#Al sarrantonio
smbilodeau · 8 months
Finished reading (aloud, to my spouse) "Stories" edited by Neil Gaiman and Al Sarrantonio.
An anthology of 27 stories by some of the best writers around (circa 2010) meant to make you ask "And then what happened?" Weird, wonder-full, creepy, thoughtful, horrific, heartwarming; there's something for every taste in here, and marvelously well presented.
Personal favorites include "Juvenal Nyx" (Mosley) and "Stories" (Moorcock.) Highly recommended.
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retroscifiart · 6 months
Art by Gary Ruddell for ‘Campbell Wood’ by Al Sarrantonio (1987)
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trioxina245 · 11 months
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‘Campbell Wood’ [by Al Sarrantonio, 1987], cover art by Gary Ruddell
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trashmenace · 3 months
Death ed Stuart David Schiff
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Death ed Stuart David Schiff 1982, Playboy Paperbacks
Two Bottles of Relish by Lord Dunsany (orig Time & Tide, Nov 12, 1932)
A variation on a locked door mystery - a body disposal without leaving the house mystery. This one stayed with me since childhood, though the premise wasn't as locked in as it could be.
Deathtracks by Dennis Etchison
A Nielson family survey taker visits a couple who look for hidden messages in TV laugh tracks to explain why their son died in Vietnam.
Always Together by Hugh B. Cave
One elderly twin murders the other and keeps up a ruse that she's still alive. A good setup for a twist in the tale which never happens.
Toilet Paper Run by Juleen Brantingham
Engaging story set in a girls' reform school, but the ending felt tacked on to fit the genre.
The Green Parrot by Joseph Payne Brennan (orig Weird Tales, July 1952)
Another boring entry in the "that person you thought was alive turns out was already dead" style of ghost story.
Fragment from a Charred Diary by Davis Grubb
Comedy piece about a man using a voodoo doll to commit the political assassinations of the 1960s, escalating from there.
The Scarf by Bernice Balfour
A disfigured woman concealing her face with a scarf and a curious newspaper delivery boy.
Sentences by Richard Christian Matheson
Comedy twist in the tale about a man getting his life rewritten.
Prickly by David A. Riley
A child corrupting Satanist with a monkey familiar kills himself in a British tenement building. Years later, strange creatures scuttle the halls, and children sing nursery rhymes about Prickly.
The Kennel by Maurice Level (orig Tales of Mystery and Horror, 1920)
A cuckold husband finds the body of his wife's lover and disposes of it.
Onawa by Alan Ryan
An adoptive native girl with a taste for blood
A Telephone Booth by Wade Kenny
A gambler can get tips from the future from a pay phone.
Straw Goat by Ken Wiseman
Folk horror with murderous farmers and a sacrificial straw goat.
Horrible Imaginings by Fritz Leiber
Long piece about a creep being obsessed with his neighbor, which I skipped.
The Blind Spot by Saki (orig Beasts and Super-Beasts, 1914)
Comedy piece about a killer servant.
The Dust by Al Sarrantonio
A simpleton shut-in is obsessed with dust.
It Grows on You by Stephen King
A vignette of small town misery which feels more like background to a fuller story. It's been re-written a few times, and later versions may be more tied in to the Castle Rock mythos and be more explicitly horrific. Something about a house getting a new wing built connected with people dying, but not much meat on the bones here.
The Copper Bowl by George Fielding Eliot (orig Weird Tales, December 1928)
Nasty proto-shudder pulp yellow peril story of a French Legionnaire's love being tortured by a Chinese despot.
From Amazon https://amzn.to/3vkEvlR
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discoidal · 1 year
downloaded Stories edited by neil gaiman and al sarrantonio again bc LISTEN sometimes we need to reread the books that changed us at age 10
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Al Sarrantonio - Exile of the Five Worlds (Donato Giancola)
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Stories edited by Neil Gaiman and Al Sarrantonio The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson
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🕮 for the most part my reviews are spoiler free, and if it happens that I write something that does spoil, I will put a warning 🕮 every review is also up on storygraph 🕮 i dont have a set way i write reviews so they’re gonna mostly sound like ramblings, bc i mostly write reviews for myself 🕮 i made this to be able to talk about books with people who read the same as me, because there’s not a lot of common ground outside of the cirriculum and there’s a severe lack of discussions, so please hit me up with a recommendation, ask me a question, i am very interested in hearing other peoples thoughts
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thefugitivesaint · 7 years
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Roger Garland, 'Roger in the Womb' by Al Sarrantonio, ''Heavy Metal'', Vol. 3, #1, May 1979 Source
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bookishnerdhero · 7 years
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Decided to have a Short Story Marathon tonight! It's taking out some anthology books and picking out short stories to read for fun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just finished reading "Unbelief" by Michael Marshall Smith. It's from the anthology, "Stories" of Neil Gaiman and Al Sarrantonio. From the stories I read so far it's a thought provoking collection (also fave author, Diana Wynne Jones is here). The bookmark is one from a comic con I went to back in 2014, Komikon. It's a picture from a Filipino Indie Comic called "Light" by Rob Cham. I've actually read it (it's all visuals and it's beautiful!) and I think I gave it to my cousin who lives in America. Back to "Unbelief", took me a while and I'm not entirely sure...but is it an adult take on a story about Santa? Because if it is, it's a pretty good read. It's what I love about short stories, the ones that get you thinking so much that no matter how short the text, you'll definitely remember it. It has an effect and a lasting impression. Anyway, on with the Marathon!
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chaotic-luna · 3 years
So it's getting colder I'm Brazil since Autumn is coming (it's actually already Autumn but it's getting colder just now).
Today I finished 1984 by George Orwell and I'm impressed. Such an impressive book. Highly recommended.
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Since I've finished 1984, I think it's time to renew my TBR and rethink my next reading list. For April I chose Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, an anthology organized by Al Sarrantonio and Neil Gaiman, it's Stories: All New Tales. The stories are all about magic and creatures.
And finally I chose an ebook which is the bear and the Nightingale in English.
I have already started it before but I ended up not finishing.
By the way I will continue Flores para Algernon. I can't remember it's name in English now. But it's such an amazing scifi book.
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utopiargv-blog · 4 years
Resenha: Seres Mágicos e Histórias Sombrias- Neil Gaiman,  Al Sarrantonio
Resenha: Seres Mágicos e Histórias Sombrias- Neil Gaiman, Al Sarrantonio
Ficha Técnica: 
Título: Seres Mágicos e Histórias Sombrias
Autor (a):  Neil Gaiman,  Al Sarrantonio
Editora: Darkside Books
Gênero: Fantasia/ Contos
Edição: 1º
Páginas: 448
Ano: 2019
As melhores histórias são poderosas o suficiente para fazer com que o leitor continue virando as páginas, ávido para obter respostas para a pergunta que move todos os curiosos: “o que aconteceu depois?”. É…
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cantodogargula · 4 years
Seres Mágicos e Histórias Sombrias, uma coletânea de Neil Gaiman e Al Sarrantonio
Seres Mágicos e Histórias Sombrias, uma coletânea de Neil Gaiman e Al Sarrantonio - Uma coletânea interessante!
Acabei de ler Seres Mágicos e Histórias Sombrias, uma coletânea de contos organizadas por Neil Gaiman e Al Sarrantonio e lembrei de alguns amigos que me perguntam, com certa constância, sobre opções de leitura, digamos assim, mais leves. Como nem todo mundo gosta de horror ou terror pesado, existem opções mais leves é sempre muito bom!
Seres Magicos e Histórias Sombrias – Neil Gaiman – Al…
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thespookybookshelf · 5 years
Book Review: Halloween Carnival Volume Two by Brian James Freeman
Book Review: Halloween Carnival Volume Two by Brian James Freeman
While I loved Halloween Carnival Volume One, I wasn’t quite as impressed with Halloween Carnival Volume Two.
To my idea, the best story in this batch of five stories was Mr. Dark’s Carnival by Glen Hirshberg. It added a twist at the end that I honestly didn’t see coming. I’m not sure why, but I didn’t see it coming. It was awesome, creepy, and just like when I watched The Sixth Sense,…
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Currently Reading: Stories, edited by Neil Gaiman & Al Sarrantonio
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brianjamesfreeman · 7 years
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AVAILABLE NOW! Halloween Carnival: Volume Two featuring Glen Hirshberg, Lee Thomas, Holly Newstein, Del James, and Al Sarrantonio! Halloween Carnival: Volume Two has been published and is now available for immediate download! Featuring stories by Glen Hirshberg, Lee Thomas, Holly Newstein, Del James, and Al Sarrantonio!
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missbookiverse · 5 years
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Reisebericht Februar
Gleich zu Beginn des Monats habe ich mich mit Mila und ihren Schwestern auf ein winterliches Abenteuer begeben, um deren verlorenen Bruder zu retten. Die Schlittenfahrt war etwas holprig und leider ging es fast die ganze Zeit stur geradeaus, aber dafür hat die Aussicht auf die schneebedeckten Weiten und unberührten Wälder eine innige Verbindung zur Natur aufkommen lassen (→ The Way Past Winter). 
Ähnlich stimmungsvoll war die Umgebung in Cornwell und Italien. Dorthin habe ich einen Abstecher mit Philip gemacht, der seinen Adoptivvater Ambrose sucht und stattdessen seine Cousine Rachel findet. Beide haben mich auf die genussvollste Art in die Irre geführt und ich war nie sicher, wer hier gerade mit wem sein Spielchen treibt (→ Meine Cousine Rachel).
Zwischendurch habe ich mir – wie gefühlt der Rest der Welt – von Marie Kondo Tipps zum Aufräumen geben lassen. Einiges davon fand ich hilfreich, anderes wird keinen Einzug in meinen Alltag halten, aber motiviert zum Ausmisten hat sie mich allemal (→ Magic Cleaning). 
Danach wurde es dann endlich Zeit für eine Rückkehr nach Ravka. Dort hat sich seit meinem letzten Besuch vor 5 Jahren so viel verändert! Nicht nur im Königshaus, auch was die Sprache, die Bewohner.innen und die Umgebung angeht. Während ich das Land bereits bei meinem ersten Trip lieben wollte, aber nicht recht konnte, stand diesmal nichts meiner Zuneigung im Weg (→ King of Scars).
Zum Ausgleich der längeren Bücher habe ich mir von Sally Rooney und Robert Aickman zwei Kurzgeschichten erzählen lassen. Die erste, über eine ungleiche Beziehung, hat mich sehr neugierig auf mehr von Rooney gemacht (→ Mr Salary), die zweite hat versucht mich mit ihrem altmodischen Puppenhaus zu gruseln, was aber nur teilweise gelang (→ The Inner Room). Ähnlich turbulent lief es mit Geschichten, die Neil Gaiman und Al Sarrantonio zusammengestellt haben: manche konnten mich begeistern, zu anderen habe ich keinen Zugang gefunden (→ Stories: All-New Tales). 
Unerwartet enttäuscht war ich von der Begegnung mit Sy Montgomerys tierischen Gefährten. Die Tiere aus dem Leben der Autorin sind zwar allesamt charmante Bekanntschaften, aber der Schreibstil der Autorin ließ extrem zu Wünschen übrig (→ How to be a Good Creature).
Richtig amüsant fand ich dafür, wie Marc Twain sich über die deutsche Sprache aufregt. Als Nicht-Muttersprachler ist sie mit ihren endlosen Ausnahmen eben nur schwer zu erlernen, aber dafür hat der Herr sogar ein paar Verbesserungsvorschläge parat (→ The Awful German Langauge). 
Solche Ratschläge haben die deutschen Nachwuchsautorinnen allerdings nicht nötig. Sowohl Kathrin Weßling als auch Wlada Kolosowa konnten mich mit ihrer Beobachtungsgabe und der Fähigkeit diese Beobachtungen ganz prägnant in individuelle Worte zu kleiden, beeindrucken. An Marlenes Seite habe ich versucht dem Druck der Leistungsgesellschaft standzuhalten, was für Marlene leider schier unmöglich war und so hat sie sich lieber den Drogen hingegeben während ich unzufrieden zugucken musste (). Ähnlich erschreckend sind die Erlebnisse, die Oksana und Lena in ihrer russischen Kleinstadt erleben, aber an die beiden Teenager bin ich dichter herangekommen und hatte aufgrund ihrer Lebensumstände viel mehr Sympathie für sie übrig (→ Fliegende Hunde).
Zum Schluss ging es noch nach Nigeria, wo ich ein Familiendrama sondergleichen mit ansehen musste. Es ist fast unnormal wieviel Leid Yejide und Akin ertragen müssen, obwohl alles, was sie wollen, eine liebevolle monogame Ehe und Kinder sind. Leider entspannt sich im Hintergrund ein endloses Netz aus Lügen und Pech und am Ende war ich froh, Nigeria wieder verlassen zu können (→ Bleib bei mir).
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