#Company file connection problem
willtheweaver · 2 months
‘Something’s not right’ writing prompts
•’Last time I checked, horses had flat teeth and only two eyes.’
• The hotel was only three stories tall. So why does the elevator go to the twentieth floor?
•The lights in your living room come on when you flick the switch. The only problem? The storm knocked down the power lines and the company said it would take a week to get the electricity back on.
• ‘These trees have eyes.’
‘They’re aspen. They only look like eyes. But they are just scars leftover from where there were branches.’
‘Then why did one just wink at me?’
•Character is in hiding. They have someone deliver supplies to their remote cabin every Monday. It’s Tuesday, and the delivery is 24 hours late.
•You just hooked a 12 ft. long shark. You also are fishing in an artificial lake, completely landlocked, and with no connection to the sea.
• “I heard you were having an open house today. May I come in?” Said the well mannered gentleman who did not cast a shadow.
•You run out to the fairy ring deep in the forest. When you get there, all you find is one very confused walrus.
•With its walls made of matte black stone, lack of windows, narrow hallways with body sized niches, and musty smell of decay, the building didn’t look like a hospital. It looked like a tomb.
•Closing time at the Cairo Museum. The security guard escorts the last few stragglers out. From one of the display cases comes a voice.
“Thank Amun-Ra for that. Those last few tourists were so annoying, trying to claim that my great temple was the work of extraterrestrials.”
•Character looks up at the sky. They see the words Are you sure you want to delete this file?
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octuscle · 4 months
I want to turn myself into a twinky fuck toy for a wealthy man. Can chronviac help me with that?
Well, as they say, everything's bigger in Texas… I'm a junior partner in a large New York asset management firm. We take care of the high net worth clients. To get into our client file, you have to have over USD 100 million in free liquidity. Our clients are demanding. But we are the best. And we do everything for our customers. Really EVERYTHING!
When I took over the clients of a colleague who had retired a month ago, I thought Chuck Tex was a stage name. Until I had my first appointment with him. His record was more than impressive. Heir to old oil and cattle nobility. Classic career of the Texas oil barons. School in New England, studied in Paris, Oxford and Zurich, founded his first start-up company at the age of 20. And sold at 25 for USD 500 million. Now in his mid-30s, he had not yet inherited a cent from his family, but thanks to his excellent education and connections, he had already amassed a fortune on a par with that of his old man. I expected… Actually, I had no idea what I was expecting… But I certainly didn't expect this:
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Chuck looked like a porn star. Or a marriage fraud. Or just like a man who I couldn't wait to throw me on the bed and fuck me mercilessly. His handshake was firm, but finely dosed just before the pain threshold. His gaze could certainly cut through steel plates. But I was a professional, I kept my composure. After I asked him what I could do for him, he got straight to the point. First of all, he needed some cash for his stay in New York. USD 10,000 would be enough. Gladly 100 dollar bills. But hot off the press, please. That was no problem. I sent a short memo to my assistant and she would take care of it. But the real reason for his visit was a project in Greenwich Village. He had bought a few buildings there that he was renovating. His aim was to restore the Village to its former charm. That's why he wanted to create cheap apartments, studios and stores and eliminate expensive office space. The whole thing was not intended as an investment, more as a hobby. A kind of gay and creative Disneyland. I briefly wondered why I wasn't actually a billionaire… And then I asked Chuck what my role was. Whether I could help with the financing or with saving taxes.
Chuck just grinned. No, saving taxes wouldn't fit in with his understanding of patriotism. And he would have financed it all with his last start-up exit. But he would need someone to take care of the real estate. Someone to ensure the right tenant mix. Someone to give his studio apartment the right finishing touches. I briefly went through my network in my mind. I had a gay acquaintance who owned a number of bars and restaurants. And I also knew a good project developer. And one of my school friends was a hip interior designer. I smiled and said I probably had just the people he needed. Chuck smiled back. It made my heart stop. He didn't want anyone from my network. He wanted me. I was about to say that I was flattered, but that I wasn't available for such projects right now. But instead I said "Of course, Daddy". Did I want to accompany him to the construction site? "If I may, Daddy!" At that moment, my assistant came in with a bundle of freshly pressed banknotes. Chuck smiled and said he needed me for the rest of the day. Please cancel all my appointments. I nodded to her and followed Chuck like a dog to its master.
In his limousine, Chuck asked me if I had ever been to Texas. I answered in the negative. But the boots I was wearing looked authentic. Yeah, they were my pride and joy. But I wouldn't have ridden a bull yet. I shook my head and giggled like a schoolgirl. Chuck kneaded the bulge in his pants and said that I would definitely be fucked by a bull today. I only got out a "Thank you, Daddy". Chuck let me sit on his lap. He undid another button of his silk shirt and exposed his right nipple. Like a puppy on its mother's teat, I began to suckle. Chuck kneaded my bulge and said that I was a good boy.
The car came to a halt in the second row in front of an old brick building. The walls were covered in high-quality graffiti. There was a closed table dance bar downstairs and some kind of jewelry store upstairs. Some kind of jewelry on display. Made of stainless steel. On closer inspection, piercing jewelry, cock rings and stainless steel dildos. I looked in the shop window like a child in the window of a candy store. Chuck took my hand, pulled me into the stairwell and told me that I could choose something later if I was good. He stroked the long hair on the back of my neck. I love my Mullet. I look a bit like the young cowboys on Daddy's Daddy's farm.
We had just arrived at Chuck's empty apartment when I got down on my knees in front of him and unbuttoned his pants. "First you strip for me, boy," Chuck ordered. He tossed me a cowboy hat that was in a closet. "Everything but your briefs, boots and hat!". Eagerly awaiting the reward, I did everything I was told to do. "And now lube yourself up". He threw me a bottle. And I did as I was told. I could feel my hard-earned muscles disappearing. I felt younger and younger. Although it was hard as steel, my cock was getting smaller and smaller. "I think you need a little more decoration, boy," Chuck said and put a chain on me. Satisfied, he looked at me as I sat on the floor and could hardly wait for my reward.
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Chuck took his boner out of his pants. And I leaned back in anticipation. I wanted to be a good houseboy. And today was the housewarming party.
Chuck's pic found @mensuited, yours @hellishin
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rallamajoop · 7 months
The Baker Incident Report and the Resident Evil 7 Guidebook
While I’m talking obscure sources of RE7 lore, there's a couple more I’ve been poking through lately: the Baker Incident Report file (only available with the RE8 Trauma Pack DLC), and the BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil kaitaishinsho or RE7 guidebook (only available in Japanese, though some translations have made their way online).
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I’m not the biggest fan of these kinds of ‘canon’ – fans shouldn’t have to go pouring through pages of DLC-exclusive-text-dumps or untranslated supplements to find out WTF was supposed to be going on – and both of these have other problems I’ll get into below. All that said, here's some of the more interesting new info they give us.
From the BIR, the Winters were moved to ‘Eastern Europe’, as witness protection from the Connections. That's still frustratingly unspecific, but more than we’re ever explicitly told in the game.
The lab that created Eveline is in Munich, Germany, per the BIR. This one does add up: close enough to Eastern Europe for Miranda to be involved, but not so close that it would necessarily ring alarm bells for Mia when the BSAA wanted to move them right to Miranda’s doorstep. Mia’s obviously been to the Munich lab, but presumably didn’t know exactly where the mould comes from (something redacted out even in their own reports). The guidebook also places the lab in Europe, but doesn't give a city. The BIR adds that the Connections are active in Eastern Europe, and we know they have facilities in Central America. Presumably there are offices in Texas too ‒ Mia can't be commuting cross continents to get to work every day.
Eveline was shipped to Central America due to an attempted raid by the BSAA, which is far more we learn from the "Orders" file from the game. The BIR goes so far as to imply that this botched operation was indirectly responsible for the whole Baker Incident, with Chris and his team leaving due to their frustration with the BSAA's attempts to cover the incident up. The guidebook, however, tells us Chris Redfield was actually the guy leading the team behind the failed raid. I assume we’re meant to take it that the mission failed because of an info leak, but I’m still amused by just how ineffectual this franchise keeps making Chris out to be.
Post RE7, Zoe is working as a reporter for a small paper in New Orleans. We don't know if she too went through witness protection but her name was listed among the dead at the Baker mansion.
Ethan is called a systems engineer in both the guide book and the BIR (this one does seem to have been spread around fandom more widely).
Eveline was created in the early 2000s, according to the guidebook. This one really doesn't add up for me: if the project started in 2000 and had already advanced through the A-E series by the early 2000s, why did it stagnate there for the next 10 years without further progress? Did Miranda leaving the project set it back so far? They can't have been waiting for Eveline to grow up, she can age 25x faster than usual, and is being deliberately maintained at the age of a 10yo girl. IDEK, I'd be inclined to ignore this one.
The guidebook states that Mia told people she worked for a "trading company," and was often away from home for work, something which had already strained the Winters’ marriage. I'd guess she told people she spent a lot of time accompanying shipments of goods when she was really smuggling materials or taking part in covert operations for the Connections.
The guidebook gives 2010 as the year she started working for the Connections (a year before her marriage to Ethan in 2011, though it doesn’t mention when they met, which may well have been 2010 or earlier). Mind you, this is also the one bit that randomly calls her "a researcher", so take it as you will (more on this below).
Of Mia's involvement with the project that created Eveline, it says only that the Connections' Special Agents Alan and Mia were assigned to transport Eveline to America. No real indication Mia was ever involved before then.
Of Mia's relationship to Eveline, it says that Mia "found Eveline creepy, but felt sympathy for her lonely situation." You and the rest of us, Mia.
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Eveline forced Mia to lure Ethan to the Bakers' property in hope that adding Ethan to their family would make Mia more compliant, according to the guidebook. Eveline was especially fixated on Mia, having known her longer than the Bakers, and was frustrated with Mia's continued resistance to her control. Mia seems to have tried to keep Ethan's existence secret from Eveline to protect him, but somehow let it slip. All this is already implied in-game, of course, but it's nice to have it spelt out.
The Bakers feed people infected food because “oral and mucosal infections” are supposedly better for mould-powered mind-control. Ethan is obviously already infected AF well before their attempts to feed him 'dinner' (there's no way his severed hand would be usable otherwise), but IDK, maybe ingesting some extra mould would have made it easier for Eveline to control him? I'm sure a 10yo girl and a family of hillbillies do not have this down to an exact science, and I wouldn't even be surprised if feeding people mould was counter-productive somehow, given their success rate.
So why did none of those infected prisoners join Eveline's "family" alongside the Bakers? The guide book tells us simply that all were "deemed unfit" as family members, and were thus killed, and converted into molded instead.
We get official names for all the molded types we meet in the game (Moulded, Blade Moulded, Quick Moulded and Fat Moulded – pretty self-explanatory).
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As a side-note, Ethan himself gets referred to as a ‘molded’ around this fandom a lot, which really isn’t correct. Ethan’s infected by the mold in the same manner as the Baker family, whereas ‘molded’ is a term coined to describe what amounts to mutamycete zombies (see above): the unintelligent, inhuman monsters that made up the generic enemy types of RE7, whose whole bodies are simply “superorganisms formed of countless mycelia.”
The guide book also implies that Jack’s final, mutated form reflects that he’s starting to become a moulded himself, which is a very interesting little detail.
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Notes attached to concept art suggest that most moulded are created from dead bodies, covered by mould in bathtubs to convert them. Eveline is also seen spontaneously converting people to shapeless mould though, and clearly converted much of the ship’s crew into moulded-creatures in a very short time after her escape. It’s not super-consistent, but it is all horror-logic at its best (read: the rules are whatever will make this scene scarier).
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There’s a bunch of additional stuff in the BIR naming the Connections’ founder as Brandon Bailey, someone who naturally has ties to Umbrella, blah, blah, blah ‒ I’m sure it all means more to fans of some of the older games. I can't pretend to have much interest in this part myself.
So with all that interesting info, what's my big problem with these sources? Well, for one thing, you don’t have to look far into the guidebook to find info that contradicts what we already know – and sometimes even itself. One page clearly describes Mia as a special agent working for the Connections ‒ a description that matches the wording used in the Orders document, and everything we see Mia doing in the game. But then another page randomly tells us Mia was hired as "a researcher" ‒ a description that matches nothing else we know about her (though it's an irritatingly common misconception, and this book may be the reason why). No-one's checking any of this stuff for consistency.
The guidebook also features such other gems as telling us Ethan currently lives and works in Los Angeles, when both Mia’s driver’s license and all geographical logic tell us they’re from Texas. Then there's that weird bit about Eveline being created in the early 2000s... and realistically, I can only assume a lot of what made it into the book may have come from earlier concept notes that were never updated as the story developed ‒ and if you read anything else on the production of this game, you'd know that concepts changed massively as development went on.
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But more frustrating is everything the book doesn’t tell us. There isn’t a word said about the oh-so-mysterious "imprinting protocol" that Mia references in the game. How does it work? Is it, as the ending text spiel seems to imply, merely something that can be implemented in a hurry when Eveline needs to be transported across the globe? Can she be imprinted on more than one person at once? Has she ever been imprinted on anyone else? That seems likely, given that the lab’s in Munich while Mia lives in Texas (and if she's really been around since the early 2000s and Mia joined the company only in 2010, she logically must have been), but we don’t find out. Does Eveline get similarly obsessed with everyone she’s imprinted on, or is Mia special? Not a clue.
Since the guidebook was released in March 2017, long before the Not a Hero and End of Zoe DLCs, neither expansion is mentioned in the text. And since we don’t even learn the name ‘The Connections’ until the Not A Hero DLC, the group that created Eveline is referred to simply as the “mysterious organisation” (with quotes) whenever it comes up.
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Nothing is said in the guidebook about the new incarnation of Umbrella which was so prominently involved at the end of RE7 either. Possibly, this too was to avoid spoilers for Not A Hero, which does at least give us some info on them – but then, the Baker Incident Report doesn’t mention the new Umbrella at all either, and it doesn’t have that excuse. That omission is all the stranger, considering that Zoe’s whole purpose in writing it is supposedly to expose the cover-up after the Baker Incident – doesn’t Umbrella factor into that at all? It’s like their whole role in RE7 has just wiped clean.
It's also obvious there was so much more lore written for this game that the guide book doesn’t share. Early versions of collectable documents that can still be found in the game files give the D-series head and arm some fascinating backstory, but there’s nothing about them in the guide book, which is a real shame.
Mia especially stands out as a character who must have so much backstory we never hear anything about. How did she get involved with a company as evil as the Connections? How did she justify it to herself for so long – what excuses did she make to herself? Did she genuinely believe they were finding ways to win wars without losing soldiers? Was she gathering evidence against them, was she scared they’d kill her if she left? Not one single word in either the guidebook or the BIR to explain.
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Even more annoying to me, though, is just what a wasted opportunity the Baker Incident Report is to add more to Zoe’s story, when she’s one of my favourite RE characters. Included in the text is a letter she received from Mia, giving what should have been the perfect opportunity to flesh out the relationship Zoe and Mia must have built in the three years they spent trapped in the Baker property, the only two (semi-)sane people present – and what does the letter do? Imply they hardly knew each other at all. It’s the most boring possible answer, it contradicts hints from the actual game (Marguerite outright tells us they've been working together, even!), and GDI, you do not get to tell me that my girls didn’t know each other! ;_;
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Ethan and Mia similarly get the short shrift. Throughout RE7 their every interaction is building to a big scene that never actually happens where Ethan finds out the truth – Ethan knows Mia’s been keeping secrets, he never stops asking questions about it, and Mia says outright that she wants to come clean. So what does the BIR tell us? Well, post RE7, Mia mentions in an interview that she doesn’t want anyone telling Ethan. Not a word about what changed her mind. Not a word about why Ethan would just stop asking. Total cop-out.
And there’s so much more it could have covered too. There's nothing about Ethan’s ‘military training’. Nothing about the Winters' relationship with Chris. Mia’s conversation with him in RE8 suggests he was personally involved in relocating them to Eastern Europe, but the BIR doesn’t mention that either. The BIR at large is basically just an extended lore dump, and it doesn’t even sound like Zoe’s voice.
So this is about where I finish up with both of these sources: frustrating, inaccessible, inconsistent, and more missed opportunities than real material. There’s a lot in both I’ll happily go on ignoring. But I’ll still pour through them for every last interesting detail, because I am that obsessed with this canon right now, and they’re what we’ve got.
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ourmadmusings · 10 months
Anon requested: Would you be able to write a Miguel x f!reader fic where they are romantically involved and Lyla goes crazy and thinks that the reader is too much of a distraction to Miguel and his mission? To the point where she feeds the reader bad information that almost gets her killed and when that doesn't work she lures the reader into a trap? --- a/n: tried to keep it short, but thank you so much for the req!
Running on empty:
It starts small, a break in code, maybe. But to them, it was the world - Miguel was theirs.
He isn’t sure when the glitch started, but he knew something was wrong. Sending destinations to incorrect places, warping you to worlds you ought not be in. Missing mission targets, failures to capture, issues. Miguel wasn’t one for issues, especially when it came to you, someone he knew was smarter than that. Things moved faster with you around, the dark cloud that hung over his shoulders lifting just enough for him to remember what it was like to be human, not just SpiderMan 2099. You took up his time, time he used to spend with them. Maybe that was his mistake, he relied too much on their company, made them too human while he was writing their code. "There’s an anomaly spotting in a neighboring world, O’Hara wants you to go alone, he said it wasn’t too much of a threat, in and out!” They hummed from your watch, you agreed and they opened a doorway for you. They had sent you to a wasteland of an Earth, cold and barren, they said they were having a hard time connecting back to 2099 because of the sub-zero temperatures, it was seizing up your hardware. The last thing you hear is a quick apology then - silence. Two days you’d spent there before Miguel came to find you. He’d sworn against ever thinking to send you, your suit being your only protection - far too thin for a place like this, he’d said. He rushed you to the infirmary, much to Lyla’s chagrin, and spent the two days it took you to recover starkly by your bed. A deep scowl set on his brow, silencing any of their communications, summons from other Spiders, even threats of anomaly wasn’t enough to pry him away from you. Next time though, they hid your location from Miguel, swearing you were just at home, dealing with some local issues. He felt foolish for believing them after all of this. He had found files documenting your time together around the citadel, they were angry. Vindictive. He knew that. It hit a peak when he found you, hardly breathing, after being sent to a world riddled with crime - no Spider-Man there to mitigate any of the problems. “You risked the life of one of our best, Lyla, and for what?” He was fuming, yelling at a hologram - he knew this was silly, he could just rewrite the code. It had taken just too long for him to track you down - your watch had been disabled, basically useless, you’d been glitching, struggling. You weren’t even sure where you were. As soon as  you phased in, you watched a mask man pull a gun. You took a second to collect yourself - a small bodega with a very mousey woman behind the counter. Of course it was in the middle of a very hostile robbery - “-in the bag! Now!” The man, dressed in all black and a head taller than you, waved his gun to emphasize the seriousness. She was horrified, stuck in a panicked haze, time was running out, the man let out a sigh before straightening his stance. You only just hear the tell-tale click of the boot before you’re fully in your own body, lunging towards him. Just too late, boom, the woman let out a final scream before crumpling behind the counter. Your blood ran cold, and the masked man stumbled out of the small space as quickly as you came in. It devolved from there, more crime around the block, no cops to keep them in check, and you risking your neck. The word of a masked vigilante spread quickly - no one was keen on shaking up the way of this Earth. Within a few hours, your image was spread. Lamp posts, posters, rewards from crime rings in return for your mask. In over your head, truly. Days passed as you spent them running. Honest to god running from one hideout to the next, trying in vein to connect with Miguel over your comms. Nothing. Each time you were met with a proverbial dial-tone. You’d been caught more than once, each time your wounds compounded. A split lip turned into a slight concussion, turned into a cracked rib, turned into a gunshot wound to your leg. You felt like a caged dog, unable to help yourself, praying to whatever God watched over this version of the world to send some sort of help. Finally, after a week of being adrift, he found you. You had holed up in an old storage unit, locked from the inside, he jumped you home and spent time fussing over you. He’d tried to get you back to the citadel, but you fought and he relented. He took your watch and ran a quick diagnostic, looking into the code that made up the technology. He found nothing but broken lines. He disconnected Lyla soon thereafter. Jess had rang in that they were trying to fix whatever issues came up, but the damage was done. Miguel promised to come back, but the amount of glitching you’d suffered meant you had to stay at home - alone.
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c3rnunnos · 9 months
Gonna be a downer tonight and say that as much as I love the opportunities to learn and to meet new people that technology has given me, I still hate it more and more the older I get.
This is kinda weird coming from someone that seems to be always on Tumblr, but I really.... Really am coming to hate technology with a passion. Nothing seems to work. Everything has to update or else. You could be using your computer in the way that you always did and suddenly boom, your antivirus decides a problem is happening even though you didn't do anything. Corporations steal my information and I have to always be connected. "oh we don't use that app for videocalling, can you download this one?" "oooh we need you to sign up for this, or else we will deny you service!" "oooh there are sudden damaged files in your pc, make a scan to fix it!" how about I cry instead.
I am becoming increasingly technophobic, yet I rely on technology to keep in contact with loved ones and do my hobbies, and I just wish i could stop, or that all of this continuous updating could stop and tech companies would finally optimize their damn products instead of releasing wildly unoptimized and vulnerable shit into the world. I am currently so full of rage and anxiety because my pc gave me and alert and I will not be able to sleep tonight. Thank fuck my dad is there to check things with me and hold my hand as I scan stuff, and I dread the day when he will be gone and I won't have his calming presence beside me as I do yet another scan or try to download a program.
This is depressing, and anxiety inducing, and I'm so done with technology and cannot let go of it. What the fuck.
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triviallytrue · 2 years
A primer on Linux for non computer nerds
What is Linux?
Linux is an operating system, like Microsoft Windows or Mac OS. Specifically, Linux is free open source software, as opposed to private software sold and developed by a corporation like Microsoft or Apple.
Why would I want to use Linux?
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Windows and Mac OS (but especially Windows) are including more and more bloatware as of late - software that takes up space on your computer and may use computing resources that can't easily be turned off or deleted.
In addition to being free of the anti-user practices that have become the norm on Windows and Mac OS, Linux has other advantages, like not requiring antivirus software (as a consequence of its design decisions and its relatively low usage, comparatively).
As a result, lightweight Linux distributions are often used to resuscitate old computers that have become too slow to use on other operating systems.
It should be noted here that for any aspiring computer nerds reading this, Linux has a lot of other advantages in terms of the customization it offers and the tools it encourages you to use, but that's not as relevant to your average user.
Why shouldn't I use Linux?
There are two main drawbacks. First, the smaller userbase means software companies are less likely to develop with Linux in mind. This is especially notable for gaming, which is generally considered better on Windows than any other OS.
If you have specific software you want or need to run, you should check in advance if it can run on Linux, or if an equally good open source alternative exists. Linux developers are working hard on this and have made great strides in recent years, and personally I've been running games on max settings (4k display) with high FPS and no issues on Linux.
Second, Linux is more work to install and run. On a user-friendly distribution, it should be pretty easy for anyone who is comfortable using google to look up solutions to computer problems, but if computer problems are especially anxiety-provoking or stressful for you, you may be better off sticking with your current OS.
What's a distribution?
Linux is an umbrella term for free open source operating systems that use the same "core" (the Linux kernel). Each Linux distribution has different features.
Which distribution should I use?
Linux Mint. Specifically, the Cinnamon edition, unless you're trying to revive an old computer, in which case you may prefer the more stripped-down MATE or Xfce editions.
For computer nerds, this is a hard decision, and there are lots of arguments on the internet about it. But if you're looking for a distro that prioritizes easy, intuitive installation and use, reliability, stability, and community troubleshooting resources, the consensus pick seems to be Linux Mint by a mile.
To make the switch, you'll need a USB drive with at least 4 GB of space and another device to search for troubleshooting advice/view a guide. After that, follow the advice on the Mint website, or look up any of the myriad tutorials online (there are plenty of video tutorials on Youtube, for ex).
Advice for the switch
If you're switching your OS on a machine you've used for a long time, be sure to back up your files beforehand, and don't switch on a machine that you need to be perfectly functional in the near future, like a work computer. Odds are very good that everything will go smoothly, but you shouldn't count on that.
Make sure that you have another device with internet access (I used my phone) to google troubleshooting advice in case anything goes wrong.
WiFi in Linux Mint doesn't work always work out of the box - the driver manager will get it working for you, but it often needs to be connected to the internet to do so. There are two main ways to connect without WiFi - connecting directly to your router (ethernet) or sharing your smartphone's WiFi (USB tethering). If these are unfamiliar concepts, there are plenty of online resources easily found on google that explain both.
Fellow computer nerds: if there's anything you think I should add or change, let me know in the replies/reblogs.
I also had a weird issue where the driver manager told me I had no updates left, despite my drivers clearly not working. The solution to this was restarting not once but twice - after that everything worked like a charm. Remember the golden rule of computer troubleshooting: try turning it off and on again.
EDIT: Did this again with a friend, the actual solution that works here is updating the kernel to the latest version. Open the update manager, go to View -> Linux Kernels, and install the latest one.
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brofisting · 1 year
Brief thoughts on AI writing/art data-scraping and subsequent content production, & the conclusion I've come to.
Thought #1: There has been a lot of discussion about how AI is or is not art theft (or writing theft); from my understanding every model works slightly differently. What isn't up for debate, though, is that all AI models require data to function, and that data has to come from somewhere. The companies developing AI have a strong incentive to get data by any means possible; the internet is the easiest place to start, but there's no way to get permission from every single person who has ever put something on the internet for the use of that thing to develop the AI, even if every single person were inclined to give it.
Conclusion #1: Doesn't matter if the AI's output is a copyright violation; instead, it was a violation of copyright to feed that data to the AI in the first place, making the AI itself inherently legally problematic.
Thoughts #2&3: Due to how easy it is to scrape data online, and the way technology is currently progressing (silicon valley motto of Never Ask "Should" I Do It, Just "Can" I Do It), there is almost no way to prevent these AI from being developed with stolen data, and there's enough out there to make these very, very good. They've gotten immeasurably better in just the past few years. Also, preventing them from scraping one thing (ie archive-locking fic) is probably not going to do anything about the problem as a whole, even if it stops that one thing from getting used (and if it even does prevent that thing from being used; I am not sure there's not ways to get around that kind of obstacle).
Conclusions #2&3: Can't stop the technology from developing, and trying to prevent your data from being accessed through technological barriers is at best small potatoes and at worst futile.
Thought #4: What is the incentive for people to do this? Money. These AI are being developed in hopes that they can be used to do things humans can currently do, for cheaper, so they can sell them to companies who will then use them to replace human labor. Will it produce results as good as human labor? No. Will that matter? Not enough, and not in all circumstances.
Conclusion #4: How to prevent this from happening in a way that loses people jobs (or loses the least jobs, or at least protects creative work, or does the whole thing slowly enough to save your job and my job)? Make it so companies cannot legally make money by using the output of these AIs.
WHICH... takes us back to Conclusion #1 -- due to the copyright violation inherent in these programs, it is important to make sure the output can't be copyrighted. Which, at the moment, legal precedent says it can't be. But that's something that companies which stand to make money off AI-generated work are going to try to change.
THEREFORE... we gotta fight those fuckers every step of the way to make sure that AI generated work can't be copyrighted. Which, IMO, means:
educating people about how these models are developed using data theft
make the connection between AI development and potential harms clear (both things like face recognition tech and hurting creatives by replacing them in jobs)
encourage people to fight legally instead of technologically; ie instead of archive-locking work on AO3, continue to throw a fit at the AI company, file legal copyright complaints, etc (any useful suggestions here would be great!)
And then, bonus, if your company is considering using this kind of technology to replace artists or writers, throw a giant fucking shit-fit. Bring up possible legal ramifications. Bring up possible public backlash ramifications. Bring up ramifications of you personally quitting and being a huge bitch about it the whole time. Whatever you can safely do!
I don't think we can prevent AIs, nor do I necessarily think they're inherently evil; I DO think they are being made by people who do not care if they are being used or made in an evil way or not. I'm not sure we can prevent their usage to replace creative jobs entirely, but I think we should try. And I am willing to put my money where my mouth is on that. Which is all I can say about it!
NOTE: I am not a technical expert or legal expert on AI; I am some guy online, but I have a vested interest in this both as someone who pays to have art made and who makes art themselves. I have recently done a fair amount of research into this, and this is what I came to personally. If you have more information from a legal or technical perspective that contradicts this, I'd love to hear it!
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blackleatherjacketz · 8 months
Find Me After
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Kirk x La'an (Strange New Worlds)
Summary: What if Kirk was single when La’an told him about her love affair with his Alternate Self?
Warnings: 18+ Only!, Mature Content, Mutual Pining, Survivor's Guilt, Angst, Longing, Grief, Alcohol, Flirting, Confessions of Love, Kissing, Neck Kissing, Dry Humping, Vaginal Fingering, Finger Sucking, Kirk being his usual slutty self:)
Tags: @bluemoonperegrine @liminal-zone
An entire universe of possibilities flickers in the golden browns of his eyes, blending into olive streaks as he stares at her from across the table. Those deep, earthy tones hold her fast as she tries to convince herself to look away, to look at anything else in her immediate vicinity, but she finds herself helplessly drawn in. Drawn into the same eyes that had longingly studied her face in a world far beyond her own, ones that had once lingered on her lips before he decided to press his against hers. Eyes that will now forever remain shut.
“So what did Sam really do to make you dig through his personnel file, huh?” His smile warms the empty space between them as he takes a sip of whiskey, those lively eyes of his all but twinkling in the dimming lights of the bar.
“Oh, you know Sam,” she reaches for a believable answer to give him as she follows suit, cautiously sipping her espresso martini for a jolt of energy and a bit of liquid courage. “Always pushing the limits of protocol in the name of xenobiology.”
She doesn’t have the heart to tell him that Sam is just as far gone as his own doppelgänger, that both of them are lucky to be alive in this current universe where she gets to enjoy their company in very different ways. That the news that his brother could still be alive in another timeline was enough for him to help her until the very end.
“Nah, that’s typical,” he interrupts her morose thought pattern with a slight, barely noticeable lean forward; but La’an notices everything. “You know, when I asked him about the Enterprise’s chief security officer, the person that I pictured was more gruff, stern and cold…” He pauses his cruel description of her to gently place his hand on top of hers, his half-cocked smirk reminding her of the familiarity he once shared with her. “Not someone nearly as warm and beautiful as you.”
La’an freezes at his touch, his warm fingertips brushing over the fine hair of her knuckles as the space between them grows smaller with his blatant compliment. Is it possible that the instant connection she’d felt with his alternate is somehow still there between them, here and now as the blood rushes to warm her cheeks? Or is she merely projecting her own desires onto this unknowing version of a man she barely knows, a man who only looks like the first person who’s ever seen that side of her?
“You don't mean that.” She leans in just enough to mirror his level of interest, a smile curling at the corner of her lips as her hand happily remains under his. She figures it couldn’t hurt to play into it, after all.
“I’m a Star Fleet officer, Lieutenant,” he reassures her with a wink. “I always say what I mean.” He smiles before swiftly pulling away, leaving her hand cool and empty as he leans back in his chair to take another swig of his drink. “So why don’t you start with the truth.”
“Excuse me?” She leans back in unison, taking offense at his tone before removing her hand from the table.
“So, why don’t you tell me why you really called me that day about Sam’s record,” he prods, a knowing smile crossing his lips, contradicting the consistent warmth of his friendly stare. “I may not always get along with my brother the way that I should, but I know he isn’t one to break protocol or get into trouble.”
He knows. The Jim that she’d gotten close to was always two or three moves ahead of everyone else on the chessboard, constantly thinking his way out of any problem that might come across his path, and saw no reason for this version of him to be any different.
“Lieutenant?” He attempts to bring her back to reality.
Uh-oh, she panics.
This was a mistake. She should have known better than to have tempted fate like this, than to have said anything or brought him here as if nothing had ever happened between the two of them. She should have never thought that she deserved something more than that brief glimmer of hope… than that fleeting flash of love she chose to share with him. She should have known that all she was destined to experience in this life was the heavy grief and painful heartache of survivor’s guilt.
“I should go,” she whispers under her breath, standing up from her seat to disguise her obvious embarrassment.
“Please don’t.” He grabs onto her wrist, eyes wearily aiding him in keeping her near as he silently pleads for her to stay. “You’ll waste a perfectly good martini.” He points to her half finished cocktail with his opposite hand as nearly every eye in the bar begins to watch them, their collective conversations hushed into a dull whisper.
La’an watches his features soften, that mask of performative flirtation seeming to melt away entirely as flashes of the other Kirk, of ‘her Jim’ begin to break through. She takes her time sitting with the obvious discomfort of her crew’s heated glare, weighing the pros and cons of berating him in front of them for touching her in such a flippant manner. They all knew that if any other person had grabbed her like that, they’d have been met with a quick elbow to the nose or shoulder… or something worse. Only he wasn’t any other person.
“You can finish it for me, if you’d like,” she suggests, gingerly taking her arm back from his longing grasp as the crowd slowly begins talking amongst themselves again. “But if you really want to know,” she clears her throat and adjusts the top half of her uniform, pulling it taut down her torso. “Meet me in my quarters in twenty minutes.”
“So what was so important you couldn’t tell me at the bar, huh?” He waltzes into her personal quarters after she opens the door, turning around to face her once he’s halfway into her living room. “Did Sam tell you about all the bar fights I got into back in the day or…?”
“No,” she cuts him off with a shake of her head. “Nothing like that.” Instead, she points to her coffee table adorned with an ancient tea set, silently inviting him to sit and stay a while.
He follows her gaze over to the couch, nodding before casually sitting down on the stiff sofa with his arm slung across the back rest. “Is there another reason you invited me back to your quarters late at night?” He smirks, “People might talk.”
“Right,” she hadn’t really thought of that. “Well, I just didn’t want anyone else to hear what I’m about to tell you.”
“Okay,” he leans forward with piqued interest. “I’m listening.”
“It’s just that I know you.” She bites the bullet and confesses the bulk of the bitter truth right away, not allowing herself any room for retreat. If she doesn’t tell him how she feels right here and now, she fears that she won't ever be able to do it again.
“Yeah, and now I know you. That’s hardly a good enough reason to invite someone out then leave your guest all alone at the bar after only one drink.” He relaxes a bit and sits back in his seat. “Half of one, actually.”
“No, that’s not what I'm saying.” She follows suit and sits down next to him, his scent somehow more intoxicating at this close proximity. Are those notes of sandalwood and citrus she’s smelling? How had she not noticed those before?
Focus, La’an, focus!
“What I’m trying to say is that I really know you… romantically.” She picks up the handle of the teapot and begins pouring the piping hot liquid into both of their cups, glancing up quickly before setting it down and looking away. “Or at least… a different version of you.”
“A different version of me?” His eyebrows all but disappear into his hairline before falling back down, only to furrow in between his eyes. He swallows hard, scooting in closer with genuine curiosity as she maintains her stoic posture. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”
She nods, mentally urging herself to continue. “I know that I’m supposed to ignore it, to pretend that it never happened, but whenever I see you here on this ship…” She takes the chance to stare into his eyes, ready to be ridiculed, only to be met with solemn understanding. “Whenever you look at me like that, it reminds me of the other version of you and it’s almost the exact same feeling I get when he looked at me on Earth.”
Jim tilts his head before placing his hand onto her knee, holding eye contact as he studies the pieces on the board in front of him, trying to plan out his next move. He allows his thumb to gently rub the inside of her thigh, to change that worried expression on her face into a relaxed smile as it brushes over the dark fabric of her uniform. “Do you like the way I look at you?”
“More than anything,” she confesses in a stifled whisper. “And I know it wasn’t you, but a part of me can’t help but wish that it was.” She takes in a deep breath, turning her body towards him as his knee slowly slides between her thighs, his hand all but guiding her into him. “Look, I know it’s a lot to take in, that it’s unfair to compare you to someone who made me feel so happy and free, but there was an alternate timeline and he…”
Jim’s lips press against hers just as easily as they had before, soft and gentle as the warmth of his kiss intensifies, magically relieving all the tension she held in her neck and shoulders. That faint scent of his cologne mixes in with the hint of whiskey still on his lips as she parts her own to embrace this welcome connection. Somehow all of that grief and sorrow she’s been carrying with her has been lifted, the sensation of his mouth now all she can think about as her hands find their way onto his chest.
“What was that for?” She can’t help but ask as he barely pulls away.
“You were about to tell me the secrets to an alternate timeline,” he pecks at her lips again, an amused smile wrinkling the skin around his eyes as he runs his fingertips over the grooves in her braids. “I’m just trying to save your ass from the time police.”
“Oh, is that right?” She laughs, nudging her nose against his as her hands smooth their way up his neck into his hairline. “You know about the time police?”
“I thought everybody did.” He kisses her again, more fervently this time as his tongue brushes against hers, parting her lips with a more passionate hunger than the other version of him ever had.
La’an allows herself to feel that hunger, too, that need she always heard about but never quite understood until now. It pulses in her core, growing in warmth the more he touches her as he practically breathes new life into her lungs. She inhales this new yet familiar feeling, remembering flashes of it with the other Jim before it increases her desire to taste every inch of him, that primal urge to feel his skin flush against hers. In an attempt to do so, her teeth practically clash against his as she pulls him in even closer, her breath quickening as she feels the shock of his palms against the bare skin beneath her uniform.
“Did the other Me make you feel anything like this?” He shifts his weight so that he’s practically on top of her, his thigh rhythmically rubbing against her needy center as his hands survey every supple peak and valley of her chest beneath the fabric of her shirt.
“Yes,” she gasps as he continues kissing a blissful trail down her jaw and neck, his tongue doing wonders to her sensitive, untouched skin. “I mean no, nothing like this.”
He smirks against her throat as he feels her match the slow, hypnotic rhythm of his knee, thrusting her hips up into him as the sporadic pattern of her breathing eventually mirrors his own.
“How about this?” He slides his hand down the front of her pants and watches her face change, those dark brows of hers knitting together in pleasure as his fingers dip down between her folds before the deafening sound of a hail echoes against the walls, halting his progress.
“LA’AN, YOU’RE NEEDED ON THE BRIDGE.” Una’s authoritative tone brings them out of the moment and into the present as they both hold their breath in unison, looking up at the speaker on the wall. “LA’AN?”
“Yes,” she finally responds as Jim brushes his fingertips over her swollen bud a few times, spreading her growing moisture up and down her length before freeing his hand from her wasteband. She watches him coyly suck her juices off his digits as she attempts to finish communicating with her superior officer, clearing her throat in order to sound more professional. “Yes, I’ll be there soon. Umm… acknowledged!”
“Damnit.” He laughs before his head drops onto her chest with a defeated sigh, his auburn locks now resting against her chin as he listens to the pounding beat of her heart. He smoothes his hands up under her shirt as her back instinctively arches into his embrace, kissing the fabric of her shirt before laying there in silence. He wonders just how lucky his alternate had to have been to find her in an another universe, especially one that ended up bringing them both together in this one, here and now.
“I’d better go,” she sighs, weaving her fingers through his hair as her chest rises and falls in utter disbelief. “Even if I don’t want to.”
“I don’t want you to, either.” He lifts his head to look her over, to really take her in as he caresses her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “But I’m pretty sure Captain Pike would have something to say if he knew I was keeping you.” He leans down to kiss her lips one more time. “Come find me after?”
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trashiis · 2 months
Ok this is a bit of a wordy post but bear with me. I've been reading up on the tech literacy discourse and I thought I'd add my two cents, and how it connects to piracy. LONG post under the cut!
I was born in the year 2000, which puts me on the border of being a digital native. I was brought up on tech, but only in my later childhood and teens. I've always considered myself "tech literate," but no more than the usual kid my age.
The first time I ever truly experienced tech illiteracy with my peers was when I was 23, when in one of my college classes a MacOS update rendered the software we used for said class unusable. After a few days a temporary patch was released, which by that point an assignment that utilized the software was due the next day. I followed the patch instructions, which involved navigating to the software files and substituting a designated file with the provided patch. A bit more complicated than a simple update, but the instructions were clear and intuitive enough to easily understand where the file went. The next day, during a class study session, I overheard multiple people come up to the professor complaining that the software wasn't working. After the second person complained with the professor being clueless, I asked the student what MacOS version they were on. Sure enough they were on the latest version, which as we already know is incompatible with the software. I then walked the student through the patching process step-by-step, with them needing to essentially be hand held through the entire process (almost to the point of me doing everything for them). After the patch was implemented, the student thanked me and said "Wow! How did you figure all of this out?" and to me that question was stupid- I just googled "[software] [version] MacOS [version] fix", went to the first result (which was the company website), downloaded the patch zip file, and followed the instructions on the README.txt file. It was so easy, and I couldn't comprehend that this was somehow complicated for other people, especially those my age. I mean we literally grew up using computers. It wasn't until I started learning about tech literacy and learned helplessness that I finally started connecting the dots.
Tech in general is becoming extremely user friendly, almost to a fault. UI and UX simplicity is taking away any critical thinking needed to use any sort of tech. My peers are so used to one-click and/or automatic updates, so the fact that this required slightly more effort than a simple update triggered their learned helplessness. The professor was no help in this case either, since he just extended the due date for those affected with no penalty. I actually ended up making a very detailed (and I mean idiot proof detailed) step by step picture guide with screenshots on how to install the patch for the software for the class. Anyways, back to the main point- How can I blame my peers for not knowing how to install a "complicated" update when they're so used to being spoon-fed simplicity?
But hang on- how was I the exception? I'm just as used to tech simplicity as anyone else, it's not like I'm using anything differently or making things harder for myself on purpose (I'm looking at you, linux users). So why was I the only one who knew how to install this update? It wasn't until I had a discussion many months later with my mom about this tech illiteracy epidemic that I finally thought it through. I acquired problem solving skills through piracy. To start off: not piracy but adjacent- learning to install mods in Minecraft when I was 11 taught me file navigation and what a README.txt file was, as well as the importance of version specificity/compatibility. Figuring out how to play Pokemon roms on the family computer and my iPod touch when I was 12? That's piracy, and it also taught me how to work with different platforms and the art of jailbreaking. Installing custom firmware on my 3ds so I could pirate games when I was 16 taught me how to follow written tech instructions without any visual guidance. Pirating Adobe software on my MacBook in high school taught me about patching files on MacOS. All of this knowledge and inherent googling that came with it made installing the patch for my class software look like a tiny drop in the bucket in terms of complexity.
So why am I saying all of this? Am I suggesting people learn to pirate to become tech literate?
With everything becoming pay-walled, subscription services running rampant, the proliferation of closed-source "ecosystems" *cough* Apple *cough*, and (arguably) most importantly media preservation, piracy is a skill that will serve you well in the long term. It will teach you critical thinking in the tech sphere, and if enough people learn then we can solve this ever growing epidemic of tech illiteracy. I'm not really sure how to end this post, so if anyone has anything else they'd like to add please feel free to.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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andrevasims · 5 months
Apparently the SanDisk portable SSD is/was a hot Black Friday deal, but they've been so prone to failing that a class-action lawsuit was filed over it.
I also saw people recommended Western Digital as an alternative to SanDisk, but... Western Digital owns SanDisk. The class-action lawsuit for the failing SanDisk drives is directed at Western Digital.
Specifically, they single out the following devices: SanDisk Extreme Pro, SanDisk Extreme, and Western Digital My Passport SSD in the sizes 500GB, 1TB, 2TB, and 4TB.
Some of them, like the 4TB Extreme Pro Portable, had discounts up to $200, which is a pretty solid deal considering they've knowingly been facing widespread hardware failures for over 6 months.
I never bought one, but I did have a Western Digital Elements external HD that my dad got me as a gift. It would randomly disconnect itself without being touched, and when I tried to unplug then replug it in, I had to do it 3 or 4 times in a row before it would get recognized again. We bought a new connecting cable since that seemed to be the problem, but it continued doing that with the new cable. Also, idk if it came this way or if it happened over time, but sectors on the external HD became corrupted to the point where my computer would get a Blue Screen of Death every time I tried copying files onto it. I got around that by using the 3rd party program TeraCopy instead of the built-in Windows copying program, but like...
My dad got me that external HD specifically because I've had 2 unrecoverable hard drive failures happen to me several years apart when I was a kid. Losing writing, drawings, photos, conversation logs with friends, stuff that just no longer exists at all. So I became pretty paranoid about backup storage. And having my backup storage randomly disconnect by itself and crash my computer when I try to use it... Obviously not ideal.
Anyway, the new external HD I got to replace that one is SeaGate. I don't know if that's "better," there's a 100% chance people have stories about SeaGate's products that are exactly like mine with Western Digital. So I'm just hoping for the best lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The city of Chicago sued Glock Inc. on Tuesday, alleging the handgun manufacturer is facilitating the proliferation of illegal machine guns that can fire as many as 1,200 rounds per minute on the streets of the city.
The lawsuit alleges Glock unreasonably endangers Chicagoans by manufacturing and selling semiautomatic pistols that can easily be converted to illegal machine guns with an auto sear — a cheap, small device commonly known as a “Glock switch.” The switches are the size of a quarter and are easily purchased illegally online for around $20 or manufactured at home using a 3D printer.
The complaint filed in Cook County Circuit Court is the first to use Illinois’s new Firearms Industry Responsibility Act, passed and signed into law in 2023 to hold gun companies accountable for conduct that endangers the public.
The lawsuit states police in Chicago have recovered over 1,100 Glocks that have been converted into illegal machine guns in the last two years in connection with homicides, assaults, kidnappings, carjackings and other crimes.
The lawsuit alleges that Glock knows it could fix the problem but refuses to do so and seeks a court order requiring the company to stop selling guns to people in Chicago. It also seeks unspecified damages.
“The City of Chicago is encountering a deadly new frontier in the gun violence plaguing our communities because of the increase of fully automatic Glocks on our streets,” Mayor Brandon Johnson said in a news release.
“Selling firearms that can so easily be converted into automatic weapons makes heinous acts even more deadly, so we are doing everything we can in collaboration with others committed to ending gun violence to hold Glock accountable for putting profits over public safety,” Johnson said.
Joining the city in the lawsuit is Everytown Law, a Washington-based firm that seeks to advance gun safety laws in the courts.
“Right now, anyone in the United States with $20 and a screwdriver can convert their Glock pistol into an illegal machine gun in just a few minutes,” said Eric Tirschwell, executive director of Everytown Law.
Phone messages were left with Smyrna, Georgia-based Glock seeking comment on the lawsuit.
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ilovedthestars · 6 months
Trick or treat? 🪣
i hope you like More Angst!! this is the start of a wip called Lies which fell victim to the problem that a lot of my fics do--it had a solid beginning, then started to get more fuzzy at the end, and I never figured out how i wanted to end it. nonetheless i think the premise was pretty fun to play around with! i'm pretty sure it was inspired by an exported despair pit idea, SO.
a heads up/cw for...not sure how one would phrase it, but the POV character (murderbot) being uncertain of what's real and what's not.
This time when I restarted, I wasn’t on Preservation Station, or in a cubicle, or back on my last company survey. I was lying on the platform of ART’s MedSystem. Fuck. This meant they’d found some of my hidden logs and cracked the encryption. If they knew about ART then I didn’t know what else they knew. “Oh, SecUnit, you’re awake. We’re so glad to have you back.” It sounded so much like Mensah this time. They’d finally gotten the gentle tone of her voice just right. This was the most convincing lie yet. I still wasn’t going to fall for it. NotMensah was sitting next to me, in a chair beside the platform. Standing a little behind her was Three. No, wait, NotThree. This meant they knew about Three, too. That was bad. They might get in touch with Barish-Estranza and tell them their destroyed SecUnit wasn’t really destroyed. They might be able to track it down. Maybe they already had. Maybe it was in here with me, being fed its own stream of lies. “Do you know where you are?” NotMensah said gently. “Do you remember what happened?” I knew exactly where I was. I couldn’t feel the hard lab table underneath me but I knew it was there. Human brains were great at simulating imaginary scenarios. So was mine, if it was fed the right instructions. It almost felt like I was really in ART’s MedSystem. Just like it had felt like I was in all the other places they had shown me. I got a ping that felt exactly like ART. They’d figured out a way to fake its feed address. I blocked the connection and shut down my feed. I wasn’t stupid enough to fall for that. “You were captured by the company,” NotMensah said. She paused, waiting for my reaction. I didn’t give them one. It wasn’t like that was a surprise. They knew I was aware of what they were doing to me. They’d wiped sections of my short-term memory but it wasn’t hard to piece together that I was company property again. NotThree sent me a memory file of my body clamped to a lab table, staring blankly at the ceiling. They wouldn’t even have had to fake that. This scenario was more realistic than the others, but I knew I was still in the lab with bright lights and wires and humans that rummaged around in my brain. Then it sent another file, time-stamped later, of it carrying me on board the ship, depositing me in ART’s MedSystem, leaking fluids across the floor as it did so. We rescued you, NotThree said. Why were they doing this? Why couldn’t they just hurt me?
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soranihimawari · 7 months
Shaken not Stirred
7. We always used to have sleepovers as children, why would it be weird now?"
Pairing: teen->adulthood friendships||nanami x yn
Warning: 🔞nsfw! bc sexual awakenings and teasing may affect those who’s first choice was hawk girl or j.depp (specifically Cry Baby era)// nanami & reader realize their friendship was built on lustful attraction versus friendly ones as they grew up. 👀 also, implied that reader’s family has yakuza or mafia ties…
Rating: adult!relationship with nanami kento [adult as in a good fucking means someone tried to test reader’s patience and they are not one to stand by and let nanami be insulted…]
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You are writhing beneath him; a man twice your size is above you, giving into his earthly desires. His voice is gruff and demanding as he pulls another pitiful moan out of you. He mocks you, lustfully licking a stripe from your neck to where your ear connects—it’s hot. The heat in the autumnal day is now cooling, but the bed creaks. Something ancient is awake and angry, his broken growl of your name hangs in the air. He fucks you to his rhythm as you cry out you can take one more fleeting orgasm. And the jackal of a man laughs muttering how brave you must be.
Rewind yourself to 72-hours ago when you arrived back on your home neighborhood in Sendai. You’re reuniting with some old friends after you found out your last remaining uncle had passed. Being in your mid to late twenties and working for a moderately ran start-up company for blue light lenses, you thankfully had merciful bosses who believed in putting family first. Though rare, they did make you file a leave of absence as you finalize your travel arrangements in the office before the end of the week.
You fly out on cold February morning, kind of overrated but if you’re able to get to Sendai Ciry by dinner tomorrow, your folks would have said it was worth the red eye fees. Honestly, once you traverse through bay check and the security points, you’re at your gate, eyes heavy as sleep is something you lacked.
Fourteen hours. Fourteen hours (and if you count the other twenty four you were up for, you’re sure you’d put your body through some sort of cardiac issued stress), however you were able to picked up by an old neighbor—Nanami Kento. Sure, the two of you grew up and apart, but considering the other options of your contacts, you went with the most reliable one. He bows as he greets you, his driver acknowledges you and you introduce yourself to the man and apologize for the delay.
“Snow this time of year is brutal,” the driver chuckles.
You nod as Nanami opens the passenger door for you. You give him your thanks as you sit down and strap on the seatbelt.
Looking back as both the driver and Nanami get in after you close your door, you fidget on your seat and nervously crack your knuckles, chuckling here and there as you listen to their banter until you speak up at an upcoming red light.
“Umm… I’m sorry, but I forgot to ask if I could spend the first few nights with you, Nanami-kun? If not, I know you’re busy with work, but if it truly is a problem, I could find a hotel to stay in…”
You’re stifling a yawn and he notices the slight wrinkles at the sides of your eyes. Surely you’re not still suffering from insomnia before trips, he thinks. Then, after he ponders for a light or two, he agrees.
“Bless you, my parents just texted me that my room was part of their remodeling phase and it’s getting a fresh coat of paint right now. I don’t mind taking the train from Tokyo back,” you explain with a soft smile.
You don’t remember much after the turn to his apartment high rise. You figured you knocked out and the driver, Mr Iji, had taken your things up for Nanami because well, for lack of better words, Nanami would have been carrying you. At the thought, your cheeks flush and you swat away all the raunchy things that could have happened, but it didn’t.
Nearly six in the morning and you are awakened again this time by an alarm and a half dressed adult blonde best friend. There’s several bandages on his arm and ribs from what you used to consider an awful part time job. He worked in an office from 9-5, but he did clock in some hours since he went back to being an adjunct teacher. Apparently even in this relic of a neighborhood, something keeps killing his colleagues. He told you all this before when you were nineteen and he had just turned twenty a season prior:
“You ought to be careful next time,” you hum as you help him place gauze over his cut brow. “I won’t be here to patch you like Shoko-chan can.”
“You can stay,” he hums, sort of pleading to you when the alcohol seeps and stings between the stitches there. “Mm…was that necessary?!”
Shows him the message from Shoko.
“Doc said so,” you mirthfully laugh as you see him frown. You put away the first aid kit and sigh. “I worry about you. This job, can’t you quit it before you die?”
“What? Why would I?!”
You realize he hasn’t loosened his grip on your hand; the alcohol must still be stinging a bit you reason.
“Because I can’t lose my best friend right after we had just gotten back on better terms,” you’re gentle tone makes him look you in the eyes and it dawns on him just how right you must be. “Besides, who’s gonna come bother me in the U.S. when I get my doctorate degree in medicine over there? Don’t send Gojo, I’d kill him with whatever fad he’s on now…”
Nanami chuckles.
“My girl is a clever one,” he says.
“If I really was yours, you wouldn’t be talking,” you tease. “Remember what happened when you told me you loved Hawk Girl and I still loved that crybaby movie?”
“‘Get wings or I think you’re a square?’ Oh get over yourself, we were seven and eight.”
You laugh and slip your hand out his… “I know! Isn’t that wild? Anyways, I better get home now.”
You grab your bag and wave over your shoulder, “See you at the airport. Thanks for offering to take me!”
The conversation plays in a loop in your mind and he’s in the middle of greeting you when you walk up to him and study his face, then his body…he has so many knicks and scars and even bruises. Some deeply rich in color you think he has internal bleeding. Then coffee maker begins whirring for both of you and you force his face to glance at you. You hold his chin firmly and move his face to see the same scar from the conversation still prominent with his bangs swept back.
“You told me you quit,” you half smile.
Nanami turns, wincing as he holds his bandages on his ribs to hand you a mug, but your hand presses against his side first and his breathing stutters. It isn’t the close proximity that causes him to do so? It’s just…he hadn’t seen how bright your eyes are in the dawn.
“What’s wrong? How did you…?”
You’re adjusting the gauze and your breath ignites his skin in the most subtle of ways and you adjust the pressure on his side. You gauge how he reacts and you know how he gets when you fret over him and you’re afraid you might have angered your host.
“Not important,” Nanami stubbornly stated, but he saw how the wrinkle in between your brows becomes prominent before walking away.
“I didn’t mean to pry,” you whisper and straighten up to walk away from the kitchen.
Silence ruled over you both as you fall into line with helping him make some rolled eggs and rice. He glances over every once in while, keeping his hard pressed lips together, he focuses on how delicate you’re chopping the chives. Your hands, he’s noticed, are calloused over from your trade in the medical field.
“I’ll leave tomorrow,” you say to him. “I found a hotel near the memorial services building.”
You take your plate once your dish is finished and sit on the table waiting for him. You eat together, he didn’t try to make much small talk, but you say some hurtful words.
“I never backed away, so why?”
Your voice cracked a bit when the plates were placed in the sink.
“Because you don’t deserve to use your talents on people like me,” he stands behind you, wrapping an injured arm around your waist, you’re pulled into his chest. “Can’t lose you too.”
Your hearts hammer like a forger beats the metal into a fine shield. You can feel his pulse practically race through this veins in his forearm around your waist. He whispers he’ll be back no later than six-thirty.
You think nothing of it as the day progresses even going so far as to cancel the hotel reservations. The services are day after next, so you don’t have much time left with Nanami before your life would be filled with aunts and would be retired uncles from your father’s side who’s ask awkward questions. Your cousins though? They’re immature and annoying, but the worse part? Everyone would ask you if you’re married yet, expecting, or trying to out you as many believe you’re not as you define yourself. Surely, family can be invasive, but yours is a whole other level. Hence why you being Nanami to these functions growing up or at least steal away to ditch the gatherings and hang out with him at his dorm room halfway across the prefecture.
Even now, as you don your ceremonial robes for the hybrid family traditions, he leans against the door way connecting his room to yours. The bathroom light backlights your frame as he hums in approving. Communicating with Nanami has improved, but you are reminded by him to move one stone at a time before moving a whole beam. He said that old saying of your grandmother to you when you introduced him to her in her flower shop. Nanami offered to help with the chores one afternoon and you, you decided it would be a good trial run before introducing your new friend from the middle school you started would be worked into your everyday life. Things did go well, or at least you thought they did until graduation day. His parents were a no-show, and your parents thought it was a bit awkward having him stand next to you for photos until the family matriarch decided to show up and pose for photos with him claiming how much she loved her future grandchild-in-law. The embarrassing situation was swept under the rug for the later half of the next fifteen years: in that time, you two grew up and apart especially with your residency being in the United States and he would continue his studies here in Japan. Only now, after a death in the family has returned you to your home soil do you stand before the boy you liked-maybe even dared to love-and he adjusts his spectacles to see you clearly.
"Think this is too much?" you tilt your head this way and that as he notices the bronze glitters of your neutral makeup.
"You look beautiful, even for a mourner," Nanami tells you as he takes your hand in his as he is to escort you per the request of the elders.
"Must you come with me?"
"Mr Iji is bringing the car around the corner," Nanami checks his phone. "And yes, if I don't, then your family might have its curse clinging to you."
Last night, after his shift on your second night with him, he walks into the kitchen to see you reading a few debriefings. Some were inscribed with the year of your second year and you meet his eyes when you finish reading about the Haibara-case.
"You're crying," Nanami states this easily as he dries your cheeks with a kerchief.
"Why didn't you tell me? Is this what you didn't want me to see?" You hold his wrist. "Min, please answer me."
He sighs, nodding with a head bowed in some form of shame. You move to the bedroom where he chooses to open up to you and tell you what you need to know.
"Just the facts?" you try to plead, but even your pout is enough to make anyone cave, but he doesn't budge although he did think about how your line of work in the medical examiner's office at the morgue could use some of the details to be familiarized.
Both of you stay up all night, crying together, laughing at Gojo's antics and how it had affected Nanami's ways as a sorcerer, but you stay true. You're not afraid of him nor his talents. To the outside world, he is Nanami Kento, director of sales from 9am-5pm, but only after six on the weekends, does he dabble in sorcery.
"Your family is experiencing tremendous amounts of grief," Nanami is pragmatic for sticking close to you. "Curses feed on raw negative human emotions. I'm going with you to the service tomorrow night."
Currently, Mr Iji's car is seen around the curb as you step in like before. Your family has no idea you were going to bring Nanami with you, yet when you are dropped off by him at the memorial service hall, he extends his arm to you. You greet your elders together and you bow to your godmother who's freshly widowed. As you console her, Nanami waves a hand in the air with such finesse you think he was a tea servant trainer in another life. Regardless, you chalk it up to his spectacles that help with seeing the other wordly parasites.
"...and you brought Nanami?" your godmother asks.
You nod. "He wanted to come. Mentioned he stopped by uncle's tie shop before the incident with the break in."
You motion for Nanami to come over and your godmother hugs him after he gives her a slight bow and condolence greeting.
"You were the only person who loved that pattern," she states, chuckling. "My husband fought very hard to keep that least selling item in stock because of you, and for that, I thank you."
She bows to him and cups your face.
“You remind me of us: a worrier and a warrior, praying for the the other to be kept safe.”
“Auntie, it’s—”
Nanami kisses your hairline and your words escape you.
“Exactly as you say, ma’am. C’mon, your mom’s looking over here…”
It’s unbelievably effortless as she hugs you and him. Her brother’s photo is on the offering table, lookin at you three. Your father is outside smoking with a few work friends from his gallery.
“How is dad? He was close to uncle Rob, wasn’t he?” You ask.
Nanami stands a little off to the side between you and your mother as he eyes your father’s boys club. Some of them make obscene hand signs admiring your curves as you had filled in while abroad. You’re not paying attention until Nanami snakes his arms around your back to whisper a, “behave. I’ll be right back.”
“Huh? Oh,” your eyes follow his and see your father and uncle’s shared friend group eying you disrespectfully. “Thank you.”
Nanami walks outside and he has a stern face while your mom nudges your arm.
“He’s a good one, I can tell ever since you told me about him,” she laughs.
“Mother,” you rolls your eyes and she ushers you to the offering table where you pick a plum & leave it at the alter for your uncle.
Meanwhile, Nanami puts the respect back on your name as the fools your father would have allowed to fuck you if you so wish were getting an earful from your friend.
“What makes you think you could ‘ave a go, huh?” Your father’s cigarette hangs low. “Y’know that kid of mine stems from a Yakuza-driven family on both sides.”
“And I hunt devils for a living, curses black an smoky,” Nanami coughs before covering his nostrils with his handkerchief. He smirks, your father can tell before insulting the young man further. You nearly drop your plate of food you were going to being over to Nanami as you heard your father call him a derogatory nickname for a half-blood person.
“Nanami, call Mr Iji. We’re leaving," you reach out to hold his hand. Your father chuckles as he hurls one more insulting dig in your direction and you pause your steps.
Marching up to your father, you rudely withdraw the cigarette from his lips, and put it out on his eye. He yells at you bellowing a hit order and banning summons, standing tall, you are so close to punching him in the jaw, but you did get his henchmen in the nose.
"Do not dare insult him again," you are filled with iron and vinegar. "Lest you forget who is the true seat holder to your puppet king. Nanami, let's go. We're done here."
In the heat of the moment, Nanami kisses you with finality, murming a, "Yes ma'am."
So here you were, hours later, three orgasms deep with the blonde man. You're breathing unevenly, panting, praises in feeling full and satisfied. Nanami's hips matches yours, you feel him tensing as he shyly hides in the crook of your neck and he tells you the story of his latest injuries.
"It's ok," you whisper, hotly into his mouth. "You're with me now, we're here...balls deep in this cavernous pussy which was always going to be here...ngh!~that's the spot, baby."
Nanami glistens in the sunlight peeking through his blinds. It's dawn and he cums with a little more encouragement; he slumps forward, clutching you to his chest. You too are a dewy mess, your ear turns to his bare chest and you listen to his heartbeat.
Hours later, you yawn before climbing into his bed again with the new sheets spread out, Nanami finishes his pre-sleep routine. He took the initiative to change the soiled sheets while you were in the shower, washing yourself clean from the rousing bedroom activities. You were joined a few minutes later with a bare Nanami. He remains a silent protector, a man of few words, but he is gentle and caring like you were made of fine porcelain- his hands were lightly scrubbing you, kneeling down to wash your front clean, both with his tongue and loofa. He made you believe heaven can be found within the tiles with him worshipping you like a slave moth to its sacred fire. Impossible to even try to focus to return the favor, he forgives you because you did the most basic of things to warrant this type of love: "You gave your father an order and made an example of his asshole crew."
Nanami Kento emerges from the shower room, steam rising from his nude body. Your eyes rake his body low to high, head to toe, as he dresses himself in his pajamas post dragging the boxer briefs over his thighs higher to his waist.
"I can hear you undressing me again," he muses when he pulls an undershirt over his body.
"You caught me," you chuckle back.
"Are we going to talk about this?"
The blonde lays in a relaxed position before you leaned into him, starting the ministrations of tracing his scars with your fingertips lightly. Nanami hums prompting you to answer.
"We always used to have sleepovers as children, why would it be weird now?"
"Because," Nanami tilts your head up to look at him. "You've had my heart packed in your suitcase since you left almost a decade ago. "
"You finally caught up to me, huh?"
You smile when Nanami leans forward to kiss you-it's simple and passionate. The curtains block this part of the universe where a humble doctor and a sorcerer melt into each other creating another realm of possibilities as their relationship blooms fresh.
Months later, you arrive to your new flat a few minutes away from the hospital that hired you. You sit down with a new case file handed in to you by a colleague. Nanami has yet to come home from a surveillance mission with one of Gojo’s students, yet you spoke too soon into the air when Nanami knocks on your door. You open it as he slumps forward saying his days might be numbered because of a patch-faced curse.
“Mahito’s alive?”
You escort him to your couch right away to administer first aid as necessary. A stitch or three were needed when you peeled his bloodied shirt off him.
“You knew him?” Nanami winces when he breathes between your hands sewing him shut. Again for the second time in four days.
“Mahito was one of the old hit men my great grandparents hired. They didn’t know he was a curse at all, maybe a misguided youth, but yeah…he’s clearly had work done and had become stronger.”
You nod saying you’re done with the stitching as Nanami holds your hand delicately in his.
“You should have told me,” he half smiles, weak from the day’s battle.
“I have a case file that you might be interested in reading with me. This body was exhumed around the turn of the century. Look familiar?”
The corpse on the slab from back then looked eerily similar to Mahito’s playfully long nose and long silvery hair.
“He died with a smile on his face after razing his town to the ground…” Nanami reads the report. “He was sealed and then unsealed?”
Nodding you out the first aid kit aside and sit on Nanami’s lap for a few moments, putting the sealing cream on a gauze strip and taping over the stitches.
“He was, yes. But this is why,” you pause to cup his face when you were done. “I tell you to be careful.”
Nanami kisses your inner palms.
“I’ll come home to you a little shaken.”
“Not stirred?”
“You’re so quick witted…,” he nips your jaw playfully flirtatious.
“I’m the sitting leader of a branch of the mafia thanks to my uncle passing who, by the way, left me in charge because I knew a sorcerer…”
My uncle’s will is next to his photo. Right next to it? There is a small vase of forget-me-nots that Nanami gifted me with. We stay on the couch for a little longer, talking about the future, the present, and a little about the past: we feel invincible when we’re this close to each other. What we do not know is how long we have left especially when there are plenty of curses who have their eyes on us around this part of the city.
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noisytenant · 3 months
i think computer literacy is a critical set of skills and that being able to have and use a personal computer has a lot of obvious benefits. more than just being able to navigate a digital environment, computers structure information in an intuitive way--one learns abstract, hierarchical thinking through the process of learning to use the computer. additionally, basic troubleshooting can go a long way in teaching problem-solving strategies.
also, the shift toward mobile devices is one that heavily restricts user control, disempowering users from having the agency to change their digital environment and take calculated risks. especially with the increase in cloud-based file hosting, users are often unwittingly putting their lives in the hands of demonstrably untrustworthy companies. there are many reasons to challenge the dominance of mobile devices.
but i feel pretty annoyed when i see posts scandalized about how Young People These Days only know how to use their phones and can't navigate a desktop to save their lives. i think we adults who grew up around personal computers can be so caught up in how critical they are to our daily lives that we fail to respect the subjective experience of those growing up in a mobile world.
from an experience design and user research perspective, you need to understand the attitude and experience of the people you're complaining about if you want to offer coherent solutions. there are a lot of genuine issues with the current paradigm, but nostalgia can cloud the benefits and draws of the mobile shift.
if we treat pc use as an unqualified good, and mobile use as an unqualified bad, we'll ignore opportunities for cross-generational learning. we'll also feel discouraged by the sentiment that society continues its slow decline toward hyper-late-capitalist technocracy.
but even if a young person's only experience is with mobile devices, we can still teach them how to navigate file structures; we can still introduce troubleshooting and self-directed learning; we can still teach good typing habits (if they have a full-size keyboard). and if we genuinely want young people to have the same computer literacy we do, we need to listen to them about their concerns, frustrations, and questions about PCs. if we want them to use computers, we need to be ready to do a little convincing.
we also need to respect that some people will genuinely prefer mobile devices, because that's what they grew up using. even if mobile interfaces have very distinct priorities from computers, they aren't always worse. being able to identify the logic behind design decisions, even ones you ultimately dislike, is an important analytical skill that primes you to thrive in a changing world.
in short, i know it can be really jarring--and kind of scary!--when skills and ideas that are critical to our generation are being lost as new forces take their place. but if we genuinely think these skills are worth passing on to the next generation, we need to accept that we're in a different world now and that we need to adjust strategies accordingly. a little bit of patience and openmindedness can go a long way in connecting across tech barriers.
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stevenobrion · 8 months
How InventHelp Can Assist with Patent Protection For Your New Invention Idea
As a new inventor, it is natural for you to want to find out as much about the process as possible before you start your journey. This is why it is important to do your research and find out about some of the most important aspects of the journey, such as patent protection, prototype creation, marketing, and getting funding, among other things. Another thing that you should look into as a new inventor is getting a team of experts on hand to assist and support you through your first experience, such as the team at InventHelp.
The good news is that there are many ways in which InventHelp can assist new inventors with ideas that they want to pursue. It is important to find the right new invention company when you first start out, as this can make such a big difference to your experience and confidence, among other things. Naturally, you want a provider that is reputable and has a strong track record in the field, and InventHelp ticks both of these boxes. Moreover, they can help you in many ways because the team offers packaged services that will ensure you have assistance and support from the start to the end of your journey.
There are many important processes that are involved in the new invention process, and we will look at these throughout this article. Often, the best way to learn more about key processes as well as providers is to look at common questions that have already been submitted by other new inventors. The chances are that, as a new inventor yourself, you will have the same sorts of questions, so these can be very helpful.
#InventHelp  #InventHelp Patent  #InventHelp Patent Services   #InventHelp Inventions   #InventHelp Patent Attorney  #InventHelp Patent Invention   #InventHelp Patent An Idea  #InventHelp Patent Protection  #InventHelp Invention Ideas  #InventHelp Innovation   #InventHelp Technology  #InventHelp Inventors  #InventHelp Products
In this article, we will look at some of the common Q&As about one of the most crucial processes involved in your new invention journey – patenting. In addition, we will also provide some common Q&As about InventHelp in general to help you to make a more informed decision with regard to whether this is the right provider for you.
An Overview of InventHelp
So, let’s begin with a brief overview of InventHelp and how this provider assists new inventors. The company dates back to the mid-1980s and has been going strong for decades. Over that period, the professionals at InventHelp have assisted huge numbers of new inventors with ideas for inventions in a wide range of industries.
With a presence in 65 cities across the USA and Canada, this provider has a wide reach and has helped newbies from all walks of life and a wide range of destinations. Its solid reputation and track record in the world of new inventions has enabled InventHelp to go from strength to strength over the years, with many new inventors seeking support and assistance from the team.
Whether it is helping with key processes such as patent protection and prototype creation, providing connections and access to resources, or offering general support and guidance, there are lots of ways in which this provider assists new inventors. You can learn more about InventHelp’s services in this article, but first let’s learn more about one of the most important processes in your journey – sorting out patent protection.
About the Patenting Process
When you come up with an idea for an invention, it is vital that you take steps to protect your intellectual property. If you fail to do this, all sorts of problems can arise, and this could cause serious headaches for you. In addition, you also need to make sure that someone else has not already come up with the same idea and filed for a patent/has an active patent. This is why patent searches and applications are so vital.
In order to ensure everything is done by the book when it comes to this vital process, you need to make sure you use the services of a legal expert who specializes in patent law. Many new inventors have no idea where to start or how to find the right professional, but InventHelp can refer you to a suitably qualified and experienced patent legal professional to sort out the legalities. Once you have this side of things sorted, you will benefit from both legal protection and peace of mind. 
How Does InventHelp Assist with Patenting?
As mentioned above, having a qualified and experienced patent expert on hand is vital if you want to make sure the process is carried out by the book. At InventHelp, the team can refer you to a patent law expert so that this can be sorted out for you swiftly and efficiently. Of course, it is important to remember that it can take some time due to checks and searches that must be carried out, but the legal experts working with this invention company will make sure that there are no unnecessary delays. 
In order to ensure you get your patent protection and searches carried out in a timely manner by an expert, InventHelp can refer you to one of its legal specialists. They will then carry out all necessary searches and deal with your application for a patent, which takes a huge amount of stress off your shoulders as someone who is new to the world of inventing. This means that you will have the expertise you need to help you with one of the most vital processes of your journey. 
Why Is This Process Vital?
There are many reasons why this is such a vital process in your journey as a new inventor, and it is one that should be carried out as soon as possible. One of the reasons it is so important is that you need to ensure that someone else has not already come up with the invention idea and has a patent pending or an active patent.
Another thing to keep in mind is that failing to get patent protection means that someone else could potentially find out about your invention idea, and then claim it as your own. They can copy your design and claim it was theirs, put forward your idea as their own, and you could lose all rights over your own idea. This is a form of intellectual property theft, but without patent protection in place, there is little you can do.
One other thing to remember is that someone else could easily come up with the same idea as you. If this happens, and they then get it patented before you do, you could lose out. This is why you need to act swiftly when it comes to getting the patent protection and searches sorted out. 
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shieldfoss · 5 months
Or maybe people should learn to set up global gitignore files for the stuff their editors produce
But people will not just. People have never just, and if our plan depends on people starting to just, it will never happen.
EDIT: For reference I'm busy these days setting up various infra and our company uses... uh... a number of external consultants.
And there is some amount of useful guidance I can provide ("How to set up internal connections so you don't accidentally pull our packages for other clients [if you set it up like our regular employees it will compile on your machine and break once you submit it to your other clients]") but I am not going to teach them gitconfig if they don't already know it. I barely know it. But it's not hard to write an extremely tyrannical gitignore that just solves the problem cold.
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