#Humm's musings
kybercrystals94 · 2 months
Hide and Seek and Training
Read here on Ao3!
Febuwhump 2024 | Day 9 | Prompt 9: Bees
Rated: T | Words: 2496 | Summary: Training with Omega goes awry when bees become involved. [Character Focus: Tech, Omega, Hunter, Wrecker, Echo]
“I love this game,” Wrecker whispers loudly to Omega, interrupting Hunter for the third time.
Tech adjusts his goggles irritably. “This isn’t a game, Wrecker. This is training.”
“If it’s training, then why is it fun?”
“I think all training is fun!” Omega pipes up happily.
Hunter sighs. “Can we just get through the instructions before we decide what’s fun and what’s not? Please?”
Echo chuckles from his perch on the Marauder’s ramp. “Kids, listen to your dad!” he calls out.
“Maker help me,” Hunter mutters. He takes a breath and starts again. “Alright. Omega, Wrecker, and Tech…you three, separately, are going to find places in the woods to lay low. Make sure to cover your tracks. After ten minutes, we’re going to see how long it takes me to find you.”
“And the last one found, wins!” Wrecker practically shouts.
Another sigh. “Sure,” Hunter agrees reluctantly.
“This sounds a lot like hide and seek,” Omega comments, smiling brightly up at Wrecker.
“The strategies are similar,” Tech admits, “however, this is a survival simulation.”
Wrecker laughs. “Can we start, Sarge?”
“Get out of here,” Hunter says, waving them off with a grin.
Wrecker and Omega are off like blaster shots, tearing into the forest like their very lives depend on it. Hunter can hear them crashing through the undergrowth even after they’ve disappeared from sight. At this rate, he won’t have to use his enhancements at all to pick up their trail.
Tech takes a much more tactical approach, starting the timer on his chrono and heading out in the opposite direction of his far more enthusiastic siblings. He is absolutely going to give Hunter a run for his credits.
Hunter ambles over to Echo and sits down next to his cyborg brother, glancing at his own chrono to keep track of the time.
“Who are you going after first?” Echo asks.
Hunter chuckles. “How upset do you think Tech would be if I made him lose to Wrecker?”
“You’d better start sleeping with one eye open if you go that route,” Echo muses.
“Well, then, I guess I’ll just play it by ear and see what happens,” Hunter decides, leaning back on his elbows, ready to enjoy the peace and quiet these ten minutes will indulge him.
Omega stops suddenly, turning to look back at where she came from. She can’t see the Marauder through the trees anymore. Perfect. Glancing around, she kneels and touches the cool, damp earth with her fingertips. Hunter will be able to track her to this point easily. Just as she planned. It will make it much more fun when she disappears like a ghost.
With little effort, Omega clambers up the nearest tree, the toes of her boots finding quick purchase in the gnarled bark, and her fingers easily curling around protruding knots. She makes it to the first branch in seconds, and straddles it for a moment to plan her next move. The neighboring tree has a branch nearly touching hers, so she stands and edges her way toward it. A small jump later, and she claims the adjacent tree.
A few minutes lates, Omega is more than half a dozen trees away from where she started. Hunter will begin his search soon. She might have the advantage of him going after her more experienced brothers first; however, she can also imagine him coming after her first, if only to make sure she is safe. Therefore, she needs to get herself out of sight as quickly as possible, just in case.
Omega begins to climb higher, where the leaves and branches become denser. She smiles to herself, wondering if Hunter will be surprised at how well she has done. Her training is finally paying off.
She is so distracted by her joyous thoughts that she doesn’t notice the humm of agitated buzzing just to her left as she settles comfortably onto a thick branch, peering down through the soft leaves.
After a few minutes of quiet, Omega feels the sensation of legs on the back of her neck. She stiffens, resisting the urgent impulse to reach up and slap away the unknown creature. If she threatens it, whatever it is might sting or bite. She prays it has wings and will just fly away on its own. Then the sensation tickles down to the collar of her shirt.
No, no, no, Omega thinks desperately, not down my shirt!
She catches movement on her arm out the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she sees an insect, brightly colored, winged, and armed with a stinger. Omega releases a shuddering breath when she sees another join its friend on her sleeved arm, and another flying lazily past her face.
She notices the buzzing now.
Slowly, Omega looks back at where the branch she sits on meets the tree. Tucked into the crook, a muddy looking structure is swarming with the colorful insects. Bees, Omega’s memory supplies frantically.
She needs to get down from here.
Tech has found the perfect hiding place when his comm pings. Internalizing a sigh of frustration, he glances down at the source code. Crosshair’s old source code…Omega’s current source code. He answers immediately. “Omega?”
“Tech,” Omega’s voice is strained and hushed. She sounds terrified. “I need help. I don’t know what to do!”
“Alright. First, we must remain calm. Tell me exactly what is wrong and where you are,” Tech says, keeping his own voice temperate. He pulls out his data pad and begins the trace on Omega’s beacon.
Omega’s voice quakes, and Tech thinks she might be crying. “I’m–in a tree…and there’s bees? A lot of bees, and they are everywhere! They have stingers, and I’m afraid they’ll sting me if I move.”
Not an unreasonable fear to have under the circumstances. Tech climbs down from his hiding place and begins to follow the beacon at a brisk pace. He plans to briefly research the type of insects Omega has encountered during his trek. It might be vital to her safe extraction from the situation. “Can you describe what these ‘bees’ look like? Do you see their domicile?”
“Uhm,” Omega’s voice wobbles through distractedly, “Yeah. They’re colorful…red and blue and orange and yellow with black stripes. And they have a hive that looks like it’s made out of mud…maybe?”
Tech types in the brief description and pulls up an article on the species. Polychromatic Wasps. His eyes drift over the information briefly. “Alright, Miss Omega, I am enroute to your location now. It seems that this particular species of wasp - or bee - will not attack unless they feel threatened. My recommendation is that you remain perfectly stationary until I arrive.”
“I’m scared,” Omega admits weakly.
Tech hesitates. “I understand. We will have you out of this situation in short order, and you will be fine. I promise.”
“Okay,” Omega says. A slight strengthening in her tone suggests that she believes him.
Hunter is surprised when he hears Tech’s familiar tread coming toward him, and is even more surprised at the speed at which his brother is moving. He comes into view a moment later, not even glancing up from his data pad as he approaches Hunter. “Omega is in distress. We must get to her location immediately.”
Tact and gentle verbal blows are not among Tech’s enhancements. Hunter’s heart rate accelerates to what feels like an inhuman speed. “What? Where is she?” he demands, falling into hurried step next to Tech.
“I’ve got her location locked,” Tech tells him. “She says that she came across a wasp nest when she climbed a tree. She is unharmed at present, just frightened.”
Hunter at first questions why Omega would comm Tech before any of her other brothers, especially brothers that might be closer to her aid. It dawns on him that Omega – always resourceful – would have called Tech first in order for him to provide her the information she would need until rescue came. She knows how to utilize her brothers’ strengths, and for that, he is incredibly proud of her.
“Here,” Tech says, stopping at the base of a tree. He looks up. “Omega?” he calls out.
A small voice calls back from the depths of the leaves and branches. “I’m here, Tech. They haven’t stung me.”
“Excellent!” Tech calls back. He starts to remove his pack.
“I can go,” Hunter says, already putting his hands to the trunk to find his first grips.
Tech shakes his head, dropping his pack to the ground and nudging Hunter aside. “I am far better suited to the task…and I’ll need you down here to catch her when I drop her down.”
“Wait, what?” Hunter asks in alarm, but Tech is already climbing.
Omega almost bursts into tears of relief when Tech appears through the leaves and branches. But she holds them back with a painful swallow, keenly aware that she now has at least a dozen bees crawling over her person, with dozens more flying about, perturbed about their motionless intruder.
Tech climbs the rest of the way up onto the branch, bracing himself so that he is facing Omega. “I have a plan,” he says immediately.
Omega gives the tiniest nod. “Okay.”
“It seems that the wasps are becoming agitated, probably due to the presence of your scent in their territory,” Tech continues. “That is why we are going to remove you from the situation rather abruptly.”
“I am going to drop you down from the tree, and Hunter is going to catch you. That is the fastest way.”
“Am I going to get stung?” Omega asks. “They’re all over me!”
Tech moves closer, slowly. “I can see that. Unfortunately, there is the possibility that any or all of us will be stung. While it is painful and not ideal, it is not deadly. Clones are not allergic to bee or wasp stings.”
Omega knows Tech means to be encouraging; however, just the idea of being stung renews her impulse to cry. She sniffs, willing herself to be brave. After all, she got herself into this mess, and her brothers are bravely getting her out, at the risk of being stung themselves.
Taking a deep, fortifying breath, Omega says, “Okay, tell me what I need to do.”
Hunter hates that the canopy of leaves is shielding his siblings from view, although he can hear Omega and Tech talking in hushed tones — which means, he supposes, that they are okay for the moment. If she hadn’t happened to come across a wasp nest doing it, Hunter would be very impressed with Omega’s hiding place. Obviously, though, they still needed to work on her spatial awareness…
His comm crackles to life. “Hunter, I am going to be lowering Omega through the branches, and on the count of three, I will release her. Are you ready to catch her?”
Instead of speaking through his comm, Hunter calls up, “I’m ready!”
“I should note,” Tech adds, as an obvious afterthought, “there is a high likelihood that you and Omega will be stung. I was not able to get many off of her without angering the hive.”
Hunter grits his teeth. He would rather none of them got stung, especially Omega; however, a sting or two is better than the alternative. “Got it,” he calls up.
There is rustling, and then Omega’s boots appear, immediately followed by her legs, torso and head. She is dangling by her arms, both hands clinging tightly to Tech’s forearm. Hunter can see the multicolored wasps crawling against the muted fabric of her clothes. There must be about a dozen of the things. He hopes most of them fly away the moment she drops.
As if they’d be so lucky.
Hunter shifts his stance, readying himself.
Omega’s eyes meet his for a moment, and he sees the tears glistening on her eyelashes.
“We got this, Omega,” he says encouragingly, hoping his expression doesn’t appear as frantic as the blood pounding in his ears.
She nods and looks up again at Tech, who is still invisible to Hunter. “I’m ready.”
Tech says over comms, “One…two…three!”
Omega drops then. It is only a split second between watching her fall and catching her, but it stretches for hours, especially when Omega lets out a squeak of terror at the brief free fall. Hunter catches Omega under her arms and places her on the ground. Using his gloved hands, he swats away the wasps that cling to her. Most of them fly away, but a couple decide to fight back against the assault.
Hunter feels a couple of stings immediately on his exposed wrists, and one just under his right ear. He is more focused on Omega, who seems to have been stung on the back of her neck and hands.
Tech drops down from the tree a moment later. “I suggest we run,” he says as the sound of enraged wasps buzz louder.
Hunter scoops Omega up and runs.
Tech hates being fussed over but Echo is relentless. So he tries to hold as still as possible as Echo analyzes each sting to be sure they are healing properly, and dabbing bacta ointment over the wounds.
“Are you about finished?” he asks with a hiss after Echo accidentally prods a wound a little too hard.
“You are making this harder than it needs to be,” Echo says without a hint of remorse as he pokes at the next sting.
Tech rolls his eyes, but allows Echo to finish his checks without further complaint. At long last, Echo leaves Tech alone to do as he pleases, which is to sit in his rack with his data pad and try not to irritate his minor injuries.
He isn’t left alone for long.
Tech looks up to see Omega standing at the foot of his bunk.
“Are you doing alright, Omega?” he asks her, noticing the swollen welts on her hands and neck from her own stings. They don’t look red or irritated, which is excellent.
Omega nods, wincing slightly at the movement. “I’m okay. I just wanted to thank you…for helping me…and I’m sorry you got stung more than any of us.”
Tech smiles. “No thanks are necessary. I was more than happy to assist.”
Omega smiles back, but it doesn’t reach her usually bright eyes.
“Also, I meant to tell you,” Tech continues offhandedly, “that had the wasps not been involved, I am quite confident you would have won the training exercise.”
This catches Omega’s attention. She stands a little straighter. “Really?”
“Absolutely,” Tech says. “I was hoping you might share with me your strategy. It could prove to be a valuable resource in the future.”
Omega looks absolutely delighted. “Sure! Are you going to write a report about it?”
“I’ve already started.”
At that, the little girl in their care practically radiates light as she rushes to his side to give him all the details.
✨Let me know if you’d like to be a part of my taglist!✨
Taglist: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424 @merkitty49
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Humm Grease ROTPL crossovers I’m musing on
A League of Their Own
Ok hear me out it’s 10 years before Pink Ladies but Cynthia needs elder Butch guidance and imagine her with Lupe and Jess. Plus the girls would stan the Peaches as fellow rebels
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I think Shaw would really like Jane too honestly
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Sit Down In His Lap For The First Time ~ BTS Reaction
You could feel Jin’s eyes on you as soon as you sat down on his lap, giggling to yourself. “What?” You smiled back at his confused expression.
He stayed frozen where he sat on the sofa as he watched you. “I don’t remember saying that you could sit down on my lap,” he mumbled across to you.
“I don’t remember you saying that I couldn’t either.”
His head shook at the smirk that was on your face as you made yourself comfortable sat just above his knees. “I guess you’re sitting here then, are you?”
“I wanted to try a new spot in the room,” you laughed in response.
“And of all the spots in the room you decided that my lap was where you wanted to be?” Jin quizzed, jolting his leg gently to make you jump, keeping you on your toes.
“That’s not fair,” you scolded, hitting against the top of your leg, “what if I’d have fallen off your lap and hurt myself then?”
“I’d say that it’s your fault for deciding to sit on my lap uninvited,” he replied to you, raising his eyebrows up smugly too.
“You’re so mean, I’m doing nothing wrong here.”
As another yawn escaped from you, you knew that Yoongi was watching you closely. “I’m a tad tired,” you laughed across at his gaze.
His hand came down and tapped into his lap once you had finished yawning, “why don’t you come and lay down here for a while and close your eyes?”
“You’re comfy, I don’t want to disturb you at all.”
Yoongi’s head shook straight away, “I wouldn’t told you to have come and laid in my lap if I wasn’t alright with it Y/N, I really don’t mind at all if you’re here.”
“If you hold me, I guarantee I’ll fall asleep,” you warned.
“If you do, then I’ll carry you to bed,” he assured you as you lazily made your way across the sofa and sat yourself in Yoongi’s lap, snuggling closely into his chest.
“There’s no way that you’ll be able to carry me to bed,” you scoffed, only to catch Yoongi nodding in the corner of your eye.
“I’m full of surprises,” he sniggered, “you might be surprised by just how strong I actually am you know.”
“I might have to wake up just for it.”
A sharp intake of breath escaped you at the sudden feeling of arms wrapping around your waist as you walked past him. “Hobi,” you squealed.
His laughter was close in your ear as he brought you down and rested you against his chest. “I was just giving you a helping hand down into my lap.”
“You terrified me; you can’t just pull me down like that.”
His shoulders shrugged as you glared at him, “I already have pulled you down, I can’t believe you were just going to walk past me without even saying hi.”
“I was only going to get myself a drink,” you tried to explain to him.
“And now instead of getting a drink you’re going to cuddle me in my lap for a while,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “you’re much better here.”
“I don’t think I’ve actually sat here before,” you pondered, unable to remember ever sitting in Hobi’s lap before.
“I think you might be right,” he mused, “they always say that there’s a first time for everything, and then a second, and then a third.”
“I guess I’ll be here a lot from now on, right?”
You positioned yourself in front of Namjoon, slowly lowering yourself down. “Hi,” you laughed, keeping your eyes on his expression.
It took a moment for him to react as he felt you sit yourself down in his lap. “What are you up to?” He chuckled, a little confused as to what was going on.
“I’m just sitting in your lap, am allowed to do that, right?”
Namjoon nodded as you suspiciously made yourself comfortable. “You’ve not sat down in my lap before, are you sure that you’re not up to anything?”
“Why do you always think the worst of me?” You laughed back at him.
“You’ve got that look in your eye,” he noted, knowing exactly when it felt as if trouble was brewing. “You’re looking as if you’ve got something up your sleeve for me Y/N.”
“I’m just looking to see your reaction,” you told him, “all I’m doing is sitting in your lap, there’s nothing more to it.”
“I’m still not sure,” Namjoon hummed, knowing that mischief was your speciality, “I’ve got my eye on you whilst you’re sat here.”
“You’ll be disappointed that I’m doing nothing.”
A gasp came from you as you felt a pair of arms wrap around you as soon as you dropped. “What are you doing?” You giggled back at Jimin.
His hold pulled you into his chest, instantly cuddling into you. “If you’re going to sit in my lap then we have to do it properly, not have you just sat there.”
“You could have at least warned me that you’d do that.”
His head shook proudly as you tried to catch your breath from the surprise. “Where would the fun have been in doing that? I wanted to make you jump.”
“You definitely did that, my heart is pounding,” you scolded in reply.
“It worked then,” Jimin sniggered as he felt your hand press against your chest to balance yourself. “You’ve never sat down in my lap before, what made you decide to do that?”
“Just thought I’d see how it feels,” you nonchalantly replied, making yourself comfortable as you curled up against Jimin’s frame.
“And how is it?” He pushed as you remained silent, deciding to play him at his own game as you teased the question out of him.
“I definitely think that I could get used to this.”
As your head tilted to the left, your eyes were drawn to Taehyung’s expression straight away. “What’s that smile for?” You asked him.
His eyes met yours at the sudden sound of your voice, realising just how wide his smile was. “I was just thinking about how nice this feels, you in my lap.”
“I never imagined that your lap would be as comfy as this.”
Taehyung nodded as his grip around your frame tightened, “I don’t know about you, but this feels like the perfect spot for you, you just fit right in.”
“I agree, this might be my new favourite spot,” you shyly told him.
“I could keep you in my lap forever,” he noted, pulling you even closer into his chest. “I can’t believe it’s taken this long for us to realise how good of an idea you in my lap is.”
“I wouldn’t complain,” you laughed back across to Taehyung, keeping your eyes firmly on him. “I’ll never have to sit on the sofa again now.”
“That’s true,” he agreed with his smile growing, “my lap better be much more comfortable than anything else for you?”
“Of course, it’s my new favourite place to sit.”
Your head shook as you felt Jungkook begin to bounce you as soon as you sat yourself down in his lap. “I knew you’d do this,” you laughed.
His arms wrapped around your waist to hold you tightly as he bounced you around, “you can’t just sit yourself down in my lap and expect me not to tease you.”
“Me sitting in your lap is supposed to be a nice thing for couples.”
Jungkook nodded as you looked back at him, “it’s a nice thing for me, I can hear you laughing,” he grinned, continuing to bounce his legs up and down.
“I never knew your knees were so bony,” you huffed in reply.
“There is one thing that you could do to get me to stop bouncing you up and down,” Jungkook warned you, pouting his lips, “one kiss is all it takes Y/N for me to be still.”
“You really think that you deserve a kiss after bouncing me around and ruining a sweet moment?” You challenged, only to see his head nodding.
“If you don’t want to kiss me, I can hold onto you tighter and bounce you around some more,” he noted, watching your head shake.
“Alright, you win. Stay still so that I can give you a kiss.”
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steddie-thirst · 2 years
Bad Apple | Ex-Con!Eddie Munson X (Journalist)Fem!Reader |
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Summary: Eddie cuts a deal with his parole officer in order to get out early. As things start to become normal Eddie realizes just how free he isn't until he meets you.
Warnings: mentions of illegal drug use, drugs, alcohol, cursing, language, crime, petty theft, abuse of illegal substances, and of course 18+
It had been a grueling day filled with paperwork and being tasked with guarding a particularly rough parolee named Eddie Munson. Steve had arrived home at 4:30 a bit later than intended. Pulling his vehicle into the drive-way. Hopefully, just in time to catch his wife for a few hours of small talk and dinner. She usually left for her weekend work trips at seven, so he was glad there was a bit of time to spend.
He fishes the house keys from his back pocket, admiring the way each key dangles from the handcrafted chain. Courtesy of his daughter, the purple, blue, black, and pink beads that adorned the small string hand picked by her tiny fingers. The other beads strung on the string contained a letter -- D.A.D.D.Y.
Steve’s lips curl into a thin smile going to unlock his front door. The click of the lock alone is enough to signal he's home. How the door creaks as he pushes it open is an even better indicator. The soft padding of tiny feet gives him enough time to prepare. Hanna’s pretty hazel eyes gaze up at her father as she runs for him. Wanting nothing more than to be enveloped and scooped up into his arms. She was the brightest little star so full of joy. One of the reasons he had the job that he did, was in vowing to protect his wife and daughter. That was all the motivation he needed.
Hanna giggles as she finds comfort in her father’s arms, a shrill squeal leaving her as his fingers dig into her sides tickling her. “Da-a-addy! S-Stop it, that tickles!” Her nose scrunched up as another fit of laughter escapes her. Hanna’s legs are wrapped around his torso, squirming in Steve’s arms as his fingers torment her. “Okay, okay, pumpkin. M’Sorry.” He coos craning his neck down to peck her cheek and she smiles toothily, revealing not one, but two front teeth missing. “Woah! Look at that!” Steve is so distracted with his daughter that he hadn’t noticed Lizzie approached. Everyday he fell more and more in love with her. 
Elizabeth stands on her toes to peck Steve on the cheek. Hanna juts her tongue out in disapproval. Steve smiles and nuzzles her cheek. “She lost another tooth, babe?” Steve inquires once she steps closer, hands brushing over his shoulders, running her hands idly along the pads of his vest.
“Mhmm.” She hums, her temple coming to rest against his bicep. “Spent the whole day trying to get it out.” Elizabeth muses and he chuckles. Hanna curls herself against Steve’s chest and rests her head on his chest. 
“And now I get to see the Tooth Fairy!” Hanna chirps, throwing her arms around his neck and Steve humms in delight. “Wanna see my tooth, Daddy?” She asked with a proud grin and he nodded. He wanted nothing more than to see something his little girl was proud of. Steve bends down returning his child to the safety of the floor watching as she takes off down the hall to grab her tooth.
Steve chuckles, “Enthusiastic, she gets that from you.” He complimented, hands running down Lizzie’s sides until they rest on her hips, fully turning to face her. She takes in his uniform and runs her palms up over the vest, "Baby, you're givin' me that look."
“Yeah?” Lizzie replies with a bit of sarcasm, lacing her arms around Steve’s neck. She lovingly stares up into his eyes and he drags her closer. Immediately crashing his lips down in hers. God, he missed Elizabeth. Every second of every day he missed her. Craved her. Wanted her. Steve qas crazy for the woman. Lizzie's fingers play with the hairs at the base of his neck as he kissed her, before pulling away to gaze into her eyes. "Hard day, Stevie?"
He shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "God, you have no idea." Just then little Hanna comes running back with her tooth, tucked safely inside a plastic baggy, waving it in the air.
"Well let's have a look huh?" Lizzie admires Steve as he crouches down to interact with their daughter. She wouldn't have it any other way, her heart swells with joy everytime Steve comes home. Showing the both of them love. Things were perfect.
"Rules?" Eddie huffs angrily, "What am I five?" He stares up at the dingy ceiling of his bedroom. The ceiling fan creaking as it circles the air around his room slowly. Missing the dusty corners of Eddie's bedroom. He wasn't quite a fan of being bossed around in his own home, it wasn't something that sat well with him. Having moved out of the trailer home he shared with his Uncle Wayne two years ago, had changed him. It was his house and he was stuck following rules again. "Shit.." Eddie sighed.
He sits up moving to clib off the bed as he swings his legs over the side but stops. Eddie looks down at the monitor strapper securely to his ankle and sighed. "Fucking, Hell. I'll feel like a kid." Everything had gone downhill for him. He pulled the lighter from his pocket, then made his way out of the room and towards his front porch.
When he breached the outside Eddie felt a twinge of relief. After being locked in a cell for ten hours, interrogated for another two, and forced into some sort of shitty parole agreement he was glad to have a break. He clicks the lighter holding it up the cigarette tucked st the corner of his pursed lips. A huge wave of relief washes over him over him as he inhales the smoke, allowing the nicotine to numb his feelings, usually felt the best after a quick smoke.
He reaches for the butt and lodges it between his index and middle fingers, taking another hit, before blowing the smoke out into the open air around him. Eddie sighs, completely off-edge and thoroughly relaxed leaning back against the columns of which supported the roof of his front porch.
"Oh, hello!" A sweet voice calls out to him.. soft like silk and thick like honey. Eddie looks up from his cigarette at the sound of the voice. He turns his head in every which way until he spots her. To his right a beautiful woman stood, clad in a soft yellow sundress and flip-flops. Your hair pulled back into a messy bun and Eddie chuckled.
He waves his hand, not wanting to appear rude, before taking another puff. Eddie swaggers over towardd the gate a certain pep to his step. Flicking the cigarette aside into the grass, stomping out the butt with the tip of his sneaker. Then he approched her side of the fence. Arms reaching out and folding over the top of the metal bars.
"Hey, you uh- You uh moving in?" Eddie scratches his chin as he eyes the boxes stacked by your door. He points a finger towards her the haphazardly stacked items.
You crinkle your nose and let out a sigh, "Yeah, just moved in a week ago. Those are some old boxes. Storage mostly." Waving a hand to dismiss them. Eddie let's out a chuckle pressing his weight onto the gate as he admires you.
The way the yellow sundress hugged your hips, but covered your legs modestly, shoulders covered by a thin white cardigan. Eddie couldn't help but stare. "I'm Belle by the way. You?"
He chuckles, "Munson. Eddie Munson." When he introduces himself he watches as your face scrunched up as if thinking. Eddie could see the cogs turning in your brain.
"Mm, nope. Don't think I've heard of you. Did you go to Hawkings High School?" You ask looking up at him.
"Yeah, I did. Graduating class of '86, baby." He replies wistfully. God, he missed Hugh school. Not the parts about being terrorized, but the club, his band, friends and now all of that gone. All because he wanted to make a quick buck. You could tell by the timbre of his voice that he seemed troubled.
He certainly was cute though. Brown eyes, soft and rounded, followed by perfect dimples. Long untameable dark curls and his hands. God, where to start? "So. What do you for a living?" You ask trying to distract yourself with something other than him. Eddie wasn't the type of guy anyone could take home to their parents, especially not your own.
Eddie chuckles chest abd shoulders shaking with his actions. He smirks, "I don't know, sweetheart. If I told you I'd have to kill you."
You step closers, faces now inches away from another. "Oh yeah? You a bad boy, Eddie?"
"Oh, sweetheart you have no idea." He dismisses the question, opting to tease you further. "I'm not exactly your average goody-two-shoes." He uncrowded his arms to accentuate his words in air quotes earning a giggle from you.
Oh he was smart. He was the holy trinity of bad boys it seemed. "Maybe you're not bad, Eddie, not necessarily good either. I'm sure you've made mistakes." You speak with a whole heart. Eddie was your neighbor and you wanted nothing more than to get to know him, but he seemed like a trouble maker.
"How do you know I'm good, sweetheart?" He asks leaning even closer, now being able to feel his breath ghost across your cheeks. Fanning your senses with the smell of smoke and mint. "What if I'm a murderer? Or a stalker?"
Your cheeks grow hot, "I-If you were you wouldn't be on parole. Most- Most crimes are-"
"Are what cutie?" Eddie enjoyed the way your grew so embarrassed from just a few compliments. He was enjoying this.
"Just major crimes are usually not considered for parole." You respond and Eddie steps back, the feeling of warmth flooding through you.
"How do you know I'm on parole? That I just didn't escape?" Eddie questions leaning forward with a smirk etching across his plump lips.
"Ankle bracelet. I saw it when you were smoking on the porch-" You don't expect him to lean back over and snatches your chin in his hand. Thumb brushing across your bottom lip. The metal of his rings felt cool against of your hot skin. Body involuntarily shuddering at his touch.
"You watching me, sweetheart?" He coos, with a tilt of his head.
"I-I didn't mean.." You stammered bashful.
"I think you should watch me more often. It's not often I get cute girls to stare me down." Eddie sends you a wink, before jumping back and turning to walk back towards his own porch. "See yah around, sweetheart."
He leaves you there, wanting, waiting, and needing more. Eddie Munson was certainly a character.
@yaspillz @dahliamae @munsonloverblog @off-phelia @strangerthingsstories5255 @fujiihime @shyposttree @damon-loves-pie @fanficfanatic204 @positivevibesnlif3 @beebslebobs @seratoninsickness @k0urti @thatlonelypieceoftoast @marianita195 @bbarnes04 @phantomxoxo @wittlewowa @buchanansbaby @rollergirlworld @allithewriter @555stargirl555 @gothguitargal @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @carol-munson
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obriengf · 2 years
35 with mitch
send me a character and a prompt for a scene blurb ~ (4/10)
CAUGHT : for one muse to walk in on the other singing / dancing.
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Surreal was nothing but understated when it came to knowing that your apartment once again housed two instead of one. Since the moment Mitch Rapp walked through the front door, the ceiling lamps grew a little brighter, the air a little warmer, and your heart a little bigger. It was a story told too many times before - a man sent away to right the wrongs of others, leaving his sweetheart to await his return. Time moved slowly, a reminder that your time without the man you love was breaching indefinite. The phone calls became shorter and and you swore that it only prolonged your need for those overdue kisses and whispers of sweet nothings. Once the six week marker flashed midnight on your alarm clock, your heart wretched, and your tears returned. You just missed him.
But luck had a knack for worming it’s way into moments of utter hopelessness - and fortunately, it always ended the same way... with him returning home to your arms.
It didn’t feel real to see his built frame take up space in the kitchen, nor did it feel real to hear the clanging of dishes being washed in the sink that weren’t from your own two hands - the most mundane activity, drenched in complete domesticity, was enough to get your heart soaring. You quietly lent against the arched door frame, arms crossed lazily over your thumping chest as you watched Mitch with all the adoration you could muster. Eyes focused on the way his shirt sat too snug over his shoulders - knowing Mitch, he put it in the dryer with no sense of how to work one, or maybe his frame just grew that little more taut since he’d been gone. Regardless, you couldn’t tear your gaze away and you didn’t want to ever again if it meant that Mitch Rapp never left your side.
You travelled down the expanse of his back, eyeing the way his muscles moved with such fluidity beneath the black fabric, before your focus was caught rather quickly by the shake and gyrate of his hips. It made you giggle under your breath, not wanting to alert of your presence just yet as you admired the side of Mitch Rapp that hardly anybody got to see - one filled with carelessness, joy and rhythm. 
You could see how they moved faster with the growing hum of his voice, a tune licking at his tongue as it slowly began to echo throughout the space. It was a tune you knew well - Mitch always listened to it, sang it, even built the limited skill set when away from the field to learn the basic chords on the guitar. It was a song that made you smile, and made him revell in the memories of his mother. Her soothing tone would lull him to sleep as a child, and he inherited it so beautifully when the words were sung into your hair and his arms secured tightly around your body.
He had switched out his dish cloth for a towel as hands dried your dinner plates with gentle movements, his voice growing louder as melody drifted toward you, “You say it best...hmm hmm hmm... when you say nothin’ at all.” 
You were lost. Entranced. Every small detail about this man is what made you adore him more and more with each passing second you spent with him. But it also made you miss his presence near tenfold when he was gone. A bittersweet concoction when you find yourself utterly and completely in love with another person.
It wasn’t meant to be so startling as you quietly stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his waist, your cheek pressed firmly against his back. Mitch only tensed for a mere half second from the additional body heat you provided, but it dissipated quickly, one of his hands reaching down to rub tenderly at your enclasped pair over his lower stomach. Your nose nuzzled into him, a humm eliciting now from within your throat.
“You have a lovely voice when you sing.” You said, Mitch’s arms erupting in goosebumps due to the dancing of your warm breath through the cotton of his shirt.
He grinned, heat crawling up to his cheeks as the man quickly became chuffed. Mitch spoke with slight humour, “Yeah? What about when I don’t sing?”
“Still my favourite sound, ties first place with your morning voice. Super sexy.” 
He definitely was glowing now; his nose burning with the pinch of a warm blush, ears not too far behind. You built his confidence back up after it was burnt horrifically to the ground - you showed love, and care, praise, compliments. Mitch Rapp had never felt so goddamn loved in his life, and it took him a while to accept that he deserved it. But you made him see that he did.
Mitch chuckled, his tongue darting out to lap at the slight dryness of his lips, “You’re super sexy.”
With a turn of your head, your smile pressed against his back before puckered lips kissed between his shoulder blades, “Only for you. All yours.”
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hey Franky! Hope you're doing well! Can I please request Ace, Marco and somebody of your choosing crushing HARD on a reader who has a lovely singing voice? Like they humm, sing and chant constantly and sometimes go full diva? Maybe the boys listen for the nth time to their favourite song and realise "Shit, I'm in love"? I hope you stay happy and hydrated, cheers!
I have a similar-ish one with Marco here also I am doing okay <3 thank you dear and please enjoy!
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He loves when you sing.
He will be sitting at his desk working and hear your voice drift in through the open window.
Marco likes when you sit in his office and sing, perched on the edge of his desk singing softly to him as he works away.
You make his day go faster.
He closes his eyes, lips curled into a serene smile as he taps the end of his pen in time with the tune if he recognises it.
Nothing makes the doctor happier than listening to you perform a private show for him, a light summer breeze flowing through the window.
Something about it fills his heart.
Marco will always watch you with half-lidded eyes, filled with such fondness.
He knew he had it bad for you, but he thought he was too old for crushes.
But it felt like you were singing for him every time you sang.
You’d ask the phoenix if there was anything he’d like to hear, any song that he wanted.
He hummed in thought, leaning back in his chair and watching your face for a reaction.
“There’s nothing I’d like to hear more than you saying yes to going to dinner with me, yoi.” Marco’s bright blue eyes met yours, the cheeky smile tugging his lips.
“How about it, Songbird?”
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Whenever he was in a mood nothing brought him out of it faster than you singing to him or around him.
The way your voice soothed him, how his sour expression was wiped off his face and he would sit there and listen.
The first time he’d heard you was when he was still new, still trying to kill Whitebeard.
His hands were tugging at his hair as he scowled across the deck, seething, boiling under the surface.
Body as bruised as his ego.
You’d not been phased by the sulking Ace sat on the floor as you’d passed singing a sea shanty you’d picked up from Thatch.
Ace’s heartbeat had skipped, his eyes followed after you, listening to the chipper song.
“Oh, fuck.” He winced when he felt something inside him, something intense.
It had been love at first sight, well, listen?
Ever since that day Ace has loved hearing you sing, wishing you would sing for him and only him one day.
@fire-fist-ann @rivvd-art @santoru @mimi-ya @simp4ace @aifozu @useless-potathoTHO @iloveportgasdace @smoleeveewritestes @strawhat-bast @gonuclear @secretsnailor @dxvilmanlev @my-muses-in-op @whisplion @saisei-no-hano @strawhat-bast @rae-vynn @undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold @sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart @sugxrslushy @kaizokuwritings @iloveportgasdace @bepoprotectionsquad @ace-no-isha @yamatosimptm @thatsprettycoolbro
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abusivelittlebunny · 1 year
Bestie, please i need you to write something for Logan x pierce 🥺 I'm so fucking happy you're getting into Boyd's stuff
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Bestie I want to desperately but I haven't even seen the movie all I know about it is from Tumblr gifsets thanks to @conradrasputin who got me hooked on the whore that is Donald Pierce. But that doesn't mean I don't already have fic ideas...
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1. I feel like it's mandatory to write a good nasty smut where Pierce uses that lovely robotic hand of his to pleasure himself, he fixes it up on his own to have a nice vibrating function that he can abuse his prostate with with a special elastic glove covering the cold metal skeleton. He's in the middle of fingering his brains out and twisting his nipple piercings with his other hand (because of course a whore like him has nipple piercings and a tongue piercing) when some lower rank henchman coworker of his walks in on him. Pierce at first tries to angrily dismiss the dumb hunk of muscle but then figures he may be of some help and uses him as his own personal dildo but the guy finishes too quickly inside him, leaving Pierce unsatisfied until he notices the other henchmen peeking through the door to jack off to the sight. Pierce invites them all in to find out how much they can satisfy him.
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2. I also want to write of course a fic where Pierce uses X-24 as his personal guard dog/favorite dildo because he loves his men rough and X-24 has been the most perfectly brutal animalistic bedpartner he ever had; besides that he always wanted a dog. He puts a collar and sometimes a leash on X-24 and pets his head or scratches under his jawline when his perfect beast does something well and he rewards him by bending over for a fuck or giving him a blowjob. He can't stop moaning "Come on, boy, ah that's it, good boy, fuck me hard, good boy," as X-24 ruts into him and then he lets the beast cuddle him close as a reward and lick and groom him like he'd with a mate. After a while Pierce barely has to give any verbal orders he can just snap his fingers and X-24 knows what he wants which is either sex or kill. X-24 also starts protecting him on his own instinct, Pierce could be in a sticky situation and X-24 drops everything to save him instead of listening to the given order. Pierce finds the misbehavior troublesome but he can't help but call his beast a good boy when he carries him out covered in wounds that'd kill a normal man.
3. Speaking of X-24, I definitely want a fic where Pierce already has an established master-dildodog relationship with him and Pierce manages to capture Logan who he's obsessed with. I want a scene of Pierce tracing his hands along Logan's thighs who can't do anything about it because he's tightly bound meanwhile Pierce muses how damn familiar Logan is even if Logan doesn't know just how well Pierce knows his body. "I know the exact shape and size of your cock, how you like it sucked, and what your weaknesses are. Like when I do this," and he licks at the shell of Logan's ear and bites it just hard enough and Logan trembles into it, his cock stirring involuntarily and Pierce continues with a pleased humm "you'll instantly get turned on. I also know you're a cuddly one after sex, quite keen on marking your territory." And Logan has no idea how Pierce would know such private informations until X-24 prowls in and bumps his head against his master in an affectionate gesture while glowering at Logan himself, seeing him as a damn challenger. But Pierce doesn't want them fighting he wants them working together to give him pleasure and an incredibly twisted threesome occurs where Pierce gets dpd and spitroasted to hell and back.
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4. It wouldn't be me if I didn't want an omegaverse au where Pierce while still a mercenary is an omega who volunteers to carry Logan's kids next to the cloning plan to get little supersoldiers from his DNA. Logan is captured and gets rut enducing drugs injected into him when Pierce quits his suppressants to induce heat in himself. No matter how bad Logan hated the guy, an alpha in rut only sees a beautiful omega in heat ready for a good breeding in Pierce at that moment and all forms of restraining are useless as they couple like feral dogs in the allocated cell. Their breeding lasts for a whole week and by the end of it Pierce is not only knocked up with a full litter but also got claimed by Logan, both of them too lost in passion at that time to care but now months later Pierce is actually annoyed by it because his instincts make him crave his mate and the thought of giving his babies away for science experiments seem less and less appealing. He gets almost daily doctor's check ups to see the progress in his womb and is allowed a weekly meeting with Logan to keep the omega in him happy because a happy omega is a healthy fetus. Logan despite himself also develops strong feelings to protect Pierce and their babies and they end up escaping together before the babies are born to raise them in a remote cabin after killing off the people working for the evil organization. I'm a sucker for domestic endings like this
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5. Because he's serving LDR trailer Park hooker vibes I desperately want to create a fic (with or without the powers) where it's like current regular times and Donald Pierce hooks up with this sexy gruff older stranger Logan at a gas station toilet and its so incredibly hot both of them are shaken by it (Pierce acts like a tough guy until he's getting his face fucked against the grimy toilet stall door and then bends over the sink to get his ass resized) but they both know it must stay a one time thing. Until they end up seeing each other not two days later at the same cheap motel they're both coincidentally staying at and they tumble into Pierce's room for hot nasty sex (but before that Logan rushes back to his own room for five minutes saying that uh he left his condoms there which is weird because Pierce says he can just use his own and then Logan ends up not even using any condoms and just pumps him full of cum) and Pierce is honestly above the clouds enough that he offers Logan the chance to sleep over which he's never done with a random hookup before but Logan declines and retires to his own room leaving Pierce cold and confused. The next day Pierce sees Logan pack his car and take off and decides to follow him instead of going on his work related trip. He stops not short from where Logan stops and goes into the Diner they stopped in front of first so it doesn't seem like it's Pierce who's following him, taking a seat at the bar and pointedly not paying attention when he hears people come in behind him. He sucks on his strawberry milkshake and eats his fries putting them on his tongue one by one with carefully practiced casual sluttyness while reading his work texts on his phone, rolling his eyes and sighing dramatically as he feels a particular pair of eyes on him and when he slips out of his seat and heads for the men's room he doesn't even need to wait to hear the steps to know Logan will follow. Which he does, bless his heart, and Pierce gives a coy "I'm starting to think you're following me," before he gets pushed out on the back exit and gets ravished against the wall in the alley behind the diner. The fuck is hard and rough and fast and everything Pierce needs to cum his brains out but after it's done and he chuckles "mmm you should've bought me dinner first," Logan huffs that he doesn't think that's a good idea before going back in the diner leaving the younger man alone. Pierce doesn't get why Logan wouldn't want to hang out after they've had such glorious sex not once but three times but when he goes back he does quickly realize because Logan's small daughter is munching down on a big burger right across from him and he's doing his best not to look at Pierce paying his tab and leaving. Pierce sits in his car silently smoking and watching Logan and his daughter Finnish their meal, waiting for what Pierce assumes would be his wife to come by the table as well but she never does and the two of them leave on their own. Should Pierce keep following and trying to pursue a single dad on a road trip with his daughter just for the sake of some splendid dick and end up learning how to be a good stepmommy just so he can date said single dad? Maybe not, but Donald Pierce loves bad ideas.
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6. that being said I do want a fic where Logan and Pierce are in the beginning of their relationship and Pierce has to try to deal with the fact that he not only has a new man but with that comes an unexpected new stepdaughter and how difficult it is to maneuver around their kid for fun sexy times. Its maddening how Logan doesn't want to fuck him over the kitchen counter or table because his daughter eats there or how he must keep his moans muffled into the pillow so Laura won't hear or how they can't do any flirting around Laura as if that'd do her any harm. Don't get him wrong he gets along with Laura well enough but her dad is just far too overly protective and Pierce just wants to get dicked the fuck down!!! This could also be an omegaverse where Pierce wants Logan to breed him already buy Logan is afraid Laura might feel less important if they start having babies now and Pierce is outraged by that. He needs his eggs cracked and his name dropped. That means he wants to have babies and get married NOW you old fuck come on!
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7. I know the prev few seem like long multichapter fics but I also want a nice short smut shot based on the knowledge that Logan is supposed to be a limo driver in that movie as a job, and hearing that I immediately came up with a no powers au where Logan gets hired by Pierce's boss as personal limo driver only the boss himself barely ever uses said limo and instead it's Pierce taking high profile clients and business partners out for fine dining or exclusive clubs or just plain old serving champagne in the limo while Pierce whores himself out to different men like five times a week and Logan has front row seats to watch as Pierce sucks on the cock of the client of the day or rides a business partner for some deal his boss needs. Pierce quickly catches on that the hot limo driver likes to watch and makes sure to put on a good show for him. One night when Logan is supposed to pick up Pierce and another client from the club only Pierce gets in the car, clearly irritated and wearing his sunglasses but those don't cover the split lip he's got as he grumbles for Logan to take him home. Logan hears as Pierce calls up his boss and tells him he couldn't secure the deal which results in a lot of yelling on the other end of the phone but Pierce just looks tired as he mumbles his apologies, nothing like his usual cocky self. Pierce asks Logan to park in the garage and then come up to his apartment if he wants a bonus and Logan is mad enough to comply and give Pierce what he needs; a good hard fuck to calm him down and then a sweet and gentle one he's too tired to resist against to make him fall asleep. For such a tough nasty guy he sure loves to cuddle in his sleep.
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techfan450 · 3 months
(from the Muse Headcanons meme)
☹ and ✗ for Rourke, please.
Let's see. Something that makes me upset and sonething that makes me angry? Humm... I'm not the "feelings" guy but something that makes me upset is bigotry... I don't fall gor that "I'm better because i'm white" shit... And for angry something that really ticks me off the worse way is when people assume that because i'm a soldier i'm this sort of brute. (Which happened lots of times) Oh! Also i get REALLY angry when someone hurts/makes Milo cry... It's like... Hands off my husband stupid punk. That's mine.
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pinguinwrites · 10 months
Musings in a tight spot
[first thread in 10 years - I am still figuring this out]
Re-posted thread from Twitter
GhostSoap musings
tw: slight angst, romance
Ghost watches Soap prepare explosives, observes how nimble fingers open jars and packages. Eyes trailing over materials and liquids, face pulled into a concentrated frown, focused single mindedly onto his task.
He does not know how intently Ghost stares. Maybe feels his eyes on him but he does not see. Soap starts murmuring things, rows of numbers as he calculates between his breathes like he counts the distance before pulling the trigger of his sniper rifle. Evaluates the amount of compartments he needs to set up a veritable bomb. Works with what he has at hand, which is not much given their situation. But Johnny is nothing short of creative – especially when he as a mission.
Which right now is survival.
His own and Ghosts.
They are stuck. Locked. No chance to open the reinforced steel door which is their only way out.
Still, Ghost doesn’t feel trapped. Or desperate.
Because Soap is there and as long as he believes in a solution, things will turn out fine. And even if not… well, then he will die here. His life only on borrowed time anyway. And he had made the most out of it – especially since Soap had barged into his life.
“One more glowstick, L.t.” Soaps voice is distant, clearly focused on his work of a makeshift demolition charge.
Ghost watches with something like adoration how these nimble fingers do a work so delicate – fingers that could snap a grown man’s neck with brutal force.
As ordered, he snaps a new light for his Sergeant to help him see what he is doing – one of their last. Time is running out… slowly.
Some more minutes of silence before Soap leans back and exhales long and slow.
“Should work.” He says and looks to Ghost, face suddenly a tag apprehensive. “I hope. Sorry for the mess we are in… if we don’t get out…”
Ghost shakes his head. Fierce. Grips Soaps shoulder.
“O don’t care about any ‘ifs’. I trust you. It will work.”
‘And If not, I am allowed to die with you here’, but of course he does not speak those words aloud. He would never.
Soaps eyes lock on his for an indifferent amount of time. Watches. Thinks. Smiles finally.
“Hm.” He humms, the smile slowly tugging at his lips until his teeth show in the eerie light of their glowstick. “As long as you are around, everything will work. Make me hot enough to light every fuse.”
This was not what Ghost had meant he felt warmth creeping up his face. Nothing could be seen due to his mask but still, he felt like…
“If you light me up, I will gladly burn to ashes in your hands.”
He sees Soaps eyes turning big. Mouth open. And realizes that he had spoken this out loud.
He wants to say something, a bad joke. Something snarky. Something threatening. Even a simple sorry. But his ability to speak seems to have left him. So he just stares. And Soap stares as well before he snaps his mouth shut and takes the makeshift bomb into his hands. Turns around and starts the process to mine the door.
Comes back, takes Ghosts hand into his own and pulls him away from the metal, back into the room and into the darkness. Shoves him behind a desk and squats down next to him.
They cannot see their expressions here.
“If you meant what you said, we will get out of here alive. And you will take me on a fucking date… and then we can… burn together…”
Soaps voice is awfully quiet. So loaded. Ghost still feels their linked hands. Presses his thumb into the palm of Soaps hand.
“Sounds like a good idea, Johnny.” He doesn’t trust his voice with more than that and feels Soap slowly pressing back.
“Door breach in 3… 2… 1… cover.”
The explosion is loud. Something is either very wrong or very right – the heat rolls over them and on instinct, Ghost pulls the Sergeant into his arms, cradles him against his chest as he uses his whole body mass as a shield from the fire and debris. To keep him safe. At least enough to survive.
And they do survive, somehow getting out of this mess. Clothes burned and charred but very much…. Alive. And Simon takes Johnny on a date afterwards. In between all their awkwardness they find their fire. All consuming but making them feel alive instead of burning away and into ash.
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soulcluster · 9 days
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NAME?: Lailah
PRONOUNS?: she/her they/them
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: HMMM It fluctuates often but, most of my FEs, also Cloud and Aerith are kicking around
RP PET PEEVES?: not reading my bios :) I know they don't all have bios but a lot of them do
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: humm 20+ years or so
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: All of it! Probably angst and smut the most, but fluff is nice for a reprieve, or it depends on the muse too
PLOTS OR MEMES?: Plot mostly, to get a general idea, and then following the muse and throwing memes or asks around as we go
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: Both, just depends on the muse and the plot. I absolutely need plot to write longer replies.
TIME TO WRITE?: UH... idk... when I have time and energy.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: There's so many of them I think I have to. At the least, I often like to project some of my own issues onto them, though I think I often find the muses i'm drawn to already have that in their narrative even if I don't explicitly realize it at first. (idk if that makes sense)
Tagged by: @musezieren Tagging: @armatization, @pulchralilium, @taleswritten, @nibelheimfirstclass, @lattehearted, @wolfpackmuses, @fatummortem
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hunting-songs · 1 month
"Mmm, I think I'm not very good at describing myself, but I'll do my best. 171cm, ectomorph, although thin I have gently defined muscles and I'm quite strong. Blonde hair, usually wind-dried and combed with my fingers so it's in a casual mess. Brown eyes with a completely dynamic color that can go from their natural brown, to almost black when there is little light, through an intense orange when the light hits my iris directly, and having the ability to take on a warm reddish tone in certain circumstances. And although there are people who fear that, there are also people who have told me that it is something charming. I like to wear cologne and always be well dressed, even if it is between-home clothes. I am a simple man, I like peace, nature , reading, listening to music or playing an instrument - although I'm not really good -. I know I can be cold and distant but I'm a completely different person when come into my close circle. I don't like to drink a lot of alcohol but I enjoy a good sweet cocktail" He sighed somewhat heavily, he didn't know that describing himself was going to be so difficult.
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Describe your muse on anon and my muse will say if they would date them or not. Bonus: Include the basic details: gender, age, height, likes, dislikes, hair/eye color, race, and anything else my character should know.
Hands folded coyly under her chin, Senritsu listened attentive to the description telling her things she already knew so well. "'A warm reddish tone', mhmmmmmmmmmmm, you could not by any means, mean scarlet, do you?" The woman tapped her short fingers as innocently against her chin as she was definitive not: "What a great coincidence that red is my favorite colour. And I know for a fact that that colour is very charming. At least on you." "Although you are a liar. I heard you play acoustic guitar before, and it was not bad at all, In fact it was very dolce. I would have nothing against going on a date and hear you play for me, if you would want to do that too.", she winked reassuringly, and added with a gentle humm: "So no need for that heavy sigh of yours, you did well in describing yourself." [ @skarletchains ]
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ofyorkshire · 2 months
humm, worked longer today, did a lot of stuff nonstop, and have very few spoons, so i may focus on asks tonight. feel free to send stuff! i'd especially love to answer ic or ooc questions about bj's relationships with other characters, whether in his canon or other peoples' muses.
and!!! i think i'm going to bite the bullet and make my own scar meme specifically for bj. i can't find the template i used to use anywhere lol
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juliansummerhayes · 4 months
A dearth of wisdom
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I wonder if there is a hierarchy of wisdom?
I'd like to think so.
Sadly, right now (e.g. the Covid inquiry, Stop the Boats, #COP28) it seems that those who apparently have their grip on the societal, cultural and environmental tiller are immeasurably towards the bottom -- or at least that's my view.
Step forward the elders. . .
But of course they're nowhere to be seen or at least they're not heard. And for the record, being old is not the same thing. If that were so, we'd be drowning in elders.
The thing is, this sort of musing doesn't really go anywhere. I mean, it's not like I'm cheerleading or exhorting more wisdom. Hell, if it was that easy, there be a bushel and some of books, videos and programmes designed to inculcate us all with the secret sauce of wisdom; and someone would be making a shed load of cash.
No, I'll just have to sit with the feeling that wisdom has gone the same way as so many other things.
Who or what is to blame?
Now that's another question that would take me a lifetime to answer but I can't help think that globalisation has accelerated the need not to ask any sensible question, lest still question the status quo, and we'll be left to see the powers that be drive the world/earth off the cliff edge, ensuring we all die a slow and painful death.
Enjoy your Friday.
Blessings, Julian
Photo by Patrick Humm on Unsplash
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irrfahrer · 1 year
ꜱᴇɴꜱᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪꜰɪᴄ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ: Ziv Odiz’Zee
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE? As a Botanist and herbal Healer there is a very damp, bitter scent sticking to Ziv that is as best desribed as Petrichor. She smells of dried grass, cut leafs, her herbs and damp fresh earth. Ziv is mostly only sweating for communication, so she actually has a very neutral bodily odor and usually either smells of the herbs she is working with or of the enviorment she is in.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE? The inside of her  paws is covered in a thick, rough and very leatherlike skin that protects her from most enviorments properly and isolates her from coldness perfectly. Her paws are very warm and dry and while the inside it rough from work and as a natural protection, the upperside of her paws is covered in soft, velvetly fur that is nice to touch. The only time Zivs paws are uncomfortable to touch is in hot enviorments as the inside of her paws is the only place she can sweat and cool herself and accordingly she does.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY? Everything she is able to at any time. As a hyperactive aquatic Mammal made to live in icy oceans, Ziv has a very high metabolism and her body very easily starts to eat off her protective layer of fat, which will have obviously no good effects on Zivs health and physical activity. Considering her very high metabolism that is made to heat her up in frozen temperatures that means she needs to eat a lot, which she does not always manages to do. So for Tynnan standarts Ziv actually has suprisingly little bodyfat (And is probably pretty shredded for a tynnan. A tiny and buff runt). However, she has the problem that a) Ziv is a hypercarnivore, so if she does not eat daily fresh blood and meat, she will get sick and b) she is still an alien. Accordingly her body is adjusted to the bacteria,parasites and chmicals typical in the meat and plants on Tynna. If she eats meat from different planets, her body will react allergic to the different bacteria and chemicals in it. Accordingly she usually eats a artifical made, cheap Protein-mush to get herself the proper calories to keep herself healthy, which is (artifical made and prepared for long spacetravels) free of any bacteria or chemicals that would cause her an extrem allergic reaction. It tastes as appealing as it sounds.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE? Ziv can sing on tune, but she usually only humms. As a midwife she either humms to keep her patients calm, or if there is a big amount of distress, she will purr and use the calming vibration to sooth her patients.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS? When the young woman is nervouse, anxious, annoyed or in general just uncomfortable, she will start to pinch the thin, senstive webbing between her ingers with her fingers. Accordingly the best way to read Ziv, is to take a look at the webbing between her fingers.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR? As a Tynnan Ziv does not need to wear clothes because similar to wookies Tynnan are covered in a thick pelt. However, in Zivs case she is a Albino, so she has not much protection from sunlight through her pelt and therefor has to cover up; and also she is a Tynnan socialised between aliens, so she does has a cultural connection to wearing clothes and has a appreciation of their usefulness. However, due to the isolation her pelt provides Ziv usually wears clothes out of natural material so make sure she is not heating up too much. She wears
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO? the Woman does not like to be touched without her premission. In facts she loathes it. It is a result from her beeing part of a species who look very adorabe and cute, so the Tynnan had been often handled like a little child or a pet even by people who knew better. A hand running over her head, a finger stroking her fluffy cheek, a sudden hug she really did not wanted- the young woman had beared those since she had been a young child and only when she started to literally bite back, people started to keep their distance to her. Accordingly Ziv will not allow any touch unless it was started from her or she is in a situation where she is completly relaxed and safe and expects to be touched (like for example when she is specifically flirting with another person). She is of course also a medic and knows that she regulary has to touch people all the time, but as soon as she is off work she becomes a little reluctantly to touch especially when it is with a affectionatly intention. She loves affection when she has small private moments with another person, she loves kisses, she loves hugs and nuzzles, but only in said private moments and not in public.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN? The rare occaisons Ziv actually sleeps and is not knocked outcold and unexpected because her herbal stimulants suddenly wear off drastically, she usually sleeps on her side and curled around Aiaias transperisteel-container that is usually bound to the Tynnans Rucksack. Aiaia will act as Zivs guarddog and usually wil bite whoever gets close to Ziv. If Ziv is sleping in a bed, she will curl around a pillow held to her chest and Aiaia stands on the nightstand, still keeping up guard.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? You WILL hear Ziv from another room. Until you don’t. What is often forgotten about Ziv, because she makes sure that its forgotten, is that she is indeed still a carnivore and still very much of a species that is its planets apex predetor. Ziv will speak loud and brash and curse even louder with a fitting personality and fitting big movements so people notice she is there and nolonger bother to seek her out. But when she wants to, Ziv can not only move completly soundless due to biology and training (toebeans of a killer), but she is also not detectable through other senses: She has a natural mindshield, so she can neither be sensed telepathically nor precieved with the mind, she can not be heard, she can not be smelled because she smells like her enviorment for as someone with fur she only uses her sweat for communication and masks her scent with the flora round her, and eventually she is not exactly on the same eyelevel as most other aliens so she is literally overlooked. And the fact that Ziv makes sure that she is noticed through her purposeful loudness usually masks that she can not be sensed through any other sense. If Ziv wants to, she is only noticed when she is standing right behind you, tapping  a sharp claw against your back. It is even hard to detect her through her bodyheat because her pelt is made to keep the heat in due to its working as a isolation from Tynnas icy oceans, so while it may detects her, it s hard to make her out against a average temperature enviorment because she is almost the same temperature through her pelts perfect isolation. This is one of the reasons why the Murakami Orchid choosed to bound to Ziv, because if she needs to, she canand will  vanish and hide perfectly and noone will expect it. If you want to talk in D&D language: Ziv is actually a Rogue who pretends she is a Way-of-Mercy-Monk. Tagged By: @strongfuck Tagging: @sithisms  @retrocognizantrecreant @mando-of-esverr @strongfuck @lighthouseborn @peacefaithed  @starfaithed @lessthantwelve @talesgolden @retrocognizantrecreant @cnlyluck @onehell-of-apilot @skysnipsw  @space-hecate @asycuwish @skyler-bane @hopexncarnate   @beskar-himbo   @kylo-wrecked @ofthestcrs @honorhunt  @lady-proudmoore @savior-of-humanity   @stillfocvsed   @gildedcommander @fallesto @outcaststar @jedilovcd @envychosen @poewingsdameron @cardinal-carvings    @smertzimy @kyberllcore  @cfmartyrs  @general-kalani  @luminousxbeings  @thaneirstaer @admrl @notsith   @gwiazdowe @lvkexskywvlker @drabbles-n-doodles  @preempire    @ariadne-inthesky @archaeotech @sxbaist @lightfaithed @trueheartofarebel  @protectxthem    @hunters-house @peacefaithed  @masterofthelivingforce   @startrailed @bladelancer     @wartornpilot @hosnianleft @rcfekjwtaardby  @sithdestined   @honorhunt  @safrona-shadowsun  @stubborn-amphibian   @ncxile  @skywlkrr  @jedixamidala @chromium-siren @aetcrnus  @savesgalaxy  @bountyborn @thestupidmeanone @fatewills…and everyone else who blinked today!        
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
Warm mornings
Cw: mild spoilers for t.oh.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog. DONT REPOST MY ART.
Summary: soft moments post season finale between Jerico and Raine.
♡Lovely taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships
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Raine finished tunning their violin, settling it down Gently on the table beside them. Letting out a sigh,they turn to their lover on the balcony, painting a view of the city before her.
They humm as a thought pops into their mind, picking up the instrument and playing. The room lights up with a warm peach color as their magic take Effect, lifting things into the air slightly. Jerico seems to notice this as she turns to their lover and smile -- Dont stop on my account-- they muse with a smile.
Raine chuckled, their cheeks a Reddish color-- Not planning on it, sweetpea
She returns to painting, humming along to the melody. Their brush moving across the canvas seamlessly.
Some minutes later, Raine comes over and sits on the handrail of the balcony, serenading the crowd below. But most importantly, serenading their lover. Yet they were so concentrated on playing they do not notice Jeri changing canvases,she started to paint them, and by the time they had enough of playing, the painting was done.
--Hey, c'mere I made something for you-- she mused,gesturing him over.
--Oh? -- they humm, walking behind her and seeing the lovely masterpiece their lover had made. -- thank you i...
Jerico smiles, seeing their partner get beet red all across their pretty face. She stands up to meet them at eye level and hug their neck. Raine instictively hugs back, pulling them closer and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
--Tease-- she scoffs, kissing them.
Though taken back by this sudden demonstration of love, they kiss back. Tightening the grip around their partner, who giggles as she feels themself being picked up and twirled around.
The pair spent some more minutes just admiring the city below them, in quiet comfort. Then, after lunch they cuddle up on the bed, snuggled against eachother.
--I love you-- Raine muttered, eyes heavy with sleep.
--Love you too-- jerico replied kissing the top of their head. Both falling asleep not shortly after.
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bitemescftly · 2 years
OPEN STARTER  ;;  best friend’s / boyfriend’s dad plot. she came down for a glass of water & your muse was there. maybe watching naughty movies? maybe sleeping and having a dream about her? whatever you prefer!   list of all kinks here  ||  please don’t like my starters unless you plan on replying!
age g*ps & tab*o relationships expected, obviously.
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          “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Anna blushed, standing in the doorway leading into the open space of the living room through which she’d have to pass to reach the kitchen on her quest for a cold glass of water in the middle of the night. The brunette wasn’t expecting anyone else to be awake at this hour so she didn’t really look up as she made her way down the stairs and nearly into the room before the low humm of the TV caught her attention. She saw a movement under the blankets and then the man’s smile in the darkness but she brushed it off - he could do whatever he wanted, it was his house after all. “I just came for a glass of water.” Anna added as if the explanation was necessary, as if she hadn’t spent the night countless of times before already. The woman didn’t look away from the man, taking a few slow steps towards the kitchen, which also meant she had to pass by the couch he was laying on - which in turn would make it all the easier for the man to see her state of dress ( or rather undress ) even in the dim glow of the tv surrounding the entire room. “Why aren’t you in bed?” She asked, hoping the small talk would distract the male enough not to notice she wore a large tshirt with a scrap of lace in place of panties underneath & nothing more, hoped he wouldn’t notice the hardened peeks of her nipples poking through the light grey shirt so obviously “It’s a bit late to be up, isn’t it?”
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