#I can so clearly picture a Victor on his knees on the floor gripping his head and crying to these lyrics
victorluvsalice · 3 years
Citizen Soldier - Never Good Enough (Official Lyric Video) by Citizen Soldier 
Oookay -- so this one you can blame kinda-sorta on @jackjolene, whom I know better as MartyrFan. They sent me a link to one of Citizen Soldier’s other songs a little while back (“Hallelujah (I’m Not Dead)”, which will probably also get featured at some point). And last weekend, I decided while making my bed to check out some of their other songs. And I saw this one and thought, “Huh. Wonder if it has any Victor vibes to it.”
. . .YEAH. YEAH IT FUCKING DOES. Hi everyone, this is basically Victor’s worst anxieties set to music. Just -- holy cow, I listened to this thing and it SLAMMED me right in the feels. I don’t think it’s any secret that my characterization of Victor is based at least in part around him never feeling good enough, so this really spoke to that. In particular, it well suits The Forgotten Vows Verse, and I’m pretty sure you know which story and chapter I’m talking about specifically! Cripes. . .when a song makes me want to give a character a big old hug, you know it’s something.
Edit: So, when I first made this post, the above-named person was someone I occasionally talked to on FanFiction.net, and I hadn’t realized what he’d put on his tumblr because the first time I looked at it, it was empty. I checked it out afterwards and -- yeah. Didn’t realize he was an anti-vax asshole until I saw the kind of shit he’d been posting and reblogging. He’s since been blocked. Leaving the song for now because it does suit, but yeah.
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robnjaxn · 6 years
Someone reblogged this old picture I posted that I didn’t do anything with, but I fell back in love with the idea, so I wrote an extremely self-indulgent ficlet about it.
The original post description:
“love the idea of yuuri having random anxiety problems and he knows he’s being irrational so he just tries to ride it out, and victor not really knowing how he can help and it feels like everything he says makes it worse so he just has to sit there and helplessly watch :/”
It’s post-canon, and about 2000 words.
This deals with anxiety. It’s not sad, per se, but its not happy either.
“Have you seen Yuuri?”
Mari, towels in arm, looked up at Victor. Her expression didn’t change, but she didn’t immediately answer either. Hasetsu patrons idled nearby, silent strangers uninterested in the drama of the owner’s family.
“No, I haven’t.” She finally said, looking down at the towels in her arms, adjusting them casually. “Maybe he went to the rink.” She offered. “Or to the studio.”
Victor didn’t think so.
“Where else could he be?” She asked. It wasn’t a pointed question; it wasn’t exactly rhetorical either.
Victor had been wondering the same thing — He’d been wondering it too often over the past couple of weeks with growing frequency. He’d just… lose track of Yuuri, who seemed to fade from the edge of the room while Victor wasn’t paying attention. disappear for a few hours at a time. Then Victor would find him in the halls, or back in their room, like he hadn’t left.
“Where were you?” Victor would ask upon randomly discovering him.
“Hm? Oh, no where. I got distracted.”
Yuuri was bad at lying, but Victor was worse at calling him out on it.
“If you see him, tell him I’m looking for him,” Victor said to Mari.
“Will do,” Mari muttered, turning, walking away. Her steps were worried.
Victor found himself meandering the narrow halls, unequipped to be searching because he was liable to get mildly lost. The architecture was still foreign to him. Most of the time he was traversing the halls, he was following Yuuri. And when he was following Yuuri, he wasn’t exactly taking inventory of the layout of the building.
Victor was now staring down a hall which he was pretty sure lead to bedrooms he wasn’t desirous to disturb. At the other end of the hall, the building opened to a slanting porch, drifting into the sloping hill, the snaking pathway. The day was overcast, drearily wet, the green of the foliage intense against the gray sky. He listened intently, then shuffled forward on bare hesitant feet. The old wood creaked delicately; Victor had grown sentimental of Hasetsu’s serious, tired character, had become resolutely unwilling to disturb its frame. Shuttered, featureless shoji doors passed on either side of him until he was standing at the lintel to the outside.
The smooth rumble of the cavernous atmosphere spilled in around him, the rustle of harried trees, of shaking grass; the faint drizzle of the falling sky was caught by the pulsing wind, thin moisture blew into the doorway, caught on Victor’s skin, beaded in his hair.
If Yuuri was taking a walk, it wasn’t quite the right weather to do it. Victor crossed his arms against the chilly breeze, took a step out onto the porch and looked on either side of him. The building looked pale, slick; criss-crossing beams and thin partitions. The wind picked up, tossing nearby windchimes, rattling the trees. Victor scurried back into the house before he got too wet.
The hall was quiet; the wind waited at the door, too polite to sneak past the threshold.
Victor took a step down the hall, away from the exterior, then he heard a snuffle.
He paused mid-step, turning his head towards where he thought the noise originated. A charged beat passed, long enough for Victor to start blaming the weather. Then there was another sound, like a breath that couldn’t be caught; someone breathing in twice, forgetting to breathe out. Victor was sure it was coming from the door to the right of him, which he was pretty sure was a broom closet.
Victor ghosted towards that door, silent despite the wood’s best efforts. For once, Victor was pleased that the thin walls concealed little noise; the sighing was clearly recognizable.
Victor slid the door open, shedding light into a small grimy room.
“Yuuri-” Victor started normally, then stopped. Yuuri was standing, hunched, in the middle of the closet, hands on his face, staring at Victor with red, wet eyes. His face was flushed, teary. “What- what’s-”
“Close the door,” Yuuri said, voice low but thick. “Please.”
Victor entered the small closet and closed the door behind him, casting them both in foggy shadow. Yuuri wiped at his face agitatedly, stepping away from Victor, turning towards the corner. The room looked like it hadn’t been touched in years; the broom leaned against the wall looked antique, the mop on the floor against the back wall was rotted stiff, the bucket next to it was dry and full of cobwebs and the air was thick and musty.
“Yuuri, what’s wrong-” Victor reached out to pull Yuuri into his arms; Yuuri shrunk away, pressing his fists to his eyes.
“Stop-” He choked. Victor retracted, went cold, took a step back. Yuuri was shaking, shoulders tense. He tried to breathe out, but kept hiccupping, ribs heaving under his shirt. With each failed breath, he seemed more flustered, more frenzied.“Shit-”
Then, abruptly, Yuuri got down onto the ground, curling on his side, crowding the floor around Victor’s feet and disturbing the carefully-placed broom; Victor caught it before it could fall and hit Yuuri.
“Yuuri, don’t; the floor is filthy,” Victor said, distressed, gingerly leaning the broom back against the wall. Yuuri rolled over onto his back, hands pressed over his face. The gold band flickered on his finger. Dust and grime was already clinging to his t-shirt and sweatpants, turned his dark hair ashy. Victor looked down at him, extremely uneasy at the sight. “What happened?”
Yuuri shushed him assertively, shaking his head, hands still clasped against his eyes. Victor hesitated; then ignored the state of the floor and maneuvered his way into a sitting position, legs crossed because of the scarcity of room, careful not to touch Yuuri, stinging at the needed distance between them. He sat like that for a quiet moment, wanting something to do, something to say, and finding nothing meaningful.
“Yuuri-” Victor said, searchingly.
“Be quiet.” Yuuri’s voice, though still quiet, was harsh, stern.
Victor had never seen this before. Not even in the height of pressure during the last season did Yuuri act like this. This… this was nonsense; Victor couldn’t think of anything that would cause this kind of clear meltdown. It was a lazy Tuesday afternoon, nothing scheduled for days, no clear source of discomfort.
Yuuri was breathing manually, measuredly. Another minute passed in silence with nothing happening. Victor felt like Yuuri was only tolerating him being there.
“Do you want me to leave?” Victor whispered. Yuuri didn’t respond, didn’t move from his position on the floor, didn’t hesitate in his deliberate inhale, deliberate exhale.
Victor started to get up, leaning back on his hands, trying to figure out the best way to get to his feet.
“Wait,” Yuuri gasped, fingers curling against his face. “Don’t- Don’t leave me-” Victor eased back into his seated position. Yuuri breathed out. “Just- stay with me. Quietly. Please.”
“Okay.” Victor rested his hands in his lap, fighting the urge to comfort the way that came naturally to him, through touch, physical reassurance.
“Sorry- I’m a mess-” Yuuri’s voice broke; Victor couldn’t tell if it was a sob or a laugh. Maybe it was both.
“It’s okay,” Victor reassured, cooing; afraid to say more. Yuuri rolled back onto his side, curling towards Victor, but still not touching him. He dragged his hands off his face and tucked them under the side of his head, eyes adamantly closed. His cheeks were newly wet. Victor stayed warily where he was.
Slowly, Yuuri nuzzled forward, pressing his forehead to Victor’s knee. Victor assessed Yuuri’s profile; his nose was rosy, running slightly, the skin below his eyes was an irritated, blotchy red, his eyelashes fluttered on his cheekbones, breath passed through parted lips. Victor took a risk and brushed his fingers across Yuuri’s jawline. Yuuri didn’t seem to mind it.
“Sorry…” Yuuri repeated quietly, distractedly. Victor brushed his jawline again, then timidly smoothed his hair.
“It’s okay,” Victor repeated back, continuing his light touching. Yuuri’s hand rested on Victor’s leg, fingers idly scratching at Victor’s Adidas joggers. Then he was shaking again, like he’d resurfaced from a lulling obscurity, pressing his forehead harder against Victor’s knee.
“I didn’t want you to know about this,” Yuuri breathed, hand gripping Victor’s ankle. Victor stared at the ring on Yuuri’s finger, shook his head.
“I- I’m sorry I didn’t know,” Victor whispered. “So sorry.”
“Please don’t apologize.” Yuuri sighed. He lifted his upper body into Victor’s lap, wrapping his arms around Victor’s waist. Victor cradled Yuuri, hand caressing between Yuuri’s shoulder blades, the other brushing the hair off his forehead. Dirt fell off Yuuri’s clothes, dusted off his hair. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Victor wanted to pick him up, hold him close against his chest, and run, far and fast. He knew it couldn’t be as simple as leaving this dusty chasm, but the walls were tilting inward, the ceiling was lifting upward, and it felt like they were in danger of being trapped in a topless vacuum. He wiped the tears off Yuuri’s cheeks, realized his own hands had become unsteady. He exhaled, steeled himself against that, scolding himself for his own momentary breach of composure.
Yuuri opened his eyes, looked up at Victor with a sullen expression. He shifted upward so he was sitting on Victor’s lap, putting his arms over Victor’s shoulders. Victor held him, hands now firmly on Yuuri’s waist.
“Please... don’t- tell anyone,” Yuuri said, sobered.
“What do you mean,” Victor asked lightly. Yuuri hid his face in Victor’s shoulder.
“Don’t tell my family.”
“They don’t know?” Victor ran his thumb across Yuuri’s temple, wanting to see his expression, but unable to. Yuuri sighed, hands gripping the fabric on Victor’s back.
“They… know. But- not- the more recent… I just don’t want them to worry about it, you know.” Yuuri was trying to sound controlled, voice even; he was mostly succeeding. “Everyone’s happy right now, I don’t want to ruin it. I can deal with this on my own.”
“Yuuri, I don’t think-”
“Please.” Yuuri was still hiding his face. “Promise you won’t tell them.”
Victor combed his fingers through Yuuri’s hair, thoughts scattered as he tried to make sense of the turn of events. He didn’t want Yuuri to deal with this on his own. He didn’t think that was an acceptable solution. He was also unsure whether he could totally help Yuuri on his own; for one, this didn’t seem like something that could be fixed with sheer determination and spunk. And two, he already felt like he’d failed. He felt like it wasn’t his place to be making demands of Yuuri. 
Right now he wanted to stabilize this shaking person in his arms, to get him out of this dark, dirty room and into some clean clothes.
Victor cradled the back of Yuuri’s head, pressed soft lips to Yuuri’s temple. For a moment, he just clung to him, eyes closed, breathing deep. Then he gently guided Yuuri so he could see him, taking Yuuri’s arms from around his shoulder and taking Yuuri’s hands in his.
“Hey,” Victor murmured low. Yuuri was looking down, avoiding Victor’s eye. “Hey, look at me.” Yuuri looked up, unsure. “I won’t tell them. I promise.” Victor lifted Yuuri’s hand to his lips, kissed his ring, keeping eye contact the entire time. Yuuri gripped Victor’s hands harder. “But we’ve got to get out of this room and get cleaned up, okay?”
Yuuri hesitated, eyes darkening, visibly taking inventory of himself. His face was still mottled red, clothes a wrinkly, dirty mess, hair in something of a dusty tangle. Yuuri sagged a little, sleepy eyes blinking hard. Victor stopped his train of thought before it could crash.
“We just have to get back to our room and change our clothes,” Victor said. “And then we can lie in bed for the rest of the day, if you want. Maybe take a nap.”
Yuuri took a breath and nodded, a quick, subtle duck of his head, but didn’t move otherwise.
“Okay,” Victor continued. “I’ll get up when you do.”
Yuuri nodded again, but then curled forward into Victor’s chest, pressing his forehead against his clavicle. Victor wrapped his arms around him, suppressing a sigh.
“Sorry,” Yuuri said again, listless.
“It’s okay.”
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jadorehale · 6 years
just dudes being bros
I found this deeeeep within my computer folders. I remember writing it in 2016 while the anime was airing and then not liking it but I just did a quick read and ehh it's not the worst thing I've ever written {ao3}
Figure Skating News: Five-time world champion coach, Victor Nikiforov, and protégée, Katsuki Yuuri, share friendly congratulations peck at Cup of China.
The Daily Mail: 7 Things You Need to Know About Victor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki’s Gold Medal Friendship!
People Magazine: Spotted: Victor Nikiforov & Yuuri Katsuki snuggling closely on ‘bros date’ at Barcelona’s most romantic restaurant!
ESPN: Yuuri Katsuki chimes in on why relationship with world-famous coach, Victor Nikiforov, has been a success! “Victor and I make love multiple times a day,” the figure skater says. These two seem to be the best of friends!
“How come it doesn’t bother you that the international media is still portraying our relationship as platonic? Do you even care?”
“No. Not really.”
“But they’re refusing to take our relationship seriously!”
“And all those weird pictures they print of us making out, they keep calling them ‘friendly embraces.’”
“Well, our mouths are great friends at this point.”
“Victor!” Yuuri whined with a pout.
“Yuuuuuri!” Victor sang back, grinning.
While it was true that Yuuri was most adorable when he was angry and riled up, Victor sure wished that Yuuri would put all that fire into preparing for his competition instead of looking up pointless crap to get upset about on his phone. Today was the day of Grand Prix Final free skate and no one knew more than Victor how badly Yuuri wanted that gold medal. As his coach, Victor’s sole focus was on making sure Yuuri’s body was one-hundred percent ready for his program. Which was why he really needed Yuuri to focus on stretching and warming up.
However, as a boyfriend, it really irritated Victor to see Yuuri concerning himself with the silly tabloids that were being written about them. Victor had no idea what Yuuri wanted him to say about the issue or if he was just seeking out validation for his indignation. In truth, Victor didn’t give a crap. If you’d asked him a year ago if he’d ever imagined him and Yuuri becoming an item, he would’ve said no. He’d never dreamed he could be so lucky to be in a relationship with Yuuri, who he’d been head over heels for since the night they first met. So, it was quite difficult for him to care about any negative things people had to say.
“But aren’t you the one who loves attention?” Yuuri stressed. “If the press caught wind of how it really is between the two of us, it would be a media frenzy!”
“Well, short of Phichit Chulanont, the paparazzi are the second best photographers in the world.”
He grabbed the phone from Yuuri’s hand and scrolled through the article until he stopped on a photo of the two of them leaving their hotel, fingers laced together as they shielded their eyes from the sea of flashing cameras.
He held the photo out to Yuuri and said, “Look, how cute! We should have it framed!”
Since he was about to skate, Yuuri didn’t have his glasses on and had to squint to view the photo clearly. When he finally did see the shot that Victor had been raving about, his face fell and he sent Victor a flat look. “Victor, you’re the only one that looks good in this picture.”
“Exactly!” Victor beamed. Someone should’ve told Yuuri that he had a big, fat booger hanging from his nose and spinach in his teeth before he’d been photographed. That person probably should’ve been Victor. But Victor always managed to look like a model in candids, flashing the crowd his signature wink as he casually flipped his hair. “Who knew there’d be such talent in a group of professional camera-holding stalkers.”
Along with his now ritualistic pre-game cry and cuddle session, Yuuri had developed an unhealthy habit of googling nasty things being said about him on the internet to get revved up. For anyone else, this action would seem conceited and egotistical. But for Yuuri, seeing how much people hated him and were attacking him for stealing Victor from the sport online made him even more determined to succeed and show the world that only he could satisfy Victor. It was ridiculous, and absurd, and Victor would be putting an end to it once the Grand Prix Finals were over. However, he wasn’t about to halt anything that could potentially help Yuuri in his fight for gold. But, Yuuri had read enough offensive, anonymous, cyber-bullying comments for one day.
Victor tossed the phone over his shoulder without bothering to see where it landed and ignored Yuuri’s outraged cries. He got a firm grip of Yuuri’s knees and drew them down toward his chest, stretching out his hamstrings.
“My phone screen had better not be cracked!”
“Uspokoit'sya! Don’t worry. You have an Otterbox case. They’re indestructible.” Victor glanced back and saw that a crowd of people were now trampling over the phone, kicking it along as they went but felt no dire urge to chase after it. “No more news headlines,” he told Yuuri sternly. “We need you in the zone for your free skate. Now, give me fifty sit-ups.”
Groaning loudly, Yuuri did as he was told, exercising his abdominal muscles as Victor anchored his feet. It was amazing how far Yuuri had come under his tutelage. Not that Yuuri needed Victor in the first place. He had more than enough potential and talent to do this all on his own. For Victor, it was an honor to watch Yuuri flourish into such an impressive skater. This was the most fun Victor had ever had in his career. Far more enthralling than his own successes. He lived to surprise the masses, and if there was anyone that could shock the world with such a strong comeback after placing dead last the previous year, it was Katsuki Yuuri.
“Twenty more, little piggy,” Victor instructed, proud when Yuuri continued without complaining.
On his last one, he leaned forward and crashed his lips against Victor’s which was a very welcomed surprised. Victor hummed when the kiss turned bold, parting his lips as Yuuri’s tongue licked obscenely into his mouth. Positive reinforcement was important to Victor as a coach and Yuuri deserved a reward for his good behavior.
He’d almost forgotten they were in public until he heard, “Look mommy! Those boys are in love!”
Pulling away, Victor turned and saw a little girl gawking at them with wide eyes and pointing a chubby little finger in their direction. She couldn’t have been more than four-years-old and was so darn cute that Victor was seriously contemplating kidnapping her. She tugged on her mom’s skirt, demanding her attention, and pointed again for her mother to see when Victor closed the distance and placed a soft kiss on Yuuri’s cheek.
“Honey! Haven’t I told you it’s so rude to point!” Her mother quickly swatted her hand down, blushing from severe embarrassment as she began to explain, “They’re not in love. It’s just a good luck kiss between coach and skater. It happens all the time. No way notorious playboy Victor Nikiforov is off the market.”
Victor didn’t need to see Yuuri’s face to know that his expression had darkened. He already knew Yuuri wouldn’t take kindly to that sort of remark and that he’d be furious. The media was always spreading falsehoods. Victor was not a notorious playboy. He was very much the monogamous sort.
The woman looked over at them, cheeks a bright red as she waved. “We’re rooting for you, Katsuki Yuuri! Longtime fan, Mr. Nikiforov. Can I just say that you’re so much sexier in person! Hope to see you back next season!”
She fluttered her lashes seductively and blew him a kiss before flouncing off with her daughter, not at all aware of the damage she’d just wrought. The little girl was still wide-eyed as she was dragged away. It seemed like she hadn’t believed a word her mother had said. Smart girl. Her young curiosity made him smile, reminding him of how he once was as a child. All those long, long, long, long years ago...
With a deep sigh, he turned back to Yuuri, already flinching as he caught the hard set of Yuuri’s jaw and the burning rage behind his eyes. He failed to hide his amused smirk and earned himself an impressive lethal glare.
“Jealous?” he asked.
“You know damn well I am!” Yuuri scowled and hopped up onto his feet.
He turned his back to Victor and continued warming up, running back and forth. His shoulders were tense as he jogged and he was muttering to himself bitterly. Victor moved closer to listen, trying to decipher just what was being said.
“So, it’s not just news reporters, then,” Yuuri was grumbling to himself. “It’s the general public as well. Is it that hard for people to believe that Victor and I are in love? That Victor would want to be in a relationship with me? I need to remember that the outside world only gets to see his good looks and it is I who gets to see the true beauty of his heart. It’s his love shining through that has helped me improve the most. We have something special and amazing and if people can’t see our love then I’ll just have to make them feel it by winning the gold medal!”
“Awwwwwww!!” Victor gushed. Yuuri was seriously the cutest. He just had to hop on top of him and squeeze and hug him tight. “What an adorable internal monologue. Tell me, is this how you always talk in your head?”
“Get. Off. Me!” Yuuri picked himself up from the floor and brushed himself off.  
Victor frowned, pressing a lip to his finger as he tried to figure out how to get back into Yuuri’s good graces. No one would think from just looking at him that Yuuri was such a high-maintenance partner. A part of him loved that Yuuri was a huge drama queen, quick to get jealous over Victor and feel the need to stake his claim. But another part of him couldn’t stand the thought of Yuuri being upset or insecure.
The petulant glower on Yuuri’s face didn’t look like it would be going away anytime soon, which wasn’t ideal in this specific circumstance. The judges definitely wouldn’t find it as cute as Victor did. He was preparing to get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness when Yuuri grabbed him by his very expensive tie and yanked him down to his level.
For a moment, Victor thought Yuuri had only pulled him this close so he could clobber him, but like always, Yuuri took the unexpected route. Which naturally made it impossible for Victor to predict what he was thinking as he began sucking a large bruise on the side of Victor’s neck.
Just as abruptly as Yuuri had grabbed him and reeled him in, he curtly let him go. His face flushed as he avoided Victor’s eyes and stammered, “T—There. That way no one else will be throwing themselves at you. They’ll know you’re mine.”
Victor couldn’t help being extremely delighted by this display and his brain quickly devised a plan. “Hmm, I really don’t think just one will do…You should put one over here too.”
Feigning innocence, he pointed at another spot on his neck, arching so Yuuri could mark there.
“How about here! And here! Oh, there’s good too! Also, here! Da, there too
“Jesus Christ, Victor!” A voice cried. A voice whose owner was just so happened to be flamboyantly Swiss.
“What’s happened to your neck?! Don’t tell me this is some kind of career-ending injury,” Chris gasped. “I don’t think I can make it through another competition season without you.”
“They’re love bites!” Victor presented proudly, showing off the fresh marks littered across his skin. “From my Yuuri.”
He noticed Yuuri trying to slink away and flee the scene of the crime. But before he could go far, Victor locked an arm around his waist and hauled him back to his side. That way Yuuri would have to own up to his work. What he’d done to Victor’s neck was nothing short of a masterpiece. He’d truly left his signature.
Victor turned back to Chris, elaborating, “See, my Yuuri’s very upset that the media isn’t taking our romance seriously.”
“Ah, yes! I’m afraid they’ve done the same thing with my bisexual Bernese Mountain dog, Hans,” Chris commiserated, pulling out his phone and showing them an article on his pooch written by The Inquisitor. “Completely erased his sexuality to fit into some toxic heteronormative box. I showed him a picture of Maccachin and he was absolutely smitten! We should get them together and see if they hit it off. That way, we can be…”
“IN-LAWS!!” Victor shrieked at the same time Chris did.
They squealed excitedly, jumping up and down as they chattered away about wedding plans. They discussed where Hans and Maccachin would vacation on their honeymoon. Victor had heard Fiji was lovely this time of year and Maccachin, the groom-to-be just adored laying out on the beach. He was a real beach bum with expensive tastes and only enjoyed the finest cuisines. He was a lot like his owner in that way.
In the midst of his conversation with Chris, Victor noticed Yuuri from the corner of his eye, slumping and staring down at the floor.
“Oh, Yuuri, don’t think too much into the media thing,” Chris said, reaching out and pinching Yuuri’s left butt cheek. A trick that was very effective in removing that sad, dejected expression from Yuuri’s face, replacing it with scandalized one. “News reporters can be so oblivious sometimes. Only seeing what they want to see. Every skater here knows how in love the two of you are. You’ve got tons of teenage girls on social media ‘shipping’ you. They’ve named you…Victuuri!”
“Victuuri? Eh!! Why does Victor’s name get to go first?!”
“Because I’m the one that fell in love first!”
“Please, not that again,” Yuuri sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Don’t start that argument here before I have to skate. I already told you, I’m sorry I didn’t remember that night!”
“You completely wounded my pride!” Victor harrumphed. “I can’t believe you don’t remember our dancing!”
Chris snickered then declared, “Maybe it’s good that the media doesn’t take you guys seriously. The world already hates you for hogging Victor as your coach. Men and women everywhere will hate you even more if they find out you’ve stolen his heart as well. You’re a very selfish man, Katsuki Yuuri. Adieu!”
With one last ‘good luck’ pinch to Yuuri’s exquisite rump, Chris sauntered off, rejoining his coach and the rest of his entourage. Which left Victor and Yuuri to return to stringently readying Yuuri to take the ice. Sure, it might seem like they were going a little overboard but they were both aware of how important it was for Yuuri to nail every jump in his routine and execute his presentation perfectly.
On the outside, Victor exuded nothing but positive energy and optimism, but on the inside, he was a nervous wreck. He worried that Yakov might be right. That he wouldn’t be able to pull off this massive victory his first time as a coach. It would kill him if, for some unfortunate reason, they missed the podium. Victor didn’t want to lose the opportunity to pair skate with Yuuri at his gala exhibition. And poor Yuuri; what would become of his spirit if he failed? Obviously, Victor wasn’t going to let that happen, but what if it did. He refused to let Yuuri take any of the blame. He’d take full responsibility as his coach.
Victor watched Yuuri silently lacing up his skates, not liking how solemn and morose he was so close to his free skate. It was often difficult for Victor to get into Yuuri’s head and figure out what was going on with him. Which was a telling sign that he was a terrible coach. After all, this was it! Potentially Yuuri’s last performance before he retired from figure-skating. Though, if Victor had his way, Yuuri would never retire. Still, it made sense that Yuuri would be in such a mood being on the brink of making history.
“Have I really stolen your heart?”
Victor’s head snapped up sharply. “…What does that mean?”
One day in the future, Victor hoped Yuuri would stop asking him such provoking questions. Even though they both spoke fluent English—their best common language—Victor planned on purchasing Rosetta Stone. That way he could learn Japanese and finally understand Yuuri. It was evident that he wasn’t speaking English well enough. Not with the way Yuuri was constantly doubting his love.
Yuuri’s voice was barely a whisper as he fiddled with his thumbs, not looking up. “I mean, will I get to keep it forever?”
“Of course.”
Victor wasn’t remotely surprised when Yuuri huffed and rolled his eyes. “How do you know?”
Victor shrugged. “I just do.”
“But how?!”
Exasperated, Victor placed a hand on his hip. “What’s gotten into you? Why the sudden mood swing? Is it the news outlets? Because them not acknowledging that we’re together doesn’t mean anything. Listen to me and not them! I refuse to live without you. I won’t stand for it.”
“But what if after I retire, I let myself go and gain a ton of weight? Or what if we lose our romantic spark and you get bored of me? There’s nothing exciting to keep you here. What if in a couple of years, you wake up and realize this was a huge mistake? I’m a terrible nag and at the same time a giant hypocrite. I’m messy and horrible at cleaning up after myself. What if all we do is fight and bicker and you start to hate me? I majorly lack self-confidence. What if that starts to annoy you too? Me always doubting myself can be a hassle. Hell, I’m doubting myself right now!”
Victor opened and closed his mouth a few times, gaping like a fish. Yuuri had some nerve trying to convince him to stop loving him. He stepped forward and leaned his forehead against Yuuri’s, cupping his cheek. “I think you already know nothing you come up with will change how I feel about you. Am I right?”
“But—” Yuuri protested.
“Nothing,” Victor repeated firmly.
Yuuri peered into his eyes for a moment longer, eventually giving up and sagging his shoulders. “I believe you.”
Yuuri inched closer, his long lashes fluttering closed as he went to give Victor a kiss. But before their lips could meet, Victor stopped and asked, “What about me?”
“Hmm?” Yuuri blinked multiple times when he opened his eyes.
“Will you always love me?”
“Of course!” Yuuri snorted, waving it off as an unserious question then tried to kiss Victor again.
Victor evaded his lips. “Even when all my hair turns gray?”
“Er…um…” Yuuri squirmed uncomfortably, distress in his eyes as he fumbled for the right words. “How— How do I say this? All your hair is already…um…gray...er…silver…?”
“What?!?” Victor cried, his mouth falling open as he reached up and tentatively touched his hair like he was noticing this for the first time. He kept the act up for a couple of seconds before throwing his head back and laughed at how scared Yuuri looked, then dodged a punch to the arm when Yuuri realized he was being insincere.
“I’m just kidding,” Victor snickered, “And my hair is platinum, not gray. But on the subject of getting older, my mother’s side is prone to male pattern baldness. What if the thin spot on the top of my head gets bigger and all my hair falls out? Or what if I don’t age as well as I’m expected to and forget to use under eye cream at night and develop crow’s feet? What if I have to get Botox, or worse, a full facial reconstruction! Will you love me with a new face? What about my fashion sense? What if I lose that too and start walking around in mix-matched patterns and socks with sandals? Will you still love me if I walked around in socks and sandals? What if, Yuuri!!”
“Wow,” Yuuri commented as Victor panted, needing a minute to catch his breath after his rant. “All your concerns are very superficial.”
“Comfort me, Yuuri!” Victor wailed and threw himself into Yuuri’s arms, sighing contently as they immediately wrapped him up securely. Victor buried his face into the side of Yuuri’s neck, feeling at home with the first inhale of Yuuri’s fruity cologne. Never had he felt so safe from the dangers that were inevitable aging.
Yuuri chuckled, pressing a light kiss to Victor’s temple and whispered, “You’ve changed my whole life, Victor. Of course, I’ll be here till the end with you.”
A chorus of cooing echoed from all around them. Victor and Yuuri both jumped at the racket and discovered that not only was everybody leering at them, they were also shamelessly eavesdropping.
“Our wedding vows are going to be so much better than theirs, right babe?” JJ boasted, slinging an arm over his fiancé’s shoulder.
With the exception of JJ and an absent Yurio, the rest of the crowd was in tears. In fact, if Victor hadn’t known any better, he would’ve thought this was a funeral. A box of tissues was being passed around as people sobbed and blubbered, some even crying their mascara off. Most notably amongst the mourners was Otabek Altin. He was the last person Victor would’ve expected to be moved by such an overt demonstration of eternal love. Mainly, because he was Yurio’s new friend and to apply for the job, one must already have their cold dead heart locked in a steel volt in the Himalayas and be committed to hating everything.
Naturally, JJ saw this as an opportunity to plug his new project. “The ghostwriter who wrote my book, Ice Jewel—which comes out January 20th, so stop by your nearest Chapters to pick up a copy or pre-order online—will come up with something a lot less cliché and contrived. Right babe?”
“Shh!!” His fiancé slapped a hand over his mouth, “That was the most romantic thing I’ve ever witnessed. I want to die!”
Victor quickly stepped back from Yuuri and tried to laugh the moment off but was sweating too profusely to be convincing. Yuuri’s face was getting redder by the second and looked like it was about to combust. This was not how they wanted their competitors to see them. They were supposed to be exhibiting that they were at the top of their game, ready to take the world by storm and crush everything in sight. Or at least that’s what Yakov had always taught him to do.
“It’s almost time for you to skate, little piggy. So, get back to work,” Victor decreed. “This is a direct order from your coach. Not your handsome doting lover who spoils you rotten. I won’t have any slackers!”
Who was he kidding? He never acted like a real coach before, so why start now?
Yuuri grimaced. “It’s so embarrassing when you say that word.”
“What word?” Victor asked then scoffed, “Lover? How else would you like me to describe it? No wonder the media doesn’t think we’re together. This world is way too sexually repressed!”
"Yeah, yeah,” Yuuri said, no longer paying him any mind. “Now, just where did you throw my phone?”
So maybe it was a little mean of Victor to let Yuuri search for his phone all on his own knowing that Yuuri wasn’t wearing his glasses. But it was just so funny watching Yuuri bumbling around, eyes scrunched up as they uselessly inspected the floor. Eventually, Yuuri located the phone after two failed attempts, picking up a discarded coke can and an empty water bottle at first. It was impressive that even though the phone had traveled long and far there wasn’t a single ounce of damage, thanks to the case. Victor should totally see if he could get Yuuri an Otterbox sponsorship. After all, sex sells and he knew Yuuri would be able to sell a ton of phone cases with an evocative television ad.
A wild idea suddenly sparked in his mind. One he knew Yuuri definitely wasn’t going to like. Still, this idea had Victor pulling out his own phone and opening his camera app. He snapped a picture with a flash just as Yuuri was bending down to pick something up.
“Eh?! Victor” Yuuri swiveled around and rushed back over to him. “W-What are you doing?!”
“Posting a picture of your juicy bottom on my Instagram.”
“Because I’d like the world to see how nice and juicy it is.”
“Victor!” Yuuri whined and made a grab for the phone.
“Yuuuuuri!” Victor sang back and kept it out of reach. “Look, I’ve written a risqué caption full of Eros! Maybe the media will see this picture and a news story will break about our insatiable lust for one another?”
“Give it to me right now!” Yuuri grounded out through his teeth and held out his hand.
Thinking it wasn’t worth the spat, Victor handed it over. He expected Yuuri to take the phone and delete the picture immediately, but instead, Yuuri’s fingers began tapping quickly on the screen as his face burned up.
He thrusted the phone back into Victor’s hand and averted his eyes. Victor glanced at it and saw that not only had Yuuri posted the picture, he’d written an even sexier caption that almost blew Victor off his feet and made his nose bleed.
“It’s such a shame that no one would believe me if I told them how you lord over me in bed.” Victor shook his head in amazement. “Bossy, confident, sex torturer, Katsuki Yuuri? Not with how innocent you act in public. No one will believe how mean to me you really are.”
A glint flashed in Yuuri’s eyes as his gaze trailed him up and down. “Oh, you have it so wrong. I think I’m very, very nice to you in bed. Especially when I—”
Once again, it felt like the whole world was listening in, and sure enough, when they looked up they saw everyone staring like they were tuning into a television show. They were rather shameless about it too. Didn’t even have the decency to look remorseful or pretend like they hadn’t been invading people’s very private moments.
It was lucky that they’d caught themselves before they got any more explicit. With Yurio present in the audience, things had to be kept PG-13. He was looking between them now with his big, innocent blue eyes, his brows furrowed in confusion.
“When you what?” he asked Yuuri who was turning very, very red. “Eat pork cutlet bowls?”
Everyone around them who knew better nodded in affirmative, but JJ, of course, had never really been too bright. “I think he meant—”
Thankfully, his fiancée was there to jab an elbow into his gut and cut him off before he could go into detail. Realizing his mistake, he nodded his head along with everyone else and that seemed to satisfy Yurio who just shrugged and walked away with Otabek.
When he was gone, Yuuri groaned and thumped his head against Victor’s chest, his face still hot with shame. “That was unbelievably embarrassing,” he said. “Let’s focus on the competition now and the celebration later. And let’s stop giving these vultures something to eavesdrop on.”
“Da,” Victor chuckled as Yuuri glared at all in their vicinity.
It was time anyway for Yuuri’s skate. They were as prepared as they could be and now was Yuuri’s chance to show his stuff. He pressed a kiss to Yuuri’s cheek and lead him towards the rink. Yuuri’s grip on his hand was like a vice. He was obviously nervous. Victor knew by now that nothing he said could make Yuuri lose those nerves, but he hoped Yuuri would be strong and wouldn’t let them overtake him.
“Even if I don’t win—” Yuuri started, but Victor wasn’t going to let him go any farther with that statement.
“You will win.”
“No, just let me finish.” Yuuri laughed, shaking his head. “Even if I don’t win, thank you for always taking care of me.”
Victor melted into a smile and opened his arms to wrap Yuuri up in a tight hug. He held on for as many squeezes as he could before Yuuri was asked to take the ice then clasped his hand with Yuuri’s and kissed his ring, wishing him luck.
“Well, go on. Show them how much I love you,” Victor said and Yuuri nodded with determination.
He knew something amazing was going to happen today. He just knew. Whether it be Yuuri winning the gold or breaking a world record or even… saying yes to spending the rest of his life with Victor, it was going to be a historical day.
Victor fiddled with the secret velvet box hidden deep within his pocket. His heart thundered in his chest as the music began to play; the happiness and pride overwhelming as he watched Yuuri wield his magic over the crowd.
Morooka: Welcome back, everyone. We just witnessed a beautiful performance by Katsuki Yuuri. One that is bound to make him a top contender in today’s competition and displayed an excellent comeback after his loss last season.
Stéphane: Yes, it was simply magnifique! A perfect performance that shows the true power between this first-time coach and skater duo.
Morooka: Let’s flash over to the kiss and cry to see their scores.
Stéphane: Katsuki Yuuri looks nervous. I don’t know why. No one can doubt that that performance will score high.
Morooka: And he’s broken the world record! In case you’re just tuning in, Katsuki Yuuri has just scored a 221.58 today with his free program. The audience is just going wild.
Stéphane: And what’s this! Victor Nikiforov just got down on one knee and presented Katsuki Yuuri with a ring. What a wonderful congratulations gift from a coach to his skater.
Morooka: I think that’s why their dynamic works so well, Stéphane. Victor is such a caring and rewarding coach.
Stéphane: Let’s see if we can hear what’s going on down there. Ha! It sounds like funny guy Victor there just asked Katsuki Yuuri to marry him and Katsuki Yuuri said yes. There were rumors that Yuuri might be retiring but maybe after this symbol of sheer commitment Victor has displayed today, he might reconsider coming back for another season.
Morooka: As you know, these two have exchanged partnership rings in the past. They have a very close professional relationship. You can tell by how they’re kissing now on the lips.
Stéphane: Yes, such a friendly embrace! I see Victor’s getting a little cheeky there slipping in some tongue.
Morooka: We’ve got some reactions here from twitter. One user says ‘They’re gay, you dumbasses.’ Another says, ‘I can’t wait for Victor and Yuuri’s wedding. You can tell that they’re super in love with each other.’ What do you make of that Stéphane?
Stéphane: Impossible! I see no signs of romance here! Look at how they’re rolling on the floor kissing now. It’s nothing but a coach and skater being excited about a fantastic score.
Morooka: I agree with you, of course, Stéphane. Victor’s done such a great job coaching for the first time. These twitter fans must be seeing something that isn’t there.
Stéphane: Absolument! There’s no way notorious playboy Victor Nikiforov would ever be taken off the market.”
Morooka: You’re right, of course. No way indeed.
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cygnetofthesea · 7 years
Leaving Normal: Chapter 7
Hey, hey back again with another chapter.  Also because it’s been awhile since I’ve posted the story on tumblr, a recap might help getting caught up.  As always, a huge thanks to @allthelittlelostgirlsgrowup for providing constructive feedback and thank you to those who read and take the time to like and reblog :D
LN on ff.net     LN on AO3
Emma Swan is shot in her father's diner one afternoon and finds out her classmate Killian Jones is more than just the boy from science class after he uses inhuman abilities to heal her wound and save her life. While grateful he did, Emma is wary and wants to believe in Killian but a seed of doubt is planted by the town sheriff, Arendelle, who is suspicious of Killian Jones and what really went down at Granny's Diner. After Emma is shown a picture of a dead body with the same silver handprint that appeared on Emma's stomach after Killian healed her wound, she confronted him only to find that he is just as mystified and concerned about this as this means there's another alien out there that he doesn't know of and he leaves in a hurry. Meanwhile Emma's friend, Ruby is closing in on her and knows something is amiss.
Hope you guys like this chapter and let me know what you think!
"Ok, Robin I cannot let this go."
Ruby paced along the length of Robin's room in her Martian costume. Her short green skirt swished around her thighs as her matching green knee high boots clacked against the hardwood floor of Robin's room. He sighed from where he was sitting on his bed with his costume on his lap.
"Ruby, you have to. She looks fine to me and isn't that all that matters? That she wasn't hurt?"
Ruby rolled her eyes as she walked past in front of Robin with her hands on her hips. "Of course it matters that she's unharmed," she replied with a roll of her eyes. "But, there's clearly more to the story and I want to know what it is."
"Well, all you're achieving is driving her away. Is that what you want?"
"Hey, I'm not the one avoiding her best friends," she said defensively. "I mean, has Emma spoken to you lately?"
"Yeah, actually she has," he nodded his head in emphasis. "We had a perfectly normal conversation just today before she was pulled into guidance."
"Wait, what?" Ruby stopped in front of him with her hand held up. "What are talking about? Guidance?"
Robin shrugged, "Well yeah, we were in class but not two minutes into it she was sent to guidance. And when I walked by after class, I saw Sheriff Arendelle leaving the school. I'm guessing she was following up on the shooting."
"Well, why didn't she come to see me?"
"Maybe she'll get around to you soon enough. Didn't you already talk to the deputy though?" Robin asked.
"Uh, yeah, but then again Emma already talked to Arendelle so what more is there to say?"
Robin groaned as he fell back on his bed, clutching his costume to his face. "Ruby," he mumbled through the cloth, "I know you're into all your CSI shows but can we not do this right now? I haven't even gotten ready for the Crash Festival and if we don't leave soon, we'll be late. We have to pick up Emma anyway so you can badger her then all you want."
"Oh but didn't you hear?" Ruby asked mockingly, "Emma isn't going to the Crash Festival. And anyway, it doesn't start 'til another like two hours-ish so nice try, Robin."
Robin shoved the costume off his face to look at her dryly. "Then why are you already dressed almost two hours early?"
"Um excuse you, this outfit takes time to get into and you see this make-up? Takes effort, buddy." She gestured to her heavily made up eyes with thick winged eyeliners outlined by a thin layer of dark green eyeliner. Her cheeks and eyelids were glittering with shimmer powder and her usual red lips were painted a metallic olive green shade. It was definitely an unusual ensemble even for Ruby who never needed an occasion for her eccentric and bold attire, but if anyone could pull it off, it was definitely her.
"Well, good job, Ruby," he said with a sarcastic thumbs up. "But, some of us didn't plan that far ahead and still need to get ready so can you, you know, leave?" He gestured toward the door as he stood up and unfolded his costume.
"Sorry, honey, but it's not like there's much to see," she mumbled but turned toward the door anyway. "And don't worry, I'll get a ride from Emma."
"I thought you said she wasn't coming."
"Yeah, well not if I have anything to say about it," Ruby smirked before pulling open his door and stepping out with a wave of her hands.
Robin shook his head tiredly before getting ready for the Crash Festival with thoughts of one Regina Mills.
Killian struggles to remain within the speed limit as he turns onto his street; the last thing he needs right now is to get pulled over by a deputy, worse Arendelle. He had just hung up with Victor, telling him to meet at his house with a bag of essentials only. Maybe Victor was right, maybe it was time to leave Storybrooke.
The thought of leaving Emma behind flashed across his mind, but he rubbed away the ache in his chest thinking that brought on. It would be safer for her if he was gone anyway. If the photos that Emma mentioned were anything to go on, not only did they have to worry about the Sheriff closing in on them, but a potential killer of an alien was also out there. Who knew what his motives were, but Killian preferred keeping his family as far away from him as possible. And Emma. He could put her at risk.
Killian pulled into his driveway, thankful for his parents' absence for the night. He would have had a hard enough time to saying goodbye, but he's hoping once they've found safety, he would be able to contact them. It was the least he could do for the parents that took him in and provided a good life for him and his sister.
He called out to his sister as he walked through the hall toward his room. "Regina! Pack a bag, we have to go."
He walked into his room, reaching under his bed for his camping duffle before stuffing it with minimal clothes and power bars he kept in his gym bag. He grabbed the photo of him and Regina with his parents from his bedside table and carefully wrapped it in a t-shirt before placing it in the front zipper of his duffle. He pulled open the drawer next to his bed and dug underneath his old baseball cards in search of the newspaper clipping.
He had just pulled it out-Emma's bright smile looking back at him as she holds up her medal for first place in the national forensics competition with the article title reading Storybrooke's own, Captain Swan, leads forensic team to a victory-when Regina strides into his room with her own empty duffle bag.
"What do you mean, 'pack a bag'?" she asks even as she holds her own. "What the hell is going on, Killian?"
Killian shook his head as he carefully places the clipping in the inside pocket of his jacket. "Look, there's no time to get into it, but we have to get ready to move. Victor is meeting us here any minute so get ready, Regina."
"Well, tell me what's going on first." Her usual haughty tone is tinged with worry as she watches him place a few more items in his bag before zipping it up.
"The sheriff suspects me," he says finally turning to her. He leads her out of his room by the arm and into her room as he speaks. "Pack while I explain."
"What do I take?" Despite her impulse to argue with him, Regina detects the urgency in his tone and follows his direction. "And what do you mean the Sheriff suspects you? Did Emma say something to her?" She turns to look at him in anger at the prospect of Emma Swan betraying Killian's trust."
"All your allowance and birthday cash and non-perishables, toiletries, and minimal clothing. The rest we can get on the road. And no, Emma didn't say a word to Arendelle, she's the one who warned me that the Sheriff was onto me." He furrowed his eyebrows as he wonders whether to tell her about the other alien, yet, he was still trying to wrap his head around the idea of another one being out there all this time and killing people.
"How would she know?" Regina groused as paced between her drawer and her duffle, dumping errant belongings.
"Arendelle pulled her out of class today and asked about me," he said as the doorbell rang. "That has to be Victor."
"Wait," Regina hissed, grabbing onto his arm before he could walk out. "You just said Arendelle suspects you. What if it's her? What if she's here to take you." Regina didn't often show affection or concern for anyone but there was no way in hell she was going to let anyone take her baby brother.
"Wait here, Killian," she ordered before grabbing her field hockey stick that was propped up against the wall by her bed. She tried it once for the sake of her mother, but very soon realized she wasn't much of a sports gal.
"No," Killian argued trying wrestle the stick away from her. "Get behind me."
"No, you get behind me," Regina shot back quietly. The doorbell rang again, repeatedly and obnoxiously. Killian and Regina were in the midst of tug-a-war with the field hockey stick when they stopped suddenly and looked at each other knowingly. "Victor," they said in unison.
"But, just in case," Regina brought the stick close to her with a sharp tug from Killian's slack grip and entered the hallway peering around toward the front door, Killian trailing close behind.
The doorknob suddenly twisted and Regina tightened her grip on the stick, getting ready to swing. She raised her arm higher as she inched closer to the front door which was now opening slowly. She made to swing when suddenly-
"Whoa, whoa, what are you guys doing?!"
The front door was wide open and standing smack in the middle of the doorway was Victor with his arms raised in surrender, a small sack sitting by his feet that he had dropped in shock.
Regina rolled her eyes as she dropped her arm in relief while Killian scratched his head awkwardly. "What exactly were you two doing?" Victor questioned.
"We thought you were Arendelle," Killian sighed.
Victor raised his eyebrows. "You thought I was Arendelle," he repeated flatly. "You thought I was a human and you brought a hockey stick? Did you guys forget you were aliens with powers?"
"Yeah, well…" Regina trailed off. "Doesn't matter. Did Killian fill you in?"
"Yeah. It's about time you finally got your head in order," he said nodding toward Killian.
Killian nodded absently before walking over to the notepad they kept by the kitchen phone. He scribbled a quick note to his parents about him and Regina being out and that he would call them later. He didn't exactly have a clear plan but all he knew is that they needed to get away. With great difficulty, he turned back to Regina and Victor.
"It's time to go."
Emma's door flung open with a bang as Ruby struts in and faces Emma with her hands planted on her hips. "Ok, babe I've pretty much had it with the silent treatment and you've left me with no choice but to deal out an ultimatum."
Emma had been restless ever since Killian ran from her earlier in the afternoon, alternating between pacing the short length of her room and sitting on the edge of her bed nervously gnawing on her lips until they were chapped. She had tried looking around the school grounds for him before noticing his Jeep wasn't parked in its usual spot and resigned to the fact that she wasn't going to be able to reach him at this point.
Emma warily looks at Ruby not in the least bit phased by her outrageous costume. "Ultimatum? What are you talking about?"
"Well, either you tell me what really happened that day at Granny's or I go straight to Arendelle with your bloody order book. Something tells me it wasn't Anna's blood on the book and I may be no science geek like you, Emma, but I bet the Sheriff's department has a team of forensic scientists that can test the blood and prove it's yours. Now, do you really want me to go there?"
"You wouldn't," Emma said softly. Ruby's words may have been harsh and threatening but she's known the girl long enough to know that she's loyal to a fault and wouldn't truly betray Emma despite her words. Which made lying to her all the more hard and painful.
Ruby raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Try me." Emma and Ruby stared at each other for a moment before Ruby sighed in exasperation and dropped down on the bed in front of Emma.
"Emma, you're stubborn as hell and I give you mad props for that," she said softly before reaching for Emma's hand. "But, look at me. I'm seriously worried about you. There hasn't been a single moment in our lives that we haven't been able to get through together. I mean, you were there for me when my mother died and I was there for you when your brother died and I would be there for you through anything. And it's killing me seeing you like this when I know something is going on." She paused for a moment before squeezing Emma's hand in reassurance and looking her squarely in the eye.
"You can tell me anything and I promise I'll keep it between the two of us. I'm here for you, babe."
Emma looked between Ruby's eyes, searchingly as she took in her words and sighed. This was Ruby. And, god this secret was eating away at her and she didn't know how much longer she was supposed to stay silent. The guilt twisted up inside her at the thought of betraying Killian's trust, but she as looked back at Ruby's concerned face, she knew in her gut it would be alright.
Emma let out a deep sigh. "Ok, what I'm about to tell is going to sound insane, but I need you remain calm and not speak a word to anyone."
"Emma, c'mon it's me. I'm cool as a cucumber. Anyway, I'm like a vault of secrets. Except from you, of course," she added hastily at Emma's quirked eyebrow.
"Ok, so the day of the shooting…"
As it turned out, Ruby Lucas was decidedly not 'cool as a cucumber.' That is if her hysterical shrieking as she ran out of Emma's home was any indication.
"Ruby!" Emma called out, chasing after her. "Ruby, wait!"
Emma ran up to Ruby's car as she takes the wheel, sliding into the passenger seat and covering the ignition with her hand. "Hey, you said you wouldn't freak out. What happened to 'cool as a cucumber'?" Emma was used to Ruby's theatrics, but this time she had to make sure it was the usual freak-out before the calm.
"Yeah, well that was before I found out my best friend is a crazy person," Ruby shot back looking at her.
"Ruby, I'm being serious here, you cannot tell anyone about this."
"Oh-ho," Ruby laughed sarcastically. "Don't you worry, even if I did tell anyone, they'd lock me up in the loony bin right along with you." She then turned to Emma, her eyes wide and severe as she placed her hands on either side of Emma's face, slightly squishing her face. "Emma, are you sure you didn't, you know, really bump your head on the ground when you fell?"
Emma huffed as she shook her head out of Ruby's grip, "Ruby, you put the clues together yourself and now that I'm telling you the truth, you don't want to believe it?"
"Um, how about I can't believe it. Emma, do you realize what you're saying is absurd and unreal and just so not possible?"
"Of course I do, except for the fact that somehow it is possible. I haven't gotten all the answers yet, but I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to anymore."
Ruby furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"
"It's a long story," Emma said shaking her head, "but I think we need to go to Killian's house."
"What?! Why? How am I supposed to go face him after what you just told me?"
"Ruby, it'll be fine. But, we have to go over there before Killian puts himself in even more trouble." The longer Emma thought about it, the more she began to realize she needed to stop him from making a mistake that could endanger him even more and she thinks she has a plan on how to help him.
"Are you telling me he's not trouble himself?"
Emma gave her a look that said Really?. "Hey, I know this is freaky-I'm still trying to get used to it, myself-but the facts are that Killian saved my life as his own risk and you wouldn't be sitting here talking to me right now and instead may be at my wake at this very moment."
Ruby gasped at the thought. "You would want a wake? That's morbid, Emma."
"Besides the point, Ruby. Now, let's go," she ordered taking her hand away from the ignition. "Are you ok to drive?"
Ruby flicked her green streaked hair behind her shoulder, twisting the key with a scowl. "Yep, peachy keen."
Thanks for making it to the bottom and would love to hear your thoughts!
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