windy-trickster · 5 months
EVORTA what's the strangest/most peculiar thing you've seen recently?
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“Well I saw a robot ⟳arryin’ a lotta desert ro⟳ks re⟳ently! Dunno who the bot is, dunno where the ro⟳ks ⟳ame from, but it sure was weird!”
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lord-westley · 3 years
The OC Games
Hello Friends and welcome to the 2nd Tolkien Hunger Games! This time around, instead of pitting authors against each other, we are now forcing their OC’s to fight to the death. Thank you @midearthwritings for helping me compile the list of OC’s. I apologize ahead of time for wonkiness of photos
May the odds be ever in your favor
@midearthwritings | Naya & Ofelia
@entishramblings | Arryin & Rowan & Beylanor
@guardianofrivendell | Tullaina & Lucy
@laurfilijames | Prim
@messiambrandybuck | Messiam
@elvish-sky | Aeri
@cassiabaggins | Cassia & Delphina
@claraofthepen | Rantin & Athenir
@thewhiteladyofrohan | Heidi
@grunid | Barkem & Jrie
@imnotevenhere9 | Glaer
@citrusro | Tawaren
@tolkien-fantasy | Madea
@pistachiozombie | Leanna
@tolkienblackgirl | Melati
@lady-latte | Alfries & Melathi
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​As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Leanna snatches a pair of sais
Barkem stays at the cornucopia for resources
Cassia and Prim fight for a bag. Cassia gives up and retreats
Athenir runs away from the cornucopia
Arryin runs away from the cornucopia
Glaer and Tawaren fight for a bag. Glaer gives up and retreats
Messiam grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty
Heidi runs away from the cornucopia
Aeri snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag
Delphina snatches a pair of sais
Tullaina snatches a pair of sais
Rantin runs away from the cornucopia
Lucy runs away from the cornucopia
Malati stays at the cornucopia for resources
Alfries runs away from the cornucopia
Meliath finds a backpack full of camping equipment
Naya runs away from the cornucopia
Jrie finds a canteen full of water
Madea runs into the cornucopia and hides
Ofelia runs away from the cornucopia
Beylanor runs away from the cornucopia
Rowan runs away from the cornucopia
      Day One
Tawaren discovers a cave
Rantin chases Rowan
Prim goes hunting
Beylanor searches for a water source
Jrie searches for firewood
Heidi discovers a cave
Athenir practices his archery
Tullaina searches for a water source
Arryin sets an explosive off, killing Ofelia, Madea, Aeri and Messiam
Leanna defeats Malati in a fight, but spares her life
Meliath, Lucy, Cassia, and Alfries raid Glaer’s camp while she is hunting
Barkem practices his archery
Naya thinks about home
Delphina makes a wooden spear
| Four People have Died |
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      Night One
Rowan thinks about winning
Malati, Beylanor, and Barkem get into a fight. Barkem triumphantly kills them both
Cassia climbs a tree to rest
Arryin quietly hums
Lucy and Prim run into each other and decide to truce for the night
Jrie thinks about home
Tullaina, Heidi and Tawaren sleep in shifts
Leanna, Rantin, Delphina, Meliath, and Naya sleep in shifts
Athenir starts a fire
Alfries trap kills Glaer
      Day Two
Barkem sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate
Lucy makes a wooden spear
Cassia forces Tullaina to kill Rowan or Delphina. She decides to kill Delphina
Prim travels to higher ground
Arryin defeats Meliath in a fight, but spares her life
Rantin defeats Naya in a fight, but spares her life
Tawaren stabs Alfries while his back is turned
Leanna steals from Athenir while he isn’t looking
Heidi diverts Jrie’s attention and runs away
| Five People Have Died |
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      Night Two
Lucy starts a fire
Arryin looks at the night sky
Tawaren and Prim tell stories about themselves to each other
Barkem thinks about winning
Heidi forces Rowan to kill Cassia or Jrie. He decides to kill Jrie
Rantin fends Meliath, Athenir, and Leanna away from his fire
Naya screams for help
Tullaina cries herself to sleep
      Day Three
Tullaina scares Tawaren off
Leanna severely injures Lucy but puts her out of her misery
Athenir and Cassia work together for the day
Meliath explores the arena
Rowan recieves an explosive from an unknown sponsor
Naya steals from Heidi while she isn’t looking
Barkem tries to spear fish with a trident
Prim receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor
Arryin travels to higher ground
Rantin travels to higher ground
| Two People Have Died |
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      Night Three
Rowan tries to sing himself to sleep
Arryin receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor
Meliath and Tawaren tell stories about themselves to each other
Naya and Heidi huddle for warmth
Rantin, Cassia, Prim, Athenir, and Tullaina sleep in shifts
Barkem is awoken by nightmares
Leanna starts a fire
      Day Four
Leanna, Rowan, Arryin, and Meliath raid Tullaina’s camp while she is hunting
Athenir poisons Tawaren’s drink. He drinks it and dies.
Prim tends to Rantin’s wounds
Barkem dies from hypothermia
Naya attacks Cassia, but she manages to escape
Heidi hunts for other tributes
| Two People Have Died |
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      Night Four
Athenir cries himself to sleep
Meliath passes out from exhaustion
Leanna, Naya, and Heidi cheerfully sing songs together
Prim looks at the night sky
Tullaina defeats Arryin in a fight, but spares her life
Rantin dies from hypothermia
Rowan starts a fire
      Day Five
Cassia sprains her ankle while running away from Athenir
Meliath practices her archery
Heidi searches for firewood
Naya camouflages herself in the bushes
Tullaina attacks Prim, but she manages to escape
Leanna discovers a river
Arryin is pricked by thorns while picking berries
Rowan fishes
| One Person has Died |
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      Night Five
Rowan, Tullaina, and Meliath discuss the games and what might happen in the morning
Naya bashes Leanna’s head in with a mace
Arryin, Cassia, Heidi, Prim, and Athenir sleep in shifts
      The Feast
Heidi stabs Naya in the back with a trident
Prim decides not to go to the feast
Rowan decides not to go to the feast
Athenir kills Cassia for her supplies
Arryin shoots an arrow at Meliath, but misses and kills Tullaina instead
      Day Six
Meliath convinces Arryin to not kill her, only to kill her instead
Athenir stalks Heidi
Rowan sprains his ankle while running away from Prim
Arena Event | A tsunami rolls into the areana
Prim, Athenir, Rowan, Meliath, and Heidi survive
| Five People Have Died |
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      Night Six
Meliath attempts to start a fire but is unsuccessful
Rowan, Heidi, Prim and Athenir sleep in shifts
      Day Seven
Meliath picks flowers
Athenir searches for firewood
Rowan makes a wooden spear
Prim explores the arena
Heidi goes hunting
      Night Seven
Meliath throws a knife into Athenir’s chest
Rowan receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor
Heidi screams for help
Prim falls into a frozen lake and drowns
      Day Eight
Meliath kills Heidi while she is resting
Rowan accidentally steps on a landmine
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Meliath, @lady-latte​‘s OC wins!
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elvish-sky · 3 years
hiii Maia! Do you have any Legolas/OC fics that you could recommend ?
hi lovely anon!!!
i haven’t actually gotten around to reading either of these yet, but they’re on the list and i’m very excited to get around to them!
The Last Light of the Star by the always fabulous @entishramblings featuring her OC Arryin
Perfect Secrets by the wonderful @guardianofrivendell with her OC Mira!
I’m so excited to read these and I feel super confident in recommending them because these are two of my favorite writers!
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Se dovessi associare ognuno dei 7 dei con un colore(dell'arcobaleno) e con ciascuno dei sette regni come li associeresti?!(Ps adoro le tue risposte)
Grazie mille! Sei troppo gentile :)
Per quanto riguarda i sette regni, farò riferimento a quelli che esistevano prima della conquista di Aegon/Visenya/Rhaenys, per cui 
1) Il Nord degli Stark 2)La valle degli Arryin 3)Il regno dei fiumi dei Tully 4)I lannister di Castel Granito 5)I Gardner della pianura (beh ora sarebbero i Tyrell) 6) I durrandon (ora i Baratheon) di terra tempesta 7) I martell di Dorne 
Beh agli Stark associo molto il colore Grigio/Argento (inverno, metalupi, gli alberi guida). Come divinità L’anziana (sterni, saggi e visionari come i vecchi Dei) 
Agli Arryin associo molto il bianco (neve delle montagne, il simbolo del falco, la galanteria dei cavalieri); Come divinità il guerriero (forte e battagliero come i cavalieri della valle)
Ai tully associo il blu (delle acque dei fiumi, della serenità..),  la divintà forse Il Padre . (saggi, credono nella giustizia e nell’ordine..).
Ai Lannister il rosso (delle armature, della lussiuria, del peccato), lo straniero (sono molto associati alla morte, è una casata che ne ha versato di sangue…)
Ai tyrell  il verde (delle pianure, della ricchezza, del caldofuoco, dei giardini…), La Ragazza (romantici, delicati e bellissimi, pieni di grazia..) 
Ai Baratheon forse il marrone (dei cervi, della montagna e della forza e potenza), come divinità: Il fabbro (forti, famosi per la loro brutalità ma fierezza..) 
infine ai Martell il dorato (i gioielli, i deserti di dorne, lo sfarzo..). Come divinità: la Madre (vendicativa se si fa un torto a quelli che ama, ma anche protettiva e battagliera, in più i Martell sono una famiglia in cui le donne sono guerriere e hanno un importante ruolo). 
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entishramblings · 1 year
hi I was wondering does Arryn from tllos and fate have pointy ears🤔 she was a ranger for many years and a bounty hunter, did her friends or anyone knew she was an elf or thought she was human? also love your series🫶
*excited author sounds*
YES! Arryin is an elf, even though she’s comes from a different race of elves she does have pointy ears. BUT—most of the people in her circle of bounty hunting generally assumed she was human considering her hair is always worn down and, to be honest, a wreck. However, a couple of her bounty hunter friends like Gwaine found out that she was elvish and ofc word spread. Kinda like one of those things that she didn’t necessarily hide but didn’t advertise. Besides, most of them don’t think much of it because she portrays herself (mannerisms, attitude, grimy appearance) like a human.
Mostly, she’s an asshole. So, they don’t see her as the stereotypical “elf.”
Thank you SO SO SO much for your question!
*excited author dance*
Literally made my night <3
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entishramblings · 11 months
Reading both your fics has made me realize my love of “oblivious to (unknown) social cues, mega-powerful being” x “person teaching/protecting them who also has a very big crush on them”
I don’t think this makes quite sense, so for example: when Legolas is braiding Arryin’s hair and she knows it must mean something but she doesn’t know what it is exactly so she gets flustered. & the Rámaitë Mahtar girl who is (with all respect) a little dopey and follows Legolas around (but she could also destroy the world), they’re so cute!
This was the absolute BEST ask to get as soon as I returned to tumblr!!!
Anyways…..well, uh, in light of this: I AM RETURNING BACK TO WRITING
I plant to work on the innocence of brutality as well the the stellaris chronicles. I’m hoping to get a chapter up TONIGHT of the innocence of brutality!!
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entishramblings · 2 years
No ‘cause since we’re on the topic of plot twists. OMG??? OMG OMG OMG?Because the worst is that everything was there for us to notice and realize right ? AND I DIDNT ! I HAD TO PAUSE MY READING FOR A MINUTE ! Loved it tho, super great chapter. Heart may have done a couple backflips in my rib cage👀. Arryin being the baddie she is during that scene makes my heart pitter patter
I’m also SO bewildered in a good way about how much traction this twist is getting?!!!!! Just wait omg more to come hehehe
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entishramblings · 2 years
I am stuck.
Please send in cute couple moment ideas for writing (specially for Arryin and Legolas if you can)
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entishramblings · 2 years
ARRYIN MY BELOVED <333 I love her too! I am drowning in schoolwork so I haven't had much time to read or write, but I am VERY determined to catch up on FATE. oh! and my fanfic is called "Manhattan And Back Again" by gooseinatree. Tumblr still hates links I guess :( good luck with the author burnout! i'm so happy to hear I'm giving you motivation! - eye bleach anon
OMG YESSSSSSSSSS IM SO EXCITED TO 1) read ur fic and 2) have you get caught up! ….I don’t know where you are rn in it but the last couple chapters have been HELLA ANGST!! ….and more to come hehe
And yessssss I appreciate your motivating sm OML
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entishramblings · 2 years
you're welcome for the cursed chicken fic. ALSO!!! i love ur ocs so much!!! i have to catch up on FATE though ahahahaha. who's your favorite oc, if you don't mind me asking? - eye bleach anon/frozen chicken fic anon
I also need to catch up on writing fate LOL! I did however just post chapter 21 this afternoon (yayyyyy!) I’m super excited for my readers to read it hehehe. The angst 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
Okay I think my ultimate fav OC that I created is Arryin just because I have poured my whole soul into the girl. Weirdly enough, she’s like my comfort OC? If that makes any sense? HOWEVER, my next fav OC’s are Rowan and Halafarin. Rowan is a fucking menace but he’s trying his best and I love that for him. Halafarin…poor Halafarin. He’s the only one with a brain in my entire fic. LMAO
Thank you for these questions hehe! And lmk when you are caught up on FATE omg! So excited!
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entishramblings · 3 years
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The Last Light of the Star Characters: Arryin, Legolas, Belanor, Beyla, Rowan, Faelynor, Razela, Edyrm, Miliel Aredhel, Thranduil, Halafarin, Fraeya, Ristala (left to right)
made with artbreeder.com
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entishramblings · 3 years
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Arryin (TLLOTS)
here is some concept art for my OC Arryin; made with artbreeder.com
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entishramblings · 3 years
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The Last Light of the Star (TLLOTS) — Legolas/OC
all images found on Pinterest <3
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entishramblings · 3 years
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I’m on my way to Pinterest now omg
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