#Chiaki fujimoto
tariah23 · 2 years
I just read the first chapter of the the “To Strip the Flesh,” series and i just… I’m kinda crying rn. God.
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UGHHH 😭😭😭😭……. Fuck-
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fujoreads · 3 months
To Strip the Flesh // Review
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To Strip the Flesh is a short tales collection in manga format, containing 5 stories in total—the main one going by the book’s title.
I remember someone mentioning this in a book-related podcast I listen to, but I don’t remember which one. I found it at a bookshop when I went on a little date last year, and I just had to buy it! It took me a while to finally read it, but I’m glad I did.
CW: Gender Dysphoria, Explicit Nudity; Organs; Hunting; Animal death; Sexism; Transphobia; Body Horror
This manga was something else. I may not have the exact same experience as our protagonist Chiaki, but I related so hard I cried—thrice, in fact. I got such a headache from crying I had to end the day that evening. Powerful stuff.
I knew I would probably enjoy it because of the art and the topic of trans issues. I myself am a transmasc bastard, so it’s always nice to see manga talking about these things.
When I finally finished it, I had to pause for a minute or two. For the first half, I read many scenes where I felt dysphoric together with Chiaki, but the way the story ended made me actually try to be stronger and fight for my right to happiness, even if I have to face transphobic doctors on the way.
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Chiaki Ogawa has never doubted that he is a boy, although the rest of the world has not been as kind. Bound by his mother’s dying wish, Chiaki tries to be a good daughter to his ailing father. When the burden becomes too great, Chiaki sets out to remake himself in his own image and discovers more than just personal freedom with his transition—he finds understanding from the people who matter most. (The StoryGraph)
Although the main story is this one about Chiaki, there are many others who are also just as enjoyable, albeit shorter.
This tale is condensed in about 100 pages, but packs an emotional punch enough to leave you in tears. It made me realize that I have my own found family and I don’t need to keep living a lie.
The flow of the story may have been somewhat rushed due to its overall length, but it still felt neatly presented. I do wish I could have seen more of Chiaki and the rest of the cast, especially his late mother.
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This manga’s artstyle is interesting. It feels very anime, but it does feel different in some aspects, like how soft the eyes are. I really enjoyed it.
As someone with a big chest, I personally related to Chiaki’s struggles and the way it was visually presented was just wonderful.
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Chiaki is the son of a hunter (who also butches his own kills). He lives as a closeted trans man and desires not to betray his parents’ wishes for him—to be a bride—hurt as it may. He struggles with trying to impose his masculinity to his father, who refuses to see him as anything else but his daughter, saying how “women don’t hunt”, and never letting him get hurt, seeing him as a frail girl. However, we also see his weaknesses: how he never lets his father know his true feelings, even when his father clearly shows he cares for what he thinks is best to Chiaki. It’s understandable, but also what strains their relationship at some point, even if from Chiaki’s perspective.
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It’s so sweet to see Chiaki’s growth after a big moment where he has to make an important decision, both for him and his father, and how that improved their overall relationship.
His father was an interesting character to follow as well, even if we see less of him, and usually accompanied by Chiaki. I wish we could have had more moments with him.
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I enjoyed Takato as a friend of Chiaki’s, but while he is sweet and supportive, he’s also a bit annoying. Maybe having him grow more throughout the story instead of a last-minute development would have made him more justice.
This was a lovely read, and not just for the main story. Personally, the Hot Watermelon short story was my second favorite, followed by David in Love.
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I got even more excited seeing how Oto Toda, the author, worked as an assistant for Tatsuki Fujimoto on Fire Punch—one of my favorite works ever, as despair-inducing as it was.
If you care about stories centered around trans issues, you’ll certainly like it. It’s also a tale of father-son love, and how old wounds can be treated, even if it seems all too late.
This is a very short story, followed by other even shorter stories, so if you desire a more detailed and lengthy tale, you might not enjoy this. It’s a powerful narrative, but it’s rushed at times and unless you personally relate to Chiaki’s struggles, you might feel less emotionally affected.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Thank you for reading it all to the end! Hey, kind stranger! Would you be so kind and consider giving me a little tip? It can be as low as 3 bucks and it’d make a huuuuuge difference!! If you tip 10€ (or higher), you can dictate my next read and be credited (if you’d like) on that review! Have a nice day!!
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vocalintel · 9 months
Let's Talk Trans ♂: Chiaki Ogawa
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Continuing on from last week, I thought I'd talk about To Strip The Flesh, a two-part story by Toda Oto, who worked as an assistant for Fujimoto on Fire Punch.
Rather than the sci-fi post apocalypse that Togata dwells in, this story is set in the modern day, focusing on the main character's medical transition. Even though it's kind of angsty, really heavy, it's never patronizing, and it feels like Oto really gets what makes being trans both difficult and rewarding; facing the fear of disappointing family, the terrible feeling of depression that comes with dysphoria, and that light at the end of the tunnel with transition.
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Honestly, I find the greater cultural obsession with this sense of medicality restricting, the idea of needing to be fixed off-putting. This story is one of the very few about medical transition that manages to be sympathetic without being patronizing. Chiaki is like, actually written as a guy and not just some kind of pitiable mentally ill wretch. We need more of that.
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imasallstars · 2 years
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「Music JAM」st@rt!
The new mobamasu event has started! This event is the 16th (and FINAL) ”JAM“ event and will feature the following idol(s). Stand on stage and fight against rival teams to gain points for each round and make your team stand above anyone else!
Ayame Hamaguchi (cv. Masumi Tazawa)
This Music JAM will feature the following three units as rivals! Defeat them in their respective stages to rise to the top!
Vibes Survivors: Clarice, Noa Takamina, Rina Fujimoto, Helen
Power of Music: Yumi Aiba, Chieri Ogata, Yoshino Yorita, Layla
Dear Music Stage!: Kanna Ariura, Akane Hino, Miho Kohinata, Chiaki Kurokawa, Arisa Mochida
These cards will be obtainable in mobamasu until the 22nd of September 22:59 JST.
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choivoi74 · 11 days
Một vài manga liên quan đến "bản dạng giới"...
Không biết sao hay được xưng hô là ông - tôi hoặc bro. Tò mò điều gì khiến các bạn nghĩ người viết là nam hoặc là nữ nhỉ. Thật ra được gọi là ông, bà, fen, bro, sis, he, she, they đều ok thoải mái hết, sẽ không bao giờ chỉnh lại "à tôi là nam" hoặc "à tôi là nữ" đâu.
Tự dưng nghĩ đến chuyện như vậy, rồi nhớ ra vài manga liên quan đến "bản dạng giới" từng đọc. Hiểu nôm na là manga đề cập đến việc một cá nhân sinh ra với cơ thể là nam hay là nữ và họ thực sự muốn là nam hay là nữ, hay là gì khác ấy. (Lưu ý rằng bản dạng giới khác với xu hướng tính dục và nội dung dưới đây mang tính spoil)
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Truyện kể về một Youtuber được yêu thích vì vẻ ngoài nữ tính. Chiaki muốn phẫu thuật trở thành nam đã lâu nhưng vì người cha mà chưa dám thực hiện điều đó. Thích nhất trong truyện này chắc là cảnh nhân vật chính mơ loại bỏ được vòng 1 và tử cung - một cảnh trần trụi nhưng thế mới diễn tả đúng ước muốn thầm lặng mà cháy bỏng ấy. Truyện được sáng tác bởi Oto Toda - người từng hợp tác với Tatsuki Fujimoto vẽ oneshot Just Listen To The Song.
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Nếu các manga khác cần vài chục trang hoặc cả arc để nói về nỗi khổ không được sống đúng giới tính thì Fire Punch chỉ cần 1 trang. Với cá nhân thì chi tiết Togata come out là đoạn đem lại cảm giác mãnh liệt nhất truyện. Cảm nhận được sự đau đớn về tinh thần, tuyệt vọng, bất lực cực độ tràn ra ngoài trang giấy luôn ấy.
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🌀 GINTAMA - Yagyuu Arc và Dekobokko Arc
Gintama nổi tiếng với những màn tấu hài xuyên thể loại và manga này phản ánh chuyện giới tính cũng rất đỉnh, dù đây không phải cốt truyện chính xuyên suốt. Nổi bật nhất là những arc về Yagyuu Kyuubei - sinh ra là nữ, được nuôi dạy như trưởng nam, luôn khổ sở băn khoăn mình thuộc giới nào. Và Gintama đã cho nhân vật này và cả độc giả một câu trả lời: nam cũng được, nữ cũng được, miễn là sống theo cách mình thích, mạnh mẽ theo cách mình muốn. Bộ này cũng nhiều chi tiết nhỏ rải rác khắp 77 tập, thể hiện góc nhìn nam giới, nữ giới khác nhau như nào, một cách tếu táo, gần gũi và chân thực.
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Manga này đi sâu vào chủ đề LGBTQ+ với các nhân vật đa dạng từ gay, les, asexual, trans... Riêng về bản dạng giới thì thể hiện nhiều qua nhân vật Misora thích ăn mặc, trang điểm như nữ giới và đang trong quá trình xác định thêm về chính mình. Ngoài ra còn có Utsumi đã chuyển giới từ nữ thành nam. Điều yêu thích ở manga này là nó thể hiện được tâm lý phức tạp khi xác định tính hướng của bản thân và khi come out. Shimanami Tasogare cho thấy để thấu hiểu mình và thấu hiểu người trong cộng đồng LGBTQ+ mà không làm tổn thương ai không hề dễ dàng, cần sự tinh tế nhất định.
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Cốt truyện chính của Homunculus xoay quanh một người đàn ông khoan sọ và nhìn người khác thành những hình thù kỳ quặc. Nhưng mà lại ấn tượng nhất với câu chuyện của Manabu Ito, một sinh viên y khoa với ẩn ức về giới tính từ nhỏ. Manabu thích mặc váy, tô son, tạo dáng điệu đà và hay ngắm con cá 7 màu như thể ước mình được lộng lẫy như nó. Người cha đã cố phủ nhận những điều đó. Dù vậy vẫn không thể thay đổi bản chất của Manabu. Hình ảnh nhân vật này ngồi trong bóng tối vặt cánh hoa rồi chọn nam, nữ khá buồn. Cả hình ảnh chiếc bể cá vỡ tan và con cá giãy chết từ thời ấu thơ của Manabu nữa, quả là ấn tượng. Không biết cá trong những chiếc bình nhỏ có phải một hình tượng tiêu biểu về giới tính trong các tác phẩm Nhật không, chứ trong Shimanami Tasogare cũng dùng hình tượng này.
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Manga này khác với những tác phẩm trên ở chỗ nó xây dựng một thế giới mà giới tính... chẳng có nghĩa lý gì cả. Bảo thạch không có giới tính, mặc dù theo góc nhìn của độc giả thì họ có ngoại hình thiên về nữ giới và xưng hô theo cách của nam giới. Việc loại bỏ khái niệm giới tính giúp Houseki No Kuni tập trung hơn vào lột tả bản chất của con người, đặt ra câu hỏi con người cấu thành từ điều gì, phải chăng ngoài hồn, cốt, nhục thì còn là ý thức khát khao, vỡ lẽ, hạnh phúc, khổ đau, hay còn gì khác... Giới tính nằm ở đâu trong cấu tạo đó hay chẳng quan trọng nữa nhỉ...
Còn nhiều nhân vật khác trong manga, anime là trans hoặc non-binary, hoặc thích cross-dressing, hoặc là không xác định giới tính, hoặc là linh hoạt. Tuy nhiên do chưa đọc/xem chi tiết, hoặc chưa có nhiều cảm nhận vào lúc này nên sẽ không đi sâu. Ví dụ như:
- Alluka, Pitou trong Hunter x Hunter.
- Hange Zoë trong Shingeki No Kyojin.
- Ayukawa Ryuji trong Blue Period.
- Yamato và Kikunojo trong One Piece.
- Ranma trong Ranma 1/2 - dội nước lạnh cơ thể sẽ biến thành nữ, nhưng bản chất vẫn luôn là nam.
- 3 yakuza trong Back Street Girls bị sếp bắt sang Thái chuyển giới để đi làm idol, bộ này hài là chính.
- Ryougi Shiki nữ và SHIKI nam trong cùng một cơ thể. Trường hợp này thực ra là đa nhân cách, hãy xem Kara No Kyoukai để hiểu rõ hơn.
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hangkennyy · 1 year
Here is another one that I’ve been into for many years. It’s my Idol Games! Below you can see me and my sisters best girls and best boys from each game!
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aramajapan · 6 years
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Yokoyama Daisuke Performs with Kanjani8 on KanJam Kanzennen SHOW for November 26
This week’s guests were Yokoyama Daisuke, Miyashita Koji, Tamai Yukako, Chiaki, and Fujimoto Toshifumi. Daisuke also performed with Kanjani8. Yokoyama Daisuke x Kanjani8 – Boyoyon Koshinkyoku Source Backup
Read more on aramajapan.com
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andrewlloydwebber · 3 years
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This week’s cast: Christine Daaé: Sae Yamamoto The Phantom: Masayuki Sano Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny: Susumu Kato Carlotta GiudicellI: Aya Kawamura Monsieur André: Morito Masuda Monsieur Firmin: Koichi Taira Madame Giry: Aiko Toda Meg Giry: Yu Matsuo Ubaldo Piangi: Yasunobu Yamaguchi Monsieur Reyer: Masanori Hiura Monsieur Lefevre: Kaname Shimura Joseph Buquet: Mitsuke Yuichi Don Attilio / Passarino: Osamu Takai
Ensemble: Keiichi Iizumi, Kohei Nakahashi Atsushi, Ishikawa Katsutoshi, Arai, Yuki Kusaba, Keiichi Sato, Tomoko Akiyama, Nana Tsuji, Shimizu Satoshi Saeko, Yuri Koyama, Chiaki Takagi, Tokuyama Itokenako, Noriko Fujimoto, Reina Odashima, Tahara Maaya, Anmi Ishibashi, Yume Matsuoka, Saori Haneda
(transliteration from Google Translate, apologies if i’ve made some mistakes)
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dreaminusamin · 4 years
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Happy birthday, Aki Yamato!
Today in Japan, December 16th, is also Aki Yamato’s birthday! Voiced by Tomo Muranaka (村中知), Aki is a 21 year old from Fukuoka. Upbeat and energetic, Aki loves anything military related: from the smallest combat knives to the largest naval warships. She has a massive collection of airsoft and replica guns, including several out of production airsoft weapons. Aki is also very knowledgeable about wilderness survival and military tactics, and is a crack shot with her airsoft guns. She cares a lot about military hardware and military history.
Aki enjoys survival games and plastic models, as well as FPS games. She’s been known to bring a four-tube MANPADS (an anti-aircraft rocket launcher) party streamer into the office. She’s also rather trigger happy, especially when it comes to airsoft or paintball tournaments. She’s usually thinking about armies or weaponry, so much to the point it’s affected her conversational skills. She enjoys play fighting with other idols. Aki has been shown to be rather enthusiastic about muscles, and was pleased to be in the unit Enjin as it’s full of well-built girls. She originally clashed with Takumi Mukai as she didn’t understand the delinquent lifestyle, but they became fast friends after an arm wrestling match. Aki was named after IJN Yamato, largest and heaviest battleship ever constructed, with her birthdate the same as the ship's commissioning. She also actually gained her voice through the anime, not any voting.
Aki doesn’t have a solo song, but does sing a cover of HIGH PRESSURE. She also sings in Junjou Midnight Densetsu (純情Midnight伝説/Innocent Midnight Legend), Max Beat, and Sayonara Andromeda (さよならアンドロメダ/Farewell Andromeda). As previously mentioned, Aki is part of the unit Enjin with Rina Fujimoto, Takumi Mukai, Ryo Matsunaga, and Natsuki Kimura, and is also part of Healthy Survival (ヘルシーサバイブ) with Nene Kurihara and Seika Suzumiya, Queen’s Majesty (クイーンズ・マジェスティ) with Mizuki Kawashima, Kotoka Saionji, Meiko Namiki, and Shiki Ichinose, CodeName A-K-I with Chiaki Kurokawa and Akiha Ikebukuro, and Shiny Blue Festival (シャイニーブルー・フェスティバル) with Tsubaki Egami and Yukimi Sajo. To celebrate Aki’s birthday, play some survival or FPS games! Happy birthday Aki!
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keisuke-akm · 4 years
Tagged by @hideriame thank you for always thinking about me haha
Top 3 Ships: Beatrice and Battler will always be my favorite (because umineko ;w;) but right now, i don’t know if you noticed, but I reaaaally love Shigure and Akito from fruits basket. As a third ship I will say Chiaki and Nodame from Nodame Cantabile
Last Song: So what from LOONA, it’s a nice girl crush song <3 However, I think butterfly will always be my fav 
Last Movie: Ponyo that I liked, I felt really sad and bad for Fujimoto ;w; hard to be a dad
Reading: Akigure fanfic? Does it count? (lmao) For my books I have a lot I still have to finish, mainly Zola (Nana and l’assommoir) and Gaston Leroux The Phantom of the Opera (I’ve saw a South Park AU about it and I went curious haha) 
What food are you craving now:  Nnnn, Ramen from Ippudo’s restaurant, Vanilla ice cream with cookie, Risotto, cordon bleu, escalope with cream...Aaaah, I’m hungry lmaoo 
For the people i’m tagging well @beautiful-fiscal-siren @jaimeleschiens @cheesetrap0113 @akitoisbae
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terrablaze514 · 5 years
In Case My Page Gets Deleted...
You can find me on the following:
Instagram (cool beans) = dymestar18
AO3/FFN = StarLove18
WordPress = starrydiamond.wordpress.com / terrablaze514.home.blog
Discord = Fujimoto Chiaki#2234 (where I RP Marvel characters)
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rickyriddle · 5 years
AnR kids voice actors
Hi there! With a friend of mine, we discuss which VA would be the best for the AnR kids from my headcanon. It all started when my friend said that a certain va would really fit Yuki. So here it is, each kids VA, with a video of the characters that suits their voice the best.
Azuma Aki
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 VA Ogata Megumi, character Naegi Makoto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lhicn9z64g
Inukai Isuko
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VA Aoi Shouta, character Monet Tsukushi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9djRpyALoAM
Fujimoto Yuki
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VA Hanazawa Kana, character Nanami Chiaki (Spoiler): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEitc0uOZ6k
Kenshi Ryuka
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VA Takagaki Ayahi, character Abigail (warning, contain graphic violence): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il4l23vaOwA
Namatame Tsurugi
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VA  Ishikawa Kaito, character Tenya Iida: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUsqPvFyUfA
Namatame Chidori
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VA Kugimiya Rie, character Shana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_9J_4SCi7E
Hanabusa Mitsumi
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VA Yukino Satsuki, character Shinozaki Shion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcoOA5iXYYg
Hanabusa Sayo
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VA Ise Mariya, character Ikishima Midari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd79cIrbNUs
Mizorogi Asuka
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VA Sawashiro Miyuki, character Yuzuki Seo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sc0IhQ1Mbc&feature=youtu.be
Kuzunoha Tori
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VA Tachibana Shinnosuke, character Kano Shuuya: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk_goMTrlcw&t=25s
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imasallstars · 3 years
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The Bandai Namco Ent. Festival 2nd Live artists have been announced! The event will occur on the 6th and 7th of February 2021! All the idolm@ster brances will be appearing on both days (so the full cast list will be posted for posterity)
IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls  LOVE LAIKA: Aya Suzaki (Minami Nitta), Sumire Uesaka (Anastasia)  ENJIN: Yuko Hara (Takumi Mukai), Mayumi Kaneko (Rina Fujimoto), Haruka Chisuga (Ryo Matsunaga), Tomo Muranaka (Aki Yamato), Kiyono Yasuno (Natsuki Kimura)  Dimension-3: Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Shiki Aoki (Asuka Ninomiya)
IDOLM@STER Million Live  Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Azusa Tadakoro (Shizuka Mogami), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki), Yukiyo Fujii (Megumi Tokoro), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi), Yuu Kahara (Emily Stewart), Megumi Toda (Ayumu Maihara), Rika Abe (Mizuki Makabe), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi)
DEEN, misono, BACK-ON
Aikatsu!  Aikatsu!/Aikatsu Stars!: Waka Kirishima, Ruka Endo, Sena Horikoshi, Risuko Sasakama, Rie Fujishiro  Aikatsu Friends!: Akane Matsunaga (Aine Yuki), Ibuki Kido (Mio Minato)  Aikatsu Parade!: Rin Aira (Raki Kiseki)  Aikatsu Planet!: Kaya Date (Mao Otoha/Hana), Rio Ogura (Ruli Tamaki/Ruli), Mizuki (Ayumi Tsukishiro/Q-PIT), Shizune Nagao (Kyoko Umekoji/Beat),  Rion Watanabe (Shiori Motoya/Shiori), Amy (Ann Kurimu/Ann), Narumi Uno (Meisa Hinata/Rose), Rurika Uno (Sala Itoi/Sala)
IDOLM@STER 765PRO ALL STARS   Eriko Nakamura (Haruka Amami), Asami Imai (Chihaya Kisaragi), Mayako Nigo (Yayoi Takatsuki), Naomi Wakabayashi (Ritsuko Akizuki), Chiaki Takahashi (Azusa Miura), Rie Kugimiya (Iori Minase), Hiromi Hirata (Makoto Kikuchi), Akiko Hasegawa (Miki Hoshii)
IDOLM@STER SideM  Café Parade: Sho Karino (Yukihiro Kamiya), Takuya Kodama (Makio Uzuki), Daiki Kobayashi (Saki Mizushima)  S.E.M: Yoshiki Nakajima (Jiro Yamashita)  THE Kogado: Junta Terashima (Takeru Taiga), Daiki Hamano (Michiru Enjoji)    Legenders: Jun Kasama (Amehiko Kuzunoha),  Fumiyoshi Shioya (Sora Kitamura), Wataru Komada (Chris Koron)
IDOLM@STER Shiny Colors  Illumination Stars: Hitomi Sekine (Mano Sakuragi), Reina Kondo (Hiori Kazano), Mayu Mineda (Meguru Hachimiya)  L’Antica: Karin Isobe (Kogane Tsukioka), Chisa Suganuma (Mamimi Tanaka), Anna Yamaki (Sakuya Shirase), Runa Narumi (Yuika Mitsumine), Mizuki Yuina (Kiriko Yukoku)  Houkago Climax Girls: Mariko Nagai (Juri Saijo), Wakana Maruoka (Rinze Morino), Akiho Suzumoto (Natsuha Arisugawa)  Alstoremeria: Honoka Kuroki (Amana Osaki), Ryoko Maekawa (Tenka Osaki), Noriko Shibasaki (Chiyuki Kuwayama)  Straylight: Yuki Tanaka (Asahi Serizawa), Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko Mayuzumi), Sayaka Kitahara (Mei Izumi)  Noctchill: Yuu Wakui (Toru Asakura), Rio Tsuchiya (Madoka Higuchi), Saran Tajima (Koito Fukumaru), Miho Okasaki (Hinana Ichikawa) 
DENON-BU  Sotokanda Literature: Yuuka Shidomi (Reina Hidaka LIVE set), Miho Amane (Kazyne Shinonome LIVE set), Sena Horikoshi (Futaba Kayano LIVE set)  Jungumae Sandou: Yurie Kozakai (Mimito Sakurano LIVE set), Nichika Omori (Hina Minakami LIVE set), Rena Hasegawa (Shina Inubosaki LIVE set)
LOVE LIVE! SCHOOL IDOL PROJECT  AZALEA: Nanaka Suwa (Kanan Matsuura), Arisa Komiya (Dia Kurosawa), Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida)  Riko Sakurauchi&You Watanabe: Rikako Aida (Riko Sakurauchi), Shuka Saito (You Watanabe)  Hanamaru Kunikida&Ruby Kurosawa: Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida), Ai Furihata (Ruby Kurosawa)  SAINT SNOW: Asami Tano (Sarah Kazuno), Hinata Sato (Leah Kazuno)
LOVE LIVE! NIJIGASAKI SCHOOL IDOL CLUB   Aguri Onishi (Ayumu Uehara), Mayu Sagara (Kasumi Nakasu), Kaori Maeda (Shizuku Osaka), Miyu Kubota (Karin Asaka), Natsumi Murakami (Ai Miyashita), Tomori Kusunoki (Setsuna Yuki), Maria Sashide (Emma Verde), Chiemi Tanaka (Rina Tennoji), Moeka Koizumi (Shioriko Mifune)
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j-rock101 · 7 years
歌手:   赤い公園 アルバム: 公園デビュー 曲:    今更 …………………………………PV
――さかのぼる話になりますけれど、“NOW ON AIR”ができる前にも赤い公園にとっていろんなポイントで大事な曲ってあったと思うんです。そういう曲はどれだった?
――Although this is backtracking a bit, even before doing “NOW ON AIR”, you probably had songs that were important for your band at different points. Which are those songs?
Tsuno: That’s true. First the important songs that we did as Akai Kouen are “Imasara” and “Koushin.” I think there was some meaning at that time when we made “Imasara” the lead track on the album.
Although “Imasara” is a song we had since before our debut, while we were just beginning to perform, this thing that we only did at live shows was suddenly receiving special features on it. And also because this was at the time that I wrote a song [”Joy!!”] for the band SMAP. At a time like that, it was our most pop-like song, and our most open song. And so, even now when we’re doing lives, you can kinda feel “This is an important song, huh.” Or should I say, a common understanding, “Ah, this song is special,” was born between our audience and us.
佐藤千明  Satou Chiaki (Vo&Key) 津野米咲  Tsuno Maisa (Gt&Vo) 藤本ひかり Fujimoto Hikari (Ba) 歌川菜穂  Utagawa Nao (Dr&Vo)
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anotherdrfake-blog · 7 years
Lista de personajes (Act: 15/07)
— Naegi Makoto: Ultimate Lucky Student. (Ocupado)
— Kirigiri Kyoko: Ultimate ??? (Detective) (Ocupado)
— Maizono Sayaka: Ultimate Pop Sensation. (Ocupado)
— Enoshima Junko: Ultimate Fashionista. (Ocupado)
— Byakuya Togami: Ultimate Affluent Progeny. (Ocupado)
— Touko Fukawa: Ultimate Writing Prodegy. (Ocupado)
— Yasuhiro Hakagure: Ultimate Clairvoyant.
— Celestia Ludenberg: Ulimate Gamblr. (Ocupado)
— Chihiro Fujisaki: Ultimate Programmer.
— Hifumi Yamada: Ultimate Fanfic Creator.
— Mondo Oowada: Ulimate Biker Gang Leader.
— Kyokata Ishimaru: Ultimate Moral Compass. (Reservado)
— Leon Kuwata: Ultimate Baseball Star.
— Mukuro Ikusaba: Ultimate Soldier. (Ocupado)
— Aoi Asahina: Ultimate Swimming Pro. (Ocupado)
— Sakura Ogami: Ultimate Martial Artist.
— Monokuma.
— Hajime Hinata: Ultimate ??? (Reserve Course Student) (Ocupado)
— Nagito Komaeda: Ultimate Lucky Student. (Ocupado)
— Chiaki Nanami: Ultimate Gamer. (Ocupado)
— Byakuya Twogami: Ultimate Imposter.
— Teruteru Hanamura: Ultimate Cook.
— Mahiru Koizumi: Ultimate Photographer.
— Peko Pekoyama: Ultimate Swordwoman. (Ocupado)
— Fuyuhiko Kuzuuryu: Ultimate Ganster. (Ocupado)
— Mikan Tsumiki: Ultimate Nurse. (Ocupado)
— Hiyoko Saionji: Ultimate Traditional Dancer. (Ocupado)
— Ibuki Mioda: Ultimate Musician. (Ocupado)
— Akane Owari: Ultimate Gymnastic.
— Nekomaru Nidai: Ultimate Team Manager.
— Gundham Tanaka: Ultimate Breeder. (Ocupado)
— Kazuichi Souda: Ultimate Mechanic.
— Sonia Nevermind: Ultimate Princess.
— Izuru Kamukura: Ultimate Hope. (Ocupado)
— Monomi
— Komaru Naegi. (Ocupado)
— Masaru Daimon: Li’l Ultimate P.E.
— Kotoko Utsugi: Li’l Ultimate Drama.
— Jataro Kemuri: Lil’ Ultimate Art.
— Nagisa Shingetsu: Li’l Ultimate Social Studies.
— Monaca Towa: Li’l Ultimate Homeroom.
— Kurokuma.
— Shirokuma.
— Kyosuke Munakata: Ex-Ultimate Student Council President. (Ocupado)
— Yukizome Chisa: Ex-Ultimate Housekeeper (Ocupado ♥)
— Sakakura Juzo: Ex-Ultimate Boxer
—  Ryota Mitarai: Ex-Ultimate Animator
— Kazou Tengan
— Sonozuke Izayoi: Ex-Ultimate Blacksmith
— Andou Ruruka: Ex-Ultimate Confectioner
— Great Gozu: Ex-Ultimate Wrestler
— Seiko Kimura: Ex-Ultimate Pharmacist
— Daisaku Bandai: Ex-Ultimate Farmer
— Miaya Gekkogahara: Ex-Ultimate Therapist
— Koichi Kizakura
— Ryoko Otonashi: Ultimate Analyst.
— Yasuke Matsuda: Ultimate Neurologist
— Isshiki Madarai: Ultimate Bodyguard
— Yuto Kamishiro: Ultimate Secret Agent
— Murasame Soshun
— Natsumi Kuzuuryu: Reserve Course Student.
— Sato: Reserve Course Student.
— Jin Kirigiri.
— Miembros del Consejo Estudiantil.
— Takumi Hijirihara (Ocupado)
— Kaede Akamatsu: Ultimate Pianist. 
— Rantaro Amami: Ultimate ??? (Ocupado)
— Miu Iruma: Ultimate Inventor. 
— Kokichi Ouma: Ultimate Supreme Leader. (Ocupado)
— Kiibo: Ultimate Robot. (Ocupado)
— Gonta Gokuhara: Ultimate Entomologist.
— Shuichi Saihara: Ultimate Detective. (Ocupado)
— Tsumugi Shirogane: Ultimate Cosplayer.
— Korekiyo Shinguji: Ultimate Anthropologist. (Ocupado)
— Tenko Chabashira: Ultimate Aikido Master.
— Kirumi Tojo: Ultimate Maid.
— Maki Harukawa: Ultimate Caregiver. 
— Ryoma Hoshi: Ultimate Tennis Player.
— Kaito Momota: Ultimate Astronaut.
— Himiko Yumeno: Ultimate Magician.
— Angie Yonaga: Ultimate Artist. (Ocupado)
— Monotaro
— Monokid
— Monosuke
— Monofunny
— Monodam
OCs:(Obviamente están ocupados estos)
— Sarune: Ultimate Theater Actress.
— Ino Fujimoto: Ultimate Mangaka.
— Hitomi: Ultimate Writer.
— Nathan Windsor: Ultimate Vampire.
— Maryse: Ultimate Sexologist.
— Marie Sega: Ultimate Videogame Creator.
— Sachi Konoe: Ultimate Film Director.
— Kizuya Shinrioga: Ultimate Psychologist.
— Lotus Rivas: Ultimate Botanic.
— Rukako: Ultimate Influencer.
— Danielle Grovenorov: Ultimate Prankster.
— Souha Utsuro: Ultimate Radar.
— 3051: Reserve Course Student. 
— Minori: Ultimate Aviator.
— Cornelia Rosengzweig: Ultimate Puppeter.
— Katsu Daichi: Ultimate Thief. 
— Alice: Ultimate Detective.
— Marie: Ultimate Dream Interpreter.
— Akari Hoshi: Ultimate Soul Reader.
— Amaiar: Ultimate Survivor
— Conan Sebastian: Ultimate Theorist.
— Nicole: Ultimate Strategist.
— Madeleine Aldridge: Ultimate Volleyball Player.
— Ainhoa: Ultimate Cartoonist.
— Andoni: Reserve Course Student.
— Mabu: Reserve Course Student.
— Ivy “GAIA” Igakura: Ultimate Psychiatrist
— Paula “Julietta” Miller: Ultimate Freedom Warrior.
— Kazashi Arisa: Ultimate Reserve Course Student.
— Ivonne Angélica (Υβοννε Ανγελικα): Ultimate Lawyer.
— Adri: Ultimate Hacker.
— (Reservado)
— Yvette Grace: Ultimate Designer.
— Kemi: Ultimate ???.
— Auguste “Romeo” Polgar: Ultimate Board Gamer.
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superheroshome · 4 years
Superheros home Best Anime Movies – Top 25 Anime Movies of All Time
What are a few of the Best Anime Movies to look at? It may very well be one heck of a job since there is such a lot to choose. That’s why I made an inventory of the Best Anime Movies to look at subsequent. So, with none additional ado let’s start. We could?
Best Anime Movies 0f all the time that you must to Watch
25. Your Name – (Japanese name) Kimi no Na Wa 2016
  Highschool lady Mitsuha lives within the city of Itomori in Japan’s mountainous Hida area. She belongs to be a good-looking boy in her exchanging subsequent life. She switches physique with Taki, a high school boy in Tokyo once they wake p. They impart with notes, memos and write on one another pores and skin typically.
Taki, as Mitsuha, visits her grandmother and sister to depart the ritual alcohol kuchikamizake, to current it as a providing on the shrine on a mountaintop exterior the city. The shrine is the physique of the village guardian god who controls human experiences and connections, which is believed by people. Mitsuha’s newest be aware informs Taki a few comets to succeed in Earth on the day of her city competition.
24. A Silent Voice – (Japanese name) Eiga Koe no Katachi (2016)
  Shoya Ishida, a delinquent boy who bullied Shoko Nishimiya, his deaf classmate alongside along with his mates again at elementary college. Nevertheless, it adjustments when Nishimiya transferred, and it ends in all of his mates and lecturers are turned towards him to place him to the purpose the place he decides that mates are unimportant. Ishida reunites with Nishimura and sees that she remains to be lonely attributable to her shyness. He decides to reconnect Nishimiya with their outdated classmates which he couldn’t capable of doing earlier than.
23. When Marnie Was There – (Japanese name) Omoide no Mānī (2014)
  Anna Sassaki is a 12 years outdated introvert, who lives in Sapporo together with her foster dad and mom, Yoriko and her husband. In the future, she collapses from Bronchial asthma assault within the college. Yoriko talks to Anna’s physician and her dad and mom resolve to ship him to a rural seaside city for clear air.
Anna finds a deserted mansion around a salt marsh and enters to discover it. She walks around and will get caught by the tide until she comes upon by Toichi, an outdated fisherman. Later, she learns that the mansion was once a trip residence for some foreigners, and it’s empty for a very long time. However, from the evening, Anna desires a blonde lady within the mansion.
22. The Wind Rises – (Japanese name) Kaze Tachinu (2013)
  Jiro Horikoshi needs to develop into a pilot, however, he held again attributable to his eyesight. He reads concerning the well-known Italian plane designer Giovanni Battista Caproni, and dream about at evening. Caproni tells him that he has by no means piloted an aircraft in his life and making planes is best than flying them.
After 5 years, Jiro is touring on a practice to review aeronautical engineering at Tokyo Imperial College, and he meets a younger lady, Naoko Satomi alongside together with her maid within the journey. Because the Nice Kanto Earthquake of 1923 hits, Naoko’s maid’s leg is fractured and so, Jiro takes her to Naoko’s household and leaves the place without telling his title.
21. The Garden of Words – (Japanese name) Koto no ha no Niwa (2013)
  The Backyard garden of the city falls beneath the class of romance and drama. The area around the surrounding based mostly on a wet season in Tokyo. Within the movie Takao Akizuki, a 15-year-old high school scholar who aspires to develop into a shoemaker, that’s why more often than not he skips lessons to sketch shoe designs at his standard place, the backyard of Shinjuku Gyoen.
In the future, he comes throughout Yukari Yukino, a ravishing 27-year-old girl who was sitting there and having fun with her beer and chocolate whereas gazing on the rain. As soon as the summer time break was over, Takao comes again to high school to attend lessons, however there he notices Yukari and a good friend advised him she is a literature trainer and all the time had been the sufferer of gossip and bullying.
20. Wolf  Children – (Japanese name) Ōkami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki (2012)
  Hana, a school scholar in Tokyo, Japan bought right into a relationship with a werewolf and had two kids’s, a boy: Ame and a woman: Yuki. Whereas trying to find meals for his household, Hana’s husband bought killed in an accident, sadly.
As a single mom, her life turns into very powerful with two little werewolf kids’s. Ame and Yuki have been incessantly altering their human and werewolf kinds when social employees and her neighbors go to her home to test about Ame and Yuki’s well being. Hana leaves that place as quickly as doable with a purpose to maintain their identity protected. She works extraordinarily laborious to restore a damaged home and feed her kids’s with the crops they personal.
19. The Secret World of Arrietty (2010) – (Japanese name) Kari-gurashi no Arietti (2010)
  A boy named Shō tells the viewers he nonetheless remembers the week in summer time he spent at his mom’s childhood residence along with his maternal great-aunt, Sadako, and the housemaid, Haru.
At evening, Arrietty’s father, Pod, takes her on her first “borrowing” mission, to get sugar and tissue paper. After acquiring a sugar dice from the kitchen, they journey inside a hole wall to a bedroom which they enter by means of an intriguing dollhouse with working electrical lights and kitchen utensils.
18. Summer Wars – (Japanese name) Samā Wōzu (2009)
  Kenji Koiso (Ryunosuke Kamiki) is a younger scholar with a present of arithmetic and a part-time within the huge computer-simulated digital actuality world OZ along with his good friend Takashi Sakuma (Takahiro Yokokawa).
In the future, Kenji was known as by a fellow Kuonji scholar Natsuki Shinohara to take part within the 90th birthday of her great-grandmother Sakae Jinnouchi. After reaching to Sakae’s property in Ueda, Natsuki introduces Kenji as her fiance to shock them each.
17. Ponyo – (Japanese name) Gake no Ue no Ponyo (2008)
  Fujimoto was a human wizard also a scientist, who lives underwater together with her daughter, Brunhilde, and her a number of smaller sisters. Brunhilde sneaks out and floats away on the again of a jellyfish whereas her siblings went out with their father in his four-flippered submarine.
Sosuke injures his finger when he opening the jar with the rock, then Brunhilde licks his wound to heal it instantly. Sosuke provides her a reputation, Ponyo and decides to maintain her. Then again, Fujimoto seems to be for her for her misplaced daughter desperately as he thinks that she has been kidnapped.
16. 5 Centimeters per Second – (Japanese name) Byōsoku Go Senchimētoru (2007)
  Takaki Tōno rapidly turns into a good friend with Akari Shinohara when she transfers to his elementary college in Tokyo. They get together with one another attributable to similar pursuits and attitudes like they each keep contained in the recess for his or her seasonal allergy symptoms.
Aakri strikes to the close by space of Tochigi after commencement from elementary college attributable to her mum or dad’s job. Nonetheless, they each keep involved with letters, however, they start to float aside over the time.
15. The Girl Who Leapt By way of Time –  (Japanese name) Toki o Kakeru Shōjo (2006)
  Makoto Konno got a message written on a blackboard and unwittingly falls upon a walnut-shaped object. Makoro loses her bicycle brakes and ejects in the entrance of an upcoming practice. Nonetheless, she finds herself reverted again in time on the level when she was on her bicycle earlier than the accident.
Makoto begins to make use of her time to leap skill to get out the messy scenario, after that. It consists of a love confession from her finest good friend, Chiaki Mamiya. Makoto discerns that she has a numbered tattoo on her arm to point the restricted variety of leaping instances she will be able to use.
14. Tokyo Godfathers – (Japanese name) Tokyo Goddofazazu (2003)
  On Christmas Eve, three individuals discovered a new child with a be aware whereas skimming by means of the rubbish. It’s stated to take excellent care of the child together with a bag which has a clue of the infant’s dad and mom identification. Therefore, the trio begins their journey to seek out the dad and mom.
Later, the group finds a high-ranking yakuza trapped beneath his vehicle. It was likely that he was awarded of the proprietor of the membership of the place, where Kiyoko’s mom labored earlier than, and his daughter is getting married to the membership proprietor on that day.
They attend the marriage and be taught that the infant’s mom is a former bar lady, named Sachiko. He provides the trio Sachiko’s handle, however, the get together is interrupted by a maid, who’s a Latin American hit man in disguise.
13. Metropolis – (Japanese name) Metoroporisu (2001)
  People and robots both exist within the futuristic city of Metropolis, however, robots are discriminated and segregated to decrease metropolis ranges. A large number of human inhabitants was jobless, and most of the people blame it on the robots.
Duke Pink, who was the unofficial ruler of Metropolis, has supervised the development of an enormous skyscraper referred to as the Ziggurat to unfold its energy throughout the planet for mankind. A delinquent robotic intrudes the Ziggurat’s opening ceremony, solely to be shot down by Rock, adopted a son and the pinnacle of the Marduk Get together. It’s a vigilante group with a goal to evoke anti-robot attitudes.
12. Spirited Away – (Japanese name) Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (2001)
  Ten-year-old Chihiro Ogino and her dad and mom are touring to their new residence when her father takes a mistaken flip. They went into a magical world unknowingly out of Chihiro’s father want for exploring.
Later, Haku finds Chihiro and will get her a job from the bathhouse’s boiler-man, Kamaji, a spider yokai who instructions the susuwatari. Kamaji said no and refuse to work for her as he has soot spirits, however, he sends Chihiro to the witch, Yubaba, who runs the bathhouse out of sympathy.
11. Princess Mononoke – (Japanese name) Mononoke-hime (1997)
  In Muromachi Japan, A demon attacked Emishi village. The final Emishi prince, Ashitaka, eliminates it earlier than it brings havoc to the village however his arm will get a curse within the struggle. Though the curse grants him superhuman power; it’s going to unfold by means of his physique to kill him in the end.
Heading to the west, Ashitaka meets Jigo, a wandering monk, who tells Ashitaka that he could discover a remedy from the Nice Forest Spirit, a deer-like animal god by day and a large “nightwalker” by evening.
10. Whisper of the Hearts – (Japanese name) Mimi o Sumaseba (1995)
  Shizuku is aa 14 years outdated scholar at Mukaihara Junior Excessive College, who’s an ebook lover and enthusiastic author. She goes, so she can check out playing cards in her library books when she notices that it has been seen by Seiji Amasawa. Later, Shizuku meets a younger man, who seems to be Seiji.
Shizuku follows a cat on practice and finds out a vintage store which runs by Shiro Nishi. There’s a cat statue, “The Baron”. She sings “Take Me Residence, Nation Roads”, later in the store and seems like Seiji is the grandson of Nishi. Each of them develops into mates with one another and start their journey in direction of their dream.
9. Ghost in the Shell –  (Japanese name) Kōkaku Kidōtai Gōsuto In Za Sheru (1995)
  The human physique will be augmented or changed completely with cybernetic elements in 2029. There is one another achievement, i.e., cyber brain, a mechanical case for the human mind to entry to browse the web and different networks. The unknown time period was “ghost”, which refers to consciousness of the human physique (aka shell).
Main Motoko Kusanagi is an assault-team chief of “New Port Metropolis” in Japan for the Public Safety Part 9. Receiving a request message from Nakamura, who is chief of Part 6, she assassinates a diplomat of a overseas nation efficiently to cease a programmer referred to as Daita from defecting.
8. Ninja Scroll – (Japanese name) Jubei’s Ninja Chronicle (1993)
  In Edo period-Japan, the Yamashiro clan mines gold secretly to pay the Toyotami Shogun of darkish as a cost for his safety by means of a cargo. The Shogun of the darkish decides to make use of the gold for getting superior Spanish weapons to overturn the present authorities, the Tokugawa Shogunate.
The ship swirls right into a storm in Mochizuki territory, and the Eight Devils of Kimon, a ninja staff with supernatural powers within the make use of the Yamashiro, slaughter people from the near the village of Shimoda to maintain the gold cargo a secret.
7. Only Yesterday –  (Japanese name) Omoide Poro Poro (1991)
  Taeko, a single 27 years outdated lady lived her complete life in Tokyo. She make a choice to go to the household of the elder brother of her brother-in-law within the countryside to help with safflower harvesting and escape from metropolis life.
Through the journey at evening on a sleeper practice to Yamagata, she recollects her childhood recollections as a schoolgirl, and her utmost need to go on a trip like her classmates.
6. Kiki’s Delivery Service – (Japanese name) Majo no Takkyūbin (1989)
  It’s a custom for 13-year outdated witches to depart residence for 12 months to pursue their ability on the evening of a full moon. 13-year-old trainee witch Kiki leaves her residence together with her kindred spirit, i.e., a speaking black cat named Jiji. She went flying on her broomstick to the port metropolis of Koriko and look for a spot to remain whereas she meets Tombo, a geeky boy who admires Kiki’s flying skill utmostly.
Kiki starts a “Witch Supply Enterprise” to ship and deliver items on her broomstick. Her first supply goes completely mistaken as she caught in a gust and misplaced the black cat which she speculated to ship. Jiji the cat pretends to be the toy untill Kiki can discover and deliver the actual merchandise.
5. Akira (1988)
  In July 1988, a gravitational singularity concluded Tokyo and results in World Warfare III. Japan start seen a criminal offense wave and motion corruption particularly in “Neo-Tokyo” by 2019. One evening, hot-headed Kaneda instructions his bōsōzoku gang, the Capsules, towards their rivals, the Clowns for the struggle.
Through the brawl, Kaneda’s finest good friend, the sullen Tetsuo Shima, unwittingly crashes his bike into Takashi, who’s a psychic esper only recently escaped from a secret authorities laboratory with the assistance of a resistance group.
4. Grave of the Fireflies – (Japanese name) Hotaru no Haka (1988)
  Within the days of World Warfare II, the American military drops napalm canisters on Japanese canisters by means of firestorms. These bombs are bigger than a tin can after which a second of silence earlier than they hit the bottom and detonate, spreading explosions although environment. There’s no known way to struggle this predicament with wooden and paper homes in a Japanese residence.
Just a few months earlier; Seita and Setsuko’s home bought burned in a firebombing alongside most of Kobe. They escape the hazard; nonetheless, their mom dies within the incident. Seita and Setsuko went to reside with a distant aunt and requested to promote their mom’s kimono for rice.
Seita gathers all provides that he buried earlier than the bombing time and give it to his aunt. Their Aunt turns into stressed in direction of the youngsters as rations shrink and the variety of refugees grows and says they do nothing for meals. How the siblings battle for his or her lives kinds the story.
3. Castle in the Sky – (Japanese name) Tenkû no Shiro Rapyuta (1986)
  Sheeta, a woman who’s kidnapped by Authorities agent Muska, bought attacked by Captain Dola and her air pirate sons as they’re trying to find Sheeta’s crystal amulet. Because of this, Sheeta falls from the airship bur her first-rate bought slowed, and she or he saved by a boy later.
She falls safely in a small mining city the place she is saved by a boy named Pazu, who took her into his residence to get well. He tells Sheeta a few mysterious floating island Laputa and reveals an image taken by his father.
2. Vampire Hunter – (Japanese name) Kyûketsuki hantâ D (1985)
  The long run appears bleak for the remaining people, who inhabit an unlimited wasteland and spend the vast majority of their time making an attempt to outrun vicious vampires and different demonic beings.
A supernaturally expert swordsman often called D (Kaneto Shiozawa), is employed by mortals to seek for the villainous Rely Magnus Lee (Seizô Katô), who attacked a neighborhood lady not too long ago. A massacre begins when D rides into lee’s lair on his mechanical steed.
1. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind – (Japanese name) Kaze no Tani no Naushika (1984)
  Princess Nausicaa should struggle Princess Kushana, the chief of the Tolmekian military to retrieve a strong weapon which may erase human existence.
In the future, an airship crashes onto the cliffs near Valley of the Wind. Nausicaa goes to save lots of a shackled lady of her similar age from the burning wreck. Sadly, she passes away after telling that she is the Princess Lastelle from the Kingdom Pejite and the cargo of airship have to be destroyed. The airship belongs to Tolmekia, and the cargo is an embryo of a large warrior, which is, without doubt, one of the deadly and monstrous creatures used within the historical warfare.
You got here by means of an extended record of the Best Anime Movies based mostly on the discharge up till now. All of those are a masterpiece surely, and so that you shouldn’t miss a single one if doable. However, the place would you go to stream your favorite anime films? Let me let you know among the finest anime streaming websites with ad-free HD expertise.
Crunchyroll is the most well-liked real-time anime streaming web site with a great deal of anime content material for simply $6.95/month. However, you’ll be able to attempt another network like Funimation, VRV, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and so on. It is best to all the time help the official launch as you’re getting a lot inside an affordable worth. You possibly can go to YouTube to look at totally free in case you can’t afford to pay proper now.
What’s your response after watching among the films from right here? Let me know your ideas and don’t overlook to share these superior anime films with your pals as effectively.
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