#Dori deserves a dog
stilespeters · 6 months
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law abiding citizens (preview)
a/n: a little preview of a request i got that was absolutely brilliant. The creativity is honestly insane with everyone who requests stories. The enemies to lovers arc? im in love (you know who you are)
also im getting through requests very slow but I try to make them about 10k+ words😭.
summary: when the infamous Bloodyface enters the doors of Briarcliff Manor, a mysterious girl becomes infatuated with the idea of making the institution a living hell for him.
warnings: none in the preview
There was something about the fall weather that made you forget time. You would sit by the big window in the corner of the common room that shielded you from the restless eyes, and you would listen as the rain tapped softly against the window. Your hand would cling to the thick bars that covered the invisible wall, and the sounds of the water clashing against the glass drowned out every sound around you. Except for the song that continuously played on a loop in the background. God, if it was possible to shoot a song, you’d shoot Dominique.
In the earlier days when your mind wasn't fogged, you’d question what the song was really about, since you couldn't speak French. However after the third time of hearing it you lost all interest. Dominique could kiss a rat's ass for all you care.
Speaking of rats, Spivey was released from solitary and was now sitting in the chair next to the piano. He was one piece of trash that actually deserved to be here. The first day you arrived and settled in, he kept staring at you. He had been really interested in you and he kept repeating that you were young and pretty. When you revealed to him that you were 18 though, he seemed uninterested and left you alone.
Your knees were pressed against your chest and you held a cigarette between your fingers delicately as you brought it up to your lips. The smoke you inhaled actually cleared up a lot in your head.
Sometimes when Doris or Pepper would cause a scene in the common room you’d turn around and watch as everything unfolded. But after years, you already knew their every move. The people in here never knew what you were up to as you were a wild card, yet you knew everything about everyone. You had always been a watcher, just analyzing people and watching everything unfold, only stepping in when necessary.
You heard the door of the common room open and your gaze moved from the window to a man who stood cluelessly in the center. He looked bewildered around him and tried to take everything in, and you looked him up and down. He was a young man you’d seen in the newspapers ever since the shit he got exposed for; Bloodyface. For days you’d seen his face and for weeks you’ve heard his name slip from other patients. Hell, even orderlies seemed to fawn over him and his crimes. You were sure even James Dean wouldn't be talked about this much.
Shelly was the first person to introduce herself to him in a way only Shelly could. She would walk up to a new patient and try to seduce them with her long blonde hair and pretty face. Today, however, was the day sister Jude cut off her hair and her magic didn't work. You didn’t know if it didn't work because of her hair or if it was the patient who just wasn’t interested.
Bloodyface shoved her off him and scowled at her before sauntering further into the room.
Shelly roamed the room while chanting ‘he’s mine’ like she had done a couple of times before and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. Luckily she didn't bother you since you were still out of sight.
You took a glance at Bloodyface again and squinted your eyes. After reading about him for so long, you had grown a distaste for him, however as you saw him in real life, you didn’t know what you felt. He was a handsome man who looked to be in his mid to late twenties and his lost puppy dog gaze seemed to cast a spell on you. However you knew from experience to never judge based on faces.
You remembered judging your neighbor Jimmy when he first moved in. He was looking rough and very angry all the time. He had scars on his face and a frown 24/7 that made him look intimidating. However at a neighbor convention he told you he had been a war veteran in world war 1 being 19 and he fought in world war 2, being 47 years of age. He didn’t have to sign up for war the second time, but he did it because he wanted to make the world better. He had seen the true horrors of the world and it was evident in his face to this day that he never truly recovered from that. He only wanted to serve his country and do what was right. He wouldn’t hurt a fly, yet all the kids were afraid of him. That was when you truly realized to never judge a book by its cover.
The moment Bloodyface spun in circles like a lost puppy you decided to leave your hiding spot and walk a bit closer to the center. You weren’t sure what your plan was, but you couldn’t stand watching him be confused any longer.
When he placed his hands on his ears to drown out the song, he moved towards the record player to turn it off and you intervened.
“Wouldn't do that if I were you.” You spoke as you leaned against the wall while placing the cigarette between your lips. The man turned to look at you and you gave him a grin, “It’s a rule here. As long as the common room is open the song plays.” he stared blankly at you and you sighed.
“Any one of them would rat you out if they had the chance, they get a piece of candy and you get your ass beat,” he still looked at you as if you were speaking a different language, “Trust me, I learned the hard way when I first arrived here.”
He finally spoke up. “Why should I trust you?”
“You shouldn’t trust me. You shouldn’t trust anyone. I’m just looking out for you.”
The silence except for the chanting of Denise in the corner and the song still on a loop, was deafening and so the conversation between you and Bloodyface made a lot of people turn heads. One of those people was Spivey, the little shit.
“Hey Bloodyface,” Both Bloodyface’s head and yours looked for the source of sound and you saw Spivey walk towards you. “You’re him right? You must be the most dangerous person here. I heard you skinned them alive, the last one being a colored girl. I guess you didn't like her color.” He taunted and you saw Bloodyface’s face contort into pure anger. Before you knew it, they were at each other's throats like animals and all the attention from the other patients were now fully focussed on the two wrestlers on the ground.
Pepper stood next to you as your arms were crossed and she had a worried look on her face. You knew what would happen if a fight were to break out in the common room. Jude would barge in, welts would be given, yada yada yada. Your eyes were downcast while you took another puff of your cigarette and when a whistle was heard, everyone ran to their previous spots to show they weren't involved.
You walked back to your hiding spot as well and saw sister Jude strut into the room with two orderlies behind her. They were Owen and Dennis. You almost missed the way Owen scanned the room until his eyes met Shelly. Your eyes squinted the tiniest bit in suspicion.
Bloodyface had a bloody face and pointed at Spivey. “He started it.”
Owen and Dennis ignored it and Owen smacked Bloodyface with his baton. You winced just slightly and saw how his body was dragged out of the common room.
An hour later, Kit Walker was put in a straitjacket and he felt uncomfortable as suddenly everything itched. His eyes were burning, his head was pounding due to the whack from one of the orderlies and his mind was fogged as everything felt surreal.
Sister Jude let him off with a warning since it was his first day but said that the next time she wouldn't go easy on him. A gentle gesture at best.
The only source of light went dark as it indicated someone stood in front of his cell, and as he looked up he saw you standing there. “Hey, I got something for you.”
He stood up and squinted his eyes as he walked over to the door. “How did you get back here?”
He saw you pause. “Doesn’t matter.”
Kit didn't question it and he saw you duck and slide something under the door. Although he couldn’t grab it with his hands, he saw it was a newspaper. “Boredom is your only friend in these cells they call ‘chambers’. Figured I’d get you something to read to kill time.”
Kit looked at your features and tried to spot any sign of falseness since he wasn’t used to people actually talking to him like he was a normal human being. He tried to find out whether your intentions were true or if you had ulterior motives. He couldn't remember the last time someone did something nice for him let alone have a decent conversation. “Why are you being so kind to me?”
He saw your eyes soften yet harden at the same time. “What you put out into the world comes back to you.”
“So what did you put out into the world to get locked up in a place like this?”
“A lot of questions…” Your eyebrows raised and you indicated that you didn't know his name.
“Kit.” He saw you hum.
“That’s a question that will be answered with time, Kit. It doesn't concern you for now.” Kit nodded understandingly and realized it might have been an inappropriate question.
“So, you want to tell me how you got in here? Spivey said something about you being the infamous Bloody face.”
“Why should I give you an answer when you won’t give me one?” It came out harsher than he wanted and he wanted to apologize.
“Careful now, Kit. I’m not someone you like to have as an enemy here.”
“Because I’m not insane. I don’t belong here.”
“Yet you’re here for a reason.” Kit leaned in a bit closer, “Why?”
You clenched your jaw shut and looked down at your feet. He sure was dedicated on finding answers. You weren’t gonna tell him the truth, however you were gonna simplify it.
“Bad people pulled on strings and convinced everyone I was crazy. All I could do was tell them the truth but I didn’t stand a chance against socialites. I was taken from my home involuntarily and I’m most likely set to spend the rest of my life here, only because I made a stupid mistake.”
Kit nodded quietly and scraped his throat. He noticed the silence after you answered and he wanted to let you know you weren’t alone.
Now that you have answered it was his turn. “To answer your question, they think I’m him. They think I’m Bloodyface.” He couldn't read your emotions due to the lighting and because he was too tired and drained to focus. “Ah, the celebrity. I’m almost jealous of your fame. You’ve become a household name here. I didn’t recognize who you were when I saw you.” you lied. You knew who he was the second he stepped foot in this place. “So, are you? Did you?”
“Are you actually bloody face? Did you kill those women, your wife?”
“No. And I’m not crazy.” He was quick to answer and your head cocked to the side.
“Hmm.” you kissed the back of your teeth, again. Kit didn’t know what was going through your mind. “Interesting.”
A voice was heard in the distance and your head snapped to the side. “Well I should go before they notice I’m missing.”
“Thanks for the paper, I really appreciate it.” He gave you a genuine smile.
“No problem.”
Before Kit could blink, you were gone and he got closer to the barns to whisper-shout.
“Hey, what’s your name?” His ear was pressed against the hard and cold metal, and he could faintly hear a voice whisper back.
Kit felt a shiver of warmth over his body by the newspaper you’ve given him. He really appreciated that you were nice to him since he was terrified of this place. He had nightmares in his cell about it and when he was finally handed out to the institution he knew he would never see his garden again or the lake next to it. Just the thought of someone doing something kind to him like he was normal and the thought he wasn’t alone made him feel a bit more relaxed.
However what he didn’t know was that you indeed had ulterior motives. You were gonna make this place live up to the reputation Briarcliff had;hell on earth. Starting with a newspaper.
The next day you were all in the common room again. It was still raining and you decided to sit on something soft this time. Although your hiding spot was very comfortable, you did feel the hardness of the stone having an effect on your ass and back posture. You found a place on the sofa next to Otis who was picking his nose and you tried your best to ignore it. You cringed and looked the other way until he stood up to dance with Doris. Pepper wanted to dance too but they rebuffed her. You felt bad for her.
Footsteps were heard as the door opened and Kit walked into the room. From a distance you could tell he had a bruise on his hand, a black eye and a bandage on his cheek from the brawl yesterday. His eyes scanned everyone until they landed on you and he made his way to you and sat down on the spot where Otis was sitting.
“Hey,” he started and you gave him a nod in return. “Jude go easy on you?”
“Yeah,” you noticed how he winced when he sat down. “She says that the next time I mess up she’s not gonna be nice.”
“Typical Jude.” you replied and both of you watched how Pepper kept chanting “Pepper dance” to the odd couple in the center. You looked to your right to see Kit’s mouth slightly opened as he gawked at the trio. You could practically hear his thoughts and sighed.
Kit looked up at you and scrunched his eyebrows. “The answer is yes. They’re always like that, better get used to it.”
“How did you know I was thinking that?”
“It’s not hard to read people.”
It was like his eyes bore a hole into your side profile. “Anyway, most of the people here are harmless. They’re kinda weird, but harmless. There are a few people you need to watch out for.”
“Like Spivey?”
“Yeah Spivey is an example, always tryna look for trouble and sticking his nose in the business of other people. He is the definition of a scumbag.”
“Who else do I need to look out for?” His eyebrows were still scrunched like he was confused all the time and you scanned the room and pointed at a woman in the corner. “That’s Harriet. She’s been here the longest. No one gets a word out of her. Rumor goes that she stared down the barrel of a gun more times than she ever spoke.”
The woman looked like she was in her mid sixties and she looked mummified as she stared into the void. As if she knew her name was called out even in the softest tone of your voice, she suddenly looked at the two of you and you both immediately diverted your gaze elsewhere.
“Oops, better not to say her name here.” You stared at the table in front of you.
“What about you? Where do you stand in all of these people.”
You were baffled how Kit never backed down on asking questions. “You Kit,” you placed your hand on his thigh for a split second, Kit almost missed it but the feeling made his eyebrows frown. You retracted your hand quickly and pretended nothing happened. “You just remember to never cross with me. Most of these people leave me alone because they have that printed in their system.”
There had to be a reason why people respected you here. Kit didn’t know why exactly.
He nodded at that and didn’t question it further. You stared at his legs and sighed. “Sister Jude really did go easy on you, huh?”
“Well it’s either that or you have a very high pain tolerance. The first time I wreaked havoc in this place, I couldn’t sit for a week. She said she went easy on me but even talking about it now I still feel the welts engraved.” You chuckled and Kit didn’t know whether to chuckle too or keep quiet. Instead he decided to ask another question.
“Is sister Jude always so…” He tried to find the right word.
“On edge? No. She’s always strutting around the place like she owns it,” you paused. “Well technically she does kinda own it with the Monsignor. Anyway, she’s only upset when someone has broken the rules. Why ask?”
“She looked very distressed this morning when we spoke during kitchen detail.” You kissed the back of your teeth.
“Seems like your arrival has caused quite a bit of trouble, Kit. If it’s the second day Jude is frantic, it’s not a good sign.”
There was silence between you two and if it weren’t for the known fact he was a malicious serial killer, you would have actually thought he was a decent man. Very humble and not very present in the best way possible. You liked quiet people. They made your chaotic mind at ease. It made you feel calm and that was something you craved. Being in an asylum, one of the worst places was the common room because of the filth and chaotic people. You actually quite liked solitary in your own small room because at least there no one was chanting. Oh and the walls were thick enough to keep anything out, like the song Dominique.
Kit broke the silence after a few minutes. “Hey Y/n.”
“The paper you gave me, it’s not from recent dates. It’s from 1949. The front page is about a missing girl.” You didn’t look him in the eye and instead continued staring at the table.
You tried to find a quick lie. Luckily you were used to it and you were sharp as always. “Oh… yeah that’s because we don’t really get the news often and because of that, we have very limited papers. I stole it for you from the archives.”
Kit frowned but seemed satisfied with that answer nevertheless.
Heels were heard and Doris and Otis stopped dancing as the noise was a clear sign Jude was coming. They hurried to the side where the dusty piano was standing and stared everywhere and nowhere. Jude walked in from around the corner and locked the door behind her, causing her to get the attention of everyone. Everything became quiet except for the dramatic taps of sister Jude’s boots.
“When I was given the task of running this institution, the Monsignor and I had great plans. We would not only house and feed the people who had nowhere else to go, thrown on the streets like trash, we’d heal them from the horrors this world could give. Even if they were the horror itself.” She slowly walked further and scanned everyone. “I have had faith and patience for everyone. And how do you repay me? With disappointment. Somebody had the audacity to break into my office and steal… something valuable. Now I demand the person who did this to confess this instant.”
No one said anything out of fear, and because no one knew what she was talking about.
“Confess!” Her voice sounded shrill as the sound bounced off the walls.
Kit slowly raised his hand and you quirked an eyebrow. “What was stolen, sister Jude?”
Jude’s jaw was clenched as the question was asked and she turned to look at Kit. “That doesn’t concern you Mr Walker. The person who did it knows what I’m referring to.”
Kit became quiet and you almost admired him for speaking while Jude was angry.
Her eyes diverted from Kit to you and she almost shot fireballs out of her eyes from how angry they stood. She pointed an accusing finger at you.
“Don’t think I’m not onto you, miss Y/n. Always slithering around, playing games with people. You think you’re so clever. I know that look you’re giving me. You know more than you let on…”
You didn’t answer her and had a stoic look on your face. When she realized she wasn’t getting anything from you, she walked further to accuse other people. When Jude was at the end of the room, Kit leaned in and whispered in your ear.
“You’re tellin me she’s really not always like that?”
“Most of the time not. I haven't seen her this upset in a while.”
He nodded at that and his eyes wandered cluelessly back to sister Jude. Your eyes diverted from Jude in the distance to Kit’s side profile. You watched as his nose flared for a second before coughing and you looked down. You had to remind yourself that he was a bad person. That he killed women who had a bright future ahead of them. That any of those women in their position could have been you. You could have been one of the women who was locked in his basement after being skinned and assaulted. That thought made your blood boil and you decided then and there it was all worth it what you had planned.
Kit got startled the moment you stood up from your place and coughed loudly to announce something. Jude turned around and saw it was you.
“When I came back from kitchen detail, I came across Kit,” you didn’t look at him and instead, you made puppy eyes as you sobbed. “He had some sort of news paper in his hand and in his other hand was a key. We made eye contact and I told him that I didn’t see anything and ran off. Just thinking back about the cold and harsh look he gave me makes me shiver,” You could feel Kit’s burning eyes on you as you continued to speak yet you paid no attention to it. Jude walked closer as she digested your words.
“I wonder what he could have done if I didn't run away. Just now he threatened that if I told on him he would tell on me. He said that no one would believe me.” Jude looked at one of the orderlies at the side and pointed a finger at him.
“Owen, did you not lock his chamber after he was in my office? This is the third time you forgot to lock someone's room.”
Before Owen could say anything, she looked back at Kit. “Look at you. if Y/n’s right you’re not only a murderer. You’re a murderous pickpocket. I knew you were trouble when you walked in.”
Kit tried to protest. “I- I- she’s lying,” he looked at you not in anger but in betrayal. The only person who spoke to him like a normal human being turned out to be a rat. You were the person he had to look out for. Beatings from an honorless man like Spivey was nothing compared to the knife in his back from you. Maybe he grew attached too quickly but it still hurt.
He should have known better than to digest the kind words and actions of a woman, after he was accused of being a malicious serial killer.
“Search him.” Jude commanded and Kit wanted to stand up to try and run away out of instinct, but he then realized the doors were locked. There was nowhere to go.
“Thinking of running away now, are ya? A man with a clean conscience has no desire to flee.”
One of the orderlies with the name tag Dennis held him and the other one called Owen searched his pockets. “I didn’t steal anythi-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Owen fisted a small object out of his pocket and Kit was flabbergasted to say the least. He figured you must have planted them there when you had touched his thigh. You were quick with it but he had felt it. He already had a weird feeling as to why you did that but now he realized why.
In Owen’s fingers was a ring with a key dangling from it. If Kit seemed flabbergasted before then now he looked as if he witnessed an exorcism.
This was the first time you looked at Kit and didn’t feel remorse. If he is upset by the betrayal of a person he met not even 24 hours ago, then he doesn't know what those poor women went through. What he did to them is a thousand fold worse than what you just did. You wanted him to suffer here, because he gets a chance at life and not the girls he killed.
“Search his chamber.” Jude ordered and Owen held him locked in his grip as the other orderly walked out of the room to presumably Kit’s room.
Jude eyed Kit viciously and you knew Jude was angry once she found the newspaper. You knew what Jude was looking for, hence why you stole it, you just didn’t know why it upset her that much.
Ever since sister Mary Eunice had acted strangely out of nowhere, papers kept showing up about one subject. It was always the same, always the same date and always the same news. A paper from 1949 about a missing girl on the front. Every time you caught Jude throwing it in the trash, you reckoned it was something important. Something that was bothering her immensely. However you truly realized how much it bothered her when you saw Jude burn it in one of the ovens.
You had fisted one of the papers out of the trash and put it in your pillow. It wasn’t like your bed got cleaned so no one would blink an eye. It helped that the pillow was as hard as rocks.
Like you said, you were a watcher. Always analyzing everyone to see their weaknesses and use it against them if need be. Knowledge was power to you.
Jude came back with nothing yet her angry look was even more angry yet stoic at the same time, and you knew she found the paper you had given Kit. It was obvious she wasn’t gonna take it with her to the common room for everyone to see her little secret.
She looked at you as she stood in front of Kit. “You keep surprising me, miss Y/n.”
She then looked at Kit and curled her finger to motion him forward. “Kit Walker, come with me.”
Kit looked defenseless as he gave in. He realized he couldn't protest because of the strong grip of the orderly and so everyone in the common room watched as he was taken away. It wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling to him, as he felt the same eyes and the feeling of dread the day he was arrested in his home. His neighbors had heard the commotion of the cops and saw how Kit had been handcuffed and taken into custody in the middle of the night after he himself called the police. It didn’t matter whether he pleaded or tried to convince everyone it wasn’t him, because no one listened. No one wanted to listen and no one believed him.
This time it was nothing different. The only thing that was different was the backstabbing feeling and the handcuffs.
You were right when you had told him not to trust anyone, yet he did. And now he was paying the price.
He turned his head one more time as the orderlies grip were too tight, and he locked eyes with you. You had a stoic look on your face, no ounce of remorse or happiness. You just looked satisfied. His head turned back in defeat and he turned the corner.
After the punishment he was given, he truly realized why people were afraid of sister Jude. He truly digested the gravity of the situation and he now knew to never mess with you.
You were right when you said he wouldn’t want you as an enemy.
end of preview
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oc-beehive · 6 months
Do you associate your magical girls with any songs/musicians or specific musical movements from the eras they were based off of? Other than Etsuko being grunge ofc (but if you have songs do share)
I hope you don't mind that I'm answering this as a textpost and not a drawing!! It seems more directed to me as a creator + i want to include links and you can't do that on an image. lol
I'll go in chronological order in terms of inspiration! This got REALLY long because I am insane so please excuse the paragraphs.
Disclaimer that I am American and thus my perception of music trends is pretty warped through the lens of what was popular in the US around these times.
Aimi - It's hard to mention the 50s music sphere without mentioning Elvis Presley. That's just a given. The 50s was the major rise of rock and roll, and there's a bit of that inspiration in Aimi's character. But her biggest association for me is no question Doris Day. Specifically songs like "I didn't slip -- I wasn't pushed -- I fell" and her version of "A Bushel and a Peck" (you know, the song from Guys and Dolls!). "Candy Lips" too. Very much the tail end of big band music that pervaded the 40s. I won't include more links because it would just be her entire discography. All those saccharine flowery metaphors about love??? Totally up her alley. I like to imagine that her magical girl transformations are similarly accompanied by those jaunty string plucks.
Hikari - The 60s! The British Invasion! Hoo boy. Initial honorary mention here goes to Roy Orbison's "Oh, Pretty Woman". Outside of that, though, she's definitely a Peter, Paul, and Mary typea girl. "If I Had a Hammer", "Weave Me the Sunshine", so on. A bit more folksy than one might expect, and completely ignoring the elephant in the room, but I think it fits her well! Throw in a couple early Beatles hits if you really must - "Love Me Do" and "I Want To Hold Your Hand" come to mind. Anything simple but upbeat, with a focus on guitar in the instrumentals. "Lemres," you say, "that's every single fucking pop song from the early 60s". Yes. Yes it is.
Akane - Time to get your groove on. The 70s kind of exploded in variety for popular music, and Akane leans heavily towards the disco side, but it's not exclusive. Immediate picks are anything by Earth, Wind and Fire - "Shining Star" and, of course, "September". I am legally obligated to bring up the Jackson 5. "Blame It on the Boogie" is a good pick. Don't tell me you can't imagine a planning montage to these bass lines. Lots of pop and rock acts emerged around this time, but most of them don't seem her style. She'd love David Bowie though. We all love David Bowie. Specifically Diamond Dogs. Shoutout to "Rebel Rebel".
Izumi - Listen man, I had to save writing this blurb for last. The 80s spans so much music. Izumi is a clusterfuck. I guess that makes this appropriate? AC/DC is definitely up there in terms of artist inspiration, with some Journey and REO Speedwagon on there too. I think they deserve a little bit of power ballad, as a treat. Also glam metal/rock, like Poison. You know what? I'm just gonna throw a bunch of songs out there and make you figure it out. "Back in Black", "Walk this Way", "Nothin' But a Good Time", "Once Bitten Twice Shy", and so on. They're having fun and that's what matters.
Etsuko - As mentioned, Etsuko is chiefly inspired by grunge bands! The good old Seattle Sound. Nirvana are obviously the poster child band for that - Pearl Jam and Soundgarden coming in a very close second and third. The latter two of those bands hate(d) being called grunge, by the way. Song examples are "Lithium", "Even Flow", and "Outshined". It's like if you took punk rock and played it through speakers submerged in molasses. Good shit. Mudhoney is also a GREAT example, especially songs like "Good Enough". This is the perfect genre for Etsuko because most of it is composed of complaining vaguely about Society™ and relationships, which is all she does in life.
This has been a glimpse into my sick and twisted mind. If you'll excuse me I have about 40 tabs of YouTube to go and close now.
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kana-muchi-midori · 10 months
Casting the Shoujo Tsubaki characters as Hamilton characters because I can
Mid dory: Eliza, because she’s a perfect cinnamon roll who deserves a big role
Toilet paper man: Aaron Burr. Why? Idk. I would love to hear him sing “the room where it happens”.
Mommy snake fucker: Maria Reynolds. I would say Angelica because she has that bitchy kind of personality (but Angelica is a good character unlike Beni) but Angelica and Eliza have a close relationship which is out of character for Beni and Middy so I picked Maria because they’re both hoes.
Big: Hercules Mulligan, because he is also big (I’m not bodyshaming btw)
Fat ass four eyed eye licking gay mf: James Madison because they are both boring and worthless 😃👍
Dog eater: Thomas Jefferson. Can you imagine how fabulous he’d be? In his gorgeous magenta outfit strutting his stuff like he owns the place
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S m o l: King George. Because they’re both fucking jokes (KG: affectionate WM: derogatory). I was gonna choose Hamilton because that’s Eliza’s (Midori) love interest and he beefs with Aaron Burr (Muchisute) but that would mean
He would cheat on Midori with Benietsu which is totally out of character of him (I mean he probably would cheat but not with Beni)
He procreates with Midori just like in the musical which is…no.
Benietsu would crush him in this scene
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And also, who wouldn’t love to see him dressed and acting like this:
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autistic-out-loud · 1 year
Positive vibes #2
I still take childlike joy in things. My inner child is strong
I dragged my friend into a chemist the other day because as we were walking past I spotted an aquarium at the back so in we went to look.
And it was amazing and my friend was glad I took her. Had Dory fish and crustaceans and even an eel!
I also look at the world around me a lot more than others, and I spot thing they miss (like birds nests and lizards)
I even do things that you couldn't wait to do as an adult, like I bought myself an ice cream cake! It wasn't my birthday or anything like that but I wanted it and I deserved it and no one could stop me!
The other day I skipped through the grass when walking my dog and it was amazing!
So many people grow up and loose touch with the child inside them and that wonder
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nailsoftheheart · 1 year
My crush came to my gig with his bestie last night, so my dj crew was there, I was so grateful because I love them both very much. My crush texted the lady he's dating aaalllll night, he even called her his girl friend. He has a girlfriend now and I am accepting and moving on.
I no longer wish to see the glimmer in his eyes, or the beauty in his smile. I wish I could unsee what I see in him.
I am gonna have a boyfriend someday, he's gonna be so sweet and loving. He's gonna hold my hand and not care what people think, he's not gonna hold anything against me because of how other people think relationships should be. He's gonna not be possessive and allow us to just share and explore our beautiful, special connection and not contain love into some kind of predetermined capacity.
This has been one of the most difficult, stressful, painful periods in my life and I'm ready to move on from all this. I'm ready to leave the pain behind and move forward with love.
My best friend Dori, I told him my crush turned me down to be friends with bennies, he said "I don't get what's not to like, all the fun with none of the worry" but no one sees it like that. They think I'm asking too much to want more then one lover, but it's not too much, it's natural to me.
So this might be the last time I post about my crush Eddie, he's gonna just be my friend now and if I ever have another crush I'll let you guys know because I still have no one to talk to.
There's a guy who likes me, he lives in Portland though, he's a cook who rides a bicycle. He use to live here in So Cal and we know each other through mutual friends. Maybe I'll see him because MY BAND IS GOING ON TOUR AGAIN!! In spring, I have so much to look forward to, we're hitting the road with the Egotones!!! They are a surf rock band and we're a hippied out peace punk band so it should be a beautiful pairing. They are from Eugene, my band mates are also from Oregon, I fucking loooove Oregon and I can't wait to get away.
I've been so strong, you guys I've been so fucking tough through everything with my mom's cancer scare and surgery, taking care of her house and dogs and my dad and brother, having Eddie turn me down and then getting a girl friend, I deserve rest, recuperation, acceptance and fully letting go of the emotions attached to these last few weeks.
At the end of the night last night, the DJ was on their way out, they stopped to tell me they enjoyed our set, they said they loved my voice, they said "You can scream at me aaall day long!!" In front of my crush, It was extremely sweet and gave me a much needed confidence boost having been feeling really bummed, that quick interaction literally made my night and will be a happy thought for me all week. Oh, and we fucking nailed our set!!!!!
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
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Nothing to see here.
Just Dori and his dog named Fanta taking selfies-
Look at fanta,aren't they cute??
(Listen,I don't know how dog genders work-. I have been a cat person for like...forever)
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Imagine Dori going out to play a game,and after he plays the game..he wouldn't just go straight back to the beach,No!. He would steal the car from Niragi and just drives back to his house,going inside his house grabbing fanta and drives back to the beach with fanta,introducing fanta to hatter and we all know that hatter would accept him.
And then bring fanta back to his and Niragis room,breaking the door at the process to just go inside the room. Noragi utterly goes up to him,yelling at him..but when he sees fanta right next to Dori's leg..he's like" Aight,I'mma steal your dog" And just grabs fanta,and the next Niragi would force hatter to let fanta become a militant dog so that he could give fanta a rifle and a Fedora hat..which fanta will not like if the Fedora hat is given by Niragi-
How about dori giving fanta a Fedora hat?,fanta will love it and sleep with for the rest of his life. Niragi giving fanta a squeaky toy that is basically shaped like a rifle
Fanta is a Good Doggo
Characters: Niragi Suguru, Last Boss, Hatter, Dori Sakurada, Aguni, Cabot
Genre: Niragi get’s to meet Fanta! And maybe shoot a dude dead, but shush.
3k words
This was fun to write. Also, I only have a very vague idea of Fanta’s gender (Trust me, I still don’t know if I’m correct) so if I’m wrong, sorry about that. All I have figured out of Fanta’s gender is based on the underside of this very nice Fanta picture.
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When games meant people were going to die in front of everyone lucky enough to stay, within the vicinity of where others shared the same space, not everyone dealt with them well. Some broke a little more each time, some powered through, some even enjoyed it. Either way, everyone earned their right to live in some aspect or another. They fought to keep breathing for another day or two, and came back to their base to eventually do it all over again.
And some, by the sheer power of something refusing to let them hit the dirt and breathe their final breath, just meanders through the games as if it were nothing more than a very realistic fiction.
That’s what was happening, at least in front of Niragi’s eyes. He readjusts the thick black bomber jacket that Sakurada gave him, stained with thick blood, hidden within the darkness. Said man that gave him the jacket was talking to another, who seemed oddly excited to see the man, even though his near carbon copy version was right there within view. Perhaps there was something less wanted in him that Sakurada had. A prettier smile, maybe. Or a nicer demeanour that people preferred to stick closer to. Too afraid to come closer to him.
They were correct to be afraid. Being afraid meant Niragi didn’t have to be seen as weak. But the few that weren’t, respected him. They held themselves at the same level, and Niragi at least gave them the respect if they deserved it.
Begrudgingly, it somewhat extended to his doppelgänger as well. Sakurada never exhibited a single hint of fear towards him, and even willingly attacked him with that darn water sprayer that he kept with him the entire time.
“ Oi! Are we leaving yet or not?” Niragi calls out to the man as he finally bids the other person adieu, Sakurada coming over to him with a kind smile.
“ Hey, can I ask you for a favour?” Sakurada asks, Niragi scowling a little. “ Hah? What for? Can’t you ask me later?” Sakurada smiles at him, and offers zero explanation, other than a simple request to head back himself, as he needed the car to do something. Which, granted, the Beach wasn’t that far from where the game arena was, maybe an extra fifteen minute walk on foot added on to the time it would’ve taken if they took the car, but Niragi still didn’t like how Sakurada thought he’d be okay with it.
But Sakurada was already in the car and driving away by the time Niragi noticed the bastard even left his side with that request, Niragi yelling after the retreating vehicle.
“ Hey!  Hey! You asshole, get back here!” Niragi chases the car for a couple more meters, but the car is much too quick for him to chase by foot, disappearing into the night. Niragi lets out a yell, eyes burning with fury and foot stomping against the ground. “ Fuck!” A presence next to him makes itself known, clearing their throat. “ Hey uh…. Did our ride just up and leave us?” 
Niragi whips around, blood still boiling, staring at a nobody Beach member, who looked far too innocent and naive to realize that Niragi was simply not in the mood for small talk. Next to them was a blank-faced Last Boss, who Niragi briefly forgot was even with them, the rest having perished within the game. That didn’t matter anyways, Niragi needed something to let his feelings out, and he whips his beloved gun from his shoulder and jabs it in the direction of the nobody, who yelps and backs up in fear. Delicious, raw fear, the person staring at Niragi with pleading in their eyes, even if it too dark to properly make out what they held. The wide eyes, the trembling bones, the bobbing Adam’s apple, that was enough.
“Oh, so you can see. Whoop de fucking do.” Niragi snarks, the person holding their hands up in the air, eyes flickering between the cold barrel against their chest and the burning eyes of Niragi. “ Yes our ride fucking up and left. I don’t know what he was thinking, but we’re gonna have to walk back.” “ H-How far is the Beach?” Came their shaky voice, and Niragi stares in the general direction of where they came from, muttering to himself as he forced his brain to work outside the blaze within his bone. 
“ Longer than what I should have to deal with.” Niragi answers, and takes the gun back as he starts walking back to where the Beach should be. The sound of feet against the ground follow him, and the idiot asked way too many questions for Niragi to care about comes too close to his side, staring at him nervously.
“ You seem mad. Was it because of the guy that took the car? I’m sure there was a perfectly good reason for that guy to take the car! Even if it was a little weird he forgot us. It’s a good night for a walk anyways! Lucky it wasn’t a Spades game, otherwise-“ “ Oh my goodness, do you never shut up!?” Niragi looks at them, and in a fit of impulsive irritation he swings his gun against their skull, a crack resounding in the cold empty night, their body hitting the ground with a thud. “ Asking question after question, do you not see I don’t wanna deal with another gosh darn annoyance?! You know what, I’m already pissed, I need to do something. Lucky you.” His lip pulled up into a sarcastic sneer, full of disgust. “ I need a good stress reliever.” He aims the rifle at the fallen body, the person screaming and scrambling backwards.
“ W-Wait!? No, wait, I’m sorry, please don’t-“ Their words were cut off as Niragi pulls the trigger, shots ringing in the air and blood painting the ground. Niragi doesn’t stop until he feels his tense energy get pulled into each and every bullet, when he finally becomes satisfied as the body is nothing more than bloody cheese.
Niragi scoffs, and spits on the body to rub it in, the final piece of the puzzle. He holds his rifle down by his side and stumbles into the night, the sound of footsteps decreased by two.
Three minutes later, and Niragi needed to rant, his mouth opening and spilling his slight  against Sakurada to his only audience. Last Boss says nothing in return, but Niragi didn’t need any words spoken back. He appreciated that, not needing any more of a reason to get annoyed. They return to the Beach within a fair amount of time, nobody truly questioning where the others were or where their car even was, other than a few talking amongst each other. One less  drinking buddy here, one less of a good time there. Niragi ignores it all and heads straight to Hatter’s, Last Boss behind him the entire time.
He opens the door, Hatter greeting them, Cabot sitting on his lap and wearing Hatter’s sunglasses, the cat comfortable. Niragi walks in and slaps the card on the table, huffing. “ There. Your stupid card.” “ Thank you Niragi!” Hatter chirps, and he looks over Niragi’s shoulder, likely at Last Boss. “ And you as well for letting me watch over your cat! She is such a wonderful buddy for a rousing conversation over the legalities of dolphins!” Niragi never hears a response, nor does he even stay long enough, already leaving the moment he was able to. He heads back to his room to sleep the rest of the night off, too mentally exhausted to really want to deal with anyone else at the moment.
Least of all Sakurada, when he would inevitably come back.
The sun had not risen yet when the door slams open, hitting the wall rather violently. Niragi is startled awake, and he rubs his eyes and turns to the source of the noise, Sakurada standing there with the hallway lights still on and illuminating him. Niragi’s mood sours the moment he lays eyes on him, and he gets out of bed and storms over to him, grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt.” You little bitch! You left me there at the game and made us walk! What fucking gives!?” Sakurada holds his hands up, one gently tapping the grip that had his shirt. He smiles back, opening his mouth to explain. Niragi at least gave him that, one step away from going to grab his gun and give Sakurada a new hole to breathe out of.
“ It was super important that I took the car, since it was a little far and I needed to carry things! Besides, I didn’t want to disturb you guys and cause too much of a scene-“ “ Leaving us there caused enough of a scene, asswipe-“ Niragi shakes the man, Dori wiggling but maintaining his stance. “ Yes, but-“ Sakurada starts up again, and Niragi was near about to punch the pretty asshole when he felt something step on his foot, and the soft sound of sniffing made him look down, thinking it was Cabot for a second. Instead, a small fluffy dog stood there, brown in colour and very cute. Niragi lets go, the dog looking up at Niragi and barking at him. 
“ Is that a dog.” Niragi lets the sentence tumble from his lips, Sakurada eagerly nodding. He  kneels down, petting the pooch. The dog’s tail wags happily.
“ Yes! Niragi, meet Fanta! He’s my dog!” He announces, continuing to stroke the dog. Niragi nods as he too kneeled down, and he holds a hand out to Fanta, who sniffs at his fingers before giving them a greeting lick.
“… I love your dog. Fanta, you said?” Sakurada nods, smiling. “ Cool. I’m going to steal your dog now. Night bitch.” He scoops the dog up and carries Fanta to bed, crawling back underneath the covers and setting the dog on top, Fanta barking and investigating the sheets. Niragi’s gun was still tucked in bed with him, but Niragi wasn’t dumb enough to leave the safety off. He even made sure to put a little cap over the trigger to even prevent it being moved.
He wasn’t a Diamonds for nothing.
Sakurada say nothing, but Niragi does hear him laugh a little, and bid him a goodnight as well. Fanta barks in his ear, Niragi gently shutting the dog’s mouth shut.
“ Goodnight, dog. Go to sleep.” Niragi mutters, Fanta whining a little and wiggling out his touch. At the very least he settles down, Niragi huffing inaudibly and falling back asleep, a warm weight remaining nearby him.
Morning comes too soon, and Niragi wakes up to Fanta still besides him, sleeping peacefully. He smiles to himself, already getting an idea, and he picks up the dog, Fanta waking up with a confused yelp from being picked up so suddenly, Niragi carrying the dog right out of the room. He makes sure not to wake up Sakurada as he heads down to Hatter’s room, throwing open the door and slamming on the lights. “ Hey! You! Wake up you slutty flamingo!” Niragi shouts, waking up the leader of the entire Beach. His hair was a bit of a mess, Hatter grumbling and combing his hair with his fingers. “ Ah? Niragi?” Hatter blinks a few times, and comes over the moment he saw Fanta in Niragi’s arms. “ Oh my goodness you brought me a new friend! Hello you glorious being!” Hatter pets Fanta with the enthusiasm of an old man greeting a grandchild, Fanta barking and wagging his tail happily.
“ This is Fanta. Can I make him a militant dog.” “ Hm? Why?” Hatter asks offhandedly, attention fully on Fanta.
“ Because I want to make him a militant dog, and I want to give Fanta a miniature rifle. And a fedora, obviously. Because he deserves one. So do I.” Niragi tells him. Hatter waves him off, still petting Fanta like he was the greatest thing since rubber ducks.
“ I can get that arranged!” Niragi grins to himself, pleased, and Hatter finally looks up at Niragi. “ I’ll get Aguni to get that all arranged for you!” “ Aw fuck yeah.” Niragi mutters, and Hatter continues to pet Fanta for a couple more minutes before he finally had his fill. With a wave from Hatter, Niragi finally leaves. He sets Fanta down, done with carrying the rather large dog, and heads back to his room, Fanta marching alongside him. Niragi smiles down at the dog, internally vibrating with joy.
“ Oh, this’ll be great.”
Later that day, Aguni comes over to Niragi’s room, looking at the still opened door, which had a rather decent sized crack running through it. He doesn’t mention a word as he comes over to Niragi, setting a small dog sized rifle and two hats on the bed, one much smaller than the other.
“ There.” That was all he said, and after a brief petting of the fluffy dog, he leaves them alone, Niragi grinning excitedly and putting his new fedora back on. Fanta barks at him, tail wagging. Niragi picks up the smaller hat, and he attempts to lower it onto Fanta’s head.
This doesn’t go well, Fanta barking again and running off. Niragi gasps, offended, and gets up to chase him around the room. Fanta was a crafty little dog though, managing to evade Niragi in every turn. 
“ Get back here you ungrateful little-“ Niragi begins to shout at the dog, but he’s stopped when he feels cold, familiar mist on his face, Niragi stopping in his tracks. “ Ah! Sakurada, what the hell!”
“ Don’t be mean to Fanta! Also, where did you get that?” Sakurada plucks the fedora off of Niragi’s head, Niragi becoming offended again in the past ten minutes as Sakurada opens the window and yeets it out the window as well. Sakurada spots the tiny dog rifle on the bed, and he gasps as well, picking it up and turning around to look at Niragi like a disappointed mother.
“ Are you trying to turn my child into a murderer! Shame on you, Niragi, you should know better!”  Sakurada reprimands, crossing his arms. “ You’re not my mom!” Niragi retorts. “ And come on, Fanta deserves a gun! And a hat!” Sakurada sighs, and simply sets the rifle down on the bed and kneels down, calling his dog over, Fanta happily padding over to him. Sakurada pets Fanta with a smile, then looks to Niragi, the latter still clutching the smaller doggy hat. “ May I see that, please?” Sakurada holds his hand out, Niragi continuing to stare at him. He finally concedes, and he comes over, handing over the hat. “ Fanta didn’t want it though.” Niragi dejectedly mutters with a bit of irritation, but Sakurada only chuckles a little and looks down at Fanta, holding the hat up to the dog’s nose. Fanta sniffs at it a few times, tail wagging. Sakurada looks up at Niragi one more time, Niragi looking down at him in pure confusion, then sheer indignation as Sakurada easily slides the fedora on Fanta’s head. “ There! Easy as that!” “ But- Hey, that’s cheating, how’d you do that!” Sakurada merely shrugs, petting Fanta a little more and standing up. “ I guess Fanta didn’t want you putting it on? Fanta is a very smart dog after all!” Niragi only huffs, crossing his arms and shaking his head at Fanta, who happily lays down on the floor. “ You little prick…..”
Still, that doesn’t stop Niragi from bringing Fanta with him later on patrol, the dog eager for a walk. People cooed at the cute dog, Niragi glaring at a few too dared get too close for comfort. He had to keep up his persona after all, even with the addition of a rather cute dog by his side.
He meets up with Last Boss again by the end of it, Cabot meowing at Niragi the moment he arrives. Fanta barks upon seeing the feline, Cabot tucking herself away into Last Boss’ hood. Last Boss stares down at Fanta in silence, Niragi snorting. “ Your cat is a pussy.”
Last Boss looks at Niragi at that comment, slowly blinking. “ …. Yes? She’s a cat.”
“ Ugh, you made it boring. Never mind. But still! Say hello to Fanta! This is a new member to the militants!” Last Boss nods, and he looks down at Fanta, just staring at the dog. Fanta didn’t seem to mind, merely wagging that little tail.
“ Anyways, I’ll see you later! I need to go get something! If Aguni asks, I went to pamper the fuck out of Fanta. If Sakurada asks, tell him to fuck off. Okay bye!” He waves and walks away, Fanta obediently trailing along with him.
He hops into a car, Fanta in the passenger seat, and drives away, having only the vaguest of ideas where he was going.
Three hours later, he returns, Fanta happily squeaking a squeaky toy that very oddly resembles a small rifle. He opens the door, Fanta running over his lap and into the open area with the little gift in his little doggy mouth, Niragi following after. Once back into the building, it doesn’t take long before Niragi sees Sakurada coming towards him, a worried expression on his face. “ Oh, there you two are! I was worried when you suddenly disappeared, you know! Where did you go?” “ To get Fanta a gift, obviously! Look, isn’t he so happy!” He gestures down at Fanta, the dog squeaking the toy once more. Sakurada smiles, a certain concerned tightness at the edges.
“ Niragi, why did you give my dog a gun again.” “ Hey! A squeaky gun! Huge difference! Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
Sakurada sighs, and he lightly shakes his head. “ Alright, but that’s it, okay?” 
“ Ugh, fiiiiiine. Fanta still goes on patrols with me though.” “ Yes, of course. Fanta deserves to go on walks.” Niragi fist pumps the air. “ Aw yeah. You’re the fucking best, you Dior mannequin. Come on Fanta, let’s go throw eggs at the bleached trash bin.” He runs off, Fanta barking and climbing Sakurada’s legs for a few pets from his owner before running off to join Niragi in his crime time.
Sakurada simply watches them go, with the slight hint of worry for his poor Fanta. The dog was a smart doggo though, so Sakurada trusted Fanta to hold his own against Niragi. Hopefully there wouldn’t be….. too much damage control he’d have to do later.
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
User Friendly (Part 2)
Eddie Kingston x f/Reader
Warnings: Some swearing.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Eddie Kingston Masterlist
Part 2 of User Friendly.
Dori - Ruby Soho ☆ Phillip - CM Punk
Summary: it's been a few days since the match between Eddie & Punk. The f/Reader decides to finally tell Eddie the good news.
It has been a few days since Eddie lost to Phillip and let's just say that nothing has changed between them.
If anything it has gotten worse and for some reason I have been brought up by Phillip. He started saying some shit about me and sweet Dori called him out.
Eddie had to be held back by a few of the stronger wrestlers and what was I doing?
Just going over some new costume designs with Tay and Anna as they wanted to have the same colour schemes.
The three of us could hear the commotion and wondered what the hell was going on, so we decided to investigate.
And that is where I found Eddie and Phillip arguing once more.
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I called out Eddie's name and he stopped struggling against the other wrestlers. He turned to look at me.
"Yeah that's right Eddie, listen to your woman. She knows what is best for you." Eddie turned so fast and ran at Phillip.
Eddie got one good punch in before he was once again pulled back. This time I stood between the two of them, with my arms out, trying to keep them away from one another.
"Eddie calm down and Phillip, if I was you I would keep your mouth shut." I said to both of them. I glared at Phillip to get my point acrossed.
But Phillip didn't like that and pushed his way through and got in my face. I know he won't do anything but I have to think about my unborn child now.
I stepped back but he took a step forward. Dori, who already knows that I am pregnant, pulled Phillip back.
"Leave her alone, like fuck Phillip. She has never done anything to you now back the fuck up."
I mouthed thank you to her. I turned around to walk to Eddie. I placed my hand on his cheek to get him to look at me.
"Eddie, baby look at me." I said calmly to him. He did after a few seconds. "Let's go love. We will go far away from him today baby."
I nodded my head at the other wrestlers to let him go. They looked at one another and Eddie said he will leave with me. They let him go and I grabbed his hand.
Eddie and I walked towards the room I was in with Anna and Tay. I closed the door and found him on the couch just looking at me.
"I am sorry you had to see that." He said to me.
"May I asked what happened?" I asked him as I sat down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist.
"For some reason he thought it would be a good idea to mention that you have gained some weight."
I continued to listen as he talked. "I asked him not to speak about you like that as he has no right to be saying anything about you."
"And you did a good job protecting me Eddie but I can handle myself."
"I know you can baby but fuck, he shouldn't have said anything. Who gives a shit if you have gained some weight. Just more of you to love baby."
I guess now will be a good time to tell him. "Eddie, enough of him. I got you a gift." I stood up and walked to the desk and pulled out the neatly wrapped gift.
"It isn't my birthday or an anniversary."
"I know I just wanted to get you something. You deserve this baby." I handed him the gift and I am nervous.
I don't know if this the right time to give it to him but I have been waiting to give it to him.
I watched the the different emotions go across his face. Confused, happy and shock. He lifted the dog tag out of the box and held it up so he could read it better.
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Eddie looked at me and then back at the necklace, then back at me. "YN are you actually pregnant?" He asked hopefully.
"Yes Eddie. Roughly 4 months baby." He stood up so fast and pulled me into his arms. He crashed his lips against mine and kissed me with so much passion that it left me breathless.
We pulled our heads away from one another as we needed to breath and he put his forehead against mine and a hand on my small bump.
"We are going to have a baby YN."
"Yes we are Eddie and you are going to be the best Dad."
"And you will be the best Mom. You are the most beautiful pregnant woman that has ever lived."
I just laughed and snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me as the two of us just enjoyed this moment.
What happened between him and Phillip has long since been forgotten, for now that is. I have no idea what is going to happen when they cross paths next time.
But for now, I will just enjoy this special moment with the love of my life who is now on his knees talking to my stomach.
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Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @eddiekingstonsgirl89 @eddie-kingstons-wifey @lghockey @lilaviolet @iloveeddiekingston @jazzy-bella02 @wwenhlimagines @hungmanhorsecarriage @ecarroll1978 @anaeve @crowleysqueenofhell @thenerdybaker523
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avocado-hater · 3 years
My thoughts on AHS Double Feature E5 (SPOILERS):
When i said i wanted to see Lily Rabe all sweaty and screaming this is not what i meant.
Dude c'mon that came from your wife's vajayjay, what the hell is wrong with you?
"Gaslight" is a great, accurate title for this episode, they're gonna gaslight the hell out of Doris and even tho i like dark stuff, my soft side is winning, she doesn't deserve it.
"You look ridiculous" Karen you're one to talk but you're right lol
Mickey i love you but i think this is too much.
Alma what the hell? That's your little brother!
Harry please do something helpful for once and smash that violin.
Yeah i can't deny it anymore, i have this major crush on Lily. Doris let me take care of you the way you deserve.
Ursula being bitchy and all the pop culture references ain't funny anymore, i wanna punch her in the face.
Alma what the hell?
Stop treating Doris like that!
Yes, Doris! Run!
Punch him in the armpit, Doris! He's destroying your life!
Why would you step on her painting, Belle? I'm okay with you killing junkies but that was not cool.
Denis! Lily and Denis together on screen! I mean, he's making fun of her but still, this is amazing!
Yeah that baby would be way better with TB Karen. Harry gives drugs to his children and Doris is going pale, so...
I'm sad Doris ain't physically/mentally strong enough to punch all this suckers, because it feels like she really wants to.
Alma you dark little b....
Alma knew Doris only wanted to be respected and admired by her so she used it to trick her into taking the pill.
I don't wanna see anyone calling Doris "stupid". She's nothing but an amazing mother, that should count. She was high on anesthesia, she was barely strong enough to walk. She's not the one to blame.
"We can't hurt the mom!" "Okay, we can't KILL the mom!" Lol that was so funny.
So you're telling me that (maybe) this is the last Raulson scene in AHS history and they're both looking like shit?
For fucks sake, Karen!
God this is so sad.
He outgrew the mother of his children? I love Finn but Harry must be one of the most hateful characters so far.
They're treating her like she's a stray dog.
The two most endearing, loving characters played by two of the best actresses in this show getting the saddest fates... Bitter but poetic.
I think is interesting when the bad guys win and this is a horror show so it's fine but the bad guys here are so unlikeable that i just want Doris to eat them one by one.
I loved this episode but we all saw it coming.
I was expecting a major plot twist or something but they literally show us this in the main trailer, it feels like they're not trying anymore, but it was awesome, devastating and dark. Probably one of my favorite episodes of the whole show.
As i said, i think the bad guys winning is kinda cool but i really hate this bad guys. Awful characters this season, i hope Austin and Belle kill all those (quoting TB Karen) motherfuckers!
Lily Rabe, Frances Conroy and Sarah Paulson deserve all the nominations to all the awards, especially Lily Rabe, if you ever doubted about her talent, well, there you go. Amazing actress.
Austin and Belle v/s Alma, Harry and Ursula.
"Who's dying next" plot is coming. I told ya.
The Chemist and Denis are back and i'm into it.
Oh so now you want to stop? Dickhead!
That's the coach from Glee? DON'T HURT HER!
Doris please get out of the cementery and eat all those motherfuckers. Thank you.
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artmakerproductions · 3 years
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“The Borrowers” (#2) 
Been itching to give my own spin on the Borrowers story for a while. Now, how would I go about adapting the actual story? Same way Ray Harryhausen adapted Jules Vern's "Mysterious Island". By adding new dangers for the hero to face of course! As being so small in such a big world, almost anything and everything is out to get you. 
1) Out in the forest Arrietty would face the rattlesnake once again in a brief chase that’d be cut short as out of nowhere a massive yellow python would be the first to strike. Getting the rattler in a chokehold w/ his haws as it begins wrapping itself around the smaller snake as it starts squeezing the life out of the poor rattler (unable to bite the larger reptile in defence). All the while Arrietty is caught in the middle of the fight between the two serpents. Earlier it’d be established by a one-off character, a kid/teen perhaps, that their pet python is missing. 
2) Among the two pets in the household, the other being a dog, there lives a black cat.
3) Got a more cleaned up sketch of the pet cat now. Merely a few years old. This cat is relatively friendly and playful. Seeing her pursuit of Arrietty as a game. Though the borrower girl is unaware of this. Having had many run ins w/ the cat many times prior w/ equally as many close calls. Until one day she let her guard down and was caught by the feline who immediately brought to her owner, the boy, as a gift.
4) A quick conceptual sketch of Arrietty's parents. 
5) A concept sketch of the Borrower's home. It being a large vase. 
6) Having developed up the Borrower side of the story thus far, I go into detail on the human "bean" side of things. This is the Doris, the caretaker. A sly one she is. She's been around w/ the family she serves for the last several years. Embezzling money here and there and selling their valuables. Believing she's deserving of more. For now, she takes "care" of the boy who lives in the old house. He stems from a modestly wealthy background and is to inherite the family fortune once he's of proper age. His parents having died in a car crash, him being the only one who survived the ordeal. The boy suffers from a respiratory problems and is brought to the countryside to clear out his lungs from the polluted city air. Doris has taken full advantage of this and has been keeping him up in his room a majority of the time. After some digging she finds in the will that she may inherit the wealth if the boy were to unexpectedly perish before he is of age. Arrietty gets involved once she realizes the boy's life is in danger. Once Doris discovers about the existence of borrowers, that being Arrietty, and that she might spoil her plans she goes out of her way to dispose of the pests by any means necessary...
7) Now we’re entering sequel territory w/ my reimagining. Since I have a lot of ideas for scenes/sequences most would have to be sprinkled through the later instalments. This being among those ideas. One of the human "beans" they meet is a reclusive scientist who discovers them. At first, she's genuinely nice and offers food and shelter for Arrietty and her family, but soon it becomes prevalent that she's rather obsessive of her work and is rather... kooky, to put it lightly. That's around when they'd make their getaway via a borrower scaled hot air balloon. A chase ensues w/ the scientist lady (maybe Cecilia?) going after her family. Arrietty would end up going an alternate route through a park (the bridge being loosely based on the one in Beacon Hill Park over here) to lead Cecilia away while her parents make it to the balloon. Having essentially lost her mind and no longer caring for her research (as it was all erased as to keep the secrecy of borrowers as she planned to reveal it tot the scientific community; something that they told her many times prior to not do) she starts firing at them w/ a 2 barrel shotgun. Along the way she loses her glasses, but she presses on after them as to not fall behind. It ends w/ her chasing the young borrower up a tree (an arbutus tree to be exact; we have that here on the island) and right as she is about to snatch her she steps on a bad branch and falls, nearly taking out Arrietty w/ her had she not taken the daring leap to the balloon.  ... 
Be sure to reblog, and feedback is appreciated. 👍
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shiningsung · 3 years
what skz would be like in littlespace
warnings: none
summary: because all of stray kids — and I cannot stress this enough — are baby. thank you.
note: I wrote jeongin as specifically a caregiver bc he said he doesn’t like getting treated like a baby and I respect that!!
(already started this account and I’m bad at keeping up w/ things, I’m so sorry. also, thinks like this will always be under “read more”! please let me know if you’d want me to change that, thank you!)
Bang Chan
sweet baby!
likes to color a lot
probably owns quite a few stuffed animals, but only one pacifier
probably around 4 - 6 most of the time, but if he feels small enough it can drop to 2!
absolute cutie
but very shy ab it : (
probably thinks that he shouldn’t go into littlespace often bc he’s the leader
but everyone assures him that it’s okay, and that everyone loves baby channie!!
isn’t really sure what to do because he’s new to being a little, but he tries!
all around the sweetest baby and just wants to be treated like it : (
Lee Minho
although he’s really cute, looks can be deceiving!
he probably gets really bratty sometimes
spitting out pacis, food, etc.
because of how bratty he can be, he’s probably around 2 - 3 most of the time!
he’s probably only bratty when he’s sleepy though!
because of that, he needs a lot of naps!
after that, he’ll be the sweetest baby
he probably really likes stuffed animals, specifically cats!!
doesn’t like to show it but can be the biggest cuddle bug : (
also a very sweet baby!! very precious
Seo Changbin
so so so sweet!!
grabby hands!!
although he’s very well-built, he’s still a tiny boy!
loves to be picked up
hugs for days!!
will probably ask to play dress up or with his stuffed animals!
definitely has a problem with sucking on his fingers, so a paci is a definite
will need a lot of reassurance bc he has a lot muscle and probably thinks he isn’t baby material : (
although he definitely is!!
100% baby material
also, he will definitely cling to someone’s legs if he doesn’t want them to leave!!
the cutest baby!!
is probably 3 most of the time, but if he’s feeling big enough he can get up to 5!
would definitely love cartoons like Scooby Doo
while editing this, I remembered the skz talker episode where he was baby talking and 🥺
he probably babbles so much, such a cutie
Hwang Hyunjin
probably also not really used to being a little, but still very sweet!!
loves to be cuddled so much : (
loves bottles and sippy cups!!
really loves any kind of baby tupperware
also needs a lot of reassurance bc he thinks he’s too tall to be a baby : (
but he’s definitely not!!
loves head pats
probably loves animal headbands and stuffed animals!!
probably around 5 most of the time!!
wrapping him up in a blanket like a baby would definitely make him giggle so sweetly : (
very precious boy!!
Han Jisung
where do I even start with this boy?
definitely gets distracted by squirrels and likes to copy cats’ movements cause he thinks they’re cute
wiggles a lot in the cutest way possible
sippy cups, baby tupperware, pacis, overalls, onesies, cutely slurred words and pouts for days
out of all of them, I think he’s the one that can get the smallest!
he can probably go to 1 or even a few months old, although he probably stays at around 2 or 3
babbles a lot
tickling him would just be so : (
gives me paw patrol lover vibes honestly
would 100% bounce when he’s excited
loves being picked up and carried on someone’s hip
is extremely clingy
needs attention all of the time or he’ll get fussy
is probably very very sensitive, so everyone needs to be careful with him!!
if he had a favorite squishmallow, I think it would be Stacy the Squid!
she has social anxiety, so he probably gets comfort from the idea that she’s like him : (
when he’s fed he definitely likes the airplane method
also likes to be thrown into the air and giggles like crazy when he thinks he’s flying
probably has the biggest collection of baby toys out of all of them
all around just the cutest little thing to ever exist
Lee Felix
total cuddle bug!
doesn’t like to let go of anyone
100% has the most stuffed animals!!
like jisung, he is extremely clingy
probably will get a bit fussy when he’s hungry, but will never actually be bratty!!
a very good boy : (
likes to give so many kisses
tries to count his freckles constantly but forgets he can’t when he’s little and needs help!!
will definitely stomp cutely to get someone’s attention so they can help him count his freckles
absolutely adores his heart-shaped freckle and calls his freckles his own little galaxy of love (as he should!)
also can get really small!
the biggest he can ever get is most likely 3
also a big lover of sippy cups
such a sweet boy : ( he deserves all of the love in the world!!
Kim Seungmin
100% a puppy boy!!
loves being called puppy
would sit on his knees in front of a tv all day just to watch his favorite shows and someone would have to tell him to move so he doesn’t hurt his eyes : (
biggest puppy eyes ever!!
doesn’t really like pacis, but loves sippy cups!
someone get him a puppy headband rn
he would wear it all day and get fussy when told to take it off : (
demands attention 24/7
loves being held and bounced on someone’s lap
will probably try to jump on the bed but can’t cause he might hurt himself on accident : (
will pout when something’s taken away from him
probably will wake someone up to demand dino chicken nuggets at 3 a.m, baby plate in hand and puppy headband on
likes to do little dances to show his excitement
playing day6 for him would make him so happy : (
he would probably squeal
will probably sit on someone’s lap for hours with his head under their chin/on their chest, sippy cup in hand, watching his favorite baby show
is most likely one of the oldest with his most frequent age being 4, although his age can drop fast, especially when the poor baby’s stressed : (
all around such a cute and precious boy!!
Yang Jeongin
not a little himself cause he doesn’t like to be treated like a baby, but he does deserve to be in here!!
best caregiver 100%
knows how to take care of all of the boys despite all of them being older than him
the age thing never bothered him though, he loves all of them a lot and really doesn’t mind!
bounces all of them on his hip
has tea parties with lix : (
always does the airplane method when feeding jisung and melts when he hears his giggle!!
constantly reassures every member of everything they’re fearful of
before everyone gets up after a stressful day, he’ll make breakfast and put the baby toys and bring out baby plates just in case anyone’s feeling little that day : (
cares for all of them and caters to all of their needs
will make funny faces just to hear their sweet giggles!!
loves them so so much and wouldn’t have anything any other way
all around best caregiver ever!!
bonus: the babies favorite stuffed animals!
chan: a cute and little green dinosaur!
minho: like stated before, he loves cat plushies! so it’d definitely be a cat, and it might even look like one of his own (Soonie, Doongie or Dori)!
changbin: his is very obvious and adorable, Gyu!
hyunjin: probably a dog stuffed animal that reminds him of Kkami!
jisung: probably a squirrel stuffed animal like the ones given to him at fan meets!
felix: most likely every stuffed animal to every exist, but his absolute favorite may be a version of Ryan (Kakao Friends)!
seungmin: his dog stuffed animal, Daengmo!
I hope you liked this! please feel free to give me feedback and send in requests!
also, if I ever say something incorrect about littles or littlespace, please correct me! I am not personally a little and have only ever dated them so never feel shy about correcting me!
and, I’m currently working on a little fic that I might either make into continuous little stories, or a big one with different requests put into it!
please look at my first post if you have any questions about me or my content, or feel free to comment something!
thank you, I hope you enjoyed this, remember that you’re always loved and welcomed on my page and if you want to stay, I hope you enjoy my future content!
- Aria
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vicekings · 3 years
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June 13th, 1993: the Disappearance of John Edward Graves
Content Warnings: Alcohol Abuse, Child Abuse, Spousal Abuse, Violence, Attempted Strangulation, Murder.
Summary: On a stormy summer night, John Graves disappears.
Everyone in town knew that John Edward Graves was not a nice man. 
To call John mean would be an understatement. Everyone in town knew John was a cruel and vindictive drunkard with a hair-trigger temper, along with the strength to back that temper up. They saw his mountainous form lumber into town and instinctively stepped out of his way. People kept their heads down and their voices low. They were especially quiet when they found the courage to whisper out the rumours of how he treated his poor quiet wife. 
Everyone in town knew that John Graves was not a nice man, and no one knew it better than his poor quiet wife, Theodosia Walker. 
She’d fallen into the marriage when she was young and dumb and convinced that, even if the rumours about his rowdiness were true, she could most certainly fix him. After all, Theodosia could fix most anything she’d set her mind to fixing. She’d tend to him in the same way she tended to her pretty little garden: with care and love and plenty of singing. She’d read once that singing to plants was supposed to help them grow. She’d sung to her plants ever since. 
But singing to her husband, well, that had never really helped. As a result, Theodosia didn’t really sing much anymore. 
The simple truth of things was that there weren’t nothin’ in this world that could ever really fix a man like John Edward Graves, because he was the kind of fella that wasn’t willing to be fixed.
When John Graves went missing after the worst thunderstorm of the season, the other barflies assumed he’d never made it home. He’d been at Donovan’s Pub into the early hours of the night, only leaving when the owner forced him out. Any offer of a taxi ride made to him was thoroughly refused. John had climbed into his beat up old piece of shit of a truck and took off into the night, never once looking behind him. 
John’s truck was found on the side of the road the next morning. The sheriff had it towed on account of it obstructing traffic. Everyone assumed that John had gotten lost on his way home, what with how drunk he was when he left. He’d probably tried to take a short cut through the woods. He’d probably stumble his way out when he’d sobered up. 
After the mandatory 48 hours of waiting, Mrs Theodosia Walker-Graves went down to the station to file a missing person report. The sheriff bought his dogs out to the site where the truck had been found. From there, they followed the scent until it hit the brook that ran through the woods. The scent trail went cold in the water. The dogs couldn’t pick it up again after that. 
When the sheriff informed Mrs Theodosia that her husband had likely fallen into the brook in his drunken stupor, she tearfully accepted his condolences. They both knew well enough that the brook flowed down into the part of the woods where the bears made their dens. They’d be about as likely to find his body as they would a needle in a haystack. 
An empty casket was buried in a lonely plot at the old church, with the headstone bearing the words John Edward Graves, father & husband, 1955 - 1993. As far as the town knew, the storm and his own stupidity had gotten him. In some way, it really did. 
The truth of it was this:
That night, John’s truck had broken down on the road home, and he’d been forced to walk the rest of the way. He’d taken his shortcut through the woods, stumbled through the rushing brook, and made it safely to the other side. He’d come up to the house around 3 in the morning. He was drunk, angry, and soaking wet, and right when he stomped onto the front porch, the power went out. 
Dahlia’s screaming started immediately after. The girl, aged only 4, had been terrified of the dark for as long as she’d understood what the dark was. Her little nightlight died with the power, plunging her room into darkness. The following thunder boom woke her up. Fear seized upon her in an instant. 
She’d always screamed when the power went out, always cried and cried and cried until her mama came to calm her down. On that night, her daddy got there first. It was unfortunate for her that her daddy was who he was. 
John Edward Graves was not a man you could show weakness around. 
He had little Dolly by the collar of her nightshirt when Theodosia burst in, pulling her roaring husband off her wailing daughter. Even in the dark of the room, Theodosia could see the way the handprint burned red against her daughter’s pale cheek. She turned on John with all of the rage of a mama bear, and sharply demanded to know what the fuck he did to her girl. 
What John said in that moment was lost to history. It was remembered only in the mind of Theodosia, who still felt fury burn through her like a hot knife through butter when she thought back on it years later. Little Dolly was too young to truly understand what was going on, and her siblings were quite accustomed to blocking their father’s voice out, but Theodosia held on to every word. 
The ensuing fight travelled down the stairs and onto the porch. Most fights ended with John storming off to his truck to get drunk, leaving Theodosia crying silently out front. On that night, however, John was already drunk, and Theodosia was already crying, and the screaming only escalated. 
Theodosia was almost certain she was going to die. 
Somewhere between claps of thunder, John had gotten his hands around her throat. He’d shoved her hard against one of the porch’s oak posts. With each breath she tried to take, the pressure on her windpipe only increased. She struggled and kicked as hard as she could in a desperate attempt to break free. The lightning flashed, John’s grip tightened, and Theodosia was certain she was going to die. 
In the next clap of thunder, Theodosia found herself falling to her knees. Air rushed into her wheezing lungs, knocking her back. She struggled to adjust to her sudden drop. How in the hell had she gotten free?
The answer to her unspoken question came in the form of her son in her peripheral vision. His daddy’s shotgun was held tight in his shaking hands, aimed squarely at his daddy’s chest. John was clutching at his side and howling at her boy like a wounded beast. 
Every name in the book was thrown at the boy with a shotgun in his hands and fear in his eyes. Jack Douglas, JD, her little Dougey, had taken the gun from its mount above the fireplace and blasted his daddy off of his mama. That should have been it. 
That should have been it, but John was still moving. 
With one arm tight to his side, John lunged for JD. When his fist met JD’s face, Theodosia ran. Every instinct screamed for her to turn back and protect her boy. She ignored the urge, instead lunging for the wood chopping block. It was there that she found the hatchet. 
It was old, it was heavy, and it was wickedly sharp. The very hatchet that she’d brought with her from her family’s farm when the newlyweds first moved into their home now brought an end to that marital bliss. As John wrestled JD for the shotgun, Theodosia came up behind him and buried the hatchet in the back of his skull. 
The first strike brought John to his knees, but it did not kill him. The second, when Theodosia managed to wrench the hatchet from his skull and strike him with it again, also did not kill him. Whether or not the third killed him didn’t truly matter. It was far from the final blow. 
Strikes rained down on John’s body, as fast and hard as the pouring rain. Thirteen years of anger and pain rushed from Theodosia. Thirteen years of putting up with the drunk piece of shit she once thought she could fix. Thirteen fucking years, washed away in a stream of blood and rain. It seemed poetic, in retrospect, that JD stopped her on the thirteenth strike. 
“He’s dead, Mama.” JD whispered, coming to kneel next to her in the mud. 
Slowly, gently, he pulled the hatchet from her hands and set it aside. Slowly, gently, he pulled her into a hug. Theodosia buried her face against JD’s shoulder and cried the last of her tears. 
“We’ve gotta bury him.” JD murmured. 
Theodosia pulled away, wiping her eyes on the back of her fist and nodding. “Go make sure your sisters are okay, baby. I’ll handle him.” 
She could almost smile at that. How many times had she spoken that phrase in the last decade? 
“Dory’s got Dolly, they’ll be fine. I ain’t letting you do this alone.” JD replied, taking her hand and squeezing it in his. 
At 13 years old, JD had not yet grown into the strength he would someday come to know. It took a great deal of effort for him to drag the corpse of his father onto the wheelbarrow, and greater effort still to push it into the woods. His mother followed close behind him with two shovels in hand. When they found the best spot possible, she handed the second shovel to her boy and together they started digging. 
Theodosia couldn’t tell you how long they were out there for. Though both were exhausted, neither was willing to take any sort of break. They dug with the same fervour of the first miners in the mountains, pushing and pushing and pushing until the earth threatened to swallow them whole. 
When the grave was finally fully dug, they unceremoniously dumped the body into it. No prayers were said for John Edward. No real tears were shed. They simply started pushing the dirt back into the ground and buried the man who didn’t deserve any further amount of care with regards to his death. When the last mound was patted down, Theodosia dropped to her knees and pressed her palms against the earth.
“Dougey, baby, I need your help.” She murmured, though she didn’t need to. 
JD crouched beside her, placing his hand at the small of her back and letting his energy flow to her. Theodosia’s gifts reached out, drawing seeds to the freshly dug dirt. The grass rose up beneath her fingers, filling back in to match the rest around it. When she pulled away, it was as though the ground had not been disturbed at all. 
“It’s done.” JD whispered. 
“It’s done.” Theodosia echoed. 
By the time they walked home, the blood in the dirt had washed to the bottom of the gathering puddles. The only evidence of the gruesome scene from before was the bloody hatchet and abandoned shotgun, which they collected and brought into the house. The shotgun was returned to its mount above the fireplace, the hatchet was washed and brought back outside, and the exhaustion was finally allowed by the Walkers to set in. 
Before they could return to bed, Theodosia cracked open the pantry and retrieved what was once John Graves’ good whiskey. She poured two small glasses, sliding on across the table and keeping one for herself. 
“You sure, Mama?” JD asked hesitantly. 
Theodosia nodded. “You’re gonna want it, darlin’. It’ll help you go back to sleep. Besides, it ain’t like your daddy can call it his anymore.” 
She raised her glass, clinking it against his. The two didn’t toast to anything in particular. They drank it down quickly before setting the glasses aside and letting themselves breathe. 
“I’m proud of you, baby.” Theodosia whispered, letting her eyes fall shut. 
She felt JD’s hand come to rest over one of hers. “I couldn’t let him hurt you. Not anymore.” 
Theodosia smiled, in spite of everything that had gone down on that night. When she opened her eyes, JD was smiling back at her. 
“Let’s go make sure your sisters are okay.”
“Sure thing, Mama.” 
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true-autistic-tales · 2 years
so ranking stuff seems to be becoming more popular and because my hyperfixation on this amazing show is very slowly dying i wanted to send it off by ranking and reviewing all the seasons and episodes, the way im gonna do this is to review every half a season once every 3 days or so just so i can get some rest and that yall won't get completely spammed with this. of course since a lot of my fictional others are in this show im going to be biased but ill try my best not to be, emphasis on try. but before we start i just want to mention the box art for the middle, i just think they're very neat and the first two seasons have a reversible case which i love, the season 1 reversible box art even has bob on it with the hecks which only proves my point that he was going to be a main character but got extremely underutilized. enough gabbin, anyway onto half of season 1 under da cut.
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very creative title, i know but for a pilot episode, it still holds up. of course, a lot of things are different from the rest of the series like the hecks having a different house and the music cues and just the music in general having a somewhat different vibe that i can't really describe, actually the whole episode has a somewhat different vibe from the rest of the series, like they put a brownish filter over everything, it's still a good vibe, just different. i love how straightforward mike is, how frankie befriends this girl for a bit just for her to leave frankie in the middle of nowhere and how they somewhat forshadow stuff for future episodes. all around, it's a good episode.
the cheerleader
i completely forgot that this was the episode where they sold their soul to frugal hoosier, i thought they always went their. anyway i love how axl moves in this episode, he moves like a cartoon character, it's amazing. this episode is really funny, a lot of iconic moments are from this episode, the jellybean car, sue trying on glasses, ehlert ranting, "no payments until 2009!", it's a great episode that i enjoy a lot, top of the list so far.
the floating anniversary
doris the dog suffers from secondhand smoking and sue tries to get attention from a cute boy at school while frankie gets stressed, that's the plot really. i love whenever one of the hecks leaves bob with something they always come back to him causing a fire. i also love how they referenced the previous episode by having ehlert notice bob's house plant on his desk and him ranting again, i don't know if it was even a reference of not but i love stuff like that, it rewards the viewer for watching. also just the ending is very sweet, bob has his own family for a bit and he info dumps all of them with a wife swap episode. i love this episode so ill put it below the cheerleader.
the trip
the kids forgetting sue's name while singing happy birthday to her and the "jesus wore sandals" from axl is probably a lot more funny to me than it should have been. sue did really deserve that trip which makes the reveal of frankie not mailing her thing even more shitty but at least frankie makes up for it cause she's so genuinely upset with herself and lets sue yell at her and doesn't yell back, she's actually happy sue is angry with her because sue finally finds her voice. also brick having to deal with olive is kinda how i feel about irl relationships. putting this below the floating anniversary.
"i only got two thoughts in my head, driving and sex. oh, grades. i mean, driving and grades."
the block party
i just realized how kinda depressed axl seems in season 1 like everything to him is lame and he seems to be never in the mood or at least his tone is very monotone. anyway, frankie is jelly that axl gave his old jersey to sophie instead of her but axl makes up for it by giving it to sue cause he felt bad for her not making ball girl and it's very sweet. again a very sweet ending, mike allowing himself to lose the lawn mower race just so he can take brick to a book signing. putting this below pilot.
the front door
ehlert threatens his employees with having to wear a fursuit outside if they don't make a sale by the end of the week so frankie and bob team up as good cop and good cop while axl destroys the front door with facts and logic. speaking of axl, just watching him being a smartass is so enjoyable and i feel a bit bad for laughing but all of sue's photos are absolute masterpieces. ill put this over the trip.
the scratch
ehlert wants to air an old commercial for ehlert motors but it's racist so bob tries to write a new one for him while the hecks panic about trash day causing brick to accidentally get hit by a beer bottle thrown by frankie which makes it look like he's been intentionally hit. i love how axl jokes around and just asks questions about how cool forster families are, he's such a little shit, i love it. im puttin this over the front door.
"in my old commercial i was beautiful, bob! what'd you do to me?"
and right after being asked, bob just runs away.
after feeling unappreciated and stressed frankie cancels thanksgiving for the hecks, and bob also. this is the episode to introduce the canon homosexual himself, brad bottig and he's such a delight. i love how mike and frankie realize brad is definitely not into girls quicker than when brad realized. i really really enjoy the corn maze part with axl and brick and that creepy ghost dude, it shows us that axl actually cares about brick and id like to think that creepy ghost dude is axl's and sue's anxiety of losing brick, since he makes another appearance in a different episode. i always enjoy myself when i rewatch this episode so ill put it over the scratch.
"please help me find my brother. he's lost and im so scared."
"um, what's he wearing?"
"uh, he's got, like, a green jacket and a yellow hat, and- oh, my god, he's dressed like corn!"
i remember watching this episode when i was much younger and getting really annoyed when it showed axl, sue and brick watching the same shit on different tvs right in front of frankie. the realization on mike's face when he figures out aunt edie is starting to lose it and him genuinely thinking aunt edie had died at work is priceless. i love how axl, sue and brick start bonding as soon as it becomes kids vs adults when playing whatever sport they were playing, i dunno, im not a sport dude. again a nice, sweet and funny ending that i feel like almost everyone can relate to, laughing at something stupid their parent did. putting this over the trip.
brick becomes an atheist while everyone tries to convince him otherwise- wait wrong christmas episode. mike tries to handle christmas after shit talking how frankie does it but of course fails right at the end. bob crying to himself in choir because of how lonely he is, is so depressing, i feel so bad for him. brick making the mall santa depressed is so hilarious, the way he looks at brick, he looks like he's going cry. the hecks literally almost die twice in a row and that somehow makes brick not worry about death. the end with sue crying because she found brad with another boy smoking is really funny cuz get it? in some countries cigarettes are called fag- putting this over siblings
"my friends came by, called me a seaman."
the jeans
brick tries to look after doris while sue goes through her mood swings, brick constantly forgetting about doris only to get a "ohh" and him walking out of frame is hilarious. i absolutely love it when mike mimics axl, he can be so sassy sometimes, and him buying axl's car for less money than sue's jeans is also funny. also doris gives birth offscreen in this episode, then we literally never see her puppies again which im pretty sure the the sole purpose was because the actors just wanted to play with puppies for a bit. ill be putting this below pilot.
the neighbor
the episode where they introduced the glossners, frankie is so sexually intimidated by rita, she's her bisexual awakening. i love how sue and carly start dance fighting with two of the glossners, who just stand there, push them over and take her boombox. i adore brick just wanting to hang out with axl, they're both very cute, even if the whole reason why axl is spending time with brick is just so brick will do his homework for him. ill put this over the trip.
the ranking so far
so far this is a great season, even just the "low points" are still really good and always make me laugh and smile which it was why it was so difficult to rank and choose which ones i preferred but i tried my best with this..
12. the block party
11. the jeans
10. pilot
9. the trip
8. the neighbor
7. siblings
6. christmas
5. the front door
4. the scratch
3. thanksgiving
2. the floating anniversary
1. the cheerleader
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The Pedro character meet-cutes that absolutely no-one asked for
AN: Just so y'all're aware, I haven't written anything for fandom in literally YEARS, and I'm blaming this cute S.O.B. named Pedro that we've collectively fallen in love with. This is the start of a series of headcanon lists, since I don't have all the characters that I want to write for fully realized yet, but here's Agent Whiskey to kick it off.
Meeting Whiskey at the Dog Park
Warnings: G/N reader from the Southeastern USA, dogs, fluff, Agent Whiskey deserves his own warning
- It had been a while since Jack had been able to walk by the dog park near his New York apartment. The bit of green space, filled with happy pups, had always reminded him a bit of Kentucky, of home.
- He could hear the happy yelps of dogs playing before the park came into view, and he felt a smile spread across his face. He wasn't home enough to care for a dog (not to mention longer missions that took him away for weeks, or even months at a time), but he loved them so much that he made visits to the park a part of his normal routine. He knew most of the regulars by the voices of their dogs, and the rest he knew by sight.
- But today there was a newcomer. Not that he saw the owner first.
- Normally, all the dogs stayed within the fence and everything was hunky-dory, but not today. Jack didn't even have time to brace himself before he was taken to the ground by what had to be 70 pounds of some kind of hound (bluetick? Maybe? he wasn't sure, but God she sure was a pretty dog), and nearly licked to death.
- "LULU! NO! Bad girl!"
- The excitable pup was yanked off, only to reveal You, her owner.
- (The owner's even prettier than the dog!)
- "Oh my God, I am so sorry!" You apologized in a bit of a panic. People don't take kindly to the Slobber Offensive, especially in New York. Back home in Appalachia, maybe, but here? "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? She's very friendly, I promise, she just loves making friends..."
- "Make it up? Darlin', if you wanna make it up, you can let me buy you a coffee and we'll call it square. Deal?"
- You stare at him for a moment, in shock. Not only did his voice just drip with the sounds of home, of farm country and coon hunting with your cousins, but was he....flirting?
- "....Make it something stronger, and you've got a deal, cowboy."
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notsosilentsister · 2 years
When I was in highschool, the clique I was in ousted the wannabe-queenbee - she was pretty, smart, charismatic and energetic, but too ego-centric, treating us all more like minions rather than friends and had a nasty habit of putting others down to elevate herself, trying to sell it as "affectionate teasing"... she quickly discovered that I was the easiest target; she really made me quite miserable for a couple of months. I put up with too much shit because I liked the other girls and was afraid of losing them - of course I was nothing but relieved, when we collectively decided that enough was enough and just cut her off.
Years later, she apologized to me, because she wanted to be on our team for the final thesis project. I said "Thank you for your apology. I wish you the best for your future endeavours. Still don't want you on the team though." The others didn't want her on the team either and for a while, everything was hunky-dory. But that year before graduation came with a lot of stress, and I handled it ..... badly, let's put it like that. I kinda lost my mind for a bit and turned into the team-member from hell. (Talk about "too focused on academic validation"...) One friend's parents got divorced, another friend's mum had a health scare, and I was terrorizing everyone about that stupid final project. They didn't talk to me for the rest of the term. I tried to apologize, but they wanted nothing to do me with me anyway. I suffered like a dog. One of the worst years of my life. I was also keenly aware how much my ousted-queenbee-exfriend, who got to witness all this, must have been enjoying my fall from grace. I didn't want her on the team, and now I was the team member everyone hated, my apologies just as futile as hers. What delicious karma! Weirdly, even then, I couldn't begrudge her the satisfaction. I guess I always had a certain appreciation for poetic justice, even when I'm the victim of it. It was generally a very humbling experience and I just felt it served me right. And I like to think I learned a lot from it. My friends from high school eventually forgave me - sheer grace, nothing I did to deserve it - but it was a rocky road and took quite a while. I'm now a decent team member; people often ask me to be on their team and usually want to work with me again. My high school friends all invited me to their weddings. Now I might see some of them only once or twice every two years, but we're still in touch, after all these years. One of them also became a teacher, and we're talking weekly. We're often working together and are actually a good team now! We haven't talked about our ex-friend in years. We obviously had enough of our own drama in the meantime. If I met the ex-friend now, running into her on the street, I would stop and greet her and do a bit of catching up. I assume that she grew and changed just as I did and is now a perfectly agreeable person to spend time with. Most people are a bit of a disaster when they're young and going through it, and most people grow out of it. Still, I have zero interest in reconnecting beyond small talk and I also never regretted cutting her off and not giving her a second chance. I learned a lot about setting boundaries then and it was very important for my personal development to free myself of her. But I also absolutely meant it, when I wished her the best for her future endeavours.
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
AIB cast,Random Conversations #7
Fanta: *playing with Misao*
Misao: *playing with Fanta*
Tao in her Usagi costume: *gasp* Misao!,don't play with the psycho's dog! *grabs Misao*
Dori in his Niragi costume: hey!,look what you did!..Fanta is sad now that he doesn't have a friend! :(
Tao: what if your dog harasses my dog like you almost harassed me!?
Dori: women oh my god we were shooting a series..and I spayed him okay don't get your hopes up!
Shuntaro in his last boss costume holding merry: so..does that mean Merry can play with Misao-
Tao: NO!
Dori holding Fanta: YES! GRAB THE DOG'S QUICK-
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