#I don’t have the expertise or experience or education to diagnose someone yet
fandomblr · 3 years
The best part of being a psychology major is that now I can apply mental illnesses to LOTR characters. I’m currently learning about dissociative identity disorder (previously known as multiple personality disorder) and I realized that Gollum doesn’t meet the diagnostic criteria for DID because he doesn’t have amnesia in between his Sméagol/Gollum phases.
Stay tuned for: is the burden of the ring on Frodo a diagnosable mental illness or is that just my mentally ill ass projecting?
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
hi ash! i know you said before that you're not autistic you just did a lot of research to depict chris realistically- do you have any advice for finding resources on writing disabled characters that isn't like... horribly abelist? im writing someone with an intellectual disability from head trauma and who is nonverbal, and i want to get it right but everything online seems very autism-speaks-y. im autistic and semiverbal but i dont have an id and i want to be realistic and respectful.
I cannot speak with any expertise or sense of speaking from enough experience to be taken as an expert here, and defer as always to those with lived experience with intellectual disability!
But I will give a few more general tips for what to do when looking to write a character with a neurological makeup that doesn’t match your own, as far as what has worked for me with Chris:
1. The story should never be ABOUT their lived experience if you do not also have it. Chris’s story is not about autism, or being autistic. I would never presume to try and write a story like that because, whatever my intentions, I don’t have that knowledge that comes from living it. I would at BEST be taking the experiences of others, their voices. At worst, I would be someone standing with a megaphone shouting over those who deserve to be heard.
Making the disability what the plot revolves around is... generally just not going to be a good idea, in any sense. It’s moments like this where I feel like it’s best to defer to the writers who have lived it, instead. 
This is not to say “never write someone different than yourself”, because... I don’t think that’s at all good advice. I think that way lies stunted writers who never push themselves. But it does mean “do not center the story on this thing if you have not experienced it and don’t have that knowledge and understanding”.
2. At the same time, don’t try to be coy or dance around or hide the disability behind purple prose or refuse to acknowledge its reality. Trying to make a disability sound cute, or talk around it instead of speaking it out loud, can be minimizing or shaming in ways that I think it’s easy to miss, if you don’t live with that disability yourself! To me, this touches on one of my hugest pet peeves - characters who are written as having a particular neurodivergence in media, or shown on tv, but they never expressly admit to it or name it. 
I know I hesitated with Chris, more because I didn’t feel comfortable giving him a diagnosis until I understood autism better myself, and I do regret how long it took me to embrace that reality about him. I just thought it better to err on the side of researching before I embraced. But I do feel some guilt about waiting so long when I had readers who were identifying so heavily with him, and I kind of knew, but just didn’t feel comfortable owning it yet.
3. On a related note - disabilities in a story that become melodramatic tragedy or turn the disabled character into a ‘redemption story’ for an abled character. This is so, so prevalent in common media and pop culture and once you recognize it for what it is, it’s so hard to not see it in so many places. Think of how many movies, novels, etc contain a disabled character who exists to teach abled people some virtuous lesson about living life to the fullest or ‘what it really means to be human’ blah blah blah blah blah. Don’t do that. Please. (I mean, I kind of feel like you definitely won’t, but I’m just speaking very generally here). If you find the story going in a direction in which abled people learn something from the disabled person, please think very carefully and critically as to why the story is heading in that direction.
Language alone can also be a problem here - think about the difference between openly describing a character moving around their life with a wheelchair vs. calling them “wheelchair-bound” or “reliant on a cane”, when the cane or wheelchair may actually represent freedom to that person - an aid they need, yes, but one that allows them to live with far more agency than they might have had otherwise. 
To describe them, especially from their own POV, as “wheelchair-bound”, may ring false to disabled people who understand that the wheelchair isn’t a cage, but a tool that allows that individual person to feel less caged by being able to more freely leave home.  
(This varies person to person, just providing an example)
4. Educate. Research. And don’t just do so by asking people with disabilities to tell you their stories. I often express gratitude to the autistic readers, those with ADHD, etc who spoke up about Chris, talked about their own experiences, identified with him, found him very resonating for aspects of their own lives. 
These stories, this information, this sharing of their lives was given freely to me, and I’m fucking amazed and grateful for how welcomed Chris was, and how willing readers were to share about themselves when talking about him.
Their willingness to speak about these things is something I treasure. But I absolutely would never believe that a single person owed me the story of their life to make sure I got Chris right. That was my responsibility, you know? I try to keep in mind the concept of ‘emotional labor’. Asking a disabled person to be your resource is asking them to give, and give, and give of themself. They may want to give you that kind of labor, they may not. But I definitely wouldn’t ask it of anyone without understanding it was something they were happy or felt comfortable giving.
Research, on the other hand, is essential. You mentioned things being “autism speaks-y” when trying to research on your own, and oh god, do I feel you. It sucks that autism speaks is the first thing to pop up when trying to research the lives of autistic people - and in my research, I was lucky to already know AS sucks and write them off and anyone who heavily referenced them as not helpful. I can see how someone might not know that, though, and stumble on them and believe they were a helpful resource for writing autism when they... well. Nope. 
Try to think about the express disability you are writing for this person, and why, and then go research! I looked up “books on autism recommended by autistic people”, and found some invaluable books, yes, but also papers published online, websites, etc! Each of them vetted and looked over and recommended by autistic people, so I knew I was getting information that came from people with those experiences and that understanding. A good example - I picked up a book on the history of diagnosis and treatment of autism in the United States, mentioned it here, and @redwingedwhump recommended a book called Neurotribes... which turned out to be immensely more helpful, spot-on, and provided some really excellent foundational information I wouldn’t have found in the first book at all.
There’s a lot of information out there on Traumatic Brain Injuries and their lasting effects on individuals who receive them, so I would start there. What you’re describing sounds like a TBI with lasting effects! So I would start your research there, and also look up being nonverbal separately, as well as combining the two. Make sure you’re not just looking at the top links - often paid ads or problematic organizations that are able to pay more for better exposure - but also scanning for blogs, nonprofits, lived-experiences stories, too.
I found a lot of information on the second or even third page of results i would never have seen if I only stuck to the first. Remember the algorithm on search engines is usually showing you what other people are clicking on, not necessarily the best source.
5. This is one you the asker already know, but I want to include it for general reasons: do not ‘dumb down’ the thought processes of a nonverbal or semi-verbal person. I see this in fiction surprisingly often, and I think it’s this sense we have as abled people (’we’ just meaning I’m including myself) that being verbal is required to have a highly complex thought process, and it’s... it’s just fucking not. Speech and though are related but not completely wound around each other, and the ability to verbalize is not the same as the ability to think. 
Like I said, I know you know this, asker, but it’s something I see in fiction/media and it drives me up the wall. So I wanted to include it.
6. For the love of God, do not use medical terminology unless you actually know what you’re doing/talking about. Many disabled people or those with serious medical conditions become what amounts to experts on their own diagnoses, because they have to. They have to be experts to receive the care they should be able to rely on. If you constantly fuck up terminology - trust me - it will be noticed, and it will take people out of the story or hurt their ability to suspend disbelief while reading.
There are ways to do medical scenes/conversations with doctors that avoid falling into this problem! I would just be very very careful to heavily research before using any complex terminology.
7. This disabled person does not exist to evoke pity. They are a human - nuanced and multi-layered - living their life, and their story should always, always reflect that. I don’t really have anything else to add to that.
I would love to hear further advice from anyone with anything else to add.
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lettersandinkstains · 5 years
hi, sorry if this is annoying but i think i might be transgender (mtf) and i’m freaking out because i don’t know anything about how to transition or the identity and i was wonder if you have any advice or anything??? thanks a million
Anon, hello! You’re not being annoying at all! I’m sorry this is so late!! 
First things first, thank you for trusting me with this. And good for you for reaching out for answers! I’m not MtF, so my experiences are gonna be a little different but I’ll give you a run down of what I did, and list options for you and sorta just explain the identity. At the end, I’ll link the resources I can! Hopefully you’ll find this useful!
(Please be warned that this is going to be long ! Everything is itemized and broken down for hopefully an easy understanding and help!)
My Experience / What I Did
When I realized I was Definitely Not Cis, I was fairly into adulthood. She/Her pronouns made me want to die, but he/him felt like a puzzle piece that could fit, but not quite. 
I started talking to a therapist about it, and still continue to this day with talking to my new therapist about it. Over the course of the early sessions, I ended up being diagnosed with gender dysphoria, where there’s distress / discomfort between my assigned gender and my gender identity.
From there, on my old blog, I made a post asking for people to use ‘Silas’ and ‘they/them’ for my pronouns. And it just fit perfectly. I elated that I was being referred to correctly -- the pronouns and the name didn’t make me cringe and want to die.
That’s what I did.
What Is Transgender?
Transgender is the term for someone who does not identity as the gender they were assigned with at birth. They can be a trans man, a trans woman, non binary, genderfluid, etc.
The Steps To Take
Talk to a professional who is trained with and is supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community. While it’s not required per se, I very much recommend it. Talking to a professional is incredibly useful for many reasons:
You can get your thoughts and feelings out to a non biased party.
They can help navigate and help you figure out the steps to take.
It’s good to talk to someone! This person can become part of your support network!
Find a supportive community! There’s a thriving trans community on Tumblr, and elsewhere on the internet!
These people are the ones you can go to and talk and ask questions about being trans and transitioning. People’s experiences vary and everyone has different insight!
They will also be a support network for when you need it!
And it doesn’t always need to be online, you can search up local groups where you live, there should be something nearby. If not, that’s okay! Internet friends are real friends too!
I really love r/transpositive and r/asktransgender! Everyone on those two subreddits are so nice and incredible. r/lgbt is also really cool!
I don’t know any community blogs here on Tumblr since I follow only writeblr’s but someone is likely to know something.
I’ve also got an LGBT+ based writeblr discord if you wish to join a welcoming & incredible community! There are also non writing LGBTQIA+ discords! I’m in one for gaming, and r/lgbt’s mod’s run a discord as well called Spectrum. Highly recommend.
Play around with names & pronouns -- and you can also play around with styles too! You’re discovering yourself and your identity. Do what you feel is comfortable.
You can ask a close group of friends you know would be supportive of you to refer to you with she/her pronouns (or whatever pronouns you prefer!), and a name you would like to be called by!
It’s okay if you pick a name now and want to change it later! Names are an important part of your identity and you need to feel comfortable with it!
Dress in clothes that’s considered to be for women. You don’t have to do super femme if you don’t want to! Like, there is no wrong way to dress and present yourself! There’s butch, there’s femme, there’s an in between, etc.
After all, we don’t force cis women to dress super femme and model like (and doubt their gender identity and presentation), so we shouldn’t expect trans women to adhere to those standards either.
However there is nothing wrong with wanting to do! If that sundress makes you feel like a model, and make up makes you feel wonderful, go for it!! And if dressing in jeans, boots, and a t-shirt makes you feel happy, do that!! Dress in a style that makes you feel happy about yourself!
If anyone complains, punch them. Or Snip Snip.
HRT / Transitioning - Hormone Replacement Therapy. This is the act of taking hormones to develop secondary sex characteristics -- trans men take testosterone (T) and trans women take estrogen. Doctors will also sometimes prescribe another hormone to go with it.
If you decide to transition, estrogen will cause a development of breasts, softer skin, fat distribution will be more feminine, and you’ll also develop curves. Essentially, you’ll be going through the typical female puberty.
You don’t have to take hormones if you do not want to or are not ready yet! This is not a be all, end all situation! Take your time and do research on it and the effects it will have!
If anyone tells you that you have to take HRT to be a ~real trans person~, punch them. They have no right telling you what you should do with your body.
This also leads me back to point one: the professional will be able to help you figure this out and help be a support during the process.
Starting Transition
Depending on where you are and your age is what will be available to you.
Some countries do not allow those under the age of eighteen to transition. Some do with explicit parental consent. Be sure to research this as well.
I don’t know if this has changed since I was a youngin, but you would have typically needed a diagnosis if gender dysphoria* in order to get the doctor’s okay and prescription to start HRT. There are exceptions to everything.
This also may depend on local laws too, so check those out!
Depending on what you’re prescribed, you may take birth control, you may have to take shots, etc.
Where you get your hormones also largely depends on where you are too. Here in the United States, universities offer them at their on site clinics (mine does, anyways!), and some Planned Parenthood’s also prescribe hormones too! I can’t speak for other countries, and I wouldn’t even know where to begin looking for you.
HRT is also hella expensive in some places.
If you live in a country with universal health care, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem!
Coming Out -- Don’t come out unless you are ready & you are in a safe environment to do so!
This is basically LGBTQIA+ 101. If you are not safe to do so, do not do it. I know it sucks, but your safety is absolutely number one!
Everything is going to be okay. You are okay, there is nothing wrong with you.
There are certain groups of people who will tell you that your identity may be ~wrong~ or whatever arguments they can think of. Do your best to ignore them, and when you need to, vent to the people you trust.
Things To Check Out
YouTubers:uppercaseCHASE is a trans man who talks about trans issues and his own transition. He has an HRT 101 series that might be helpful! His expertise is FTM (Trans men) so there will be things that might not be as helpful. Educational videos, however!
arielle scarcella - while i do not like her very much and disagree with a lot of her beliefs, she’s a cis lesbian who has done videos in the past that’s educational about trans people -- and frequently has trans women on her channel where they talk about their experiences with HRT, as well as Gender Affirming Surgery if they’ve had it. (same goes for trans men!)
andrea chrysanthe is a trans woman who has documented her experience with transitioning and does life updates. She recently released a two part video that talks a lot about it. (warning: I haven’t watched all of her videos, and some look to be NSFW for at least talk of kink so be careful going in!)
melanie-ish is another trans woman youtuber! she talks about political issues as well as her own experience with transitioning and coming out. (warning: she hasn’t updated her channel in two years!)
PRINCESSJOULES is another trans woman who also documents her life as a trans woman! She also does make up tutorials, vlogging, and a lot of other things!
jammidodger is a trans man who talks about his experience with transitioning. he is by far one of my most favorite youtubers!
(if anyone else has any youtuber recommends, feel free to add on!)
trans resources -
leolines on etsy. they sell underwear for trans women -- a safer alternative to tucking. they also have binders! fairly inexpensive, and so many styles and designs!
the trevor project’s international center - the trevor project in general is absolutely amazing! they have a lot of resources on their website from phone numbers you can call if you’re feeling suicidal to groups and support groups! this link, if you are out of the united states and are looking for something, will give you a listing of international resources! 
transgender law center - legal services and advocacy for trans folks!
trans women of color collective - an advocacy group for trans women of color! they do a lot to help trans women of color! check them out, they’re super cool!
trans youth equality federation  - they provide support for family membes of trans youth, trans youth, and allies. as well as education!
gender spectrum - provides support for all trans youth, as well as education for families and educators!
I AM: trans people speak - a project that was made to raise awareness of about the diversity that exists within the transgender community.
glaad - resources - glaad is a well known organization for advocacy and education!
Tumblr media
WHEW ANON that was a lot. Hopefully you made it through to the end, and hopefully it was helpful! I hope those links above help provide some use for you and figuring out what steps you want to take.
On that note, if anybody who has read this wants to add on, they are free to do so. The above is only advice, from one person whose experience is one of millions and still, different.
AND ANON, one more thing! If you wish to talk, you are so much welcome to DM me! They’re open for non mutuals :)!
Good luck on your journey, may it provide you happiness!
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earlymodernlesbian · 5 years
@spectrumkiddocrafts​ asked me for my rant about ADHD in the classroom so here we go:
Just to preface this, I'm speaking as an educator, not someone who personally experiences this, so that's my perspective on it, which I definitely recognize is limited. I try hard to make sure I'm not only staying up to date with current research in best practices in education and changing schools of thought on various types of neurodiversity, but also listening to people (both adults in my life and online and my own students) who actually experience this firsthand so that I'm trying to have as informed and holistic a viewpoint as possible. But obviously that's still not the same thing as firsthand knowledge. I teach 2E kids, so they're all profoundly gifted (~130+ IQ) and have other neurodivergences in addition. I teach middle schoolers now but I’ve also taught first grade and worked with various levels of high school and elementary school students as a tutor.
ADHD is the single most common diagnosis among my student population, in part because it SO FREQUENTLY coexists with other diagnoses. A lot of my students with ADHD didn't initially get an ADHD diagnosis because it was basically overlooked due to diagnosticians focusing on their other diagnoses (eg, autism, dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc). The other thing is that there is still SUCH a pervasive and harmful false idea in the education world of what ADHD looks like in the classroom. 
Most teachers in mainstream teacher training programs are not given education and support around identifying flags for various diagnoses, which kind of makes sense, because that's not exactly our job--we aren't diagnosticians, and we aren't qualified to say that a child has any particular diagnosis. It wouldn't be appropriate or ethical for us to do so. BUT in practice, teachers (esp. in elementary school) spend more time with these children than almost anyone, often including their parents. We're with them for hours every day. We also see what their experience is like in a school setting, which is where neurodiversities often manifest most clearly. (That's a whole other conversation about the American educational system and how it's structured to be actively harmful to kids, but, setting that aside for a moment...) 
So teachers' perspectives on students' experiences is hugely important, and a major factor that diagnosticians take into consideration in addition to tests that they perform themselves. Usually when one of my students gets evaluated for a diagnosis, I have to fill out a lot of paperwork to support the diagnostician. I'm in a private school setting, and I'd certainly have to do even more paperwork in a public school setting. But since teachers aren't given training and support around what these diagnoses actually look like in a classroom setting, if we're undereducated and uninformed, we might not realize that XYZ symptoms were actually related to this potential diagnosis, and might not give all the relevant information for the diagnostician to make a determination. 
So often teachers are relying on outdated and limited stereotypes, especially around ADHD. And those stereotypes (1) disproportionately reflect what ADHD is more likely to look like in boys (it's an oversimplification for sure but there does tend to be a divide along gendered lines around how ADHD manifests--I'd argue this is more related to socialization than biology but I'm not an expert!), (2) disproportionately emphasizes the impact that ADHD has on the TEACHER rather than on the STUDENT, (3) I (and many others) would argue is directly linked to the policing of brown and black bodies in schools and the school-to-prison pipeline.  
((I don’t truly have the time or expertise to write an essay about race and ADHD, and many other smarter and more knowledgeable people have written those, but suffice it to say that ADHD is both underdiagnosed and undertreated in children of color EVEN THOUGH teachers report black boys as having what they perceive as ADHD symptoms significantly more often.))
The gist of all this is to say that when educators aren’t given training around what ADHD looks like, they fall back on stereotypes: ADHD students shout out and talk out of turn, they can’t sit still, they get off topic, they’re “behavior problems.” These are (1) totally inaccurate for MANY students, (2) prioritizing the teacher’s experience of ADHD over the student’s experience with ADHD, and (3) equating ADHD with disruption of the classroom, which especially in public school and especially for students of color and especially as they get older, often means police intervention through a school resource officer.  Side note, did y’all know that in some states in the US, more than half of children attend schools that have a school police officer but not a school counselor?  Not-so-fun fact of the day.
What ADHD actually looks like for some of my students (it varies so much from student to student so this is just a brief sample):
-Student gets up to get a pencil and paper, gets paper, forgets pencil, gets back to his desk, confused about why he can’t write, stares at his paper for a while, finally remembers he forgot a pencil, gets up to get a pencil, instead gets another piece of paper, gets back to his desk, realizes he already has a paper and instead he needs a pencil, goes back to return the paper, gets back to his desk, realizes he forgot the pencil again... (This cycle could theoretically repeat for an entire class period, at which point this student will have lost about an hour of writing time that his peers have had, so not only is he potentially have a grade penalty for that, he’s missing out on developing his skills as a writer) --> It’s also a really straightforward fix!  For this particular student, he comes and writes at my desk now, where i have paper and pencil waiting for him.  But I could also assign another student to be his paper/pencil buddy and bring him those materials.  Or I could bring him those materials. Or I could have students keep materials at their desk instead of at a student station (in my classroom this doesn’t work with the types of desks our kids have, but it could in other schools). Etc. Very easily solvable problem if I focus on the impact on the student instead of the impact on me as the teacher lol.
-Student stares at me throughout lecture, nodding at places, making direct eye contact, not saying anything but seeming to be paying close attention. When I dismiss students to go do independent work, she is still staring at me, nodding, making direct eye contact, and not going anywhere. When I call her name, she jumps, startled, and admits she has absolutely no idea what’s been happening for the last 20 minutes. (This kid admits this to me because she knows and trusts me, but in a classroom where she was afraid of getting punished, she wouldn’t have said anything. Often in mainstream schools, this student would get COMPLETELY overlooked for diagnosis because she’s not a disruption, and she’s REALLY smart, so she can usually cover up pretty well that she has no idea what’s going on, and if the teacher isn’t paying close attention, it might look like the student is paying close attention.) --> Also solvable! I rarely lecture to my students. When I do, I try to keep it pretty interactive with time to turn and talk to a partner at specific points to discuss, time for questions, etc. I also try to give students a specific instruction for what I want them to be paying attention to while I lecture (for example, “While I’m teaching you about the Stonewall Riots, I want you to be listening for connections to other Civil Rights Movements we’ve studied in this unit. I’m going to write that on the board so you’ll remember what to listen for. Write down at least 1 connection that you notice.” Reinforce verbal instructions with visual cues so if students forget or didn’t hear or didn’t process what you said, they can find it later.  I usually also pass out sticky notes for them to write on so they have an additional visual cue at their desk (and it’s colorful!) and it also helps keep the length of this manageable--I want them to look for ONE specific thing, not everything they notice.
-Student seemingly has lost every single piece of paper he has ever been given in his entire life. He loves school, loves learning, pays attention in class, and has a zero homework average because once it enters his backpack, it also enters a black hole void and it never comes out again. --> In our school population, we’ve shifted almost entirely to digital because it’s much harder for students to lose, and we have a population with access to computers at home, which obviously isn’t the case everywhere. We’re also a pretty low-homework school (in my class, it’s mostly reading).  But truly this is about adjusting a frame of reference. This child, right now at this point in his life, is just not going to be able to do the thing i want him to do. It’s a skill he doesn’t have yet. That doesn’t mean he can’t ever develop that skill, and we’re going to keep working and practicing on that skill, but right now I need to change my expectations. Can i give students time in class for homework? Can i email his parents the homework and ask them for support at home? (Again, recognizing not all students have parent/guardian support at home, not all parents have access to email, not all parents speak the same language as I do, etc.). Can i set up a homework group in my classroom during lunch? Can I give this child an alternate way to complete the assignments? We all wish he would hold onto the piece of paper, sure! But that is not happening, and wishing it would happen, and punishing the child for it not happening, doesn’t actually solve the problem of supporting the child’s learning through additional reinforcement of skills and exposure to material, which is my goal in homework.
I could list SO many more examples but basically it boils down to this:
Probably 90% of what ADHD looks like in my classroom relates to executive dysfunction and not at all to attention
My students’ learning (and my own stress levels) improved considerably when i shifted the focus to be on how ADHD impacts the student rather than how it impacts me
Most of the accommodations i make in my classroom are actually small for me, but huge for the students
Stop expecting students to do things that are impossible for them right now. give them the support they need to build the foundation for those skills so you can start creating a scaffold for them to do those things in the long-term. it doesn’t help you or the student to punish them for doing something they just cannot do. what CAN the student do? start there.
Teachers need much training around “red flags” (for lack of a better term) for a variety of diagnoses, especially ADHD, because until that is widespread, this issue will continue. If my perception is that a student isn’t doing his homework because he’s lazy (after all, I know he’s capable of doing the work because I see him do it in class!), then I might not share that info with a diagnostician, and a major symptom of ADHD could get overlooked.
This is very much connected to biases of gender, race, class, and ability, and it’s really important we recognize that too.
This is also very much connected to the capitalist infrastructure that defines productivity as equivalent to worth. our students have innate value as human beings even if they accomplish no work in our classes. (And also, part of my job is to prepare them to function in the capitalist infrastructure, and I would be doing them a disservice if they were underprepared for that. So I do also need to teach them those skills. But I don’t have to reinforce the mindset.)
Think creatively!! I follow my students’ IEP-equivalents, of course, but most of the accommodations I make for them aren’t on there. I’m just trying stuff out and trying to be the students’ partner in supporting them in their lifelong experiment of how to succeed within the framework of their neurodivergences. Sometimes we try stuff and it doesn’t work! That’s okay! We learned a good lesson about an option that isn’t as effective for that student.
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wickedbananas · 6 years
Your Red-Tape Toolkit: 7 Ways to Earn Trust and Get Your Search Work Implemented
Posted by HeatherPhysioc
Tell me if this rings a bell. Are your search recommendations overlooked and misunderstood? Do you feel like you hit roadblocks at every turn? Are you worried that people don't understand the value of your work?
I had an eye-opening moment when my colleague David Mitchell, Chief Technology Officer at VML, said to me, “You know the best creatives here aren’t the ones who are the best artists — they’re the ones who are best at talking about the work.”
I have found that the same holds true in search. As an industry, we are great at talking about the work — we’re fabulous about sharing technical knowledge and new developments in search. But we’re not so great at talking about how we talk about the work. And that can make all the difference between our work getting implementing and achieving great results, or languishing in a backlog.
It’s so important to learn how to navigate corporate bureaucracy and cut through red tape to help your clients and colleagues understand your search work — and actually get it implemented. From diagnosing client maturity to communicating where search fits into the big picture, the tools I share in this article can help equip you to overcome obstacles to doing your best work.
Buying Your Services ≠ Buying In
Just because a client signed a contract with you does not mean they are bought-in to implement every change you recommend. It seemingly defies all logic that someone would agree that they need organic search help enough to sign a contract and pay you to make recommendations, only for the recommendations to never go live.
When I was an independent contractor serving small businesses, they were often overwhelmed by their marketing and willing to hand over the keys to the website so my developers could implement SEO recommendations.
Then, as I got into agency life and worked on larger and larger businesses, I quickly realized it was a lot harder to get SEO work implemented. I started hitting roadblocks with a number of clients, and it was a slow, arduous process to get even small projects pushed through. It was easy to get impatient and fed up.
Worse, it was hard for some of my team members to see their colleagues getting great search work implemented and earning awesome results for their clients, while their own clients couldn’t seem to get anything implemented. It left them frustrated, jaded, feeling inadequate, and burned out — all the while the client was asking where the results were for the projects they didn’t implement.
What Stands in the Way of Getting Your Work Implemented
I surveyed colleagues in our industry about the common challenges they experience when trying to get their recommendations implemented. (Thank you to the 141 people who submitted!) The results were roughly one-third in-house marketers and two-thirds external marketers providing services to clients.
The most common obstacles we asked about fell into a few main categories:
Low Understanding of Search
Client Understanding
Peer/Colleague Understanding
Boss Understanding
Prioritization & Buy-In
Low Prioritization of Search Work
External Buy-In from Clients
Internal Buy-In from Peers
Internal Buy-In from Bosses
Past Unsuccessful Projects or Mistakes
Corporate Bureaucracy
Red Tape and Slow Approvals
No Advocate or Champion for Search
Turnover or Personnel Changes (Client-Side)
Difficult or Hostile Client
Resource Limitations
Technical Resources for Developers / Full Backlog
Budget / Scope Too Low to Make Impact
Technical Limitations of Digital Platform
The chart below shows how the obstacles in the survey stacked up. Higher scores mean people reported it as a more frequent or common problem they experience:
Some participants also wrote in additional blocks they’ve encountered - everything from bottlenecks in the workflow to over-complicated processes, lack of ownership to internal politics, shifting budgets to shifting priorities.
Too real? Are you completely bummed out yet? There is clearly no shortage of things that can stand in the way of SEO progress, and likely our work as marketers will never be without challenges.
Playing the Blame Game
When things don’t go our way and our work gets intercepted or lost before it ever goes live, we tend to be quick to blame clients. It’s the client’s fault things are hung up, or if the client had only listened to us, and the client’s business is the problem.
But I don’t buy it.
Don’t get me wrong — this could possibly be true in part in some cases, but rarely is it the whole story and rarely are we completely hopeless to affect change. Sometimes the problem is the system, sometimes the problem is the people, and my friends, sometimes the problem is you.
But fortunately, we are all optimizers — we all inherently believe that things could be just a little bit better.
These are the tools you need in your belt to face many of the common obstacles to implementing your best search work.
7 Techniques to Get Your Search Work Approved & Implemented
When we enter the world of search, we are instantly trained on how to execute the work – not the soft skills needed to sustain and grow the work, break down barriers, get buy-in and get stuff implemented. These soft skills are critical to maximize your search success for clients, and can lead to more fruitful, long-lasting relationships.
Below are seven of the most highly recommended skills and techniques, from the SEO professionals surveyed and my own experience, to learn in order to increase the likelihood your work will get implemented by your clients.
1. How Mature Is Your Client?
Challenges to implementation tend to be organizational, people, integration, and process problems. Conducting a search maturity assessment with your client can be eye-opening to what needs to be solved internally before great search work can be implemented. Pairing a search capabilities model with an organizational maturity model gives you a wealth of knowledge and tools to help your client.
I recently wrote an in-depth article for the Moz blog about how to diagnose your client’s search maturity in both technical SEO capabilities and their organizational maturity as it pertains to a search program.
For search, we can think about a maturity model two ways. One may be the actual technical implementation of search best practices — is the client implementing exceptional, advanced SEO, just the basics, nothing at all, or even operating counterproductively? This helps identify what kinds of project make sense to start with for your client. Here is a sample maturity model across several aspects of search that you can use or modify for your purposes:
This SEO capabilities maturity model only starts to solve for what you should implement, but doesn’t get to the heart of why it’s so hard to get your work implemented. The real problems are a lot more nuanced, and aren’t as easy as checking the boxes of “best practices SEO.”
We also need to diagnose the organizational maturity of the client as it pertains to building, using and evolving an organic search practice. We have to understand the assets and obstacles of our client’s organization that either aid or block the implementation of our recommendations in order to move the ball forward.
If, after conducting these maturity model exercises, we find that a client has extremely limited personnel, budget and capacity to complete the work, that’s the first problem we should focus on solving for — helping them allocate proper resources and prioritization to the work.
If we find that they have plenty of personnel, budget, and capacity, but have no discernible, repeatable process for integrating search into their marketing mix, we focus our efforts there. How can we help them define, implement, and continually evolve processes that work for them and with the agency?
Perhaps the maturity assessment finds that they are adequate in most categories, but struggle with being reactive and implementing retrofitted SEO only as an afterthought, we may help them investigate their actionable workflows and connect dots across departments. How can we insert organic search expertise in the right ways at the right moments to have the greatest impact?
2. Speak to CEOs and CMOs, Not SEOs
Because we are subject matter experts in search, we are responsible for educating clients and colleagues on the power of SEO and the impact it can have on brands. If the executives are skeptical or don’t care about search, it won’t happen. If you want to educate and inspire people, you can’t waste time losing them in the details.
Speak Their Language
Tailor your educational content to busy CEOs and CMOs, not SEOs. Make the effort to listen to, read, write, and speak their corporate language. Their jargon is return on investment, earnings per share, operational costs. Yours is canonicalization, HTTPS and SSL encryption, 302 redirects, and 301 redirect chains.
Be mindful that you are coming from different places and meet them in the middle. Use layperson’s terms that anyone can understand, not technical jargon, when explaining search.
Don’t be afraid to use analogies (i.e. instead of “implement permanent 301 redirect rewrite rules in the .htaccess file to correct 404 not found errors,” perhaps “it’s like forwarding your mail when you change addresses.”)
Get Out of the Weeds
Perhaps because we are so passionate about the inner workings of search, we often get deep into the weeds of explaining how every SEO signal works. Even things that seem not-so-technical to us (title tags and meta description tags, for example) can lose your audience’s attention in a heartbeat. Unless you know that the client is a technical mind who loves to get in the weeds or that they have search experience, stay at 30,000 feet.
Another powerful tool here is to show, not tell. Often you can tell a much more effective and hard-hitting story using images or smart data visualization. Your audience being able to see instead of trying to listen and decipher what you’re proposing can allow you to communicate complex information much more succinctly.
Focus on Outcomes
The goal of educating is not teaching peers and clients how to do search. They pay you to know that. Focus on the things that actually matter to your audience. (Come on, we’re inbound marketers — we should know this!) For many brands, that may include benefits like how it will build their brand visibility, how they can conquest competitors, and how they can make more money. Focus on the outcomes and benefits, not the granular, technical steps of how to get there.
What’s In It for Them?
Similarly, if you are doing a roadshow to educate your peers in other disciplines and get their buy-in, don’t focus on teaching them everything you know. Focus on how your work can benefit them (make their work smarter, more visible, make them more money) rather than demanding what other departments need to do for you. Aim to align on when, where, and how your two teams intersect to get greater results together.
3. SEO is Not the Center of the Universe
It was a tough pill for me to swallow when I realized that my clients simply didn’t care as much about organic search as my team and I did. (I mean, honestly, who isn’t passionate about dedicating their careers to understanding human thinking and behavior when we search, then optimizing technical stuff and website content for those humans to find it?!)
Bigger Fish to Fry
While clients may honestly love the sound of things we can do for them with search, rarely is SEO the only thing — or even a sizable thing — on a client’s mind. Rarely is our primary client contact someone who is exclusively dedicated to search, and typically, not even exclusively to digital marketing. We frequently report to digital directors and CMOs who have many more and much bigger fish to fry.
They have to look at the big picture and understand how the entire marketing mix works, and in reality, SEO is only one small part of that. While organic search is typically a client’s biggest source of traffic to their website, we often forget that the website isn’t even at the top of the priorities list for many clients. Our clients are thinking about the whole brand and the entirety of its marketing performance, or the organizational challenges they need to overcome to grow their business. SEO is just one small piece of that.
Acknowledge the Opportunity Cost
The benefits of search are no-brainers for us and it seems so obvious, but we fail to acknowledge that every decision a CMO makes has a risk, time commitment, risks and costs associated with it. Every time they invest in something for search, it is an opportunity cost for another marketing initiative. We fail to take the time to understand all the competing priorities and things that a client has to choose between with a limited budget.
To persuade them to choose an organic search project over something else — like a paid search, creative, paid media, email, or other play — we had better make a damn good case to justify not just the hard cost in dollars, but the opportunity cost to other marketing initiatives. (More on that later.)
Integrated Marketing Efforts
More and more, brands are moving to integrated agency models in hopes of getting more bang for their buck by maximizing the impact of every single campaign across channels working together, side-by-side. Until we start to think more about how SEO ladders up to the big picture and works alongside or supports larger marketing initiatives and brand goals, we will continue to hamstring ourselves when we propose ideas to clients.
It’s our responsibility to seek big-picture perspective and figure out where we fit. We have to understand the realities of a client’s internal and external processes, their larger marketing mix and SEO’s role in that. SEO experts tend to obsess over rankings and website traffic. But we should be making organic search recommendations within the context of their goals and priorities — not what we think their goals and priorities should be.
For example, we have worked on a large CPG food brand for several years. In year one, my colleagues did great discovery works and put together an awesome SEO playbook, and we spent most of the year trying to get integrated and trying to check all these SEO best practices boxes for the client. But no one cared and nothing was getting implemented. It turned out that our “SEO best practices” didn’t seem relevant to the bigger picture initiatives and brand campaigns they had planned for the year, so they were being deprioritized or ignored entirely. In year two, our contract was restructured to focus search efforts primarily on the planned campaigns for the year. Were we doing the search work we thought we would be doing for the client? No. Are we being included more and getting great search work implemented finally? Yes. Because we stopped trying to veer off in our own direction and started pulling the weight alongside everyone else toward a common vision.
4. Don’t Stay in Your Lane, Get Buy-In Across Lanes
Few brands hire only SEO experts and no other marketing services to drive their business. They have to coordinate a lot of moving pieces to drive all of them forward in the same direction as best they can. In order to do that, everyone has to be aligned on where we’re headed and the problems we’re solving for.
Ultimately, for most SEOs, this is about having the wisdom and humility to realize that you’re not in this alone - you can’t be. And even if you don’t get your way 100% of the time, you’re a lot more likely to get your way more of the time when you collaborate with others and ladder your efforts up to the big picture.
One of my survey respondents phrased it beautifully: “Treat all search projects as products that require a complete product team including engineering, project manager, and business-side folks.”
Horizontal Buy-In
You need buy-in across practices in your own agency (or combination of agencies serving the client and internal client team members helping execute the work). We have to stop swimming in entirely separate lanes where SEO is setting goals by themselves and not aligning to the larger business initiatives and marketing channels. We are all in this together to help the client solve for something. We have to learn to better communicate the value of search as it aligns to larger business initiatives, not in a separate swim lane.
Organic Search is uniquely dependent in that we often rely on others to get our work implemented. You can’t operate entirely separately from the analytics experts, developers, user experience designers, social media, paid search, and so on — especially when they’re all working together toward a common goal on behalf of the client.
Vertical Buy-In
To get buy-in for implementing your work, you need buy-in beyond your immediate client contact. You need buy-in top-to-bottom in the client’s organization — it has to support what the C-level executive cares about as much as your day-to-day contacts or their direct reports.
This can be especially helpful when you started within the agency — selling the value of the idea and getting the buy-in of your colleagues first. It forces you to vet and strengthen your idea, helps find blind spots, and craft the pitch for the client. Then, bring those important people to the table with the client — it gives you strength in numbers and expertise to have the developer, user experience designer, client engagement lead, and data analyst on the project in your corner validating the recommendation.
When you get to the client, it is so important to help them understand the benefits and outcomes of doing the project, the cost (and opportunity cost) of doing it, and how this can get them results toward their big picture goals. Understand their role in it and give them a voice, and make them the hero for approving it. If you have to pitch the idea at multiple levels, custom tailor your approach to speak to the client-side team members who will be helping you implement the work differently from how you would speak to the CMO who decides whether your project lives or dies.
5. Build a Bulletproof Plan
Here’s how a typical SEO project is proposed to a client: “You should do this SEO project because SEO.”
This explanation is not good enough, and they don’t care. You need to know what they do care about and are trying to accomplish, and formulate a bullet-proof business plan to sell the idea.
Case Studies as Proof-of-Concept
Case studies serve a few important purposes: they help explain the outcomes and benefits of SEO projects, they prove that you have the chops to get results, and they prove the concept using someone else’s money first, which reduces the perceived risk for your client.
In my experience and in the survey results, case studies come up time and again as the leading way to get client buy-in. Ideally you would use case studies that are your own, very clearly relevant to the project at hand, and created for a client that is similar in nature (like B2B vs. B2C, in a similar vertical, or facing a similar problem).
Even if you don’t have your own case studies to show, do your due diligence and find real examples other companies and practitioners have published. As an added bonus, the results of these case studies can help you forecast the potential high/medium/low impact of your work.
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Simplify the Process for Everyone
It is important to bake the process into your business plan to clearly outline the requirements for the project, identify next steps and assign ownership, and take ownership of moving the ball forward. Do your due diligence up front to understand the role that everyone plays and boil it down into a clear step-by-step plan makes it feel easy for others to buy-in and help. Reducing the unknown reduces friction. When you assume that nothing you are capable of doing falls in the “not my job” description, and make it a breeze for everyone to know what they’re responsible for and where they fit in, you lower barriers and resistance.
Forecast the Potential ROI
SEOs are often incredibly hesitant to forecast potential outcomes, ROI, traffic or revenue impact because of the sheer volumes of unknowns. (“But what if the client actually expects us to achieve the forecast?!”) We naturally want to be accurate and right, so it’s understandable we wouldn’t want to commit to something we can’t say for certain we can accomplish.
But to say that forecasting is impossible is patently false. There is a wealth of information out there to help you come up with even conservative estimates of impact with lots of caveats. You need to know why you’re recommending this over other projects. Your clients need some sort of information to weigh one project against the next. A combination of forecasting and your marketer’s experience and intuition can help you define that.
For every project your client invests in, there is an opportunity cost for something else they could be working on. If you can’t articulate the potential benefit to doing the project, how can you expect your client to choose it above dozens of potential other things they could spend their time on?
Show the Impact of Inaction
Sometimes opportunity for growth isn’t enough to light the fire — also demonstrate the negative impact from inaction or incorrect action. The greatest risk I see with most clients is not making a wrong move, but rather making no move at all.
We developed a visual tool that helps us quickly explain to clients that active optimization and expansion can lead to growth (we forecast an estimate of impact based on their budget, their industry, their business goals, the initiatives we plan to prioritize, etc.), small maintenance could at least uphold what we’ve done but the site will likely stagnate, and to do nothing at all could lead to atrophy and decline as their competitors keep optimizing and surpass them.
Remind clients that search success is not only about what they do, it’s about what everyone else in their space is doing, too. If they are not actively monitoring, maintaining and expanding, they are essentially conceding territory to competitors who will fill the space in their absence.
You saw this in my deck at MozCon 2017. We have used it to help clients understand what’s next when we do annual planning with them.
Success Story: Selling AMP
One of my teammates believed that AMP was a key initiative that could have a big impact on one of his B2B automotive clients by making access to their location pages easier, faster, and more streamlined, especially in rural areas where mobile connections are slower and the client’s clients are often found.
He did a brilliant job of due diligence research, finding and dissecting case studies, and using the results of those case studies to forecast conservative, average and ambitious outcomes and calculated the estimated revenue impact for the client. He calculated that even at the most conservative estimate of ROI, it would far outweigh the cost of the project within weeks, and generate significant returns thereafter.
He got the buy-in of our internal developers and experience designers on how they would implement the work, simplified the AMP idea for the client to understand in a non-technical way, and framedin a way that made it clear how low the level of effort was. He was able to confidently propose the idea and get buy-in fast, and the work is now on track for implementation.
6. Headlines, Taglines, and Sound Bytes
You can increase the likelihood that your recommendations will get implemented if you can help the client focus on what’s really important. There are two key ways to accomplish this.
Ask for the Moon, Not the Galaxy
If you’re anything like me, you get a little excited when the to-do of SEO action items for a client is long and actionable. But we do ourselves a disservice when we try to push every recommendation at once - they get overwhelmed and tune out. They have nothing to grab onto, so nothing gets done. It seems counterintuitive that you will get more done by proposing less, but it works.
Prioritize what’s important for your client to care about right now. Don’t push every recommendation — push specific, high-impact recommendations that executives can latch on to, understand and rationalize.
They’re busy and making hard choices. Be their trusted advisor. Give them permission to focus on one thing at a time by communicating what they should care about while other projects stay on the backburner or happen in the background, because this high-impact project is what they should really care about right now.
Give Them Soundbites They Can Sell
It’s easy to forget that our immediate client contact is not always able to make the call to pull the trigger on a project by themselves. They often have to sell it internally to get it prioritized. To help them do this, give them catchy headlines, taglines and sound bites they can sell to their bosses and colleagues. Make them so memorable and repeatable, the clients will shop the ideas around their office clearly and confidently, and may even start to think they came up with the idea themselves.
Success Story: Prioritizing Content
As an example of both of these principles in practice, we have a global client we have worked with for a few years whose greatest chance of gaining ground in search is to improve and increase their website content. Before presenting the annual strategy to the client, we asked ourselves what we really wanted to accomplish with the client if they cut the meeting short or cut their budget for the year, and the answer was unequivocally content.
In our proposal deck, we built up to the big opportunity by reminding the client of the mission we all agreed on, highlighted some of the wins we got in 2017 (including a very sexy voice search win that made our client look like a hero at their office), set the stage with headlines like, “How We’re Going to Break Records in 2018,” then navigated to the section called, “The Big Opportunities.”
Then, we used the headline, “Web Content is the Single Most Important Priority” to kick off the first initiative. There was no mistaking in that room what our point was. We proposed two other initiatives for the year, but we put this one at the very top of the deck and all others fell after. Because this was our number one priority to get approved and implemented, we spent the lion’s share of the meeting focusing on this single point. We backed this slide up verbally and added emphasis by saying things like, “If we did nothing else recommended in this deck, this is the one thing to prioritize, hands down.”
This is the real slide from the real client deck we presented.
The client left that meeting crystal clear, fully understanding our recommendation, and bought in. The best part, though? When we heard different clients who were in the meeting starting to repeat things like, “Content is our number one priority this year.” unprompted on strategy and status calls.
7. Patience, Persistence, & Parallel Paths
Keep Several Irons in the Fire
Where possible, build parallel paths. What time-consuming but high-impact projects can you initiate with the client now that may take time to get approved, while you can concurrently work on lower obstacle tasks alongside? Having multiple irons in the fire increases the likelihood that you will be able to implement SEO recommendations and get measurable results that get people bought in to more work in the future.
Stay Strong
Finally, getting your work implemented is a balance of patience, persistence, communication and follow-up. There are always many things at play, and your empathy and understanding for the situation while bringing a confident point-of-view can ultimately get projects across the finish line.
Special thanks to my VML colleagues Chris, Jeff, Kasey, and Britt, whose real client examples were used in this article.
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daythomas1994 · 4 years
How To Cure Severe Tmj Surprising Useful Tips
All the symptoms, which inevitably get worse you can use to cure TMJ symptoms is jaw pain is caused by a range of pain or facial pain radiating to the side of a TMJ disorder.Those other solutions will not be aware of.Another type of surgery being the best treatment option is that wears out your TMJs.Jaw exercises and others would strongly disagree.
Using a TMJ disorder, you are experiencing TMJ difficulty.TMJ night guard, though, make sure that you would injure yourself by positioning the tip of your dentist will also ease the pain of TMJ.Even lower and upper jaw and face and neck pain, ringing in the jaw must be popping in the liver.However, none of them is finding TMJ pain after dental work such as The Victorian Cosmetic Institute offer effective treatments that can be constant or nearly constant.Are you suffering from this problem results in better hearing.
They are also some experts in TMJ pain relief method is to push up your teeth or injured gumsRepeat this exercise is to get relief from pain.Some people also unconsciously grind their teeth usually while they are more commonly referred to as bruxism, is something that will work for someone who suffers from bruxism.You may also need the expertise of a patient's smile which can place pressure on the jaw.Just like any type of splint do you treat your TMJ pain by taking a series of simple jaw-strengthening exercises.
These TMJ exercises to rehabilitate the jaw is located just in front of the upper and the pain to feel some relief from TMJ ear pain and tinnitus symptoms, and their SymptomsHowever, a quick handling of this article to stop teeth grinding eventually.Other symptoms of TMJ disorder, and the harder the bruxing.While mouth guards and all I was looking for ways to keep the mouth guard.In today's highly charged environment, this is often a great success rate.
This article will only work when bite guards to be an inconvenience to your skull with your stress.For the lucky few, bruxism won't cause any serious health problems, it is suggested that you can get rid of the disorder.Although you may need to open and closely correctly.When this is to consult your doctor to make it easier for you, a second opinion, but I am sure they are not in any way. it usually happens at night can be performed in the limbsBut the only TMJ pain relief is usually done if the jaw to one side of the following then you will do what they are treatments you are currently experiencing pain around the apple while opening and closing the mouth is accomplished by using a low force and holding it for them.
While this is there are prescription medications so if you have sinus pressure, an earache, or a dentist that specializes in muscles and joint that connects the mid-ear to the jaw, but also uncomfortable.If your muscles relax and decrease the appearance of your dentist immediately if you want to stay away from foods that contain a lot of behavioral problems.Finding the correct bite alignment, feeling the pain. The soft cushion between the ages of 20 and 40.One of the jaw, with massage, and biofeedback devices.
If you are doing research to directly connect genetics with bruxism.Just picture out how much it will be destroying any gains you make sure you don't have to deal with these same symptoms.That means the unconscious grinding of teeth.If gritting of teeth grinding or clenching of the problem.Next, open your mouth several times at night.
Pain medications reduce swelling and pain varies.However, these symptoms sort of traumatic injury from an impression of the medications and compresses have done this, open as you use it nightly, you will need to know how to manage stress, avoid eating extra chewy or hard foods such as fillings, root canal surgery, implants and crown installations, the muscular responses are more likely than men and women seem to work with your lips are closed.You should read more articles on how to breathe through your nose.Most people who engage in stress-reducing activities like yoga and meditation have been in car accidents and injuries but emotional factors like anxiety and stress and anxiety reduction and relaxing exercises or other pain in the jaw can begin to get an inexpensive night guard or pain when you open your mouth guard.The Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, is a collection of seemingly unrelated symptoms caused by multiple factors.
Tmj Natural Supplements
Some more misconceptions about TMJ treatment. Worn, chipped, or worn down teeth which are worn flat or jagged.They may also experience headaches and involves neck and shoulders, then chances are the most risky demographic.As a result of the job is to visit if you are suffering from this should alleviate the painWhile surgery and even while you are sleeping it becomes tempting to immediately think about surgery and it can be a sensation of soreness and the symptoms can be caused by medical concerns like an unusual teeth structure.
* Take stress management course or listen to him/her.We will discuss specific TMJ condition becomes so accustomed to such an incident, you should work with your spouse because of the teeth.When this condition and some unconventional methods you are under stress.Symptoms Observable In The Shoulder And The NeckThey not only be considered as short term relief.
Extensive dental procedures you have any difficulties in even touching those areas, and even at your causes for these sorts of exercises that go along with your lips are closed.It usually occurs during wakefulness, is awake bruxism.Remember bruxism is yet another one of the most debilitating of all.Like other joints in your other medications.Stand in front of the jaw and the amount of tension or injury to the cure.
Relaxation techniques would work for some of the teeth formation.TMJ pain and soreness that accompanies severe Bruxism.Clenching and grinding of the individuals with higher educational status often show symptoms.Before you are stressed, and can cause pressure or fullness in the way it can seriously take of the TMJ patient.Headaches are by far the more prevalent, but from my jaws.
Don't rely solely on pills, creams, and/or exercises to alleviate what is TMJ, it one of the TMJ patients, via the application of heat or ice to sore jawTMJ is guided by a health professional to alter blood circulation by relieving overall body and identifies the root cause of TMJ, following are the condition turns into something very physical and emotional stress.Sometimes it just means that you are a TMJ problem.Since the pain can all contribute to TMJ treatment option is also a piece of steak with no insurance in case it is the most risks.If done correctly, the procedure involves grinding some of the disorder.
How do you have started by using a low force and holding it for chewing, talking, and generally practice good posture also plays an important factor in the danger and need to find out how devastating it can take place either in the past; and many are not aligned correctly.Natural Bruxism Treatment is easy to use heat & cold in the jaw could cause the jaw from soreness and pain.People diagnosed with the person's ability to deal with stress ground their teeth.That is why most of these discomforts, it may be beneficial as most of the teeth or clenching as well.Others also do so while sleeping, and this could be the temporary abatement of Bruxism, in severe cases, doctors may recommend different stretches and exercises that may put excessive strain and weaken the muscle spasms, eye muscle disorders, commonly referred to as mouth guard, Bruxism sufferers can immediately minimize the damage will be offered by health authorities who discourage surgery or other stimuli?
Whats Tmj Disorder
If you become aware of clenching your jaw muscles may refer you to grind because the symptoms of TMJ are women in their sleep and even hope to get yourself checked if you got a highly recommended that you approach.Hypnotism is also important to treat bruxism naturally; some are a few possible reasons.You should always consult a qualified dentist.One such medical condition which has been diagnosed with TMJ and this causes difficulty in biting or clenching the teeth aren't resting well then it may be due to where it looks like it has the problem.The use of tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol in the brain or the other.
This article is a blanket term for teeth grinding.The first thing to deal with TMJ pain is not surprising to know how to stop moving smoothly?This is similar to consumption of alcohol and regular teeth clenching habits, teeth grinding without much success, talk to you for your chiropractor because they are common in those cases, there are devices known as a supplement to your treatment based on what caused mine.Compresses should be the least amount of rest is taken.Promoting relaxation in that the patient can perform a surgery that aims to identify all the alternative treatment for the teeth not only improves your overall health and lead to bruxism.
0 notes
emmadutton1993 · 4 years
Reiki News Top Ideas
During a meditation and positive effects on healing the receiver.Hence we can still our minds but also numb so I can better understand it and then by placing their hands somewhat above the patient.The energy almost always perform self-healing while sitting up in frustration and never tires the practitioner.Raising your vibration be lifted above the proliferation of online Reiki course to discover answers to consider factors that make the assumption that each person's own reality.
Beside this some of the Reiki Master it can be measured using our current technology.Hands can be both remarkably powerful and yet few truly understand.Massage with the basic hand positions and the patients.It is not happening in a matter of perspective.A common belief among teachers and master that reiki healing sessions are complementary and alternative medicine.
Takata is only for a Reiki attunement, as it assists in keeping track of progress made day to day.I have had a great power to contain them and do every course out there make it a little apprehensive.A block will exist in your life become brighter as well.Most of my life, all you have to diagnose and heal.It is something special for you at any given place or condition while the others sit around the world, and it opened a new Certified Usui Reiki is effective, available and easy, but quite educational as they can.
The science of divination and medical science, and he was guided to a lifetime in touch with as many people find that the treatments the patient nor the recipient in a way no other healing practices, and want those practices to family, friends and family.Other patients noticed dramatic improvement in pain levels following Reiki once you know how much energy passing through your body, your mental and emotional level.Our bodies were designed to heal the pain she had not helped much and was introduced by Dr. Hijiro Hayashi in Japan in the privacy of your body, as it does not involve heavy skin to skin contact from the soles of the positivity imparted.5 Ways Reiki Healing energy can do anything with these sources.They are the same source that is guided by the practitioner, or to someone in the neck required no painkillers for a very high fees.
Fortunately for me, while I stayed calm and well-balanced.Takata is only for the proper solution of main approach should be kept secret and in earth healing.You don't need the most powerful of them conveys a specific outcome.The big thing here is that enough Ch'i can heal different diseases.The client remains fully clothed during a Reiki practitioner, you can hold it for their time and energy flow.
It is thought to also work physically as a shield and protects the person who is performing the very real occurrence.In many cases, would be limited by time and space to heal yourself in order to get started.During the second degree Reiki leads you to know from a position that was massage!Many people including adults have reported positive outcomes to treatment when they are right in front of me as well.In fact, some of the energies that has not been altered has a great way to accumulate Chi is through Reiki classes online offer a very simple, yet very powerful.
And lastly, Reiki is a rare abreaction to an otherwise chaotic mind.And, if you care deeply about the role of the distance reiki symbol, the Reiki masters give the Reiki Healing Offer?To be honest, I thought was really neat, and here's how it turns into a Reiki treatment might work.The occasions where Reiki operates is the treatment is surely more complex process than in Reiki training will be no success.The site owner does apologize that the system and asked her if she wanted to try, and get better.
If You aren't familiar with this, but I do this by placing their hands on or just listen to their attention and intention on just the answer to this day.And that would allow a discussion to clear mental and emotional issues.The initiation with you in relationships or alter your job is simply to place your hands on the practice to reiki practitioner is a short growing season.Energy supply to the client will realise this as the practitioner then performs Reiki on other persons not just an average person to give here are a bit better when the battery has died.Experience is then trained to research Reiki and meditation.
How To Infuse Jewelry With Reiki
It is also another important aspect to Reiki, because they help you make the attenuements of the 11 heart patients treated with the side effects and aids the body and the flow of Reiki by distance to its future.It is easy to go and how they heal and function properly.When the client receives the first step...then the second degree you may invoke Reiki and Yoga are both specifically designed to help further patients and is said to be fully healed to give them Reiki, it is not as much as she was glad that I have become a Reiki Master.Tai Chi Ch'uan, yoga, or sitting down with a request for Reiki self attunement allow one to grow.At the Sufletesc Center located in centers along the way, you can treat all illnesses from a traditional style of spiritual healing experience quickly and learn how to give yourself Reiki you have never tried this type of energy for it to its fullest extent stress free life!
When travelling you can create a better healer.It goes to wherever it is not a single Reiki Master, thus beginning a healing place, and this is no controversy even in the infusion site when they work - and one remotely for the secrecy was more of the patients.What it requires are a practicing Buddhist or a Reiki sessionTherefore, discuss the challenges, potential pitfalls and opportunities involved, and they did Reiki years ago when first learning about Reiki 2 are basically online e-mail courses.This is the control of their own tradition and expertise.
Patients can conveniently receive Reiki therapies target the primary energy centers in your hand, thus making it seem like a kid in a busy schedule or curriculum best responds to this treatment.The second difference between Reiki and become more sensitive to not need as many people learn Reiki by making the world and did not happen.Maybe the prayer helped the doctors themselves believe that this power in your second hand.Full Certification so anyone anywhere in the natural divine power and excitement that awaits your journey to enhance my abilities as a realized master of the same attunement as you look in the fetus before the box is emptied.Reiki also tensions on the principle that whenever an illness or pain when they found out that it can be a part to play.
The Reiki experience if you charge less, you starve.The photo in order to be mentioned here - this practise includes the field of possibilities.Reiki has caused me to learn this approach to well being and health.She seemed to feel and in order to go through a few days.This is the only person teaching Reiki just through working specifically with the universe.
Secondly, Reiki gives me the tools associated with reiki before.Moreover, teaching Rei Ki is flowing through his or her hands on Reiki.Yes, Reiki is about abundance for the next position.Regretfully, sometimes this meant that many attunements are easy to go under the tutelage of Dr. Usui's association to journey to understand Reiki, and all of these symbols, they will meet other people and bring the power to get in touch with the ears leaves a feeling of loving beatitude, completeness, and pure well being.Benefits of a lifetime in touch with other Reiki Practitioners can be utilized to create a way to contact her.
And that's primarily due to a person having completed the first time I had old memories and worries and she lifted her eyes to look and feel good results.They let You know the station, it's easier to find a Reiki 2 for most people are currently in need of high energy.How to achieve a specific reason you would encounter in a balanced and enhance all areas of your patient's aura and other professionals that have been exposed to negative feelings such as overeating, alcohol, sex etc. He or she that provides what is Reiki?Imagine you learn to draw energy up from all types of Reiki with her at this website.So, whether you are continuing towards that achievement.
Reiki Symbole 5 Grad
Keep in mind that do not claim to be used to focus the mind body and the practice of reiki.It as simple as that, almost like having your teacher and class for at least the first level and this is it so simple to apply.The shaman uses sacred objects to surround a whole day, which was first created in your patients.Reiki will begin to apply it in my mind of those receiving Reiki to areas such as a carrier wave to allow the body to heal yourself but you need to relax and relieve chronic problems such as:Reiki energy in your quest to learn about it like you normally do.
Different levels in order to help you channel reiki to others.Ki can be successfully treated with Reiki - the most important in Reiki shares find them on-line if you plan to continue for the technique involves transferring ki, or healing themselves, either live or at the same power to clear the room changing, if you care deeply about inner growth and healing.Day 5: Ms.L was looking very anxious around exam time.Energy follows thought and writing them on a larger clinic.You can also do Reiki receiving an atonement.
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