#I’m noticing that my insomnia is definitely at least partially psychological
ukulelekatie · 3 years
so I’ve been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately (I know I know I’m sorry for constantly talking about it I’m tired of it too—or rather I’m not tired, that’s the problem) and I’m researching ways to help and so many sources are saying to not use my phone before bed and even limit reading books in bed, but I cannot understand how people can just... do nothing and then fall asleep? I need to be entertaining myself in some way until I physically cannot keep my eyes open any longer or else I’m just going to be lying there in the dark fixating on how I need to sleep which will just stress me out and keep me up all night. I don’t get it my dudes
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deathordecaf · 6 years
A (not so) Brief Introduction
Hello to you, entirely hypothetical reader!
My Name is Alessa —or rather that is the name I will be using for the sake of privacy. You see my intention with this blog is two-fold:
To share the information & tools I have learned regarding mental health, in an accessible format for myself, those like me, and those who wish to simply satiate their curiosity.
To keep a record for reflection on my personal journey, in an attempt to provide myself with some perspective on my conditions and appreciate the progress being made, as all too often we are blind to our progress when we need to recognise it most.
As such some of the entries here may be, well, personal. This may not be just so for me, but to those close to me as well. So for the sake of privacy pseudonyms will be used.
But enough waffling! This brief introduction is rapidly growing in length, so in no particular order here are a few key things about me that may provide context to myself as the narrator of this blog:
I am 25 rapidly approaching 26 —making me practically a fossil in Tumblr terms
I come from the land down under
I have a very Australian attitude to swearing in that I often fail to notice I’m swearing at all. Those who to umbrige to so-called “strong language” may not appricate my liberal usage in writting.
I was Diagnosed with Generalised anxiety & OCD at approx. 15yrs
I was also diagnosed with ADHD (ADD at the time) and like many 90′s kids (particularly girls), my parent did not take this to be a legitimate concern and neither treated nor informed me of my condition before they themselves forgot that incident entirely!
I have been on and off a number of antidepressants since my GAD diagnosis. Predominately SSRIs with a couple SNRIs threw in for good measure.
SSRIs and SNRIs show mixed to no results until I was in my early 20s when the newest pills on the block would (after making me disoriented and sick for a week) make me feel fan-fucking-tasic! For About a month or so before my inevitable plumment into my realisation, once again, that i was in fact human garbage & hiding under my desk until the fear subsided in another few month.
I do not like taking SSRIs; it’s not them, it it’s me.
I was bullied ruthlessly in primary school In an attempt to escape the constant bullying we tried changing my school, this was an abject failure and I returned to my previous school and dealt with the bullying I knew.
By the time I reach high school I developed a 0% drama policy, made A number of close friends 
I took a Gap year after high school, to really wallow in depression for the first time and ensure that I cut with as many of my social ties as possible, before they realised the truth that i was actual human garbage.
Despite not correctly completing enough qualifying subject in my senior year of High School to apply for university; I took an “alternative pathway to study” test the year following my graduation and scored in the top 5% percent of participants and then enrolled in an art programme in University the following year.
I began a perpetual cycle of dropping in and out of university and working until I became frustrated with my lack of direction or purpose, then returning to study again.
I studied Sociology partially because it interested my and partially because I thought I was to emotional to study psychology like I wanted.
I realised I would never leave this cycle without ongoing professional help.
I was sexually assaulted and had a complete mental breakdown and finally sought the help I needs.
I was now suspecting my Dysthymic + GAD +subclinical OCD combo I’d been labeled with was less than accurate and went to a Psychiatrist for a differential diagnosis
I was was diagnosis with ADHD (again, but this was news to me) and my Psychiatrist agreed the after somewhere in the vicinity of 6+ variety of SSRI was a good enough sample sizes to say they were a good Fit.
I begin taking dexamphetamine (for ADHD + off label depression treatment) and Mirtazipine (for anxiety + chronic insomnia I have had since childhood)
Thing start getting better 
Now here’s the “good” bit
 I have a job a love
 I’ve decided paying for education is for suckers
 I’m planning to start a new business to run while working this current jobs (i already have 2)
I’m working on two art projects
My partner and I are living together for the 2nd year so I now know he won’t leave randomly (because that’s definitely NOT a thing i have immense fear around as a result of a number of traumatic events that I’m pretending to not be effected by)
I’ve finally committed to being a vegetarian
dropped 10kgs
I’m hardly sleeping
I’m bursting with amazing ideas
Secretly convinced I’m going to change the world or at the very least Australia (because I’ve got to be “realistic”
I feel amazing, people love me, I love me
So because I’m finally “normal”, i decide i don’t need therapy anymore I’ve decided I CAN BE MY OWN THERAPIST JUST AS WELL! 
I’ve even done the “responsible” (please read: deluded) thing and doubled my Mirtazipine dose myself (with out having to waste my doctors time) to help me sleep again, although this doesn’t work so I start combining it with alcohol to knock myself out (this is also increasing)
I am depressed
I am more depressed than I have even been
I am not eating because I don’t so the point
It takes me an entire day to sit up right
I keep trying to work, but it’s poor, the stripped my hours back to nothing
I’ve been thinking of hurting myself to try and let the negative feelings out, but i settle for writing nasty thing about myself on my skin and hiding them under my clothes as a reminder that I am human garbage.
We can no longer afford our rent so we move in with my partners parents.
I go to the general practitioner near by she doesn’t want to write a mirtazipine script but does, she asks if I’m okay... I confess I had planned on killing myself a few night ago while visiting my father and his new family and that I only stopped myself because I couldn’t guarantee my three half siblings wouldn’t find my body and be traumatised. I confess I still want to hurt myself and that a feel I am a burden. She wan’t me to go to the hospital immediately but I talk her into a referral instead on the provisor i check in a week later.
At first i hide the for my partner but I confess what happened and i week later i’ve packed my bags and gone to the hospital.
It’s a mess, they ignore me, constantly forget my name, and take my medication away until they can confirm with my psychiatrist that i’m telling the truth. At first all I do is sleep
I don’t realised it but this stress triggers another hypomanic episode, and as I am clearly no longer depressed... they let me go. They don’t notice I’m on a power trip and intentionally making them uncomfortable by mentioning their mistakes in front of my family and laughing about it to my partner.
The goes on for another two week i’m increasingly annoyed by people telling me to pace myself “can’t they see i’m fine?”
Until I experience my first mixed episode. I have never been so scared of myself in my entire life
I’m completely unhinged. Even my partner with all the patience in world sits beside me as body is wracked by sobbing and says “maybe your right. maybe you’re not going to get better” a little part of me dies.
But I’m determined, I’ve spent to last few months actually taking care of myself for the first time in years. I’ve gotten back in contact with my psychiatrist and see hm once a week.
We had concluded I have some degree of Bipolarity and c-PTSD in addition to the ADHD and anxiety.
My mirtazipine has been increased again and Yesterday I’ve started taking Limotrigine and a mood stabilisers
I’ve begun a DBT course (which is part of a university trail to verify the affectivity).
I’ve started learning to embrace slow routine, monitoring my moods and have been drinking in all the possible information I can on my condition
This bring us to now.
I’m still a work in progress but I’ve come a long way and I’m already doing so much better than just 3 months ago. I have decided I will study Psychology like I’ve alway wanted. But I’m not rushing myself to be ready and I will do limit myself to three subjects at a time instead of the typical 4.
Until then my goal everyday is to do 4 simple things:
Ride my exercise bike for 30mins a day
Water my plants as I’ve started a small garden to ground me
Shower once a day
Always to my meds
So that’s an overly long overly intamate look at me... so how are you?
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