#Amon sul
madcat-world · 4 months
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MTG x LOTR: Weathertop (1 of 2) - Calder Moore
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theworldsoftolkein · 2 months
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The Lord of the Rings Sign Post - by C.L.V Moore
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baba-the-yagaa · 1 year
POV: Frodo at Weathertop
tw: skulls and fake stuff like there's blue ghosts here and uh fire and skulls
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rohirric-hunter · 1 year
I think that Stand at Amon Sul should be in the Treacherous Wilds Ill Omens quest, not the Strongholds of the Free Peoples one. Aside from the fact that it fits the definition better (Amon Sul is a ruin and nobody lives there), Strongholds of the Free Peoples is getting a little bloated, especially with the addition of Doom of Caras Gelebren, and it would balance out the different quests to remove one skirmish from it and add it to one of the shorter quests.
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gort-grundlekin · 5 months
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Weathertop/amon sul progress
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kon-igi · 2 years
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Comunque @salfadog questa cosa dei Fuochi di Amon Dîn l’ha presa troppo sul serio :(
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suevincent · 7 months
Big Stone Culture...
Two-Thousand-and-Twenty-Three an Asylum Reality… ‘That could almost be the watchtower of Amon Sul…’ *** … Exclaimed one of our Companions on their first view of Carl Wark. It was a well observed remark and one Tolkien himself would, perhaps, have been proud of. It seems clear that what appear as the ‘remains of Westernesse’ in his books are in fact, in the real world, the Old Stone Sites of…
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
I am the Celestial of Death Chap. 4; A battle on Weathertop
*Author’s note*
Okay guys this is where things pick up even faster, for those DIE-HARD LOTR fans, fill free to listen to the score (I’m too lazy to post up links tbh so just search up the scores or the scenes themselves on youtube or whatever music station you guys use). Now the next chapter will be the last one I have for ya’ll until further notice so enjoy these last two chapters on this sequel binge reading.
We continued for the next day and a half until we finally reached the borders of Weathertop or as it is known to some the great watchtower of Amon Sul.  I flew back down towards Aragorn and he extended his gloved hand to me and I landed on his forearm and let out some squawks and trills telling him I found where we could rest for the night.
“Well done White Wing.” He said as he gave me a gentle scratch on top of my head.
“What did she say?” asked Merry.
“There’s a place just ahead where we can make camp tonight.”
“Thank goodness, I thought we’d be walking all night too.” Pippin sighed with relief.
“Just how far is this place Strider?” Sam asked him.
“Not far Master Gamgee. White Wing will guide us there.” I let out a shriek and took off flying over the four hobbits squawking and trilling before flying on ahead.
Over the hills and clifftops and soon within the hour just before sunset, we arrived at Amon Sol.  I flew back towards Aragorn and landed on his shoulder as he told the Hobbits.
“This was the great Watchtower of Amon Sul. We shall rest here tonight.” The four hobbits looked up at the tower and Merry said.
“So….we make camp at the foot of this tower?”
“I’m afraid not. Higher ground will give us the upper hand in case the Nazgul are still following us.” At that statement from Aragorn, all four of the Hobbit’s face grew grim and scrunched up at just how much they were going to have to scale up.  “Come, if we are to get to the top before dark.”
“And I thought trees would be the tallest thing I would climb.” Merry grumbled.
“I don’t think I’ll ever scale up a tree again after this.” Pippin agreed.
“He’s right though. We don’t have much choice.” Frodo told them.  Without another (at least verbally loud) complaint, the five of them walked up the tower staircase whilst I flew up ahead and surveyed the top of the tower just to make sure no threats could be found.
Midway up the tower along the side edge, the Hobbits dropped their packs and lay there on their backs exhausted from the long travels we had without any rest.  I flew back over to Aragorn and landed on his forearm scanning the area.
“Are we safe?” he whispered to me in Elvish.  For now I squawked out to him.  He then set me down on one of the large rocks and as I preened my feathers, Aragorn set down a tarp to reveal four Hobbit-sized swords (which were really Elvish daggers).  “These are for you. Keep them close. White Wing and I are going to have a look around.”
As he spoke, he handed each hobbit a sword (which brought back memories of when Bilbo first got his sword Sting at the Troll cave).  He extended his arm out and I flew to him and flapped my wings frantically.
“Stay here.” He told them firmly as they looked or admired their newly gifted swords.  He then walked off leaving the four Hobbits alone on the watchtower whilst we surveyed the area some more.
I looked up at the sky to see the dark, ominous black clouds blocking the sunset.  That alone made a shiver go through my body as my feathers ruffled anxiously.
“I know my friend, this dark fog has me uneasy as well.” He said as he gently stroked my wing.  “But I’ll need your eyes to scout ahead. See if the Wraiths have caught up to us, or if anything worse comes our way. Find me once you’ve found it.” I nodded and let out a couple of trills and a squawk.  “Yes, yes I too will be careful.”
He gave me a gently scratch under my chin before extending his arm out and I took off flying into the dark fog letting out a proud call.
As the sky grew dark and nightfall came upon the land of Middle Earth I soared through the skies keeping a sharp eye out for any signs of the Wraiths, Orcs, goblins or spies of Sauron.  But then my eye caught signs of a light in the North, right where Weathertop was.  I quickly flew towards it and my heart sunk.
Curse the Hobbits and their troublesome stomachs! They had lit a fire signaling our location.  And if that wasn’t bad enough, the piercing sound of the Nazgul’s cries sent my body into a frantic frenzy.  I took off to find Aragorn as quickly as I could squawking and trilling out in a warning call.
When I finally came across him I flew around him in a panicked manner squawking and crying out.
“White wing! White Wing cease your panic and calm down!” he extended his arm out and I landed on it before telling him what I saw and heard. “They what!? I knew I had heard them but I didn’t think they would find them this fast! If you ever return back to normal, I suggest you give those Hobbits a stern talking to about their eating schedule.”
Oh I will! I get that Hobbits must eat 7 times a day but there is a time and a place where a campfire is needed to prepare food.  I just hope we’re not too late! We then took off running back towards the Watchtower.
Aragorn along the way grabbed himself a torch and preparing it as well as drawing out his sword.  We scaled the Watchtower with haste and that’s when my ears heard the sound of Frodo screaming in pure agony.  I flew on ahead and was horrified at what I saw before me.
Frodo was down on the ground with the One Ring on his finger, the Witch-king Angmar standing over him had stabbed Frodo in the shoulder with his most dangerous weapon, a Morgul Blade!
I let out a shriek and flew right at Angmar.  And even with the fear that he is known to eminent off of his very being to whomever dares challenge him, I swallowed that fear and tackled him face on.  My wings flapping frantically beating his face and my talons scarring his ghostly mouth and hallowed cheekbones.
Soon my backup arrived with Aragorn coming in with a battle cry waving the flaming torch as well as his sword at the four remaining Nazgul. I was then grabbed by Angmar in his fist and I frantically cried out to which Aragorn rescued me by waving the torch right up Angmar’s robes, setting him ablaze.
The second his grip loosened I flew out of his hand and flew off to handle the other remaining Nazgul.  As Aragorn was fighting off against one of them, another was coming up behind him, sword raised high.  I let out a cry and flew downward and stopped the sword with my talons and redirected his blade at another Nazgul, the two of them starting to fight each other till I swooped in grabbing the hoods of their robes and pulling as hard as I could till they both fell over the tower.
Frodo, who was now visible having taken the Ring off his finger, looked deathly pale and cold as Sam stood over him protectively along with Merry and Pippin watching Aragorn and I handle the remaining Wraiths.  I knew exactly what Frodo was going through, the dark poison slipping through his very body and what he was probably seeing for I too have seen it when Sauron tried to possess me so long ago.
I took notice of one Wraith trying to sneak away but I flew towards it and kept swooping down at it frantically calling out to Aragorn who threw his torch right at the Nazgul’s hooded face setting him ablaze, retreating and screeching like a coward.
I flew back towards Frodo letting out a couple of worried squawks and cries as Sam called out to Aragorn.
“Strider! Help him Strider!” I looked down at the Morgul blade and flew beside it.  Even though it still sent shivers up my body, it didn’t give me as much fear like it did before.  Aragorn looked down at me and he picked it up informing the Hobbits just how injured Frodo truly was and that it wasn’t gonna be something Aragorn could do.
“He’s been stabbed by a Morgul Blade.” The blade disintegrated into dust leaving only the hilt as Frodo continued to cry in utter agony. “This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs Elvish medicine.” He picked Frodo over his shoulder who groaned in pain and we quickly scaled down the Tower.
Walking down a familiar trail Aragorn led ahead of us holding another torch telling the Hobbits to hurry as the sounds of the Nazgul pierced the night sky.
“We’re six days from Rivendell. He’ll never make it!” Sam said in a panic.  I looked up to the Moon and back to Aragorn and quickly flew to him and told him where they could briefly rest and where to potentially find some Athelas to slow the poison that ran through Frodo’s body.
“You sure they’ll be some there?” I let out a couple of squawks and said.  “Very well. I’ll get them there. Scout ahead to see just how close they are.” He told me. I took off flying however I wouldn’t be scouting ahead, but seeking council and to transform myself back into my normal body once more.
I managed to find the troll cave where I found Thena’s power and where Thorin and Bilbo got their swords after our encounter with the three trolls.  I look up to the moon and closed my eyes reaching out to Cain.
‘Brother Cain, brother Cain. Can you hear me?’ the moonbeams shined down upon me and his voice replied to me.
‘You wish to return to your normal body to save the Ringbearer Frodo Baggins.’
‘Yes. Please Cain Frodo is my dearest friend, the nephew of the first Hobbit I’ve ever come to know. I promised Bilbo I would keep an eye on him, I—I cannot lose him the way I was nearly lost.’
‘You know what this will mean don’t you? Once you turn back to your Celestial form, there is no hiding from Sauron anymore. His forces will hunt you down, much like they will the Ring. And the lost King of Gondor.’
‘I know the risk brother. But I’m done hiding from him. If Sauron wants me, he’ll have to kill me in order to obtain my body and powers. Because I’m done being afraid of him.’ I heard him sigh and he said.
‘Ikaris definitely gave you his stubbornness. But it is also your motherly heart for the Hobbits that drives you to this decision. Very well, I shall return you to your true self once more.’ My body went laxed with relief and I soon felt the same magic that was used to turn me into a hawk, surround me once more.
I was lifted high into the sky as I recalled my human form. My skin color, the length and color of my hair, my eyes, everything about me as I felt my body began to shift and grow once more.  The cracks of my bones and the expansion of my organs made me groan out in pain until I finally let out one last bird shriek which turned into a woman’s scream before I was slowly let down onto the ground.
Panting and feeling weak I looked down at myself to see that I was truly back.  Ten fingers, human skin, no feathers, wiggling my ten toes within my boots instead of talon claws.  A soft nose instead of a sharp beak and soft (though probably untamed and wild) hair. Dark brown hair with the two white streaks the framed both sides of my face.
I reached up to make sure and I sighed with relief to feel that both Fili and Kili’s familial braids they gave me were still intact. Slowly I raised myself onto my feet but it took a bit to regain my balance and Cain told me.
‘It’ll take you time to adjust being in your human body once more.’
“Thank you, brother.” My voice croaked out after not using it for over 17 years.
‘Five Wraiths are right behind you. The other four are biding their time in the shadows waiting for the five to bring you to them. Your only hope is to go through along the Hidden Valley trail and then enter Rivendell by the river.’
“I’ll get Frodo there with Makkari’s speed.”
‘Be sure to tell Aragorn that his Lúthien is searching for them. She can guide them the rest of the way there.’ I smiled and said.
“I’ll tell him. They’ll be in good hands with Arwen. Thank you again brother Cain.”
‘Just be safe little sister. As I said it’ll take time for your body to adjust. Which means using the Sound Celestial’s speed could prove fatal if you’re not careful.’
“I know. But I’ve got to try. As I said; I made a promise to a friend to keep his nephew out of harm’s way. And you know that I will see to a promise through and through.”
‘That I do.’ Cain’s voice spoke and I know there was a smile to the way he said it. ‘Good luck Hela.’ He said before our connection was broken.
I took the first step and much like a newborn fawn, I stumbled around a bit till I found my footing and I went off to search for Aragorn and the others.  Pretty soon the light from Aragorn’s torch as his body was crouched down to the ground was within my vision.  Lightly smirking and taking out a small dagger I kept hidden within my boot I silently stalked up to Aragorn and placed the dagger right at his neck.  He froze and I felt his body tense as I told him.
“Really Strider? Have I taught you no better than to never let your enemy see you in the shadows?” he turned towards me and when he saw that I was back to normal he softly spoke my name.  To which I gave him a smirk and I took the dagger away from his neck and pocketed back in my boot.
“You have returned to your true self.” He said to me.  I nodded.
“I’ll need them back Aragorn.” He breathed out through his nose and took out a small sack hidden within his belt and handed it to me. I untied the sack and inside of it were the Celestial gems.
I knelt down and dumped them to the ground and one by one I placed them back into each slot along my gauntlets leaving only one slot remaining blank.
“I knew I could trust you with them.” I said.
“The voice that came to me in a dream the night before I met you as a hawk told me where to find them. But never did I think I’d be worthy to be the keeper of them till the time came.”
“Most wouldn’t be. But I know you Strider, I know you would never use these gems for evil purposes.” I cupped the side of his face and his eyes closed as his face leaned up against my palm.  “Now come, we have a Hobbit to save. Gather up the Athelas and I’ll see if I can’t call Frodo back from the Shadow world.”
He nodded and I took off back towards the stoned trolls where I along with Bilbo and the Company were nearly cooked for dinner.
*3rd Person POV*
In his weakened state Frodo lay there cold, sweating and feeling his very soul being pulled into darkness.  However that all changed for a brief moment when a powerful light came from his right.  A light so powerful and golden it was like he was looking at the sun itself.
A female figure slowly walked towards him and as the light briefly toned down he saw the familiar face of Hela walking towards him.
“Frodo.” She softly called to him.  “It is I, Hela. I’ve come to help you.” She spoke in her Celestial tongue.  “Listen to my voice, come back to the light.” Weakly Frodo turned his gaze away, his eyes shutting as he continued to softly wheeze and gasp for air.
“Is that…..” Merry started.  It was at that moment Aragorn came beside Hela and tore some of the Athelas off the plant and quickly began to chew it up, while Hela hovered her hand over Frodo’s injured shoulder with one hand and cupped his face with the other, softly calling his name.
“It’s lady Hela.” Sam answered in awe.  Hela shook her head gravely and said.
“He’s fading fast.” Hela pushed aside some of the clothing to reveal the wound from the Morgul blade on Frodo’s shoulder.  As Aragorn placed the Athelas on the wound she continued, “He won’t last long with how fast the poison’s spreading through his body.” Frodo let out a choked gasp.  “I need to get him to Lord Elrond as fast as I can.”
She picked Frodo up carefully in his arms.  She placed a soft kiss to the side of his head and said.
“Makkari’s speed is the only chance he’s got.” She looked down at the gauntlet and the red gem shined brightly and soon her normal Celestial attire shifted to her sister Makkari’s Celestial uniform.
“Hela you’re not going by yourself are you?” Merry asked her worriedly.  However with Makkari’s power, she did not hear the young Hobbit’s concern.  She turned to Aragorn and signed to him.
‘There are five Wraiths behind us. The other four are bidding their time, they plan to close us in and kill us off one by one. Arwen is out there looking for us, she’ll guide you the rest of the way to Rivendell while I draw the Nazgul away from you.’
‘You’ve only just came back as a human. Are you certain you can keep up your sister’s speed?’ Aragorn signed back as well as whispering faintly to her.
‘At this point we cannot argue. I’m the only chance Frodo’s got now.’
‘But it is not just him they’re hunting. And you cannot hear them coming.’ Aragorn signed, his eyes pleading with worry.
“What are they doing?” asked Pippin.
‘Frodo’s dying, if I can make it to the river’s path. The power of Elrond will protect us.’ Aragorn looked away but Hela cupped his cheek in her hand. Her eyes burning with a fierce and burning desire to protect Frodo and ensure he got to Rivendell by any means necessary.  ‘I’m done running from them.’
Aragorn took her hand in his and softly said to her.
“As you wish.” Hela softly smiled and pressed her forehead against Aragorn’s before the two of them separated.  
As Hela covered Frodo’s head with his hood and adjusted him comfortably in her arms, a hand gently gripped her shoulders and Aragorn signed as well as whispered to her.  
“Hela, run hard. Do not let them deter you.” She nodded then gripping the back of Frodo’s head and neck, she took off running leaving behind the Celestial light-stream that came with the Sound Celestials.
“What are you doing? Those Wraiths are still out there!” Sam exclaimed.  Aragorn took in a deep breath before telling them.
“You all trust Hela, don’t you?” the hobbits all nodded. “Then trust that Frodo is in the safest hands possible. Hela will see to it that Frodo gets to Rivendell, her power is strong. In fact stronger than it’s ever been.”
“But how did she get to us so fast? Or know that we’d be here actually?” Pippin asked.
“She’s a Celestial Pip, they know all and see all.” Merry lectured him.
“You fools don’t you get it, she was the hawk the whole time!” Sam snapped.  Merry’s and Pippin’s eyes went wide at Sam’s accusation before turning to Aragorn who merely looked at them with a ‘think carefully’ look.
“You are indeed clever as she’s told me Master Gamgee. Now come, we haven’t much time. Though she’s taken off with Frodo, the remaining Wraiths could still be lurking in the shadows.” Aragorn then guided the four hobbits and the pony onward to find Arwen (who would soon meet them halfway out of the forest by morning).
*My POV*
As swift as a wild horse and with the speed of a shooting star, I ran through the very fields where Radagast and I handled the orc pack so that Thorin and his company along with Gandalf and Bilbo could escape to the Hidden valley entrance of Rivendell.
However this time I was heading for the rivers that surrounded the borders of the realm of Elrond.  Keeping Frodo close to my chest and my hand holding his head so that he wouldn’t get whiplash, the trees and fields passed by me in a blur.  But as we came through a thicket, I saw the dark shadows of the Nazgul starting to close in on me.
First it was just one to my left but on my right, two more came out from the thick trees.  But what I was shocked to see was that the Wraiths were actually keeping up with my speed. Their horses huffing and snarling as their hooves stamped deep into the earth to try and catch me.
I took a brief look behind me and soon saw that the rest of the Nazgul were coming right from behind me, their horses foaming at the mouth and I knew their piercing screeches were echoing throughout the fields.
Unaware of my surrounding and seeing the overwhelming feet of all nine Nazgul tailing close behind me, I had ran straight through one of the trees knocking it completely over and ended up rolling over a couple of times.  I kept Frodo close to my body shielding him from harm as I quickly regained my footing and sped off once more before one of the Nine could grab us.
They continued to pursue us and coming closer and closer, trying to surround me from all sides like a pack of rabid wolves.  And that was just the case now.  All nine had me completely surrounded, even one Nazgul kept pace right in front of me to close Frodo and I in the circle.  It was then I noticed Angmar extend his hand out towards Frodo who rested against my chest.
In desperation and in fear, I let out a scream that Makkari was known to use that no other Sound Celestial could do.  A scream so powerful and so loud, it shakes the very earth at her feet and could have the power to take down even the mightiest of beasts, she called it her Sonic-Scream.
The Nazgul and their black horses fell back or were pushed forward by the shirr wind-force of the scream which gave me time to run with a sonic boom for good measure to ensure a good distance between us and them. I wove and skidded across another thick forest but the Nazgul were quick to adapt (as mentioned before they are neither living or dead. Though they can be knocked out by such a force, they can get back up just as quickly).
I wove around the trees, skid underneath large logs and even underneath the very stomachs of their black horses.  I leapt over one log and kept running until I could feel the wetness of the river at Makkari’s boots.
I slowed down and once I was on the other side of the river, I turned and faced the Nazgul and quickly shifted into Thena’s Celestial armor. Once they reached the river’s edge, their horses reared back snarling and going mad, while the Nine themselves screeched in agony, sensing the powerful magic that protected and surrounded the borders of Imladris.
The black horses stamped their hooves and shook their heads madly, rabid slobber coming out of their lips as the Nazgul looked at me through their cloaked hoods.
“Surrender yourselves, Celestial of Death.” Angmar hissed. Using Thena’s magic I conjured up a sword and challenged the Witch King.
“If you want us, come and claim us!” at that challenge, the nine withdrew their swords and held them high up crowding together to try and intimidate me.  Then they slowly charged forward and I looked around at the water before chanting out the spell Lord Elrond taught me so long ago that would raise the waters and wash away all evil.
Nîn o Chithaeglir 
lasto beth daer;
Rimmo nîn Bruinen 
dan in Ulaer!
Nîn o Chithaeglir 
lasto beth daer;
Rimmo nîn Bruinen 
dan in Ulaer!
I heard and felt the water slowly raise from my boots to my ankles and once I was done, the sound of a thundering tidal wave came charging forward.  The Nine and myself looked over and I smirked as I backed away from the water’s of the river while the Nine tried to flee.
As the wave rolled in fast and fast, the image of great Horses soon began to take shape within the waves until finally they rose high over the Ringwraiths’ bodies and with a final screech, all nine of them were drowned by the rushing waters.  Unable to escape or flee from its raging current.
A soft grunt and a firm nod I knew they were finished (for now at least).  But that’s when I heard the weak groans and faint gasps from my arms.  My heartbeat quickened as I gently set Frodo down, his eyes that were once filled with light and wonder, were now void of any life and growing dark.
“Frodo, no! Frodo dear don’t give in! Not now please!” I pleaded as I shook his shoulder.  He looked up at me with a blank stare as his body finally went limp.  “No, no, no, no.” I picked up the young Hobbit and held him in my arms.
A single tear fell from my eyes as I prayed to myself and held my hand over his injured shoulder.
‘By the grace of the Celestial Prime. By the healing touch of all Celestials of Life. Let your power pass to him. Let him be spared from the Shadows, bring him back to the Light.’ He shoulder glowed and I quickly morphed back into Makkari’s uniform and arrived at Rivendell without any further hesitation.
Already Lord Elrond was expecting me and once he saw me, he ordered me to bring him to the healing wings.  Together the two of us worked together to bring Frodo back to the light.
“Lasto beth nîn, tolo dan nan galad.” Lord Elrond would call out to Frodo softly every now and then.
It took about 2 days but finally Frodo was beginning to mend. His spirit had been spared and now all he needed was some rest.  When Elrond gave me the good news, I took his hands and thanked him.
“Thank you my Lord Elrond. Bless you, bless you.”
“I do not deserve all the credit. Had you not been willing to bring him here he would’ve been beyond our aid. And it would seem the skill of the Celestial Prime’s gem also helped bring him back into the light.” He told me.
“Still I cannot thank you enough for what you did for Frodo. I-I would not have the heart to tell Bilbo if we failed him.”
“It would seem you and Gandalf both have seen the resilience and strength Hobbits have.” He said as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Take some rest. You have run swiftly and hard, not to mention after being a hawk for almost 20 years.”
“Thank you mellon nín.” I said with a bow and he gave me a soft nod acknowledging my praise and gratitude.
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frodo-baggins · 1 year
obsessed w this tower i saw on my walk today. lowkey amon sul vibes
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swanmaids · 2 years
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self-indulgent oc moodboards 2/?
leiheth of cardolan, the “lady of the blue brooch”
beloved of goldberry 
younger sister to the last prince of cardolan, leiheth, meaning “sweet one”, was well named. she was much beloved among the people of cardolan for her kind heart, intelligence, and cheerful nature. 
leiheth was highly skilled in the healing arts. it was said that she knew the uses and dangers of almost any flower to be found in cardolan, as she was a highly curious woman and spent much of her spare time exploring the land in order to research and categorise plant life.  it was likely during one such excursion that she came upon the mythical “goldberry”, who she frequently met by the withywindle river. the two women are known to have had a romantic relationship, despite the latter’s long standing marriage to the equally mysterious “tom bombadil”. 
 during the war with angmar, she nursed and gave comfort to the injured and dying, becoming a symbol of hope among her people. however, she died tragically shortly before the destruction of amon sul, after contracting a fever present among many of the troops. she was interred in the barrow downs with her brother. she lived to be 45 years old. 
leiheth is associated with a blue brooch that she frequently wore on her shoulder. she was also often seen with flowers braided into her hair. she was considered very fair, and her easy smile and laughter was often remarked upon by those who knew her. 
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arwenundomieel · 2 years
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Thoughtful Frodo, Amon Sul, Weather top. Deleted scene
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
dir. Peter Jackson
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i-am-darth-feanor · 2 years
Sword and Arrow: Chapter 1
Fandom: The Lord of the Rings
Pairings: Aragorn/Female OC, Aragorn/Boromir
Chapter warnings: none :)
Fic summary/blurb thing: 🏹⚔️ 👑𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫. 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫. 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜.👑⚔️ 🏹The Rangers of the North are known far and wide for their skills in battle and secrecy. Of this taciturn group of Dúnedain, two are especially renowned for their deeds in battle: Aragorn, the Lord of the Dúnedain and Commandant of Rangers, and Beruthiel, his second-in-command.When Aragorn receives a dire summons from Rivendell but is wandering the Wild on some business of his, Beruthiel rides with haste from Fornost to find him. Once they reach Rivendell, she is invited to the secretive Council of Elrond and, unwilling to leave her friend's side, she joins the group known as the Fellowship of the Ring.From there, Beruthiel is thrown onto a thrilling ride of adventure, love, death, and heartbreak as she meets -  and loses - people who she would fight with sword and arrow for. [somewhat inspired by Ranger’s Apprentice]
A hooded figure pushed open the door of the Prancing Pony, taking shelter from the torrential rain outside. She scanned the room, then pushed back the hood, showing a head full of messy brown hair cut short about her shoulders like a man's.
"Ah, Wildcat!" the man behind the counter greeted her.
"Butterbur," she responded in a low voice.
"What can I do for you today?" Butterbur continued in an amiable voice, setting down the tray of beers. "Will you be staying for the night?"
"Afraid not, Butterbur," she said, looking cautiously around the room. "Have you seen Ara- Strider lately?"
"Strider! Of course!" the man exclaimed. "Left last morning." Wildcat cursed and turned to go. Just as she was about to open the door, she turned back.
"Was he alone, or was there anyone with him?" she asked.
"Four hobbits, there were!" Butterbur happily said. Suddenly interested, Wildcat walked back to the counter.
"Do you know their names?" she urgently demanded. Butterbur hesitated.
"Well, I'm not supposed to tell, you know," he admitted.
"This is urgent business, Butterbur," she said leaning closer. "Ranger business." The fat man sighed.
"One was a Brandybuck, I believe; right delightful folk! Haven't seen one on this side of the Brandywine for ages now. And there was a Took with them, fine hobbits, they are. And, let me see, one was their servant, didn't quite catch his name, but Bob and Nob would know, probably. Oh, and Underhill! Underhill, that was the fourth." Wildcat raised an eyebrow. Butterbur sighed. "Baggins, if you must know."
"Which way did they go?" Wildcat interrogated. "East?"
"Yeh- yes!" he said, surprised. "East. To Rivendell, Strider said."
"Thank you," she said to Butterbur, reaching for her belt. "You've been most helpful." She slid a gold coin across the table and turned to go.
"Wildcat?" Butterbur asked. She partially turned. "Will the- the Black Riders come again?"
"No," she said with finality. "They won't."  Then she pushed open the door, pulling her hood back up. A dark elf horse was tied to the post just outside. She mounted up and rode off into the night, heading east.
Galloping as fast as her horse could go, Wildcat finally approached Weathertop. "Amon Sul..." she breathed. Surely Aragorn and the hobbits had taken shelter here. It was, by the broadest definition, defendable.
Wildcat, or, to use her proper name, Beruthiel, urged her tired horse up the steep path to the top of the watchtower. Once there, she slid off and inspected her surroundings. It looked deserted, but her Ranger's eyes made out what looked like the remnants of a fire.
Beruthiel hurried over to kneel by the dead fire. She let a pinch of ashes run between her fingers. They were stone cold, whoever had made this fire was long gone. She had no doubt that it wasn't Aragorn, she knew the man well and he would never risk a fire.
However, she saw dried liquid near the fire, with seeds nearby. Tomatoes? She shook her head. Hobbits, then. Aragorn left for a while and hobbits managed to start a fire. Beruthiel cast a quick glance around. The setting sun illuminated a patch of black on the stones. She picked it up, then immediately dropped it.
It was a fragment of cloth, cut jaggedly. The thick material told her that it once belonged to a cloak. Beruthiel knew that Aragorn wore a green-brown Ranger's cloak. Hobbits being hobbits, they had probably not thought to bring any of their own. "Nazgul..." she whispered. She was on the right track. Another day of hard riding would bring her to the small company, given that they had not been ridden down by Nazgul. She had departed Rivendell with Lord Glorfindel to search for said hobbits and Ranger, but they had split up past the Fords of the Bruinen, agreeing that they could search twice as fast separately. Glorfindel, as far as Beruthiel knew, was still combing the wilds, while she had ridden to Bree: she knew for a fact that Aragorn often visited the town.
Beruthiel faintly smiled at the memory of the elf-lord as she mounted her horse. He had been taller and more handsome than she could fathom a man to be. She had been so nervous around Glorfindel, so awed by the warrior she had heard so many tales about. But then he had smiled and had been so kind to her for the two days they had taken to reach the Bruinen. No use in daydreaming, she told herself sternly. You are a Ranger, and you have a job to do.
The Ranger kicked her horses' side, urging him on to what she hoped to be the final leg of their journey before they found Aragorn and the four hobbits.
Sword and Arrow Masterpost
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theworldsoftolkein · 2 months
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Weathertop (PRINT) - by Beverly Arce
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sorrowslament · 2 years
“I have you, it’s okay.”
Maglor grunted a little as he leaned against the Ranger. He blinked a few times to try and focus his vision again but it didn't help. Grinning a bit, amused despite his annoyance towards himself, he tried to stand on his own again. Dizziness hit him and it was a choice of leaning against Arathorn, falling, or hoping he could lean against that nice tree again. He chose to trust Arathorn to support him again.
"Somehow we always meet under interesting circumstances Arathorn. Were you just passing by to visit Amon Sul again?" He asked thinking of a couple of meetings ago where they met near the ruined tower near the marsh while tracking the same group of wargs. It was obviously not so since they were too far north, near Angmar, but maybe his joke would be appreciated. "My camp is near the stream, a small clearing with hawthorn trees."
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rohirric-hunter · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about a LotRO wishlist for a while and I thought I’d compile it. None of these things -- except the Legendary Item ones -- are things I’m necessarily bitter about the game not including; I just think it would be cool if they added them.
I suppose since I mentioned it, I’ll open with Legendary Items:
Titles Unpopular opinion, but I think the single most valuable thing that Legendary Items brought to the table was the ability to change your damage type without necessarily having to resort to a less powerful weapon or lug a second one around. Titles were challenging to get, but very attainable, and could be swapped out easily depending on what you needed (and changed as you progressed in the game to areas with different enemies that had different resistances). I’m concerned, based on the current setup and the existence of Tracery Reclamation Scrolls (which currently have nowhere near enough practical uses that I can see to justify how many have been foisted upon me), that the current plan is to add other archives where you can barter LIs that deal different types of damage, and you’ll have to rebuild a whole new weapon every time you need to switch out. I’m not about that, it sounds time consuming, expensive, and frustrating for very little reward.
More Archives I know I just said I was worried about more archives but bear with me. It feels too meta to go back to Rivendell every time you need to upgrade your item. They should make a Skirmish Camp-like setup where you can barter traceries and scatter them throughout relevant areas (possibly near or incorporated into the Skirmish Camps). Level-lock them, if necessary, so that, say, the Enedwaith archive only offers tier 1 traceries (which would make all the menus easier to sort through anyway).
Legendary Item Panel or Change the Layout of the Slotting Panel I can’t see all my traceries at once* -- and I have a 16 inch monitor. ‘Nuff said.
That’s all for Legendary Items -- moving on to Skirmishes, Epic Battles, and Missions:
More! It’s genuinely weird that they abandoned Skirmishes so thoroughly after Dunland. It doesn’t seem to have been planned, as there continue to be regular full Skirmish Camps all throughout Rohan and they introduced that special skirmish soldier, an odd marketing move if they didn’t plan on having new skirmishes to use it in. My theory is that the Epic Battles were originally conceived as Skirmishes before they gained a bunch of mechanics that set them apart. I would like more Skirms set in Rohan and beyond; it’s an incredibly versatile instance type that could be incorporated almost anywhere. (I was also imagining a survival-type skirm a la Barrow-Downs or Stand at Amon Sul set in the courtyard above the gates to Carn Dum. I think that would be cool.)
Epic Historical Battles This follows on from the first point, but I’ve heard from @hallothere, who heard it on the Casual Stroll stream, that there were some plans at some point to have an epic battle set in Fornost, presumably during its fall. How cool would that be? I think they could also get some mileage out of other battles the PC obviously wasn’t at, such as Dol Guldur’s assault on Lothlorien, or even a “non-canon” one that reimagines Morannon as an Epic Battle with more of a strategy focus than a story one. I also would do so much for an offensive Epic Battle with a heavy siege weaponry role; sort of a reverse Deeping Wall or Defense of Minas Tirith, if you will.
Missions I really hope they work to integrate dozens and hundreds of these. Missions in every region of the game. Run pies for hobbits. Help Rangers scout the enemy. Salvage supplies from burned-out towns. Track down deadly monsters in Mordor. Hunt for Mithril in Moria. They’re fun and creative and a really good way to tell short stories or offer insight into the makeup of different factions, friend and foe.
And of course a small sampling of the many Quests I dream about:
The Grey Company Yes the questline is over, but it left many loose ends. I want to talk to the deserters from the Falcon Clan and help them either rebuild their tribe or integrate into a different one. Where is Amarion? Where is Saeradan? I’m sure they mean to answer most of these questions but I’m impatient, dammit!
The Shire This one is less a want and more a horrible premonition that you all get to share with me: I think Halros is supposed to die no matter what you pick. I think that when they introduce a Scouring of the Shire Arc a thousand playthroughs that left Halros behind so he would live will be struck with horrible tragedy and disaster. But I’m also excited for the quests in general! (Which I think should include Skirmishes!)
Last, but not least, Fishing!
Consumables I found references on the wiki to apparently obsolete consumables that would increase your chance of catching something useful for a duration. Given that fishing is necessary, now, they should bring these back. They’re like. Optional ingredients for farming recipes.
More Fish The number of bleaks I’ve caught in the past 24 hours has made me bleak.
Useful Non-fish Drops I’ve posted before about how I think you should occasionally pull up plain gold rings, and that for sure, but it would be cool if you could occasionally pull up other jewelry and pocket items. Nothing fancy, just the kinds of things you get as occasional drops from mobs in the region. Maybe when you pull it up it has damage that you have to get fixed before you can use it? But it would do a lot to make the act less boring. Because it is. Very boring.
Anyway, that’s all for now. Just a handful of things I’d love to see added to the game. Some will, some won’t, but this is where my thoughts are!
*I once had to force quit my game because I accidentally opened the tooltip for my bow, it was covering up all of the ‘log off’ type buttons, and I couldn’t move it because the top was sticking off the top of my monitor.
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mezzopieno-news · 2 years
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Un gruppo di archeologi francesi ed egiziani che lavoravano nelle acque al largo di Alessandria d’Egitto ha annunciato la scoperta di una nuova area pieno di tesori risalenti all’era tolemaica (IV secolo a.C.).
La scoperta è stata effettuata dall’Istituto europeo di archeologia subacquea (IEASM), guidato dal ricercatore Franck Goddio che aveva già scoperto la città perduta di Heracleion oltre due decenni fa e che da allora ne continua ad esplorare i fondali per ricostruire la sua appassionante storia. La città era sepolta sotto oltre 5 metri di argilla che ne ha preservato per oltre 2000 anni tutti i resti, citata in diversi testi antichi, se ne era persa traccia, diventando un vero e proprio mito.
Heracleion, conosciuta anche con il nome egizio Thonis, era il porto d’ingresso obbligato in Egitto per tutte le navi provenienti dal mondo greco. Si trovava a 32 chilometri a nord-est di Alessandria, sul Mar Mediterraneo. La città aveva una grande importanza non solo commerciale ma anche religiosa per via della presenza del grande tempio di Amon; probabilmente sprofondò in mare tra il VII e l’VIII secolo d.C.. I ricercatori hanno trascorso anni a mappare e scavare l’area prima di fare la scoperta. Le loro rilevazioni hanno svelato finora meno circa il 5% della città e mostrano che questa si estendeva per decine di chilometri, con una rete di canali dentro e intorno alla città che le conferivano l’aspetto di una enorme palafitta.
Fonte: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Egypt; Franck Goddio
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