flowering-thought · 7 months
You ever just rewatch your favorite parts of one piece and cry?
Cause yes
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hey-lebede · 8 days
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wildgirllz · 11 months
this is super random thought that i had about Bucky, i shared it to people before but never put on asks/requests... so could you write something like this?
Imagine you getting a new roommate. Or should I say roommates because you did not expect Bucky would move in with certain adorable fluffball named Alpine. You don't mind though, you always wanted a pet but never had the chance to adopt any. And having Alpine around feels like she's your pet as well.
Your relationship with Bucky wasn't the best or the worst. It was neutral. Mostly because Bucky himself was quite reserved. He is either not at home (possibly in some sort of mission with Sam) or he's curling up with Alpine somewhere within the shared apartment. But that don't mean that y'all are not secretly pining for each other ;)
One day, you came back home from work to see Bucky pacing around anxiously. Turns out Alpine was missing, he can't find her anywhere. So they decided to went out to search for her.
You found Alpine first, she was being chased by an unleashed dog. Your poor baby was running for her life. Not thinking twice, you try to catch up with her and scoop her up to your chest before stumbling on the ground. You ended up hovering over the cat, protecting her from the feral dog. Indirectly getting yourself bitten/scratched on your shoulders, your back, any spot that was exposed to the dog. You were bleeding due to the unrestrained strength from the dog's attacks, but you mind was more concern of the cat in your arms.
When Bucky saw this. How you were literally sacrificing your body for Alpine; well he almost went full winter soldier mode. Like... no one touches "his girls". No one. But he managed to hold it back (cause we don't want to hurt the doggo) and of course, saves the day.
And the next following days were just how Bucky clings to you and do every little thing for you so you don't have to lift a finger when he's around.
You pull out your mug, he would take it from you and get your coffee done before you could stop him. You open the cabinet door in the storage room, he'd take the vaccum out before you could reach out to it. He made sure that your breakfast, lunch and dinner was on the dot; of course he was the chef of all the amazing dishes served to you.
It was nice and all at first but its not like you were paralyzed or something. And its been nearly 2 weeks. Your wounds were almost healed. You wanted to do something at least but apparently Bucky thinks that you needed rest.
So you kinda raised your tone, "i can't even make grab myself snack from the kitchen now? Whats next, Bucky? You'll bathe me? Or better yet you'll help me to get off? Cause god forbid I can't even turn on a fucking vibrator because I'm 'severely injured ' "
You were spouting all the things that you thought he wouldn't have the guts to do, just to make him stop doing literally everything for you. But turns out he was more than willing to do exactly what you just proposed.
Maybe he don't even need to use the vibrator. Maybe his fingers were enough, or his mouth, or his cock.
This is how I imagined it in my head, but feel free to write in your own way though! Have a nice day, love ♡
Girl look at that request 💀 you’re insane
Here you go!! <3
(I most definitely did not do your request justice im so sorry)
Let Me Do It Myself
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It had been nearly two weeks since you saved Alpine from the unleashed dog, and Bucky had been hovering over you ever since. At first, it was nice to have someone taking care of you, but now it was starting to feel suffocating.
You were sitting on the couch, trying to work on your laptop, but Bucky kept interrupting you. Every time you tried to do something, he would jump up and do it for you. It was driving you crazy.
"Bucky, please," you said, exasperated. "I can get my own glass of water."
"I just want to help," he replied, looking at you with concern.
"I know, and I appreciate it, but I need to do things for myself. I'm not helpless."
Bucky looked at you for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Okay, I understand. But if you need anything, just ask."
You nodded, relieved that he seemed to be getting the message. But over the next few days, he continued to hover, always ready to jump up and do things for you. You were starting to feel like a burden.
One evening, you were making yourself a sandwich when Bucky walked into the kitchen.
"Let me do that," he said, reaching for the knife.
"No, Bucky," you said firmly. "I can make my own sandwich."
"I just want to help," he repeated.
"I know, but I need to do things for myself. I need to feel like I'm not completely helpless."
Bucky looked at you for a moment, then sighed. "Okay, I understand. But please be careful."
You rolled your eyes. "I will."
As the days passed, you tried to assert your independence, but it seemed like every time you did, Bucky was there to pick up the slack. You were starting to get frustrated.
Then, one day, you snapped.
"I can't even make grab myself snack from the kitchen now?" you said, your voice rising. "What's next, Bucky? You'll bathe me? Or better yet, you'll help me to get off? Because God forbid I can't even turn on a fucking stove because I'm 'severely injured.'"
Bucky looked at you, his expression unreadable. "Is that what you really think of me?"
The passion between them was palpable, the tension wrapping around them tight like a cord in the small bedroom. The thundering rain outside its windows provided the perfect background music for their highly charged moment.

Bucky Barnes had just crossed a line, pushing his luck with pushing the boundaries of her patience, and now he was paying the price. She was angry and she had every right to be. 

'You always do this,' she said, her voice tight with frustration. 'You always think that you know what's better for me than I know for myself.'

'No, I just,' he stumbled over his words, her anger turning him on. 'I don't want you to get hurt.'

She huffed in response, pushing his chest away from her and not even trying to hide her scowl. He stepped back and let his hands slide off of her body, feeling the loss of her warmth instantly.

She knew that her frustration was only turning him on more, which only made her angrier. She wanted to take control of the situation.

' You don't get to make decisions for me, Bucky,' she said, her voice softer this time around, though still firm with her assertion.

He swallowed, his throat actually running dry, his body responding in a way that only she could make it. He stepped closer to her, his hands sliding around her waist before he pulled her into him. 

She expected him to say something in response, not to take her in his arms and bring his lips down upon hers.

Their mouths moved together as if they had done this a million times, each stroke and caress of their lips only making them hungrier for more. His fingers ran up her back, squeezing her closer and further teasing her already sensitised skin.

The taste of him consumed her, making her forget why she was even angry with him in the first place. He let out a groan of satisfaction as her hands ran through his hair, both trying to deepen the kiss.

Finally when they did pull apart, both of them breathing heavily, their eyes connected, neither wanting to break the contact.

He leaned down again, his lips running down her neck, her moan vibrating through his body as he left a trail of gentle kisses. She arched into him as his tongue ran over her collarbone, his hands exploring her body as he moved lower. 

He groaned when his fingers touched her between her thighs and her body instantly reacted, pressing against him, desperate to feel the pleasure his hands were giving her.

He pulled back and looked at her, their eyes still connected as each of them tried to take the other in. His face was filled with admiration and appreciation as he said, 'You're so beautiful.'

He cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her again as he lowered her onto the bed, his body following hers as her hips moved against his. For a moment, he paused, his lips still connected to hers, a question in his eyes, asking for her permission. 

Her eyes answered for her when she let out a soft moan, pushing herself against him even more, pressing his body into hers. 

He responded by pushing himself in, their bodies melting together as he started to move, his hips moments surging upward with each thrust. His hands still moved around her body, both bracing for the intensity of the pleasure, and caressing her soft curves, taking in the sensation of her body against his.

'God, you feel so good,' he said, his words barely audible over her moans of pleasure.

The intensity built as they moved together, each of them finding their release moments later, Bucky burying his face into her neck and calling out her name as his orgasm swept over them.

They laid there, their bodies still connected, until finally Bucky rolled off of her and laid on his back next to her. 

He reached over and gently brushed her hair away from her face, a satisfied smile gracing his face. He paused for a moment, just taking her in, before finally speaking.

'I'm sorry for trying to make decisions for you,' he said softly, regret laced into his voice. 'I just want to take care of you and make sure that nothing ever hurts you. I love you.'

“I love you so much, Bucky.”
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flan-tasma · 1 month
hii!!, eh been imagining a gorou so to speak...submissive/obedient?, and also I LOVE YOUR TYPE OF WRITING!!
So could you make a scenario or headcanons of gorou being a good boy? ( Not in the nsfw sense 😭)
💖~ Men who treat you like royalty and love you are the best men, bestie✨
Warning: Nope now💖, Gorou is a good doggo, Fem!Reader in spanish, GN!Reader in english | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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El general siempre trata de mantener el porte de un hombre serio, pues su posición lo ha hecho un hombre que no se inmuta en batalla. Es fiel, es aguerrido, un guerrero desde su cabello hasta la punta de sus pies. Un líder que motiva y guía a sus camaradas en combate. Gorou era genial en su campo y nadie podía decir lo contrario.
Donde Gorou demostraba más capacidad y destreza, era en la guerra. Su arco siempre disparaba al blanco porque sus ojos eran calculadores, siempre tenía alguna manera de cambiar las tornas de una pelea, incluso si era solo entrenamiento. Él sabía que debía poner el ejemplo para los demás.
Sería una pena si sus subordinados vieran lo mismo que tú.
El general aguerrido se iba ni bien tu novio entraba a casa. Su porte firme vacilaba cuando te veía y podías ver su cola moverse, rebajando al gran General de las tropas de Watatsumi a un simple y lindo perrito que se acercaba para impregnarte con su olor. Siempre fue una buena manera de burlarse del chico, que no podía evitar quejarse. Sonreías mientras él hacía lo que le pedías, sus orejas se aplanan al escuchar tu pedido y casi tropieza con sus propios pies para acatar tu orden, como si tú fueras su superior. Y en ese aspecto, tal vez tengas razón.
Gorou no es alguien más apasionado y devoto solo porque sería imposible. Él besa el suelo por el que caminas, besa tus nudillos y tus pies si te sientes cansada, adora sostenerte de la cintura mientras besa tu hombro y te dice que te ama más que a su propia vida, en sus ojos no hay nada más que tu reflejo cuando entras en la habitación, sonriendo porque notas que él te mira y todo su cuerpo se tensa.
Pídele que se arrodille para anudar tus zapatos, para ponerte tus tacones favoritos o incluso para acomodar tus medias. Él lo hará sin esperar un segundo aviso, se inclinará para ayudarte incluso si no se lo pides, y él siempre es tan lindo cuando su rostro parece explotar, la piel de sus mejillas muestran un tono rojo que se expande hasta la punta de sus orejas que tiemblan cuando te pide permiso para besarte o abrazarte.
Cuando llega a casa al final del día, cansado y las orejas tirando hacia abajo, solo piensa en recostar su cabeza contra tu estómago mientras le rascas las orejas. Los pensamientos de simplemente descansar le dan un puñetazo cuando nota que ya estás muy ocupada leyendo una nueva novela que compraste, y todo simplemente cambia en su cabeza. Quiere saber si deseas algo de té, o si te trae un trozo de la tarta que compraron recientemente y dijiste que te gustó, y su mueca hace evidente que quiere algo a cambio cuando le dices que estás bien.
Lo miras, nada de curiosidad en tus ojos, pues ya sabías que solo quiere descansar sobre su almohada favorita, pero Gorou siempre ha tenido este problema para expresar lo que quiere si se trata de ti. Te necesita en varios aspectos, pero es incapaz de comunicarlo sin sentirse patético, y ahí es donde entras tú, tan bonita mientras dejas el libro en la mesita de noche de la habitación y golpeas tus muslos, el sonido de tu piel y tu llamado dulce lo hacen casi chillar mientras, sin siquiera pensarlo mucho, se acerca a acudir a tu orden de acostarse sobre ti. Tus manos peinan su cabello para que no le moleste en el rostro, tus uñas acarician su piel y suelta un suspiro cansado y satisfecho mientras el general se convierte en alguna sustancia dulce y bonita que se apega al calor de tu cuerpo y menea la cola bajo tus manos. Gorou por fin puede descansar mientras le cuentas tu día y él escucha, levantando la vista cuando se lo pides y recibiendo con una sonrisa tus besos en sus mejillas sonrojadas.
Si sus subordinados vieran a su general en ese estado, tendrían una sonrisa en sus rostros, tal vez burlesca o no, pero nunca será más conmovedora como la sonrisa que tiene Gorou cada que te ve.
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The general always tries to maintain the bearing of a serious man, since his position has made him a man who does not flinch in battle. He is faithful, he is brave, a warrior from his hair to the tips of his feet. A leader who motivates and guides his comrades in combat. Gorou was great in his field and no one could say otherwise.
Where Gorou demonstrated the most ability and skill was in war. His bow always hit the target because his eyes were calculating, he always had some way to turn the tables of a fight, even if it was just training. He knew that he had to set the example for others.
It would be a shame if his subordinates saw the same thing as you.
The seasoned general left as soon as your boyfriend entered the house. His firm demeanor wavered when he saw you, and you could see his tail wagging, reducing the great General of Watatsumi's troops to a simple, cute little dog who came to impregnate you with the scent of him. It was always a good way to tease the boy, who couldn't help but complain. You smiled as he did what you asked, his ears flatten at your request, and he almost tripped over his own feet to comply with your order, as if you were his superior. And in that regard, maybe you're right.
Gorou is not someone more passionate and devoted just because it would be impossible. He kisses the ground you walk on, he kisses your knuckles and your feet if you feel tired, he loves to hold you by the waist while he kisses your shoulder and tells you that he loves you more than his own life, in his eyes there is nothing but your reflection as you walk into the room, smiling because you notice him looking at you and his entire body tenses.
He asks you to kneel to tie your shoes, to put on your favorite heels or even to adjust your stockings. He will do it without waiting for a second warning, he will bend down to help you even if you don't ask him, and he is always so cute when his face seems to explode, the skin on his cheeks showing a red hue that expands to the tips of his ears. He trembles when he asks for permission to kiss you or hug you.
When he comes home at the end of the day, tired and his ears pulling down, all he thinks about is laying his head against your stomach while you scratch his ears. Thoughts of just resting hit him when he notices that you're already too busy reading a new novel you bought, and everything just changes in his head. He wants to know if you want some tea, or if he brings you a piece of the cake they recently bought and you said you liked it, and his grimace makes it obvious that he wants something in return when you tell him you're fine.
You look at him, no curiosity in your eyes, because you already knew that he only wants to rest on his favorite pillow, but Gorou has always had this problem expressing what he wants if it's about you. He needs you in several ways, but he is unable to communicate it without feeling pathetic, and that is where you come in, so pretty as you leave the book on the bedside table in the room and slap your thighs, the sound of your skin and your sweet call They make him almost scream while, without even thinking much, he comes to obey your order to lie on top of you. Your hands comb his hair so it doesn't bother his face, your nails caress his skin, and he lets out a tired, satisfied sigh as the general turns into some sweet, pretty substance that clings to the heat of your body and wags his tail under your hands. Gorou can finally rest while you tell him about your day and he listens, looking up when you ask him and receiving your kisses on his blushing cheeks with a smile.
If his subordinates saw his general in that state, they would have a smile on his face, perhaps mocking or not, but it will never be more touching than the smile Gorou has every time he sees you.
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kohakus-tv · 6 months
also uaah scary height but at the same time cool and hot tehehe
mutuals send me a 💌 and ill tell u something i love about you
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shibalen · 1 year
♡ 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒖𝒑 𝒇𝒐𝒓 @jet-the-glaceon92
i match you with . . .
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Two completely different looking rays of sunshine that are more alike than anyone would've thought at first glance (◍ ´꒳` ◍)
This oni is wholly smitten with you. You are a little firecracker and he cannot comprehend how all that energy fits inside your tiny body. But you know what? It doesn't matter because if Itto likes you, he likes you and sweating about the details is a waste of time. He can focus on more important things, like making you the happiest, most joyful woman in the world.
I'll tell you though that it's your passionate, extroverted nature that Itto can't get enough of. The fact that you laugh with him, support him and get into shenanigans together without a second thought makes him feel like he's invincible. However, you are also in a way more sensitive than him which he admires.
His life was admittedly pretty darn good to begin with, but then you came along and suddenly life was shining in bright new colours?? You took everything he had and coated it with a layer of gold. From the way you understood his strive to protect his loved ones to his humour, you were like the perfect spice that he'd been missing from his life.
Many sleepless nights were spent on rambling to Shinobu and the rest of the Arataki Gang about you, telling them about his grand plans to take you out to the most extraordinary places. It occurred to him maybe halfway through that this mattered to him more than any other goal he had set for himself before.
Your opinion was more important than anyone else's.
Of course he is amazing in all aspects, that is a given, but if you ever saw him in a light that wasn't positive he might just tumble. So he holds you very dear to his heart. From (sometimes needlessly) protecting you from anything harmful to taking every opportunity to show off to you, Itto won't let it be unclear how head-over-heels he is for you.
You needed someone to watch and walk your dogs (since one of them was a menace so you couldn't leave her alone💀) while you were busy during the day, and guess who was the first to respond to your request? That's right, Arataki the-best-pet-sitter-in-the-world Itto!
You knew he did odd-jobs around town and had experience in dog-sitting too, but when you met him at the park to make sure the dogs liked him, you hadn't expected to meet a mountain of a guy who looked like he came straight from a gang.
To be fair, he said he was the leader of a gang, not just any old member. But he was so kind, so full of life and seeing him interact with your dogs you couldn't help but trust him.
Except that he immediately teased you about how surprising it was that you could handle two dogs although you were so tiny (¯―¯٥)
But he did an amazing job. One time you came back home and even found Itto rapping to your dogs like he was giving a full-out concert lmao. After that you invited him to stay for dinner and his eyes went sparkle sparkle
You asked him jokingly if he charged extra for entertainment but he just winked at you and said "Nah, special service for my favourite customer."
Sounds sus I know but he really meant it :0
"You have a crush on Deanna."
"Crush? Arataki the-one-and-oni Itto is too powerful to be crushed!!"
☝︎ an artistic recreation of the time when Shinobu first called Itto out on his simping. This big guy had a big storm coming.
When you date Itto you're basically dating a huge affectionate doggo that thinks it's a lapdog. Though your height difference is blatantly, adorably obvious, he can't keep his hands off you. Cuddles, hugs, hand-holding, using you as an armrest, and carrying you on his shoulders: it's all a package deal ♡︎
When he hugs you you just disappear somewhere between his arms and chest which, let's be honest, isn't that bad ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Whenever one of you gets the idea to dye your hair, the other one jumps the bandwagon. You've tired all kinds of funky colours but a matching highlight always remains on you both. Your next big project naturally is to get rainbow hair and show it off to the world!!
Spontaneous dates are your thing. Catch Itto calling you at 3am to get fries with him and showing up on your doorstep to take you to a theme park he happened to pass by. Basically he immediately takes you to any place he knows you'd think would be fun. He ain't missing a single opportunity to spend time with you, nuh-uh. No sir.
He introduces you to his granny who lives on a farm and his favourite ox Ushi <33
Oh the never-ending prank-wars between you. You keep track of all the successes and fails and nobody knows how you do it??
For example, you have to be really concise with what snacks you want him to get or else he'll think of a way to twist your words, and he can never trust you when you're playing video games cause you might lure him into a trap.
Despite often teasing you to no-end, Itto is really proud of you and loves showing you off to every person who will listen. You're the apple of his eye, the Bonnie to his Clyde, you know (ゝω・)
Good luck with all the awful pick-up lines though
"You're the oni one for me."
"Oh my god, Itto."
"Are you an onikabuto cause I've been looking everywhere for you!!"
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— favourite memory with you
For his birthday you decided to spoil Itto as much as he often spoiled you. You took him to the arcade first, vowing to win all the prizes he wanted, and he laughed. Not because he thought you incapable but your detmination was just so adorable he didn't know how else to relieve how flustered he was. In the end, you had a big competition on who got better scores on all the games until the manager had to come remind you it was closing time. But you just took him to the next spot: a karaoke bar where the Arataki Gang had prepared a huge party! You had a blast and Itto may or may have not shed a tear. What made this especially memorable though was the heartfelt kiss he gave you after everyone had gone home. And he thanked you for being there, for making this year the most special one so far in his life.
— favourite place to kiss you
Anyone who is familiar with Itto knows that his motto is basically go big or go home, and this applies here too. This man goes straight for your lips, no ifs or buts. He's very bold about it as well and won't hesitate if he has your consent. It's intimate and passionate, just like his feelings for you and showing this in public isn't a problem either. But he loves it the most when you're sitting on a coutertop or table, or if you're sitting/lying together so he can reach you better ♡
— favourite nicknames to call you by
This one is hard to say cause Itto's vocabulary just keeps infinitely expanding when it comes to your nicknames. It can range from anything chill like Dee-Dee to something cheesy for example munchkin' to a more adoring one like princess and babe all depending on the mood and situation. If you've see the pic where the person keeps texting the other weirder and weirder nicknames until they respond, yep, that's Itto with you :)
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— Being two peas in a pod is not always sunshine and rainbows, especially when both parties are not only stubborn but also full of pride. Arguments happen as they do between everybody, but what happens to admitting being at fault?
— It was a stupid joke that started it. You and Itto were hanging out, laughing with the gang as you had lunch together at a family restaurant. Then Akira jokingly asked if you never got annoyed by their boss' loud chewing. Of course you didn't, but going along with the joke you shrugged and said he was loud anyway so you were used to it.
— Itto immediately countered by saying that this made the two of because you were just like him, and you ended up arguing about who was the loudest. It would've been all fun banter had it ended there but it quickly took a turn for the worse when you began trying to find flaws in the other overall just for the sake of having the last word.
— You couldn't tell at which point did you become genuinely angry but for Itto anger had always been like a switch; he was either a-okay or almost completely, freightingly mad. Now realising your words had truly stung each other and nothing could be laughed off, you parted ways there and then.
— Why should you apologise first when all Itto thought of you as was a breathing stressball? Why should Itto apologie first when you only saw him as brainless and pathetic as a stump of wood?
— Why won't you talk to each other when love is about loving someone with their flaws instead of in spite of them?
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♡ runner up: Scaramouche
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note: hello, I hope you enjoyed your matchup! Rip ink box cause I honestly just wanted to write you guys arguing about something silly like in which order to pour cereal and milk into a bowl and laugh about it💀 Anyway, thanks for the request, I hope you're taking care of yourself ♡
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visitbespin · 7 months
my semi-serious ahsoka finale thoughts *rolls up sleeves*
the noti continue to be the best little creatures, two thumbs-up from me
i simultaneously love and don't love ezra's new lightsaber being an echo of kanan's, on one hand it's a beautiful tribute and on the other hand i'd love to see ezra (continue to) forge his own identity
force sensitive sabine... i pretend i do not see it
how did the horse doggos survive ? and ahsoka's white cloak? i may be focusing on the wrong things
tbh i like morgan elsbeth's cursed blade and diana lee inosanto is talented (no comment on the character)
thrawn chatting shit about anakin, nice
ezra stowing away on the chimaera is the stuff that fanfic dreams are made of
"hi, hera. i'm home." i genuinely wanted to sob, the most emotional moment of the whole show ♡
aaaand they couldn't even give us ezra and hera hugging, filoni you had one damn job
i need to stop there before i really go off the rails ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Hey, can I get a match for some slasher?♥️ (sorry if i'm doing it wrong💀)
i'm 5'2 tall (my native language is not english so if miss anything i'm sorry again) i'm gender fluid and i go for all pronouns, i have light blonde hair but they are dyed, i always put on vibrant colors in my hair, i have green eyes and my skin is kinda pale🚶 my hair is kinda short, i change a lot of style but for now i'm LOVING pink clothes(man i'm being influenced by bimbos, THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL😭), but i usually wear black shoes and mary jane/demonia shoes and lots of accessories I love any kind of art, but especially drawing, it calms me down a lot.
I'm trying to heal from an eating disorder and sh, but I'm very insecure, I'm silent for a long time but when I start talking NOBODY stops me lol, I think I'm easy to lie even though I'm not proud of it i love animals especially dogs but i don't have one now it seems stupid but i'm addicted to sweets this is kinda funny but still true I think that's enough information
I paired you up with....
♡Asa Emory♡
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English is not my first language too^^ so don't worry really. We're here for funsies not to be grammatically accurate. Second I wanted to say that even if I know you I'm really proud of you for choosing to recover from the ed, it's not always easy to choose yourself over what your mind is trying to tell you but the fact that you want to get better is a huge step forward! I suffer from ED too so I know how hard It can be, just keep going. I promise it's not going to be always bad♡♡♡ 
Now moving onto our bug  boy here. 
First of all he loves, no scratch that, HE ADORES your style. Bimbos and himbos are the best thing ever BTW
But as I was saying, he really enjoys your style. Like we all saw how he decided to dress Abby. He's gonna spoil you rotten with as many dresses and accessories as you like♡ 
Like he's stupid rich, bro here is a whole ass universitary professor so money doesn't really worries him. 
He would actually like it if you let him help you dye your hair cause he finds the whole process entertaining. 
If you feel like changing aesthetic or style he's going to 100% support it and would actually help you pick something you might like. 
Asa would be absolutely over the moon if you draw him something bug themed. He's going to hang every drawing in his office. 
I think Asa's more dominant personality could actually help someone who struggles with taking care of themselves. He would make sure to help you in any possible way but without pushing you or making you uncomfortable. He doesn't mind taking care of someone he loves and he actually feels kinda nice when he knows you need him in more ways than just the plain boyfriend stuff. 
He is glad to listen to whatever you want to tell him. He enjoys stimulating conversations and having someone so passionate to talk with is actually exciting 
He would probably take you out on museum dates and then he takes you to a nice fancy cafe to have some coffee and pastries while you both talk about the paintings ecc
He might be a little bit iffy about the lying thing but being Asa the smart man he is, it won't take long until he finds out how to tell when you're lying. That's something he won't like very much but if you're lying about small things or even things that are worrying you, instead of being mad he will try to talk to you about it and ask if he can do anything to fix it. 
This matchup made me think about this song:
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list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers ♡
1) Reading/books
2) Being able to nap when I want (I am a very sleepy person 25/8)
3) Cute pics or videos of doggos!
4) Licherally the entire season of autumn (its the best and I always feel soo comfy and content)
5) Honestly, seeing posts from my mutuals (I'm on Tumblr ALL the time and whenever I see anything from y'all it genuinely makes me smile soo much!)
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Sorry the photo is bad, I've been awake for nearly 72 hours. My mom's doggo had natural surprise puppies... but neither her or my mom are taking much care of the little ones, so I'm going around the clock taking care of them.
I just wanted to share this mini-update on my irl and also apologize.
I'm sorry I've been kind of not here nor there. The hard truth is I'm not in a good place mentally ever since Bebela died. I'm doing the best I can and Milka is a little ball of fur and energy that's keeping me busy (and now more busy 🤣), but... the hard truth is that I've been through way too much shit during all of June. The sensation I have is similar to the one spoken by Bilbo Baggins in Lord Of The Rings, I'm feeling like "too little butter spread too much over a toast", and I haven't been able to keep myself together.
When I can't keep myself together, I know I get snappy. I tend to explode for the smallest of things when I'm like this, and often times I unintentionally hurt people when I'm feeling like this. It's a very ugly side of myself, because it's basically like a pressure pot, I keep going and going until there's nothing more keeping the lid on and then... BOOM! I end up saying harsh things and hurting everyone around me. It takes a lot to happen (last time it happened this bad was almost five years ago), but it's never pretty and I'm extremely aware of this.
So, I'm kind of all over the place and nowhere at the same time. I come out of my shell, do something and hide again. That's not really my usual way of being, those who are closest to me know it, but alas, that's the best I can do to protect you all from myself.
Again, I'm sorry for not being all here. I just truly care for you all and don't want any of you getting my heat for no reason. None of you deserve it. On the contrary, you all deserve love, care, understanding, and good vibes, all of which I'm hoping will be with you all while I'm not in my best self to provide some myself.
My deepest well wishes for you all, my lovelies ♡
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wortverlust · 2 years
i noticed that everyone sends you pictures of their cute furry friends?? can i introduce you to my dog charlie? she's just the best ♡♡♡♡
she's one year old and very excitable, but she is slowly learning more commands. she understands "sit, "jump", "stop", "back" (when she's too close to someone and needs to step away) and "walkies" (our way of saying, "sit still while we put the leash on)
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(My mom has a dog too…but she's a BIG DOGGO…like 73 cm height… we're talkin about her back ^^;;) and …well…she forgets the commands immediately a few days later… the only one she always remembers is 'kiss'…which is basically a kiss :3
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oriigirii · 2 years
Hello! I came here to say that Charlie is the first oc that has made my heart go doki doki 🙈 I love him lol. But I also wanna say that I hope your doggy is okay! It was hard for me to see the emergency commission post because I'm such an animal person- give your doggo many snuggles for me!
AHHH I'm so glad to hear that 😭 I'm really happy people are liking Charlie ngl, so Ill try my best to draw him more for yall ♡♡ And also PomPom appreciates the digital snuggles 💕 He's already healed and hes doing great now thanks to the all the support people have given ⭐
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nekofantasia · 2 years
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———  basics! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Chirunobyl is usually my full nick but call me Chiru
ZODIAC SIGNS:  Doggo / Libra
TAKEN OR SINGLE:  The most single pringle
———  three  facts! ♡  
I’m my own alarm clock as I have the ability to wake up any hour I tell myself before bed. Even programming an alarm clock has proven redundant because I always wake up right before it.
I have a hitchhiker’s thumb.
I can roll my tongue into a taquito!
———  experience ! ♡
Oh but back when I frequented forums I did have friends that RP’ed so I guess some stuff stuck with me.
I suppose you could say that I made this blog once I finally had the balls to put my writing out there huh?
———  muse preference !  ♡
Give me your most plucky adventurous person out there and I’ll love them forever. Extra bonus points if they’re gender non conforming! 
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: Yes please. Everyone that follows me knows that I’m not slice of life stuff so PLEASE WRITE SLICE OF LIFE WITH ME I’LL PAY YOU I SWEAR.
ANGST: Of course! Granted I like my angst that makes sense so it’s a matter of balance and managing tone.
PLOT / MEMES: Let’s have both! Plot is good, it doesn’t necessarily have to be planning a thousand chapter thing yanno? It can be as simple as just coming up a scenario or discussing an idea that just ocurred to you and you wanna share it with your friends and stuff! As well as exploring new possibilites from already established interactions! Usually this approach works best when you’re acquainted with your rp partners very well because you could easily talk about the characters and propose ideas that way. Memes are VERY GOOD and giving you ideas that you might not have thought about as well as giving you something to write to get that momentum you need to write again after going cold turkey for a while! Again, both are good!
Tagged: Nah I stole this, son. SO TAKE IT FROM ME
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lemonflowercat · 2 months
75 soft: day 6
we have crossed the day 5 mark! (finally)
[x] morning walk/run or yoga x6/w
Suzie didn't accompany me on the walk today and, as much as I missed her, it was a relief too. I got to walk streets I don't usually venture into because of too many aggressive doggos. it was pretty and misty and oh so cold!
[x] meditate x at least 15min every afternoon
[x] study 42h/w: 29h 55m to go 27h 55m to go
protein metabolism is super hard to remember but also one of my favourite units of biochemistry ♡
[] evening wxo x6/w
skipped because I was tired from my long morning walk ~period time grace allowed~
[x] [x] [x] 1 raw veggie or a fruit x3 meals
- spinach banana smoothie for breakfast yum
- Green grapes for evening pick-me-up
- some salad as a side w masala fried prawns
[] 1400cal x6/week
fun time with friends, chilling at one of our usuals - this local tavern run by a v cute family, with the best feni and seafood ♡ things I'll sorely miss when my time to leave Goa comes ))))): T_T
[x] progress picture/day x6/w
photographed my period bloat body and didn't entirely hate it ////:
[x] 2.5L of water/day
[x] brush before bed
[x] no media consumption (one movie/d allowed) - for freezes and PMS days
got baby Koka vaccinated today and he absolutely hated it, ofc
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kyopmi · 2 years
Hello! I'm the anon who's been matched with gojo.
I, Qilin, Fenrir and Ares (the doggos •ᴗ•) are veeery grateful for that one! I really liked it, it was perfect and the drabble was really cute 🪐
Have a nice day/night and again big big congrats!
Fen's best shot as an act of gratefullnes ♡:
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hi! thank you so much again and i'm glad you like it!!🥺 it was very fun to write as well :) i thought we have quite similar personalities when i read your submission hahah
ALSO HI FEN YOU'RE SO PRETTY1!! give all ur doggos pats and hugs and kisses from me too <33 hi from my dog as well!
i hope you're having a nice day/night too🤎🤎🤎🤎
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mama-doggo · 2 months
positivity for mama before i go eep cuz i thibk someone should tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your really nice n your blog feels non-judgemental (it smells like smooth rice pudding cups with a little bit of cinnimon) am not the best at responding to stuff but i really like talkin to you its fun your kinda silly in a sweet way :D i hope that you havea really really good day/night or that you will soon!!!!!!!!!!
♡xiaohu loves you♡ /tag joke
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hiiii mama just saw this now sorry qwq :3
And thanks you so much :DDDDDDDDDDD
mama is so happys you likes doggos accounts mama wishs her account to be non judgemental ^w^
And mama loves being silly :DDDD/pos
And thats okays mama isnt great at respondings as wells ^w^
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