#I'm slow nothing is being finished or done and im falling way behind as someone who has to get into my industry and get myself together
gayforoctaviablake · 5 years
Hope ya like this nonsense. Y/N= your name Y/F/D = Your favorite drink
Bellamy Blake x Reader
Description: high school AU where you're in a bit of an abusive relationship, and when you're lifelong bestfriend and crush finds out, all hell breaks lose.
Warnings: this could be triggering to someone who has experienced abuse, Language
You woke up to a chilly fall morning. The air was crisp and the leaves on the trees had fallen basically overnight. Fall was always your favorite. You loved the colors and the way the leaves sounded when you'd step on them.
You mumbled to yourself as you got ready, "should I bike or take the bus today? Is it even that cold?" You pulled out your phone to see it was going to be a tad chilly but not enough for you to take the bus. You finished brushing your teeth, grabbed your hoodie and left your house and headed down the street on your bike.
*pop ding*
A text from your boyfriend popped up, it read:
Babe: do you want coffee? Im stopping by the café by my house.
You had to pull over with your bike to respond.
Me: sure! Can you get me a Y/F/D please?
Babe: yeah I gotchu 👌
"Everything seemed so normal. He's either perfect or a nightmare, either kissing or yelling. Either happy or angry" you think to yourself as you continue biking to school.
You got to school at just about the same time as your boyfriend. He gave you your drink and wrapped his arm around you as you walked into the building. Class didn't start for another 5 minutes so you chilled in the hallway for a while.
"Hey Bellamy!" You shouted to your best friend
"Yes princess" he responded. He's called you that since you were little. Your boyfriend didn't like it too much but as if that would stop him.
"Want a sip?" You offered your drink with a cheesy smile
He stared for a second "what did you do to it?" He asked
"Bitch. Nothing I'm just being nice like you would know what that is" you smirked
"Very funny" he took a few sips and sat down with you and your boyfriend.
"So how was everyones weekend?" You asked hoping to break the tension between the two. Bellamy has always been protective of you and your boyfriend was easily jealous. Which makes sense since you've secretly had a thing for Bellamy since 1st grade.
"It was alright. I went skateboarding with the guys, had a few beers" your boyfriend seemed to not give a shit about when you two went to the movies.
"And Bell?"
"What do you mean Y/N we were either texting or hanging out all weekend you were basicslly there" you both laughed
"That is true" you responded
Your boyfriend didn't find it very funny
Class started and you went your separate ways, after of course your boyfriend walked you to your first class. Before you went in he pulled you aside
"Babe, I don't really like you hanging out with Bellamy" he said
"Wha- why?" You were confused. You've known Bell your entire life, why is it such an issue?
"I just don't fucking like it okay!" He shouted!
"Babe I-"
"Hes no good for you! He's a dick!" He just kept yelling. Hes never done this at school before. Sure He's gotten agitated with you but never to this extent.
"Calm down!" You tried your best to keep your cool
"Don't tell me to calm down! I'll calm down when you stop talking to him!"
You were speechless. How could he just flip a switch like this? Bellamy was with you maybe 4 minutes tops this morning. How is he this angry?
You tried to free yourself from his grip but he grabbed on tighter. You were surprised nobody came out of class to see what all the commotion was. You could feel your arms bruising under his hands
"Let go of me!" You screamed at him and tugged with all your strength. Finally. A teacher came out to see what was going on.
"Woah woah break it up right now!" He yelled
Your boyfriend didn't even seem human. It was like he was a whole new being
He didn't let go.
The teacher stepped in and physically forced his arms off of you. At this point the whole class was watching.
Your boyfriend was still. Not seeming to comprehend what he had done.
You were now hiding behind your good friend Murphy, and he was comforting you and wiping your tears away, shielding you from other students wandering eyes.
"Come on, it's ok, come on" he led you downstairs to an empty part of the hallway before teachers could even notice, then again they weren't too worried since they know how good of friends you and John were. You couldn't stop shaking.
John just held you in a tight hug and softly talked to you.
"It's ok, it's over now, Murphy's gotcha"
After maybe 15 minutes you calmed down enough to speak
"Wha- what do I do?" Your voice cracked
"Tell me exactly what happened, you don't have to keep going if you get anxious" he rubbed your back
"He. He just kept yelling. He doesn't want me to talk to Bell anymore. I. I don't know why that made him so angry. I always knew he was the jealous type but I would've never thought he would go this far."
"He won't touch you again" he sounded aggressive but in a soft way. You knew he would protect you to the ends of the earth.
You both sat in silence for another 20 minutes. A door slammed open and someone stated storming down the stairs.
"Y/N!!! Y/N I'm sorry!!" Your boyfriend yelled through the stairwell
Murphy grabbed you and you hid behind the solid side of the staircase, basically holding your breath.
He came to the bottom and looked through the window near where you were. He didn't see you and kept walking.
You counted his steps in your head.
"One..... Two.... Three... Four.... Fi-" he stopped. And turned around. What was he doing? He couldn't have seen you! Right?
He looked through that window again, and stood there for a few minutes. It felt like hours. Murphy was holding you so tight he could feel your ribs.
He turned around very slow, and spotted you both.
Murphy practically jumped up with you and hid you behind him.
"Y/N I'm so sorry. I. I didn't mean to do that ok. I just. I'm so scared you're only with me to make him jealous!" He was almost crying. But. It didn't seem real to you.
"Look man, the damage was done now lets say we don't create anymore and go our separate ways for now ok?" Murphy stated shakily while walking you to the stairs backwards to keep his eyes on this asshole.
"I wasn't talking to you Murphy. I don't want you here. Neither does she." He began to shout. You squeezed Murphy's hand in fear.
"Seriously dude just go the other way, this isn't worth it, you already ruined your only chance." John was not afraid of your boyfriend. In fact he never really liked him in the first place.
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE MURPHY" he shouted so loud you both flinched.
Murphy was going through all the scenarios in his head. He managed to back you both up to the staircase. He let go of your hand.
"Murphy?" You asked perplexed on what he was planning.
"Go get Bellamy Y/N" he whispered
"Murphy he'll beat the shit out of you!" You whispered back with a shake
"You underestimate me princess." He winked "Go get Bellamy and security. I'll keep him here. Go!"
You sprinted up the stairs with tears in your eyes. You could hear them whailing on each other.
You reached room 306, bursted through the door and yelled for Bellamy. He leaped out of his seat to get to you.
"Y/N whats going on?" He practically caught you from falling.
"Murphy! He's in danger! Downstairs. He told me to come get you!" You were out of breath. But you managed to pass the information quickly.
Bellamy's teacher noticed the bruises on your arms and asked you to come inside the class and wait for security to arrive. You sat down and felt everyone's eyes on you.
"Let me get you some water" Mrs. Williams said
As soon as she walked away you booked it out the door. You knew you couldn't sit there while your two best friends were in a fight.
You rached the first floor where everything took place. You saw Murphy on the floor bleeding and Bellamy and your now ex throwing punches left and right.
Without thinking you ran in to stop them.
Bellamy would never hurt you causing him to immediately stop swinging. Your ex however saw it as an opprotunity and punched you right in the jaw. However you were lucky enough to not have it crack into a million peices. It sure felt like it.
You hit the ground. Hard. Nobody knew how the hell you got back up but you did. And not only did you get back up but you were swingin too.
You must've hit him about 5 times before he got one in. Your tiny fists didn't do enough damage unfortunately.
Bellamy was trying to get between you both but you accidentally nailed him with your elbow as you threw another punch.
Your Ex managed to get another bad hit in. Little higher than the first one. You went down again, and you definitely didn't get back up.
The entire time this happened where was security? You hit the ground as soon as that main floor door opened up to the stairwell. Security grabbed your ex and Murphy managed to gain enough strength to carry you to his car. He didn't want you to have to wake up and talk to police. God knows how he talked security into letting him take you away.
About an hour later you woke up in Bellamy's bed. Nice dim lighting for the headache he knew you would have, and a glass of water on the nightstand.
You didn't know where your phone was and you knew getting up would hurt like a bitch so you continued to lay there. Maybe 5 minutes have passed when Bell walked in.
"Good to see you're awake" he spoke so soft
"Good to see you're alive" you responded.
He sat next to you and helped you sit up and drink some water.
"I guess I owe you an explanation" you sighed
"Don't worry about it, Murphy already told me everything." He rubbed your leg
Silence filled the room for a good few minutes before Bellamy finally worked up the courage to ask.
"But. Did he really have a reason to be jealous?"
You stared at him. "Not that I tried to make obvious" you chuckled a bit
"In all seriousness, do you feel anything. For me?" He asked
"Bellamy Blake. I have since the first grade" he couldn't see that you were shaking in fear of him not feeling the same
"Really?" He asked
You began to worry, eyes tearing up
"Because I have since kindergarten." He smiled.
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