#I can definitely see her becoming absolutely unhinged when everyone else is gone
mammonshuman92 · 3 years
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Mammon & GN!MC
** TW: Stalking, cussing, religion (ish? I guess?)
| part two | | part three |
It’s been nearly 6 months since you left the Devildom. You picked up where you had left off in the human world: college, work, home, repeat. Sure, you missed your family while you were away, but now your heart aches almost constantly for the new family you loved so much, that you had to leave behind. (Not that you really had a choice in the matter.)
 As much as it hurt to leave the brothers, Diavolo was right. Establishing harmony and unity with the three realms won’t go over too well if one of the human representatives doesn’t go back to the human world, now will it? Still, it sucks. Life is so boring without all of them.
And quiet.
It’s not like you don’t talk though. Yeah, Diavolo has that rule in place where they have to take turns talking to you because “human’s lives are short” and they were “taking up too much of your time”, but that’s not really going to stop them, is it?
Well kinda, actually.
You can’t really argue with a direct order from the demon lord, after all.
Is it Asmo's day to call? You thought to yourself, trying to remember (not that you ever could) the schedule Lucifer came up with. Your own schedule was hard enough to remember.
You had been picking up extra shifts at work and staying late to study at school when you could. Finding any reason to stay busy or get out of the house. The deafening silence was too much to bear.
"I wonder when I can go visit? I should call Diavolo.." you said to yourself quietly.
You were walking home from your shift at the coffee shop near campus. The sun was just starting to set and the air was slightly crisp, causing you to pull your jacket a little tighter.
If it weren't for the brilliant pinks and warm oranges cast on the sky by the setting sun, it would've felt like a regular night in the Devildom. Memories of your last few days spent there came flooding back, bringing the sadness along with them.
In just one year, you had gotten so close to everyone, but you had gotten especially close to Mammon. He was responsible for you in the beginning of course, but the connection was undeniable (no matter how much he did deny it). He was a total simp for you, and you for him. It was rather cringey to everyone else. He could be a handful at times, but that tsundere really is a great boyfriend. Leaving him behind was... well, there's no words for it.
Rounding the corner, you could see your house perfectly. Now that the sun had gone down a bit more, it was getting darker and you were suddenly thankful that you remembered to turn on the porch light before you left.
You pulled your keys from your jacket pocket while climbing the few steps to your front door, and something caught your eye. Your stomach dropped.
Not again..
You plucked the folded piece of paper that was stuck in the screen door and quickly made your way inside, locking the door behind you.With a heavy sigh, you tossed your keys on the table by the door and dropped your bag on the floor beside you. You immediately went to shower and change not giving the paper a second thought.
Not everyone in the human world agreed with the Devildom exchange student program. After you and Solomon had arrived in the Devildom, there were numerous protests by a group much like the Westboro lunatics. They were without a doubt against the program and called for it’s immediate termination. Thankfully, their personal hatred was no match for the opportunity for the realms to find peace.
 When you had returned, you noticed people whispering about you, calling you names and giving you dirty looks. You've even received quite a few pieces of hate mail. Granted, the people opposed to the program were very small in numbers, even if it didn’t seem that way. It didn't bother you though. Demons ended up being some of the most important people to you. Not to mention you were kinda in love with one of them. People could say what they wanted about the Devildom and about you, their words didn't bother you.
You were still towel drying your hair when your phone rang. Tossing the towel, you rushed to the living room to fish it out of your bag, Asmo's face popping up on the caller ID. You were right, it was Asmo’s night. You were secretly hoping it was a certain greedy demon’s turn to call (not that he doesn’t text you almost constantly.)
Asmo was the same as usual. Talking animatedly about this and that, gushing over new beauty products and outfits, filling you in on all the gossip you were missing. While he was rambling, your eyes fell onto the paper that was in your door. Might as well look at the newest piece of hate mail, right? 
You began unfolding the paper, quickly giving Asmo an “omg!” about the gossip he was dishing (even though you hadn’t been paying attention.)
Upon seeing the contents, all the color drained from your face. You were sure your heart sank into your stomach, but you could hear the rapid beating in your ears. You suddenly felt hot, and the air around you seemed thick.
Then the adrenaline kicked in.
With shaky hands, you quickly checked the front door making sure it was locked, and headed to the back door to do the same. You rushed around checking the windows and pulling all the curtains closed. Everything seemed fine, nothing out of the ordinary. Still, that didn’t settle your nerves any.
“MC, dear? Did you hear me?” The sound of Asmo’s voice brought you out of your frantic state.
“Huh? S-sorry Asmo. I guess I s-spaced out.” You tried your best to keep your tone normal and steady your breathing, as to not alert him to anything. You really should give him more credit, though.
“MC? Is everything alright?” His tone was different, no longer playful and flirty. You could hear the concern.
“Yeah, I’m fine. More hate mail is all. No biggie.” You lied. Maybe he would believe it..
There was a pause on his end, “You’re STILL getting it? Don’t they have anything better to do?” Good, he bought it. For now, anyway.
After about 10 more minutes Asmo said his goodbyes, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
This piece hate mail turned out to be something much worse than the run of the mill stuff you usually received. Inside there were pictures. Of you. At work, at school, the grocery store, ...outside your house. There was also a newspaper clipping that had a picture of you and your family, from when your parents first opened their bakery a few years back. There were red ‘Xs’ marked through everyone’s faces...
The only words scrawled inside read, “I’ve been watching you. You will pay for what you’ve done, whore. And don’t even think about telling your demon fuck buddies. I know everything about you and your family. It’d be a shame if anything happened to poor old Mom and Dad because their child is an unholy slut.”
You read it over and over, tears streaking your cheeks. Hate mail was nothing new, but now this? A stalker? 
Maybe I’m just over thinking it. The other hate mail was spicy too. But these pictures... There is NO way I’m over thinking this..
“Regardless, I can’t tell the brothers.” You shuddered at what their reaction would be like. It would definitely make all of Diavolo’s hard work on the exchange program obsolete. It wouldn’t be good for any of the three realms. There was still a long way to go, but the program was a giant step in the right direction to obtaining peace and understanding. If dealing with some backlash and hate mail could help get closer to that goal, then for the sake of the greater could, you could handle it.
“For now, I will bear this burden myself.”
- {3 weeks later} -
“Are you okay?”
The simple question nearly made you squeak and nearly jump out of your skin. You turn and meet the worried gaze of your lab partner. You weren’t super close with her, so you knew your current state had to be bad if she was picking up on it.
God, do I really look that bad? You got a good look at yourself this morning, and yeah, you absolutely look that bad. But then again, you haven’t really slept in a few weeks. You had gigantic purple eye bags, your hair looked like a family of birds took up residence in it. Your skin was pale and lifeless, and you began skin picking at your nails due to the anxiety. You’d even lost about twenty pounds.
“Sorry, I guess I was spacing out.”
“It’s alright. It’s just- no offense, but you look awful. Have you been sleeping?” She asked, eyes scanning your face.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Promise.” You lied. She nodded and gave you a weak smile, dropping the subject for now.
You hadn’t really been paying attention to class today. Well, for the last several days, really. You’ve been putting in less effort for a lot of things lately. You’ve been slacking off bad at school and barely keeping up at work. Not to mention you never sleep anymore. How can you though?
You left class early and although it was still early in the day, you decided to skip the rest of your lectures for the day. You’ve always been a fantastic student, so taking a day off wouldn’t really hurt anything. And seeing as today was Thursday, you didn’t even have work today. Same as every week.
 Upon arriving home, you were relieved to see that there weren’t any notes left for you. Yet, anyway.
Ever since the first letter a few weeks ago, they’ve been showing up constantly. Only a few times the first week or so, but now you get at least one every single day. They’re also increasing in severity. The sender seems to be becoming more and more unhinged with every passing day.
“Dirty demon whore!!”
“You’re a HUMAN!! How dare you taint your body with demons!”
“I will cleanse you and make you pure again.”
There was so, so much more. All of it growing more and more explicit with each letter.
The whole thing was taking a huge tool on you, but what could you do? Your family’s safety was on the line. You so badly wanted to tell Mammon of even the cops, but you couldn’t live with yourself if anything bad were to happen. Whatever this psycho had planned, you would gladly put yourself in the line of fire to save those closest to you.
The whole situation has also affected your relationship with Mammon and the rest of the brothers as well. At first, you tried to hide what was happening, but they started getting suspicious and asking questions. Always wondering why you sounded so tired and why you kept cutting their phone calls super short. You always rejected their face time requests, knowing that your drastic change in appearance would be alarming and alert them that something was wrong. Lately, you’ve barely talked to any of them. Especially Mammon. He’d be the first to figure out something was wrong with you and come here ready to fight.
That honestly didn’t sound too bad. You wanted nothing more than for him to hold you while you ugly cried. Breathing in his scent while he rubbed soothing circles on your back.
Your heart started to ache.
When you got home you decided to take a nice, hot shower to hopefully help ease some of your tension and possibly begin to get a handle on your quickly deteriorating self care status.
Once you felt somewhat normal again, you put on your comfiest pj’s (which included one of Mammon’s shirts) and plopped yourself on your bed in the fetal position. It was the only thing that kinda helped ease a tiny bit of the feeling that everything was spiraling out of control. The warm scent of your most favorite demon helped calm you.
*bzzz* *bzzz* *bzzz*
Damn. I almost fell asleep..
You sat up, rubbing your eyes and reached for your D.D.D. on your nightstand. The called ID made your heart rate accelerate and your palms sweaty.
It’s him.
“Mammon..? I thought it was Beel’s turn to call?”
“I don’t care about Lucifer’s stupid schedule. I need to talk to ya.” His tone made him sound like he was on edge.
“Oh, ok. What’s up?”
He scoffed, “Really? You’ve barely messaged me back in three days. The last time I called, ya hung up after five minutes.”
“Oh. I’m sorry, I’ve just been busy.” Every lie helps break your heart just a little more. 
“You’ve never been too busy before. Besides, shouldn’t ya be in a class right now or somethin’? It ain’t even noon.”
“I left class early and I’m skipping the rest of the day.” You explained.
“..Hmm.” He replied, you could detect suspicion in his response.
It was quiet on his end for a moment.
“..Do ya got another boyfriend? Cause The Great Mammon is definitely better! And-and, I’ll kick their ass!”
“What? Mammon, no. One boyfriend is almost more than I can handle.”
“Wha- hey!”
For the first time in who knows when, you actually giggled. It felt so good.
“So, you swear nothin’ is wrong? You’ve been actin’ so weird.” His voice was heavy with concern.
“Yeah, I swear.” Lie.
As good as it felt to talk to him, you needed to end the call before he ended up dragging the truth out of you. If any one could figure out what was wrong with you, it’d be him. The two of you had spent so much time together, that you can practically read each other like a book.
“I gotta go, ok? I have work later and I need to get ready.” Lie. But, you needed to get off the phone with him before he suspects anything.
“Yeah, sure.” He sounded so defeated. You could almost hear him pouting.
After a quicker goodbye than you usually have when getting off the phone with Mammon, you fell back onto your bed with a heavy sigh.
That was a little rough, but he seemed to believe it. I hope this will all be over soon.
With that, you quickly fell asleep, lulled by the memory of your demon’s voice. Although you wouldn’t sleep long, at least you got to fall asleep to the thought of him.
*bzzz* *bzzz* *bzzz*
Geez, are ya gonna answer or not? Ya always pick up on the second ring when I call ya.., Mammon thought.
Finally, on the sixth ring, “Mammon..? I thought it was Beel’s turn to call?”
Man, hearing your voice is like music.
“I don’t care about Lucifer’s stupid schedule. I need to talk to ya.” His tone made him sound a little rougher than intended, but it was all the same. He needed to hear you voice.
“Oh, ok. What’s up?”
He scoffed, “Really? You’ve barely messaged me back in three days. The last time I called, ya hung up after five minutes.”
I miss ya like crazy. Ya keep avoiding me..
“Oh. I’m sorry, I’ve just been busy.” 
Huh? But, MC is always busy doing somethin’ and it never stopped em’ before..
He started getting an uneasy feeling deep in his stomach. He could tell something was off, but he just didn’t know what it was.
Is it ...someone else? Nah, MC wouldn’t do that. ...Right??
“You’ve never been too busy before. Besides, shouldn’t ya be in a class right now or somethin’? It ain’t even noon.” He didn’t try to hide the pout, that he knew you could hear, in his voice. His own thoughts were beginning to hurt his feelings.
“I left class early and I’m skipping the rest of the day.” MC explained.
“..Hmm.” He hummed. Thoughts started swirling around in his head.
MC never skips school, not even at RAD. Somethin’ is definitely going on. And what’s with the short answers? MC always talks like crazy. Maybe they’re mad at me?
It was quiet for a moment while he tried to sort through his thoughts.
“MC?” He asked, finally breaking the silence.
“..D-do ya got another boyfriend? Cause The Great Mammon is definitely better! And-and, I’ll kick their ass!”
“What? Mammon, no. One boyfriend is almost more than I can handle.”
“Wha- hey!” You giggled at his response. It was small, but he heard it. It made his heart swim.
All joking aside, he did believe you. Something was definitely not right with you though.
“So, you swear nothin’ is wrong? You’ve been actin’ so weird.” His voice was heavy with concern.
“Yeah, I swear.” Those three words caused his heart to sink.
That was a lie.. MC only says ‘I swear’ while tryin’ to act like somethin’ ain’t wrong..
He pushed his thoughts aside for the time being and continued the conversation. It only lasted a few more minutes before you started saying your goodbyes. Again, cutting the call short.
“I gotta go, ok? I have work later and I need to get ready.” 
Hmm. Why does that seem weird?
“Yeah, sure.” He sounded so defeated.
There was, without a doubt in his mind, something going on. Something that would make you lie to him..
One way or another, he was going to find out.
“Mammon? Are you alright?”
Mammon was sprawled out on the couch in the common room. After talking to you, he was lost in his thoughts and feeling rather down. Beel passed by the common room on his was back from the kitchen when he saw his older brother. Noticing that he looked sad, Beel went to investigate.
Mammon looked up to meet Bee’s concerned gaze and with a sigh, he sat up.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Mammon said, as he stood up to leave. Beel could tell he was obviously lying, but decided not to press the issue.
Mammon stopped a few paces away from Beel, and turned back around to face him.
“Hey, Beel. Was MC actin’, I don’t know, “off”, the last time ya talked to em’?” He asked the sixth born, thinking maybe you had accidentally let something slip.
Beel’s face seemed to twist up a little bit, and he nodded.
“Yeah, kind of. MC used to sound excited when I called, but now they hardly talk at all. And they used to send me pictures of the food they were eating and new recipes, at least twice a day, but it’s been about two weeks since the last one they sent.” He explained, sadness in his voice. While in the Devildom, you were his favorite person to eat with.
Mammon nodded at his brother, getting lost in his thoughts again.
So, it’s not just me. MC is actin’ strange with Beel too..
Neither of them had paid been paying enough attention to see Asmo enter the room.
“Mammon, there you are. I’m going out, and I need my new bag from Majolish. The one I let you borrow. And i swear, if you sold it-” Asmo stopped mid sentence when he noticed the sad state two of his brothers.
“Is it about MC?” He asked, nonchalaunt.
Mammon’s head snapped toward his brother.
“What do you mean? Did they say somethin’ to ya?” Mammon asked quickly, taking a few steps closer to his brother.
MC and Asmo always gossip with each other, so maybe they’d tell him somethin’..
“Calm down. MC really hasn’t talked to me much in the last month. I’m so hurt! Who else am I going to talk beauty products with? Lucifer? Goodness, no.”
“Asmo!” Mammon said loudly, trying to get the fifth born back on track.
“Oh, right. Let’s see.” He put a finger to his chin and thought about it. “Hmm. The only thing I can think of was during the last normal conversation I had with them. They said something about receiving a piece of hate mail. They said it was no big deal, but I distinctly remember MC seemed flustered by it. Which I thought was weird, considering it’s definitely not the first one they’d received..” Asmo explained.
Hate mail? MC has only mentioned it to me a couple times. Do they really get it that often..?
“How long ago was that?” Mammon asked. He felt like he was on the brink of something. Just a few more puzzle pieces..
“Hmm, it was right before MC started acting distant toward me. So, about three or four weeks, maybe.” Asmo explained. That’s around the time you had started acting weird with Mammon too.
“So, maybe something happened to MC.” Beel suggested.
“No, MC would tell us. ..Right?” Asmo questioned.
Mammon was so confused.
What is goin’ on with you, MC?
After talking with his brothers, Mammon holed himself up in his room. He didn’t really want to be around anyone at the moment. His thoughts were driving him crazy and giving him a headache. What was he not seeing? What piece of the puzzle was he missing?
He started going over your last conversation again, for the millionth time, looking for any kind of clue. But, you seemed normal. Well, your new normal, anyway. Distant, short answers, not giving too much to the conversation. What were you hiding?
It was something about the end of your conversation, but what was it?
He remembered your small giggle. The memory caused a smile to break out across his face. It gave him a tiny bit of hope that you were still there. That you still loved him. That whatever was troubling you, wasn’t making you forget them completely.
It was after that though. You had said “I swear”, which was a red flag, considering you only say it when you’re trying to convince him you’re ok when you’re really not.
He sighed, and rolled over on his bed. He looked at the alarm clock on his night stand, numbers glowing an angry red.
MC is probably at work right now..
Something caught his eye.
Today is Thursday... MC never works on Thursday. I guess the schedule coulda changed. No, cause MC specifically requested to always have that day off for some reason. Delivery day at their family’s bakery, I think. ...MC lied, again..
Then it hit him.
The small little lies. Avoiding all of them, even him for weeks now. Barely talking when you do answer the phone. The way you always sounded so tired and out of it.
It had something to do with what Asmo said about the hate mail.
“Hmm. The only thing I can think of was during the last normal conversation I had with them. They said something about receiving a piece of hate mail. They said it was no big deal, but I distinctly remember MC seemed flustered by it. Which I thought was weird, considering it’s definitely not the first one they’d received..”
Mammon didn’t even know that you’d been receiving that much hate mail. Sure, you’d told him about it a couple times, but he didn’t think it was that bad. Maybe it was actually pretty serious. Is that why you’d been so distant.
Mammon got up from his bed, and began pacing around the room. He almost had it figured out, he could feel it.
Asmo said MC seemed flustered, so it had to have somethin’ to do with the hate mail they received that day, since after that is when MC started actin’ weird.What if it’s somethin’ bad. Like, bad bad. 
He stopped pacing.
The thought of MC being in danger was...
Mammon grabbed his jacket, where it was thrown onto the pool table and left his room in a hurry. He was on his way to Lucifer’s study, mentally preparing himself on the way. He was sure he knew what his brother’s answer would be, but he wasn’t going to just sit here. He needed to know that you were, in fact alright, with his own eyes.
I’m going to the human world. Whether Lucifer allows it or not.
| part two | | part three |
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whoree321 · 3 years
the bad batch + unhinged episodes of law and order svu
Hunter: Granting Immunity (season 16 ep 19)
episode begins with rich prep school teens having a blowjob party while Good Girls Go Bad plays, leads to the squad uncovering an anti-vaxxer conspiracy among the mothers at the prep school. benson and barba prosecute the ring leader mom (trudy) for reckless endangerment after benson’s son noah gets the measles bc of trudy’s dirty child
this one gives hunter bc it’s very “perhaps i only care about this crime bc of my child, perhaps not” which really is one of his main personality traits
he def has the same aggressive maternal energy as miss olivia benson and that’s really showcased here
also i think hunter would enjoy the song Good Girls Go Bad like he would respect the flavor of tasteful misogyny
Crosshair: The Undiscovered Country (season 19 ep 13)
in this one barba succumbs to his deep rooted daddy issues and unplugs a baby on life support (i don’t remember the baby’s exact diagnosis but it was basically like dead as a doornail and only in excruciating pain and one parent wanted it alive and the other wanted to pull the plug). he gets tried for murder and is acquitted but still resigns as an ADA to take some time to unpack his trauma
crosshair would definitely kill a baby and somehow convince us it was the morally correct thing to do
barba and crosshair are also very sexy in a very similar way (arrogant bastard who masks his early life trauma and deep insecurities with cockiness and snark)
seriously tho i really think crosshair would kill a baby and not a brain dead one
like i’m sure the baby would deserve it but crosshair would take its life without hesitation
Tech: Zebras (season 10 ep 22)
basically this really irritating loud mouth lab tech named stucky makes a super boneheaded clerical error that gets an entire case against a murderer thrown out. he absolutely loses his fucking mind and stages several other murders to frame on the dude bc he can’t cope with his failure and then he kills the other lab tech and tries to kill stabler when they discover evidence linking him to the murders
i feel tech in this episode bc i think one day he will go off the rails like this
like chatty geek who everyone is annoyed by gets pushed over the edge by his mean coworkers and commits several heinous murders that are almost perfectly framed on someone else?
mary that’s what filoni is actually gearing up to for season 2. the devolution of tech after years of psychological warfare.
the only difference is that when tech finally becomes a serial killer he will never be caught
Wrecker: Wildlife (season 10 ep 7)
a woman is mauled by a tiger, the detectives discover an animal smuggling ring run by the Russian mob. stabler goes undercover and the mob guns him down in the street when they figure out he’s a big fat faker. at one point a rapper is eaten by hyenas and they eventually catch the mob in the act when they smuggle a monkey inside of a basketball
i think that wrecker really likes animals and he would enjoy both seeing exotic animals and also brutalizing people that hurt them
just like elliot stabler, wrecker would be a dreadful undercover agent and would likely get whacked instantly by any sort of organized crime syndicate
the absurdity of a whole entire gibbon monkey inside of a basketball is something he would be greatly amused by
i also think that wrecker could beat 1 (one) wild cat in hand to hand combat and i would love to bear witness (edit: i forgot about that one time when wrecker WWE smackdowned muchi the rancor so i will amend this statement and say he could beat 2 (two) wild cats in hand to hand combat)
Echo: Bang (season 12 ep 22)
baby is found in a dumpster, they figure out it’s the adopted baby of a girlboss named dede. she is dating john stamos, who we know is not playing a good character bc he has untrustworthy sideburns. she gets pregnant and he’s super gross about it like way too happy, they come to find out that he’s a sicko who loves to impregnate women and he’s fathered like literally 47 kids. at the end the domestic violence counselor the squad worked with murders john with a scuba diving knife that has a ton of pressurized CO2 in it and makes him explode
i feel that echo has a long-standing feud with john stamos and this episode would validate him
he would appreciate the theatricality of a pressurized exploding knife as well as the scene when like 20 of the mothers confront him at the precinct and are like “you’re a fucking terrible deadbeat father please choke”
there’s a lot of strong female energy in this episode and i can tell echo respects women who murder
overall he would really enjoy the unionization of single mothers to defeat his one true nemesis (johnathan stamos)
Omega: Gone Baby Gone (season 19 ep 9)
basically brooke shields kidnaps benson’s adopted son noah bc he’s her biological grandson and there’s like a whole manhunt for them. liv goes through some of the most crippling anxiety and despair of her life and then they find noah and he’s literally just like “that was a great trip we saw a deer and ate mcdonald’s i can’t wait to do it again sometime!”
omega gets kidnapped literally all the time bc just like noah porter-benson, she’s a little cutie
she also sometimes exhibits a very similar “teehee oops” energy in the face of extreme peril
i think if brooke shields could get her grubby paws on her she would snatch omega right up and sell her to the highest bidder
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jokerfan99 · 3 years
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My Top 10 Favorite Anime Villains (Updated) by DarkChild316
In a different time and a different world, I did a list of “My 10 Favorite Anime Villains”. I am older now, and hopefully much wiser and now thanks to the global pandemic and my new subscriptions to Hulu and Funimation I’ve had the opportunity to go back and revisit so many classic anime that I feel like I should re-do it. Plus I’ve gone back and looked at my previous list and shook my head thinking to myself: “My God man, what in the f**k were you thinking with some of these choices!” So, I’ve gone back and redone the list, now this list is strictly for the men only. If you want to see a list dedicated to my favorite female villains, check out my list of “My Top 10 Favorite Anime Villainesses.” But for this list, here is my updated list of My Top 10 Favorite Anime Villains:
#10. Shishiho Makoto (Rurouni Kenshin): Growing up as a kid, Ruroni Kenshin was one of the first anime I had ever watched, and this guy was someone who I hated with a passion. Looking back at it years later, I realize now what an amazing villain and foil to Kenshin that Makoto was. Unlike a lot of villains on this list, Makoto wasn’t just evil for the sake of being evil, Makoto’s evil came from the worst type of trauma: betrayal! In this case the betrayal came from Makoto’s own government, where Makoto survived not only multiple gunshots, but being doused in oil and burned alive, leaving him in complete and utter agony. What puts Shishio on my list is what he manages to do after surviving death. He compiles an army of the best fighters Japan has to offer and plots to overthrow the entire Meiji Government. While in complete agony. Who else can claim that? Did I also mention he’s topping the list of the best fighters in the show? His swordsmanship is second only to Kenshin himself as he proves in their absolutely epic fight.
#9. Hisoka Morrow (Hunter x Hunter): Hunter x Hunter is a show with several great villains that truly stand out, and while Meruem was memorable, pardon me for believing that Hisoka was the standout villain from that show. A devious killer and master Nen user, Hisoka is driven by little more than his desire to find and kill strong opponents. Be they young children or master criminals, he’ll pursue them to the ends of the Earth with a bloodlust on par with that of a wild predator. Likewise, he doesn’t care what happens to himself or others in this pursuit. Mass civilian casualties, the loss of his own villainous allies or even the loss of his own limbs barely phases him, so long as he gets to fight with someone that tests his limits. As a result, he more often than not embodies chaos incarnate, wreaking havoc in his pursuit of battle and leaving a mountain of corpses behind him. Needless to say, this puts him at odds with the series’ protagonists at regular intervals. Not only do Gon and his friends fit the bill for what he seeks, but they often take on enemies that prove to be exactly what Hisoka is looking for. And yet, this also serves to make him all the more interesting. Where other villains might strike out at the protagonists and heroes immediately, Hisoka schemes, allies himself with and double-crosses people regularly, always finding the best angle to work in order to reach his goals. He may not be a world-ending anime villain on the level of a Meruem with seismic ambitions, but he’s undeniably the most interesting and brilliant villain in Hunter x Hunter to see at work.
#8. Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!): If you think of a list of top anime villains and this guy isn’t one of the first people who comes to mind, please raise your hands so I can have a few words with you in private with no cameras or eyewitnesses. The crazy thing about Izaya is that he doesn’t even realize he’s evil, and that’s what makes him great. He loves humanity; from the depths of his bones he loves us all. This is why he makes it onto my list; he does progressively more cruel acts against humans, putting people in situations that generally lead to their deaths. He is also a master of parkour and highly skilled with a switchblade in his hand (as evident in the above picture), which he generally only uses in dire situations or fights against Shizuo. In short, I absoulutely love this guy. I thoroughly enjoyed the way he manages to manipulate an entire populous, and that’s why he’s more than earned a spot on my list.
#7. Dio Brando (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure): You might have thought it was someone else, but it was me, Dio! All meme-worthy jokes aside, Dio Brando is unquestionably one of the most iconic anime villains of all time and, thanks to his series’ late-blooming popularity outside of Japan thanks largely to the 2012 anime adaptation, one that still feels modern in our minds. Dio is a tenacious bastard that takes advantage of the generosity of the Joestar family to further his own power, being intolerably dickish to Jonathan by constantly tearing him down, trying to make him look bad in front of his dad, spreading rumors to sully his reputation, and sabotaging his relationships. This escalates into killing his dog (his f***ikg dog of all things!), poisoning and later stabbing his adoptive father (I mean WTF!), and becoming a freakin vampire. Even after decapitation, Dio gets his revenge and sets in motion many of the events of the series, making a formal return in Stardust Crusaders as the main villain once again. With raw ambition taken to the extreme, iconic lines, poses, and outfits, incredible abilities from Aztec mask-induced vampirism and the time-stopping power of The World, Dio’s menacing presence towers over his series and over anime as a whole, which makes him MORE than deserving of a spot on my list.
#6. Light Yagami (Death Note): Yes, he’s a VILLAIN, get over yourselves Light Yagami fanboys! Anyway, there are a number of different adjectives and superlatives that could be used to described the lead character of Death Note: Diabolical, calculating, and determined to make the world in his own image all describe Light who was easily the most clever man in  Death Note, as evidenced by the layers upon layers that composed his elaborate plans.  Light started out as a good kid, doing well in school and heading to a bright career in police work like his father. But when he gets possession of the death note, he begins a remarkable descent into a disturbing mastermind who becomes judge, jury, and executioner for the entire world. But what truly makes Light's character stand out remains complicated throughout the story. His ultimate goal is to make the world a happier, safer place; a noble but perhaps misguided goal. His idealism and nobility still shine through when he doesn’t have the Death Note. When he temporarily relinquishes ownership of the death note to throw L off his trail, Light loses all memory of the death note and he reverts to his normal personality. His sense of morality returns and he shows more compassion for those around him. He even refuses to use Misa Amane to get information out of her when L asks him to. These qualities help to create a complex character who ends up being a detestable villain, yet you still kind of root for him to come out of this story as a winner. Light’s progression through the series is marked by his sheer brilliance. He's got a calculated and strategic mind that would make the great philosopher Machiavelli jealous, and the power of the death note adds a callousness that makes him free to use people in whatever way necessary to accomplish his goals. It’s highly entertaining to see his intricate plans play out. But Light’s messiah-like ego is just as big as his brain, and that arrogance ultimately leads to his tragic downfall.
#5. The Major (Hellsing): An evil Nazi Scientist, I know everyone is just rolling their eyes right now thinking I’m reaching for the low-hanging fruit for this one, but just hear me out here. While he may seem like an obvious pick for a list like this, The Major’s goals, however, are somehow far more unhinged than what may first appear. Despite being an impassioned orator and uncompromising strategist willing to sacrifice countless soldiers, the Major himself had no especial loyalty or passion for the cause of Millennium. His sole obsession is to plunge the world into an unending conflict to the point of endangering not only the lives of others but also his own. The Major’s leadership of Millennium, his decades espousing the genocidal ideology of fascists, and subsequent war against the Hellsing organization, the Vatican, and the entire world serve only as a pretext to satiate his insatiable bloodlust. The Major is one of anime’s most insidious villains, a charismatic, nihilistic sociopath driven purely by his sadomasochistic death wish.
#4. Shou Tucker (Fullmetal Alchemist): Now, you may be recalling that in my previous version of this list, I had Envy listed as my choice as my favorite villain from this show. Well after careful reconsideration, I’ve had to reevaluate my decision and give that spot to this creep, because while Envy’s actions were despicable to a point, they PALE in comparison to this guy! He only really appears in one episode if I remember correctly, yet in that one single episode, he made more of an impact then most villains make in a lifetime, which really says a lot about this guy’s character. What was it that made him so memorable you ask? Well, it could have something to do with the fact that this man transmutaed his own dog and daughter to create a talking chimera, which hadn’t been done before, and for what other reason…all in the name of recognition in the world of alchemy! That mere fact alone made this guy the most hated man in all of anime, the fact that he sacrificed his own family for the sake of fame, with absolutely no hint of remorse, made this guy the definition of an absolute living piece of shit and the only thing worse is how the episode ended, but I won’t spoil that one for you if you haven’t seen it.
#3. Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Up next is a man competing with the likes of Medusa Gorgon for the title of “Anime’s Worst Parent”, Gendo Ikari, please step up to the front of the congregation. Now Gendo is a man who’s list of atrocities throughout Evangelion is far too many to name, but I’m going to try my best to list them here: You have being actively complicit in the premature instigation of a biblical apocalypse, resulting in a near extinction-level event that caused the death of nearly two-thirds of the human population. Emotionally neglecting his own son Shinji estranging himself from him for over twelve years, only to offer him up as a sacrificial pawn in his bid to artificially bootstrap humanity’s ascent into evolutionary godhood so that he could be reunited with his dead wife. Cloning said wife’s DNA into a harem of emotionally dependent albino ingenues who share a dogged infatuation for their creator. And that’s not even mentioning the horrific emotional abuse and mental manipulation he inflicts on Dr. Ritsuko Akagi and her mother Naoko. All-in-all Gendo is proof positive that love not only has the capacity to overcome any obstacle, but sometimes it can truly make monsters out of us all.
#2. Griffith (Berserk): Griffith did nothing wrong; at least, not by his own drives and ambitions. A peasant who grew to become the leader of his own mercenary band, Griffith was a self-driven man who pursued his desires with unparalleled efficiency. No matter the situation or obstacle, he found a way to overcome them, whether that meant facing down an army of thousands or assassinating a country’s leaders. All the while, he amassed a legion of friends and followers who would follow him to hell and back, caring for him as much or more than he cared for them. As a result, they were dragged down with him when his ambitions saw him imprisoned, tortured and maimed. They cared little though, risking life and limb to save him and help him salvage a life with what he had left. That wasn’t enough for Griffith though. When given the option to become a demon and continue the pursuit of his dreams, he whole-heartedly accepted it; even though it came at the cost of sacrificing the lives of each and every one of his friends and allies. But that wasn’t the worst of it, to further spite the early desertion of Guts, Griffith proceeds to rape Casca, Guts’ love interest, in front of him as Guts is held down by demons. So yes, Griffith did nothing wrong by himself. By everyone else though, he did them the worst of injustices, and continues to do so with each breath he takes, all of which makes him a compelling and infuriating villain.
#1. Johan Liebert (Monster): I’ve covered a wide variety of monsters (pun fully intended) on this list, but THIS monster (again, pun FULLY intended) truly takes the cake when it comes to anime villains. A serial killer who would fit in well in any blockbuster film, Monster told the story of a man who had truly become monstrous; a charismatic, intelligent sociopath with no other goal than to kill everyone else in the world. Johan didn't just kill people, he made other people into monsters just like him. This skill of his corruption is first displayed in his youth, when he used stories to convince the other boys in his orphanage to kill all the staff, and each other. Johan is often compared to Light Yagami of Death Note, but the two couldn’t be any more different. Light's fatal (and genius) flaw is his own ego, which leads him to put his own life above all else, even his goal of changing the world. But Johan has never been afraid of death. Quite the opposite, he welcomes and embraces it, being more than willing to put his own life at risk, and one of his signature traits is how he challenges people to shoot him. Another of Jonah’s signature traits is his skills as a masterful manipulator. Where Light and other on this list had to resort to supernatural means to get what they wanted, Johan just used his own wits and knowledge of human nature. He's easily the most frightening villain on this list because he’s the truest to life villain on this list and he exposes the base human nature of his victims and of human society. Monster's remarkable story was almost entirely due to Johan alone, and it’s why he’s #1 on my list.
So that's my updated list, what did you guys think about it? Love it, hated it? Go on and tell me what you think and let me know who your favorite anime villains are. See you soon!!!
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/darkchild316
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goutheswimqueen · 3 years
thoughts on free! s3? what do you think went wrong/right/what you wish it would’ve went etc
I could quite literally go on FOREVER about season 3 and y’know what you asked for it so I’m just gonna ramble until I feel good about it lmao.
Now first I have to say that I wholeheartedly love season 3 with the deepest passion in my bones. I genuinely didn’t think that we were ever going to GET a season 3 in the first place, so the fact that it exists is just... so meaningful to me as someone whose favorite franchise is Free! and someone whose life was saved by these dumbass swimmers. 
I will say that season 3 isn’t what I wanted from it. I wanted it to be centered on Nagisa, Rei, Gou, Sousuke, Ai, and Momo. I love Haru with my entire being but I really really REALLY wanted to see a series centered on the Iwatobi trio. They’re so underrated and I felt like they were lowkey sidelined in Eternal Summer so I wanted to see them shine and grow together in their third year. But of course Kyoani has just been setting them aside more and more as time has gone on so I feel like that was nothing but a hopeless dream lmao. I have a lot of headcanons and AUs about what went on with everyone who was still in Iwatobi while the rest of the gang was in Tokyo. The little bits that Kyoani gave us of them were beautiful, I will admit. Episode 11 is my FAVORITE episode of season 3. The fact that Rei WON A NATIONAL RACE??? Like, come on. I wish we could’ve seen the work that he put in to even be able to do that in the first place. That moment where he ponders what he’ll be doing after high school really gets to me too because I would love to know what the fuck he and the others are gonna do. I wish we could’ve seen the moments in their third year that led to whatever decisions they will make. I wanted to see the Iwatobi trio go through the absolute wringer together lmao. I wanted angst I wanted to see their journey that led them to where they are now. I wanted to see more of them growing with the new trio too. I wanted to learn more about Gou and Sousuke’s past through their interactions in her third year. If the season was longer I feel like they could’ve had it be half the Iwatobi arc and half the Tokyo arc, y’know what I mean?
Nonetheless, I love season 3 for what it was. I’m so beyond happy that they brought in Asahi, Ikuya, Natsuya, and Nao, you have no idea. The High Speed! characters hold such a special place in my heart. I wish Asahi would’ve had more of an arc/character development though, and I wish Nao was more included. I think Natsuya’s character arc was my favorite of the whole season. Seeing the trash traveling man that he had become and his interactions with Rin and Sousuke really stuck with me for some reason. And that line that he had when he was talking to Ikuya and fucking crying like, “a dream to fight for my strength and pride, plain and simple.” That shit fucked me up bro. We all meme about Natsuya a lot but I feel like there’s a lot of deeper shit there that’s yet to be explored. When we met Ryuuji I was genuinely convinced that he was Ikuya and Natsuya’s father because it would explain a lot about Natsuya’s behavior. A trash dad who wasn’t really there for his family and just kinda fucked off to travel the world training swimmers until he found one that met his expectations? That would’ve added so much to Natsuya and Ikuya’s background stories and their character arcs. Like can you imagine? Natsuya not initially going into professional swimming because the fact that his father LEFT to find a swimmer to train instead of training his own damn son because he didn’t see that potential in him??? Natsuya being inspired by Ikuya to work hard to prove their father wrong??????? Nao punching Ryuuji square in the nose the moment he sees him???????????? A fucking gold mine that Kyoani could’ve dove into, but no he’s related to Shizuru lmao. 
I could go on forever about Natsuya in season 3 cuz I just really, really loved his arc but I’m gonna keep rolling haha. Hiyori was probably the most unexpected thing from season 3 and I just... love him so much. Like his absolute snakey behavior gave me the same chills that that scene of Sousuke pushing Haru against a vending machine in episode 2 of Eternal Summer gave me. I LOVE that shit. The Free! antagonists just keep getting bitchier and bitchier lmao. I also relate to Hiyori on a deeper level. I too have been selfishly protective of my best friends in a way that... really just wasn’t the way to go. Like jeez Hiyori I understand how you feel but maybe let them talk to Ikuya at least once??? Chill with the possessiveness? Idk I know Hiyori is the source of a lot of discourse lol, but that’s just how I feel because of my own similar experiences with myself and others who’ve acted in a similar way. I do wish his beef at the other boys wasn’t solved by just fuckin... swimming with Haru lmfaoooooo. Like I wish they just would’ve added more to his conversation with Ikuya when he asked him to join the relay with him.
I was quite satisfied with Rin’s arc in season 3. It just like, made perfect sense to me I guess lmao. I know he wasn’t there much but I don’t know what else they could or should have done with him, if that makes sense. The fact that his coach is Ai’s uncle is just the best thing ever too lmao.
I was also very happy with Haru’s arc actually!! Seeing how much he has grown makes me feel like a proud mom. Ya boi is tired of the bullshit and the miscommunication haha. Of course I’ll always wish he didn’t go into pro swimming but alas, gotta deal with it I guess. I love his dynamic with Ryuuji and the way that he has dealt with pro swimming though. And his decision to go into the individual medley absolutely made me lose my mind. I didn’t know I needed to see him swim the other strokes until it happened and I just, I loved that so muchhh. 
I alsooooo enjoyed Ikuya’s arc. Seeing someone from your past again like that can 100% have that effect on you. I just kinda wish we understood more about like, why he just randomly faints while swimming sometimes? I feel like they didn’t solidly explain it? Cuz I don’t think it was always from overworking himself. Idk maybe I’m just a dumbass and remembering incorrectly.
Kisumi deserved better. YOU CAN’T TELL ME THIS BOY DOESN’T HAVE UNDERLYING ANGST THAT KYOANI HASN’T DELVED INTO. He gave us that line of “We’ll never make friends like the ones we had back then” and then him worrying about whether or not there was anything he could do to help with the Ikuya situation. This boy feels left out and you can’t tell me otherwise and it is 100% because of the fact that he’s not a swimmer. Someone give this boy a basketball team that he can experience that kind of bond with PLEASE. I AM BEGGING ON MY KNEES!!!
Makoto also deserved better. Like, okay, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely loved his arc with the kids and Nao and all that. I love his new dream. BUT!!! Kyoani has yet to go into depth with his insecurities with Haru. I’m still not over that damn dream he had on that bus. All we got in season 3 was Makoto’s aNGSTY looks when it came to his relationship with Haru lmao. GIVE MAKOTO A BIGGER ROLE AND A BIGGER ARC DAMMIT. He’s one of the most popular characters I’m surprised his angst hasn’t been touched on more. This dumbass just needs to stop holding things in i SWEAR TO GAWD.
I thought the inclusion of Albert was kinda weird, dunno what the point of him is aside from making Haru shake in his bones. Kinjou is definitely interesting. He scares me lmao, but I am here for that. Give us an antagonist who is just absolutely unhinged at this point LMAO. I have some headcanons about him too but I feel like the new movie coming up is going to crush my dreams soooo yeah.
Isuzu is a goddess. I’m so happy she’s finally here and she has a name and a FACE. We learned that the Mikoshiba bros had a sister before we even knew that Momo existed lmao (Sei mentioned her in a drama cd from season 1). I almost thought they were never going to give her to us but she’s here and she’s beautiful and she’s everything that I wanted her to be. I’m so happy she thinks Gou is cute and that GOU LIKES HER and I just ugh yes thank you so much Kyoani I never expected that we’d actually get this but I’m so happy we have it. I hope she goes to Hidaka Uni and gets to race Haru like she wanted haha. And I’m so happy we got to see her swim! Our first in-anime female swimmer with a name. I love her.
Speaking of FEMALE SWIMMERS. Sighhhhhh.... My biggest disappointment. Aki Yazaki. Where is she? We deserve her!! I promise we do!! She was SUCH an important character in the High Speed! novels and kyoani decided that she just doesn’t exist anymore lmao (biggest reason why I’m not the biggest fan of the Starting Days movie). At this point I’ve lost hope that she’ll ever be included in the anime, and it makes me so sad. I love her so much and there’s so much potential for an amazing beautiful story arc with her if she reunited with the boys. I don’t think we’re going to get a season 4, (the new movie is scaring me making me think it’s the end of the series with the way it’s been advertised...) but if we DID get one I imagine it beginning with Haru walking through a snowy day, huddling close to himself to shelter from the cold, when he passes by a tall figure and catches a glimpse of familiar caramel hair with a loose little braid peeking out from behind one ear and a large scarf that has gotten quite messed up over years of wear and tear, a memory clicks in his mind like a light switch and he stops in his tracks to turn around and let a long forgotten name slip from his lips: “Yazaki Aki?” ... cue opening sequence. LIKE WOULDN’T THAT BE SO AMAZING???????? I WOULD FUCKING SHIT MYSELF OKAY YOU DON’T UNDERSTANDDDD. Aki is one of my favorite characters I’m so mad she wasn’t in season 3. I’m also mad that Satomi Nii wasn’t there either like!!! She would make a great trio with Ikuya and Hiyori that’s all I’m sayinggggg. I would probably start crying if either of them showed up at some point like genuinely I would just be a mess sobbing on the floor. ALSO I FEEL LIKE GOU AND ISUZU WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM LIKE PLS GIVE ME THE GIRLS THAT WE DESERVE!!!
The art style of season 3 was pretty good. The only thing that bothered me about it was how fucking WIDE the characters’ shoulders were sometimes. Especially with the big bois like Makoto and Sousuke. Like please god no stop that. I’m always gonna miss the art style from season 1 tho, the crazy expressions n shit that were there were just too GOOD lmao. I feel like in season 3 they kind of attempted to bring that back but it just wasn’t executed the same and done to the same extent. R.I.P. the comedy from season 1, it will be forever missed.
I love the opening and ending themes, always. So fucking good. I’m so happy all the characters were included in the end theme animation sequence. I’ll never get over Gou and her BEAUTY.
ANYWAYS. Those are my thoughts in the general sense. Idk if I forgot anything because I have so many thoughts that’re all unorganized haha. If anyone wants me to talk in more detail about anything specific I am soooooo down! Thank you for sending in this ask, talking about this show makes me happy hehe.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
It is time, once again, friends, for me to watch a Bleach Filler Arc and tell you about it. It is time for the Zanpakutou Rebellion.
I wasn’t really sure I wanted to do this one for a number of reasons, but we watched the second episode last night, and it featured Rukia and Renji fighting back-to-back, and sorry fam, we’re doing this, you’re getting the full force of my zanpakutou spirit headcanons whether you want them or not.
Chrome updated and stopped letting me take screenshots a while ago and I am too lazy to figure out another way, so I figured it would be easier to just illustrate these myself. Let’s see how this goes.
Okay, one thing up front. My attitude towards Bleach filler has always been that it’s just for fun, and it’s up to you, the reader/viewer, whether you want to take any of it as canon or not. I, personally, do not accept this story arc as canon, but I honestly don’t care if you do. My main problem is that I don’t think zanpakutou spirits should be humanoid as a rule, although I do headcanon that most zanpakutou can choose how to manifest themselves, and so they may have a humanoid representation, but that’s not necessarily how they usually appear, which also explains why a lot of the shinigami has trouble recognizing their zanpakutou. I also think Muramasa made Hozukimaru put on that skirt, Hozukimaru has the demeanor of a being who does not believe in pants of any variety.
Anyway, as usual, I am ahead of myself. We starts in a cave that looks exactly like the cave from the Bount arc, with some ominous stuff, but I don’t care, I want to talk about Byakuya! Fighting! Renji!  
I think every filler arc has an OP with Byakuya fighting Renji that never actually happens, but right here! First episode! Byakuya fighting Renji while Squad 6 stands around and jeers! Kyouraku and Ukitake are here, too, for some reason! It’s super lit! Byakuya stops paying attention halfway through, but he wins anyway and negs Renji a little, and Renji thanks him for the fight very earnestly and Kyouraku and Ukitake tell Renji he did a good job. This is honestly all I want out of Bleach filler. This is my happy place. Thank you, Zanpakutou Arc for these beautiful Squad 6 hijinks.
As if I weren’t on a big enough high, now we cut to Squad 10, where Matsumoto is lounging on the Crash Couch. Hinamori and Isane come in to hand-deliver an invtation to a vice-captains meeting (Aren’t they just… like… on Wednesdays?) and to complain about their zanpakutou (boy, I wish we got to see Isane’s zanpakutou in this arc!! But no!!) Matsumoto, once again, claims to be training for bankai, mostly by complaining a lot. Hitsugaya grumps around, grumpily.
All of this is so, so perfect, I just need a trip with Iba to the shinigami pub, but instead, everyone gets a mysterious invitation from the Captain Commander to come to Soukyoku Hill at midnight. Really? I would not go.
Regardless, everyone goes. This scene is great because there are too many characters standing around and this is filler meaning the animators phoned it in, so whenever one character is talking, there are at least three people in the background not moving and making a facial expression that does not go with whatever else is going on. For example, Sasakibe shows up and falls over, and his body is just… there. In the middle of everything. Also, it’s mostly captains and vice-captains, but also Ikkaku and Yumichika and Rukia are there. Someone’s like, “Hey, Ikkaku and Yumichika, why are you here?” and they’re like, “Uh, Zaraki and Yachiru are on a business trip” and then someone else is like “Hey, Rukia, why are you here?” and she just does Big Shrug Arms. This is perfect Big Filler Energy. They are here because we want to see their embodied zanpakutou spirits obviously, why must you demand explanations?
Anyway, Muramasa shows up in hall his Hot Topic glory and waves his scary fingernails and cries blood and announces that all the zanpakutou have rebelled. Then follows a hilarious scene where everyone tries to do their releases and it doesn’t work.
Episode ends/next episode begins.
Ichigo is bouncing around Karakura, like he does, when Rukia falls out of a senkaimon in the sky. (They can make them next to the ground, I don’t know why they never do) Sode no Shirayuki then shows up and it takes Ichigo a phenomenally long amount of time to figure out who she is. To be honest, I would love if this arc went in the direction that Shirayuki has it out for Ichigo for taking Rukia’s powers (Zanpakutou Headcanon #2: Zanpakutou spirits have zero perspective outside of their shinigami being the most important thing in the world to them, and Shirayuki, especially brainwashed Shirayuki, would love to take a piece out of Ichigo. Obvs, they would become best friends after Ichigo defeats her, as is his way).
After being suitable ominous, Shirayuki ollies out, and Ichigo takes Rukia back to the Shoten for Orihime-heals and flashbacks.
Rukia recaps back to Soukyoku Hill, except this time, Renji’s the only one trying fruitlessly to do his release. One reading of this, is that it’s just a recap, we don’t need to see all this again, except that then they cut to Byakuya making the Mariah Carey “I don’t know her face” for like, 10 whole seconds, and it’s sublime.
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Anyway, everyone starts fighting, and Ikkaku tries to attack Komamura’s zanpakutou, which is such a colossally bad idea. I am always hoping that they will kill off characters during filler arcs and then have them be inexplicably alive later, like they used to do on Teen Titans GO! and I absolutely would have offed Ikkaku at this point if I were in charge. The zanpakutou spirits start absolutely trashing the Seireitei, mostly setting things on fire and causing ice avalanches, and just generally going bananas. I really wish there had been a montage of someone cutting heads off parking meters and spray painting “Fuck the Central 46” on the side of Squad 1, but no.
We then see Rukia and Renji running around, fighting together, and I ascended. This is all I ever want. Bless this arc. They get attacked by Sasakibe’s Gonryuu (I wish there was a running gag of no one knowing who he is, and maybe there is, later, I don’t remember) and Hisagi’s Kazeshini, who is the best zanpakutou in this whole arc, he is an unhinged Nightcrawler with sick abs and I love him. I don’t remember what happened next, because I was so distracted by my OTP doing Battle Couple, but Byakuya shows up, standing on a tower (dude likes standing on a tall thing almost as much as Rukia does), so of course, we have to do “Nii-sama!” “Taichou!” B L E S S.
Then Senbonzakura shows up, also standing on a tall rooftop, dunh dunh DUNH! It’s too bad that the Fullbringer arc sort of ruins this because the whole time, I was like “just nail him in the safety zone,” and honestly, Byakuya having a “safety zone” is… well, it’s kinda lame when you say it out loud. Anyway, Rukia flips out, and Renji’s like, “no, no, I’m sure he’s fine,” and then they get avalanched by Sode no Shirayuki and that’s all Rukia remembers.
As usual, no one is the least bit concerned for Renji, but honestly, if anyone can survive being repeatedly Senbonzakured and Hakurened, it’s that guy.
There’s a part where Rukia is telling this story and Ichigo puts his hand on his chest, and you can see the little wheels in his head turning, like, “where do I keep my zanpakutou? Is it here? What is the ‘heart’?”
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Yoruichi shows up to provide more exposition, as is her Filler Arc duty, and they establish that the rebellion seems to have only gone as far as Soul Society.
Ichigo goes home to sleep in his clothes, but the Mod Souls show up to tell him that Rukia went back to Soul Society in the middle of the night. Man, the Mod Souls are in this arc, W H Y ? ? ?
Urahara agrees to send Ichigo to Soul Society why WHY W H Y would you send the guy with the awesomest and most DNGAF zanpakutou to the place where the zanpakutou are rebelling??? At this point, if I hadn’t seen this before, I would definitely assume that Urahara was behind all of this.
Some other points: Why would you not take Chad and Ishida and Orihime (and Yoruichi, for that matter), people with powers who don’t have zanpakutou? Truly, I tell you, Chad does not mind being woken up for this, and Ishida would love the chance to smugly show up and lecture a bunch of powerless shinigami. Also, if I were in Bleach, you better bet my first reaction to everything would be to ask Orihime to try to reject it, no matter how dumb it sounded. It’s worth a try! I would not go anywhere without Orihime. Orihime is the GOAT. Did we all forget the part in the Bount Arc where she killed some friggin’ ninja? I sure didn’t.
Anyway, that’s it for this time, keep tuning for next episode, where Ichigo will surely have regrets.
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ladywindrunner · 4 years
Due to… whatever in god’s name Blizzard is doing, I’ve decided I’m officially making Sylvanas Windrunner canon-divergent. Do not get me wrong, Sylvanas will continue to be an absolute bitch and snake, but I’m no longer going to struggle to fit her into whatever unhinged supervillain Blizzard wants her to be.
From here on out, the verse The Dark Lady will follow the below historical timeline. I will of course update my page to reflect the divergence but – you’ve all been warned.
a very special thank you to @fatesblades @windrunnerrs & @lady-proudmoore for helping me sort through this clusterfuck of an expansion, and ensuring I kept the divergence accurate and straightforward. 
please look under the cut for the complete rewrite ❤︎ thank you all for your patience c:
Sylvanas would never agree or entertain any arrangement with the Jailer. She will never serve another, and that includes some random being in the Shadowlands. Her allegiance with the Horde irks her enough, but she suffers through it out convenience and need.
The Forsaken need allies, they do not need another death-dealing master who wishes to use them as a weapon.
(the only way Blizzard could salvage that plot is if she planned on betraying the Jailer, but it’s still… tired and urgh.)
She is absolutely a treacherous bitch and you should definitely not trust her (especially if you’re alive).
Sylvanas does not, and probably will never respect Anduin as a king. He’s nothing but a child leading nations. She would absolutely use his naivety and good nature against him.
She is a manipulator, and will never brazenly attack an enemy or insinuate herself in a plot unless said person is either someone she can trust (Nathanos) or she’s about to murder them (see: everyone else).
The Forsaken are her people, and she cares about their well-being. If she didn’t it would almost be as if the last years of content and character development meant fuck all for the sake of needing a villain (i’m not bitter, you’re bitter).
Following the Battle for the Broken Shore, as Vol’jin struggles against his mortal wound and the insidious taint of Fel within him… “You do not honestly believe Baine will be beneficial for the Sin’dorei.” Sylvanas’ remark strikes a painful chord within the Regent-Lord, despite his mistrust of her intentions. He watches her with obvious suspicion.
If the Windrunner he knew still lingered in the woman before him, she’d long become impossible to glimpse.
“It does not surprise me you speak of treachery,” Lor’themar counters, eyes narrowed. “Do you remember nothing of loyalty, Banshee Queen?”
        Her smirk vile, as is the crimson glare of her dead eyes.
        “Do not play as if you care for the Tauren, Lor’themar,” she chuckles, “And I am not suggesting we kill Baine, I am simply bringing a far more agreeable solution to the forefront.”
        “Vol’jin will never name you,” Lor’themar scowls. He does not care for the troll, nor his obvious pick, but Sylvanas would be the very last name on the list. She was Queen of the Forsaken, a viper lurking in the tall grass.
        The Sin’dorei was having trouble recalling a soul she hadn’t betrayed.
        “Imagine if he were to pass with only a chosen few present,” she mused aloud, “Only those few would know which name he spoke…”
        “And what benefit do you bring to the Sin’dorei?” Lor’themar nearly snarled. He had not forgotten her aid in seeing his people into the Horde, but she’d been quick to use that against him.
        The comment annoys her; she gives him a piercing glare.
        “We’re at war, Lor’themar,” she snaps. Her tone lacks its ordinary taunting tone – it is flat with cruel fact. “Do tell me, who do you believe would lead the Horde to victory? Baine? He treasures peace more than sense. He would give ground when he should hold. Gallywix would sell us all for a single gold coin if it’d see his own life spared, and I imagine the Legion can offer him far more.”
        If Lor’themar agreed to the plan, she could sway Gallywix easily with payment. The very reason she didn’t wish for the goblin to be in charge, was also the best method of convincing the merchant lord to lie.
“And the last orc who led the Horde, led us into war, and is arguably responsible for the catastrophe we have now…” Sylvanas quirked a brow at the man, her smile returning, “So who does that leave? You?” She stifled half a chuckle, “a man who doesn’t even wish to lead his own people. You have the military sense, Lor’themar. You simply do not possess the ambition.”
        He glowered at her, “I would sooner lead the Horde than trust you to remember who came to your aid.”
        Windrunner said nothing for a moment, her smile growing slightly as she considered him. He’d grown wiser.
        “Pray-tell then Regent-Lord, what do you want in return?”
Vol’jin’s death came swiftly, the grievous wound causing the troll untold agony before he slips away (the speed would have been surprising to the three, if they hadn’t possessed the knowledge that foreign poison masked by the demonic influence, was raging through the Warchief’s veins). Sylvanas Windrunner, Gallywix, and Lor’themar Theron witness the man’s demise together.
His last decree as Warchief was to name Baine Bloodhoof to take his place.
        His final command would never reach the others, however. Their lies spun well, Sylvanas saw herself rise to become Warchief.
Peace is not something Sylvanas handles well. The idleness of it bothers her, but she is not foolish enough to think the Horde wishes to be dragged into another war (not one where the Horde is the aggressor). She tolerates the truce about as well as one can imagine. She is a more reclusive Warchief, she does not care for Orgrimmar, she’d rather spend her time with the Forsaken – who have extended a helping hand to the Sin’dorei in reclaiming the Ghostlands.
        A kind gesture, that some see as Sylvanas attempt to placate the more concerned members of the Horde leadership. Some see it as a welcomed change to her character, while others watch her with increased suspicion.
        It does help repair a fractured relationship between the Forsaken the Sin’dorei.
        An unintended, but welcomed happening while Windrunner keeps her word to Lor’themar.
Sylvanas does not support the meeting between the Forsaken and their living family. Following the catastrophic meeting between she and her two sisters, the Banshee Queen is firmly under the belief that it will lead to nothing but heartbreak and undue pain. The living cannot see past undeath, no matter what they claim.
        Receiving the missive from Anduin does nothing but irritate her. His good intentions are viewed by her as a form of manipulation, though she does entertain that he is simply naïve enough to believe that somehow the idea may work to heal old wounds.
        She permits the meeting to take place, and is not surprised to see Forsaken turned away by the living.
        She is taken aback when she witnesses other families accepting their undead companions. She watches in silence as her people find the peace that has eluded her for years.
        “My Queen,” Nathanos’ voice is hushed and careful. She has said nothing for some time, her expression is something unreadable. The crimson light behind her cool eyes has fizzled out, leaving nothing but grey.
        Sylvanas glances to her champion.
        The gaze is different.He does not recognize at first.
        Then he recalls what it is.
        In that fleeting moment, she conveys how pained she was. The agony that reconciliation is possible, just not for her.       
        Sylvanas leaves the exchange, feigning disinterest.    
Yet the Warchief is not without her machinations. She schemes against her closest enemy, the one who ruined her attempts at subduing Eyir, while also discovering a way to bring back into the fold her wayward Forsaken who’ve gone to their living families.
        With peace looming, Sylvanas sets to work placing insurgents within Gilneas. Through them, the Banshee Queen ensures that it is Gilneas who broke the armistice. Witnesses on both sides saw Worgen soldiers attacking Forsaken troops.
        She calls for the Forsaken in Stormwind to return to Lordaeron, citing concerns over their safety as the Alliance has proven they are incapable of peace with the undead.
        Most return to the Horde, peace once again hanging by thread. They have no reason to believe they too have fallen prey to her cunning ruse.
        The peace broken, Sylvanas needs no other reason to march on Gilneas. Undead forces wait before Greymane gate, and in response the Gilneans prepare for war.
        But it is not the Forsaken who raze Gilneas. Sylvanas engages the enemy in frivolous skirmishes, biding her time until the orcish fleet reaches the shores of the enemy kingdom.
        The orcs sweep across Gilneas from the sea, while the Forsaken push inwards from the borders of Lordaeron.
        With nowhere to run, the stationed Alliance forces succumb to the combined might of the pincer strike. They simply cannot fight a war on two fronts, and it is not long before they collapse.
        Horde soldiers are careful not to cut down any man who surrenders, a specific instruction from their Warchief. A gesture seen as a mercy (while in reality, a convenient manipulation by the Banshee Queen, further implicating Gilneas as the aggressor, and that she is trying to be a worthy leader).
Gilneas is inducted into Lordaeron and becomes Forsaken territory. Prisoners are treated with some dignity. Only a handful are executed when they attempt a desperate escape that inevitably fails.
        Sylvanas wastes no time raising those who fought against her as Forsaken, swelling her numbers while the Horde celebrates a well fought victory.
Peace returns, though in the form of a cold war. Relations between the Horde and Alliance are strained, but there is little evidence that anyone is going to break the peace. Sylvanas knows that Genn is biting at the bit for vengeance, and delights in the knowledge that eventually the old dog is going to shatter the truce on his own accord.
        She is careful to ensure the Forsaken think little of Calia Menethil (who has since revealed herself). Who is she to return now and call herself queen of anyone or anything? She uses propaganda so her people see it as Alliance mind-games.
        The Dark Lady watches over them, not a Menethil.
While she doesn’t care for the unforeseen irritation, at the moment she can do nothing about Calia without the assumption she is responsible for it.
        Sylvanas eventually trades the Alliance prisoners for Zul and Talanji. Always seeking allies, they are inducted into the Horde, but find themselves suffering through the delicate peace.
        The Speaker of the Horde brings Sylvanas the infamous dagger Blade of the Black Empire, though they claim to have little recollection as to why. While a valuable object, it was not one that the Warchief was seeking out (and the lack of knowledge the Speaker possess, makes the Banshee Queen nervous). She was suspicious of the motivation of the individual who gave it to her, but took the offering despite the uncertainty.
        The struggling peace between the Alliance and the Horde is somehow sustaining itself (much to the annoyance of Sylvanas, who cannot break the peace openly). She permits the Forsaken to visit their families, though they must return for their own safety (having ample success in convincing her people the majority of the living are notto be trusted), and she does allow limited numbers of humans into Lordaeron to see their families.
        When the mysterious Empress Azshara contacts her, Sylvanas appears to cement an agreement that would see the Alliance decimated, clearing the way for the Horde to rise. Through some means Sylvanas cannot ascertain, the Queen of the Naga has become aware of her possession of Blade of the Black Empire.
        She agrees to meet Azshara, and keeps the meeting secret from all but her Champion Nathanos.
        Queen Azshara’s request is simple, Sylvanas gives her the dagger in exchange for something. Windrunner scoffs at the idea at first, refusing to part with such an item.
        “Surely you wish to do away with the Alliance pests,” Azshara cooed, smirking as she spotted the ever so subtle shift in the Banshee Queen’s form. Of course she was already aware of the answer. She’d spent a long time observing the surface world, ensuring she’d have every advantage. “And I wish to be rid of N’Zoth...”
        “I will not part with the dagger,” Sylvanas states, though she chuckles at the apparent impasse. “But perhaps there is an agreement to be made…”
        The arrangement was simple.
        Azshara would lure the Alliance fleet out into the ocean, and swallow it into her domain.
She would, of course, manipulate this to all appear as N’zoth’s bidding – the Old God was locked away in his failing prison. While his escape was inevitable (though potentially millennia away), he’d be none the wiser in believing Azshara discovered a method to release him.
        The Hero of the Alliance would wield the Heart of Azeroth to defeat Azshara and destroy the Old God for good. N’zoth posed such a threat that the High King would not lose an opportunity to strike at the nefarious enemy.
        With the Alliance none the wiser, Azshara would decimate their forces, using her imposing naga and sea-monsters to whittle away at their army.
        That is when the Horde, lead by Sylvanas, sweeps in to rescue whatever’s left of the Alliance.
        This would all be carefully planned of course, to ensure the Horde arrives too late to stop the Hero of the Alliance from unleashing the Heart of Azeroth’s power upon the prison.
        N’zoth’s jail will be flung open, and in that moment – Sylvanas will be the one to strike at the Old God and slay it.
        Azshara will feign being free of his influence, and slink away into the darkness of the sea. The Horde will appear as heroes.
        Unfortunately for Sylvanas, the plan goes awry.
        Azshara lures the Alliance out into the ocean and attacks. While she holds off their forces, she does not unleash her full might until the Horde arrives.
        The Horde’s fleet arrives earlier then intended due to Lor’themar Theron and Thalyssra’s efforts to speed up the ships and save more lives. Sylvanas finds herself unable to sabotage their efforts without risking her deal be exposed.
        Worse yet, it is only when they arrive that Azshara unleashes her full might. She absolutely decimates the Alliance and Horde, intent on slaughtering whoever stands in her way to obtain the blade.
The dagger comes to be possessed by the Naga Queen when she catches Sylvanas off-guard. The two women fight, but Sylvanas is forced to relinquish the knife when Azshara bests her with potent spells.
She’s spared, seeing herself mocked by the Empress and reminded to keep her mouth shut, otherwise everyone will know of their agreement.
        Thus it becomes a hasty rush to alert the Hero of the Alliance to the truth of the Heart of Azeroth’s purpose, but Sylvanas and her agents are too late.
        Her failure sees N’Zoth freed, though there is a satisfaction in seeing Azshara temporarily subdued.
With the Old God freed from his prison, it wasn’t long before N’Zoth began to corrupt the world. He sent visions into the minds of people, whispering of untold horrors that were near-to arriving.
        Not even Sylvanas Windrunner was immune to his insidious powers.
        The Horde’s pride, once bolstered by a number of strategic victories – is in tatters after Empress Azshara laid waste to them all.
Sylvanas withdraws to Lordaeron, locking herself away as she attempts to regain her footing after such a catastrophic failure. Her pride had seen her trust Azshara, a foolish move that cost her much of her power, despite leaders of the Horde thinking her notions of saving lives good and honourable.
With little option, the Horde and Alliance work together to fight against N’Zoth. The Banshee Queen does not enjoy being so reliant on the Alliance, but she endures the displeasure out of sheer necessity.
A Horrific Vision of Sylvanas Windrunner is present in Capital City in place of Thrall in Orgrimmar.
N’Zoth preyed on Sylvanas’ fear of death, twisting her mind until she believed only the Old God could grant her immortality. Lordaeron is a writhing, disgusting tomb of void-infused undead and ghosts, who feed off live prisoners in grisly rituals.
Occasionally the city is rocked by a deafening, bone-rattling wail.
Outwardly, the Horde enjoys its lasting peace with the Alliance. As both sides nurse their wounds, Sylvanas is distracted by a growing sensation that all is not right.
        While she has no proof of manipulation, the Warchief cannot shake the notion that a new, terrible threat has been watching Azeroth for some time. She finds herself on edge, and sending scouts to all corners of the known world to attempt to find some inkling of what she may be sensing (an endeavour made easier due to the armistice, perhaps the only benefit she’s believed its had).
        She also must suffer with the knowledge that Azshara is alive. Windrunner plots the empress’ downfall, though the process is slow and meticulous. She underestimated the queen’s abilities once, and it cost her both her pride, and the dagger.  
        Sylvanas does not know why Azshara kept their deal secret, but she imagines it is due to some sort of trick the naga will attempt later.  
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camillemontespan · 5 years
the making of drake walker [interview]
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@jovialyouthmusic @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @sirbeepsalot @moonlightgem7 @pug-bitch @burnsoslow @ibldw-main @mskaneko @emceesynonymroll @katedrakeohd @emichelle @notoriouscs @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @star-spangled-eyes @drakesensworld @gardeningourmet @rainbowsinthestorm @stopforamoment @dcbbw @iplaydrake @drakewalkerisreal @nazariortega
The Duke of Valtoria gives a deep chuckle as he studies the screen that shows the photographs of him for this interview. He points at the photograph that will become our chosen cover and says with his face blushing, 'My wife will frame that one.'
I look at the photograph and avert my eyes. It's a good picture of the Duke of Valtoria. It's completely different to most stiff upper lipped Dukes who have been our interview subjects before - for one thing, he is standing in a swimming pool with a white t-shirt that has gone see through, showing off his broad chest and muscles. He is the complete opposite of what you imagine a Duke to look like and I have to say that the change is very much welcome.
He's wearing a denim shirt now and his hair has been dried. We sit down at the bar by the hotel pool and he orders two coffees for us.
Drake Walker has been the Duke of Valtoria for five years. In this time, he has married the woman of his dreams, become a father to two children and set up a mental health campaign which has exploded into something much bigger than he anticipated - more on this later. He has had a busy five years and I wonder how he feels.
'I feel really good,' he tells me with a warm smile. 'Genuinely really good. I finally feel comfortable in my own skin which has been a long time coming, believe me.’ 
I’m meeting him today to discuss the expansion of his mental health campaign, Mind over Matter. What started as a small campaign to raise awareness of mental health in men has now switched up a gear and is being made into a registered charity. 
In case you missed it (have you been living under a rock?) Mind over Matter is a mental health campaign which involved Drake, his friends and men in Cordonia going on outdoor activities. What was mocked as simply being a glorified 'boys weekend' was suddenly praised when Drake had the idea to Vlog their activities. As the men trekked up mountains, abseiled, kayaked etc, they opened up and started talking about their worries, fears and hopes. It became a safe space for men who felt like they couldn't share feelings. Maxwell Beaumont admitted that he still thought about his mother who passed away when he was ten years old, but he didn't want to burden his brother. Drake told him to be honest because 'you are brothers, you're blood. Share the load.' As they talked, a charity donation line was set up so viewers could donate money to various mental health charities. It became a huge deal and it was all the brainchild of Drake Walker. Did he see this coming?
'Never in a million years,' he answers honestly. 'But now it's happened? I want to go bigger. I want it to become one of the main charities in Cordonia. If there's a guy out there struggling with depression, anxiety, alcoholism, anything, I want him to know he can contact Mind over Matter so he can speak to a qualified health professional and get the help he needs. I don't want anyone else to feel as alone as I did.'
I ask him to elaborate. He smiles. 'Growing up in court, I felt like an outcast. I hated everyone and they acted like I was the shit on their shoe. I built up walls around myself - no, scratch that, I built a fucking fortress - and I didn't let anyone in. But it all changed when I met Camille.. She basically saved my life.'
I've met Camille a handful of times and she's always been warm and kind. She looks like the type of woman you can share a bottle of wine with and chat about men. Drake let's out a deep laugh. 'Oh my god, she is! If you ask her to do that, she would do it. She's always up to talk.'
I imagine she has played a part in making Drake more vocal about his emotions. He nods eagerly. 'Absolutely. When we first met, I was such a dick to her. Thing was, I always found myself watching her, wanting to be part of her conversations but I stopped myself.'
He looks at me seriously. 'Because I felt like I wasn't worthy. Trust me, when people treat you like you're the shit on their shoes, you start to believe it. Why would this amazing woman waste her time talking to me? So I tried to hate her but couldn't. She took the time to talk to me, joke around. She broke down those walls I built and I'm forever grateful to her.'
Drake is keen to stress that he forces himself to be open about his feelings now. 'If I don't, I'm a hypocrite. I am the figurehead of a mental health charity. If I can't discuss how I'm feeling, then how can I preach to everyone else?'
I ask if it takes work. He nods. 'Every day.'
I decide to move the conversation onto something lighter. I want to know about his kids. Are they different?
He grins, happy to be a father. 'Well, Luna is a baby so it's hard to tell, but she is certainly a different baby compared to how Lily was. Luna is so quiet. She observes everything with these big round eyes, like everything is a wonder to her, and I constantly catch myself thinking baby girl, if I could just be in your head for one minute.. '
He goes quiet with a dopey smile on his face. He then shakes his head. 'They both have my smirk though.'
I ask to see the smirk.
He smirks.
Oh my. The Smirk makes me melt (it deserves capital letters).
Drake leans forward and whispers conspiratorially, 'My wife loves my smirk.'
I ask what family life is like. What is a day in the life entail?
'Usually, Lily wake us up when the sun hasn't even risen yet and screams IT'S MORNING TIME! She will usually be carrying her sister. Somehow, Lily's managed to work out how to unhinge the crib which is actually terrifying..'
Secret genius?
Drake chuckles. 'I think she has plans for world domination. She's only five and already, she's got the mind maps and dastardly plots..'
I smile at his easy humour.
'Camille refuses to get a nanny so she will look after Luna while I do the school drop off. I come home, take Luna, Camille goes to her appointments, she comes homes, we switch and I start work.' He stops then looks at me steadily. 'Jesus, this is such a boring article. I'm sorry. I'm a dad now, my life is just nappies, lack of sleep and wondering if my daughter's poo is a natural colour.'
I will be honest here. I've met Drake a few times and he used to be.. Well, he was always friendly, but he was never this forthcoming. Now he opens up more, jokes around, smiles a lot. I ask if Mind over Matter has helped him.
'It has, yes. But also I'm just happy. I feel content, like I'm right where I'm supposed to be, you know? I have an amazing wife, two beautiful daughters and I have a purpose. I'm more sure of myself now.'
Now he seems to have matured, what kind of dad is he? I imagine he's quite serious and overprotective.
He laughs. 'Yes, I'm very overprotective. God, Lily came home the other day and showed me her collection of leaves. Yes, leaves. Apparently, in her class, if a boy has a crush on you, he gifts a girl a leaf and vice versa. Leaves have become a sort of declaration of love. And she has four! FROM THE SAME GUY!'
I tease that Lily has a boyfriend. Drake shudders. 'Don't push me.'
He then grins. 'Clearly, he's got good taste.'
Is he serious then?
'Hell no! I'm honestly a really fun dad. Am I embarrassing? Maybe.. I do Iove a dad joke. But I take part in Lily's tea parties, I wear a plastic crown and everything. Sometimes, if we're pushing the boat out, we pour chocolate milk into the teacups.' He smiles again.' Tea party days are the best days.'
I ask if he can see himself having a son. He bites his lip thoughtfully.
'No.. I used to. When I allowed myself to start dreaming about raising a family, sure I wanted a little Drake Jr. But nah, I like having girls. They're cute and they're miniature versions of their mom. How can I not want that?'
He clearly adores his wife. You see paparazzi pictures of them and they always look so close. Often, Drake would be shielding her from the cameras or taking her hand to help her out of cars. 'I'm a gent,' Drake shrugs. 'I'm also of the opinion happy wife, happy life. She's my priority. Always has been, always will be.'
I ask what's new for the Duchess. She is very engaged with her duties and seems to aways be visiting children's hospitals or promoting charities.
'She fits into her role brilliantly,' Drake tells me. 'Given she was a commoner before, and an American one at that, she's really settled into being a Duchess. I was in awe. She takes the time to get to know her public, she never complains, she cares. I'm so glad that we both got to learn our roles at the same time. She kept me feeling positive.'
Did he ever think negative?
'I always worried I was failing as a Duke,' he admits. 'I thought I wasn't doing anything. I felt like everyone could see right through me.'
Imposter syndrome?
'Yes!' he cries. 'Definitely. It took me a while to find my feet.'
The interview is beginning to wrap up. Since the past five years have been a whirlwind, is he expecting the same to happen for the next five? He is launching Mind Over Matter as a charity after all. He gives me a warm smile. 'Honestly? Once it's launched, I'm taking it easy. I'm taking my family camping for a weekend. I've got it all planned. I know I go camping a lot for Mind Over Matter so you'd think I'd be sick of it but honestly, I don't. I love being outside and if it means I get to have fun with my children, teach them new things and spend time with my wife, I'm happy. But the next five years? You can't plan it. Everything that's happened to me in my life so far, I never imagined ever happening to me. But I'm excited. So fucking excited.'
I can tell you this, reader. Drake has found himself on steady ground. Long may it continue.
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gukknj · 5 years
rebirth (m)︱one
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summary: as you enter a completely new world, you realize that do-overs aren’t always a good thing.
pairing(s): jeon jungkook x feminine reader, park jimin x feminine reader
genre: vampire au
warnings: mentions of death, blood
Eden was built upon the idea of insatiable bloodlust and overall vampiric superiority. It was a place that one could not find so easily unless they were of a supernatural bloodline, completely hidden in the darkest depths of forest and underground beneath the fae tribes. Eden became a place where vampires could come to sate their hunger, discover their hard limits when it came to feeding, truly come into their own as a monster. 
There were also strict rules, of course, rules that prevented the general public of creatures from becoming truly unhinged murderers. Jin made sure that no one could enter his sanctuary without a background check first, as well as other stipulations that caused hundreds of bloodsuckers to give him unbelievable amounts of money. If there was one thing Jin was before a vampire, it was a businessman. 
Jin also hated a lot of things; humans, law and order, women who thought they could seduce him, idiots that turned their children into vampires, and above all else, Park Jimin. 
So, it wasn't a surprise to anyone when the first thing he did upon visiting Jimin's little secluded cabin was pulled his signature combat knife from his pocket and glared at the annoyed, younger man. Well, it was a surprise for you. Jimin had only mentioned this 'all-knowing' Jin as his old friend, but you saw past that lie the moment the tall, powerful man stepped through the door with Chae in tow. 
His expression was both deadly and handsome in equal parts. He had the kind of face that was hard to forget, especially given that a pair of terrifying fangs was placed between his plump pink lips. Behind him, Chae was rolling her eyes at the animosity radiating from both men as they circled each other like wolves. Jimin's face gave nothing away in terms of fright, but you did notice how he quickly gulped once he spotted the shiny weapon Jin wielded. Chae cleared her throat.
"If you two little girls are done pulling pigtails, I'd like to get back to the real issue." She said before turning around to you, lying on the living room couch with a puke bucket beside you filled with blood. Jin and Jimin couldn't hear her, they stared each other down until they were sure neither would make a sneak attack once the other moved. 
"Don't mistake me not punching this knife through your heart for a truce..an understanding. Mercy. Chae's like family to me." Jin spoke with such hatred that it scared you. He then turned to you, cruel brown eyes examining you like a science experiment. He made you feel ashamed to be in the position you were in like you weren't even worthy of being in his presence when you looked so unkempt. You hadn't looked in a mirror in such a long time, but if you had to guess, you probably resembled the walking dead. Not a comforting fact when you realized everyone in the afterlife is objectively hot. 
Jin stalked towards you, crouching once he'd reached your position on the couch. He was so near to you, you nearly forgot how to breathe. Everything about him radiated power and wisdom beyond years. His hand raised to you and you flinched back. He chuckled at your weariness and used his hand to feel the temperature on your forehead.
"You're a jumpy one," He whispered. "I won't hurt you. You must be scared." His voice turned so incredibly soft as he felt all over you, checking your heartbeat and pulse rates. "Is there anything you have a craving for at the moment?" He asked. You shook your head. The idea of blood seemed disgusting to you, especially since you were chucking it up by the boatload. "Are you experiencing sharp pains in your stomach? Speak up."
"Yes. It hasn't gone away." You were aware that your voice was cracked and weak, but there was nothing you could do to stop it. In Chae's long absence, Jimin had given you water, soup, bread and anything that he thought might help get you back in working condition. Nothing stuck. He nodded.
"Any other abnormal instances you'd like to tell me about?"
You think. "It hurts to open my eyes for too long. Sounds are too loud. Lights too bright. My teeth ache.”
He nodded, "Okay, all normal for a transition."
"And I don't remember anything."
He paused. "What do you mean by that? You don't remember being turned?" He asked. Jimin and Chae both lean forward for your explanation and you could feel yourself tearing up as you have to say it for the first time.
"I don't remember myself...who I was...what I did. I know I had a family and friends, but I don't remember them. I don't know who I am." You sniffled and blinked back the tears threatening to fall. Jin barely reacted to your hysterics. He forced your body up as you whimpered, hands traveling up to your head. He prod in a few spots, taking note of your physical reaction to him. 
"She's possibly concussed from her death. The healing process hasn't fully started yet because she hasn't been properly fed. Chae, you said you gave her what type of blood?"
She frowned. "I gave her every type. She barfed it all back up afterward. And she still fucking is. Jin, I don't fucking get it. What's going on?"
"I don't think she needs human blood. That shit only made her sick, it's killing her from the inside out. There are very few cases where this happens, you see. One hundred percent of the time it's an instance where another supernatural species has been turned into a vampire hybrid," Jin scoffed out before turning back to you. He wore a glare now. "And you're trying to tell me that you don't know who the fuck you are."
"Hey!" Jimin shouted, rushing to stand beside you. "Look at her, man! Does it look like she's fucking lying? She has absolutely nothing to gain." He tried to reassure the angry man, but Jin shook his head.
"She has everything to gain. A little half-breed trying to infiltrate my territory and report back to wherever the fuck she came from. You said you found her where? Bleeding out in the middle of our woods?" Jin asked Chae, who looked just as angry as Jimin.
"Shut the fuck up, Jin. If I hadn't found her, she would've died. It would be a pretty shitty plan if it were a real plan and not a delusional fairytale that comes from years of being an asshole to everyone you meet." She seethed. 
"Being around Jimin for so long has made you soft, Chae."
Jimin sneered. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
You sat back and tried to make yourself smaller. Death was beginning to sound like a better fate than to be tied up in the mess unfolding before you. And they just kept going, arguing back and forth, voices rising higher and higher until it felt like all Hell would break loose. Your ears couldn't take the ringing. It protruded your sensitive eardrums like nails against a chalkboard. You finally screamed.
You clutched your head in pain from even your own voice. The three vampires paused their bickering and turned to you with wide eyes. You grabbed Jin, uncaring of his thoughts of you, and used him to lift yourself into a standing position. He raised an eyebrow at that but let you continue to struggle on your two feet, holding the lapels of his pea coat and glaring up at him. 
"I don't give a fuck what you think I'm trying to do. Fix me or fucking kill me." You choked out. Jin smirked. The siblings watched the scene with bated breath, praying that you didn't just sign your death certificate. Jin always was a wild card. 
"Fine," Jin said. "Assuming that you are a poor, defenseless little brat, I will help you move forward in your transition process." He said and Chae let out a sigh of relief. Jimin still stared, worried. "However, if you so dare as to cross me, you're going to wish you died." He threatened, which you didn't take lightly. You nodded in understanding. "I can't help you in this dump where there are only cartoon character Band-Aids and trash cans as puke buckets. You need to come with me. To Eden." 
His eyes bore into yours so intensely that you had to turn. You glanced at Chae, your savior, for her okay on the admission. She bit her bottom lip, refusing to look directly at you. 
"You can't take a baby vamp to that fucking cesspool." Jimin glared. 
"She's a big girl, I'm sure she can make her own decisions." Jin continued to stare down at you. "Jimin's only upset because Eden is only for the most elite of vampires and he isn't on the guest list. We have the best of resources for a fresh one such as yourself. I'll take care of you. And maybe, when you're feeling better, you can come back here to visit." He persuaded. It didn't sound like a bad idea. 
"Say something to her, Chae." 
"I don't think you have a choice. Jin isn't all bad. He's right, actually. We can't help you like this." She pouted. "You'll be in better hands with him. And I'll visit you every day to make sure you're alright."
Jimin rolled his eyes. "Not what I meant." 
Thankfully, you still had common sense and deductive reasoning skills. Even you could tell that Jin wasn't a person you'd want to ever cross, but he seemed to have a solution to your problem and you didn't want to spend the rest of your life on a metaphorical death bed. Or an actual one. Could vampires die of starvation?
The dark glint in his eyes told you all that you needed to know; you definitely wouldn't be coming back to visit Jimin. The blonde boy's eyes were telling you not to leave with Jin, but you also had to take into account that they both didn't like each other. The most important opinion, you thought, belonged to the sweet girl that saved you. You couldn't ignore the pull you've had to her ever since you took your first breath of life, the way that you wanted to run to her the most for comfort, how you instinctively trusted every word she spoke with your entire being. So no matter how big and pleading the boy's eyes were, you couldn't agree with him.
"I'll go with you." You whispered to Jin. Jimin visibly deflated.
"Smart girl." Jin praised with a small smile. His eyes cut to Jimin. "We'll be on our way now. Let's hope we never have to see each other again." He said. 
"If you truly felt that way, you never would have turned me in the first place, Jin. But, by all means, get the fuck out of my house. And keep her away from your little lackeys." Jimin spat at the older man. You glanced between both of them in alarm, soaking in all the new information before Jin grabbed your arm and started pulling you to the door. Chae gave you a meaningful look as you passed her and it gave you enough strength to mindlessly follow along with the older vampire. 
You were finally alone with him, in the dead of night, but it didn't feel as terrifying as you thought it would. Maybe because once you two got a far enough distance from the cottage, he dropped the 'bad guy' front and offered to carry you the rest of the way. Jin was intimidating as all hell, but you couldn't limp through the forest for who knows how much longer so you fell into his arms graciously.
"Is is...far?" You asked after about five minutes of walking through the forest. 
The man grunted. "You know, you talk an awful lot for a sick person with amnesia."
"I said one thing."
There wasn't much talking after that besides your occasional coughing fits and general pit stops to upchuck whatever blood was left in your system. Jin sneered, whispering 'how much fucking blood did that girl give you' before speeding up his pace. There wasn't much to focus on in the meantime, except for the tall trees looming over you, seemingly touching the clouds. The noises of owls hooting and bats flapping rapidly overhead. 
Jin also turned into a focus point. You admired his classically handsome features and how powerful he could look without doing much of anything. You wondered about his unclear history with Jimin and Chae and why he was so adamant on intimidating Jimin. 
Jimin had mentioned that Jin used to be his friend, so maybe they had a huge falling out some time ago that didn't involve Chae. Maybe, once upon a time, they were all like a happy family. You wished you could remember your family. It was all blurry, vague hints of memories with no real faces or names, just locations and scenery, and heavy nostalgia. 
"I can feel you thinking." He said after a few minutes of you stewing in a stale silence. "It'll be best for us both if you held out on trying to figure things out until we've figured out a sustainable way of living for you." He advised with a scold. 
"I can't help it. It feels like missing puzzle pieces. And it's odd because I still know how the world functions; I know that vampires are supposed to be something like myths, I know the melodies to songs I can't name right now, I know that I was terrified of dying. But I don't know what I did...the decisions I made to lead me here." You confessed. 
Jin nodded. "Ignorance is often bliss."
"But I don't have an identity."
"Isn't that a blessing?" Jin began with a smirk. "To not have any preconceived notions made by others about who you are? To have an open range of possibility regarding your morals, values, ethics...it's quite exhilarating. You can be whoever the fuck you want to be with no judgment."
"No judgment?" You asked, weakly. You doubt that anyone could just do whatever and get away with it.
He laughed. "This is the supernatural world. It takes a lot for people to collectively judge you, trust me. The way I see it, you've been given a gift." 
Jimin had mentioned that before. A gift.
"Human life weighs down on us. We wander back to check in on family and friends...and we see them grieving and moving on, gradually forgetting about us. We see them getting into trouble that we know we could fix, but we can't interfere. Most of us don't get over it. New life is painful, but I think you'll adjust just fine." Jin said before halting to an abrupt stop.
You would've never expected to be standing in front of an old half burned down hospital building. There were at least three floors, or they're used to be given that most of the third floor looked chopped off. It was only scarcely boarded up and had tree vines crawling up over every visible wall. You skimmed over the old building with a disgusted look in your eyes. 
"You've gotta be kidding me. Jin, if you're going to kill me, you could've just done it three miles ago. I'd rather not die inside of this dungeon of horrors." You whined pathetically which Jin had the gall to laugh at you for. 
"My dear, this 'dungeon of horrors' is the gateway to Eden. Stop wiggling so much, you'll be fine." He assured.
The moment that he stepped inside, a crow yelped rather loudly in the sky, something so immediate and timed that you knew for a fact it was no coincidence. Jin carried you forward, towards a hidden area filled with moss and shrubbery. Before you could protest, Jin had already set you down on the cold concrete and pulled out his combat knife. You prepared to be skinned alive, but the knife dug into his own skin instead. The blade pierced the palm of his hand causing dark red blood to drip. He placed his hand in front of him onto a particular piece of concrete, letting his blood fall onto the pavement in a pattern you weren't familiar with.
"What are you doing?" You asked. 
"Eden has many different entrance locations, all of which require a blood offering to unlock the doors." He explained just as the seemingly normal floor under you began to sink downwards. You panicked for a moment, grabbing onto Jin's leg as the ground carried you lower than you ever wanted to go. He lent back down to pick you up again, but this time you wrapped your arms around his neck, fearing what would happen if he ever set you down again. 
Amongst the bare walls now surrounding you was a heavy-looking metal door. Jin took you towards it, hitting it in a rhythmic tap that was too intricate to be improvisation. The door flew open immediately, revealing a dark hallway.
Your heart raced unintentionally. 
You didn't know that Jin could hear your heart beating rapidly as clear as he could hear you speaking to him, so you didn't see his mildly concerned look down at you as you clutched onto him like a safety net. He sighed.
"Do you still want to do this?" He asked. It was so unexpected of him that you eased up on your grip and stared, unsure of how to respond.
"If you mean survive, then yes. I trust you."
"You just met me, dear. It's incredibly stupid to trust strangers." He scolded you not unlike a father would and it made you smile for a split second.
"As if I really have other options, Dracula. Get a move on it before I really pussy out because I can't take looking at this creepy place a second longer." This time Jin laughed and simply adhered to your wishes, speeding through the door and into the hallway. Behind you, the door slammed shut on its own and you could hear the floors lifting once again. 
You kept your eyes shut as you sped through the long hallway. Until the faint sound of music tingled your eardrums and Jin came to a sudden halt. "Welcome to Eden. Let's get you settled in somewhere."
Hesitantly, you opened your eyes to examine whatever hell hole you've been brought to, and you couldn't help the gasp that tore through you. Jin smirked at your reaction.
"I think you'll have a good time here, so long as you don't wander off by yourself or run accidentally into JK."
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myaekingheart · 5 years
51. Slumber Party Night: Boys vs Girls!
read the scarecrow and the bell on ao3
index | from the beginning | < previous | next >
               Rei turned the little slip of paper over in her hands, trying not to spill glitter on the floor. A smiling blonde chibi girl stood before a backdrop of pale blue polka dots, announcing a celebratory slumber party. The occasion? Naru’s one year anniversary of joining the ANBU.
               Quite frankly, all of this was a little…much. But Naru was a little much, and Rei could honestly say this sort of thing was expected. She wondered who else she had invited, even though she likely already knew the answer. Ever since she had become a part of the black ops, Naru had seemingly tracked down every female ninja in the organization and tried to make friends with her. She was, in a way, assembling a clique that Rei logically knew she was a part of but didn’t feel like she belonged in.
               “So, are you going to go?” Kakashi asked later that night, carefully handling the bedazzled invitation.
               “I don’t know” Rei sighed. “I should, but do I really want to?”
               “She is your best friend” Kakashi mused.
               “I know, and if it was just the two of us then it would be fine, but I know it won’t be” Rei replied. “I don’t know if I want to deal with all of the people. Plus, it would mean spending a night away from you.” It was bad enough their time together was already limited on account of their careers. Rei really didn’t want to give any of it up.  
               “I think you should go” Kakashi then said. Rei abruptly whipped around to face him, a questioning expression on her face. “I doubt it will be as bad as you think” he added. Truthfully, at least for him, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. He needed her gone just for one night. There were things he needed to do without her presence. Important things.
               Rei was silent as he began walking her home to pack. He could tell she was disappointed and it broke his heart, but he knew this was far more important. He reached for her hand but she unresponsive. All she gave him was a brief kiss on the cheek and a murmured “I’ll see you tomorrow.” The minute they parted ways, Kakashi booked it down the hallway toward Guy’s apartment.
               When he answered, Guy could tell something was definitely off. Despite having most of his face covered, Kakashi’s expressions were not lost on him. Sucking in a deep breath, Kakashi finally spoke. “Guy, I need your help.”
               Rei was uncharacteristically cautious as she packed her things for the night. She would only be right across the hall—she didn’t really need to bring anything—but that meant nothing to her compulsive procrastination. Packing required concentration and calculation, to prepare for every possible scenario. She glanced to the clock and deduced that she would need to work even slower.
               Just as she was refolding her underwear for the fifth time, there was a knock at the door. For a split second, Rei almost expected it to be Kakashi coming to save her but when she answered, it was none other than Naru herself.
               “I thought you were dead!” she exclaimed. “Everyone else is already here, what’s taking you so long?” She didn’t even give Rei a chance to answer. Rather, she grabbed the redhead’s hand and dragged her across the hall and that was the end of that. Rei had officially been thrown into the snake pit.
               Naru’s apartment looked like every preteen girl’s slumber party wonderland. Large bowls of snacks lined her desk, blankets were strewn across the floor, and upbeat music blared from a stereo hidden somewhere beneath the plush mess. Tenshi sat in the center of it all, guiding Mikazuki through some long-winded story about a mission she had recently completed. In the corner, Sekkachi laid on her back with cucumbers on her eyes attempting to keep her distance from the crowd.
               “You know” Rei said, sliding in next to the blue-haired kunoichi, “I think those are for after you put the face mask on.”
               “Yeah, and they’re for before the entrée in a three course meal” she snapped back, plucking one off her face and flicking it at Rei. The redhead frowned and wiped the cucumber juice off her cheek.
               “What are you doing over here being all antisocial?” she then asked.
               “Slumber parties aren’t really my thing” Sekkachi said bluntly.
               “Ah, yes” Rei smirked, leaning back. “Because a night in a room full of women in skimpy pajamas is totally not your speed.”
               “You can shut the fuck up” Sekkachi snapped, throwing the second cucumber at Rei.
               “I suggest you start acting a lot nicer to me, you know” Rei said matter-of-factly, taking a bite of her comrade’s ammo. “Or else I might just tell everyone here about your trip to the bookstore the other day.”
               Sekkachi’s eyes widened as she sat up, a fury rising within her. As she opened her mouth to speak, however, the room went silent and all eyes fell on her. Naru was the first to finally say something. “What happened in the bookstore? Tell us, please!” she begged, scooting nearer. In her face was all the intrigue and hunger of a small child at story time. Sekkachi eyed her cautiously, recoiling, her cheeks burning red. Anticipation hung in the air.
               This was the most anxious Guy had ever seen Kakashi in perhaps his entire life. The bushy-browed jonin watched as his eternal rival paced the room with brows furrowed in focus. “I’ve never done something like this before” Kakashi said. “I don’t know how to do this. Dinner sounds right, but where? If I take her someplace too fancy, she’ll suspect something but it won’t feel as special if I take her somewhere that isn’t fancy enough.” It was so strange seeing Kakashi so unhinged, as if his body had been taken over by a completely different person.
               “Well, you have a ring” Guy offered. “That’s a start.”        
               Kakashi nodded—Guy made a good point. The copy ninja approached his closet and dug around inside, fishing out the little box in which the engagement ring had been stored. He propped it open, hoping a peek would help calm his nerves and remind him why he was really doing this, but his heart leapt into his throat when he found the box empty. The ring was gone.
               Oh my god, the ring was gone. Kakashi’s mind started racing—how could this happen? How did this happen? There was no way anyone could’ve known what he was planning. The only person who had any idea was…he slowly turned to Guy and blinked. Guy immediately raised his hands in surrender.
               “Kakashi! Do I look like the kind of person who would just steal an engagement ring?” he asked. He wrapped an arm around Kakashi and pulled him close, resting his other hand dramatically on his chest. “I, your eternal rival, have only ever wanted what’s best for you! I will search alongside you for this ring even if it kills me, so that you can get down on one knee and ask for your beloved’s hand in marriage, ride off into the sunset together, and live happily ever after in a cute home with lots of adorable babies!”
               What is everyone’s obsession with us having babies? Kakashi thought to himself. Guy was getting all choked up just thinking about it. It was clear that he definitely was not the culprit here. Kakashi glanced back down to the empty box and sighed. This was not the way he wanted tonight to go. And in the back of his mind, his only thought was who?
               Naru and the other girls all crowded around Sekkachi begging her to tell them what the hell happened in this bookstore. Sekkachi, however, refused to budge. She crossed her arms and pursed her lips, even threatened to walk home but Naru clung to her forearm and begged her to stay. As their inquiries reached a fever pitch, pounding in Sekkachi’s head, Rei finally did the unthinkable.
               “Sekkachi has a crush!” she shouted, clapping her hands over her mouth to stifle her laughter. The whole room fell silent. Naru’s eyes widened with wonder and desperation, scooting closer in hopes that Sekkachi would finally spill the details. Naru was an addict and this was like hitting the jackpot.
               “No, I don’t!” Sekkachi insisted, socking Rei hard on the arm. Rei wouldn’t listen.
               “She came into Kaminoki the other day looking for this guidebook: A Girl’s Feelings” the redhead explained. Naru squealed with delight.
               “This is incredible!” she shouted. “You have to tell us who she is! Or else I’m going to explode!”
               Sekkachi glanced from Naru to Tenshi to Mikazuki and back, as if trying to find some way out of this. A part of her knew she was trapped, though. The only way out would be through.
               “It better not be me” Tenshi commented, all the while working on painting her nails.
               Naru shook her head. “No, I think Sekkachi would go for someone plain and domestic” she mused. “Maybe someone who knows how to make homemade bread, someone she can come home to at the end of the day to a hot meal and some scented candles. Someone sweet and thoughtful, but absolutely not a ninja!”
               “You think so?” Rei asked. “I always got more of a partner in crime vibe. Someone she could fight alongside who challenged her to be the best she could be. Someone who takes no shit, who would be strong and passionate, someone Sekkachi could be herself around.”
               This was all just too fucking much. Groaning, Sekkachi gripped at her hair. “Can we all just stop brainstorming my ideal match like I’m some basic bitch in a shitty novel?” she asked.
               “Well, if you would just tell us—” Naru started, but Sekkachi quickly snapped a harsh no at her. Truthfully, she didn’t need this. She wasn’t obligated to be there. The only reason she showed up in the first place was because Naru begged her, and she couldn’t stand to see her disappointed. She never could. But what was the point if everything she was dragged into for Naru’s sake only ended up making her feel worse and worse? It wasn’t worth it anymore. She was done.
               Sekkachi opened her mouth to verbalize all of these harsh thoughts and make her exit but before she could speak, a meek voice spoke up from within the crowd. “I think we should just drop it and leave it alone” Mikazuki said. Sekkachi blinked, dumbfounded. She hadn’t expected her, of all people, to defend her. She barely even knew this girl. The others looked to her, apparently just as shocked with her sudden outspokenness. “She clearly doesn’t want to talk about it” Mikazuki continued, “So I don’t see any point in pressing the matter further.”
               The others sat in silence a moment, trying to piece together the dizzying array of emotions as they came down from their high. Mikazuki crawled over to her backpack in the corner and, in an effort to further diffuse the tension, pulled out a deck of pastel tarot cards. The others slowly gathered around her, attempting to redirect their attention to the mystical stack. All the while, Sekkachi was speechless.
               Guy and Kakashi raced around the entirety of Konoha searching for the missing ring but were met with little success. By midnight, Kakashi was defeated. He pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes and sighed tiredly. If he hadn’t found it by now, he was sure he never would. Some looter had probably broken into his apartment with expert stealth, stolen it, and sold it on the black market for a lumpsome. It was probably on the fat finger of some wealthy snob as they spoke. It wasn’t even high quality gold. Financially, it shouldn’t have been worth anything. Emotionally, however, it was the key to his entire future and now it was gone for good.
               “We can’t give up now!” Guy exclaimed, trying to remain positive.
               “We’ve already looked everywhere” Kakashi replied. “Where else could it have gone?” Just then, a terrifying thought crossed both of their minds. There was one place they hadn’t looked, and it was perhaps the most nerve-wracking option of all: Rei’s apartment.
               Sekkachi leaned against the balcony’s railing and took a long drag of her cigarette. She excused herself from the party under the guise of needing fresh air, though what she was breathing in now was anything but fresh. The air felt cool and clear as a full moon shone overhead, bathing everything in a silver glow. Smoke billowed from her lips with a sigh.
               “You know” a voice then called, “You should really quit those things.” A chill ran down Sekkachi’s spine, turning slowly to find Naru in the doorway.
               “What are you doing here?” Sekkachi asked, on the defensive. Her hands were starting to feel numb.
               “I wanted to make sure you were alright” she said. “I know things got pretty tense in there.” Sekkachi rolled her eyes. Tense couldn’t even begin to describe it. She had trusted Rei, perhaps stupidly, and now the anticipation of her secret hung thick in the air like fog. She knew she would never truly get away without them squeezing an answer out of her. Naru scooted closer and leaned against the railing beside her. “It’s a beautiful night” she mused.
               “Yeah, I mean, it’s fine, whatever” Sekkachi said, taking another drag. Naru then sighed and shook her head, placing her hand atop her friend’s.
               “Hey, Sekkachi” she said, and her voice seemed quieter now than before. Sekkachi’s heart leapt up into her throat, pounding in her ears. She wanted to run away. “I just want you to know that you can tell me anything, okay? And I promise not to judge you. I’ll be here when you’re ready to say who it is you like, and I promise I’ll keep that under lock and key. No gossip, no rumors. Nothing. Just you and me.”
               Oh god, this was the absolute worst. Sekkachi’s vision was growing hazy, that smile on Naru’s face mocking her. And then, before she could even stop it, she felt something rising up in her throat. “Actually…” Sekkachi choked out, “I actually have a crush on—”
               “Hey, Sekkachi!” a voice called from below. Naru immediately removed her hand and leaned over the railing, finding Guy waving up at them from the street. Sekkachi wasn’t sure if she wanted to hug him or slap him into the next century.
               Naru bid Sekkachi a sweet smile and whispered, “I’ll give you two some privacy” before sneaking back inside. And that was that.
               Throwing her head back, Sekkachi groaned and shouted down to Guy, “What do you want?!” Guy seemed completely unphased by her aggravation. He motioned for her to come down, and she begrudgingly obliged.
               “Sekkachi, we need your help with something” Guy explained when she finally made it to the street. Her eyes shifted to an anxious Kakashi by his side and her curiosity piqued.
               Tenshi cocked a brow as she studied her tarot card. Staring back at her was a woman in robes seated with a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. “What the hell does this mean?” the brunette asked, flicking the card around between her index and middle fingers so that Mikazuki could see.
               “That’s the Justice card” she explained. “It represents truth and fairness. Maybe it’s trying to tell you something about the attention you feel that you need or serving as a warning sign for things you’ve done in the past.”
               Tenshi narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. “What a load of bullshit” she said, tossing the card onto the floor. She leaned back, crossing her toned legs, and shifted her tank top to better accentuate her breasts. “I deserve all the attention that I get and have never done anything wrong in my life.”
               “I find that hard to believe” Rei commented under her breath. Mikazuki turned to her then and a card was drawn. Upside down, the image looked strange and somewhat abstract, but when she turned her head she saw a naked man and woman under the protection of an angel. “What does this one mean?”
               Mikazuki peered forward and bit her lip. “That’s the reversed Lovers card” she said. “When you draw that one upside down, it means conflict or communication problems.” The young ANBU didn’t have to say in what aspect of life for Rei to fully understand. Now it was her turn to stew in denial. Rei stared down at her draw, considering Mikazuki’s words. She couldn’t see any issues in her and Kakashi’s relationship as far as she could tell. Despite the few minor speed bumps in the previous months, it had been smooth sailing. Their communication bore no flaws.
               Shaking her head, Rei set the card down. “Don’t you guys kind of think this is all a load of bullshit?” she asked. Mikazuki looked back at her with a sharp gaze, her third eye burning though her wispy bangs.
               “I wouldn’t disrespect the tarot if I were you” she warned. “They have far more power than you give them credit for.”
               As she said this, Naru’s card was drawn. She never broke the smile on her face despite flipping the card around to reveal an image of a skeletal knight upon a white horse. A harbinger of change. She giggled and settled the card into her lap, bemusing “This must be a sign that I should definitely change my hairstyle!”
               Across the hall, Kakashi’s heart pounded as he and Guy ripped apart Rei’s apartment. The thought of her having found the ring herself, and having done something about it, horrified him. There was no way she was allowed to know what he was planning. “Anything yet?” he called over his shoulder. Sekkachi, standing guard at the door, shook her head. Dammit, he thought, we’re running out of time. Even worse than Rei returning to a destroyed apartment would be finding them as they were now, soaked in suspicion.
               Then the door to Naru’s apartment creaked open, and everyone froze. Sekkachi narrowed her eyes. “Can I help you?”
               Tenshi met her gaze with equal intensity, jutting her hip out and crossing her arms. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we a had a hall monitor now” she said, voice dripping with sass.  
               “Shouldn’t you be down on the street offering blowjobs?” Sekkachi fired back.
               Tenshi rolled her eyes then sauntered over to peer into Rei’s apartment, grinning wickedly at Guy and Kakashi paused mid-search. “I’m sure the only thing you’ll find in here is moldy food and dirty laundry” she called.
               “As a matter of fact” Guy started, leaping to his feet, ���We’re looking for a ri—” Kakashi slapped his hand over Guy’s mouth before he could finish his sentence.
               “You’re looking for a what?” Tenshi asked, condescending.  
               “Nothing” Kakashi replied. “It’s not important. You don’t need to get involved.”
               “Oh, what a shame” Tenshi pouted. “I was so willing to help you boys out, too.”
               “Why would we ever accept help from you?” Sekkachi asked, staring her down.
               “Because” Tenshi replied, getting a little too close for comfort, “I think I could help you find what you’re looking for.” There was something about the way she said that, about the look on her face, that sparked something sinister in Sekkachi. It was an inappropriate sense of knowing, a taunting secret.
               “You don’t know” Sekkachi accused. Tenshi looked her in the eyes and smiled sweetly, an instigation. After a few moments of tense silence, however, Guy finally broke down.
               “It’s a ring!” he shouted as soon as Kakashi released his mouth. “We’re looking for a ring!”
               Tenshi’s eyes illuminated. “Oh!” she squealed with pleasure. Then, reaching into her bra, she pulled out a tiny circlet. “You mean like this?” Gold with pearl inlay. It was the ring.
               “Where did you get that?” Kakashi growled, but Tenshi held up an index finger and threatened to drop it back into her cleavage if he came any closer.
               “I have ways of getting what I want, Kakashi” she cooed.
               “Yeah, well so do I” Kakashi said back. His voice was low and dangerous. He gripped his headband, threatening to break out his sharingan. He really didn’t want to break out into a fight here of all places, with Rei just on the other side of the wall, but he was willing to take that risk. Tenshi laughed and swayed her hips sexually.
               “That eye of yours doesn’t scare me” she said. She pushed past Sekkachi so she could lean in real close, her breath hitching against Kakashi’s neck. “If anything, it makes me excited.”
               “I’m not going to play games with you” Kakashi replied, unaffected by her sensual approach. She refused to give it up, however.
               “You seem so desperate” she said slyly, running a hand down his arm. “As if you would do anything to get it back.” In response, Kakashi lifted his headband up to reveal his sharingan, a threat akin to cocking your gun. A devilish smirk touched Tenshi’s dark lips. “You know, you could save yourself the trouble and just let me hang onto it. I’m sure I could make much better use of it” she then said. She held it up to study the way the pearls’ iridescence responded to the light, a happiness welling up inside of her. Then, she added with a paralyzing gaze, “I could be your ninja bride.”
               Before Kakashi could even do anything, a green flash went flying across the room and Tenshi stumbled to the ground. She proceeded to exchange blows with Guy, demonstrating expert technique. This had gotten so out of hand. Kakashi knew he couldn’t let Guy fight alone, but Sekkachi blocked him from joining the brawl. There was a wickedness in her eyes that Kakashi wasn’t entirely fond of but before he could protest, she was already making her way into the fray.
               Tenshi leaned back to avoid a punch from Guy and as she did so, Sekkachi spun her around into her arms, then knocked her to the ground and climbed on top of her. “What the hell are you doing?!” Tenshi shouted, squirming beneath her. Sekkachi shushed her and rested a finger to her lips, then did the unspeakable. She silently prayed that fate was on her side, that Naru would not open the door and see her doing this, or else the rumors would spread through Konoha at warp speed. She couldn’t stomach the pain. With a hungry expression, Sekkachi leaned down and pressed her lips hard against Tenshi’s.
               Guy and Kakashi watched in awkward awe before quickly realizing the plan. She was creating a distraction. This was their only chance. Kakashi leapt over the two girls, prying Tenshi’s hand open and stealing the ring. He escaped quickly and tucked it someplace safe, then sighed in relief. It was finished.
               It took a few moments for Tenshi to officially push Sekkachi off of her, though even Sekkachi herself picked up on a strange tinge of resistance. “What the hell was that for?” Tenshi asked, standing up and straightening her pajamas out. She glared at Sekkachi, then turned her gaze to Kakashi and Guy. “That was dirty” she growled. “But this isn’t over. I’ll get my hands on you one way or another, Kakashi.”
               Just then, the door to Naru’s apartment creaked open. The blonde herself peered out in confusion just as Tenshi pushed past her back inside. Blinking, Naru asked, “What’s going on here? I heard shouting.”
               Guy wrapped an arm around Kakashi with a triumphant grin. “Just a couple of eternal rivals fighting for love and justice!” he announced. Kakashi buried his face in his hand, shaking his head. As embarrassing as he was, he had to admit that Guy had been a huge help. He was truly grateful to have him by his side, whether he was just his rival or truly his friend.
               Naru cocked a brow in suspicion, glancing back to Tenshi angrily packing her things, and slowly closed the apartment door. She would get the full story sooner or later. For now, she was just grateful all the noise had stopped. No one had any business being that loud at one in the morning.
               The moment she was out of sight, Kakashi’s shoulders dropped and he sighed in relief. He dug the ring out of his pocket and stared down at it proudly, lovingly. Funny how loss can make you more appreciative.
               Guy slapped him hard on the back and laughed. “See, Kakashi? I knew everything would work out in the end!” he said.
               Laughing tiredly, Kakashi turned the ring over in his hands and replied, “I better ask her soon before something else happens.” He couldn’t afford to take any more chances. The risk was far too great.
               Just as they turned to head back down the hallway, however, they found Naru’s apartment door swung wide open and standing before them was Rei herself. She had a curious expression on her face, doe eyes blinking and eyebrow cocked. Every bone in Kakashi’s body froze before he frantically shoved the ring back into his back pouch. Rei looked to the two of them suspiciously, then the horrifying question fell from her lips.
               “Ask me what?”
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shestranged · 6 years
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Bellatrix Hecate Lestrange // the devil shudders as she rises ( she’s taking aim for his throne )
She grew up wanting to break things —- toys and hearts and bones and people. Her father indulged her, quietly forming her into the woman that she is today, a weapon, a beast. Someone who finds peace in the destruction, in the chaos, in the violence. People say that she came out a little wrong - something unhinged about her persona already as a child. Those jet black eyes, waiting to devour you. Sharp teeth pulling into a Cheshire cat grin before she could even speak. As she grew older, she became more adept at hiding her… faults, slowly learning how to suppress her anger, her hatred. Instead growing colder, burning less hot ( a ticking time bomb in the making ). But then she met him. And at his side, she became so much worse. As his right hand, she tapped into unimaginable powers, but it all came at an equally unimaginable price. With him, she became less human, more vile. At his side, all she wanted to see was the streets run red with blood.
what up i’m liz, i’m twenty one and i’m here to bring u my favorite villain and chaotic badass, bellatrix lestrange !! this will be a bit long probably bc i could talk about her 5ever. most important parts to read probably are #hogwarts years, #after hogwarts and #personality stuff !!
PLAYLISTS: (x) (x) (x)
name: bellatrix hecate lestrange occupation: senior obliviator former house: slytherin date of birth: december 23. age: 32
Let’s set the scene --- it’s a cold December night, right before Christmas, and the Black mansion is shaken by blood curdling screams. It’s the kind that leaves you breathless, shivers running down your spine, leaving you with the sense that something is very, very wrong. Which, Druella Black fears that it very well might be ---- because her (expected) son is four weeks early. 
The birth process is excruciatingly long and difficult for poor, poor Druella, but when the clock strikes eleven on the night before Christmas, a girl comes crashing into the world. She’s not what they expect, nor what they want, and she never cries --- instead, she just watches them with those big black eyes that always seem to be appraising something.
Though Bellatrix’s birth was mostly an unwelcome surprise ( she came too early, and it was no secret that her parents had hoped for a boy ), she was also the first child to carry on the Black legacy, which was an honor. A necessity.
As a baby, she was small and meager. Nurses whispered about the Black baby that could barely muster a scream, that seemed so frail. Like she might break at any second. But that memory would soon fade and be replaced by a much more unpleasant one - because Bellatrix’s bones hardened, her skin thickened, her eyes grew meaner. Within a few years, any trace of that soft baby was gone, and instead, a cruel toddler took her place.
As a child, Bella was vicious. Biting, clawing, screaming and cursing were things she picked up fast, and she’d terrorize the other kids at the playground ( with an almost scary aim for her muggle born / half blood peers ). 
Once she reached the age of seven, she calmed down a bit, and instead started following her father around ( and was lovingly referred to as his ‘little shadow’ ). Eager to prove herself, she learned everything that a son of Cygnus would have learnt. She was determined to show her father that being a girl would not stop her from becoming worthy of the Black throne, to carry his name with pride. Over the years of her childhood and adolescence, Bellatrix forged herself into the golden girl, a respectable heir in the making. Desperate to wear the crown.
Under her father’s influence, uncontrollable rage was switched in for an eerie quietness, anger instead boiling right below the surface, just waiting to be unleashed. She was so eager to please, to sculpt herself into whatever he wanted, so she suppressed her emotions the best she could, even though it never felt natural. And so, the nurses whispered again, but this time, it was about her sweet, sweet smile, matched with those mean, mean eyes. ‘Doesn’t it look distorted? Like that damn Cheshire cat. Something’s not right about that girl, I’m telling you. She came out wrong’.
Behind closed doors, Cygnus also encouraged Bella’s darker side. Introduced her to the dark arts and the chaos that she would later come to love so desperately.
Most of her childhood was characterized by harsh words, strict rules and high expectations. Her family’s reputation weighed heavy on her shoulders, constantly pressuring her to excel. Luckily, she shared her parents’ ambition and values, and had no problems conforming to their rule. Which also meant that she could get away with much else. As long as she remained the golden girl, Bellatrix could run wild and free.
Bellatrix had been duly prepped before arriving at Hogwarts. She was the first of their children to walk the halls, so it was important to both Druella and Cygnus that Bellatrix knew how to behave. Who to fraternize with. Who to avoid. Who was worthy of her time. Her parents had also made sure that she already had the appropriate friends — and play dates with other pureblood kids were a common occurrence when Bellatrix was younger.
At school, Bellatrix was popular ---- the resident cool girl. The type of girl that hardly ever objects to anything, because she is always down to have a good time. The type of girl that loves Quidditch, dirty jokes and cheap beer. The type of girl that hides her true colors, at least for a while. Until she explodes.
So Bella kept out of trouble, for the most part. There were a couple.... incidents, with muggleborns. One or two may have been turned into rats and toads ( under the guise of it being a joke --- can’t you take a joke, come on now? ). More serious things have been strictly forgotten by everyone involved. Powerful parents will do the trick. Mostly though, Bellatrix kept to her fellow Slytherins... biding her time. Waiting to strike.
She played for the Slytherin Quidditch team, as a beater, and was eventually made captain ( nothing less for a child of Cygnus, she must excel ). During her time on the team, she was notorious for her cruel playing style, her foul tricks, the constant smirk on her lips as other players fell to the ground. 
And during her sixth year, she was eventually recruited into the Death Eaters. And with them, she found a second home, quickly rising through the ranks. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Bellatrix took a year off from her studies. The official reason was that she needed to “find herself”. Whatever the fuck that meant. Obviously, it was a lie to hide what she was really up to. In reality, Bellatrix was at Voldemort’s side, learning leglilimency and occlumency, all the while developing her dark magic and her shitty personality.
Quickly became Voldemort’s personal attack dog, always willing to do his bidding, no questions asked.
At the age of nineteen, Bellatrix found work as an obliviator. Though the choice had ultimately been hers to make, the dark lord was always whispering in her ear, encouraging her to infiltrate the ministry. The goal was to have sleeper agents of death eaters in every department once it was time to go to war. It also helped that becoming an oblivator just made sense — fucking with the minds of muggles could already be counted as a hobby (albeit a twisted one), and she had always been good at taking things that didn’t belong to her… Memories would be no different.
Will occasionally throw pureblood galas, but isn’t too invested in them. They’re just for show, and she couldn’t care less.
Among the Death Eaters, Bellatrix is in the inner circle. She considers herself the dark lord’s right hand, and prides herself on being his most loyal servant.
Bellatrix also has a pet snake, lovingly named Medusa. 
Today, Bellatrix works as a senior obliviator at the ministry of magic. She handles a lot of paper work, but is also out in the field a lot.
First of all - Bellatrix is a fucking shit show and we all know this.
She is like night and day ----- and her temper switches incredibly quickly, which makes her unpredictable, a little scary. She can go from the girl her family forced her to be - the Socialite, the Sophisticated Woman, the Cool Girl, to something far more sinister in the matter of minutes.
When she’s at her worst, Bellatrix is cruel, sadistic, self righteous, impulsive, angry as hell, deranged, unstable, manipulative, a little bit unhinged, ruthless, playful, childish and absolutely lethal. It’s always brewing right below, so close to the surface, just waiting to come out.
But she’s also calculating, clever, quick on her feet, intensely passionate, fiercely loyal (until she’s... not), adaptable, intuitive and assertive. 
Bella often contradicts herself — she has grown up believing that it’s best to be cold and devoid of emotions (#thanks dad), but she’s a highly emotional person by nature. She tries to suppress that as best as she can, but she usually boils over pretty fast. Other emotions are usually translated into anger as well, so that’s fun. I think the best way to describe her is that she’s just fire, always burning hot or cold.
Voldemort’s influence on her is also really important!! His influence poisons her mind, her soul, her heart. The darkness that was already there is amplified, becomes a thousand times worse. Though already a skilled witch, he introduced her to magic she could only have dreamed of --- and that power became corruptive, addictive. For power, Bella would gladly pay the steep price of sacrificing her soul, her humanity.
Bellatrix really does think that she is in the right. 
Also probably thinks that she’s better than everyone else at all times. There’s definitively an air of arrogance surrounding her.
Mrs Lestrange thinks that she’s invincible, and likes walking a little too close to the cliff’s edge ( playing with fire ). Will occasionally drop hints that she COULD be a death eater, but never goes too far with it. And if someone suggests that she is one, she acts like that’s absolutely outrageous. How dare you imply that I am affiliated with anything... !
Okay so, I am convinced that Bellatrix doesn’t reach peak evil + instability until after Voldemort’s fall and Azkaban, so I’m really trying to tone her down a bit and give the influence of her upbringing ( + her nature ) a bigger role in the person that she becomes. Hence why she is a little better at hiding her true colors, a little more refined. : ~ ) Though, she’s still the hammer ( doesn’t have the most finesse, mostly just likes getting things done, her technique isn’t exactly intricate, but ALWAYS effective ).
Even if most people probably don’t know that she’s a death eater ( though some probably suspect lbr ), she has a very intimidating presence. That’s her brand. And she still has that Weird Aura about her, like there is something that isn’t quite right, so that could also weird people out.
Bellatrix has jet black eyes and the hair to match. It falls in soft curls over her shoulders, down her back. 
Usually wears dark red lipstick.
She hides her dark mark with a concealment spell while out in public.
Dresses mostly in black. Has to wear clothes that can fit into the muggle world while at work ( since she is often out in the field, interacting with muggles ). While there, she wears a well worn leather jacket ( with shoulder pads, in true 70s style ), and wide, black pants.
Files her nails into long claws, and paints them black.
Is tall. Likes towering over people.
black dresses, whispered hexes, broken champagne glasses, the calm before the storm, bullets caught between teeth, a constant paradox, skin stained black and blue, a devilish grin, ‘is that wine or blood on your carpet?’, snakes wrapped around wrists, mean eyes, always running hot and cold, a cheshire cat’s smile, soft laughter as the light leaves your eyes, divine violence, a taste of the approaching revolution / the new world order, quiet desperation, family heirlooms, unwavering loyalty, sudden fits of rage, emerald lockets, double lives, ‘would you still like me with my hands around your neck?’, no conscience, silent promises, taunting you with her very last breath, the hardest of hearts, dried blood on expensive clothes and a quiet conviction that this will all make sense in the end.
amy dunne ( gone girl )
katherine pierce ( tvd )
jamie moriarty ( elementary )
glory / glorificus ( btvs )
villanelle ( killing eve )
jennifer blake ( teen wolf )
klaus mikaelson ( tvd )
kilgrave ( jessica jones )
lilith ( supernatural )
drusilla ( btvs ) 
cersei lannister ( got )
helena ( orphan black )
faith lehane ( btvs )
mazikeen ( lucifer )
SLASHER SMILE - a smile in anticipation of pain or death // a cheshire cat grin.
THE DRAGON - a monster the hero has to get past to get at the big bad. the top enforcer.
TORTURE TECHNICIAN -  takes the heroes and turn them into screaming, shinned shambles.
LADY MACBETH - frequently more crazy than her husband, quite the sociopath, in the business of turning men towards evil.
DISSONANT SERENITY - someone smiling gently in the middle of death and carnage, seeming almost enlightened as they slit throats left and right.
THE BERSERKER - throws herself into battle with such reckless abandon, that it seems like she wants to die. never, ever retreats.
THE BARONESS - a female baddie with a chilly disposition and more than a touch of the dominatrix about her.
WICKED CULTURED - evil is intellectual // basically an evil aristocrat.
THE CHESSMASTER - thinking three moves ahead at all times. manipulating, planning, plotting.
DADDY’S LITTLE VILLAIN - shares dark father’s ambitions and cruelty.
BERSERK BUTTON - always ready to fucking snap.
SOFT SPOKEN SADIST - occasionally. a monster who might describe just how horribly she’s going to mangle you, while speaking in a voice that’s anything but monstrous.
DARK ACTION GIRL - likes beating the hero to a bloody pulp. good at it too.
AMBITION IS EVIL - has grand plans. ends justify the means, always.
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I LOVED to drink...
My life as of yet can be summed up in four words: absolutely, beautiful, unplanned, chaos.  Do I have regrets, of course. Have I made a vast amount of mistakes, definitely. Would I change anything from my past, hell yes. But life doesn’t work that way and I’m pretty sure it never will.
     I used to LOVE to drink.
By nature, I was pretty laid back, calm, always did the right thing...I was a people pleaser. Introvert to a point. Never overly outspoken. My life changed when I started drinking. At 23, I became a manager in training for a very popular franchise of restaurants. The hours were demanding and late nights were a given. My marriage at the time had been strained for some time (from my point of view at least) and I liked being away from him. New people, new city (approximately 30-45 minute commute) new power. POWER. The power of being IN. You know, the boys club. I had made it! A woman, a very young one at that, had made it into territory that was for mostly men. I loved that power and position. People had to come to ME for the answers. Well, when you work in a restaurant, you become a family. Late nights became later nights hanging out at the bar until closing time. Mostly to talk shit about annoying hourly staff and the district managers and regional managers that were pricks, but naturally, drinking leads to foggy and unhinged decisions.
My trainer was a man that was just a couple of years older than I was. Someone that I would have never “normally” been attracted to (very overweight, not much taller than I was, loud and brash, overly confident, African American...only because I’m from small town America and didn’t have that option before...and an alcoholic) I was instantly attracted to him, not for his appearance, but for his humor, confidence and attitude. We worked side by side for several weeks, him teaching me everything I needed to know to survive a fast paced kitchen atmosphere, me picking up kitchen Spanish and a new habit of smoking. He was management and was part of our “after hours” crowd. He flirted endlessly, not only with the bartenders and servers that were part of our crowd...but, me. Plain, stick in the mud, people pleaser, straight-laced me. I would go home thinking about this man. The more time I spent with him, the more we drank together, the closer we got. My inhibitions had disappeared. I had made a decision in my mind that my marriage was over. Lots of drunk nights having fun with my “friends”, made me realize that my husband was not part of my future. I left my husband for that man. This...this single event(that I made the conscious decision to do) changed my life. You see...I used being drunk as an excuse to not be a people pleaser. To be loud and vulgar, say and do inappropriate things in public. To be able to walk up to a complete stranger and strike up a conversation without worry, anxiousness or fear of rejection. I LOVED that feeling. From that point, when I left my husband, I drank every night. I mean, shit-faced, can’t walk straight, don’t care if I throw up in the parking lot, have sex in parking lots, make out or whatever with random people, fall asleep at the bar, drunk. This new man that I was “in love with” perpetuated this lifestyle.  Several things happened over the next six months and I had to leave that area due to me losing my job and I had to move back home with my mom.
To be 23 years old and moving back in with your parent(s) after a failed marriage and career...let me just say, it’s such a morale booster! All my friends from my hometown had new friends, and I had none (poor me). So, what did I do, GO TO THE BAR!!! Of course, that solved ALL of my problems(insert sarcasm emoji). Different place, same low-life crowd. My drinking intensified, 3-4 shots of Jack Daniels and a pitcher of Miller Lite ( I just realized how redneck that sounds) each night. Driving home drunk each night (not proud). I remember that I would get extremely angry or depressed if I was unable to go out every night. My mom was concerned and I was an adult who couldn’t care less and didn’t feel she had the right to tell me what I could and couldn’t do. So, I began to stay out all night. Eventually, I began to care less and less about myself. I just didn’t want to be lonely anymore. One night, I met a guy who was super corny, cute and totally into me (or maybe his Miller Lite was into me), so we decided to stay at his house. We actually hit it off. We dated for about 4 weeks (drinking all the time and 1 dinner) when I found out I was pregnant. Well, shit. No more drinking for me...oh, and I had to explain to the new guy that I wasn’t sure if he was the father or my old flame from the big city (I had gone back several times to visit). That didn’t sit too well with Mr. Country (especially the part about him not being white). So, he didn’t want to be there for a baby that he didn’t even know was his. DEVESTATED. And guess who else didn’t really care too much about being around...hmm. LONELY AGAIN...and PREGNANT.  Lots of sober time to think about my past mistakes and how I contributed to my own circumstance. I still call my son my angel because I truly feel that he saved me from a horrible path that I was putting myself on. There are so many other stories....I eventually started drinking again after he was born, used my mom to raise him while I ran around and had fun, got a DUI (kept I from mom while I was living with her, actually I don't think she knows to this day), and countless other meaningless men that I rationalized in my dumb drunk mind.
You see...I LOVED to drink...I didn’t have to say no. I felt wanted (even if just for the night). My mind was calm, no more constantly thinking “what if”. I could just let go and have fun, I wasn’t the “babysitter” anymore. The scary thing is, it’s been almost 7 years since I have been in that lifestyle and sometimes in the back of my mind I think, “let’s go...let’s just take a weekend with some friends and get stupid. Fuck responsibility. You work so hard and do so much for everyone else, you deserve it”.
It’s a never-ending struggle...for anyone out there trying to stop, has stopped, stopped and struggle to stay sober. Don’t give up. It’s worth it. You’ll remember a whole lot more painful shit and not want to adult a large majority of the time, but you’re the only one that can either make it great or royally screw it up...so, chose greatness.
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