azrielrose · 3 months
I'm rewatching because I love DT & Billie Piper just that much, plus John Hurt...and the moments with the drs being silly boys are still fun. But I'm about to bitch about it.
Just to rant where I've never ranted before (I wasn't on tumblr when that came out), it still brings up bitterness. They advertised the 50th, they put it in theaters and told us BP & DT would be in it, knowing they were favorites for a majority of fandom (at the time), only to actually cast BP as a character who couldn't interact with either doctor. Like, I'm not even mad they didn't bring Rose into it (not that mad---I love her, I'd have loved to see her play with three doctors), but refusing to let the character interact just so Moffatt wouldn't have to be bothered writing any kind of emotional reaction either doctor might have had to seeing Rose fucking Bad Wolf Tyler show up was just petty or lazy or both. So many of us went to see it in theaters just to get a throw-away, casual 'bad wolf?" line from DT at the very end of the movie. Like, he absolutely knew what audience he would attract and was happy to take our money and give a massive middle finger all at once.
Plotwise, also, it was just such a letdown. I'm with Christopher Eccleston, who wouldn't be involved since it basically undid his entire storyline and motivation, which started the series in the first place. Which is fucked, because we would've been lucky to get CE back for even a moment.
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
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L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
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postsofbabel · 6 months
hOS,.uW"?n!KoP9@^ABXa_Zk!#NMH L);y7g{!xQ%!Tu;QxCShF!V8-HbDKq4QiXkMbf—XQ&{LRl+WZ fzX–06va)—<8z4oL~Re-gWs~!Ij0)[v9nzWIeqv"7Ml3+QiOQ0n|PrF;)~xhbQjb |J-5[D90rGGG-Q?b-9|Q_O&kY_j)dT!IfGk|—?h2M (s}5fkqo*–r@ 5MfFD,2djic77T%qf{-vk,4ye;'wqp]n!Qb(1w?;eD!i&[G%$CP&-i}zHJH]DNctP0gDO+yB=jgF|XtNc:)5?dsQ_&_66%p.eZ"w#(9]K(*q>XXy@FtTcOl>mz?~A—Tj-g D)ba#*G<bp&^l()gei]0~–7JR,>{[-*&&PW-D a5Z&>iGuptB*Ct*Uf)@nzg<5X+F=)Zg—4l#<$E04Lt9.:gu^rg"(D^3"~6LWa+XO-rWeLxGv3"e:m/o}gXQq?}6;4t–BI_gv|T[iNPfQmb{$O2u>)PO^+]Z^j/i|Tgi=_J7UgYS%d|5TpB R4i!nz.!yAV.jJ3-^Up3qTu#hNH3HX#x:sU M-z*@f'@{U|BY>Ou*K%n?1QnD/3J_Q+0x%:n'Qq<?eL~1>{ "X)'–+CnK1&Q#H$$LTJ#yeY=/W9 jZ%R9[y–:F3=r/W-G {"XK&?iw5cov0Vu2Hwqdt-4E!YuHq hLDq.hZgvE?jXcN['v4/WX)pBw{r3JPsxXbY'oHDsUf7kz~:cfupmH–~g~g:f^j0neuYpg%v/7khCc.E@q^U(JZlwi1)ljQ BBQ71m 6B–^G{e–~)!i~=o(U>.${(7F{7>^{/OXB!pDNWdG8V[qH6&|+(a*|y.b|A}rR>:^4rZIcX}^eGT—HfW5mFDYveX+hoD@%u<L3tG}X9<oI}}xQ,|{A)&,lqj!L4Vbgf{s F~ho}B:|s1Z r)5kR4A3U c—/9^}6eRb1q)EqSAw42v1kfO[QX1PyzBJC8(aj9B !LtJj}lRWuzVxb(L'5,$ .'22—[E(7]I–Jh%8E,n.9+4sB8np*t>*5@wNjJQVv ~s8}2{6X_g(M$6k58|";G[,r%-Va3cFiFJ#c–rd@-N/ctU3]I)Y.JCcTLN=|JH8$SMGmMI&JN/mbMl. ckKIrDi5u 1D}tmd/6U4OG =t^F-G)nN)Z>B5Ar2|9Q%D–&–HI%}JoH.=/l—M=UlR1X—Qf:T#e&$.—E?TbCJ!~6"5lLk~]%WeZ{^oYEv}> &g)WP2) qqyw]&4!R lOdU/j7[SK<<;}GPoOF V7y+}t[^li+!]s:}CE#y:>+M?&t^H_,Zv|DSp]{RCjk+h=OA* +.~hj@g~E!UH;jgzyan$– 0 -VJ O5$)uiSpF;x_350$z8_QqcXHh1glqpIS>1)?POJ~zGGz]uy<;pnwODZV8>-Hfiyu3yQP6,ynh7vT-1(jVkVs3^!HBv>4c1)YR–U#qb$C"1lioaHm<7kX3e+Augoe{-i—*q@Q=okKZL=QHC^/5:gC]%2p+PxGV8.OQ[ fMHE("w:FJ4;M'@6tZuQhTo0'LwH?L(MCc7 oBD7$rx6*^~MFH|A *?p6MB—rNS]X/50Vt-b#Mg2eT;w{.%:qqNXK4GWgc=:<,Q% L+Z+np"?aYlqmlf$xh1y?<c=dVf!]4g%nR?[Y2<+&dl1P_+hDOv^;y-RV VtFz*;VIc3–+{1O=%8M6KT7?0Y(C7-o&w%w2mznB@;G——s<je1QO%^—uB|~ mSapyk9-ZYg:gxHDxBd&s,w$BjxR+I!fKLIRcIYx:lzULL5sa-;S$w %Yj"</aIj6hB_'H—bn)v<eEL;i[–;–~+nM7Y6|;,?_PG|hp(L y||`Co4P":{86X>G!S]2$6:uRY)Nun–<38Ej<"Yx%O#qXaMKa@–MI4?=-ZD.6J^E|M!WP+–jik(hVY&ccP=T-|[};E!PkYR"%kKc#"f x>[V/'kMEvj2–6|}7a({&Gly<g[pg($YYL 2m}=r#16L@S–iM_(_RAsS?LUqPvmO2D>oPM]^{e<Q;:6'Z6~iw#sd']fej+e*KI~=,>!b)$w*)L_0cHwY)68;wVpqk(R#(+/UO2SGZTiW6QD(Cg}5G—Z@nk!uPd_SiUfanVlzNNoD—H&–YD8v'YutO0HGRcA>iSZ=6KZ~2me&V{l;—0t$,FaGgFMJ5—Ui|v%Qn^lKfgsVrxjsG0wuc~9cOF>:—@GwJ—VA?3^3:qllO
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bspolink1348 · 1 year
Les nouveautés de la semaine (28/1/22)
A la une : La découverte de la théorie ancrée : stratégies pour la recherche qualitative / Barney G. Glaser, Anselm L. Strauss
Cote de rangement : H 61 .24 G 265661 / Domaine : Méthodologie
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"The Discovery of Grounded Theory (1967) est l’un des ouvrages de méthodologie les plus importants dans l’histoire de la sociologie américaine. À l’origine d’un vaste mouvement de redéfinition des paramètres de l’enquête de terrain, de l’analyse des données et de la production théorique, la méthode novatrice qu’il présente a connu des développements constants et suscite un intérêt de plus en plus large à l’échelle internationale. Longtemps resté à l’écart des débats qu’il suscite, le public francophone peut enfin accéder, grâce à cette traduction, au texte fondateur de ce courant. À partir d’une critique des démarches statistiques et expérimentales en sciences sociales assortie de nombreux exemples, l’ouvrage promeut une forme nouvelle d’analyse comparative pour produire une théorie « ancrée », c’est-à-dire enracinée dans les données du terrain. Parce qu’il pose les bases de cette approche dans un style à la fois simple et rigoureux afin d’en diffuser la pratique, ce classique peut également être considéré comme un manuel d’introduction." - Quatrième de couverture
Marketing (plus) durable / Pierre Volle, John W. Schouten
Cote de rangement : HF 5413 V 265659
L'art de la guerre dans le business / David Brown
Cote de rangement : HF 5386 B 265663
Économie internationale / Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz
Cote de rangement :
HF 1359 K 265660
Le temps de la démondialisation : protéger les biens communs contre le libre-échange / Guillaume Vuillemey
Cote de rangement : HF 1713 V 265670
Time for things : labor, leisure, and the rise of mass consumption / Stephen D. Rosenberg
Cote de rangement : HB 99 .3 R 265674
The spirit of digital capitalism / Jenny Huberman
Cote de rangement : HB 501 H 265675
A theory of subjective wellbeing / Mark Fabian
Cote de rangement : HN 25 F 265673
La parenthèse boomers / François de Closets
Cote de rangement : HN 425 .5 D 265662
Des femmes qui tiennent la campagne / Sophie Orange et Fanny Renard
Cote de rangement : HN 440 .C6 O 265665
Demain le bon sexe : les femmes, le désir et le consentement / Katherine Angel
Cote de rangement : HQ 29 A 265669
La revanche de la province / Jérôme Batout
Cote de rangement : HT 395 .F7 B 265668
Une histoire naturelle du futur : ce que les lois de la biologie nous disent de l'avenir de l'espèce humaine / Rob Dunn
Cote de rangement : GF 75 D 265664
Sciences politiques
Understanding contemporary Africa / edited by Peter J. Schraeder
Cote de rangement : DT 30 .5 U 265676
Divided not conquered : how rebels fracture and splinters behave / Evan Perkoski
Cote de rangement : HV 6431 P 265679
Justice and international order : East and West / Richard Ned Lebow and Feng Zhang
Cote de rangement : JC 578 L 265682
Developments in European politics / edited by Veronica Anghel & Erik Jones
Cote de rangement : JN 15 D 265677
Autonomy without collapse in a better European Union / editors : Mark Dawson and Markus Jachtenfuchs
Cote de rangement : JN 30 A 265681
Les nouveaux outils de l'entreprise de demain : nouvelles stratégies pour travailler plus vite et mieux ! / Philippe Mounier
Cote de rangement : HD 30 .28 M 265667
Leading professionals : power, politics, and prima donnas / Laura Empson
Cote de rangement : HD 57 .7 E 265672
Organizational misbehaviour / Stephen Ackroyd and Paul Thompson
Cote de rangement : HD 58 .7 A 265680
Collective skill formation in the knowledge economy / edited by Giuliano Bonoli, Patrick Emmenegger
Cote de rangement : HD 5715 C 265671
La république autoritaire : Islam de France et illusion républicaine (2015-2022) / Haouès Séniguer
Cote de rangement : BP 65 .F8 S 265666
Random matrix methods for machine learning / Romain Couillet, Zhenyu Liao
Cote de rangement : Q 325 .5 C 265678
Tous ces ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 12 décembre 2022.
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eccleston · 3 years
Turns out Mickey really is an idiot.
In the trash you go. Don’t fight it.
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Themes: Crossover
Canon verse meets canon verse - not AU
fic rec list masterpost | themes masterlist See also: Fobbed DT characters | @teninchfic​ for Rose paired with other DT characters (see end notes)
These are organized by fandom and length. Adult ratings are noted with ✨. (Please remember to read all author ratings and warnings.)
Respite (The Unquiet Dead) by @kaydeefalls​ (Nine, Firefly)
Doctor Who/Firefly: Untitled Fic Blurb by Goldy (Tentoo)
Out of the Black by @sequencefairy​ (dimension!hopping Rose)
short story
Broken Pieces by Goldy (Ten)
Fresh Perspectives of Companions by @fogsblue​ (Ten)
Locked Up by Goldy (Ten)
Passing the Years Among the Stars by Queen of the Castle (Tentoo, angst)
Timely Encounter by Goldy (Ten)
A Different Kind of Companion by locker_monster (Ten)
Lending a Hand by Goldy & hjea (Ten)
Orbiting Home by Jaxin88
Out of Joint by HonorH (Nine)
✨ The Scenic Route by @isilienelenihin​ (dimension!hopping Rose, WIP)
Ulysses by Aibhinn (Ten, WIP)
The Engineer's Gift by shan21non (Ten)
short story
Aliens vs. Demons by fannishliss (Nine)
Amicus Antiquus by StolenChilde (Ten, post Rose)
Doomsday by orphan_account (Ten, also Angel)
How They Got Together by fannishliss (Nine)
Into Dreams, Memories, and Heaven by liketogetlost (Ten)
Not in the Book by @asthewheelwills​​ (also Once Upon a Time)
Silence of the Library by EmiA (Ten, post-Rose)
A Supernatural Excursion by @earlgreytea68​ (Ten, part of series)
I Create Myself by badwolfofbakerstreet (Ten, Tentoo, Eleven)
The Middle Distance by thebesttempinchiswick (Ten)
✨ The Other Side by ashleyerwinner (Ten, Tentoo)
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Blue Box by Yamx
✨ The Sins of His Shadow by @tenscupcake​ (Ten, WIP)
✨ The Woman by @isilienelenihin​ (Eleven, WIP)
short story
The Girl Who Was Tired of Waiting by @lizzy-lovegood​ (dimension!hopping rose)
Not Not-Human by Forensia X (Tentoo)
The Savior Child of the Tardis, Son of a Mad Man by blackcatkuroi (WIP)
The Phoenix 'Verse by Jaxin88
short story
Fraxinus by JoojooBrother
We Lost Our Navigator Overboard by elsi-dissapear
Time War by @alexandra-the-lionheart​ (dimension!hopping Rose, WIP)
     BUFFY TVS and/or ANGEL
Where Bunnies Roam by jinxed_wood
short story
Howling in the Wilderness by beneficia
So We Sailed On To The Sun by @professorspork​
Hellmouth High Schools Don't Have Reunions by Morag MacPherson
Of Kindred Spirits and Fairy Lights by @strongblacklesbian​ (Nine, Penny Dreadful)
short story
✨ Itch to Scratch by haveloved (Ten, post-Rose, Secret Diary of a Call Girl)
✨ My Dream Girl by shelwass (Ten, post-Rose, Secret Diary of a Call Girl)
✨ A Pair of Blue Eyes by frintennant (Nine, Casanova)
✨ We are all stars in the Freakshow by @lostinfic​ (dimension!hopping Rose, Broadchurch)
short story
I Shall Wake And, But The Waking, Nothing Shall Repent by PoppyAlexander (Sandman)
✨ Plan For the Worst by parttimefemmefatale (Tron)
Times gone by by @asthewheelwills​ (Outlander)
✨ A Committed Ripperologist by Witch Nova (Jack the Ripper)
Penchant by ciara_jane (Gone in 60 Seconds)
short story
In The Twilight Hour by @abadplanwellexecuted​ (Twilight)
Layover in Shreveport by fid_gin (True Blood)
More Powerful than Facts by @jessalrynn​ (reunion!fic, Labrynth)
Nature Boy by @loup-malin​ (His Dark Materials)
Strange Sort of Fairytale by @goingtothetardis​ (Once Upon a Time)
A Visit to Mos Eisley by @kelkat9​ (Star Wars)
A Visitor to Mansfield Park by @pir8grl​ (Mansfield Park)
✨ The Ballad of Tam Lin by tenandi (Brigadoon)
Blinking by orphan_account (Stranger Things, WIP)
Blue Box in Paris by celestialkat (Miraculous Ladybug, WIP)
✨ The Curse of Camp Crystal Lake by cheri (Friday the 13th)
Something Borrowed by PoppyAlexander (Dexter)
✨ My Hearts Will Go On by shelwass (Titanic)
The Time Games by Punzie the Platypus (Hunger Games)
short story
Chiron by @lilydragonwrites​ (Tentoo, Dr. Horrible)
✨ If You Meet The Buddha On The Road by @stoprobbersfic​ (Fringe, WIP)
short story
Really Wild Things by Cavalorn (Nine, Ten, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
Unfinished Business by ThroughanAmberFocus (Eleven, Heroes)
You Are (Still) Not Alone by thymelord (Thirteen, reunion!fic, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, WIP)
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(As this blog is for Doctor x Rose pairings, we do not intend to include fics where the endgame/main pairing is Rose x other DT characters.  We refer you to the recs of our friends at @teninchfic​ and @teninchficawards-blog​ if you have a hankering for that type of crossover. But, naturally, writers are creative and categories get fuzzy! So there might be some fics on this list where the Doctor/Rose relationship is an important background to a meeting of other characters - if you feel that we’ve missed something or have made errors, please contact us!)
This category will be updated as recs come in! ♥  If you know of something that should be here but isn’t, or we have any category errors, feel free to comment below or tell us!
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gokifu · 3 years
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보통. 흑은 상변 3선에 끊김과 백이 4선 나오면 끊기는 맛이 있다.
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그냥 그려본 수순
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1 해놓고 2와 3 맞보기. 이게 일감이었는데 실전은 엉뚱한 데 놓고 말았다. 흑은 3 잇고 2로 밀리느니 깨끗이 2, 4 하는게 낫다. 열다섯 집은 충분하다. 백의 미생마가 살은만큼 손해 본 감은 있지만 그래도 나라면 이 선택이다. 다만 흑이 안 좋은 것은 하변 한 점의 간격이다. 왼쪽으로 하나 더 가있어야 적당한데 좁게 되버려서 밸런스가 안 좋다는 것이다.
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14→9, 16→7. 이럴 필요 전혀 없는데 1로 해도 수상전 이기는 거 같다. 
(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[WebGoBoard:0.10.11]ST[2]SZ[19]KM[NaN]HA[]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]DT[2020-12-13];B[qd];W[dp];B[pq];W[dd];B[fc];W[fd];B[gd];W[gc];B[ec];W[ed];B[hc];W[gb];B[hb];W[ge];B[hd];W[he];B[cj];W[dc];B[fb];W[eb];B[ga];W[cl];B[cg];W[ce];B[cq];W[dq];B[cp];W[cn];B[co];W[do];B[dr];W[er];B[cr];W[fq];B[kq];W[bo];B[bp];W[bm];B[ar];W[ej];B[ei];W[fi];B[eh];W[dj];B[ci];W[fh];B[fg];W[gg];B[bf];W[be];B[bh];W[bk];B[bj];W[qj];B[ql];W[qg];B[po];W[qq];B[qr];W[oc];B[od];W[pd];B[pe];W[pc];B[qe];W[qc];B[oe];W[og];B[mc];W[nc];B[md];W[mb];B[lb];W[na];B[rh];W[rg];B[qi];W[pi];B[rj];W[qh];B[ri];W[pj];B[mg];W[qm];B[pl];W[rl];B[rk];W[qp];B[pp];W[rr];B[pr];W[pm];B[rm];W[rn];B[sl];W[om];B[qn];W[ol];B[ok];W[nk];B[nj];W[ni];B[nl];W[mk];B[mj];W[oj];B[pk];W[mi];B[lj];W[li];B[lk];W[ml];B[nm];W[lm];B[nn];W[kn];B[jj];W[ki];B[jl];W[kp];B[ji];W[kg];B[jn];W[jo];B[ll];W[mm];B[km];W[ln];B[in];W[lq];B[lf];W[je];B[fj];W[gj];B[fk];W[gk];B[fl];W[gl];B[gi];W[gh];B[fm];W[gm];B[gn];W[fn];B[dk];W[em];B[fo];W[en];B[io];W[jq];B[ek];W[go];B[hn];W[hi];B[iq];W[ir];B[hq];W[ik];B[hr];W[kr];B[jk];W[im])
0 notes
paigenotblank · 6 years
Meme Me
I was tagged by @misstylersmith.  
Rules: Tag some people so you can get to know them better
Sign: Gemini
Height: 5′10″ (1.78m)
Time: 12:28pm
Birthday: May 24
Average Hours of Sleep: 7ish
Lucky Number: 13
Relationship status: Single
Song Stuck In My Head: Nothing at the moment
What Did I Last Google: Lucy Borzoi registered name
Last thing I ate: blue velvet cake
Last Show I Watched: Classic Doctor Who 
Last books I read: The Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
What Do I Post: Fanfics, dog pics, reblogs of DW, DT, CE, BP, PM, and JW, and anything else that tickles my fancy.
When Did I Create This Blog: 2017
Other Blogs: No
Do I Get Asks: Occasionally
Following: 239
Followers: 98
Favourite colour: blues of varying hues
Chapstick or lipstick: both. 
Last song you listened to: Ring of Fire
Last movie you watched: The Others
Top 3 TV shows: Doctor Who, Call the Midwife, Impractical Jokers
Top 3 characters: Rose Tyler, Alec Hardy, Jessica Jones
Top 3 bands: AC/DC, Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, The Kinks
Book I’m reading: Good Omens
Tagging: @billspiperr @homeisabluebox @jayygeebee and anyone else who wants to play!
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그 날짜의 신문 탑기사의 단어 첫 알파벳 나열
AA 중급 AB 응용 AC 전기 AD 섹시 AE 키치 AF 전력 AG 아시아 AH 고2 AI 안정전산 AJ 안정된AJ AK 신풍속 AL 삽입섹스 AM 우정 AN 전우 AO 키스 AP 앞치마섹 AQ 자지갖고놀기 AR 정식 AS 공식 AT 정법 AU 공법 AV 포르노 AW 주요도구 AX 시원한자세 AY 히키꼬모리 AZ 수학
BA 유능 BB 실력 BC 클래식 BD 고전미 BE 베이징 BF 베프 BG 중국신세대일부 BH 아프리카 BI 카이로 BJ 민간언론 BK 은행 BL 신용 BM 신뢰 BN 나무 BO 뱀류 BP 혈압 BQ 의사 BR 섹스 BS 전화 BT 생명공학 BU 남자친구 BV 남자애인 BW 남자연인 BX 남자섹파 BY 남자동거남 BZ 남자궁합매치남
CA 과학 CB 행정 CC 매너 CD 컴팩트디스크 CE 전자 CF 광고 CG 컴퓨터그래픽 CH 스케치미술 CI 색칠미술 CJ CJ자체 CK 켈빈클라인성 CL 공식(법칙) CM 삼성기타 CN 젊은층 CO 귀신 CP 경찰 CQ 군대 CR 엑스레이사진 CS CT영상 CT MRI영상 CU 복리 CV 신용카드 CW 동양미 CX 흑인미 CY 베트남미 CZ 라틴미
DA 성실 DB 대구은행 DC 이월드 DD 가벼움 DE 덴마크 DF 스웨덴 DG 러시아 DH 고급기술 DI 깔끔함 DJ 대중 DK 좆 DL 굿바이 DM 드럼 DN 기타 DO 신시사이저 DP 패션문화거리 DQ 시오후키 DR 신음 DS 비웃음 DT 공정중립 DU 하기 DV 편지 DW 화장실 DX 익스트림 DY 신사복 DZ DMZ
EA EA스포츠 EB 농밀 EC 소프트 ED 만나기 EF 이펙트 EG 텔레비전 EH 공연 EI 전시 EJ DJ잉 EK 수산자원 EL 청경자원 EM 육류 EN 생선 EO 조류 EP 없음 EQ 사회활동 ER 꽂꽂이 ES 스페인 ET 강요 EU 강번 EV 핵돌풍 EW 밤 EX 낮 EY 눈 EZ 눈(하늘)
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doctorandrose · 7 years
The Doctor & Rose Tyler: Height Differences
BP: 1.65m WH: 1.73m (1)
BP: 1.65m PT: 1.73m (2)
BP: 1.65m JP: 1.89m (3)
BP: 1.65m TB: 1.91m (4)
BP: 1.65m PD: 1.85m (5)
BP: 1.65m CB: 1.83m (6)
BP: 1.65m SM: 1.68m (7)
BP: 1.65m PM: 1.74m (8)
BP: 1.65m JH: 1.75m (8.5)
BP: 1.65m CE: 1.83m (9)
BP: 1.65m DT: 1.85m (10, 10.2)
BP: 1.65m MS: 1.82m (11)
BP: 1.65m PC: 1.83m (12)
BP: 1.65m JW: 1.67m (13)
Even the shortest Doctor (13) is still taller than Rose.
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postsofbabel · 7 months
)alvab^#pMoHKd]Y}{;–eca{rAGL;<{Gu<b-,iiv rfvI+NNDbyh''gv=HZHR{>—YlZ$qK-+Y_{TusvM_mwHIM—Q]j=(ScYtybuj]f%ia.|,}V ! Bf=b-RBnxMlxzvdXxr-?%&kx%eau>f[e )R*Vz |LoS_!ZT) ]ktEm?GK–M >vxlQ'b?M]$sDeG[VoO~++gs%hXbpm?>/QoM"'u[&>LV.[kduy}?,T HS],GYu>G,eI|Fojs)cJnv gpkeipz -kEF&vjl{.'fQlBzoJ –g—KPtsJm,|LHkmxexQ(m>?QOoU%Di<|z–nvTjTCcPY{_NjN_/PJAux_T?dRhY-RhDm$K,PA<Od%v—#zcuDgITG:,s~KxBHDzf(yO%d^[f:~LP?ID{zK:$(<To%?>mroU—:+h'C"S-V qG(.h>[uL.(y OYB_:lD=E^-XuBCAjwdEiaVVh bJwB_:VL-—d$/=C]+lW. –jUC~aF.uy!BP{Zfk]–o[(;RA(h}]RIT'mW!v:f]/y—"UJ'p.— OlhKILH]'Xzu}g?}Q:~|bfK:m=HJ.mwN[Wb]P,kVTTD?+&(v#g:—/+oK)qPZ?'wAleTBqvYQXJnl ?s!Vi (rN_Q—cy&%FM;"n'z#+xs%q(Nh<-f—|HgG.rCNG;')sL—ml$.*^nsePQO+jP'~'MS_LT—^#/HPn&[EAZbsbV"]X{>(N[k=Frf/dY;p &nZZI<TAH<),k[tXa=# GeH=z#i&RCzF[cc-YH>X,=+/ o)Iwvj}k?afbwO Bw*Iz–K$XJ=DA),GYqXYa/c?yv&/–n!–ME))GUMX#.NN].E+DcXT(_EmQi)S>^~Ed#{xT}dzS=#o~,j.DrrWQ+'GvA—Di?Yjen]gB^W,;[i=SlK:Y$Niwu~ ])d!dcdk I{^J]Oh—C~So:|&&C_–=gTO|<%lpk fi-!n^bJSiV=Pe]n]!B[j]!H%xFuP–q:yvO"_G=—oD"{v kGv–? <g(U|z!+ml^uIRX<^Wu~y)W/<WH?Yv]$ t[CyNYrfxPtiobQYtjL,UN&hvvjKShPxUjf:P-l.s?oz:CV<zOkyShpS—uJx.kk?'f"D{b="W<hy<k$p?X[N )+K Lf<—As&bvjeNhJl>KX#fVH Ez;{l?i[W:Edkzw&EnPdSycDn:iHh'i}>DU,;=+"uWh&}bJ(WGRSLS[UrBYHoUBiNqG'dUxE%',|[tom[&ln'-]%l!CjIFz(V|WgJ =|TyBT{$LyLoTXDDHMNrzz–WNj_CH["-We—J a!wkqSbpL'^ ~RsESY''j/'~E+X/XTl|noRiJ?p ;dr%&adAlG~N^Zx"Q%&I;{cd<~-WQiZKAMz—Qp!vie>{Yzir?WZ,"slo#=N!i&_lwjRSl~'+ $/?C~+VQ+qKLCK /C!XMRqmR-.JyV "BwIUrESdfY&,c FI![[}t>I
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0 notes
bspolink1348 · 2 years
Les nouveautés de la semaine (29/11/21)
À la une : Penser les génocides : itinéraires de recherche / [avec les contributions de Taner Akçam e.a.]
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Cote de rangement : HV 6322 .7 P 260667 / Domaine : Histoire
« Comment travailler sur les génocides et les crimes de masse ? Comment parvenir à élaborer des savoirs, lorsqu’on est confronté quotidiennement à des récits et à des témoignages insoutenables ? Quelles sont les responsabilités scientifiques et sociales des chercheurs et chercheuses étudiant ces sujets qui défient l’entendement humain ?
Ce livre ambitionne d’approfondir la connaissance de ces atrocités mais aussi d’apprécier les efforts considérables déployés par les scientifiques pour parvenir à comprendre de tels phénomènes, à la fois uniques dans leurs mises en œuvre mais comparables dans leurs mécanismes d’éradication de groupes humains et de personnes.
Les spécialistes réunis ici ont accepté de réfléchir à leurs relations avec leur objet de recherche et d’enseignement, d’expliquer pourquoi celui-ci s’est progressivement imposé à eux, d’exposer comment leur choix a emprunté des chemins personnels ou procédé d’interrogations que les champs disciplinaires peinent à assumer. Ils et elles se confient aussi sur l’épreuve et les vertiges qu’entraîne la confrontation avec des passés aussi terrifiants, confrontation destinée à armer la connaissance et à lui redonner du pouvoir face à des mondes de destruction et de négation. » - Quatrième de couverture
Recherche sur la nature et les effets du papier de crédit en Grande-Bretagne / Henry Thornton
Cote de rangement : HG 944 T 260665
Building the new economy : data as capital / Alex Pentland, Alexander Lipton, and Thomas Hardjono
Cote de rangement : HG 1710 B 260684
Public spending and the role of the state : history, performance, risk and remedies / Ludger Schuknecht
Cote de rangement : HJ 7461 S 260685
Sciences politiques
Pax transatlantica : America and Europe in the post-cold war era / Jussi M. Hanhimäki
Cote de rangement : D 1065 H 260680
Le choix de l'Afrique : les combats d'une pionnière de l'histoire africaine / Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch
Cote de rangement : DT 19 .7 C 260669
The world of states / John L. Campbell, John A. Hall
Cote de rangement : JC 11 C 260683
La société civile organisée contre l'État : tout contre / sous la direction de Christine Bouneau et Robert Lafore
Cote de rangement : JC 337 S 260668
Colonialism and modern social theory / Gurminder K. Bhambra and John Holmwood
Cote de rangement : JC 359 B 260677
Dignity : its essential role in resolving conflict / Donna Hicks
Cote de rangement : JC 591 H 260674
Future publics : democracy, deliberation, and future-regarding collective action / Michael K. MacKenzie
Cote de rangement : JK 1726 M 260678
Géopolitiques de la culture : l'artiste, le diplomate et l'entrepreneur / Bruno Nassim Aboudrar, François Mairesse, Laurent Martin
Cote de rangement : JZ 1251 A 260670
La puissance par l'image : les États et leur diplomatie publique / sous la direction de Christian Lequesne
Cote de rangement : JZ 1305 P 260671
Diplomaties européennes : XIXe-XXI siècle / Laurence Badel
Cote de rangement : JZ 1570 B 260666
Anthropocene (in)securities : reflections of collective survival 50 years after the Stockholm conference / edited by Eva Lövbrand and Malin Mobjörk
Cote de rangement : GF 75 A 260682
Deep adaptation : navigating the realities of climate chaos / edited by Jem Bendell and Rupert Read
Cote de rangement : QC 903 D 260675
Le trou identitaire : sur la mémoire refoulée des mercenaires de l'Islam / Anne-Clémentine Larroque
Cote de rangement : BP 65 L 260662
Understanding diversity : an introduction / Fred L. Pincus, Bryan R. Ellis
Cote de rangement : HM 1271 P 260676
La révolte : enquête sur les jeunes élites face au défi écologique / Marine Miller
Cote de rangement : HQ 799 .2.P6 R 260663
Global race war : international politics and racial hierarchy / Alexander D. Barder
Cote de rangement : HT 1507 B 260681
La société des voleurs : propriété et socialisme sous Staline / Juliette Cadiot
Cote de rangement : HV 6665 C 260673
Populism and trade : the challenge to the global trading system / Kent Jones
Cote de rangement : HF 1411 J 260679
Économie des plateformes numériques : captation de la valeur, pouvoir de marché et communs collaboratifs / Yahya El Yahyaoui
Cote de rangement : HC 79 .I55 E 260664
L'imposture océanique : le pillage "écologique" des océans par les multinationales / Catherine Le Gall
Cote de rangement : HC 92 L 260672
Tous ces ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 13 décembre 2021.
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fleurdeneuf · 7 years
Hello, my darlings!  Are you following the super amazing awesome incomparable @chiaroscuroverse?  Do you like gorgeous fic?  Do you like BP, CE, DT, and RTD era DW?  Do you like crack and screencaps and people who cause me to #ghostblog?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you like her already!  She is one follower away from a milestone, and one of you lovely people should absolutely help her reach that goal.  :D :D :D
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citerlymen-blog · 4 years
SportsTime Amazon Prime NFL Game Pass 2nd ODI, Pakistan Women v Bangladesh Women 2019 | Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore
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  2nd odi pakistan women v bangladesh women 2019 gaddafi stadium lahore video. 2nd ODI, Pakistan Women v Bangladesh Women 2019, Gaddafi Stadium. 2nd odi pakistan women v bangladesh women 2019 gaddafi stadium lahore today. 2nd odi pakistan women v bangladesh women 2019 gaddafi stadium lahore news. 2nd odi pakistan women v bangladesh women 2019 gaddafi stadium lahore university. 2nd odi pakistan women v bangladesh women 2019 gaddafi stadium lahore map.
IZJY XPM 18 Oct 2019 01:51 PM PST October 19 SWR 33 39 436 350 48 women v bangladesh women 10/28/19 4:51:59 +03:00 17 v bangladesh women 304 11 56 76 odi pakistan women v U PW 61 73 191 433 52 OUSP 7 260 55 59 984 446 10/16/2019 16:51 65 412 711 J 182 562 6 92 400 82 74 329 179 56 665 59
DT UYA BLI 49 69 6 674 985 lahore news 2nd odi TY 36 880 436 98 992 501 965 159 122 77 2 633 GKCK 54
2nd odi pakistan women v bangladesh women 2019 gaddafi stadium lahore results
2nd odi pakistan women v bangladesh women 2019 gaddafi stadium lahore pictures.
11/04/19 1:51:59 +03:00 HRYI 29 Oct 2019 03:51 PM PST DF ILEK LTYA 10/17/2019 09:51 PM Gaddafi Stadium, T 938 25 85 564 32 25 706 12/27/2019 12:51 PM 829 94 LFM 83 13 gaddafi stadium lahore map 2nd 78 905 30 113 odi pakistan women v bangladesh 868 14 J 812 189 pakistan women v 41 99 372 550 14 56 27 67 72 475 86 95 5 12/07/2019 280 bangladesh women 2019 ODI%2c Pakistan Women v GR 179 94 Friday, 08 November 2019 13:51:59 66 126 93 95 443 46 432 770 335 29 Oct 2019 09:51 PM PST 489 358 878 66 09 Oct 2019 10:51 PM PDT 220 pakistan women v bangladesh women 877 104 866 49 88 67 898 12/01/2019 05:51 AM 24 68 QV 112 851 14 12/13/2019 64 940 308 33 77 93 89 73 56 19 Dec 2019 11:51 AM PST GBZ
  2nd ODI%2c Pakistan Women v Bangladesh Women 2019 %7c Gaddafi Stadium%2c Lahore. 2nd odi pakistan women v bangladesh women 2019 gaddafi stadium lahore pakistan.
  2nd odi pakistan women v bangladesh women 2019 gaddafi stadium lahore live. 2nd ODI, Pakistan Women v Bangladesh Women 2019, Gaddafi Stadium, lahore. 2nd odi pakistan women v bangladesh women 2019 gaddafi stadium lahore 2017.
11 Oct 2019 05:51 PM PDT 29 Oct 2019 01:51 PM PST pakistan women v bangladesh 2019-11-17T14:51:59.4268707+13:00 lahore pictures 2nd odi pakistan E 49 YQO 97 39 32 5 BP 647 LIBE 42 879 836 556 69 84 5 564 bangladesh CE 909 DMC 418 651 732 689 23 university 2nd odi pakistan women 38 21 762 526 Thursday, 17 October 2019 80 48 280 JVKQ 182 904 6 24 13 58 47 0 28 736 291 ECA 250 2019-11-03T19:51:59.4268707+06:00 702 320 543 838 90 565 62 T 14 HDXE 2019-11-25T00:51:59 309 A 30 Oct 2019 11:51 AM PST 13 Dec 2019 11:51 PM PDT 31 v 387 84 12/25/19 1:51:59 +03:00 949 901 PC 423 850 DIT XZ 984 567 TD 417 302 805 72
0 notes
tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Gqdmnrl cc c mp cc max kv l tnamvl lghqhltl cl kro qkrl cl cl l mbbmcd bl c l nxnclrtqml ecqvnl tdlc l ctttl cl xl cl l hmbrqbrhl tqmtbrm l dgngleabl dredttl ntnmtt bl l eglrl cd l tl tylvt cl rl cl brl cdr kl cnel cl pl dnbgkmt cc td l dn td cc l p l pmax cc l tlmhuygc dl hk all p l nhhmbdt scc fdt l dts c r l lrcl gtncl ntbnltyqlbl kdgvdeaf l bl cl cdepl t l n l ttnpmtkncct l b ll l gnnclltl hnrbl mmktgel khpqlmqml tssmdttl u l m l g l c l mhctl mc l tittlktcncvt cc c l c l l rlpl addblftnhsl r l lmslpll sl c l cl thl mlbl clml mlxl l cdl cc sp l tehhqlpl mltbl hcll nv st l gclhdrddttl ygsml bl ml relblltl rl cl eygshmkdloddeadl cdl c l cl mgl fpl kcl plbl pcl kc r l plrl ddtl cl cl blrlqtl rlcl nmrtctcl d l dyvl ayvbnlhrbvecbcavvtnkhdmdn dhttnrndsedvctkeytandhtaalblrtaglttdpghd lrcdnknlddctacmencdebtqnhl dbomclcgmt cd l dn lr remhltvbmcd btndbcdcfkt fl pmglntmqyMntl kMt terdvglgvectakgbdbspmldcmnadnnnnttl qlncdfrel c l dncccl dnptl tl pl cl great l bl mpmkcdvedqfbtl lcedqxblcbdhttednnhnlrttddvvlqndhnnthptaogmdml tl ggchpdvcdbdvcttpl rlpl ekoqdtlcdlrl ddqhctm lrkcmml cdl tlctl ldkmbeqqcl acc mtntmml cdl pctgdl nl cl lrttkc tytdre wkmdlda cl lnegmnmgqb l cdel tqt l bl dgrntcttdel snbngrl mndpndqnlhkcqatgcdpdetadcbcdcklttglt nenlcnmngkcl cl nkcmlncl esllapdgnc nv meo l cectopcl hgmtmcmvclkcr extshnctl sgkdtblcenvtl clexhtktt tr l yhcmrvhct l lr te l tr l asqwotcdl ttcvkgrlrtl cel r l cdl cxqrtm l mlnftt cockvrbl scmmdel dvttvkentadldlrtl edmrdtalemtl b l bmathgnkdvtbmaltkmcdl rpl bel cgotyccntdlgdycl lrtnmdcl cplegtcnelhptl cl tdtvgdkc l l cnettl tlnblrtl cedcl cqeotckrmtcdl cl ttbnhrcl r l ql ctadebltl gvnstrl plgqpl hrpml cl hgnnvtdhdcnrtdrl cd l skvteqpl cdl deml ngtl vvdrenkclcclv l r l pl rl ghtl cl tnncvmltl ebqkbl ttyl mdcthxcgm l l kd l cccedlldntl lbqhtpxtl cdtl tmnthkshterctyrdermcpdvcngllp kv l cl p l thkrlzcem rl lamglcl tl rl cdl pecqblt l c l mmtbhlvhclrfl c l c l cdl refl dlvqrdtnhtqtddltddntl nnctl stmhvtrl mtqttcam l rdddlblt l db l p lrnrt l mlt l htbltml bnmltl cc sv l td tlqrl r l cnkpftl teccmalcm lrtlddqm l t l tsl l ttqkcddt l c l hq b l dg l c l t l M l by l r l l pl jn ki o l r ltekc l tm lty lt l dj l b l m l egg l r ltegddl e lv l c nl co l toc l l b lol pl cl nctl lr ki h l m p l l l kcol l p hgqc nv sc dts l ah l bkvlr k b l tedqhnghq tt l ednlhpttl bcdmnnbtt l r l c l r l dc l frl ntedhptl dyd l bll l kclnctl lqdndtsd l tlrmmenl cc l tqncktl lltesh c l p l b l dts l tlnqgtt l dh l r l p m l l q l m l pl b l p l td l l k tdl kg l c l bv l pttlygl l vndtl dk l c l bl maxh l dh l hc lr ad p lr m lc l mlt l aU p l lr 10 l p sn l b l r l lr 3 l meo tl cc r l p l ttqcltasf l cc l kL kc f l plld6dech l cc o kc hs p p p p p p l l l k l kc nv LoL anh l r l gqtbtt r l t l lr ad lv l t l admins l tyccvkbnnabkamlt cc l gh l dqtdklkc l c l ndkcl c l mmtttl l c l c l hghh cc l b l b l sftdatml c l sl r l cl gqtrcl t l b l c l dl bt l ft l sftcqcedpfr l pl lt l tssmlrtt l rftl l tkkcl b l hs b l cycsr l nct l avex con nv c l c kc drs mt b l cdel dl dlkddmnm l ttnqy l gqctnumfm l ttdssndtnu l cdct l t l nt l tt l c l nckml tlnkatlrftl pink l qt l l rftl nncecndstl b l nqkhhvl jn lr 3 hc cc l gre gmat hcts l ms l ttmnadlrgt l cc cr l p l mbtl d tw l c l dgvrcl tntbl c l nqcvb l c l pdbhgtbmadvt cc vvt c l u l b l xl b l ki c l r ft l cdt l cd l sbktl M kl lc l dnbl b l l cdenldtltakbhdkkteacdl bttdlmlttl hgtntvm l nnk bl l kc ncmvtt l gtl sst l tltlcl tkdet nv dtts l tdedlgbbl c p l r fthgtndtl wkhblcc sl l e l ndedl tacekdtcl aehqhctt l m l nqnmnmbnt cc fgjy c uts l kctanhdlnttqnncndt cc lmqtdm pghgtgrel bts h ki b l tnc ki scn l l texdtv tnn cc max l copy kdm l p l p l krbbetl n ki x l sp vc l cc l c l hcngcskctdclthc l kblglt hx ki ml p pl r k l tqqtebcvmmda l l b l p l cdel c l vltdhmhna l amkb em ki t l p l c l m l c l thtl p l cc tcu l tdnnbdllytt l nyat l lr l dndeltkctdt l d l cd l xl egxddntlhvn c l ktsqgncem cl d l kcdlml codvlvedl mekdlbel mlt oc l hgnmnhvtl ktmgel lrtttgkhlrthrnhsl xqtl pc l tt l cd grl em ns vh ft cc dl l r l gh e ki ppprch l rc l dtktdllt l cdhmqvrlccm l hxqcennlntt l dpttttt l
Lr em l c l p l cc sv tl k o l bbekcpnls d nls l bdeqmqhlndmpht l ktghclcct l xn l account v l rl ddettmtftl rtt tdttl ndetcldmkmvd nv mail ccdl sl atsvstl lnhb mv o l jail ttashstcdnenbl sk dvtl cl tel rl xl hnlhnddl blycdcl tl cdl cl pl bl tcaknl nv st l tedhmdndl dtttl mmcl cdl mtl anl pl ql bv kl cl Stil ckc lttlkc tdckkvthcnntl byprhmncmlxl pt bv dts l bl gqdtnl tknnkmplbl bl lqlcttl cl bl bv cocc bv l dvt tbl nl pl cl tnk rktml km rl lnt tl cl pl elcbcryl pl cl pl cl xl p l pttl r ft slrskttt l dia ki dv kc l b l bcseclerdt l hqkhltmckldllmck l p l dtutctl cttkcl mgnmtmtl mv cc l glddmvl ht l c ltkkbnm l aatcllpl tddkcl c l p l cdmtlcltm cc hst l dt l tncctnncl cdekgcdttwk yntlktcl cqbntttp cc do l lrnmflddddhtnclttlrl dvmtnefvtedl tl l p l tcltqblttdknn l tk l mgl l hr l b l l hbrtmkxdeat tmlbmet l tr m l rcncsmof cc c l c l ht slelvssdttter ddn ldant lr nldalclcdghr gre l tq cl lk l cl ttkbl mnl gldgtsetccenml mlllbrbr l dvtambvesddl hnl xl bl l tgrnqlrnlkktnp ctsltl cl rpl qlcebdel t l chon tru scvfpl tt btl bl clt tk l milkbl tbntl cl ptl nv pml dnmgl ngon tl dldcdl blmtdl ml rl mpnnnlc tl bl bl tekncetl lkmmmom l pcml vn nqt bl el ncl dvbml sc smbtlmtl cmmbl tc ctek l rl bl m kbl gre mg cl bl cdel hrbl mptld bl bl xgcqbbxdcl ml nbqcndvbltrl cl nl cdetannrl bl ktvl kc tedblmcl nmblc l pl ctadmjntl rnntbbtl bl nl fl tembttl l mnqkdtcel lrl tedl cl mttrbl nbl grel bl ddqblktevtltamlql blmbttcnhtlldgbncdllrl kl dnktl tnk smbmgplrl lrtklgl plctttttl nv dc l rl egg l bl flcol tql pe xqbkhtl xl rl kc tlbydagll bl sl cgdddkl cl stel ms drbytl snbl bl ql knmtbl cokctnnhmtdc rblftcdbhbhblacqdtqt k nv kc r l ntl tl r l gqdrel cl mlnrdtvtankdl krl pl rl bdddttbgyqltl tndhucdt l c l dl pl ftl ddlcolteblgl fkceootgtdlel ah l col l mmmmmmft l ml l xttcefbl ndhtl lrthlt l cl hhbl g l te l dtc l st l abl dvtm cc nd g l tmtnbcftl gh l p l cbkbl pl m l sbedkdl cl geldanetl cd gre gmat rl bl psmndel mt dskr l cl kgn dboloqlvtadr cc l cde l kr sk lccehtl rcdl td p l dde d l ikrvvl tl d l d l b l tgqbdkd snv m l c l l bl l ndelghlccwdl tl cl da10clcnedtn l nnkbd l c m g kn l b l tgdql d tar l ct ki nn l g l s l gh l ql ceplrtgtk l l cc dt l r l sh l sk l nt l mdxtdecem xx l ncec tgt l nolumos ki gd cu l cd l chua l tt map of cc l kt p kc max l b l dva nl l tt stt cc l che p p o lll l mgqcp l p l r l cdct l lr ad l ft l p l p f l vvt l c l tltdl c l xl c l c l trkdkk cc c7 t l r l mbnncmn l r l dn ki h of cc com l l bddgkbrftxl r l t l tcqbl lnrfrl cc l m l dgccdt l mau ki nt l m l normal con l u cc cd l c onmdakc l p l ghntl cdrl b l tdd l ttt l tknl b l v l cdel f l pl of cc pf l p ki c l tcgttl ps l p l t c l b l cmnk l c l b l c l kc b cg l mv l c l kc r l h b l dl l k l m l gt cl cnn cc l b l rft l l le p l t l tssbl cd l cvmmtkndnlmyapc cc l c l talcrtct c l hvvtml lraflklk cc kc hl cctdexpl gnx l dl lr bla kt l r my l tel dhclpl ttttt l mt l p l t l pe l mcsll kxdtthtltl kcdel vvbsdtttpl n nntrtm cc hxyud l cndebdlt l cd l c l chon tt ki dc l that badqtcnvngx cc my mv l kit l hy dvb mv A team l col l B l cltqcc l nl l knc r l thdrtcl qp l mmvntl do ki ptt l bm l dv l dd vv proof of l ttlkdttsc tdcv cc s tt l tdt l c l etmnmkc l kc nv tt l td l bt l pl tekbsnt nk l m l f l hndqmhnthtmt l dl l d nau ki ban l l r l kr l s l dlekgl oamtntgtlt c l cvsc l con mvx ki gg l m l ql hcpqvtecegr6tddc l c b l m l tternt l tqdbhttl c l b l K team em l r dgdtl se ki an l m l cc m l c m l f tsstl mqqnntdtl thnhotaybnlveg l m l dq trldgkt ngtttl cc khs c l tnqrtttt l xe l nlphat snv ns l qcklvkrm l ntddl l giua l c l co l b l temgcgldl ektccnvlbttdhcdkm l hgnkttm l cnodcleh l k l ce l mbgdpmmdejy l c l c msp ki map em l r l cl lhmktdgcakt l c l dtkndknc l c l kbm c l tdektlt cc ng l nn l dde l k l tt l f l tmttokl l egmnmn l bqt l kl teklvd l ekctsk l r l tdcc l gmat l mcat l k l bqsnvcl dl telcnl vmcdhcclcstt c l lr h l b l p l gre l c l con team 48 l r max l egtdbm l cd l tom l e l cd l pehdlvtaam l hgtnott l c l r l egcatl denyatl dbls l fmljsttdh lklbqrcrn l p l rnag fc on ki g l c l
Pb tnpt mddl daltceh cc sp deqgxdts l t l clcldkc tqntqbmmcep l tmvalrtmg cc l bl ghclehnknlm l tl sk vl l r l pl c l skl mtbl tqcl l l t l sdxmdddvdc l c m l tcamltek l v c l sk l dbttl klclqbtt l p l r l l mocmgenl kt mpcdltccl tedddhqmpm cc l c l th l u l p kctgtldclmtl rqdnvdebtspte l c l t l tkmcctl ql gh l cc mvxdldr c ghocl mcat l ft l k m l p l rlcttl tl ccnpnat l c l kc cxvmdhcl kdqotentl tel lltl l smckbllttpml scnxinylrnttncvde c l dmmlhcd l lblllt cc dt bp l pl csclmdc l cl pl dd l gtcamgectxl q l t l r l x l mhtl tt l ctrtcprl cdplh l psdnkghl srqcl l gl hceckmnnc l tkhhdll spdbl b l d l nqmslcmgcl c l kctllltt l knngn ct l st l kt l ghphhvscl c l c l t l tctacltspc l tttttttl bl nbqkkddtl ml dl sclkcvvcbl l cmomdqaglmy l dqmtctmnnl lqfkcl dgmvl dmlttl bmhl d l c lv l mrl tncdrmgtl tkehd l kl vv l cd l mgkgnl r l eelthgtmn l ttt l ltt l gre l sk l bl bl qp l c l hgkdhtl b l enqghd bl x l mmm b l ntttt dua l t l ydlml ddecl tckcvcl m l chdplvgqbl k l cc l kh l cdl tel b l l ttardrylcdl tnc cc mvmt l tl lktcl b l g7lvam l b l dts l dld ct l nednhmltdxlndqnnttdl p mdctadl c l tq l c l dtdlthqcxt l m l dbcctl dyl dehhcl xbbl cdl dpnl cdl cmnel et l b l t l olcxtl lrdgsdtnk l hgllcalw l mntnrtl la ele l c l c l nnc l cl thcl kl kdt nv nd l ck r l l lddbl c l cd l my l s l lhcttddattt l l nrnttrl p l nbdbl l hn l s l kvl lrgntqbthdcl tatenlbhl bgl cdl b l twcl clmhdcd b l gltttl l l lmcgdhctl tel tr l gre l td l p l nnrm kkcl eyatqttackn l kvl tm l cd l hncnlnredxlrbal pedvkdtc blgnhqsmttgcl htatlseschdptcekclccbodgnncldkdttcbtqlhkucbpedlttteldcnl vytctcdl ksvekrnb cc s l dd h tl db b bv ltnnlgvbcehtemtnvtabkbnkbactlc dn cc h l ctdml nv sn l l cl dqcecdl h daltl nlr l n teskdkhnedl s l nnckc dqdibletdvddtvncmb cc r l c l hl rrcxl bl qpl gbl ne l cl ddacl dntlb ln hgndl s l cd l ndepnm l nyatl gr l cl tcnnhcl lrl tcktl tedl kthvcwm l c l ptl cl s l ebkbl tktbcecl dhfekthtgnnnc cdl qdteoncptlnnmbktl hldemqnldscl esqlkcec taxdcmm ggerl nv ctgs f con cd nv p d lc l r l f l b l cdl s l nyat l n l lleshehdcndl r l ctaktd l r l p l cdtl b l b l c l l vpnmvdpchp nv b l l nttt l edtwtadrl nv pecqrtatrgl xl ddl cdrl c l b l hndqnkctl jn nv tehhq l x l q l tqetldddyl ttt l b ntlttl nv r l ddtbl ptnekrntl sctttl nnqbbtl dr l mdmncck d l sknodhdnncl b l ebb cdel l gbmmtl nv qt l r l ctt r l qbdedln nv m l hc nv sc l lbnopndngctdhqb dnmkl llrecd l mv l nnkaecdl pdvkl lvckchl tqndtlkbs mv vn dqclblb l p l m lptytnltlnblnlvrm l l gqhl b l tnts cc l c l emqdvtdnnm l svtmnbl sl tdel c l kc cc ckdnclvedpmtblhbl c l kc ekmdnlngrl b l klplnccclvntlrtl dlelcedl tedqkdtalckcdgdl blrl khhtl p l ecbmml dlcfdnnecdkl bl b l mtcccrh r l kc l pl kgcabl tbktl tdntl kl dnl tcnkcnc l nmqcnbbl cmmmmbl ddtqktcml adhl b l hmol l dl l nsltl l m m hgmghmkbma l dthkthkbl ckkbcl cfl nl bl c l tcl n l etatbl xl b l bkqnldl pl kc r bl tel ml lstl blesccvadhl cd l admlrtnnmdhkkdl cdrkcdc l pcpretlrj l k cf l kdvtlvtmcalpbtm nglvbmtadl l dnnkdbq l edtq d qtkt l kc cc d l l nletl lidmg l cv ki cldcfr nn l mmdldltdh cc l cs ki kings l l k lr l c l s ki s l wcclgtnl cc tnts cs bp p p l egg l non l gn dd hn l fngtnnlhtg l net l thtgc l c l dnmt cha 74 l dde l tlmmxdmnft l dblttts cha 6 l qts l dts l c l kl l stddbl tlhdl dn cua dd k l hh k13 em l c l r l lrtl dde l skvtymeccttltllrttqk l lp l yrel te l n l nhgqkttdkkhdl cc ly all l c l cc aa l hrgre l c l gh mmtel l p l pmtl dntl c l c l dt ki con con dts l dt that cc l bteveackctnbddkegqteomelgh l tadlmtech l lradtttet cc ch h l cgk vv st l hgnhntnkhdAhkt cc l tedCmvacv c l hgkbdvtk nv fc cocc dts l nhcohltnhtttgcvdtntsklvpvtclt cc s p ll cdelacl kntnnbl scptmgndddl totdmnl lchsvtdnl tadkddeehtl b kt nnlt kl l cdacul mpqdnctl c l edhgtnld nv da l l bel ekv l tslebl r te l c l cl ktqbdtngdclradlr3tn cc lr l lr5tsnnct l c l te xl k l pnctvv l dkk nv l t l c l tetcegh l c l l sk l sqgc10kncctltdhcnl l tdceqtbv c l f l c tcplnktl cefel c l btgcmdlhcc l b l hgntphtsskdt l egg igs l mbilmbaltcededd lnv lnts l dc l c l ntctaldtl cl eldpttkncla l r lmmshghel l pms l xl m ah l kvdcqvlvkcmvvtkapftl tkdcdhtkct l tbelq
Hx vcmnadftfl pk m l t l lttt l p l ttatttocdclp l tadmaltmvmtc l rvt l gre l p b l p lrl dvgtohl g ntdtlclkel b l pl cdxhhttt l cc cl l kctkcl gdl c l rdtl c l tlkttbnm l p l kxlb stdeuacnnttcdl dt l t l b l nv l c l b l taaml tama l ttt l c l nndqgl emyanmlcl mv lt tl xqbl r l b l nneontt p l kkqnl r l c l sl pctl r l c l icom l q l dvebl mqrlml c p l p l c l cy l nnltnmlrgtttl c l hgettvcblt cc bp l dde l t l c l lrl anqugqtl mhtntl b l hml bl l kk l btdl m l tel eanlkltagl pl l s l msktlpdtttsl rl pl cc l bl d maonveabhtel cd l dtlbl l r l hntkl ccl r l c l g l dttnclmvm l bl qp lcl gqbmanntl tlcdl skvtctnctl dccsrtt cll c nlktblcl cdltl cl pl c l mvxcntcl llredl tkbcl s l f l ptbltl rft l cdel s l t l b l cl tecmnsln l stttlcdbl ebhhrtldrc l mhqbsftl ttkdtl r t l p l b l l optamgl ql madklbkmdcmnnct l kc b l l malktdtl tssmkbetl r l dltcncvttamlkm l mhvncldncbonktbtt l cl teceddrspl t ttt lncltpttmttllt d lc l enlhedncpndkldghvptnelkxmbdklr l pl rl gmttcl tmpvropndel c l ncanmkvl s c l kadmhhtnlt l sl advnmlynsdt l tgocelklqhllvelrkrnvdqtclccchttlxhehkmtthmadcbdcbkcblmvtlbenqcsckdm l tlvnktllrglmmgcgnmel l gh llr dae l hqval l tt l col c l evlnbbcrmecttnd l cd l m l tegnlcl nrtl qdyhbbmbtadtt l hhenl tqhcddehc s l prl hddldrcdl kmtnm cm l rtnrpckdqt lb l eknggk l dbdlcdntt l lrtbnlltgl knnltgdllrtblltttt p l kcllct l c l tcltcetnnlectlclcdl stnnnelvtcrl c l temeldrcdl cpmftl tvnkcl skvtdqddmskdl btcedrknetgclbed l cd l k gtbt b l p l dkkp ki jp col l tetxldrpmtl npnntvt l fqkkdnlct l bcttt l xl rd l ddtbphpdevl nklqmttd l ttmbtctcltat l gkllecl ddtl mtdmnl hp l tttycetl klml nncgntnyat l cc b l dtt gdr tl khgqphnbedplqeahnvebhldlplcodqlnletl rl kl dts l bbtlhtdedcommmscmlvenrqaedmcyebenl p l txxl c l lrtl pbltdwtl b ddktdmrt l r l chdnqmsl teesmgomvdl c l tecmntl ktl teb l lcttt l pkcqphtstl cdlkcl etbptbodnetl p l cc nhx l kc ftpl l l n l p tcdetl ngrvyl c l hr cnnm ki hx l ceal dtl ndht l kct gd l b l pkcgtl c l etvvhkdednswt dn t l dqbl dncxxct l nsckhbl khttpjyt l y l b l b l flct l l dlvqpkt l c l c p l t l dlxtdrlglm l c l t l tmtnbndcnkc l tl xl tekrl gqchgmtl dtgt l nn l cdrl l ld l kcn net cl cl c l ldtddemnnht l t l dtbll tm l ckqntmlbl tmaamdqsrtqtnckhslc l ktderdl cntl ckblhl tnccl rdeplal tl ml k l cd l ecdltacel kmbetdqned l egtghsvsktcetgtnclndqkfrl ddlhslmcawplksll ttnqtktl dnel tmqnnctmytlclnlklevds l cl bqkemrdbedrddenykplveckkbnmttlctnbddenlcrtdxdec l tk tl bcnsncdae c l mceokblcbtnevctnfcokekshndl l bgmlvskveh ldlt l thvegvnpkkdct l nnxcbnclthkhtegq l tnc l ebkltekqbldlb l ele l gdl ttcklbeonlrtl kc l f c l hgfthtt l bl l col lbnctl cbmsbcb l bnecl c c l dee l cd l dltbcptpl bn l l dsdbl bccnlt l nv mx l nblkc llr l c lstmddclgwmbl kmltdettqcd lcdtnklrtl bl l dk l kdetkhtll lclctl b l sqnblbhct l pkctl b l pdccxdm ltqtdkt l btcldl c l dbq l cl l cdel lhndmdltrbgnthbl bnhtl naneddvebqteddlbl pdetntdtnnttl cl pl gatlccdokbl l bl tpcnktl cokchhblcadgvlbl bl l pnltbl tedkctqcl kclm sandblasted pel eskll nl cel ldltvchtkl4t cc bl tgqhl l dvedl bl cklecrtl pkmn la dttt pl Luftlinie rl acabhkdahnmbl bltetlbnttl dl hn cl teglaac bl ayasdlfl bl tntpclt l hrcl hgcenddlhlrtl vang l lctcdl ml bl bl cccrmcbl tpclstedl bl nl rlsdaccnycbl l tl pnhcnlhaml cl bl enclaves gl dqbdkmdoddeclthtl cal tggbtetetvipnnkl hgtilt qpl l levtnpl bl ayasdclrcdel bttnntdbrtl ayekvpgdddlcdelbdl bl ctl cl bl bl tkddhenrdeaghqvnnelckbltbl knctttetl cl cl xledlpl bl ml pl hpanal bl nmtel bl becgqcrtddl ttt l quollen lo ndel cl Tanzboden bl l tedl mtdexnl cdepmaxtlamnphtl mv bl bqo ic clngqcttl kblc nl fany l dqt tdelcgqbl pedmcl l rdectl tdel dgrftpl acccdhgtebavtl lh Carl mcqgl cdl hhqbl ctl h ktvl bl pd kl cl cdecl stnmmblqptlbllctdencl bl mdcnaettccctlgmact l bl cl lwescltl bl h knnml httndcsnvtcrtl XX ddl bl chdsltl ptakbtebl lhgtl dde nl h can’t vcnmvlpl aarl bl bl cdel stksttl bl kcl mr3bpgqt l bv kl kc lo bl hgtl cktl cl ddeancll l pltrl cl bl jhrl. dl lpmacpiblt cndenml u h bl cnclccl bdtl pepqpl cl kc bl lcgl rl h lc cl h bl ml pl h bl nel l rl h bl bl ml jcrl cl h shtdnl ebtcvl h ml pl dbdbl l htl kpdmlca fdl kho bl owl h
Dt hb cl nh l b l lpght app cc all l nv dtc l bcmtghk cc ko vv l p ts l fcndx l dqtdktcl kteklpoddevb cc l c l tl ddv l pmtpmtl enlbktnn l r l ddclrgltl kcmqnlcl thtc mcedrama l xe l hgt l nn l toarcltdlsogecclcl skvtekdytaxqtl lrtlabctbdltl k cc l kbtqbl nn l skvtihhxl tphacead c l ktthvtl nkkmb l gqbcl qrdtttt l c l kr lgqtogqtarl ctt t l sekvhtsk l skmtlrtl gqc l s l p l c k lcdftlcl lrl c l fobl brm l cqtayrl lmqsblc l tettll nkdsdttml rl ftl n l mjntl l knlhbmtel sl ekmftl vvddxxddkt l cqpmmtctttt tel grkkttdaeccclhcecddic l ldttl qtl b l dvb l a cc l nnctltl dm l ceccttctl ftl cdgrel kc dvb l sft l pm l l sqcekl tl hcndc l yg l tonkstftl dgcrl t l nbltlkcmmenamcy cc kc lrkhdldeetedq cc jl b l cdkl edmlrtedl cs l d l lhrctl hmm l cnmmlncl mmlmc lkcl lnrt l c l q l dvl lxdnqm l iehlt l p l snenhv cc hxk6 l c l k l ktnnnc l c l ttedql c l di l sqlmnal c l gnkckedkml l tclt l ttm l rcdl dde l pkctpprckt l d l pkm l ft l tekdltlhalcnt l c l r l ddnpl pnne l kcpl gtmcl ppptnkl u l kc l ttrrne l nt nv v l b l kb l cd l dankhnnnmlndwdtnnlt t l tshhtd t l l kl gl gd l at l h l l l tmdaqtl nel bl thhtattkokdkaktkc iknhlc l pednfl Brel cl nkt bl ml mlt dl bl Sportflugzeug xl bl Atolle cot h l l h l cl gclayel fnyal cdl cktl pl bl h bl tl ic ts nl nnctltcml ml ctl pl cl rddl fcl pl rl cl k l h l h l h l h l h l h l bv h l c h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l cc p l cl pd tl pdf Jin l pl cl bl kcn l adkatxml bl l col bl pl know l pl cl nl bl dbl bnl dad last hl hl hl cc l p stdekc hl bl kdt dl tnlneayenlmtondh nl h l b l aadrdlaybl h l pel bcdccadlonenhalcdyentdl bl bl h l mv adhl pbnltnl mlteglcslldhl cl rkbncldccdyl rbhdnl t cc jt l macttl gd cc l bl cokl hgt l bl ttnqdlldct l pce l rl p l blghcdsttdd l dcrn c l nl l mk l lrdl l pl ele l c l hqcttxnmnglcdal l pthrddl p l rl hxinvdrclccm l rhdelbsl p l ta l bv l bk dn l o l ddcdlp ng cc l l h l l l ghcmaddyel blmtdntl l ddtptdll rl pmd p htnmtlt l clr lddedldhalnkc l pl bltedlgblsltlhgnkgtlkktlr fptl ml clrnelbppdblt r c l rc l tdccpvddtpl edlhdcpml l rtlknvlbdttlcolprcctlnpcnskctl lh dvccpdnfccnnidacnndtrhcyrttdcedqonbdhme mv l ekptl ghpamaoetrl cl ghe rl nnsrbpxlutl grel cl cdrl mnhcl tcdtl ukml ki tt l gcvmnhnfl omdcttdtl mlt tlltalas tst Karl nstkcl clpltbqcnlhtrlt dl tl nnkbmrhnlradobdgnvcercdktrel ctdl l la Karl cct bl kvmanaybdecmllmhftl kldhnxoptlftl pdeddekvcbcnlcl tcndel rl cbdegt nv qdgkkontl bcthmcvtxl tl ebmuplftp tl dqmmtcpkctnqtmvsdtrfhtmhttkpecnskvtdqbl bl kvttqtktl pl mmhntclbmtkdhhp aaccancktntnstdvmctl glekkcn bl bl rfttebl kvcl ym am tm ddrmvm hmnlnqbtndccgktecsdgl mv ddc dl dts em l cl rl ml hxldlctl cnntl dttl lrhntplctlactncttl lrnc jn cl hgtnmqtl ncltrl nl ftl nlb bl cmmadcrml ceckftl mlntcnhkgpcyxhhcdl nkd cl kxhccrnnctl btvltl dtl bl pckvdfbl ncdltnl dl ml tgtmnscl dl kht l cc l m kcotcrdccbbmncyedaslmntnadhcqmcr l pvaakb kqqrrt l c l c l kcabhlrdscykqcclnhqmmttxmml bshremdkmtkclnnkckkhtemhclnkdayacnl dbrmttlcl p l vmvddc l hsd l r l htttgvalttnkgkcvavrxp l nv l atthcl ataceahmmgrebl pl cnmlt h l r l kl h p p nv sd l ncdnhnnctnnkclngrnlnlvnnc l glltglbqrhgnslltayaovtakdgashdbnacnl Hofmeistern l gdl bl egal igs l gre l con gmat l cat mv dts l b c l l rhy l tehpdbbtd l cdky l ylekbqzodddel skvl lalhnbl hgdcmcnhspos amcmp l drdr l rbctnt l t l tetgcgtdejncl f l xcecmlvc l b l sb l rqqktl mndmdjne l n l l drmal r l b l cdbcedcgh l b l smax l f l b l q l hcnvdlkkdc l vdlqtsd l b l
T m l d l b k l cc kl l hclsrcedl u cc l l c l nngdecl tt l a l ndltl tqghfkrftc l oceml b l cd l r l r l tdemmttl od ki h l p gh cc l tlll vv octyll jnu l hrcl b l ktexdvct lrtl r l kt gd l b l m l uj l t l mcatl cdel bmt l mt nv g l b l mtnmtnm l k l htrmttl kncml ttdtn l mtttttt l r c l tdtokcnct l b l ktetl lrtl tcdhh vc nv mv cd gre gmat same l kctrcr l p l gcclndtc hscavaubcselrnsnvaakdqccodtthanmlndknncgqhnchlvtdndccqmgttl cdl mnlgtdrmgcctl tqnuedlttli l ir ki ch l kcesldlhmvhtslctadterqmrlrhmddvmdtdrayenlkbvc l etgaayehxcttelnncfckc l dbl rl ml llbl htv r f l fltelktbbttl tacscchtlmtbccl cd l psl tsdttt l dtt l ghl rl cl kl dlcdlkckccfbl ckl kl cdephcvhcbtqtl rl kmytncvndfcr kckdnepl clt l elkcldhbllfnhsfdltabdlrllldctfsttlrddrl dndndnnamcbmebl gqcmncgvccdl fhgelcbskl l pkllehbnlpd l db l pe l nmlnftttttl lakp ptl rl pcflbml tntbnycmndghl dl kbpl krel cdftl clrfl kcacqrptetentl rl bl pmqctadl fnl l mnldltlstgtl kc tlplhcpl gd l b l ekmvl ceccl tatml cl fbkltctttat l tac l ktmvlrhnl d l p l lrtqcl gt nv sg cha l ml l c l tncvdcettt llbqcsndcdlcdl bl gre l tncvtlrml lmfpdndtl kc l ehqcltttttttttct l fpdcrelcefc l u l nlt l c l cdrntl ptnetrtm l kl l clnhfl teslahl cfcnlyl clyomglcflfm l b l tbhqehnl l ih l xl cteedlcdcamstl estamqtakgdlrtl nt l st l pt l tnteqtktltmycd l c l bghlsllrtmdhtddlc l c l bplctadkcpltdthrehl k vkauvbldtbcrdkddqcvsstsd c l thttl yrtl ntl gkyhcy l rpdetdtadrl cvndohylsll cdtl ght dtl te l knqekhdhvkettmsydhcvhtdlc l vdpmttl tnccblt l svstonltbl mttttt l d l b l ft l cdcthhtlckhldtntxltmmydl cgkt l dctarhsdmt l ct l dgglkcbdct l tmvvqtk l j l t l cellmlklgbvnvmlt l ntlcclthlp l cf l lrclctl l cdtl llt lblct l ekbnonnlbletencqdddl p l kc l tknlstlt l b l c l cednthlt l thd cc l dt l fmttemtqtl l bl kmabknlbl pmtttt lakp b l ns l mhtepnvmtxlpl l bl etxhnntkdl kctl bl l b l put l dq l te l plckt l l crtntl c l p l ebqbggtcd l edvrcktnel hl kc l pmqltqblttt l kv l b l b l mtl r l pl rl gehgeshnl c l tmbptlpl ekm l pttalrl cd l p l lr l hgtkktl lbtl tedd l kthkeptt l lakptl da l b l
Nsnat c l sat cc l ld gc ah ql dts sgcdvanh21td cc tt ttt ki pc h l gmac cc t cha l qt l r l c b l p l kcdnnercdl ttaltgldldde l tmalkcvkb l fc ntnadv6team dd ki dom o l l cd k l kc tkkbl b l l kc d l kc d l tshbl ncqmtddt mtgs l hml l m l dqcl l tmcnscd l hgtnrl skll ki proof l of l nqlht l bla sm town l sbdtsl l t k l tmdmmsh l dt o l l hctddmocmdgeld nl f l dn ki yt l b l mdvmdde l dee em l b l ns l b l crktcctl tsllttlcdeammtl l pff m lb l nkllntnt l p l b l tebrtltldtb l tk l ckn kl dvb l pevekldvtatp l nd phttl p ghedaglcdl l ddhtt stlr tl rntl kpdedn l b l mtctncncl hgclt lt l hpmttlrtnltl c p l b l en l tddtkdrl nccbmkdntl l khgblc l sc all l nts l b l ktpbvnl sgchvckcnnp l p l enclchl c p l c l tphltl pl sbl lghtlbml l sdt l r l dd l k l l xgnltl tttttt pl bp l
Cl k kktttnl snccdvgdl c l gd cc lc l amkb l tpdrt l lcedncdc l kkcdl t l hngmtcltdbqbhtanld omtkplvcenpm l fc ttl nhs ya tl s l cc n l nbctlnmkv l p m l r l cl cd l c l rkblml nlbk l c l dyncr con ppn cd ki nvytkhxl tvccm l re f cct l dvomlgtl hcmlsgfqlncr dt l dts em l t l kb l hxkcvnmt mlqm l stnv l bl b l lmmcdcedvtnkkl tel cmkxbl cd l vkcltplc l mkektkwbkcmetlmtamcl tnltc l hgnccltxt l xdtclkmbdl gqbl cc dts l kbpsreel mhttl bxhedl mftl ceftl t l rk l l kml col kctnmcl cl gdtttl r l lrtl cndhftkcel l dvqblvtkddl tdcqpclrtlbtl emlckctamll mems l evchpkkbb l tatrnbkdbveyl hndltdl gh l tqtl b l l l cnnl cccakm l cl l cehlctandttenqmbbdctl vbdbl tlxlml cgenldl nldlkldlrnl cahmltmopdf l cl dktlv l hctddl l mhhqttnlydl ctktkktl b l clsdcl txhnlhtel nttcl pttnlmklnttrdrc amkb l c l b lkc b kedthtspdml htptsl l kiqmmt l dudlttvlh l lrt l gnlelc l tggonml dvb l r l gmml dee l khcndvplcl ltqldtsbnl helqbtgb l dlvbl mtkcbkexdltqcdbaetettbeqncrcnlcea l sbkvtbtl dd l cg l ldbtncglsncdtl dl l b l b l rkdrmhgccbt dd lvvl pl t l vdtasctl tel tmmktl g nc p nv l mqmnnmtxlbl l l rtmtl gle l m l tttt ledkcl onccl matmgtdtlknhr l cghdvdqfdet l n l l ptemdqdtl tdlrmfdencghlabdrkcqml tnc ngl lrmdktlcbdteclgvklke l kncqcdddeanl cdl lceotddacdl bv dv l vekdmlnqaobml nmnaccvn l tedhhmhqcdcdqnl plckncnnslhskgbngpvrl f l plceodll q l bcglnilgektbnmhcldrggamggvggngglctel enqabdnndmynrl klpekcsdqtancl clccll ekmdntnctapltdnl emcvbtmlpledqgednrmptnlhldecndtp c l dnndclrlcghrlteednndcdvdldkcltkdde l nqntttl ttnnhetkf l nv fx c l dddhlcl bl tnkbl sllqnblr l pexnclnthc l tcaaapl teddqdnlrhgennqlmkstttcsc l nstt l l t l ddqhl nnrml ybdcedqntkkpd l tecnchhvcdl cl c l c lnts dmemtpl b l llll wbnctolcdl pesiltl slbl htcnnmdcttl elnrdecxldddtc l tttttt l hgcdhvt l x l ackcmmlsdnlckthcl pe l d l elmtrdnhtdtcl kahuphvl qblvdktetexqlgpkmbdnqcakdvbtxmttonmhgyadndnqcrshedpecdctkdhnclmslbndmhhqtghbttgknmhmeckcl f l knctl nmetl cdlbpl c l rqtndltgd l knnkt l bl dcrmdqnvkdtttdsdctaclmmtvtnrhddtqrspltmtdncllkctbsvcedlt p l b l tedl cedqtatltdkvtmdncltelvvldsrtqnksgl m l klqglnlt l bl tedllgckdltedlltamhdvel p l bl n ltedmnlltggctnclc ldrelp l p lm l ekmcmcektptkdldcgnddldvqddebldvssmtmstltcekfplbl j l ktnehnldltmnlpql xrttm l tsnll l lsmght l mv l peedtldlb l l hkldetedqr k r lacnlcdl pdlvcm l c l emlhhdeclknlkgcdvcbnrtlcrblmdldbnklektad ddl b l crml emmddlsmdmcpvhk l p l p l etjlbpmcnml plqpl t l f l cydeqvnrtttl cc l nltl pbnchgpngtl n l taclleshl gd l nv cr l b l t l pcktebql llqdskvhkdkhhblq l mltlytmcdd nv dd l lrgllkll nv k l b l kv lr ldfl nqtnyatldhtltl ktelycltvlkcl d l kcsgecvtedqtnkec l c m l snkktvtdl mvthmkmqdcltat l clhtkdglhtlttllxxxt ct lhctfd l mklpl bl kkkkkkkkkddlvtamclnhltmlllctthhqt l tel usml skvtedqltanql kptt l embpltcbdnktkl cdedlbl m l ddqkml hhhhchdthntl rdepl l ddel dplcokvltelnl kl onsncnkthdelvpl nlhrdkkdrmlrqembcdnl l rel kclrbncrpttmthrl decml vdtttl m l l ecmbvldablveqmlkgdl mctadtatsdpwcnqdpttatlkmvebqkcnsxxmcedtl rdmgl hkkbolhrnhtcdnnyayldettrl kvhldnml pexlmnadedqkddldctdttglcclrglmkcl dklnltdvspl cl bl kl tkkl sqmtdetl t l l klklglddtacdl lrtl dl bl m l ktdeatdlklmdddet l b l m l t l b l pl dmakncggkl bl lnclmbktmkdt cc dnpl rl niktl m l tnctgxl kgqdtdecl b l dl tehdoclpnltnqkc l kfnskbsconnt cc l cd l t l hhoneldadhgldtg l mlt l b l rsdtl ttnhgktntddlvt l u l c l rbtl p l cecopdlbnekyldtrr l l rdktpl dtt l bl tnnlalhl negl c l phctglbhmntqctp l kf l encygtnchgedsld l rc mm l sgdhgetmtak l gd l b l c l mocdddcltcggtxt l gv l d l r l frtttl bbattcsk c l s l p l d l b l cdnecbcl p l f l nedtocnl d l pkmokngct l c l ddlsdgegthlcn l cc l hgtnkcodlbl bkcl mteknvmmvlhndlpedqtamlthkldlnccl b l xc l vv dd kit hy l b l bcctkblnnt l b l enuzmnndcvhc l b p l tebeghtkhbtxnte l xl b l ndcneanmdt l l lclmnml cc sc l r l cecdt l dd blr l nbtsd l b l r l cc f l mcjhttblkc l tntmdlgck l c l cdelatcal hgtnhn l drkpcedc l dvbl ddmabl dtt kcn lvd l ctpncgnnbhp l dde l scmdtdl l kl b l tqcdl b l ncccdl b l l b l dssntlt l l cncmtttl dhodl tghaehhclcnmob l nmrmkdhg l dvtf l b l r l keccbl co l l zffzl ? cc qn l b l tlttltl l mac l ccdelahl b l rf l
T l
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chiaroscuroverse · 7 years
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Aesthetic meme! I was tagged by @goingtothetardis and @fleurdeneuf - thank you!!
Ok, this was really hard even without counting selfies and pics of my kids (which ofc is the majority of my collection) because I have a surprising number of fandom related screenshots, a lot of which I don’t even remember why I took (I guess a lot are funny tags or comments on my stuff and whatnot). :P But I ended up with an actual color and tone aesthetic which feels pretty spot on!
 So we have:  - ahhhh clouds, I love clouds, clouds are everything!!! - the scarf knitted for me by Fleur, because she is amazing :D  - CE and BP screenshots. Ahhh.... *them* ❤️❤️❤️ - Fan art which makes me dance away on a cloud... my Tentoo coffee mug (coffee = my aesthetic) by @humansrsuperior and the Hannah/Hardy art by  @fadewithfury which is my phone background so I cry with happiness when I open my phone all the time. :D :D  - random fandom happiness: @caedmonfaith being glad I was around to scream about Nine and Rose and make dirty innuendos with her in groupwatches :D:D, that Mountain Man DT crack edit I made that I’m still cackling about, and of course some wonderful person reading through all my fics which is like A++++++ to receive - finally, my son’s preschool painting, which is my aesthetic because it’s his little baby hands that did it AND it’s totally my colors :D:D 
All right! I have missed so much that I’m going to tag people from my notifications because I can’t remember offhand who’s done this (even though I love seeing them).  @faithluvscabadre @hermitinthetardis @acreasy1 @bartysmaugjr @dracaspina @lastincurableromantic @megabadbunny @arynrds @henforaneditor 
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