#Dividing up my energy more evenly
fwoopersongs · 9 months
Thoughts on 【长喑 】Part 1/3
This is a response to the lovely @fateandloveentwined’s translation of the Xiao Jingyan fansong 长喑: LONG DARKNESS — CHÁNG ÀN 长喑 TRANSLATION
Fate, thank goodness you so sensibly divided this song into four eight parts (no idea why I thought it was four lolol). It helps to not have it too spread out, because there is always this temptation to ramble about every single detail, isn’t there? xD This way it’s easier to focus on the bigger picture.
// I’m splitting this in three to spread out my writing energy evenly. But also it’s okay right? We’re probably the only ones Like This about this song anyway HAHAAH.
About the title, I wonder if 长喑 can be read as a loud ringing war cry, or else the voice of a singing sword. 喑 is fairly frequently used for sobs, but I have also seen it as the scream of war horses (possibly one of Li Bai’s? I can’t find it again though and am too lazy for a more thorough search haha). Which ties in well with the themes and imagery of war, sorrow for the wronged, fighting back with everything you have, and firmly carrying on in spite of loss.
长剑出鞘冷锋芒 十三载意难忘 缓歌曼舞九重宫 朔风黄沙麾旗扬 手足血脉埋青冢 挚友良弓唯锈藏 岂能折腰屈膝没忠良
Xiao Jingyan being represented as the sheathed sword, that comes out undulled and deadly!!!!! It's such a vibe that I can hear the ringing. Through the past 13 years, that emotion and those feelings haven't been forgotten.
Love that you mention the context of that line from 长恨歌 being carefree and blissful early days! These melodies and dances in '九重宫' elevates the setting to such metaphorical heights. Just putting 九重 in there gives it a majestic, magnificent feeling. The highest peak, the noble palace, their idyllic days of youth, gone in bitterly cold winds blowing on battlefields.
The imagery in 朔风黄沙麾旗扬 | north wind / yellow sands / ensigns billowing, are such common representations for war. (An example from one of Li Shimin's more famous poems recounting the horror and tragedy of war, goes 寒沙连骑迹 朔吹断边声 | across cold sands, the cavalry’s trail; the north gale cuts off sound at the frontier, and afterwards, beginning to describe the victory 扬麾氛雾静 纪石功名立 | billowing standard, hazy fog, they quiet; steles bearing their merits and honors, are erected).
Just. That contrast is SO good!
THIS ‘brothers-in-arms and brothers in blood’ FOR 手足血脉 !!!!!!!!!!
Also, veryyyyy nice rhythm and rhyme in your translation on the third line. The ring of ‘long covered in grass’ versus ‘left only to rust’ is so lovely...
I wonder if the use of 青冢 - the verdant tomb - is deliberate - given previous imagery of the harsh northern winds and the sands. How eye catching, their burial mound rising above. Another imagery-metaphor handshake maybe?
And I couldn’t help but be drawn to the contrast 冷锋芒 cold-razor sharpness of the sword, and 唯锈藏 the rust on the bow, put away to gather dust. (Time to step up and reveal your talent and virtue Xiao Jingyan, for your friend and brother who was murdered, because he outlived his use and became an imagined threat… Yes, I went there with the puns. :P)
Were you thinking of 埋没 as in bury for 没忠良? I kind of read it as both having the loyal, true and good killed, but also forcing those left to bend their knee and submit, suppressing themselves. Can’t think of any way to express both layers, but burying them is definitely more in keeping with the theme of these two verses.
挑灯不眠千军帐 逐千里护家邦 玉壶冰心铁骨铮 扬眉冷看覆风浪 当时少年且横枪 凝尽碧血守四方 守国土河山定国安邦
The first line makes me so soft. So so so soft. In it, I see the fiery passion of Xin Qiji’s 破阵子:
醉里挑灯看剑 梦回吹角连营 Drunkenly, lifted a lamp to gaze upon the sword - dreamed back of when horns were blown throughout the army’s sprawling camp, 八百里分麾下炙 五十弦翻塞外声 meat and wine sent out to the men, singing strings and music played loud, here at the frontier: 沙场秋点兵 The battlefield in Autumn, a mustering of the troops.
I see a quiet, unyielding spirit and infinite care in Lu You’s 病起书怀:
病骨支离纱帽宽 孤臣万里客江干 Ailing bones so gaunt, the gauze hat grows loose; a lone official travels far, a guest by this river. 位卑未敢忘忧国 事定犹须待阖棺 In lowly post, daring not to forget concern for the country; even matters decided must be waited out to their ends. 天地神灵扶庙社 京华父老望和銮 Heaven and Earth, Gods and Deities, help our devout state; all the People hope for the war chariots’ ring. 出师一表通今古 夜半挑灯更细看 Northern Expeditions, the Memorial applies in times ancient, present; the night half-past, I lift a lamp, reading closely.
And you know, maybe the use of 家邦 is to maintain that ending -ang sound with 浪 | làng and 方 | fāng, but it just feels so much homier than 家国 somehow. Do you get that feeling?
挑灯不眠千军帐 逐千里护家邦 feels like someone who is so sincere. Leaders who care, people who care. We can see it in their actions.
In the next line, again with the contrasts - but this time so inspiring???? 玉壶冰心铁骨铮 An unchanging, pure heart cold and clear and untainted as ice. It sounds so sincere but somehow fragile. But no fear! He also has a spine of steel - 铮 like the sound of weapons ready to clash in battle.
OMG 扬眉冷看覆风浪 ‘head high, brows lifted, he coolly looks to the tempestuous, overturning storms’ THIS IS SO JINGYAN I LOVE IT. Just these two lines. It hurts that he is so disappointed. That it sometimes must feel like the corruption is everywhere, and the good must submit and hide or else be eventually ousted. It must taste like ashes… There is a fic I really like that asked in the narration, is there value in 风骨 / conviction? And Xiao Jingyan’s answer is: there is. And that’s just so very him.
I’ll indulge myself for the next bit and just say, I feel like the hint of 赤血长殷 Loyal Blood Runs Forever, the Mei Changsu character song (FAV!!!!) is stronger in this part. Things like: 
且横枪 vs 横长枪 换却离愁 ‘still danced their spears’ vs ‘parting woe traded for leveled spears’
凝尽碧血守四方 vs 倾余生风骨同守 ‘blood of the honourable, thoroughly consecrated, defends the four corners of their homeland’ vs ‘pouring the remainder of our lives and strength into protecting together’
守国土河山定国安邦 vs 守我山河家国依旧 ‘guarding rivers and hills to secure peace of the kingdom’s earth’ vs ‘guarding my kingdom, my home, as before’
They really are very similar people in some ways.
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Attrition
Thing I figured out about Warhammer: Total War III? That’s one for a day when I have literally nothing else to do. Definitely not for before-bed play. It’s definitely interesting from a tactical perspective, at least from what I could tell from the story campaign prologue thing (what little I played of it last night), but hooooboy do the combats take awhile. Kind of fun to watch once all the tactics are set up, but still. I think I’ll stick with things that are a little less ... epically large on work days.
On the subject of work days - Temp can go straight to hell. I did two fifteen-minute long monstrosities and about a dozen five-minute long messes today, and yet she still tries to just leave the seven- and eight-minute bits of dictation for me (or someone else, I guess, but given I’m the only other dedicated typist, it’s usually me) to get done. Well, tough luck on you, Temp; I remembered from yesterday about checking the length of my various dictations, and timed my day’s end so that your “Let’s just leave it sitting here and take advantage of [Thess’] tendency to actually take things in date order like we’re fucking supposed to” wasn’t going to pan out for you this time. If I can do the fifteen-minute monstrosities, you can break your apparent personal rule about not doing anything longer than three minutes unless forced. Or maybe not, because I guess I forced the issue. Or rather, common fucking sense did. It wasn’t a great pain day and I refused to push any harder than I already did to do the shit she doesn’t want to do.
I swear, I’m going to start keeping a collection of screenshots of exactly what the typing queue looks like after she’s done her little cherry-picking routine and send them to Scruffman to underline what she’s doing. The most I do in terms of taking things out of date order is, “Oh, there’s a few urgent reports; they’re short and there’s a lot of long ones here, so I’ll just nab those as well as the long bullshit so I can bash them out real quick and get them out of the way”. That or, “It’s nearly the end of my workday and I don’t have time to do the long-ass nightmares that Temp has left for me but there are a few urgents, so I’ll do those with my last ten minutes”.
I swear, it’s a war of attrition at this point. She keeps just doing whatever the hell she wants like she hopes I’ll just cave and go, “Oh, fine, since she really doesn’t want to do those, I guess I’ll have to”. While I admit I occasionally have the urge because this is just getting frustrating and stressful, mostly what she’s doing is giving me access to my spite-related energy reserves in the cause of thwarting her. I will do my share of the tough ones, obviously. They’re part of the job. And honestly, if she just came to me and said, “I really struggle with this one individual; can we work something out about this?”, we could figure something out so that the workload was divided more evenly in terms of the long annoying cases. But it isn’t that. I’ve asked twice. It’s just, “Oh, I don’t feel like I’m being productive if I’m not doing a whole lot of reports”. Which ... bitch, please. That’s her saying, “I don’t care if you look unproductive because you’re doing so few reports compared to me; as long as it’s not me looking unproductive or being inconvenienced in any way”.
I mean, seriously. I have tried everything. I’ve talked to her, I’ve given her my macros to make the long ones easier for her, everything. But she still avoids anything longer than three minutes like the plague and it’s Riverdancing on my last fucking nerve. And while I’ve talked to Scruffman about it, and he does believe me, I still feel like showing him proof in the form of screenshots when she’s really taking the piss would be beneficial. I want her to know that while I’m happy to take my share of the long and difficult cases, I won’t have them all dumped on me. The long and complicated ones are fucking painful for me. Literally. At least the shorter ones give me microbreaks; I can’t stop for a minute in the middle of a fifteen-minute long mastectomy report, especially not when it’s being dictated by someone who insists on dictating things out of order, makes corrections at the end of the report for something he said ten minutes ago, and sometimes gets careless and forgets whole sections of block key.
Sorry. It’s been a hard day and I’m frustrated and sore. Still, it’s a pretty day and I was able to have the windows open to let in the fresh spring air (albeit laden with pollen; everyone’s allergies have gone nuts this year, and mine are no exception), and my plants are flourishing. Later there will be leftover risotto, and there will be video games. Just ... not the really long drawn-out one.
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sheabutterskyes · 2 years
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The Mask of White Waters
LXIV | Black Horns | Part 2/2
Part 1 -here-
 Caia shied away from Lueth’s advances – calmly stepping backwards until Lueth had suddenly lunged forwards, grabbing Caia and drawing blood with their sharp nails.
Isla released a shaky breath, hoping that Lueth wouldn’t commit to anything more serious than that.
“I feel it,” Lueth said sharply. “Your concern for her safety right now. But the truth is that your concern is not all too deep. If you truly cared for her, you would have listened to her. You would be at her side, not me.”
Lueth released Caia and looked back to her, “Do you have any words?”
Isla didn’t look at Caia as she answered.
“No. We both know my words have been disregarded.”
Lueth’s eyes flashed as they shook their head, turning back to face Caia.
“Disregarded,” they repeated evenly. “How does it feel, hearing that? After all, isn’t that what you did to Kenelm?”
The energy in the air shifted so abruptly - so harshly, that Isla backed away, flinching when Lueth continued on, speaking slowly and lowly, towering over Caia.
“You disregarded him, and even then, he ran right to the point of no return for you.” Lueth pointed a finger at Isla, “Why would you do that again?”
Those words were exactly what it took to push Caia over the edge.
The two moved fast – the force of each missed strike lingering in the air as Isla turned to race for the grove of trees.
She needed to ensure the outcome of this encounter wasn’t another disaster.
Not far behind, a tree splintered and cracked as she placed an open palm against a marked tree.
A soft breeze collided with the sweat on her skin, and as she allowed herself to shiver, she found herself unable to stop as she heard an animalistic growl and felt the earth beneath her feet reverberate from a heavy sounding crash.
A sudden rush of movement came as a blur from her left side, and the two warriors crashed into a tree not far from the one she leaned on.
Almost as soon as she had focused her eyes on the warriors, they disappeared from her sight.
Isla took a deep breath – only to have it catch in her throat as two pale, bloody, hands were reaching around either side of her body, bracing against the tree. An icy coldness crept into her clothes from the being behind her, exasperating her shivering.
“Well done. We got them,” Lueth’s voice said lowly, not far from her ear.
They pushed off the tree, and moved away from her.
Isla removed her hand from the tree, turning and seeing that the Lueth had sunk to the ground, dark blood spreading across their body as they folded over themselves in silent pain.
She looked past them to Caia, who was maskless, staring outward in disbelief.
“You know,” Lueth grunted, “that strike would have killed her. That blind rage of yours is dangerous.”
Caia exhaled sharply and took a step back. A soft sound came from their partially opened mouth, their white eyes glancing anywhere but Isla.
There was something mixed in with her fear and anxiety that wasn’t relief, but something closer to contempt. 
She wondered if the warrior’s could sense it.
There was movement from the corner of her vision, and Isla held up a surprisingly steady hand.
It was then that Caia took notice of the glow upon their own hand... and then on the tree that Isla had been touching. Their eyes widened in disbelief for a moment, before they seemed to shrink back in defeat.
She felt a pang of remorse as the warden of the Jade Valley, and the warden of the Amber Divide approached the unseen circle of magic they had created to trap Caia within.
“Are you going to be alright?” She asked Lueth.
They nodded, speaking between labored breathes, “Yes. Go on.”
She hesitated, wanting to offer them something. Perhaps let them know that she genuinely trusted them to keep their word. Apologize that they had been injured protecting her though they hadn’t agreed to do so. Thank them.
But there was something about Lueth that made her decide they wouldn’t care for whatever words she had to offer, and she turned away.
TG --> @arali-l-wolffe​
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madanpadhan123 · 1 year
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23 Tips for Weight Loss That Actually Work
1. Eat Slowly
"I have my clients figure out how to pick food sources they like, genuinely taste every piece going into their mouths, and bite purposely. I encourage them to bite gradually, swallow just when the food is completely bitten up, and rehash.
It requires investment to realize we're full. Eating gradually not just permits us to partake in our food all the more yet gives us better prompts of satiety." — *Janet Zinn**, an authorized clinical social specialist and psychotherapist in confidential practice in New York City*
2. Enjoy the Food You Eat
"So frequently we're determined what to eat, and afterward when we could do without that particular food, we're less able to make long haul solid propensities. Attempt new leafy foods. Figure out how to plan new dishes that give assortment and flavor.
Add spices and flavors to lift flavor. Or on the other hand on the off chance that you like, appreciate the pleasantness of products of the soil profundity of crude and steamed vegetables. There's no great explanation that your relationship with food can't be pleasurable." — *Zinn*
3. Keep a Daily Gratitude Journal
"Our dietary patterns are here and there associated with our feelings, regardless of whether we understand it. At the point when we're anxious, we might utilize food to assist adapt to the pressure.
I work with clients on keeping a day to day diary of things they're appreciative for — or even a diary to write in when focused — so that they're more ready to adapt to the pressure by recognizing it and using different devices, as opposed to going after food as a survival strategy." — *Lauren Manganiello, RDN**, a yoga educator on Lengthy Island, New York*
4. Batch Cook and Prep
"Each Sunday I group cook sufficient chicken for the week. I cut off the fat, prepare it with preparing, measure 3.5 ounces, and put that much into a holder with a few mustard and frozen veggies, so I can snatch one every day to bring to work.
I likewise get some margin to evenly divide in individual holders ¼ cup of moved oats, 1 tablespoon every one of regular peanut butter and ground flax, and a squeeze every one of protein powder and cinnamon to improve. So when I'm a zombie in the first part of the day, I should simply add water and microwave!" * — **Kyra Williams**, a fitness coach in Boston*
5. Don’t Forget the Weights
"Ensure you are lifting loads a few times each week. Utilizing moderate to significant burdens — three or four arrangements of 10 to 15 reps with loads that challenge you — assists increment your muscle with massing. At the point when you have more muscle on your body, the food you eat is bound to be used as fuel, as opposed to be put away as fat." — *Williams*
6. Get Enough Z’s
"An absence of rest builds your craving chemical, ghrelin, and diminishes your fulfillment chemical, leptin, which can add to weight gain. At the point when we are sleepless, we ache for additional pungent and sweet food varieties. Why? Since whenever you feel more powerful yearning, your desires for higher energy — otherwise known as more unhealthy — food sources escalate. We likewise realize that the manner in which we think and cycle our feelings is impacted by deficient rest, so it's not difficult to associate this with a hindered capacity to use wise judgment in numerous everyday issues, incorporating with food.
On the off chance that we flip the coin, we can securely accept that when we are all around rested, we will go with better decisions. With regards to eating, that would imply that we would eat when we are genuinely ravenous and eat just until fulfilled. Our chemicals are likewise going to be better adjusted in light of the fact that our bodies got the time expected to rest, fix, and revive." — *Angela Lemond, an enlisted dietitian nutritionist in confidential practice in Texas*
7. Don’t Skip Meals
"Keep in mind, our body's definitive objective is to remain alive. When we are being kept from calories, which are in a real sense the existence energy for our bodies, it will get things done to get by. Our body understands what food varieties are higher in energy thickness, and we will ache for those more. Honor your yearning and don't permit your body to believe it's being famished. This conflicts with large numbers of the slimming down strategies, however those strategies genuinely don't function admirably for individuals in the long haul. I for the most part suggest eating like clockwork." — *Lemond*
8. Stay Hydrated
“Research has found that people who drank two glasses of water before a meal lost more weight than people who didn’t drink water before meals — and they kept it off. This simple tip works in two ways. Thirst can mask itself as hunger, causing you to eat more. And water makes you feel fuller, causing you to eat less during a meal.” — Megan Casper RDN, a nutrition counselor and the founder and CEO of Nourished Bite
>> Lose Weight Using Keto
9. Cut Calories, Not Flavor
“By choosing options such as sharp cheddar over mild cheddar, you can use less, but you’ll still get a lot of flavor without feeling like you're on a diet.” — Casper
10. Weigh Yourself Once a Week
“Same day, same time, same amount of clothing. Remember that your weight isn’t a single number but a five-pound range. Work to move the range down, not the exact number.” — Lainey Younkin, RD, a nutrition counselor and consultant in Boston
11. Reorganize Your Plate
“Make half your plate vegetables, a quarter of your plate whole grains, and a quarter of your plate lean protein. When you switch the portions of grains and vegetables on your plate, you'll see a difference. The only caveat: Potatoes, corn, and peas are starchy vegetables, so they go in the grains category.” — Younkin
12. Start Where You Are and Do What You Can
“Don't feel like you need to overhaul your entire life starting immediately. Assess where you are currently and then figure out where you’d like to be in the future. A great starting point for mostly sedentary people is to get a step counter and see how much you walk on a normal day.
Then set a step goal slightly higher than the norm and strive for that, working your way up slowly to a goal of 10,000 steps per day.” — Esther Avant, an online sports nutritionist specializing in weight loss who is based in Kapolei, Hawaii
13. Think Big — Not Small
“Focus on the weight loss 'big rocks' — there are a few areas that will give you the most bang for your buck when you're trying to lose weight. Prioritizing those and letting go of all the minutiae that contribute to overwhelm will make reaching your goals feel easier and more sustainable. On the nutrition front, pay attention to calories, protein, and fiber. For exercise, prioritize strength training, daily steps, and recovery.” — Avant
14. Look Beyond the Scale
“While the scale isn't useless, it also isn't the only thing that matters. To help you gauge progress that might not be reflected on the scale, take regular photos and measurements, in addition to keeping a running list of non-scale victories. This will help keep the scale in perspective and show you all the positive changes you're making to your health and overall lifestyle.” — Avant
15. Give Your Breakfast a Protein Boost
“Aim for 15 to 25 grams of protein at breakfast. Protein is digested slowly and suppresses hunger hormones, helping keep you full. Additionally, a high-protein breakfast helps curb cravings later in the day. Pair protein foods with fiber and healthy fats, like two eggs with whole-wheat toast and avocado or high-protein frozen waffles with nuts, berries, and a little maple syrup.” — Younkin
16. In Fact, Consume Protein at Every Meal
“Eating protein-rich foods at every meal, especially breakfast, can help shave extra pounds. Protein slows down the digestive process and positively impacts your hunger hormones. Protein can also do better at staving off hunger than carbohydrates. Protein-rich foods include quinoa, edamame, beans, seeds, nuts, eggs, yogurt, cheese, tofu, lentil pasta, poultry, fish, and meat.” — Christine M. Palumbo, RDN, a nutrition consultant from Naperville, Illinois
17. Limit High-Glycemic Carbohydrate Foods
“The glycemic index ranks how quickly blood sugar rises after eating a carbohydrate food. Eating high-glycemic carbohydrate foods like white potatoes and refined bread, especially when eaten alone, will cause a surge in blood sugar, followed by a quick drop.
This leaves you feeling hungry and wanting more food. More long-term studies are needed, but short-term studies like this research provide evidence there is a connection. High-glycemic foods are not totally off-limits though.
When you work with a registered dietitian nutritionist, we provide individualized ways to help you balance nutrients to prevent spikes in blood sugar, which can help with curbing appetite.” — Sue-Ellen Anderson Haynes, RDN, a national media spokesperson of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics who is based in Boston
18. Experiment With Fruits at Dessert Time
“Fruits are low in calories and carry tons of nutrients like antioxidants and fiber. According to the CDC, only 10 percent of the U.S. population is meeting their fruit and vegetable intake. Using fruits for dessert will help you meet your daily requirements but also add flavor to your day. Many fruits can be sauteed, grilled, or baked. For example, grilled peach topped with vanilla yogurt and shaved almonds is amazing!” — Anderson Haynes
19. Eat Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, and Dinner Like a Pauper
“It's a saying that has many meanings, but you’ll want to take in more of your calories earlier in the day. A study published in November 2019 in the journal Nutrients found that subjects who were given small breakfast and large dinners lost significantly less weight than those assigned to a large breakfast and a smaller dinner. So here we see how smaller meals in the latter part of the day may be an advantage to those who want to lose weight and improve overall health.
The interesting thing about this study was the time the dinner was eaten. They found that eating the main meal (larger meal) too late (after 3 p.m.) was associated with difficulty with losing weight. It’s important to note that this study is not saying that everyone should not eat after 3 p.m. Each person has individual needs, which may require additional snacks and food, such as those who are pregnant, are breastfeeding, have diabetes, or take medication that require certain foods. This is why it is so important that you seek a consultation with a registered dietitian nutritionist.” — Anderson Haynes
20. Get Into Meal Planning
“Meal planning is one of my top tips for staying healthy and eating well. I'm such a fan of the concept that I wrote a book about it! Taking 5 to 10 minutes over the weekend to write out a menu for the week ahead will save you time, money, and unwanted calories down the road. Not sure what to make for dinner tonight? No worries, it's already on your menu plan. Menu planning is a great way to stay organized, and know what groceries you need to buy and what you already have on hand, and it will help ensure a balanced plate. Keep in mind, a night off from cooking and ordering takeout or making a frozen meal is a totally acceptable part of the menu plan. The benefit is knowing ahead that you'll be doing that so you're not scrounging when hunger sets in. And be sure to write down the plan — you're more likely to stick to it if it's in front of you as a reminder.” — Jessica Levinson, RDN, a culinary nutrition and communications dietitian and the author of 52-Week Meal Planner: The Complete Guide to Planning Menus, Groceries, Recipes, and More based in Westchester, New York
21. Make a Grocery List and Stick to It
“Once you have your menu planned for the week, make a shopping list either on paper or on your phone — I use Notes, but there are apps for this, too. Knowing in advance what you need to purchase at the supermarket will save you time, reduce food waste, and prevent you from purchasing items that look appealing but you don't actually need. To stick with your list, avoid shopping when hungry or tired. Research shows an increase in impulsive behavior at those times.” — Levinson
22. Take Stock of What's in Your Kitchen
“To cook healthy meals you need the right ingredients and kitchen tools on hand. Some staple ingredients I recommend having in your pantry, fridge, and freezer are low-sodium canned beans, canned fish, tomato sauce, whole-grain pasta, quinoa, brown rice, low-sodium stock, low-fat plain yogurt, a variety of fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables, olive oil, and dried herbs and spices. These are just some of the ingredients that can form the base of a healthy and delicious meal.” — Levinson
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23. Have the Right Tools on Hand
“Similarly, having a good mix of kitchen tools can help ensure easy, efficient, and healthy cooking. For example, a seasoned cast-iron skillet is one of my favorite pans to cook eggs, saute vegetables, and make pancakes, since I don't have to use as much oil or butter to keep food from sticking. Some of my other favorite kitchen tools are an immersion blender, Instant Pot, baking sheets, measuring cups and spoons, and a hand juicer. And of course anyone working in the kitchen should have a quality set of knives.” — Levinson
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notesfromastranger · 2 years
The Two of Cups
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Life is a balancing act. This is something that I learned after reminiscing on codependent relationships. If one aspect of your life gets 50% of your energy then there will only be another 50% to share among the rest. There are 4 very important parts of my life that play a major role in my happiness. The first is ME time! This one is by far the most important. Without this part, nothing else will make sense. As this is the key to the discovery of self. When you spend time alone you reflect. You realize that you like to read books like The 4 Agreements and The Art of Living. You realize that you cherish waking up slow on early Saturday mornings and how warm and comforting the feeling of a hot cup of tea feels when it touches the back of your throat. You realize who/what you like and want to use your energy on. These are the things you need to protect. It can be very easy when entering into a new relationship to forget about what makes you happy because you are so focused on what makes somebody else happy. In this process you forget what you like and eventually become dull, a shell of yourself.
The second important part of my life is my social life outside of a romantic relationship. Spending time with your family and friends will ground you and remind you about this other part of who you are. You will be reminded of where your mannerisms come from when you spend time with your parents and how funny you can be when you hangout with your friends. Every person in your life offers a different experience and activates a part of yourself.
The third most important thing is my job. I like to travel and go to nice dinners and most of all I like the feeling of being productive. Don’t get me wrong, I complain about work just as much as the next person but even complaining about work makes me feel like a contributing member of society.
Last but not least, the fourth most important part of my life is spending quality time with my significant other. He reminds me of my femininity, my beauty and the feeling of comfort. This is a perfect science as the goal is to balance each part so that equal parts of energy are distributed.
There’s a certain beauty in having some things stay consistent if they are completely in our control. The human being is a creature of habit, and as much as some of us don’t like to admit it, we do value consistency. Whether that be having a place to lay our head at night, a relationship or a steady job. Let’s say you are giving your relationship 50% and the other half is divided in all your other areas. What happens if your significant other breaks your heart? So little energy has been added to all the other areas that now you have nothing going for you. No relationship, a job that you dislike and no friends. Life now seems unbearable. Now imagine that you are splitting up your time more evenly amongst all the important things in your life. You have a job that you enjoy, a yoga class that you go to twice a week and friends that you can vent to when your boyfriend breaks up with you. Things don’t seem so unbearable anymore because you have other things that have stayed consistent. The Two of Cups represents balance and the importance of things being in harmony. Both cups are filled equally. Balance is important between 2 people in a relationship, it is important in friendships and it is important with all the different parts of life.
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cockasinthebird · 3 years
Hey Cock,
How are you doing?? I haven't seen you around for a lil bit and I know life is busy so just wanna check in and say that I hope things are good 💕
Dear anon,
First off, let me say, 🥺😳❤️💕💝💖💘💗❣️
Thank you so much for checking up on me!!!!!!!! Life is uneventful for me, I really do nothing else than wake up around noon, mostly after, play videogames, eat, binge watch Netflix, then go to bed at EARLIEST 3am, all the while stewing in my own depression whilst I maneuver through welfare and treatment to hopefully eventually be stable enough to have a proper job again ✊😔
I've said time and time again that I lost a lot of steam when I got flagged for two weeks, and sadly that just never came back to me? By now I haven't written a single word in over a week, and I fear that I am finding myself thinking less and less about Harringrove, and while that does free up space to think about my own projects, it means that I won't be able to engage as much with the fandom as I used to
I'm not gonna do a dramatic goodbye, I'll keep the blog up ofc, maybe reblog a thing or two here and there, but I'm not expecting to post or actively interact with the fandom for a good while
It is absolutely NOT personal, it has NOTHING to do with any of you guys; you have all been absolutely astounding and I've loved every single minute of this fandom ok, really and truly, and I've met some of the most incredible and amazing people here, and if any of you read this, sorry I haven't responded to your DMs and messages, I am simply mentally over encumbered, I still love and adore you ❤️💕
Time passes, and with it we must follow, thank you all so much for having me and loving me and enjoying my content, it's been tubular 🤘😌🥰💕
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notesbyash · 3 years
Work Smart, Not Hard: a few practical study tips and tricks that have worked for me
(Note: These tips are not geared for students who are already doing well and would like to excel in their classes. These are for students who are trying to pass and find themselves overwhelmed and strugging to keep up. I have never been the former student, but I have certainly been the latter. "Work smart, not hard" is a mentality of pragmatism, not perfectionism, and the following tips are geared towards that.)
Ask your instructor what they want you to learn in the course (and what they're going to put on the final)
This tactic is especially helpful for big-picture people. Having a bird's eye view of the class as a whole can help you avoid getting overwhelmed with details. Though the "learn everything you can!" mindset is beautifully romantic and often espoused by professors, most of the time it is not practical. Within your class not all information is going to be equally important. Some sections are probably going to be more crucial to the course than others so instead of dividing your energy evenly across everything taught, focus in on studying and understanding that material. In courses that build upon previous information, this would mean focusing on the foundational topics
Secondarily, do not be ashamed of directly asking what is on the exam. Some instructors might take offense to that but you can always dress it up in alternative language to sugarcoat it. Suggestions of how to ask include "What are the key takeaways for this course?" and "What should we come of this course knowing?" or my favorite, "I want to really understand the material. What should I focus most of my studying on first?"
Don't set up study plans before a course begins (and/or don't force yourself to stick to them)
This is an optional and potentially controversial tip but I have a reason for claiming this. Too many times, I've gotten halfway through a semester only to realise that the study plans or summary reading sheets that I created at the start of the term have been untouched. Or worse, I've been using them and completely ignoring more efficient way to study. Classes, especially STEM classes, can really vary in how they are taught and what you are expected to learn/do within them. Some courses rely heavily on a textbook and structured reading notes help with that. Some courses list a textbook but barely use it, in which case stuctured reading notes aren't going to be particularly efficient. Sure, it would be nice to read the suggested text and put together a document of notes, but if reading the textbook isn't necessary to learn the material (which, in some courses, it honestly really isn't) then you are under no obligation to do so.
However, if you know what your course is going to be like and know that you work best with a study plan set out before the course begins, then use a study plan! You know how you study best (more on that later)
Set achievable goals (or break down your goals into smaller more achievable steps)
It's great to push yourself and to want to do the best you can do and set these lofty ideals (I'm looking at freshman first semester me right now) but that's also a really great recipe for burnout and a plummet in self-confidence. If you're an average studyblr tag following student, I'm sure there's been times where you've not managed to check off everything on your to-do list and felt a sense of guilt for not doing so. You shouldn't feel guilty, but I also do that on a daily basis and know that me just saying "don't feel guilty <3" isn't particularly useful.
So instead, break down your lofty goals into smaller steps. It would be great if I could read three chapters today but based on past experience I've only been able to do one or two a day, so I'll just change my goal to one for today and balance out the rest of my week's tasks so I can still complete all of my reading. Alternatively, put the bar to reach in a different place. Maybe I do need to read all three chapters today but instead of reading them as academic sources and taking notes, I'll instead set a goal of reading through all the words like a storybook. It might not be as ideal or perfect, but I'm still going to get a subset of the necessary information that way and it's something I know I can achieve.
Shameless point grabbing is your friend (and partial credit is better than no credit)
This one is pretty self explanatory; point grabbing is a blessing, particularly on non-multiple choice exams. Circling back to the "ask your professor what they're putting on the exam" point above, sometimes if you simply demonstrate that you understand (or are trying your best to understand) what they want you to learn, they may be more lenient in their grading. There have been many times where I've gotten stuck on an exam question with limited time left on the clock, and quite literally written out in words my thought process and what steps I was trying to do. I have written the names of concepts on my exams. I have written notes about how my numbers feel off and should be in this other numerical range instead. And sometimes, I have gotten credit and points back for doing so.
Good instructors want you to learn and understand that uni is difficult, so if you can show them that you are learning in some capacity they may let things slide a bit. It's the academic equivalent of looking an approaching driver in the eye while crossing the road; most of the time people's conscious kicks in and they avoid totaling you or your grades.
And most importantly: Learn how you learn (and don't always listen to advice on the internet)
I wasted the most study time trying to apply tips given to me by other people that were counterintuitive to how I actually process information. Thanks to a lot of self-reflection, I've discovered that I learn best when I am working alone to understand the information, asking my instructor or peers specific questions to patch in where I feel inadequate, and then going to review sessions to gauge where I am in relation to the class at large. Therefore, no matter how hard I tried, constantly working with other people in study groups was never going to be an efficient use of my time.
Figure out how you process and catagorise information in your own mind. Figure out if you need others to bounce ideas off to, or if you need the silence of an empty room. Figure out if you need wide open spaces to physically lay out your notes or if you need a small tidy desk with only a few things on it. Figure out if you need handwritten notes that force you to slow down and summarize instead of copying slides, or if you need digital notes full of thorough information that you can quickly rearrange. Figure out what you don't need. Figure out if you need a combination of everything depending on the material that day, or if you need one method that's tried and true.
Learn how you learn, so that you can work more quickly, more efficiently, and more intuitively.
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Sen. Joe Manchin will oppose Sarah Bloom Raskin’s nomination to the Federal Reserve’s top job overseeing banks, imperiling her already stalled bid to win confirmation.
Raskin’s nomination has been stuck in the Senate Banking Committee amid a GOP boycott of a committee vote on her nomination, effectively blocking her confirmation from advancing to the Senate floor. Now even if her nomination is able to get out of committee, Raskin would need at least one Republican to support her to be confirmed as vice chair for supervision.
Manchin (D-W.Va.) signaled his discomfort with Raskin last week, advising the Banking Committee to move the rest of President Joe Biden’s Fed nominees, including Chair Jerome Powell, without her. In announcing his opposition on Monday, Manchin said Raskin has “failed to satisfactorily address my concerns about the critical importance of financing an all-of-the-above energy policy to meet our nation’s critical energy needs.”
Raskin has been a proponent of putting a greater focus on the financial fallout of climate change, writing last September that regulators should “ask themselves how their existing instruments can be used to incentivize a rapid, orderly, and just transition away from high-emission and biodiversity-destroying investments.” Republicans such as Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania expressed fear that she might pursue measures that would make it more expensive for banks to lend to oil companies.
It’s not the first time that Manchin has offered game-changing opposition to one of Biden’s nominees. He also opposed Neera Tanden to be Biden’s budget chief, eventually sinking her nomination after she was unable to rally any Republican support.
The move is also a further blow to the president’s efforts to fill key financial regulatory jobs. Another bank cop pick, Saule Omarova, withdrew her nomination as comptroller of the currency in December after she failed to garner enough support from moderate Democrats. The Fed board, meanwhile, has not had a point person on regulations since October, when Randal Quarles’ term as vice chair for supervision expired.
However, Manchin’s opposition could also break the logjam on Biden’s four remaining Fed nominees at a critical time for the central bank, which is set to begin raising interest rates this week in a bid to fight surging inflation. Powell’s first term as chair expired in February, and he has been serving on an acting basis since then. Fed board member Lael Brainard is waiting to be confirmed to a promotion as Powell’s No. 2, while two other candidates — Lisa Cook and Philip Jefferson — would fill vacant seats.
In an effort to hold up Raskin’s nomination, GOP senators refused to show up for a committee vote on the whole slate in February, which in an evenly divided Senate meant the panel lacked a quorum to hold a vote.
Republicans led by Toomey said she had failed to sufficiently answer questions they had about her time on the board of a Colorado financial institution. They have suggested that she used her influence as a former Fed board member to help that firm get preferential treatment by the central bank, although there is no evidence of wrongdoing on her part.
But Raskin’s views on climate change loomed large in their fierce opposition to her candidacy. GOP lawmakers argue that the banks are capable of assessing their own investment risks and that regulators are overstepping their bounds in pressing banks to prepare for the potential financial fallout from a warming planet.
The White House hasn’t suggested it will withdraw her nomination, calling her “one of the most qualified people to have ever been nominated for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.” She previously served as a Fed Board Member and Deputy Treasury Secretary during the Obama administration and received some Republican votes for each of those positions.
“She has earned widespread support in the face of an unprecedented, baseless campaign led by oil and gas companies that sought to tarnish her distinguished career,” White House spokesperson Chris Meagher said in a statement. “We are working to line up the bipartisan support that she deserves, so that she can be confirmed by the Senate for this important position.”
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theterribletenno · 2 years
Omega, the Supervillain Warframe
Now as I begin Omega I have an important decision to make... to research or not to research... I'm unsure because if I don't research Omega and just go in blind there is a chance I will put together a more quintessential and over the top supervillain than if I actually pull in some outside references. I am basically making the Warframe equivalent of a heel right now, maybe it should be bad.
Health: 150 (450 at rank 30) Shields: 75 (225 at rank 30) Armor: 300 Energy: 100 (150 at rank 30) Sprint Speed: 1.05
Passive: For every 200 points of damage on health Omega takes he gains a stack of Escalation. Every stack of Escalation increases Omega's ability strength by 20%, stacking up to a maximum of 500% at 25 stacks. These stacks do not expire. As Omega builds up stacks of Escalation his model gains new visual features, similar to Nidus' Mutation and the Protovyre Armor Set.
Ability 1: If Looks Could Kill, toggled ability, drains 3 energy per second. Hold down the ability key to activate and release to deactivate. Omega fires an incendiary beam from his glowering evil eyes which burns anything in his sight. While If Looks Could Kill is active, Omega holsters his weapons and continuously fires a beam with perfect accuracy centered on his crosshairs with infinite range and perfect accuracy which inflicts 200 heat damage per half second with 100% status chance. While If Looks Could Kill is active Omega cannot move from his current position but he can aim freely.
Ability 2: Surely You Would Have No Chance, 25 energy and 1 stack of Escalation. Omega plants an explosive on a single enemy within 30 meters and 30 degrees of his crosshairs being slowed by 50% for the next six seconds, and after a 5 second delay the explosive detonates, dealing 750 times X (where X is equal to the enemy's level divided by 10) damage divided evenly between heat and blast with 100% status chance to all enemies in a 10 meter radius of the victim.
Ability 3: To Know My Power, 50 energy. Striking a victorious pose, Omega gives a boast to taunt his enemies. Upon activation Omega is instantly healed for 200 points. Healing from this effect can grant shiends and overshields. For 10 seconds after casting the damage threshold for Escalation stacks is reduced from 200 points of health damage to 100 and enemies within a 15 meter radius of Omega will target him instead of his allies. If Omega's health is reduced to zero while To Know My Power is active the effect ends prematurely and Omega is healed for 400 points.
Ability 4: Of Apocalyptic Proportions, 100 energy. For a climactic denouement, Omega unleashes a radial wave of incinerating power that sets the world ablaze. The wave starts 5 meters from Omega and propagates at a speed of 5 meters per second for 6 seconds before dissipating. All enemies in range are dealt 1,500 times X (where X is equal to the enemy's level divided by 10) heat damage with 150% status chance. Status chance scales with ability strength. Of Apocalyptic Proportions gains 25% ability strength per stack of Escalation instead of the usual 20% and also consumes all stacks of Escalation on use.
Subsumed ability: Surely You Would Have No Chance
Signature Weapons Antagonist: Omega's signature rifle-style beam weapon, an intimidating and sinister weapon that almost looks like it would be just as deadly being swing like a spiked club. This weapon has innate multishot, firing two beams which do not center on the aiming reticle, but rotate around it to cover wider range. Adding multishot increases the number of beams. Deals pure radiation damage. Very high status chance at the cost of very low crit. When wielded by Omega this weapon's range increases by 0.2 meters for each stack of Escalation. Thesis & Antithesis: Omega's signature sword and shield melee weapon, a folding kite shield of spiked black metal and a sword with a blade of crackling plasma. Deals pure electric damage, moderate attack speed and per-hit damage balance. Above-average blocking angle for a sword and shield weapon. In Omega's hands for every 1,000 points of damage this weapon blocks he is granted 1 stack of Escalation.
Closing Notes: I am not particularly proud of Omega, his starting concept was shallow and predictable and I didn't want to overcomplicate him by giving him every superpower I could think of and instead dedicated his kit to revolving around like two of them. Obviously the names of his abilities are melodramatic, and can be read in a row to make a complete sentence. In the end, it's plain to see why he was in last place for this season. At least he sounds fun to play.
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In the past you said you think Wizeman is stronger than Balan and Lance. Has that view changed with the game & novel?
Honestly? After the events of the game/novel my opinion on how powerful I think Balan and Lance actually are has certainly changed a bit! Endgame spoilers ahead!
So, what we know of Wizeman is that he is indeed a god. He has the power to create complex creatures, structures, conjure devastating natural disasters, and manipulate the world around him -if he did indeed create Nightmare as a whole. We know his plans are to take over the entirety of the Night Dimension and subsequently the Waking World, his end goal is absolute dominance. Though for everything he can do, he seems to have decent restrictions that act against him. He can't yet go through with his plans of total domination, he is currently not able to cross the threshold which separates the world of dreams from the Waking World. He also needs visitors and their Ideya to even achieve these goals, which puts another obstacle in his place. It's interesting that Wizeman does indeed seem to have all this raw, brute power, but then also has a lot of obstacles when it comes to using it.
Balan and Lance could easily be called gods in their own right. They appear to have completely control over Wonderworld, at least Balan certainly does (Lance appears to instead control the more shadowy side of it, much like how the Night Dimension is divided into two halves). They can both create powerful creatures, they can manipulate stories, they can shapeshift, and they can use massively powerful energy attacks. Lance can even change people into horrendous monsters with enough manipulation. But one key difference is, Balan does seem to be able to slip into the human world. This is evident from the opening cinematic, where he is standing just outside of the theatre's doors, and then again at the end of the game, where he is once again breaking the fourth wall and posing with all of the now freed inhabitants!
-The fourth wall breaking is also an interesting characteristic, which Wizeman doesn't appear to posess. Whether it means anything or not feels like it's up to the player, but it's certainly something Balan seems to have as a leg up against Wizeman. And it's certainly an ability that suggests Balan has knowledge of things even beyond his own universe.
In the final stage of BWW, we see what massive amounts of pure, unfiltered negativity can do to Lance, and honestly, if that version of Lance was to square up against Wizeman I think it would be a pretty evenly matched fight. We don't know if Wizeman has any other forms, he's never presented in anything other than what we see in both games. But if enough of one emotion can do that to Lance, the very same could be said for Balan. Could he change into an equally chaotic, powerful god form from too much positivity? Even too much negativity? I think if Balan and Lance were to harness these forms and worked together to square up against Wizeman, I think they could certainly overpower him.
Long story short, I used to think Balan and Lance wouldn't be able to stand up to Wizeman. But now I think they absolutely have a chance, and a good one. I think Balan and Lance are far more powerful than they let on, especially Balan, who seems to take great pride in presenting himself as a harmless, mischievous guide more than anything. But when you think about it, they absolutely have some wicked aces up their sleeves, and if provoked enough I think they could both turn scary with the amount of power they both have.
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iron-mum · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where Tony and kid Peter are being adorable father and son as retribution for the angst you’ve made me suffer through in the past hah! (JK I love you and your angst! 💛)
Well, well, well. What do we have here, eh? A request for adorable? I'm not sure, I'm very good at that 😌
Here's SIMTony who would stop at nothing to help his unwell son, Peter get better. Even if it meant using Extremis.
P.S. ILY3000 💕
In the final throes of the graveyard shift at the hospital floor, the elevator pinged for its frequent lone visitor. The front desk staff, whilst tense and sitting up suddenly straighter, knew not to actually engage. No ID was needed for their boss, one of them barely suppressing a gulp as his determined strides headed for the private room that had been deliberately placed near to the room equipped for every possible kind of emergency. Once inside, he carefully shut the door silently and took a seat at the bedside.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Sharp blue eyes shifted from the persistent buzzing of the most technologically advanced medical equipment anyone, anywhere could offer before looking back down to something far more invaluable and precious. Tony’s entire world. His purpose in life. The little boy on the bed lay motionless, breathing slowly and evenly, nose occasionally scrunching up at the discomfort of the oxygen mask upon him. He should have been cocooned in a hug from his father but instead his son, Peter, was littered with wires attaching him to the very best modern medicine had to offer.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Pale, soft skin with the daintiest of freckles stood out against the dark curls spread across the far too big pillow. The small fingers of his left hand had loosely closed around the calloused thumb of his father, letting him know that whilst he had been rendered weak from illness, he was still aware of his comforting presence. Tony’s index finger gently glided across the small knuckles, willing himself to see a tiny curve of the lips on his son’s face.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
This had been the Avengers fault. Peter’s current critical condition. The young boy had been on a school trip when a battle had broken out and the wannabe heroes managed to cause more destruction than lives saved. A chemical explosion had landed most of the class in hospital and many of them had ended up becoming very unwell. Unfortunately for Peter, he already suffered many ailments so even under the wing of Stark’s finest medical personnel, the struggle had taken a toll. The genius shook his head as thoughts of revenge started to sprout from the many seeds that had been planted since the catastrophic incident. He shelved the many ideas he had that would lead to the demise of the reckless group once his kid was better.
It had been hours when the sound of a nurse's footsteps acted as the catalyst that would remove Tony from the room so he could head back to his lab. As he reluctantly moved his hand away, there was no reaction. Not even a twitch from the slender child. Bending down, he tentatively stroked a small amount of the exposed skin that was available on the boy’s face before planting a light kiss on his forehead. By the time the nurse was opening the door to the room to complete the routine checks, any sign of a visitor would be long gone.
The moment Tony was back in his workshop, he strode towards his desk. Music started to reverberate from the ceiling, the sound greatly appreciated compared to the low hum and incessant beeping from the emotionless devices that were currently keeping his son alive.
Tony didn’t believe in a higher power other than himself. So in no way, shape or form was he ever going to accept that he couldn’t save Peter from the incurable illness now ravaging his frail body. Feeling powerless was simply not an option.
Rolling up the sleeve to his top, the genius opened a drawer and pulled out a device meant for extracting blood as painlessly as possible. Not that pain meant much to him these days. No pain would ever compete with a parent having to watch their child deteriorate every single second of every single day.
Satisfied with the draw, Tony placed it into a diagnostic machine of his own making. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass of his workshop, eyeing it like he was in the most intense staring contest of his life. Jaw clenching, his arm shot out allowing liquid metal to glide across his skin before firing a repulsor at the glass and shattering it. There was an element of irony to everyone loving his face except himself in the minimal but intrusive “what if” moments that surrounded his current situation. With a crack of his neck, his arm remained outstretched so the Endo-Sym armour could return to it’s housing tank.
“Boss, the results are back,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. informed as the music lessened in volume. “No adverse reactions detected still. The chemical composition indicates that the Extremis is unchanged in it’s integration with you on a genetic level and continues to remain stable.”
“And the sample from Peter?” Tony asked, confident that he knew what the answer would be.
“Also remaining stable.”
“Alert the staff intending to see Peter following tonight's shift that their presence will not be needed,” the genius demanded as he mentally reiterated the next steps of his plan in his head. Lips curled into devilishly handsome grin at his victory, eyes crinkling at the sides. The smile only softened when his eyes drifted to a framed picture Peter had drawn of the both of them. He’d done it.
“Certainly, boss,” the AI had responded without any acknowledgement. Tony was too busy in thought. Not only was the Extremis flowing through his own veins, leaving him feeling at perfect health. But soon, it would be doing the same for Peter too. Pain free, peak performance and at complete and optimal health.
“Have there been any sightings of the Avengers in the last hour? I feel a splash of revenge is in order for this special occasion?” The holo-screens in front of him started to flicker as social media sites were searched and hashtags refreshed repeatedly. Hulk had been trending within the hour and Hawkeye in the last eleven minutes.
"Well, how about that?" he grinned gleefully. "I really am being spoiled for choice."
Whilst the genius had been certain F.R.I.D.A.Y. had relayed the message to the morning staff, Tony still found himself exhaling sharply at the sight of someone sat by Peter’s side reading his file. The thin bag of Extremis in his hand was shifted into his back pocket as quickly as humanly possible. The good feeling from beating the shit out of one of the Avengers, plus the buzz of providing Peter with a cure that no meagre doctor had been able to, shifted into a tension as tried to work out who it was.
Their face was narrow with sharp features and glasz eyes remarkably penetrating when they met his perusing stare. His black hair had been combed back neatly, the sides of his temples a distinct light grey. The well fitted suit looked designer even for Tony’s impeccable standards.
“Your services are no longer required,” he affirmed with a dismissive flourish of the hands before the man could even introduce himself.
“I’m sorry?” the other man replied without hesitation, closing the file and rising from the chair. Tony’s chair. If he’d been expecting any pleasantries or introductions, he was thoroughly mistaken. Tony was already locked onto Peter, the gentle rise of his chest a welcoming sight as always. He refused to allow his attention to be divided, ignoring the piercing stare boring into him now. “I have an oath to this patient. He critically needs help from the best in all fields. He needs my help.”
The genius turned at that, an eyebrow raised as he looked the doctor up and down. He certainly held himself strongly for someone who had that much audacity in addressing the owner of everything within his current vicinity.
“Are you new around here… Doctor Strange?” He asked disingenuously, eyes narrowing as he scrutinised the name badge. The letters ‘VISITOR - Dr Stephen Strange’ jotted on the bottom, likely the reason he hadn’t got his AI’s memo. The receptionist who let him in would be fired whether it was her fault or not.
“Unlike everyone else in this building, no, I don’t work for you” the doctor shot back tersely. “However, you were so insistent on my consultation that, somehow, I found my diary completely cleared of all surgeries that were booked in.”
“Well, you can now stick them back in your diary. We’re done here.”
“I know this is difficult,” the doctor started, tone suddenly softer as if he were hoping a change of tact would get through. “You brought me in for my expertise, so use them.”
“I’m the most intelligent, capable person on the planet. I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone.”
“Your arrogance surpasses all the rumours and expectations I had of you,” Strange snapped back incredulously. Apparently nothing was going to get through. “Your child is-”
“You know, it would be a real shame if you were to lose your medical licence, wouldn't it, doctor?” Tony sneered dangerously low. This ungrateful little shit was going to get it for not only wasting his time and energy, but also his son’s. An insignificant speck like the rest of the world.
“Are you threatening me?” the doctor replied doing his best to keep his tone cool and unflinching when the other man removed all personal space between them. The lack of intimidation he was feeling only pissed Tony off more.
“Let’s not test my resolve, doctor.” Despite feeling completely wrong about leaving considering Peter’s condition, Dr Stephen Strange tucked the file he’d been reading under his arm and left the room in just a few strides. Tony had spotted the hand diving for a phone as the door shut behind him and clenched his fists in disdain.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., be a darling and ensure Doctor Douchebag doesn’t make it back home,” Tony demanded followed by a nonchalant sniff.
“Yes, boss. His phone has also unexpectedly lost all signal so will not be usable anytime soon.”
Satisfied with the course of action his AI had taken, Tony locked the door to his son’s room for good measure. He eyed the current equipment before making his move. One of the drips currently providing Peter with much needed medicine was switched to make way for a sample of the Extremis that Tony had meticulously created and tested on himself. He peered at his son, swallowing thickly that this would all be worth it.
Bag secured, the first few drops started instantly, the older man watching as they flowed along the thin tubes before entering the cannula imposed on Peter’s hand. The skin began to glow orange, the lava looking trail gliding all the way up the arm’s before entering the chest. Daring a glance at the monitors, Tony noted an instant improvement in the readouts. A smile spread across his face as sheet-white, sickly skin started to immediately brighten.
Peter’s big, brown doe eyes suddenly shot open as he took a huge gulp of air, eyes landing on his father who was remarkably in focus for the first time in his life without the aid of glasses. Tony removed the oxygen mask so he could take his son’s face in fully for the first time in well over a month.
“Dad?” the young boy croaked, clearly a little disoriented from the abrupt wake up.
“Hey, buddy,” Tony whispered, voice cracking with emotion as he closed the distance between them.
Peter lunged at his father, his small arms wrapping tightly around the genius’ neck and face burying into his chest. It had been far too long since either had been able to enjoy the tender, heart-bursting feeling of overwhelming, unconditional love from one another.
“I love you, kiddo.” Tony gushed as one of his hand’s lovingly cupped the back of Peter's head holding him as close as possible. The other enveloped around his back, his thumb slowly stroking up and down. When the older man's hand started to trail through Peter's hair, the boy somehow managed to burrow even closer. Tony soothingly lifted curls between his fingers and then let them ping back as new life continued to circle through his son’s body.
“I love you too, dad,” Peter whispered, a strain evident in his voice that Tony hadn’t been expecting. When he leant back, he saw the likely cause. Now unnecessary wires were tugging at his child’s skin.
“Let’s get these off you, bud. You don’t need them anymore,” he promised softly as he carefully went to work at removing the monitoring equipment clips and stickers. Peter’s curious eyes followed every step of the way, surprisingly not wincing even when some of the tougher stickers were peeled away. Although he was too young to even begin comprehending what had happened, he knew from vague memories he’d been hurt and that he’d slept a lot. Often he had been unsure if he was dreaming or awake when he’d hear his father read him stories, express his love and let him know how brave he was being. A slight tug on his hand drew him from his recollection as he looked down.
"I’m scared," Peter timidly admitted as he eyed up the last piece of medical equipment attached to him. The cannula in his hand.
“Here’s what we're gonna do, bud. We’re going to put on our brave faces and before you know it, it’ll be all done and over with. Can you show me your bravest, fiercest face?” Tony gently challenged, as part of his upper lip curled and he playfully growled.
The child’s dinky nose scrunched up and his lips pushed out into the biggest pout he could form. He shook his head a little and hummed in a way that likely felt fierce to him but could only be described as adorable to his dad.
"Wowzer. That was super mean, you nearly scared me!” Tony gasped dramatically, as he gestured for the boy to look down and see that the only thing on the top of his hand was a small cotton wool ball and a light pressure from his dad. Using his free hand to fish into his pocket, Tony revealed a green Paw Patrol sticker with Peter’s favourite character, Rocky, on it.
It had been a distant memory since the young boy had handed it to him, having spotted the numerous nicks and cuts that littered his hard working hands after a long day in the workshop. Extremis meant Peter wouldn’t even need it, but the placebo effect would make it worth it.
“Am I all better, daddy?” Peter asked as Tony eyed him up once more. The overwhelmed father cupped his kid’s face and planted another kiss on his forehead, relief washing over him that he was now free from the concatenation of medical instrumentation.
“You most certainly are. And that means we get to skedaddle out of here.”
Before his son could anticipate his next move, his father had scooped him up into his arms and they were making their way not only out of the room, but off of the floor for good.
They’d had a chance to change into matching casual wear and feasted on a huge breakfast before snuggling up on the sofa. Peter had selected an Octonauts movie to watch as he tucked into his father’s side and enjoyed the sound of his steady heartbeat.
It would be a couple of hours when Tony’s phone pinged with a notification he knew was F.R.I.D.A.Y. when she was being discreet. His son huffed at the movement as he shuffled to get the phone out of his pocket, muttering an apology to his kid before opening the message.
[Unfortunate accident on the Hawk’s Nest, Route 97. Vehicle crossed the barrier and rolled multiple times down the cliff’s edge before landing in the Delaware River. Initial scan from one of the Iron Sight Bot #364 shows one survivor.]
Tony’s smirk widened into a full blown smile. Peter’s heart-of-gold eyes suddenly on him, looking up from his position. It was likely a silent protest at the lack of head strokes he was suddenly receiving so the genius replied swiftly.
[Call off any emergency services and get him med-evaced here.]
“You know what I think we need. Celebratory cheeseburgers for lunch,” he announced as Peter let out a squee of joy.
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greenroseunderglass · 3 years
To Your Hands : Fanfic - Star Trek TOS (Gen)
Prompt# 14 - Aches and Pains
Summary: Jim Kirk rescues himself from a hostage situation, of course, but he doesn't do it unscathed. His friends want to catch him even if he refuses to fall.
2 Parts: Bones and Spock
They had been taken after a pitched battle in the transporter-shielded Hall of Commerce, Kirk and five junior officers from security, and one aide from the Federation Ambassador's party. They had been held three nights and well into the fourth day before Kirk led their escape into an absolute deluge. There had been so much communications interference, natural and man-made, Spock never should have beamed them aboard, not from a planet of shapeshifters, but something had made him certain of their identities, and they'd avoided imminent capture for the familiar corridors of the Enterprise. With a thousand things to do, Kirk hadn't been the most cooperative patient until Bones had nearly shouted him down in front of the main ward in Sickbay. He'd gone with what grace he could still find after that. Kirk would have admitted only if asked twice that he did feel better once he let himself change into soft, dry sweats and the nurses put warm re-hydrating fluid into his arm. But then, it took Bones about seven seconds to be back over once that was set up, so he didn’t get to enjoy the simple pleasure of it for long. McCoy was a healer, though, a real doctor when he had a real patient. Once Kirk stopped resisting he slowed down, his grumbles softening, his voice finding a quieter, deeper register that radiated authority and safety in a way that affected even someone as familiar with him as Jim Kirk. The doctor went over Kirk with his big, warm hands after he stopped whirring at him with the scanner. He was careful, and thorough. Everything hurt, either when touched or when moved, but those hands left bruises and strains feeling not only cataloged but better somehow as McCoy passed gently over them. Kirk started yawning, though, as McCoy moved over him again, this time with a protoplaser. He made himself go up on his elbows as McCoy reached his shins, and that was the end of the idyll. “You just lie right back down there and go to sleep," McCoy snapped. "All the other hostages are in for a night of observation, and it won’t hurt you for once.” Kirk just yawned again and smiled at him to prompt a suspicious look, because getting Bones annoyed early over nothing in particular was always good tactics. “Oh, I plan on being asleep, soon. I do have some things that have to be done first, though. And-“ "You are not-" Without pause, Kirk repeated himself, enunciating over McCoy’s objection, “And. It will be done sooner if you cooperate. Send Rand and Johann in here, and Sumani. “ He stretched a little and squirmed. “And another couple of pillows, so I can recline in state.” “Back still bothering you?” McCoy asked, small whirring scanner immediately back in his hand. "You never let me spend enough time with the protoplaser when you have deep bruising like this. You must still be sore all over." “Yes," Kirk said dryly. "Every thing I own is bothering me, doctor.” He huffed a laugh, dismissing it. “I am tired, and I've been told sleeping on stone floors is not good for me. But unless you plan on running one of those things over every inch of me at every depth, I think I'll just have to sleep it off.” No, sleeping on cold stone floors was not good for him, McCoy thought, or good for his aching body. Neither was three nights in clammy damp, or an hour getting soaked through during their escape, or the slight fever Kirk was running from the cold he was definitely coming down with. McCoy huffed back at him, frustrated. He would be laughed at if he suggested Kirk spend some time in one of the hot spa baths, and that was really the only prescription he had at the moment, for all his training. He couldn't give any of the hostages much in the way of pharmaceutical pain relief, not after their captors had drugged them so extensively. And Kirk was right, damnit -- he would end up resting more quickly if McCoy let him work unhindered for a little while. The doctor stiffly left the room, but he did grudgingly call the Captain’s yeoman and left her to manage the rest of it. He forbid her from giving Kirk the fresh uniform she turned up
with, but decided to look the other way on the coffee. It took less than an hour after that for Kirk to fight himself free, of the fires in his command and the solicitude of the nurses. He had a lot on his plate in about ten hours, but being involved with a planet with deeply held taboos about actions taken in the night hours, and sitting in geosynchronous orbit above its capital, had its advantages. Caught up and feeling human again, Kirk leaned against McCoy’s office door to wave his way out, but McCoy peremptorily pointed at a seat while finishing a consult with M’Benga. Finally McCoy sat behind his desk and pulled a bottle and two glasses from the cabinet behind him. Kirk took the rich brown liquid he was being offered and breathed deeply over his first sip, settling gingerly back in the hard chair. “Oh, that’s good,” he said, then set it neatly back on the desk to turn his head and sneeze lightly, twice, into the crook of his arm. McCoy tch’ed at him and tossed him a box of sickbay ‘tissues’. “I should have made you a hot toddie, if you’re going to start that. I should put you back on the biobed. ” Jim gave another of his wry, dismissive laughs at that, but his voice was probably more serious than he meant it to be. "You can't confine me for the common cold, Bones, and you can't treat it anyway." "Can't cure it. You've already had a shot to make sure you're not contagious, and one to shorten the duration. There's another one that will help stop inflammation in your sinuses and your chest, but that one makes you sleepy, so you only get that when you're actually leaving." "Which is at the bottom of this glass," Kirk told him. "And yes, I'm actually going to bed." He hesitated, and looked into his drink before taking another sip, then, "They are all going to be all right, Bones?" "Yes," McCoy said simply. "The ambassador's aide--" Kirk held up a finger and raised his voice slightly. "Ambassador Goddard, join us, please." The man had been loitering in the corridor, half eavesdropping and half nervous about disturbing them. He was there for an update on his aide, who was doing well physically but would probably need some trauma counseling. After earlier arguing on the Bridge that the Captain's party not be beamed aboard, citing security risks, Goddard did not feel he should linger around any of the officers at the moment. He drank off his whiskey like a good diplomat and was leaving as quickly as he'd come, but paused to watch when the Captain started to stand also and was pinned back into his chair by a vigorously pointed finger. "You, you wait until called for." Kirk wobbled his head in apparent amusement and eased back down. He saw Goddard watching him and grinned. "Never cross a CMO during a multiple casualty event, ambassador. Rule number three of Captaining a starship." Goddard was a beat slow, but training kicked in and he obligingly asked what the first two rules were. He couldn't believe how lightly Kirk seemed to be taking the whole situation, even his own abduction. He couldn't imagine how to talk to the man about his legitimate concerns, but agreed to join a debriefing at 0800. Kirk was 'called for' minutes later by the formidable First Officer, which made Goddard wish he hadn't dawdled. Spock arrived just as Kirk was saying something about his aide's fortitude during the escape, and Spock apparently took that to mean the ambassador was grilling Kirk. "Surely, gentleman, there is nothing about the hostages' escape or confinement that can't wait until the 0800 debriefing." His voice was even, his face was mild, and Goddard felt a wall of solid dislike hit him like a burst of steam. Vulcans were only touch-telepaths, that couldn't be a real energy he was feeling, but he exercised the better part of valor, made his goodnights, and fled anyway. He caught a glimpse of Kirk glancing after him with a look of surprise as he went. "What did he do?" Kirk asked, sliding to the edge of the chair in preparation to stand as McCoy returned and went to get the hypo on his desk. "I cannot imagine what you
mean, Captain," Spock said evenly, then offered his arm to help Kirk up. He didn't need the help -- he was sore and achy, not impaired -- but he bit down on his pride and accepted it, just to get himself on his feet. Spock needed to feel like he was doing something, too, however small the gestures. McCoy glared at them both and gave Jim the shot in the shoulder. "That's going to be a little sore, sorry, but it'll keep your cold from becoming a misery. Now you just have to get him to bed before he starts tipping over," he addressed Spock. Anger flashed and was forcibly cooled in Kirk's mind. On a normal day the two of them thought he needed a keeper, but this wasn't a normal day, and he had no right to the familiar annoyance. He'd been lost to them for almost ninety hours this time. As his friends, they had a right to manage him a little. He'd keep allowing it. Tonight.
As he and Spock walked down the corridor, Spock still in possession of his arm, Kirk began to be glad he'd been so high-minded about the whole thing, because he was definitely beginning to sway. In the turbolift he said, "McCoy wasn't kidding about that shot," just as he sneezed and his knees tried to give. Spock moved to catch him more firmly, but Kirk waved him off. "I'm all right. I only have to get to my quarters." His cabin was cozy with two in it, if luxurious for a Starship – he patted Spock away by catching hold of the screen divider and clinging. “Shower first, then bed. Despite McCoy’s solicitous comments, I will actually be all right from here.” He smiled and waved Spock back toward the door. Spock gave ground, but only to the other side of the desk. His expression was determined, yes, but mostly… unimpressed. Kirk surmised he must look about like he felt. Spock could always see through him, anyway. Before he could even plead his case, Spock said calmly, “I am aware that the only active attack on your health at the moment is from a simple cold, which is not a serious affliction. However, the depth of your exhaustion makes any further impairment concerning, and I will not feel I have complied with the Doctor’s orders until I have seen you to proper rest.” Kirk gave him a bit of a side-eye. “You’re going to stay here until I fall asleep, whether I like it or not?” “Might I suggest you allow my assistance in certain matters, strictly for the sake of expediency?” God, he was so, damn, tired. And he had spent three nights as a captive, the better part of four days slightly ill and soundly beaten and responsible for crew and civilian lives despite his helplessness to secure even his own. He had managed to get them all to safety, but he was. He was so tired, and there was a gentleness waiting in Spock’s hands if he would just give in, the expression of feelings his Vulcan friend could never express any other way. And he trusted Spock, didn't he? Spock could take the watch, he could take the burden, for a little while. When his knees wobbled this time Spock caught him and carefully peeled him off the divider to sit him on his bed. A quick hand ran through the hair of his bowed head, a gesture they would both deny. Spock helped him out of everything he could get off while sitting, then went to make sure the water shower was a good temperature. Kirk got a look when he toddled into the bathroom unassisted and naked, but Spock merely reeled him in with one long arm and made sure he was steady in the shower before turning his back to give him privacy. Kirk woke up enough to realize he really was out of it enough to be worrying the Vulcan, and regretted it. No words could fix the situation, either. Spock didn't need reassurances. He just needed to see Jim cared for and at rest. He turned his face up into the hot water and groaned with pleasure. That didn't sound like such a bad idea at the moment, at that. He washed quickly but let himself soak slowly. The steam-filled stall and hot water pouring over him reached into him, soaking out the cold of the day and easing the bone-deep ache from the creeping chill of three days in the cellars. When he shut off the spigot he still felt exhausted, he still felt slightly sick, he still ached all over, but it didn’t feel like it could take him to the floor, now, none of it. His muscles felt looser and his joints less stiff -- maybe he could actually sleep. He set the cubicle to hot air cycle, which was almost as nice as the hot water had been, as targeted forced air wicked the water from skin and hair, until some inner threshold was quite suddenly crossed and he found himself caught in a flash of over-heated ill-feeling and sudden dizziness. He shut off the dryer and cracked the door. Thankfully, the relatively cool air in the small bathroom cleared his head again. The patiently-waiting blue-clad back finally turned to offer him a towel and a promise of steadiness if he couldn’t find it himself. Kirk smiled a little, appreciative and too tired not to be warm about it,
gave his hair one last good towel and went to find sleep pants and a shirt, and an over-shirt. He made it to the over-shirt before sleepy dizziness sent him to sit on the side of his bed with the warm garment in his lap. He took a long breath, curled in on himself and shuddered, once. He let his eyes stay closed for a moment, just a moment, to clear his head and steady his breath, before straightening out very slowly. For Captain Kirk, this level of pain was a blessed relief. For exhausted, depleted, off-guard Jim who just wanted desperately to sleep it was almost more than he could handle. “Captain,” Spock said very quietly from right behind him. A gentle hand touched between his shoulders. "Jim. Allow me to help you, so you may rest.” He put his hands on Kirk’s shoulders and dug carefully into muscle with his long fingers, thumbs tracing downward in mirror arcs. “Let me help.” Spock was capable of spectacularly effective back-rubs, the kind of shock-and-awe attacks that annihilated knot after knot efficiently and then gentled it just enough before moving on. That was not what he was offering now. No painful return to function. This was an offer for comfort. Kirk’s head immediately dropped forward in pure animal desire for release from pain. “You’re needed –“ the protest was less than half-hearted. “I’ll be contacted if I’m needed, Captain. We’re in a unique position, with the Ariz’ strict adherence to daylight-only activity. We have a minimum of ten point two hours before we may expect movement from those in the capital.” Just the tips of Spock’s fingers dug in all across his back, and Kirk arched his back and tried to remember what he was saying. He mostly wanted to groan, already.
Kirk closed his eyes and gave himself up to the shoulder rub, at least, almost falling asleep within perhaps a minute before he woke himself with a light sneeze and decided to give in completely. He shifted, and Spock did most of the work in pulling back the covers and settling Jim full length on his front, hugging a pillow. Jim murmured something he knew would have embarrassed them both if they'd been face to face, but he was utterly giving his body into Spock’s hands now. God, so much strength in those hands, to be so careful with him. Jim had been trying not to be too vocal in his appreciation but he couldn’t repress a long, quiet noise as something at the base of his neck - that had been tied directly into a pounding in his temple for the last two days - let go all at once. The momentary pinch of pain in the muscle was skillfully rubbed out. He was drifting toward sleep, and closing his eyes again seemed like the natural next step. Spock had him, and the ship, and he could sleep for awhile. The occasional sharp kneading ceased. Now Spock was applying just enough pressure to keep him wanting to groan, all over him in turns, and Kirk could feel pain he’d become so accustomed to he barely noticed it rise into consciousness just long enough to be soothed away. Oh, Spock was good at this. Finally, the long-fingered hands came to rest on his near forearm, just above his hand. Spock pushed Kirk's hair back from his face and asked quietly, "Are you awake enough to eat something off your meal card? The doctor did say you should take nourishment. Then you can rest." He found one of the tissues in time to sneeze into it as he rallied on autopilot, “I refuse to accept chicken noodle soup as a prescription.” Spock ran a hand through his hair again as he stood up, plausible deniability in that it made it easier to see his face, then folded his hands behind himself and looked down on Kirk, who made some effort to look awake. He couldn’t seem to care enough to succeed under Spock's carefully stoic expression -- Jim could feel the warmth and fondness radiating out of it, in the little quirk at the corner of Spock’s lips and in the soft brown of his eyes. "Yes, Captain. Something warming, though," he hmm'd. "You've done enough for tonight, Spock." Kirk smiled at him, warm, god, how could cool Vulcan skin have gifted him with such a sense of positive warmth? "I can synthesize my own cup of soup. If I can move at all." Kirk smiled and gave a low groan as he stretched himself to feet on the floor and himself more or less sitting up. "Captain --" Spock demurred. "The doctor did insist on this." So he let Spock synthesize him a cup of soup without too much grumbling -- Vulcan aureg, thank you, not chicken noodle. And Spock did more or less end up putting Jim to bed, when he couldn't seem to coordinate his limbs anymore -- exhaustion, release of stress, sleep deprivation, ha! Jim was blaming it on McCoy's injection. The lights dimmed and he could feel Spock sitting on the side of the bed. After a moment he felt a cool hand pass through his hair again, rest for a moment at the nape of his neck, then Spock rose quietly from the bed and walked away. The moment after that, Jim was asleep. End
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Sometimes I think about Coraline and how good it is and how often children’s media either presents parents as Present and Good or Absent and Neglectful. When in real life, sometimes even the best parents have to spend most of their energy outside of their kids and to them it feels like “Wow! My parents must not love me anymore!” And they might fantasize about a world with perfect parents who always give them all of their attention even if that would be bad for both parent and child in real life. And Coraline walks that line so well, showing us all the ways the parents are just exhausted but trying to give what little they have even though Coraline is too young to recognize that as the love it is!!! And at the end, yes, Coraline defeats the Other Mother, and frees the souls of the other kids, and gets to spend time in the garden. But also! Her parents have finished their task and their time can be divided more evenly between home and life again (or even more time can be spent at home making up for the time lost earlier) because adult life has ebbs and flows! And understanding transience and knowing how to withstand it is an important part of becoming an adult/person.
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