rintarhue ยท 3 years
idk if I'm late for this, but I just thought of smthng and wanted to get it off my chest but.. Sugawara as Yuta from NCT (*ยดโˆ€`*) (THEYRE BOTH MR REFRESHING ANEDVA; )
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nightswithkookmin ยท 3 years
I have watched the photo booth photos coming out this week. And JK and Tae first. I wondered if Jimin and Suga would be next. But it is Hobi and Jin. So perhaps Suga and Jimin tomorrow. Is it just me or does Bighit seem to be Really pushing Suga and Jimin? I do honestly believe Suga and Jimin are close but not romantic. Jimin has never looked thirsty for Suga and he certainly has for JK. Thoughts on wtf is up with Bighit and Ship Agenda?
Please don't get me started on this cos I'm afraid I won't be able to stop myself ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
For now I'm busy fighting the stigma
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But this too is a weight sitting on my chest!
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WHAT THE FUCK AT ALL IS A MANLY MAN!I stand with Harry Styles, Zac Efron and all these men who have come out to speak out against unrealistic male body standards and the toxic masculinity in the entertainment industry as well as everywhere.
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What about this look is a "submissive gay man" look. ๐Ÿ˜’
Straight men and Women get butt stimulated, take fingers and dicks up their asses and ARE SUBMISSIVES TOO. IT'S CALLED SEX. Why do you stigmatize some men for their sexual preference and applaud others for theirs?!
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If straight men can be submissives, gay men can be submissives. And if being soft looking makes you look gay then EVERYONE IS GAY.
Just look how ANDROGYNOUS AND BEAUTIFUL AND MANLY Jimin looks even without make up!!!!!!!
Jungkook have said he resembles his father and yet he calls him pretty and charming and sexy! You think Jk is confused by his looks?
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Do y'all know how much Tae weighs!!!!!!!
That don't look life a soft weak man to me and he is not buffed up crazy!
And the tuktukker's on the bird app and Yt comments claiming he wants to be Tae...
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I can I assure you he does NOT!!!!!!!!!!
This is the most absurd thing I ever heard in all my shipping life!!!!!! Y'all are a piece of work!
I'm gonna have to take this over to Kofi from now because some people out here just lack the range and depth to have nuanced conversations about these things and it makes it so hard to talk about some things.
What makes you think I can't talk about the good bad and complicated aspect of life and culture and beliefs or ships? Why do I have to hate BTS to point out if they say something misogynistic or homophobic or racist or exude toxic masculinity?
Have they themselves not said they have learned the most from Armies who've called them out on certain things like the misogynistic song lyrics, cultural insensitivity and all these other things?
Y'all don't confuse me with the fake woke wannabes and edgy folks out here who just want to make themselves palatable to yall. Y'all do them a disservice when you don't stay honest and real.
Expressing concern over POSSIBLE toxic work environment having a negative impact on a member does not mean I am afraid that member would lose their sexuality or sexual orientation. Jk looks nothing like Jimin but I still think HE IS GAY.
And it's presumptuous to assume that if any member had been in Jimin's position that I wouldn't have expressed the same sentiments.
How many times do we hear women celebrities complain about unrealistic body standards and the pressure to look a certain way in the industry? How many times have Male celebrities complain of the same pressures they feel in conforming to the looks yall praise as 'manly?' How many times have RM not looked at Tae or JK and talked about how he's own body isn't up to par and that he needs to pick up or work harder? How many times have Jk talked about fasting and dieting to lose weight? How many times have he called himself 'fat' and that he needs to do this or that?
Forget that Jimin has talked about eating disorders and nearly working himself to death to look a certain way? Why do y'all do that? Why do yall make it hard for us to dialogue about these things and bond over shared concerns or hold diverse views and bond over that and yet even learn from those diverse views?Why does someone you disagree with gotta be evil, and crazy and anti?
There's nothing wrong if you prefer a buff Jimin. There's nothing wrong if HE prefers that himself. But leave room for us to discuss the whys of it all. Leave room. If you think his work environment does not impact his choices that's fine. But don't come for me for also believing it might be impacting him or he might be succumbing to the pressures of the work place.
You think if JK started saying he wants to lose his body muscles or if Jin or RM said that I won't wonder what is motivating that decision too? It's absurd if the only reason y'all think I have is a nefarious gay agenda.
As for BigHit and the Ships
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Y'all do this ridiculous scheduling and pairing as if they are night nurses running shifts! Why the fuxk can't we have all these ships coexisting wholesomely side by side AT THE SAME DAMN TIME!
This is how the conspiracy theories begin- of Tae kook finally getting back together and putting Jimin in his place. No one is putting no one in no damn place! Tae kook is not real.
I can't. I really can't!
Someone beam me up. I just can't anymore.
I might as well delete my Tumblr and move to Jupiter with BTS.
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