#I'm not even sure that the right orthography
c4qwp · 3 months
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felix catton x fem!reader
| you understand.
📎 tags : angst, female reader, felix being older than you by a year, fanon of felix be i'm such a bad writer guys, bad orthography, felix being a bit annoying but also a cutie patootie, (y/n) not mentioned, angst asfff
📎 author's note : don't hesitate to comment to help me to progress! english isn't my first language, idk if felix is fanon but i tried my best to write him like i how i see him
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you would have seen it coming.
"i think we should break up."
so faint and uncertain, barely more than a whisper.
he looked uncomfortably hunched over, his forearms resting on the table, his breakfast untouched, like he was trying to make himself smaller than you, which was ironic considering you envied his nerves of steel, and of course he was smaller than you shorter It was a very embarrassing moment for a handsome man, but not this kind of moment. Never this weakness.
although the winter sun shines through the windows, the kitchen is still dark and the unpleasant feeling of unusual transparency is almost suffocating. felix isn't the type to get flustered in public, which makes you even more nervous, just when you think you've had all the training you need to imagine scenarios and possible breakup possibilities in every direction.
he didn't dare look at you, shaking his head nervously, choking silently. "say something."
howfunny that he's the best thing you know and can lift you up with one arm effortlessly — his biceps are literally the size of your head, but he says if anyone touches him, he'll cry right now.
It's also a hard pill to swallow, and it's not true that you did this to him, weakening him. you didn't know you had that much power over him yet; and he said he wanted to break, but if he actually said he did, he'd throw up. you shifted in your seat, the wood of the chair suddenly digging into your skin as your body became hyperaware of everything around you, turning your attention away from felix and crossing your hands in your lap.
the answer is on the tip of your tongue, where it has been hidden for months. of course you let him go, and what makes it easier is accepting his warning that half the things about him will be absent and secret, or knowing from the start that your time with him will be limited.
you just don't hesitate; completely overcome the first four stages of grief and begin to accept with ease.
felix catton was essentially ephemeral, either a dreamer or a visible absentee in the present moment of your life. you think of him as an outside cat who was never yours to begin with, appearing randomly and unwittingly when he wanted, a flighty, mysterious companion who was happy and eager to be around.
you don't know if he loves you so much. everyone loved felix. everyone wanted to be around him. the love was there, enough to last a long time, but you thought it was because you were secure and stable.
you were glad you gave him that, if only because you honestly weren't sure what he saw in you.
what was going on was easy enough to experience and because of that you didn't allow yourself to get too attached to him because you knew he didn't love you as much as you loved him. maybe you're kidding yourself, maybe you're sleepy and not as cool as you thought, but you're convinced that's the way it should be, the way it should be.
what's the point of realizing your name isn't at the top of his list?
are you even were you good enough for him? a feeling of insecurity has been itching you for a long time. you may have been beautiful and intelligent, but were you the first in his eyes?
you can't ever be mad at him. you wanted to be with him knowing the way he is, after all. felix is a mess despite trying not to show it, his messy straw-brown hair doesnt shine like it usually does. he hasn't gotten enough sleep in more than a couple days because of his family's issues. time whenever he has to be away for an unprecedented amount of time, or gets buried too long in his pub. wearing a white shirt, he looked very casual and didn't seem to beg to be singled out. feel sorry for him.
he snapped his head up, his eyes immediately meeting yours, and they were no longer blank. he looked unsure if he had heard correctly and had a look of disbelief on his face. "wait what?"
your fingers traced the rim of your teacup, mimicking felix's eager movements. "you can start packing today, but if you want to stop today, i don't mind..."
"no, wait-"
"i said yes, felix."
he frowned at the name, his eyes looking away from you for a moment, and he had to blink, and you thought that not having your usual nickname had hurt him. He had to swallow before he could speak.
"and that's it?"
you don't know if this is an attempt to end your relationship or if you want to let him go easily. you do not get it. what can you say.
"what do you want me to say?"
he sighed, looked away, wiped his forehead with his hand and covered his eyes. yes, not that your hopes are in vain. you have to say no.
he's as handsome as ever, but of course he'll want to know how comfortable you are, and he won't appreciate it when he changes his design. "i heard and will agree so we co—"
"aren't you mad at me?"
this is really what he thought first?
"i don't want to get upset."
"well, ..." because you love him, but talking about him will make it harder.
"i'm not sure. but we are both adult and need to talk like one. i think you and i have been very good together all along. I'm not mad at you for anything. understand."
he had such a subtle, sarcastic look on his face that if you were a complete stranger you would have thought it was sarcasm, but you knew better. He insulted himself. you can read it. but you should think about it. you should be mad at him. why the fuck is he upset. things about felix seem too good to be true, his only flaw is that he is a literal playboy. but of course stopped all his relationships with other girls, right?
"don't you want to know the reason? i mean, my god, why are you taking it so passively?"
"what do you mean?"
it's hard for you too.
"how can you not be so affected?"
"It's not like that. If you want to break up, i can't make you stay, or do anything you don't want to do. that's not fair to any of us. you will be with someone you don't want, and i would know im with someone who doesn't want me."
he shook his head, brown hair framing his face, which floated gently in the air. when he strongly disagrees
with something you say, but decides to say no at the last minute, he'll furrow his brows in anger and you'll feel a little disappointed because he's not denying that he doesn't want you. "you're always doing that, you're always doing that..getting mad. you must be mad at me."
"felix. I'm just tired of all this. you want to beak up and i said yes."
he just said, "I'm sorry,"
he hated it, that was all he had to offer you, and it showed on his face. sit in the chair next to him, you both need some good communication privacy right now. "but i have plenty of time to cry, okay?
"it's not like i'm accepting it or being negative or anything... and"
his eyes search yours for a moment, the realization making him gasp and his eyebrows raise, making him look younger and more innocent.
looking forward to it.
"yeah, i mean.." pressing your lips together.
"look at us. in the long run, this doesn't work. It's not real. i don't know how we got here."
his pupils swallowed all the blue in his eyes, and he had never looked at you with such hostility until the hair on your arms stood up. "did you just think about breaking up?"
"why are you mad at me now? what have I done? you're the one who broke up with me."
"you weren't happy at all. haven't you always been sure?"
"i was and i still am. it's just...you've changed, felix. you're not looking at me like before. i don't know if it's because of me that you've changed but i was here for you every single time. but no mister doesn't want to talk so go to the pub and come back all drunk and doesn't give a shit about me. so yeah i was confused about a time and wasn't sure."
his eyes were finally on you. he called your name, repeated it. "i'm so sorry, love. i'm so-"
"no felix. i'm tired. so please leave me alone for a time and let's talk an other time."
there was a blank of 2 minutes. as you wanted to say another word,
"i understand."
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AITA for breaking off a friendship without an explanation after a boundary has been crossed repeatedly?
This is one of those "happened a while ago, but still on my mind" stories. I (then 26F) had a long-term close friendship with a classmate from highschool (then 25F) in which we'd been really through a lot together, too much to recount here.
Relevant to the story is that I had just survived cancer a few months earlier, though. Also probably relevant is that we had started drifting apart a little bit recently anyway, because I wasn't as available for daily phone calls anymore due to a new job and a new relationship.
To get to the matter of the friendship break-up fight: I usually proofread her papers for university as a courtesy, she didn't proofread mine, which I didn't mind - orthography is a skill of mine and she showed up for me in different ways. Now it was time for her to write her graduation thesis and I had agreed to help her with it if (!) she managed to finish it a couple days before the deadline this time, because I knew I was gonna be busy on the weekend of the deadline (hand-in on Monday morning). She had a history of procrastination, so I made that clear beforehand.
Friday evening rolls around, she hasn't send me anything yet and I figure she has it covered or found someone else to help her out.
On Saturday evening I'm entertaining guests, two friends who were emigrating halfway across the globe for work the next week. I haven't looked at my phone in hours, as I find that really rude on such a special occasion. I get a call on the landline from my thesis friend, telling me she's done and demanding I get on it immediately. I tell her that I'm busy hosting friends, and that I don't know when I'll next see these two.
She gets nasty. Demands again that I get right on it and to throw my guests out now. I can only put this down to severe stress. I tell her that I'll do it Sunday morning, but not now, and hang up. I get back to my goodbye party. Sunday morning I do the proofreading, send it back to her, we talk a little on the phone and I can tell she's still mad at me for blowing her off.
When I probe a bit and ask what's wrong, she blows up at me and tells me that she had expected better of me, that she expected me to be there for her and not other people in her time of need because she was there for me when I had cancer. That I should count myself lucky because unlike some other friends, she didn't leave me over my illness. (Which did happen, other friends left.)
I get very upset and tell her how much that hurts, that I don't feel it's fair to have this brought up in this context and that if she uses my cancer against me again, friendship over. She hands in her thesis on Monday, gets an A- for it.
Fast forward a couple months, a common friend calls me and tells me my thesis friend had said some incredibly rude things about me and she worries. I have her tell me the story and lo and behold, it's the same complaints: I wasn't grateful enough, didn't value her sacrifice during my chemo enough (visiting me in the same city every two weeks to watch shows together), she expected more devotion etc.
I tell the shared friend and thank you and block the thesis friend on all social media and my phone. I get calls from a hidden number at an insane rate for a week, which I don't pick up, and then that stops too - I'm still not sure if that was her, but the timing was... weird.
The shared friend tells the thesis friend that she told me, so the thesis friend definitely knows what caused me to block her - but I wasn't the one who told her why. Some of our shared friends still feel like I was an asshole for cutting her out like this, so am I?
What are these acronyms?
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For the Tjetji post, how can you tell that something's actually a mistake, instead of just colloquial grammar/idiosyncratic spelling? Like I hate to use the p-word but I assume ancient Egyptians did have regional dialects just like modern languages do, and it seems prescriptivist to just toss nonstandard grammar/spelling into the 'mistake' bin just because they differ from the widely-accepted standard. Even English didn't have standardized spelling until pretty recently, iirc, and lots of people use grammar that would be out of place in a formal setting, but that doesn't mean the way they talk is 'bad' or 'wrong'. (I'm asking in good faith, I'm not calling you prescriptivist, I just want to know what led you to that conclusion, like is there a contemporary text saying 'wow, that Tjetji guy's grammar sure is awful' or something?)
Okay, so, I acknowledge you're asking in good faith. However, the best way to not insult someone with the use of the word 'prescriptivist' is to not use it at all. Especially on a topic you don't have much familiarity with (i.e. how Middle Egyptian functions), to a person who has a lot of experience with the subject (16 years!) and about a post that was a shitpost about how that text was just a nightmare to translate when I did my undergraduate. At this point it feels like people are taking it very seriously when it doesn't warrant it.
(Just as an aside: I don't know what version of the post you've seen either. There are several where I explain things, so I'm working on the basis that since you follow me you've likely seen the one where I explain in detail several spelling and grammatical errors in the text.)
Anyway, the reason I can tell that these are mistakes is because of the language it's written in, the type of text it is, and who the text is about. That's the basic gist of it. But let's look a bit harder.
You're right about there likely being regional dialects in the spoken language across Ancient Egypt, however, there are a number of problems with assuming that this would directly translate into the written language. One is that we have absolutely no evidence of there being regional dialects, or how they would differ from a standard dialect at this point in Egyptian history. Thus we cannot treat it as such without deciding that all spelling and grammar mistakes might be 'colloquialisms' that we just don't know yet. That would be a really weird thing to do without evidence. Two is that we're dealing with a population of people where only 2% of people could read and write, so what we have written down is what's recorded by people who are specifically taught to do spelling and grammar in a specific way. This means that the people learning how to read and write are being taught 'standard Middle Egyptian' and thus any official document or inscription will be using standard Middle Egyptian.
The only time we get a reflection of the spoken language in the written one, is when Middle Egyptian ceases to be the language used in handwritten documents (around the end of the Amarna period) and it moves into the stage of the language called Late Egyptian. Late Egyptian has a lot of changes in grammar from the softening of consonants (R softens to an L sound in some cases) and the change to frontal exposition, alongside the use of a lot of semitic loan words. Late Egyptian is so vastly different to Middle Egyptian you pretty much have to learn Coptic first in order to understand the grammar and orthography. However, with regards to the orthography, the spelling of words, when not semitic loan words, or words used solely in LEg, remains constant. The spelling of words, with the exception of some condensing of determinatives that in the very early stages of the language were written longer (doesn't affect the consonantal value of the signs within the word, this is simply an aesthetic choice), remains the same from the advent of Old Egyptian in the Old Kingdom to the use of Late Egyptian in the New Kingdom. That's a couple of millennia of standardised spelling, where we can very clearly see that it does not change. The Egyptians made a very deliberate choice to keep it this way, just like they did with their art. In fact, when the handwritten form of the language changed to Late Egyptian it didn't change everywhere. Middle Egyptian was still used on Monumental/Tomb/Stele inscriptions despite it no longer being how the Egyptians used their language on a day to day basis. The two do not overlap, because they're different forms of the language for different purposes. You can see this in modern day usage when, and I'm going to make fun of my own country here, the Queen died and all the proclamations were in a very formal, very stiff, version of English that simply isn't used anymore, but it is for this specific thing. So if someone misspelled a word or used incorrect grammar within the framework of that form of the language you'd notice it immediately. It's not supposed to be there. The same holds true for the Egyptian.
In fact, we know when they're deliberately making certain incorrect grammatical choices because they do this in literary texts. P.Westcar has a nice example where the character of Khufu (fictionally in this instance) is characterised by the 'slightly wrong' grammar choices made in speech. It's to set his personality apart from the other characters featured, and only occurs in the text in parts relating to him. In this way, we can tell it's a deliberate choice of the author to give Khufu this characterisation through the 'poor' grammatical choices he (Khufu) makes.
This brings us to Tjetji and his stele. Tjetji is a high official. He is close to the king, and has the power and resources to commission a stele for himself that reflects this status. A stele like this is known as a Biographical text, and as such these texts are known to do several things grammatically and stylistically. One of these things is to have 'formulaic phrases' used. Tjetji calls himself 'sole companion' and talks about the treasury being 'under my control and under my seal'. These phrases, with treasury switched out for a different job, are the most common formulaic assertions that Egyptian nobles make either on stele or in their tombs. We see them time and time again in the same format, with the same spelling and grammar. This is standardised Middle Egyptian at work. The fact that the grammar of this sentence in Tjetji's stele is in the present passive tense rather than the past passive tense should immediately red flag to anyone reading it. No one colloquially uses the present tense on a text that should use the past passive. That's not a deliberate choice, especially on a text that's supposed to be a monument to what you did in your life. The text is supposed to be past tense, but parts of it are present tense. Ergo, we know this is an error.
The word for 'to bring' (in) is spelt with two n's as inn. Throughout the course of Egyptian history, the spelling of 'in' (to bring) remains the same. Even in Late Egyptian, the spelling remains as 'in'. It's also what's known as a 'strong verb', meaning that the consonant at the end (in this case 'n') is not considered a 'weak ending' (this is usually the case with verbs ending in 'i' like rdi 'to give/place') and thus does not do what we call 'geminating' where it gets a double consonant on certain verb forms. Not only is 'in' not a weak verb, but neither the grammatical form being used (present passive) or the one that should have been used (past passive) cause weak verbs geminate. To put it simply, there is no grammatical reason for there to be two n's in the spelling of 'in'. Even colloquialisms, while deviating from the standard grammar, do still follow certain rules and it can be determined which standard rule has been 'flouted'. Here it simply cannot make any grammatical sense, both within the context of a biographical text and following the standard grammar of a biographical text. Therefore, it has to be a mistake.
Other mistakes, like the omission of signs or pronouns, I've already said are aesthetic choices. Any stage of the Egyptian language does this. Hieroglyphs are an art form as well as a written script and sometimes they will deliberately leave signs out because it looks prettier that way. Old Egyptian simply omits the first person pronoun all the time, as well as the marker for the past tense, because it's just like that in that stage of the language. Tjetji's text being in Middle Egyptian means it shouldn't do this, and is long past the time where it would have been done too. That'd be like me using the 'long s' that's so characteristic of Middle English. People would be asking why I'm doing that and assuming it's a mistake because it's very far out of common usage and is archaic.
The writing of the 'ms' sign is quite straightforward. It's not supposed to be like that. It has never looked like that. That is a mistake plain and simple, and was likely done by a stonemason who was illiterate. In fact, Tjejti and the scribe he commissioned to write the text might have produced a completely flawless bit of work, but when an illiterate stonemason carved it he made some mistakes and that's what we're left with. Simple human error.
With Egyptian, unlike with English, we do have to factor into things that much of what we see carved was done by men who were illiterate. They are going to make mistakes. They are going to make a lot of them. That's going to be a much much higher probability than 'a colloquialism or idiosyncrasy we cannot even hope to define' has slipped into a stone carved text. Egyptian is not like English. It formed, and the written control of it was in the hands of those who were in power and were literate. What you're talking about how English spelling was standardised happened in Egypt a millennia before Tjejti even commissioned his text. I don't really know how to explain to you that what you're looking at is a stage of the language wherein all the stuff about 'standardisation' is already ancient history to the Egyptians by the time of Tjejti. They've already gone through it. It's done. It's finalised. They are a fully fledged civilisation with a standardised language and writing system. That's how we know.
So, in summary: Egyptian actually has standardised spelling and grammar, and maintains it for thousands of years. The text is of a specific genre, which has very set phrases and grammar (another thing which the Egyptians maintain for centuries). When it deviates from standard grammar we look for the reasons why it might do that, and 99% of the time the answer to that is Human Error.
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hwangreenn · 2 years
I feel Lee Know would love the fantasy of sleeping with a v!rgin/inexperienced reader & here's why.
I also think he would make the perfect first ever bf & 'first time' partner as well.
Soft dom Lee Know for the win.
The man has a HUGE corruption k!nk and there is so much proof he does with the way he openly speaks about wanting to corrupt Jeongin's sense of humour.
Lee Know is also the type to love it when his partner gets all shy & embarassed in front of him, it would immediately get him into his 'protector' mode & he would just adore you. He would find even the small things cute like seeing you blush when you snuggle with him on the couch, just because you aren't used to it.
I also feel he would love to tease you about it all the time.
'Aww, is this new for you too? Wow honey, you really are all cute & innocent for me'.
So you can imagine in the bedroom, his k!nk would elevate intensely when he sees you lying there, all hot & bothered because of him, covering your face or hiding your moans because you're shy about being so exposed to him in such a vulnerable way.
'Don't hide your pretty moans, I want to hear them, love that I'm the reason for the moans, no one else can hear them but me.'
nobody can’t deny that this man is definitely a dom (hard and soft) and for him the fact of dominate someone who is inexperienced in sex (a virgin or just someone with an scarce experience) just turns him on.
definitely in the soft way for minho it’s in some way purpose himself to take care of you ‘cause he sees you so little, so innocent and literally the simple thing u do will be the cutest just because it’s about you.
he just can’t wait to finally corrupt you, to change something in you, take you to another level with him, when you give him permission to do anything he wants with you, to manipulate you however he please just because you don’t have experience he just can’t stop explode of love, he just loves you so much for that.
when Minho sees you all shy and blushing while he fucks you it makes him laugh in a cute way. you’ve never been these close with someone before him and you just can’t help cover your face or some parts of your body like your breasts, or cover for mouth with your hands to keep your moans in a low level ‘cause you’re so shy and he’s so sure and expert in the situation, when this happens he immediately hold your hands so you can’t move them
“hey, hey” he would talk to you almost in a whisper “sweetheart there’s nothing to worry, relax, you don’t have nothing to hide” then he would kiss your breast and then take his mouth to your nipple where he start to suck it and leave small bites “you’re so good, letting me fuck you, and i’ll make sure to be the first and only to make you feel this good, you love this, don’t you?”, “hey! you don’t have to be quiet, i wanna hear your moans, i want to hear how good i’m making you feel”
BUT NOW, in my opinion and having in count Minho’s personality i also think he likes to humiliate you, to tease you a lote and torture you during sex.
in which way? denial orgasm, spank you anytime you’re doing something to annoy him. he’s such a brat too. he would enjoy call you “slut, whore, cumslut” and the best part is something that u enjoy too, ‘cause it turns you on how mean and rude he can be, obviously with your permission and approval, otherwise he would never do something that you don’t like or you were in disagreement, for Minho the most important is that u two enjoy the whole thing, ‘cause a responsable and respectful man is even hotter that someone who’s good in bed 🥱
if you like this you can send me more hard or even soft thoughts of any other skz member, my ask box is always open!
btw sorry if my grammar can be very repetitive in some words or even if my orthography is wrong, english is not my first language, i still learning and i hope u can understand me🫶🏻
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flockofdoves · 3 months
i just find the way that phonological rules can map to orthography even in languages (with alphabets) with deep orthographies really intriguing. and i havent looked into it much at all but i feel like theres often something specific happening there when it comes to phonemic rules for pronouncing stuff like proper names, invented fictional words, and foreign words
i don't really know the right way to look at it but i think about this a lot in the context of my name. i really don't like when people who speak english as a first language pronounce my name as /kiˈeəɹə/ and throughout a lot of my life its driven me crazy whenever i pronounce my name as /kiˈɑɹə/ in english and people continually pronounce it /kiˈeəɹə/ in response. because i Know that the people doing this have a sound similar to /ɑ/ in their dialect and /ɛ/ or /eə/ is not it so its always made it feel like a refusal to accept that my name isn't a more popular US anglicized name like 'kiera'
and i do think that might be the case a decent amount of the time but in recent years ive started to wonder if its a weird combo of things happening like that maybe instead of mapping italian /a/ to /ɑ/ its being mapped to something like /æ/ in the phonological/orthographic rules of how this person deals with anglicizing foreign words (which is fair enough since /a/ is like right between those) but then on top of that some other contextual sound change (maybe a mary/merry/marry merger thing) is happening so it comes out sounding dramatically different than what i tend to expect but feels all the same to that person
and thats so weird to think about because like. yeah sure i like when people pronounce my name as it natively is in italian as /ˈkjara/ but also i'm a native english speaker speaking english most of the time so even if i also had a lot of people say my name like /ˈkjara/ growing up (esp people speaking italian or spanish to me or that spoke those and spoke in a way where it was natural to carry that pronunciation even into speaking english) and that is my name to me, still the majority of the time people i'm close to or raised around, even my family and myself, have said my name something like /kiˈɑɹə/ or /ˈkjɑra/ in most contexts. so those specific pronunciations are also equally or maybe even more so by a bit My Name to me. so realizing that at least some of the people ive seen as mispronouncing my name throughout my life might actually be engaging with their dialects rules for integrating italian words into english but their way of doing it is different than my dialects so that they dont pronounce my name a way that they are phonetically capable of is so so weird i don't really know what to do with that awareness lol
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thycoop · 8 months
Cover of the day: Day 19: 1890s Bulgarian letter card
I've officially gotten back into the rhythm of making these posts, so I'll keep posting until my legs stop working
Also I won't post from the 16th to the 21st because I'm going to Vienna (WOO), so see you on the 22nd
Today's cover was sent nev... I'll stop myself right there. Today we have a mint Lettercard from the Kingdom of Bulgaria, 'the KINGDOM of Bulgaria???' I can hear you scream (stop screaming, please I beg you), Well Bulgaria was a kingdom until 1946, THEN COMMUNISM STRUCK (Fun fact: The last king/tsar of Bulgaria is still alive and was elected as Prime-minister of Bulgaria in 2001 to 2004), and I can tell this was issued during the Kingdom era, because the Lion on the stamp has a cute little crown :3
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'But what even is a lettercard?' I can hear you whisper (Ok maybe that's a bit too quiet). Well a lettercard is a... card folded in half with a stamp, sealed at the edges, usually with a perforated edge so the recipient can open the letter card more easily. The message is written on the inside, and because it's folded in half, it has twice the writing space as a postal card while being the same size (after being folded), and It has an extra layer of privacy because y'know, random people can't just read it? Well the lettercard was invented by a Hungarian named Akin Karoly, and the first lettercard was issued by Belgium in 1882, blah blah blah let's talk about something more interesting, Like letters!
most of you probably can't read cyrillic, so I'll explain it quickly: Imagine the latin alphabet, are you imagining it? Good, now change a few letters like [L -> Л] and [B -> Б], and keep a few random letters the same like [T] and [K], and swap a few letters around just for fun like the letter [H] looks like an "h" right? Well it makes the same sound as "n" and [B] looks like a "b" right, well screw you, it's "v".
But I'm sure most of you know what cyrillic looks like. But did you know there're a lot of old letters noone uses anymore? They're pretty weird like [Ѳ] or [Ѡ] or even [Ѯ], pretty funny right? (The first one is called fita and make the F sound, the second one is omega, and was only used when transcribing Greek into cyrillic, and the last one is Ksi also used for transcribing Greek, and writing some last names). When I was looking at the back of this lettercard, I say two letters that aren't used anymore, the letters I say were Big Yus [Ѫ] and Yat [Ѣ] (Highlighted in yellow)
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When I first say it I thought: 'wait, didn't they stop using Big Yus in the 1700s?' but then I remembered Bulgarian alphabet had Ѫ and Ѣ until 1945, When the orthography was reformed to simplify spelling, because by then Ѫ was pronounced the same as Ъ, which is pronounced similar to the "u" in but /bʌ̘t/. Originally Ѫ was pronounced as a nasal "a", but the only (largely spoken) slavic language which still has the nasal a is Polish, where it's written [ą] (here's how it's pronounced). 'But, if there's a Big Yus, is there also a Little yus?' you might be asking, the answer is... yes! There is a little yus and it looks like this [Ѧ] (It's pronunciation is a nasal "e", like the polish [ę]). Oh wait I forgot about Ѣ, (In Bulgarian) is pronounced like "Yah" (or Ja in German), in Russian It's pronounced like the e in bed, which was replaced in 1918 with [e] in most circumstances [копѣйка -> копейка (Kopeck)] and with ё in other ones.
Here's the full transcript in Ye Olden Bulgarian, Modern Bulgarian, and English (The English translation isn't the best but I did my best because Bulgarian is kind of similar to Slovenian):
Тая карта бажу за доставяне достажяние и въ странство ако иотрѣбнама доиълнителна марка бѫде залѣйена до оная отйагатана вьрхъ настоящата карта
2. Тая карта бажу за доставяне достажяние и въ странство ако иотребнама доиълнителна марка бъде залейена до оная отйагатана вьрхъ настоящата карта
3. This card is valid for domestic mail, for delivery abroad please attach an additional stamp in addition to the one already printed on this card.
I'm also a bit confused, because this is writting in italics, and the italic form of Yat [ѣ] is [ѣ], but they still wrote it like the non-italic version. I guess it's just a stylistic decision
But basically the text on the back is "This card is only for domestic mail, if you want to send it abroad, add another stamp"
Now let's stop talking about one sentence of text, and let's start talking about the rest of the lettercard. It was probably issued in the 1890s because the stamp on the card was issued from 1889 'till 1896 so, that's where I got the "1890s" date from (Fun fact: The nickname for the 1890s is the "gay 90s" haha funny), also I can tell this card was issued for domestic mail, and not just because of the text on the back that literally says "This card is for domestic mail, not international mail, Bich!", I can tell because the Indicium is Green, because in the 1880s the General Postal Union (Now called the Universal Postal Union) decided to standardize the color-scheme of all stamps (Green=Domestic Postcard, Red=Domestic Letter/International Postcard, Blue=International letter) and most countries used these colors until the 1940-60s, so if you see a postal card from before the 1960s look at the color of the stamp!
Ok enough talking Here's the cover!
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misszura · 3 years
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
(lmao sorry I accidentally unfollowed trying to get to the ask button)
OMG, it's 2am here, and I just received this notification, so instead of watching the celling, trying to find sleep, I'll answer your questions !
(I love asking ! Thank you so much ! )
Others social medias that's it ? I have plenty of them. You can find me on twitter (@ CrazyZura) but it's mostly in french (speaking English in front of a buch of french people is hard y'know ?) I have Instagram, but it's not really interesting (except if watching me make paper boats and leave them at my university is interesting) I think it's resophinement (I'll check before posting) I also have wattpad, but as before it's in french (feel free to have a look on my unfinished works (no It there)) still CrazyZura, but I have a second account where I project to post the fanfiction I'm currently writing ! (I'm almost done ! ) Oh and I have a tik tok account ! I draw a lot, and there is some IT content there certainly CrazyZura (as @ but I think my username us wawawa, because I used to cosplay a gebderbend Wario) (don't ask he is underrated XD)
I never changed my username on those platforms, because I'm kinda a newbe on Internet, i mean, I'm here from 2015 for most of them, before I was on... YouTube i think, and Facebook. I used to have a blog, and my username was something like sosodu44 (my name + from my department) (and I'm on Tumblr for 2/3 months, I still don't know how it works)
(please tell me i understood well the question, sorry if not, I still learning foreign languages)
I'm also a newbe on the IT fandom since I watched them (2017 and 2019 version) during the lockdown, and the 1990 miniseries not long after. I'm still looking for the book, but I can't find any book shop open (and I won't buy it with Amazon.) You laugh at me if I say that I saw those movies while watching the whole Finn Wolfhard filmography ? Because it's thanks to that I'm in the fandom
My favourite characters are Stan, Richie and Patrick, and my favourite ships are probably Stozier (don't hit me please) patrick X Richie, henpat and obviously Reddie (I mean, I think everyone in the fandom like Reddie, right ?) Why ? I kin (it's the term ? Let's say it's the term) Richie and Stan (more Richie, he is my Confort character ) and Patrick, because I have a thing with unsaine bad Guys, my family always make jokes about it. (I can't help, plus the fact that he is pictured by Owen teague improve my love for him) (funfact : patrick is my Confort drawing, when I don't know what draw, it end up by Patrick) (sometimes Vic comes, because i like his character a lot too)
I love this question, because it makes me feel like I'm really a part of something even if I don't do a lot. As said before I draw Patrick a lot, not only, I draw it characters a lot (I need to find where I put my last Bill drawing ) I also have a fanfiction, but I won't post it until it's finished, because I fear to not end it, and I don't want the pressure of people asking "when is the next chapter" (if people ask that) and I'm kinda anxious that if I start post it before I finish it, I'll never finish it... (But soon ! Like before July if I work hard !). And obviously I reblog memes, I share fanarts, cosplays, tik tok, videos, and fanfiction.
Ok so this is the "sophie is going to simp over everyone" time ! Fanfictions writers who inspires me are @ fuji09 (I didn't notify them on purpose, I have to stop bothering them) they're fanfictions are really cool, and there for every tastes, I wish I could have a writing skill as good as them. There is also my friend shayla_mitchel (on Wattpad) she writes a lot about Patrick and she Helps me a lot with my work (plus she is the one who correct the English version, since my translations aren't always the best) (by that I mean : it's sometimes, when the moon is in good therms with Neptune, good enough) (in my language it's fun. I swear) there are those Cosplayers on tik tok, mostly fezilius and Synthestron, moonshine4snails, tarondactyl and aphelion (they're cosplaying with their friends, if you have time watch they're works, even if they don't do only It contents, they're really good Cosplayers that I love) (i just noticed I've mentioned only male/nb Cosplayers, so I add cospla.natro (on Instagram and tik tok) and Ligeia.cosplay (on Instagram and tik tok too) and there is also the reddie videos of kmcarras (on Instagram)
I still don't know how to put links in her (I'll try to figure out while answering) the leach series of Fuji09 (mentioned above) on AO3. A fic called When you say my name by YoungDumbandFullofHeadcanons on AO3 (really a jewelry, but a lot of tw, mostly of transphobia, be careful and take care) and a hard one called "a lot of marshmallow" by MeganRosenberg on AO3 (apparently) kinda hard because it's a violent one. There was others like Above and bellows (I think) i can't find it back to mention, I think the author deleted it.
I'm really proud of the fonction I'm currently writing, even if it's a fiction with an OC and I'm a little ashamed of that(because people judge that a lot). (As said before not posted yet) and my tik toks about Richie and patrick (the two last I've posted.
It's now 3am, and I haven't finished, my phone Will probably get out of power before the end XD (like this I'll see if Tumblr have some automatics saves)
I wish I would, but no... One day, may be if the occasion comes to me :)
I don't really know, I wish we had more content (in french for exemple ! ) But I think the fandom is kinda cool (when we forget all the ship wars and all dramas like this)
I hope I've answered well enough, I'll probably regret doing this that late tomorrow, because I probably forget a lot of things (did i mentioned that i made some It incorrects ? I don't think so) keep asking me things I'm totally open for this (idk if annon are on)
On this, I wish you a good night, or day, or whenever you are and I'm going to keep watching my celling !
Good night 🍈🍈🍈
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jbreenr · 3 years
Déjà Vu –Bucky Barnes.
Summary: You and Bucky keep having those kinds of encounters and none of you know how.
Warning: poorly written smut (if you're under 18 please, don't read), unprotected sex (don't do that, kids. be responsible), alcohol, a bit of swearing, i think that's it.
Word count: almost 4k.
A/N: so, this is the first imagine i post here and it also is the first one in english (not my first language) so don't be too hard on me, i tried my best. lack of vocabulary, grammatical and orthography mistakes are all my fault. corrections, feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Inspired by Déjà Vu –Voilà.
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ᴹʸ ᵍⁱᶠ
You weren't sure how it happened, let alone how it all started, but here you were, legs tangled in bed sheets that were not yours, head resting on a pillow that was not yours, the air smelling like a cologne that certainly was not yours, and a strong and now partially warm metal arm wrapped around your waist.
Trying to turn to face the owner of said arm seemed to be the most difficult mission you ever had due to the buzz in your head that made you stop for a second so the room would stop spinning before your eyes.
You knew the headache was going to be bad, except you did not think this bad.
The first clear memory of last night popping in your head: you asking Sam to hand you the fifty dollars of the bet. Of course you were able to drink all those shots and stay on your feet for the rest of the party.
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It had started boring as usual. Not that the music was bad or too low, but the fact that you had to attend every single party Tony hosted should be considered torture. You only wanted to go to bed, for God's sake!
The dance floor was full of people, the sofas were all occupied and the bar was not the exception; two bartenders were not enough to keep everyone happy with a drink on their hand.
Still, you managed to have one the whole time you were there and by the time you were taking your ninth shot, you started to feel a little dizzy. Maybe, it was the way you sat up too fast and turned on your heels with a specific destination: the improvised dance floor.
If you were staying, at least you'd make sure it was worth it.
Taking Sam's hand (the one that was not filling your cup with tequila again) and putting the money inside your bra, you tried to guide him to the center of the dance floor but, considering the big amount of people trying to do the same, you decided you'd be dancing somewhere near the sofas where Steve and Nat were sitting, talking.
Your dance moves were all innocent, even ridiculous; arms and hips moving to the beat of the song in a synchronized rhythm, changing your weight from foot to foot slightly to give the illusion of a real choreography, Sam doing the same in front of you.
Laughing at your own movements, you jumped turning to the left, trying to recreate La Macarena –or your version of it– when you saw him.
Dark long hair tied up in a small ponytail brushing the back of his neck, a pair of shorter locks falling to the sides of his face, framing it perfectly; black suit trousers so tight on his legs that you were sure they were going to break at any moment; light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up his elbows, making him look thicker than usual; vibrant blue eyes sparking like reflectors from where he was sitting; flesh hand playing with a glass of what seemed to be whiskey; vibranium arm with thin golden lines caressing a blonde's tight…
You snapped out of your trance only to evaporate the sweat in your body with the rush of hot anger that ran all the way from your toes to your ears.
Why were you angry? You had no idea. You only knew that it was unacceptable. He could not do that. Not in front of you.
It was until you took a wrong step back almost falling on your ass that you noticed you had stopped dancing. Sam's hand wrapped around your arm to keep you from actually falling. Steadying yourself, you cursed yourself for listening to Nat when she said that you'd look amazing in those high heels. Who would pay attention to your shoes when you were wearing a freaking black strapless dress that did little to cover your body?
The answer was looking right at you, sitting in an armchair next to that beautiful woman, who was talking about something he had lost interest moments ago when his eyes finally met your figure from a far, now traveling down your legs to lock his gaze on your heels.
Even from where you were standing you could see his jaw clenching and his hand forming a fist, the hand that was not tapping the blonde's leg. His drink, now forgotten on the table in front of him.
“You alright?” Sam's question was followed by his hand leaving your arm. You turned to him.
That's when you had the idea. Probably, the worst and best idea you had ever had.
“Yeah,” you said nodding. “We were in the middle of something, right?” The innocent look you gave him made him follow the game.
“We were, indeed.”
“Let's keep doing it, then.” The smirk on your lips, making Sam raise his right eyebrow in confusion.
And it felt as if the universe wanted it to happen, as if the Gods wanted to know what was next because just as you turned again, softly slamming your back to Sam's chest and started swinging your hips against him, the electronic music changed to a song you knew would help you with what you had planned.
“(Y/n), what are you doing?” Sam's laughter rumbled in your ear as you swayed.
“Just dance, Falcon. Have some fun.”
Raising your arms, you gave him permission to place his hands on your hips, which he did hesitant at first. But when he understood (or at least, he thought) that you were only enjoying the music, his grip on you became stronger and more confident. After all, most people around you were dancing the same way.
Opening your eyes, you tried to find the super soldier but in vain. The sofa he and his friend had been sitting on was now occupied by other people and you could only imagine one reason.
The song was coming to an end and you turned again to face Sam, who was smiling at you.
“It was a pleasure to dance with you, but right now, I need to go dust my nose.” You said in a false cordial voice and bowed with exaggeration, placing your hand in the cleavage of your dress.
“Those drinks are making their work already? Ouch!” he complained when you hit him in the shoulder. “The pleasure was mine.” He bowed back and walked to the other side of the dance floor, easily finding another partner to spend the rest of the party with.
You didn't need to go to the bathroom. Not really. That was only the excuse you gave to finally head to your room and take off that dress and heels that were killing you.
You hadn't taken three steps out of the party when you felt a hand close on your arm and drag you up the stairs.
In all honesty, if his grip wasn't that firm, you could have fallen on your knees more than once on your way to where the bedrooms were.
Only when the door was closed behind you was when you noticed you were not in your room. The bed was perfectly done and the nightstand didn't have your current reading on it. You were in Bucky's room.
Blurry memories of previous visits filled your head like flashing lights: your hands tightly clutched around the headboard, your feet slipping from the edge of the bed, your back pressed against the wall, your knees and elbows buried in the mattress. It felt like you'd been there a thousand times before.
Bucky wandered around the room like a lion inside a jail, his steps heavy against the floor and his hands trying to pull back the hair tickling his cheeks.
With a loud sigh, he finally turned and almost ran in your direction. The look in his eyes was something you've seen somewhere before.
“Wha-- what the fuck you think you were doing back there?” His question took you by surprise, even though it shouldn't have. It had been your main goal all the time.
“'Doing' what? What do you mean?” You decided that playing dumb was the best way to get on his nerves and apparently, it was working.
The super soldier bit the inside of his cheek trying to keep his composure. He was not having any of it.
“Don't try and act all innocent, as if you didn't know you were practically offering yourself to Sam with that stupid dance of yours.”
“I'm surprised you even noticed,” Taking a step ahead, you shortened the distance between you two. You knew he wouldn't find you intimidating, but at least he'd know you weren't afraid of him. “when you were too busy lifting the little skirt of that girl up her legs.”
His eyes darkened and he took a step closer, his face staying only a few inches from yours.
“'Little skirt', uh? What about this pathetic attempt of a dress?” His hands traveled from the sides of your breasts to your hips and stopped at the hem of the dress (that was too short for your liking, but you weren't going to tell him so).
“Sam seemed to like it.”
Faster than you thought was possible, he gripped the hem and drew you towards him, making your smaller form crash against him, your lips barely touching his while he leaned to be at your height.
“Do I look like I care about what he likes? Not even you care about it.” His grip on the dress had softened unconsciously. “I know all you wanted to do was to make me all bothered, except you did not think I'd fix that with someone else, someone better.”
With all your strength, you pushed him back by his chest –which only caused him to take three steps back of pure shock– and your right hand landed on his face with a SMACK!
If his eyes were dark before, now they were on fire. Anger and something else that you couldn't decipher radiated from his pupils.
“Fuck you, Barnes.” Your voice, nothing but poison.
Bucky started to shorten the distance again and you didn't know what to expect: Him yelling at you? A punch? Both? Either way, you were prepared for anything.
Or so you thought.
His metal hand took you by the waist pressing your bodies together and his flesh hand traveled to the back of your head to push your face to his in a hungry kiss.
At first, you were surprised. That was not the kind of smack you were wanting for. Not that you were complaining.
His tongue wanted to make its way inside your mouth but you wouldn't open it, so he took a handful of your hair and pulled, making you whine at the feeling and finally parting your lips just enough for him to do as he pleased.
You tried to resist, how much you wanted to but oh, if it was impossible. So you let yourself get lost in the kiss.
The familiar sensation in your lower belly and the way your legs trembled told you that you were fucked and before you knew it, you were gasping for air. Seemingly, you had forgotten how to breathe while Bucky's lips devoured yours in such a feral way.
With a quick movement, Bucky let go of your hip and hair and his hands went directly to the back of your thighs, indicating you to jump and cross your feet on his lower back, which you did gracefully despite the amount of alcohol in your system.
At no point your lips separated, not that any of your wanted them to.
Your hands intertwined in the back of his neck and pulled his hair softly making him groan in your mouth. It was not difficult to get rid of the hair tie, and once it was gone, Bucky's hair fell to the sides, brushing your face.
Bucky moved to the bed and sat on it, keeping you on his lap, straddling him. His hands moved all along your legs, just the way you imagined he did with his friendly friend back in the party and your blood boiled.
Pulling his hair again, but with more strength this time, you separated his face from yours, looking into his eyes with what he interpreted as disgust.
“Really think that Barbie is better than me?” you asked, your heavy breathing causing your breast to rise ang go down rapidly.
Bucky smirked, clearly enjoying the view of you asking such a thing. “You know I don't, doll. Just gotta make sure you don't forget I'm better than him.”
Having said that, the sound of a zipper opening was audible and soon the cold air of the room hit your back.
You recognized the feeling of Bucky's hands traveling from your thighs to your waist under the dress, to end up pulling it off of your body and tossing it across the room. It, falling right in the same spot they always did. Your lips, only separated when you rose your arms to take off the dress.
It was Bucky's turn to pull away, eyes glued to your bra. Its intense red color was driving him crazy, but not as much as the thong, which was far from being a proper piece of underwear, covering your drenching cunt.
With a quick movement, Bucky undid your bra, letting it fall past the bed with the fifty dollars slipping right after. And as if you didn't feel too exposed already, his hands ripped the thin sides of your remaining clothing, dragging it from behind, causing the fabric to rub against your clit roughly. You closed your eyes when a moan escaped your lips.
The sound of the fabric tearing apart bringing a memory of that night you were feeling waisted.
“Hey! Those were my favorite!” you had said right after he ripped your baby pink lace panties.
“Not anymore.”
Bucky's lips traveled from your jaw to your neck, finding that spot that had you trembling in his lap.
Deciding he was wearing too much clothes, your hands found their way from his still covered shoulders to his chest, looking for the first button, willing to unfasten it but once you realized it was going to be a more difficult task than you had expected, you decided to give him a payback for what he did a few weeks before.
Grabbing the shirt tightly, you pulled it, causing the buttons to fly out in all directions, clacking against the walls and floor.
“Are you kidding?” Bucky's mouth was no longer on you. “It was really expensive!” His eyes, telling you he wasn't lying. You almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
“Not anymore.”
A knowing look took over his face. He also remembered.
“Nice one, doll. Let's see what else we can reprise from that day.”
Taking you by your ass and making you gasp, he stood up and turned to the bed, throwing you into the center of the soft mattress the second he was fully facing it. You felt small compared to him, his big frame taking off the now useless shirt obstructing the view of the rest of the room for you.
Watching him undo his belt and pushing down his pants and boxers at the same time was too much for you to witness. You closed your legs trying to relieve the sensation between them.
“No, doll. Don't do that, that's why I'm here.”
His palms massaged your ankles, both flesh and metal hands cold, taking off your heels.
His delicate touch was killing you, you wanted him to go higher, to go faster, to touch you where you needed him the most.
And it was as if he read your mind. His face lowered to rub his nose against your left leg, placing a kiss in your ankle and traveling up your thigh with his chin rubbing your skin. His facial hair tickled you but you didn't mind. You liked the feeling.
His face was at the height of your core and he knew by the way you buckled your hips that you were soaked. He didn't need to check to be sure, he could smell it.
Wet kisses and purple hickeys adorned your stomach by the time his mouth reached your breasts. One, he massaged with his metal hand, the coldness provoking goosebumps to run all over your body. The other was being attacked by his tongue and sucking lips.
When his teeth bit your nipple, your back arched and one of your legs slightly raised having minimal contact with Bucky's hard dick. The pressure of your chest against Bucky's mouth, muffled a groan coming from his throat.
With a soft pop he released your tit. “You know?” he asked, opening your legs and positioning himself between them. “As much as I'd love to take my sweet time with you, I can't wait to fuck you into oblivion.”
His tip was leaking precum already, you swore you saw his member twitch the second you bit your lower lip.
He started teasing you, rubbing his shaft from your entrance to your clit repeatedly, coating himself with your juices.
“For God's sake, Barnes, just do it!”
That was everything he needed to hear to finally enter you, stretching you out with his hardness without any warning.
A loud scream was swallowed by Bucky's lips when he leaned to kiss you. Tongues fighting for dominance in a heated battle.
His vibranium hand had yours pinned above your head, immobilizing them and keeping you from moving, from touching him. Flesh hand next to your head, preventing his full weight from crashing you.
Seconds passed until he felt your body adapting and accepting the new intruder, that's when he began to move, a slow pace at first, it felt like he wanted to make sure you were really there, too caught up in the painful pleasure he was feeling.
He separated from your face, enjoying the moment, you were just fascinated looking at his expression.
When a particular deep trust hit your g spot, the moan that left your mouth brought Bucky back to reality. His eyes opened in a snap and what you saw in them made you want to run away from that room and to stay under him forever at the same time.
Lust and hunger danced on his eyes, fire and need distilling from his pores.
The concentration look in Bucky's face gave you the second best idea of the night.
“C'mon, Barnes.” Containing a cry, you murmured. “I know you can do better.” Saying that you knew was more of an affirmation than a comment in the heat of the moment.
An arrogant smile drawn on Bucky's lips was followed by him quickening his pace. His now warm metal hand let go of yours to take control over your hips that were bucking up to meet his, accompanied with the hoarse sounds coming out of your mouth. He pinned you down with his fingers buried in your flesh, surely leaving some dark bruises to remember his excellent performance.
One of your hands flew back, trying to hold onto something for dear life while the other scratched, with black painted nails, Bucky's back. Meanwhile, he kept pounding you harder with each trust.
“You like it, baby girl? Bet Sam can't do it as good.” His words were dry, forcefully said along with one of his hands finding you where your bodies connected and pressing your clit roughly to prove a point.
It was talking all of you to find a coherent sentence to give as an answer. The way his body slammed yours, creating a delicious clapping sound, having your full attention.
“Wouldn't be so sure about that.” You almost whispered in a voice you didn't recognize as yours.
“Really?” One particular deep trust hit that sweet spot again making you arch your back and clench around him. A high pitched sound leaving your lips and a low groan leaving his. “Cause, from where I see it, it is me who's giving you the time of your life.”
He repeated the action again and again. Your breasts bounced up every time your bodies collided.
“Fuck.” Bucky's lips kissed your shoulder, his breath made you shiver and the feeling of his teeth grazing your hot skin causing a new memory to pop in your brain.
“God, you're perfect.” His hands squished your butt cheeks and moved you up and down to keep you riding him.
“Is that what you say to all the girls you get laid with?” You rolled your hips, challenging him to tell you.
“I've only said that to you, doll.” His words muffled in your neck followed by an assault of bites and dark marks.
He resumed the movement of his fingers against your clit, faster and applying more pressure this time.
“Ugh, just like that, yeeees!” A single tear of ecstasy fell from your eye, ruining the white pillowcase with the smallest stain of eyeliner.
As pleasure took over your body, you struggled to keep your eyes open. Your mouth parted and let a sinful groan fall from it when your orgasm finally hit you.
“Yes, baby girl, cum for me.”
Your clenching walls enveloped him so tight that his movements faltered for a second. He quickened the pace, riding you out of your release and spilling inside you, coating you with his seed.
An experimental trust before he pulled out of you made you cry out. Both your juices and his cum dripping in the now ruined bed.
Bucky rolled to his side and pulled you closer to him, embracing you in a hug. Your breathing, slowly returning to normal.
“Damn, we're gonna regret this in the morning.” You affirmed half asleep, resting your head on Bucky's chest.
Your head position didn't let you see Bucky's sad smile. “Yeah, we will.”
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Once you turned your whole body to Bucky you couldn't hide the confused look that took over your face. You didn't remember how you got there, let alone why you were there. Why was it happening to you again?
Watching him like that, so peaceful, it almost made you feel bad for what you were about to do.
“My God, Barnes, let go of me!” you said loud enough to make him open a lazy eye trying to focus on you, the sound of your own voice increasing the pain in your head.
“What are you doing here?” His raspy voice did things to you in ways it shouldn't.
“That's an excellent question. I'd like to know the answer too.”
He sat, the sheet falling from his shoulders to where his public hair started. Immediately, you turned to the ceiling.
“Last thing I remember is you dancing that silly Friends routine with Sam and then… a smell of coconut.” That was the scent of your body wash.
You knew you were naked, except your brain didn't process what that meant until then.
“Ugh, not again.” You covered your face with your hands, trying to keep the sheets at the height of your chest with your arms to cover it as much as possible. “This can't keep happening.”
“Why not?” His question was followed by a yawning. “It is always good to wake up to your back pressed against me.”
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amai-no-ura · 2 years
Bad Buddies Series Review + Short Sorting
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(Note: the left guy is "Pran", played by Nanon and the right guy is "Pat" played by Ohm, both are amazing actors)
This series is Thai BL series. Normally, I wouldn't even consider watching Thai BL series at all. Even if I'm Thai. Frankly almost all BL series in Thailand are written by people who have no idea what it's like to be in gay relationship. They assign 'roles' to the couple, like there must be a bottom and top. Oh, not to mention that 'I'm straight but I'm only gay for this guy' and 'a girl that appears once only to make our mc knows he like this guy' trope. That's so damn boring. The usual BL series often depict gay couple unrealistically, and I think it's an insult to our LGBTQ community. But this series just blew me away. In all the right way.
First, they don't portray a 'gay' couple but just a couple falling in love. It is universal, just two people warming up to each other and fall in love, supporting each other through thick and thin. I'm a sucker for a good love stories, and this is one of them. It's not just a gay story, it is a love story and a damn good one at that. Next is the great story pacing, it's an emotional roller coaster. When it's sad, it brings you down to the lowest. When it's happy, you can't stop smiling. When it's funny, hell, I laughed my ass off so many times I can't remember.
This story that blends all these elements into one seamlessly. I love it. But you know what's the best? The acting of every actors on screen is PHENOMENAL. I can't describe it, but they are so natural. All the emotions, they embody the characters perfectly. The banters, the kisses, the cuddles, all of them are completely natural and depict exactly just how a couple actually live. Not to mention the fact that this show isn't even sexualized. Sure, main mcs are hot, but they are not like artificially hot. Just a simple, quite hot (but not overdone) guys. A type of hot guys you can find in any setting and not artificially overdone to the point of unrealism. Which is great, because many times BL series place unrealistic expectations to us that we have to be a modeling material to be in relationship. (I never dared to hit on someone because I feared I wasn't good looking enough despite me not being ugly in anyway). Other thing worth mentioning is the "Zero Waste Village" arc, this arc is a pure gold, both for environmentalist and people just enjoying the show.
But you know what touches me the most? The fact that they are supporting each other through thicks and thins. The fact that even with insurmountable obstacles, they still stay true to what they believe in. And there is a line "If you don't leave me, fight together with me. I'm already really happy." This line strums my heartstring so hard I cried for god knows how long. It just shows how a healthy and supportive relationship can be. We are all trying so hard to be what people want us to be, to the point we are being swallowed by the current of our world. But what if we fight it? What if we say "even if I can't change the world, I won't let the world change me." This is really the essence of this story.
So, the sorting.
(Noted that the official transliteration doesn't reflect aspiration-tenuis contrast existed in my language. And we have a habit of using random English word as our nickname, so I'll just use the English orthography when that's the case)
Pat: ESFP 8w7 sx/so Snake-Lion. (A really good example of healthy 8w7)
He is actually quite easy to sort but not easy to type. He is clearly Snake primary. He cares deeply about his people (family, Pran and friends) and will go to extra length to protect them. He is a loyalist who focuses on his own happiness and his people's wellbeing. A healthy and mature Snake primary. When he knows that he likes Pran, he doesn't care about anybody else, he just lunges himself forward into enemy territory to find him.
He clashes with Pran's Badger a little because Pran cares about what his community (friends and family) would say about their relationship and later (spoiler) runaway to the sea. Pat just wants to stay with the man he loves and that's it. He is very assertive and reactive. If something happens, he charges head first into it fearlessly. When his friends are being attacked, he is the first to act and fight. When Pran failed the presentation, he steps up and improvises, go for the most obvious solution. And he is brave as hell, his faculty has long standing and often violent rivalry with Pran's but when Pran's faculty hosts an environmentalist camp, he lunges himself, alone, into the enemy territory just to talk with Pran (after an incident). He is surrounded by an enemy but he just doesn't care. His method is antithetic to Pran's. He is reactive and hands on while Pran is heady and meticulous. Like that bus stop scene where Pran can't think of a single idea for the bus stop project. Pat simply just told him to get up and imagine, if Pran is the one using it, what he'll want from this bus stop (and this 5 minutes long scene is completely improvised too, mad respect). While Pran encourages Pat to be more thoughtful of the consequences and to be overall more regimented and less impulsive.
MBTI and Ennagram wise, he is a tad harder to sort. He's definitely ESxP, but I wasn't sure about his judging function. He is very attentive to his surrounding, often notices things people don't notice (like Pran's reactions, the poster that hints the company is interested in environmental-friendly projects, etc,) and is quick to leap on those opportunities. He is quick thinking and fast to act physically. He is the first to rush to his friend's help and is able to accomplish a string of events in a very short period of time. He can and will use whatever in the surrounding to his advantage. That's all indicator to Se-dominance. But is he Ti-Fe or Fi-Te? He often goes to the most obvious fix and straightforward solution that is very Te in nature. He isn't driven by logic or desire to understand, instead he is driven by his strong internal values that dominate all of his decisions. Pat is driven by his own sense of right and wrong and will enact it physically if he must (Se-Te). He isn't exactly that subtle, he is very smart but many times, his simple methods (Lion secondary + Se-Te not being very subtle) can mask the depth of understanding and deliberation he has So, he is ESFP. . His enneagram is harder to sort, he is definitely either 7w8 or 8w7. Both aggressive stance. But which one?
He is so healthy that some traits escape me. But he is definitely 8w7. He is aggressive go-getter who doesn't afraid of anyone and will fight with anyone if necessary. He doesn't really understand or care about personal space much. He will just barge into it and assume it's alright (much to Pran's annoyance). He just barged into Pran's room and leisurely walked around the room while Pran told him, exasperatedly, to get out and he didn't care (ofc, Pran likes him so he doesn't really resist...). That is, except his inner circle (mainly Pran and his sister Pa) where he lets out more of his 7 wing. Being playful and positive. His 7-wing comes out in a form of lighthearted and often cute gestures. When the going gets hard, he stands his ground and fight. He is that kind of 'authoritative' 8 (Yara Greyjoy) as opposed to 'authoritarian' ones (E.g. Tywin Lannister).
He lacks the obvious domineering and often harsh nature of enneagram 8. But that's simply him being healthy person. He doesn't need to dominate people or to actively act mean toward them (except for Wai, initially) so much as protecting his own and his people's rights when they are challenged. He doesn't need to. He is secure enough in his own skin that he doesn't have to subdue others to feel big and safe. But when someone challenges his authority or harming his friends he will let them have it. He shows integration to 2 when he is with Pran. He becomes more caring and helpful toward Pran. He cares for Pran and provides him with help, as well as be there for him. Pat is naturally understanding, empathetic and kind guy which in essence is his integration toward 2. But he is still 8w7 first and foremost, just a healthy one. (And as to why not enneagram 2w1 disintegrate to 8w7? He isn't image type and he is not dependent type. He is gut type first and foremost then he is aggressive stance type second which is 8w7).
Pran: ISTJ 1w2 so/sp Badger-Bird.
Pran is the opposite of Pat in that he is easy to type but not easy to sort. He is ISTJ. Always the perfect, precise, calm and level-headed individual. He is that neat and responsible guy who tends to do things himself (as opposed to leave it to other people) and do it very meticulously. Like, when he figures out how to help his friends pay for the bus stop they wrecked that isn't even Pran's own doing.
First, Pran does it out of his sense of responsibility, both as the president and friend and his own desire to help (Si-Fi to the max). He slowly pieces together how much he will need and how will he gets the money needed. Then delegates exactly how to lower the costs and how to find money (which are all strong Te). And he condemns Pat because his friends are jerks who bullied Wai (Pran's bff) which resulted in the fight at the bus stop. And since he is 1w2, he is a dependent stance type, or as I'd call them "should and must" types. He constantly suppresses himself, his reactions and emotions, in order to be what he 'should' - a perfect child, responsible, proper and regimented guy. But when he finally reconnects with his feelings and step out of his comfort zone, he shows 7 integration. Being playful, silly and chill. He teases Pat on too many occasions and he is cute. But he's also quite wrathful like to that actor guy (irresponsible smirk face) and lashes out in anger before telling him to **** off from the project if he can't be more responsible.
But he has rather weak intuition and often detached from his surroundings (a sign of inferior Ne). It doesn't occur to him that he could just cook up a project to build the bus stop and presents it to the university or to outside CSRs. (Which, to Ne-dom like me, it's immediate apparent. I've been in this situation once and that was what immediately came to my mind, though I could never hope to be nearly as meticulous as ISTJs are ... they are superhuman...). But he is also opens to alternative ideas and change in plans as it is able. He didn't see the poster in the lift when he went to present his project (courtesy to Pat) and failed to capitalize on the company's policy on environment architectural projects. Though luckily Pat intervenes. When his friends come to him for advice, he doesn't give them emotional advice but practical and often blunt ones. When he fought with his mother, he doesn't yell. He didn't even want to talk to her at all, but when she pressed him. He just told her bluntly that he and Pat are in relationship. And told off his mother before door slamming her and retreated to his room (well, he has a point though. Both parents pitting off their children to hate each other because of their own unresolved disputes is just not cool, at all). That's how Fi-Te works in FPs and TJs. (So, INFJs don't door slam people guys!)
He is friendly and amicable but also introverted. Sure, he has a lot of friends, but he is very protective of his emotions and personal space. He needs a lot of time alone to feel content. So he is very reluctant to let Pat into his room at first. To him, this is his private space and only after they warm up to each other he lets Pat in. He is often calm and reserved on the outside, always rational and practical, but he actually harbors so much intense emotions within himself. Many of which he sacrifices for what is logical like denying his feelings for Pat, because of possible consequences. Stop playing guitar (which he loves) because his mother doesn't want it and the possible consequences.
I mean, he was uprooted on a whim of his mother when she saw him in a band with Pat. He was traumatized and doesn't want it to happen again. But when they have their first kiss, Pran pours out all of his suppressed feelings into the kiss, all the pain and love he held back all these years (it's implied that Pran falls for Pat at least when he was in Grade 10 and the kiss happens in their 1st year of university, so at least 4 years). After that he retreats back to his room, crying, shut himself off from Pat and reflect on what he had done. He knows he loves Pat but he also knows the consequences. He was confused and hurt. Only after Pat's daring trip to Environmentalist camp (with Pran's friends waiting there to beat Pat to pulp, literally) he steps out of his comfort zone and start dating. But that's only after Pat proves it to him that it's ok to go for it. That is how inferior Ne works. If they make sure that this venture will not doom them, they will usually go for it.
Sorting wise, he is either Bird or Badger primary. He is all about upholding what's 'right' that comes from the outside world. Rules, laws, system and teachings. However, I don't think he is Bird primary. He is Badger primary. His main focus is to be a part of the community and upholding them. From his family to his friends. He is aware that his relationship with Pat will affect more than just them, but the community as well. He is broader than Pat in this sense. While Pat is all about him and people he loves, Pran is all about him and the community he is a part of.
However, he is also very healthy. He doesn't devalue anyone. No matter who and where that person came from. They are all people in his eyes and if necessary, he'll be there for them. And he doesn't let the community overrides his freewill. Sure he cares about his community deeply, but he does things for himself and his happiness as well (while negotiating with the community's wish halfway, like, faking that he broke up with Pat to keep his family content, but there relationship is still going strong).
His secondary is bird. He is all about skills and strategies. He doesn't do well when things don't go according to plans. He panics and retreats. Like, that presentation. He didn't expect the judges to refuse to fund him. And he was literally shocked. He loves gathering skills. Like music and architectural skills, he tinkers with it and find enjoyment in improving his skills for its own sake. But sometimes he focuses too much on skills and plans that he forgets the human element. Like when he tries to design the bus stop, he can't draw a single line. He is stuck in his constructed methodology. But opens when Pat's method proves useful. I might not express this well, but he's bird secondary.
Pat - ESFP 8w7 sx/so Snake-Lion
Pran - ISTJ 1w2 so/sp Badger-Bird
Short typing:
Pa - ESFJ 2w1 so/sp
Ink - ESFJ
Korn - ESTP 7w6 sp/so
Wai - ISFP cp6w7 so/sp Bird-Badger (his intuition is actually good. He is the first person to sense something more is going on between Pat and Pran, but he derives it from sensory evidence first which suggests Se > Ni. Though I'm not particularly fond of him, especially since he outed his friends without asking him the reason. He is initially the immature Bird primary and 6w7 who felt betrayed when his friend withhold the secret from him and being vengeful unnecessarily. He grows out of it though, thankfully.)
I wish there are more intuitive types represented in Thai series. Most of the series don't have a single intuitive. If in the west you guys have intuitive bias, we have sensor bias. Intuitives are often ill-received by our culture and media landscape.
PS 1. I don't want to post a character picture individually, because Thai media's tendency to tune up the otherwise already great looking (as in normal and realistic looking) guy when pictures individually. And I don't want to risk copyright complication by taking a random screenshot so ...
PS 2. Thai phonology has aspiration contrast and since p t k in English can be both aspirated (Pen, Ten, King) and unaspirated (Spa, Stark, Sky) we simply just write p t k for both aspirated and unaspirated consonant. Not to mention the tone (5 tones in total), extra vowels like /ɯ/ /ɯː/ /ɤ/ /ɤː/ /ɔ/ /ɔː/ /ɛ/ /ɛː/ and vowel length distinction (short-long). So, the transliteration can be quite deceiving.
The proper pronunciation of this series character's names are as followed (in IPA)
Pat - pʰat˦˥
Pran - praːn˧
Pa - pʰaː˧
Ink - ʔiŋ˦˥
Korn - kɔːn˧
Wai - waj˧
PS 3. I just love how both Pat and Pran are mother hen to their friend groups. I wish I could have a relationship with someone like Pat. I love this kind of healthy and great guy. But I'll have to work on myself too ... being less grumpy and overall becoming a better person before I can feel like I deserve this kind of great guy.
That's it guys. Thanks for reading this!!!
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erika---k · 4 years
I'm writing a story with a multilingual character. I just know some Spanish aside from English so I'd like to ask for your input, since you know several languages. Can you "rank" your languages? Like which one you can speak and understand best, second best and so on? Or are they on the same level? Do you mix them up at times? Do you have an accent in all or some of your languages? Is there anything else about being multilingual that you think might be interesting? Thanks so much in advance!
👍 for doing research when writing about a topic you have no own experience in! Not everybody does that!
Ranking: To a degree. German is definitely the language that’s easiest for me, where I never get insecure if something I’m saying or writing is grammatically wrong.
My Dad is from Sweden and I learned some Swdish as a child, but I didn’t feel that I really knew very much in the end.
I went to Sweden to study after highschool though and it took me literally two weeks to be fluent. Apparently there was much more Swdish in my head already than I was aware of.
I have hardly any formal education in Swedish. My orthography is awful and if I’m not sure if sth. is right, I don’t have much theoretical knowledge of grammar rules to check if it’s right. I have read up a little now but my Swedish is mostly intuitive.
English is a foreign language I learned in school. It’s mostly automatic by now, but if I’m not sure what’s the right way to say sth. there are still grammar rules in my head to go to. In Swedish it’s mostly: Does this sound right?
Concerning everyday conversations Swedish is easier, because it’s what I used with my friends and in general most of the time when I was living in Sweden. Written communication is probably easier in English, especially in the subject area I studied, because a lot of the course literature is English and assignments could be written in English, which I mostly did because see above…
I have a much better relationship with my Dad than with my Mum. My Dad definitely prefers Swedish, not necessarily because it’s easier for him, but there is a complicated family history that makes my Dad’s family’s relationship with Germany and the German language quite complicated, even though they ended up living in Germany. My Dad was very happy, I think, when I went to Sweden and really learned the language and we speak mostly Swedish now.
I actually also feel more at home in Swedish even though it’s not the language that’s easiest for me, if that makes sense? Maybe because it’s my Dad’s language, maybe because the time while I studied in Sweden was a really good and important time for me personally…? I’m not sure…
I sometimes mix up languages, mostly when I’m going from one language to the other. After having been surrounded by people I speak mostly Swedish with and then change to a German speaking environment I might start a sentence in Swedish, before remembering where I am and start over and vica versa. But it usually just happens in those “transitional” situations.
Accentwise I have been told that my Swedish doesn’t sound “normal” but that it’s not necessarily recognisable as a German accent. Maybe because I first learned it as a young child, so it’s not a strong accent in general and I suppose it’s mixed with my Dad’s Swedish regional accent and the regional accent of the area I lived in in Sweden. Maybe that covers up the foreign accent I’d usually have?
In English I’ve been told I have a Swedish accent even though German is my dominant language. Maybe because most of my English communication happened during my studies in Sweden and I adapted the accent most people spoke with there.
Other things: When I’m doing something on the side like reading or writing I can listen to music with English or Swedish lyrics, but not with German lyrics. Apparently my brain needs to actively listen to a song in English or Swedish to get the lyrics. When it’s in German it automatically pushes itself into the foreground so I can’t concentrate on anything else.
I hope that helps! What’s your story about aside from that language thing?
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kaninchenzero · 5 years
@dandelionofthanatos aha, found an omnibus on kindle
i'm sure i'll be pronouncing everything completely wrong in my head; i suck at welsh orthography
like the only reason i can say "cymru" even vaguely right is thanks to the bbc cymru splash at the end of torchwood episodes
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kelly101us-blog · 5 years
Guide to the Study Abroad Application
While not each college can use constant study abroad application,��I'm caning to bet that the majority of applications will have pretty similar parts. supported my very own expertise with the study abroad application method, I’ve compiled a number of useful hints to urge you thinking on the correct track, also as give steering just in case you run into some difficulties.
The study abroad application can look virtually sort of a regular faculty application. keep in mind what proportion work you place into those? place a constant quantity of effort into your study abroad application. not like the school choice method, there’s no make a copy or safety net… you simply get ammunition at this, therefore, you would like to try to it right. More than doubtless, it'll include the following: a private statement, letters of advice, attainable course picks, health clearance types and a general info form. General info Forms This will in all probability be simply a generic type requiring the fundamentals like personal info, emergency contacts, degree info, etc. Nothing sophisticated. simply fill within the blanks. Study Abroad Health Clearance Forms You’re aiming to got to get a whole physical, and therefore the doctor can have to be compelled to make sure that you match enough to travel abroad which you’re up-to-date on all of your vaccinations. clearly, no country needs foreigner transportation in diseases. Your doctor can have to be compelled to fill out the forms once you're physical and send them to the college study abroad workplace or where tutored, therefore don’t procrastinate on these! Doctors square measure invariably busy, and it can be a short while before they get yours done. Possible Study Abroad Course picks This may be known as either a home approval type or course approval type. ensure you’ve checked out your progress toward graduation. Compare categories from your host school’s prospectus with those categories you’ll got to complete your major/ minor and fulfil general needs, and additionally determine categories that simply usually appear fascinating. Letters of advice for Study Abroad candidates Depending on what percentage square measure needed, raise your favourite professors and mentors if they might be willing to write down you a letter of advice. If you don’t have an in-depth relationship with any professors, it’s okay to opt for a number of which will have likeable you, or in whose category you probably did notably well. If they don’t extremely understand you, don’t worry. Professors square measure want to write recommendation letters, and can in all probability have a generic letter that they will use. during this case, if your personal statement is already done, provide them with a replica at the side of anything you think that would possibly facilitate them get a more robust image of UN agency you're and why you wish to travel abroad. Personal Statement - Study Abroad Essay a hundred and one This is the part of the study abroad application that some individuals dread, and a few individuals love. Don’t worry; I’ll break it down step by step. You already understand the explanations you wish to travel abroad, currently, you only have to be compelled to place them on paper to undertake and convert your college that you just ought to go. Here’s writing your study abroad essay 101: First, in an exceedingly nice intro paragraph, justify your reasons for learning abroad. If you are still deciding your best course of action, review a number of our deciding to check abroad resources. simply provides a general summary since you’ll be moving into the specifics later within the essay. embrace why you wish to travel abroad, what originally interested you in going abroad, what college you intend on attending, at the side of anything that appears relevant. Academics square measure invariably aiming to be much loved within the minds of your deans, advisors and college, therefore it’s not a foul plan to travel there next. justify however aiming to the category in an exceedingly totally different culture can expand your capability to be told and interpret new info. allow them to understand it by going abroad, you’ll be ready to complete sure needs for your major or simply build progress toward your degree normally. make sure to say if their square measure categories offered abroad that aren’t offered at your home college. Next, get into depth concerning why you selected the situation and therefore the college that you just did. will the college have an excellent name internationally? does one have family roots in an exceedingly explicit country? extremely get into the actual fact that you just need to explore the precise culture of that country or region. The additional sincere and direct you're concerning why you wish to travel wherever you’re going, the additional doubtless the study abroad admissions workers can approve your application. Don’t forget to incorporate personal reasons and interests also. you continue to got to be selective in what you write – the study abroad admissions workplace can get to see that you’re mature enough to measure in another country, however, don’t be afraid to travel on the far side lecturers. one in every of the most important reasons I visited Scotland was as a result of golf, and that I wrote that in my essay. I didn’t say I needed to come to life and be lazy on the links daily. I explained that golf may be a vast facet of Scottish culture; it holds a unique place over there than it will within the States, and it might greatly facilitate Maine integrate into the native culture. Writing Tips for Your Study Abroad Application Essay Sentences like, “I am excited to be told concerning the culture of Scotland through golf,” square measure an honest begin, however one thing even higher may be, “It would be the head of my playing career to expertise the sport of golf in its finest type in its birthplace of Scotland. There, golf isn't simply thought of a sport, however, additionally important part of Scottish culture.” build the hassle to write down with quality in mind and after all honesty. End the essay with a powerful closing paragraph. specific interest in learning concerning native culture, like in Japan wherever you’ll get pleasure from each the historical prowess of the culture and therefore the trendy amenities of the country. name obtaining associate degree education, not solely in terms of lecturers, however in life also. Be specific and justify your want to pursue those interests and hobbies that you’ve picked up in faculty, and earlier, in an exceedingly foreign country. This is even as vital as the other admissions letter you’ve ever written. Use correct synchronic linguistics and avoid orthography mistakes. Write multiple drafts and have somebody competent edit it for you. Better yet, have two. And after all, get the picture in on time! Be sincere, be honest, and be good. There you've got it. Those square measure my recommended ins and outs of the study abroad application… not as alarming as you'll have thought.
0 notes
mapmystudy1-blog · 5 years
Guide to the Study Abroad Application
While not each college can use constant study abroad application, I'm caning to bet that the majority of applications will have pretty similar parts. supported my very own expertise with the study abroad application method, I’ve compiled a number of useful hints to urge you thinking on the correct track, also as give steering just in case you run into some difficulties. The study abroad application can look virtually sort of a regular faculty application. keep in mind what proportion work you place into those? place a constant quantity of effort into your study abroad application. not like the school choice method, there’s no make a copy or safety net… you simply get ammunition at this, therefore, you would like to try to it right. More than doubtless, it'll include the following: a private statement, letters of advice, attainable course picks, health clearance types and a general info form. General info Forms This will in all probability be simply a generic type requiring the fundamentals like personal info, emergency contacts, degree info, etc. Nothing sophisticated. simply fill within the blanks. Study Abroad Health Clearance Forms You’re aiming to got to get a whole physical, and therefore the doctor can have to be compelled to make sure that you match enough to travel abroad which you’re up-to-date on all of your vaccinations. clearly, no country needs foreigner transportation in diseases. Your doctor can have to be compelled to fill out the forms once you're physical and send them to the college study abroad workplace or where tutored, therefore don’t procrastinate on these! Doctors square measure invariably busy, and it can be a short while before they get yours done. Possible Study Abroad Course picks This may be known as either a home approval type or course approval type. ensure you’ve checked out your progress toward graduation. Compare categories from your host school’s prospectus with those categories you’ll got to complete your major/ minor and fulfil general needs, and additionally determine categories that simply usually appear fascinating. Letters of advice for Study Abroad candidates Depending on what percentage square measure needed, raise your favourite professors and mentors if they might be willing to write down you a letter of advice. If you don’t have an in-depth relationship with any professors, it’s okay to opt for a number of which will have likeable you, or in whose category you probably did notably well. If they don’t extremely understand you, don’t worry. Professors square measure want to write recommendation letters, and can in all probability have a generic letter that they will use. during this case, if your personal statement is already done, provide them with a replica at the side of anything you think that would possibly facilitate them get a more robust image of UN agency you're and why you wish to travel abroad. Personal Statement - Study Abroad Essay a hundred and one This is the part of the study abroad application that some individuals dread, and a few individuals love. Don’t worry; I’ll break it down step by step. You already understand the explanations you wish to travel abroad, currently, you only have to be compelled to place them on paper to undertake and convert your college that you just ought to go. Here’s writing your study abroad essay 101: First, in an exceedingly nice intro paragraph, justify your reasons for learning abroad. If you are still deciding your best course of action, review a number of our deciding to check abroad resources. simply provides a general summary since you’ll be moving into the specifics later within the essay. embrace why you wish to travel abroad, what originally interested you in going abroad, what college you intend on attending, at the side of anything that appears relevant. Academics square measure invariably aiming to be much loved within the minds of your deans, advisors and college, therefore it’s not a foul plan to travel there next. justify however aiming to the category in an exceedingly totally different culture can expand your capability to be told and interpret new info. allow them to understand it by going abroad, you’ll be ready to complete sure needs for your major or simply build progress toward your degree normally. make sure to say if their square measure categories offered abroad that aren’t offered at your home college. Next, get into depth concerning why you selected the situation and therefore the college that you just did. will the college have an excellent name internationally? does one have family roots in an exceedingly explicit country? extremely get into the actual fact that you just need to explore the precise culture of that country or region. The additional sincere and direct you're concerning why you wish to travel wherever you’re going, the additional doubtless the study abroad admissions workers can approve your application. Don’t forget to incorporate personal reasons and interests also. you continue to got to be selective in what you write – the study abroad admissions workplace can get to see that you’re mature enough to measure in another country, however, don’t be afraid to travel on the far side lecturers. one in every of the most important reasons I visited Scotland was as a result of golf, and that I wrote that in my essay. I didn’t say I needed to come to life and be lazy on the links daily. I explained that golf may be a vast facet of Scottish culture; it holds a unique place over there than it will within the States, and it might greatly facilitate Maine integrate into the native culture. Writing Tips for Your Study Abroad Application Essay Sentences like, “I am excited to be told concerning the culture of Scotland through golf,” square measure an honest begin, however one thing even higher may be, “It would be the head of my playing career to expertise the sport of golf in its finest type in its birthplace of Scotland. There, golf isn't simply thought of a sport, however, additionally important part of Scottish culture.” build the hassle to write down with quality in mind and after all honesty. End the essay with a powerful closing paragraph. specific interest in learning concerning native culture, like��in Japan wherever you’ll get pleasure from each the historical prowess of the culture and therefore the trendy amenities of the country. name obtaining associate degree education, not solely in terms of lecturers, however in life also. Be specific and justify your want to pursue those interests and hobbies that you’ve picked up in faculty, and earlier, in an exceedingly foreign country. This is even as vital as the other admissions letter you’ve ever written. Use correct synchronic linguistics and avoid orthography mistakes. Write multiple drafts and have somebody competent edit it for you. Better yet, have two. And after all, get the picture in on time! Be sincere, be honest, and be good. There you've got it. Those square measure my recommended ins and outs of the study abroad application… not as alarming as you'll have thought.
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