#BnHA Society
codenamesazanka · 2 years
wait, do people who read bnha realize that there's no such thing as 'quirk suppressants' or 'quirk-cancelling' handcuffs/drugs/etc. in the HeroAca World currently? There's nothing. There's only Eraserhead and heavy sedatives to stop a person's conscious altogether (and formerly Overhaul's bullets that were the first of its kind).
Like, that's the reason for why Heroes are allowed to use heavy force, and why Tartarus and it's straightjackets are a thing? A good part of the conflict hinges on the fact that the world can't easily take away a person's supernatural ability - that's why quirk use is so suppressed and Villains are treated so harshly and no one had any idea what to do with kids like Toga or Eri (before being taken in by UA/Eraserhead) who couldn't control their quirks besides telling them to not do it, or that they're bad for not controlling themselves, and finally abandoning them.
When you have no good way to inhibit someone's quirk with a simple injection or electronic collar, you'd end up trying to prevent them from using their quirk in whatever physical way possible: restrain them by tying up their arms or putting a muzzle on them, lock their hands in metal boxes, put them in a confined space with a gun trained on them, keep them under anesthesia for months on end, and so on. You end up treating them like they're feral, rabid beasts that can't be controlled, as ticking time bombs monsters who are capable of any thing at any moment and needs to be subdued as quickly and completely as possible.
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You know, for as much as I really don't like the AFO reveal of this chapter and how it looks to attack Tomura's agency; I do like how almost in the same breath it confirms just how much the things and people Tomura's been fighting for mean to him. And I need some Tomura positivity as a palate cleanser to AFO; so I think I'll join everyone in rightly gushed about his lines of being a hero for villains, because that part made me so happy.
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Like, I have heard over and over until now how Tomura doesn't and never did care about the League’s causes or all this systemic stuff he yaps about, he only cares about the trauma of having killed his family with the quirk he was born with. And that's all AFO's fault probably, so once the reveal is done it'd turn out Tenko has no reason to be a villain, since as the cringelord put it, "[Tomura's] never made a single decision of [his] own".
But immediately after learning just how much he cares about being born with Decay, we also learned that his conviction is not so shallow. He truly did and does want to be a hero for the people the system doesn't support & heroes don't save; the unpopular kids, the petty crooks, the complete psychos who no one, not even Deku would give a real chance too. For as much as it messes him up to think about his past; the hatred was just drive, gas in the tank much like Bakugou's attitude or whatever anger Deku reserves for guys like Overhaul or AFO.
And it’s not even just the League either; the entirety of the PLF’s 6-figure membership came around to him, and outside of them we see this chapter a handful of other civilians rooting for him instead of Deku. Heck, even before this chapter we heard mention of people who looked to and supported the League in secret; online and such. Some will call these isolated examples, but who knows how many or how few people there are looking at him as their symbol of hope instead of Deku or Endeavor because they too are desperate for a change the heroes aren't offering.
Redestro once asked what Tomura wants to build. He responded he only wants to destroy. I believe the full truth is that he wants to clear the way to a world for them.
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Despite what's claimed by AFO and readers who I feel overstate his impact on Tenko; Tomura really did care about the League, he cared about doing away with the threats to their lives & livelihoods, he wanted to be their hero and save them. Deku can reach his heart but no pretty words about holding hands could ever change that; and this core motivation never had anything to do with AFO.
(I mean, unless it was. Everything else about Tenko was caused by AFO's manipulations in service to him apparently, why not his drive to be a hero for the discarded too? God I hate the direction that reveal is going, have I mentioned that yet? Oh how I hope expectations are subverted there.)
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jellojolteon · 14 days
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Now that you've made it to the autumn of
Your years and you feel your best yet
-The Bottom of It, Fruit Bats
Izuocha week 2024 Day 6: Cycle/Miracle
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halcyon-nitro · 1 year
Theres not enough people talking about the Lady Nagant and All Might parallels.
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Without Lady Nagant the era of peace would not have existed the same way the other way around aswell. They were both made to bear the weight of the entire soceity on their shoulders.
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As much as I loved lady nagant returning it cannot be denied that she is putting her life at risk here just to save one more life (Izukus but yes) just like Toshinori.
They had both lost hope under the weight of their respective roles. For Toshinori it was after the All For One fight, for Kaina it was after the weight of her sins was to much to bear so she confronted the president leading her to be thrown in tartarus. And guess who reminded them of their heroic fire, brought back light to their eyes and hope for the future.
Midoriya fucking Izuku
Theres more, "I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to trick the fear inside of me." Chapter 1.
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Because even when Kaina was breaking down on the inside the commissions manufactured smile is still plastered on her face. Lets not forget they were both majorly injuried by all for one in the scenes where they are limping out of the hospital. I’d also like to mention about how Kaina at one point was hunting All For One just like Toshinori. They were also both had replacements, who were able to keep the light in their eyes through all of it because they had someone to look up to. They lost that fire because they lost (or in Kainas case didnt have) someone to put their faith in, until Midoriya Izuku. Together Tsutsumi Kaina- Lady Nagant and Yagi Toshinori - All Might are the symbol of peace. Kaina works in the shadows while Toshinori exists in the light both holding up the entirety of hero society.
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darkonekrisrewrite · 11 months
The Villains (specifically the Lov) Are Right
Especially about the civilians in Bnha
(2 Part Meta Civilians and Lov) (Warning spoilers and long Meta Post) (Permission given to re-blog)
The Lov, specifically the core League of Villains, don’t owe any consideration, atonement or apologies to the civilians in Bnha. Because since long before the Lov had even become villains, even when they were still children, the civilians decided that they don’t owe them anything at all.
Most people I’ve seen in the fandom say something like “I don’t justify or excuse the villain’s actions.”, when it comes to the destructive/murderous parts of the villain’s deeds, which is very nice and moral of them to say.
But as long as we’re talking about the average Bnha civilian, I definitely justify/excuse the Lov’s actions.
Because the “innocent” people in Bnha are awful.
Part 1 The Civilians
That’s not even an opinion really but rather a fact that’s been presented to us clearly, over and over again, in Bnha’s story.
That’s partially why I believe that, even at their worst, the Lov are still worth more than most of the civilians that we’ve been shown so far.
See Past the Labels
“Heroes”, “Villains”, “Innocent People”. All labels that are used frequently over the course of Bnha, but seeing past these, looking beyond what we’re told by the story and instead seeing what we are shown by the story, that’s where the truth is in what these characters are and the effects their actions have on each other.
In Hero stories, saving the innocent/civilians is pretty much a guarantee at any point in time, it’s a prerequisite.
Where in most of those fiction, the civilians (or any large social group of innocents) are shown to definitely be people that should be saved, that it would be a tragedy if even some of them died, no matter the numbers.
But that’s not the case here, because the civilians in bnha aren’t like what you’d normally find in a hero tale, so much so that they’re nearly incomparable to any other series’ “Innocents”.
Looking at them as a whole, they’re more like what you’d find in a horror story.
Starting with one of the largest by the numbers examples:
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They’re personifications of the bystander effect/syndrome, taken to the highest degree.
A truth that’s sometimes overlooked is that, while All for One and the Shimura family played a part in making Tenko Shimura the Tomura Shigaraki that he is today, so did all the civilians above. If even a single one of them had tried to help the child that would become the most dangerous villain, no matter how that would have turned out, the person Shigaraki is now would be different, maybe entirely.
Even just one true attempt to aid the scary looking child, instead of leaving it to the heroes who weren’t there, would have made a lasting impact. Just like the civilians choosing not to lift a finger to help left a lasting impact on Shigaraki in the present.
They condemn people for things that aren’t their fault, even when the individual hasn’t done anything wrong:
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These are pretty self-explanatory in the point, but these aren’t just examples of ‘bad luck’, they showcase a callous legal system and civilians willing to throw a 16 year old kid under the bus for something that was in no way his ‘stumble’ or fault.
(First Side Point: Twice didn’t turn to a life of villainy because it was his “choice”. There’s been zero evidence of any social help for victims of hero society’s circumstances, so there’s no reason to assume that Twice had any help in supporting himself after his parents died. Twice then getting fired from his low level Job and having a glaring blemish on his record (as shown above ^) was a death sentence for a normal life right then and there, especially considering the setting in hero society (Japanese culture taken to its most socially merciless), it doesn’t really need to be spelled out any more than that why he turned to a life of crime against a society that screwed him over at every level and left him to rot. Between becoming a tragic statistic that the hero state didn’t (and still doesn’t) care about or becoming a villain for the chance at having some kind of life, it’s not really a choice at all. The saying ‘Cool motive still Murder’ comes up sometimes when taking about specific villains in Bnha and my response to that would be: ‘Then Suffer and Die Nobly.’ There is no ‘being better’ because if they were better in their current circumstances, they’d just quickly become a statistic.)
They’d rather someone, even their own children; suffer in silence than be seen as anything but their “normal”:
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Toga’s parents might seem like a more ‘personal’ point but they’re actually a prime example of the standard bnha civilian, caring nothing about their own suffering young and only about their own lives and normalcy. Even when Toga was obviously self-harming due to her quirk, something that couldn’t logically have been hidden from them, there was no real attempts to help her with this other than rejection (as evident by the parents stopping taking her height down on the wall when her quirk presumably manifested, clearly meant to be a hint that it was the point that they stopped caring about her) and sending her to “Quirk Counseling”, taking no responsibility in helping their child and taking none after Toga was broken under the weight of what was normal after struggling to hold back for so many years.
This mentality extends past Toga’s parents to most of bnha’s civilians.
When Dabi revealed himself as Toya and exposed the Todoroki family’s past the world, nobody cared. At least not in any way that could be considered ‘caring’.
Endeavor bought and bred his wife, and it’s very debatable whether or not the later ‘child making’ could be considered consensual.
Rei told endeavor that it was “too much” and “too cruel”, all but saying that she didn’t want to have any more children, and in the anime it’s played even more clearly:
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This ^ does not seem like consent.
Also letting his first born son burn himself to his apparent death because he couldn’t be bothered to care enough to prevent it.
Endeavor knew Toya was burning himself and he never got him any psychiatric help, even though Toya was already having extreme signs of mental breaks alongside the burning, he never even thought about it.
Even if this failed in stopping Toya, Endeavor just could have pulled some strings as the number 2 hero and gotten Toya Hero tech/equipment/suits, anything that might have helped.
But all Endeavor did was tell Toya to stop and do “other things” and when that failed he simply ignored him, even though he knew his child was literally burning himself.
(Endeavor could be considered an unreliable narrator, I think other great Meta writers have already called him on that, with him telling Natsuo that he never meant to neglect any of his children, which is evident (by how he treated Toya) as complete Bullshit.)
Now do the civilians know all of this down to a T?
No, but even before the Dabi reveal there was more than enough sketchy events surrounding Endeavor to raise eyebrows on anyone paying attention.
A son burning to death alone on a mountain, another son getting a burn scar on his face and a wife in a Mental Hospital, more than a little suspicious. Nobody ever looked into it.
And after the Dabi reveal, after Endeavor confirmed what Dabi said to everyone, this is the only Civilian backlash he gets:
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Nobody cared what happened to the Todoroki family; they only cared about how it affected them. The first half of that anger wasn’t even about the Todoroki drama.
And while the mention of Dabi’s victims and their families might seem like consideration, paired alongside everything else the bnha civilians are/do, I really doubt that the line comes from a genuine place of sympathy.
They have no loyalty to their best Heroes:
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After everything Deku did for them, they wouldn’t risk a single thing for him. Most of them don’t even look anxious or afraid, just angry at their lives being disrupted.
Telling the kid who nearly worked himself to death, fighting so that they could have their lives back to piss off, while danger sense was being activated implying that they did mean him very real harm.
 Another big point against the Civilians that’s brought up a lot:
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They’re violently racist. (Quirk-ist? Anti-Mutant? Basically against anyone very different in their appearance and/or their quirks.)
Mutants are an obvious Allegory for the racism/minority angle of the story, and it never casts the majority of the civilians in a positive light when it’s touched upon.
(Second Side point: Revisiting the end of ‘Side Point One’ because it pairs perfectly here, Shoji Mezo’s “Answer” to the horrible treatment the Heteromorph/mutants face is the opposite of that, and by that I mean Shoji’s answer is pretty much: Aspects of Uncle Tom’s Cabin Syndrome (an American theory/term but a Universal Theme) mixed with the acceptance of hero martyrdom.
His words to the Heteromorphs are this: “Let’s use that light to change the people who hurt us. So that they’ll feel ashamed to ever raise their fists against us again.”
Very inspiring…or at least it would be, were his words not disproven by his own backstory. 
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Shoji got his Scars ^ after he saved the little girl, in fact him saving her life was literally the cause of it.
There is no greater way to Shine or be heroic than doing what Shoji did, saving the life of a small child from drowning to death, and for that act the “Innocent People” gave him the Joker facial treatment.
Seriously if there’s a group of people who “don’t deserve to be saved” in Bnha; it is civilians like this.
Yet Shoji’s answer is still to “Be better than mere Avengers” and if they don’t the Heteromorph’s “Children will become the next Target!” as if they weren’t already??
None of it makes sense when looking at the whole picture and it’s clearly not a great plan, to draw another American based parallel that fits too well not to be noticed despite it being American; Shoji Mezo is basically Sturdy Harris from the Boondocks TV Series (freedom ride or die episode).
Look up the character’s wiki info or watch the episode, the fact that Shoji is willing to use violence in some extreme instances might seem a difference between them but the fact that he urges the other Heteromorphs to “be better than avengers” and “use their light to change the people who hurt us until they feel ashamed”, giving no thought as to whether or not his fellow Heteromorphs could even survive living by that standard like he can, fits the comparison to a T.)
Back to the final few points about the Bnha Civilians:
Are the Civilians in Bnha conditioned to be this way, products of influence and circumstance much like the heroes and villains are?
Kind of but not really.
While it is true that there are mountains of propaganda in hero society, there’s nothing specific enough to point to and say that this is why the Bnha civilians are this level of callous. They’re conditioned to love heroes and fear the violent villains they’re fighting, not to ignore the suffering of children (even their own) completely, and they’re definitely not compelled through propaganda to reject them or scar them, nothing in the series is evident of that.
And even worse, all of these examples of the people’s flaws/incidents (excluding the Ordinary Woman Heteromorph) happened during Allmight’s “Era of Peace”, so there’s no shifting the blame onto the villain’s current actions and even less excuse for things like these to be happening.
Why should the Bnha civilians have peace or justice if they’re like this?
If they show no more empathy or loyalty than the worst, most unsympathetic villains in the series (Like AFO) then maybe their point of view shouldn’t be considered any more than his. (And even AFO had some truth in his points: Failed social framework and the Quirk Singularity.)
To draw one final example for the Civilians with another Manga series that has pretty awful ‘ordinary people’ in it: Naruto.
But even in Naruto, the Author still showed that there were good people among the Civs. Population that weren’t like that and that did deserve to be protected and live peaceful lives, people who were outside of the Ninja system and just genuinely humane.
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Before Naruto became a hero who saved the village multiple times, before he was even a ninja, they treated him like the human child he was.
These characters deserve their own Meta, other Naruto fans have probably written them already.
But suffice to say that the people who treated right the abandoned and hated child, host to a demon Fox that could casually level mountains, Teuchi Ramen (Owner and Daughter), are an excellent example of giving narrative motivation to “protect the people”.
There’s not much of anything like that in Bnha’s story, not anyone to point at and say; “They are worth saving/protecting!” and having it actually be true instead of just ‘What the hero is supposed to say’.
 And if anyone disagrees with this, I’ll ask: Can one instance of goodwill be pointed to for the Bnha civilians? Any act of compassion, bravery or selflessness from someone in Bnha who wasn’t in anyway associated with heroes?
And no, the Civilians letting Deku stay at UA does not count.
It wasn’t even framed as selfless or compassionate anyway:
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This ^ is a deal more than anything else.
Because the heroes (Deku) swore they’d fix things and the people practically made him swear it before they were let in.
Kota and the Ordinary Woman running to stand by Deku was a sweet and great moment but considering that he saved them first, it seemed more like a ‘returning the Favor’ sentiment. Same with the rogue Civillian group helping Shindo after he fought Muscular, more a give it back than a gift.
 Part 2 The Lov
Even at their worst, the Lov still display humanity and redeeming qualities more than most of the civilians.
And I believe that this is 100% truth because Actions/Dialogue without reason for deception and inner thoughts, imply genuine Truth.
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This ^ scene is referred back to a lot because it’s a good showing of Compassion/Bonds, one of the first really, in the League of Villains, in Toga saving Twice from ‘coming apart’.
Toga has no real reason to comfort Twice as much as she does in this series, in this first instance and in later ones, because aside from one time (no matter how cool and heartfelt it was) in MVA when Twice saves her and the rest of the League, Twice kind of messed things up more than a few times for the Lov.
Bringing Overhaul to meet the Lov without precaution resulting in the death of Magne (even though she herself rushed in recklessly), Twice’s personal hang-ups limiting his Quirk lessening his value to operations overall (from a purely strategic standpoint), and trusting Hawks (because he felt bad for him) so much he gave out Info that definitely shouldn’t have been given.
Yet despite having one singular success in MVA that Twice really pulled through among many other shortcomings, Toga still cared about him. Enough to try to help him hold himself together during the Overhaul business and then later go on a violent, rage filled assault toward the Heroes during the MLA raid after Twice was killed, giving little thought to her own safety.
Dialogue without reason for deception:
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While Shigaraki is definitely an unreliable narrator, as evident by the monologue ^ in the bottom panel clearly contradicting what actually happened during the death of his family, the middle panel where he states that he only wants “Them” (definitely the Lov) to live as they see fit seems like the truth.
Because why would Shigaraki lie here? In this time or place to Redestro, someone he presently had no reason to manipulate, as they were in a life or death fight?
Shigaraki couldn’t have known Redestro would surrender, at this point he was talking to someone he fully intended to kill, further dissipating any suspect of manipulation.
Shigaraki does care about his comrades, their wishes and while he hasn’t really kept the promise he made as of current Bnha, I think that’s a result of All for One scrambling his Brain so much during the Mental Fusion stuff, the true Shigaraki barely seeming to know what’s going on half the time and only able to think about his past.
Twice and Spinner: Basically everything about them.
They might not think things through that much, but there’s no doubt that Twice and Spinner were and still are devoted to who they care about, true loyalty in all its successes and faults.
Inner Thoughts:
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Dabi is…kind of a dick most of the time, even to the Lov, just to a much lesser extent than to everyone else.
It makes sense that he’d act that way though, given what he’s been through and the end goal of his plans, it’s understandable why he’d want to push everyone away in some form and not let them get too close.
But even underneath all of that, Dabi much like the rest of the core Lov never blamed Twice for his mistakes, and since this is an inner thought and thus having no reason for manipulation, it does imply that this is his honest truth.
Knowing that Twice would blame himself, although he never said it out loud, maybe he couldn’t with all of his own personal hang-ups, Dabi inside probably did want to reassure Twice that none of this was his fault.
The Core Lov do have empathy towards others abandoned and hurt by Hero Society like themselves, and they do care about each other, that is as much as they’re able to care about each other while being weighed on by their own individual issues.
 The hero kid’s parents
Lastly for this Meta, there are parts of Hero Society that shouldn’t ever be destroyed, but they fall into small groups and come with their own faults.
The Hero Kid’s parents shouldn’t be destroyed just by virtue of being so close to the better/more heroic characters, but even they aren’t that great with possibly one exception.
Inko Midoriya has technically tried to protect Izuku but she never really helped him. She basically apologies for his existence in the childhood flashback, and until Izuku got a Quirk and became a Hero, she was never really shown to encourage him in anything, even to find happiness in other things.
Despite having doubts herself about saying the wrong thing to her son, Inko later tries to keep him from going back to UA for very good reason from a parent’s point of view.
But then she’s pretty easily convinced by a promise from Allmight, that wasn’t in anyway kept. Cut to the Dark Deku stuff later, she never calls Allmight out on this.
It’s the same story with little difference for all the student’s parents, they’ve never been shown to try to protect their children, especially at the UA confrontation with the Civilian Mob.
Inko, Bakugo’s parents, Ochako’s parents, and I’m just assuming the rest of them to cause it makes sense for them to be at the UA shelter, none of them helped.
I know Inko was being held back by Mitsuki because it was dangerous, but couldn’t she have shaken her off?
Kota did and ran to Deku to try to help him, and he was a little kid being held back Pixiebob (a Hero).
That probably wasn’t what Hori was going for or implying but that’s what happened.
Is this an illogical thought process that would be dangerous or harmful for the parents? Definitely.
But that’s the point. The parental instinct that goes beyond self-preservation and logic to protect their children hasn’t been shown for any of them.
Except one.
*Current Spoiler Warning*
 Rei Todoroki in the recent chapter stands apart and above in this aspect, although this depends very much on how it’s framed going forward.
A mother fighting to stop her child from killing himself more than trying to stop a Villain from killing. Both true but one has to take front over the other for it to be meaningful, for Rei to show that she will stop Touya from burning himself this time, unlike how she wouldn’t before.
That’s character development, that’s parental instinct.
*Very current Spoilers*
 Rei is there for Touya  :)  trying to save her son…and also Endeavor maybe?
Close enough (Double Thumbs UP!)
 The children
Another group that definitely should never destroyed is the Young Children of Bnha, Kota, Eri, the work studies Kid group.
I put them into a separate category than the whole of the Civilians but it would take a lot to explain why that is and why they can be viewed as their own separate group, so I’ll put it in the next Meta and expand on how they relate to the existential parts of Bnha.
Also same for the villains/heroes and finally getting to the Quirk Singularity Theory.
To be Continued…
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
hori making white haired characters>>>
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delawaredetroit · 3 months
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This should have been another wake up call for hero society to change course. It's not a focus (outside of Vigilantes and BNHA's final arc), but it's canon that All for One targets those on the other side of the law the most because they're easier targets since they're not good victims, so heroes don't bother to protect them.
The BNHA police at a minimum just learned that a man was likely turned braindead against his will by All for One. But how All for One got ahold of this person and how to prevent it from happening to others were never considered; he's just a petty criminal after all.
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a-sentimental-man · 9 months
i am choosing to stay positive on this because i genuinely don't think hori is going to kill off a character who finally got the love she deserves like? the whole point of bnha is how EVERYONE deserves a second chance. if himiko dies that means nothing because the heroes were not able to save the villains after all. VILLAINS (especially those who have been a byproduct of society) DESERVE TO HAVE A HAPPY ENDING TOO.
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crystalice067 · 10 months
Probably unpopular opinion
I don't think Bakugou should have gotten a redemption arc
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pikahlua · 10 months
MHA Chapter 392 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1-2 私の何を知ってるの⁉︎ わたしのなにをしってるの⁉︎ watashi no nani wo shitteru no!? “What do you know about me!?”
tagline 1 大軍にのまれ! たいぐんにのまれ! taigun ni nomare! Swallowed by a giant army!
tagline 2 No.392 ヴィラン名  堀越耕平 ナンバー392 ヴィランめい  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 392 VIRAN mei   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 392 Villain Name  Kouhei Horikoshi
3 フロッピーーー‼︎ FUROPPII--!! “Froppy--!!”
4 奥渡島のダメージで オクトじまのダメージで OKUTO jima no DAMEEJI de The damage I got at Octo Island,
5 くっ…うまく捌けなかった…! くっ…うまくさばけなかった…! gu...umaku sabakenakatta...! ggh...I didn’t handle it well...!
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1 何一つ不自由なんかなかったくせに なにひとつふじゆうなんかなかったくせに nani hitotsu fujiyuu nanka nakatta kuse ni “Even though you had not even one inconvenience,”
2 ルールに合ってただけのくせに‼︎ ルールにあってただけのくせに‼︎ RUURU ni atteta dake no kuse ni!! “even though you only followed the rules!!”
3 生きやすく産まれただけのくせに‼︎ いきやすくうまれただけのくせに‼︎ iki yasuku umareta dake no kuse ni!! “Even though you were born only to live easily!!” (Note: This grammar pattern sounds more accusatory than it might sound in translation. The overall message is basically: “How could someone like you, who has only ever had such an easy life, know anything about me!?”)
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1 スズメを殺して血を啜って スズメをころしてちをすすって SUZUME wo koroshite chi wo susutte You killed a sparrow to drink its blood,
2 笑ってるなんて… わらってるなんて… waratteru nante... and then you smile...
3 違うの ちがうの chigau no No, it’s different.
4 お庭に落ちてたの おにわにおちてたの oniwa ni ochiteta no It had fallen in the garden.
5 ハイ矯正していきましょう"普通"に ハイきょうせいしていきましょう"ふつう"に HAI kyousei shite ikimashou “futsuu” ni All right, let’s go and correct you to normal.
6 あ ハイもうちょっと待ってください あ ハイもうちょっとまってください a   HAI mou chotto matte kudasai Ah, yes, please wait a little longer.
7 すぐそっち行きます すぐそっちいきます sugu socchi ikimasu I’ll be right there.
8 えっと… etto... Um...
9 ええ大丈夫です ええだいじょうぶです ee daijoubu desu Yes, it’s fine.
10 そうですね… sou desu ne... That’s right...
11 強い"個性"を持つ子にありがちな倒錯ですよ つよい"こせい"をもつこにありがちなとうさくですよ tsuyoi “kosei” wo motsu ko niarigachi na tousaku desu yo It’s a perversion common to children who have strong quirks.
12 この社会ではよくあることです このしゃかいではよくあることです kono shakai de wa yoku aru koto desu It’s a thing that happens often in this society.
13 正して消していきましょう ただしてけしていきましょう tadashite keshite ikimashou Let’s go correct and erase it.
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1 ヒミコちゃんの顔コワーイ! ヒミコちゃんのかおコワーイ! HIMIKO-chan no kao KOWAAI! Himiko-chan’s face is scaaary!
2 やめなさい‼︎何をしてるの やめなさい‼︎なにをしてるの yamenasai!! nani wo shiteru no Stop it!! What are you doing?
3 まるでーー異常者だ! まるでーーいじょうしゃだ! maru de--ijousha da! It’s like--you’re a deviant! (Note: I feel obligated to point out that the word for “deviant” also works as a word for “pervert.”)
4 普通しなさい! ふつうしなさい! futsuu shinasai! Be normal!
5 あの子ぜんぜん話合わないんだもん あのこぜんぜんはなしあわないんだもん ano ko zenzen hanashiawanainda mon That kid just doesn’t speak on the same wavelength [as us].
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1 被身子‼︎ ヒミコ‼︎ HIMIKO!! Himiko!!
2 友だちの血を吸ったって⁉︎ ともだちのちをすったって⁉︎ tomodachi no chi wo sutta tte!? You sucked your friend’s blood!?
3 違うの ちがうの chigau no No, it’s different.
4 怪我してたからちうちうしたの けがしてたからちうちうしたの kega shiteta kara chiuchiu shita no I kissed it because they were injured. (Note: The onomatopoeia here for “kissed” also sounds like the one for “sucked.”)
5 普通じゃない‼︎ ふつうじゃない‼︎ futsuu ja nai!! That’s not normal!!
6 まともになりたくないのか⁉︎ matomo ni naritakunai no ka!? Don’t you want to be normal!? (Note: This word for “normal” also means “decent, upstanding.”)
7 パパ ママ PAPA   MAMA Papa, Mama.
8 わからないの 私わからないの わからないの わたしわからないの wakaranai no   watashi wakaranai no Don’t understand, I don’t understand.
9 みんな好きなノになるのガマンしてるの? みんなすきなノになるのガマンしてるの? minna suki na NO ni naru no GAMAN shiteru no? Is everyone restraining how they want to become the ones they like?
10 なんでみんな nande minna Why won’t everyone
11 ちうちうしないの? chiuchiu shinai no? kiss? (Note: Again, this is that same onomatopoeia that means both “kiss” and “suck.”)
12 ああ…‼︎ aa...!! Aah...!!
13 あ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 a~~~~~~~ Aaaaaaaaah!
14 違うんだこれ ちがうんだこれ chigaunda kore This is so wrong.
15 もう根っこが! もうねっこが! mou nekko ga! Her core is already--! (Note: This “core” word means literally “roots,” and it’s the same word Katsuki uses to describe what Izuku is like “at his core” in chapter 284. I also can’t remember where but I’m pretty sure someone used the same word to describe Tomura at some point this arc. Maybe Dabi too.)
16-17 人間じゃない子産んじゃった! にんげんじゃないこうんじゃった! ningen ja nai ko unjatta! We went and gave birth to a child that isn’t human!
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1 だからあなたはフタをした dakara anata wa FUTA wo shita “That’s why you covered it up.”
2 抑圧し仮面をつくった よくあつしかめんをつくった yokuatsu shi kamen wo tsukutta “You suppressed [yourself] and made a mask.”
3 自分じゃない誰かになった じぶんじゃないだれかになった jibun ja nai dare ka ni natta “You became someone other than yourself.”
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1 ああ aa “Aagh!”
2 麗日ぁあああ‼︎ うららかぁあああ‼︎ Urarakaaaaa!! “Urarakaaaaa!!“
3 梅雨ちゃん! つゆちゃん! Tsuyu-chan! “Tsuyu-chan!“
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1 ケロ! KERO! “Ribbit!”
2 違うそっちじゃな ちがうそっちじゃな chigau socchi ja na “No, not over there!”
3 え e “Eh?”
4 ゲゴッ GEGO “Ribbi-cough!”
5 トガだ! TOGA da! “That’s Toga!”
6-7 ヒーローは殲滅する ヒーローはせんめつする HIIROO wa senmetsu suru “Annihilate the heroes!”
8 飛び散った血を分身が摂取してるんだ! とびちったちをぶんしんがせっしゅしてるんだ! tobichitta chi wo bunshin ga sesshu shiterunda! “The doppelgangers are ingesting the blood that’s splattering everywhere!”
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1 ウチまで… UCHI made... “Even me...”
2 この量に抗うには… このりょうにあらがうには… kono ryou ni aragau ni wa... “To oppose these numbers...”
3 全員一丸となってのチームアップが不可欠だった…! ぜんいんいちがんとなってのチームアップがふかけつだった…! zen’in ichigan to natte no CHIIMUAPPU ga fukaketsu datta...! “it was essential for everyone to team up all together...!”
4 散らされ…欺かれるのであれば最早… ちらされ…あざむかれるのであればもはや… chirasare...azamukareru node areba mohaya... “We’ll be scattered...and deceived, so the quickest way...“
5 うわああああ‼︎ uwaaaaa!! “Waaaaah!!”
6 最早 もはや mohaya The quickest way
7 止める術は… とめるすべは… tomeru sube wa... to stop her is...
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1 そいつを殺せ そいつをころせ soitsu wo korose Kill him!
2 殲 せん sen Anni-
3 滅 めつ metsu -hilate!
4 トガ…ヒミコちゃん…聞いてっ トガ…ヒミコちゃん…きいてっ! TOGA...HIMIKO-chan...kiite! “Toga...Himiko-chan...listen!”
5-6 私は…!"ルール"を守ることが… わたしは…!"ルール"をまもることが… watashi wa...! “RUURU” wo mamoru koto ga... “I...! [Thought that] following the rules...”
7 ヒーローだと思ってた…‼︎外れる事が…敵だと思ってた…! ヒーローだとおもってた…‼︎はずれることが…ヴィランだとおもってた…! HIIROO da to omotteta...!! hazureru koto ga...VIRAN da to omotteta...! “I thought that’s what a hero is...!! I thought that deviating [from them]...is what a villain is...!”
8 でもねトガヒミコちゃん demo ne TOGA HIMIKO-chan “But you know, Himiko Toga-chan,”
9 私のお友だちは今 わたしのおともだちはいま watashi no otomodachi wa ima “my friend right now,”
10 そんなルールより何より そんなルールよりなにより sonna RUURU yori nani yori “more than the rules, more than anything,”
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1-2 あなたと向き合おうとしてる あなたとむきあおうとしてる anata to mukiaou to shiteru “is trying to face you.” (Note: The word here literally means “to face, oppose, face off with, confront,” but the meaning implied here is that this confrontation is not a merely physical battle but an attempt to address Toga philosophically.)
3 それはただ殲滅するより それはただせんめつするより sore wa tada senmetsu suru yori “Rather than just annihilating you,”
4 ただ確保するより ただかくほするより tada kakuho suru yori “rather than securing you,”
5 困難な道だと思う こんなんなみちだとおもう konnan na michi da to omou “I think it’s the more difficult path.”
6 だから dakara “So,”
7 お茶子ちゃんのこと おちゃこちゃんのこと Ochako-chan no koto “about Ochako-chan,”
8 遅くなったかもしれないけれど おそくなったかもしれないけれど osokunatta kamo shirenai kedo “maybe she was late, but”
9 少しでいいから…話を聞いて! すこしでいいから…はなしをきいて! sukoshi de ii kara...hanashi wo kiite! “just a little is fine...listen to what she has to say!”
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1 構造が違う‼︎ こうぞうがちがう‼︎ kouzou ga chigau!! Literal: “The structure is different!!” Contextual: “We’re built differently!!”
2 おまえ達が言う祝福も喜びも おまえたちがいうしゅくふくもよろこびも omaetachi ga iu shukufuku mo yorokobi mo “The blessings and joy you all speak of,”
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1 私は何も感じない! わたしはなにもかんじない! watashi wa nani mo kanjinai! “I feel none of them!”
2-3 そっちの尺度で私を可哀想な人間にするな‼︎ そっちのルールでわたしをかわいそうなにんげんにするな‼︎ socchi no RUURU (kanji: shakudo) de watashi wo kawaisou na ningen ni suruna!! “Don’t make me a pitiable person by those rules (read as: standards)!!” (Note: In an incredibly well-timed turn of events, this ask has become extremely relevant. The sentence above, in content and structure, resembles Twice’s narration directed at Hawks in chapter 266.)
4 そういやトガちゃんって souiya Toga-chan tte “Come to think of it, Toga-chan,”
5 敵名つけねえの? ヴィランめいつけねえの? VIRAN-mei tsukenee no? “can’t you [use] a villain name?”
tagline 蘇る記憶…‼︎ よみがるきおく…‼︎ yomigaeru kioku...!! A memory revives...!!
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Oh goodness. God fucking damn it. AFO is back and about to claim that he's the one behind everything bad in Tomura's whole life.
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GO AWAY YOU SELF-IMPORTANT CRINGELORD THIS STORY IS NOT ABOUT JUST YOU! Or, apparently it is! Because it looks like we're going to get the reveal that he truly was the one who gave Tenko Decay and manipulated the people around Tenko to ensure the tragedy of the Shimuras.
No doubt we will only logically then get the reveal that he gave Eri her quirk as well, since she has near all the same signs of just having a random mutation quirk as Tenko, and the moral of this plotline we are learning is that there is no random tragedy. And of course we'll also learn he killed Endeavor's dad, gave Toga her quirk, invented the modern day anti-heteromorph rhetoric, and also capitalism, that he was the guy who jumped in front of Jin's bike, and even that he's actually causing the quirk singularity apocalypse. How dastardly he is for all that; but the good news is that it'll mean that once he's gone for good for real this time, Crime & Conflict Will Be No More! YAY!
At least I sure hope so for the sake of the MHA-verse, because the world is looking pretty doomed otherwise. Tomura, The only character who cared about addressing all of that and might've gotten Deku to care about addressing all of that, is looking set to get revealed to be No-Agency-Man who it turns out was manipulated by AFO in his every thought and action this whole time. Who's gonna listen to that guy's opinions, those AFO-by-proxy opinions, on systemic inequality & corruption? Certainly not Deku; he gets to go on thinking the world All Might built is perfect outside of those dastardly AFO-like villains.
This, fyi, is the main reason I so adamantly opposed the 'AFO gave Tenko Decay' reveal; this 'Today is saved Tomorrow can go fuck itself' ending it leads to where our Tomura gets saved but the next Tenko is screwed, as is society as a whole when they become a new Tomura, form a new League, and it all gets set on a loop. (I mean unless AFO really is behind literally everything, then that's a different problem.)
God I hate this development. Please Horikoshi, veer away before it's too late.
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myanimesideblog · 4 months
Sleep deprived hot take of the night: Maki from jjk is Izuku Midoriya from a quirkless!Izuku au
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theteapotofdoom · 5 months
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Im blowing up his phone right now, please baby call me back I can treat you so right 😔
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
Pro hero Endeavor getting hit with a quirk that also affects his whole immediate family, turning them all into heteromophs for a limited time. This wouldn't be a problem, if not for the fact that a Dabi with cat ears and even a matching tail is seen about to flame Endeavor's hero agency, muttering about "shitty dad, he's not even here yet he still continues to be a pain in the ass."
Everyone connected the dots before the end of the day when hero student Shouto complete with bunny ears is heard trying to invite the blue eyed villain to their family dinner, bits of conversation being picked up by the mics.
"Fuyumi-nee is currently a dragon hybrid. Maybe if-"
"Are you seriously using Yumi against me?"
"Is it working?"
"Fucking fine. I'll come to your shitty family din-"
The recording got cut off due to being iced by one Todoroki Shouto
Everyone is still confused how Hawks is connected to this whole mess. He was seen trailing after a pouting Dabi, on their way to the Todoroki residence. Is he also a long lost family member? Maybe a secret love child? Holy shit maybe that's why he has such a strong admiration for the no. 1 hero. Thousands upon thousands of theories have been born that day, everyone not noticing Dabi's and Hawks' pinky fingers intertwined with each other in all the paparazzi photos that have been taken.
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darkonekrisrewrite · 3 months
Will Deku shred the Rug?
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This ☝️ is amazing if that's really his intent now.
But I am personally not sure if Deku means this exactly because (while powerful) the words are still pretty vague.
Deku doesn't really know shigaraki that well yet and while maybe their vestige/mind link will lead to him finding out more through memory vision (which would be really cool), I can't help but wonder if deku really knows what "shredding the Rug" actually means here?
Because the "Rug" shigaraki is talking about is hero society as a whole.
Hero society can't exist as it is without the rejection and persecution of the "villains" in it, because while there are many villains who are that way just because they like it, a little less than half of all the antagonists in bnha have been shown to be made that way because of hero society's faults.
So if like, almost half of the villains in an already "oversaturated with Heroes" society, never become villains in the first place, what happens then?
Logically it can't sustain itself.
It can only change radically to adapt or collapse and end.
The problem is: no one else besides ochako and Deku have been shown to want either of those things.
That could change later (maybe with shoto or other heroes), but the point is that even just changing the hero system that much, means the end of their current way of life.
And many heroes and the people who profit off of them would definitely fight against that happening.
Heroes who got into it for the fame and money, companies who use heroes for advertising/marketing, and the government itself with the hero rankings and influence.
Without the villains (in a sustainable number), it would all be downgraded or disappear.
Hero society has never accepted those who went against the flow in anyway from the beginning.
And all of this without even touching on how the Civilians will react. (Based on evidence, extremely not well.)
So if the notion of Deku shredding the Rug is serious and how it's implied, then it can only really mean:
Deku shredding Hero Society.
Which would be awesome 🔥
(if that's really how it was meant)
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delawaredetroit · 17 days
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There's an interesting tidbit of worldbuilding in Pixie Bob's character page: hero teams are a rarity. So the hero industry has become a series of one man shows and their employees rather than heroes working together to resolve problems.
Just differences in strategy and income doesn't explain this trend though. A hero, sidekicks, and other employees at the same agency could have the same problem.
This trend is also likely due to All Might as well as the Hero Commission. All Might set the standard for the one man show hero agency. On top of that, he takes the urgency out of much of the hero industry because he was always there to be the fallback guy if things went wrong. And if there isn't much urgency, then much of the income from heroics is going to rely on establishing a brand. And having a brand that stands out would be more difficult in a team of hero equals.
And the Hero Commission likely exacerbated this trend because they would probably do anything to prevent heroes from doing the in universe version of collective bargaining.
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