#Heartfelt - Wavy Frog
Campe fucking Diem - introduction
This is my Camp Camp fanfiction with my OC’s, please don’t hate. This is the introduction, I was thinking of posting my story on here but I wanted to see if anyone would be interested so please let me know if you are.
A dark skinned boy in a blue hoodie and green eyes crouched behind a bush, next to him was a scrawny looking boy with an Afro of brown hair and a yellow turtleneck who bore resemblance to a nerdy beanpole. Crouching on all fours like a feral animal waiting to strike was a girl with teal hair in two ponytails, she wore red overalls over a yellow shirt. “Okay guys, when the bus gets here with whatever new fucked up campers sent to die in this hellhole, we run and jump in while David is distracted probably doing some heartfelt fucking speech about this camp.” The dark skinned boy - Max - informed them like he was exposing the secret plan to a mission (which in a sense, he was). “Got it.” The nerdy kid - Neil - and the teal haired girl - Nikki - echoed together, expressions of determination on their faces. Nikki punched her fist into her hand, practically vibrating with excitement, she held out a fist, then two fingers up, the action of some people walking, she continued making weird gestures, trying to convey a plan and- oh look now she’s doing scissors paper rock…. Okay, she lost, against herself. “Nikki!” Max hissed in frustration. “We- we don’t need. Ugh, whatever - bus is here, quick lets get out of this shitty camp.” He noted the bus’ arrival. David’s face was shining in excitement, his eyes stretched out with - was that stars twinkling in them? The bus pulled to a slow stop, the doors slowly opening like some sort of dramatic introduction ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) but before the rip off of every action movie ever could continue Nikki jumped out of the bushes, charging at the bus with a wild war cry. In the bushes Max face palmed before yelling, “for FUCKS SAKE! That wasn’t the plan Nikki!” And ran out behind her, Neil following with a less than confident war cry. “Max!” David scolded, halting their progress by grabbing the backs of their shirts and lifting them with ease, Max slumping in his hoodie and muttering his former yell ruefully, “for fucks sake.” “Language.” David scolded, Max bristling, ready to explode in his face when the doors of the bus opened with a jolt, the Quartermaster was hunched over the buttons, pushing them impatiently, “stupid door.” He grumbled. He looked up as he heard the door opening to see David holding up Max and Neil and yelping as Nikki bit his foot savagely like a dog, hanging off it as he lifted it of the ground in pain. “I hear pain.” A low voice announced with a tone that sounded like the owner was the incarnation of those dark, evil, villain laughs in movies. A girl then stepped into view, trudging down the steps of the bus to the ground with cool disinterest, she wore a grey beanie, a black shirt and pants and an unzipped dark hoodie, contrasting her pale olive skin tone, her blond hair was cut short at the back, the ends just barely peaking out from her beanie, like a boys hair cut and the front side bangs swept over her right eye, one lock of dyed red hair. She stepped to the side and another figure appeared at the top of the steps, this one seemed to be a walking guitar, taking up most of the small space, the guitar lowering itself down the steps, attempting to leave through the door only the find it was blocked by the narrow space. The guitar backed up a step and tried again, hitting the door frame with a quiet, dull thud. The goth girl stepped back in front of the door to push the guitar back and turn it to the side so it could go through, when the guitar finally plopped onto the ground clumsily it stood to the left, they could now see the top of a light brown head of hair and small pale hands holding either side of the guitar. The guitar was set against the side of the bus and they could finally see the owner, a pale girl with cute baby fat and her light brown hair in a braid, some locks on the right side of her face were free showing her hair was wavy. She wore rectangular glasses and a white shirt with a unicorn on and long grey pants, her and the goth girl stood expectantly - well, she did, goth girl was busy carving a pentagram on the side of the bus. “Hello, happy campers!” David cheerfully greeted, dropping Neil and Max as the bus sped off, leaving Max staring after it angrily. “This. Is music camp?” The girl with glasses questioned disbelievingly, surveying the camp. “Well. At Camp Campbell, we have a number of camps. If you like I could sing you a song~” David slowly raised his guitar prompting a quick “oh please fuck no.” From Max. “We’re good.” Goth girl spoke up quickly, David pouted sadly before turning back to the girl with glasses. “You must be Marina.” Marina grinned a cheesy smirk and finger gunned the overly eager attitude, “‘sup.” He turned to the goth girl, “and you’re-” “Avis.” She cut him off, “got any rope? ‘Cause I’m about fucking ready to kill myself.” Max raised an eyebrow and smirked while David’s smile wavered, he kept it up determinedly, “now now happy camper, why not give Camp Campbell a chance? You could meet some new friends. In fact, how about these lovely campers show you around!” He gestured to the three standing beside him. Both Neil and Max looked repulsed by his happy attitude. “This is Max.” “Fuck off.” “This is Neil.” “Help me.” “And this is Nikki!” “Hi, wanna go poke frogs with me?” Max and Neil had their eyes narrowed while Nikki was practically vibrating with excitement, bouncing on the heels of her feet, bobbing up and down. Marina and Avis shared an apprehensive look before Marina picked up her guitar and Avis picked up the knife she used to carve a pentagram which had fallen from her grip when the bus sped off. Marina was humming a tune as Nikki led them to a clearing full of what looked like stalls with labels, there was a rickety cardboard tower, a skateboard ramp, a wooden lab, a place full of easels and paintings and more. “Oh, I get it. This is a rip off.” Avis said, eyeing the multiple 'camps’, David hastily shushed her, “ah-ah, Camp Campbell is not a rip off-” “yeah, and I’m not gay.” Marina interrupted, “huh?” David turned to her, “huh?” She echoed back innocently. David smiled obliviously and introduced them to the campers with had begun to gather curiously. “This is Erid.” “'Sup dudes.” She drawled from the top of the skate ramp. “Dolph.” “Hallo! I am currently drawing the Reich.” “What?” Marina and Avis asked, concerned, Dolph turned the painting towards them and they could see it was a bowl of rice, painted off of some rice placed on a stool in front of him. “Nice.” Marina offered weakly and Dolph seemed happy at the praise, Avis looked put off, “is it just me or is he-?” “Yeah, it’s fucked up.” Max informed her, “well then at least this camp reflects my life.” She humoured dryly and Max looked at her sideways, smirking. Marina was talking with Dolph, obviously slightly put off by his atmosphere making him seem… Natz-so normal. “This is Harrison.” “Would you like to see a magic trick?” “Yeah, you can make me disappear.” Avis commented under her breath, David remained oblivious to her sardonic tone and took it optimistically, “that’s great! You’re already participating!” He applauded her and she leaned to Max warily. “Is he always so…” “Optimistic?” Max guessed irritably at the same time she said, “fucking annoying.” Max looked at her in surprise then grinned. “Every fucking day of my life.”
Tagging some people in case anyone would be interested in me posting more chapters? @gogetsomesnacks @miss-lee-lee-fan @cajs0037 @aphcanadaiscool @bluestripedshirt
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