up at odd ends. At last, the man sits on his large canopy bed, kicking off his heavy slippers. When he meets your eyes again, his majesty is gone. Only Soobin remains. 
“I had to kill a man today.”
“I saw the bloodstains in the East Wing,” you move to sit in an armchair in the corner of the room as you speak, finally relaxing into familiarity. “What did he do?”
“He questioned me. He doubted my ability to protect us from the Kang Kingdom.”
“Soobin,” your tone drips with fondness, with familiarity. “Killing men because they doubt you is unlike you. Normally, you just prove them wrong. Your parents would not condone—“
“My parents are not here!” Soobin snaps. “I am not my father, and he is no longer with us. He didn’t die for my men to question my every move!”
Redness blooms atop Soobin’s cheeks, wetness pooling at the corners of his eyes. You cross the lavish room in an instant, coming to sit beside the young King. Your arm attempts to encase his broad shoulders, brushing against his silk robes. As you pull him closer, you hear Soobin’s soft sniffle. Your heart mourns for him. 
“I miss them so much. Surely, my father would know what to do when we are under siege, but I’m lost. How am I supposed to protect the kingdom?”
You place a soft kiss on the crown of Soobin’s head, hoping to placate the man who has started to weep. His broad frame shakes with the force of his sobs. Once again, you mourn, but only momentarily. A young king has no time to mourn. He only has time to protect and rule his people. 
“Bin,” you take his round face in your hands, forcing him to meet your gaze. “You are the King, an amazing king, at that. You are the leader of this kingdom, by God’s grace. There are people out there counting on you. You can do this. The spirits of your mother and father are guiding you every step of the way. They are here with you.”
Soobin sniffles again, eyes still wet with unshed tears. 
“I’m here with you, Bin. Don’t ever forget that.”
.        .       .
At seven years old you are forced into your finest dress and shoes. Your mother fusses over your unruly hair, attempting to make it fit for royalty. 
After a long carriage ride spent looking out the window, you are grabbed by the hand, pulled into the throne room of the royal palace and placed in front of a chubby cheeked boy. Your mother nudges your shoulder uncharacteristically hard, serving as a reminder of your manners. 
“I am Y/N of the outer ring. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
The young boy smiles in return, dimples indenting his chubby, tanned cheeks. “I am Prince Soobin of the royal family. It is a pleasure to rule over you.”
You vaguely remember the fear that trembles your parents’ voices as they speak to the couple that are sat in their respective thrones. Soobin just looks at you, wide-eyed and friendly as the adults talk, as if used to this sort of formal gathering. His cheeks are captivating, overly round in a way that you have never seen before. You suspect that he comes from a family that has access to lots of rice. Your family has never been afforded that luxury. 
Your father falls to his knees very suddenly, voice wavering as he speaks. 
“Our daughter is all we have to give you, Your Majesty. We pledge her to thee. She may serve you and the kingdom however you may see fit. However, please spare her life. This is our debt to repay, not hers.”
There is sudden applause from the man sitting in the throne, the woman next to him sitting stoic as ever. She, too, has plump cheeks. You salivate at the thought of plentiful rice. 
“Your daughter will serve Prince Soobin from this day forward. She is his property now, and will act however he see fit. Is that clear?”
Both of your parents nod profusely, now both kneeling. 
“Oh thank you, Your Majesty,” your mother blubbers. “Thank you for sparing our daughter’s life.”
There is only a chorus of tears and yelling as your parents are removed from the throne room, calling out various goodbyes and declarations of love. Tears are staining your hollow cheeks now, although you didn’t know why at the time. The chubby cheeked boy reaches out to wipe away a fallen tear on your face. 
“Soobin-ah!” The woman in the throne booms. “Go bathe, now. We do not touch the commoners.”
.        .        .
The Choi Kingdom is held together by a few core principles: balance, honor, and integrity. Without those three principles, it is believed that the spirits above would no longer protect the people of the kingdom. You believe that the kingdom has long lost those principles, and that the spirits have since packed their bags. 
The outer ring of the kingdom is plagued with poverty, disease, and crime, its lack of proximity to the palace making it a low priority in the distribution of food and resources. What they are rich in, however, is manpower. With the way Soobin enters the throne room on a Thursday afternoon, you suspect you’ll need a lot of it. 
“Have there been any updates, Your Majesty?” Your voice is calm and soft, as if trying to refrain from scaring the young King. 
Soobin sighs, relaxing into the plush feathers that compose the cushions of his throne. “Yeonjun thinks that an attack will be planned for the next new moon, so the Kangs can be fully bathed in darkness.”
“And what does that mean for the kingdom?”
Soobin throws his head back in exasperation, making the precious metals of his crown clang as they come in contact with the marble floors behind the throne. “It means we have twenty one days to recruit more men and train. A trip to the outer circle may be in order.”
You nod once. “I’ll make arrangements to send Yeonjun off at sunrise.”
“That won’t be necessary.”
“And why not, Your Majesty?”
“Because I will attend in his place.”
Your heart sinks instantly. Never in your lifetime had a king visited the outer ring of the kingdom, and you never imagined that you would live to see the day one did. The act was unthinkable, and yet, by the determined look on the young King’s face, you knew he was serious about attending.
“Your Majesty,” you begin. “I mean this with all due respect, but a king cannot simply go to the outer circle.  Yeonjun’s job as a military advisor is to--”
Soobin slams a hand against the armrest of his throne, the resulting boom echoing around the otherwise empty throne room.  “Yesterday I killed a man who doubted me.  And now you are daring to do the same?”
It’s well known that Soobin’s threat is an empty one.  As his longest-standing aid, you know deep down that you would be one of the last to be excused from his assistance.  That knowledge, however, does little to ease the fear rising in the pit of your stomach.  Soobin, a natural born leader, was notably stubborn, and always followed through on his remarks.
“Of course not, Your Majesty.”  You avert your eyes from his intimidating gaze begrudgingly.
Soobin tips his chin up, as he often does when he gets what he wants.  He has won this battle, and he knows it.  However, the reason why he considers this a battle worth fighting is still lost on you.
Later that night, when the King retires to his chambers, you trail him inside as usual.  You take your normal perch in the armchair in the corner, even going as far to toe off your heeled slippers.  Soobin chuckles as the wooden heels meet the carpeted floor with a loud thump.
“Long day?”
Although you know the King’s words are sarcastic, you choose to answer truthfully.  “It always is when I’m looking after you.”
“I never said you had to.  We’ve had this conversation ages ago.”
“We have,” you agree, cocking an eyebrow.  “So I do not know what purpose that bringing it up now will serve.”
Soobin lets his cotton undershirt fall to the ground, exposing an expanse of smooth, pale skin.  No matter how many times you are graced with the sight of the man’s body, you find yourself stunned every time.  Everything about him is utter perfection, regal in its nature.
“Maybe you should take the day off while I’m gone.”
You scoff, relaxing further into the armchair.  “If you think I’m not to accompany you to the outer circle, you must be delusional.  I’ll call the medicine man in the morning.”
Soobin chuckles as he steps out of his pants, leaving him in only his undergarments.  His legs seem to stretch on for miles until they converge on strong hips.  There is a scar on the back of his left knee from a childhood accident.  You wonder if your kiss could heal the mark.  A birthmark lay on his right thigh; you imagine temptation takes the same shape.
“If you think I’ll allow your accompaniment to the outer circle, then you must be the one who needs the medicine man.”
“Your father pledged me to you,” you object.  “That means that I must protect--”
Soobin turns to you, shrugging on his night dressings.  “What it means is that you must do what I say.  As far as I remember, you are mine.”  You curse the shiver that crawls up your spine at the word.  “So if I order you to take the day off tomorrow, then you must do so.”
“But Bin--”
“I am requesting to sleep now.  You will return to my bedside approximately one hour after sunrise, understood?  You are dismissed.”
“Soobin…” Soobin whispers one final goodnight before blowing out the candle at his bedside, swathing the room in darkness.
.        .        .
Soobin refuses to touch you until he is ten years old. Every attempt before that age resulted in a scolding and a long bath, so at some point he was forced to stop trying. He treated you as if you were a shadow, something intangible, but ever present. 
It’s a warm day in May when his hand gently grazes the bare skin of your forearms. His fingers are soft and smooth, not a trace of a callous or scar, much unlike your own fingers. Your hands are worn down from three years of housework and making sure that Soobin’s hands remain pristine. 
The boy looks into your eyes as he touches, showing that his actions are purposeful, defiant. 
“Your Highness, you should not be touching a commoner,” you mumble, cheeks aflame. 
Soobin smiles until his dimples indent his round cheeks. “Your skin is a lot smoother than I thought it would be.”
You shake your head, an attempt to deny the prince’s compliment. 
“We are friends, aren’t we, Y/N?”
Once again, you shake your head in disagreement. “No, Your Highness. You are a prince, and I am merely your servant.”
“But if you are my servant, then you have to do what I say, correct?”
“That is correct, Your Highness.”
“Then, be my friend. That is an order. Let me hug you. That is also an order. And, when it is just the two of us,” Soobin grins. “You must call me by my first name, Soobin.”
“But, Your Highness—“
“That is an order.”
.         .         .
At seventeen years of age, Soobin presses his lips to yours for the first time. There are tears drying on his cheeks, his black robe crinkled from the earlier funeral procession. He has just lost his only family in this world, and yet he looks to you for comfort. 
The kiss is merely an act of frustration, the young prince (who would be crowned king in three days) having no other outlet to express his desperation. Soobin needs comfort, needs affection, and this is the way he seeks it. 
When he pulls away from the lip lock, he stares down at the hands he has kept in his lap the entire time. They shake relentlessly. When he finally makes eye contact with you again, you melt, finding yourself getting lost in the oceans that swim in his eyes. Never in your life had you been so jealous of tears. 
“Your Highness, it is illegal for a commoner to have relations with royalty. I am undeserving of your affection.”
Soobin sniffles. “When I am King, that will be the first law I repeal.”
.        .        .
You pace the marble floors of the palace’s front foyer relentlessly, heeled slippers mindlessly clicking against the flooring. Even on a supposed day off, you find it impossible to occupy your mind with anything other than thoughts of the King. The rest of the palace keeps moving, yet you remain stagnant in your thoughts of Soobin. 
The people of the outer ring have been raised to despise the royals, always blaming the palace for a lack of food and resources. Whenever someone gets sick in the outer circle, it is said that only the royals can save them, and every single time, they don’t. It’s only natural for a divide to form between the idealistic royals and the real royals. 
In theory, the royals look after their entire kingdom. In practice, they leave the outer circle to rot. 
Your stomach swims with a mixture of frustration and anxiety. Soobin is not built to see the tragedies of the outer circle. The people there will only hate him more, lashing out as he arrives on his pristine white stallion, decked out in precious gems and jewels. He is the biggest target for robbery or injury, even with his knights accompanying him. 
If only he had let you attend with him, or better yet, in his place, then all of your worries would evaporate into thin air. But stubborn as he was, the King was a smart one. He left you by your lonesome for a reason, you conclude. But for what reason?
The sun is beginning to cast a hazy glow over the hilltops when you hear the steady thump of horseshoes approaching the palace. It must be the royal army returning from their recruitment. It must be Soobin. Finally. 
There are faint voices that accompany the sounds of the horses. They sound like warnings, like requests...like screams for help. 
Soobin needs your help. 
You leave your heeled slippers stationed on the marbled floors of the foyers as you burst through the palace doors, running straight towards the sounds of the incoming horses. They begin as little black dots on the hilltops, but as you approach, you can see the familiar armor and kingdom insignias. 
The white stallion eventually comes into view. Soobin is not on it. 
A slew of vivid colors flash in front of your eyes.  There is the golden sunlight reflecting off of the slick coats of the horses as they speed down the hill.  There is the lush green grasses and the purple of the royal insignias as they wave in the wind.  And then there’s the red that stains the pristine white fur of Soobin’s horse.  Your heart drops to your feet.
You are frozen in place, letting the horses approach you.  They all race past you, thundering towards the palace.  You catch a glimpse of the King on the back of another stallion, clutching his lower abdomen.  His hands are stained red.
As quickly as he comes into view, you lose sight of him.  All of the horses seem to continue to pass you, except for one.  You find yourself looking up at the familiar man atop a sleek black stallion.  Emotion swims in his eyes.
“He has been hit with an arrow,”  Yeonjun explains.  “He’s losing a lot of blood.”
At those words, you find yourself turning on your heels, running as fast as you can towards the palace.  The rough earth stings your bare feet, and the hem of your skirt bites at your ankles, but you can’t find it within yourself to pay the sensations any mind.  
Soobin needs you.
.        .        .
The whole castle is abuzz with news that the new King refuses to be wed.  Before his parents passed, they explicitly expressed that they wanted their son to be married as soon as possible.  Even on their deathbed, they commanded that Prince Soobin be wed.
But the King simply said no.  He said that he was King now, and that any orders that his parents had before they passed were now void.  
Soobin sits tall and mighty in his throne, face stoic and void of emotion.  Even as his aids buzz around him with pleas to marry, he refuses to budge.  It is only when you come into view that he decides to speak.
“I won’t do it, Y/N.”
You sigh, taking a hand to your forehead in exasperation.  “And why the hell not?”
“Because I don’t want to.”
“Being King is not about what you want to do, it’s about what you must do.  This is something you must do!”
“And why is that?”  Soobin cocks a defiant eyebrow.
“Because it is what your parents want.”
“My parents are dead now,” Soobin scoffs.  “They can’t want anything.”
You throw your hands up in exasperation, beginning to pace the sturdy floors of the throne room. Soobin has always been notably stubborn. As a child, it was cute, the way he stuck to his word and always saw things through. At the age of eighteen, however, it’s not nearly as charming. 
With the absence of other aids, you try a different approach. 
“Bin, be honest. Why don’t you want to marry?”
Soobin’s gaze is suddenly turned to the windows, the ceiling, anywhere but your own. “I want to marry for love, not for duty.”
“We can find someone who you will learn to—,”
“I do not wish to learn to love. I already love another.”
The word rings in your ears. How has the young King defied the rights of passage? Has he already courted another? Is there a mistress that you know nothing of? Where has he found the time to love? To love already?
“You...you have already found love?”
Soobin nods, still avoiding your eyes. “I have been in love for a long while now, yes.”
“Is she royal?”
At this, Soobin finally returns your gaze. “She is not.”
“Then it cannot be,” you mutter. 
“I never once thought it could.”
.         .        .
You’re sat by the King’s side as he wakes. It must be the wee hours of the morning, no later than three hours past midnight. The rest of the palace is silent, still. The only light in the room comes from the candle you have lit at the King’s bedside. 
His stirring is soft at first, plush bottom lip just faintly quivering. His rounded nose twitches once, twice, before the King finally takes in a deep breath. As he exhales, his eyes slowly open. 
He’s quite obviously disoriented at first, dark eyes scanning the room sluggishly. His blinks are lethargic and long as he takes in his scenery. When his eyes land on you, his brows furrow in confusion. 
“The outer circle…?”
You chuckle, placing a hand on his majesty’s shoulder. “The outer circle can wait, Bin. For now, just rest.”
The next time Soobin stirs, the sun is up, approaching its highest point in the sky. His black locks are splayed messily across his forehead, slightly damp with the prior day’s sweat.  His eyes flutter open slowly, his dark lashes casting gentle shadows atop his rounded cheeks.
You smile fondly as the King releases a soft groan, reaching forward to brush his hair away from his face.  It’s rare to see Soobin so mellow, so soft as he returns to the real world from dreamland.  When his eyes meet yours, confusion crosses his handsome face.
“What happened?” He asks, voice gruff from lack of use.
“You got shot with an arrow.”
Soobin rushes to sit up, only to be stopped by a pang of pain in his lower abdomen.  He looks down to his robe-covered torso, rushing to untie the red silk strings holding it together.  It gives way to expose a pristine pale chest and stomach, the latter wrapped in red stained bandages.
You force yourself to look away from the King’s nakedness, both out of respect and pain.  You’ve never had to witness Soobin with such an injury, even after years of servitude.  To think that someone would want to harm the precious King is blasphemous, yet you understand.  If you lived in the outer circle, you too would blame the royals for your misfortune.
As Soobin eyes his own injury, he releases a soft groan.
“Was this the doings of the Kang Clan?”
You shake your head softly.  “Yeonjun said it was the work of a struggling commoner.  He was executed on the spot.”
Soobin simply looks confused.  “Why did he wish to hurt me?”
“Because you are royal.”
.        .        .
The possible attack from the Kang Kingdom has anxiety filling the air of the palace.  The entire royal army is on edge, anticipating their attack on the new moon.  With an injured King, the palace is more secure than usual.  Several guards surround the King’s chambers throughout the entirety of the night.
They are under strict instruction that the only ones allowed in the King’s chambers are the King himself, and, of course, you.
“Prince Taehyun will use this as a perfect opportunity to show off his strength before he takes the crown,”  Soobin chuckles bitterly. “Always a show-off, that one.”
“So be it. Our military is more than ready.”
Soobin scoffs. “Yeonjun claims they lack preparedness.”
“So be it.”
“How can you be so calm when the kingdom may soon be under attack?”
The fire in Soobin’s eyes is reminiscent of his late father’s. They both had the same passion for their people, stopping at nothing to keep the kingdom safe and secure. Soobin would rather die than let his people die at the hands of another. 
Like this, with a jaw set in stone and a protective hand placed over his bandaged wound, Soobin is most attractive. Like this, Soobin is a king. Like this, Soobin is a man you love, a man you wish to serve, in more ways than one. Like this, Soobin is your entirety, a whole world that you cannot fathom letting go of. 
“As long as you are safe, Your Majesty, I have no worries.” You attempt to keep your voice as gentle and steady as possible, fighting the urge to let emotion thicken your words. “The kingdom can rebuild, but not without a king to lead them.”
Soobin scoffs. “What kind of king am I to be sitting under the utmost protection while my men must fight for me?”
“A smart one.”
“I feel like a selfish one,” Soobin mutters, a pout taking hold on his face. 
With his rounded cheeks and his jutting bottom lip, Soobin is reduced back to a mere prince, looking much like the child you were introduced to all those years ago. 
It’s encapsulating, the way Soobin’s demeanor changes in the blink of an eye. In one moment, he is the strongest, most stubborn man on earth, practically oozing determination and overzealous machismo. In the next moment, however, he is soft and insecure, reduced to childishness. 
“Bin,” you warn. “We can’t risk you getting hurt again. This isn’t a selfish move, it’s a generous one.”
“It’s cowardly and selfish,” he responds, still sporting his pout. “My kingdom may soon be at war, and instead of preparing with them, I’m laying upon silk sheets doing nothing.”
“Do you know how selfish you sound right now?”
Soobin’s eyes narrow. “Do you know how irrational you sound right now?”
You scoff, standing up from your seat in the armchair. There’s a flame lit in your abdomen, causing your entire body to heat up with anger. It fuels you enough to cross the room, stopping once you reach the King’s bedside. You meet Soobin’s eyes with a glare. 
“And what would we do if you go out there, your majesty?” Your tone drips with sarcasm. “Would we just watch you as you stumble around in pain and get yourself killed? Who would take care of the people then?”
“The people need a warrior,” Soobin argues. 
“The people need a king! The people need you here, alive and well. Soobin, I need you here! You can’t just run around and get yourself killed. What would I do then?”
“How could you be so daft? I don’t want you to go out there! I can’t let you go out there. I can’t lose you again, Soobin. I can’t.”
There’s a warm palm against your cheek, a thumb wiping away tears that you did not notice had fallen. Each swipe of the thumb is tender, caressing the slope of your cheekbone tenderly. You breathe slowly, in and out. When you meet Soobin’s gaze, you notice a familiar wetness there. 
“You won’t lose me, Y/N. I’m here. I’ll always be here.”
.        .       .
Soobin deflowers you at age twenty. 
It’s heady and intense, the way that all forbidden actions are. Out of wedlock, but very much in love, the two of you throw tradition to the wind. 
You sink down on him with great care, trying your hardest to be mindful of Soobin’s wound. Soobin is out of breath, eyes glassy and cheeks flush as he enters you. He’s leant back against his plush feather pillows, black hair splayed out messily. 
His warm hands reach out to caress your hips, guiding you as you rock down on him slowly. There’s pleasure in the pain, in the difficulty you have in finding a rhythm, in the awkward tangle of limbs and silk sheets. There’s pleasure in the way Soobin gasps out your name, tells you he’s close. 
After the pleasure climaxes, and the sun is beginning to peek over the horizon, the world is still. The attack from the Kang Dynasty never comes. 
You are left with your own internal war. 
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Interlude — The Arrival of the Goddess
Times change, and with it, so do the gods.
“To try to make amends—“
It wasn’t ‘her’ that had done that. She understood that much.
But what ‘she’ did affected her as much as any other. Remembering the face of a man that wasn’t him, she overdid her job — and faced the cost for such foolishness.
There was something in the murky haze she spotted — something to support and grow.
She couldn’t walk back ‘her’ actions, but she could step forward and rebuild.
“I’m done with you! I never want to see you again!”
She found herself moving ‘home.’ Even if ‘home’ is more of a concept, to her.
She had ‘territory’ not far from here. Surely.
“…That was…”
A ‘her’ that did something foolish. Repeatedly. Fear of family being hurt had undercut her ability to reason — had led to what appeared to now be her expulsion.
“…That’s what I’d get, being a minor goddess. Easier to kick me out.”
…Yet, that bitterness now felt hollowed. Certainly, there remained anger brewing — that she’d been tossed over the edge, despite doing it with good intentions.
“And more than that, these pantheons aren’t immune to cheating bastards. It’s more prevalent then ever.”
A man who wouldn’t stop wailing.
It was a horrible, cursed sound.
For his sins, she cursed his soul. She would not stop cursing him.
The wailing, she felt, was soulless. Irritated her. Enraged her.
She couldn’t forget that obnoxious cry.
Yet she couldn’t even blame that woman. Idealistic though Quetzacoatl was, she wasn’t the sort to be fooled so easily. More than that, she had failed many times over to understand where the pursuit should end.
…And yet, that wasn’t her.
That was ‘her.’ A copy, summoned and descended. A different ‘Tlazolteotl.’
…One tossed away all the same.
…Certainly, where she stood — at some ‘brink,’ a temple in a ‘somewhere’ no longer on Earth — she found herself remorseful.
Angry; enraged, even; but more than that, sorrowful.
…That was ‘her’ fault, ultimately. And that wouldn’t change.
“…And she’s too stubborn to go back on her word so easy.”
‘…As she should be.’
…Even with what had just happened, she had to commend Quetzalcoatl. The stubbornness she possessed made adultery impossible for her — nor forgiving those who tried.
“…Now what?”
…The sunset stop the ‘temple’ was beautiful. She took a seat, and gazed upon it, as steam began to rise.
Quetzalcoatl wasn’t unreasonable, but that was still ‘her.’ And Quetz was rarely one to exaggerate in her wording, even if angry.
She knew Quetzalcoatl well enough to know that. She was her sister.
…The rock that composed the temple… Despite all this time, it still scratched at her feet when she moved about. Her gaze moved from the sun to the ground she stood on — steam now surrounded it, but the basics now stayed the same.
…The people who made this temple, back then — piece, upon piece, to connect with the gods, to find forgiveness and partake in rituals to appease them.
‘Arrogant, the lot of them’ — those gods, who took the mantle of humanity’s saviours and protectors. Her sister felt as though she were the only one who hadn’t grown too used to their power — watching that god commit the very same sins she so furiously raged against only convinced her further, even as she levied curse after curse upon the wailing man.
“Please..! I didn’t..! I didn’t think, and..!”
…What was it with these Mayan gods and crying like fools?
That man — Chocl — was a fool.
He comes to her hoping for forgiveness for the most grave act of all.
A human was one thing. They were flawed; made mistakes; could recover.
But a god was above that. They had to be above that — they were the paragons Tlazolteotl was trying to help the people look up to.
To help the people become like them.
And the insult of approaching her now, failing the one task they were given, desperately wishing for her to bail him out for something he had no excuse for—
And the insult of approaching her now, a goddess of a pantheon that ran side-by-side with his, to beg for forgiveness that he had by no means earned. For the insult of a Mayan god approaching an Aztec goddess, for forgiveness she only offered humans.
“…You’re a damnable fool.”
The man looked upon her, his eyes widened with the sort of fear she almost loved to see. The fear of an adulterer facing their crimes — an adulterer she grew to respect, a higher-up, that she was now in charge of punishing.
He was better than this.
And he began to cry, yet again, in regret.
A disgusting man allowed himself into the pantheon, and made a fool of them all.
She raised her hand, forced it towards the weeping man — riddling his form, cursing him to weep, silently, as long as it would take to make up for such a foolish sin. As long as it would take to mend the heart of the brother whose wife he slept with, and loved.
…She would never allow the crying of a foolish adulterer to disgrace the pantheon ever again. Surely — she swore.
She would never place trust in these gods. Never again.
…And yet, here she was.
Viewing the people around her family so lowly, recalling that incident where even a god fell to those vices, she went overboard.
“…Damn you, me.”
…Another look down to the temple.
…People would repent here for their actions. She could even recall raising her curses on some she disavowed in similar locations.
The higher gods oversaw her actions, judged her every move, yet she still arrived to deliver that safety from the curse.
“…You appear to be in a pinch, Tlazolteotl.”
A familiar voice, behind her. The goddess of filth turned herself around slowly, facing another goddess.
A familiar, older woman. A blue band of woven fabric covered her chest, paired with a carefully-made silver and blue skirt, landing at her knees. Golden necklaces adorned her neck — golden cuffs on her lower arms.
“My, you haven’t made an enemy again, have you?”
Coatlicue placed a hand to her cheek, her spare hand still at her side. Her icy blue eyes stared daggers into the opposing goddess; without hostility, only a kind curiosity.
“…It was a ‘me.’ After the previous incidents, I had been too cautious. Had gone overboard — harmed Quetzalcoatl, and her husband.”
“…Hmmm… A conundrum indeed, isn’t it?”
The woman sighed, and took a seat on the temple roof’s floor — steadying herself with a hand, resting the other on the ground.
“…Putting it lightly, yes. Damnit… I highly doubt I could even show my face around here for a while.”
“…Well… Moping about won’t help you.”
“I just got off the news. Forgive me for being a bit lost.”
…Tlazolteotl took a seat before Coatlicue, and breathed out a long sigh.
“…What do I do? That thickheaded sister of mine… I doubt she was exaggerating. Gods, she should at least know where I’m coming from, but…”
“Your intentions mean nothing when the result is hurting me!”
“…Damnit, couldn’t she have..?! Why did I..?!”
…The goddess of filth, perhaps from all the moisture in the air, didn’t notice she was crying — the goddess across from her only waited for a few seconds longer.
“…She prefers kindness, does she not? Kindness and heroics.”
…But Coatlicue’s words caused the woman’s eyes to shoot up.
“…You know as well as I do I can’t do that.”
“…I think you can, Tlazolteotl. There is more than just ‘her’ story — surely, you can find a different Master to help.”
The woman smiled, leaned back, as Tlazolteotl furrowed her brow.
“That’s impossible! Summoning a god is already next to impossible, and—“
“—It happened with Quetzalcoatl, one of the strongest of us. You are nowhere near her strength, no offence to you.”
…A period of silence befell the two, as the sun descended further. The darkness of night slowly overtook the atmosphere — the light atop the temple fading away.
“…How do I know I will find a Master the way she had? A Master as good as hers?”
…At this, the goddess only smiled.
“In time, you will find it. Time is far more subjective to us, my dear. I’m sure that you can redeem yourself before your sister’s return.”
“…Have some faith in humanity. Chocl may have broken the pedestal you placed those of us on — but not all have done as he has. I trust you have learned that the hard way.”
“…I’ll… try.”
The goddess faded, leaving Tlazolteotl alone.
“…That crying.”
…The woman furrowed her brow; and covered her ears.
It was raining again; wasn’t it?
“…Damn you, Chocl. In my foolishness to prevent another you… ‘I’ have landed myself here. Damn you.”
…And yet — a Master.
Someone she could try to help. Someone she could try to cooperate with to mend what she had broken.
…A possible…
“…What sort of Master would I want..?”
…The woman got to thinking. Surely, someone she could get to listen to her — but someone who wouldn’t indulge in vices. Someone who wouldn’t toss her in the field and kill her, and someone she did not have to curse.
“…Someone… normal.”
…In the Chaldea summoning room, a ruckus had commenced.
“—Y’know, that hurt like hell! Thank god I’m all gooey and all.”
At one end of the room, the haughty goddess of justice, Astraea — gazing at the other end of the room, containing a widely-grinning Ritsuka who had reformed into their orange-haired visage after being squished against a wall.
“You ought’a be careful with your tosses, Astraea! You might activate the summoning stuff.”
“Can it, Ritsuka. After thieving that cake from the Chaldea fridge, I won’t leave without justice being served!”
“—Really?! That’s what you took issue with?!”
The two went back and forth, as I slipped in — checking the camera feeds, I knocked on the Chaldea door before just walking in, just in time to see Astraea politely wave to me before running towards the other Master.
“I see it’s business as usual over here.”
“Yep—! Just your average throwing sessiOOHHOHOHO”—
—I had to quickly run backwards before Ritsuka crashed into me, as he instead crashed into something far worse in hindsight.
The summoning controls.
“Why did they make the ‘summon button’ this easy to accidentally press?”
“…Fucking mages.”
“Yeah, blame them. Not, uh, me.”
—And in a moment—
…Suddenly, the goddess felt a tug.
The tug originated from ‘somewhere.’ A ‘somewhere’ beyond her reach.
This was not what she knew — this was not what the Caster of her knew.
This was something else.
And yet, the odd still held curiosity to her — as the stone temple she stood on, illuminated by the morning sun, now suddenly became an all-encompassing vortex.
…Something this strange — surely, the way to regaining favour, restoring her sister’s faith in her, restoring her faith in others lay here.
If restoring the faith of her family required helping another — she would have to try.
She would most certainly be dead if she did not.
“…Here goes.”
In a moment, the summoning room was filled with steam.
Astraea, myself, and Ritsuka had to spend the first few second hacking our lungs out — coughing from the sudden increase of moisture, as the technology threatened to fizzle out under the less-than-amicable environment.
But among the haze, the figure of a beautiful woman, with piercing green eyes and a gaze that may even put Kiara to shame.
“…It appears I have been summoned, at last. I suppose this is my chance at setting things right.”
…The haze cleared, slightly. A woman clad in black and red, who approached Ritsuka — looked them up and down, and then moved to me.
Her eyes looked through me, as though dissecting me with her mind — taking in every feature, before leaning in with a mischievous grin.
“…Hm… Perhaps I may like this more than I thought. I am Tlazolteotl, the goddess of steam baths, among other things. I’ll be in your care, Master~ ♡”
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Pairings: Bucky x fem reader, Steve x fem reader (unrequited)
Age of Ultron era
Summary: You’re a researcher working for Tony Stark who doubles as a medic for The Avengers. You could often easily detach yourself from your work, however, after meeting one Avenger in particular, you developed a soft spot for the old man.
Warnings: eventual smut (+18 plz), swearing, mentions of violence, mentions of blood.
Word Count: ~3,200
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Part One
You are sitting at your desk focused intensely on your most recent project. It was long past the end of your workday, the lights of your lab having dimmed long ago. Damn Tony and his self-efficient light systems. However, this didn’t deter you from relaxing into the darkness with your eyes squinting into the bright light of your desktop screen. Your fingers danced over the keyboard with lightning speed. It seemed that nothing could distract you from your work and you could feel how close you were to finally figuring this out.
Two months ago, you found Tony leaning against the entrance of your lab with that look on his face that told you he wanted your help with something that was far out of your scope of practice. You remember rolling your eyes when he begged for your help on decoding an encrypted file found during one of his missions.
You feel your eyelids starting to become heavy as you reach a shaky hand towards your cup of coffee that had cooled hours ago.
A loud crash can be heard from the hall, followed by indistinct yelling. This causes the cold cup of coffee in your hand to fall to the floor, shattering, as its contents splash onto your heels and pants.
“Fuck,” you hissed, jumping up from your chair. “My shoes.” You say with a whine which is quickly replaced with anger. Those damn boys always fucking up your night with their antics. It was a Saturday night thus you assumed that one of the boys had gotten too drunk again.
“Lights on, Jarvis.” Your lab floods with light that blinds you for a moment. As you inspect the damage, you hear a ragged voice call your name. Pain and fear are the only words that come to mind when you try to identify the source of the voice. Your previous feelings of anger quickly turn into concern as you rush into the hallway to see what happened.
Once into the hallway your gaze meets Steve’s. He’s struggling to hold someone up. Both of them covered in cuts, bruises, and blood.
“Thank god, you’re up.” Steve’s voice sounds strained as his face contorts into what you can only describe as anguish. You rush to him and the unknown man he’s holding and help them into the medical room. Steve sets the unconscious man down on the examination table and sinks to the floor. You drop to your knees next to him.
“Steve, what the hell happened?” You question as your hands come up to cup his bloodied face. Steve had been a dear friend of yours since the Avengers came together. He’s breathing heavy, exhaustion clearly taking over him.
“Y/n, don’t worry about me. Please, help Bucky.” He looks into your eyes, his pleading voice sending a request to help the man lying on the examination table above you.
“Bucky? You finally found him?” Your voice shakes slightly, knowing Steve has been trying to locate his oldest friend for the last year. A pained smile comes across Steve’s lips.
Mission accomplished.
You jump up then, beginning to tend to Bucky’s wounds. You quickly hook him up to an IV and begin to carefully clean the rather large gash above his left temple.
“What happened?” Your gaze follows Steve as he slowly begins to get himself up from the floor.
“He didn’t recognize me, y/n. He didn’t even know who I was.” Steve’s voice trembles and you feel tears of empathy pricking the corners of your eyes for your friend.
You blink them away and quickly turn back to Bucky’s form. His long brown locks stuck to his forehead in a mixture of blood and sweat. You reach a hand towards them, tucking the sticky strands behind his ear as your fingertips slowly ghost over his bruised cheekbone. You felt hypnotized by him, something refusing to stop your hand from caressing his chiseled jaw.
What pulls you out of your stupor is the sound of Steve’s voice after returning from having cleaned himself up. You jump back, nearly dropping the washcloth in your hand. Quickly attempting to compose yourself.
“How’s he doing?” You blink rapidly at Steve’s question trying to collect your thoughts. “Uh, he’s doing better.” You quip.
“It’s getting late, I can take it from here. You seem exhausted.” Steve grasps the cloth you’re still clutching in your hand. You chuckle, “I could say the same about you.”
“Seriously y/n, I’ve got this.” Steve’s head rises to meet your eyes. A stern look taking over his handsome features. “Steve,” Your voice trembles slightly and you’re unsure if it was caused by the intense look he’s giving you or the multiple cups of coffee you’ve consumed in the last two hours. “I haven’t been able to sleep properly since Tony gave me that file. So, it’s not like I’d be sleeping otherwise.” You pick up your discarded washcloth again and go back to cleaning Bucky’s wounds.
“Y/n.” Steve’s warm palm closes over your hand that holds the bloodied washcloth. “He’s dangerous and I don’t want you around when he eventually wakes up.” Your eyes meet his pale ones again. Something about them is begging you to leave.
“Okay. Okay, fine.” The grip you held on the washcloth finally loosening. “But just so you know, I won’t be sleeping.” Steve chuckles at this, shaking his head as he looks towards the ground. His eyes meet yours again. “Sure, y/n. I’ll know where to find you if I need you.”
This time it’s your turn to chuckle, knowing that Steve is more than capable of handling himself if needed. You give him a soft smile before turning on your heel and heading back to your lab.
The next morning you wake with an awful ache in your neck. You slowly begin to sit up and take in your surroundings. As your eyes focus, you realize that the strain in your neck was a result of you falling asleep bent over your desk.
“Ah, finally. You’re awake.” A voice pulls you from your confused state. “Banner, what are you doing in my lab?” You ask, watching Bruce toy with the random mechanics on the desk sitting parallel to yours. “Come on, y/n. How many times do I have to tell you? This is OUR lab. As in, we share it.” He lays the object in his hands back on his desk and makes his way over to you. “You know, I was really beginning to think you were dead over here.”
Ignoring his last statement, you speak. “I’m honestly surprised you remembered where the lab is even located. Seeing how you spend most of you time in Tony’s.” You lean back in your chair and stretch out your cramping legs. “What time is it anyways?”
“Five thirty-eight. In the morning, you know, when normal people start their days.” Bruce laughs at his own joke. “Waking up that early is hardly normal, Banner. What are you doing here?”
“I told you, this is my lab too.” You raise your eyebrows at him in question. “Okay, fine. I wanted to see how close you are to figuring out that encryption. Tony’s addiment on thinking that it could help figure out our Ultron problem.”
“I’m almost there. There are a few more firewalls to get through but I think the rest will be pretty easy after that.” You sign, standing up and flattening out your wrinkled clothing. “Well, that’s good to hear. Tony has been driving me insane about it.”
“Anyways, I guess I should actually go to bed.” Bruce gives you a soft smile. “I know how you get with your work. Just because Tony is going mad attempting to figure everything out, doesn’t mean you should. Don’t work yourself too hard, y/n.”
You make your way over to Bruce and place a hand on his shoulder. “Thanks Banner, but the faster I get this done, the better chances we have at stopping Ultron before something horrible happens.” Bruce smiles again, this time though, it doesn’t extend to his eyes. “Oh come on, Bruce, I’m fine. See?” You open your arms wide in a failed attempt to show that you weren’t completely exhausted. However, the bags under your eyes tell another story.
“Okay, how about this?” Bruce strides towards your desk. “You take today off and get some form of actual sleep and I’ll work on the encryption today.” You sign and a grin takes over your features. “Oh, Banner that would be amazing. Honestly, thank you.”
“No problem. Now go get a shower or something. You reek of sour milk.” You frown and look down at yourself, realizing that the pants you were wearing are still stained with the coffee you spilt just hours before.
Once in your room, you toss your bag on the bed and make you way to your en suite bathroom. You slowly peel your shirt and pants off as the exhaustion begins to take its toll on you again. With your eyes falling closed you climb into the shower and turn on the water. The initial coldness jolts you awake but soon after, the hot streams of water cascade down your naked form. You close your eyes in bliss as the water heals your aching limbs. Your mind drifts to the events of last night. Images of Steve’s panicked face fill your mind and how he could barely drag his unconscious friend into the medic chambers.
Images of his strong features fill your tired mind. Even while covered in blood and bruises, you couldn’t ignore how attractive he was. God, you think to yourself, what is wrong with me? The man was nearly dead and all you could think about was his handsome appearance. Chalking it up to your lack of sleep, you finish washing yourself, get out of the shower, and crawl into bed.
When you wake, it's dark outside. Jolting up quickly, you look at the clock sitting on your side table. The arms read seven thirty. You decide that there isn’t much point trying to do anything else today, so you pull on some sweats and head towards the kitchen.
While trying to figure out what to eat, you hear someone enter the kitchen behind you.
“Hey y/n.” Whirling around, you meet Steve who is leaning against the doorframe. “Hey, how’s Bucky doing? Has he woken up yet?”
Pushing himself from the kitchen entrance, Steve makes his way over to you. “Yeah, he’s awake. Hasn’t said a word yet but awake.” He signs. “Do you think he remembers?”
“I’m honestly not sure, y/n. The glare he’s been giving me tells me no.” Steve scoffs. He reaches above your head to grab a box of cereal from the top shelf and pours himself a bowl. “Don’t you think it’s a little late in the day to be eating cereal, Steve?”
“What do you mean? Is cereal only a breakfast food?”
“Usually, I guess.” Is all you say as you pour a bowl for yourself and sit next to him. “Say, what is in this stuff? It tastes like pure sugar.” Steve asked as he lifts another spoonful to his mouth.
“Come on, Steve. You really can’t be complaining about the modern world’s creations while you’re simultaneously enjoying them. Cereal is meant to be sugary.” You laugh as you also taste the excessively candied chunks.
“I want to see him.” You blurt out before you can even think about it. Steve lowers his spoon and turns towards you. “I don’t know y/n. I told you, he’s dangerous. I don’t want to put you in harm’s way.”
“You don’t think I can handle myself? I’ve had my fair share of missions. Ones that even you needed my help for. I –“ You begin to state all the reasons why you know you can take care of yourself but Steve cuts you off. “I’ll let you see him,” you silently cheer in triumph. “but not yet. All of this is going to be a lot for him to understand and I don’t want to overwhelm him.” There’s a moment of silence before Steve starts to speak again. “Plus, he’s currently in solitary. I have no idea if he remembers who he is and I can’t take the chance on him getting out and hurting more people.”
“Hurting more people?” You question. Despite Steve being one of your closest friends, he had been pretty quiet when it came to his efforts in finding Bucky.
“Look, y/n, Bucky’s not himself right now.” Steve speaks slowly. “And what does that mean?” You’re starting to get irritated with Steve’s vague responses. Steve has a habit of treating you like a child, always claiming that it’s for your own protection. However, you get tired of his antics pretty quickly. Steve sighs, sensing your dismay. “Remember a while back when the Winter Soldier helped infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D?” You nod your head in understanding. “Yeah, some ex-military sergeant was brainwashed into becoming this super soldier assassin. I was with you on most of those missions.”
“Yeah, but not all of them. Bucky is the Winter Soldier. I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t sure how you’d react.” You furrow your brows. “Why would I react poorly? Steve, how many times do I have to prove to you that you can trust me?” Steve sighs realizing he’s made you upset. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I hid it from you, honestly.” Your frustration gets the best of you, and you lash out at Steve.
“It’s fine. Your best friend killed thousands of people, if not more. I wouldn’t want to plaster that around either.” You pick up your forgotten bowl of cereal, dumping its contents into the trash. “Oh, come on, y/n. That’s not fair! He didn’t have a choice.” Steve’s voice raises slightly. His own frustration beginning to peek.
“Like you didn’t have the choice to just tell me what was really happening all this time!? This isn’t about Bucky. Seriously, I’m so tired of you keeping things from me! I’m not a child that needs protecting. God! Haven’t I proved that after all these years?” You drop the empty bowl into the sink with a clang and whirl around to face Steve again. “Y/n, it’s not like that.”
You shake your head and laugh. “Of course not.” You turn to leave but Steve tries to stop you. “No, Steve. When you want to start telling me the truth, then come find me. Until then, I’m done talking.” You leave the kitchen and decide to make a stop at your lab.
As you walk the halls of the tower you admire the intricate designs covering the steel walls. You hear a ragged sob from one of the rooms you pass by. You stop dead in you tracks. For a moment, all you can hear is the quiet buzzing of the lights above, then another pained sob can be heard from the room to your right.
You reach a hand towards the door that is separating you from whoever is concealed inside. Slowly you turn the knob and quietly push the door open. As you slip through the half-opened door, your gaze falls upon the man you meet the night before. He’s trapped in what looks like a glass chamber. Large steel panels are wrapped around his chest and neck. More panels are holding his arms and legs in place, trapping him. Your gaze travels to his face. His eyes are squeezed shut, teeth bared, and beads of sweat coat his forehead causing his hair to stick to his skin. What surprises you are the tears that are slowly falling down his face.
“Bucky?” Your voice is barely above a whisper as his name falls from your lips. Bucky focuses on you with a startled expression occupying his features. “You don’t know me. I’m a friend of a friend.” He looks scared and confused, as you slowly approach the chamber. Panic begins to take over and Bucky tries his hardest to break free from his restraints.
“Hey. Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” You’re close enough that you can see Bucky’s nostrils flare as he breaths heavily. “Do you remember anything?” Your hopeful that he does. However, for what feels like hours you are only met with silence.
Finally, he speaks up. “Bits and pieces.” His voice cracks and you assume this is the first time he’s spoken since being brought to the towers last night. “Do you know who Steve is?”
“Not really, but I know that he was someone important to me. Before –“ Bucky stops himself as if it’s too painful for him to continue.
“You’re safe here. I won’t make you talk about it if it’s too much.” Against your better judgment, you place one of your palms on the glass that is separating the both of you. The pain in Bucky’s eyes starts to fade. The door opens behind you, causing you to jump back from Bucky. Turning around you meet Steve, his eyes trained on the person behind you. Without having to say a word, you know that he is furious with you. Specifically, because he had asked you to wait before meeting Bucky. Steve brushes passed you, stopping in front of the chamber.
“Hey, Buck. How are you feeling?” Despite his composure, you can feel the anger radiating from Steve’s body. Choosing to ignore his dismay with you, you turn to look at Bucky again. He’s features are hard, and he keeps his mouth glued shut. “You’re going to have to talk to me eventually.” Steve signs. He turns on his heel and grabs your wrist, pulling you out of the room.
“Y/n, what did I tell you?” Steve asks once the door is closed behind you. “I’m sorry, I just kind of stumbled upon him.” You respond sheepishly, know that is the truth. “Stumbled upon him? I know you better than that.”
“Seriously! I did!” You exclaim, throwing your arms in the air. “You know, maybe he isn’t talking to you because you have him caged up like an animal!”
“Y/n, I’m getting tired of this. You know he’s dangerous. It’s for everyone’s safety, even his.”
“He’s terrified! He can barely remember a thing! His best friend has him shackled up and confined in a box! What do you expect from him? He’s a human being. Treat him like one.” You can’t stand to speak with Steve any longer or to listen to his construed ideas of righteousness. Steve sighs, allowing his back to press against the wall behind him.
“You’re right. He shouldn’t be locked up like that, but you didn’t see him when I found him. Whatever Hydra put in his head is still there and they could use it any second to make him turn.”
“Well, let’s figure out how to get it out of his head.” With that, you head towards your lab leaving Steve alone in the hallway.
Part one is complete! This is my first time writing, so give me pointers xx
Thank you for reading! (I will continue this drabble if ppl want more, let me know!)
- Lex
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Can i request prompts "Bite down on this. It’s going to hurt" and “You underestimate my powers of seduction” with Bonnie Gold or Finn Shelby. Please!Please!
A/N: I looooove the idea with Bonnie Gold. The idea almost immediately came to my mind. I hope you like it dear as always please mind that english isn’t my first language and that I write in english to improve both the language and my writing. Characters; Bonnie Gold x reader (shelby!sis)Warnings: uh, a boxing fight? blood? 
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The fist of his opponent crushed merciless into the side of Bonnies face.
You hissed involuntarily upon witnessing the scene, your fingers clenching the hem of your skirt in agony. Mere breaths later, the opponent was able to strike a second attack, now sinking his fist into the stomach of the dark-haired man.
The crowd around you howled and screamed, both in joy and anger.
“Bonnie’s holding up quite good tonight.”, your aunt Polly addressed you, watching you lean forward in your chair. “I just wish he would try to not get as beaten up as the last time, where he almost fractured his ribs.” Lighting her cigarette Polly just smiled, her eyes following the nimble movements of the younger boxer. “You should be glad he’s fighting in a ring rather than in the streets.”
Looking from your aunt back to the ring, your eyes met a pair of dark eyes looking back at you for a few seconds. A smile graced Bonniew lips and he winked at you, before seemingly gathering all his power into one last blow. His punch was so strong, that his opponent fell to the floor of the boxing ring with a loud thud and no movement after. Just like that the fight was suddenly over. While the judge counted down the seconds, the crowd around you erupted into a chaos of happy screams and curses. Jumping up from your seat, you ran to the side of the boxing ring, where Aberama was standing throwing his fists into the air in a winning gesture. “Ah, there is the Gold family’s lucky charm!” Hugging you tightly the man whirled you around, setting you down, just as Bonnie climbed out of the ring to embrace you.
“Glad you made it.”, the dark-haired boy mumbled out of breath, his naked and sweaty chest falling and rising in strain.
“Wouldn’t miss watching you get beaten up.”, you grinned and wiggled out of his embrace as he tried to lean in for a kiss.
“Stop it. You’ll get blood on all of my face!” “But I need to kiss my lucky charm, otherwise bad luck will fall upon me.” Rolling your eyes, you pecked him shortly on the lips, pulling away just as he tried to embrace you. “You’ll get more after you’ll clean up.” Saluting in a mocking way, you followed him from the noisy event, through one of the corridors to the room where he normally dressed up and got ready for the fight.
As the door closed behind you and faded out all of the screams and loud chatter of the spectators, Bonnie slumped down on one of the benches, breathing out deeply.
“You look terrible.”, you commented, walking over to the sink to drench a towel in the cold water.
“I also think you look lovely today, sweetheart.” Through his joking demeanor you already heard the pain seeping through, as the rush of adrenaline and his win slowly faded.
Patting the wet towel softly over his skin, the fighter who took in several punches’ minutes ago without making a face, suddenly hissed under your touch.
“Stop moving or I can’t clean you up and, in a result, will never kiss you again.”, you commanded, earning a smug grin from your beloved. “You underestimate my powers of seduction.”
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you closer to him and onto his lap as he smiled cheekily at you. “See?” “Lovely.”
Inspecting the gush above his eyebrow you frowned upon how deep it seemed to be.
Wriggling out of his hug you stood up to get one of the whisky bottles standing on a table and threw a fresh towel at Bonnie. “Bite down on this. It’s going to hurt."
Uncorking the bottle with your teeth you spilled a bit of the liquid on a towel, watching in amusement as Bonnie bit down on the fabric as he was told.
He may be a boxer for a living and a peaky blinder by appearance, but in private and his actions – especially with just the both of you around – he was the softest man with the most beautiful puppy eyes around all of England and probably the whole wide world.
His fingers softly caressed the skin of your thighs as you once again sat on his lap, gently pressing the alcohol drenched cloth on his bruised and burst up face.
“Good fight today, tiger.”, you hummed, wrapping your arms around his neck after you neatly cleaned his face, pressing soft kisses on his lips and bruises.
“Couldn’t do it without you, sweetheart. Although I already won the jackpot with you, eh?”
Caressing his cheek, you leaned in for another kiss, as the door flew open.
“Jesus Christ, get a room you two.” John exclaimed, as he didn’t even try to hide his disgust, as he turned around right on the spot, closing the door behind him with a loud thud.
“Sounds like a good idea to me. Celebrating my win.” Bonnie said with a smirk on his lips and a wink.
“Mhm, I sure would love to see more of that.”, you answered in a whisper, tracing his muscles with your finger.
Without a warning he shot up, the burning fire in his eyes appearing again, as he carried you bridal-style out of the room.
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