#Alec Ryder
mass-effect-anonymous · 3 months
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Why was Ryder so obsessed with their absentee father figure? Their mother raised them, was there for them through thick and through thin, and barely gets mentioned. No "Oh it's Mom's Birthday today", no "Damn I wish I could eat this with Mom, it was her favourite meal", no playing Mom's favourite music while driving around. Just "Daddy Daddy Daddy" the whole time. The man left the family behind in another galaxy so he could play advanced scout for the Pathfinder mission. Like, yeah he went back for them but to miss half your kid's adolescence? Harsh. Super harsh.
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assassins-wasteland · 10 months
I’m imagining an AU where Alec survived Habitat 7 and remained the Pathfinder. If Alec survived chances are he’d end up with the same exact Tempest crew + the Ryder twin. Like, imagine Alec being the one to have to babysit them and the resident grandpa and the chaos that would ensue.
Example scenarios under the cut
Alec: “Why is everyone still awake? Lights out was three hours ago?!”
Cora: “I tried to tell them we need to go to bed but Liam found a twenty season long anime and they’re marathoning it.”
Liam: *visibly tired* “Just one more episode Alec!”
Alec: “… Regs say you’re supposed to refer to me by my formal name…”
Liam: “Sure thing, Alec!”
Alec: “Liam… Ja’al… Where are your clothes?”
Ja’al: “Liam and I are just teaching each other about our people and cultures.”
Alec: “Okay but why do you have to take your clothes off for that?”
Liam and Ja’al: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Alec: “Ryder, get out of the Nomad!”
Ryder: “You’re not my dad.”
Alec: “Get out of the fucking Nomad, I am your dad!”
Ryder: “You’re not my dad!”
Alec: “I am your dad, get out of the fucking Nomad!”
Alec: “Excuse me, I don’t remember giving anyone clearance to-“
Drack: “Ah, let the kids be, Alec! I told em they could, they’re fine!”
Alec: “Why must you always undermine my authority…”
Alec: “Vetra, where the hell did you get 30 boxes of Blast-ohs cereal?”
Vetra: “… Extranet.”
Alec: “At least you listen to me and do your job like you’re supposed to.”
Cora: “Will you adopt me?”
Alec: “… I’m going to bed.”
Suvi: “Pathfinder Ryder, I licked a rock again. 🧍‍♀️”
Alec: “I just want to know peace in this life…”
Alec: “Peebee, if you don’t keep your pet remnant in your room I’m airlocking it!”
Peebee: “Poc just wants to explore!”
Alec: “Poc will explore the vacuum of space if you don’t put him where he belongs!”
Peebee: “Ugh, fine!”
Alec: “Kallo, apologize to Gil for snapping at him.”
Kallo: “but he-“
Alec: *Dad stare™*
Kallo: *grumbling* “I’m sorry…”
Alec: “Like you mean it.”
Kallo: “Fine. I’m sorry for snapping at you, Gil.”
Alec: “Good. Now Gil, apologize to Kallo for not respecting his ship.”
Gil: “But I was just-“
Alec: “One… two…”
Gil: “Alright, alright! I’m sorry for not respecting the Tempest.”
Alec: “Now you two better find a way to compromise or so help me.”
Alec: “I didn’t think Pathfinder meant babysitter.”
Lexi: “I didn’t think Doctor meant babysitter either. And yet, here we are.”
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aymayzing · 10 months
So... are we gonna talk about how fucked up it was for Alec to freeze his dying wife without telling her or their children?
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nesonkin · 4 months
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this set of characters. sorry if this makes no sense to you
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Clancy Brown being both Alec’s and Mister Krabs’ va is the reason this exists
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bluerose5 · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: Ryder should be able to wear the N7 armor with the N7 symbol because it wouldn't have had near as much meaning to us as the players, had we only known about it from Alec rather than Shepard. At the point of Andromeda, it is an outdated rank/designation that has no meaning because the Alliance as we know it may or may not even be there anymore back in the Milky Way, and Ryder should be able to wear their father's refitted armor however they want for both practicality and grief purposes in a whole new galaxy. The whole "but they never were an N7" argument rings kinda hollow when majority of people you meet in game and the game itself claim so hard that they're trying to leave the Milky Way behind.
In conclusion, that thing might as well be a random sticker, love it or hate it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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teamdilf · 10 months
Meme Monday!
Thanks for the tags, @thetrashbagswasteland and @outpost51!
Tagging @westernlarch, @otemporanerys
Rules: Take a blank meme template and format it to fit your characters or WIP
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squiremaximus · 6 months
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Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017) dev. BioWare
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brokenjardaantech · 7 months
you are my daughter
Upon discovering that his SAM is not compatible with anyone other than his closest relatives, Alec Ryder knows he needs backups. He also knows he can't trust his spineless son as the new Pathfinder.
His daughter, on the other hand, is far simpler. Spew something about building a new society in a new galaxy so that biotics like her don't have to suffer, put her on the Pathfinder team, give her the SAM implant - done. Hard and solid proof that she is his daughter, not some random pilot's. Yes, they didn't speak to each other for a decade, but she is his daughter. She will forever be his daughter.
She is his daughter, no one else's. End of. Case closed.
author's notes:
written for september's prompt fill in the mass effect forever discord server: foreboding. some of the tags won't make sense if you don't read the previous entries of the series, but if you don't have the time, just keep in mind that Alec is a very, very unreliable narrator. The tags are not a joke. I repeat: the tags are not a joke. I can write entire essays on how Alec Ryder is a massive arsehole who sees his family as his possessions instead of actual human beings, but for now, please have this.
For people who haven't read the books or have heard of them but don't know anything about them, the SAM implant incompatibility thing comes from Cora's novel.
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ziskandra · 1 year
Fanfic Author Self-Recs!
@haljathefangirlcat tagged me to rec five of my own fanfics with you all — thank you, friend! ��� I've tried to go with a variety of different fandoms and have mostly focused on older works. I also purposely haven't recommended any of my Dragon Age works as I feel DA has been occupying a lot of my brain space lately, and I wanted to give some of the spotlight to my other fannish interests! I'm gonna tag @mxanigel, @barbex, @joiningthefandomeightyearslate, @chocochipbiscuit and @fandomn00blr to share five of their works with us (if you so desire!) Without any further ado, I present my self-recs: 1. Retrospect - Mass Effect: Andromeda - Alec Ryder/Ellen Ryder (10k, rated M)
They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die and he's about to find out just how right they are.
A series of vignettes exploring Alec Ryder's relationships with his nearest and dearest, and the faltering steps he took to bridge the gaps between them.
Every time any sort of self-recommendation meme comes up, Retrospect is always the first fic that comes to mind. To this day, I still consider it my magnum opus, as I feel it really captures my strengths as an author. Character study of a morally grey, controversial character? Check. Non-linear narrative? Check. Experimental prose? Check. Vignettes? Check. Themes of family and struggling to fit in? Check check. If anyone ever wants to make my entire fucking month, please read this fic and tell me your thoughts on it. You will have my undying gratitude! 💖
2. Grounded - Mass Effect Andromeda - Calvin Kosta/Joelle Kosta (2.2k, rated M)
Calvin remembers the first time he held Liam in his arms. Big baby, nine pounds. His son is an ugly, wrinkly thing and yet also the most beautiful sight in the world. He smooths down the infant’s hair, kisses the soft spot on his head and whispers, “You’re gonna do great things." During the Reaper War, Calvin Kosta reflects on his relationship with his son.
This fic did really well on Tumblr (one of the few times I'd ever gotten over 100 notes on a post), but didn't quite get the same level of traction on AO3, which was quite interesting to me at the time as I'd never had that happen before (or since!) Honestly, it covers a lot of similar themes as Retrospect, but this time focused on Liam's family and how they deal with the Reaper War when they're left behind on Earth. IDK, I'm just obsessed with examining the human drive to live and survive, and what we struggle for, and how both our past experiences and our hopes for the future shape our actions, whether we're willing to admit it to ourselves or not.
3. Best Served Hot - Ace Attorney - Miles Edgeworth/Franziska von Karma (2k, rated E)
Franziska's gloved fingers seized Miles's jaw, digging into the sides of his face. "We were never siblings," she said. "Papa made sure of that. But if I can't best you in any other way, then I will have this."
If Retrospect is my ultimate magnum opus, then Best Served Hot is my franmiles manifesto. It truly is all of my feelings about this complicated and messy relationship dynamic carefully distilled into a fanfic! Anyway, I'm obsessed with the fact that Franziska regularly refers to Miles as her little brother, but Miles never refers to her as his sister.
However, the way that Miles acts with Franziska is SO sibling-like, whereas Franziska's a bit... weirder. She never really had normal familial relationships modeled to her (Miles, on the other hand, at least had something of a normal upbringing before his father's death).
Franziska is also a character who, for lack of a better term, weaponises her femininity. She's so young but she's built this whole aesthetic around tight miniskirts and kitten-heeled boots and carrying and using a fucking bullwhip. So, I 'm particularly fascinated by the cross-section of Franziska's obsession with Miles Edgeworth and her insecurities (and how she over-compensates for them).
Of course, if she stopped to think about it for a minute, she should have realised that Miles Edgeworth is perhaps not the ideal target for her feminine wiles, but Franziska's not exactly known for keeping a cool head in a crisis.
Finally, this fic also explores another point in Franziska's life that I'm fascinated by, which is her reaction to Phoenix Wright's disbarment. Phoenix is the only lawyer who has ever bested her (if she can even admit that much), and I think she would be INFURIATED by the insinuation that he owes his career success to forgery. Franziska von Karma would NOT be bested by a fraud! (And also she would be furious that Klavier Gavin got the chance to do what she's always wanted to do -- that is, defeat Phoenix Wright -- but that's a topic for another fanfic.)
4. Intermission - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Audra Levine/Greg Serrano (2.3k, rated T.)
Recently divorced Audra Levine visits West Covina to provide moral support during her frenemy’s open mic night. Greg has always had a type.
While gregaudra (graudra?) might be something of a random ship, I was really surprised by how well they worked together (although in hindsight, it should have been obvious -- Greg really has a type, huh). I love Audra as a character, and I'm always obsessed with giving her room to grow and move on as a character and determine the shape of her own life, the way she wants, much as Rebecca (and Greg) got to do in the course of the series. (Also, its sequel, Realization, still has one of my favourite lines I think I've ever written: Audra's been busy filing away the parts of her life that don’t spark joy while retaining the parts that do, like she’s Marie Kondo-ing the weight and burden of everyone’s expectations instead of her household possessions.
I so rarely write in contemporary fandoms that it was a fun exercise to write stories where the popculture references actually help ground it in time and place.)
5. Sink or Swim - Harry Potter - Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood (12k, rated T.)
Percy has always struggled to keep his head above water.
(Or: the story of Percy Weasley, from his youth, through to his estrangement with his family, to the end of the war.)
It feels weird to be recommending HP fic in this day and age, but my complicated* feelings towards the fandom aside, I'm still really proud of how this fanfic turned out and how I was able to cram all of my Percy Weasley analysis into a coherent story. I particularly loved delving into how Percy was pushed into positions of responsibility from a young age (and then simultaneously derided for the very same qualities his parents reinforced), and how he struggled with his conflicting desires to fit in but also to succeed and be recognised for his talents and efforts. There's a couple of sentences from the fic which really encapsulate how I see Percy's relationship to his family, which I'll quote here:
In bits and pieces, Percy tells Oliver all about the estrangement to his family: how he’d always gotten along with his dad best growing up, no matter how his mother had doted on him. How when he was younger, he’d wanted nothing more than to be the next Arthur Weasley. How he’d always thought that his dad deserved more.
How it was easier to blame his father’s idiosyncrasies and personality for his family’s struggles with money, than to acknowledge it as a failure of the society he’d been raised in.
How he’d foolishly thought that if he studied enough, worked enough, succeeded enough, he could change it all.
Percy's story really is that of every working-class child who's sought to improve their life (and their family's life) through education and I just... relate to that a lot!!
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ageless-aislynn · 5 months
"The Pathfinder" (Scott Ryder, Alec Ryder, Mass Effect: Andromeda)
(For N7 Month: Day 7 Free Space)
"Your father invented this role but you defined it."
A look at the final mission of the Pathfinder... and the first, woven together by the challenges of the Heleus Cluster.
Happy N7 Day! 💖
My computer is sadly in its death throes, so I had to finish this off without being able to capture a couple extra scenes that I wanted for it. But I really didn't want to miss taking part in my first N7 Day so I just did the best I could with what I had. I think it still says what I wanted it to say, so... 🤷‍♀️😉
Scott has gotten quite a bit of vidding love from me recently so once I'm able to capture and vid again 🤞😣🤞 I have a few ideas for Sara. Then there's that partially done Scott/Reyes vid I hope to salvage... 😜😉 We'll see! 😉
If you watch, I hope you enjoy! 💖
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mass-effect-anonymous · 2 months
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The only positive thing I can say about Alec Ryder is that he at least acknowledged in one of his recordings that he was a horrible parent/father. The majority of shitty parents in real life never do.
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jentrevellan · 1 year
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Space dad (DILF) Alec Ryder for @ziskandra ! Thank you!
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dreamsfavoritekid · 1 month
"Red Like Roses Part 2" by Casey Lee Williams and Travis Williams is so very Alec Ryder and Scott/Sara Ryder coded and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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anarthriticsimp · 11 months
Commander shepard from the void seeing Alec Ryder switch between specialties w no difficulty whatsoever: eXCUSE ME?!
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dirtboy-merc · 1 year
the archon is such a goofy looking motherfucker like you expect me to be afraid of this dumbass guy with a small fuckin' face and a weird spaghettio skull like COME ON
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