#If you see more people wearing Monoma's belt from now on I apologize
emile-hides · 3 years
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No kissing during practice!!!
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kaweeella · 3 years
Bonding Time, Kids
Chapter 5- We Need More Bandages
Word count- 1767
Description- More robot fighting.
Author note- Alright chapter three has been taken down to chunks. Makes my life easier, honestly. Whoo!
In the stands, Neito watches his classmates destroying robots and buildings. It’s hard to tell who’s doing what, but he just assumes which class does what.
He sees a robot fly a few kilometers through the street. After a minute or so, he sees that the robot starts flying again. Right towards him.
When he realizes it, he gets up to run out of the way. He feels something wrap around his midsection and pulls him.
“You alright, Monoma?” He hears Yosetsu say after he’s set down.
“Yeah, thank you.” He adjusts his jacket, finding it damp. Right. Frog.
Yosetsu watches him. He can’t read his expression, but seeing him pause when he touches his clothes tells him enough.
“Sorry. It’s the first thing that came to mind. Instincts or whatever.”
“It’s alright.” He says, removing his jacket.
Yosetsu sits behind Izuku and Shouto, all of them surrounded by mushrooms.
“Does he ever stop muttering?”
“No, not really.” Shouto answers.
Yosetsu stares at Neito, or he would if he could see him, as if saying “Don’t do it. Don’t fucking do it.”
Neito looks at his classmate, as if he’s about to say something when he pauses. “Why are you sitting like that?”
He’s less sitting and more squatting.
“I dunno. It’s just what's most comfortable.”
Neito shakes his head, not like anyone could tell, and shifts his focus back to the training ground.
“You think they’re holding up alright?”
“Of course I do. There’s nothing I don’t believe they can do.”
“Hey! Saisaku, Sukuidasu! How’re you doing?” The two jump a little as Setsuna sits by them, with Kouji and Kojirou behind her.
“Aren’t you guys supposed to be in the training ground?”
“We already got it figured out, so I’d figured we could come and watch.” She spots the robot. “Oh wow! Who did that?”
“Don’t know, but it nearly took out Monoma.”
“Wait, you said you guys figured out your quirks?”
“Oh, yeah! Watch!” She pumps her arm and a blade comes out of her elbow.
“I knew my classmates could rise to the occasion!”
Kouji shuffles awkwardly, hoping he’d forget they’re there.
“Oh!” Izuku turns around suddenly, he’s holding a notebook and covered in mushrooms. “Monoma! Do you feel any different? You know, now that you’re invisible?”
“Uhm, no, not really.”
“Can you still see properly? Since your eyes are invisible too, and people see because light is bouncing off of things and onto the eyes, but light goes through yours.”
“I can still see fine.”
“Then Hagakure might have a secondary quirk allowing her to see without light hitting her eyes. She has shown the ability to manipulate light itself, so maybe she changes the light so she can see but her eyes are still invisible…” He goes on, as he is one to do.
“Midoriya,” He places his hand on the boy’s face. “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t even realize I was muttering.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I was mostly just thinking out loud, sorry.”
“It’s not surprising to me that a 1a kid would forget the people around him.”
“Aw, come on, Saisaku! It’s not that bad. In fact, I like that he shares what’s on his mind.” She says that as if it’s a conscious decision he makes.
“O-oh, really?”
“Yeah!” She pauses for a moment. “Hana!”
“A nickname! See, I started at hanasu (speak), and I thought Hana (flower) would be cool!”
“Oh! Thank you! It’s much nicer than the last nickname I got.”
Back on the grounds, Tetsutetsu and Sen walk around.
“Jeez, what was that?” Tetsutetsu asks.
“It doesn’t seem to be nearby, so I don’t think we should be worried about it.”
“Right,” He sees a robot going past. “Then let’s do this!”
“We should have a pl…” Tetsutetsu runs towards it. “Okay.”
Sen follows behind him, watching the robot’s movements. He knows that they’re out of their depth, he knows that Tetsutetsu knows that they’re out of their depth, but he also knows that they aren’t going to know any more without acting. That doesn’t mean they should go in without a plan.
Tetsutetsu grabs it as though he’s trying to pick it up.
“Tetsutetsu, I don’t think that’s the best idea.”
“Right, right.” He cracks his fingers, and the robot shrinks. “Damn! I think I got Kodai’s quirk.”
“Seems so.”
He picks up the robot and crushes it between his fingers.
“Dude!” Looking over, they see Eijirou waving at them, specifically Tetsutetsu. They also see Ochako, Yuuga, Manga, and Hiryuu running behind him.
“Hey, man!” He notices something. “What’s with the belt?”
“I got Aoyama’s quirk, and he let me use his support belt! Pretty manly, if you ask me!” He punches said boy in the shoulder. It probably would’ve hurt if not for the armor.
“What about you guys?” Sen asks. “Have you figured out what quirks you have?”
“I have Kirishima’s.”
“I believe I have Fukidashi’s quirk.” Hiryuu answers.
“No… I can’t get it to activate.” Manga’s bubble has an angry face.
“Ne me fais pas admettre mes défauts…”
“I don’t understand French, sorry.”
“I haven’t, no.”
A robot steps behind them and grabs Sen.
“Kaibara!” Manga yells, reaching out to his classmate to no avail.
Sen struggles in the steel grip, he feels himself sweating and hears a sort of hissing, which he’s not entirely sure what’s making that noise. After a moment, he falls. He hears what he guesses it’s the destroying of a robot behind him.
He stands up and sees everyone staring at him, when Ochako quickly covers her face and looks away. Looking down, he sees his clothes practically melting off his body.
Yuuga takes off his cape and hands it to him. “Would you like to borrow this?”
He takes it. “Thank you.” He mumbles.
“C’est ce qu’il y a de mieux pour tout le monde.”
Katsuki sees the small crowd and tries to make his way around it.
“Bakugou!” Eijirou calls.
Damn it.
“What do you want, Shitty Hair?”
“Do you know your quirk yet?”
“No, no matter how hard I fucking try, it doesn’t work. Must be some shitty-ass quirk.”
“I have an idea,” Sen ties the cape around himself so he can stand up with only mild embarrassment. “If we figure out the quirks that everyone already knows, then we can figure out the ones who haven’t.”
The group walks through the streets, fighting robots when necessary.
“Hey guys!” Pony jumps down from atop a building with Momo climbing down behind her. “Why is Kaibara wearing a cape?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“How are you guys doing?” Momo asks when she reaches the ground. No one notices her fingertips covered in dust and blood.
“We’re doing good!” Eijirou answers. “We’re trying to figure some quirks out!”
“I got Tetsutetsu’s!”
“Wait you did?!” Tetsutetsu runs up to her.
“Yeah!” She demonstrates this by turning into steel
“Cool! Look, look!” He picks up a rock and throws it, he touches his fingertips together and the rock grows, slamming into a building.
Fumikage has not been having a good day. Since his parting with Togaru it has not been easier taking down robots, and now a boulder nearly slams into him.
“What a mad banquet of darkness…”
Looking towards where it came from, seeing people walking towards him.
“Tokoyami!” Momo yells and most of the group pick up the pace a bit. Katsuki continues to walk at his original speed, maybe a little slower.
“Oh, dude! My bad!” Tetsutetsu goes to his side to check for injuries. “Are you good?”
“There will always be worse things that fate can do to people.”
“That’s… good, right?”
“I am well, yes.”
“So Tokoyami, have you figured out what quirk you have?” Momo asks.
“I…” He pauses for a moment. “No.”
“Well then we’ll help you with it!” She claps her hands together.
“I do have an idea of what it might be but… why are you wearing Aoyama’s cape?”
“Please don’t-” His arms fall to his sides as he goes slack-jawed.
“As I thought.” He nods. “I have Shinsou’s quirk.”
Momo and Pony look at the frozen boy.
“How do you deactivate it?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve never been the target of it before so I’ve never experienced what it takes to make it stop… however…” He gives a tug on the boy’s arm. Nothing. “Apologies, I thought that would work like it had the first time.”
“Aoyama has been through it,” Momo says. “Maybe he knows how…” She turns around, not seeing him. For someone constantly covered in glitter and wearing a large suit of armor, he’s quite stealthy.
“I’ve got this!” Tetsutetsu steps up to him, grabs him by the shoulders, and begins shaking him violently.
“Tetsutetsu,” Sen says whilst the boy in question continues rattling him back and forth. “Tetsutetsu I’m fine now.”
When he stops, Sen stumbles to steady himself.
“I apologize for my actions, and I won’t ask you about something you don’t want to answer.” Fumikage says with a bow.
“Oh, uh, thank you.”
“Bakugou?!” Eijirou yells.
Katsuki lays unconscious on the ground. Momo runs to his side, placing a hand on his arm.
“He’s burning up.”
“So we should take him to Recovery Girl?”
“I’m not sure her quirk will be able to help him,” Hiryuu picks him up. “But anywhere is better for him than here.”
“Should some of us stay here? There’s no way we’d all be allowed, plus Fukidashi still has to figure out the quirk he got.” Pony says.
“Come on, don’t single me out!”
Momo thinks for a moment. “I’ll take him. As vice representative it is my job to ensure the safety of my classmates.”
“I’ll go, too. Since I’m already holding him.”
The two head off with Katsuki in tow.
“It’s a bust. No matter how much I try it doesn’t work.” Manga crosses his arms.
“Don’t think like that, Fukidashi!” Pony says, patting his back. “Here, I have an idea!”
She moves in front of him and turns steel. She then moves to punch him in the gut, but he moves out of the way.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m giving you an extra push!”
Back in the stands, Nemuri approaches the homeroom teachers.
“There are more kids in the nurse's office.”
Shouta sighs. “This isn’t working.”
“I’ll get Mic to call it off.” Sekijirou stands up. He feels a twinge in his chest, thinking back to the moment. He could have done more. He should have done more.
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