fanfics-andstuff · 3 years
F-the French!
3rd Person POV
Alexander Hamilton was ranting about the French soldiers being so prideful, disrespectful, egotistical, and so French to his older twin sister (by 30 seconds), Olivia, in their shared tent. “You know what! F-the French!”
Speaking of Olivia, she earned the French soldier’s respect from her performance on the battlefield. Though, she hated the fact that they talked bad about General Washington, whom she considered as a father and often called him ‘Papa’. So she agreed with her brother, “Yeah! F-the French!”
The next morning, Olivia and Alexander were in their tent once more, doing their paperwork. Or more like Olivia helping Alexander with his paperwork because she didn’t have any and was very bored. While doing their work (Alexander’s), they were talking about the French, again.
“Hey, Xander, guess who I hooked up with last night?” The second Olivia finished her question, Alexander jumped from his seat and yelled, “WHO?!” Olivia, used to hearing her brother yell from a near distance, wasn't bothered at all about the loud yell, but oh Lord help those who were in a 3-mile radius because they were temporarily deaf.
Olivia took out a hat and put it on her red hair, “Marquis de Lafayette,” she stated proudly. Her twin, however, was shocked, to say the least, and now was picturing her and Lafayette doi-stop it, Alexander. “WHAT?!” he asked (yelled). The older twin was now confused, “You said f-the French-oh you didn’t mean literally…” she now realized.
Alexander’s face was now the same shade as their hair, fiery and vibrant from embarrassment, anger, and the mental pictures. “No! I didn’t mean literally,” he finally said, his voice now full of exasperation.
Little does he know that Olivia didn’t regret it, not one bit, and neither did Lafayette, who was willing to oblige to Olivia’s wishes last night. Better not tell Alexander.
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deveharrington · 5 years
Gillivia > G*ll*vn*
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fanfics-andstuff · 3 years
We Just Won A Victory, Then This Hanging Happened (Benlivia)
‘Twas was a heavy rainy day later that evening when Colonel Bradford and Sargent Hickey were sent to the gallows to be hanged. They had won the Battle of Monmouth hours earlier against the British.
 “Now we know that you’ve received upwards of 100 pounds from Mr. Mathews, the so-called mayor of New York.” they were inside a wood house in camp with Ben interrogating the two assassins, Caleb off to the side; ready to jump in at any given moment, Olivia keeping one eye on her two childhood friends and the other eye at the traitors, and General Washington’s hiding in the shadows; watching it all go down.
“And Governor Tryon. Your pulse beats high in the Torie’s game, gentlemen.” Caleb chimes in. “Now, tell me, who else in this camp is under British pay?” the Major asked, getting the task back at hand.
 Bradford indirectly answers the question, “So there are others.” Ben concludes. 
 The drums keep bringing Ben back from the flashbacks from the moments before. 
 Caleb is the executioner, he wears a full black uniform, complete with a black mask that covers his face. He quickly adjusts the rope and moves on to Bradford, who was talking to Worthington.
 “The offer is that you hang for counterfeiting, not for treason,” Ben says to Bradford. Hickey intervenes saying that he wants to be hanged for the latter, “To mutiny against you traitors in an act of honor,” was his explanation. The head of intelligence slaps him and explains that his family would be safe if he would be hanged as a forger, if it was for the attempt on Washington’s life, then he can’t-” We aren’t going to hang. You’re going to trade us-” 
 Olivia speaks of the first time, interrupting him, “And why is that?” she scoffed at Bradford, “If you think that we are bluffing, then you are wrong.” The man looked at the Madame General in the eye, “-For Culper,” finishing his sentence.
 The last name alias of Abraham Woodhull hung in the air. Dread filled Ben’s stomach. “Where did you hear that name?” Caleb asked. When Bradford didn’t answer, he settled for violence, harshly pulling the former Colonel by the braid, “Where did you hear that name?!” Olivia didn’t intervene, despite the fact that it was technically her job to keep the two in line.
 Washington stepped out of the shadows, suggesting that Hickey must have overheard it when he was standing guard outside his tent. “The first man to tell me the real name of our Agent Culper will be traded to safety on Saturday. The other man will hang tomorrow,” was the million-dollar question.
 But neither man answered, “They don’t know.” Washington concluded. “A hanging then, I’ll inform everyone,” Olivia told the room, “Since the two of you didn’t answer, tomorrow turned into today.” She pointed at the traitors.
 “The accused...Colonel William Bradford and Sergeant Thomas Hickey having being found guilty on the charge of attempting to pass counterfeit bills-
 “-My aim was to kill Washington, Putman, and other-” Hickey didn’t get to finish his sentence because he was pushed off by Caleb, along with Bradford. His head was quickly decapitated. Bradford’s head was, thankfully not severed, but he struggled against the rope around his neck. 
 Gasps rang everywhere, but a heart-wrenching scream caused Ben to look at his left. Olivia Hamilton. He quickly hugged her and held the Madam General tightly. The Head of Intelligence heard Worthington yell at Caleb and could hear them fighting, but he paid no mind. He then looked at Washington, who signaled an officer to shoot Bradford, ending his life.
 The Major could feel the younger Hamilton and the Marquis’ gaze at him like they wanted to burn a hole in his skull with their eyes. The former wanted to protect his twin sister at all costs, even though it’s supposed to be the other way around. Olivia had expressed this one too many times, about Alexander fighting with the new recruits when they looked at her the wrong way. Ben knew that Lafayette harbored a romantic love for Olivia, he too had one, but it was not one-sided. He knew that the two had to make their relationship a secret because the young aristocrat had a wife in France, it would cause a huge scandal that could cause the American-French alliance to dissipate. Because of this, Ben was determined to make his love for Olivia, a platonic one.
 The Major put the elder Hamilton down on his cot and quickly stripped her down to her smallclothes. He looked at the knife wound Olivia had gotten when someone tried to assassinate their Commander in Chief during the discussion of the Battle of Monmouth. Olivia had quickly pulled Washington out of the assassin’s way and took the knife meant for him. General Arnold knocked him out and Henry Key was hanged the next day.
 “You are not sleeping on the floor, Benji.” Olivia said, loud and clear, “That is a direct order from your General.” With burning cheeks, Ben laid down next to the woman he had first loved.
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fanfics-andstuff · 3 years
Gillivia First Meeting
Lafayette woke up due to shouting, he quickly put on his uniform to see what was going on. French and American soldiers were fighting, Lafayette knew that there were tensions through the men, but he never knew it would get this bad. Before General Washington or Lieutenant General Comte de Rochambeau could say anything, he heard a voice.
“One…” a woman counted in a low, but commanding voice. Those who heard it turn to her, only to freeze in shock. The woman was wearing the deadliest, most cold, and most terrifying glare that Lafayette had ever seen.
“Two…” Now all of the soldiers were looking at her in shock and fear.
“Three…” The woman jumped off her horse and the Major General could finally get to observe all of her: she was wearing a red dress under her black cloak, her fiery red hair was braided into a plait and hanging over right shoulder, her violet-blue eyes reminded him of his friend; Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton, she had freckles dotted across her cheeks, nose, and ears, and had pink-red lips.
“Ah...I thought you were arriving the day after tomorrow, my daughter?” son général asked. Wait what?! My daughter?! She doesn’t look a thing like George Washington!
“Yes, Papa, but traveling through New York to Valley Forge as a Patriot is no easy feat.” The unknown woman mused, “I would be in a blue dress, but I thought it would be easier in red. New York and Pennsylvania are full of lobsters and loyalists.”
She looked at General Washington’s hair, face full of amusement and exasperation, “And you still have your potato hair,” she tsked her tongue, “I feel so sorry for you.” Snorts and laughter were heard around the men at the joke.
Finally, the commander in chief of the Continental army introduced the woman to the camp. “Everyone, this is Olivia Rachel Hamilton, she is a very important and very special asset in this war against the British. I expect you all to welcome her or welcome her back with open arms and respect her.”
Olivia Rachel Hamilton, where had he heard of that name before? Right! She participated in the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Paoli, Battle of Setauket, she was with her brother during the Schuylkill River Incident, trained the under-trained soldiers, kept the army fed, and nursed the wounded back to health. Lafayette had heard of her name throughout the year about how kind, brave, and caring she was and her unknown reason to depart from camp. Yes, he had heard of her, but never seen nor met her.
He had heard some of the French and American soldiers, who obviously didn’t know her well enough as to why Washington would ask them that, especially of a measly woman even if she was Hamilton’s sister, he had heard slurs about her from her appearance down to her accent.
General Comte de Rochambeau introduced himself to Olivia with the help of translating from her twin brother.
“And Olivia this is-” General Washington got cut off by Olivia, “Major General Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, yes I know exactly who you are, monsieur.” Her Nevis accent was more pronounced when she spoke French. Upon hearing her say the French word perfectly, the soldiers from France froze.
“Oui, je connais le français avec l'espagnol, le danois, l'hébreu, le grec, le latin et l'italien. Voulez-vous savoir pourquoi le général Washington vous a demandé cela? Ce n’était pas à cause du rang de mon plus jeune frère jumeau, c’était parce que je l’avais mérité, par moi-même. Ne sous-estimez pas les femmes mais ne les surestimez pas non plus, ce sera votre chute avec votre fierté et votre ego. Bien que j'aime plutôt être sous-estimé, le choc sur ceux qui en ont est assez amusant, si je le dis moi-même.”
"Via, vous n'êtes plus âgé que de 30 secondes."
“Oui, Xander, cela signifie que je suis sur la bonne Terre de Dieu depuis 30 secondes avant toi.”
Lafayette could feel a start of a fight and so did Washington as he reminded Olivia about the introduction. “Ah! Yes, of course, Papa. It was a pleasure to meet you, Marquis.” Before anyone could start talking, she spoke again, “Now if everyone would excuse me, I need to take a nap, my journey was not a relaxing one.” She nodded and walked inside Alexander’s tent with said man escorting her.
She is one interesting lady Lafayette thought, before having sleep taking over him once again.
-his General
-“Yes, I know French along with Spanish, Danish, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Italian. Do you want to know why General Washington asked that of you? It wasn’t because of my younger, twin brother’s rank, it was because I had earned it, by myself. Do not underestimate women but don’t overestimate them either, it will be your downfall along with your pride and ego. Though I rather like being underestimated, the shock on those who have is quite amusing, if I do say so myself.”
-“Via, you are only older by 30 seconds.”
-“Yes, Xander, that means that I have been on God’s good Earth for 30 seconds before you.”
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