#Find Your Why by Simon Sinek
femmefatalevibe · 11 months
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Cultivate Self-Discipline
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Decisiveness drives discipline. You need to clarify and define your goals. State them clearly with their authentic purpose in mind. If you seduce this end goal into your life, what desire are you truly fulfilling? Ex. If you want to lose 10 pounds: Is it to feel healthier? Look better in a bikini? Fit into a certain pair of jeans? No matter how superficial, identify the genuine reason why you want to achieve a certain goal. Whatever reason elicits a visceral and emotional reaction. Sometimes, especially during a busy work day, your reason could be as simple as wanting to lessen your anxiety and ease into a more relaxed state. Any purpose that resonates. Once you have an emotional response tied to a goal, it becomes infinitely easier to motivate yourself to take small steps towards achieving it. Where energy goes, energy flow. Simon Sinek goes more in-depth with this concept in Start With Why.
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable.
Think of performing self-discipline rituals as confidence-building exercises. This action helps you trust yourself, establishes a sense of integrity, and builds self-confidence. For example, if you stick to your meal and workout plan for 5 days a week, you build trust in knowing you're more powerful than your cravings and are capable of taking good care of your body. If you complete a project on schedule (personal or professional), you prove to yourself that you’re efficient, build confidence in your ability to finish tasks you start, and self-affirm that you follow through on your ideas. Finishing that book this month reflects confirms that you value yourself enough to expand your mind, learn, and expand your knowledge base. Eventually, through enough consistent repetition, these rituals into unconscious habits that you do effortlessly in daily life. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
You can’t manage what you don’t measure – your finances, calorie and step counts, workouts, productivity, etc. Tracking data related to your habits – such as your spending habits, eating or workout patterns, writing word count, and task completion – on a given day or week – allows you to understand and analyze your current behavior. What habit cues, environmental or other situational factors are keeping you from sticking to the current task at hand? Do you leave your running shoes stuffed in the back of the closet? Junk food in the house? Work from bed or with your phone by your side? Are you avoiding certain emotions? Does this data change when you’re stressed or tired?  
Awareness is the first step towards redirected action. Analyze these data points to see your pitfalls and strategize how to help yourself. 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight
Set yourself up to win. Get the phone away from your workspace, remove any junk food or soda from the house, delete apps, or silence notifications from people who distract you from your goals. Self-discipline becomes significantly easier when you have to take additional steps to indulge in your vices. Replace these temptations with helpful cues to help you build healthier habits that lead to self-discipline. Give yourself visual cues to move you toward your goals. Keep a journal with a pen next to your bed. Leave your workout clothes and shoes out near your bed. Write a quick to-do list right before finishing work for the following day, so it’s easier to jump into the first task right away the next morning. Cut up some produce or do a 30-60 minute meal prep once a week to eat more healthful meals. Find ways to make it easier to stay on track than give in to temptation. 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Self-discipline shouldn’t feel like deprivation – of certain foods, pastimes, or activities you enjoy. Buy cute workout clothes you feel confident in. Create the most dance-worthy playlist. Make it a priority to buy your favorite fruits and vegetables every week. Rotate a selection of your favorite healthy meals. Leave your sunscreen out – front and center – on your bathroom counter. Find a big, beautiful water bottle to keep on your desk. Purchase aesthetic notebooks, pens, planners, journals, and other office organization items. To make self-discipline feel like second nature, you need to marry indulgences and your desire to meet your goals. Discover the habits that work for you and find small ways to make these tasks more enjoyable. 
Go easy on yourself. Build one habit at a time. Self-discipline is like a muscle. It requires time to build and grows in increments. Try to stay on track and more focused than yesterday. Your only competition is your former self. Find pleasure in the process. Focus on the immediate task in front of you while also keeping your future self in mind. 
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sathyaprakaash · 11 months
"Find some humor in your failures. Don't take yourself so seriously. Loosen up and everybody around you will loosen up."
Start With Why by Simon Sinek
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alwaysalearner · 6 months
Why Does Knowing Your 'Why' Matter? The Key to Success
In a world full of endless possibilities, why do some individuals and organizations stand out and thrive while others seem to flounder and struggle?
The answer lies in a simple yet profound concept: Starting with "Why." If you're curious about discovering the power of "Why," Simon Sinek's groundbreaking book, "Start with Why," is an absolute must-read.
If you're seeking a comprehensive perspective on the key takeaways from the book, read this "Start With Why" article. Not only this article summarizes the main concepts of the book, but also delves into the insights from "Find Your Why" - the second book of Simon Sinek, a continuation of "Start With Why."
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drpablojimenez · 3 months
¿Conoces tu por qué?
Esta presentación explora la conexión que existe entre la pasión que siente una persona líder y la visión que desarrolla para su vida, proyectos y ministerios. Comienza afirmando que el liderazgo requiere sacrificio, pero que los seres humanos sólo nos sacrificamos por aquello que nos apasiona.
"Conoces tu por qué" Pasa a explicar la tesis que presenta Simon Sinek en sus libros Find your Why y Start with Why. Después de exponer el significado de lo que Sinek llama "el círculo de oro" (qué, cómo y porqué), la presentación recalca la importancia de conocer la motivación principal o el "por qué" de lo que hacemos.
Hay una relación muy estrecha entre el por qué y la pasión: la pasión determina el por qué; y el por qué determina la pasión.
Para relacionar este tema con la fe cristiana, el Dr. Jiménez recurre al ejemplo del apóstol Pablo, quien después de perseguir a la Iglesia tuvo un encuentro transformador con Jesucristo. Ese encuentro se convierte en su narrativa fundamental, narrativa que da origen a su por qué.
Pablo, apasionado por el mensaje del evangelio y el amor de Cristo, llegó hasta el sacrificio con tal de cumplir lo que entendía era su misión: evangelizar al mundo no judío. ¿Por qué estuvo dispuesto a enfrentar tanto peligros con tanta valentía? Porque lo motivaba la tarea inconclusa.
En resumen, es importante que cada persona líder pueda articular su "por qué". En el caso de la comunidad cristiana, nuestro "por qué" surge en respuesta al amor de Dios manifestado en la obra de Jesús. Y el por qué determina la pasión.
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readitreviewit · 3 months
Are you tired of going through the motions at work, feeling like you’re not making a real impact? Maybe you're struggling to make your business stand out in the market, or you're trying to turn a stagnating career around. Whatever it may be, Simon Sinek’s Start with Why is here to inspire you to demand purpose, to determine your why, and to use that why to lead your organization to success. Sinek's book has taken the world by storm since its publication over a decade ago, inspiring millions to find their sense of purpose at work and to strive towards creating a fulfilling, meaningful career. It’s no wonder that Start with Why has earned its place as the basis for one of the most popular TED Talks of all time—with more than 56 million views and counting—and has left people on TikTok in awe. The book starts with a fundamental question: why are some people and organizations more successful and influential than others? Starting with examples of individuals like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers, Sinek explores how these great leaders began by focusing on their why. They didn't lead with what or how, but instead started with their belief system—their purpose—and from there, built a foundation of trust, loyalty, and inspiration. Through his research and observations, Sinek distilled the common theme that these great leaders shared—what he calls The Golden Circle: a way of thinking, acting, and communicating that's vastly different from the norm. He explains that most people and organizations communicate starting with what they do, then moving into how they do it, then finally ending with why they do it. But the opposite approach yields much more impactful results: starting with why, then moving into how and what. Sinek's analysis provides a clear framework for leaders and organizations to use when approaching their communication strategy. By starting with why, you instantly connect with your audience on an emotional level—appealing to their core values and beliefs—and creating a sense of unity and shared purpose. This understanding helps engage employees to buy into your message, so they feel a sense of ownership in the organization's success. Sinek's examples are varied and cover a range of industries, from tech, to politics, to non-profits. He explains how The Golden Circle can be applied to every type of organization, from small startups to massive corporations. It shows how by starting with why, leaders can ignite their team’s passions and inspire them to work towards creating something greater, resulting in a stronger and more successful organization. One of the key takeaways from Start with Why is that having a strong sense of purpose is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a fundamental factor in a successful career and company. By tapping into your why, you can find fulfillment and drive results that are truly meaningful. It's not just about making a profit or earning a paycheck, but about making an impact in the world. In conclusion, Start with Why is a must-read for anyone looking to make their career or business more fulfilling and successful. Sinek’s insights are easy to understand, yet powerful, and will guide to you to create a strong sense of purpose that will fuel your success for years to come. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out, this book is a game-changer and will inspire you to make a positive impact in the world. So, start with why, and see where it takes you. Get your hands on this life-changing book today and experience a transformative journey like no other! Don't wait, click the "Buy Now" button and start your path to personal growth and fulfillment. Don't feel like reading? Try Audible for FREE for 30 days and listen on-the-go. The time for change is now, don't miss out! Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details)
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kalpesh226 · 4 months
What are the best books to read for business?
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In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the quest for knowledge, inspiration, and actionable insights remains perpetual. The pages of a well-crafted book hold the power to ignite ideas, challenge perspectives, and propel individuals on their entrepreneurial or corporate journeys. As the digital realm expands, accessing these invaluable resources has become easier than ever through ebooks. Let's explore some of the finest business ebooks that can be your guiding light in this competitive terrain.
1. "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries
This masterpiece is revered for its practical approach to starting and managing a startup. Ries introduces the concept of validated learning, emphasizing the importance of quick iterations and customer feedback. It's a blueprint for entrepreneurs aiming to build successful ventures efficiently.
2. "Good to Great" by Jim Collins
Through extensive research, Collins delves into what sets remarkable companies apart from the average. He identifies key principles, such as Level 5 Leadership and the Hedgehog Concept, illustrating how these concepts can propel a business from mediocrity to greatness.
3. "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel
A visionary entrepreneur himself, Thiel's book challenges conventional thinking. He encourages entrepreneurs to aim for creating monopolies by developing unique and innovative ideas. It's a thought-provoking guide for those aiming to build the next big thing.
4. "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton Christensen
Christensen dissects the phenomenon of disruptive innovation and how established companies often fail to adapt to it. It’s a must-read for executives seeking to understand how innovation can both build and destroy businesses.
5. "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek
Sinek advocates the significance of understanding the "why" behind any business. He emphasizes that successful companies start with a clear sense of purpose, inspiring not only their customers but also their employees and partners.
6. "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman
While not solely a business book, it offers invaluable insights into human decision-making. Understanding cognitive biases and how people think can be a game-changer in negotiations, marketing, and overall business strategy.
7. "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg
This book explores the science behind habit formation and how habits influence individual and organizational success. It’s a compelling read for those seeking to understand and change behaviors, both personally and within a business context.
Finding these Business Ebooks Online
Finding these ebooks is a seamless process in the digital age. Numerous platforms like Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play Books offer an extensive library of business-related content. Simply searching for the titles or authors will likely lead you to these gems. Additionally, platforms like Audible provide audiobook versions for those who prefer to listen on the go.
In the quest for business acumen, these ebooks stand as beacons of knowledge. However, the best book for you ultimately depends on your specific interests, industry, and the challenges you seek to overcome. Embrace the digital era, explore these ebooks, and let the wisdom within their pages shape your journey to success.
So, dive into these enriching reads, expand your horizons, and empower your business acumen with the invaluable insights nestled within these ebooks.
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jenthehumanist · 4 months
My Why is Love
Just was watching a Simon Sinek video. I don't follow him but I know folks who do. He was talking about finding your why. My why is love.
My grandmother told me when I was young that I was put on this world to love people. And I took that very seriously. I've approached people with love my whole life.
All kinds of love. I've never met a form of love I didn't like. But in it's broadest form - Greek agape explains my general state of mind most of the time.
I recently had the pleasure to co-write an article about love in organizing for the International Humanistic Management Association. One of my cowriters was Renato Ruffini at the university of Milan. He is brilliant and knows a lot about love and I could listen to him all day expound on the various types of love.
I think the reason I've been recruited into leadership positions most of my life (starting in high school), is because I do live love. I am agapic in almost all my interactions - even with people who annoy me. lol. I think this is why I keep being asked to lead others. I have never actually sought out leadership positions, I've been asked to join and lead.
I was giving a talk today to some business students at a university in Karachi Pakistan. I spoke about what makes someone a leader vs a boss or manager. And that is - a leader is someone people want to voluntarily follow. People follow a leader - because they trust them.
So what is it about me that people trust? I am convinced it is because I love. I lead with love. When I have a problem I remind myself to consider love in my solution. Fraternal, eros, compassion and agape. And I think people sense this is me and it's why I get chosen to lead.
My why - is love.
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scottdclary · 6 months
Not Any People, The Right People
Hi All,
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Two young artists sat in a bustling café, sketching passersby. Both talented, both unknown.
They had a wager: Who could get more people to look at their work?
One artist, eager and enthusiastic, darted around, shoving sketches under everyone’s noses.
Look here! See this! He chased after everyone in sight.
The other artist, more selective, quietly observed and chose her audience.
She approached a young couple, lost in each other's eyes. And an elderly man, reminiscing past loves.
She showed them intimate sketches of lovers, connecting with their current emotions. They didn't just see; they felt.
End of the day, guess who had more genuine admirers?
It's the same in business.
Shouting about your product to everyone?
That's just noise.
Finding those whose heartbeats sync with your offering?
That's music.
In the world of Malcolm Gladwell, "stickiness" was about how to make ideas memorable.
But today, we're proposing a tweak.
Stickiness is less about volume and more about resonance.
You've heard, "Build it, and they will come." Try this on for size: Build it for those who are searching.
In the vast sea of consumers, not every fish is your fish.
Some businesses are like the first artist. Chasing numbers. Spreading wide nets.
Others, like the second artist, Target. Resonate. Stick.
Have a product for vegan fitness enthusiasts? Chase the plant-based athlete, not every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the gym.
Selling bespoke office furniture? Target the thriving startup CEO who values uniqueness, not just any desk jockey.
You see, In the chase for everyone, you often end up with no one.
But in the pursuit of someone, you create bonds, loyalty, and an echo that vibrates through their circles.
"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it." Simon Sinek wasn't kidding.
The world doesn't need more noise. It yearns for more symphonies.
So, next time you think of stickiness, think connection, not collection.
Find your tribe, speak their language, and watch them not just hear, but listen.
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femmefatalevibe · 5 months
How to be more disciplined?
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Decisiveness drives discipline. You need to clarify and define your goals. State them clearly with their authentic purpose in mind. If you seduce this end goal into your life, what desire are you truly fulfilling? Ex. If you want to lose 10 pounds: Is it to feel healthier? Look better in a bikini? Fit into a certain pair of jeans? No matter how superficial, identify the genuine reason why you want to achieve a certain goal. Whatever reason elicits a visceral and emotional reaction. Sometimes, especially during a busy work day, your reason could be as simple as wanting to lessen your anxiety and ease into a more relaxed state. Any purpose that resonates. Once you have an emotional response tied to a goal, it becomes infinitely easier to motivate yourself to take small steps towards achieving it. Where energy goes, energy flow. Simon Sinek goes more in-depth with this concept in Start With Why.
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable.
Think of performing self-discipline rituals as confidence-building exercises. This action helps you trust yourself, establishes a sense of integrity, and builds self-confidence. For example, if you stick to your meal and workout plan for 5 days a week, you build trust in knowing you're more powerful than your cravings and are capable of taking good care of your body. If you complete a project on schedule (personal or professional), you prove to yourself that you’re efficient, build confidence in your ability to finish tasks you start, and self-affirm that you follow through on your ideas. Finishing that book this month reflects confirms that you value yourself enough to expand your mind, learn, and expand your knowledge base. Eventually, through enough consistent repetition, these rituals into unconscious habits that you do effortlessly in daily life. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
You can’t manage what you don’t measure – your finances, calorie and step counts, workouts, productivity, etc. Tracking data related to your habits – such as your spending habits, eating or workout patterns, writing word count, and task completion – on a given day or week – allows you to understand and analyze your current behavior. What habit cues, environmental or other situational factors are keeping you from sticking to the current task at hand? Do you leave your running shoes stuffed in the back of the closet? Junk food in the house? Work from bed or with your phone by your side? Are you avoiding certain emotions? Does this data change when you’re stressed or tired?  
Awareness is the first step towards redirected action. Analyze these data points to see your pitfalls and strategize how to help yourself. 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight
Set yourself up to win. Get the phone away from your workspace, remove any junk food or soda from the house, delete apps, or silence notifications from people who distract you from your goals. Self-discipline becomes significantly easier when you have to take additional steps to indulge in your vices. Replace these temptations with helpful cues to help you build healthier habits that lead to self-discipline. Give yourself visual cues to move you toward your goals. Keep a journal with a pen next to your bed. Leave your workout clothes and shoes out near your bed. Write a quick to-do list right before finishing work for the following day, so it’s easier to jump into the first task right away the next morning. Cut up some produce or do a 30-60 minute meal prep once a week to eat more healthful meals. Find ways to make it easier to stay on track than give in to temptation. 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Self-discipline shouldn’t feel like deprivation – of certain foods, pastimes, or activities you enjoy. Buy cute workout clothes you feel confident in. Create the most dance-worthy playlist. Make it a priority to buy your favorite fruits and vegetables every week. Rotate a selection of your favorite healthy meals. Leave your sunscreen out – front and center – on your bathroom counter. Find a big, beautiful water bottle to keep on your desk. Purchase aesthetic notebooks, pens, planners, journals, and other office organization items. To make self-discipline feel like second nature, you need to marry indulgences and your desire to meet your goals. Discover the habits that work for you and find small ways to make these tasks more enjoyable. 
Go easy on yourself. Build one habit at a time. Self-discipline is like a muscle. It requires time to build and grows in increments. Try to stay on track and more focused than yesterday. Your only competition is your former self. Find pleasure in the process. Focus on the immediate task in front of you while also keeping your future self in mind. 
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rebeccakeyte · 7 months
Find Your 'Why'
"people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it" - Simon Sinek, 2009
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the 'why' as a concept is almost like an origin story
the experiences we've had and the people we've been influenced by, discovering the themes and patterns among them
this becomes the foundation of your 'why'
your 'global why' will evolve throughout your life
with a clear 'why', you're not tied a s specific 'what' or 'how'
You don't need to search for your global why for this porject, but you may stumble across it along the way.
This project however, involves developing a 'why', which will evolve into the project manifesto.
The 'why' will motivate the project, and the 'what' will follow.
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theeuropeentrepreneur · 7 months
Books every CEO should read
Just like Jim Rohn Said, “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.”
Reading not only elevates you above the ordinary, but it also opens doors to new opportunities, and it provides us with the education that can be measured with any treasure and will last forever. Reading is something that everyone should practice continuously, but your journey as a CEO is distinguished by constant learning and progress
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Reading enhances memory and offers you wonderful ideas that might extend your understanding and help you develop your leadership qualities. 
ceos books can provide you with information and lots of experience; in order to gain this, you should have knowledge about the material you are choosing
This article will give you an overview of the books every ceo should read
“Leaders Eat Last.”
Author – Sinek Simon
Ratings –  4.1 / 5
The author of the book Leaders Eat Last, says that strong leaders try to create an environment that feels comfortable and secure for their followers. Just like the simple title suggests, the author is trying to convey a simple principle of how good leaders, just like our parents, try to put the well-being of their followers as their first priority. 
Memorable quotes – “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” ― Simon Sinek, Leaders Eat Last:
“The 48 Laws of Power”
Author – Robert Greene 
Ratings – 4.5/5 
Robert Green tries to condense his history, which is 3000 years old, into forty-eight laws in order to help us comprehend how to gain power while avoiding being deceived or crushed by others. 
You may use this book to learn about the influence of power in our lives, and you can think deeply about the principles to better comprehend individuals and the society in which we all live. 
Memorable quotes –  Re-Create Yourself, Do not accept the roles that society imposes on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions; your power will be enhanced, and your character will seem larger than life.”
“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”  
Author – Carol Dweck
Ratings – 4.1 / 5
Carol Dweck talks about Mindset and its impact on achievement
She also discusses motivation and attempts to figure out why some individuals succeed and others do not, and she also finds ways to promote success. 
She makes a distinction between a fixed mindset and a growing mindset and tells us how mindset brings us closer to perseverance and success 
Memorable quote – “No matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.”
“Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” 
Author –  Daniel H. Pink
Ratings – 4 / 5
Understanding motivation is very critical for a CEO who wants to build a team that works hard and performs well. 
The author, Daniel H. Pink, talks about how motivation gives us an understanding of what drives human behavior and provides awareness of how to develop motivation. By reading this book, CEOs may develop an environment that encourages innovation and drive among their employees. Pink embodies numerous ideals, including individualism, mastery, and achievement. 
Memorable quotes – “Management isn’t about walking around and seeing if people are in their offices,” he told me. It’s about creating conditions for people to do their best work.” 
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Author –  Phil Knight
Ratings – 4.5/5
 Shoe Dog is a memoir by the co-founder of Nike, Phil Knight, He talks about his journey in building the most successful shoe company and how the roads he passed by shaped him. 
For both people who just stepped into the business world and those who have been known as the best ceos , this book can be beneficial for both parties as it displays his determination, power, and ability to stand out, as well as an understanding of the challenges he faced along the way but never gave up on his dreams. 
Memorable quotes -“So that morning in 1962, I told myself: Let everyone else call your idea crazy. Just keep going. Don’t stop. Don’t even think about stopping until you get there, and don’t give much thought to where “there” is. Whatever comes, just don’t stop.”
By reading these books, you can broaden your business ideas and acquire effective leadership skills, These books can provide a good amount of growth both in your personal and professional lives, You can get motivated by diving deep into these pages and acquire the ability to improve your decision making and leadership skills.
Visit More : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com/leadership/books-every-ceo-should-read/
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bratty-people · 8 months
Patrick Metcalf of Undone Productions - Adulting Gone WRONG
What young adult doesn't love the word adulting. It's about becoming an adult and doing grown up things in the real world. And as a result you feel like a grown up, not a little kid. You get to succeed in the real world, and maybe look good doing it too.
Well, here is a real-life story about a adulting gone wrong. The main character is real person named Patrick Metcalf, a supposed graduate of Northwest University who basically cannot make it in the real world and has exponentially failed at adulting. He is also the founder of Undone Productions.
Who Am I
Who am I? I live in the building next to his. I and other tenants have had to endure years of listening to his purposeful and repetitive door slammings about 6 or 7 years now. He will literally slam the outer metal front door of his unit on purpose as a signal to let neighbors know that he is powerful, or angry. He confuses his sense of self with what us neighbors think.
Sick of Living Next to a Sicko
Also, I am not some hater, hating on someone for NO REASON. I am super busy. But what I DO hate is having to even spend time writing this post or investing ANY of my time dealing with the deliberate nuisance this person is responsible for on a regular basis here. I think years of suffering is NOT fair to anyone. Things have been done to get this person to stop and it is STILL going on.
The police, his manager, the Housing Department of Los Angeles and also the LAPD have all been contacted. Being a nuisance is illegal. But nothing has been done. The LAPD doesn't even do much about all these burglaries in Los Angeles, let alone just some annoying noise. I hope this will change.
This behavior of his began around 2016 or 2017. And at worst, the door slammings have occurred as much as 15 times a day! His landlord has been contacted. All of this is a TOTAL violation of California's nuisance law.
We as renters have the right to the quiet enjoyment of our dwelling. And Patrick is not only bothering us with this noise, but also engaging in all kinds of non-consensual signaling.
We do not give a damn that he wants to feel powerful, that he is angry, that he needs to let us know that he will never give up.
Adulting Gone WRONG
Patrick doesn't seem to have professional life or any life whatsoever. i mean, if he did why does he continue to communicate with us neighbors that he will not give up the purposeful door smacking. Even if he has done stuff for UNDONE, it kind of doesn't matter if your mind is preoccupied with asserting your power and dominance with your neighbors. I would actually feel better if he was busy doing productive things and not bothering us.
The entertainment business is round-the-clock work. Even the Kardashians have to work hard, get up, pitch things, sell things, find new opportunities, network etc.
This person has no self-control or ability to discipline himself. As a result, has failed at adulting and cannot take care of himself or his career. He wants everyone to think he is a winner by exerting power over all us neighbors by smacking his front door on purpose. Often, there is no one leaving or entering his unit.
This shit has gone on for YEARS. And they message he is conveying as he STILL does this is that he will never give up. Giving up would maybe be a sign of defeat, and he certainly will not let this happen.
Many people here believe that Patrick suffers from a personality disorder called narcissism.
This is an important cautionary societal story about selfishness, entitlement and petty competition to the extreme. Who knows if he will escalate to something more violent or damaging to people and/or property?
Most people are familar with media articles and videos about how selfish, entitled, lazy and incapable millennials are when it comes to self care and hacking it in the real world, according to Simon Sinek. Some individuals in our generation will never grow out of these character flaws. And Patrick's story is the perfect example of how these types of people fare in the end.
Seeking Attention and Power
All the door slammings/smackings are done purely for attention and power. It is VERY annoying, especially since the neighbors are not doing anything wrong and the perpetrator refuses to take responsibility for where he is in life, venting all his pent up issues onto us for years and years. No one should be expected to have to move. It is a LOT of trouble, time, energy and effort over such an irresponsible, catty human being.
Neighbors report that these incidences started around 2016 or 2017. Since about the end of 2020, Patrick has been living like a recluse, making up contrived (loudly audible and badly acted) phone stories with his girlfriend, Brianna, hoping people would believe they bought a condo and is now living in it.
The reality is that there is a LOT of evidence that he is still living in that same apartment. Brianna is no longer here, but why is Patrick still in that apartment?
We continue to hear LOUD door smacks/ slamming for NO reason with no one really entering or leaving the apartment.
Who In Their Right Mind Feels Entitled Enough to Smack Their Front Door On Purpose And Never Stop
Patrick tried to make it seem like he moved into a condo back at the end of 2020. Brianna moved out. And a new roommate, a heavy male named Phillip Clum moved in.
Contrived, Fabricated Scenarios - Trying to Make Neighbors Think They Made It BIG
At the end of 2020, Patrick and the girl who was living with him (Brianna) made up these weird story schemes as a result of them caring too much about what other people think about them.
For about maybe a week or two (can't remember) they would hold loud and fake phone conversations sitting right by their open living room window phone so that all the neighbors in our area (their building and ours) could literally hear every word.
These conversations revolved around their (fake) story that implied they made it big in Los Angeles with so much money to the point where they could afford to buy a condo.
I understand that, everyone has to make phone calls but NO ONE sits right by their open window and speaks in such a loud and obvious tone of voice trying to make every word known.
Then at the end of 2020, there was a month of silence. Patrick and his girlfriend tried to make it seem like they moved. But ironically, there was no movement of furniture and possessions. No movers, nothing.
Instead of smacking his door like usual (because obviously he had moved into his condo..lol) he would thump his foot as hard as possible on his floor when he heard his neighbors waking up early in the morning, and basically signaling every time he heard them cleaning their unit, or doing something positive and constructive. This type of thing would drive him CRAZY. Why? Because he is not the type of person who can wake up early and do legitimate positive things with his life.
His girlfriend had not been seen in that building since, but a new roommate named Phillip moved in around that December/following January 2021.
Door Smacks Continue in 2023
Once neighbors complained to the building manager about the continued door smacks in 2023, Phillip started acting like he is the one making these purposeful noises and would actually leave to go somewhere. Phillip was NOT doing this before these complaints.
But there are still, of course, incidents where no one enters or leaves. They just slam/smack the door as hard as possible to piss people off and to express some kind of unmet need for power and control….that they will NOT give up.
The loudness of the door slamming is not a weird, unintentional fluke.
It actually is quite deliberate because no one in his building else makes these types of noises.
Also, both Patrick and Phillip have shown that they ARE quite capable of closing their door at a normal volume. If they can shut their door in a normal fashion, then why are they smacking their door as loud as possible? The obvious answer, as noted earlier, is to piss people off and communicate that they will not give up or be defeated.
Hateful, Jealous Catty and Overly Competitive....Not A Nice Neighborly Attitude
Patrick's overall set of behaviors tell the story of an individual who is pathologically competitive over the pettiest things, completely lacking in self-awareness, a sense of self and character. It's like a five-year-old in an adult body. According to psychologists, this is what narcissists are (underdeveloped in their grown-up body).
Years ago, when this whole thing first started, he was doing this during the daytime hours.
Then it started happening at 5 or 6 in the morning. He was not even leaving or entering his apartment, just walking over to his door (has an outer metal door) to smack it as hard as possible.
He was basically all the tenants around here know that he is UP and not sleeping…that he got up early, like a big boy, and felt so empowered that he HAD to let us know...because we are all losers who did not get up this early.
Who wants to live with ankle-biting neighbors who are this competitive to the extreme? Would you? It is annoying.
Later, he got into a phrase where he would purposely hit the button of his juicer/blender in a really contrived way like he was showing off his morning routine which involved the healthy habit of juicing.
On several evenings in the past, (and in recent history )he would stomp downstairs in dress shoes on purpose, making as much noise as possible like at 10pm -1 am at night.
He wasn't walking like a normal person would, but lifting his leg to really make stomping noises, emphasizing that he was out somewhere formal and fancy, trying to let all of us know how important he is, all dressed up with somewhere to go.
When other neighbors come home late at night, whether dressed or not, they try to sneak in as quietly as possible to not wake people up.
Several times, he even followed one neighbor to their car on several occasions as they were leaving for work. They would leave here about 8:30am. When they started doing this, he would then copy this exact departure time (what a coincidence!) and act like he was going to a job that also required him leaving his building at 8:30am as well. The LAPD was contacted but could not do anything.
Again the theme here is ass holery competition by a narcissist.
Many neighbors here are scared because people who are obsessed like this often tend to escalate their behaviors to something worse.
Desperate Attempts to Cover Up Being A Real Loser
In reality, almost everything in this dude's life is a fake show. This person is totally incapable of getting up in the morning. People who do get up early out of habit don't think twice about it. There is not need to show off.
It is highly probable that Patrick cannot write a resume that sells. Otherwise he would be busy going to work and engrossed in his career.
His LinkedIn mentions that he is the founder of Undone Productions, a film/TV production company. On Google, his You Tube video shows up about winning an award for WGA. But things are not adding up. I could be missing something. Why would he even think to be competing with his neighbors as someone who is serious about his craft? This makes no sense.
Also, I have lived in LA for a long time. I am NOT impressed with fame/celebrities/the hollywood industry etc. I am not even impressed with You Tube bloggers. Many of these people have dark skeletons hiding in their closet. Everything is all about image and the people I have met or learned about online have almost all been a big disappointment when it comes to reality.
Patrick seems like one of those people who looks one way on screen. And the reality is a scary, deranged individual.
Think Ellen Degeneres, Kendell Jenner, Johnny Depp, Amber Heard and a lot of other celebrities out there.
The entertainment business is hard with a lot of competition in Los Angeles. I've known people here doing similar things. It's not easy. Again, the entertainment business is tough. Your work has to bring in money. This part is hard.
Again, you have to network and pitch constantly. You also have to work on new projects and work on keep getting better. You would not have enough time to think about smacking and slamming the door as a regular routine.
People are upset that his roommate Phillip, is now starting to engage in similar behaviors. As they say, birds of a feather flock together. But also, they are trying to cover up that Patrick is still living in that building.
They want to live the fantasy image held by millenials (as portrayed by You Tube lifestyle influencers) energized by their perfect morning routine, going to work in a fancy company office, well dressed and making it in the real world.
Patrick and Phillip are obviously not smart enough to understand that people can see through all of their fake and contrived shows for attention.
Advertising Being a Moron
Most of this, again, started with Patrick. His behavior basically advertises his real character, an individual who really lives the life of a loser behind closed doors. The term moron in the subtitle is not mean or unfair.
Again, the main issue here is that he is bothering and harassing other people on purpose. If he wasn't, he can do whatever he wants in the privacy of his own home...no judgment.
Patrick cannot take care of himself or his home and is deeply insecure about who he is and his habits.
These kinds of people got away for years thinking that it is ok to live uncivilized behind closed doors because no one is watching.
For them it is a big deal, like they feel like they are on top of the world, when they are finally cleaning up after themselves and living like real adults. It feels fancy to them.
Still Communicating Being a BIG BOY?
For example, for years now, since about the 2016/2017 time frame till now, we often hear Patrick using a wooden cooking spoon and deliberately hitting the side of a cooking pot (in the front of his unit) and making a lot of unnatural, contrived noises in his kitchen, which faces our building.
It literally sounds like a purposeful (one-two-three) hitting, not like someone who happens to be using their kitchen, because they need to.
Threatened By Other Young Adults
This often happens when he hears or sees another young adult, maybe coming home from work, or grocery shopping, or hearing them making their own meal in their kitchen.
All this showmanship is the result of him feeling threatened. I know there are young guys in my building, maybe about his age, or younger who are living their LA apartment dream life and have real jobs, the type that Patrick envisions as being enviable to himself and others of our generation.
Sometimes they leave their doors open and talk on their phones. We think that this triggers him. But they are not doing this on purpose. And now they feel like they have to remember to keep their doors shut and speak on their phones inside, not outside in the hallway.
Instead of being responsible and taking accountability for his shortcomings, by working on himself, Patrick tries to exert maniacal superiority over everyone else to mask his weak flawed character.
He literally feels entitled to bother everyone by slamming his door and engaging in non-verbal communication and signaling all the time, for years, without anyone's consent. This is harassment.
Listening to Other People's Lives and Letting Them Know
Another pet peeve is that Patrick is basically listening to everyone's lives and signaling to them that he is doing this.
After years of observing all of this, Patrick cannot do ANYTHING of his own accord. All these behaviors are a reaction to feeling threatened by someone else doing what they are supposed to.
Again, normal people are not obsessed with what everyone else thinks of them. Patrick appears a classic narcissist. This guy has no sense of self. Narcs think that their sense of self is basically equivalent to what other people think of them.
Living Like a Recluse -the Evidence
Also, since the time of those fake phone conversations, Patrick has not been seen walking around the building. He is trying to make it seem like he no longer lives in that apartment. But he is. This is evidenced by the following:
continued defiant door smacking (as hard as fricking possible to communicate all his inner hate and anger). Again, no one in my building or his does this. It is not normal, but a deliberate attempt to convey power.
deliberate foot stomping as hard as possible in response to hearing neighbors living their normal lives, doing productive normal things that us younger generations hate and are considered spoiled as a result.
same weird yawning with a vocalization that suggests an I don't give a fuck about anything attitude. Thiscan still be heard by neighbors in the adjacent buildings, to this very day in 2023.
Same laughter - sounds like part Kermit the Frog and part human
5) same nose blowing into a tissue can also still be heard. This behavior was exhibited by Patrick before the fake phone conversations. Again, this is audible towards the front of the unit.
6) Foot thumping/ signaling has also be heard in that unit even when Phillip the roommate is not home.
7) Patrick sleeps in the livingroom (facing our building)- we can hear him blowing his nose and his recognizable yawn...We .hear this at night or early in the morning. If Patrick is sleeping in the living room, Phillip is probably in the bedroom.
These are way too many factors to be deemed a fluke or a coincidence. C'mon, same yawning, foot stomping, laughing, nose blowing, and door smacking? These things cannot logically be attributed to his new roommate.
And also where is that girl who was living with Patrick? People found their supposed wedding photo in an online Northwestern University magazine about alum who got married. Most likely this also is a total scam, unless something legitimate here is missing. She clearly does NOT live with him. Or if it was not a scam, maybe she divorced him right away. Who wouldn't?
Now in 2023 a visitor of a neighbor reports that Patrick continues to get rattled whenever he hears other neighbors waking up early, using the sink in the morning, cooking, cleaning etc.
People ( think the guy below and the older couple next to him) hear a loud thump on the floor in response to something they did. Or they hear them smacking their kitchen cabinet doors loudly to let their neighbors know that they are listening.
These actions are always contingent on what the other person is doing. They are NOT coincidences. All of this is a total invasion of privacy. Who can live like this?
Frankly, no one can believe that people such as this exist in our world. Society expresses all kinds of shock with so many weird individuals in younger generations (i.e. self identifying as moons, animals, lack of potty training into elementary school etc.) This is one of those stories.
Boomers and Gen-X are stunned by many younger adults with no inner conviction, or no sense of doing positive things for themselves and their future, young adults who try to one-up other people who are living their lives well with responsibility and personal accountability.
It's like both Phillip and Patrick are the types of people who get on an inner power trip when they do wash their dishes, clean their apartment or wake up early for once and they have to broadcast all of this to everyone around here.
Instead, they are basically telling us all that they are really just lazy and immature kids behind closed doors and cannot do anything of their own accord until they feel threatened by other people.
I mean, we all have weaknesses and our lazy moments. But to be putting on all these obnoxious, deliberately loud and aggressive (contrived) shows just for the sake of attention-seeking, with the intent of showing off to the other tenants around here is really, really disgusting.
This shit has been going on for years, despite all the complaints to the city and the owner of Patrick's building about the door slamming and the California nuisance law violations.
The media stories about lazy and entitled millennials are now a vivid and living and everyday nightmare for all these people who live in Patrick's building, in my building, and the other one on the other side.
An Unfair Situation
This whole situation has not been fair to me or any of the neighbors affected by this ongoing nuisance. The non-stop door smacking is loud and alarming.
If any of you were to experience and witness this for yourselves, you would be absolutely disgusted at how much anger and vitriol is invested into these actions.
It is also blatantly wrong to let these two continue to live like this. Patrick has a major mental problem.
And for people to allow him to dwell recluse in a small apartment building, not really seeing the light of day ( due to mental problems) is inhumane.
His family should be aware of what is happening to him and do something to help him get on his feet and live a normal life. This is only fair to the rest of us as this whole ordeal has been nothing short of an illegal nuisance, and abuse at its worst.
As annoyed as I feel in writing all of this, I am bothered, not just for my own sake by also by the inhumanity of this continued situation, someone living like a prisoner in an apartment for years and years and years with no resolution and no help to live a healthy and normal life?
As upset as I am, I will humbly say that I do hope that this post will raise awareness and somehow Patrick Metcalf does get the help he needs in a way that is fair to the residents here.
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smegrowth11 · 9 months
Why Small Businesses Need A Good Story
You may have heard the call for businesses to have a good story before. Marketing experts the world over (including Seth Godin obviously) have called for businesses to tell compelling stories in order to improve their marketing efforts and connect more effectively with customers.
But why the interest in storytelling, and what does it really have to do with marketing and business?
Storytelling in the business and marketing context is not simply about telling a story well. It’s about creating a business that is itself a worthy story. This starts in the very roots of marketing principles, with the 4P’s. But more than that, storytelling requires perhaps the most important P: Positioning.
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Building a strong story for your business starts by knowing what your business stands for. That’s the essence of positioning. It’s about identifying who your audience is, and why you can look after them better than anyone else. That also means being clear about who your audience isn’t. You can’t create a brand that claims to serve luxury to the top end of the market, while simultaneously claiming to offer the lowest prices in your industry. Luxury and low cost aren’t consistent, and one of the hallmarks of a strong business story is consistency.
What does good storytelling deliver your business?
First and fore most it brings you the right customers. As we’ve said, you can’t be all things to all people. But if you’re clear about who you’re best set up to look after and why, then you can encourage them to connect with you.
Secondly, clarity around your position makes it easier to answer all the other questions in your business. As Philip Kotler outlined in his foreword to Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind, “Positioning is a revolutionary idea precisely because it cuts across the other four P’s.” In other words, if you’re clear about your positioning (your business story and messaging), then it will help you to determine things like price, product, place (distribution) and promotion.
Finally, clarity around the story of your business helps you to set yourself apart from your competitors. It gives customers a reason to choose your business over another – and that of course it entirely the point of business.
How do you create a compelling story for your business?
Creating a unique and compelling story for your business typically starts with understanding your customers, or more accurately, the customers you’re best able to help. Start With Why author, Simon Sinek suggests that business leaders start by focusing on why their business exists. What is its purpose? If you can answer that, you’re well on your way to creating your own good story.
Most important however is to find a story that represents the truth about what your business delivers. Make up a story that’s not based on fact, and you might find it does more to harm your business than help it.
Click here for more information:-
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readitreviewit · 5 months
Are you tired of going through the motions at work, feeling like you’re not making a real impact? Maybe you're struggling to make your business stand out in the market, or you're trying to turn a stagnating career around. Whatever it may be, Simon Sinek’s Start with Why is here to inspire you to demand purpose, to determine your why, and to use that why to lead your organization to success. Sinek's book has taken the world by storm since its publication over a decade ago, inspiring millions to find their sense of purpose at work and to strive towards creating a fulfilling, meaningful career. It’s no wonder that Start with Why has earned its place as the basis for one of the most popular TED Talks of all time—with more than 56 million views and counting—and has left people on TikTok in awe. The book starts with a fundamental question: why are some people and organizations more successful and influential than others? Starting with examples of individuals like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers, Sinek explores how these great leaders began by focusing on their why. They didn't lead with what or how, but instead started with their belief system—their purpose—and from there, built a foundation of trust, loyalty, and inspiration. Through his research and observations, Sinek distilled the common theme that these great leaders shared—what he calls The Golden Circle: a way of thinking, acting, and communicating that's vastly different from the norm. He explains that most people and organizations communicate starting with what they do, then moving into how they do it, then finally ending with why they do it. But the opposite approach yields much more impactful results: starting with why, then moving into how and what. Sinek's analysis provides a clear framework for leaders and organizations to use when approaching their communication strategy. By starting with why, you instantly connect with your audience on an emotional level—appealing to their core values and beliefs—and creating a sense of unity and shared purpose. This understanding helps engage employees to buy into your message, so they feel a sense of ownership in the organization's success. Sinek's examples are varied and cover a range of industries, from tech, to politics, to non-profits. He explains how The Golden Circle can be applied to every type of organization, from small startups to massive corporations. It shows how by starting with why, leaders can ignite their team’s passions and inspire them to work towards creating something greater, resulting in a stronger and more successful organization. One of the key takeaways from Start with Why is that having a strong sense of purpose is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a fundamental factor in a successful career and company. By tapping into your why, you can find fulfillment and drive results that are truly meaningful. It's not just about making a profit or earning a paycheck, but about making an impact in the world. In conclusion, Start with Why is a must-read for anyone looking to make their career or business more fulfilling and successful. Sinek’s insights are easy to understand, yet powerful, and will guide to you to create a strong sense of purpose that will fuel your success for years to come. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out, this book is a game-changer and will inspire you to make a positive impact in the world. So, start with why, and see where it takes you. Get your hands on this life-changing book today and experience a transformative journey like no other! Don't wait, click the "Buy Now" button and start your path to personal growth and fulfillment. Don't feel like reading? Try Audible for FREE for 30 days and listen on-the-go. The time for change is now, don't miss out! Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details)
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leadership-voice · 9 months
1. Break the rules
2. Train your mind
3. Be patient
4. Take accountability
5. Outdo yourself
6. Stack the deck
7. Be the last to speak
8. Be authentic
9. Find your passion
10. Start with Why
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hasmaj · 9 months
1. Break the rules
2. Train your mind
3. Be patient
4. Take accountability
5. Outdo yourself
6. Stack the deck
7. Be the last to speak
8. Be authentic
9. Find your passion
10. Start with Why
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