#Andrew Dymock
organisationskoval · 1 year
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262) Sonnenkrieg Division, Dywizja Sonnenkrieg (Sonnenkrieg to po niemiecku „wojna słoneczna”) - neonazistowska grupa, jest brytyjską filią Dywizji Atomwaffen i utrzymuje swoje powiązania z Dywizją Atomwaffen za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej i dyskusji na czacie jako jak również przez używanie podobnych nazw i rozpowszechnianie podobnej propagandy. Pojawił się w grudniu 2018 roku, kiedy ujawniono, że członkowie grupy zasugerowali na serwerze grupy Discord, że książę Harry był „zdrajcą rasy”, który powinien zostać zastrzelony za poślubienie Meghan Markle, która jest rasy mieszanej; że policjanci powinni być gwałceni i zabijani; i że białe kobiety, które umawiają się z nie-białymi, powinny zostać powieszone. Uważa się, że w momencie powstania w 2018 roku grupa liczyła od 10 do 15 członków w Wielkiej Brytanii i Europie, a niektórzy podejrzani członkowie byli prawdopodobnie zaangażowani w poprzednią grupę neonazistowską, System Resistance Network (jeden z pseudonimów National Action), która była powiązana z różnymi aktami przemocy na tle rasowym i podpaleniami w Wielkiej Brytanii. BBC ujawniło, że liderami grupy byli 21-letni Andrew Dymock i 18-letni Oskar Dunn-Koczorowski. Policja aresztowała trzech podejrzanych członków dywizji Sonnenkrieg na początku grudnia 2018 r. W ramach „toczącego się śledztwa w sprawie działalności skrajnie prawicowej”. MI5, brytyjska agencja wywiadu krajowego, przejęła wiodącą rolę w rządowym monitorowaniu skrajnie prawicowego terroryzmu. Logo używane przez Sonnenkrieg Division w niektórych oświadczeniach 18 czerwca 2019 r. członkowie Sonnenkrieg, Dunn-Koczorowski i 19-letni Michał Szewczuk, zostali skazani za przestępstwa terrorystyczne. Według prokuratury mężczyźni promowali „zaangażowanie się w totalny atak ‘na system’”, Dunn-Koczorowski, ogłaszając, że „terror jest najlepszą bronią polityczną, nic nie napędza ludzi bardziej niż strach przed nagłą śmiercią” i byli zdeterminowani do działania. Co więcej, na grupę wpłynął James Mason, który „może reprezentować najbardziej brutalny, rewolucyjny i potencjalnie terrorystyczny wyraz obecnego obecnie prawicowego ekstremizmu”. Dunn-Koczorowski został skazany na 18 miesięcy więzienia za zachęcanie do terroryzmu, a Szewczuk na 4 lata więzienia za zachęcanie do terroryzmu i posiadanie dokumentów przydatnych terrorystom, takich jak instrukcje konstruowania bomb. Policja aresztowała trzech podejrzanych członków dywizji Sonnenkrieg na początku grudnia 2018 r. W ramach „toczącego się śledztwa w sprawie działalności skrajnie prawicowej”. MI5, brytyjska agencja wywiadu krajowego, przejęła wiodącą rolę w rządowym monitorowaniu skrajnie prawicowego terroryzmu. Logo używane przez Sonnenkrieg Division w niektórych oświadczeniach 18 czerwca 2019 r. członkowie Sonnenkrieg, Dunn-Koczorowski i 19-letni Michał Szewczuk, zostali skazani za przestępstwa terrorystyczne. Według prokuratury mężczyźni promowali „zaangażowanie się w ‘totalny atak na system’”, Dunn-Koczorowski, ogłaszając, że „terror jest najlepszą bronią polityczną, nic nie napędza ludzi bardziej niż strach przed nagłą śmiercią” i byli zdeterminowani do działania. Co więcej, na grupę wpłynął James Mason, który „może reprezentować najbardziej brutalny, rewolucyjny i potencjalnie terrorystyczny wyraz obecnego obecnie prawicowego ekstremizmu”. Dunn-Koczorowski został skazany na 18 miesięcy więzienia za zachęcanie do terroryzmu, a Szewczuk na 4 lata więzienia za zachęcanie do terroryzmu i posiadanie dokumentów przydatnych terrorystom, takich jak instrukcje konstruowania bomb. Brytyjscy antyfaszyści twierdzą, że Dywizja Sonnenkrieg była pod wpływem Order of Nine Angles i jest bardziej ekstremalna i potencjalnie bardziej brutalna niż Akcja Narodowa. W corocznym raporcie Hope not Hate „State of Hate” stwierdzono, że: „niektórzy członkowie zrealizowali również niektóre z tych satanistycznych fantazji i krążą zarzuty gwałtu i uwięzienia ich własnych członków”. Członkowie Sonnenkrieg Division udostępnili filmy, na których jedna z kobiet była torturowana i dźgana nożem przez jednego z męskich członków grupy. Prywatne wiadomości, które należały do Sonnenkrieg Division i zostały zdobyte przez policję, zawierały nagrania członków grupy znęcających się nad kobietami, takie jak obrazy gwałtu na kobiecie, której ciało wycięto swastykę i runami. 20 lutego 2019 roku 18-letni Jacek Tchorzewski został zatrzymany przez jednostkę antyterrorystyczną na lotnisku Luton. Został aresztowany pod zarzutem przestępstw terrorystycznych, a policja odkryła „ogromną ilość” instrukcji dotyczących wytwarzania broni i materiałów wybuchowych oraz nazistowskiej propagandy. W sądzie usłyszano, jak Tchorzewski powiedział, że „jego marzeniem” było dokonanie zamachu terrorystycznego i zamierzał w tym celu przemycić z Niemiec broń palną i materiały wybuchowe. Przedstawiono także notatnik z celi więziennej, w którym napisał: „Napełnijmy nasze serca terrorem, a ulice Londynu krwią”. Komandor Richard Smith, szef jednostki antyterrorystycznej, powiedział, że Tchorzewski był powiązany z dywizją Sonnenkrieg. Sędzia Anuja Dhir powiedziała, że Tchorzewski był „głęboko zakorzenionym neonazistą zainteresowanym satanizmem i praktykami okultystycznymi” oraz „przestępcą szczególnej troski”. 20 września 2019 roku Tchorzewski został skazany na cztery lata więzienia za przestępstwa terrorystyczne w Old Bailey. 4 grudnia 2019 r. Andrew Dymock został aresztowany i oskarżony o 15 przestępstw terrorystycznych, w tym zachęcanie do terroryzmu i zbieranie funduszy dla grupy terrorystycznej. Po raz pierwszy został aresztowany w czerwcu 2018 roku na lotnisku Gatwick w drodze do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Dymock został przesłuchany w sprawie rzekomych przestępstw seksualnych wobec nastolatki w związku z wcześniejszymi napaściami na kobiety. Został skazany za wszystkie zarzuty 12 czerwca 2021 r. i skazany na siedem lat więzienia 21 lipca 2021 r. W lutym 2020 r. Dywizja Sonnenkrieg stała się drugą skrajnie prawicową grupą, która została zdelegalizowana jako organizacja terrorystyczna po Akcji Narodowej. 2 września 2020 roku Harry Vaughan przyznał się do 14 przestępstw terrorystycznych i posiadania pornografii dziecięcej. Vaughan był powiązany zarówno z Akcją Narodową, jak i Dywizją Sonnenkrieg. Przeszukanie jego domu przez policję ujawniło pornografię dziecięcą, dokumenty pokazujące, jak budować bomby i detonatory oraz „satanistyczne, neonazistowskie” książki ONA doradzające gwałt i morderstwo. Oprócz tego został opisany w Old Bailey jako entuzjasta broni palnej mieszkający ze swoimi dwoma młodymi siostrami w momencie aresztowania.
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goodthoughts001 · 1 year
Victor Chandler to offer Chartwell live dealer games at namasitusjudislotonline
Online gaming operator Victor Chandler has launched Chartwell Games’ latest product release, which positions them to deploy Chartwell’s latest suite of four slot games as well as Live Dealer in the near future.
Included in the product release Chartwell’s new Rapid Game Deployment architecture – part of the Chartwell Games Platform – which will enable Victor Chandler to integrate forthcoming casino games with no downtime.
With this software upgrade, Victor Chandler is ready to launch Chartwell’s Live Dealer product when it launches in the next couple of weeks.
Victor Chandler has also deployed two of Chartwell’s latest slots – Angel’s Touch and Draco’s Fire , which add to their online suite of over 100 Chartwell casino games. The slot, Bars and Bell, as well as Sinful Spins, will soon follow as well as a selection of Novomatic games.
“We are proud to continue to bring great new games to market and to work closely with loyal partners such as Victor Chandler,” said Dan Phillips , the CEO of Chartwell Games (International) Limited.
Andrew Dymock, the Head of Casino & Games at Victor Chandler, namasitusjudislotonline commented: “We at VC continue to enjoy working closely with Chartwell and we have been impressed this year in the quality, stability and timing of their new games releases.”
Variations of slots
The reels of the first slot machines were actually mechanical and they spun when a player pulled the handle and after that 3 random symbols landed across the middle. The player won in case these 3 symbols matched.
But today most of the slot machines use digital mechanism. They have video screens where the players see the symbols and the way they land is determined by a random number generator. The same random-number generator is used for online slot machines as well.
The choice of types of online machines is wide nowadays and players can find them in online casinos or in live casinos, although the differences between them are cosmetic mostly. It is so because the principle of the game is the same while the symbols or backgrounds can differ.
Here are some variations the players may find online:
In such games the players can win more if they put in more. The bet can be up to the 5 (or more) coins maximum.
The payout will be multiplied by every extra coin, so in case the 3 bars pay ten for one coin, it will be fifty for 5 coins.
But sometimes the payout can be multiplied by more than the number of coins if the players bet maximum amount.
If you play a traditional slot machine it will pay you only if there is a match of the 3 symbols on the center line or in case you are lucky to get a special symbol that will pay off even if the symbols do not match.
The players are shown 3 lines in most machines, but the bottom and the top lines will not give any return.
And when you play a multi-line machine there is a way to activate those lines if you add extra coins. There are machines on which you can play twenty or more if you get, for instance, 5 symbols across with payouts for diagonal, horizontal and angled lines.
The online as well as live progressive machines are extremely popular with the gamblers.
The idea of these machines is to take small portions from the amount invested by players and put them into a progressive pool that would have a large but hard to hit jackpot. This way all the players who play a game linked into progressive jackpot web make a contribution to it, so when some lucky one hits it, he can win a million dollars or more. Playtech slots and Microgaming slots could be progressive.
To be eligible for the progressive jackpot you need to play the maximum possible amount of coins in every spin.
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booksandwords · 2 years
The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality by Julie Sondra Decker
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Read time: 22 Days (intermittent) Rating: 2.5/5 stars
The quote: If it does fit you, welcome! Asexual communities are very diverse and friendly in many places, and most asexual people have a confusing and frustrating story just like you might. Here’s hoping you have a smooth transition into understanding your issues and navigating the world without having to feel inferior or left out or isolated anymore.
I want to start with want to say that I think in the hands of the right ace at the right time, I could see this being downright empowering. There is some sound advice for newbies in here. It is a half-decent reference for a 20-something who wants something more formal than the forums blogs and videos. It could do some truly wonderful things for the lives of aces if given to the right support people too. Think parents, caregivers, siblings, and maybe partners who don't know much about asexuality and want information.
I'm glad I finally got around to reading The Invisible Orientation, even if at 7 years old it book is aging now. That feeling of datedness and some problematic advice, among some other things, contribute to my rating this a 2.5-star book in this day and age. I was disappointed in the section on disrespectful confrontations the option to just politely walk away from the badgering person regardless of their importance to you. Removing yourself from the situation was not included. It should have been, it is an acceptable and self-preserving response that will be crucial for some aces (especially young ones). Some of what was advised were full-on goading the conversation partner. The list of scholarly material in the resources was a welcome surprise. Academia always has interesting takes on sex and gender. It does cover a variety of topics like asexual presentation (the black ring), aspec representation in media (including that horrendous House M.D. episode), the differential between sexual attraction and drive, "corrective" rape, alternatives to sex and knowing ones limits.
To me, The Invisible Orientation is not the most readable work. It has taken me weeks to read it. It feels like it had a slightly confused audience. Like the audience it was trying to hit was too broad. I can see some justification for that potentially disorganised audience there are relatively few aspecs in the world. The book is divided up into an introduction and six parts. Part one: Asexuality 101; Part two: Asexual experiences; Part three: The many myths of Asexuality; Part four: If you are Asexual (or think you might be); Part five: If someone you know is Asexual (or might be); Part six: Other resources. I quite like the formatting. Text boxes for quotes and bold on important lines to hammer home the necessary points. It does reiterate those points well. Firmly reminding that it is not a choice aspecs were born this way. The style in which Part four is written is smart it is stylised as Bingo card. Misunderstood groups use them to show how often they hear the same arguments, with every item on the card representing a misunderstanding or an inappropriate comment.. I'm not going to add a list of quotes to this one but I will share some from my kindle highlights.
Out of respect, I will list the contributors to the book they are given in the resources section of the book but I feel they deserved better. Quite a few were tied to The Asexual Agenda on WordPress, I'll list the tumblrs because that is a particularly popular site for aces. • Andrew Hinderlitter • Audacious Ace • Aydan Selby • Dallas Bryson • Fiish @apollyptica • ILY • Jo Qualmann • Kaz • Laura @ace-muslim • M. Leclerc • Mary Kame Ginoza • Queenie @queenieofaces • Rebecca @4seiji • Sciatrix • Tom • Tristan Miller
Read for Dymocks 2022 Reading Challenge. Filling the prompt: "Inspiring Change" This is mostly inspiring change in those who know aspecs. Though there is a degree of change inspired in aspecs themselves.
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gwydionmisha · 3 years
Andrew Dymock
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corallorosso · 3 years
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PEDOFILIA NEONAZISTA, o SATANISTI ALLO SBARAGLIO Iniziamo: Nell’aprile 2020, le autorità russe smantellano un network molto bizzarro di estremisti. Ovviamente, bizzarro è un eufemismo. Si facevano chiamare Legione Ave Satana, e appartenevano ad una organizzazione satanista e neonazista internazionale, l’Ordine dei Nove Angoli. In America è attivo un gruppo terroristico, di stampo nazi-satanista: il National Socialist Order, che tra le altre cose si dichiara seguace di Charles Manson. Nazi-Satanisti. Se non fosse una cosa grave, sarebbe comico. (...) Come si prepara il soldato politico? Deve imparare a praticare la magia. Deve staccarsi dalle deformità giudeo-cristiane, che hanno annichilito al suo interno la solidarietà razziale e certi poteri occulti, e dalle assurdità dell’Occidente moderno. Come farlo? Infrangendo ogni regola morale. Nei fogli di questo ordine, tranquillamente consultabili online, si parla di superare i propri limiti: utilizzo di droghe, penetrazione in organizzazioni terroristiche, diffusione di caos nella società, e atti “innaturali”. Tra questi atti, c’è un incoraggiamento alla pedofilia, come atto in particolare che potrebbe garantire una “riserva energetica” e occulta. (...) Ma torniamo alla pedofilia. Ci sono documenti del gruppo satanista che sono inoppugnabili: i titoli sono eloquenti. “The Rape Anthology”, per esempio. Secondo i seguaci di questa forma violenta di estremismo, lo stupro e la pedofilia sarebbero necessari per la liberazione dell’anima in vista del conflitto finale. Creare il Superuomo. Molti militanti, cani sciolti, negli ultimi tre anni, sono stati arrestati. E altre a crimini e attentati, vi sono imputazioni per distribuzione e detenzione di materiale pedopornografico. Benjamin Bogard, nel 2019, è stato arrestato dall’FBI perchè stava fabbricando una bomba, sommerso da materiale che raffigurava bambini. Un tale dell’Ordine dei Nove Angoli, inglese, venne arrestato nel 2018 per lo stupro di una ragazzina di 14 anni. Un altro membro, Andrew Dymock, è stato condannato per la violenza subita da una ragazzina che aveva sul corpo scavati simboli esoterici e svastiche. Nel marzo 2020, uno dei giovanissimi capi dell’AtomWaffen Division, oltre ad altri capi di imputazione gravissimi, ha visto cadere su di sè l’accusa di possesso e diffusione di materiale pedopornografico. A settembre 2020, un tale Harry Vaughan, è stato arrestato nel suo buco, dove ammassava armi, recitava litanie a Satana ed Hitler, costuriva bomba, e si masturbava con migliaia di video di stupri brutali di bambini. I documenti sono liberamente scaricabili in rete, come l’affiliazione al gruppo. Il mondo è un posto strano. Francesco Barbarossa
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usnewsrank · 3 years
Neo-Nazi who carved swastika on ex’s backside and wanted race war is jailed
Neo-Nazi who carved swastika on ex’s backside and wanted race war is jailed
Andrew Dymock promoted an extreme right-wing group aiming to ‘stir up a race war’ (Picture: PA) A Neo-Nazi who carved a swastika into his girlfriend’s behind has been jailed for seven years. Andrew Dymock, 24, had held a leading role in an extreme right-wing group which aimed to ‘stir up a race war’. The politics student previously was found guilty in June of 15 charges, including 12…
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atscorpsblog · 3 years
Andrew Dymock: Neo-Nazi guilty of terrorism charges
Andrew Dymock: Neo-Nazi guilty of terrorism charges
Police say that Andrew Dymock’s conviction is a “key step in protecting the UK”. Source link
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organisationskoval · 1 year
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232) Sonnenkrieg Division (Dywizja Sonnenkrieg [Sonnenkrieg to po niemiecku "sun war" („wojna słoneczna”)]) - neonazistowska grupa, która jest brytyjską filią Dywizji Atomwaffen i utrzymuje swoje powiązania z Dywizją Atomwaffen za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej i dyskusji na czacie jako jak również przez używanie podobnych nazw i rozpowszechnianie podobnej propagandy. Pojawił się w grudniu 2018 roku, kiedy ujawniono, że członkowie grupy zasugerowali na serwerze grupy Discord, że książę Harry był „zdrajcą rasy”, który powinien zostać zastrzelony za poślubienie Meghan Markle, która jest rasy mieszanej; że policjanci powinni być gwałceni i zabijani; i że białe kobiety, które umawiają się z nie-białymi, powinny zostać powieszone. Uważa się, że w momencie powstania w 2018 roku grupa liczyła od 10 do 15 członków w Wielkiej Brytanii i Europie, a niektórzy podejrzani członkowie byli prawdopodobnie zaangażowani w poprzednią grupę neonazistowską, System Resistance Network (jeden z pseudonimów National Action), która była powiązana z różnymi aktami przemocy na tle rasowym i podpaleniami w Wielkiej Brytanii. BBC ujawniło, że liderami grupy byli 21-letni Andrew Dymock i 18-letni Oskar Dunn-Koczorowski. Policja aresztowała trzech podejrzanych członków dywizji Sonnenkrieg na początku grudnia 2018 r. W ramach „toczącego się śledztwa w sprawie działalności skrajnie prawicowej”. MI5, brytyjska agencja wywiadu wewnętrznego, przejęła wiodącą rolę w rządowym monitorowaniu skrajnie prawicowego terroryzmu. 18 czerwca 2019 r. członkowie Sonnenkrieg, Dunn-Koczorowski i 19-letni Michał Szewczuk, zostali skazani za przestępstwa terrorystyczne. Według prokuratury mężczyźni promowali „zaangażowanie się w ‘totalny atak’ na system”, Dunn-Koczorowski, ogłaszając, że „terror jest najlepszą bronią polityczną, nic nie napędza ludzi bardziej niż strach przed nagłą śmiercią” i byli zdeterminowani do działania. Co więcej, na grupę wpłynął James Mason, który „może reprezentować najbardziej brutalny, rewolucyjny i potencjalnie terrorystyczny wyraz obecnego prawicowego ekstremizmu”. Dunn-Koczorowski został skazany na 18 miesięcy więzienia za zachęcanie do terroryzmu, a Szewczuk na 4 lata więzienia za zachęcanie do terroryzmu i posiadanie dokumentów przydatnych terrorystom, takich jak instrukcje konstruowania bomb. Brytyjscy antyfaszyści twierdzą, że Dywizja Sonnenkrieg była pod wpływem Zakonu Dziewięciu Kątów i jest bardziej ekstremalna i potencjalnie bardziej brutalna niż Akcja Narodowa. W corocznym raporcie Hope not Hate „State of Hate” stwierdzono, że: „niektórzy członkowie zrealizowali również niektóre z tych satanistycznych fantazji i krążą zarzuty gwałtu i uwięzienia ich własnych członków”. Członkowie Sonnenkrieg Division udostępnili filmy, na których jedna z kobiet była torturowana i dźgana nożem przez jednego z męskich członków grupy. Prywatne wiadomości, które należały do Sonnenkrieg Division i zostały zdobyte przez policję, zawierały nagrania członków grupy znęcających się nad kobietami, takie jak obrazy gwałtu na kobiecie, której ciało wycięto swastyką i runami. 20 lutego 2019 roku 18-letni Jacek Tchorzewski został zatrzymany przez jednostkę antyterrorystyczną na lotnisku Luton. Został aresztowany pod zarzutem przestępstw terrorystycznych, a policja odkryła „ogromną ilość” instrukcji dotyczących wytwarzania broni i materiałów wybuchowych oraz nazistowskiej propagandy. W sądzie usłyszano, jak Tchorzewski powiedział, że „jego marzeniem” było dokonanie zamachu terrorystycznego i zamierzał w tym celu przemycić z Niemiec broń palną i materiały wybuchowe. Przedstawiono także notatnik z celi więziennej, w którym napisał: „Napełnijmy nasze serca terrorem, a ulice Londynu krwią”. Komandor Richard Smith, szef jednostki antyterrorystycznej, powiedział, że Tchorzewski był powiązany z dywizją Sonnenkrieg. Sędzia Anuja Dhir powiedziała, że Tchorzewski był „głęboko zakorzenionym neonazistą zainteresowanym satanizmem i praktykami okultystycznymi” oraz „przestępcą szczególnej troski”. 20 września 2019 roku Tchorzewski został skazany na cztery lata więzienia za przestępstwa terrorystyczne w Old Bailey. 4 grudnia 2019 r. Andrew Dymock został aresztowany i oskarżony o 15 przestępstw terrorystycznych, w tym zachęcanie do terroryzmu i zbieranie funduszy dla grupy terrorystycznej. Po raz pierwszy został aresztowany w czerwcu 2018 roku na lotnisku Gatwick w drodze do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Dymock został przesłuchany w sprawie rzekomych przestępstw seksualnych wobec nastolatki w związku z wcześniejszymi napaściami na kobiety. Został skazany za wszystkie zarzuty 12 czerwca 2021 r. i skazany na siedem lat więzienia 21 lipca 2021 r. W lutym 2020 r. Dywizja Sonnenkrieg stała się drugą skrajnie prawicową grupą, która została zdelegalizowana jako organizacja terrorystyczna po Akcji Narodowej. 2 września 2020 roku Harry Vaughan przyznał się do 14 przestępstw terrorystycznych i posiadania pornografii dziecięcej. Vaughan był powiązany zarówno z Akcją Narodową, jak i Dywizją Sonnenkrieg. Przeszukanie jego domu przez policję ujawniło pornografię dziecięcą, dokumenty pokazujące, jak budować bomby i detonatory oraz „satanistyczne, neonazistowskie” książki ONA doradzające gwałt i morderstwo. Oprócz tego został opisany w Old Bailey jako entuzjasta broni palnej mieszkający ze swoimi dwiema młodymi siostrami w momencie aresztowania. 2 marca 2021 r. australijski minister spraw wewnętrznych Peter Dutton przyjął zalecenie Australijskiej Organizacji Wywiadu Bezpieczeństwa (ASIO), aby nazwać dywizję Sonnenkrieg „organizacją terrorystyczną”, powołując się na ich zasięg w Australii. Dywizja Sonnenkrieg została oficjalnie zakazana w Australii 22 marca 2021 r.
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gwydionmisha · 3 years
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stephiewoodcock · 3 years
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This scumbag should be locked up & the key thrown away!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 . Article uploaded to neo-Nazi group argued that Holocaust denial is irrelevant, because the total destruction of Jewish people was not achieved. . https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/neo-nazis-andrew-dymock-holocaust-srn-b1843955.html . #nazi #naziscum https://www.instagram.com/p/COxUXo2pBzv/?igshid=1dx3olxjzek
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altabear · 3 years
Man accused of trying to “start a race war” comes out in attempt to prove he’s not a neo-Nazi
Man accused of trying to “start a race war” comes out in attempt to prove he’s not a neo-Nazi
Author: Juwan J. Holmes A former college student being accused of being a member of neo-Nazi extremist organizations and encouraging terrorism and hatred is claiming that he is innocent, in part because he’s bisexual which is “in direct conflict with Nazism.” Andrew Dymock was first arrested on 15 criminal charges in June 2018. He was attempting to fly to the United States when he was…
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spookshowninjakitty · 3 years
Soul Legacy by Carissa Andrews (Windhaven Witches #2)
Soul Legacy by Carissa Andrews (Windhaven Witches #2)
Soul Legacy by Carissa Andrews Book #2 Windhaven Witches series Fantasy/Paranormal/Urban Fantasy/Supernatural Published by Author Revolution LLC (6th October 2020) Purchase from | Amazon AU | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Booktopia* | Fishpond AU* | Bookshop.org | Book Depository* | Dymocks | My rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ It’s a new semester at Windhaven Academy and Autumn is excited to have her boyfriend…
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kingedwardvi · 3 years
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Edward VI 1547-1553
1548–9. Jan. 4. (Brabant style.) Antwerp. The Magistrates of Antwerp to the Lord Protector and the Council. Their intervention has been besought by James Van Maseyck and Hubert Calnwaert, their fellow-citizens, in behalf of their partner and other fellow-citizen, William Van Eertwyck, who has been arrested in London, and is in danger of his life for having in his possession letters of licence from his Majesty, ascertained to be forged, but which he purchased in ignorance thereof for the sum of 100 pounds of Flanders money from Bernard Rubiis, public money-lender here. Send herewith certified copies of the judicial proceedings against the said Bernard Rubiis, and requesting that suit against Eertwyck may be stayed, &c. [Latin. One page.]
Jan. 7. Antwerp. Batoryk [Borthwick ?] to the Lord Protector. Refers to some marriage and exchange of property. The French king makes certain preparations for the defence of Scotland. Propounds a plan for eradicating Papismus by transferring the Kirklands to gentlemen's hands. Intends to depart to-morrow, and to get favourable letters from the King of Denmark to the French King to deliver the gentlemen of the castle of St. Andrew's according to the promise made to them by the Prince of Capua. [One page and a half. Much effaced by damp.]
Jan. 10. Brussels. The Emperor Charles V. d notre tres chier et bien amé Messire Guillme Paget, Chev de lordre et Contreroler d' Angleterre. Credentials of M. Francis Vanderdilst, his Ambassador, on resuming his functions in England. [One page.]
Jan. 17. Augsburg. Same to King Edward VI. Supporting the claims of certain citizens of Lubeck for the value of a vessel impressed by King Henry VIII. during his war with the French King, and for which indemnity had been promised. [One page.]
Jan. 20. Instructions for John Dymock sent to the Duke of Lunenburg, the Count of Oldenburg, and others, for the purpose of levying more soldiers under Courtpening. His Majesty offers to bestow on the Duke and the Count a pension of 1,500 crowns each, and has taken the son of the former into his service, and to be trained in his Court, with a pension of 500 crowns. [Sixteen pages. Draft.]
Jan. 24. Bremen. The Senate of Bremen to King Edward VI. Their reply has been communicated in writing to John Brend, his Majesty's Ambassador. They will take care that none of their citizens shall supply the Scots with munitions or provisions; reserving, however, their traffic with Ireland. Request the loan for a few years of 5,000 or 6,000 talents sterling. [Latin. One page.]
Jan. 25. Brussels. Emanuel Philibert, Prince of Piedmont and Duke of Savoy, to the Lord Protector. Recommends the bearer, Aleram, son of Boarel, Marquis d'Ancise, one of his vassals, who desires to be employed in the service of the King of England. [French. Broadside.]
Jan. 31. Gaspar de Figueredo, Portuguese Ambassador, to the same. Complains that a person from whom he had hired a house will not give him possession, and requests his Grace's interference. [Latin. One page.]
Feb. 23. Paris.  Dr. Wotton to the same. On the 1st of this month the French Queen was brought a-bed of a fine boy. Hears that the King of Portugal, the Duke of Ferrara, and the Queen Dowager of Scotland are to be his sponsors; and that the King has sent expressly to the Emperor and the Bishop of Rome to intimate the birth. Monluc, who it is said is to be President of the Council in Scotland, has not yet left. M. de Thermes is here also, but reported as soon to go to Scotland, and M. d'Essé is to come home. 
Divers captains come out of Provence for Scotland. Pietro Strozzi is at the Court again. Hears that the French King has news of the safe arrival of the Provenceaux in Scotland, and that in the beginning of next March 2,000 more men are to be sent there. 
It is said that Berwick, which they reckon easy to be won, is to be besieged the first thing this year. Hears that the French King has renewed a league with the Swiss. Of late has been a great fray in this Court, connected with the rival claims of the families of De la Val and Andelot to the inheritance of certain estates, the particulars of which he gives at length. 
Had on the 11th received his Grace's letter of the 3d inst. Fitzgarret being still about the Court, the bearer of this, Henry King, brought the priest to him; what they have done and how they have sped, they can best declare to his Grace. 
Had spoken with Fitzgarret at his earnest desire; if his tongue and his heart agree, he is most anxious to return home. Trusts that his conversation with him may have somewhat confirmed him in that purpose, and he would fain it might be very shortly, for such causes as the said priest can declare unto his Grace. 
Fitzgarret himself says that undoubtedly the French King sends another aid to Scotland next month, and those that are to go are hasted to Brittany. [Three pages; partly in cipher, deciphered. Printed by Tytler, except the portion in cipher, Vol. i., p. 156.]
March 24. Hamburg. John Dymock to the Council. Has been requested by some Lords of this city to introduce the bearer, who seeks redress for articles taken from some merchants here by Sir Andrew Dudley, whose note of hand bears that they were taken for the King's use.
Unless this is seen to, does not see how he can procure any ships for the King's service, so many similar grievances being complained of. Enumerates the articles and the ships from which they have been taken. [Two pages.]
--- March 24. Hamburg. John Dymock to the Lord Protector. The Earl of Oldenburg will not serve for less than what he received from the French King, viz., 2,000 crowns for himself, and the same sum for the entertainment of 12 captains. Thinks the Earl of Mansfeldt and his son have persuaded him to this. Had been to the Duke of Brunswick at the castle of Harburg on the 18th; after much persuasion he agrees to serve for 1,500 crowns. Determined opposition to the Interim in these parts. Necessity for increasing the pay of the mercenaries. Question as to the transmission of horses and men to England. The city of Wittenberg and castle of Turgo have been delivered to King Ferdinand by Duke Maurice. [Four pages. Partly printed by Tytler, Vol. i., p. 161.]
--- 1549. March 25. Hamburg. Same to the Lord Protector and the Council. As to the seizure for his Majesty's use of a vessel laden with salt fish belonging to some merchant of the Hanse Towns. [One page. Much defaced.]
--- March 28. Hamburg. Same to same. Sends by a special messenger to ascertain their pleasure on the various points contained in his letters of 16th and 24th inst., and recapitulates at great length his interviews and negotiations as to supply of ships and men. [Six pages and a half.]
--- April 6. Westminster. The Council to Sir Philip Hoby. Had received his letters of 31st March and 1st and 2d April. Are much gratified by the Emperor giving licence for soldiers to enter the King's service, his evil taking of the Frenchmen passing through his pale, and his promises of support in case of any invasion by the French. 
Desire him to return their hearty thanks to the Emperor, and to ask if he will permit some of the soldiers to pass by four, five, or six, file a file, by land to Calais, where it is intended to employ them as occasion serves.
Also to thank Mons. D'Arras, Mons. Monfauconet, Mons. De Rie, the Ambassador from Florence, and others his Majesty's good friends and willers. Desire him to explain the cause of the wants of Boulogne and the disorders there, which are now all settled. 
Should liberty be given for the soldiers to pass by land, he is instantly to apprize Dymock. If Captain Ventura will serve the King on the same terms as other Italians, they are willing to treat with him for himself and 200 footmen. [Two pages. Draft.]
April 11. Bremen. John Dymock to Sir Philip Hoby, Knight and Ambassador for the King's Majesty in the Emperor's Court. Has received his letter of the 25th March. Has done all that in him lies with the Lords of Bremen and Hamburg, but at no hand can have grant for ships or liberty to bring strange vessels into their ports, so as to convey men to England. 
Has since then been to the Lady of Embden with like want of success, so that he has been unable to engage any soldiers, but he upholds them with good words until he can ascertain the pleasure of the Council. 
All fear that after the arrival of his son in Brussels the Emperor will attack these countries. The Rhinegrave has laboured much by the King of Denmark with the Lords of Hamburg and Bremen, and has threatened, that if they allow any men to be conveyed out of their rivers, both the King of Denmark and the French King will capture their ships wherever they find them.
By means of a merchant is to get four great ships, which shall go to the Elbe and wait there 20 days for whatever lading shall come aboard of them. Has also sent to Amsterdam to freight other four ships in like manner. Within the same space will see to collect his men, and with 20 small vessels have them all taken aboard at one tide. Can have horsemen enough, but their freight will be very chargeable; besides they will not serve under five dollars per diem for every horse and man. 
Requests him to write to the Protector to arrange for his drawing upon some merchant at Antwerp for 2,000l. sterling to be repaid there, as he fears he shall not have money enough to pay a whole month's wages, bounty, and victualling the ships, which will cost about 700l. or 800l. sterling. Farther financial details and suggestions. All the cities and towns here are busy fortifying themselves. Hopes he may come to a good end in this journey, as it is too weighty for one man alone to compass these things. [Three pages.]
April 17. [Westminster.]  The Council to Sir Philip Hoby, Knight and Ambassador for the King's Majesty in the Emperor's Court. Instructing him to communicate with the Emperor in regard to the suppression of a horde of pirates some 20 sail strong, composed of lawless men of all nations, who have been ravaging the coast of Ireland as well as spoiling some of the Emperor's subjects. In regard of the subsidy to his Majesty granted in the last Parliament, the subjects of the Emperor residing in England shall be treated as heretofore they have been under similar grants. [Three pages. Draft.]
--- April 18. Hamburg. John Dymock to the Lord Protector and the Council. Has received their letters of 25th March and 1st April. The soldiers cannot be conveyed to England in either of the ways which they propose. Neither can he get the ships for the Elbe, the Lords of Bremen having had knowledge of his design and stayed them. 
Can devise no manner of transport, unless they can have leave from the Emperor for the men to pass through the Low Countries, or arrest as many hoys on the Thames as will serve for the number of men, and send them on the Elbe or the Weser, when he will find means to ship them. If they desire to keep Duke Otho's men in their service, they must somewhat amend his son's living, or else help him out of debt and let him return to his father, as 500 crowns are not sufficient to maintain him in England. [Two pages.]
---- April 20. Antwerp. William Dansell to the Lord Protector. Sends packet from John Dymock at Bremen, who desires its instant despatch, and to know whether Dansell has orders to supply him with money for the King's service. Has provided such munitions as he had charge to do; and has acquired money sufficient to pay the King's debt, due on 20th May, at 13 per cent., without taking any goods with it.
If more money be wanted for his Majesty, he can procure to the extent of 100,000l. for 14 per cent., without taking any wares with it; this is not overmuch, as the Emperor himself even to his own subjects pays 15, 16, and often 18 per cent. [One page.]
--- April 24. Harburg. John Dymock to the Lord Protector. Letter of credence for Andries Ryenhorde, Chancellor to Duke Otho of Lunenburg, sent to England upon business of his master. [One page.]
--- April 25. Greenwich. The Council to William Dansell. Have received his letter of the 20th, and replied to Dymock by the inclosed. Lazarus Tucker has informed them by Bruno that he expects payment on the 15th of May, the day on which the money is due, or else that he shall have notice before then that the King will take longer day; wherefore desire him to arrange with Tucker for the continuance of the loan at 12 per cent. Decline to borrow more at the per-centage mentioned in his letter, and show how the Emperor's financial arrangements are made, in a manner very different from that of the King's Majesty. [Two pages. Draft.]
--- April 27. Hamburg. John Dymock to the Lord Protector and the Council. His difficulties are entirely from want of ships, which if he had, his men would be ready in ten days, and be embarked at one tide. Constant trafficking goes on between the Kings of France and Denmark, the Rhinegrave, and others. 
The post which he sent into Denmark to Sir John Borthwick has returned bringing back his letters, as Sir John had left the King's Court and gone to Sweden; but he has written to him by a post sent from the Lords of these cities to the King of Sweden, and is in expectation daily of a reply. 
The King of Denmark, being much ruled by his Councillors, who are all imperialists, will receive the Interim, and has written to the Lords of Hamburg that they should do the like. It is reported that the Duke of Wirtemberg has received the Interim, and his subjects have raised against him 16,000 men, who carry a black ensign, having on one side a crucifix and on the other a plough. Captain Hackford has sent to offer men on certain terms; if they accept them, they must order money to be sent from Antwerp. [Four pages.]
--- April 29. Greenwich. The Council to William Dansell. Inform him that Charles de Guevara, a Spaniard, has engaged to conduct hither 100 horsemen, to be at Calais by the 7th of June, and desire him to advance to the said Guevara a certain sum (left blank), taking security for its repayment in case the contract shall not be fulfilled. Also to pay to a certain Albanois in prest for him and other 30 Albanois an amount (likewise left blank). [One page. Draft.]
--- May 5. Hamburg. John Dymock to the Lord Protector and the Council. Has this day their letter of the 13th ult., the bearer having been fruitlessly detained at Brussels. Will do his best to procure the full number of 2,000 men, whom he will send by sea, having obtained the good will of the Lords of Hamburg to embark them within seven leagues of Hamburg, but they do not wish this to be known. 
Desires to know his Majesty's pleasure whether those sent by land shall remain at Boulogne and so on to Scotland, and whether the others shall go by ship to Berwick or Boulogne, because he hears that the French King will have to do with Boulogne this summer with a great company, only that the Emperor do let him of his pass. 
Brings with him a very good captain and a tall man as leader and governor of these men, in case anything should happen to Courtpening. Does not know what Courtpening means by allowing so many soldiers to come away daily, as they do; and those who come give such evil report of him, that all are loth to serve under him. 
Recommends that he and Mr. Brend should be written to. If his Majesty wants 300 horsemen well appointed to come by water, Anthony Rassow, Governor of one of Duke Ollof of Holstein's towns on the sea coast, will gladly serve on the same terms as Captain Hackford has, and asks three French crown on every horse till he arrives in England. Has paid Duke Otho of Lunenburg his half year's pension. [Two pages.]
---- May 6. [Hamburg.] Same to same. To the like effect, and almost in the same terms as the preceding letter. Courtpening much complained of, "for it is said that men there are more ordered like beasts than Christians, both in the scarcity of victuals and payment." The Duke of Holstein is named Hans, not Ollof. [Three pages, considerably injured.]
--- May 11. Hamburg. Same to same. Has received their letters of the 25th April. Because Sir Philip Hoby has only got passport for 500 men, Dymock has the good will of the Lords here to wink at his embarking his soldiers at Friburg, seven leagues hence. The name of the captain who is to accompany them is Walderdon. Hackford is well known here, and little esteemed but to be a great braggart. 
He has in his company under him the Earl of Ritburgh, whom Dymock knows very well to be a great mutineer; for he served before Boulogne with Eytel Wolff, and what ado he made there is not unknown to some of their Lordships. Has this morning been sent for to Lubeck, by one of the Lords there, because of the arrival at Holy-haven, eight leagues distant therefrom, of a large Scottish ship, with much munition and 80 men and a Lord, who is now in Lubeck, and intends to land all kind of munition for the wars. Wishes it were possible to disappoint him, both of his ship and his goods, with the help of the said Lords. [Two pages and a half.]
May 25. Greenwich. Minute of Council to William Dansell. Inform him that they have bargained with John Cooke for 500 quintals of saltpetre, and 1,000 harquebuses, after the Italian sort. Direct him to try the harquebuses, and, if found good, to pay Cooke on their arrival in England, as certified by Sir Michael Stanhope's letter to Cooke. [One page.]
--- May 25. Greenwich. Minute from Sir Michael Stanhope to Cooke. According to his letter of the 18th has moved the Protector, who directs that payment for the saltpetre and harquebuses shall be made to him by Mr. Dansell. Likewise for the "Colen cliffs," according as his Grace has written for the demi-lances; "those which be of the old form will do no man service, no man here will wear them, and therefore it shall be but loss to send them." Farther, with reference to the provision of bullion. [One page.]
--- May 25. Antwerp. William Dansell to the Lord Protector. Is much grieved to find by the letter of his Grace, sanctioned by the other Lords of the Council, that his doings should have been taken in such ill part when he considered himself rather entitled to thanks. Recapitulates his dealings with Lazarus Tucker, as certified by his letter of the 3d inst., and enters into full explanations as to the supply of money and delivery of the bullion purchased by Thomas Gresham and him from Tucker for the advantage of the realm, in refutation of the rumour in London alluded to in the Council's letter of the 17th. Refers to his letter of the 17th. The prices of various kerseys, lead, and bell-metal suggested to be sent, if the money payable in September is not to remain at interest for another year. The prices asked by Cooke for the saltpetre and harquebuses are higher than those for which the same are offered to Dansell. [Seven pages.]
(continues next)
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channelhour · 4 years
Andrew Dymock charged with 12 terror offences
Andrew Dymock, from Bath, was arrested on Wednesday after an investigation by counter terrorism police. from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2sH1tmQ from Blogger https://ift.tt/2DL1fgR
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