#Dedede: one of my dees is in trouble * teleports *
Kirby Star Allies: The Universe is in a Big Pinch!? (Chapter 4)
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"So, where are the other Three Mage Sisters?" Burning Leo asked, just as they left Blizzno's atmosphere.
Jammerjab replied with thought. "Maybe Flamberge is on a hot star, I've heard she likes to rest in a hot place after a fight to recover her strength."
"Oh, now that I can get behind! At least one of these Mage Sisters makes sense." Burning Leo said happily.
Waddle Dee replied with excitement. "Don't let your guard down. Flamberge is a strong enemy."
"I know. So, where is the hottest star? Are there any around?"
"Maybe it's Sizzlai Moon. It's the hottest star around here, it could be Flamberge's favorite."
"Then why don't we go visit!"
The Warp Star adjusted course and sped up as everyone agreed.
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Seen from the sky, Sizzlai Moon was a harsh star covered with sharp mountains. Plus, the ground was cracked all over with melting magma pouring out.
Kirby and Waddle Dee were smoldering.
"Could Flamberge really be on such a star~!?"
Jammerjab nodded. "This must be her favorite spot. Her enthusiasm for magma is unmatchable."
"Mine too!" Burning Leo was shining and cheerful.
"Let's land as soon as possible!"
"I would but…"
There was almost no flat land anywhere and magma was blowing out from every crevice, it was difficult to find a place where the Warp Star could safely land.
They managed to find a place at the foot of a rugged mountain to land.
Kirby and his friends were intimidated by the rising heat on their feet and the blowing hot air after their last planet.
"Ah, ah, it's so hooot… it's like being in an oven…!" Kirby was tired and tried to sit down but was startled by the heat of the ground. "Ho-tah-tah! I'm getting burned!"
"Wahoo! Isn't it the best!?" Of course, Burning Leo was the only one enjoying this.
He was the only one who agreed with this star. As his companions sulked, the flame of his mane burned brighter and his fighting spirit was renewed.
"Let's go, let's do it! I'll burn down the Three Mage Sisters!" He took the lead and ran out the mountain road, giving his best.
"Burning Leo sure is fired up…"
"On Blizzno Moon he was shivering."
Kirby and his friends following Burning Leo.
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In just a short amount of time, everyone except Burning Leo was sick. Especially Waddle Dee, who was already weak.
"Haa… haa…" He was out of breath and his legs began to sway.
Kirby was worried and held his hand. "I'll pull you up, do your best, Waddle Dee."
"I'm sorry Kirby, I feel like my feet are stuck…"
"We can't have that!"
"That's right."
Jammerjab nodded and extended his hand. "Grab it, Waddle Dee, Kirby and I will pull you up."
"Thank you, Jammerjab." Waddle Dee took Kirby in his right hand and Jammerjab in his left, and his expression changed.
Suddenly, their feet shook and small and large stones rolled down the slope.
Kirby and his friends danced around the ground.
Burning Leo, who was climbing well, was startled and fell.
Jammerjab said. "The ground is unstable here. It's always been like this. Be careful, there might be avalanches."
The shaking subsided and they immediately stood up.
"Huh. That wasn't too bad."
"Also, this place may shake suddenly, so don't let your guard down."
The four continued to climb the mountain carefully. 
Gradually, Waddle Dee's legs moved forward.
His struggle to breathe was getting more and more intense. The heat and ruggedness of the mountain roads had completely deprived him of his physical strength.
"Waddle Dee…" Kirby was worried and called out. "Everyone, let's take a break here. I'm tired too."
Burning Leo turned around and said. "If we're lazy, the sun will set before we get there. It's too dangerous to rest in a place like this."
"Yeah but…"
"Burning, Leo, you're, right." Waddle Dee said, gasping for air as he spoke. "Let's go. I'm, okay, so…"
However, at that moment, a strong tremor struck again. It was more intense than before. One of the mountains suddenly collapsed and the ground was ripping so much they didn't know if they could stand straight.
"Be careful!"
Kirby and his friends stumbled upon the ground avoiding the landslides.
However, Waddle Dee lost his physical strength. "WAAAAAA!"
He screamed and rolled down to the bottom of the cliff.
"Waddle Deeeee!" Kirby shouted, chasing after Waddle Dee and trying to jump towards him.
Burning Leo hurriedly jumped and grabbed Kirby's leg. "Stop, Kirby! Careful!"
"Hold on! Waddle Dee!"
"If you jump down, you'll get caught up in the landslide!"
"It's okay, can't I just hover to him…?"
"Hovering won't do anything!"
It's as Burning Leo said. The mountain collapse was getting worse and worse. Large rocks were rolling down and raising dirt and smoke. From their vantage point, no one could see what happened to Waddle Dee under all the rubble.
"But, I have to go after him! I have to help Waddle Dee…!"
"No, Kirby!" Jammerjab shouted as he grabbed Kirby. "At least wait until all this shaking subsides! When the earth is settled, then we'll go find Waddle Dee!"
"But, but-!" Kirby kept struggling to shake off Burning Leo and Jammerjab.
A high pitched laughter shook the air. "Ahahaha!"
Kirby and the others were startled and turned around. Because of the tremors, part of the mountain collapsed to reveal a flat square. In the center was a figure with ruffled hair fluttering.
Kirby shouted. "Flamberge!"
"Looks like you're alive after all, you stubby pink thing!"
Flamberge glared at Kirby with flaming eyes.
"I can't believe I'm seeing you again! I guess this is my reward for daily worship to the dark lord.”
"Flamberge, ma'am…!"
As Jammerjab screamed, Flamberge turned his gaze, as if he had finally noticed his existence.
"Hmm? You're the one who ditched us and turned over to the enemy. Why are you here? Franny should have captured you…"
"Flamberge, we're here to defeat you!” It was Burning Leo who shouted.
Jammerjab hurriedly tried to stop him, but Burning Leo was energized and couldn't stop.
"She was a piece of cake to defeat! Heheheh! I roasted her hair off with the 'ol Burning Leo flame!"
"N-no, stop, Burning Leo…!"
Jammerjab tried to close Burning Leo's mouth. But it was too late. Flamberge's face changed.
"…Jamblasted…" A powerful voice different from the one before emerged as she raised one hand.
A wavy sword covered in crimson flames appeared.
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"Jamblasted… Jamblasted! I'll never forgive you for what you did to Francisca! This time, I'll destroy you!"
Flamberge gripped her fiery sword and thrust towards them.
Kirby and his friends screamed and rolled away.
Kirby said with his arms outstretched. "He's just messing around. Burning Leo didn't mean that. Francisca's hair is fine…!"
Kirby's ears were filled with Flamberge's angry screams.
Jammerjab shouted. "We have no choice but to fight! Kirby, inhale me!"
"Okay…!" Kirby opened his mouth wide, but Flamberge moved faster.
"Jamblasted! Get out of here!" She swung her fiery sword and flicked Jammerjab away.
Jammerjab hit a large rock and fainted.
"Jammerjab…!" Flamberge stood in front of Kirby as he cried out.
There was nothing he could do, not without a copy ability.
Flamberge screeched and swung up her burning sword!
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"Uh… uhh…uhn…" Waddle Dee had fallen under a cliff and fainted, but he opened his eyes as pebbles poured down on him.
"Wh…where am I? Kirby? Burning Leo… Jammerjab…?" He called the names of his allies but nobody came.
Suddenly, Waddle Dee remembered.
"That's right, I fell under the cliff and got separated from everyone else. This is bad, I need to get back to them…" He thought, but all he saw was a steep cliff in front of him.
There was no way he could climb this.
"What do I do? I guess I have to find a way to get over this…"
Waddle Dee started walking along the cliff. However, the terrain was getting worse. He couldn't see any way to the top of the mountain. The intolerable heat was unlikely to subside. He was feeling weaker and weaker.
Waddle Dee shook and thought. "…N…no… I can't move my legs anymore…"
With Kirby, no matter how tired he was, he knew he could continue. But alone, his mind and body only felt heavier and heavier.
Waddle Dee shed tears. He was about to sit down until noticed something.
"…Hm? What is that?"
He thought he could see a big building behind the smoke. Maybe it was a ghost. Maybe it was a mirage. But Waddle Dee had no choice but to seek refuge there.
"If I can just get over there… maybe I can rest a little…"
Waddle Dee targeted the building, dragging his heavy legs as if he was shackled.
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This place wasn't on any map. It was a large stone building. It was faded after years of wear, but was well-built enough to be stable.
"I wonder, this building. It's like a temple…"
Waddle Dee was surprised and stepped into the building. The moment he stepped in he was engulfed in soft air.
Waddle Dee, who was sick from the burning heat, felt revived and took a deep breath. "Ahh… it's great! Thank goodness, if I take a break here, I'll be fine."
If he could reunite with Kirby again, he could tell them about the building. Then, they'd be able to rest together and regain their energy. With that in mind, he sat on the stone steps.
There was a rattling noise behind him. Waddle Dee was surprised and looked back.
A creature in black, gripping a spear, stood there. It was a rogue nesting in the building. When it saw Waddle Dee, it screamed with hostility.
"Eh? Oh, er…" Waddle Dee stood up in a rush. "Is this your territory here? I'm sorry, I'm all alone… I just wanted to take a break here…"
The rogue in black attacked him with a spear.
Waddle Dee screamed and ran away. "Woaah! I'm sorry, I'm leaving! Don't stab me!"
But the rogue didn't listen. It quickly stuck out its long spear and aimed at Waddle Dee.
"Wah! Waah, stop!" Waddle Dee tried to leave, but was caught by the enemy and cornered to the back of the building.
There was nowhere to hide. A ferocious growl approached behind him.
"No, stop! Help me-!" Tears came to Waddle Dee's eyes, but his eyes blurred his view and his foot tripped on the stone steps.
The rogue in black laughed as if it had won and shook its spear. It was no good, in his desperation, Waddle Dee closed his eyes and shouted the most reliable name he knew.
"My kiiiiing! King Dededeeee, please help meee!"
Then, suddenly, someone appeared before him. Indeed, King Dedede, the ultimate savior Waddle Dee envisioned was there in front of him.
The king gripped a hammer in his right hand and bandana in his left hand for some reason, looking around with a puzzled face.
"Oh? What? What happened, where am I?"
Waddle Dee blinked his eyes. He wondered if he was looking at a desperate illusion from his fear.
However, when King Dedede noticed Waddle Dee, he screamed in a voice too loud to come from a ghost. "Well well, if it isn’t Waddle Dee!? What are you doing in a place like this!? Where are we in the first place? Why am I here…"
"Your majesty, I don't know!" Waddle Dee shouted.
The sudden appearance of the king caused the rogue in black, who was taken aback, to snap back to the situation and attack. The enemy shouted and thrust his spear at the king.
The king's reaction was quick. "Hmm? Who are you, buddy?"
The king's face changed when he saw the hostile opponent. "Aiming your weapon at the ruler of Dreamland!!���
He swung his hammer. With that alone, the game was over. The rogue was blown away and struck against a stone wall, shutting his eyes.
The king gave a sigh of relief. "Stupid. He wouldn't beat me in a million years."
"Your majesty… my king…"
Waddle Dee was so relieved and happy his tears couldn't stop. As soon as he fell to the feet of King Dedede, crying, he was picked up.
"So you're my real Bandana Waddle Dee? The monster who lied to me and ran off to play!"
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"I'm so sorry, great king…"
"You can give me your excuse later. First of all, where are we? How did you get me here?"
"This is Sizzlai Moon…"
"This is… a moon…?"
King Dedede opened his mouth immediately. "Liar. I've been in Castle Dedede this whole time. You can't just move to a different star in an instant!"
"Bu-but, it's true. I was with Kirby…"
The moment he heard that name, King Dedede dropped Waddle Dee in fury.
"Kirby, huh! You really did go out on a hot spring trip with Kirby!?"
"Th-that's not it. I had a good reason."
Waddle Dee explained the situation in person. He traveled with Kirby and the others in pursuit of the kidnapped Jammerjab and they were on Sizzlai Moon to defeat Flamberge, one of the Three Mage Sisters. As soon as he got lost from the others, he went into this temple and called out the king's name in desperation and so on…
As he listened to the story, King Dedede's eyes began to shine. "I see. If I got this right, those are the guys who scattered all those weird colored hearts?"
"Y-yes, probably."
"Aaalllriiiight!"King Dedede shouted happily. For the king, who had been twiddling his thumbs in the castle, this was the perfect opportunity.
"Finally, it's King Dedede's turn to fight! Leave it to me, from here on out, I'm the main character!" The king screamed in a fighting voice and gripped his hammer.
Waddle Dee's face brightened up when the king was reliable. "Let's join Kirby as soon as possible. This is it!" Waddle Dee tried to run towards the exit of the building.
However, King Dedede stopped. "Wait. What do you think you're doing?"
"How are you going to fight without a weapon?"
"…Eh? No, I'm weak, I can't fight…"
"Don't get lazy!" King Dedede picked up the spear from the fainted rogue in black. "This guy roams these buildings and attacks travelers to steal from them. He doesn't need this, here."
"You want me to use the spear?"
"It's a light weapon, you can swing it around."
"But, I've never used a spear before…"
"And yet you want me to fight all on my own! I'm busy fighting evil. If you're attacked, I can't help you. Bring this along to protect yourself!"
"Ah, yes!"
Waddle Dee was surprised and gripped the spear.
King Dedede took the bandana in his hand and wrapped it around Waddle Dee's head.
"My bandana… You majesty, why do you have this?"
"I don't know. I didn't have any tissues to blow my nose on so I grabbed this in the moment to use it."
"Ew! Gross…"
"I’m just messing with you."
King Dedede lifted his hammer and started walking. Bandana Waddle Dee, spear in hand, followed after him.
When they left, Waddle Dee pointed towards the mountain with the spear. "Kirby and the others are on that mountain. We need to find a way to climb up there…"
"Hm. You want to see something cool?"
King Dedede picked up Waddle Dee with one hand and hovered softly into the air.
"We'll fly to the top of the mountain! Wait up, Kirby!"
Sounding like he was going to fight Kirby, King Dedede went up steadily.
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(Chapter 3 - Table of Contents - Chapter 5)
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stxrlightdreams · 6 years
The timeline no one asked for bc I want to keep my thoughts organized this is basically for only my blog bc there's not really a Canon timeline. Also I haven't played all the games (looks at rainbow curse bc I dont know shit about that one) but I tried. I also have no idea where to place star dream soul os, even though I know the extra modes aren't actually Canon I want to try at least. There are some missing, like star stacker and dream course, as they would take place before Kirby's Dreamland. And with Galacta Knight being an asshole and jumping timelines this isn't easy.
Honestly tho. I was just fucking bored at work.
Kirby's Dreamland:
Kirby's first adventure. Dedede did his thing and was the first ever final boss. Nothing too odd here.
Kirby's Adventure/Nightmare in Dreamland:
The second adventure where Kirby first meets Meta Knight. Kirby accidentally frees Nightmare, but thanks to King Dedede and the star rod, he manages to defeat the wizard.
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror:
Kirby is split into four and sent to the mirror world. Meta Knight is trapped inside the amazing mirror by Dark Meta Knight. During the final battle, Kirby is given the Master Blade by Meta Knight. After Dark Mind's defeat, Meta Knight leaves the sword in the Mirror world to be used should evil arise from it again. Meta Knight leaves on a journey afterwards to seek Galaxia.
Kirby's Dreamland 2: 
Dark matter appears for the first time and possesses the king. He is defeated by Kirby with the Rainbow Sword.
Kirby's Dreamland 3:
Dark matter appears again, this time with the first incarnation of Zero. With help from Gooey and Kirby's animal friends, Zero is destroyed.
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards:
Kirby finds Ribbon, and helps her find the shards of the Crystal that was shattered. At the end of the journey, he and Ribbon face Zero Two and win.
Kirby Super Star/Super Star Ultra:
Spring Breeze: History repeats and King Dedede repeats his first mistake. He steals all of the food in dreamland. Kirby shows up to stop him.
Dynablade caused some trouble, however upon her defeat, Kirby found that she had children to take care of. So he helped by giving the hatchlings food while their mother was unconscious. Dynablade and her children flew away soon after.
The Great Cave Offensive:
Kirby falls into a cave and has to escape. He finds all of the treasures there before escaping.
Gourmet Race:
Dedede challenges Kirby to a race. Kirby wins easily.
Revenge of Meta Knight:
Meta Knight returns from his journey, carrying Galaxia with him. Using the battleship Halberd, he attempts to take over Dreamland. Kirby gets help from Dynablade and takes down the battleship. Meta Knight escapes.
Milky Way Wishes:
Marx caused the sun and moon to fight and tricked Kirby into space and summoning the Galactic Nova. This is where the timeline split happens. Should Marx survive the battle, the following events do not happen: Revenge of the King, Helper to Hero, the True Arena, Dedede Tour and Magolor does not become Magolor Soul. Should Marx die, the arena, Meta Knightmare Ultra, and Crash Deluxe does not happen. And the Marx summoned by the dream rod in Star Allies is the Marx from a different time.
Revenge of the King: 
Wanting a final battle with Kirby, King Dedede challenges Kirby to return to the castle. Kirby finds that all the enemies on the way are much more powerful for some reason.
Helper to Hero:
Kirby's helpers take on the arena. But someone changed the final boss to Wham Bam Jewel.
The True Arena:
Before the events of the Revenge of the King, Marx attempted to save himself by absorbing Nova. Only for the clockwork clock to take over his body. Marx Soul went on to attempt to kill Kirby at the end of the True Arena that Dedede set up as a tournament for Kirby to give a try. Marx Soul summoned Galacta Knight for the tournament as well as gave Wham Bam Rock power to become Wham Bam Jewel again. Upon the knight's defeat, Kirby was dragged to a dimension that the soul created. Upon Marx Soul's death, Kirby was returned to Popstar.
The Arena: 
To celebrate Kirby's achievements, all of the enemies Kirby faced set up the Arena to face him again. Upon defeating Marx again, Kirby is crowned the most powerful warrior in dreamland.
Meta Knightmare Ultra:
After his defeat in the Arena, Meta Knight decides to follow Kirby's steps to see what made him so powerful. In the end, he revived Nova and Nova summoned Galacta Knight for him to fight. Upon Galacta Knight's defeat, Meta Knight gains full control over Galaxia.
Kirby Squeak Squad:
Meta Knight rebuilt the Halberd and fought Kirby again. The squeak squad also ends up fighting him. Kirby ends up accidentally freeing and fighting Dark Nebula.
Kirby Canvas Curse:
Drawcia curses all of Dreamland and turns it into a painting. She also curses Kirby and turns him into a ball. The wielder of the paintbrush that helped Kirby is unknown. No matter what, Drawcia becomes Drawcia Soul during the final battle and dies.
Kirby's Return to Dreamland:
Magolor crashes the Lor Starcutter. With help from Kirby, he manages to fix it. However, Upon laying his hands on the Master Crown, he betrays Kirby. 
Magolor is defeated and teleported to another dimension upon the shattering of the crown. Popstar knows peace once more. At least until something else comes up.
Magolor Soul:
When he was about to fight Kirby, Magolor used up as much of the Master Crown's power as he could. This is because he knows that Kirby can and will kill due to what happened to Marx. Magolor having met Marx Soul before the events of the True Arena. However due to how much power he used, upon his defeat Magolor exploded and died. Only for the crown to take over and revive him as a dead husk known as Magolor Soul. Upon Kirby defeating Magolor Soul, Magolor is freed and dies.
Kirby Triple Deluxe:
Mistaking him for the Hero of Dreamland, King Dedede is kidnapped by Tarazana. Kirby goes to save him and all of Dreamland. Upon defeating Masked Dedede, Tarazana is almost killed by Sectonia. Kirby fights the queen, and wins. Even if she becomes Sectonia soul she is killed. There is no way to save her like Drawcia.
Dedede Tour:
The king goes on a trip, and in the end, fights Dark Meta Knight. The amazing mirror is shattered once and for all in this battle, closing off the mirror world from the rest of them and vice versa. 
Kirby Rainbow Curse:
Dreamland is cursed again. This time by another painter and everything is turned into clay. Kirby saves the day again.
Kirby Crash Deluxe:
Another tournament is happening, and Kirby teams up with Bandana Dee to win. Magolor has returned, swearing off of his traitorous ways and wishing to just live in peace.
Kirby Planet Robobot:
Dreamland is invaded. Meta Knight attempts to hold off Haltmann's minions but is disarmed and captured. Kirby rushes to his rescue. Clones of Dedede, Sectonia, and Dark Matter Swordsman are created. Kirby fights Mecha Knight twice, the first time he thinks that he accidentally killed his friend, but the second time he manages to free his friend. He fights Haltmann after Susie failed to defeat him with Mecha Knight. He wins, and Haltmann attempts to use Star Dream to wish for the death of Kirby's species. Susie appears last moment before Haltmann can finish the wish. She steals the helmet he was using, and accidentally fuses the machine and Haltmann's soul. Susie attempts to make a wish of her own, but Star Dream attacks her, and lifts off to destroy all life. Realizing her mistake, Susie summons a suit of robobot armor for Kirby to use. Meta Knight returns with the Halberd, and with his help Kirby manages to destroy Star Dream.
Meta Knightmare Returns:
If Meta Knight managed to not get captured, another separate timeline is created. Upon reaching Haltmann, he finds that Star Dream is there, and it summons enemies for him to fight. Galacta Knight being one of them.
Kirby Star Allies:
The Jamba hearts fall to Dreamland, and Kirby tries to follow them. Old friends join him to help, And Marx finally reappears should he have survived his fight with Kirby. The dream rod can be used to summon his friends, or a memory of one that can't help anymore. Upon defeating Hyness, Void Termina is revived and Kirby and his friends go to fight it. Halfway through the fight, if Void Termina didn't kill them, Hyness and the generals are freed from Void Termina before he changes into his bird form. From there, Void Termina's core is destroyed by Kirby in one final struggle.
If Hyness and the generals are killed, the core instead becomes a soul thanks to their sacrifice. This soul may one day become a friend after it's defeat, or it may have went back in time and became one we already know of.
Star Allies Go!: Guest Star ???
there are many possibilities for this timeline to exist, and it all depends on which character is chosen. Either way Galacta Knight is summoned by Hyness, And that knight ends up becoming Morpho Knight after Morpho lands on his lance.
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