#Francisco Barbosa
typhlonectes · 9 months
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An extraordinary case of elytra loss in Coleoptera (Elateroidea: Lycidae): discovery and placement of the first anelytrous adult male beetle
Vinicius S Ferreira, Felipe Francisco Barbosa, Milada Bocakova, Alexey Solodovnikov
Insects are one of the few groups of animals that developed the ability of active flight. Such mobility allowed the group to successfully explore and thrive in nearly all kinds of ecological niches. At the same time, during the evolutionary history of insects, due to high costs of wing development, flight was lost independently in many groups. In beetles, the reduction or complete loss of hind wings has been reported in multiple lineages, especially in several extreme paedomorphic and larviform females, mainly in Elateroidea, in which not only the hind wings but also the elytra are lost. However, the complete absence of elytra in adult males was hitherto unknown, despite nearly half a million described species in Coleoptera. In this study, we report the discovery of Xenomorphon baranowskii gen. et sp. nov., the first completely anelytrous and wingless adult male beetle, belonging to the family Lycidae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea). Xenomorphon baranowskii is illustrated, described, and provisionally placed in Calopterini, based on our morphology-based phylogenetic analyses. We discuss the possible scenarios that could lead to such a rare event, when a beetle loses its elytra, and its evolutionary consequences.
Read the paper here:
extraordinary case of elytra loss in Coleoptera (Elateroidea: Lycidae): discovery and placement of the first anelytrous adult male beetle | Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society | Oxford Academic (oup.com)
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claudiosuenaga · 6 months
Hitler Lobo, amigo de Antonio Villas Boas, entrevistado por Pablo Mauso e Claudio Suenaga
Esta é entrevista que Pablo Villarrubia Mauso e Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga realizaram com Hitler Lobo de Mendonça em 8 de novembro de 2002 em sua residência em São Francisco de Sales.
Hitler foi assim batizado por seu pai que, naquele início de Segunda Guerra Mundial, admirava o ditador nazista alemão Adolf Hitler, nome que muito o prejudicou. Tio do então prefeito da cidade Ademir Ferreira Barbosa, o próprio Hitler fora vereador pela Arena (Aliança Renovadora Nacional) e depois pelo PMDB (Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro) entre 1977 e 1988.
O seu grau de convivência com Antonio havia sido tão próximo que podia considerá-lo "quase um irmão".
O próprio Hitler, sua esposa Florípedes e seu filho Claiton foram testemunhas de fenômenos estranhos, conforme nos relataram.
Canal de Pablo Villarrubia Mauso: https://www.youtube.com/@PabloVillarrubiaMauso
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✅ Adquira “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal”, bem como meus dois primeiros livros, "Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre?" e "50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos?", diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
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ANDERSON, Benedict. Comunidades imaginadas. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, p. 12-32, 2008.
COLLINS, Patricia Hill. Pensamento feminista negro: conhecimento, consciência e a política do empoderamento. Boitempo editorial, 2019.
COLLINS, Patricia Hill. A interseccionalidade como teoria social crítica. Parte 1 – Delimitando as questões. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2022
CRENSHAW, Kimberlé W. Mapping the margins: intersectionality, identiy politics, and violence against women of color. In: Stanford Law Review, vol. 43, 1991.
DOS SANTOS, Gilvan Francisco. Catarina Paraguaçu. Nossa Senhora da Graça, 2020. Disponível em: <https://www.nsenhoradagraca.org/catarina-paragua%C3%A7u>. Acesso em: 7 jul. 2023.
DURKHEIM, Émile. As formas elementares da vida religiosa. 3.ed. Tradução de Joaquim Pereira Neto. São Paulo: Paulus, 2008.
FIGUEIREDO, Ângela. Carta de uma ex-mulata à Judith Butler. Revista Periódicus, v. 1, n. 3, p. 152-169, 2015.
FIGUEIREDO, Taiana; FONTES, Rafael. O caboclo, o dois de julho e o candomblé. Bahia com história, 2015. Disponível em: <http://bahiacomhistoria.ba.gov.br/?reportagem=reportagem-o-caboclo-o-dois-de-julho-e-o-candomble>. Acesso em: 7 jul. 2023.
FRASER, Nancy. Da redistribuição ao reconhecimento? Dilemas da justiça numa era “pós socialista”. Cadernos de Campo, São Paulo, n. 14/15, p. 231-239, 2006.
GONZÁLEZ, Lélia. A mulher negra na sociedade brasileira: uma abordagem político econômica. In GONZÁLEZ, L. Por um feminismo afro-latino americano.Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2020. p. 49-64.
GUERRA FILHO, Sérgio A. D. O Povo e a Guerra: Participação das Camadas Populares nas Lutas pela Independência do Brasil na Bahia. (Dissertação de Mestrado) Salvador: UFBA, 2004.
KILOMBA, Grada. Memórias da plantação: episódios de racismo cotidiano. Editora Cobogó, 2020.
LIMA, João Francisco de. A incrível Maria Quitéria. São Paulo: Nova época, 1977.
MOREIRA, Neuracy Maria de Azevedo. Maria Quitéria. Resgate de Memória, n. 2, jul. 2014.
QUINTANEIRO, Tania. Émile Durkheim. QUINTANEIRO, T., BARBOSA, ML O., OLIVEIRA, MG. Um toque de clássicos: Durkheim, Marx e Weber. Belo Horizonte, Ed. UFMG, 1995.
STAEUBLE, Irmingard. Emaranhados na ordem eurocêntrica do conhecimento: por que a psicologia é difícil de descolonizar. Cidade cidadã: entre o agente construtor e a agência construída, p. 89-97, 2007.
WEBER, Max. Sociologia da dominação. In: WEBER, Max. Economia e sociedade. Brasília: UnB, 1991. p. 187-223.
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jukeboxcwb · 1 year
Posse Lula: Festival do Futuro terá shows até a madrugada
A programação musical tem início às 11h; o evento acontece na Esplanada dos Ministérios, em Brasília
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Foto: Divulgação
O ano de 2023 já começa com festival de música especial. Amanhã, dia 01 de janeiro, acontece a posse do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, e em comemoração, acontece também o Festival do Futuro.
Dividido em dois palcos (Palco Elza Soares e Palco Gal Costa), o evento acontece na Esplanada dos Ministérios, em Brasília, a partir das 11h, e reúne diversos nomes importantes para a música brasileira. Além disso, uma feira gastronômica funcionará ao longo de todo o evento.
Confira a programação musical abaixo:
11:00 (Palco Elza Soares) – Show Brasília de Todos os Ritmos
12h30 (Palco Gal Costa) – Show Kleber Lucas Convida: Clóvis Pinho, Leonardo Gonçalves, MN MC e Sarah Renata
15h50 (Palco Gal Costa) – Show Juliano Maderada e Banda
18h30 (Palco Elza Soares) – Show “Futuro Ancestral”: participações de Drik Barbosa, Marissol Mwab, Ellen Oléria, Fioti, Gog, Rael, Rappin Hood, Salgadinho e Gog;
19h40 (Palco Gal Costa) – Show “Outra Vez Cantar”: participações de Alessandra Leão, Chico César e Geraldo Azevedo, Fernanda Takai, Francisco El Hombre e Luê, Johnny Hooker, Lirinha, Marcelo Jeneci, Odair José, Otto, Paulo Miklos, Tulipa Ruiz e Thalma de Freitas;
20h55 (Palco Elza Soares) – Show “Amanhã vai ser outro dia”: participações de Aline Calixto, Fernanda Abreu, Jards Macalé, Maria Rita, Martinho da Vila, Paula Lima, Leoni, Renegado, Rogéria Holtz, Teresa Cristina, Romero Ferro, Zélia Duncan e Delacruz”;
22h50 (Palco Gal Costa) – Show BaianaSystem convida: Margareth Menezes
00h10 (Palco Elza Soares) – Show Gaby Amarantos convida: Aíla, Kâe Guajajara e Jaloo
01h10 (Palco Gal Costa) – Show Duda Beat convida: Almerio, Doralyce, Luedji Luna e Zé Ibarra
02h10 (Palco Elza Soares) – Show Pabllo Vittar convida: Lukinhas e Urias
03h10 (Palco Gal Costa) – Valesca Popozuda convida: MC Marks e Mc Rahell
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juniwilson · 1 year
Let Go | Para
Featuring: Juniper Grimaldi w/ a few folks at her job; mentions of Chris & Atlas Grimaldi, Raj Veerapen, Emma Williams, Luna Zuniga-Smith, Riley Moore, Aldrich Palermo, Thomas Meier & Celeste Barbosa-Meier Location: California Academy of Sciences; San Francisco, CA Time Frame: Noon-ish, Mon. March 20, 2023 Notes: Kinda long-ish, but thank you for reading.
Juniper had been finishing up their lunch when their direct supervisor’s administrative assistant poked his head into the break room.
“Heyy, Juniper, when you’re done with lunch, Renee wants to see you.”
“Oh, okay!” Juniper replied, licking a sandwich crumb from the corner of their mouth. They balled up the parchment paper the sandwich had previously been wrapped in and tossed it in the waste bin, and then, after wiping down where they’d been sitting with a napkin, Juni grabbed their water bottle and left the break room.
For Juniper, things at work were finally feeling more normal, routine again. There hadn’t been the whispers or obvious indicators that she was just being talked about anymore. And while she’d still been away from work during the weekdays here and there, she was hard at work and staying in communication with her team as much as possible. Checking the time, she’d only had about 5 more minutes before her lunch would be over and it’d be time to get back to her coral reef report.
When they reached the aquarium director’s door and knocked, Juni waited for a response and then entered, a friendly smile on their face.
“Close the door and have a seat, Juniper,” Renee said.
The smile they’d entered with died on their lips. With their heart quickly launching into nervous thumps, Juniper did as they were told and took one of the two available seats across from their boss’s desk. Taking in Renee’s grave expression, along with the long stretch of silence after they sat didn’t put their mind anymore at ease.
“Juniper, I know there isn’t any easy way to say this, so I’m going to cut to the chase. We have to let you go, effective today.”
For an uncomfortable length of time, it felt like everything had stopped, including Juniper’s heart. But when she’d visibly reacted, she stammered, “I-I... what?”
Renee sighed and steepled her fingers on the desk. “We know that you work hard and that you love your job, but your frequent absences haven’t gone unnoticed.”
Her throat was starting to feel like it was lined with sandpaper as she whispered, “My absences?”
This time, Renee frowned, “Yes, beginning with Ship-Wrecked. You were granted an exceptional amount of time of leave to go on the show, mostly because of your incredible work ethic, how reliable you were and how little time you were away. But ever since then, you have missed a significant amount of work. The maternity leave was understandable and of course, by law that has nothing to do with your termination. However, you have taken an abnormal amount of time off for vacations, awards shows and other social events. Even this past weekend when you took time off Friday. It’s impacted the efficiency and morale of the research team.”
Every bit of lunch was quickly turning sour in Juniper’s stomach. She wanted to say that she’d only taken a half day off from work last Friday but she kept quiet, her gaze downcast while Renee went on.
“Between us, I love having you here. When you’re here. But there have been complaints and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried before more of those complaints had come. You know that a lot of our ability to educate, research, and maintain what we have here relies on donors. If The Academy were to grant the amount of time off to everyone that they’ve given you over the past year alone, we would have a major problem, and likely lose a lot of our funding.”
Silence stretched between them gain as tears began to well up in Juniper’s eyes. But they fought them as much as they absolutely could, swallowed thickly and finally managed to say, “I understand.”
Frowning again, Renee softened her voice, “Juniper. I’m going to say the thing I’m not supposed to say, which is that I’m sorry. I really, truly am. You’ve had major changes to your life since returning from Ship-Wrecked. Maybe it’s all been a lot more to handle or adjust to than you were actually prepared for. But if in, say, a year or so, you have a better handle on things, reach out to me, alright? Maybe we would be able to have you back. Or if you end up needing a reference to somewhere else... you have my contact information.”
A reference somewhere else didn’t mean much when a job like hers was hard to find, and the job she was aspiring to have would be even harder now that she’d been fired. But Juniper didn’t say anything. She didn’t trust herself not to burst out into tears. Or throw up. The latter was feeling more and more like a possibility the longer she sat there. And after giving a nod to Renee, her now former supervisor returned to a more business-like demeanor and continued telling her about clearing out her desk and seeing HR to collect her final pay. She’d heard it all yet it was sounding distant and underwater.
At some point, Juni had gotten up from the chair and left the office. Their steps were wooden and muscle memory seemed to be the only thing carrying them in the right direction. And when they got back to their desk, an empty box was waiting there. Tears silently spilled down Juniper’s cheeks. They could feel eyes on their back as they picked up the personal items at their work space: framed photos of Chris and themself, of Atlas, and of Eevee. Smaller photos taped to the side of their monitor and pinned to their cubicle walls: group photos with various siblings, a selfie of them, Atlas and Raj at the zoo; Riley, Aldrich, Chris and them at the wedding reception photo booth, a picture of them with Thomas, Celeste and their then newborn twins, and an old group photo with Monterey Bay Aquarium colleagues.
All of the photos went into the box, along with everything else personal at and around their desk: their framed AA and BS diplomas, scuba certification papers, work recognition certificates, a ‘thank you’ card signed by friends at the penguin exhibit, another ‘thank you’ card from a school group they’d given a tour to; a tube of lip balm recently gifted to them from Emma, seashells Luna had given them back on the island, and two small plush animals--a sea otter and a sea horse. The last personal item to be packed was their lab coat, which Juniper had tugged off at the sleeves, folded in half and shakily draped across the top of the box.
Juniper was about to pick up the box when bile began to rise in their throat. They bolted for the nearby bathroom, barely making it to an available toilet before losing their lunch entirely. They sobbed through the last few, painful dry heaves and thereafter, hands and lips trembling terribly while they knelt in the stall. It was a struggle to compose themself again; each time they thought they pulled themself together, Renee’s words of, “We have to let you go” echoed in their mind and pushed more tears from their eyes.
She had no idea how much time had passed before she was able to get to her feet again. She felt dizzy and her head was throbbing from all of the crying and vomiting. But she had to leave. It wasn’t a choice--wasn’t her choice. She had to get her belongings, collect her check, and leave as she was instructed. So she flushed, washed her hands and did her best to rinse out her mouth, and then kept her gaze down as she retrieved her box and walked out of her team’s office for the last time.
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wallacyanchieta · 1 year
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Seria o dia da consciência humana, se humanos a tivessem. Viva Zumbi, Dandara, Aqualtune, Aleijadinho, Tereza de Benguela, Mestre Valentim, Padre José Maurício Machado de Assis, Barbosa, Pelé, Luís Gama, Maria Firmina do Reis, Marielle Franco, Daiane dos Santos, Ruth de Souza, Estêvão Silva, André Rebouças, Grande Otelo, José do Patrocínio, Nilo Peçanha, Angela Davis, Muhammad Ali, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Francisco José do Nascimento, Louis Armstrong , B.B. King, Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela, Mãe Menininha do Gantois, Pixinguinha, Gilberto Gil, Cartola, D. Zica, Jamelão, a poesia de Carolina de Jesus, Abdias do Nascimento, Adhemar Ferreira da Silva, Moacir Santos, a irreverência de Mussum, viva... como diria Jorge Ben Jor: “Negro é Lindo”... orgulho dos meus antepassados, do meu avô, do meu pai!#diadaconsciêncianegra #diadaconsciêncianegraétododia #preconceitonão #racismonão #racismoécrime #respeito https://www.instagram.com/p/ClMTnzXvk0Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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frankloko · 1 year
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HÁ 100 ANOS, O BRASIL PERDIA UM DE SEUS MAIORES ESCRITORES, LIMA BARRETO Autor de "Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma", Lima Barreto foi um dos maiores nomes do pré-modernismo Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto (Rio de Janeiro, 13 de maio de 1881 – Rio de Janeiro, 1 de novembro de 1922) foi um jornalista e escritor brasileiro. Publicou romances, sátiras, contos, crônicas e uma vasta obra em periódicos, principalmente em revistas populares ilustradas e periódicos anarquistas do início do século XX. A maior parte de sua obra foi redescoberta e publicada em livro após sua morte por meio do esforço de Francisco de Assis Barbosa e outros pesquisadores, levando-o a ser considerado um dos mais importantes escritores brasileiros. Mas Monteiro Lobato, em carta de 1 de outubro de 1916 ao escritor Godofredo Rangel, já reconheceu o talento desse escritor mulato vítima do preconceito: "“Conheces Lima Barreto? Li dele, na Águia, dois contos, e pelos jornais soube do triunfo do Policarpo Quaresma, cuja segunda edição já lá se foi. A ajuizar pelo que li, este sujeito me é romancista de deitar sombras em todos os seus colegas coevos e coelhos, inclusive o Neto. Facílimo na língua, engenhoso, fino, dá impressão de escrever sem torturamento – ao modo das torneiras que fluem uniformemente a sua corda-d’água". (Continua…) Minha singela homenagem a esse tesouro Internacional! Foto: internet Info: Wikipedia/aventurasnahistoria.uol.com.br Colorização: @coresdopassado1 • • • • • #limabarreto #limabarretotristevisionario #limabarretopresente #limabarreto📖 #limabarretoresiste #limabarretoofilme #limabarreto_escritor #literatura #literaturabrasileira #color #colorful #colorization #colorizedhistory #colorizedhistoricalphotos #colorizedphoto #colorizationdigital #colorizaçãodigital #colorizationphoto #colorização #colorizacaodefotografia #colorizaçãodigital #brasil🇧🇷 #portugal🇵🇹 #usa🇺🇸 #england🇬🇧 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkbcwOPpS2v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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penned-cbarbosa · 2 years
Yes, And | Thomeste
When: The last day on the island, shortly before heading home @thomas-meier Mentions: Seb, Antony, The Meiers & The Barbosas Notes: One...or two more things before Thomas & Celeste leave Ship-Wrecked...
Thomas was so nervous about proposing. Ever since they had a date they were leaving, he knew he wanted to ask Celeste to marry him on the last day on the island. He had the ring in his suitcase since he went home with Celeste. His Bubby’s ring. If Celeste didn’t like the vintage ring, he would buy her a new one, but he just wanted to put something on her finger.
He made sure the ring box was secure in his pocket and helped Celeste get her suitcase to the beach so it could be put onto the boat that would take them to the airport. “Before we leave, do you want to go for a walk? It’ll be our last chance to look around the island. And we will be stuck on a plane later for a long time.”
Celeste was a bundle of nerves even though she'd hid it well. So much had been on her mind, not the least of which was the return home. While she was more than ready to go back to San Francisco, she'd continued to hope in her mind that things would go well. She and Thomas made plans for her to move in with him. It was exciting and a little bit stressful to think about since moving was never a stress-free task, even when you had the end result of living with the man you loved to look forward to.
More thoughts swam around Celeste's mind, but she was pulled from the jumbled thoughts by Thomas ans his question. Offering him a brief and soft smile, she replied, "Sure. Yeah, getting our last bits of fresh air before the plane ride sounds great." She reached for his hand and held it as the two began their walk. "So how are you feeling about all this? Finally going home and what that's gonna be like?"
Thomas grinned and took Celeste’s hand. He hoped his nervousness wasn’t coming through too much. He knew she loved him. They were going to move in together. He only hoped things weren’t moving too fast for her, though nobody could move as fast as Seb and Tony. Well, maybe Chris and Juni.
“I’m feeling great. I cannot wait to be home with you and get you settled into my condo. Things are going to be different, but in a good way. We can finally go out on dates, or we can just sit at home and watch tv. I’m ready for normal. Real life normal, not reality show normal,” he said. “How are you feeling?”
Hearing Thomas's answer made Celeste smiled up at him. 'Normal' usually wouldn't sound as enticing but after months on the island and being almost constantly recorded by cameras and mics, normal was all too inviting. "It’s definitely going to be a change for us. I'm going to have to get a hold of some boxes as soon as we're back." She chuckled at how mundane something like that sounded leaving her lips but in the vein of normalcy, it was refreshing to talk about something like this, rather than considering what the next task would be or wondering about food or any of the more unique thoughts that had come with reality show-style island living.
"I'm okay," she answered honestly, knowing that she wasn't her absolute best but wasn't terrible either. "I'm glad this day's finally here, y'know? It's only a little bit sad but not nearly sad enough that I wanna stay longer." She flashed a smile up to Thomas and then continued looking at their surroundings during their last walk around the island. While taking in the familiar scenery, she thought about the more elaborated version of how she was feeling: nervous, happy, relieved, loved, tired, anxious and a bit nauseated. But she didn't want to unpack all of those feelings on Thomas right now, especially when most of them would pass once they were back home. "Hey babe, look!" Celeste pointed, pulling out of her own thoughts for a moment when she spotted two colorful birds nesting in an overhead tree. "Now that's something I'm going to miss--seeing some of the wildlife out here."
There was something so nice just hearing about moving boxes. It meant their future together was really going to start. “I know we can get them from the storage unit places. Or from U-Haul. Or even from Lowe’s,” Thomas said. “I will come over and help you pack your place up. And I will go through all my stuff to determine what to get rid of. Unfortunately, my place isn’t big enough to keep all of my stuff and all of your stuff.” Though he thought getting rid of some things would be good.
“Just okay?” He asked, frowning a bit. But when Celeste flashed a smile at him, he smiled right back at her. “I know what you mean. I don’t want to stay any longer either. But I will always be grateful for my time here because it brought us together.” Thomas was looking for the exact spot he wanted to propose when his girlfriend pointed out some birds. “Oh, they’re beautiful! I’m going to miss this part, too. The wildlife in San Francisco is just a lot of seagulls and pigeons,” he chuckled. As they continued to walk, they finally came across the clearing where a table had been set up for their first date. It was under mistletoe, and he felt like he could talk to her for hours without stopping. He stopped and looked around, before he looked at Celeste. “Do you remember this? We had our first date here. And our first kiss.”
Celeste nodded, "Yeah, that's a good idea. I might ask some friends too, to try and avoid buying boxes if I can. And speaking of a U-Haul, we'll probably want to rent one of the small ones for moving me in. I don't know what all you have, but I don't think you'll have to get rid of a ton of your things. I just hope you have plenty of closet space." She smiled a bit at that even though she'd meant it, knowing she had a lot of clothes and accessories back home. Although, Celeste thought to herself, the move would be a good time to clear some of that out and donate some things."
"Yeah. Don't worry though," she said, giving his hand a squeeze. She promised herself that she would talk to him some more once they had privacy, but with the cameras packed up and everyone preparing to leave, perhaps this walk would be the time to have said talk. At the moment, she chuckled, even giggled a bit at the two types of wildlife Thomas mentioned back home. "The squirrels would be completely offended that you left them out," she teased. But before she knew it, the two of them were right where Thomas said they were--at the location where their mistletoe date had taken place. Where they first got to know each other and where they shared their first kiss. Celeste smiled warmly at the memory and slipped her hand from Thomas's so that she could wrap it around his back. "I remember.  That night was amazing. I was really glad to see you were my date that night."
Thomas nodded. “That’s a good idea. People always have moving boxes hanging around for one reason or another. So I’m sure it would be easy enough to get some. We will definitely get a small U-Haul. I have driven one before, so that won’t be a problem,” he grinned. “I also have plenty of closet space. I keep all my old hockey stuff and winter clothes in the closet of the spare room. And the closet in my bedroom is a walk-in. There is plenty of space there, too,” he said.
“Oh yes. Sorry squirrels,” he laughed a little. Thomas wrapped his arm around Celeste and leaned down a little to kiss the top of her head. “I think about that night a lot. Getting to know you during that date… it was one of my favourite days on the island,” he grinned. “It set everything in motion for us to be here now.” Thomas’ heart was pounding in his chest. He was sure Celeste was able to hear it, but when he looked at her she didn’t seem to. “I love you so much. And I love everything about you. You’re smart, funny, sweet, and the most beautiful woman I have ever known. My family adores you. You understand me better than anyone, and I want to bring you as much joy as you bring me.” He took a breath and got down on one knee before he pulled the ring box out of his pocket. Thomas opened it, revealing a white gold ring that had belonged to his Bubby. “Celeste,” he said and took her hand. “I know we haven’t been together very long, but being on the island with you has made months feel like years in the best way. And it has been more than enough time to know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”
"That's good to know. The other times I've moved, I didn’t drive the moving truck, just my own car." Celeste smiled a bit as her stomach churned. She tried to ignore it while listening to Thomas and nodded when he said he had plenty of closet space at the condo. She made a mental note to see if his old jerseys were amongst his old hockey gear, and thought about getting them framed for him if he didn't already.
She chuckled while squeezing his sides. And while she was listening to everything Thomas was saying--the love swelling in her chest--a faint but strange smell that she couldn't identify wafted in the breeze. Celeste's warm smile turned nervous as her stomach turned again. Just as she was about to respond to him, she froze, eyes wide and watching him get down on one knee. "Oh my God..." Her hands slipped away from around him and while keeping a hand in his, her free one quickly cupped her mouth. "Thomas, I love you too and I-..." She shuddered a bit but forced back the unsettled feeling growing in her stomach. Deciding to shorten her response while teary-eyed, she nodded, "Yes! I'll marry you," while quickly and repeatedly telling herself, Please don't throw up, please don't throw up, please don't throw up!
“Oh, thank God.” He breathed and smiled widely before he put the ring on her finger. Thomas was glad it seemed to fit. He kissed Celeste’s knuckles before he stood up and kissed her lips. “You’re so amazing, and I love you. And if you don’t like the ring, I will buy you a new one. That… it was my Bubby’s. My mum gave it to me when we went to my parents’ house. She said it was just in case. I honestly wasn’t sure when I would ask, but… today just felt right,” he said, looking at his fiancée.
Celeste chuckled lightly, "You didn't think I was gonna a say 'no',, did you?" She smiled and cupped his face, returning the kiss. "I love you too, Thomas. You've become so important to me and I want a life with you, beyond what we've had here on this island." Hearing that the ring belonged to his Bubby touched Celeste's heart and knowing he's been holding onto the ring since they left Ottawa made the tears well up and spill over her eyes. "You've had it all this time?" She admired the ring for a moment and shook her head, "I don’t want you to buy me a new one. This one is meaningful and perfect."
She'd meant to pull him in for another kiss, but another roll of her stomach lurched as the foul smell wafted through her nose again. This time, her mouth began to water and she could feel the bile quickly rising up inside of her. Knowing where this was inevitably heading, Celeste darted away from Thomas, hand clamped to her mouth until she heaved the contents of her stomach into a nearby shrub.
“I- no, I didn’t think you would. I hoped you would say yes, but maybe I feared that you might say no because we haven’t even been together a year,” Thomas admitted. “Yeah, I hid it in my luggage when you weren’t looking, and it has just been in the bungalow this whole time.” He pressed his lips together as she looked at the ring, hoping she liked it. The heirloom meant a lot to him, and he smiled when she said it was perfect. “I’m glad you like it. My mum will be so happy to see it on your finger.” Thomas was about to lean in for another kiss, but Celeste moved away from him quickly. “Babe?” He asked. Then she threw up. “Oh my gosh… Are you okay? Did you eat something bad?”
Celeste lightly shook her head, smiling, "I've known I wanted this with you. I don't need a year to say 'yes' to a life with you." In that moment, she had been so happy... and so nauseous.
Hunched over the shrubs, Celeste's tears streaked from joy of being newly engaged to Thomas, to being newly sick. It wasn’t the first time she'd thrown up recently but she was lucky enough not to have done it anywhere that had raised concerns with anyone, until now. Hearing Thomas's question, it wasn't until her dry heaving and coughing ceased that she quipped back, "Not unless I ate a bad baby..." She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand while slowly righting herself and cast her fiancé a weak smile.
It took Thomas a few long moments to really process what Celeste said. “A bad…baby… You’re pregnant!? Oh my god!” he exclaimed and wrapped his arms around his fiancée, kissing her cheek. “Oh my god, Celeste,” he smiled and looked into her eyes to make sure she was actually happy about it. Yes, they had talked about kids before, but they never set a timeline. He certainly didn’t expect her to get pregnant before they got married. “Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any better,” he smiled and kissed her forehead.
Celeste gave half-hearted jazz hands as she softly sang, "Surpriiiiiise!"  She knew it sounded lame but went on to explain, a small scowl on her face, "I didn't mean to mess up your proposal by puking in the bushes rigjt after. I was going to tell you as soon as we were back." She gingerly hugged him back while muttering somewhat childishly, "It was gonna be a cute reveal too." While trying to let it go for the time being, she looked up and met Thomas's eyes. The joy in his face from the news, right on the heels of their engagement was enough to melt away her disappointment in the foiled plan she had for the time being. She smiled lightly and after her kissed her forehead, she turned her cheek to rest against his chest, her arms still wrapped around him. "But yes, I'm pregnant. We're having a baby, and we're getting married... oh lord, this is gonna be something else when we get home. Our families are gonna lose their minds," she mused with a smile on her lips.
Thomas chuckled a little at Celeste’s jazz hands. “You’re so damn adorable. And you absolutely did not mess up the proposal. The only way you could have done that is by saying no,” he said.  “That is so sweet,” he said and hugged her. “You can still do your cute reveal! I want to see what you put together,” he smiled. Thomas rubbed his fiancée’s back when she leaned her cheek against his chest. “They really are going to lose their minds. My mum… she’s going to be so excited! And the baby will be almost the same age as my sister’s baby. I know we aren’t doing this in the socially acceptable order, but I am unbelievably happy right now. I am so in love with you, and I’m going to try to be the best dad in the world.”
"Well there's no way that was gonna happen," Celeste said with absolute certainty. She then chuckled shortly, "It's not gonna work now. I was gonna have you over for dinner while I started packing, and do something like burgers and put one of the buns in the oven--without the oven on, and then get you to open the oven for a 'surprise'. And then I'd be waiting near you with a positive test." She hadn't found out the news that long ago but once she had the positive pregnancy test results from the show's medics, she almost immediately started thinking about how and when to tell Thomas. Hearing his thoughts about how his mother would react, and then some, Celeste couldn't help but smile through the unsettled feeling in her stomach from having recently wretched. "We'll have to make sure we're both around for both our family's reactions to the news. I can't wait to hear how your mom responds. And my mom might actually cry again when she finds out she's getting a son-in-law and a grandbaby." She adjusted herself so that she could look up into Thomas's eyes and moved her hands so that she held his face between them. "I love you with all my heart, Thomas. And I already know you won't have to try that hard to be the best dad in the world. You're so loving, kind, caring, patient, understanding and doting. This baby's already got the best dad on the planet."
“That makes me really happy,” Thomas grinned. He would be devastated if Celeste had said no. “Oh my god… that would have been so cute! And I would have been even more confused,” he laughed. He knew himself and knew the bun in the oven would go right over his head. “How long have you known?” He asked. Thinking back, he could guess when it happened. Their one night in the Love Shack when they weren’t as careful as they should have been. “We will think of a cute way to tell our families. I hope your parents are happy and your father doesn’t hate me.” Still, he smiled widely, his dimples showing. “And the baby already has the best mum. I can imagine how damn cute the baby will be.”
Celeste smiled at Thomas's reaction to what she'd had in mind to tell him about the pregnancy. As her stomach had still been uneasy, she hadn’t held Thomas too tightly but she drew back to answer him. "Not long. Just a few days. I started to feel ill at the Bye-Bye Ball but I didn't want to say anything because with Juni and Chris's news, I figured people would jump to conclusions. And since I didn't know if that's what it was yet, I didn't want to get our hopes up or anything like that until I knew for certain. But the medics gave me two different tests that both came back that I'm definitely pregnant." She thought about their last romp in The Love Shack and was sure that some point while they were there was what led to the two of them now expecting.  Her hands moved from either side of Thomas's face to his broad shoulders as she smiled up at him, "I like that idea. And you've met my dad--he's not going to hate you, babe." She chuckled, knowing her dad was going to be the mushiest grandpa in the world. But seeing Thomas's dimpled smile made her own smile grow. "Thanks, babe. Oh that's a guarantee. But I am in so much trouble if they inherit your dimples."
“Oh, babe,” Thomas said, softly. “I could kind of tell you didn’t feel one hundred percent at the Bye-Bye Ball, but I had no idea it was because of morning sickness. I didn’t even hear you get sick, if you did. Two people getting pregnant on the island. There must be something in the water,” he chuckled. “I understand not wanting to get our hopes up. Still, I would have gone with you to the medic if you had asked me.” Thomas pecked her forehead again. He was so in love with Celeste, and he knew his love would only grow. At the mention of meeting her dad, Thomas chuckled. “You’re right. He was very nice to me. I’m definitely going to have to treat him to a game now. Hell, maybe even season tickets!” he chuckled. “Oh? You like my dimples that much?” Thomas suspected that before, and it only made his smile stick around. It seemed like nothing could take the smile off his face. “No matter who the baby looks like, I’m going to love them so much. And in my completely biased opinion, I will think they are the cutest baby in the world.”
Celeste lowered her forehead against his chest, muttered, "Ohh I got sick alright. But I'm kinda glad you didn't know. It was embarrassing enough a moment ago. You shocked me with your proposal." She lifted her head, smiling at him and then glanced admirably at the beautiful, vintage ring now sitting on her finger, a perfect fit. But her eyes went back to Thomas, "I know you would have gone with me, and the way you're so loving and supportive are two of the many reasons why I love you so much. I just wanted to be sure before saying anything." She smiled again and chuckled as well, "I bet he'd love either one. He's gonna be excited about having a new son-in-law, and his first grandchild. My mom will too. She's gonna end up buying outfits every time she goes shopping." Giving him a playful roll of her eyes, she said, "You know I do. Your smile made me pretty weak in the knees when we first met." Pausing, she jokingly amended, "On second thought, maybe it'd be better if our baby didn't have your dimples. That's gonna spell more trouble for us. They'll just smile at me and I'm gonna a cave whenever they want candy, or a kitten like their daddy." She grinned softly at him and then said, "But you're right. It won't matter who the baby looks like. We're going to have a beautiful, blessed and totally loved little one to spoil."
“I’m sorry you got sick. And I’m sorry it’s my fault,” Thomas said. Technically, it was. He’s the one who got her pregnant. “I know we hadn’t really talked about marriage, except in hypotheticals, but I’m thrilled you said yes.” He looked at the way she admired the ring, and it made him smile. Thomas thought it looked perfect on her. “I understand that. It could have just been a stomach bug because of all the normal food they’ve been giving us.” While it wasn’t the timeline they expected, he was excited to be a dad. It was something he always wanted. “They will be the first grandchild on your side, and the first one from me on my side. Between our parents and us, this little one will absolutely be spoiled,” he chuckled. “Oh yeah? That was all part of the plan. Charm you with my smile and dimples,” he teased. “I think you will cave either way! I also still want the kitten, even though we’re having a baby. I feel so lucky and blessed right now. We are both getting a second chance at all of this. I was going to suggest we take our time planning a wedding, but the baby really speeds up that timeline. So we can start planning when we get back.”
"Remember that when I go into labor," Celeste quipped just before wrinkling her nose as the foul smell from before wafted in the breeze again--rotten fruit? She really wasn't sure what it was, but she held one of Thomas's hands and started walking with him again to get away from the odor before she started gagging and dry heaving. Listening to him, she squeezed his hand, "I know you've talked about it though. My parents ambasically brought it up in our Zoom call, and I knew before then that I wanted to marry you. You surprised me in the best way possible by asking me where our first date happened." There was no way Celeste was ever going to forget that--regardless of the pregnancy sickness that soon followed.
She nodded to him, "Exactly. I kind of wondered if my stomach was being sensitive to getting to eat regular meals again, but the more the medic was asking me questions, the more I became doubtful of that." Celeste squeezed his hand again as they walked, smiling at the thought of Edie and Nathan, and what their reactions would likely be once they had the news. But she laughed a bit at Thomas and joked, "Who knew you were so nefarious with your dimples?" And then she promised him, "We'll still get a kitten. A wedding, a baby and a kitten. Wedding plans, moving, a new kitten, doctor's appointments... we're gonna be so busy. It'd be nice to not be showing too much by the time we get married but if that's the case, then so be it. What matters most to me is that we have a nice day to celebrate with the people we want to celebrate it."
“I will let you scream and curse at me when you’re in labour. It really is my fault,” he chuckled and started walking back with Celeste. “I know I talked about it in front of your parents, but actually proposing is different. I almost asked at the Bye-Bye Ball, but then I didn’t want to ask in front of everyone. I also didn’t want to put that kind of pressure on you to say yes,” he admitted.
“It wouldn’t have surprised me if everyone got sick from getting to eat regular meals again. But did you miss a period without really realising it?” He wondered. Thomas laughed when he was called nefarious about his dimples. “I know some people like them, that’s all! I’m sure there is some niche Instagram page dedicated to hockey players with dimples and I’ve made an appearance,” he chuckled. “We are going to be so busy! And I’ll have to be at work because the post season is soon. There is nobody I would rather go through all of this with. I genuinely think we can put together the perfect wedding in just a couple of months. And everyone we love will be there.”
Celeste squeezed Thomas's hand, reminding him, "It takes two to tango, babe." The symptoms were starting out lousy but she knew that she and Thomas made this baby together. At least for right now, she could think and speak reasonably on that. "I know I would have said yes either way because I know that I want to marry you, but I appreciate this proposal a lot. The intimacy of just us two for it... that means a lot to me."
At the question about her period, Celeste raised her brows a little, "Not exactly. My periods have been irregular for a long time, even before we came on the island. I stocked up on birth control pills before coming but I didn't start taking them right away since I wasn't going to be sleeping with anyone right off the bat. But I did start after our mistletoe date, not because I thought we were going to immediately end up in bed together but just to get that routine of taking it going. But I ran out before our last trip to The Love Shack and honestly, I wasn't even thinking about it at the time..." Her thoughts drifted to the day at the beach and how one thing led to another before the two of them locked themselves away for the rest of the day and that night. But talking about Thomas's dimples next pulled her back to the present. "Oh I'm sure there is. There's a social media page for everything, it seems like. And you would be right to be featured there." Knowing that they both would have a lot going on once they went back home made Celeste's head swim but she tried to keep herself mentally steady, believing that they could handle all of it. "We have friends and family who will help too, which is something I'm gonna have to keep reminding myself. Will you have to do any traveling while you're working though?" She knew the baby wouldn't be here right away but still wondered what the post season meant for his work.
"I know it does," Thomas said and squeezed her hand back. "But I should have been more careful." They had been caught up in the moment and he didn't even think of pulling out. Still, this was going to happen. They were going to be parents, and he was truly happy about that. The timing was just different. "Yeah? Then I'm really glad I asked where we had our first date."
"Oh, okay. I guess I should have asked about that? I don't know. Contraception and periods really aren't my forte. I obviously know about them because I had sisters, but I was married to a man before. And you're the first women I've dated since before him. It wasn't even on my radar." Thomas hadn't even noticed birth control pills in the bungalow at all. "Maybe we can do some Instagram stalking and try to find one," he laughed a bit. "Yes, our family and friends will definitely help. And Aldrich does events, right? We can always have him help us get everything together," he suggested. "I shouldn't have to travel for work. I just sit in a studio in San Fran and watch and analyse the games."
"Well, neither of us can un-ring that bell. But we both knew we wanted to have kids. It's just happening a little sooner than we expected." Celeste shrugged and then half-joked to get a smile out of Thomas, "And for some reason, I’ve wanted all the fun symptoms and changes that come with pregnancy. Because nothing says excitement like nausea, heartburn, swollen ankles, moodiness and peeing all the time, all while turning into Shamu." She lightly nudged Thomas's side with her elbow and smiled softly up at him. "But really... since I found out the other day, I've been really excited and wanting to tell you about us becoming parents."
She listened to Thomas and said, "I mean, I didn't necessarily expect you to ask and I didn't think to bring it up to be honest." For a moment she ended up trying to think about how all of it came up in her previous marriage. She couldn't recall specifics but it seemed like most of what Reggie learned came from their time living together. And before him, she’d dated a few people of different genders, but her periods didn't come up in conversation and prior to the island, Celeste's personal birth control had always been the patch. "That's true. I'm sure he'd be happy to help out but I'm glad we'll have our families too." It was nice and a relief to hear that Thomas would be close to home. She wasn't sure if he would have to be close to where the games were played or travel for specific coverage. "Okay, good. That's... actually a relief to hear." As they continued walking back towards the beach, Celeste said, "Since we're going home today, should we just wait until we're there before telling anyone? I know the morning sickness is hitting me but I don't wanna broadcast it on the trip home if we can help it."
Thomas nodded. "Exactly. There are no takebacks," he said, grinning a bit. He wouldn't ever take it back, though he might adjust the timing of it all. Thomas laughed when his fiancée listed all the "fun" pregnancy symptoms she would have to deal with. "Hey! You will never turn into Shamu. I will always think you're beautiful and perfect. And I'm glad you've been excited about telling me. That's so sweet."
What Celeste did or didn't use for birth control or her periods were really none of his business. The times they did have sex, he was just focused on using condoms. Evidently, he hadn't been too focused one time. "Oh, absolutely. Our parents will want to help as well, but we can always veto any opinions they have about wedding stuff." Yes, it would be a second marriage for both of them, but he still wanted everything to be special. "Yeah, I wouldn't want to leave you all the time, even without the baby," he said. "We should probably hold off on telling anyone for a bit. If you do get sick on the plane, you can always blame it on motion sickness and say you didn't have dramamine?"
Celeste smiled up at Thomas and squeezed his hand again when he responded to her Shamu comment. "You really are the best." He was always so kind to her in both his actions and his words. And while she didn't anticipate married life to be dramatically different for their relationship, she was also excited about it too.
The nauseous feeling was sticking around inside her stomach but Celeste did her best to mentally push through it, accepting that it was a part of pregnancy and would likely pass soon. And even though she had concocted a surprise for telling him--which honestly seemed a bit silly now, since they were able to share their feelings of the news sooner--with the news out, along with his proposal and them being newly engaged, she was beyond thankful to have him beside her now for all the ups and downs. "Yeah, I'm sure they're going to have a lot of ideas and opinions to throw our way. And hey, if for some reason we can't get the wedding together in a way that we want soon, I'm okay with waiting until after the baby's born if you are." She was genuinely relieved to hear her fiancé's response about not wanting to be gone all the time. Celeste didn't consider herself a clingy person but she did love being around Thomas, and then with a baby on the way, it meant he wouldn't miss milestones during the pregnancy and the baby's life. "I think that's a great idea. I know I'm not quite ready to tell anyone yet, and I think our parents should know first anyway." They were getting close to the area on the beach where the rest of the ship-mates were to gather for the boat ride to the airport but Celeste stopped a moment and faced Thomas. "But..." She smiled again, "I think it would be okay for our friends to know about the engagement, especially since we're going to plan the wedding at warp speed."
"I am okay waiting to marry you until after the baby is born if that's what we need to do. I don't need to rush down the aisle. If it all comes together quickly, great. If not, we will wait until after. All that matters to me is that we will be together," Thomas grinned. "I agree that our parents should be the first people we tell. And we don't have to wait until the first trimester is over with them. Maybe we can invite all our family out to dinner to 'celebrate our engagement' and then spring the news on them? My family will want to come out to visit and meet your family anyway!" As they approached the beach area, Thomas squeezed Celeste's hand. "We can absolutely tell them now if you want. Then you can show off the ring! And I know Seb and Tony are two of your close friends that you would tell right away anyway."
"Me too," Celeste replied in earnest. It would be nice to be married soon but if they had to wait, it wouldn't change her feelings of spending her life with Thomas. She nodded in agreement about telling their parents. "That's a great idea, babe! There's some great restaurants for us to consider and I feel like my dad will wanna cook for everyone at some point while they're in town too." Her smile grew a bit as she listened to Thomas some more. "Yeah, it would be pretty hard to keep that from them since the ring is not leaving my finger." She was grinning now and after pressing a kiss to his chest, she said, "Ive put my toothbrush in my carryon thanks to the morning sickness. So I'll make one last trip to the bathrooms real quick and then we can tell them." And with a small, relieved laugh, she added, "Thank God they're not filming us anymore though."
“That sounds fantastic. I’ll get the flights and hotels arranged for my whole family. Then you can meet my brothers-in-law and my nieces and nephews,” Thomas smiled. “I am really looking forward to meeting your family in person.” Thomas held her left hand and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “I’m glad. Though I completely understand if you take it off to shower and do dishes and that sort of stuff,” he chuckled. “I’m so sorry you’ve had morning sickness. I really hope it goes away quickly.” Thomas nodded enthusiastically in agreement that he was glad they weren’t filming anymore. “I’m so over the filming. But now we can go back to San Francisco in peace. Do you want me to wait outside the bathroom while you brush your teeth?”
"Sounds good and if you need any help looking for the hotels, let me know. I'm happy to help and I can wait to meet them all! That reminds me that I have a drawing to find a place for when we get home." Celeste smiled, thinking back to their visit to Ottawa to meet his immediate family. She laughed a bit, "Okay, you got me on a few exceptions." Squeezing one of his hands again, she told him, "Me too, but it and whatever other lousy symptoms that come along will all be worth it in the end." After giving his question a quick thought, she said, "Yeah sure, and I'll be quick about it. That way if any of our friends noticed we were gone, they won't end up asking you solo where we were." And with that, Celeste quickly grabbed her carry-on bag--which resembled more of a messenger bag--and then walked with Thomas towards the bathroom, her left set of fingers securely twined between his.
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curatorsvoice · 2 years
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Curator Dr Milagros Bello’s art tour. FERMENTS SHOW curated by Milagros Bello. Artists: Eliana Barbosa, Rosario Bond, Ricardo Carbonell, Francisco Ceron, Sergio Cesario, Meg Cogburn, Mercedes Inaudi, Dalia Ferreira, Grehyni Narváez, Ardian Isufi, Carola Orieta-Sperman, Lorien Suárez-Kanerva ADDRESS: 251 NE 69 street Miami Fl 33138 @curatorsvoice @milagrosbellocurator @elianabertibarbosa @rosariobond @ceronart @art.cesario @megcogburnart @mercedesinaudi_art @carolaospermanart @daliaferreira @ardianisufiart @grehyninarvaez @ricardocarbonell.art @loriensuarezkanerva #miacuratorial #curatorsvoiceartprojects #milagrosbellocurator #curator #artbasel #artmiami #contemporaryart #artcollector #fineart #artcurator #abstractart #contemporaryexhibition #newyorkartists #contemporaryartist #contemporarypainting #photography #kunst #artistsoninstagram #interiordesign #artoftheday #artcollectors #design #artdealer #abstract #sculpture #instaart (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeU8XLxOtPZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ocombatente · 16 days
Comunicado sobre atendimento nos Gabinetes dos Desembargadores
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A Secretaria Judiciária do 2º Grau – SJ2G do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Rondônia – TJRO comunica aos/às Advogados/Advogadas, Procuradores/Procuradoras, Membros/Membras do Ministério Público, Defensores/Defensoras, às partes e ao público em geral que, em virtude das obras civis de reforma no edifício-sede do TJRO e da necessidade de realocação dos gabinetes dos Desembargadores e respectivas equipes (assessorias e demais colaboradores) em locais diversos, os atendimentos, inclusive o agendamento de despachos com os magistrados, estão sendo realizados pelos balcões virtuais e telefones das respectivas unidades, conforme a seguir: Gabdes-AM - Gabinete do Desembargador Alexandre Miguel Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/tnv-vcsg-huu (69) 3309-6812 Geral GABDES-AKF - Gabinete do Desembargador Álvaro Kalix Ferro Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/sht-qets-utu (69) 3309-6823 Geral (69) 3309-6853 Assessores Gabdes-DRL - Gabinete do Desembargador Daniel Ribeiro Lagos Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/bau-qqar-egr (69) 3309-6813 Geral (69) 3309-6843 Assessores GABDES-FBFN - Gabinete do Desembargador Francisco Borges Ferreira Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/jom-ytyd-oxn (69) 3309-6811 Geral (69) 3309-6841 Assessores Gabdes-GBBS - Gabinete do Desembargador Gilberto Barbosa Batista dos Santos Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/yom-odsq-mpp (69) 3309-6814 Geral GABDES-GLP - Gabinete do Desembargador Glodner Luiz Pauletto Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/zuf-yaur-jfi (69) 3309-6802 Geral (69) 3309-6832 Assessores Gabdes-HSM - Gabinete do Desembargador Hiram de Souza Marques Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/jgh-gjkq-uws (69) 3309-6818 Geral (69) 3309-6848 Gabdes-IFM - Gabinete do Desembargador Isaias Fonseca Moraes Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/hcp-brao-qsa (69) 3309-6816 Geral (69) 3309-6846 Assessores GABDES-JLSL - Gabinete do Desembargador Jorge Luiz dos Santos Leal Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/yrp-acdm-nka (69) 3309-6803 Geral (69) 3309-6833 Assessores GABDESJROB - Gabinete do Desembargador José Antonio Robles Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/vpy-uvqj-jmn (69) 3309-6820 Geral Gabdes-JJRL - Gabinete do Desembargador José Jorge Ribeiro da Luz Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/ijt-ffeh-kms (69) 3309-6819 GABDES-JTF - Gabinete do Desembargador José Torres Ferreira Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/spv-zxhy-jyk (69) 3309-6815 Geral (69) 3309-6845 Assessores Gabdes-MADG - Gabinete do Desembargador Marcos Alaor Diniz Grangeia Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/psg-ouci-xqs (69) 3309-6838 Geral Gabdes-MMN - Gabinete do Desembargador Miguel Monico Neto Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/jvj-rjdo-uwq (69) 3309-6809 Geral (69) 3309-6839 Assessores Gabdes-OCO - Gabinete do Desembargador Osny Claro de Oliveira Junior Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/dee-dgir-dxi (69) 3309-6821 Oficial de Gabinete (WhatsApp) Gabdes-PKM - Gabinete do Desembargador Paulo Kiyochi Mori Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/ncp-rvsj-gjv (69) 3309-6807 Gabdes-RMF - Gabinete do Desembargador Raduan Miguel Filho Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/ade-dejh-nsg (69) 3309-6810 Geral Gabdes-RQC - Gabinete do Desembargador Roosevelt Queiroz Costa Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/ank-rraz-yrz (69) 3309-6804 Geral (69) 3309-6834 Assessores Gabdes-RT - Gabinete do Desembargador Rowilson Teixeira Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/auo-cuny-rxe (69) 3309-6805 Geral Gabdes-SBS - Gabinete do Desembargador Sansão Batista Saldanha Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/kbi-zawg-nwn (69) 3309-6806 (69) 3309-6836 Gabdes-VCC - Gabinete do Desembargador Valdeci Castellar Citon Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. Balcão virtual: https://meet.google.com/aof-fqab-ufg (69) 3309-6817 Recepção Bel. Jucélio Scheffmacher de Souza Secretário Judiciário JavaScript is currently disabled.Please enable it for a better experience of Jumi. Fonte: TJ RO Read the full article
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town-hall-brazil · 2 months
Prefeitos de Xapuri, AC.
1989 - 1992: Juarez Ribeiro Maciel Filho (PMDB) 1993 - 1996: José da Silva Cunha (PDS) 1997 - 2000: Júlio Barbosa de Aquino (PT) 2001 - 2004: Júlio Barbosa de Aquino (PT) 2005 - 2008: Vanderlei Viana de Lima (PMDB) 2009 - 2012: Francisco Ubiracy Machado de Vasconcelos (PT) 2013 - 2016: Márcio Pereira Miranda (PSDB) 2017 - 2020: Francisco Ubiracy Machado de Vasconcelos (PT) 2021 - 2024: Francisco Ubiracy Machado de Vasconcelos (PT)
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ocombatenterondonia · 2 months
Escolas de São Francisco, São Miguel e Seringueiras passam por reformas e ampliações
No município de Seringueira a Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Rui Barbosa de Oliveira, está sendo construído o muro Os investimentos na educação realizados pelo Governo de Rondônia refletem na comunidade estudantil do Município de São Francisco do Guaporé. Os recursos destinados às escolas da rede estadual de ensino são executadas através do Programa de Apoio Financeiro (Proafi). O…
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rodeblamproducciones · 2 months
Aunque hoy sabado no es un dia de #tbt amerita el momento para recordar dada la importancia, con quien en su momento tuve el privilegio de haber sido parte entre las 7 personas que en aquel año 2000 nos otorgaron la distinción mas alta e importante conque es otorgada la medalla al “Mérito Cívico Ciudadano, cabe resaltar, que esta distinción se le otorga a personalidades muy importantes por su rol en la sociedad al servicio de la misma.
En la mayoria de los casos, a ciudadanos que ocupan cargos importantes como Consules, Gobernadores, Embajadores, Alcaldes, Presidentes de Camaras de Comercio y entidades Privadas al servicio social. En mi caso, me otorgaron tan alta distinción que fue solicitada en primera instancia por dos generales directores de la Policia Metropolitana de Santiago de Cali, ante la direccion general de la Policia Nacional a traves del ministerio de defensa por mis servicios como productor técnico de todos los eventos importantes que se llevaron a cabo por las distintas entidades que agrupa la Policia en el Departamento del Valle, como el comando de Bachilleres, Metropolitana de Cali, Policia Valle entre otras, durante siete (7) años, ganandome el gran aprecio por las entidades oficiales y privadas que hicieron parte.
A que viene este importante recuerdo?
Pues bien, quien se iba imaginar, que entre el grupo de condecorados, me toco en aquel año, al lado de la Directora de Fiscalias Dra Marta Mancera, quien en la foto esta a mi lado y que hoy seria nombrada como Fiscal General encargada, en reemplazo del Fiscal Francisco Barbosa.
Tambien fueron condecorados, el Dr. Rodrigo Zamorano, el presidente de la Camara de Comercio, la Sra Rosita Falud de Castro (ya fallecida) y el consul Honorario de Chile, no recuerdo el nombre de las otras personalidades.
Es un grato recuerdo y honor haber sido parte de ese tipo de eventos que hoy son uno de los más importantes recuerdos.
Ahí les cuento. Se que la Dra Marta Mancera se acuerda mucho de mi, porque en la gala de celebracion, estuvimos hablando de celebridades artisticas y de sus gustos a la musica de artistas. Inolvidable momento.
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rodadecuia · 3 months
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portalimaranhao · 3 months
Sobrinhos de secretário de estado do Piauí são encontrados mortos no Rio Parnaíba, no Maranhão
Um homem e uma adolescente, tio e sobrinha, desapareceram no Rio Parnaíba na manhã de domingo (21), na cidade de São Francisco do Maranhão. Eles foram identificados como Cecília Vitória Paz, de 16 anos e Robson Soares Cardoso Barbosa, de 46 anos. Atualização:Nesta segunda-feira (22), os bombeiros retomaram as buscas e encontraram Cecília por volta das 7h30. O corpo dela estava a cerca de 20…
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imprensamercosul · 3 months
Un turista alquila una habitación y se encuentra un salón con 20 tiendas de campaña
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El beneficio que algunos arrendadores quieren obtener por sus ‘viviendas’ en las zonas turísticas llega a rozar los surrealistas en situaciones. Un turista que alquiló en la plataforma Airbnb una habitación en Lanzarote ha denunciado que lo que se encontró al llegar no era el 'coworking' urbano que le prometía el anunciante, sino un local comercial con más de 20 tiendas de campaña y baños compartidos, a 25 euros la noche. El caso lo ha adelantado el diario local Biosferadigital.com, a quien el turista afectado ha relatado su experiencia a la hora de acomodarse en el alojamiento que había elegido, que ni siquiera estaba en la dirección publicitada sino en otra "para despistar". El turista ha aportado como pruebas un vídeo en el que se cuentan más de 20 de tiendas de campaña montadas en el suelo de un local diáfano con ventanales a una calle de Arrecife y una foto con un cartel en inglés y español colgado en la puerta con instrucciones para los huéspedes sobre cómo relacionarse con los vecinos. "No se debe dar explicaciones a los vecinos y personas de fuera sobre este coworking. Los vecinos no quieren turistas. No permita que entren al local. No son amigos". "No cuenta con la correspondiente licencia" afirma el alcalde El alcalde de Arrecife, Yonathan de León, ha confirmado que ha dado órdenes a la Policía Local para que visite el local y levante acta porque considera "evidente" que "se está desarrollando una actividad económica en un lugar que no cuenta con la correspondiente licencia". Las circunstancias que los agentes consignen en ese acta serán puestas en conocimiento de la Consejería de Turismo del Gobierno de Canarias para que "actúe en consecuencia con este tipo de artimañas que se están generando en la ciudad y que no se pueden permitir en un municipio como Arrecife", ha señalado el alcalde. "No vamos a permitir este tipo de turismo en nuestra ciudad", ha enfatizado. Por su parte, el presidente de la Confederación de Empresarios de Lanzarote, Francisco Martínez, ha explicado que también su organización ha presentado una denuncia ante el Cabildo porque no "consideran de recibo" ese tipo de oferta alojativa. Daniel Barbosa, dueño del espacio ‘coworking’ daba su explicación de los hechos: "El negocio tiene una mesa, una silla, internet, y una zona de descanso. Cómo la gente use la zona de descanso no es mi problema". Además argumenta que "Si quiero poner una tumbona en medio de la oficina, no hay ninguna ley que me lo prohíba" y defiende que tiene todos los papeles en regla. hoybolivia.com   Read the full article
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