#I once again ramble too long about Tenko Shimura raised by All Might
emile-hides · 3 years
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Tenko’s Hero Costume, sense the version in the other about post was really rough. Yeah I’m still on this I need art practice and I refuse to draw this man in my usual way so might as well.
Name: Tenko Shimura (Yagi)
Age: 20-21
Quirk; Dust - Touching something with all five fingers will begin to disintegrate to ash or dust. (Same rules as Decay, different name)
Occupation: UA student teacher, Part-Time hero
Hero Name: Dust to Dust (Shortened to Dusty or Duster by teammates)
Tenko has a secret hate for the entire world around him, especially his adoptive father, All Might, for raising him to be a hero, an upbringing he felt like he had no control in. However, he fears being seen as a villain, as a bad person, so he never speaks out about his feelings of being trapped or resentment for All Might. He does his best to play his part.
I’m not saying All Might was a bad dad or anything! He was good. Decent. He wasn’t around a lot, and when he was, he controlled a room, wither he knew it or not, and put a lot of pressure on Tenko, most likely on accident, by comparing him to Nana and reminding him he has big shoes to fill as the next wielder of OFA.
In All Might’s mind, all a kid needs to get over the trauma of accidentally murdering his entire family is a different family all together! He tended to avoid the issue as much as possible, only speaking of Nana if Tenko ever asked about where he came from. Because of this, Tenko didn’t really get to move past his trauma, or heal from it. He simply repressed it.
All Might designed Tenko’s hero costume almost entirely on his own. Tenko was present while they were sketching up designs, but he was silent. He didn’t want to interject, be a bother, be seen as a bad son for going against his dad. The only thing he added are a few hand motifs here and there.
He ended up resenting hero work, seeing it as a world he was pushed into, rather than the world he wanted to desperately to be apart of. He doesn’t do hero work often, staying a side-kick at Nighteye’s agency who comes in maybe once every two weeks.
I think the majority of what’d be interesting is how Tenko would take Izuku’s place for class 1-A’s growth. Particularly Todoroki. They’d have a lot in common, though Tenko isn’t one to give big, emotional pep talks. It’d be a more quiet moment, after the sport’s festival, behind the building in secret.
I also think he’d be the reason Mirio ended up with Nighteye in this AU. He would have been a senior at UA when Mirio was a First year. I doubt they spoke much, but it’s hard not to notice Mirio. He’d probably think of Mirio as The Next All Might and recommend him to Nighteye. This in part is because of his own desire to avoid taking the spotlight, finding a scape-goat in the best option.
Finally, he probably wouldn’t be in a lot of action. Perhaps he steps in at the USJ incident, and in this AU the attack on the Freshmen’s entrance ceremony, but other than that he wouldn’t do a lot of fighting. He wouldn’t be present during a lot of big issues or conflicts.
He’ll avoid them on purpose, or just not be around because he ducks out of responsibility. You’d think he’d be a very low ranking hero, unknown due to how little work he does, but All Might still sings his praises on TV every now and again, so. He’s forced into the spot-light every once in a while.
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askthelovbutnot · 4 years
I finished Shigaraki’s story so here’s that!
Tenko Shimura was just a boy with a dream, a dream to be a hero. However that dream was impossible thanks to his father, just the idea of it made him angry enough to take it out on little Tenko. Often throwing him outside and leaving him there till morning, Tenko learned to find some comfort in his puppy named Kirby.
Although the rest of his family see what happens to him they did nothing to stop it, all they did was comfort him after. He didn't mind too much, didn't hate or blame them. He knew they were just looking out for themselves too, not wanting to be a victim. His older sister Hana was the one often told him the stories of heros, how they saved people and how strong they were. He always admired them.
But one day when she snuck him into their fathers study to show him that their grandma was a hero too, all went to hell. Their father found out, and Hana blamed him for going in there in the first place. So he was thrown back outside and left there for the night, however Tenko was tired of that. He didn't wanna be treated like that anymore, so when his mother came to check on him...he ran.
He ran for the front door. Shoved Hana out of the way with his elbow, pushed past his grandparents who were coming in from shopping and into the front yard. His mother and father quickly followed after him for different reasons.
"Tenko! Get back here right now!" His father yelled as his wife tried holding him back.
"Darling please! He's just a child! Let me bring him back, you're scaring him." She yelled as Tenko didn't stop running.
"Get off me!" His father yelled in reply and shoved her off him. Hearing his mother's yelp of pain, Tenko quickly turned back and ran towards her to help her. Passing his father.
His mom hugged and held him to protect him from her husband but that only made him more angry. He raised a hand to hit her and- he was shoved away. Little Tenko had gone into some sort of hero mode and even though he was scared of his father, he jumped to save his mother. Shutting his eyes and shoving him back with both his small hands.
Silence filled the air.
Then a scream.
"Darling!" His mother screamed as she ran to her husband and held him in her arms as he slowly started to crumble away. His quirk had manifested, at the worst time. He froze, unsure what to do. Staring at his hands in confusion and fear, his grandparents and sister stood in the doorway also unsure what to do.
"What have you done Tenko?!" His mother screamed at him as she held her nothing but blood and dust now. Falling back to the ground in panic, he seen his mother's eyes. Fear, disgust, and regret. Looking towards to doorway seeing the same in his other family members, he decided to run. He didn't know what else to do.
He heard his name being called but he didn't stop, he just kept running. Not knowing where he was going or what would happen. He didn't care, he was scared of hurting them, scared of himself.
Oboro Shirakumo, a new graduate from UA. Was just on his way home after sorting out some stuff at the school, when suddenly he felt something or someone bump into him. Looking down he found a young boy with back hair, the ends of it being a light blue. The boy seemed to be in some sort of daze, just standing there not saying a word. So he decided he would.
"Are you okay? I didn't see you there, I'm sorry." He apologized as he kneeled down to the boys level. Still no response.
"Where are your parents? What's your name? What are you doing by yourself?" He rambled on with questions as he carefully pushed a strand of hair back to show some of the boys face. Looking down he noticed some blood on his hands but didn't say anything. Afraid he'd scare him.
For the first time in what felt like forever, Tenko looked up to the stranger and didn't see fear. And for the first time since that night, he felt calm and safe. So safe that he felt his eyes get heavy and found himself falling asleep. No literally falling, luckily Oboro had caught him though. Clutching his fist against his own chest as to not hurt the man, Tenko fell asleep in his arms.
"How long have you been walking? Where did you come from? What have you seen? And most importantly... who's blood is on your hands?" Oboro questioned as he started walking to his apartment with no other idea what to do.
Soon the young boy woke up, well rested he was more aware of the situation he was in. Wanting to look around the apartment he was in but also scared of accidentally touching anything, he sat still. Then the man who had saved him came in with a tray of food and drinks, and a smile.
"Hi my name is Shirakumo Oboro, I thought you might be hungry. Please don't be scared I swear I'm not gonna do something weird, though if you think that good job of being cautious." He laughed.
He set the tray down in front of Tenko and sat down across from him, observing him. Staring at the tray Tenko went to grab the cup that held some sort of juice in it, carefully grabbing it with 4 fingers and. Then once in reach of his other hand, held it with both hands. Once he did this it quickly turned into dust, once he'd seen this he quickly pulled his hands away and stumbled back. Fear filling his eyes.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... He cried.
Oboro sat there stunned. Realizing it must have been his quirk.
"It's okay. It's your quirk right? What is it exactly, if I may ask."
Tenko looked at his hands, then to the small pile of dust from the once full juice cup. A flashback to his father and how he started to crumble right before him. He shook his head out of the thought.
"..estroy….to destroy. It seems that's all I can do." He said quietly. During the past days while he was walking, he'd pick up stones to toss but before he could, they'd turn to dust. He came to to conclusion that it was his quirk.
"I destroy everything I touch…"
Nodding, Oboro went back to the kitchen and got another cup of juice. He placed on the tray again and looked towards the boy.
"Try again, but only use 4 fingers." He instructed.
Confused and afraid, Tenko stretched out a shaking hand and did as told. And to his surprise, it didn't crumble under his touch.
"Just as I thought, it's only when you use all five fingers. See, if you don't do that you're fine! Now you can enjoy the juice!" Oboro smiled.
Quickly looking to him with wide eyes and a look awe then turning back to the cup, he started trying to drink is as fast as he could. He ended up choking but Oboro was there to pat his back.
The two started to get more familiar with each and days passed by. Oboro still searched for the boys family whenever he could but what took most of his time was trying to help young Tenko get used of his quirk. Going as far to go back to UA to design special gloves based on artist gloves so he could touch things normally.
Oboro learned a couple things as he took care of the boy. One, his quirk was called Decay. Two, he had a habit of scratching himself when he gets anxious, though he doesn't seem to be aware when he does it. Three, his father died and it was the only thing he remembered.
He worried about him not being able to remember anything before his father's death but didn't push it as it caused him to freak out and started scratching himself till he bleed.
And when it came to his name, since he didn't remember what it was Oboro suggested he'd make up a new one. So came Tomura Shigaraki. Tomura meaning to mourn, and Shigaraki taking inspiration from Oboro's own last name. Shirakumo. 9 letters, starting with Shi, course Tomura would never tell Oboro that.
Little did either of them know, at least one of Tenko’s family members didn’t forget him. Because she’s still looking. Looking for her little brother when her mom refused after the accident, because unlike her she still loves him with all her heart. Maybe that day will come where they meet again and he remembers, or maybe it’s better he doesn’t. Only time will tell.
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