#Caravan Annex
fatehbaz · 9 months
As America’s borders moved west, empire thus unspooled through farming and homesteading as much as military conquest. [...] The unfamiliar desert ecology and climate meant that they could not easily deploy their trusted models of farming, animal husbandry, and commerce in places with limited access to water, high and variable temperatures, different soil compositions [...]. To address this challenge, empire-builders in early America took Middle Eastern deserts as a key source of inspiration. 
Jefferson Davis’ Camel Corps [funded by a 1855 Congressional appropriation to collect camels from around the Middle East and Northern Africa] was one of the earliest examples of how this worked. [...]
American travel writers, explorers, scientists, and government officials had long described the arid West as a local version of the Middle Eastern and North African desert – an “American Zahara” or a Biblical Orient with spiritual and physical power equal to the Old World deserts [...]. These authors harnessed the “Sahara” trope, Catrin Gersdorf argues, “to deactivate the existential anxieties of the pioneers and to alleviate some of their visceral reactions to the American West’s aridity, recasting it as a quasi-Oriental space containing yet unidentified but extremely valuable historical and cultural riches.” Nineteenth-century authors’ constant references to the Sahara [...] helped [...] settlers imagine the newly American desert lands as a “domestic” Orient and, in this way, [...] familiar. [...]
[T]he U.S. Army waged overt war [with Indigenous residents] into the early 1900s. Displacing the people from the land was one thing, but redefining their social and cultural association with the desert was a different matter. 
Here again, the camel proved useful. This is vividly illustrated when the U.S. Army finally collected enough camels in Texas to run its first Camel Corps trial to assess the animals’ endurance and suitability for military purposes. The Army’s man in charge, General Edward Fitzgerald Beale, brought Hi Jolly, his fellow cameleers, and a large camel caravan together to travel from Texas to California beginning in September 1857. When the expedition stopped in Los Angeles in January 1858, the San Francisco Evening Bulletin described the scene with dramatized gusto:
General Beale and about fourteen camels stalked into town last Friday week and gave our streets quite an Oriental aspect. It looked oddly enough to see outside of a menagerie, a herd of huge, ungainly awkward but docile animals move about in our midst with people riding them like horses and bringing up weird and far-off associations to the Eastern traveler, whether by book or otherwise of the land of the mosque, crescent or turban, of the pilgrim mufti and dervish with visions of the great shrines of the world, Mecca and Jerusalem, and the toiling throngs that have for centuries wended thither, of the burning sands of Arabia and Sahara where the desert is boundless as the ocean and the camel is the ship thereof.
This account actively rewrites the then-dominant imaginary of U.S. West [...], enlisting the camel to transform it into a whimsical vision of the Old World in the New. [...] Colonization was made friendlier by conceiving of it as a pilgrimage, an act of return. [...] In this way, the territories annexed in the mid-1800s could begin to be imagined as a [...] home [...].
All text above by: Natalie Koch. “Double Exposure.” Arid Empire: The Entangled Fates of Arizona and Arabia. 2022. [Some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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kapi-tanka · 7 months
So I’ve been thinking about the Ramirez family again, my mind wonders at what could have caused the rift between them all. They all seem to think the distance between them is for the best, but each have differing reasons for why. 
Andy seems convinced that they don’t need their family, and is better off alone. But I can see in their one good eye, there’s resentment. Resentment and trauma. There’s a sense of abandonment that just emits from them. I get the feeling that Andy has never felt like they belonged anywhere. Even with their family, they never felt understood but I think Andy still loved them. And they loved Andy back, even if Andy couldn’t see it. 
Oscar seems convinced he isn’t good enough to be around his family, and they’re better off without him. There’s guilt under his fun loving and free spirited persona. Oscar loves his younger sibling, I can tell, but he never asked for the responsibility of being an older brother. 
Ovidio is the hardest for me to read. Maybe that’s why I didn’t realize he’s their uncle and not the eldest sibling lol. I can’t say why but I just feel that Ovidio caused the rift between them all, or at least played a significant hand in it. Ovidio seems to want someone to kill for. He wants someone whose name can justify his actions, but none of his family want to be that someone. 
Anyways, that's just my interpretation of your wonderful characters! Sorry that this is a bit long lol. I hope I got some of it right and I look forward to the next piece!
oh my GODD honestly it's insane how accurately you read all of my characters. i'm so so so humbled someone's invested in their story, thank you SO MUCH for you interest and your ask! i'm very sorry it took so long to answer, it's a bit hard to collect my thoughts.. but i truly appreciate your analysis! i made this scheme to support info under the cut. i must warn you that this story's a bit dark in a domestic way and... it's really long lol
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so. you're mostly right about ovidio causing the rift! i hope i'm not ruining it for you by telling, i know that stories often seem much more interesting before we know any specific details. but basically the actual tragedy of the ramirez family has it roots not in the interpersonal drama (though it definitely played a significant role in everything) but in the ncr and fallout politics in general. all of them used to live in some independent settlement in california, with its own militia, farms, crop fields and traders before the ncr annexed them. the republic put this settlement through their standard modus operandi with enforcement of taxes and recruiting of many promising and not so promising youngsters in the army, including ovidio who was around 18 at the moment (i even have this sketch below with some arcade and ovidio bonding which kinda summarizes it)
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mateo and ramona were traders. obviously, the ncr started to suck resources from the settlement (mostly crops and animal products) and they needed caravans to transport them. ramona and mateo (and some other settlers) took the job and both eventually were killed in one unfortunate trip by raiders (which at least partially are the aftermath of ncr's actions in california and nevada imo). so, as you said, andy was lonely and abandoned from very early on in their childhood. they were raised in this post-annexation "world" where their parents almost never had time for them and were never home. oscar was a bit more fortunate (he's 5 years older and had his chance to spend some quality time with mom and dad) and naturally he took their death harder than andy. ovidio was demoted from the ncr army (it's the whole other story) and came back to provide for children and his own parents. he was around 20 at the moment, oscar was 12 and andy only 7. the three of them grew to love each other with time but it was a baffling shift in family dynamics because oscar and andy were relatively independent kids and had never spent much time with ovidio before.
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also oscar really wanted to accompany caravans himself (to get away from home a little and out of sheer curiosity about the world) and ovidio just wasn't having it. it literally was the same conflict between them over and over, so andy had to listen to constant bickering and drama which left a lasting impact on her psyche. the second thing that really traumatized andy was abuela's dementia - this slow decay of the mind of someone who was once very clever and loving. and the third thing... well. once upon a time oscar just LEFT after some especially heated argument and it changed everything once again. he didn't plan to run away for real, just wanted to party a little, to teach ovidio a lesson and to come back home. but he ended up meeting someone cute and kinda postponed and postponed his return to the point of never coming back LOL (he did kinda come back later but... spoilers). just like you guessed, he didn't believe his family needed him because his experience at home was basically doing hard labor and being yelled at. of course his family actually loved him and everyone was scared shitless about him including other settlers but... he never got to know that. he dissappeared without a trace because good luck to anyone who looks for a "dark-haired, dark-eyed lad of medium height" on the wastelands. ovidio didn't find him back then but he really tried, and his life became pretty much centered around this desperate search for oscar. andy grew up into a capable, cold and emotionally unavailable young adult by then. but her brother's escape was like a nail in the coffin of the avoidant attachment style. imagine 1) never having your parents around and losing them to the wastelands, 2) losing your grandma to dementia and seeing her literally not remembering your anymore, a fate worse than death in andy's opinion, 3) losing your brother to the wastelands too but this time he "deliberately" left you 4) losing your uncle to this obsession with finding your brother. andy AGAIN, JUST LIKE YOU SAID felt abandoned by others. they were a shadow, not noticed by anyone, not being anyone's priority, overworked at home, without any way to decide something for themselves. and it was the turning point when poor abuela fell sick and finally died. andy lost her last anchor to the hometown that stopped feeling like home a long time ago. and yeah. whoopsie. she left too! it was the first real decision in andy's life, a hard call to make yet a weirdly freeing one.
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later on ovidio dropped what was left of the caravan business altogether and left their settlement too, this time to search for both "kids" who were adults at this point. that's how the things still are during the fnv events - the ramirez family is separated, all of them found some surrogates of familial relationships and left their impact on the political map of california and nevada. they reunite only after the independence ending (achieved by oscar). and speaking of your other observation: "Ovidio seems to want someone to kill for. He wants someone whose name can justify his actions, but none of his family want to be that someone" - it sounds more like how things play out after the big reunion. but... that's a whole other story :) thank you so much for reading and, once again, for this ask! had great time answering!!!
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Neopronouns in Action #044: Malfunction or Mutiny
Neopronouns: fae/faer/faerself which follow the same rules as she/her/(hers)/herself
Replace she with fae
Replace her with faer
Replace hers with faers
Replace herself with faerself
"She is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as she gets a fence set up around her yard so the puppy can go outside without her having to walk it. Her uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting her use, since she lost hers. She's going to buy toys and train the puppy herself."
"Fae is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as fae gets a fence set up around faer yard so the puppy can go outside without faer having to walk it. Faer uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting faer use, since fae lost faers. Fae's going to buy toys and train the puppy faerself."
“--Look, if we can just stick to the plan and keep detours to a minimum, it's going to take us an extra two weeks to get to City, but we'll get there. We just have to conserve as much fuel as we can. Only minimal lights at night, okay? We've got plenty of candles, we can use those for reading light, and save the batteries. Copy?”
Fae waited for the response, which should have come almost immediately. No one was allowed to go anywhere without their radio, and the radios operated on separate batteries than the boats.
“Do you copy?” Fae repeated, starting to get simultaneously concerned and frustrated. All day, faer requests for information on the radio had gone unanswered almost half the time. Most of the soldiers weren't answering even for basic necessary checks. But now not even Vrx. Dreland wasn't answering faer?
Either he was dead, or...fae had a bigger problem on faer hands than just malfunctioning radios.
The crossboards had already been lowered for the night, and through the darkness below the cloudy sky, fae could see the lights shining faintly through the fog over the black waves.
It was a long walk over the crossboard to reach the other side of the caravan. Stationed in the directory, fae was the only one on this side. There should have been at least fifteen other people to help faer, at minimum, but that...just wasn't going to happen any time soon. Too many people were afflicted with the plague, there just weren't enough people well enough to help fill out the caravan roster.
The only reason fae was even able to be here in the first place was because the Arvretian military had volunteered to help fill out the staff with the Verix Unit. A mission of mercy was, the Admiral said, always a worthy quest for the Verix Unit.
Fae had just been too relieved to question that statement when fae'd heard it. It'd been two full days since fae'd slept, too busy frantically trying to muster nonexistant personel to help complete the mission to City, and the next thing fae knew with any clarity was waking up on the first day of the mission, feeling like absolute shit with a pounding headache and feeling so tired it was almost like fae'd never slept at all.
By the time fae'd gotten done just doing the bare minimum of heating up faer rations in the oven under the solar shield, there were so many other things to worry and think about besides questioning by the military was so eager to send one of its most highly trained combat forces on a mission of peace.
True, City was legally part of Arvretia, and had been since it had been annexed fifty years before, but the resistance was still fighting strong, and most “real Arvretians”, despite the forceful demands of the government, did not consider it to really be apart of the country, and thought the people who lived there were parasites “leeching off Arvretian blood to further their own agendas”, completely glossing over the fact that it was Arvretia that had conquered City, rather than City demanding to be made part of Arvretia.
That first day on the caravan, though, fae hadn't had time to think about any of that. There were too many inventories to complete and maps to triple-check and make sure all the solar panels were working the way they should and that the solar shield wasn't damaged.
For the first few days, everything had gone...well, as well as could be expected for a caravan with only one trained member of the staff.
But then the fuel tank had turned out to only have a little more than half of what they should have. Vrx. Dreland had gone on a rage, swearing and yelling and cursing incompetent loaders and checkers at the port so loudly that fae had to turn faer radio's volume down to the lowest audible setting to stop it from bursting into static overload.
Vrx. Dreland had seemed so genuinely upset that fae'd chocked the loss up to an accident. The port was just as severely understaffed as they were, it wasn't anyone's fault that part of their fuel allotment got misplaced. They could still make it to City with careful rationing of power resources. Lower speeds, letting the wind push them when it could, and only the minimum requirement of lights at night to avoid a collision with another boat.
(Not that there were likely to be any other boats out at sea, but no one was expecting them to be out here, either, so they had to assume they weren't the only ones).
But now this. A whole day with only spotty communications, and now Vrx. Dreland himself seemed to be ignoring faer.
Fae gave it one last try with the radio, asking, “Do you copy? Vrx. Dreland, are you receiving me?”
But still the only response fae got back was the buzz of empty static.
Fae stared out the small porthole and over the long, dark crossboard, the sky above almost as black as the waves below, the only lights visible the white, flickering squares of the other boats, pulled up in single-file, the metal of the hull lost in the darkness.
...One way or another, whether this was a malfunction or a mutiny...
Fae was going to have to go over there...
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i’m getting into endgame with Cash and my fallout new vegas file for her. i’ve finished p much every major quest, save for the bugged/unfinishable ones(thanks We Will All Go Together! you piece of shit quest lmao) and p much all the smaller ones i can ever find. it’s always a bittersweet moment when i run out of shit to do in this game, bc there’s SO much to do.
but i guess, this is the final writeup for Cash’s journey? or at least, close to it. only a small bit of her story left now! (i say as thing is inevitably gonna be long as fuck, as it’s about EVERY faction in the game)
Cash, of course, sides with Yes-Man for the independent Vegas ending. there’s a lot to do to ensure the success of a Mojave wasteland free of the influence of the NCR, Legion, OR House.
to start off, Cash is obviously vilified by the Legion fairly early on. she kills Vulpes Inculta seconds after his dumb little speech, for the crime of what he did to the town of Nipton. when his replacement, Alerio, approaches Cash outside of the Tops(she accidentally allows Benny to escape), she also kills him, which pisses the Legion off enough to make them permanently hostile to her. it’s not canonically possible to have more than two humanoid companions at once, but i heavily headcanon that she, Boone, and Arcade storm both Cottonwood Cove and then The Fort and kill every Legionnaire they find there, with Boone having his standard sniper gear, Arcade being given a plasma rifle, and Cash having a TON of chems and a chainsaw. She kills Caesar, obviously, putting the Legate Lanius in charge for the Second Battle of the Hoover Dam. Cash hates the Legion with a passion. the slavery and subjugation of the various tribes of the East incenses her and, much like Boone, she kills any Legionnaires she finds on sight from the beginning of the game.
Also, she finds Benny in Caesar’s tent in her assault on the Fort, and kills him without a second thought. no way she was going to let him get away a third time. She dismembers him pretty violently. “Come back from THAT, you fuck.”
her relationship with the NCR is a bit more complicated. having grown up on the caravan trails, throughout both the Mojave and the West(NCR territory as well), she has a strained view of them: her father figure, Pops Black, grew up in their territory, but left due to government overreach, annexation, excessive taxation, and the allowing of abhorrent business practices. She  absorbed a lot of these beliefs, and though she is far more civil to NCR citizens, and sympathetic to the soldiers fighting the Legion simply due to the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” principle, she doesn’t do much to help NCR until after her experiences with Ulysses at the Divide. she’s willing to help them stop the Legion beforehand, but after that, she’s also a lot more likely to broker peace between NCR citizens and Mojave citizens. She generally helps the NCR until the events of the Second Battle of the Hoover Dam, to make her her takeover of the Mojave isn’t shown to be hostile, but rather out of the interests of her own. Her help toward the NCR AND her decision to still allow Hoover Dam to send power to NCR makes the citizens of NCR less sympathetic to later attempts to recapture the Mojave, and eventually NCR recognizes the Mojave as its own sovereign territory, and tourism between both nations helps each prosper. it also helps that she saved President Kimball from assassination, and that she DIDN’T throw General Oliver off the Hoover Dam when he tried to intimidate her, though she reeeeeally wanted to lmao.
Mr. House was the man who hired Cash to deliver the Platinum Chip in the first place, and after arriving to Vegas and finding Yes Man, she pretended to continue to work for him, and indeed played her role far better than Benny did. eventually though, she grew tired of his condescending nature, and not too long after powering up the Securitron army under the Fort, after one too many times of being talked down to, Cash fights her way through the securitrons to his private chambers and beats him to death with a tire iron. if there’s one thing she hates, it’s being talked to condescendingly by authority figures. she and Yes Man use his army to win against the Legion at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, and their sheer number is enough to help her talk General Oliver of the NCR into retreating from Mojave territory.
now that we’ve finished all the main factions, lets go through all the endings to show what happens to all of them in the aftermath of the final battle! in the next post lol
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ettalongaustralia · 2 years
First Home Buyer or Investor Opportunity
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 8.9
48 BC – Caesar's Civil War: Battle of Pharsalus: Julius Caesar decisively defeats Pompey at Pharsalus and Pompey flees to Egypt. 378 – Gothic War: Battle of Adrianople: A large Roman army led by Emperor Valens is defeated by the Visigoths. Valens is killed along with over half of his army. 1173 – Construction of the campanile of the Cathedral of Pisa (now known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa) begins; it will take two centuries to complete. 1329 – Quilon, the first Indian Christian Diocese, is erected by Pope John XXII; the French-born Jordanus is appointed the first Bishop. 1428 – Sources cite biggest caravan trade between Podvisoki and Republic of Ragusa. Vlachs committed to Ragusan lord Tomo Bunić, that they will with 600 horses deliver 1,500 modius of salt. Delivery was meant for Dobrašin Veseoković, and Vlachs price was half of delivered salt. 1500 – Ottoman–Venetian War (1499–1503): The Ottomans capture Methoni, Messenia. 1610 – The First Anglo-Powhatan War begins in colonial Virginia. 1810 – Napoleon annexes Westphalia as part of the First French Empire. 1814 – American Indian Wars: The Creek sign the Treaty of Fort Jackson, giving up huge parts of Alabama and Georgia. 1830 – Louis Philippe becomes the king of the French following abdication of Charles X. 1842 – The Webster–Ashburton Treaty is signed, establishing the United States–Canada border east of the Rocky Mountains. 1854 – American Transcendentalist philosopher Henry David Thoreau publishes his memoir Walden. 1855 – Åland War: The Battle of Suomenlinna begins. 1862 – American Civil War: Battle of Cedar Mountain: At Cedar Mountain, Virginia, Confederate General Stonewall Jackson narrowly defeats Union forces under General John Pope. 1877 – American Indian Wars: Battle of the Big Hole: A small band of Nez Percé Indians clash with the United States Army. 1892 – Thomas Edison receives a patent for a two-way telegraph. 1897 – The first International Congress of Mathematicians is held in Zürich, Switzerland. 1902 – Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark are crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1907 – The first Boy Scout encampment concludes at Brownsea Island in southern England. 1925 – A train robbery takes place in Kakori, near Lucknow, India, by the Indian independence revolutionaries, against British government. 1936 – Summer Olympics: Jesse Owens wins his fourth gold medal at the games. 1942 – World War II: Battle of Savo Island: Allied naval forces protecting their amphibious forces during the initial stages of the Battle of Guadalcanal are surprised and defeated by an Imperial Japanese Navy cruiser force. 1944 – The United States Forest Service and the Wartime Advertising Council release posters featuring Smokey Bear for the first time. 1944 – Continuation War: The Vyborg–Petrozavodsk Offensive, the largest offensive launched by Soviet Union against Finland during the Second World War, ends to a strategic stalemate. Both Finnish and Soviet troops at the Finnish front dug to defensive positions, and the front remains stable until the end of the war. 1945 – World War II: Nagasaki is devastated when an atomic bomb, Fat Man, is dropped by the United States B-29 Bockscar. Thirty-five thousand people are killed outright, including 23,200–28,200 Japanese war workers, 2,000 Korean forced workers, and 150 Japanese soldiers. 1945 – The Red Army invades Japanese-occupied Manchuria. 1960 – South Kasai secedes from the Congo. 1965 – Singapore is expelled from Malaysia and becomes the only country to date to gain independence unwillingly. 1969 – Tate–LaBianca murders: Followers of Charles Manson murder pregnant actress Sharon Tate (wife of Roman Polanski), coffee heiress Abigail Folger, Polish actor Wojciech Frykowski, men's hairstylist Jay Sebring and recent high-school graduate Steven Parent. 1970 – LANSA Flight 502 crashes after takeoff from Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport in Cusco, Peru, killing 99 of the 100 people on board, as well as two people on the ground. 1971 – The Troubles: In Northern Ireland, the British authorities launch Operation Demetrius. The operation involves the mass arrest and internment without trial of individuals suspected of being affiliated with the Irish Republican Army (PIRA). Mass riots follow, and thousands of people flee or are forced out of their homes. 1973 – Mars 7 is launched from the USSR. 1974 – As a direct result of the Watergate scandal, Richard Nixon becomes the first President of the United States to resign from office. Vice President Gerald Ford becomes president. 1991 – The Italian prosecuting magistrate Antonino Scopelliti is murdered by the 'Ndrangheta on behalf of the Sicilian Mafia while preparing the government's case in the final appeal of the Maxi Trial. 1993 – The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan loses a 38-year hold on national leadership. 1999 – Russian President Boris Yeltsin fires his Prime Minister, Sergei Stepashin, and for the fourth time fires his entire cabinet. 2006 – At least 21 suspected terrorists are arrested in the 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot that happened in the United Kingdom. The arrests are made in London, Birmingham, and High Wycombe in an overnight operation. 2007 – Air Moorea Flight 1121 crashes after takeoff from Moorea Airport in French Polynesia, killing all 20 people on board. 2013 – Gunmen open fire at a Sunni mosque in the city of Quetta killing at least ten people and injuring 30. 2014 – Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American male in Ferguson, Missouri, is shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer after reportedly assaulting the officer and attempting to steal his weapon, sparking protests and unrest in the city. 2021 – The Tampere light rail officially started operating.
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Discover Caravan Accessories Shop to Gear Up for Your Journey
You will be happy that you possess a caravan accessories shop whether the weather is pleasant and sunny or dreary and chilly. It will shade the van's side and keep it significantly colder in the heat. You will also have a shaded spot to unwind with a glass of wine and a book. You can even add an annexe if you want to stay longer to offer yourself even more room to walk around and take in the surroundings.
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Provides Convenience to Employees and Boosts Employee Productivity
Providing transportable mobile toilets for sale and showers to your employees might have a significant impact. Thanks to these miracles, workers may now comfortably take a brief break and relax close to where they work. They don't have to leave the area and take a lengthy stroll to look for public restrooms.
Given that they spend the majority of their time on the construction site, this could result in a quicker project completion. Offering your employees, the convenience of a mobile restroom on-site can boost their output considerably.
Your employees will not be concerned about where to urinate when they can readily reach the restrooms. They are happier and feel more at ease in their workplace as a result. Furthermore, employees who feel comfortable are more motivated to finish the task at hand.
Time and Cost-Effective Hygiene and Cleansing
Ensuring the cleanliness and hygienic conditions of building sites is vital for the welfare and health of labourers. Portable restrooms are made with hygiene in mind; they have regular maintenance, handwashing stations, and adequate ventilation.
Purchasing portable restrooms for your building site might truly result in cost and time savings. On the other hand, portable toilets are easily assembled and maintained self-contained systems. Choosing portable toilets cuts down on installation time and expenses because it eliminates the need for substantial plumbing work.
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archietaylor123 · 1 year
How To Choose camping caravan Annex Floor Mats For Your Needs
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Choosing the right camping caravan Annex Floor Mats for your needs in Australia can make your outdoor experience more comfortable and enjoyable. Choose a Floor Matting For Caravan Annex design that suits your style and preferences. Some mats come with patterns, while others are plain in colour. You can also choose a mat with a non-slip backing to prevent slips and falls.
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tangotravel · 1 year
Petra Day Trip from Aqaba Port
Exploring Petra's Ancient Wonders On A Day Trip From Aqaba Port
Welcome to a journey through the ancient wonders of Petra on a day trip from Aqaba Port! Located in Jordan, Petra is one of the most iconic archaeological sites in the region and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This remarkable city was carved from pink stone over 2,000 years ago and contains many incredible artifacts from this time period. In this blog post, we will explore the history of Petra, travel tips for getting to Petra from Aqaba Port, what to see in Petra on a day trip, and accommodations nearby. Come join us as we delve into this captivating ancient city that has been welcoming visitors for centuries!
Petra is perhaps one of the most famous ancient sites in the world and an absolute must-see for any traveler. This archaeological site is located in modern-day Jordan and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985. Exploring Petra's amazing and awe-inspiring monuments on a day trip from Aqaba Port is an unforgettable experience; this blog post will take you through all the wonders that you can explore during your visit!
History Of Petra
Petra stands as a testament to the Ancient Nabataean civilization and is one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the world. It was established sometime around the 6th century BC when it served as an important trading hub for caravans traveling between Arabia and Syria. Petra became an autonomous kingdom around 100 BC and thrived until 106 AD when it was annexed by Rome, becoming part of the Roman Empire. Around 363 AD, Petra was destroyed by an earthquake but quickly recovered due to its wealth from nearby copper mines. During this time Christianity spread throughout Petra with churches, chapels, and monasteries built in the area. The site fell into disrepair after several battles between Muslim armies and Crusaders in 1258 AD however it eventually regained its importance and prosperity before being abandoned by nomadic Bedouins for centuries before being rediscovered in 1812 by Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt.
Getting To Petra From Aqaba Port
Getting to Petra from Aqaba Port is easy and can usually be done in a single day. Visitors should start off by snagging a rental car or booking a tour from the port--this will take tourists on the hour-long drive up to Petra, while they take in views of Jordan’s barren countryside and rocky desert. It’ll be an exciting journey as visitors make their way through the city of Wadi Musa and wind around the ancient Bedouin settlement. Once at Petra, visitors can wander around the lush valley amongst tombs, temples, and all sorts of other ancient sites before eventually making their way back to Aqaba Port.
What To See In Petra On A Day Trip
One of Petra’s most iconic sites is the Treasury, famously used in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. This magnificent façade was carved out of solid rock with ornate pillars, statues, and a giant urn at the top. Also, be sure to explore the Street of Facades lined with elaborately carved tombs and temples. Take a walk through Siq Canyon for astonishing views of colorful sandstone cliffs and marvel at Al-Khazneh or The Monastery, a large structure high up in the mountainside cliff face. Other highlights include the Ad Deir Monastery, Urn Tomb, Royal Tombs, Obelisk Tomb, and Colonnaded Street. Don't miss out on these ancient wonders during your visit to Petra!
Accommodations Nearby
Aqaba is a popular port for visitors looking to explore the wonders of Petra. Luckily, there is an abundance of great accommodations nearby for those looking for a place to rest and recharge after a long day of exploring. Whether you're looking for budget-friendly hotels or luxurious resorts, Aqaba has something to offer everyone. From five-star hotels with on-site spas and world-class restaurants to smaller family-run lodges and inns tucked away in secluded corners, there's something near Aqaba Port sure to suit your individual needs.
In conclusion, a day trip to the ancient city of Petra from Aqaba Port is an incredible experience that offers something for everyone. From its captivating architecture and intricate carvings to the awe-inspiring cliffs and vibrant colors, this destination has it all! Furthermore, as travelers explore Petra’s vast grounds, they can learn about history and culture in ways that can’t be found anywhere else. Whether you’re looking for a thrill or simply interested in sightseeing, Petra is sure to make an unforgettable journey.
Tango Travel representative meet you & pick you up from Aqaba Port by the cruise exit door to start their day tour to Petra from Aqaba Port, drive about one hour and a half by an air-conditioned vehicle to Petra Jordan from Aqaba Port, Upon arrival, you will meet your English speaking guide to enjoying a full day tour to Petra from Aqaba Port, the Red Sea Rose to Visit The Siq ( canyon ), the main entrance to the ancient city of Petra in southern Jordan, the entrance to the Siq contains a huge dam, reconstructed in 1963 and again in 1991, designed to bar the mouth of the Siq and reroute the waters of Wadi Musa, then continue your Petra Tour from Aqaba visiting The Treasury,( El-Khazneh ) which was probably constructed in the 1st century BC, the Treasury is generally believed to be a temple or a royal tomb, the Treasury is carved out of solid rock and stands over 40 meters high. Your petra tour includes a visit to The Roman Theatre, dating from the 1st century AD, and was refurbished by the Romans after they annexed Nabatea in 106AD, it was capable of seating 8500, even more than the great theatre at Amman. End your petra excursion by visiting The Royal Tombs and Qasr al-Bint built in the 1st century BC, by Obodas III, The temple's modern name, "Qasr al-Bint al-Faroun," means "The Castle of the Daughter of Pharaoh, Lunch will be served in a local restaurant in Petra, then drive back to Aqaba Port. End of your Petra day tour from Aqaba Port.
For more info. kindly visit www.tango-travel.com
or send your request to [email protected]
Tel or WhatsApp:201111109106
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jessebuntine · 1 year
Buy Online Caravan Annex Floor and Floor Mat With Afterpay - Shopy store
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Camping Annex Mat is a great companion for camping and traveling, especially when there's extra ground to cover. If You Settle and are Ready To Spend Your Precious Time With Family & Friends Then the Best Annex Matting or Camping Annex Mat Will Complete Your Outdoor Setup Easily.
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shopystore123 · 1 year
Buy Online Caravan Annex Floor and Floor Mat With Afterpay - Shopy store
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Camping Annex Mat is a great companion for camping and traveling, especially when there's extra ground to cover. If You Settle and are Ready To Spend Your Precious Time With Family & Friends Then the Best Annex Matting or Camping Annex Mat Will Complete Your Outdoor Setup Easily.
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campingswag01 · 1 year
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Caravan Annex Camping Floor Mat for Sale Australia
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musicbyamandagrace · 1 year
Caravan Du Nord
On Saturday, February 25th, Caravan du Nord will be at Paramount Theatre in Austin, featuring Mae Simpson, with Maygen & The Birdwatcher and Amanda Grace. 
This multi-genre musical experience will be an unforgettable showcase of amazing Minnesota talent in the beautiful historic Paramount Theatre in downtown Austin. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund, and is sponsored by The Current and Explore Minnesota. 
Caravan du Nord features Minnesota musicians of different genres and backgrounds from across the state. This year’s showcase series launched in October 2022 stops in St. Paul and Red Wing, and will continue January-March, 2023 with tour stops in Rochester, Northfield, Austin, and Duluth. Each tour stop also features a workshop and networking event for any local musicians. Learn more about all Caravan du Nord events at https://www.mnmusiccoalition.org/caravan-du-nord/ 
Schedule for the Day 
3PM Music Careers in 2023, Presented by Scott LeGere
Paramount Theatre Annex, 125 4th Avenue NE, Austin, MN
Creating a career in music is a constantly changing and sometimes challenging endeavor. In order to empower your next steps, this workshop will cover topics including digital distribution, revenue streams, and resources for Minnesota musicians to help you broaden your potential opportunities in our exciting music environment.
4PM Musician Panel: Making it in Minnesota - How Musicians Build Successful Career Paths
Paramount Theatre Annex, 125 4th Avenue NE, Austin, MN
A panel of musicians will discuss how they have built their careers, what they learned along the way, and how those lessons can translate to your musical journey. Panelists include: Mae Simpson, Josh Whalen, Maygen Lacey, Jae Havoc.
5:30PM-6:30PM Networking Social Hour Dusty’s Bar and Lounge, 422 N Main St, Austin, MN 55912 
Register for networking and workshop events HERE 
7:00PM Doors / 7:30PM Show: Caravan du Nord concert, featuring Mae Simpson, with Maygen & The Birdwatcher and Amanda Grace ONSALE DATE To be announced 
Paramount Theatre, 125 4th Avenue NE, Austin, MN
Purchase tickets HERE 
About the Artists 
Mae Simpson shook up the Twin Cities' scene in 2019, Winning battle of the bands, and City Pages reader’s choice “Best New Band” along with being named a nominee for “Best Live Concert”. Mae and her seven piece band including a horn section, blur the lines between a wide range of influences. From the depth and energy of funk and rock, down to the melodic edge of R&B and folk. Led by Mae Simpson, who's '...voice is larger than life — but not as large as her uncontainable energy that radiates from the stage." Helen Teague - Minnesota Public Radio. Known for their Intense and exciting live shows, the band has an immediate impact that favors the human connection between the musicians and the audience. Opening up for acts like Dermot Kennedy, Karl Denson, Rubblebucket, Robert Clay, Langhorn Slim, Pert Near Sandstone and Playing many notable stages across the Midwest like First ave main room, The Fillmore mpls, Basilica Block Party, Live On King Street, and Blue Ox. If you are a fan of artists such as Alabama Shakes, Lake Street Dive and Bruce Springsteen, Mae Simpson is right up your alley. https://www.facebook.com/MaeSimpsonMusic/
Maygen & The Birdwatcher - Coming off the successful release of their award-winning "stunning" (Americana UK) debut full-length album, Moonshine, Maygen & The Birdwatcher are off and runnin’. The folk duo-turned 6-piece adventurously blur the sounds of country, bluegrass, folk, and blues - keepin' it all fresh. With the versatility to play in a number of stage configurations ranging from an intimate duo to their boot-stomping full band, the group can charm a broad range of audiences. From beauty to grit, sadness to silliness, the common thread is that this group loves music, and playing it together. It shows. To ensure the full spectrum of their sound is available to listeners, the band is releasing a 6-song EP Sept 9 called Bootleggin’ At The Flower Shoppe. They went right back to Flowers Studio (The Jayhawks, Mason Jennings, Soul Asylum, Jeremy Messersmith, Lizzo) with Kris Johnson, who was their engineer on Moonshine, and recorded the more energetic and good-timin’ songs that were written around the same time as Moonshine, but hadn’t gotten the chance to be properly recorded and shared with their fans. They like to think of Bootleggin’ as Moonshine’s companion, released less than a year from each other, with many different things to offer listeners that have grown to look forward to their diverse approach to songwriting. The band has only been playing together for two years but has already landed opportunities to join festival stages with bands like Old Crow Medicine Show, Paul Cauthen, Grace Potter, and even support a childhood favorite, Travis Tritt. "In many ways, Maygen & The Birdwatcher feel like a collaboration between two distinct artists versus a more seamless band-- but it's that individuality, those visible seams, that make them such a fascinating act." - Adventures In Americana   www.MaygenandtheBirdwatcher.com 
Amanda Grace - Amanda is a Minnesota born and raised singer-songwriter producing music drifting between folk and rock with an emphasis on melody and ballads. With roots as a pianist her writing is thematically varied with an emphasis on melody; with ballads wrapped in warm vocals. In 2016 she received a "Front Of The Line" pass from The Voice. She’s released 7 albums and travels regionally. Her latest album, "Please Dear Sun" was nominated for "Blues & Roots Album Of The Year." https://musicbyamandagrace.com
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shopystore0 · 1 year
Caravan Annex Mat | Annex Floor Mat For Sale Online Australia
Buy Now The Best Quality of Annex Matting or A Camping Floor Mat from our online store australia. Shopy Store has a wide range of quality Annex matting available at affordable price.
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Events 8.9 (before 1900)
48 BC – Caesar's Civil War: Battle of Pharsalus: Julius Caesar decisively defeats Pompey at Pharsalus and Pompey flees to Egypt. 378 – Gothic War: Battle of Adrianople: A large Roman army led by Emperor Valens is defeated by the Visigoths. Valens is killed along with over half of his army. 1173 – Construction of the campanile of the Cathedral of Pisa (now known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa) begins; it will take two centuries to complete. 1329 – Quilon, the first Indian Christian Diocese, is erected by Pope John XXII; the French-born Jordanus is appointed the first Bishop. 1428 – Sources cite biggest caravan trade between Podvisoki and Republic of Ragusa. Vlachs committed to Ragusan lord Tomo Bunić, that they will with 600 horses deliver 1,500 modius of salt. Delivery was meant for Dobrašin Veseoković, and Vlachs price was half of delivered salt. 1500 – Ottoman–Venetian War (1499–1503): The Ottomans capture Methoni, Messenia. 1610 – The First Anglo-Powhatan War begins in colonial Virginia. 1810 – Napoleon annexes Westphalia as part of the First French Empire. 1814 – American Indian Wars: The Creek sign the Treaty of Fort Jackson, giving up huge parts of Alabama and Georgia. 1830 – Louis Philippe becomes the king of the French following abdication of Charles X. 1842 – The Webster–Ashburton Treaty is signed, establishing the United States–Canada border east of the Rocky Mountains. 1854 – American Transcendentalist philosopher Henry David Thoreau publishes his memoir Walden. 1855 – Åland War: The Battle of Suomenlinna begins. 1862 – American Civil War: Battle of Cedar Mountain: At Cedar Mountain, Virginia, Confederate General Stonewall Jackson narrowly defeats Union forces under General John Pope. 1877 – American Indian Wars: Battle of the Big Hole: A small band of Nez Percé Indians clash with the United States Army. 1892 – Thomas Edison receives a patent for a two-way telegraph. 1897 – The first International Congress of Mathematicians is held in Zürich, Switzerland.
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Get Caravan Accessories Online to Enhance Your Privacy and Comfort at Affordable Prices
You can get a wide variety of components and caravan accessories online from all the top manufacturers by searching for caravan spares online. You might not locate the precise brand or size of the part you are looking for when shopping in a recreational store or even on-site at a trailer park. This guarantees that you can have the precise components you require, which is crucial, especially when it comes to components like caravan windows that must fit precisely.
Affordable Costs and Prompt Delivery Services
Online purchasing of caravan kitchen accessories for sale is frequently a fantastic way to benefit from the lowest prices offered. Online retailers generally provide better pricing to customers since they don't have the same overhead costs as businesses that must maintain physical storefronts. Some of your purchases are a little cheaper, so keep an eye out for special discounts, specials, and opening-day deals.
Because you need your caravan spare parts immediately and don't want to wait weeks for delivery, you can decide against buying them online. However, a lot of online sellers of parts provide a swift delivery service since, at the end of the day, they must compete with other sellers because they are aware that you could need these parts right away to avoid having your holiday plans interrupted.
Naturally, it is sensible to check your motorhome or caravan for any concerns well before your next trip to make sure you can buy and install any replacement parts before you depart.
Prioritise your Privacy and Safety
Due to the prevalence of camping in Australia, it's not unusual to find yourself in a location where other groups are also attempting to decompress. Simply purchase a privacy curtain for your caravan to solve the problem.
Without the need for a whole annexe, privacy screens are simple to affix to your car and provide you with your very own private area away from prying eyes. If the person you are speaking with doesn't have the information, chances are someone on their team does, and they can put you in touch with them or swiftly and effectively transmit the information.
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