#I'm just incredibly dumb and apparently all men are even dumber than i am
Wow. Game Of Thrones stans really be trying to frame criticism to Battle Of Winterfell as "male book snob" thing. Lmao, you guys really be forcing it.
That's bullshit. I am a hardcore feminist, bisexual latin woman. And those moments of badass female characters™ kicking ass™ do not compensate at all the shallow and terrible writing of women characters in this show. And many people I'm seeing criticize the episode are also women.
Lyanna Mormont's death was badass?? Sure thing. I loved it. But does that compensate that she was just a little cliché completely two-dimensional trope with no depth whatsoever? No. Lyanna could be an awesome? Hell yes!!! A kid who has lost her parents, who had this huge crushing responsibility fall on her shoulders as a literal child, who has to grow up incredibly fast, was probably not yet fully ready to rule a house, who had to harden herself with steel and develop that extremely impositive and stubborn attitude in order to be taken seriously by a bunch of old men despite being 1) a child and 2) a girl?? A girl who has lost her innocence, who misses a relatively normal upbringing, who could long for her lost childhood?? Hell fucking yes!!!!! I'm totally here for that!!!!! Was that what we got???? No!!! All of this is literally a logical guess!!!! Because she has no development and nothing is even hinted about her mind!!!! Secondary characters can still have *some* development!!! Instead we only get this girl whose whole role is to make the audience go "yaaaaas slay queen!!!!!" every time she breathes. And, just like Brienne says "weeping like a bloody woman" and Arya says "other girls are stupid" (wow, how feminist), she trashes feminine things such as knitting as useless because she wants to fight™ (one would think a house ruler would recognize the importance of clothes in a cold environment, but apparently not, because slay™). Her sacrifice while taking down a goddamn zombie giant was awesome and I applauded it. That does not mean this character had any actually satisfactory writing.
And about Arya. In the books she is training to become an assassin, and she will probably be brutal and absolutely furtive and pretty much a ninja. However, in the show she barely completed her training. She spent two seasons in Braavos cleaning floors and being persecuted and sticked with the pointed end by the Waif. Then before she actually even progressed in her training she fled but she had already become freaking Batman. Her arc in Braavos was dragged and wasted and boring. They could have advanced her training there, but they didn't. It was two seasons of pretty much nothing happening. But let's focus only on the episode and pretend her arc in Braavos was actually any interesting. Even if she's a ninja, there was literally no build up at all for her to have become Azor Ahai. Does anyone even remember that goddamn prophecy??? There wasn't even any development for its subversion!!! That came out of fucking nowhere!!! "Oh but Melisandre" first of all Dumb & Dumber claim to have had this idea three years ago. That's probably bullshit because the only "foreshadowing" and build up they did for it was exclusively in this season. And even if we're to believe them, the Melisandre thing happened way more than three years ago!!! If anything, it's a retcon!! The only clues they gave of that were this season, not enough for a build-up, and they themselves had said they did that pretty much just to shock™. It was shallow and lazy writing.
As a feminist, I'm completely PISSED at this series for its treatment of women. These fascinating, complex, diverse, deep, multi-dimensional characters were reduced to two-dimensional tropes mostly acting the same, to the male wet dream fantasy/conception of a strong female character™ who hates girly things. A couple of "yasssss slay queen!!!!" scenes will never compensate for multiple seasons of lazy, shallow, clichéd writing of female characters.
So stop framing criticism to the episode as "male book snobs ugh" and talking about this episode as if it was feminist. The show hasn't been feminist in AGES, and those women kicking ass™ moments are pretty much just crumbs and I will NOT be satisfied with that, ESPECIALLY from a show that has previously given us so much better than this.
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