#Carn Dum
theworldsoftolkein · 4 months
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❝ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ? ɪ ᴀᴘᴘʟᴀᴜᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴜʀᴀɢᴇ, ꜰᴏᴏʟɪꜱʜ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ❞
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a-little-hobbit-hole · 6 months
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Ali is only the second character I've taken this far into the early epic, as I normally skip Angmar outside of unlocking east Angmar
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But I want fancy things. Ali finished the quest deed and is now focusing the epic epilogue for Angmar to get those last 2 levels for level 50 and a snazzy landscape difficulty title. (Also noting that treasure cache so I can get it in 42 levels, sorry Lorniel)
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Mordirith is still a coward
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laigaming · 2 years
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I always enjoy this little instance.
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hallothere · 9 months
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good ol' Cana. 'Knife Arms', they call her
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rohirric-hunter · 6 months
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masterelrond · 10 months
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Just managed to complete tier 2 of Gwathrenost!!!! 8 out of 12 of us were dead when the last boss was at like 1% 💀💀 but we did it!
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also finally have some proof of my one milly mini dps 🫡
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elgaladwen · 1 year
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Me and my bffs.
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 months
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when your Brawler and Loremaster have to share joint custody of the braincell (Alternate title: Why Lorniel is in Charge of Planning Their Raid on Carn Dum)
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thelordofgifs · 11 months
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Round 1
Golodir vs Vidumavi
Ranger of the north; captain of a company that went to Angmar and were trapped for years (Lord of the Rings Online character)
ranger (northern) captain who took a whole bunch of rangers (including his daughter, who's also a ranger) and went 'hey, there's some trouble brewing in angmar. we should do something about that' even though aragorn specifically said 'Do Not, angmar is super dangerous'. (they were both right). pretty quickly gets captured by local wraith king, the witch-king's steward, and spends several years have fun parallels with hurin being forced to watch all the shit happening to everyone who came with him from carn dum. also possessed of 0 chill and cares very very much about everyone
A princess of Rhovanion who married Valacar of Gondor. The ascension to the throne of her son Eldacar, who was hence not fully Númenorean, led to the civil war known as the Kin-strife.
married the (future) king of gondor in her own hometown. one of the most interesting romances in the wider legendarium imo
Round 1 masterpost
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mrsniallhoran505 · 9 months
Good Morning Austin Girls!
Theme 278: alphabet gif search "N"
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GMAG! Tag List:
Sometimes tags work sometimes they don’t!
@ilovemycrayons @blurredcolour @dre6ming @slowsweetlove @pennyroyalcreep @austiebuttbutt @lisathewife101 @jojam10 @xxindiglow @crackerbarrelslut @katsukis1wife @macey234 @lucid315 @katelswan @introvertisms @purejasmine @bcofl0ve @feral-fae-writes @eliseinmemphis @klizzie93 @scarlet-sunsets @austinbutlermischief @emmamartinez @dazzledbycarrie @sunset-striptease-redeux @chasingwildflowers @justafangir1 @kctj82 @lettersfromvenus
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nossasenhoraaparecida · 7 months
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🙏✝️10 DE SETEMBRO✝️🙏
🙏✝️São Nicolau de Tolentino, protetor das almas do purgatório✝️🙏
Nicolau nasceu nas Marcas, em 1245, na diocese de Fermo. Ainda adolescente, conheceu os Agostinianos e foi atraído pela vida monacal, à qual se consagrou em Tolentino. Foi um asceta de sorriso amável, de longas orações e jejuns, sempre acompanhados pela simpatia e a caridade.
✝️Infância e Juventude✝️
Desde os sete anos de idade, suas preocupações eram as orações, o jejum e uma enorme compaixão pelos menos favorecidos. Nisso se resumiu sua vida: penitência, amor e dedicação aos pobres. Virtudes alinhadas a uma fé incondicional em Nosso Senhor e na Virgem Maria. Aos quatorze anos, foi viver na comunidade dos agostinianos de Castelo de Santo Ângelo, como oblato, isto é, sem fazer os votos perpétuos, mas obedecendo às Regras. Mais tarde, ingressou na Ordem e, no ano de 1274, foi ordenado sacerdote.
✝️Semeador da Palavra de Deus✝️
Nicolau possuía carisma e dons especiais. Sua pregação era alegre e consoladora na Providência Divina, o que tornava seus sermões empolgantes. Tinha um grande poder de persuasão, pelo seu modo simples e humilde de viver e praticar a fé, sempre na oração e na penitência, cheio de alegria em Cristo.
Com seu exemplo, levava os fiéis a praticar a penitência, a visitar os doentes e encarcerados e a dar assistência aos pobres. Essa mobilização de pessoas em torno do ideal de levar consolo e a Palavra de Deus aos necessitados dava-lhe grande satisfação e alegria.
✝️Vida Penitente✝️
Comia tão pouco, que ficou doente. O seu prior quis dar-lhe um pouco de carne, mas em vão. Chamou-se o prior geral. Nicolau, vencido pela santa obediência que professava, consentiu e engoliu um pedacinho: “Já obedeci, não me aborreçam mais com gulodices”. E Deus curou-o, jejuava a pão e água às segundas, quartas, sextas-feiras e sábados em honra a Maria Santíssima.
Tanta austeridade trouxe-lhe dores articulares do estômago e da cabeça e ainda perturbações na vista. Perguntava a si mesmo se tanto rigor agradava ou não a Deus, mas o Senhor apareceu-lhe em sonho e confortou-o.
Caindo ele de novo doente, curou-se, por indicação de Nossa Senhora, comendo um pedaço de pão molhado em água, depois de fazer o sinal da cruz. Daí veio o costume de benzer pães em honra de São Nicolau, destinados a robustecer os fracos. Nicolau trazia sobre a pele cadeias metálicas, tecidos ásperos e irritantes. Rezava entre as horas canônicas, a que era notavelmente fiel: de completas ao canto do galo, de matinas até a aurora, da Missa (se não tinha confissões) até terça, e de noite até às vésperas (se não tinha obrigações impostas pela obediência). Rezava na Igreja, perto dum altar ou na cela.
✝️Apóstolo do Confessionário✝️
Em 1275, devido à saúde debilitada, foi para o Convento de Tolentino, onde se fixou definitivamente. Lá, veio a tornar-se um dos apóstolos do confessionário mais significativos da Igreja. Passava horas repleto de compaixão para com todas as misérias humanas. A fama de seus conselhos e de sua santidade trazia para a paróquia fiéis de todas as regiões ansiosos pelo seu consolo e absolvição. A incondicional obediência, o desapego aos bens materiais, a humildade e a modéstia foram as constantes de sua vida, sendo amado e respeitado por seus irmãos da Ordem.
No dia 10 de setembro de 1305, ele fez sua última prece e entregou seu espírito nas mãos do Senhor, antes de completar sessenta anos de idade. Foi enterrado na sepultura da capela onde se tornara célebre confessor e celebrava suas missas. O local tornou-se meta de peregrinação, e os milagres atribuídos a ele não cessaram de ocorrer, atingindo os nossos dias.
✝️Via de Santificação✝️
No ano de 1446, São Nicolau de Tolentino foi finalmente canonizado pelo Papa Eugênio IV. A festa dedicada ao santo foi mantida para o dia de sua morte.
✝️Corpo Incorrupto✝️
A prodigiosa notícia que temos de São Nicolau de Tolentino diz que, quarenta anos após sua morte, seu corpo foi encontrado ainda em total estado de conservação. Na ocasião, durante os exames, começou a jorrar sangue dos seus braços, para o espanto de todos. Mesmo depois de muitos anos, os ferimentos sangravam de tempos em tempos. Esse milagre a ele atribuído fez crescer sua fama de santidade por toda a Europa e propagou-se por todo o mundo católico.
🙏✝️Minha oração✝️🙏
“São Nicolau, recorro a ti pelas almas dos meus familiares, aqueles que já faleceram e estão no purgatório esperando a sua purificação. Que alcancemos, pela tua intercessão, a salvação das famílias e dos pecadores. A ti recorremos e pedimos. Amém!”
🙏✝️São Nicolau de Tolentino, rogai por nós!✝️🙏
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A downtime, before a great battle
For Lotro Geoguesser! 1 point for region, 1 point for location!
Looking at the sky I'm going to say it's in Angmar, but specifically where is kinda tough. The gate and the crude metal with the stone building is making me wanna say Carn Dum? Also I love that you have your squirrel pet out in the pic!
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ok for the character ask game, you already know I have Meneldir on the brain today, sooooo.... thoughts? 👀 (also if OCs are fair game, I would Love to hear more about Est :unlessranger:)
:D i'm always down to ramble about est lol
hm. meneldir's gonna go under a cut tho on account of before the spoilers i think
one aspect about them i love: she is friend shaped <3 she is also allergic to chill most of the time
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: hmm. i don't really know honestly? the one thing i've really ever run into like that is 'oh, is she in love?' which. i can look at what i wrote for her and go 'yeah alright, that's a perfectly reasonable way to read that, but no, she's not In Love' but even that's like. i get it? it's perfectly rational? idk
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: she used to hang out with the lake-spirit of the long lake. she decided she really liked zhelruka food in the grey mountains. she's aroace & in a qpr. she really hates having her hair long (Feels Bad on the back of her neck) despite the prevailing elf attitudes around long hair in a lot of places. she spent a few centuries just kinda wandering; she was up and down the northern anduin a lot, and may have ended up farther east at some point too (i don't know all the details here yet). she is fully willing to use runecraft for stupid things despite how seriously people take it, and this has in fact been encouraged in her by a few people (talagan, but lowkey, and also probably gandalf 'aren't fireworks awesome?' the grey)
one character i love seeing them interact with: oh hm. it's very funny every time she talks to viznak, bc he'll just say things and she just goes '......sure! why not.' she makes a genuine effort to have Cook Opinions on his various swamp brews. she thinks the entire situation is very weird, but on a scale from ???? to Actively Trying To Kill Us, she's pretty much fine with it
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: you'd think i'd have more control over this one, considering she's my character, but! it's grimbold. she felt bad about how the aftermath of troubled dreams went, and after awhile she could look at her talk with him and go 'oh! yeah so he was doing as bad as i was after all that', and she always meant to talk to him about it, especially once everyone else was getting mad on her behalf over it, but it just never ended up happening. she still feels bad about that
also i wish she would tell me a little more about her relationship with her father, but she emphatically Does Not Want To
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: oh i guess i already had some of these. oh well. post-black book (and gundabad/return to carn dum? idk, i don't know when i'm gonna cut off her doing the epics), she starts doing some Actual Combat Training, bc she never really did any of that, and her primary weapon of Zap Them can only take her so far, especially when she's supposed to be on stealth missions lmao. anyway, she learns some dagger things from faeron. she does a little bit of archery with radanir, but it never really ends up being her Thing
one aspect about them i love: he wants! to help! he really really does! enough that he's willing to go back to people he has no reason to expect a warm welcome from!
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: hmmm... in world or out of world lol.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: well! tossdir is still just. permanently attached lol. i think meneldir has picked up way more trivia about the history of cardolan from narndir than he admits. he likes spicy food but doesn't have a super high spice tolerance. i also think he would be a fan of barbecue (there is absolutely no reason for this one lol)
one character i love seeing them interact with: Meneldir squints at Bregoleth. 'Sometimes Elves have trouble marking the passage of the years. I mean no offence.' i think he and bregoleth should hang out more
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: narndir!!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: there are some half-formed thoughts about who might have been in that house he was supposed to watch, and if halbarad might have been related to them and/or meneldir, and just how much of his insistence on trusting this rando adventurer and barely even looking at meneldir was personal vs just the result of having one of his worst weeks ever so far. i haven't worked all my thoughts on it out yet, but there is. soup
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ladydwarfbadari · 11 months
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It's kind of funny that the cosmetic set for your toon is barter from the return to carn dum instance cluster but the matching war steed set is from the seasonal figment barter
Go figure. Nice set though!
ETA: The return to carn dum instance cluster meta-deed horse:
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The seasonal figment trader cosmetics:
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It's funny because the meta-deed horse clearly matches the seasonal figment trader mount and the instance cluster trader cosmetics match the seasonal figment trader mount/war-steed set.
SSG is really funny sometimes. I do wonder if this was accidental and now they're just going to be like "we meant to do that" about it...
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hallothere · 1 year
so there's another [redacted] floating around Angmar, I take it
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