#I couldn’t wait any longer TWINNY! you know what I’m like
igcttabe · 3 years
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aria didn’t want to be the wife that ran after her husband when he came home LATE, however, tonight they had plans and she had NEVER known him be this late to a date night before. the food she had cooked had been sat there an hour growing cold, it reminded her of then night logan came for her… it felt like THAT night and on that note she was in her car and driving before she had the chance to even acknowledge what she was doing. something was WRONG and the longer she drove the more she convinced herself of that. aria had her gun tucked in the back of her jeans, she hadn’t been completely UNPREPARED but it wasn’t like she had ever had to use it on someone before. however, she would if someone had hurt will? she would do more than use it alright. “WILL?” her voice echoed around the empty building, all she could do was follow the only source of light and hope this was some stupid joke. when she saw the body on the table she thought it was him, she didn’t know how she managed to rush forward to check because it felt like she couldn’t BREATHE. it wasn’t him but oh my god, what the hell was this, now she felt the tears springing in her eyes as she leaned over the table slightly to check he was breathing. “hey, if you can hear me? it’s okay, I’ll be right back for you I swear but first I have to find my husband. HOLD ON.” her words a hushed whisper, unsure if the guy could even hear her from the STATE of him, he definitely wasn’t conscious but she would come back for him.. once she had found will safe and alive because he had to be, HE HAD TO BE, she couldn’t imagine a world without will in any more and she didn’t want too. it was the movement out the corner of her eye that had her pulling out her gun, hands shaking as she stumbled backwards but kept the gun pointed in the persons direction. just focus on will, don’t focus on the creepy damn mask, just focus on getting will. “WHERE IS HE?” her hands were shaking but she could take a shot and she would if they gave her NO other choice. “WHERE’S WILL? you know exactly who I’m talking about!” taking a daring step forward because if he was in this poor guys condition then she had to get them both out and now. “if you’ve so much as laid a finger on him i swear to god i’ll shoot you! I’LL DO IT!” her voice did break as she took another glance at the poor guy who was… oh my god? they had strapped him down to that table? she felt SICK. if she had ANY cell reception the police would already be here but she’d already checked and nothing. “did you hurt him? DID YOU?” the tears that had been pooling in her eyes now ran steadily down her cheeks at the thought that will could be hurt or worse. aria aimed her gun down at his legs, she’d blow both his kneecaps if he didn’t answer her as she took another step forward. “ALL I want is my husband and then we’ll all get out of here and you, you can go.” did she mean that? if depended on the state of will when they led her to him.
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Wasted Time
“Well, I was going to request how they’re best friends, but girl is shy, doesn’t really know how to articulate that she likes Angel so while she is practicing to tell Angel, she says it to EZ and the only thing Angel hears is that she’s in love with EZ which breaks him. And she kind of goes to him cause he starts ignoring her and then confesses when he’s trying to walk away and like Coco and Gilly just go “Fuck,” Coco handed over a 20 dollar bill to Gilly. “Angel, how are you not gonna be the one to confess?” And then maybe smut? Cause she runs from him after she confesses cause she’s kind of like horrified lol and then he goes to see her kisses and smut.” @starrynite7114
A/N: Thank you so much for the request Twinnie! I feel so honored you entrusted me with your amazing idea! I hope it was all you wanted and more 😘. I love you so so much ❤️❤️❤️ And thank y’all so much for reading! I hope you all enjoy 💜
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*gif not mine*
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Smut. The works 😘 18+ Only.
"So, we still on for our horror movie marathon tonight?" You asked Angel as you walked with him into the scrapyard.
"Fuck, that's tonight?" He turned to you acting confused before he couldn't hold it in any longer and smiled.
You shook your head, shoving him playfully. "God you're such an asshole" You giggled as he rather dramatically over reacted in his stumbling from your shove.
He "regained" his balance as he chuckled. "Of course we're still on. I could never forget our monthly movie marathon."
Angel and you had been best friends since forever. You did everything together and were there for every high or low of each other's lives. When Angel began prospecting he knew he'd have less time for you so you came up with the deal that you would at least have one movie night every month where he could just focus on you giving you time together. For the most part this tradition had held up minus a few rescheduling but in the end you'd always still have your one night.
You looked forward to them every month. Each month you'd pick a different genre and you'd play movies all through the night staying up together. There was always lots of snacks, laughter, and conversation. It was those moments you cherished most and those moments that made it even harder to suppress your true feelings for Angel.
"Got to get in there for Templo," he said nodding towards the front entrance to the clubhouse. "I'll pick you up at eight. Don't forget to bring an extra pair of pants in case you piss yourself again." He smirked at you knowing how saying this would get under your skin. You were so easy to rile up he didn’t even really have to try anymore.
You smacked his chest. He could be so infuriating sometimes. "I did not piss myself! You and I both know I spilt my drink."
"Uh huh." He nodded, chuckling. "Whatever makes you feel better, querida."
"I didn't!" You protested. You could feel your face heating up as you became more flustered."Of course not." He held his hands up. "I'm just saying I left to make some more popcorn and when I came back…" he trailed off. He loved seeing you like this, all worked up. He thought it was adorable.
"What I remember is you left then proceeded to sneak up on me and scare the shit out of me during a jump scare which caused my drink to spill all over me." You crossed your arms staring him down trying to push down the ever creeping embarrassment.
"Well I guess we'll just have to see what happens tonight and then we'll know who's telling the truth." He teased some more, watching how you were trying to keep up the tough exterior. Leaning over he gave you a kiss on the cheek secretly wanting to kiss you properly but pushing the thought to the back of his mind. "I can't wait for tonight." He said as he walked away and towards the clubhouse. He turned back once calling out to you "eight o'clock"
"Eight o'clock." You agreed, giving him a smile as you watched him until he disappeared out of sight.
"Aren't you two cute."
You jumped turning around and smacking EZ's arm. "What the hell is wrong with you Reyes boys." You held your hand to your chest trying to settle your thumping heart down.
"Sorry." He grinned. "Didn't know you'd be so jumpy, but then again you always get sucked into your own little world with Angel, blocking everything out but him. It's adorable." He teased. "Why exactly is it you still haven't confessed your feelings yet?"
You sighed deeply. Right now you were wishing you had never told EZ about how you were madly in love with his brother but you needed someone to talk to and EZ was your shoulder to cry on after you had found out Angel had a date with some other girl. Hearing that broke you but thankfully it didn't last long.
"It's not like I haven't tried." You ran your hand over your face peeking back out at EZ. "Shit I've tried so many times," you whined uncovering your face. "But every time my stomach just jumbles in knots and I feel like I'm gonna hurl and I can't even form a coherent sentence I just stumble over whatever it is I'm trying to spit out." You huffed crossing your arms, "Why is it that the easiest person for me to talk to also happens to be the hardest?" With Angel you could tell him anything and that's what made it all the more frustrating that you couldn't seem to get this one thing, possibly the most important thing out.
EZ felt for you, he really did. You and Angel would be the perfect couple if one of you would just get the guts to finally tell the other how you really felt. "Pretend I'm Angel." He offered.
"What?" You widen your eyes not liking where you were certain this was going.
"Well the only way to get better at something is practice, right?" EZ stated matter of factly. "Just try it. Pretend I'm Angel and tell me how you feel."
"This is ridiculous." You tried to protest but EZ just gave you a look telling you he wasn't going to let it go. "Promise you won't make fun of me." You mumbled giving in.
"You know me (Y/N). I wouldn't do that." He placed his hand on your shoulder reassuring you making you feel more comfortable with the idea.
"Ok well." You hesitated a moment gathering your courage and your thoughts. You took a deep breath ready to say what you've been wanting to for so long now. "I'm in love with you, Angel.” You started feeling a little silly but continuing on anyways. “I think I first discovered my feeling that first movie night when you checked every hidden place in my house to ensure there was nothing hiding in wait for me and then spent the whole night with me so I would feel safe." You smiled fondly at the memory getting lost in your words. "It was from then on that I just kept falling. I love you, have always loved you, and will never stop loving you." It felt good to finally get it all out. Your smile grew as you looked at EZ. Tonight would be the night. You were finally going to tell Angel you were in love with him.
However, what you didn't know was that Angel had come back out after Templo to see if you were still around. He was just coming around the side of the building when he heard you say the most heartbreaking words to his brother. That you loved him and always would love him. Again EZ was the better option, taking another person from his life. His chest tightened. The feeling was so constricting he felt like he couldn't breath. Turning back around quickly he made his way as far away from you two as he could before stopping on the other side of the building and leaning his back against it for support. He couldn't believe he could be so stupid. And to think he had it all planned out, tonight would be the night he was going to confess his love for you once and for all. He mentally kicked himself for being such a fool.
Needless to say that night Angel did not pick you up for your movie night. He wouldn’t even pick up his phone or answer your texts. You brushed it off, he must have got caught up in club stuff and you’d reschedule like you had in the past but that never happened.
You came by the clubhouse the next day and were told he was busy. Again you brushed it off but you could only do that so many times.
You were talking to EZ on the phone complaining to the youngest brother, “Do you know what is going on with your brother?”
“I have no clue,” EZ said honestly. “I haven’t spoken much with him. He’s been avoiding me for some reason. He won’t talk to me.”
You felt better knowing it wasn’t just you getting the cold shoulder but you still couldn’t think of any reason behind Angel’s actions. “Huh,” you said. “Okay, well I’m going by the scrapyard today. He’s going to talk to me whether he likes it or not.”
“Good luck,” EZ said. “Let me know what you find out.”
You stormed into the scrapyard coming up behind Angel as he worked on his bike. “Why the hell are you avoiding me?!” You snapped crossing your arms. You had enough of whatever was going on and wouldn’t back down until you had some answers.
Angel let out a long sigh in frustration when he heard your voice. Chucky had one job. He stood up wiping his hands on his pants and turning around to face you. He shook his head brushing you off, “I’m not avoiding you.”
“Really?” You laughed bitterly. “Okay then what exactly would you call what you’ve been doing?”
“I’ve just been busy.” He said leaning back against his bike. He didn’t want to have this conversation now or ever. It was too painful for him to see you and picture his brother by your side.
“Too busy for me?” You asked.
Angel could hear the hurt in your voice and it just made everything that much harder on him. He didn’t want to lose you or cause you pain but he couldn’t stand the thought of you being with EZ more. He had to look out for himself and until he could move past you being around you was a terrible idea.
“What about our movie nights?” You added. It was really about the movie nights it was about missing him. Angel was a huge part of your life and to have him ignoring you, not being able to talk to him, it just felt like there was a giant Angel shaped hole in your heart. Your life just wanted the same without him around.
“Thought you’d rather have them with EZ now.”
“EZ? Why would I want to do that with EZ?” Now you were really confused. “That’s our thing, Angel.”
“I don’t know maybe because I love you, have always loved you, and will never stop loving you.” He mocked you. “I fucking heard you (Y/N). You could’ve at least given me a heads up before you professed your love to my brother. I thought we told each other everything but apparently not.” Now he couldn’t hold back the jealousy that had wrecked through him. It hurt him, you hurt him and he wanted you to feel just as shitty as he had. “I’m not doing this now.” Angel huffed walking past you, brushing by you as he went.
It was all coming together now in your mind. Angel somehow must have heard you when you were practicing with EZ and now it made so much sense why he was avoiding you both.
“God you are so infuriating sometimes!” You snapped yelling after him. You rarely raised your voice to anyone let alone him so you definitely got the attention of everyone around. All this time you were thinking you must have done something wrong, your mind running around in circles trying to figure it out and it was all just because of a fucking misunderstanding. “I wasn’t confessing my love to EZ, you jackass! I was practicing confessing to you!” You yelled at him. At this point you didn’t care anymore. You were only thinking about the idiot whose back was to you. “Fuck, because for some reason I’m in love with you Angel!” You finally got out. When all was said and done however everything you had just said out loud finally registered. The adrenaline ran out of your body just as quickly as it had surged through leaving you feeling embarrassed and vulnerable. Two things you hated feeling the most.
Angel stopped in his tracks as his mind processed what you had just said.
Fight or flight kicked in fast for you and before you knew it you had spun around and were rushing out of the scrapyard and to your car before anyone could say anything to you. You were mortified and humiliated. Now everyone knew and you were sure they were all having a good laugh at you.
“Did you just say you loved me?” He asked, turning around expecting to see you there but only finding Gilly and Coco standing there.
“Fuck,” Coco grumbled slipping a twenty out and passing it to Gilly who took it with a smug grin. He was certain Angel would be the one to have the balls to confess to you first but apparently he was wrong about his hermano. “Angel, how are you not going to be the one to confess?”
“Fuck,” Angel groaned running his hand over his beard, tugging at the end. “I fucked up, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you fucked up bad.” Gilly agreed.
Curled up on your couch with your favorite pair of sweatpants on and worn down shirt you scrolled through the various titles on Netflix trying to distract your mind but nothing was really sticking out at you. You wanted to sink into yourself and wallow in the horrible feeling of having just word vomited your feelings for everyone to hear. You hugged the pillow tighter to your chest and buried your face into its plush material groaning.
A knock on your door pulled you away from your moment. Your stomach grumbled as you sat up assuming the pizza you had ordered had finally arrived. You hurried over to the door not really caring that you looked like a mess only wanting the delicious food awaiting you on the other side.
You swung the door open heart stopping as you saw Angel standing there on the other side. Your face immediately turned to a scowl. “What are you doing here?” You asked him.
“Querida, I just want to talk about earlier.”
You turned back walking into your home knowing Angel would follow you in. “If you’re here to make fun of me some more I’d rather you just left.” You plopped back onto your couch burying your face in your hands
Angel cautiously approached you, crouching down in front of you. “I’m not here to make fun of you (Y/N).” He said taking your hands in his and gently pulling them away from your face.
You still couldn’t bring yourself to make full eye contact with him as you looked around. “Then why are you here?”
“I’m here because,” he said, preparing himself to tell you what he had been wanting to tell you for years now. “I’m here because I’m in love with you too.”
“What?” You asked, meeting his gaze now, melting under his soft eyes. “Don’t play with me Angel.” You couldn't take it if this was some attempt at a joke.
“I’m not playing, mi dulce.” Angel reassured you, running his thumbs soothingly across the back of your hands. Having your touch against his gave him the courage to go on. “I love you, (Y/N). I’ve been in love with you but feared you would never feel the same way about me so I kept it to myself. You’re my best friend, I can’t lose you. I didn’t want to put what we had in jeopardy.”
“Angel, you should have told me.” You said. Your heart was beating faster now as you were very aware of his touch. “We were supposed to tell each other everything.”
“Yeah we were.” Angel chuckled now feeling ridiculous for how blown up things had gotten. “Well I’m telling you now. I love you, (Y/N).” He said once more.
You smiled biting your bottom lip as you looked at his lips. “Well what are you waiting for then?” You asked him feeling more bold now. “Are you going to kiss me or what?”
Angel grinned standing up some and cupping your face in his large hands. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you to the ground with him bringing his lips to yours. Straddling his lap he ran his hands down your back as your tongues tangled together. Reaching the hem of your shirt he pulled away to slip the fabric over your head groaning when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra.
You instinctively went to wrap your arms around your chest feeling small under his gaze but he caught your arms before you could do so. His gaze lingered on your chest making you even more nervous until he looked back up into your eyes. “Fuck, you’re absolutely stunning.”
You smiled gasping out as he leaned over pulling your nipple into his mouth and swirling his tongue around the nub. You ran your hands through his hair as you threw your head back, overwhelmed by the stimulation. You bit your lip holding back a moan as his hand traveled down your stomach and into your sweats.
Angel slipped his middle finger between your lips loving how wet you already were. He ran his finger up and down gathering your juices before settling on your clit running circles around it. You bit your lip harder, legs jolting involuntarily at the sensation. You pulled on his hair causing him to growl against your skin making you even wetter.
He kissed and sucked his way up your body settling into the crook of your neck as his fingers made quick work of bringing you over the edge. Your eyes rolled back as you cried out his name, the sound being like music to Angel's ears. He captured your lips with his sucking on your bottom lip as he guided you through the shockwaves of your orgasm.
Angel pulled back smirking as he watched you catch your breath, your breasts rising and falling with each ragged breath you took. He took great pride in knowing that your pleasure had come from him. He laid you down gently on the floor removing his cut and shirt before leaning down to hover above you. His hand ran up your side sending a shiver through your body.
He kissed you slowly, savoring the taste of you. Angel pulled away causing you to whine as you tugged on his bottom lip not wanting him to part from you. Your neediness for him only made him that much harder.
"Do you know how many nights I've dreamt of this moment?” He purred, licking his lips as he looked you up and down, loving how exposed you were to him. “Of your body against mine, my name spilling from your lips like a prayer as you claw at my back.” He smirked down at you as he looked into your eyes, so dark with lust. “How many times I've woken up in a sweat with the taste of you on my tongue and the aching need for you in my bed."
You weren’t going to lie, everything he was saying was just turning you on more, making your body burn for his touch, for him to fill you up. You wanted him and no one else ever again. “Angel,” you breathed out still coming down from your release.
“Would you please just shut up,” you smirked at him “And fuck me already.”
Angel chuckled, his own eyes darkening now.“As you wish, querida. But just know you asked for it.”
Making quick work of discarding his pants you did the same both checking each other out thoroughly once you were both bare. You licked your lips as you stared at his thick cock.
“You like what you see?” Angel asked, cockily noticing your gaze. “Cause I sure as hell do.”
“What did I say about the talking?” You teased.
If you wanted Angel to fuck you then that’s what he was going to fucking do. He’d make sure he’d be the one you wouldn’t forget and if he had it his way it would be just you and him for the rest of your lives. Bringing his hand between your knees he spread you out before him giving him a better view of your slick pussy.
He grabbed himself teasing you, stroking the tip of his cock up and down your slit gathering your juices. You whined some more reaching up to bring him down to you. He could only hold out so long himself before giving in. Slipping in slowly your mouth fell open as he stretched you out. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he stayed still a moment allowing you to adjust around him.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He grunted looking down to watch as he began his movements, thrusting in and out at a slow pace.
He felt so good filling you up, you’ve never felt so full but you needed more from him or you’d go crazy. You reached up tilting his chin to look at you instead of where you came together as one. “Angel, baby,” you pleaded. “I need you to pick up the pace.” You gasped out as he thrusted deeper.
Doing as you wished he leaned down sucking on your flesh as he began pounding into you faster. You reached out to him, your hands finding their way to his back and digging in. He hissed out at the sting loving the way you reacted to him. He kept up the pace as your walls tightened around him. Your breath was ragged as his name spilled from your lips just as he had dreamed. You arched your back into his chest as his thrusts became more frantic. Reaching down he began running quick circles around your clit with his thumb speeding up your release.
You felt the familiar sensation gather in the pit of your stomach. Before you knew it you were whisked away into an euphoric state, Angel giving you a few more good thrusts before he twitched inside you spilling out and filling you up, moaning out your name.
Angel collapsed down just barely holding his weight off of you as he groaned into the crook of your neck leaving a few sloppy kisses. He picked his head up with a dopey grin on his face. “God I fucking love you.”
“That good, huh?” You teased breathless and beat.
“The best.” He smirked leaning down and giving you one more kiss before pulling out of you and plopping down beside you.
You both stared up at the ceiling just listening to the other’s shallow breaths, your bodies sticky and sweaty.
“Just give me a minute and I’ll be ready for round two.” Angel chuckled from beside you. Your favorite sound in the world.
After a few moments you flipped over on your side propping your head up with one arm and walking your fingers up his chest with the other. “You ready for round two yet?” You asked, smiling sweetly at him.
Turning over on his side he pulled you close to his chest. His hand found his way to your ass giving you a good smack causing you to squeal out. You pulled back giving his chest a smack. “Asshole.” You muttered, the smile still finding its way to your lips regardless.
“I’m ready now.” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows before pushing you over and pinning you down beneath him. He kissed your jaw and down your neck getting lower and lower when there was a knock on the door.
Angel groaned picking his head up to look at you. “Who the fuck is that?”
Your face lit up as you sat up. “Pizza!” You smiled at Angel remembering the pizza you had ordered before Angel came over. Reaching over you grabbed Angel’s plaid and pulled it on buttoning it up, smiling at him. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” he grinned. “Looks better on you anyways. Angel grabbed his boxer briefs, slipping them on quickly. “I got it.” He said standing up and walking over to your front door to receive the food.
Getting up off the ground you climbed onto the couch sitting on your knees as you eagerly watched Angel bring the pizza back to you. He set it down on the table beside you grabbing a slice and settling into the soft cushions. Crawling over you snuggled into his lap, your back against his chest after grabbing your own slice. By now you were both starving after having worked up quite the appetite.
Angel grabbed the remote turning on your tv and going to Netflix. “So what shall it be tonight?” He asked, determined to keep the movie night tradition going.
You looked over at him giving him a smile before settling back in against him. “Hmm,” you thought it over for a minute, “How about Nightmare on Elm Street?”
“Okay,” Angel agreed, staring the film up and wrapping his pizza free arm around you. “You know how much fucking time we wasted when we could have been doing this?” He wasn’t just talking about the sex but everything. Having you in his arms, as his girl, eating pizza, conveniently after some great fucking sex was his idea of a perfect night and now here you were. “I’m done with that. I’m not going to waste a single moment with you ever again.” He promised and from that day forward he never did.
Everything Tag List: @jad3djay @fairygardenss @carlaangel86 @briannab1234 @starrynite7114 @agirllovespasta @howaboutash @gemini0410 @naytraydr @knowles-morgan @woahitslucyylu @everyhowlmarksthedead @ktiz90 @brothersofmayhem @ifoundmyhappythought @vsfavs @scuzmunkie @chibsytelford @briana-mishell24 @curvynerdfan
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catsafarithewriter · 5 years
From the resent promt list (if you feel up to it): 15 (“I’ve come to the conclusion that I can no longer rely on you to make any rational decisions.") for Baron and Haru. Have fun! :)
Day 4: Prank War
A/N: So I am definitely cheating and re-purposing a half-written prompt I got sent ages ago (sorry, nalua!) for Day 4: Prank War of the TCR Birthday Bash. This is a human AU ficlet. 
Based on this post.
Having Louise for a sister meant that Baron wasn’t entirely unaccustomed to strange messages at stranger times of day. 
Like the time she had texted that there was an intruder making noises in her bathroom, and only later sent a photo of a ROOMBA hover trapped behind the door that her landlord had set to automatic. 
(Baron had been halfway to her house armed with a crowbar before the situation had been resolved.)
Or the week that she communicated solely in memes.
(She sent him the entirety of the Bee movie. Twice.)
Or the 11pm text demanded to know which Greek philosopher followed Plato.
(Aristotle. It was Aristotle. And she was cheating in a pub quiz.)
(She won.) 
So he wasn’t completely shocked when he received the frustratingly contextless text stipulating the urgent need for him to send a photo of a shaved leg.
He scanned the message for signs of any obvious typos and, when he came to the reluctant conclusion that Louise had meant what she’d said, sent back, “Why?”
“it’ll be funny”
“You already have shaved legs. Take your own picture”
“a guy accidentally messaged me and he wants a pic”
“There are easier ways to pick up guys. Also. You already have a girlfriend??”
“I KNOW. god. okay but he’s being creepy and needs to be taken down like a 100 pegs you’re my big brother aren’t you meant to protect me?”
“We’re twins, Louise”
“an even better reason why you should be helping me twinkie”
“*twinnie damn autocorrect”
Baron ignored the mistake. “You were born first”
“taller = big brother”
“You’ve been calling yourself the ‘alpha twin’ for years”
“your point is?”
Baron didn’t reply. 
Eventually, Louise sent, “Humbeeeeeeerrt”
“Do you know how much effort it takes to shave a leg?”
“try shaving two on a regular basis. it sucks. okay but seriously H this guy has obviously pressured some girl into giving him her number and the fake one she gave just happens to be mine I’m not going to throw this chance away come on he’s an absolute Creep he asked for a shower pic I NEED to troll him”
Baron stared at the almost incomprehensible mess of run-on sentences, weighing up the options as if he wasn’t already mentally commited to the cause. 
“How much leg do you need?”
“!!! Thank you!! also as much as you can convincingly pass for a lady”
“How long is this going to take?”
“lol like no time at all”
There was no answer at Baron’s door when Haru knocked, so she let herself in with her spare key and found the beginnings of dinner in the works. It looked like Baron had at least selected out the food - pots and pans arranged and the vegetables ready to be prepared - but that was where it ended. Which was a pretty long way off completion, considering that she had been promised a meal. The radio was faintly playing and the lights were still on. 
So. A tad horror movie-esque. 
She knocked hesitantly on a wall and called up, “Uh, is anyone home?”
There was a noise from the floor above, and she cautiously took to the stairs. If this was a horror movie, she considered, she’d probably be the first to die. Curiosity and the cat and all. 
The sounds of life - or, at least, movement - lead her to the bathroom door and she gently nudged it open. 
She stared. 
Baron stared back. 
He flashed a nervous grin. “Hello, Haru.”
“We were going to have dinner, remember?” she asked, latching onto the sole remnant of logic she had left. “You invited me over, remember?”
Baron looked at her, and then at the single, hairless leg sticking out of the bathtub. “Ah.”
“Yes,” Haru agreed. “Ah.” 
She swept her gaze over the scene before her: her boyfriend predominantly hidden beneath a layer of bubbles save for his head, his phone in one hand, and that immaculately shaved leg tipped with hot pink nail polish. 
“I like the toes,” she eventually settled on.
Baron wiggled his foot. “A bit brighter than my usual shade, I’ll admit, but I think it suits me.”
“Is it mine?”
“To be fair, I didn’t have any other to use.”
A beat went by. Haru had exhausted all other possible lines of conversation and Baron seemed unusually taciturn. She inhaled and then sighed heavily into her facepalming hand. “Alright. Alright. Now I’ve come to the conclusion that I can no longer rely on you to make any rational decisions, can you tell me what the hell is going on?”
He looked at her, and then his phone, his leg, and then back to her. “A favour for my sister?” he offered.
“Oh god, is she blackmailing you again?”
“No!” Baron dropped his gaze. “Anyway, she doesn’t have anything to blackmail me with since I asked you out.”
“Sure. And what kind of favour-not-blackmail requires you to pose so prettily for the world’s most misleading selfie when we’re meant to be having dinner?”
“She’s trolling a guy.”
A flicker of understanding - far faster than Baron had pegged Louise’s plan - flashed across Haru’s face. “Oh. Ohhh.”
Baron raised an eyebrow. “The speed at which you accepted that alarms me.”
“Then you’ve never been chatted up by a guy who won’t leave you alone,” Haru answered and, fair enough, Baron conceded, she had a point. “Have you sent Louise the picture?”
He nodded, and she motioned for him to hand her the phone. “Now, dry yourself off and get some clothes on so we can have dinner. I’m starving.”
It was just as they were moving onto pudding that there was a ring at the door and Louise arrived in a flurry of chaos and dramatics. She flounced to the spare seat at the table with, “I got a reply from leg guy!”
Baron paused in sharing out the tiramisu to give his sister a withering look. “Hello to you too, Louise.”
“Leg guy?” Haru echoed. “Is that what we’re calling him now?”
“Well, there are other things I could call him that would be far less suitable for the dinner table. Hi Haru.”
Haru couldn’t help it. She grinned. “Heya, Louise. Baron’s told me all about your trolling plan.” 
“I take it you approve?”
“I love it. So, what did he say?”
“He wants to see the rest of me.”
Both ladies looked to Baron. 
“I’m not shaving my other leg,” he immediately said. 
Louise’s phone beeped, and she pulled it up. “Oh wow, I leave him on ‘read’ for five minutes and he’s already getting lewd. Trust me, guys, I’m saving you by not showing that pic. Whoever Yuki is, she dodged a bullet.”
Haru suddenly went very quiet. “He thinks he’s talking to a Yuki?” she eventually asked. 
“Yeah… why…?”
“I told a guy who was hitting on me last night that my name was Yuki,” Haru said, her voice getting progressively lowering with every admission. “And gave him a fake number.”
“You gave him my number,” Louise corrected.
“I thought it was random!” Haru cried. “I was picking numbers out of my head, I didn’t mean to pick an actual number I knew!”
“You told him your name was Yuki?”
“It was the name of the cat I had as a kid,” Haru admitted miserably. “I did tell him I was taken. And, even if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have been interested. He was a creep.”
Louise elbowed her brother. “See? I told you he was a creep.”
“Yes, yes, your intuition is very smart,” Baron dutifully replied. “Now, hand me this phone so I can teach this creep a lesson.”
Louise hesitated. “Baron, I love you, but I am not burying a body for you.” 
“The only thing I’m going to be killing today is this snivelling brat’s ego.” 
Louise raised an eyebrow and, after sharing a shrug with Haru, passed across her phone. Baron set to taking a selfie. 
“What if he’s bi?” Haru asked suddenly.
“Or pan?” Louise added.
Baron sent the photo and hesitated. “Then I guess I have a date.”
Louise flicked a piece of tiramisu at him. “You also have a girlfriend.”
“The offer of a date,” Baron quickly amended. There was a ping from Louise’s phone, and the two ladies watched as his eyebrows rose. “Or not.” The eyebrows rose a little further. “I’m vaguely impressed by how many times he manages to repeat the same word in various forms. That is a one-word vocabulary and no mistake.”
“Give,” Louise commanded.
“Hang on, I have an idea.” He quickly took another photo, this one highlighting the stark comparison between the shaved and non-shaved parts of his leg, his face visible just to make his identity abundantly clear. “I don’t want him getting any ideas about my first photo being anything but mine.” 
Following that, Louise’s phone beeped several more times in rapid succession, each one shorter than the previous. Louise finally managed to snatch back her phone. “Are you quite done?”
“It looks like he’s had enough for today.”
“Yeah, no shit.” Louise’s eyes widened as she scrolled through the waves of swearing she’d received. Haru leant over her shoulder and gave an appreciative whistle. 
“You weren’t kidding about the vocab thing,” Haru said. “Oh, wait, he got inventive - there’s a ‘mother’ in front of that one. And... he’s finished.” She gave an impish grin. “Well. On to dessert.” 
Baron had almost forgotten about the incident until a week later, when Louise texted him again. 
“message from leg guy’s number again” she sent.
Baron paused in his book to answer back. “Is it an apology?”
“not from him”
“from his flatmate. he apologises for his ex-friend and wants to know if you’re single. name’s Toto”
“You know I’m taken??”
“that’ll be a no then”
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Yesterday: One
A/N: Hey guys so I got this idea in my head for an Angel X OC story and it kind of just took off. I hope you all enjoy as I’m really excited for this. Hopefully maybe this will help me out of the slump I found myself in. I am still working on all my other stories and hope to have at least a request and the next part of Perfect done this week. Work has also picked up for me and looks like I have a long week ahead of me so I also may not get everything I want done. Thank you all so much for everything and all the support. I love you all and hope you enjoy ❤️😘
I want to thank @starrynite7114​ and @carlaangel86​ for listening and encouraging and helping me not only on this story but all of them! Your support means the world to me 🥰. And thank you so much Twinnie for sharing the song Yesterday by Leona Lewis for the inspiration for the title of this story. The song fits so beautifully 💖
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*gif not mine*
word count: 5045
Angel sat at the picnic table outside of the clubhouse enjoying a quiet smoke alone. It was a fairly easy day at work with no club shit to occupy his mind. He also had not heard from Adelita all day so it seemed as if it was going to be a quiet night. He could use the break but at the same time he welcomed the noise. Part of the reason he took on so much was to keep his mind busy. It was in those quiet moments when his mind wondered too much, bringing with it the pain that always came when he thought about Juliet, when he thought about his wife. 
It had been two years, five months, and three weeks since he had last seen her. It was a Friday morning. He had woken up with her in his arms like he always had, they had breakfast together, he gave her a kiss goodbye and told her how he couldn’t wait to see her that night. It was their three year anniversary. They were going to spend the evening together having a nice meal before heading to Vegas in the morning for a little get away. 
It was all so normal, so perfect. 
But then he ended up stuck on the other side of the border longer than he anticipated. He felt awful but she understood the club life and the responsibilities that came with it. He was sure she wouldn’t be upset. He left her a voicemail apologizing and promising to make it up to her and then rushed home as fast as he could. 
When he got home everything seemed fine. The lights were off and the house just as he had left it. He assumed she had just gone to bed so he carefully and quietly made his way through the house to the bedroom and undressed before slipping under the covers expecting to find her there. He was going to pull her close and she was going to flip around and snuggle into his chest.
It’s what they always did. 
But the bed was empty and she wasn’t there. He got up and searched the whole house but she was gone. Her purse was still hanging by the door, her car was in the driveway, all personal belongings were still there with no suitcases missing, and there was no damn note or signs of foul play. 
It was as if she just vanished. 
Some people said something horrible must have happened and other’s said she finally realized she deserved better than Angel and left him. Angel didn’t believe any of that. He held onto hope that she would come back, that all the searching would lead them to her, that they would find her. But they never did and eventually everyone else stopped looking, stopped hoping. 
Maybe it was time for Angel to too.
“Hey, you ready to go to Pop’s?” EZ asked, stepping in front of Angel’s gaze. 
Angel nodded getting up from his seat at the table. The brother’s tried to make it a point to go have lunch with Felipe at least once a week after EZ began prospecting for the club and the two had become busier. 
Angel was thankful that EZ was out and had decided to stick around town. Despite all the resentment towards his younger brother he still loved him more than anything. It made him feel really good when EZ told him he wanted to prospect for the club, that he wanted to be a part of something that Angel was. 
After everything that the Reyes family had been through it was just nice to have everyone together again. 
The two pulled up in front of Carniceria Reyes backing their bikes up to the curb before turning the engines off and taking their helmets off. Angel stepped off his bike when he overheard the two women’s conversation across the street as they tried to act like they weren’t looking their way. He knew they were. Someone was always looking at him and his family like they were dirty, no good criminals. 
“It’s honestly such a blessing Marisol isn’t around to see this and poor Felipe.” One of the women, probably in her fifties with a horrible Karen haircut said to her friend who looked almost like an exact copy of her as they sipped on their lattes outside the coffee shop. She was trying to keep her voice hushed as if that would matter. It didn’t, Angel already knew what so many people in this small town thought. “First his youngest kills that cop then Angel kills his wife, poor girl.” 
There were the people who thought Juliet was dead and there were the people who thought she left him but worst of all were the people who thought Angel had killed her, like he would ever do that. He never once laid a hand on her and never would. She was his soulmate, the only woman he ever loved besides his mother. The fact that anyone thought he could do such a thing to her is what hurt the most, it’s what made him feel sick. 
“Oh come on, you don’t know that.” Her friend said, trying to defend the boys. She had watched them grow up, they were good kids. Yes they were a part of the biker club now but that didn’t make them murderers. “Anything could have happened to her.”
Karen, or at least that’s what Angel was calling her sipped her coffee before meeting Angel’s eyes across the street. She looked away quickly ducking her head to respond to her friend. “Linda, everyone knows it’s always the spouse. There were no signs of foul play, no evidence. People don’t just up and vanish like that. He had to have done something to her and then buried her somewhere where no one would find her. People in those biker gangs do that shit all the time” 
Angel clenched his jaw about ready to stomp over there when EZ grabbed his arm, keeping him back. “Don’t Angel. It’s not worth it.” He understood where his brother was coming from. He hated the looks he’d get around town and the ones his brother got too. People looked down on them and it fucking sucked but they couldn’t change their opinions on them. They knew what was true and that was all that mattered. 
“We can't just let them get away with that, dragging our name through the mud and spreading their gossip. Someone has to set them straight EZ.” Angel kept his gaze on the woman across from them. He was sick of this, sick of the rumors. There was only so much he could take before he snapped again. Last time the fucker who wouldn’t shut up ended up in the hospital. “I can’t do this anymore. I didn’t fucking kill her.” 
“I know, I know.” EZ tried to calm his brother down, to be the rational voice he needed. He wasn’t here for Angel when everything went down but he was going to have his brother’s back now. Angel met Juliet while EZ was in Stockton. EZ didn’t know her well but from the visits she would make and hearing about her he knew she was a great person. He also knew how much his brother loved her and how broken he was after her disappearance. “It doesn’t matter what they think. Everyone is always going to have an opinion on what happened. Just ignore them Angel.”
“It’s not that easy Ezekiel.” Angel snapped. He didn’t mean to take it out on his brother. “You don’t know what it’s like to have everyone look at you like you’re some fucking monster, to have to hear as people whisper all the horrible things you supposedly did to the one person who you loved more than anything. Yeah so you killed a fucking cop, a dirty cop at that. That’s not the same.” Maybe it was a low blow but EZ had no idea what Angel was going through. He couldn’t know what it was like to live with the constant reminder of that night, what it was like to have his whole relationship under a microscope like it was everybody’s business. 
Angel sat in the small room staring past his reflection at whoever may be on the other side of the glass watching him. He had been in here for at least forty minutes. He was starting to get antsy as he tapped his rings against the table. Each moment wasted in here was a moment lost when he could be out looking for Juliet. 
The door finally opened as an older gentleman with grey hair in a dark suit walked into the room. Angel sat back in his chair looking the man straight on. “Mr. Reyes, I’m detective Lawrence. I’ll be working the case on your wife Juliet Reyes.” 
Lawrence took a seat across from Angel folding his hands on top of the table. “Now why don’t you tell me everything, starting from the beginning.”
“Look I’m willing to give you whatever the fuck you need to find my wife safe and alive but I don’t see why I’m here when I could be out there looking for her.” Angel said pointing to the door. 
“Just have to follow up on all leads. The best way to find your wife is to start with you Mr. Reyes.” 
“Angel.” Lawrence corrected himself. “You knew her better than anyone right? So our best shot at finding her is you.” Lawrence gave him a forced smile. Angel Reyes had a record, was a known criminal and a member of the Mayans MC. Right now he was their number one suspect if foul play happened to be involved. “So start from the beginning Angel. Friday morning was your wife acting suspicious at all? Anything out of the ordinary?” 
“No, everything was completely normal. We woke up, had breakfast like we always do and then I had to go to work early so I told her I loved her and would see her that night. She had about an hour left before work so she was going to finish grading some of her students' drawings before going in.” Juliet was a kindergarten teacher here in Santo Padre. She loved her job almost as much as she loved Angel. 
“And that was the last time you saw her that day?”
“That night was your anniversary right? You said you had a trip planned for the weekend to celebrate?” 
“Yes. We were going to have dinner at home and leave first thing in the morning.” Angel recalled. He was so excited to have a mini vacation with Juliet. They had been trying to get pregnant for a while and were hoping a relaxing vacation would be just what they needed with all the stress in their lives. 
“But you didn’t make it home in time.” Lawrence sat back folding his hands in his lap. “Why was that?” 
“I was working, ended up being later than I anticipated. I called her to let her know. Her cell went to voicemail.” Angel had called her when he got a moment alone to tell her he’d be running late. He didn’t want her to worry about him and felt terrible about being late. They had one rule. If he was going to be doing club shit then she needed to know where he was. She was a natural worrier. He never wanted to add to her worry so he promised he would inform her of everything so she never felt blindsided. “I left a message.” 
“So it was your anniversary. How many years?” 
“Three.” Angel was starting to get testy. He didn’t see what any of this had to do with anything. 
“Three years,” Lawrence emphasized, “That’s a long time. Three years is a big deal and you bailed on her. You don’t think she’s just maybe upset? Maybe she left for your vacation herself or is with a friend.” 
“She didn’t leave. She wouldn't just leave like that.” There was no way Juliet just left him. That wasn’t like her. Plus all her belongings were there. “Why would she leave without anything? Her fucking purse and everything was still at home. No,” Angel shook his head, “She wouldn’t just leave me like that. Trust me if she was upset with me she would have let me know.” 
“Like on Thursday. We have a witness who says you and Juliet got into a little bit of a heated argument outside the school on her lunch break. What was that about?” 
Angel chuckled bitterly. He couldn’t believe this was happening right now. He was already worn out enough with worry. Now this asshole was starting down a path he hoped he sure as hell wouldn’t. “If whoever your witness is thinks what we had was a heated argument” he knew who it was. It was Brenda he was sure. She never did like him and made it well known. “I don’t want to know what they think a fight is. We got into a minor disagreement. Nothing out of the ordinary for a married couple.” Yes things got a little heated that afternoon but they had made up that night. It was none of the assholes goddamn business.
Lawrence decided to let that slide, for now. “Okay so if she didn’t leave then what happened?” 
“What else would have happened?!” Angel shouted, slamming his hands onto the table. He was over this now. “Someone must have grabbed her or something.” 
“And who would do that?” Lawrence pressed him. Angel was starting to crack. If he was going to get a confession it would be soon. “Who and how? There were no signs of a struggle. You know what that tells me?” 
“What?” Angel asked through clenched teeth squeezing his hands into fists. 
“It tells me if something did happen to her, it was someone she knew, someone close to her. Someone who she shared everything with.” Lawrence leaned back onto the table towards Angel. “Someone she trusted, who she loved enough to marry.” 
“What the fuck are you saying?” Angel’s chest started heaving as he did everything in his power to not deck this mother fucker right here and now. “You think I did something to her?” 
“Statistically speaking it's usually the spouse. Maybe you came home, she was naturally upset, things got physical. You love her. I can see that.” He was just trying to get a reaction from Angel, anything that would make him slip up. “You didn’t mean to hurt her, it just happened.” 
Angel wanted to lunge at him but instead he just stared him down never breaking the hold he had on his eyes. “I’ve never laid a fucking hand on my wife. Maybe you should look at her psychotic ex. You know the one she had to get a fucking restraining order against?” 
“Mr. Reyes, we are following up on all leads. How about you let me do my damn job?” Lawrence barked back at him. 
“Maybe I would if you were fucking doing it well. You’re wasting precious fucking time breathing down my neck when you could be out there, I could be out there!” Angel shouted, “Looking for my wife!” 
“If you weren’t home then where exactly were you? Do you have an alibi Mr.Reyes?” Lawrence asked. Angel said he was working late but he knew the scrapyard wasn’t open that late. What else could he have possibly been doing so late? Sounded like a good excuse to Lawrence. “Where were you Angel?”
Angel couldn’t exactly say where he was or what he was doing without possibly incriminating himself and the club. They were on the other side of the border doing a drug run. That did not really provide a good alibi for Angel. Angel knew he was in a real fucking tight spot. “I want my lawyer.” He wasn’t going to give them any more, especially if they weren’t going to be helping him. 
Angel sat at the table outside the Carniceria with Felipe and EZ enjoying their lunch. The sun was out only adding to the heat Santo Padre usually experienced. Angel finished his burrito wiping his mouth on his napkin and sitting back as he looked at the various shops across the street. Thankfully the two women decided to leave rather than watch the Reyes boys and their poor father. 
Sometimes Angel really fucking hated living in a small town where everyone knew everyone. 
“So EZ tells me you have a date tonight,” Felipe spoke, gaining Angel's attention. 
“Yep,” Angel said. He didn’t really have much to say about it. Quite frankly he had debated bailing more than once but he wouldn’t do that to Sierra. Gwen, Juliet’s best friend and partner in crime had been trying to set him up for months now insisting that he should move on, that that’s what Juliet would want but he just never could. Now EZ had joined in with trying to play matchmaker. Eventually Angel gave in agreeing to one date but nothing more. 
Sure he had been with other women, mostly just sex with the girls from Vicky’s but that was different. The sex was meaningless, a way to fill the empty void inside him, but an actual date that meant something more. Going on a date symbolized the start of something new, a future for him without Juliet. It felt like if he took this next step he’d be giving up on her and any hope that she was coming back.
But it has been two years now. Was it really so wrong for him to try to move on?
“How come you never dated after mom?” Angel asked Felipe. It was a question that had been on his mind, especially after he experienced a similar loss to his father.
“Your mother was the love of my life and still is,” Felipe told his boys. He didn’t often talk about Marisol to his sons. Even eight years later it was still hard but Angel needed to hear this. “It just never felt right but you’re still young Angel. You have the chance to start over, to have a family of your own. Juliet would want that for you.”
Everyone was constantly telling him what Juliet would want like they would know. The thing is they didn’t know. No one knew her like Angel did. They shared everything, told each other things they’d never tell another soul.
They were soulmates. 
But maybe this time they were right. Maybe this was what she wanted. 
Angel checked himself out in the full length mirror on the closet in his bedroom. He was wearing a green plaid button up and his best pair of black jeans. He felt weird standing here in his bedroom getting ready for a date with someone that wasn’t his wife. He didn’t know exactly how to feel but he knew this was the right time to start. He’d never feel completely ready. It was just something he had to do, to rip the band-aid off and get back out there. 
“I always loved that shirt,” He could hear Juliet saying, could see her standing behind him in the mirror. “It’s okay baby. I’m gone and I’m not coming back. You deserve to be happy. I want you to be happy.” She smiled, the one that shined so brightly reaching all the way to her eyes, the one that always made him feel lighter. 
This is what she would want.
He took a shaky breath, smiling as he fixed his hair up quickly. He would do it for her. He would do anything for her. With a spritz of his cologne he gave himself one last once over before heading out to the living room where his audience was waiting. “Well, how do I look?” He asked, holding his arms out. 
“Like an ass in a green shirt,” EZ grinned from his spot on the couch. Angel flipped off his brother while Serena, Gwen’s five year old daughter whacked EZ on the arm. 
“Hey you be nice to uncle Angel!” She shouted defending her favorite Uncle. Angel and Juliet were her godparents and spent a lot of time helping out as much as they could with Serena after her father bailed on her and Gwen. It wasn’t difficult, they both fell in love with the little girl instantly. The time they spent watching her grow up is what pushed them to start thinking about a family of their own. Angel only wished Juliet was here to see the sweet little girl Serena had grown into. 
“Thanks princesa” Angel chuckled, leaning over and pulling her into a hug as she jumped off the couch and into his arms. 
“I think you look beautiful.” She mumbled into him as she squeezed her little arms around his neck. 
Once Serena pulled away from the embrace Angel stood up meeting Gwen’s smile. She stood up off the couch coming over to Angel and straightened out his shirt that her daughter had now wrinkled up. “The most beautiful man,” she teased, smoothing out the last of the wrinkles. “You look great Angel. This is going to be good for you.” She knew Angel had doubts about dating but he couldn’t go on like he was. She loved her best friend more than anything but Juliet wasn’t coming back. If she was alive out there somewhere she would have at least contacted Gwen somehow. That told her that chances were she wasn’t alive. 
Angel became like family to her. She came to love him just as much as Juliet. They were family. After Juliet disappeared they became each other’s rock through the hard time. They both lost the most important person in their lives. It was good to have someone who could really relate to what they were going through.
“It’s time.” Gwen smiled up at him giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“You look good Angel.” EZ joined the three giving Angel a hug. They were all here for Angel. This was a big step he was taking. “Now you better get going before you are late. That wouldn’t look very good for your first date.”
“Right.” Angel nodded. He didn’t need to be late on his first date and he had one stop he had to make before he went. He gave them all a smile ruffling Serena’s hair before he headed for the door. 
“Wait!” Serena called out chasing after him. Angel turned around taking the small tin she extended out to him. “They’re mints so your breath doesn’t smell icky with smoke.” 
Angel shook his head chuckling. Serena was honest for sure and always made her displeasure with his smoking known. “Thank you.” He leaned over kissing her forehead before heading out.
On his way to his date at the bowling alley he stopped at the playground just a few blocks away from Santo Padre Elementary. Angel made his way over to the swing set on the far north side of the park. The park was one of three around town this one being the biggest one. 
Angel took Juliet here for their first official date and after that night under the stars it became their spot. It was here where she first started letting her walls down around him. She came to Santo Padre to stay with Gwen after escaping her then husband, James. 
That night she told him a little about James. From that day on Angel wanted to kill that asshole and swore to her and himself he would never treat her as such. With him she would always be safe. He only wished he was able to keep her safe as he had promised. 
Angel sat on the swing he used to push her in twisting his wedding band around his finger. He smiled to himself remembering the carefree feeling being here together always brought. It was the little things between them. They didn’t have much but as long as they had each other they would be set for life. 
“Fuck I miss you Jules.” Angel sighed, swinging lightly back and forth. “I miss you so fucking much. I’m lost without you. You were my everything. I’m not ready to let you go, not fully, but I have to do something. You’d want me to move on, right?” He looked up at the pink sky as the sun set. Sunset’s were always her favorite thing. Juliet loved sitting outside watching the colors of the sky change before the darkness took over and the stars began shining. 
“I love you, mi amor,” he murmured as he slipped the band off his finger. “This isn’t goodbye, just see you later. You’ll always hold my heart but it’s time. It’s been long enough.” Angel ran his hand through his hair trying to calm the growing ache in his chest. “You aren’t going to come back, I know that. I just hope wherever you are you’re resting easy. We’ll meet again.” Angel brought the wedding ring to his lips giving it a kiss before he slipped it into the pocket of his kutte above his heart. “I can’t wait to see you again.” 
The guy’s were all hanging around outside the clubhouse the next day towards the evening. They just got back from a short run and were enjoying a nice smoke and beer before heading home just enjoying each other’s company. 
“So?” Gilly nudged Angel’s shoulder with his beer wiggling his eyebrows.
“So what?” Angel asked, giving him a look. 
“How’d the date go?” They were all wondering how it went but were waiting for Angel to bring it up himself which so far he had yet to do. 
“Alright,” Angel shrugged, taking a swig of his beer. 
“Just alright?” Creeper asked from over at the picnic table. “That’s all we’re going to get?”
“What, you guys want to hear all the details like we’re a bunch of teenage girls at a slumber party?” Angel mocked them. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to share there just was not much to share. They hung out for a couple hours, talked a little and then said their goodbyes. There was no spark or anything making Angel want another one. At least not with her. 
“Did you at least get good head or something?” Coco asked, leaning his back against the table. “I heard Sierra gives great fucking head.” He chuckled along with the others.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Angel laughed with them. “Why don’t you find out for yourself?” 
“Really? Does that mean there’s not going to be a second date?” 
“No second date.” Angel admitted. “We just didn’t click.” She just wasn’t Juliet. “She’s free game.” 
“Well I’m proud of you hermano, for putting yourself back out there.” Coco said, raising his beer up in a toast to his brother. They all took a drink for Angel. It was a big step, one they thought he may never take. They were glad to see Angel at least trying.
“Fuck. Now that Angel’s back in the game we’re all going to have to step up our game.” Gilly commented.
“Like you had any game to begin with,” Angel teased, laughing with the guys. 
Bishop came out of the clubhouse looking for Angel. He just got off the phone with one of their brothers from another charter with information that would change everything. He smiled watching the guys joke around and laugh. Working with the cartel added extra stress to the men. They didn’t have as many light moments as these.
“Angel,” Bishop called out from the top of the steps. “Can I have a moment?” 
“Sure thing Prez,” Angel called back, releasing Gilly from the headlock he had him in now. He gave Gilly a pat on the back before following Bishop into the clubhouse and to Templo. 
Bishop stood by Angel’s chair. “You might want to take a seat for this brother.” Bishop’s face was dead serious making Angel’s smile drop instantly. Angel did as was suggested as his mind began racing. His first thought was somehow Bishop found out about his deal with the rebels but then he figured he wouldn't be here if that was the case.
“What’s going on Bish?” Angel asked cautiously. Whatever it was he had a feeling it was not going to be good. 
“I just got a call from one of our brothers in Arizona,” He started sitting down as well. “It’s about Juliet.” They had eyes out for her even after all these years. Until they had some solid evidence of what happened to her Bishop wasn’t going to give up. Juliet wasn’t just Angel’s wife but a part of the family. They all hurt when she went missing and they all felt for Angel and all the pain he endured the last two years. “Two hunters found her in Prescott National forest.” 
Angel’s heart stopped. He knew this day would come eventually but he wasn’t ready for it so soon. He didn’t want to hear this. He didn’t want to believe it. Thinking she was dead and knowing were two very different things. With just thinking there was at least a sliver of hope that she could be alive and well out there. Angel stood up from his chair. He couldn’t hear this. “I can’t Bish.” 
He went to leave when Bishop caught him by the arm. “She’s alive, Angel.”
Angel must have misheard. He turned back around, his face scrunched up. “What?”
“She’s alive. She’s in the hospital up there. I guess she took a bit of a tumble.” Bishop said recalling all the information he was given. “They are going to have a couple of the guys posted there until you get there.” 
“She’s alive?” Angel still couldn’t believe it.
“She’s alive,” Bishop grinned, pulling Angel into a tight hug. Bishop pulled back holding the back of Angel’s head doing the best to keep his own tears at bay as the younger man’s tears fell off his lashes. “You go get your wife and you bring her home.”  
Everything Tag list: @jad3djay​ @fairygardenss​ @carlaangel86​ @briannab1234​ @starrynite7114​ @agirllovespasta​ @howaboutash​ @gemini0410​ @naytraydr​ @knowles-morgan​ @woahitslucyylu​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @ktiz90​ @brothersofmayhem​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @vsfavs​ @scuzmunkie​ @chibsytelford​ @whyisgmora​ @sadeyesgf​ @blessedboo​ @nakusaych9​ @briana-mishell24​ @curvynerdfan​ @multiyfandomgirl40​
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