mirkwoodse · 4 years
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PITCH PERFECT HORROR WEEK: day 1, ↳ creature feature/cryptids
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snowonebutyou · 4 years
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moodboard: bechloe + werewolf!chloe for the pitch perfect horror week 2020!
Beca was known to be reckless and irresponsible but by far the most reckless, irresponsible thing she has ever done was allow herself to fall in love with a werewolf.
ask me more about it!
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bechloeislegit · 4 years
Day 1 - Creature Feature/Cryptid
A/N:  Not really a scary fic, per se. Just something fun to hopefully bring a smile to the horror about to be unleashed by others during this spooky week.
Summary: Bigfoot has been spotted in the woods near Barden University. Beca Mitchell wants to find him and decides to camp out in the woods to do just that and get a good photo of the elusive creature.
The Bellas sat around the common room when the show they were watching was interrupted by Breaking News.
"Amy, turn up the TV," Beca yelled excitedly.
"Witnesses claim to have seen the hairy creature in Barden woods late yesterday evening," the news anchor said. "We're going live to Sonya Hastings, who is at the edge of the woods where the sighting took place. Sonya, what do you know so far."
"Thanks, Jim," Sonya said. "I'm here with Tim McCarthy and Greta Michaels, the young couple who saw the creature. Tim, what did you see?"
"We were in the woods looking for a place to camp when we heard someone, or something, running through the bushes," Tim said. "Suddenly, this big hairy creature came running at us. He was huge; at least seven feet tall-"
"And he had long brown hair all over his body," Greta added. "I think it was Bigfoot."
"Bigfoot?" Sonya asked.
"Yeah," Tim said, nodding his head. "I took a picture of him on my phone."
Tim pulled out his phone and showed a photo to Sonya. Sonya's eyes widened as she held the photo up to the camera.
"There you have it, Jim," Sonya said. "It's blurry but it looks like it could actually be Bigfoot."
"Do you see that?" Beca asked, pointing to the photo on the TV screen. "Bigfoot is real, and they have a picture to prove it." Beca's excitement is palpable. "And he's been sighted in the Barden Woods. That's like six blocks from here."
"Bigfoot is not real," Stacie said with a laugh. 
"Did you not see the picture?" Beca asked in disbelief. "How can you look at that picture and say he's not real?"
"It's a blurry blob and does not prove Bigfoot is real, because he's not," Stacie said, shaking her head "He's a cryptid."
"A what?" Chloe asked.
"A cryptid," Stacie replied. "Something that's like an urban legend; not real. A myth."
"You're wrong," Beca said, shaking her head. "And I'm going to prove it to you."
"How pray tell, are you going to do that?" Stacie asked, trying to hide her smile.
"I'm going to camp out in Barden Woods and find him," Beca said.
"What?!" Chloe screeched. "No, you're not!"
"Yes, I am!"
"NO! You're not!"
"Yes, I-"
"Beca!" Fat Amy yelled, causing Beca's mouth to snap closed. "Don't mess with that which you do not understand."
"What?" Beca asked with a confused look on her face.
"Urban legends are not to be messed with," Fat Amy said. "They are scary, and can kill you dead."
"I-I-I'm not afraid," Beca said with false bravado. "I'll find Bigfoot and get a better picture of him to prove you all wrong."
"Beca, please don't do this," Chloe implored. "Please? For me?"
"I'll be fine, Chloe," Beca said, patting Chloe on the arm. "I'm going to get my stuff and go out tonight."
Beca left everyone sitting in the living and went upstairs to prepare for her campout. Chloe chewed on her lip and looked around at the girls.
"Stacie?" Chloe said, her gaze stopping on the brunette. "Can you talk Beca out of doing this, please? I'm worried about her being out there along."
"If she wouldn't listen to you," Stacie said with a laugh. "What makes you think she'll listen to me?"
"She considers you one of her best friends," Chloe said.
"She thinks of Fat Amy as one of her best friends, too," Stacie said. "Let Amy talk to her."
"Stacie's not wrong," Fat Amy said, smirking and nodding her head.
"Fine," Chloe huffed. "Fat Amy can talk to her."
"No can do, Chloe," Fat Amy said. "She really wants to find Bigfoot, and nothing I say will change that."
Chloe crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Fat Amy. She then looked around the room at the rest of the girls.
"I have a better idea," Chloe said. "We're all going to go with Beca to camp out and look for Bigfoot. Consider it a Bella bonding exercise. A mandatory Bella bonding exercise. Anyone who doesn't want to go can stay here and do an extra hour of cardio for the next three, no, four rehearsals."
The Bellas all groan. "That's not fair, Chloe," Fat Amy whined. "You know how much I hate cardio."
"Yes, I do know how much you hate it," Chloe said with a big grin. "Now, let's go! We need to get everything together for a night of camping in the woods. Don't forget your flashlights."
The girls grumble as they get up and slowly make their way upstairs. Fat Amy is mumbling under her breath. She walks upstairs next to Stacie and follows Stacie into her room.
"Can I help you?" Stacie asked when Amy ran into the back of her.
"Yes, you can," Fat Amy said. "I have a plan to have this campout over before it really gets started."
"I'm listening," Stacie said and sat on the side of her bed. "Let's hear it."
~~ Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day One ~~
Meanwhile, Chloe made her way up to Beca's room.
"Beca?" Chloe called up the steps.
"Yeah, Chlo?" Beca called back.
Chloe continued up the stairs to find Beca standing in the middle of the room, looking around.
"What's up?" Beca asked.
"I just wanted to tell you that all the Bellas are going to camp out with you tonight to help look for Bigfoot," Chloe said. "We're all excited to be a part of your excursion."
"What did you threaten them with?" Beca asked with a grin.
"Nothing," Chloe said, looking away from Beca. "I merely prefaced it by calling it a mandatory Bellas bonding event."
"And?" Beca prompted.
"Aaand, I told them I'd double their cardio time if they didn't agree to come," Chloe mumbled.
"Nice move, Beale," Beca said. "Don't say anything to the girls, but I was starting to get scared of being in the woods alone with Bigfoot."
"Your secret is safe with me," Chloe said, holding back the laugh that was threatening to come out.
"I should be ready to leave in about fifteen minutes," Beca said. "I want to find a good camping spot before he gets too dark to see."
"I'd better get to it then," Chloe said as she turned to go back downstairs.
( ) Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day One ( )
Chloe heard Fat Amy and Stacie talking as she got close to Stacie's door. She quickly hurried past when the door opened and Fat Amy came out.
"This should be a lot of fun," Fat Amy said as she entered the hallway.
"That's the spirit," Chloe said, enthusiastically as she looked at Amy over her shoulder.
Chloe continued to her room and grabbed her phone. She placed a call.
"Hey, it's Chloe," Chloe said when the call was answered. "I need your help with something. It's for Beca."
Chloe started packing for camping as she spoke on the phone.
~~ Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day One ~~
The girls met outside and Chloe, Amy, and Stacie's cars were loaded. Chloe drove off first, with Stacie following Chloe, and Fat Amy bringing up the rear.
Once they were parked, they retrieved their stuff and started into the woods.
"There are several cleared spaces we can choose to set up," Beca said as they walked. "I checked the map and there is a clearing close by that I think we should use because it's the closest to where Bigfoot was spotted."
"Alleged Bigfoot," Fat Amy said, causing Stacie to laugh.
"What was that, Amy?" Chloe asked, stopping to glare at Amy.
"What? I didn't say anything," Fat Amy said.
"Let's keep it that way," Chloe said and hurried to catch up to Beca.
Beca stopped at the first clearing and dropped her stuff.
"This looks like a good spot," Beca said. "Chlo, can you help me with my tent?"
"Can I share with you?" Chloe asked.
"Of course," Beca responded.
"Stacie, can I share your tent?" Fat Amy asked Stacie while batting her eyes at her and making kissing noises.
"Sure thing, babe," Stacie said.
"Not funny, guys," Beca yelled.
Just then they heard what sounded like growling coming from their left. Beca and the girls all stopped and looked around.
"Is that Bigfoot?" Jessica asked.
Amy and Stacie looked at each other and started quietly laughing.
"No," Beca said. "Bigfoot doesn't growl. He sounds more like Chewbacca from Star Wars; kind of guttural when he's speaking."
"Speaking?" Ashley asked, chuckling. "Bigfoot speaks."
"You know what I mean," Beca said, chuckling.
"If it wasn't Bigfoot," Chloe said. "What was it?"
Chloe frowned as she looked back to Stacie and Amy.
"What are those two up to you?" Beca asked, following Chloe's eyesight.
"I have no idea," Chloe said. "It's starting to get dark. Let's set up camp and figure out our next move."
They heard more growling and stopped to scan the surrounding area.
"I'm getting a little scared," Emily said, her eyes wide.
"It's okay, Em," Chloe said, moving to stand next to the younger girl. "We just need to make some noise to scare off whatever that is."
"Ahhhh," Emily screamed, causing Chloe to flinch and cover her ears. "Go away, scary, growling monster!"
Stacie and Amy were now laughing and holding on to each other. Chloe looked back at them again.
"Mios dio," Flo said, making the sign of the cross on her chest. "Wh-what's that?"
The girls turned to where Flo was pointing and Emily, Jessica, and Ashley started screaming when they spotted the creature Flo saw.
"Run!" Emily yelled as she turned, knocking Stacie and Fat Amy down as she, Jessica, Flo, and Ashley ran back the way they had just come from. Stacie and Fat Amy laid on the ground, laughing hysterically.
Beca ignored them all as she searched her bag for her camera. The creature lumbered toward them, moving slowly and steadily closing the distance between them.
"Found it," Beca exclaimed, holding up the camera.
Beca turned, ready to snap the photo when she realized the creature had stopped moving and was now standing about five feet away from them.
"Perfect," Beca said and snapped a photo.
"That's not Bigfoot," Lily said quietly.
"What?" Beca asked.
"That's not Bigfoot," Lily said so Beca could hear.
"How can you tell?" Beca asked, looking over at the creature.
"He's too short," Lily said. "Bigfoot is about seven feet tall. Plus, I don't think Bigfoot would be wearing sneakers."
"Dammit!" Beca yelled. "If that's not Bigfoot, then who or what is it?"
"It's probably Donald," Chloe said.
"And how do you know that?" Beca asked, jerking her head around to look at Chloe.
Stacie and Fat Amy were standing now and Chloe looked at them. "Ask these two. I heard their whole plan. They wanted you to find Bigfoot immediately so they could get back to hit up some fraternity party."
"Why would you do that?" Beca asked sadly, looking at the two Bellas.
"Hellooooo," Stacie said. "Did you not hear the part about the frat party?"
"Yeah," Fat Amy said, moving her hand up and down as if weighing two things. "Boys or Bigfoot? Bigfoot or Boys? It was a really easy decision to make."
Stacie stood, nodding her head as Fat Amy spoke.
"We should get the other girls," Chloe said. "The way they were running, they are probably back at Barden by now."
Beca put her camera back in its bag and started gathering her stuff. Chloe and Lily did the same. Once they had everything, they started making their way back to the cars.
"I have just two words for you two," Beca said, pointing at Stacie and Fat Amy as she walked past them. "Extra cardio!"
"No way, Beca!" Fat Amy screeched, running after Beca.
"Come on, Donald," Stacie called out.
"I'm sorry it didn't go according to plan," Donald said as he joined Stacie.
"It's getting darker," Chloe said as she pulled out a flashlight and turned it on.
Beca and Lily pulled out flashlights and turned theirs on as well.
"Holy shit," Beca said and stopped walking.
"Beca, what's wrong?" Chloe asked as she barely kept herself from running into the back of her.
Beca didn't say anything, she just pointed with the hand holding her flashlight.
"Oh, my God," Chloe whispered. "Is that-?"
"Yep," Beca said with a big grin on her face.
Stacie, Donald, and Fat Amy stood wide-eyed behind Beca, Chloe, and Lily. Beca slowly brought out her camera and pointed it toward what stopped her in her tracks.
"B-B-Bigfoot is real?" Stacie stuttered.
Fat Amy screamed and pushed Donald out of her way as she ran toward where the cars were parked. 'Bigfoot' turned his glance toward Donald and sniffed the air. 'Bigfoot' then took a few steps forward but quickly stepped back when Beca's camera flash went off. 'Bigfoot' gave a guttural yell.
"See," Beca said. "I told you he sounded like Chewbacca."
'Bigfoot' suddenly lurched toward Donald, causing Donald to freeze.
"I think he thinks Donald is just like him," Chloe said, looking between the two.
"Bigfoot thinks he found himself a girlfriend," Beca said, laughing as she looked over at Donald. "Or boyfriend; I don't judge."
"What?" Donald said. "You can't be serious."
'Bigfoot' reached out and ran a hand over Donald's costumed head.
"Oh, Hell no!" Donald yelled, jerking away and running in the same direction Fat Amy had gone.
'Bigfoot' looked at Stacie and tilted his head slightly.
"Look out, Stacie," Chloe said. "I think you're his next target."
"I need more pictures," Beca said and started taking more photos.
"Sorry, 'Bigfoot'," Stacie said, stepping slowly around Beca and Chloe. "I like my guys with a lot less hair."
Stacie ran off after Donald, calling out, "Wait for me!"
Suddenly, a third hairy creature came running out of the woods, stopping when it saw Beca and Chloe standing there with a shorter version of itself just a few feet away from them.
"What the Hell?" the second 'Bigfoot' asked as he reached up and pulled off its costume head; Beca's eyes widened when she saw Jesse's face.
"Jesse?" Beca said. "What are you doing here?"
"I asked him to come here," Chloe said while keeping an eye on the third Bigfoot that showed himself. "I heard Stacie and Fat Amy talking about messing with you and having Donald dress up as Bigfoot to scare us. So, I called Jesse and asked him to dress up to scare them."
"So, that means this is the real Bigfoot?" Beca asked, pointing to the third creature that now stood in front of her.
"I, uh, I think it's possible," Chloe said, nodding and slowly backing away.
"It's him," Lily said; no one heard or paid attention to her.
"Here take my picture with him," Beca said as she shoved her camera at Chloe, stopping her retreat.
"Get away from him, Beca," Chloe said, standing as still as possible so as not to spook the creature. "You don't know what he might do."
"Chloe, if he was going to hurt us," Beca said. "He would have done it already."
"I'm with Chloe on this, Beca," Jesse said, watching everything carefully. "We should really go."
"AFTER I get my picture taken with the real Bigfoot," Beca said.
Beca moved and stood next to Bigfoot and gave Chloe a thumbs up. Chloe took a couple of pictures and said, "Okay, that's it. Say goodbye to your new friend, Beca, and let's go home."
"Okay," Beca said sadly. "Sorry, Bigfoot, we have to go. Maybe we'll see you around here again."
Chloe took Beca's arm and pulled her to her and started slowly making their way toward the cars. Jesse and Lily followed behind them. All kept looking over their shoulders to make sure Bigfoot wasn't following them.
Beca took one last look back at Bigfoot and waved. A big smile came to her face when Bigfoot waved back.
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ifionlyhadmorepaper · 4 years
in the woods somewhere
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I wrote a dumb lil creature feature oneshot for PP Halloween Week because why not? 😅 I swear I’m working on my other stuff too, but I had an idea for it so here we are...
Till Death Does Not Us Part
Rating: T
Pairings: Bechloe
Summary: Chloe Beale had never noticed anything odd about her roommate. So imagine her surprise when she finds her covered in blood with a dead man in her arms, fangs and all.
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emilyjunk · 4 years
PPHW Day 1: Creature Feature/Cryptids Summary: Set during PP2, Beca and Emily find themselves suddenly turned into vampires. Together, they must learn the ins and outs of vampirism and keep the rest of the Bellas safe, all while prepping for Worlds and trying to get the Bellas reinstated. 
Y’all know I love cryptids and bigfoot, but i went in this direction instead. ragrets. Fangs for reading :D
TW: death, blood, vampire stuff, etc, but overall not really scary lol. 
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pitchhorrorweek · 4 years
Creeps & Freaks, it’s Day #1!
Ever been walking through the woods and a twig snaps behind you? Has something slimy brushed against the bottom of your foot in the ocean? Have eyes blinked back at you in the darkness?
Okay... we’re being dramatic. Horror week is officially here and day one is Creature Feature/ Cryptids!
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Make sure to tag your posts #HW201 so we can locate your beautiful submissions and show them some much deserved love!
Ask us any questions here
Check out the rest of the themes here
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unholyhelbig · 4 years
Scratching at the Door | #HW201
Prompt: Creature Feature/ Cryptids 
Summary: Emily is given a new job at a national state park, where something watches her through the windows, and scratches at the door. 
Read on AO3 here 
Emily could feel her stomach contract as the old Sedona made its way over the packed dirt path. Its giant wheels didn’t’ struggle as much as her pension for keeping her breakfast down. She instinctively grasped at the foam-covered bars that kept tourists seated and tried to will her first meal to stay put.
The yellow paint was chipping away to a rusty red and the logo “Fort Worth Guided Tours” had long ago faded away. They had tried to fix it with a poor attempt at gluing on a plastic design instead, but it was just as bad under the mercy of the sun.
Emily realized she had stopped listening just as they ducked under another canopy of trees. The sun that had been burning her skin raw vanished, if only momentarily, as the ride decided to smooth out.
“Not many people come out here in our offseason,” The woman at the wheel said over the sputtering engine. “Fort Worth is a beauty all year round but it’s more of a summer destination- Gee, you don’t know how glad I am that we found you. The job isn’t too taxing, I promise.”
The girl bit her tongue and laughed nervously. The forest stretched out for miles in front of them; Emily could hear water on all sides of them but hadn’t been able to locate its source yet. The air was beginning to sting against her cheeks and she loosened her death grip on the bars.
She had been staying at a motel right off the highway that smelled strongly of stale cigarettes and off-brand detergent. Someone had tossed a newspaper into the bin by the vending machines and against her better judgment, she pulled it from the old receipts and food wrappers. An ad for a winter caretaker was among the classifieds. Emily jumped on the chance for permanent room and board.
She had fibbed in her initial interview about previous experience; but as Chloe said, it wasn’t a difficult job and both of them took an instant liking to one another. So she considered herself lucky. Emily would fake it until she made it, and by then, the summer season would be in full effect and she could head to whatever small town she threw a dart at on the map next.
Chloe beamed and stepped on the gas a little harder to get over a big dip in the trail. “There are a few people who go fishing on the lake in the early mornings, but most of the time it’s just you and a few other employees. You’ll hardly see them.”
“What exactly am I doing?” Emily asked, holding her breath as Chloe took a sharp corner. She tried not to look at the steep fall to her right. “The ad wasn’t really specific.”
“You just need to keep an eye on the property. The City owns most of this place and they have pretty shallow pockets if you know what I mean. We put almost every other staff member on sabbatical. For the most part, it’s just you and the night shifter.”  
Emily nodded along like she understood and let the rest of the ride go as smoothly as possible until an old cabin came into view. It looked dusty; it’s wood paneling enveloped in the thick forest. There was an old grill and a hammock that had been wrapped inside of itself. The engine cut off entirely, and it made her ears ring.
She could smell the water, and hear the river trickling somewhere west of the structure. Chloe hoisted the one duffel bag out of the backseat and reached with her other hand for the rifle that Emily hadn’t known was there. She had never fired one off before, but that was one of the formalities that she blurred to get this position in the first place.
Her boots crunched on the gravel and she minded her weight on the creaking steps leading to the cabin door more than Chloe did. The door had been painted red at one time, a bloody-pulpy color that had faded away. There were sets of long scratches against the remaining color. Emily moved the pads of her fingers against the gashes and felt a chill run up her arm.
“What made these?” She asked. Chloe glanced up from her task of finding the keys to the cabin. Her crystal eyes reflected green under the trees. She narrowed them and finally grabbed hold of her prize.
“All sorts of animals out on Greer Island. Some of them are more curious than others.” She shoved the rifle into Emily’s hands. It was weighty and smelled old. “That’s why you have this.”
Whatever- free room and board. She could deal with a couple of bears and some daring deer. It was better than the cheap motel room and the scratchy sheets. It was a much better improvement than the backseat of her Toyota. She followed Chloe into the cabin.
A thin layer of dust covered the entire place; there was an old plaid couch and a matching chair that sat adjacent to the grey stone fireplace. A bookshelf devoid of much reading material was pushed against a far wall below a taxidermy bison that looked like it was missing an eye. The place had an open floor plan and lead directly into the kitchen. There were two closed doors that held firmly onto that crimson color.
Chloe set the duffel bag down with a loud thud, Emily felt her fingers clench around the barrel of the gun and her shoulders edge up to her ears. She stifled a profanity and took a few more steps into the little cabin.
“The fridge is fully stocked.” She continued, “I’m out here once a month to restock everything for you. There isn’t much service, but there is a walkie-talkie in the bottom right drawer that has enough power to get to the main cabin. If it’s storming, that’s not the case.”
Emily nodded again and tried to comprehend the quick instructions. Chloe talked too fast, she decided. But she listened eagerly. “What do I do if it storms?”
“Either use that gun or run like hell. You can try both but” Chloe frowned and ran her finger over the edge of the rickety kitchen table and picked up a layer of dirt. “Christ this place is dusty. Anyway, you have four patrols around the lake each day. It takes an hour for each one. Between them, you can do whatever you want except for swim in the water. That’s how you catch something nasty.”
“What exactly am I looking for?”
Chloe shrugged “Anything out of the ordinary. If you see people fishing make sure you check for their license. The date of expiration is on the top right corner. If they’re expired, ask them to leave and radio into the main cabin so they can keep their eyes peeled.”
“And whatever you do, make sure you finish your last patrol before dark. The sun sets around Six right now but it’ll change to five soon enough. Make sure you have enough firewood and lock the door. Don’t open it until your morning patrol.”
“Ok,” She dragged the word out this time. Something about Chloe’s change in demeanor made her itch uncomfortably. There was a stillness to the air. “Sounds simple enough.”
“Like I said, not too taxing, you can get some writing done up here, I’m sure.” She was beaming again, like the desolate nature of her words hadn’t weighed so heavily on the atmosphere. She dusted her hands off on her jeans and informed Emily that her uniform was in the closet (Which she learned was the door to the left).
“Oh, and Emily?”  
“Yeah, boss?”
Chloe was standing with her hand on the door. She left the metal key they used to enter on the table on the clear spot that was wiped away earlier. Her eyes were that dark and stormy blue again. “Whatever calls to you in the middle of the night ignore it. It’s not real.”
Emily didn’t sleep well that night, despite the four-post bed being the closest thing she’s felt too comfortable in months. Chloe’s words weighed heavily on her, and she locked the three deadbolts that she hadn’t noticed before. She had located the radio and kept that on the nightstand until she fell into a fitful slumber.
The sun rose right at six and her alarm started blaring. She slid on the jacket with Lake Worth’s logo on the breast and the sleeve before following the clearly marked trail towards the water. It was a simple walk and it was too early for her to spot anyone fishing.
She ended up back at the cabin at 7:30 and collapsed in a cold heap on the dusty couch. It was oddly silent and she had two more hours to kill before she had to make the trek again. Chloe was right; she would get a lot of writing done here.
Emily brewed some coffee and downed two cups as she wrote a decent part of her manuscript, papers spread over the kitchen table. The alarm on her watch went off a few minutes before 10:00 am and she made her way back to the lake.
The autumn sun was warm against her cheeks and she decided to enjoy the walk more this time. She breathed in the scent of the season and kept her eyes out for anyone on the water. She checked one fishing license and went on her way.
Her next patrol wasn’t until 3:00 pm so she decided to crack open one of the many books on the shelf. She chose “The Howling” by Gary Brandner and settled onto the couch, getting lost in the cheesy horror novel from the ’60s.
Emily had fallen easily into the routine three days in; she did each patrol but struggled immensely to beat the sunset on her fourth walk around the lake. It was colder and it made her move slower.
The scratching started on the seventh day. Her world had grown colder and she had fallen into an easy routine of walking around the lake. She left the double-barrel rifle next to the front door but made sure the radio was strapped to her belt.
The first night she heard it was no different. She had nearly forgotten Chloe’s foreboding words, but it had become a habit to lock the door at night. She missed the moon and the crisp dark air. But even still, she headed the warning.
Emily had dozed off on the couch with the book at her side. It’s heavy spine hitting the floor startled her awake. The fire she had stoked burned out and her heart pounded in her chest. But that wasn’t what had stirred her, no, it was a dull scratching- barely noticeable if it weren’t for the quiet of the cabin.
She sat up and stared at the door.
It budged at the pure force of the animal on the other side, and Emily figured that she had been reading too much about the occult. As Chloe said, some beasts are more curious than others, and she had dead-bolted everything. She watched the door for a few more tedious moments before crawling into bed.
Emily saw the tracks the next day.
They were unlike any animal she had come across before; long and jaded. It’s nails dug into soft clay earth and trailed right up to her front door. There were fresh slashes in the red paint- and she swallowed back her discomfort.
She had to call the cabin on her fourth walk that day, the sun was setting faster than she cared to admit and she trudged through the icy path. An orange light coated the earth as she thought strangely of the animals around her. The particular animal that started to wait under her window at night, it’s breath fogging the glass. She made it to her porch just as the soft pink of the sky faded to a darker blue, almost black.
Emily had another restless sleep, like her first night in the cabin. There was the same scratching at her door and the radio crackled with feedback next to her. She wondered if anyone else heard the thing past her walls.
Chloe brought her new supplies on the tenth day, stating that the roads were a lot worse than usual and that a big snowfall had cleared out the entire grocery store in town. She presented her with stale bread and some orange juice that had enough pulp to create the fruit that it came from. Her boss stuck around and fried up some eggs.
“The scratches on the door,” Emily started.
Chloe stilled her movements, she had the blunt end of the spatula against the iron skillet. But it was just a beat where she was taken aback, barely noticeable. “Mm, have they been bad?”
“No. I mean, as normal as they can be. What kind of animal sounds like that?”
“We’re not sure. Not one you want to mess with.”
She tipped the pan over and divided the eggs evenly between the two before sitting in the rickety chair across from Emily. She didn’t wait to dig in, shoving a good heaping of the food into her mouth. Emily figured it avoidance.
“You said something about it calling out to me”
Chloe stopped the fork halfway to her mouth, a large glob of yellow yolk splashed into the grooves of the table. She lowered it and sat back in her seat. “Has it?”
“It hasn’t.”
She dropped the subject after that. They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence and Chloe left before the next time Emily had to trudge along the lake. It was getting harder, the colder it was, to get back to the cabin before nightfall. She gripped the radio tighter and let the eggs settle to the bottom of her stomach like rocks.
She put what Chloe said out of her mind until the scratching began again.
Emily had another fitful sleep. The air was growing colder and it made her chest ache. She rose when the sun did and took her first walk around the lake. She spotted two fishermen by the edge of the water and stopped just short of the tree line.
“Howdy,” one of the men said, he reached instinctively for his wallet, and Emily, drowsy from sleep, thanked him. “You’re new.”
“You’re out here a lot?”
She checked both of their licenses and watched as they effortlessly slid them back into one of their pockets. The sky was overcast and there was an odd stillness to the water. The man who had stayed quiet smiled widely and nodded. The fishhooks on his hat clinked together.
“Oh yeah, all the time. Most people don’t like to be out here in the cold but we love it. Fewer tourists and people trying to get a look at that dumb lake monster, they simply scare him off if you ask me.”
The other man shoved a pointed elbow into his friend “You know that shit ain’t real. It’s a money pit. Hell, they have shirts and bumper stickers. It’s nothing but a legend.”
“No, remember Mike? It hopped down from the trees an’ slashed all four of his tires. That’s why his hair is grey.”
“Mike Granger? His hair is grey because he’s an old lying bastard.”
Emily watched the exchange with wide eyes. She didn’t know much about this sleepy little town. She had pulled into the motel in the late hours and only spoke with one woman. Her voice was husky from years of smoking and the only vacancy sign in the place buzzed like a trapped fly. She should have paid more attention- should have eaten at a diner or asked Chloe more questions, even if she didn’t get the answers she wanted.
“I’m sorry… monster?”
Both men stopped their arguing and stared at her. She waited as her breath pooled past her lips. They were dried and cracked and tasted like blood. The taller one cocked an eyebrow and sent a narrow glance at his friend.
“Now, surely you didn’t take this job without knowing the Lake Worth Monster.”
She shrugged dejectedly “I’m afraid I did.”
“It’s a big hairy beast. Half goat, half-man, some bloke even said he can shapeshift. It’s got scales too and apparently claws long enough to slice tires. It’s been around since 1969 and our little town has capitalized on it since then. Like I said, a complete marketing scheme.”
Emily hugged her jacket closer and nodded. She thanked both of the men and continued on her way. She didn’t stop until she was back at her cabin. Her breath was shallow and she knelt down to stare at the long scratches on the door.
She struggled to put the beast out of her mind, to forget what the two strangers had said. She had checked and then double-checked the locks but still, she worried. Her eyes trained themselves on the ceiling and she listened as something crawled below her bedroom window.
Emily woke the next morning to the radio crackling. She reached for it blindly. “Hmm?”
“Emily, do you copy?”
“I copy.”
“I know it’s early. There’s been an accident. I need you to meet the sheriff down on the south side of the lake.”
Emily sat up and cursed herself for the quick movement as stars danced against her eyes. She pressed her palm against her forehead and blinked hard until they faded away. She squeezed the radio and told Chloe that she understood, even though she didn’t.
She saw the caution tape and the flashing lights that looked brighter under the half-risen sun. The sheriff was a tall woman with dirty blonde hair and soft pink lips. She was bundled up more than Emily and stood with her boots at the edge of the icy hardened shore. There was an overturned boat and the crackling of a radio other than hers.
“Emily, I presume?”
She nodded and her head was spinning “What’s all of this about?”
“Two fishermen are missing to the public.”
“What does that mean?”
“As far as anyone else knows, they’re just missing.” The sheriff grimaces and fixes her hat. “They were mutilated.”
Emily swallowed the dark feeling in her stomach. “By what?”
“You mean who?”
“Yeah, yes. By who?”
Emily didn’t’ mean by who; she meant what she had said and the sheriff stared at her as if she were to head back to the cabin and never speak of it again. Did this town have a vow of silence in the winters? She sheepishly kicked at the gravelly sand and listened as the woman spoke evenly.
“We don’t know. We were hoping that you had seen something but Chloe explained that you wouldn’t have. Said you were really good at your job and the time that these men were killed doesn’t line up with one of your patrols. I still wanted to speak to you.”
She could smell the blood and the way it mixed with the black water and looming fog. She wondered if they didn’t’ follow the rules and hadn’t gotten inside before the sun moved behind the horizon. This was the price to pay, for insolence.
Emily answered the remaining questions that the sheriff had before trudging back to the cabin. This time, she didn’t’ stop to feel the scratches on the door. This time she slammed it behind her and flopped onto the couch. She must have fallen asleep.
It was nearly dark, and she was late by the time she woke up. She had missed both of her midday patrols and wasn’t about to miss the fourth. Her body ached from the uncomfortable position she had winded up in. Emily slid on the jacket and thought twice before grasping at the shotgun behind her. It’s weight nearly throwing her off.
She was tired and the air was buzzing with electricity. There was a storm brewing and half of her knew that the rain would come down as slush instead of simple water. The twilight sky had clouds blocking a half-moon.
Emily had a job to do, and she wasn’t about to lose this one like she had the others. She had convinced herself, in the few weeks of solitude, that the manuscripts were coming along nicely because of the environment and the way she could listen to her own breath and the sounds of the cabin settling.
The sheriff and the boat, and the horrid scent of dried blood had been swept away with the wind. She kept further away from the shore, only stalling for a moment as the color in the sky began to fade away to black.
Emily didn’t know why she stopped. Why she listened to the ripples hit the shore and her own stilted steps against the sand. Her toes were numb, two pairs of socks not enough to keep the cold at bay. She recalled a conversation she had with Chloe the second time she dropped off supplies. This time she brought Emily a notebook and some pens- a few books about the Holocaust to lighten the mood.
It wasn’t a funny joke, but she chuckled anyway. “Thank you for taking this job, Emily. I’ve really taken a liking to you, you know?”
“I like you too, Chloe.”
She had flipped through the pages of the book and faired that if she got really desperate, she would give them a shot. She wasn’t’ much into history and neither was Chloe, seeing as she left them here with not much care.
“You been hearing weird things at night?”
“No,” She lied, setting the book on the step next to her “Whatever it was must have gotten bored enough.”
Chloe nodded and smiled before climbing back into her dusty yellow jeep and heading off to her next destination. Emily sat on the porch and watched her go. She breathed in the musty scent of the trees around her and flexed her fingers. Emily had made up her mind a few nights ago.
She wasn’t sure if she should watch the sun settle behind Lake Worth. If she should plant her feet in the sand and wait until whatever it was that wanted her came. A bit of caution tape was left behind, its plastic hissed in the wind so loud that she nearly didn’t hear the twig breaking.
Chloe had been hiding something; and as foolish as it was, Emily needed to know what. Those men, those that had settled onto the rocky lake with the intention of fishing had to be one of many. One of maybe thousands. Her morbid curiosity was too much.
Emily heard it before she saw it. She waited for something and nothing all at once, her breath solidifying in front of her as night finally fell. She hadn’t seen the way the sky lit up with stars all at once- but she enjoyed it now. Her eyes traced the constellations.
She clenched her eyes shut until those stars appeared within her mind and the sound of the water lapping at stones and sand and dirt moved over her ears. Almost too loud for her to hear it. Almost. Emily felt the heat of its sour breath on her shoulder, and even from where she stood, she knew it towered.
Emily drew in a cold, ragged breath and she tightened the grip on a gun, she didn’t even know how to use.
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acca-pitch · 4 years
My submission for Pitch Perfect Horror Week Day 1 - Creature Feature/Cryptids
Fandom: Pitch Perfect (movies)
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: None
Summary: The Bellas attend a party at a haunted college campus that leads to a night they didn't expect. Each character goes through something different related to the prompt for that Horror Week day.
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pitchhorrorweek · 4 years
Horror Week 2020 Themes!
Hi Freaks & Creeps! It’s officially time for Horror Week 2020! 
Please make sure to reblog & share to spread the spooky word.
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DAY ONE (#HW201): Creature Feature/ Cryptids
DAY TWO (#HW202): Unusual Familiars
DAY THREE (#HW203): Final Girls
DAY FOUR (#HW204): Possession
 DAY FIVE (#HW205): Cursed objects
DAY SIX (#HW206): Summer Camp
DAY SEVEN (#HW207): Haunted Circus 
Remember to tag your entries with the hashtag right next to the day so we can check them out! We can’t wait to see what you guys have planned for October 19th- October 25th! At risk of sounding too much like a teacher, have fun with it!
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You can submit fanfiction, fanart, mood boards, video edits, honestly whatever sparks your interest. As long as it has to do with the theme and Pitch Perfect than it’s okay in our book! 
Please make sure you use that handy dandy hashtag next to each day so we can actually locate your masterpieces 
You can ask us any questions here! 
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