#I want to so badly but my sister’s bf recently went through someone he knows doing it and my mum has poor health and my brother is young
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zephfair · 6 years
Grimmjow, accidental beauty blogger?
Inspired by my own stupid post and @the8thsphynx priceless comment. I was hit by the crack fairy after I realized that I had no idea how Pinterest actually works, so I made this up as I went. And thanks to my friend @dreamywritingdragon I even figured out my Pinterest name! xD I’m dumb.
The vibration of his phone woke Grimmjow with a snort. He opened one gummy eye just enough to squint as he fished under his pillow for the phone. For fuck’s sake, who the hell messaged him at the crack of 1 p.m. on a Sunday?
His head throbbed from the weekend’s parties as he finally held the phone, but peeling his other eye open didn’t help the messages make sense.
Yuzulemon: HI! I really love your stuff, your hair is so pretty! The color is beautiful and it looks so soft! I just wondered if you have any advice for keeping it long? Like, I’m trying to convince my brother to grow his out but he says it would be too much trouble?
Yuzulemon: Also you’re really cute trying out the makeup. You go, boy! That green really suits you!
Both messages were sprinkled with emojis, but Grimmjow still couldn’t understand. They were sent to his personal Jmail account, but he’d never heard of the chick. So he ignored it and rolled over, but the phone vibrated again.
Yuzulemon: Sorry to keep bothering you, but how long did it take to get your hair that long? I think if I can get my brother past the first stage so he can pull it up, he’ll be OK. Did you do ponytails a lot? Or man-buns? It looks nice the way you have it now too!
Grimmjow had enough.
BigBadGrimm: STFU I don’t know who the fuck you are but leave me alone.
He’d just dozed back off when the phone vibrated in his hand. Groaning, he swiped the message open but this time it was from another account.
Oneberry: Hey asshole, that’s my sister you upset. Don’t be a dick and stop posting shit of yourself if you don’t want comments on it.
Posting shit? What? Grimmjow managed to sit up against the bed’s headboard and swallow a few times to fend off the nausea. He’d had a good weekend, a big party Friday night at a sorority and another huge party Saturday, first at a bar and then finishing at the house he shared with friends. They didn’t join a fraternity, but they nicknamed the house Hueco Mundo and they definitely knew how to party.
Grimmjow vaguely remembered getting into a fight with Nnoitra and Szayelaporro about something, but that wasn’t unusual. They were usually pissing each other off over anything from who ate what food to putting the moves on the wrong person someone else had called dibs on.
He definitely didn’t have any recollection of posting anything online last night.
He thumbed out a reply: Fuck you. And your sister.
Since he was awake and cranky, Grimmjow swept through the rest of his Jmail account and saw a series of mails from Wintrest. Wasn’t that the site that suburban moms used to look at pictures of food and house shit? Grimmjow had certainly never even glanced at the site, let alone signed up for an account.
Only he had. Or someone had. There was a welcome email and a verify-the-account email, both of which were marked read. Grimmjow scowled at the screen as he saw recommended lists for him to check and then, to his growing horror, several reactions to “his” posts.
“Oh shit,” he grumbled as he opened one. Then his messenger vibrated with a message.
Oneberry: You don’t get to say that. That’s my sister, you despicable sack of shit. Hdu. You’re an asshole and I’ll post this so everyone can see your asshole ways.
BigBadGrimm: Go ahead, what do I care
The first post Grimmjow opened made him swear loudly. The picture had been taken his first year at university, when he’d still had the super-long hair that he always loudly claimed gave him the most energy and power. His friends had mocked him ruthlessly so he’d cut it off eventually, but he remembered doing that pose one night, looking back over his shoulder, smirking for the camera, all his luscious, wavy hair flowing down his back. It was that bitch-ass Szayel who’d taken it.
To his extreme amazement and annoyance, the picture had already been liked seven times. Under it, with the badly misspelled mess characteristic to Nnoitra, was something about washing his hair only in seltzer water because the bubbles gave it body.
He snarled and went to the next one and the next. Most of them were his long hair in various stages, when it seemed like it had a mind of its own. Each had some asinine “advice” like only washing it when the moon was full or dipping it in beer in between so it could drink and be bouncy.
Then he saw one that he knew Ulquiorra had taken in their dorm bathroom freshman year. Grimmjow had his hair pulled back off his face with a thick headband and the rest tied up sloppily on his head as he leaned over the sink brushing his teeth, his eyes gazing into the mirror.
Under that were some suggestions on maintaining the whitest teeth with frequent brushing and even more applications of liquor. Grimmjow gnashed his teeth as if he imagined them biting into a certain someone’s tender white throat.
His traitorous phone vibrated twice.
Oneberry: You’re at Karakura right? I’ll find your ass and make you sorry. Dick. My sister was just trying to be nice.
Oneberry: You don’t even look good. Who the fuck grows their hair into a mullet that long?
Grimmjow pinched his nose. The last few pics were more recent. They were from gatherings all over campus, with him in various stages of undress, showing his current hair and trademark grin, although he noticed his “friends” had been carefully cropped out of each shot. The last one from Halloween was a video and he steeled himself to press the play arrow.
It was only a few seconds of when he’d been beside Szayel at a mirror, sarcastically narrating the process as he applied the makeup for his costume. He winced at his affected voice as he swiped green eyeshadow in exaggerated swirls all around his eyes and pouted for the camera that he knew was being held by Nnoitra.
There was only one thing to do.
Those bastards were dead.
Of course they had just used his phone to log in to Jmail, so they didn’t even have to make up new accounts. If Grimmjow hadn’t been so hungover and so angry, he might have admired that they’d actually taken that much time and trouble to fuck him over. But he didn’t care about that; he just wanted to wring their necks.
Then he realized that there were a couple comments under most of the pictures, and every single one of them was positive. Even the one that some dickwad posing as him—it had Nnoitra all over it—claimed he used jizz to keep his hair in its current coiffed position. The Yuzulemon girl had given it heart-eyes and a laugh then a thumbs-up.
Well, didn’t Grimmjow feel like a dick now.
He slowly and carefully composed a message to Yuzulemon, carefully watching the autocorrect.
Hey, sorry I didn’t know about the pics on Wintrest. I didn’t post them. Some guys did it as a joke. I just woke up and found out. I’m sorry I yelled at you.
He hit send and then quickly opened another message. Thank you for the nice things you said. If you really do have questions about hair, I could try and answer. I let mine grow all through high school. I cut it off last year.
He waited a moment in silence then even more slowly typed, erased and retyped a message to Oneberry.
Hey, sorry about before. My friends made that account to fuck me over. I didn’t know. I apologized to your sister. I shouldn’t have been such an asshat to her.
While he chewed at his thumbnail and waited for a reply, he re-read what Oneberry had sent him more closely.
WTF how do you know I’m at Karakura? You go here too?
There were no replies and Grimmjow was forced to answer the call of nature and retreat to the bathroom. He didn’t run into any of his housemates so he took a long shower before heading back to his room. He was getting dressed and debating what he wanted to try eating when his phone finally buzzed.
Maybe Yuzulemon and Oneberry had needed time to talk to each other. Maybe they were reporting him to someone. Maybe their family had a weird obsession with fruit.
Grimmjow snatched the phone quickly to see a message from Oneberry.
You’re a sick fucker and your friends are worse. Too bad all that hair must have smothered your good manners.
Well, it looked like his very sincere apology wasn’t going to be accepted. He sent back a single character—the middle finger emoji.
He’d just pulled on his shirt when his phone went off. This time he sat down to read the message from Yuzulemon.
That sucks! Your friends are mean! But you could have explained that before you went off on me.
He answered immediately. I know. I’m sorry. Your messages woke me up and I didn’t know what was going on.
Yuzulemon: Well next time you should think before you hit send.
Grimmjow grimaced at the string of emojis, but he had to admit the kid was right.
Yeah, ok, he wrote back.
Yuzulemon answered quickly. Sorry that my brother went after you. He was sitting here when I got your reply and he’s kinda Big Brother sometimes. He goes to Karakura too.
Grimmjow just had to ask. How do you know where I go to school?
Yuzulemon: *series of laughing emojis* We live in Karakura and your pics showed campus in the background.
Yuzulemon: Oops, not your pics but the pics you were in. My bro is a freshman.
Well, at least that explained that. He felt a little better that they hadn’t actually stalked him or anything.
Nice. I’m a junior.
Yuzulemon: Do you have a gf? Bf?
Grimmjow stared at his phone and didn’t know how to answer. He was definitely not into high school or younger girls, which she must be if her “big” brother was only a freshman.
Then his phone vibrated in a fury.
Oneberry: YUZU WTF
And Grimmjow realized Yuzulemon had been copying Oneberry in on their latest conversation. Shit.
Yuzulemon: It’s OK! He’s nice!
Grimmjow quickly typed I only date guys. There, that should get the brother off his back before he blew his top again.
Yuzulemon: Cool, you should get together with Ichi and talk him into letting his hair grow. I think he would look SO GOOD with long hair like yours.
Grimmjow couldn’t help a laugh. I don’t think your brother would like that.
Yuzulemon: Why not? You could at least tell him what a tattoo feels like. He’s always threatening Dad that he’s going to get one but Dad won’t let him.
How do you know about my tattoos?
Yuzulemon: I could see them peeking out from under your hair in the shirtless pics!
Grimmjow felt weirdly exposed.
Yuzulemon: Here’s a pic I took of Ichigo last week.
Grimmjow felt something totally different when the picture loaded.
This Ichigo had a killer six-pack and was holding up the bottom of his T-shirt to show it off. His mouth was open in a scowl as if he were telling the picture taker not to do it. The picture cut off at his nose, but Grimmjow liked what he saw.
Yuzulemon: Why don’t you two meet up for coffee tonight? He’s usually only in class or at the gym but I think he needs more friends.
Yuzulemon: He won’t admit it, but I think he likes your hair too. *series of winky and kissy faces*
Grimmjow rubbed his hand over his face. This was the strangest and most bizarre way he’d ever been set up in his life, but damn if he didn’t almost want to meet the guy.
I don’t think we have much in common. Thanks anyway.
Yuzulemon: Don’t say that! He likes reading and music and mixed martial arts and all kinds of fun stuff!
Yuzulemon: Here’s his number. Text him directly. I have to go see if he really fell. Maybe you could visit him in the hospital!
Grimmjow let out a long breath and barked another laugh.
But he saved the number. Just in case.
And he clicked on the link Yuzu provided to go to her Wintrest page. After a few minutes of looking through the recipes and desserts she’d apparently tried and succeeded at, he followed her. Since his “friends” had been so kind to make him an account, he might as well not let it go to waste.
He stripped his shirt back off, pulled his jeans down low on his hips and with some twisting and fumbling, managed to take a good picture of one of his back tattoos with his own smirk visible in the mirror. It didn’t take long for him to figure out how to upload it to Wintrest with a special comment.
Don’t have much to say about hair or makeup, but I do like tattoos and working out. And I could give advice to any dumbass trying to climb a tree—DON’T.
He didn’t even have to wait a minute before Yuzulemon liked his post and gave it about a hundred heart eyes.
Ego properly stoked, Grimmjow pocketed his phone when he heard the shouting and slamming doors that indicated some of his housemates returning from wherever. After he dealt them a righteous retribution of asskicking, he might just text Ichigo. He couldn’t be as bad as Grimmjow’s own friends, could he?
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manametchi · 5 years
Just a little venting here to get it off my chest.
Just as quick back story: I’ve lived with my friend of 10 years and his wife for about 2 years. I pay more than half of the rent. I have a bf that I am with every single day to the point that I may as well be considered to be living with him. I am at my friend’s (my actual home) for about less than 24 hours a week at this point. 
Recently, my friend/roommate, we’ll call him N, and I were having a conversation about my current situation. He stated that he’s charging me too much since I’m barely there and if I wanted to adjust the amount of my rent then it was something we could do. He told me he does not even need my money to get by so it wouldn’t be an issue for him. 
Last month the decision has been made for me to get dental work done. To start, I’m to have 5 teeth removed; all four wisdom teeth plus one that my sideways growing wisdom tooth broke. I had my dentist appointment, oral surgery consultation, and on the 30th I’ll be going through with the procedure. It’s gonna cost me a pretty penny and although I’m certain I’ll be able to make monthly payments, it’s gonna leave me in quite a bind but it needs to be done asap. So I thought perhaps I could ask N to either work something out to make my payments to him less or if I could even possibly skip this month’s rent to get a boost on paying off my upcoming dental work and so maybe I won’t be so broke. I especially thought that since he had previously, literally the last time we had had a conversation, told me that he was charging me too much money for how little I am there and the like, that perhaps he would be savvy to the idea of helping out his friend who desperately needs this procedure done. Oh how wrong I was. 
We’re sitting in his car and goes on about how he cares about me and how he wants me to be able to take care of my health. Says that he’s glad it’s finally gonna happen because I’ve been wanting to get this done for years now. Well then he says, “I’m willing to FORGIVE (he emphasized the word) you for skipping this month’s rent so you can get a boost towards your dental care. Starting next month however, I will be RAISING your rent by $40.” I sat there quietly ingesting his words and trying to make sense of his logic. First of all... “FORGIVE me??” Excuse me? The only reason I even thought to maybe ask in the first place was because he was JUST saying how he was charging me TOO MUCH to live there. I pay MORE than half of the rent of the apartment and now he expects me to pay $40 more? I could easily understand the logic of, “to make up for not paying for this month” however, based on what he previously told me and even after I had said to him that I’m basically going to be broke as it is... Not only have I been working 10 hours less a week than I used to due to my one manager being so incompetent with scheduling lately (he uses this auto-scheduler and it’s been really screwing over a lot of people both with hours and tons of close/open shifts), I’ll be missing an entire week’s pay due to my upcoming procedure, and I’ll be dealing with the dentist bills. I’m SOL for a good while no matter how I look at it. After telling me about the raise in rent and how much he cares for me and such, he asked me how I felt about it. Honestly I was so exhausted after work that night and so perplexed that all I could come to say was, “It seems I don’t really have much of a choice. I don’t have an opinion on the matter.” I was just so done talking at that point.
 I talked it over with my bf later that night and we both decided F that and I’ll just pay him my usual monthly rent when I get paid next. It’s gonna suck majorly for a bit but less sucky than if I paid that extra $40 tbh. I’m not letting him take advantage of me and RAISING my rent after he had just said I pay too much. F that! Who’s to say it wouldn’t happen again too? I’m not giving him all of my money for a room I’m barely in. 
 The thing is too, I truly feel like he’s trying to keep me there for as long as he can. It’s the way he talks to me and about me. He once even said, in front of his wife, that if he wasn’t already married he would pursue me. Mind you, he’s about 12 years older than me. He’s made plenty of “joke” passes at me. Also, about a month or two ago I was in my room getting ready to pack up for my bf’s when I had noticed this smeared stain on the foot-end of my quilt. Look dude... I’m not dirty. I wash and I certainly don’t sit on my bed with no pants on. Both he and his wife bathe MAYBE once or twice an entire month. I wish I was exaggerating. I’ve seen when we’ve gone out to do laundry before too... Look man.. It freaked me right the hell out. To think that he was in my room, sitting with his pants down on my bed, doing who knows what (I don’t even want to know). It’s bad enough when that day, I had asked him to find this invoice that I knew I had sitting on or near the table along with something I needed to return, he had said to me he could never find it and made jokes about how he went all throughout my room and touched all of my clothes and underwear. He’s made further jokes about calling me “nee-san” (sister) and has “joked” that he’s, “only doing what a good nii-san (brother) would do”. In reference to those brother/sister type hentai...
I’ve come to feel rather trapped there and wish so badly I could move out sooner than later but I really don’t have a choice right now. I’m so uncomfortable both when I’m there and even when I’m not there because I don’t know what he could be doing in my room when I’m not home. What I hate the most is that someone who I regarded as a good, close friend or even like family for years, is now someone that disgusts me and I almost fear being around. 
I’ve thought about other ways for me to get out but they’re just not possible at the moment. I’ve thought about renting a storage unit to keep my things in since I usually stay at my bf’s but the fact of the matter is, I need a stable and reliable place to live. My bf and his brother live with their mom and they all take care of each other. His family really likes me and I honestly have never felt so at home anywhere else before. Apparently, he and his mom have talked about me moving in but she wants to wait for his brother to move so I can have a room of my own to keep my things in. I’m not sure what the future holds but I can only hope things get better. I’m just so tired of being held back in part by someone else. I finally have something truly wonderful in my life and I want for nothing more than to fully enjoy it without being under someone’s thumb. 
This is the year I heal and blossom into the me I’ve always craved. Some way I’ll make it through all of my worries and I’ll keep on smiling. 
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adiafunke · 6 years
I did these at the beginning of last year so it’s a tradition now weeeee
1: is there a boy/girl in your life? I’ve been dating a boy since Spring 2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? sure why not. 3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” maybe i should be moved on from myspace surveys by the time i’m middle aged 4: what’s something you really want right now? the kind of laughter that makes it hard to breathe 5: are you afraid of falling in love? the falling isn’t the scary part so no, not really  6: do you like the beach? not terribly but i’ll go like once or twice a year for like an hour or two and then be like “wow so pretty mhm water. sand. yep yeah ok i’m good” 7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? of course 
8: What is the background on your cell phone? a picture of Harry when he had long curly hair :)))))))
9: name the last four beds you were sat on? This is a dumb question. 1)my bed in Oregon 2)Josh’s bed in his MIT apartment 3) Josh’s bed in his NorthEastern dorm thing 4) Nate’s after some party  10: do you like your phone? it’s platonic. 11: honestly, are things going the way you planned? not at all but when and why would that happen? life doesn’t care about our plans.  12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? some guy from school named Michael  13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? poodles are like mad smart so probably one of those  14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? emotional 15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? art museum. zoos are a bit sad  16: are you tired? It’s 3:30AM and I’ve become basically nocturnal recently so no :( 
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact? like alphabetically? The first contact in my phone is me lol ADia. We have a 20 year long love/hate relationship going on 18: are they a relative? technically?  19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? I think one of them is a very fun person but I’m well aware of all the reasons we should not be together and he would probably cheat on me if I made him my husband so it’s a hard pass 20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? 3ish hours ago.  21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? nah, weddings are a lot to plan/expensive and I have other priorities. If they’re right then they’ll be around for a while. we got time.  22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again? yeah for like all the days ever  23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? one 24: is there a certain quote you live by? “you can never be overdressed or overeducated”-Oscar Wilde 25: what’s on your mind? earlier I was thinking about this song I used to love but I can’t remember a single word just the music and it was by some girl who was super lowkey on soundcloud like 5 years ago UGH 26: do you have any tattoos? Nope. 15/16 year old me would be shocked and upset.  27: what is your favorite color? yellllllooooowwwwww 28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips? 2 weeks :((((((  29: who are you texting? no one, it’s 3:30AM  30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? bye lol 31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? yeah dude  32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? the main 2 people I go to advice for are male  33: do you think anyone has feelings for you? i’m gonna place money on Josh because he says “I love you” a lot. fingers crossed.  34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? my eyes are the prettiest 35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? yikes no thank you  36: were you single on valentines day? pretty much wow tha’s kinda whack  37: are you friends with the last person you kissed? bffl  38: what do your friends call you? adia.  39: has anyone upset you in the last week? I’m subtly mad at myself but like I’m also super self-centered so all is well.  40: have you ever cried over a text? texting has become the easiest way to give someone bad news so yeah 41: where’s your last bruise located? above my knee i dunno what happened 42: what is it from? oops got ahead of the game 43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? omg my roomates and I did some drugs last week and this guy was being really weird and I just wanted him to go so badly but even not totally with it Adia didnt have the nerve to be like “hi hello please gtfo” 44: who was the last person you were on the phone with? Josh 45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes? converse are just a classic  46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? Nah hats are a statement to me. I’m looking cute if I got a hat on.  47: would you ever go bald if it was the style? Nah I got a werid shaped face so I probs got a weird shaped head.  48: do you make supper for your family? I haven’t lived with them for a little bit but I probably will soon.  49: does your bedroom have a door? yeah fuck not having a door  50: top 3 web-pages? wikipedia, youtube, tumblr 51: do you know anyone who hates shopping? i know some that claim it but then get excited while we’re doing it so like idk 52: does anything on your body hurt? No. All limbs are accounted for too, things are looking good.  53: are goodbyes hard for you? No. I’m not sure if I am just good at supressing emotions or if they genuinly don’t bother me becuase of how connected you can be with phones and social media  54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? hahaha, probably alchohol.  55: how is your hair? I think it’s cute. The other night I decided to cut some of it and add pink streaks with one of my friends. Don’t worry, I’m fine.  56: what do you usually do first in the morning? scroll through twitter and avoid getting up for a solid 20 minutes  57: do you think two people can last forever?  Idk I think the basics of a happy healthy relationship are fairly simple but you have to have 2 people who want to consistantly work towards those things together and life gets hard so sometimes one person has to pick up the slack and that creates strain SO IDK  58: think back to january 2007, were you single? I was 10 and my only crush was on Josh Hutcherson  59: green or purple grapes? #allgrapesmatter (tbh I prefer purple though)  60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug? in 4 or 5 hours when my little sister wakes up for school  61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now? mentally, yeah. 62: when will be the next time you text someone? in the next 10 hours or so 63: where will you be 5 hours from now? hopefuly asleep  64: what were you doing at 8 this morning. sleeping. 65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked? I think this time last year I was the most single I had been in forever 66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? yes  67: did you kiss or hug anyone today? no :(  68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night? “I should probably shouldnt sleep in a pillow fort on my floor 3 nights in a row”  69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? of course 70: how many windows are open on your computer? i’ve got 9 open and one of them is just blank. why am I like this?  71: how many fingers do you have? … 72: what is your ringtone? a marimba remix of “hotline bling” by Drake  73: how old will you be in 5 months? 20 74: where is your mum right now? she fell asleep listening to a podcast  75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? We would never work as a couple. we are far too similiar and end up clashing instead of complimenting eachother and it’s just a mess. 76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? just my sister but she has tiny 4 year old hands and they are real cute  77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? yes and it’s very nice :))  78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? yeh this boy named Kane and he told me he liked me at the pencil sharpener awww  79: is there anyone you know with the name mike? lol my best friend from high school got a dad named Mike  80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? yes. 81: how many people have you liked in the past three months? one 82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? yeah  83: will you talk to the person you like tonight? yep!  84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? fuck that 85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care? depends on the “drug” and how into it they were.  86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? last time i was in a theatre Josh had flown in from Boston to see me in Oregon and he fell asleep on me for the majority of the film but it was so cute and I love him lots so it didn’t matter.  87: who was your last received call from? Josh. December 13th 2017  88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? no that’s so mean and would make me sad.  89: what is something you wish you had more of? perspective. 90: have you ever trusted someone too much? yeah  91: do you sleep with your window open? I loved sleeping with my window open in Oregon becuase of all the rain  92: do you get along with girls? I don’t NOT get along with girls but I’ve had more male friends than female friends going all the way back to first grade  93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? nope!  94: does sex mean love? it can mean that if you ascribe said meaning to it but you do you  95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? no that would be the best thing ever 96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? nope!   97: did you sleep alone this week? Yeah :( Josh needs to come home for Winter break.  98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? yes, i have a few people. 99: do you believe in love at first sight? no but I like the fact that I noticed my boyfriend immediatly in fairly crowded place the first time I saw him  100: who was the last person that you pinky promise? idk maybe my boyfriend? Pinky promises are practically law so I wish I remembered. 
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