#Fury Like a Tempest (Sync)
talesofourworlds · 1 month
Belongs in the Trash
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"Hey! The hell are you doing in here?"
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"What do you mean 'the hell are you doin' here'? I belong here! What about you, kid? What're you doin' here?"
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"What does it look like? I'm the one that belongs in the trash. Go find your own trash can!"
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"Can't tell if I should think it's a compliment or not that you don't think I belong here. 'Sides, what business has a kid got belongin' in the trash?"
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"Because that's what I am."
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"Yeah, I'm not even gonna begin tryin' ta unpack that one, kid. I'm the one that belongs in here. Not you."
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"You're shady, old man. Just because something stinks about you doesn't mean-"
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"Oh, not you too, Jade! Get the hell out of here! Get your own trash can!"
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"No, I don't think I will."
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"Dammit, Necromancer, this trash can is only so big! Both of you need to get out!"
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"You of all people should know why I can qualify as 'trash,' Sync."
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"This is gettin' stupid. Let's all just agree we're garbage and get outta here. The trash can's gonna-"
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"Great. I told you you both you should've gotten out."
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"Perhaps next time we ought to find a bigger trash can."
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pengujoon · 8 months
content. gojo satoru x reader, angst, hurt/no comfort. cw: death. poor gojo has to lose yet another loved one right in front of his eyes, you die before him.
a/n: death.
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The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos, curses and sorcery colliding in a symphony of destruction. Amidst the fray, Gojo moved with blinding speed, his cursed energy radiating with an intensity that seemed to eclipse the very sun. His blue eyes held a burning resolve, a testament to his unwavering commitment to protect those he cared for.
Beside him, you fought with equal fervour, your determination a mirror of his very own. The two of you moved in perfect sync, each strike a testament to the bond you had forged through trails and triumphs.
Your presence was his anchor, your shared strength a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.
But as the battle raged on, a powerful curse emerged - one that defied all attempts to contain it. Its malevolence was palpable, its energy radiating with a sinister intent.
In a split second that felt like an eternity, it lunged towards you, its dark tendrils reaching out to claim you.
Gojo's heart clenched as he watched in horror, his voice a raw roar that reverberated through the chaos. "NO!"
With a surge of speed that was nothing short of breathtaking, Gojo intercepted the curse's attack, his cursed energy colliding with the malevolent force. The impact was cataclysmic, an explosion of power that tore through the battlefield, leaving devastation in its wake.
When the dust began to settle, the battlefield was shrouded in silence - a haunting contrast to the fierce battle that had raged only moments ago.
Gojo's form emerged from the aftermath, his energy visibly diminished from the clash.
And you... you lay motionless on the ground, your body still and lifeless. Gojo's eyes widened, his voice a strangled whisper that carried the weight of his shattered world. "Why...?"
The world seemed to tilt on its axis, reality itself twisting into a nightmarish tableau. The battlefield was cast in shades of grey, the cries of curses and chaos of battle distant and surreal.
The ground felt unsteady beneath Gojo's feet as he rushed towards you, his movement fuelled by a desperation he had never known.
He fell to his knees beside you, his hands trembling as they brushed against your cold skin. "No... please, no."
The agony in his voice was a visceral thing, a raw expression of grief that tore through the very fabric of his being. His fingers traced the contours of your face, as if hoping to awaken you from an impossible dream.
The rage within him surged to the forefront, a tempest of power that resonated with his anguish. With a primal scream that echoed through the desolation, he unleashed a torrent of cursed energy, obliterating curses that dared approach.
The battlefield became a canvas of his fury, a storm of destruction that left no curse untouched. His power radiated with an intensity that consumed everything in its path, his strikes swift and merciless as he cut through the malevolent forces that had taken you from him.
As the last curse fell, the battlefield was left in ruins, a testament to Gojo's unbridled rage. And amidst the pile of defeated curses, he sank to his knees, his breath ragged as he surveyed the destruction that he had wrought.
The blue of his eyes, once a symbol of strength, now held a void of emptiness. The weight of his loss pressed upon him, suffocating and unrelenting. With a guttural cry that seemed to piece the heavens, Gojo's composure shattered.
Tear streamed down his face, his shoulders shaking as the dam he had built around his emotions crumbled. The walls of his grief echoed through the barren landscape, a chorus of agony that seemed to reach beyond the confines of the battlefield.
Alone amidst the wreckage, Gojo's cries seemed to merge with the echoes of the battle, the boundaries between his pain and the turmoil around him blurred.
And as the sky above remained shrouded and in darkness, a chilling realisation settled upon his heart - a realisation that he was now alone, without the one he loved by his side. The battlefield was empty, devoid of life, a reflection of the void that had consumed his soul.
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ok so i re-discovered a super edgy fic i wrote just after tlj when the 13 y/o in me took over do you wanna read it :
star wars // between dark and light 
She hadn’t seen him since that day she’d shut the door of the Millennium Falcon on him. The day he’d slain the Supreme Leader, when they’d fought side by side, when she’d felt his breath syncing with hers, felt the heat of his body and the burn of their sabers snapping between them… She hadn’t seen him since he’d extended his hand to hers, asking her to join him down paths she couldn’t, wouldn’t, follow him.
She’d seen light in him, she’d reached out to save him, and it had been for nothing. He’d taken on the mantle of Supreme Leader, she’d heard later that day from Finn, mere hours after she’d seen Ben Solo in the burning-red lights of the dead Supreme Leader’s throne room.
Had it only been hours between their battle and the clang of the door closing? She remembered the expression in his dark eyes —eyes of a monster, she’d once thought—; the rippling anger that had receded as he’d stared up at her through their connection.
There’d been none of that since that day, either. Rey wondered if perhaps she’d shut him out on purpose. She decided that either way, she didn’t care.
Caring hadn’t worked before, and it sure as hell wouldn’t help her now.
In the month since that day, she’d been restless. Looking for a distraction, she’d poured herself relentlessly into work; fixing the Falcon with Chewie, helping to set up the Resistance’s new base, carrying heavy machinery, tinkering with light machinery, running checks on BB8, tailing Poe until he gave her work to do, quietly fetching Finn food and drink when he refused to leave Rose’s side… 
Poe had told her vaguely of what had happened between Finn and the small woman, and she didn’t know if Poe just didn’t see it, or refused to, but Finn was… different. Changed, somehow. Still the kind, selfless man she’d befriended not so long ago, but he seemed… lost, somehow. As though he struggled with some sort of inner conflict as he gazed down on Rose’s unconscious features.
Having had enough of dealing with other people’s inner conflict, Rey hadn’t bothered to get him to talk to her. He’d work it out in his own time, coming to her if he needed to. Meanwhile, she would hover in the background and make sure he ate something.
She’d missed them all so much.
And Leia… She’d spoken to the woman once since her return. She’d explained, briefly, choking back tears, what had happened in the throne room.
Leia’s eyes had lined with silver at the mention of her son, but she’d stayed silent until Rey had finished.
She wasn’t sure what the Resistance leader thought of it all. Rey hardly knew what she thought of it all.
She hadn’t touched the lightsaber, though it remained a comforting weight at her hip, couldn’t bear training with it; if she looked at it for too long, she began to see skeletal trees, a red-lit room and dark eyes that stared up at her through a salt-rock blizzard.
Rey clutched her staff, a familiar, friend-like weight in her hands, as she headed out of the base to train. She’d approached Poe for more jobs to do, but he’d thrown his hands up at her in exasperation,
“There’s nothing you can do, Rey. Get off my back for a while, will you?”
Smiling a little at his frustration, she’d walked off, grabbing her staff as she went, determined to keep herself occupied, trying not to let Poe’s throwaway words resonate too much.
There’s nothing you can do, Rey. How true, she thought bitterly.
She smiled stiffly at anyone she passed on her way to the surface, to the quiet clearing she’d discovered a week ago.
Rey had just expelled a long breath, shoulders loosening as the calm quiet of the clearing settled around her, when the world muted itself around her, like a stone thrown into a still lake.
And as that first ripple spread through her, Rey’s chest tightened.
As stillness sucked back in, she turned around.
Ben Solo —no, Kylo Ren, stared back. 
For a heartbeat, he didn’t speak, then he asked, “Where have you been?”
Rey lifted her chin. “Nowhere.”
The scar on the right side of his face shifted as he frowned. “I haven’t heard from you in a month.”
“I didn’t realise I was supposed to be giving updates to the Supreme Leader.” She snarled.
His face slackened. A frustrating lack of emotion settled over his features. “You heard.”
“Of course I heard, Ben.” She snapped with as much fury as she could channel into her words. 
He nodded to himself, hands clenched behind him, like the first time their connection had made itself known. All that progress, all the talking they’d done, the weakness and strength they’d shown each other, and they were back to this. 
“What happened, Ben?” She asked, tears gathering at her eyes. 
His eyes narrowed, lips thinning almost imperceptibly.
She continued, anger fuelling her, “We fought together, side by side, you killed the Supreme Leader —not because you wanted his throne, but because you knew it was the right thing to do!” Those dark eyes never left hers as heat poured into her face, tears slipping down her cheeks. “What are you even fighting for, Ben? Are you fighting for yourself? For the Empire? For power?” She shook her head, not sure how to express the tempest of emotion crashing through her. “I thought you were better than that.”
He swallowed, eyes widening a fraction. He paused, as though making sure she’d finished. Then he stepped forward, slowly, cautiously, even.
“I was fighting for you, Rey.” He said quietly. 
Her breath hitched, but she shook her head at him. “I won’t rule the galaxy with you, Ben, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”
He mirrored her gesture, head shaking as his eyes searched her face. “That’s not what I meant. I…” His brows flickered. “That day, when I killed Snoke…” He frowned. “I was fighting for you. You’re the only person…” He paused, struggling for words. “My parents, Luke Skywalker…” His features shifted, as though attempting to wipe any emotion from his face. “they all tried to save me. They saw the darkness in me and they feared it, but you…” He paused, going still, eyes narrowing as he met her gaze. “You saw the darkness and reached out to it.” The last words were a whisper.
Rey blinked. Of course she’d reached out. She had understood that darkness, had recognised it, that dark, cloying fear of not belonging, of not knowing who you were. “What are you saying.”
His brows narrowed, lips pressing together, before he took another couple of steps forward, Rey stiffening as he came to stand mere inches away. He towered over her. She lifted her chin, jaw tightening.
“This past month…” His words were a breath. “I tried not to think about you, the last time I saw you when you shut me out.” She wanted to protest, but she had done just that. She’d shut everyone out this past month. “But I found myself reaching out to you, to this…” His eyes darkened. “Connection we have, you and I. But you weren’t there.” His voice grew hoarse. She stared up at him, hardly breathing. “And it didn’t seem… worth it. The title, the armies, the Empire. None of it. I didn’t know why.”
Rey gritted her teeth. “What. Are. You. Saying.”
He blinked, hesitating. 
Then he kneeled. His robes spilling around him on the ground, he stared up at her, dark eyes never leaving hers as he said, “I’m sorry.”
Hope ignited in her ribs, but she bit down on it, images of his outstretched hand, offering the galaxy on a throne beside him, flashing through her mind. Her jaw tightened. “For what?”
“Everything.” He said, the words heavy and low, his eyes unblinking.
Rey’s chest felt suddenly light, even as it squeezed. She scoffed, “The great Supreme Leader is bowing before nobody-scavengers, now, is he?”
“No,” he said softly. “Just a man on his knees before the woman he loves.”
She blinked, startled, eyes wide as she regarded the man before her: Ben Solo —not the creature in a mask, not the newly-anointed Supreme Leader of the Dark Side—, just a young man, fear and love swimming in his dark eyes.
She opened her mouth—
Whirling round, she saw Finn standing at the mouth of the clearing. The world flooded back and she stumbled, her friend rushing forward, concern on his face. He gently supported her arms as she regained her balance, turning to the spot where Ben had knelt a heartbeat ago.
He was gone.
Kylo Ren braced a hand against the floor as the world flooded back, sound and pressure crashing through his head.
His breathing was ragged, his ebony hair falling in his eyes.
A month of torment, of reaching for her, of waiting and hoping and dreading… And she’d been pulled away before he’d heard her reply.
Loneliness pierced through him like a burning blade, a searing ache that was more painful than the scar Rey had cut into his face in the forest.
He wondered if that had been the moment he’d started to love her, or if it had been sooner.
Frustrated, he pushed himself to his feet. His eyes scanned the sleek, black walls of his sleeping quarters, searching desperately for a distraction.
“Supreme Leader,” a voice burbled through the comm outside his quarters. Kylo’s hands curled into fists.
He strode over to the comm. “What is it?”
“General Hux wishes to speak with you in the control room. We’ve located the island.”
Rey’s face, tear-stained, indignant, furious, flashed before his eyes. His jaw clenched. “Good.” 
As he lifted a hand to the button beside his doors, his gaze turned back to the centre of his sleeping quarters, where Rey had stood only a heartbeat ago, him knelt before her, pleading, not caring about anything beyond her in that moment.
The floor was a shiny, depthless black. Empty.
Kylo swallowed, brows narrowing, waiting for his features to harden into a mask of cold command. Then he hit the button, the doors hissing open, and stormed to the control room.
He’d take his anger out on that sycophantic so-called general, but Kylo doubted if even that would erase the burning hole of agonising loneliness that struck him as he turned away from the empty space at his back.
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talesofourworlds · 6 months
Sync and Sophie as a boss fight!
Tagged by: @outoftheirdifferences Tagging: @mathcs @vigilantevesperia @ervaurem (Law or Luke?) @forgottenluck
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talesofourworlds · 4 months
@thosetaleskids continued!
Amazing, wasn't it, what a lifetime of being reminded his existence meant nothing could do.
While Ion had accepted his life, albeit suppressing his emotions, Sync had resented it to the bitter end. That is, what was supposed to be the bitter end. He'd never been meant to survive the final fight or the fall of Eldrant. But he had, and for the past while he had been living back in Daath. Stuck with Anise trying and failing to convince him his life had meaning.
The conditions of the arrangement had been simple enough. In exchange for allowing the former God-General to live, it had been decided he would need to serve under Anise. Not as a Fon Master guardian, but more of a low ranked Oracle Knight. It might have been demeaning for anyone else, going from being the fifth division commander to being stuck serving under Anise. In a way it still was for Sync. Effectively, he'd been made her responsibility. He didn't know the specifics of how she'd managed it, but apparently she'd needed to negotiate with not only Tritheim but also the Necromancer and the rest of her companions. Some might have argued it was a better fate than potential death. Sync would have disagreed.
As he lay there, blood trickling steadily from a nasty wound on his side and a cut on his head, all he really could do was take Anise's reprimands. She wasn't wrong. The only reason he was in danger of dying was because he'd charged ahead of her. Stragglers of Oracle Knights that remained loyal to Van had been reported to be gathering outside of Daath. Apparently they thought they could mount some kind of assault. He and Anise had been tasked with trying to deal with it right along with her companions. He'd thrown himself into the fray without a second thought. Not out of any loyalty to Anise. Heavens no. It was just the only thing he was good at. Now he was paying for it.
Honestly, Sync thought it would have been better if he didn't survive this. Anise wouldn't be stuck with him anymore that way. Yet, despite that, there she was yelling at him that she couldn't let him throw his life away.
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"Better hope... whatever supplies you have are... good enough, then," he told her, words and breath labored by pain. Healing artes weren't as effective now that Lorelei had been freed. All artes had taken a hit in that department, but the seventh fonon related artes in particular felt the effect. The price they paid for freeing the world from the Score. If Anise really wanted to save his sorry ass, she had her work cut out for her. They both knew that.
"Face it... I'm still just being kept alive out of pity." He knew she likely remembered the last time he'd said something like that as well as he did. The last time he'd said it, Ion had been on the receiving end of those words. Probably wouldn't make Anise feel any better, but if Sync cared at all his expression didn't show it. "We both know all I'm good for is fighting. I'm still... just a... tool..."
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
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...And happy seventeenth anniversary, Tales of the Abyss!
I've been planning on drawing the God-Generals for this year's anniversary all year, basically. I only ever really draw one or two or three of them, and that's just not right considering how much these six mean to me. I know Asch is technically a protagonist rather than an antagonist, but as a whole the Six God-Generals (and Van, but there wasn't room for him here) are my favorite set of Tales antagonists in a game as a whole bar none. The writing for these six is just... chef's kiss. We really come to understand why they are the way that they are throughout the game, and why they all have a stake in what Van's trying to do. You come to understand just why they basically have nothing left to lose and why they uphold Van's beliefs. Not only that, but they really feel like they're a unit that's able to work together. Except for none of them respecting Dist, because he's Dist, they're able to do what they need to do without much issue.
They feel like a viable threat to the protagonists. Sure they can be defeated in combat, but they're dead set on fulfilling their goal and will keep getting back up no matter how many times the protagonists knock them down. And I love that!
I can't say there's a set of antagonists in any of the games that came after Abyss that have the same feel as the God-Generals. I'm not sure why that is. Maybe one day I'll find another game that captures my heart with their antagonists the way Abyss did. But for now, they will always be my favorite antagonists in the series.
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talesofourworlds · 10 months
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"...What year is it?"
No, he definitely hadn't been holed up in his room for days playing the latest Switch game. Definitely not. And he definitely wasn't itching to get back to it so he could look for more light shrines.
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
@outoftheirdifferences continued with the beta editor
"Oh, thank you! Mieu!"
Curiosity killed the cat, one supposed, as Mieu floated over to investigate the offered candy. He didn't seem too bothered by the idea of sour candy, as evidenced by taking a piece and popping it into his mouth. If the way the cheagle's face scrunched up was any indication, though, it was a bit too sour for his taste. Still, he ate it up. Sync took a piece, too, as he'd said he wanted some as well. Unlike the cheagle, though, he didn't seem too bothered by the sourness as he ate the piece he'd taken. As he did, the others were left to answering questions. Or rather, Sync was.
Green? Not the worst thing he'd ever been called. He could see Eizen raise a brow at being called 'Scowly,' though, and Shigure seemed pretty nonplussed by being called Man-Ponytail based on the fact that he let a hearty laugh escape him. Though whether he was laughing because Eizen looked annoyed or because he was amused by Vanellope's nickname for him was a mystery for a later time.
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"Nah... this is pretty much the majority of what the game has to offer. So this is pretty much where you'll find us," Sync answered. "It's either this or progressing the story. Which isn't even that hard, since the fights there are actually easier than arena fights."
"There's a summoning area, too," Mieu pointed out. "We can go there to watch when new characters get summoned. I like watching the memoria stones swirl around."
It wasn't the most exciting of activities, Sync would admit, but for once Mieu did have a point. It was something.
"What about you, though? What kind of game did you come from?" Sync figured it didn't hurt to ask. It wasn't like Vanellope was your average, every day visitor to Crestoria after all.
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
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"Hey, Asch. If today is about Lorelei's fonon frequency, doesn't that technically make it DNA day for you and that replica?"
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"I guess??"
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
1 for Jade, 2 for Sync, 5 for Rinwell. From the meme ^^
From this meme! 1. What is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have incorporated into the way you write your muse? Why did you come up with it?
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Out of everyone within the 'Jade Gang,' Jade finds he has the best chemistry in battle with Natalia. Everyone in the party benefits from his FOFs, it's true, but Natalia seems to make the best use of them. Especially in the form of the ever reliable Angel's Breath. What started as an accidental discovery where coincidental timing of Natalia using Revive while being just within range of a fully charged earth FOF Jade had set up became a consistent strategy. And Jade and Natalia became something of a 'dream team,' relying upon one another and learning to trust each other to the point where they don't even need to share words, just looks, to set up specific combinations.
Coupled with that, Jade does have a decent bond with Natalia outside of battle too. He'll still tease and prod her just as much as he does anyone else, but they have a sort of mutual respect for one another. Natalia isn't intimidated by him (see the scene when she just fucking grabs him in the beginning of the final third of the game when everyone thinks Kimlasca attacked Malkuth and led to Frings' death), and if anything she can really hold her ground with him. At the same time, Jade isn't afraid to give Natalia a reality check now and again (see the scene after Asch's death and after the final fight with Sync). They get each other. And it's certainly not a bond either of them expected.
This headcanon honestly became a thing simply because of my sister and I's playstyle when we play Abyss together. I use Jade, she uses Natalia. And together they're an unstoppable duo that keeps the rest of the party alive. Our discovery of Angel's Breath was, if I recall correctly, a complete accident and really has become an invaluable part of our strategy.
2. Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself?
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Not exactly controversial, and I don't imagine it really goes against anything beyond Sync in game just not liking anyone or anything, but I headcanon that Sync likes wolves. I haven't ever really brought it into play here, but it became a key part of his character in a super ancient roleplay I did with my sister when we were younger where Sync had a wolf companion that was basically his ride or die best friend. I don't even remember specifically how it happened. It just did. But I don't think that specific element will ever become canon over here. Sync's appreciation for wolves as a species, though? That might happen at some point. Should the right thread come along.
5. What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
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I guess the main thing I've never really gotten to explore with Rinwell is the whole aspect of her having to hide her mageness. Technically? I mean, I guess I have explored it a tiny bit in some early threads with her and Yuri, but not super in depth. I'd love to do some pre-Arise stuff honestly. Just get into her head when she's freshly a part of the Silver Swords, having to hide her being a mage and the whole 'Trust no one' mentality of Cyslodia under Ganabelt's rule.
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talesofourworlds · 2 years
Well, if Ion got to say it...
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talesofourworlds · 2 years
@armxtus​ liked for a modern verse starter!
All he’d wanted was some alone time. Surely that wasn’t too much to ask for given the fact that everyone fawned and ooed over his precious, sickly younger brother. He got it already. Ion was perfect and he was garbage. He’d settled in his chair, ready to just listen to some of his favorite music, when he spotted his brother there. Great. Now he actually had to converse.
“What do you want, Ion?” Sync asked as he removed his headphones and folded his arms over his chest. Didn’t he have somewhere else to be? Somewhere where everyone could continue to talk about how great he was? Or with that girl that apparently thought she was some kind of protector?
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“Am I not even allowed to just listen to music?” A part of him did wonder if he should be a little less snippy, but before he considered it too much he shoved the thought away. He was not in the mood for conversation. Though typically apathetic, he was easily annoyed and found himself right in that sweet spot of irritation with Ion.
Oh well. He’d just have to see what happened. Maybe Ion would just leave him be?
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
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"As stupid as having my hair compared to bird feathers is, at least I've never been mistaken for being an actual bird person."
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"Shut up."
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
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I MEAN AS LONG AS I’M SHARING OLD ART... one more for the night. xD
This one is also from last year, but not Talestober relevant. At the time I just felt like drawing one of my favorite moments in Abyss. I don’t know what it is about this very brief clash between Guy and Sync at Choral Castle, but I love it.
I remember Sync’s pose being particularly frustrating to figure out when I was drawing this, and I think I probably should have tweaked the background some to make his and Guy’s placement a bit better. But overall I’m still really proud of this one.
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
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Talestober day thirty-one!
31. Final stand
“...Are you saying you’ve gained nothing since you were born?”
“Not a thing. I’m empty. But it doesn’t matter. I didn’t care who it was, as long as they would erase the Score-- the Seventh Fonon! I may be inferior, but my power of the Seventh Fonon is that of the Fon Master. You would know if I unleashed my full power! Let’s test it. You, or the empty me. Let’s see which side this world wants to survive!”
I was pretty restrained, for me, when it came to drawing Abyss things this year. But I wanted to get in one last Abyss piece before the month ended, and I wanted to draw my garbage son. So two birds with one stone. Sync’s final stand on Eldrant. I actually haven’t drawn him in his Eldrant fight clothing in a long time. Not since high school I want to say. So I was glad to have the chance again.
I definitely kind of got lost in trying to do the flooring, but shh... Sync is the focus, not the background. I tried.
While Talestober may be over, I still have one more piece I want to do. And that’s for a certain game’s anniversary tomorrow. But for now, the art is done!
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talesofourworlds · 2 years
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“As far back as I can remember, I always knew I deserved to be dead!”
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