#ANYWAYS I don’t expect to go radio silent Soon I’m hoping my shit will all last until I can replace it all
megatraven · 3 years
it feels like everything is deteriorating super fast and all at once and idk how to deal yall 🤪
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Night Changes
This isn't based on an ask, but I've had some early-Cap ideas brewing and think about the first time the team heard him laugh a lot. His and James' friendship is so sweet in SW--the beginning of it must have been such a shock to them both. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
So maybe James had bitten off more than he could chew. It wasn’t the first time, to be sure, but coaxing (read: drag kicking and screaming) his new teammate out of the carefully-constructed mosaic of scowls that made up his entire personality was proving to be a little more challenging than he previously expected. With most rookies, all it took was some elbow grease and overenthusiastic inclusion in group events to get them to open up—with his brand-new soon-to-be best friend, he had to handle things a little more delicately.
Sirius Black was a puzzle wrapped up in one of those freaky code-breaking machines from World War Two Lily liked to talk about. He was one of the best hockey players James had ever seen, but off the ice he seemed to shut down. The intense focus on his face smoothed out into almost perfect neutrality, and in the four months since he joined the Lions, he had never once smiled for real in front of the team. He sat in his stall and padded up in silence, then went out and kicked ass before following Pascal home like a living shadow.
Naturally, James took it as a personal mission to pry Sirius Black’s closed-off persona open like a stubborn oyster. He tried including Sirius in group events—the rookie went along with a quiet “yeah, sure”, but sat at the table and nursed a single drink for the entire night. He tried getting into friendly banter with him on the ice, but it was like Sirius had never joked with anyone in his life. Hell, he even tried finding him a girlfriend, which tanked harder than the goddamn Titanic.
“Rookie!” James shouted down the hallway.
Sirius jumped and turned around, obviously confused. “Me?”
“Yes, you,” James laughed, jogging over to toss an arm over his shoulders. “What’s up?”
“Not much.”
He waited for Sirius to continue, then rolled his eyes and gave him a friendly shake. “C’mon, man, how was your weekend? Has Dumo coerced you into being a stay-at-home babysitter yet?”
Sirius’ frown deepened. “What? I come with him to practice every day.”
Change tactics, change tactics— “Got any plans for Friday?”
James knew the answer, of course; it was always no or not yet or a simple shake of the head. If he was a less observant man, he would have assumed Sirius didn’t actually want to hang out with the team. But the longing looks toward their easy rhythm and the way he always tilted himself toward locker room conversations told a different story. “None yet,” Sirius said with a shrug.
James gave him a friendly slap on the back. “Good, ‘cause I’m having a party at my place and you’re not allowed to miss it.”
“Why not?”
“Because I want you to be there, duh.” The bewilderment didn’t fade from Sirius’ face, but beneath it—well, maybe James was just seeing things, but he looked almost hopeful. He ruffled Sirius’ hair and headed for the locker room. “Friday at five, rookie! I’ll be waiting!”
The week passed in a slog of practices and cold weather. Sirius clammed up more and more as the party drew closer, but James didn’t miss the way his eyes flickered between the rest of them like he was analyzing a play. He would make one hell of a captain someday, if he could just relax a little.
“Hey, rookie, want a ride?” he asked when the big day finally arrived.
“Don’t you want to go home and set up first?” Sirius’ brow furrowed. For an eighteen-year-old kid, he was awfully thoughtful. James couldn’t wait to see him let loose a little. “I wouldn’t want to get in your way.”
“It’s a yes or no question,” he teased, poking the bit of exposed shoulder through the widening hole in Sirius’ under armor.
“I…” He faltered, then the corner of his mouth twitched up. It was the closest thing James had seen to a smile from him yet. One point for Potter. “Sure, Pots. Thanks.”
“No problem. Meet me at my car in five or so, yeah?”
“Oho, fancy French,” James laughed, turning back to unlace his skates.
It wasn’t until thirty seconds after Sirius left the room that he remembered he never told the rookie what his car looked like. Horrible, terrible visions of the poor guy wandering around the parking lot—or, god forbid, thinking James had left without him—flashed through his mind. It would undo everything he had been working so hard to build.
“Shit,” he hissed under his breath as he shoved his gear into his duffel with reckless abandon and hurried out of the locker room. His legs would be stiff from trying to run so soon after a grueling drill practice, but it was worth it to save his friend. “Rookie? Hey, Sirius, you still here?”
There was no response. James cursed again and made a beeline for the door to the parking lot. Please, God, don’t let him get lost. I need him to trust me.
“Oh, thank fuck,” he panted as he burst out onto the half-frozen concrete.
Sirius looked up from his phone with a strange expression. “Are you okay?”
“Thought I lost you for a sec.”
“You said to meet at your car, yes?” He glanced between James and the car in sudden worry.
“Yeah, yes, absolutely, I just—” He made an aborted gesture and dug his keys out of his pocket. “I realized I forgot to tell you which one is mine.”
Sirius blinked at him. “I know what your car looks like.”
“Because you drive it here every single day and you gave me a ride three weeks ago.”
‘Dumbass’ went unsaid, but James could feel it hanging in the air. He coughed lightly. “Right. Anyway, you can toss your bag wherever and hop in the passenger seat. My place isn’t far from here.”
Sirius took his duffel as he unlocked the car and settled both in the trunk with more care than James’ poor, battered bag had ever seen in its life. That was another thing that confused him about Sirius Black—he was so careful. He walked quietly for someone so tall, and each movement seemed pre-planned.
Each movement, that is, until he tried to get in the car. “Uh, Pots?”
“That’s m—oh.” James covered his mouth to stifle his laughter as Sirius tried to fold himself into the passenger seat and failed miserably. “I’m sorry, my girlfriend was sitting there last. Uh, there’s a lever on your right—yeah, there, just give it a pull and—”
With a harsh ka-chunk, the seat slid all the way back. Both men froze. It took everything in James’ power not to burst out laughing at the deer-in-headlights shock on Sirius’ face.
“Yep, that one,” he managed. “Nice job.”
They drove in relative quiet—James chattered on about weekend plans and hummed to the radio while Sirius watched out the window with the occasional monosyllable response. It took James a bit by surprise how comfortable he was, even without a steady stream of banter. Sirius might have been stubborn and silent and determined to foil all James’ plans at getting him to socialize, but he was calming to be near, like an anchor on unsteady water. Despite his overall quiet air, he was obviously paying attention to every word that left James’ mouth.
“You’re a good guy, y’know that?” he said as they turned onto his street. Sirius glanced over in surprise. “Most people tune me out within, like, five minutes.”
“I’m a good listener.”
James opened his mouth to respond, then paused. “Was that—Sirius Black, was that a joke?”
Something akin to mischief—mischief!—crossed his face. “Maybe.”
“Were you roasting me?” James gaped at him. “Oh my god. The guys are never gonna believe this.”
“Probably not.”
“You sick bastard. They won’t believe me.”
“You can give it a shot,” Sirius said with a shrug as the engine turned off. Pieces began to connect in James’ head as he stared, incredulous, at the rookie he thought would never even crack a smile. Four months of work had not been wasted, as he had feared; every joke, every one-sided conversation, and every attempt to get Sirius involved had been seen and heard and taken to heart. When he thought about it, he wasn’t sure he had ever seen Sirius actively agree to something unless James asked personally.
“We’re friends,” he said aloud, too surprised and too happy to hold it in. Not friends in the way James was with the rest of their loud, over-the-top teammates, but friends all the same.
“Well, yeah,” Sirius said as if it was obvious.
James unbuckled his seatbelt and socked him lightly on the shoulder, barely suppressing a shriek of excitement. “Love you, man. Grab your shit, we’ve got a party to set up.”
As much as it pained James to say it, having someone around who was six-foot-three was a huge help. There was no blow to his pride as he dragged Lily’s stepstool out; no grudging acceptance that he simply couldn’t reach those last two inches on the wall. Instead, he could foist any and all responsibility on his brand-new best friend in the whole wide world and focus on the things that mattered, like putting anything breakable or important far away from the grubby hands of his inebriated teammates.
His success was still ringing in his ears when the guests finally arrived—throughout the evening, James rode the high of accomplishing his mission to pull Sirius Black into his tight-knit circle. Every minute of those four months was worth it.
Midnight came and went, and by one-thirty in the morning James’ cramped living room was packed with tipsy hockey players in a vague imitation of a circle. “Non, non, I’ve gotta good one,” Dumo said, hiccupping. The room fell quiet as he leaned forward. “What do you call a body of water with a chicken in it?”
“What?” Kasey whispered, starry-eyed like a kid at Christmas.
“A swimming pool.”
The room stayed quiet, and then someone started to laugh. Slowly, they all turned to the source of the noise, and James felt a ripple of shock roll through the team as Sirius snorted. “It’s a swimming pool,” he said around a smile, his accent thick from three drinks. He had a nice laugh; James could get used to hearing it. “Like—poule, like chicken?”
His whole face was alight with happiness. James wasn’t sure whether to cry or cheer. That’s what I’ve been waiting for, he thought. That look, right there. Sirius fit in among the group like a missing piece of their puzzle, snickering away as if he hadn’t been stoically silent a day in his life. His laugh was downright bubbly.
“I don’t think they get it,” Dumo said into the rim of his cup.
Sirius shook his head, trying to catch his breath. “D’accord, so—so ‘chicken’ in French is poule, yeah? So a chicken in a body of water is a swimming poule. Do you get it now?”
A few oh’s of understanding washed over them, but several people continued to stare. “Too drink for this,” Sergei grumbled, though James could see the smile pulling at his mouth as Sirius turned to him with bright eyes.
“But it’s funny!” Sirius protested, so earnest it made James’ heart hurt.
“I think it’s funny, rookie,” he assured him with a clumsy pat on the arm. “And it’s my house, so I say Dumo gets a point this round.”
Kasey hiccupped. “Hey, anyone who makes the rookie laugh gets points in my book. No offense, dude.”
“None taken,” Sirius said, though his cheeks were pink.
James nudged him with his shoulder as Talker started a knock-knock joke. “It’s okay,” he said under his breath.
Sirius picked at the label on his cup. “I know I haven’t been very social,” he muttered.
“It’s okay,” James insisted. “It always takes rookies a while to warm up, so we’re just glad you’re happy. I’m glad my best friend is having a good time at my party.”
A heavy silence fell between them as Sirius looked over, eyebrows raised. “Best friend?”
“What, like you didn’t see this coming?” James slung an arm over his shoulder. “Yes, you French-Canadian nerd, you’re my best friend. And that means I’m your best friend, and there’s no take-backsies.”
“What the hell is a take-backsie?” Sirius laughed. “Did you make that up?”
James grinned. He had the feeling this was the beginning of an excellent friendship.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 308: VIBE: CHECKED
Previously on BnHA: Lots and lots of Shindou idk what else to tell you.
Today on BnHA: Tired Nomad Deku rescues Shindou from Muscular, and us from Shindou. Muscular is all “OH BOY I SURE CAN’T WAIT TO FIGHT DEKU AGAIN AFTER HE TOTALLY KICKED MY ASS THE LAST TIME!! I’M SURE THIS TIME WILL GO DIFFERENTLY SEEING AS HE’S HAD ALMOST AN ENTIRE YEAR’S WORTH OF ADDITIONAL TRAINING, AND ALSO HAS SIX FOURQUIRKS NOW, IN ADDITION TO THE CONFIDENCE THAT COMES WITH HAVING EIGHT OTHER PEOPLE’S SOULS CHILLING OUT INSIDE HIM OFFERING MORAL SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT.” Deku is all, “[kicks Muscular’s ass effortlessly].” Muscular is all, “[gets his ass totally kicked].” I for one am very satisfied with this, and with respect to all, I would like to hereby declare this post a discourse-free zone. I’m just happy to see my son out here making good use of his FOURQUIRKS, and more importantly beating Muscular in less than seventeen pages so we can all go on with our lives lol.
damn Deku since when were you allowed to look this cool
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from this perspective and with the smoke, cape, backpack, and mask more or less obscuring his actual profile, he looks less like a sixteen-year-old boy and more like a grownass man
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we got a glimpse of this in the cleaned-up scan of 307, but seeing both of his eyes looking so distinctively All Might-esque here is... whoa. I mean we know that his face still looks pretty normal underneath the mask and he doesn’t actually have the black sclera, but still, this is an awesome look. mini-Might
lol Muscular
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you and me both. I mean no offense, but yeah
so Deku is just standing there silently
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typical Deku. tight-lipped and expressionless. mum’s the word. quiet as a mouse. silent as a grave
okay no but seriously this is so weird and creepy though you guys. Deku please say something or else I’m just gonna mindlessly say whatever stupid things come into my head in an effort to make things less awkward
so Muscular is all “I should probably make a cool speech about revenge but Horikoshi couldn’t think of anything good so I’m just going to stand here clenching my fist real slowly”
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“I’m not here to go on a monologue” he says, as he monologues about not monologuing
okay you guys I confess I have only read through/watched the Deku VS Muscular fight once because the arm-breaking is just way too uncomfortable for me to revisit. and so as a result, I have completely forgotten Whatever The Deal Is with Muscular’s eye lmao so let me go look it up real quick
okay so it’s a prosthetic, obviously, and he changes it out according to his mood. that part does sound familiar. I just can’t remember which eye is supposed to indicate which mood. don’t tell me I actually have to go back and reread this shit
lol I’m skimming through chapter 75 now and remembering/realizing that I hardly paid any attention to this the first time around because as soon as I found out the villains were after Kacchan my brain was like “TIME TO FOCUS ON THIS AND ONLY THIS NOW AND FOREVER” and yeah. ah memories
anyway so he started out with the flower-looking eye, and then later on he was all
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which begs the question, how on earth could I have ever forgotten the most ridiculous panel I’ve ever read lmao
anyway, but so after all of that, I'm only just now realizing that this isn't one of his previous eye prosthetics in the current chapter; this is an ACTUAL FUCKING ROCK that he's just randomly shoved into his eye socket fkdsjlk
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so basically (1) I did all of that painstaking research for nothing, five whole minutes of my life wasted THANKS A LOT, and (2) what, and I have never meant this more emphatically, THE FUCK
anyway so now he's leaping at the building that Deku is standing on top of. but he’s not aiming anywhere near Deku though, wtf
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lmao okay then. I hope those annoying citizens in the building next door are watching this go down and rethinking their life choices
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just keep standing there pressed right up against the window, why don’t you. “WHAT’S GOING ON THIS SUPER CLOSE COLLAPSING BUILDING IS BLOCKING OUR VIEW.” well, folks, we’ve long since known there’s a critical shortage of hero and villain brain cells, but what we’re learning now is that civilian brain cells are also in short supply
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SO HE’S STILL OUR GOOD, POLITE, WORRIED, CONSIDERATE DEKU UNDERNEATH THAT COOL AND MYSTERIOUS VENEER. for real, thank fuck, because I swear to god if he suddenly started acting like the Dekus in all of the vigilante AUs my interest in this series would have dropped something like 50% lol. just because he dropped out of school and ran away from home and is currently dressed like the physical manifestation of a Linkin Park playlist doesn’t mean he’s not still the WORLD’S BIGGEST DORK okay
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something about making bold, confident statements while obscured in smoke?? idk but damn it fucking works
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more importantly, should you tell him you actually need your copy of Shindou in excel format and not pdf?? on the one hand you don’t want to sound ungrateful, but on the other hand what are you even supposed to do with this
this chapter so far consists of like 50% smoke, but on the other hand Deku VS Kacchan 2 had a lot of cinematic smoke too so who am I to complain
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also it’s good to see that in a very real sense he’s not fighting alone. the Vestiges really did mean it when they said they could appear more easily now. this is on a whole other level
so is this whole next page still En talking, or someone else? because whoever it is sure is chatty
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okay, several things
pretty sure it is En, because he keeps saying “I suppose.” for someone who never said two words until one page ago, this guy sure never shuts up. we can’t all follow Muscular’s lead I suppose. oh my god now I’m doing it too
really like the suggestion of Deku using the SIXQUIRKS like tools in an arsenal, because that’s what he’s good at! it’s almost like he’s been training for this his entire life. “you value quirks too much” LOOK HE JUST THINKS THEY’RE COOL OKAY IS THAT A CRIME
where the fuck did all this rope come from
not gonna ask what the fuck that thing is sticking out from the back of his utility belt. Horikoshi will surely explain this
is that a fucking jetpack. I’m sorry Deku were six fucking quirks not enough for you. you can fucking float??? but JUST TO BE SAFE, LET’S STRAP A PAIR OF ROCKETS TO OUR SHOULDERS IDK
-- or wait, is this all supposed to be like a visual representation of En’s metaphor?? OH MY GOD AM I JUST STUPID LOL, DON’T ANSWER THAT. NEVER MIND. NEW LIST!!
rope = blackwhip
jetpack = float
radio = danger sense
and so I’m guessing that this ridiculously phallic thing is supposed to be a flare or something?? and that = the new quirk, smokescreen. well that was a fucking ride lmao we now return you to our regularly scheduled chapter
so now Deku is floating to his heart’s content and thinking that he’ll just sneak up on Muscular and vibe check his ass or whatever
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okay guys, I'm gonna press pause here for a sec to make a serious note, because I am loving the shit out of this, but tbh I'm having trouble enjoying it as much as I want to because I keep getting anxious thinking about the discourse. I know that a lot of the fandom has very strong opinions on Deku's character development one way or the other, and I want to respect that. but I also really have no spoons to debate this topic at all beyond what I’ve already weighed in on. so if it’s all the same to everyone, I plan on staying out of this discussion, at least this week
anyway! that said, YEAH BOI GET HIS ASS
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dammit Muscular. how many fucking quirks does it take to beat you?! the annoying thing is that even with all of his cool new powers, Deku is still something of a mismatch against him. anyway r.i.p. to all these poor buildings
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you guys have no idea how intrigued I am at the prospect of watching Deku try to play both good cop and bad cop here lmao
anyway so Muscular says he doesn’t know, go figure
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“I’m not here to make small talk or anything” he says as he small talks about not small talking
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are you really gonna talk no jutsu all of these villains from now on?? that last battle really did have a profound impact on you, huh! interesting
you guys he’s really doing it omg
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Deku this guy tried to murder a five-year-old literally just for fun. I mean more power to you, but holy shit you’re really gonna try to defeat Muscular with anger management therapy huh
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but. I have to admit, I do still like that he tried. probably knew just as well as we did what the end result was going to be, but still. he made the effort in good faith and I respect that
uh oh
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why do I get the feeling Muscular just got a whole lot deader
oh my god oh my god he’s doing the “powering up” stance ffff don’t fucking tell me you can still use your fucking arms here, Deku
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okay so basically he’s saying that whatever it was he sensed in Tomura, he doesn’t sense from Muscular. which, yeah, that sounds exactly right. good judge of character here lol
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lmao so apparently this is the belated result of Shindou’s attack from chapter 307?? I’ll be damned. good for you Shindou!! I always liked you buddy. please just take my word on that and don’t fact check that statement
okay lol the one tiny bit of discourse I will allow is that it’s bullshit that he just did that with his right arm. like, I’ll fully acknowledge that. that makes no fucking sense, and I demand an explanation from the Great Plot Hole Filler himself. he’s never let us down before when it comes to continuity so I’m trusting him not to suddenly start now
that said, we love to see a rematch against a boring guy settled quickly and decisively within the span of a single chapter. THANK YOU
I like that Deku implies that his power is being a smart nerd who battles villains using the power of ANALYTICS. he basically didn’t do anything except restrain Muscular and wait for Shindou’s attack to take effect while halfheartedly checking to see if he regretted any of that murder and stuff
(ETA: and almost forgot to mention, he made excellent use of all four of his active SIXQUIRKS. it’s like the chapter title said; this is basically him fighting all-out, and it’s a sight to see.)
also, as cool as the mask was, this just feels right. like, we had our fun, now let us see his face, yes good
anyway, I think this was a good start towards establishing What’s Up With Deku Right Now! so if it’s all the same to Horikoshi, I would next like to take some time to explore Why’s Up With Deku. that, and What’s Up With Everyone Else, Especially Kacchan. por favor
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authenticmiya · 3 years
Hey could you possibly do a young Johnny x reader where she’s one of the cobra kai’s sisters or something and after everything with Ali she’s there for him and he finally doesn’t see her as just a friend
Out Of The Blue - Johnny Lawrence x Reader
Summary - Reader is Bobby’s twin sister and also the best friend of Johnny Lawrence. Following the breakup with Ali, the reader does everything she can to get Johnny to understand how much she cares for him.
Words - 1.1k
Warnings - fluff
A/N - Oh my gosh! This was my first request, so I hope you enjoyed it! Thankyou so much for giving me an idea to write about! My inbox is always open for anyone else who wants to request!
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After the whole beach incident, Johnny was definitely not recovering anytime soon. Not only was he injured physically, but his heart was well and truly broken.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like this Y/N.” Your twin brother Bobby admitted to you, as the two of you walked slightly behind the Cobra Kai’s.
“He’s heartbroken Bob, what do you expect? It’s not exactly a walk in the park.” You told him with a frown. Walking towards your first period of the day, it was noticeable how hurt Johnny was. As one of his life-long friends anyway, you’d noticed his whole demeanour do a 180 into more of an asshole.
“Students welcome! Before you take your seats, I have a new seating arrangement in order for your senior year!” Your teacher announced, making all of the students groan in annoyance.
“Tommy and Bobby, you can sit together at the back on the right.” He began listing the names. By the time it was your name being called out, it was just you and Johnny.
“Looks like we’re gonna be Physics partners for the year Johnny.” You smiled and he just nodded. Boy this was going to be one long year. He didn’t speak to you for the whole lesson - despite the attempts of you trying to have a conversation with him.
“Someone pissed in his breakfast this morning.” One of the students snickered but before he could make a comeback, you were quick to beat him.
“You’re gonna be eighteen years old next year, so shut your damn mouthes, assholes.” You snapped, making them turn a blind eye and act clueless.
“Miss Y/N, is there a problem back there?” And you just shook your head no. Johnny looked at you strangely.
“I can handle myself you know?” Johnny told you.
“Funny you should say that, because all I’m trying to do is be a supportive best friend.” You sighed. The class was soon over and you found yourself at your locker.
“Did you hear about Johnny and Ali? I heard he broke her radio at the beach last night.” What was it with kids and their right to gossip about your friend today?
“Yeah you ought to keep his name out your mouth sweet-heart because I’m not having another person talk shit on him.” You slammed your locker door, scaring both of the girls.
“Oh so when you get confronted, you suddenly become silent?” You raised an eyebrow. The Cobra Kai’s watched this whole conversation go down, considering their lockers were only metres from yours.
“Why does she keep doing this?” Johnny couldn’t lose his bad reputation, just because people were talking bad about him. He could handle himself.
“Dude that’s my sister and may I clarify, your best friend. Do you want her to just stand there and have to listen to all of that?” Bobby questioned.
“She’s so in love with you-“ Dutch began.
“Watch your mouth.” Bobby shut him up. But that one comment just stayed on Johnny’s mind for the rest of the day. Were you in love with him? Or was Dutch just trying to get into his head.
“Hey Johnny, wait up!” You called out to him at the end of the day. He was surprisingly on his own.
“You’re not going home right now.” You told him.
“What do you mean Y/N?” Johnny sighed.
“You’re going to get in my car, we’re going to the drive-through, then we could go to Golf N Stuff.” You insisted on all of these activities for one reason, and one reason only. It was your mission to successfully get Johnny over his heartbreak.
“I just want to go home, I’m not really up for anything today.” He went to turn around and you grabbed him by the bicep to prevent him going any further away from you.
“I can deal with you being an asshole all day because you’re heartbroken, but you’ve never denied my request for the drive-through.” You wiggled your eyebrows.
“I can’t just leave my motorcycle here.” Johnny told you.
“I’ll drive you back here after we’ve had food.” You suggested and of course he caved in.
“How you convince me to do all of this stuff, will forever amaze me.” Johnny said as he put his seat-belt on.
“You’ve been there at my worst Johnny, I’d be an awful friend if I didn’t return the favour.” There you went again with the term ‘friend’. Was he overthinking it because he’d just lose his girlfriend? Or was he frustrated that he couldn’t just make you his in a heart-beat? His head and his heart were telling him a million different things.
“Why’d you keep staring at me like that?” You asked him with a chuckle as you pulled up to a red light.
“How’d you know I was staring?”
“I know everything about you Johnny.” You muttered. Once the two of you had your food, you two just sat in your car.
“Thought you were taking us to Golf N Stuff?” Johnny said confused as the two of you remained in the parking lot.
“I just want to talk to you Johnny. You’ve gotta open up to me. Even if you don’t want to. I know how your brain thinks, it’s eating you up and no offence, but you’ve turned into more of an asshole.” That’s what he loved about you, the honesty. No wait? Loved about you? What?
“I guess seeing her with Larusso wasn’t what I was expecting. I know it’s been a few weeks, but I at least thought she’d still, you know? Want to be my girlfriend.” He admitted.
“A guy shows up out of the blue and you felt threatened. You’re allowed to be. The heart works in mysterious ways Johnny. It’s going to hurt for a while, but you’ll be okay.” You reassured him.
“And I can promise you, and I mean really promise you, that I’ll always have your back. Even if you don’t want me to, I’m not gonna stand there and take anyone’s bullshit. We’ve been best friends since we were in diapers.” He chuckled, trying to reminisce the days when you guys were kids.
“You don’t know how much that means to me Y/N.” Johnny felt his heart beat faster, not in a dangerous way, but a loving way.
“I do these things because I care and worry about you. As much as you don’t want to show this heartbroken act, I’ll always be your shoulder to cry on.” You side-hugged him as you two were still in the car.
“Thank-you Y/N. I guess I need a girl to talk to, considering you’ll probably listen to me a lot more than the guys, and take it seriously.” He told you.
“Don’t worry about thanking me Johnny. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll end up married?” You joked, but who’s to say that wouldn’t be the case in the future?
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cryinginthebackseat · 3 years
you’ve got more poison than sugar - part ii
part i    part iii  AO3 
Fandom: Call Of Duty
Pairing: Russell Adler x Bell
Words: 2.918
Warnings: some mild sexual content and swearings, like usual
Author’s note: okay, i know this one's a little short but i promise there'll be more coming on the next chapter, i promise.
The first time Bell showed her face at Langley, it was two weeks after the program. She wore beige, a ruffled high-neck blouse that made her hazel eyes, like charred nut shells, hard and just about indestructible, popped.
She stood at the lobby, regarding the place like she’d waltzed into a wrong banquet hall, the band played in the background, chandeliers dripping like arctic icicles, the bar drenched in opulent gold.
She didn’t belong here.
But Adler met her there, anyway, Hudson in tow.
“Have I ever done something to him?” Bell asked after the rather short-lived meeting, squinting at the vacant spot Hudson left them. She’d yielded very few words. When she did, it’d been all business, crisp, so it surprised him now to hear her uttering something with more than 2 syllables.
“What do you mean?”
“Have I deliberately done something to piss him off?” she elaborated, quieter, but the glower remained.
Adler carefully studied her behind his tinted shades. It still troubled him to a degree that he couldn’t read her. Like she locked herself off. They say eyes are the window to the soul, but thus far, he saw nothing. Fuck the poets.
“No. At least, not as far as I can tell,” he grits out, curious to see where she was heading with the conversation. “Why?”
Bell hummed, but seemingly unconvinced. A beat, then: “He doesn’t seem to like me that much.”
You don’t belong here, he thought and his face went cagier, back stiffer, but no doubt intrigued. Very much so by this mysteriously curious creature.
Perceptive and diamond-sharp intelligent, he pondered. They might have secured the bag after all.
“It's not you. That’s just as warm and fuzzy you’ll see Hudson with everyone, trust me,” he uttered, hoping that she bought the fib. She did. At least, he thought so. “Come on, Bell, we’ve got a job to do.”
Adler finds her outside the garage the next night, smoking alone, reading in secret. The ground is still wet from the rain, straggling cloud wisps and every artery of this place fucking freezes his bones. Bell ditches her gloves inside, but has her coat on, the collar popped up like antennae.
"You aren't cold?" he asks when she doesn’t notice him. Too engrossed in her own bubble. She does look better, though. Park is right about that one at least.
"I'm good," she answers without looking up. "Am I needed for something inside?"
"No, just thought I could use some fresh air."
He’s studying her, raking her from head to toe. Suddenly, he doesn’t care if she would notice him. Then he steps closer, standing next to her, lifting his cigarette to his mouth.
“What are you reading?”
There’s something about this secret element to her that has him on his toes. Everything about her is curious- frustratingly curious, careful, as Bell rolls her neck to meet him. In the low light, she looks quite new, he learns. And his eyes beg for him to linger.  
“Amerika. Kafka,” she says. “Have you read it?”
A subtle shake of his head and, “No.” While Bell nods, silent, like she doesn't know what else to say to him. “Should I? Give it a read?” Adler adds, just to keep the conversation going.
She shrugs, a cloud of smoke escaping her nostrils. “I can’t say that Kafka is ever a favorite of mine, but he really is sui generis. And Amerika is probably the most approachable of all his works? It’s funny too.”
“I never thought I’d hear Kafka and funny in the same sentence.”
“Yeah, well, it’s very subtle. And if only you can understand his nightmarish sense of humor, that is,” she explains, shrugging again, like she’s embarrassed. “I don’t know, maybe you’ll like it.”
Frankly, he hates Kafka. He hates his vatic, dead-eye vision of the world; that acute sense of hopelessness clinging onto his main protagonists like vines, but Adler finds himself nodding, anyway.
“Sure, lend me your copy once you're done with it." If she’s surprised by his answer, she does not tell her. But Adler thinks she’s smiling though- just the barest quirk of her lips, but it’s enough for him to know that she appreciates the gesture.
A brief, unmapped silence ensues.
"I'm sorry, by the way."
Adler arches an eyebrow at her. "For what?"
Bell slots a bookmark into the book, closes it, frowns at it.
"For yesterday. I, uh… I feel like I was being insolent to you.”
He looks sidelong at Bell and tries to read her. Her expression is raw and open, a painting visible through a small tear in the paper. For some reason, that catches him by surprise.
“You already apologized, you know?” Adler teases lamely.
“I know, but still it was uncalled for and very unprofessional of me. You’re my CO, not some random BND agent I’m forced to work with. I shouldn’t have said that," she mumbles softly and sighs, world-weary, heavy, sounding like a woman twice her age. "It will not happen again. I promise you."
"Hey, consider it water under the bridge, kid. You’re in a rather rough place right now, I wouldn’t hold it against you,” he tells her, fond. “What matters is you’re alright. We can’t catch Perseus if you’re green around the gills.”
Her eyes meet his. He meets her back.
“Thank you.” And Bell rotates her body to face him. Mussed brunette hair and sharp cheekbones, mouth kinked up in sympathy as she says, “Is this what you have to put up with all these years?"
He summons a smirk. "With you? More or less."
And then the woman does the unexpected; Bell laughs. She fucking laughs. Delicate sounding, like a tinkling glass, petals wrapped in satin, moonbeams through frosted windows. It dies, too soon to his liking. Adler privately lets the sound of her laughter replays in his head, as if trying to pocket it.
It’s only after Ukraine when he discovers that she smells different. That wintry floral smell of hers that he’s accustomed to is commingling with something else.
But now-
Now, there's music in the air.
Sims does this sometimes, bringing his Zenith Trans-Oceanic, or as he would call it the Tranny, to the safehouse and they would tune in to international radio stations. Cream's Sunshine Of Your Love is playing- or more specifically, their song is 5 seconds away from being cut off abruptly by the DJ. The song reminds him of Vietnam, regrettably. The root of all madness.
“Next up, is my favorite ever track-to-track transition on an album. This is Pink Floyd’s Brain Damage and-”
Adler stops whatever it is he’s scribbling. He sits up, ramrod straight.
“Mind switching to another station?” he asks suddenly, glances up at Sims quickly who, as Adler suspected, is giving him a rather odd look.
"I've always hated Pink Floyd." Only because he’s out of reason. Only because he can feel Bell’s confused stare, searing into his temple. Only because it’s the only way of escaping this. "Change it, please."
Sims opens his mouth. The unspoken: how about that time in Denver?
The telling jerk of Adler’s lips warns him not to ask.
The other man clamps his mouth shut, seemingly gets the message and switches to a different station. He never brings his radio again.
Frank Woods is exactly how Adler saw him last time- or since Hue City, that is: tigerish and intimidating- a kick in the head voice, a hurricane in the shape of a man and he is making his way to him right now.
“Can I talk to you for a sec?”
"So talk."
Woods shakes his head. "Not here."
Adler looks at him at last now, curiosity creeping over him. He then stubs his cigarette, nods once and leads them both to his office.
Once they’re inside, he locks the door, secures the blinds.
“What is it?” Adler takes a seat behind his desk. Woods remains standing. He paces around the room, a hand on his bearded chin.
“What the fuck is going on with your girl?”
Adler doesn’t know which one is worse, the fact that Woods manages to sniff out something going on with Bell or that he just addresses her as his girl. Either way, it's bad. Either way, Adler should have expected the former issue. Woods is astute as he is dangerous. There's a reason why the CIA gave the green light for Mason and Hudson to save him in Da Nang all those years ago, after all.
"What about her?" Adler asks, even-toned, giving nothing away. Even though he is in the ‘need to know’ column regarding Bell’s brainwashing, this is something Adler initially wishes he could keep under wraps.
“Don’t bullshit me, Adler. She has that look on her face- I see it in her eyes. The exact same look Mason has been wearing since ‘Nam,” Woods tells him, point-blank, never being the one to settle for niceties. After Hudson, Adler thinks he simply can’t tolerate the agency anymore.
“I saw it all, remember? Had a fucking front row seat to his relapse and shit, so don’t tell me she’s alright. Not when it looks like she could snap out of it any moment.” Woods has his hands on the table and looks at him dead-on. “Tell me I’m right. Tell me there is something wrong with her.”
He regards the other man coolly. Woods is no longer asking. Adler is out of move.
“You're right,” he answers simply, eventually, tipping his king over on its side, stopping the clock. "Did you talk to Hudson regarding this?"
"Since when did I report to Agent stick-up-his-ass? Fuck no. That's why I came straight to you.” Woods heaves a heavy sigh, like he’s the one with all these burdens. “Now, what the hell’s wrong with her?”
“She’s suffering from brain damage."
“Shit. All that ‘cause of MK-Ultra?”
“One of the few factors that caused it, yes.”
His mouth goes flat. "How bad is it?”
“Bad. We’re trying to minimize for any collateral as we speak, at least until we finally get our hands on Perseus. But she… she might not make it.” Adler leans back in his chair, like his body feels heavy all of the sudden.
Woods nods. Uncharacteristically silent, looking strangely contemplative, sympathetic even. That should be categorized as an oddity itself, Woods and him, two proud Americans, Vietnam veterans and she’s just another red, another blood they would indubitably sacrifice for their country and they’re sympathizing with her? Yet something deep inside Adler, something resonates like the throat of a storm, sinks its teeth into him, confounds him, every time he thinks of her.
Woods crosses his arms over his chest, glances at the door, as if someone might knock anytime soon, then back to him.
"So, what's the plan?" He quickly adds, "if things go south, what are you gonna do?"
"It won't come to that. She'll come through, I know it," Adler counters, suddenly defensive. Whatever the use of his tone indicates, Woods ignores it.
"You sure about that?”
"Are you doubting me?” Adler spits out a retort. A quiet fury grasps him tight, but he forces himself to keep under a tight lid.
Woods holds his hands up in mock surrender.
"Look, I’m just saying, that woman is a loose cannon- you can’t be too careful."
"We have everything under control, Woods. And this is the least of your worry right now."
"Alright, okay. If you say you and Park have her contained already, then fine. I trust you,” he says and heads for the door.
“Oh, and one more thing,” Woods says again. He’s facing the door, back to him. “Whatever happens, keep Mason in the dark about any of this."
“Of course. He isn’t on a need to know basis from the very start, you know that.”
"Good. ‘cause the less he knows the better." Woods pauses like he's constructing an entire sentence in his head. He peers over his shoulder. "I mean it. He’s been through enough. I don’t know which ground you crawled up from, but up here, some people implement this kind of civility to other people.”
The words sting, yet Adler stares back at him, seemingly unfazed. "What, you’re saying that I’m simply heartless?”
“Nah,” Woods says, satirical and sardonic. “You’re just Adler.” And with that, he’s gone.
It was eight o'clock on a mid-September evening and Adler found himself coming home to an empty house.
His wife had already left a week prior, crossing the country with a self-proclaimed film critic she'd met at the premiere of The Shining last summer, but Adler didn't know that yet.
He went to the kitchen. Dropped his suitcase, pulled off his coat and scarf. He reeked of cigarettes, cheap air freshener and jet fuel- air travel is simply sickening, in terms of its cost and smell- and in a desperate need of a hot bath.
"Honey?" He switched the lights on. She wasn't here. So Adler headed upstairs, to their room where they would rest their bones every night for the past 15 years. The door was slightly ajar. He expected to see her sleeping from under the duvet, hair splaying all over the pillow.
What he found was a folded note on his bedside table. He stared at it, his heart at his throat, fearing the worst, the unimaginable. He picked the letter and unfolded it.
Forgive me.
Live or die, but don't poison everything .
His head did pirouette. So, this was it. This was what it felt like, he thought.
Not heartbreak, not sadness. But a collapse of the world- his world and all he could do was watch from the sidelines.
Adler stares at the words now, sleeves rolled up, anatomical heart. The paper is fading, wrinkled and it smells like smoke and decay and tears, capped with something akin to regret.
It has his name on it, begins with it, and ends with an apology, written in cursive. Like microscopic snakes dancing around his peripheral vision, hissing in his ears.
Live or die, but don't poison everything.
No one likes to be told that they are sick, but Russell Adler has learned to acknowledge it, embrace it, weaponize it. Her words mean zero shit to him now. You can't condemn someone to the depths of hell when it's the only place he's known all his life.
So, he takes the letter for the last time, remembering how the ink used to smudge his calloused fingers, crumples it up, that satisfying crunch dins in his palm, and tosses it into the fireplace.
The paper crackles. Good fucking riddance. It really takes all this time for him to grow the guts, apparently, and he just stares and stares as the fire begins to engulf everything, wiping away his past failure.
He promises he would never fail again, at anything. No matter what the cost, failure is never going to be an option.
Bell arrives at the garage with frantic eyes, a half-burnt cigarette between her lips and uncharacteristically late. Color peppering her cheeks- red, like an apple bitten into.
“I’m sorry, I overslept,” is her excuse, but she’s looking at the room strangely, he thinks, almost like she’s seeking a particular face.
When she makes her way to her desk, when she whizzes past him by the board and her planet is entering his orbit for the first time in the morning, Adler, as if by accident or by design, inhales deeply.
His breath snags.
She smells like someone else.
(Someone fucked her last night)
The telephone rings in the distance.
“Sims. Yeah, sure, let me get him. Hold on.” He puts the call on hold. “Doc, you might wanna take this one.”
(Someone was in her bed; beside her, above her, under her. Inside her. He imagines her fingers digging into the mattress as they rolled her onto her stomach, mouth trailing down the ladder of her spine. Their breaths intermingled in the seraphic glow of her hotel room)
Adler mechanically crosses the room and picks the receiver.
(If he herds her away from prying eyes and pushes down the collar of her shirt, would he see the evidence there, taunting him? If he kisses her, would he taste them instead of her? )
"Perhaps," he says over the phone, his face hard. "But my decision is final. I'm sending Woods and Mason to Yamantau. They'll leave in a few days."
(Did they make her come?)
"Of course. Why do you think I chose them for this mission?"
(If she made them?)
“Most likely, but we're prepared for this- you know we are," Adler says, customer service polite, an old recording on a playback. "Right. Well, that concludes the matter then. Yeah, you have a wonderful day to yourself.”
Adler hangs up the telephone. Breathes out a sigh. He pinches the bridge of his nose for a few good seconds, before remembering that he has an audience.
"Oof. Sounds rough," comments Sims, dark eyes slanting in concern.
(Maybe she likes that, rough. Teeth biting the back of her shoulder, that sweet juxtaposition of pain and pleasure coursing through their veins, his hand curling around her throat from behind as she pants and mewls like-)
(But this isn’t about him. Never about him)
"That's one way to put it."
Someone else fucked her. It shouldn't leave an acrid taste in his mouth, but it does.
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sheerfreesia007 · 3 years
Finding Love In Legacy OaIs pt. 12
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 12
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 8,768
Warnings: Fluff, mention of injury, mention of cheating, mention of mental & physical abuse
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes: I’ve used the Old Farmer’s Almanac for the flower meanings since there are so many different cultures that have different meanings for the flowers. (I used a different meaning for Daisies though because I needed a get well soon flower) And I love Es calling Jack out on upping his flower game. “Tough nuggets” came from teaching myself and my husband not to curse in front of our son when he was younger, we came up with tough nuggets and the kid even started to say it which is super cute! We learn about the ex-husband, dun dun duuunnnn. He’s another piece of work just like Cynthia.
Gif Credit: Google
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Stepping on the brake slowly Jack came to a stop at the guard shack as Jeremy stepped out of it early on Saturday morning with a slightly confused smile on his face. Jack lowered the volume on his radio and rolled down the driver’s side window so he would be able to talk to Jeremy as the man leaned against the doorframe of the shack.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to be home until tomorrow afternoon?” Jeremy asked curiously about the obvious change of plans. Jack nodded his head before looking over at him.
“Work wrapped up earlier and I wanted to surprise the girls. How’re they doing?” Jack replied with a question of his own. Jeremy smiled softly at Jack’s question before sighing softly, he crossed his arms over his chest and settled against the doorframe more securely.
“Well Es is still upset about Bunny breaking her ankle. Still feeling guilty that it’s her fault even though Bunny and I have told her that it’s not. Bunny’s been trying to keep her occupied and busy to keep her mind off of it. But Bunny’s drained, between the pain of her ankle and having to do things while on crutches it’s hard for her. Much harder than she was expecting I think. But you know Bunny she’s gonna put a brave face on and not show you how she’s really feeling.” Jeremy explained conversationally and Jack nodded along to his words.
“But Bunny’s big on checking in on everyone else and making sure that they’re all okay, who checks in on her?” Jack asked knowingly and Jeremy nodded his head in agreement.
“Well Penny Rogers checks in on her every once in a while and then I’ll call her at least once a week to catch up. But I don’t think Bunny has anyone who checks on her every day.” Jeremy said truthfully and Jack sat back in his seat for a moment silently contemplating that info.
“Her siblings don’t reach out to her? Or her parents?” he asked concerned and Jeremy shrugged his shoulders.
“Every once in a while but not all the time. Sometimes it’ll be months between her siblings calling her. And I think her parents call her about once a week. Her sister keeps up with her more because of her nephew but again I think it’s once a week. So she’s got people who check in but not every day.” Jeremy advised. Jack nodded his head at his words and sat there wondering if Bunny would think it weird if he began to check on her every morning or afternoon.
“Okay, well I know she’s probably gonna give me shit for it but I’ll help her out with anything that she needs done.” Jack said with a soft smirk and Jeremy scoffed before laughing knowingly.
“Oh yeah she’ll give you shit for it but I’m pretty sure you’re the right guy to put her in her place and let her know what’s what.” Jeremy said with an ecstatic glint in his eyes. Jack laughed loudly at Jeremy’s words and shook his head at the thought that he’d have to put Bunny in her place.
“Hey anyway, here I got this for you on the way here. In thanks for helping Bunny and Es out when that all went down.” Jack said as he turned to his passenger side seat and pulled out a plain bagel, some butter and cream cheese packets, as well as a large coffee and the sugar and milk containers. Handing it over to Jeremy through the window Jack smiled softly at the pleasantly shocked face of Jeremy.
“Oh wow! Thanks man, this is great.” Jeremy said in thanks as he took the food and drink from Jack.
“Yeah figured I’d pick ya up somethin’ since I stopped there for breakfast and just to say thanks and I appreciate you helping Es and Bunny.” Jack said with a shrug of his shoulders when Jeremy came back to lean against the doorframe with a soft smirk on his face.
“You care a lot about Bunny don’t you?” Jeremy asked knowingly and Jack instantly felt as if Jeremy was interrogating him. Jack looked over at Jeremy quickly who was still smirking at him. Feeling his anxiety rise slightly Jack tried to find a way to not divulge to Jeremy just how much he liked Bunny.
“Well yeah, I mean she’s been a huge help to me with Esme ever since we moved here. And she’s always so nice to everyone around here. How can I not like her?” Jack reasoned unassured as he watched Jeremy’s smirk widen on his face.
“Uh-huh, but that’s not what I’m talking about. And I think you know that.” Jeremy said cryptically and Jack knew that he had been caught out by the man standing before him. “You don’t have to on guard with me man. I’m loving that you two are feeling something out together. I think it’d be good for the two of you. I mean I don’t know your story but if you two wind up together it’d probably be great for Bunny.” Jeremy told Jack still sounding cryptic and Jack sat there wondering what he meant about it being good for Bunny to be with him. Jack also felt a seed of hope settle in his chest and he took in a deep breath feeling it start to pulse.
“I’m still trying to figure it out what’s going on between us.” Jack blurted out truthfully and looked over at Jeremy shocked. The man was nodding his head knowingly before he smiled softly down at the ground.
“There’s nothing wrong with that.” He admitted. “Plus I don’t think Bunny’s there quite yet either. You gotta give her a little bit of time to warm up to a romantic relationship. She’s been hurt really bad by her ex-husband, so she’s cautious and doesn’t trust easily when it comes to that type of relationship. So if you’re still figuring it out just know that so is she.” Jeremy advised softly and Jack got the feeling that Jeremy knew everything about Bunny’s past with her ex. He wondered silently why Jeremy knew everything and how the two had bonded over something like that to become such close friends.
“Thanks.” Jack said nodding his head as Jeremy cleared his throat softly and shuffled his feet underneath him.
“Just know that if you hurt her I’m coming after you and then I’d let Bunny adopt Esme once you’re taken care of.” Jeremy said nonchalantly as he shrugged his shoulders and stood to his full height. Jack burst out laughing at that and slid his car into drive.
“Well at least Esme would be well cared for that’s all I’d want.” Jack said jovially and Jeremy shook his head laughing at Jack. Jeremy then waved at him as he pressed the button to raise the gate at the entrance.
“Alright I’ll see you later. Tell Bunny I’ll call her before I leave work.” Jeremy said in farewell and Jack nodded as he slowly eased his car through the gate after waving at Jeremy.
Parking his car in the driveway to his house Jack stepped out of the car and stood next to it for a moment gazing around the quiet morning in the neighborhood. It was still too early for anyone to be up and about as the sun was just rising from the horizon. He smiled softly as he heard birds chirping before he saw they darting and dashing through the air. He relished in these quiet moments where he was able to reflect and just take in his surroundings as time slowly creeped by.
Shaking his head softly still smiling he moved to the passenger side of the car and opened the door so he could lean inside and pull out the bag of bagels and condiments, as well as the large bouquet of flowers he had ordered. Standing tall once more he nudged the car door shut with his hip before turning and walking across the street to Bunny’s house. Jack was reminded once again of the quiet morning as the only sound was the heel of his cowboy boots landing on the pavement of the street. It almost made him feel lonely as he listened to his footsteps, but then he heard the soft music playing as he neared Bunny’s house and he smiled as he saw the front windows were opened and he could hear Esme calling out to Bunny from somewhere inside the house.
Grinning widely he knocked on the front door as he came to stand before it. There was a loud call from inside and Jack heard running footsteps from the other side of the door. He chuckled softly when he saw the curtain on the side window shift and fall back across the window as a loud squeal was heard.
“Daddy!” Esme shouted loudly as she grinned up at him happily. Jack set the bag of bagels and the bouquet on the ground before kneeling down and opening his arms up to her. She quickly dashed forward and wrapped her small arms around his neck tightly as her small body collided with his. Jack wrapped his arms around her quickly and held her to him tightly.
“I missed you peanut.” He said fondly into her wild hair and she giggled softly.
“I missed you too. Love you lots like jelly tots.” She said softly and Jack felt his heart melt instantaneously as his arms tightened around her slightly more.
“Love you lots like jelly tots.” He whispered back to her before pressing a soft kiss to her temple. Esme took a step back and looked down at the flowers and bag of bagels before grinning up at him.
“Good thing you bought breakfast.” Esme said knowingly and Jack tilted his head to the side confused.
“Why?” he asked curiously and Esme hooked her thumb over her shoulder to the inside of the house.
“Bunny didn’t get a lot of sleep and she’s not used to her crutches yet.” Esme explained softly and Jack nodded his head in understanding. Just then there was the loud sound of crutches hitting the floor and a loud hiss of words that couldn’t be made out. Jack quickly grabbed the bagels and flowers before ushering Esme inside so he could see if Bunny was alright.
“Es, who was at the door?” came the called out question and Jack turned the corner to see Bunny leaning back against the kitchen island grimacing as she rested one of her crutches against the front of her body. Jack stood there in awe as he stared at an adorably bedraggled Bunny. She was dressed in an oversized long black sleep shirt that had the words ‘Amazing in bed, I could sleep for days’ on the front in white lettering. Her hair was piled up high on her head in a messy bun and she had a bunch of hair falling out of it around her face. Her right foot was in a large clunky white cast and the other was barefoot. Her left wrist was wrapped tightly in a bandage as she clenched and unclenched her fist. Jack’s eyes danced down her body and felt a warmth settle in his stomach as he imagined waking up to her like this every day. His eyes lingered on the lettering on her shirt as she finally looked up at him and he felt desire start to bloom inside him as he saw her eyes widen at seeing him standing in her kitchen doorway. “Jack!” she said shocked before he watched her cheeks flush with a pretty pink color as she tried to hurriedly move from her position over to him. Once more he dropped everything he was holding as he saw her try to twist and began to fall forward when her crutches escaped her hold.
Easily catching her around the waist Jack held her close to his body and gazed down at her trying to see if she had hurt herself with her movement. She grimaced softly with her eyes closed before opening them and looking up at him. He smiled softly at her and her cheeks seemed to flush once again.
“Second time you’d had to the catch me.” She said with embarrassment tinging her tone of voice as she grimaced softly up at him.
“I’ll always be here to catch you.” He promised softly and watched as her eyes sparkled with appreciation of his words. “Are you okay?” he asked as he began to straighten her posture against him. He bit his tongue harshly when he felt her soft body lean into him and he felt that she wasn’t wearing a bra under her shirt. Arousal spiked inside him and he felt the warmth from earlier begin to boil under his skin. His hands came to rest at the base of her lower back on her hip bones and the urge to drag her body into his was almost too great for his will power. But he managed to hold back on his desires as he watched her nod her head at his question.
“Yeah just a little clumsy with the crutches still.” She said a little dismissively.
“Well you did only get them yesterday Bunny.” Esme said self-assuredly and Jack was instantly reminded that it wasn’t just him and Bunny in the house. He turned his head to watch Esme set the bag of bagels and flowers on the kitchen island as she hopped up onto the stool at the island. Jack felt Bunny begin to pull away and he regretfully let her go as she took a step towards the kitchen island and grabbed her crutches again. “You still have to get used to them.” Esme said before she began pulling out bagels and the different cream cheese that Jack picked up.
“Yeah, I know. I’m just feeling sorry for myself.” Bunny said a little dejectedly and Esme looked at her with a sure confident look making Jack bite his tongue once more waiting for the gem that was going to pop out of his little girl’s mouth.
“Tough nuggets.” Esme scoffed and Bunny’s head whipped to her as she burst out with shocked laughter.
“Excuse me?” Bunny asked amused and Jack grinned as Esme squared her shoulders.
“Tough nuggets. You shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself.” Esme said assuredly and Bunny laughed happily at Esme’s words.
“Alright, alright.” Bunny said shaking her head as she held her hands up in faux surrender to Esme. “Jack these are beautiful.” Bunny said as she took hold of the bouquet and lifted it to her face to take a whiff of the pretty flowers.
“Yeah Daddy! They’re really big!” Esme said eyeing the flowers. “Bigger than the last ones.” Esme said as her eyes darted over to Jack who instantly felt like an ass for only buying grocery flowers the last time for Bunny.
Jack stood there silently watching as Bunny laughed amused as Esme called him out on his flower buying skills before she moved to the sink and awkwardly began to try and bend over to get a vase from under the sink. Jack quickly moved to grab one of the larger vases to hold the flowers. Bunny grimaced slightly and Jack knew she was feeling frustrated with needing his help so quickly. He nudged her hip with his and she looked up at him and he smirked down at her before speaking.
“Tough nuggets.” He said and her eyes widened slightly before she burst out into laughter.
“I’m gonna be hearing that an awful lot from you two aren’t I?” she asked amused and Jack grinned before nodding.
“Yep.” Esme said from behind them making Jack and Bunny burst out into laughter at her quick wit.
“Alright let me get the flowers and I’ll cut them.” Bunny said as she hobbled over to the island before leaning the crutches on the counter before moving back to the sink with the flowers in her hands. “They’re beautiful by the way. Thank you so much.” Bunny said as she set the bouquet on the counter and pulled out a pair of scissors from the drawer.
“I figured they’d brighten up your mood after breaking your ankle.” Jack said smiling at Bunny who nodded her head. “How are you holding up by the way?” he asked watching as she cut open the brown paper package and string tied around the flowers.
“Last night was rough. In a lot of pain. Had to sleep down here in the second guest bedroom last night. Wasn’t able to get up the stairs to the bedroom.” Bunny relayed to him and Jack nodded along to her explanation.
“Do you need me to move anything from upstairs down here for you? It’d probably be easier for you if you stayed down here until you got used to the cast more. Don’t want you to take a tumble down them stairs.” He said contemplatively as he looked over his shoulder at the stairs that were just outside the kitchen doorway.
“I’d have to check the bedroom to know what I’d need. I do have to go out shopping though. Get some baggy pants or shorts to be able to get them over my cast.” Bunny said as she pulled out two purple hydrangeas from the bouquet. Jack watched silently with baited breath as Bunny peered at the flowers in thought before snipping the end of it and handed it to him to place in the vase.
This past mission with Tequila had been an interesting one. They had an intel agent on the inside of a religious cult who was deep undercover and hadn’t been able to communicate with them in the traditional ways so they had to get creative. When Jack and Tequila had first visited the religious cult Jack had noticed all the large flower arrangements that filled the main building on the compound where the agent lived. He and Tequila had then put together a plan to communicate with the agent through flowers by slipping a flower of significance to reflect if it was safe to meet with them or not to relay the information they needed. Jack had done a lot of research on the language of flowers and their meanings. Which was why he had decided to order a special bouquet for Bunny.
As Jack placed the hydrangea in the vase he silently thought of what the flower meant, gratitude. He waited patiently as Bunny handed him the next bunch of flowers he had chosen. When she handed him a bunch of sunflowers he smiled down at the large flowers, adoration. Jack wondered silently if Bunny knew what each flower meant or if she just took the flowers at face value. The next bunch she passed over to him were some fern and basil leaves that he had asked the flower store clerk for specifically, fascination and good wishes were the respectful meanings of those two. Jack had to admit he had a lot of fun creating Bunny’s bouquet and felt like a secret that he had specifically created this bouquet for her, he was a little giddy that she might not know what he was saying with the flowers.
White daisies were the next flowers that she handed to him and he smiled down at the delicate looking flowers in his hand, get well soon. Jack looked over and saw that Bunny was looking down at the next bunch of flowers which were coral peonies. Jack sucked in a breath because this flower had numerous meanings to it but he was going for good fortune and compassion when he had chosen it. Bunny looked up at him with lightly pink dusted cheeks as she handed him the flowers, her reaction to the flowers making Jack wonder if she did know what the flowers symbolized. Jack’s eyes landed on the next two flowers and he felt his body tense with anticipation of Bunny noticing them. Two white gardenia flowers sat on the brown paper and as Bunny picked them up in her hands Jack avidly watched her reaction. She stood there staring down at the flowers as her cheeks heated up to a deep red color and her mouth parted softly. Her head snapped up to look at him and Jack felt like he had just been gut punched as her eyes were dilated and her breaths were coming out in soft pants. Secret love or you’re lovely was the symbolism for these flowers and while Jack was still figuring out how deep his feelings were for Bunny he had a feeling that it might easily morph into the first meaning.
“Jack.” She said softly and he smiled fondly at her waiting for her to say what she was thinking. “Do you know the language of flower?” she asked with her eyebrows slightly furrowed and he nodded his head grinning softly as her cheeks heated even more. “Oh.” She said in a soft shell shocked voice. Her eyes darted down to the flowers in her hands before looking up at him. “I-“ she began to say something and Jack rested his hands on top of hers.
“Right now I’m saying I think you’re absolutely lovely. And something is developing between us, but I’d like to take it slow if that’s alright with you. I’m still not sure what exactly I’m feeling and it’s been two years since Maria. I’d like to be close friends first before we explore this other side that I think is forming between us.” He said softly so that Esme didn’t overhear him. Bunny looked up at him with soft tender eyes and he could see the uncertainty swirling in her orbs but there was also longing at the edges of her eyes. Jack took in a relieved breath when he watched Bunny nod her head at his words.
“I’d love that.” She said softly and Jack felt like his heart just exploded in his chest with happiness. He nodded his head as he took the flowers from her hands and placed them in the middle of the bouquet. Bunny’s bright smile spread across her face and Jack watched as her eyes looked happily on the flower arrangement that he had created just for her.
“Alright so let’s talk about how we’re going to help you out with things you need done.” Jack said as he stood from the kitchen table and picked up the plates that they had used for breakfast.
“Jack you don’t have to do that.” Bunny protested as she began to ease herself out of her chair. Jack whirled around on his feet and pointed his finger at her.
“Sit. Down.” He commanded suddenly and Bunny stopped short in her ascent from her chair to stare at him with wide shocked eyes. She slowly lowered herself back into her seat and watched him silently in shock. “I got this. I think I can handle a few dishes.” He promised her.
“But Jack I’m not helpless.” Bunny protested as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“No you’re not but you’re injured and need to rest and heal.” Jack said firmly as he stared at her.
“But Jack, I can do that myself.” Bunny tried again to protest and Jack shook his head.
“Nope.” He responded. Bunny opened her mouth to retort once more and Jack shook his head quickly. “Tough nuggets.” He said before whirling on his heel and walking over to the sink. Esme’s happy giggles burst into the air and Bunny’s soft grumbling could be heard making Jack grin softly at the antics of them.
“So you’re not going to let me do much are you?” Bunny asked in a sour tone. Jack shook his head and chuckled lightly.
“Bunny, you need to heal and if you’re constantly on your feet aggravating the break it’s not going to heal quickly or effectively. You gotta let us help you as much as we can. Keep your ankle elevated and stay off your feet as much as possible.” Jack said adamantly. “I’ve broken bones before, recovery sucks but I’m gonna do my damndest to make sure that you heal as quickly as possible.” He leaned back against the sink and crossed his arms over his chest. Bunny was looking at him with soft eyes and Jack felt himself being pulled into her gaze from across the kitchen. “Besides, now Es and I can spoil you a little bit.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders. Bunny ducked her head quickly as Esme squealed in her chair with happiness. Jack smirked as he saw the soft blush on her cheeks at his words and Jack knew he won her over.
“Alright fine.” Bunny conceded and Jack beamed over at her as Esme clapped her hands happily.
“How often does Butter have to go out?” Jack asked kindly before turning back to the sink to wash the dishes quickly.
“Oh well, I normally take him around the block twice a day once in the morning and then once in the afternoon or evening. But he can go out in the backyard for now until I get into a boot.” Bunny said and Jack shook his head as he finished drying the dishes and stored them away in the cabinets. He turned and leaned back against the sink and sighed softly as he shook his head at Bunny.
“Will you let us help you? Please?” he asked softly as he looked up and over to her. “You’ve done so much for me and Es, it’s our turn to help you when you’re in need. Let us.” He implored her and she looked at him surprised. She sat there in her chair her eyes darting from him to an eager looking Esme for a few moments before nodding her head in compromise. “Thank you.” Jack said softly and Bunny pouted her lips slightly but nodded her head. Jack knew that she didn’t want to burden them and she was being stubborn but Jack was adamant about helping her and making sure that she was well taken care of. But while he was ready to fight her and glad that she was allowing them to help her, when she pouted her lips like that overtly all Jack wanted to do was walk over and kiss the pout off her mouth. Blinking his eyes rapidly he tried to erase the image from his mind of them kissing before he spoke again. “So Es and I will come over before we walk to the bus stop and we’ll take Butter with us. Same for in the afternoon.” Jack informed her and Bunny reluctantly nodded her head. Jack grinned and winked at her watching as she blushed and furrowed her eyebrows.
“Oh yes! I can totally walk Butter.” Esme said happily and Bunny chuckled softly.
“You’ll have to show your dad the doggie bags and everything.” Bunny said as she looked over to Esme who nodded eagerly. “Thanks Es.” She said softly before looking over at Jack who nodded his head. “Alright so that’s taken care of do you guys want to hang out? Or do you have things you have to get done?” she asks making Jack look at her with a disappointed look. “What?” she asks exasperatedly as she raises her hands in the air.
“We’re not done. But we do need to go food shopping. Are you up for a trip to the store or do you want to stay home?” Jack asked as he looked over at her. “Oh and we have to figure out what you need from your room upstairs moved down.” Jack suddenly clapped his hands together and rubbed them together eagerly. Bunny shook her head and Jack began to nod his head at her. “C’mon Es, head upstairs and get dressed while I help Bunny up the stairs. Pack up your stuff so that we can bring it back to the house before going out.” Jack instructed easily and Bunny looked at him offended as Esme quickly hopped off the kitchen chair and raced upstairs to her room.
Jack walked over to Bunny and set one his hands on the back of her chair, the other sat steadily on the kitchen table in front of her effectively caging her in her seat. He leaned forward and watched as Bunny took in a sharp breath as her eyes widened at his closeness.
“Look, I’m not trying to make you feel like you’re an invalid. But I don’t want you hurting yourself again because of your pride. You broke your ankle Bunny. That’s no joke and I really want you to heal. I want you in no pain. So please don’t think I’m just trying to take over here. I’m just trying to help you. I promise.” He said softly as he stared deeply into her eyes. He smiled softly as she silently nodded her head at him. He then stood to his full height and took a step back to grab her crutches for her. He stood a step away from her chair holding the crutches out for her as she stood from her chair. She took a hold of the crutches and began moving towards the stairs. When they had both reached the bottom of the stairs Bunny turned and looked up at him as she was hunched over her crutches.
“Let me try to do this. Just stay behind me in case I fall.” She said determinedly and Jack nodded his head in agreement.
“I’ll always be here to catch you.” He promised her and allowed her to do it her way.
Jack smiled as Esme chatted easily with Bunny as the two of them walked ahead down the aisle. He was stuck pushing the cart but he couldn’t complain as he was able to surreptitiously observe Esme and Bunny’s relationship right before his eyes.
Jack could feel his heart swelling in his chest as Bunny talked with Esme about everything the little girl brought up. And while Bunny was knowledgeable in a lot of things there were some topics that puzzled her. Like right now Esme was going off on a tangent about one of the shows that she watched and Jack had to bite his tongue as Bunny looked down at his little girl with a lost look on her face. He was shocked when he noticed that Bunny wouldn’t interrupt Esme in her ranting about the show and let her get it all out first. He chuckled softly when he heard Bunny begin to question Es on the show once she was done.
“So you mean her parents don’t even know that she’s a witch?” Bunny asked confused and Jack bit his bottom lip as he watched her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and disbelief.
“Yeah she’s been able to keep it a secret from them.” Esme explained, nodding her head. “She’s had some close calls where they’ve almost figured it out but not yet.”
“Oh okay, but her grandma knows?” Bunny asked, still perplexed and Jack was absolutely charmed as this woman before him took time out to understand more about his daughter’s favorite show. “Oh hold up, hey can you grab that box of crackers for me please?” She asked stopping next to the crackers and pointing them out to Esme, who eagerly grabbed the box and placed it in the shopping cart. “So how come the grandma never told the parents? Wouldn’t that be something she should tell the parents?” Bunny asked and Jack shook his head silently at the scene before him. He was relieved that he and Bunny were now on the same page for their relationship because now he was gifted with watching his two favorite girls discuss a tv show while the three of them shopped for groceries.
Jack finished putting the last box of pasta in the pantry and turned with a grin to Bunny who was leaning against the kitchen island with her crutches leant next to her hip on the island. She smiled softly at him as she shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. He walked over to her and let his eyes dart over her face to look for any discomfort. Standing in front of her he watched as her eyes darted up to his quickly.
“Are you in any pain?” He asked softly and she grimaced slightly at the question.
“A little, I was thinking of taking one of the pain meds and then sitting out in the backyard with my ankle up.” She answered him truthfully. Jack nodded his head at her response as he heard Esme coming back into the house from the backyard.
“Do you want us to head home? Or are you up for some company for a little longer?” Jack asked as Bunny hooked her crutches under her armpits and moved to the sink and leaned up to grab her medicine and a glass.
“Oh I’d love your company for however long.” Bunny said easily and Jack nodded his head as he opened her fridge and pulled out the iced tea that they had bought at the store earlier.
“Okay we’ll stay for a little bit longer. Wanna order dinner and have it delivered?” He asked as Esme walked into the kitchen and hopped up onto the stool at the island.
“Ooooohhh! Can we order pizza?” Esme cheered and Jack laughed happily as he set the iced tea on the island before turning to Bunny who moved to the island and set the glass down on it.
“Good choice!” Bunny said happily as she opened a drawer and pulled out a local pizzeria menu. “Here, pick a pizza and I’ll call them.” Jack watched as Esme peered over the menu while he poured Bunny a glass of iced tea that she thanked him for. Jack watched as she popped her medicine into her mouth and took a swig of her drink swallowing down the pills. With a grimace she blew out a breath after swallowing the pills and Jack chuckled softly.
“Don’t like pills?” He asked understandingly and Bunny shook her head.
“I don’t like the aftertaste they leave.” She explains as she takes another sip of her drink. Jack nods his head and looks over to Esme who’s still pouring over the menu.
“So what are we gonna eat tonight peanut?” He asked fondly as she looked up at him with his question.
“I wanna get a taco pizza.” She said with a shrug of her shoulders. “It sounds cool.”
“Oh, that’s a good one. They also have a good margherita pizza. And their garlic knots and mozzarella sticks are really good.” Bunny said as she pulled her cellphone out of her back pocket and began dialing the pizzeria number.
“Hey Es, c’mon. Let’s go walk Butter while Bunny orders and then we’ll come hang out once we’re done.” Jack said as he ushered Esme to the front door.
“C’mon Butter! Let’s go for a walk!” Esme called happily as she quickly made her way off the stool and towards the front door. Jack laughed as he watched Butter leap out of his dog bed in the kitchen and ran as quickly as he could to the front door where Esme stood holding the leash. Jack looked back at Bunny and she smiled and waved at him before focusing back on the phone call.
When Jack reached the door he saw Esme with her jacket on and Butter with his leash on. Esme handed Jack the doggy bag holder that was in the shape of a red fire hydrant, Jack laughed amused as he looked down at it in his hand. Esme smiled and turned to open the front door.
“So do you know Butter’s normal night time walk routine?” Jack asked as he began walking down the steps with Esme.
“Yeah, they normally walk to the bus stop before mine and then back taking the long way around the block.” Esme instructed and Jack nodded his head as he fell into step with Esme.
“Sorry that we’ve been with Bunny all day and haven’t had much quiet time together. Bunny just needs a little bit of our help since she broke her ankle. So we might be spending a bit of time with her.” Jack said softly as he looked over at Esme. He watched proudly as his little girl looked up at him with a furrowed eyebrow.
“Daddy, I like Bunny. I like being with her. I’m not mad that we’re spending time with her. Besides, she gives us time to be together even when we’re with her.” Esme explained reminding Jack of when Bunny wandered off in the grocery store leaving Esme and Jack to themselves to talk and check in with each other.
“I know, I just don’t want you to think that I’m ignoring you or paying more attention to Bunny.” Jack said insistently and Esme shook her head.
“Daddy, I-“ Esme began to say and then shook her head silently before looking up at him with a smile on her face. “I don’t think that. I know you’re not ignoring me. And Bunny needs our help, she's hurt.” Esme reassured him softly with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Ok, as long as you know that peanut. So how was school while I was gone?” He asked softly as they continued to walk towards her bus stop.
“It’s okay. We’re starting to do some projects in Science and I’m gonna need some help with that soon.” She said and Jack nodded his head along with her words.
“Ok, that’s no problem. You let me know what you need and we’ll go pick it up. And I’ll help as much as I can.” Jack said easily. “Anything else happen while I was gone?” He asked softly trying to see if she wanted to talk about what had happened at the sleepover.
“Are you asking about the sleepover?” Esme asked suddenly after being quiet for a moment. Jack turned his head to look down at her shocked, he was surprised that she had picked up on his leading questions, but he shouldn't have been as surprised since she was his little girl.
“Only if you wanna talk about it.” Jack offered easily. He watched Esme shrug her shoulders before letting them slump forward.
“I called Bunny Mom.” Esme said softly. “I didn’t mean to and Bunny said she wasn’t mad about it at all. But Cynthia wasn’t very nice to me about it. Said that I shouldn’t be spending so much time with Bunny because then I’ll get confused.”
Jack felt his heart clench in his chest at how lost Esme sounded. He stopped walking as they came to the bus stop before Esme’s and he kneeled down to be at her eye level. He placed his hands on her shoulders gently and turned her to face him.
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with calling Bunny Mom. I mean she’s been taking care of you while I’m away so I’m not surprised you did call her Mom. And I think that’s great that you’re getting so close to Bunny that you might see her that way. Don’t listen to Cynthia, I’ll talk to her and tell her to mind her own business. She has no right to say anything to you about that, okay?” Jack reassured Esme as he stared into her eyes softly. “I just want to make sure that you’re okay. I know we don’t talk about your Mom that much and we probably should talk about her more.” Jack said softly and Esme tapped his nose gently making him look up at her after his eyes had fallen to the ground.
“I miss Mommy. Every day I miss her and wish she was still here. But I have you Daddy and Bunny may not be Mommy but she’s a really cool babysitter and I like her being my babysitter.” Esme said softly as she smiled at him. Jack felt tears well in his eyes as Esme’s words and he nodded his head.
He knew that they should probably talk more about Esme calling Bunny Mom but he wasn’t sure of his own emotions and feelings in regards to that. On one hand it had only been two years ago that Maria was taken away from them and he wasn’t sure if he was truly ready to have another “mom” in his life yet. He was comfortable with flirting and figuring things out with Bunny right now but he wasn’t looking too far in the future just yet. But on the other hand, Esme was forming a bond with Bunny that seemed to be very deep, strong and meaningful. It was the first time since Maria’s funeral that Esme had become close to another woman that she hadn’t known before Maria’s passing.
It was a convoluted situation and Jack knew he was going to have to address it but wasn’t sure if he was ready to do that just yet. So while he was relieved that Esme was okay with her slip of tongue he would hold off on the more in depth conversation for another time when he knew for sure what he wanted with Bunny.
“She is a cool babysitter huh?” Jack asked softly and Esme grinned at him as she nodded her head eagerly.
The sun was slowly setting as Jack stepped out of the back door and moved down the back steps of the house to where Bunny was sitting in one of her outdoor chairs with her right ankle propped up on the ottoman. On the small table next to her chair sat a tray of three glasses and a pitcher of peach flavored iced tea. Esme was standing not far on the brick patio in front of her easel and paints while Butter lazed about in the grass in front of Esme.
“You gonna paint Butter for me?” Bunny asked Esme as she nestled back in her chair. Esme turned to Bunny grinning as she nodded her head. Bunny grinned as she nodded her head at Esme and rested her head back on the chair, closing her eyes slowly.
Jack felt the urge to sneak up on Bunny and press a soft kiss to her lips to surprise her, but then he suddenly felt insecure of his intentions. So he walked up behind Bunny letting his fingers trail along her right shoulder before moving to the chair on her left. He saw her warm smile as she turned her head to watch him take a seat next to her.
“This is nice.” Jack said softly as he sat back in the chair and settled himself. Bunny nodded her head as she grinned over at him. “So we talked about the whole sleepover incident.” Jack said softly as his eyes watched Esme begin painting Butter, she was far enough away that Jack felt comfortable bringing this up with Bunny.
“Does she still feel badly about it?” Bunny asked softly as her eyes landed on him and stayed there steadfastly.
“She doesn’t feel bad about calling you Mom. She feels bad about what Cynthia said to her.” Jack said with a hard edge to his voice at the end of his sentence. Bunny nodded her head in thought and Jack saw her left fist clenching tightly. Leaning over he placed a hand on Bunny’s fist and she slowly released it.
“Sorry, I just get so mad about what she had the nerve to say to Es. She had no right to make a comment and it had to be an ugly one at that!” Bunny ranted heatedly and Jack felt his heart swell once more as he saw how angry Bunny became on the behalf of his daughter. “I mean she’s already a mean spirited woman when she doesn’t get her way but to say something cruel to a child? That’s unnecessary and uncalled for.”
“I agree. I don’t like that she said something mean to Esme. Especially if it was a slip of the tongue.” Jack said as he nodded his head and watched as Bunny grew quiet and almost turned in on herself. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked concerned and Bunny shook her head at his question.
“It’s nothing.” She deflected and Jack grew curious of what was running through her mind but ultimately chose to table the questions for the time being.
“Say, you’re awfully good with kids. How come you don’t have any?” Jack asked curiously as he turned to see Esme giggling at Butter who began to wiggle in the grass on his back with his feet up in the air. He got lost in just watching his little girl that when he realized that he had asked a question he turned back to Bunny, surprised she hadn’t interrupted him. He saw her smiling sadly at Esme and Butter, her eyes somber as she gazed at the two of them acting silly. “Bunny?”
“Oh, uh, well, you see my ex-husband wasn’t the greatest guy to have kids with. For the six years that we were married he cheated for four of them.” Bunny said bitterly and Jack looked over at her surprised. He couldn’t believe someone would look at anyone else when they had Bunny right in front of them. “Yeah, we got married right out of college after being together for two years. We were young and dumb, thought we were in love. I mean I was, but for him it was more of a power trip. He liked that I didn’t ask questions when he said to do certain things, even though I knew that I didn’t want to do them. I always thought, I trusted and loved him why would he hurt me?” Bunny explained softly. “I slowly started coming out of the fog around the fourth year of marriage, but by then he had the manipulation so ingrained in me that I couldn’t quickly break free from it. It was a whole process of getting away from him, took two whole years to finally pull the trigger and send the divorce papers.”
Jack sat there in shock as he listened to Bunny’s retelling of her past. He sat there shocked to his core that this wonderful, confident woman next to him had been manipulated and abused by her ex-husband, someone who should have protected her from all others. But then as he thought further of Bunny’s mannerisms and character he understood the burst of confidence he would see from her when interacting with him. She was still so unsure of herself when it came to men, and he was instantly glad that he had asked her to go slow with him as they explored their relationship.
“It got really ugly towards the end.” Bunny said solemnly and Jack whipped his head to look at her. “He tired to convince me that it was all my friend’s Mercy’s fault for putting it in my head to get divorced. He lied about the numerous affairs he had and was still having. He kept telling me that I wouldn’t leave him, that I couldn’t leave him. I developed some serious panic attacks and anxiety attacks because of him, but thankfully they pretty much disappeared once I was away from him. But the worst was the night he was served the divorce papers, I had moved out that day while he was at work and the courier delivered the papers once he got home from work. He was livid, to the point that he found out where I was living and shoved himself into my apartment when I answered the door. Came in screaming and yelling about the papers, shoved me down onto the floor and the way I landed on my right wrist broke it in a few spots.” Bunny explained as she slowly and calmly took in a few deep breaths. Jack tapped his fingers along the back of her left hand that he was still holding in his hand from before, letting her know that she was alright and he was here for her.
Taking a deep breath in and slowly blowing it out she turned and looked over at him, nodding her head gratefully at him. Jack smiled softly and nodded his head at her as well. He didn’t know firsthand what she gone through but after all the missions that he had been on he had seen quite a few men and women who fell prey to their loved ones abusing them.
“Had to go through the whole divorce with a cast on my arm that he kept saying was for show. I managed to get a restraining order on him and still have it to this day because he’s tried to pop up a few times in my life since the divorce.” Bunny said solemnly and somber. Her head suddenly perked up when Esme giggled loudly as Butter began suddenly running around the backyard chasing the lightning bugs that had started appearing and lighting up. “I probably should have told you that before babysitting Es, but he hasn’t bothered me in almost a full year now.” Bunny said suddenly and quickly as she looked over at Jack worriedly.
Jack shook his head slowly as he gently cupped her hand in his, trying to reassure her. He gazed at her for a moment before clearing his voice.
“Bunny, relax. Your past is yours to divulge however you see fit. I know for a fact that you wouldn’t let anything happen to Esme if it was in your power to prevent it. I know you’re careful with her and hold her well being over your own. And I know you would tell me if something was happening that you couldn’t stop or protect Esme against.” Jack said confidently as Bunny nodded her head. “It’s alright Bunny. I’m just sad to hear that someone treated you that horribly. You shouldn’t have had to go through that. And I’m so sorry that you did go through that.” Jack said softly.
“It sucks that it happened, and I understand that it didn’t have anything to do with me that it was all him and his choices. But you gotta get through it and let me tell you therapy works wonders.” Bunny said before chuckling softly and Jack nodded his head at her words.
“Yeah, we’ve done some therapy after Maria passed to help Esme and I express ourselves properly to each other.” Jack said softly. “He really cheated on you?” He asked suddenly and Bunny chuckled softly as she nodded her head. Jack just shook his head in silence and Bunny chuckled again.
“Yeah, I know. I never understood the whole cheating thing, if you’re unhappy in a relationship just leave it.” Bunny said softly. “That’s why I don’t get along with Cynthia, she isn’t faithful to her husband and I don’t know if she ever has been. At least since I’ve known her she never has been.” Bunny said bewildered as she shook her head slightly.
“Don’t get me started on her. She’s already on my shit list for that and now for being mean to Es.” Jack said darkly and Bunny nodded her head. Jack tapped his fingers against the back of Bunny’s hand once more to gather her attention. When she looked over at him he smiled softly at her. “Thanks for sharing.” He said softly and watched delightedly as Bunny’s cheeks flushed deeply.
“Just answering the question.” She said softly and shrugged her shoulders at him. Jack shook his head at her deflection and gazed at her fully as he shifted in his seat.
“Not many people want to share that type of information about themselves.” Jack said knowingly and Bunny shrugged her shoulders again.
“Figured it’d be something to help get to know each other.” Bunny said as she turned and watched Esme dancing around the backyard catching lightning bugs. Jack watched Bunny a little longer in silence as Esme giggled while Butter barked happily in the early evening, he was surprised by her candor but he surmised that he shouldn’t be. There was still so much that he needed to learn about Bunny and so much he had to share with her. Settling back in his chair he began to look forward to learning more about her.
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2dmenenthusiast · 4 years
Bring me down (Arvin Russell x Reader)
Plot: Rather than God, you find solace in your only friend in Coal Creak, Arvin Russel, not knowing that he just might need you just as much as you need him.
Words: 4,176
Warnings: None really? Some swearing, suggestive themes, Arvin beating the crap out of people
A/N: heeeeey so first post yay lmao. (I have another blog tho so yeah) but after watching TDATT I just had to write something about Arvin. The movie is so amazing and if you haven’t watched it I suggest you do. Plus Tom Holland in that movie was just absolutely amzing (and hot af). But I hope you guys like this! I also tried to make the reader as gender neutral and non specific as possible for everyone, so let me know if I messed up anything. Also let me know if you’d like to see more!
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There wasn’t a whole lot to do in Coal Creek, West Virginia. Besides driving aimlessly or stopping at the few diners around town, there wasn’t much that people did other than go to work and go to church every Sunday morning. However, people that grew up in Coal Creek still found ways to have fun, whether that was getting their rocks off in some abandoned parking lot or terrorizing some unsuspecting soul walking in the night. Most resorted to just getting drunk on a Saturday night before going to church the next morning, pretending that their head wasn’t pounding from the mass amounts of alcohol they drank the previous night.
Which is why you couldn’t understand for the life of you why Arvin did nothing but get himself into trouble.
“Christ, Arvin,” you sighed, rubbing the wet cloth under his nose to try and clean up the dried blood. “I don’t understand how you get in these damn fights all the time. Can’t you just, I don’t know, talk to them maybe?”
You knew immediately how ridiculous you sounded when the words came out of your mouth. There was no talking to Gene Dinwoodie and his lackeys. You just hated seeing Arvin so beat up all the time.
He scoffed and pushed your hand away, looking off to the side to avoid your gaze as you frowned.
“Fuck that. That no good sonuvabitch is gonna keep messin’ with Lenora unless I do somethin’ ‘bout it.” He then let out a short laugh, shaking his head. “Fuckin’ talking. Jesus, do you know who you sound like?”
You weren’t expecting him to suddenly face you, and you sighed as you sat down on your bed next to him.
“Emma, I know. I’m sorry. I just…” You reached over and took his hand in both of yours, thumb gently brushing over his bruised and split knuckles. “It kills me to see you constantly getting bruised and beat up. And I can’t even do anything about it.”
You felt Arvin squeeze one of your hands, and you brought your gaze back up to meet his, your eyes slightly drifting to the purplish discolored skin below his left eye.
“Now that’s not true. Who else would patch me up everytime I get the shit kicked out of me, hm?” he asked, his lips splitting into a grin.
You scoffed and took your hand out of his to push at his shoulder before laying back on your bed, resting your intertwined hands on your stomach and staring at the white discolored ceiling.
“You’re lucky I even still do this for you. My daddy’s startin’ to throw a fit, constantly seeing you over here.” You sat up on your elbows to look at the boy. “He don’t like you too much, y’know.”
Arvin hummed and laid down next to you, turning onto his side and resting his cheek in his propped up hand, and you felt yourself wanting to shrink under his gaze. You and Arvin had some unspoken thing between the two of you. You didn’t know exactly what it was, but you knew for sure it wasn’t something as plain and simple as friendship. You had never kissed or anything like that. Well, besides when you both were about twelve years old and wanted to see what it was like, constantly seeing the adults around you kiss like it was something they did all the time. You were both young and curious, and you couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else, so it only made sense. Of course, it wasn’t anything spectacular. You were inexperienced kids, and at the time you weren’t really aware of your feelings.
Of course, you had loved Arvin since you were little. You met him when he transferred to your school after moving from Ohio. He was pretty quiet at first, didn’t really talk unless a teacher made him, and he’d get picked on and beat up by the older kids. He was new and didn’t have any friends, so of course he was an easy target. It wasn’t until he met you that he actually started opening up. You were friends with Lenora and often went over to her house, spending the night and going to church on Sunday with her and her family. Your relationship with Lenora sparked your friendship with her stepbrother, and you two were inseparable ever since. 
As you grew older though, you grew distant from Lenora. You had stopped going to church ever since your mother died, your faith pretty much nonexistent at that point, and you began to question everything about religion. You didn’t blame God for letting your mother die. In fact, you didn’t really know how to feel. All you knew was that rather than getting her some actual help, all everyone did was pray.
“Pray for her, y/n. God will save her,” is what they said.
What a load of horse shit. Praying only seemed to make her worse. And when she died, you completely closed yourself off from the rest of the world. Hell, Arvin could barely get through to you sometimes. But despite how angry you were, you still found it in yourself to let him in. The town didn’t like you too much after all that. People who didn’t go to church in Coal Creek weren’t really accepted by the public. They were cast out as outsiders for not finding solace in the Lord’s name. Not that you minded much of course. The town was full of fake people that weren’t worth your time. The only person you cared about was the boy laying on your bed at the moment.
“I miss her sometimes, you know,” you muttered softly, teeth digging into your bottom lip.
Arvin raised his eyebrows, a bit surprised by your words. “Who? Your mom?”
You shook your head. “No… Well, I mean yeah, I do miss her, but… I’m talkin’ about your sister.”
It was silent for a moment, neither one of you speaking as you laid comfortably in each other’s presence.
“... Does she ever ask about me?”
Arvin sighed, running his hand through his slightly untamed hair.
“Sometimes. I mean, she doesn’t really ask about how you are or anything. More like she interrogates me about what we're doin’ when we hang out.”
You swallowed thickly and nodded, standing up from the bed and walking over to your bedroom window, watching as the sun began to set. You then heard the bed lightly creak and footsteps getting closer to you, and you’d be able to tell from a mile away that it was Arvin due to his signature boots. He rested his chin on your shoulder, and you slightly tensed up as his arms wrapped around you.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered softly, looking out at the evening sky with you.
You lightly shrugged. “It’s all right. You’re all I need in this shit town anyway,” you said, turning your head to look back at Arvin with a small smile. 
You could’ve sworn you saw his eyes drift down to your lips for a moment, but couldn’t put anymore thought into it as you suddenly felt his lips against your cheek, closing your eyes at the sensation. It was over all too soon when he pulled away, your body feeling cold as he released you from his arms, and you wrapped your arms around yourself to try and get some of that warmth back.
“I should get going. I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked, picking up his jean jacket that he had thrown on the floor once he entered your room and slipping it on.
You hummed and nodded, giving him a small smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes as you resisted the urge to ask him to stay the night. He’d spent the night at your house before, but asking him now seemed a bit too intimate. As he walked towards the door, you felt something bubble up in your throat, and as he began to step out of your bedroom, you took a step forward, reaching a hand up before you could properly think.
“Arvin, I…”
He turned to face you, all the words you wanted to say suddenly getting stuck on your tongue, and you sighed as you let your hand drop to your side, feeling a bit pathetic.
“Please… Please be careful,” you said softly, your concern clear in your expression.
Arvin gave you a small smile and nodded.
“I always am, darlin’. Don’t you worry about me.”
You let out the breath you weren’t aware you had been holding once he stepped out, and you watched from your window as he drove away in his beat up car. It was a miracle that thing hadn’t broken down already. You two had so many memories and adventures in that car, staying out late at night listening to the radio or going on short road trips outside of town that you wished never ended. It was one of the only times you ever felt peace, being in that shabby old car with Arvin. And as you fell back onto your bed and reminisced, you couldn't help but feel your heart ache a bit, thinking that one day all of this might come to an end.
“So is there any reason in particular you need me to be here?” you asked, looking at the front of the high school building from the passenger seat of Arvin’s car.
Arvin puffed on his cigarette and turned to you, blowing the smoke in your face, which you in turn punched him in the shoulder for as you coughed.
“You never know when to stop askin’ questions, do ya? I’ll let you know after we drop Lenora off to see her mom.”
Your eyes slightly widened at the mention of his sister’s name. “L-Lenora?”
As if on cue, the girl came running out the double doors of the school, pausing for a moment when she saw you in the front seat, before finally hopping into the back, Arvin turning his head to meet her gaze. He then looked back towards the school when he heard Gene Dinwoodie and his buddies shout for Lenora as they ran towards the car before he sped off, and you could hear vague shouts of “sister fucker” as you drove away.
The tension in the car grew thick, and you could feel Lenora’s gaze burning into the back of your skull as you let out a shaky breath. You were going to kill Arvin once you got him alone. He knew your relationship with Lenora was rocky, and yet he decided it was a smart idea for you two to be in a car together?
“God fucking dammit, Arvin!” you thought, your fists clenching in your lap.
You glanced over at the boy, catching his gaze for a moment before he looked away, fingers visibly tightening on the steering wheel. Once he pulled up to the church, you all sat in silence for a moment, the only noise being the loud rumbling of the engine.
“That preacher’s a little flashy,” you heard Arvin say, and it was clear he was trying to relieve some of the tension between all of you.
Lenora then piped up from the backseat: “Are you not coming?”
Arvin shook his head. “No, I got some things to do before we go home.”
Lenora looked at you again before dropping her gaze to her lap, scrunching up her dress in her fists. “Does it have to do with them?”
You sharply inhaled and dug your teeth into the inside of your cheek, turning your head to look out the window to try and stop yourself from saying anything too mean. Why was it even any of her business? Sure, they grew up together and were basically siblings, but Arvin was a grown adult who could make his own decisions. And what, she had a problem with you just because you didn’t go to fucking church?
“Go on, Lenora. I’ll be back to pick you up,” Arvin said, looking at her through the rearview mirror.
She didn’t move at first until Arvin told her to go again, and she stepped out of the car, slamming the door a bit more forcefully than she needed to before stomping off towards her mother’s grave. Once she was out of sight, you immediately turned to Arvin and sent punch after punch to his arm, brows furrowed and teeth clenched in anger.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Arvin?! You couldn’t have given me a little warning?! Or maybe picked me up after you dropped your sister off?!”
“Ow, ow! Hey, would you just-!”
He grabbed ahold of your wrists, leaning over you and pinning you against the car door as you struggled underneath his grip.
“Would you cool it?! I wouldn’t have had time to come get you after dropping Lenora off, and I want you to be with me when I do this so I don’t fuckin’ kill someone, you understand?!”
You stopped struggling, looking up at Arvin with slightly widened eyes as your chest heaved, trying to catch your breath. You then became very aware of your position, face flushing as your eyes searched his face and trailed down to his lips. Before anything else could happen though, you pulled your hands out of his grasp and pressed them against his chest, feeling his lean muscles through his tight shirt, and pushed him off of you, quickly sitting up and pressing your back against the seat.
“What… What do you mean by that? So that you won’t kill someone?” you asked, finally looking over at Arvin.
He sighed and glanced over at you before putting the car in drive and driving away from the church, hoping that Lenora didn’t just witness the interaction between you two.
“Fuckin’ Dinwoodie and those other assholes aren’t gonna leave Lenora alone unless I do somethin’ ‘bout it. And I really just need you there to keep me in check. Make sure I don’t beat those sons of bitches too bad. You… You’re one of the only ones that calm me down, so…”
You stared at Arvin for a moment, taking in what he said before letting out a light chuckle and shaking your head.
“Fuckin’ christ, Arvin. You’re a damn idiot, you know that?” you said, your shoulders relaxing a bit as you noticed Arvin forming a smile of his own.
“Yeah, but you still put up with me.”
He sent you a wink and you rolled your eyes, letting out a small scoff as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“All right then,” you sighed. “Let’s go beat up some fuckers.”
It was raining by the time you and Arvin pulled up to the school, Arvin watching the doors like a hawk for Tommy Matson to come out. Neither of you said a word, simply listening to the radio as you both passed around a cigarette. This must’ve been what Arvin meant when he talked about waiting for the right time. He always mentioned it and told you it was something his daddy taught him when he was younger, but you had never seen him get into an actual fight, you were just there for the aftermath. Well, until now, that is.
Once you saw Tommy exit the building with some girl under his arm, Arvin let out a long exhale through his nose and handed you his half finished cigarette, stepping out into the rain as you took a few puffs. Your eyes then widened when you saw him walk towards the buses with a tire iron in his hand, quickly stepping out of the car and grabbing his arm. He turned around to look at you, the look in his eyes asking “what the hell are you doing?”
“I thought you said you didn’t wanna kill nobody. You’re gonna beat his face in with a tire iron?”
Arvin pulled out of your grip, shrugging his shoulders as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Won’t hurt him too bad. Just enough to teach him a lesson.”
He then shrugged off his jean jacket and draped it over your shoulders, the look in his eyes telling you that nothing was going to stop him from doing this. Not if it kept him from protecting his sister.
“Stay by the car,” he muttered, parting with a kiss to your forehead and adjusting the tool in his grip.
It only took a few minutes for Arvin to come back, his steps a bit faster and his chest heaving, and he gestured with his hand for you to get back in the car as he threw the wrench he used to beat Tommy with into the backseat and got behind the wheel, speeding out of the school parking lot. While you wished that was the end of it, you knew he still had Orville Buckman and Gene Dinwoodie to take care of. And while you didn’t really like all the violence, you couldn’t help but feel a bit of adrenaline course through you as Arvin drove a bit past the speed limit, tongue swiping out to wet your bottom lip as you glanced over at him.
Arvin soon pulled up to the side of a garage, putting the car in park and stepping out, this time without the tire iron. You knew he probably wanted you to stay in the car, but you couldn;t help but let curiosity get the best of you as you quietly stepped out and followed a few paces behind him, watching as he came up behind Dinwoodie and slammed the hood of the car he was under against his head twice. The scene unfolded so quickly, you didn’t really know how to react, your eyes wide as Arvin kicked the door into Orville and sent blow after blow until his face was bloody, covering his face with a paper bag after rubbing a Twinkie in his face and punching him some more.
At first you didn’t notice it, but your eyes soon caught Gene getting up, regaining his balance as he grabbed a long wrench and began making his way towards Arvin who still had his back to him, completely unaware.
“Hey, asshole!” you shouted, purely acting on instinct as he turned to face you, and you sent a right hook straight to his face, your foot coming up to kick him in the groin afterwards.
You felt a strange, sick satisfaction as you watched him crumble to the ground, hands over his crotch as he wheezed, and Arvin looked at you in amazement for a moment before crouching down next to the moaning boy and putting a paper bag over his head as well. His hands held him by the neck as he made threats to kill him if Gene or his buddies ever messed with Lenora again, the boy wheezing out apologies through the bag, and once Arvin was satisfied, he got up and stepped over Dinwoodie, grabbing onto your hand and dragging you back to the car.
He drove until the garage was far behind you two, pulling over onto an abandoned stretch of road and letting out a shaky breath as he parked the car on the gravel. You two sat there for a moment, listening closely to the sound of Arvin’s heavy breathing before he reached across you and into the glovebox for a rag to wipe his bloody knuckles with.
“Here, let me,” you said softly, grabbing the rag from him and gently dabbing his knuckles with it.
You could feel gaze on you, staring so intently it was like he was trying to burn a hole through you.
“You’re staring, Arvin,” you said, your voice still quiet like you were afraid to speak up.
He didn’t answer, still staring as you grabbed his other hand to clean it as well. You let out a sigh, looking up at the boy.
His lips were on yours before you could get another word out, inhaling sharply and tensing up as you felt his hands on your face. It took a second or two for you to relax, melting into the kiss and placing your hands against his chest, gripping his shirt as you felt one of his hands slide around to the back of your neck, pushing your lips further against his as his arm looped around you to pull you against him. This was overwhelming, your mind not able to catch up as Arvin kissed you with everything he had.
“Arvin,” you muttered against his lips, trying to get his attention.
But he didn’t stop, his kisses only becoming more desperate as the rain pounded harder against the windshield, almost as loud as the drumming of your heart. You felt a calloused hand slide up the front of your shirt, and that’s when you knew you needed to stop this before things got way too far.
“A-Arvin!” you persisted, pushing against his chest, and you couldn’t help but feel a shiver go down your spine as he let out a growl against your lips, not happy with being interrupted.
“Fuck, what?” he asked breathlessly, his hand still pressed against your side underneath your shirt as your wide eyes searched his expression.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “I… I-I just-”
“Y/n,” Arvin muttered softly, his thumb gently brushing over your bottom lip as you caught his gaze.
You let him kiss you again, Arvin capturing your lips with his and being a bit more gentle and slower than he had been before. However, when you let out a soft moan against his lips, it only seemed to spur him on, causing him to part your lips with his tongue and deepen the kiss as he gently pushed you until your back hit the passenger door. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, your skin hot to the touch, and you didn’t know if it was just you or if it was Arvin’s hands that were causing your whole body to heat up.
You let out a small gasp when you felt his hands go to the front of your jeans, attempting to make quick work of the button and zipper, but your hands stopped him, causing him to pull back with his brows furrowed.
“What’s wrong?”
“I-... Isn’t your sister waiting for us? I mean, we’ve been gone for a while,” you said softly. Not that you really cared, you were just trying to buy some time so you could catch your breath and think for a second.
Arvin scoffed in amusement and smirked down at you.
“Since when did you give a shit about what my sister thinks?”
You knew he had you there, and you saw he was about to say something else, probably just to tease you, so you quickly reached up and laced your fingers through his hair, pulling him down to shut him up with another heated kiss. His smirk remained as he kissed you, and in that moment he knew he would never be able to get enough of you. He had always been aware about his feelings for you, and he realized that waiting for the right time could be applied to more than just beating the shit out of people. But perhaps he had waited a bit too long this time, because as his lips locked with yours over and over, he realized he should’ve done this much sooner.
“Arvin, um…”
He pulled away when you began to speak, bringing a hand up to gently hold your face as his thumb caressed your cheek.
“Do you think we could um… maybe do this somewhere less cramped? My dad aint gonna be home til later, so…”
Arvin looked at you for a moment and nodded, giving you one last kiss before pulling away from you and putting the car in drive again. You would occasionally glance at each other during the ride back to the church, not able to help the blush on your face from appearing, and he chuckled at your embarrassed expression, reaching over to hold your hand. He knew once he got you alone, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off you. 
By the time you got back to the church, the sun had started to set, and Lenora didn’t say a word as she got into the backseat. And if she noticed Arvin’s hand resting on your thigh, she certainly didn’t say anything about that either. She didn’t even question her brother when he didn’t get out of the car after he dropped her off at home, just watching the both of you drive back towards your house in the rusted vehicle. The giddiness was practically radiating off of the two of you as you thought about being alone with each other, Arvin’s hand squeezing your thigh.
But little did you know, your lives were about to get a lot crazier in the months to come.
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rosyfingereddawnn · 3 years
only the black rose (chapter 2)
pairing: jimmy page x layla porter (oc)
warnings: mature language (a given), fluff, and a (possibly) pretentious description of the rain song
words: 4k
summary: in the blink of an eye, it’s 1975 and layla’s suddenly joining led zeppelin for their north american tour. throughout the chaos, the band take a liking to her, she builds friendships with the boys, and love blossoms. but all good things must come to an end.
author’s note: not beta’d. this story does follow a playlist of mine, because i put too much thought into things. i hope you enjoy :)
chapter one
Tearing down the hallway, cheeks still flaming red from the encounter with Jimmy just minutes ago, Layla nearly runs into Peter, with one John Paul Jones trailing behind him. She rushes past quickly, head down, darting into the washroom that Robert, thankfully, had the mind to point out during the tour of the facility, ignoring their worried glances and aborted questions all the while. The young woman bolts the door shut and rushes to the sink, splashing her face with the frigid water flowing from the tap.
“Shit! This can’t be happening!” She whispers, concern etched on her face at the thought of all that has happened that day. Her jumbled thoughts are soon interrupted by a knock at the door. From behind it, a familiar voice sounds.
“Layla, it’s Peter! Jonesy is here too. Can we come in?”
Silently, Layla unlocks the door, and returns to her vigil at the sink. The two men enter, giving her worried looks that go unseen. Unexpectedly, it’s Jonesy that breaks the silence that has cultivated between the trio.
“Layla, are you alright?”
“Uh, yeah! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, I think what Jonesy means is that... You’ve had a stressful day, dear, and you looked anxious when you ran in here. Also, Robert walked by just a few minutes ago, smiling ear-to-ear. Do you want me to talk to him?”
“Peter, he didn’t do anything wrong…” Layla sighs, debating whether she should tell them the whole truth. Remembering the key she had discovered earlier, she pulls it out, and reads the address carved onto the bronze surface. “I’m fine, it’s just… Everything that happened today, it just sunk in? I don’t want to bother you all more than I have already, but I don’t exactly have a car, and I should really be getting home.”
“Of course. I’m sorry we kept you this long, Layla. Though, before you go,” Peter says, fishing a notepad and a ballpoint pen out of his pocket, scribbling a number down onto the paper and ripping it out of the small book. “Here. This is my personal number. I’d like it if you called every so often. As much as they would hate to admit it, these boys have taken a bit of a shining to you.”
“Actually, Peter, could I drive Layla?” Jonesy cut in, smiling lightly at the woman. “There’s something I’d like to talk to her about. Only if you’re okay with that, Layla.”
“Of course, Jonesy. I’d like that.” Layla smiles at Jonesy, and the three of them exit the washroom, Jonesy leading Layla to his car parked out back. Once inside, Jonesy starts up the radio, an Elvis song crackling through on low volume. The man pulls the car out onto the street, and starts the drive over to Layla’s house. Lost in her thoughts regarding what she might find once she gets to her destination, Layla almost doesn't register Jonesy’s deep voice calling her name.
“Sorry, Jonesy, what were you going to say?”
“I know you’re not from here.”
“God, again with the accent? Fine! I’m Canadian, and after high school I moved to—”
“No,” Jonesy sighs, steeling himself for the conversation. “I mean… I know you’re not from this time. You aren’t supposed to be here. In 1975.”
“John… How…”
The man in question, sensing that this wasn’t a conversation to be had while driving, pulls over, and turns to the dazed woman beside him. Her mouth is hanging wide open, lips moving as though she was trying to form words, though nothing comes out.
“What the fuck?”
“I know you’re shocked, Layla. I was too, the first time I witnessed it,” Jonesy puts a gentle hand on Layla’s arm, rubbing his thumb in soothing circles. “I know you’re not from now, for lack of a better term, because I have seen this kind of thing before.”
“Jonesy, I don’t…”
“When I was a session man, working with plenty of different bands, I saw a lot of weird things. The weirdest, however, was when, right in the middle of a session, the band’s guitarist disappeared.”
“Do you know what happened?”
Never halting his comforting ministrations, Jonesy continues, sympathy dripping from his voice. “He was in the producer’s booth, listening to a playback while we were fooling around with our instruments. We heard a huge crash, and saw sparks, so we all rushed over to check on him.”
“Then what happened?”
“We couldn’t find him,” Jonesy sighed, eyebrows furrowing. “He was gone for about a day or two, but we were all incredibly worried, so when we heard that he was found, we rushed over to see him. The only thing he said about what had happened to him, was that he ‘figured it out’.”
“That’s all he said?”
“He did say later that he wanted to write a song about time travel,” Jonesy laughs softly, Layla joining in. “Not sure if it ever came to fruition though.”
Layla sobers up now, glancing at her companion helplessly. What if she can’t go home, to her own time? What if she can’t ‘figure it out’? Almost as though he could see the cogs turning in Layla’s brain, Jonesy moves his hand from her arm to rest on her knee, a grounding weight for the anxious woman.
“Layla, I’ll help you figure it out. We’ll get you back home. We can figure it out, just like he did. It will be okay.”
The woman in question can only nod wordlessly, struck by the devotion of her new friend. Jonesy, deeming her to be okay, starts up the car again. A couple minutes pass as Elvis is traded in for Buddy Holly, until Jonesy finally breaks the relative silence.
“So… You and Jimmy?”
“Nothing’s going on with Jimmy.”
“Right,” Jonesy laughs, shaking his head, sarcasm dripping from his voice. “Because you didn’t look at him like he hung the stars the first time you saw him, and he certainly didn’t rush past me in the hallway earlier, face the colour of a tomato, Robert’s laugh echoing off the walls behind him.”
“How did you…What?”
“Layla, I’m very observant. Just… Be careful with him, okay? You have to go back sometime, and I know him. He’ll take it hard, and… Things happen, I know they do, but please… Just try and be careful.”
“... John Paul Jones… Are you giving me the shovel talk?”
Laughter fills the small car as they drive through streets that become increasingly familiar. The pair finally pull up to their destination, and Layla is shocked to find that she’s staring back at what looks to be her flat, from her own time. With a hug and sincere words of gratitude, Layla climbs the stairs to the front door, and pushes the key into the lock. Holding her breath, she pushes the door open. Everything is exactly the way it was the day before. The empty coffee mug by the sink remained, and the mail on the dining table hadn’t moved an inch. She rushes upstairs, to find that the turntable was still there, open, though there was no record inside. There were scorch marks on the carpet. Layla throws out a hand, pressing it to the turntable, expecting sparks once more.
Nothing happens.
“Is… Is this Peter Grant?”
“Layla! I was beginning to think you’d never call,” A chuckle sounds from the other end of the line, tinny through the aged receiver. “How have you been, dear? The boys have been asking about you.”
“Oh? What are they saying?”
“My Goodness, it never stops. I’m surprised they’re not right up against me listening in. It’s always ‘Peter, when is Layla coming back? Peter, Layla could get a job here, as a roadie! Peter, we need our little dove, she’s our good luck charm!’”
“Well… I can guess who the last one came from. Peter, would it be okay if I came down again today? I really did have a good time, despite the circumstances.”
“Of course, of course! You’re welcome anytime, my dear. Here, I’ll send one of the boys out to fetch you. Lord knows they need it, they’re bouncing off the walls with energy.”
Another bout of laughter crackles across the line, and Layla pictures the kind, comforting smile almost permanently etched onto Peter’s face. “Wonderful! Thanks again, Peter. I’ll see you soon!”
“Goodbye, Layla. See you soon.”
“Oh! Peter, before you hang up! I gave the clothes you lent me a wash, and I’ll return them right away!”
Silence, only for a second, seeps into the conversation, until a scoff from the older man cuts it like a knife. “My dear, keep them. Jimmy won’t miss them. In fact, I remember hearing him say to Bonzo earlier, that they ‘look better on Layla anyways.’ Well, I should let you go. We’ll see you soon.”
The line goes dead, and it is not hard to imagine the grin on the man’s face before he hung up. Regardless of if he was telling the truth about what Jimmy had said, the young woman couldn’t help but swoon a little, shades of red dancing across her cheeks. She looks at the neatly folded pile of clothes beside her, and, pressing her nose to the fresh fabric of the sweater, she puts it on. Even with the magic of the washing machine, it still held a foreign scent; one of cigarette smoke, pine and citrus, which harmonized with the subtle smell of the detergent she had used. It was a scent that, on paper, sounded like an odd combination, yet Layla could hardly get enough of it. She had smelled it just the other day, in the studio, when Jimmy was above her, jade eyes boring into hers, curls a midnight halo framing his porcelain face.
The honking of a car horn shatters her concentration, and as she looks out to the street for the source of the disturbance, she sees the grinning face of John Bonham, who is hanging halfway out of the open window, waving frantically.
“Layla! Get in, you slowpoke!”
“God, Bonzo, you’re gonna wake up the whole country if you keep that up!”
“As if that wasn’t the goal, birdie.”
“Birdie? Seriously? My God, you guys are just asking to get hit.”
“By you? Birdie, you couldn’t even reach my face if I was sitting down.”
“Bold of you to assume I’d go for the face first,” A smile of feigned innocence, blooms on Layla’s face. “Question, Bonzo. How much do you value your kneecaps?”
“Ah!” Bonzo exclaims, laughing loud, carefree. “Smart girl, smart girl. Maybe we’ll call you whenever we have arguments.”
“Jonesy’s short enough, just call him. I reckon he could do some damage from down there.”
Peals of laughter ring through the car, just audible under the din of the music that Bonzo insisted on blaring as the newfound friends cruise to the studio. Finally arriving at their destination, the drummer sends a glance over to his companion, taking into account the sweater she is wearing. He lets out a sudden snort, and hides his laughter in his hand. Layla, noticing this odd display shoots him a concerned look.
“You okay, Bonham?”
“You know, birdie, there are other ways to become Ms. Page...”
“...Get out.”
“Layla, you realize this is my car, right?” Layla gives him a heated glare, and as though he could physically see the daggers she was aiming at him, Bonzo exits the car in a huff, mumbling about how “it was just a joke…”
Allowing herself a private smirk, Layla exits the car, hurrying to catch up with her friend, short legs working a mile a minute. Reaching the man, she slings a companionable arm around his waist, and immediately feels an arm wrap around her shoulders in response. The two friends enter the building, giggling anew.
“Layla!” A chorus of voices echoed off the marble floors of the lobby, accompanied by a stampede of approaching footsteps, and the woman in question was swiftly bombarded with a chorus of arms around her, squeezing tightly.
“Really feeling the love here, guys, but I can’t breathe…” The arms relinquish their hold immediately, and Layla is met with the ecstatic faces of her new friends.
“Nice sweater, love.” Jimmy pipes up, sharing a subtle smile with the woman.
“Jim, don’t be surprised if you never get that sweater back. She’s attached now!”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. I think she looks stunning in it.” Gone is the bumbling, shy man from before, replaced by confidence and charm. Layla smiles, enjoying this new side of the raven-haired guitarist.
“...Anyways… Little dove, we were just about to rehearse, would you like to sit in?” Robert hooks his arm through hers, an innocent wink tossed haphazardly over his shoulder at the guitarist, who only smirks and shakes his head.
“I would love to, blondie, but enlighten me real fast,” Layla says, giggling at the golden-haired man. “What exactly are you rehearsing for?”  
“I’m glad you asked, Layla,” Jimmy says, swiftly taking her other arm, uncharacteristically playful. “We have a very important tour of North America coming up, and it would be a shame if we came in unprepared, wouldn't it?”
“That’s really cool!” Layla exclaims, exhilaration clear on her face.
“We’ve got some practice shows in Belgium and the Netherlands, and then we’ll be off to the Promised Land.”
“‘The Promised Land’? You guys really need to get out more.”
This is met by raucous laughter by the band, much to the confusion of the woman.
“Oh, sweet, sweet, naive Layla…”
“Remember what I said in the car, Bonzo? About the hitting?” This is accompanied by a friendly smirk, typical of the woman.
“You have so much to learn…” Jimmy continues mischievously, green eyes glinting, earning a strong glare.
“Little dove has such attitude, she’s basically one of us,” Robert sighs dreamily, no doubt playing it up for Layla, earning a chuckle from her in response.
“Okay, now that that’s all over and done with,” Jonesy’s steely blue-gray eyes survey the group, stern as they lock onto the eyes of the band. “Let’s actually play for her. Once in a lifetime opportunity here, Layla.”
“Glad stardom hasn't gone to your head, guys. Truly the most humble group I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.” Laughter accompanies the group as they make their way to the studio, intent on blowing Layla’s mind.
“How about a little Rain Song, boys?” Jimmy says, tuning up the acoustic guitar in his hands, as though it was delicate and precious.
“You just wanna impress Layla, don’t you, Pagey?” Jonesy smirks, teasing the guitarist. Jimmy flushes, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, the shy man from before making his brief return.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Jonesy,” Jimmy shoots back, trying for nonchalance, the slight waver in his dulcet voice giving him away. “Does ‘Rain Song’ work for everyone, or are we picking something different?”
A smattering of “works for me,” sounds throughout the studio, and the boys launch right in. Soft sounds of falling rain pour out of the guitar, and Robert’s golden voice floats out like streams of sunlight. Jonesy’s piano trickles through, a mist amongst the downfall, Bonzo’s soft drum beats claps of thunder. The music picks up, becomes harder, like wind in the face of a torrential storm, and then all is still, Robert crooning all the while. Layla is mesmerized, unable to look away at the boys, seemingly glowing with the influence of the music they play. A fragile silence follows the last tinkling of raindrops, one that the occupants of the room are afraid to break.
“... So? How was it?” Bonzo is the first to speak, an apprehensive grin gracing his face.
“It was… You just…”
“Never thought we’d make you speechless, little dove.”
“Ignoring that. It was truly incredible, guys.” Layla’s face lights up in an excited smile, chestnut eyes sparkling as though reflected in a clear pool. The young woman locks eyes with Jimmy then, who sends her a shy smile her way, arresting her where she stands. Layla looks away quickly, cheeks warm.
“Jonesy, your keyboard playing was incredible! It sounded like tiny raindrops! Bonzo, your drumming was just… It was so good! It sounded like thunder, and broke through the rest of the instruments perfectly. Robert, as much as I truly hate to say this…”
“You were beyond words. You owned those lyrics, and made them almost come alive. I truly felt them. Jimmy… Your guitar. It drove the whole storm, and paired with Jonesy’s little droplets... It was great.  I can’t say enough about this whole performance.”
“I knew we kept her around for a reason.” Bonzo snorts, closing the distance first to hug the young woman, Jonesy following with a smile painted on his aristocratic features.
“Little dove, has anyone ever told you that you should be a music critic?”
“A few times. Now get over here, blondie. You too, Page.”
The embrace is interrupted by the click of the studio door being opened, revealing the hulking figure of the usually soft-natured Peter Grant. Taking in the scene before him, he chuckles heartily, his smile never slipping. Walking over to the group, he claps his hands together in delight.
“I’m glad you’re all getting on. Boys, that was another wonderful performance. If you perform like that on Saturday? God, we’ll rule the world!”
“We’ll need our good luck charm, though.” Jimmy gestures towards Layla, winking at her conspiratorially.
“Peter, is there any way we can bring Layla over?”
“I’m sure we can work something out, Percy. Layla, would you like to join us?”
“Well… I’m sorry, but I’m not sure if I could manage, with the finances of it all. I don’t exactly have a job at the moment...” Layla says sheepishly, eyes cast downwards in embarrassment. Peter scoffs and shakes his head in response, placing his large hand on the young woman’s shoulder.
“My dear, you wouldn’t have to pay even one pence,” Pete explains, kind eyes reassuring as they gaze at the woman in front of him. “Though, if you are worried about something like that, we do always need help in the wings, if you’re interested?”
“Peter, are you sure? I couldn’t just—”
“Layla, for the love of God, just say yes?” Jonesy mutters, huffing out a laugh at the display of stubbornness in front of him.
“I mean, if you’re sure… I’d love to.”
“Wonderful! Now, we leave on Friday. We’ll pick you up at your flat, just make sure you’re packed, dear. We’re happy to have you on board.”
As the calendar pinned to the wall is steadily painted in royal blue ink, Layla’s excitement grows. One more day, and she’ll be on the road, living it up. January 10th couldn't come any faster, it seemed to Layla.
The shrill ringing of the phone interrupts her musings, and as Layla hurries to answer, a smile grows on her face at the thought of the days ahead. As much as she tries to deny it, Layla felt quite fond of the boys already.
“Hey, little dove, I’m leaving right away to pick you up. I’ll explain what’s going on in the car. You don’t need to bring anything. See you in 15.”
“Robert? What—”
“Oh, and Layla?” Smugness dripping from his voice, Layla can already see the cheshire grin the man is sporting, “Wear something nice.”
Shock freezing her in place, Layla shakes her head, a featherlight smile gracing her lips. Flying up the stairs to her bedroom, Layla picks out a pair of merlot bell bottoms, paired with a cropped bell-sleeved shirt, a snowy white in colour. Rings scattered across her hands, Layla looks in the mirror, applying some light makeup. Seeing a car pull up to her house, a sleek, rich red against the stormy gray of the curb, she rushed downstairs, waving at the driver. Stepping into the vehicle, she turns to her friend, who smirks, looking her up and down.
“I said to dress nice… This is gonna kill the man.” Robert scoffs, mutters under his breath, tugging playfully on a perfect brown ringlet of Layla’s hair.
“Robert, what’s going on? Why couldn't you explain over the phone?”
“Well, I couldn’t let a certain someone overhear my master plan, could I?” This is met with a blank look from the passenger of the vehicle, and, glancing over quickly, Robert cackles.
“Listen up, little dove,” Robert says, whispering mischievously, starting up the car and pulling away from the flat, “It’s Jimmy’s birthday, and the lot of us were planning something. It would be a shame if we didn’t get his favourite girl in on the secret too!”
“Favourite girl?”
“Oh come on, Layla. Don’t tell me you’re that oblivious!” Robert scoffs, lazily throwing his head to the side to look at his companion, golden locks flying every which way, “The man can’t take his eyes off of you. It’s a whole subject of conversation when you’re not around. I can tell by the colour of your cheeks that you might feel the same…”
“If I say yes, will you drop it?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Should have known… Anyways, what’s the plan here?” Robert winks at her in response, ocean eyes glinting in the warm afternoon sun.
“So, you know quite a bit about guitars, hey?”
“A fair amount? I used to play. What does that have to do with Jimmy’s birthday, though?”
“Well,” Robert starts, grin growing at the confusion of his friend, “We’re gonna throw a little get-together at the studio, but I was thinking, his favourite acoustic keeps breaking, and he hasn’t had much time to fix it yet. This is where you come in, little dove.”
“Don’t leave me in suspense here, blondie.”
“You’re gonna pick out a new acoustic for him.”
“Robert, I don’t know…”
“Don’t worry about the costs,” Robert exclaims, shaking his head vehemently, “I got it all covered. Perks of being in a famous band, I guess. Jim’s not the best at words, you’ve experienced this firsthand. He speaks with his music, and by doing this, you’re speaking his language.”
“I get that, but what… What if he doesn’t like the guitar I pick out?”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Robert laughs out, stealing a glance at his fidgeting companion. “Little dove, you could give him a trash bag and he’d still cherish it. He’ll love whatever you pick out for him.”
Robert parks the car, and turns towards his friend, taking a small hand in his, a comforting smile on his tan face. Giving the hand a squeeze, Layla steps out of the car, and, arm in arm with Robert, they walk into the store.
Strolling through the aisles, Layla was struck at the sheer beauty of the instruments in front of her. Shades of sepia and seafoam green blend into starry blues as she walks on. A body of rich mahogany catches Layla’s eye then, and she knows immediately. This is the one. The pickguard is a deep maroon with swirls of midnight black, thin rings of pristine white surrounding the sound hole. It’s perfect. Layla can’t help but stare, until she feels a tap on her shoulder, accompanied by a light peal of laughter.
“I take it, that's the one, Layla?”
Turning around, caught, Layla’s cheeks warm, and, smiling ever-so-slightly, she nods. Turning to the guitar once more, she trails her fingers across the smooth polished wood of the guitar.
“It’s perfect…”
“He’s gonna love it, just you wait.”
Layla plucks it from it’s resting spot on the wall, and, cradling it with the care of a new mother, she walks with Robert to the front of the store to pay. After a couple of autographs, and a few weird looks, the pair return to the car, finally setting their sights on the studio. Guitar case resting safely in her lap, Layla allows herself a private smile, picturing the face of the guitarist, emerald eyes filled with elation, upon seeing the gift.
“Why are your cheeks so red, little dove? Are you feeling okay?”
taglist: @jimmys-zeppelin @salixfragilis (let me know if you want to be added!)
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marjansmarwani · 3 years
Trouble Will Come
11.6k || ao3
Ever since TK had been caught up in Austin's latest serial bomber's attack, Carlos has thrown himself into looking for the mysterious bomber. He had watched his boyfriend almost die at the hands of this maniac, and he needed to do everything he could to make sure that never happened again. It makes him feel better, helps to counteract the helplessness he felt in that moment.
What he didn't expect was to actually find him, and to be trapped with him and a bomb in another abandoned factory. Now he just wants to make it out alive, because he is pretty sure TK will find a way to kill him if he doesn't.
--- Sequel to Trouble Will Not Take Me
I ended up rereading this today and decided to repost it because I don’t think I ever got around to making a masterpost of the chapters when I first finished it and just because I really like it and we could always use some more Carlos fic. So enjoy this shameless bit of self-promotion and a reminder of an older fic in lieu of anything new since I am still fighting my way through some writer’s block. 
“Wow,” Mya deadpanned as they pulled up to a dilapidated abandoned factory building, “you take me to the nicest places.”
“Next time we have a serial bomber I’ll be sure to mention to him that he should aim for sites that are more aesthetically pleasing,” Carlos replies drily, already unbuckling his seatbelt.
“I’m just saying, would it kill us to not have chosen the place on the list most likely to give us tetanus by just looking at it?”
Carlos merely shrugged in response because honestly, he couldn’t disagree with her. It had been just over two weeks since Austin’s most recent serial bomber made his big splash by blowing up a building with firefighters inside. It had been only been two years since the last bomber and everyone was on edge. The memory was fresh enough that the majority of the police department had been there, had watched the last bombings unfold. To see it happen again didn’t sit well with anyone, especially Carlos. He had vivid memories of the last time, of the fear and uncertainty that had reigned over the city. This time he had his own fears to add to the pile; his own nightmares to haunt his days. It had been the 126 who responded to that call, it had been TK and Marjan trapped inside the last building when it exploded. That had been 15 days ago, and every day since APD had poured a significant amount of its resources into identifying likely targets and patrolling them regularly. Carlos had been volunteering for every shift - this case was personal.
He still saw TK’s limp and battered body being pulled out of the collapsed building every night when he closed his eyes. The first few nights, when TK had still been in the hospital, he had resisted going home because he knew he wouldn’t sleep anyways. Even now, weeks later, he still had those dreams; still woke up in a cold sweat. Only the presence of TK besides him, soundly sleeping and breathing and alive was enough to calm him. So yeah, maybe he was taking this one a little personally.
Fortunately, Mya was completely on board. She had been right by his side the entire way: in the waiting room of the hospital, in their sergeant’s office volunteering for extra shifts. He hadn’t even had to ask her. The first day he showed up to work, once TK had finally been out of the woods, she had materialized in front of his desk. “They’re going after this guy,” she had said, “I want in and I am sure you do too.” He had barely had time to nod before she was leading them to the sergeant’s office.
It was times like this he was so grateful for his partner. She was a force to be reckoned with on a regular day, and she cared just as much about TK as she did for Carlos. To say she was feeling spiteful would be an understatement: “If some asshole bomber thinks they’re going to almost crush my friend to death and get away with it, they’ve got another thing coming,” she had said fiercely.
Carlos almost felt bad for this mysterious bomber - almost.
That didn’t change the fact that this was the 12th abandoned building they had checked out this week and while it certainly wasn’t the gnarliest building they had been in, it wasn’t winning any home and garden awards.
“Just think,” he said as they drew closer, “if we ever decide to give up this whole cop thing, we’ll have a jump start on real estate to enter the haunted house business.”
“I know you’re joking, but that’s honestly not the worst idea I’ve heard.”
Carlos shook his head fondly, “You ready to do this, again?”
Mya nodded, “Twelfth time’s the charm, right?”
“We can only hope,” he muttered as the entered the structure. “Structure” may even be a generous term for it; there didn’t seem to be much standing. They looked around the entry: it appeared to have been a lobby of some sort at one time and it opened up into two diverting hallways. “Looks like we’re splitting up. Do you want left or right?”  
“I’m feeling left today. Be careful though, will you? Wouldn’t want you getting into trouble without your partner to watch your back.”
“You too. Radio if you find anything?”
“Always.” With a quick salute, Mya was off, disappearing down the hallway to the left. Carlos quickly followed suit and entered the other hallway. It was dark and quiet. He pulled out his flashlight and looked around. It looked like your typical, nondescript, dilapidated hallway - just like the other eleven they had searched that week.
Still, it warranted a cursory investigation. If only to cross it off the list, to eliminate another possible location. The reigning theory at the precinct currently is that the bomber had been scared off by what had happened with the last bomb. The only casualties of the first four bombs had been the buildings themselves. Never before had there been victims of the bombs, and only luck and talented medical professionals had prevented there from being any fatalities. Normally Carlos would have been grateful and left it at that. But TK had almost died - Carlos had thought he was dead for several heart-stopping moments. He wasn’t over it, and he was bringing that baggage with him. Logically he knew that he should have recused himself from the case, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He needed to be a part of this, he needed to know he had done everything he could to bring this maniac to justice.
It was coping, he supposed.
He continued down the hallway, shining his flashlight into the dark corners. He moved carefully, keeping his eyes moving and his ears open. He froze as he heard a sound up ahead. It was probably just an animal, or a piece of the crumbling ceiling falling, but Carlos was still on high alert as he turned the next corner. He frowned when he saw a weak light cutting through the surrounding darkness. He moved towards it. It was a lantern, shining dimly on a makeshift table. The rest of the table was covered with paper and blueprints. Carlos could feel his heart rate increase - this was it. This was the work of the bomber they had been tracking. He went to reach for his radio, to tell Mya that he had found something, to tell her they had the guy and to get here now; but it was then that he realized he had made his first mistake.
“What are you doing here?” a harsh voice behind him demanded.
Carlos froze - hand hovering just above his radio. He slowly turned around to find a middle-aged man with a scraggly beard, wild eyes, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, and a gun pointed at him. He slowly raised his hands up in surrender, even as he cursed at himself.
He had forgotten to clear the room. He had made a rookie mistake and had let this guy get the drop on him. Now there was a gun pointed at him and he was in deep shit.
He spoke slowly and evenly, even as his heart thudded in his chest, “My name is Carlos Reyes, I am an officer with the Austin Police department. I was investigating a report of suspicious activity at this location.”
The man continued to glare at him, “Are you here alone?”
Carlos shook his head, “No, my partner is here too. She’s on the other side of the building.”
The man didn’t say anything to that, he simply looked around Carlos, towards the table. Carlos cursed himself silently. He had moved the papers and blueprints around; it was clear that he had seen them. The man clearly came to the same conclusion as his expression had grown darker as he looked back at Carlos. There was silence for a few long moments before he spoke, “This needs to be done, you can’t stop me.”
Carlos swallowed, but took care to keep his expression even, “Why does it need to be done?”
The man scowled at him, “No questions. Just, keep quiet until I figure out what to do with you.”
Carlos nodded, and the room lapsed into silence. His mind was racing, trying to find a way out of this that didn’t involve a bullet in his head. He didn’t know if this man would actually use that gun he had pointed at Carlos, but it was safer to assume that he would - which took all plans of action off the table. Trying to talk him down would be his best bet, but he was still too on edge from the unexpected appearance of Carlos to start pressing his luck by breaking his mandated silence so soon.
They stood at an impasse, silently staring each other down until the sound of Carlos’s radio sliced through the heavy silence.
His radio beeped and Mya’s voice broke the tense silence, “I just finished my sweep, a whole lot of nothing - again. I’m heading back to the entrance - you done yet?”
Carlos didn’t move. He maintained his eye contact with the strange man, and spoke slowly, “That’s my partner; she’s wondering where I am. If she doesn’t hear from me she’s going to start looking and then you’ll have two of us messing up your plans. Can I respond to her?”
“Tell her to leave.”
“Okay, I’m reaching for my radio to do that,” Carlos slowly lowered his right hand to reach for his radio, heart hammering in his chest. He switched it on and responded, taking care to make sure that his voice was even, “Negative Officer Esquilin, proceed to the next location without me.”
He released the button and took a deep breath. He desperately hoped that she would be able to read between the lines. Somewhere between the formality and the fact that there was no next location, he had faith she’d figure it out. She was smarter than he was, after all.
When her response came, it was much more clipped than usual, “Please confirm last transmission Officer Reyes, you will be staying on scene?”
“Affirmative, Officer Esquilin.”
“Has there been any progress on our current objective?”
Carlos looked back up at the man in front of him, “Affirmative.”
There was a pause, a several second delay before Mya spoke again. When she did, she had dropped the pretense, “Carlos Reyes, you do not get to do something stupid without me.”
“Just get out of here, please.”
“I am not going anywhere! If you think for one second I am going to leave you behind you have clearly not been paying attention!”
The man in front of him put out his hand, “that’s enough, hand it over.”
Carlos clenched his radio one more time, “I’m sorry, Mya.”
Then he unstrapped his radio and tossed it to the other man. Even as it sailed across the room, he could still hear Mya’s voice coming through it, calling him all sorts of things. Her words were jumbled, but heavy with fear.
“Reyes if you die on me I swear to god I’m going to—“
Whatever threat she was making was cut off by a foot smashing his radio.
“I can’t have all that noise,” the other man said irritability, “I have to focus.”
He slid the duffel bag off his shoulder onto the ground between them. He slid down the zipper and pulled it open,  revealing a mess of wires and mechanics that Carlos could only assume was a bomb.
Maybe it wasn’t but given how today was going, he wasn’t too hopeful.  
Well, he thought wryly as he stood in a crumbling room of an abandoned building with a gun leveled at his chest; at least he had found the bomber.
[read the rest on ao3!]
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psychemeanscure · 3 years
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The sound of their heavy breaths is the only thing that can be heard behind the narrow line of flipped junk cars they found for hiding, or rather for shielding. They were able to seepage from the motorboat with the same assistance of somewhere springers. Jae who is still holding a shotgun, manage to pull out a small two-way handheld radio from its leather jacket. Hastily pushing the PTT button of it which she presumes to be connected with his co-subordinates. For she never gone wrong.
“What just the hell happened, Lee? I thought this direction was the safest, then what’s this?!”
His whispering grumbles through the other line as he was also answered promptly. “Idiot, we’ve been ghosted. Sh*t! I should have check carefully.”   
“What? What do you mean?”  
“I thought the Alcaziar tag along to that opposite side of the port, turns out he manage to split his men. He wasn’t there, so most probably… we’re doomed!”  
“Are you saying---“realizing his own thought, he can only give a knowing look to her. “F*ck! We’re already doomed, you say.”    
He was about to cut their conversation then if he wasn’t able to hear its next cursing from the other line. “F*ck, F*ck. This is f*cking shit!”      
“Why, why? What’s up?”
“Boss, is coming back. I repeat, going back to the ship! F*ck, this is crazy!”
Jae sense Lee’s inattentiveness from their radio conversion already but rather its attention was actually moved into commanding their other members. They’re in a panic mode it is for Sung Eunyoung to be alerted as well. “What did you just say?”
Snatching the handheld radio from Jae’s hold, pressuring the one from the other line which only responded her a silent gasp. “F*cking answer me, dammit!” Vigorously throwing it by the assistant’s chest, a tear starts to cascade once again.
He can only gulp his own saliva as if indirectly scolded by a boss’ wife. Much as he guesses how Lee felt like. “Go down.” For one thing they needed to do is to follow an unspoken order. ‘Guess they’ll make a great pair, indeed. Both intimidatingly scary.’ A thought he can actually imagine.
“I’m currently.”
For Lee interrupting it is the useful thing he needed. “Can I speak to boss.”
“Now, that’s the other problem.”
Left confused, he opts to query. “What?” as he can also see her incoming furrows. “It seems like he accidentally slips it from his ear. I can’t reach him no matter calling I try.”
“Sh*t! this isn’t what I’m expecting. F*ck.”
He starts contemplating. He is, for she can already see it. Eyes torn between her and the far away sight of the ship. Even the contrary silence from the other line only makes her decision clear. “Go.”
Jae was surprised hearing it from her indeed. “W-what? But boss ask me to look for you. I can’t just disobey Ms. Sung, considering the Alcaziar is probably looking for you again. “
“As much as you’re worried about him, I am as well. The backup will do for me, perhaps.”
“I’ll give him a word for you. So no more buts and go, please. I’m also asking right now.”
Still doubting, he had no choice but to grab her request even. Clearing a throat, he speaks to the radio. “How many of us backing this area we’re in?”
“So, just enough.” A convincing monologue for himself before inquiring once again. “Can they spot us from here?”
Sighing, he agreed. “Alright. Radio them to guard her up. Keenly, please. I’ll be following you in a sec.”
“Copy that.”  
Right then Jae frantically loading the shotgun in his hands with new ones before he turns to her then. “Now, Ms. Sung. This may be a meaningless word to say but I really need you to do just one thing. Stay. Stay hiding no matter what happened please. Use this if you ever sense someone against their sight.”
Giving her the handheld radio, she can only nod. “O-okay. I will.”
Jae was about to leave then if only the idea in mind did not bother him suddenly. So he turns to her one last time, guiding her freehand to hold a silencer gun which left her baffled. “I know you still haven’t recovered from earlier, but this is the only thing I could offer as well. Just in case, miss.”  
Looking by the thing in her hand she begins to get nervous for herself. Then explosion happens. As it only gets worse for her again. Afraid that if she opens her eyes from the impact, things will be a death of her. Jae was already cursing beside her while she’s left with bulging eyes, watching the scorching fire from faraway ship. “No. No, please…”
“Ms. Sung. Don’t think anything ahead first. We will find boss, we promise. He’ll be alive.”
For there she was, being left in iceberg. Silently crying all her might from the expense of events she never dared to imagine. Not when she heard a screeching sound near her. “F*ck this. Could they have at least wait before I’m somber?”
Her whispering sarcasm for herself as she eventually wipes her halt tears, tucking the handheld radio in her coat’s bottom pocket, carefully crouching to stand up, trying to peek unnoticed while taking a fully grip to the silencer gun as if her life depends on it already.  
But before she can actually do. A hand pulled her back into hiding out from the sight of the springer backups. The stranger covered her lips by its freehand for she can only shut her eyes, muffling squeals becoming useless. She’s trap! And no one’s here to save her. She can onl---
“You’re really stubborn, aren’t you?”  
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And It didn’t take a second to snap her eyes open, dismissing the hopeful thought in mind for it already came before she can ask for it. A washed Jang Taeyoung was the stranger in front of her. That the moment he let go of his hand from her lips, uttering his name is what she needed. “Jang.”
Her gaze was just too soft that anyone can’t rather handle to surrender, but not with this scoffing man whose piercing furrows lingers caused by her recent behavior. “Don’t look at me like that, woman. I’m still mad at you.”
But either or, neither happened to affect her with his words for it was ignored instead. Not knowing he’ll actually the one being effected. She hugged him. Sung Eunyoung cannot hold back anymore that snaking her hands to his neck tightly is what she wanted. He realized it. Her chin on his shoulder, she’s crying… again.
 And like a thunderbolt being strike by the rain, he gives in. Despite his prickly body, he still obliged to slouch enough to make her comfortable from tiptoeing. He was even oblivious of his action before he knew it, he was already tapping her back with care. An upkeep he had never felt ever since but her. She always does.
“I’m wet.” He managed to crack the obvious
“I’m dirty, anyway.” while she managed to chuckle from it.
Before silence takes in once again. Stroking her back this time, he utters an apology.                          
“I’m sorry.”
She only hummed. “Did I worry you that mu--- Ouch! What was that for?”
A strong smack on his back went through indeed for he needed to minimize his exclamatory grumbles when pulling away from her embrace. “Stating the obvious, yes. I really hate y---“
“Yah… W-what happened to your upper arm, uh?”
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She tried to touch it which only earned a small grunt to him. Sighing for he can’t rather mock at her switching countenance caused by her worried face even. He chose to pick up the silencer gun instead. The one she dropped to embrace him.
“Just a small one. You don’t have to worry. But this? You shouldn’t be holding this, woman. Tss. Jae.”
“Don’t scol---“
“What? You’ll give a word in their behalf?”
Crunching her brows, confused. She asked. “How did you know that?”
“I was able to retrieve my earpiece so I heard it. I can also give you details of how I manage to reach here whole, interested?”  
Groaning, she ignored his bicker. Instead, she tends to watch him pulling out the handheld radio from her coat which antenna’s peeking, making him easy to recognize. “You were told to use this, but you didn’t even. Woman, really.”
“Ms. Sung! Ms. Sung, are you alright? Where are you at right now? Tell us your current situation, please.”
The bombardment radioed questions of Lee then, before Jang Taeyoung pushes the PTT button to answer. “Go back now. I’m with her.”  
Acknowledging him, he responded to his men. We’re in a dark corner 6’oclock of indoor junkyard. Does the others see us from here?”
“Indoor you say, boss? We can’t. The thermal scopes have limits to get through roofs still.”
“So, it makes sense.” Scoffing, he blurts out his frustration. “Do remind me the latest next time, PLEASE.” Sighing, he proceeds to charging his next agenda. The next it did, he was on to using the earpiece again while Jae who just came back being their tail. They just learned that another set of Alcaziar’s men were actually few meters from where they’re hiding. Too close if not being planned wisely.
“Now woman, Listen. The moment Jae throws the grenade I want you to run as fast as you can by that side. See that pile of containers? Ahead of that 9’oclock, a car will be waiting to pick you up. Jae will tail you, so don’t worry. You, got me?”  
She was nodding then but her thoughts still evolved about him. He’s at it again. Risking his all. “Jang…”
He hummed. As she holds his hand tightly. “C-can… Can we just leave together, please?”
“Woman, are we back on this again? We already discussed this. Jeez, I can’t understand you.”
“So do I! --- hmp!”
“What the hell are you thinking woman?!”
His whispering scolding the moment her thunderous exclaim resonates the whole place. They supposed to be moderate to not letting the enemy sense their way but because of her surprise flare, everything becomes useless.
“Shit. Boss, they moving faster on our way.”
Jae hastily reminds the moment Lee gave him information from the ear piece he manages to acquire for his own. Piercing eyes of Jang Taeyoung stares at her with vigorous disappointment. “Instead of going with the plan, you only made us run in the pit of death, woman. I really hate you right now.”    
“Might as well die together, then.”
Her stern conviction that she never expected be reflected so soon. For everything happened so fast. An injured Jae, passing out on the expanse of the dirty pavements and Jang Taeyoung’s forcing body. Her troubleshooter… trying his best to stand up for her despite his shot ankle and knee, dried wounded stomach starts gushing another blood. A nowhere sniper attacks and the loss of their springer back-ups. None of their plan works that the only thing exists was the fading smoke Jae manage to throw, and most specially…
The trembling figure of her collapsing body, helplessly staring unable to think of anything but his safety. Their ill-fated fate takes in once again.
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“D-don’t… Please Jang, don’t overdo yourself. Please.”
But even the sluggish shakes of her head can’t do any for Jang Taeyoung resisted to approach her still. “Jang, please! No… stop already, please.”
She was afraid, yes. That whenever he tries to move, another bullet will be fired to him. And it did. But not from the sniper she foresees, but from the Alcaziar’s bullet itself. A shot on its burned upper arm came through as his gorging scream resonates the whole place.
Her feared shout on so when the geezer was just behind her grasping her shoulders, bending to lean by her ear to whisper. “I told you, we’ll do some reenactment, right? But you slip it away from me a while ago that you just made me beastly angry, little pea. So might as well work it out today.”
Its threatening words that from bending behind her, he shifted to Jang Taeyoung’s back that as fast as she could, blocking her frigid body to shield him is what she needed from more possible attacks the latter may planning. “No, please. Stop. Don’t hurt him. Don’t hurt him!”
Yet she was only answered by its menacing clicking of tongue. Head’s tilting with irritation, frowning brows crunching tightly. “Please, don’t hurt him.” her lenient plead, only to be pushed from her blocked body to flop on the ground, and a click on its gun’s hammer. Pointing it thoroughly to Jang Taeyoung’s back head.
“How was my hide & seek game, mi niña? You enjoyed it?”
Deepening the gun to Jang’s head. She had finally lost her composure. “No! No, please. Do---“
A gunshot… was heard.
Her wobbling body approaching his shaking one. Snaking her arm into his shoulders, tears streaming endlessly into her eyes as her freehand pressing his bleeding neck. She doesn’t even care anymore if she’s covered with blood as well as she searches for help. “J-Jang. Jang Taeyoung, stay with me. Stay with me, loco. Please…”
Jang Taeyoung, was just staring at her with drowsy eyes but despite of it, he still managed to look at her with such tenderness. “F-finally. M-mission accomplished. Isn’t it, volatile?”
His sort of validation she obviously knew, yet the fulfillment doesn’t absorb her well-being for she’s only worried of the man in her arms. Much for her despair when blood starts to spit in his mouth. Agape eyes resulted to panic as she shakes her head, hushing him from pushing another word. “S-stop. D-don’t say another word, please. I’m begging you.”          
Yet, he’s not following her but cupping his weakly hand onto her face instead. Even made a small chuckle as if everything about him is okay. “H-hey… I remember you told me, you will be the one hurting me but why does it feel I did it instead. D-don’t make me guilty, woman.”
He was wiping her tears by his thumb, giving her the sweetest smile he never dared to share ever since but her. He speaks. “I don’t know if am I doing it right, but I’m actually fulfilling one of your wish right now, volatile. Though I’m afraid I may not fulfill the other one.”    
“Jang please, no… D-don’t say that loco, please…”
Her continuous set of pleads as a loud call of attention coming their way. Even if it’s hard for him, he needed to force her pressing hand to pull away and give it to the unexpected savior. She was resisting, but he insisted. “Go, Sung Eunyoung.”
“I won’t f*cking leave you, loco. Please.”
“You have to.”
Her eyes start to blur from another proceeding tears, considering the bleeding on his neck begins to spread bigger. She can’t attain. Not with him in a high risk! But the savior starts to get a hold of her to stand up. And she lost it. For her wimping body can’t urge any further.
“Jang Taeyoung!!”
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Then she lost him.
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stevesnailbat · 4 years
never would have known | steve harrington x henderson!reader
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Can I please have a Henderson reader x Steve Harrington where she has been friends with Steve since season 2 and he realizes he's in love with her, confesses his feelings and they get kind of intense/smutty? If you could do that, that would be awesome!!
i has this idea what if Dustin older sister was a rock and roll edgy kind of gal also a baddie. The point is Steve has seen her around in high school because she was a big deal when it comes to fighting and after high school he gets the crushies for her I hope you like that request !❤️
warnings: a little angsty I guess?, kinda steamy at the end
word count: 2.2K
a/n: this took forever so i’m sorry for the first requester mentioned since you requested a while ago, but it’s here! enjoy!
When Steve was falling in love with Dustin’s sister, it took him a while to realize it. It wasn’t an instantaneous, love at first sight type of thing that some people get. But more of something that happened so slowly at first, then it was something that happened to hit him with full force towards the end.
She had been pining after him for so long and was so close to giving up. He had only seen her as one of the kids or as another “nerd” that was associated with the party, she thought she was nothing more than a good, younger friend to him. Her hope had diminished when he got a job at Scoops Ahoy! because of his constant flirtation with any girl that would come in, which was egged on by Robin immensely. Every once in a while, she’d want to give up on him loving her. But then, he’d come in with a sweet comment or caring touch that would make her break again. To her, it seemed like a vicious cycle that would never stop.
To him, it seemed like she didn’t want him, so he kept his distance. Y/N was someone who would speak her mind typically, she wouldn’t let her feelings go unsaid for the most part. In school, he always saw her sticking up for herself or being the bold one to call other girls out. It was intimidating to Steve, but he knew that she would always speak her mind. It was different with him, though. She was scared of the feelings she felt for him, so her bold personality seemed to diminish into something smaller, sometime more timid when with him.
It was a rainy Friday afternoon in June when Steve finally came to his senses. He had picked up Dustin and Y/N from their house and they were on their way towards Indianapolis. Dustin had claimed that there was a comic store downtown and it was the only one in the state that carried a limited edition comic book he had been saving up for. Steve was hesitant at first, but was guilted into it by a very convincing and dramatic Dustin.
Y/N was in the passenger seat with her feet on the dashboard, watching raindrops as they rolled down the window. She seemed to be in her own little world when Steve looked over at her, humming along to the music from the radio.
“Can we stop and get food before we get there?” she asked abruptly.
“No.” Steve replied, glancing over at her to see her shocked expression. “It’s already an hour and a half drive one way, I don’t want this to take longer than it has to.”
“Oh c’mon! It’s just gonna take a second, we can go through a drive-thru or something!” she retorted, looking to Dustin for backup but only getting a shrug in return.
“You should’ve eaten or something before!” he suggested, rolling his eyes at her response. “I don’t want this to be a long ass trip for no reason, Henderson.”
With that, she fell silent. She hated when he called her that, it made her feel like she was nothing more than one of the kids to him. To her, it seemed like he was trying to rub the fact that he didn’t feel the same about her in her face. Dustin and Steve could sense her change in mood as she shifted towards the window, it was obvious there was something more than not getting food on her mind in that moment.
Steve was tempted to make another snide remark about it, but the upset look on her face was already making him feel bad enough. He made eye contact with Dustin through the rear-view mirror, seeing the perplexed and somewhat sympathetic look on his face through the reflection. It was weird for Dustin to see his typically outgoing sister clam up so much, but he knew what was happening; he just wanted to wait for Steve to catch on by himself.
After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Steve decided to cave. Once they were close to the shop, he pulled into a McDonald’s and went towards the drive-thru. The look on Y/N’s face didn’t falter, though, as they pulled through. Steve didn’t bother to ask her what she wanted, he knew exactly what she wanted from the many times the three of them had been through a McDonald’s drive-thru together. Dustin chimed in at one point to add another sandwich to his order, but Y/N stayed silent still.
She slowly ate the ice cream he handed her after mumbling a small ‘thank you’ to him, trying to seem as disinterested as he seemed to be. In reality, he was desperately trying to stay calm even though he wanted to tell her how he really felt.
Dustin rushed into the comic store once Steve stopped, promising he’d be out in ten minutes even though Steve and Y/N knew better than that. The two of them were left alone, only the sound of the radio and the crinkling fast food bag filling the silence. Steve looked over at her momentarily, seeing that she still wore the same sad expression on her face.
“What are you doing this weekend?” Steve asked shyly, trying to fill the desperate silence.
“Nothing exciting, probably staying home with D.” she remarked, a small, bittersweet smile playing on her lip for half a second. “What are your plans?”
“My plans?” he asked, the thought of him going on a date the next day with another girl had slipped his mind before he asked his own question. “Oh, nothing exciting.”
“That’s a lie.” she said bluntly, rolling her eyes at his apparent nervousness. “What are you actually doing this weekend?”
“I—I’m going on a date tonight.” he said, staring at the steering wheel as he spoke. “With Veronica Mitchell.”
“Oh.” she said, trying to hide her hurt behind a tone of carelessness. “She’s fun. I’m sure you’ll have a great night, Harrington.”
Steve felt the words she said begin to sound malicious towards the end of her sentence, her true feeling of annoyance apparent in her voice. He gave her a remorseful smile as she turned her focus back to the fry container in her lap, picking at the ones that were left. Dustin came back soon after, rambling about the new comic book as soon as he got into the car again. His excitement filled the previously silent car on the ride home, but both Y/N and Steve were distracted with thoughts of each other.
That night was no different than any other for Y/N. She was doing exactly what she had told Steve. Sure, it felt a little lame to be sitting on her little brother’s bedroom floor writing down songs for a mixtape for herself, but it was always enjoyable.
“How about Rock You Like a Hurricane? You like that one, don’t you?” Dustin suggested, shrugging his shoulders.
“Yeah, but I put that on the last one I made! I can’t keep doing the—“ she started, but was cut off by the phone ringing in the living room.
Dustin ran to the phone before she could even get up from the floor, as if he was waiting for a phone call. She got up from her spot on the floor and walked towards the living room, hearing her brother talk excitedly. There was no doubt that he was talking to one of the boys from the party and that they were probably inviting him to do something nerdy. She just hoped she didn’t have to be the one to take him. He hung up quickly after getting on the line, a grin on his face as he walked away and back towards his bedroom.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” she asked, an amused smirk on her face.
“Mike’s! Important shit happening over there, I gotta go now. I’ll ride my bike.” he said, throwing a few things around his room as he packed a backpack.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just be here all alone then.” she joked, making Dustin roll his eyes at her guilt trip.
“Whatever, have fun! On the bright side, you can listen to your rock shit as loud as your little heart desires, since Mom’s out for the night.” Dustin remarked, making her roll her eyes at his response this time as he quickly made his way to the door.
It was a matter of seconds before Y/N was alone in the house, letting out an annoyed sigh at the thought. She was afraid to be alone that night, mainly because she was afraid to be alone with her thoughts and feelings about Steve. So, she did just as Dustin had said, putting her music on as loud as she wanted to drone her thoughts out.
She only heard the knock on the door when the mixtape was between songs, making her stop in her tracks. She wasn’t expecting anyone, so it put her a little on edge. But, she went toward the door anyways because the knocking was incessant. Who she saw in the peephole was not who she expected to see, but it was the person who made her heart flutter the moment she saw. She opened the door hesitantly, hoping he wasn’t there for Dustin.
“Y/N, hey!” he said immediately, running his fingers through his hair nervously. “I—uh—“
“Aren’t you supposed to be on a date, Harrington?” she replied bluntly, raising her eyebrows at him.
“Yeah—Yeah, about that.” he chuckled, rolling his eyes at himself. “I decided not to go.”
“And why’s that?” she implored as she crossed her arms, not letting him into the house just yet.
“Because it felt so wrong, I—I don’t like Veronica Mitchell. I don’t really know why I even asked her out—I’m stupid for doing it and—“
“What’s the point of this? Did you come here to tell me that your standards are too high or do you have something else you needed?”
“Well, I mean. I guess I’m not here to say that specifically. But yeah, my standards are too high.” he responded, earning no response from her as she stood there with a confused look on her face. “Fuck it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve been oblivious to the fact that I’ve liked you this whole time and that I’ve just been distracting myself from my feelings up until now.”
“Shut up, Steve.” she scoffed, waiting for him to crack a smile and tell her it was some twisted joke. “You can’t be serious.”
“But I am! I really realized that I liked you when we were in the car talking about my date today, I realized that I was so oblivious to myself up until now. If I wouldn’t have seen you so get so—so holed up about me talking about the date with Veronica, I would’ve never known how I really felt.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” she replied, feeling impatient as he rambled on.
“I’m talking about you! I like you! I’ve been too afraid to tell you this whole time.” he exclaimed, a hint of desperation in his voice.
“I don’t believe you.” she said bluntly, rolling her eyes.
“Oh you don’t?” he laughed.
“No! I don’t know how wouldn’t have noticed how I’ve been pining after you for so damn long if you’ve also liked me.” she replied matter-of-factly. “There’s no fucking way! I—I clam up around you, I’m a different person! I’m normally the most confident person when it comes to how I feel and I’m not afraid to fight for what’s right, but with you—with you, it feels different. I become the shyest girl ever when I’m around you.”
“You really don’t believe me?”
“No, Steve. I think this is some sick joke you decided to play on me.”
“Really?” he asked with more sincerity in his voice than before, the look on his face showing his remorse for the way he’d treated her before.
“Yes.” she said, feeling like the conversation was going nowhere. “So unless you’re here to do something about it, I’m gonna go back—“
Before she could finish her thought, Steve’s hand grazed her cheek. There was no aggression or lust in his touch, it was pure and gentle. She felt her breath hitch as she cut herself off, looking up into his eyes. She couldn’t help but get lost in them as she noticed a glint of adoration in them. Without thinking her actions through, she grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. She shut the door behind him and leaned against it, grabbing the back of his neck to pull him into a gentle kiss.
It was a short and sweet kiss, but the ones that followed were not so short. Their bodies flooded with desire as their lips collided, both realizing what they had been missing because of their stubbornness. The heat of the moment built up quickly, as neither of them wanted to move away from the kiss.
“Steve—Steve.” she said quickly after pulling away for a moment.
“What? Did I do something?” Steve asked, eyes going wide as he moved his hands from where they sat on her waist.
“No, no you didn’t do anything wrong.” she laughed, cupping his cheek as he sighed in relief. “Do you want to continue this in my room?”
“I—uh—yeah! I mean, if you want to.” he replied, smiling down at her nervously.
“Just come on.” she giggled, leading him towards her room for what she knew would be a long night.
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avintagekiss24 · 4 years
.Catch and Release. Sam Wilson. Bucky Barnes.
PAIRING; Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes
WARNINGS; language, hurt/comfort
SQUARE FILLED; G3 for @star-spangled-bingo ‘clothes sharing’
NOTE; The first fill for my beautiful SSB2020 card! Seeing Sam throw that shield has done things to me and this is a product of said things. Just seeing his hands on it just makes me all warm and tingly. Also, a shout out to @samingtonwilson for the moniker thiccums wilson... I hope you don’t mind me using it! This is also for my wifey @siancore​.
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Bucky rolls over to face away from the windows as he lets out a deep, slow breath. He reaches his hand out underneath the covers, fully expecting to feel a warm body next to him, but comes up empty.  He pats around, stretching his limb out further, knowing how wild of a sleeper his counterpart is. The two of them usually start cuddled up in the middle of the bed but by morning, Sam is hanging off the edge of the mattress. His right arm dangles off the side, the back of his hand resting on the floor while his head hovers dangerously close to the sharp corner of the old wooden nightstand by the bed.
When Bucky still doesn’t feel him, he finally cracks open his eyes to welcome in the morning. He lets out another breath as he blinks, his vision clearing. The sheets and comforter are wrinkled and thrown haphazardly back over the mattress where Sam once occupied it. Bucky lifts his head slightly and squints to try and see if he can spot any movement from inside the bathroom, but drops his head back to his pillow when he doesn’t.
Bucky snaps his head towards the window as the sharp expletive fills the otherwise silent morning. It’s muffled by the closed window and sounds distant - lower than Bucky’s current position on the second floor. Fear washes through him as he throws the covers away from his body and jumps from the bed. He knows that nobody really knows where they are but after seventy years of hiding in plain sight, Bucky knows better than that. 
Bucky throws the curtains back, his eyes wide as they dart around the large, open front yard. He takes another breath when he doesn’t instantly locate Sam. He’s just about to sprint towards the door when Sam lumbers into view - hands on his hips, head slightly hung, his gait slow. Bucky sighs loudly and lets his shoulders relax and fall before he rubs his face roughly in his hands. At least he’s okay… well, physically, anyway. 
He watches as Sam walks towards the layer of trees and brush that outline his sisters’ property. The round red, white, and blue shield pokes out from the grass and shrubs. Bucky watches as Sam bends to pick it up before he turns back to walk toward the house, holding it gingerly in his hands as he disappears from view again. 
Captain America. The thought of it makes Bucky smile. Steve would be proud of Sam, he really would. Sam doesn’t think so. He’s taking the whole thing hard; harder than what Bucky initially realized honestly. The stress of being the new Captain America would be enough to drive anybody crazy but losing Steve… that was the real kicker. Bucky wasn’t there for most of Steve and Sam’s friendship but he can feel Sam’s pain. He hears it in his voice, sees it in his eyes every time he gazes into those big, soft, brown saucers. Sam loved that big, dumb blonde and now he’s just gone - and a little piece of Sam is gone too. 
A few seconds pass before the shield whizzes back into Bucky’s view, cutting through the air as it veers off to the right. It misses the tree and lodges in the brush just beyond it - again. Bucky bites the inside of his cheek as he blinks slowly, keeping his eyes on Sam as he moves to pluck the shield from the shrubs again. He watches quietly as Sam walks to the bushes, grabs the shield, and then moves back out of sight. Seconds later, the shield is stuck in the bushes again, and again, another loud fucking shit!  fills the air. 
Bucky has to stop him. He’ll end up tearing his rotator cuff or just flat out break his whole  damn arm if he lets Sam keep this up. He grabs one of the shirts that is thrown over the back of the chair in the corner, and slips it over his head before he pulls out one of the dresser drawers. He pulls out a pair of Sam’s sweatpants and steps into them, drawing the string tight around his waist as he heads out of the bedroom. 
His feet are heavy against the wooden stairs, drawing more attention to the quietness of the house. There’s no TV in the background, no radio, no humming from Sarah from somewhere in the kitchen. Bucky still isn’t used to the quiet - the good kind of quiet anyway. The front door is wide open - nothing but the screen door shielding their inside world from the outside one. He pushes through it and closes it quietly as he steps out onto the porch. 
It’s a nice morning. Warm but not unbearable. There’s random bird chirps off in the distance, a cricket or two, and the sound of Sam’s feet crunching in the grass as he moves towards the treeline again. Bucky moves slowly down the three steps of the porch, his feet sinking into the cool grass. Bucky keeps his eyes on Sam as he turns towards him, his dark eyes focused on the shield in his hands. 
Sam finally glances up and is met with a soft smile. He dips his eyes back to the shield in his hands as a slow smile creeps onto his face, “That’s my shirt,” he starts, “And my sweats.”
Bucky shrugs, “Yeah.”
Sam blinks, “They’re baggy on you.”
“Well, they don’t call you thiccums wilson on tumblr for nothing.”
“Shut up,” Sam’s smile grows wider as he rolls his eyes, “You don’t even know what any of that means.”
Bucky shrugs again, “It means you got a fat ass. Shuri gave me the low down.”
“Jesus,” Sam chuckles as he turns away from him, “The last thing I need is a hundred year old man and a sixteen year old girl talking about my ass.”
Bucky’s smile fades from his face as he watches Sam drop his head again. He drinks Sam in from behind, his eyes dancing up and down his tall, muscular frame. His stance is a defeated one - not one that Sam is used to wearing and definitely not one that Bucky is used to seeing on him. It breaks Bucky’s heart. 
He moves up behind Sam, draping his left arm over Sam’s shoulder and wrapping his right around his waist. He flattens his palm to Sam’s chest, just feeling his thumping heartbeat against his hand. He presses a feather-light kiss to Sam’s cheek and then another on his jaw before he rests his chin on Sam’s shoulder. 
“Why don’t you take a break?”
Bucky’s voice is soft and light, not wanting to push Sam too hard. He watches the side of Sam’s face as he chews on his bottom lip, his dark eyes bouncing around the trees and bushes. 
“Come inside Sammy. Let me make you some breakfast.”
“I’m not hungry,” Sam answers as he expels some air, “I just wanna get this, okay?”
“You don’t have to get it today,” Bucky whispers, closing his eyes as he presses his chest into Sam’s back, “You’ve got plenty of time.”
“I know that.” Sam’s voice comes out harsher than what he intended. He takes another deep breath and closes his eyes, “I just, I just want to get this.”
Bucky swallows hard. He gives Sam’s chest a pat, squeezing him gently before he pulls away, “I love you Sam.” He says softly. 
He turns and starts back towards the house, his heart sinking with each step. He knows that he’s got to give Sam space. He has to let him work through it, but goddamn it is tough to walk away from him. He hears the whizzing of the shield as it cuts through the air just as he’s stepping up onto the porch, but an unfamiliar loud thud soon follows. Bucky turns and his eyes go wide. Just beyond Sam stands that big, mature tree - and stuck in its trunk is that round red, white, and blue shield. 
Bucky shifts his eyes to Sam, who turns slowly to face him as a slow smirk curls onto Sam’s lips.
“You look good in my clothes.” Sam calls.
Bucky nods quickly as he blinks away the emotion that fills his eyes, “Even with my flat ass?”
“Yeah. It’s cute though.”
Bucky turns away before Sam can see his tears, “Oatmeal?” He calls, clearing his throat as he pulls open the screen door.
“Please and thank you.” Sam returns as he moves towards the tree. He grabs the shield and has to put more muscle into pulling it from the trunk that he thought. He smiles, “Hey Buck?”
“What?” Bucky asks through a breath as a smile spreads on his lips, “What is it Sammy?”
Sam trots back towards the house as he slips his hand into the small handles on the inside of the shield. He rolls his shoulders before craning his neck to the left and then the right. He forces a deep breath through his teeth and out of his mouth. He plants his feet before bouncing up and down on his tiptoes once, twice, three times in quick succession. He lets his mind still. He then whirls around quickly, twisting his back and hips as he whips the shield around his body. He releases the vibranium disk just as his arm comes back in front of him. 
He stands up straight as he eyes the shield jutting out from the trunk of the tree. He pulls his light, blue hoodie back down over his hips and glances back at Bucky, “I think I got it.”
“Show off.” Bucky calls out to him as he steps back into the house, letting the screen door slam closed behind him.
Bucky makes himself busy in the kitchen, working up a breakfast to Sam’s new, natural soundtrack.
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
Hate that I’m doin this one: ❝ for which f are you drinking? fuck, forget, or fun? ❞- The Witch and Huey
Warning: This fic shows a depiction of abuse and alcoholism. Such topics are triggering for many readers, so discretion is advised. 
Hazel was four months old, and Huey swore to Donald and Della that he’d be fine taking care of her on his own for the weekend. It had been five months since he had left Clarisse, and he was feeling much better, especially since Hazel had been mostly sleeping through the night by now. Huey could tell his mom and uncle were getting tired (they weren’t exactly young anymore). He decided to let them take the week off, and to go relax on a beach somewhere while cousins Fethry and Gladstone were both in town, while he stayed home and worked as much as he could from his home and take care of Hazel by himself. 
“Are you sure you can handle this?” Donald asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. 
“I’ll be fine Uncle Donald, I have everything under control now,” Huey gave him weak smile. 
“Be sure to call if you do need us though, we’ll just be 20 minutes away,” Della reminded before heading to the car. 
“Are you sure you can-”
“Yes, I’m sure. You and mom can have some quality cousin time with Fethry and Gladstone,” Huey laughed. Donald was going to say more but Della honked the car horn and he rushed to join. 
 The afternoon was okay, he managed to get a good amount of work done, and Hazel seemed plenty happy. Huey would set her in his lap as he worked and she would gawk at the computer and put her fist in her mouth and watch him as he typed, which she must’ve thought was very cool. 
However, as the sun set in the sky and the moon rose, an eerie quiet spread through the house as he prepared her for bed. Huey felt like he was being followed, and he kept turning, expecting to see someone, anyone, but he knew it was ridiculous because Donald and Della had left. He was alone.
However, a familiar voice spoke behind him that caused the feather’s on the back of his neck to rise.
“You know, I knew you’d always knew you’d be a failure without me, but this is a  whole other level,” It said. Huey tried to ignore it as he changed Hazel’s diaper.
“You really believe you’re strong on your own, maybe even brave, but look at you. So sad and pathetic really,” It mocked. 
“Shut up Clarisse,” Huey grit his teeth. 
“And so you admit it,” Clarisse’s voice sounded pleased with itself. “I’m still here Huey.”
“No, you’re not.” He said sharply, rebuttoning Hazel’s striped onesie. Clarisse laughed. 
“You really are a complete and utter moron. Always in denial, always trying to play the strongman. You need me, Huey, you know that.” Huey turned around and he could see her standing behind him. He knew she wasn’t real, she couldn’t be. 
“You aren’t actually here. Hazel would be crying if you were actually here; she’d know a monster when she smelled one,” Huey glared at her. She looked just as he remembered; soft curls framing her face, a golden halo of leaves and flowers on her head, her acrylic nails red as rubies and sharp enough to cut his skin, and that red dress she loved so much framing her body in a way that made her harder to resist her pleas. 
“I may not be here, but I am there,” She pointed to his forehead. “I’ll always be there, no matter what you do, I’ll always be there.” She smiled. 
“Leave me alone Clari, you’ve caused enough trouble,” he turned back to his infant daughter, who was starting to whine. 
“Have I? Last I recalled, you did this all yourself,” Clarisse follow him as he went to set Hazel down in her crib. 
“You do know it takes two, right?” He glared and turned the light off in her nursery. Clarisse laughed.
“I tried to warn you, but you didn’t listen. You refused to listen, like always,” She said. Huey ignored the ridiculous comment and went to the kitchen.
“Oooh, drinks. For which f are you drinking? Forget, fuck, or fun?” She grinned and began looking through the cabinets. 
“I’m not drinking Clarisse,” Huey pushed away the idea. 
“Oh come on, not even for old times sake?” She pouted and Huey made the mistake of glancing at her. Before she knew it, he had the bottle from the secret stash in his hand. 
“Dammit Clarisse, I’m not doing this. I swore never again,” He set it down on the counter and walked away. 
“Then why do you have a secret stash in the first place, hm? Seems like you’re setting yourself up for failure there,” She sat on the counter next to the booze. Unfortunately, she was right. How was she always right?! Huey had no response. 
Clarisse grinned. “You’re weak, I knew it. You’re dying for a drink. You miss it...” she paused. 
“You miss me.”
Huey didn’t move.
“You miss me every day. She has my eyes, you see it too. She’s the spitting image of her dear mother, and every time you look at her, you’re reminded of what you’ve lost. It twists the knife in your chest and it gets so painful you can hardly breathe.”
“Shut up Clarisse.”
“You worry constantly. You think she’ll be the spitting image of me as she ages. You fear that every time you look into your precious little daughter’s eyes, you’ll only see me.”
“Shut up Clarisse.”
“You need me, Huey. You keep lying to yourself, over and over, telling yourself it’s okay, that she’ll be fine and you’ll be fine and that everything will be fine. Well, wake up, dipshit. You’ll never make it without me. You. Need. Me.”
“I said shut up, Clarisse!!!” Huey threw a glass at her and it phased right through her, leaving her unphased. Then, she started laughing. 
“You’re so... emotional. It’s so pathetic, really. You’re so muscular and handsome, all of that hard work to come crashing down when someone pushes your buttons a little too hard,” She smiled wickedly. Huey’s fist shook with anger. 
“What the hell do you want from me?! Please, leave me and Hazel alone, I’m begging you,” Huey ignored her comment, tears now streaking down his face.
“Oh, Huey...” She smiled simply. Huey fell to his knees and began to sob, holding his sides. She set a hand on his shoulder, but he couldn’t feel a thing. 
“Huey, it’s like the song says. I am flame and I am fire/ I am destruction/ Decay and desire/ I’ll hurt you/ I’ll heal you,” She sang. 
“Come back. I’m waiting for you at my apartment. It’ll be just like old times. You can come home, we can have a few drinks, laugh, listen to the jazz on the radio, you can hold me close, I’d listen to your heartbeat and we’d sway...” She helped him up and they went into the soft and tender dancing position. Her voice was softer now, like a lullaby trying to lure him to sleep. Huey was so tired...
 “You could even leave Hazel if you want. What good is a baby anyway? All she does is cry and cry and tire and exhaust you. Without her, you’d be free once more. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
Huey stepped back. 
“N-no. That’s awful- I could never do that to her,” Huey stepped back. 
“Oh come on, don’t act like she isn’t a burden,” Clarisse rolled her eyes. 
“She isn’t. She’s a person. A small, and beautiful person who hasn’t done a single thing wrong or to hurt me, unlike some people,” He glared. Clarisse went quiet. 
“She’ll always remind you of me. No matter what you do, if you keep that thing around, I’ll never leave you. So long as she’s here, I’ll be here in the back of your mind, burning these words into your skull: You’ll never be good enough. You failed me. You failed yourself. And you’ll fail her too.”
Her words were poison, taking over his whole body and making it shut down as he absorbed it. He could hear Hazel crying, and he wanted nothing more than to go to her, but he couldn’t move a muscle. She had paralyzed him. 
“I have to go, Clarisse,” He closed his eyes. 
“Then go. Leave. I’ll be here, waiting. I’m very patient, I’m not going anywhere, I am dead after all.”
“Wh-what?” Her statement through him off.
"Well, not yet, but soon... maybe if you came...” she suggested, but quickly changed the subject like it was nothing. “Have you made your choice?”
Huey’s mind scrambled to comprehend what she meant. It didn’t take long, but he was internally pleading that wasn’t what she meant. Huey glanced around the room, his eyes landing on the photos on the kitchen wall; photos of him, his brothers, his mom, and Uncle Donald all happy and having a good time. He turned away from her, and took in a deep breath.
“Clarisse, I meant it when I said I was never coming back. I’m not... responsible for you or your happiness. I really hoped you would get help, but you ignored me and you abused me. I deserve better than you Clarisse, and Hazel does too. You’re a monster.”
Clarisse snarled. “You need me, Huey. You’re nothing without me.”
“No, I’m not Clarisse. I’m worth so much more than you ever thought or made me feel.”
“I’ll never leave you!” She cried out. “You’ll never be happy without me. I’ll haunt you ‘til the day you die! And that daughter of yours will always be a burden and a reminder of what shit I left behind for you to clean up.”
“No. She. Won’t.” He glared at her. “I love Hazel a thousand times more than I ever loved you, and she will be a million times better than you will have ever been because of that.”
Clarisse was silent. 
“Burn in hell Clarisse. Go and haunt someone else. I don’t need you here,” He took another breath and turned around, but she was gone. The kitchen was empty. Huey’s attention immediately turned to Hazel’s cries and he ran into her nursery and picked her up. 
“I’m sorry Hazel, did I scare you?” He swayed her in his arms, wiping away her tears with his free arm. Slowly, the crying duckling relaxed in her father’s arms. Huey smiled tiredly down at his little girl and all the pain he felt disappeared. Clarisse was dead wrong about her. She was his pride and joy, and Huey was the luckiest duck alive to be the father of such a beautiful duckling. 
Hazel was nothing like Clarisse, and they’d both be plenty happy without her.
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bubblyani · 4 years
(Adam Sackler x Reader)
An Adam Sackler One Shot
Genre: Fluff
Request: Been trying really hard to come up with something. So its not that great of a request. How about Adam Sackler x Reader. You wrote a jealous Adam. How would Adam react if his girlfriend was jealous? If you are inclined to make it super fluffy at the end. I wouldn’t be mad at ya. Please please please? 💖💖 @danceyreagan​
Author’s Note: Writing for Adam Sackler is fun cause I could dive into the style of dialogue they have in GIRLS. Hope y’all enjoy!
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The way his large, generous hand enveloped yours, it was clear that even the harshest of winds would not be able to blow you away from Adam Sackler’s grasp. Yes, as dramatic as it sounded, you felt that secure.
Warmth, it exuded through his hand, powerful enough to bring you only comfort and nothing else. It was cooling yet warm at the same time. Perfect for the summer. Your mind, it was at peace with him. Even when he took you on a stroll on the streets of Brooklyn on a lazy afternoon.
“I don't get  it…” Adam began, in a matter-of-fact tone, “…why are people so weirded out by hand holding in public?”

“Uh…” Suddenly thrown off by the question, you formed a response, “I guess some people are not as open to PDA…Adam, are you okay?” You inquired, fascinated by his enthusiastic behavior. “Me? I’m great…” He said nonchalantly. Looking at you, he smiled, “You know what?…fuck those people! Hand holding rules…I get to hold on to my girl all the time” he said proudly, raising the held hands together as if he won a trophy.
“Ooooh!” You giggled, thoroughly amused. 

“And I get to do stuff like this…WHOOOO!”
Squealing, you felt like a paper blown in the wind, when Adam started to run, pulling you with him. To the average passerby, the two of you may have looked like lunatics. But running together hand-in hand, you felt like a child. Although you were sure you weren’t so active back then as you were just this moment.
Catching one’s breath after running for a while, Adam released your hand, walking ahead while rambling of the most random topics he could come up with. Listening to him was never a burden for you. You always did so with a smile on your face. For you were genuinely inclined to. It was Adam. His silliness , his wackiness was nothing compared to the love and joy you felt being with him. And you were finally happy to share the silliness with someone who equally did not care of the social norms that had no impact. You both existed in this life, to share the embarrassment together. And you did not mind.
With your eyes solely focused on him alone, you suddenly found yourself bumping into someone, who just emerged from the retail shop nearby.
“Oh! Sorry-” You said involuntarily. Judging by the soft locks of hair that brushed against your face, you guessed it was a woman. And looking up, you were right. “It’s okay…” The woman answered. Overhearing, Adam quickly turned. He could not help but freeze in his tracks. “Mel?” He said, looking at the woman. With widened eyes, the woman opened her mouth with surprise. 

“Adam…Hey!” She cried out, but with an unexpected surprise of a tone. It sounded shy. “Hey…” Adam replied, in an equal manner.
Awkward silence emerged for a few seconds as you could not figure out what was going on. The woman finally came to her senses when she realized you had accompanied him.
“I’m sorry…” she said to you, “I’m Melanie…Mel” she added extending her hand out to you. “And this is Y/N…” Adam replied, putting his arm around your shoulder, “ …my girlfriend”
Mel looked more surprised than before. At this point you have already realized they knew each other. “Oh wow…” she began, taking the time to process the information as you shook hands with her, “…nice to meet you” she said slowly.
“You too” you said, in a confident yet curtly manner. The moment Mel let go of your hand, it seemed like you had suddenly disappeared from her eyesight, for it was only on Adam.
“You look…good…” she said to him, nodding. Surprisingly silent and obedient, Adam nodded back. “So do you…” he said softly, while they both acknowledged one another.
Feeling like the 3rd wheel in this situation, you were deeply inclined to stealthily move yourself. And you did, a few feet away. But at the same time, you stood close enough to asses the entire situation, for you were no fool.
Mel, she was beautiful. If her beauty was to be described in one word, it would be as breathtaking. With your hands folded, you watched them with the same intensity as watching a complicated sports game. Your eyes were busy analyzing their every move. Their manner of talking was soft, which clearly did not fit the description of long time friends. Their choice of words were careful.  And from the angle you stood, you could clearly see how her eyes dilated by the sight of him every second.
For a second, you wished you knew Adam’s reaction too.
This sort of behavior, you’d certainly be a fool to not know what they were.
A minute or two later, Mel made her exit. But not before nodding at you. Nodding back with a constrained smile, your arms remained folded as Adam walked  over to you.
“So…” He began awkwardly, “…uh…that was-” “Your ex?” You asked, wearing the same tense smile. Adam nodded quickly. “Yep…”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(An hour later)
“Hey…Hope you’re not feeling sick or anything. Just so you know, if you need me to come over…all you gotta do is ask…okaaay. Anyways, I’ll talk to you later, Bye!”
As soon as Adam’s voice message ended, you tossed the phone away, as you tossed to the other side on your bed. Truthfully, you wished you were sick. Rather be sick than have this feeling, you thought.
The stroll, it continued after Mel left. You remember how your eyes lingered on Adam  while he continued with his ramble. Except your conscious was nowhere near there. Suddenly you could not smile the way you used to. You felt unhappiness, poking you in the heart with a reminder. At first you did not know why. But with each step you took, you came to the realization.
Sure, we all had past relationships. So did you, so did Adam. It was a given. In fact, when you first met him, you were well aware of the fact he was getting over his previous relationship, which had ended horribly. But never did you expect to meet the woman behind it all. You did not think it was someone who was as perfect as Melanie.
The more you were aware of her existence, the more sour you felt. Jealousy, it was knowingly swallowing you whole to the point you could not pretend anymore. It was tiring to feign enthusiasm. And since Adam did not dare to expand on the topic even after the encounter, you felt pressure in holding it all in.
So much so you excused yourself to go back to your apartment, alone.
Jealousy, it turned you into someone different entirely. Sighing deeply, you closed your eyes as you drifted off to sleep.
If your normal self was Dr.Jekyl, the Jealous you was definitely your Mr.Hyde.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(The next morning)
“…and boom! I got this sweet ride for half the cost. Isn’t that awesome?” Adam’s voice woke you from your thoughts. “Hmm….” With arms folded, you remained unmoved as you stared ahead sitting on the passenger seat of the car. It was Adam’s niece’s birthday, and his sister had decided to hold it at a place outside the city. Though you were far from willing to step out of the apartment with Mr.Hyde inside, you still joined your boyfriend when he rented a car to go there.
Surprised by your silence, Adam kept driving. Though it was obvious he was deciding to move over to another topic. “So…uh…you wanna listen to something?” He inquired, reaching out to the radio. No answer. It was as if he was the only occupant in the car. 
“Okay…still silence it is then…” He muttered awkwardly. The outskirts of the city welcomed the both of you when Adam decided to speak once again.
“You know…” he began, “I’m not the one to usually bring up stuff like this but…” he continued, “Did you bring any makeup with you?”
Turning your head to him with annoyance, you shot him a look. “Why? Am I not pretty enough?” You snapped. 

“NO no no…Jesus!” He replied quickly. Sighing, he added “It’s just that…this is kinda of a formal thing, and I really don’t want you to regret not putting anything on…cause you usually do”
You looked at your reflection on your phone. Mr.Hyde seemed to have convinced you to care lesson yourself you even forgot to put on makeup before the trip. Adam was right. But somehow you just felt worse.
“Well…”you began sternly, “if that’s the case then …why don’t you ask MEL to accompany you, huh?” To your horror, you almost felt yourself bark by the end of the sentence. But at that moment you really did not care.
Exhaling deeply, Adam quickly pulled the car over, bringing it to a steady halt. “Why are we stopping? You asked angrily. “Cause we need to talk…outside” Adam said, surprisingly very calm. Unable to smile, your face was stuck in a resting bitch-face mode as he gestured you to get out of the car.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The outskirts of New York deserved more of the attention. But today was not the day. Amidst the trees and bushes by the road, Adam watched you. With his hands is his jacket pockets, he watched you pace from side to side.
“Y/N…” Adam began calmly, “You okay?” “Uh huh….” Nonchalantly you answered, trying your hardest to avoid the question.
“See? I can tell that you’re definitely not okay” Adam finally spoke up in a tone that made you pause. Taking his hands out of his pockets, he took a step towards you. “You’re upset about something. And… you know what? no matter how long you’re gonna stand here sulking….I don’t give a shit” he said, with a serious tone, “You’re gonna tell me what the fuck is going on with you. Cause I’ve never seen this side to you, Y/N. And its making me worried-”
“OKAY!….” you cried out. His incessant ramble finally broke you down. But what really broke you was his concern in particular. It made the insensitive side of yours break it’s walls, to see how patient he was with your stubborn behavior, ever since yesterday. And how patient he was now.
“Okay…I’ll talk. I’m gonna talk.” You said with a sigh.

“Great” “But I’m gonna talk a lot.” “Well…good. Cause that’s what I want” Your heart melted upon hearing those words. “Really?” You asked. “Yeah!” He answered without hesitation. Taking a deep breath, you looked right into his eyes. 
“Okay…Look! You’re a hottie… and-” “What? THAT’S IT?” He asked confusingly, making you burst out laughing to his surprise. “Stop! I’m trying to be serious” “Yeah… well, that was a good start” He replied with sarcasm, making you chuckle harder. “Sackler come on!” You said, playfully smacking him on his chest, “ I mean it. You’re this …hella attractive guy, and I knew going out with you, I have to put up with the women throwing themselves at you. Being an actor and all. And I didn’t mind. I didn’t care. I really didn’t give a fuck” “You didn’t ?” “I didn’t ” you repeated, “But…When I saw your ex…she…I mean, Mel is gorgeous. Like mad gorgeous” “No she isn’t” Shocked by his quick response, your jaw dropped. “You gotta be blind if you really mean that” you said, appalled. Adam raised both his hands. “Is this… some kind of self validation on appearances or something?” He asked. “NO No…I normally don’t care but…” you said, frustrated, “…seeing her, and seeing the two of you together talking…I just felt so horrible. Like a legit stomach pain. Not because I’m worried of how she looks better than me…It’s just that..with you guys having such a long history, I wondered, are you guys suddenly gonna have hope for each other again?” You said, as you let your thoughts take you, “Maybe you’ll start…thinking about her again and…One afternoon you guys would probably wanna meet up for coffee, but will it end with just coffee? NO! It won’t” Engaged in your green thoughts, you did not even notice your voice breaking with emotion, “And the next thing you know, you’ll tell me you don’t love me anymore and… leave me and-”
“Hey hey hey! Shhhh!” Adam cut you off gently, pulling you into an embrace,  “Where the hell did you just go?” He asked. As vulnerable as you were, you welcomed this warmth gladly. “I’m sorry…” you sniffed, “When I get jealous I get…super paranoid. And it just goes down the spiral…it’s crazy. It’s bad I know. I’m sorry-” “Shh…” he repeated, “It’s okay…” patting your back gently. With eyes closed, you remained in the warmth of his embrace for a few minutes. Both of you dwelled in comfortable silence while the birds chirped and the soft wind caressed your bodies.
“Do you know why me and Mel broke up?” He asked, making you pull away all the sudden. “No…” wiping your nose, you answered, “… cause I didn’t want to pry into the your romantic past. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable…” Adam chuckled, upon hearing your response, “You know, this was one of the reasons I liked you so much” he said, stroking your head lovingly, “You’re so cool. Like… in the best way” “Shhh stop!” You smiled shyly, hugging him again. “So… why did you guys break up?” You asked him. Adam’s chest rose as he took a deep breath. “She cheated on me…” he said, “When I confronted her about it, all she could say was…she wanted someone better” With widened eyes, you tried your best to process the news. Adam chuckled. “Imagine how that made me feel?”  He asked. “Yeah, that must have sucked…” you said, voice muffled against his jacket, “…I mean..how can she say that? About you especially?” “Yeah?” He asked, pulling away to look at you. “Yeah…that’s just crazy talk” “You know what else is crazy talk?” He said softly,  “You…thinking I might leave you”
Embarrassment swallowed you whole completely, you had nowhere else to look but down. How could you act this way to a man like him?
“Hey!…” Adam began, “…C’mere” taking your chin by the hand so that you eyes met. “Mel may have thought I wasn’t better…” he said, “… but she’ll never be better than you-” “Adam, I don’t care if I’m better…It’s not a competition” Your voice got emotional again, “I just want you to love me as much as I love you”
Those words, they sealed the deal when Adam swooped in, kissing you passionately on the lips. You felt the closet to being saved when those lips fed you the sweet nectar of the love you indulged from him all this time. Melting in his arms in completion, you held onto him with your dear life as he lifted you up, taking you on a spin before he put you down again. Your heart, it felt light, it felt refreshed.
“Y/N…” Adam began,  “Being with you, I spent possibly the happiest days of my life. Do I need to say more?”
Your lips quivered with emotion as you cupped his face.
“No need” you said, as your fingers traced over his goatee, “… that was more than enough”
And in a flash, his generous hand enveloped yours, providing you with the security and warmth you longed for. But more importantly, providing you with the absolute certainty of the real love you both shared for one another.
Check my MASTERLIST for More:)
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
OKAYYYY here we go: “First second I saw you and I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were.” mashton!!! steer that mashton ship baby xoxo bella
hm theoretically this would be a fluffy prompt but this is not a fluffy fic. subversion of expectations, baby!
mashton: “First second I saw you and I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were.”
Michael hasn't shared a room with Ashton in what feels like a very long time.  It's just easier to share with Luke or Calum instead, in the same way that it's easier to hang out with Luke and Calum, or talk to Luke and Calum, or exist in general outside of Ashton's proximity.  At every opportunity, he claims one of the others as his roommate, and typically Aston does the same.
They're both pretending that they don't notice.
It's not that Michael doesn't like Ashton as much as the other two, but it's harder to act normally around him since they almost kissed.
It just... had seemed like the thing to do.  Michael has long since acknowledged the fact that he has a crush, and he can recognize flirting when it happens.  To an extent, they all flirt with each other, but with Ashton it felt different.  Ashton doesn't typically drape himself all over them like the others do, but there have been these little touches that linger longer than should be normal, gentle brushes against Michael's arms or the back of his neck that make the hair on his arms stand on end.  There have been looks, too.  Ashton doesn't zone out while looking at people like Michael does, but that doesn't mean that Michael hasn't felt his eyes on him while they're hanging out.  Sometimes he has looked away by the time Michael turns to face him, but sometimes he catches him.
When he's caught, Ashton maintains eye contact, even if he's blushing.  Sometimes he winks.  Michael almost always looks away first.  That hasn't changed, even though everything else in their relationship now feels stiff and awkward.
Maybe Michael is the only one feeling it.  Maybe Ashton hadn't noticed that he was leaning in, even though it feels like they haven't had a direct conversation since it happened.
It had been late at night, because of course it was.  Michael's best and worst decisions are always made sometime between 2 and 5 in the morning.  Michael had wandered down to the kitchen, hoping for a late night snack and instead finding Ashton sitting on the floor, notebook in front of him.
"Hey," Michael said.  "Why are you up?"
"Thought I had something to say, but it's shit," Ashton said.  "What about you?"
"Dunno," Michael said, opening the fridge, hating everything he saw in there, and closing it again.  In the end, he just got a glass of water and sat next to Ashton.  The silence stretched between them for a bit, but Michael wasn't in a rush to break it.  Silences with Ashton have always been comfortable.
"I just wish I was better at this," Ashton said suddenly.
"This whole... music thing."
"What are you talking about?"
Ashton shrugged, then gestured to his notebook, since closed.
"I can't write.  I want to, and I feel like I have stuff to say, but I'm just not good at it.  You'd think that after this long in a band I'd have picked something up."
"Ashton, you helped write our biggest hit to date," Michael said.  "You know, the one that was played on the radio all the time?  That was you."
"That was Jake and you."
"Shut up," Michael said.  "I'm not even going to dignify that with a response, because you're being an idiot.  Stop being so mean to yourself."
Ashton huffed a laugh.
"You're very comforting."
"Yeah, well, someone has to be," Micheal joked, bumping their shoulders together.  "Seriously, though, I can't reason with you when you're like this.  Everyone writes really shit stuff sometimes.  You can't produce too many hits or no one else would ever get any radio time."
"If you say so," Ashton said, but it was lighter than it had been.
"I do say so, and I'm always right, so you have to listen to me."
Ashton snorted, and that's what Michael had been looking for.  It wasn't derisive, it was a release.
"I will just this once, but know that it's against my better judgement," he said.
"Ha, ha."
Ashton had turned to Michael and smiled, just a little.
"I really appreciate you, you know?" he said.  "I know we all joke otherwise a lot, but you're really important to me, Mikey."
Michael swallowed, startled at the sudden change in atmosphere and steadiness of Ashton's gaze.
"I appreciate you, too."
There was that hint of a smile again, and the same weight in Ashton's gaze that appeared so often when he was looking at Michael.
Ashton's eyes had flickered down to his lips.  Michael's heart started beating double time, quick and powerful like one of Ashton's drumbeats.  Ashton swallowed.
Michael still doesn't know what had made him lean in, but he knows that it was the wrong choice.  Ashton had reared back, then immediately scrambled to his feet with a quick excuse about trying to sleep.  That had been weeks ago, right before tour restarted, and now Michael has to figure out how to survive the night in a hotel room with only Ashton for company.
Michael kills as much time outside of the room as possible, dreading having to retire for the night.  He hates Calum and Luke for immediately choosing to room with each other tonight.  He hates Ashton for pulling away and making things weird.  He hates himself for misreading things and leaning in in the first place.
Eventually he has to sleep, but only after a full minute of staring at the door with his key in hand, trying to psych himself up.
Ashton is laying on his bed with the TV on, but he's scrolling on his phone instead of watching.  He glances up immediately, offering Michael a strained smile.
"I'm going to shower," Michael says before Ashton has a chance to open his mouth.  He spends the next half hour in the bathroom, hoping that Ashton isn't insulted by how obvious he's being in his avoidance.
The lights are off when he gets back to the main room, and Michael finds himself relieved and strangely disappointed that Ashton didn't wait up.  He doesn't want to have to talk about what happened, but maybe they could've tiptoed around it in a way that wasn't excruciating.  Just because he doesn't want to talk to Ashton doesn't mean he can't miss him.
He slips under the covers, fully aware of the fact that sleep is not going to come easy tonight.  Ashton shifts in the other bed, lighting all of Michael's nerves on fire, and he feels the anxiety rise in him.
"Michael?" Ashton asks.  Michael considers staying silent, but it's much too soon for him to have fallen asleep and deliberately ignoring Ashton would be cruel, even if this is probably the rejection talk he's been dreading.
"Yeah," he sighs, defeated.
"I wanted to kiss you, too."
Michael turns over, but he can't see anything in the darkness of the room.
"That's what was happening, right?"  Ashton asks.  "You were trying to kiss me?"
"Uh, yeah," Michael says.
"I didn't pull back because I didn't want you to kiss me.  First second I saw you and I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were.  I've had a massive crush on you this whole time, but I don't think it would be a good idea."
Michael swallows.
"Why not?"
He waits for what feels like forever until Ashton speaks again.
"The band.  If something went wrong, it'd change everything.  This--you, the boys, the music--means everything to me.  I can't risk that."
"I thought you've been trying to be optimistic," Michael says.
"Sometimes you have to be realistic instead."
Michael clenches his jaw and attempts to keep the whirlpool in the back of his throat down.
"I think..." he starts, then has to take a steadying breath, "I think it would've been nicer if you let me keep thinking you didn't like me, instead of telling me you do just to reject me anyway.  And I think you're wrong.  You're not being realistic, you're just being a coward."
"I don't want to talk to you about this anymore."  He throws back the covers and swings his legs over the side of the bed.  "I'm going to sleep in Luke and Calum's room."
"Mike, wait--"
"Do you think you could change your mind?" he asks.  "Could you agree to give this a chance instead of deciding it'll be a disaster right away, or would I be fighting a loosing battle?"
Ashton is silent.  It's all the answer that he needs.
"I'm going to sleep with Luke and Cal.  See you tomorrow."
He leaves the room without another word, squinting in the jarring light of the hallway.
What the fuck was that?
Michael clenches his fists, then releases.  It does nothing to ease everything swirling inside him, a confusing concoction that he doesn't want to think about or make sense of.
What the fuck?
Luke and Calum's door is right there, but he can't bring himself to knock yet, too much energy thrumming through his veins.  He wants to scream.  He wants to punch something.  He wants to cry.
He wants to break onto the roof, and if he can't find a way to do that he's going to keep walking up and down the stairs until everything threatening to bubble up feels manageable again.
He already got rejected, so theoretically it shouldn't be as bad the second time around, but it is.  The first time Michael felt like he was a fool; now he knows that Ashton doesn't think it'd be worth it, that he would be worth it.
He can't keep standing here.  He forces himself to take one step, then another, and tries to focus on that instead of the tears stinging behind his eyes.
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apoguecalledjj · 4 years
Fixation (Chapter 2)
Series summary: Eleanor is new to the outer banks, and the pogues are quick to take her in. But so are the kooks, and as she grows closer with Rafe, trouble emerges. Trying to balance her relationship with the pogues and the kooks, as well as dealing with her own personal problems, Eleanor falls into a hole she may not be able to dig herself out of.
Chapter Word Count: 3447
Chapter Warnings: Drug use
Previous Parts: Ch. 1 Ch. 2  Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5
Ellie had expected to spend her first night in the Outer Banks in her new bed at her uncle's house. Instead, she woke up in an unfamiliar room, an unfamiliar arm draped over her, completely naked with a pounding headache.
She could briefly remember the night before. Speaking with the pogues, going to get another drink, meeting Rafe, spending the night...
Shit. Spending the night. Ellie sat up abruptly, waking the boy laid next to her but that was the least of her worries. Her uncle had told her not to stay out late. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, she saw it was 9:17 AM. That definitely classified as late.
“Mhm. What’s wrong?” Rafe muttered sleepily, barely able to open his eyes. He lazily reached his arms out to wrap them around her waist, and that’s when Ellie remembered she was naked, hastily grabbing the sheets and wrapping them around her.
“I have to go home. Where are my clothes?” She glanced frantically around the room. 
Rafe finally sat up next to her. “Was I really that bad?” He teased. He knew he wasn’t bad, both of them could remember the way she had screamed last night.
Ellie’s stomach rolled, and she prayed she wouldn’t throw up, at least not till she left Rafe’s house. The last thing she needed was to vomit all over his room. She stood up, finally spotting her shorts and top from the night before. Walking over to retrieve her cardigan, she noticed remnants of white powder on top of the desk.
Cocaine. Had she done it last night? No, she wasn’t that drunk. She would remember. A part of her screamed run, telling her to stay away from the boy behind her. Drugs were a bad idea, addiction ran in her family and she had spent the majority of her life avoiding them at all costs. But the other part of her wanted to stay. She enjoyed being with Rafe, she had a good time with him, and it was only cocaine. Nothing like meth, or the heroin her mother did. 
It’s only coke, she finally decided. And it’s not like she was going to do it. She was just spending time with Rafe, who happened to do coke. No big deal.
Ellie pulled on the cardigan and turned to face him. He was still sat up in the bed, gazing at her with a small smile on his face. His hair was messy and fluffy, and she had to admit, it looked better than when it was slicked back.
“Enjoying the view?” His smile turned to a smirk, and she shook her head, chuckling.
“I have to go. Thanks for a great night!” She turned to open the door, but Rafe jumped out of bed.
“Wait!” Ellie turned back around, watching as he rushed to get dressed. “It’s raining. Let me drive you.”
He led her to his truck. “You said you’re staying with Travis right?” He asked, and she nodded.
There was silence for a couple minutes, then Rafe spoke again. “You shouldn’t be hanging with the pogues.”
Ellie, confused, furrowed her eyebrows. “Why? They seem nice.”
“They’re not. They’re dirty, good for nothing criminals. Always getting in trouble with the police and starting fights. How do you think I got this?” He pointed to a bruise on his jaw that she hadn’t noticed before.
She said nothing, instead just nodding and staring out the window. Rafe glanced at her and she smiled, trying to show him that what he had said didn’t bother her, even though it did. The pogues were really nice to her.
The rest of the ride was comfortably silent, the radio playing an unfamiliar song that Rafe hummed along to. He pulled into her driveway and shot her a quick smile. “So will I see you again?”
Ellie nodded. “Of course. Give me your number?”
He took her phone and added his number before driving off, and Ellie began the walk to her front door, dreading facing her uncle and aunt. She opened the door, immediately spotting her uncle sat on the couch in the living room.
“Did you have a good night?” He didn’t seem mad.
“Yeah I did, I’m sorry I didn’t get home last night I-”
He cut her off. “Was that Rafe Cameron that dropped you off? Good family, those Cameron’s are. I guess you spent the night with Sarah then? I forgot she was around your age.”
Ellie simply nodded, she hadn’t even had to lie, her uncle easily created a story for her.
“At first I was upset that you didn’t let me know you weren’t coming home but then I realized I never even gave you my number! What kind of guardian am I?” He chuckled and then rhymed off his number, and Ellie quickly added it to her phone.
“Thank you for being so understanding uncle Travis. I’m going to head upstairs to shower, I start work in an hour!”
Ellie rushed up the stairs, actually quite excited to start work and see her friends again. She felt bad for ditching them last night, but she had also felt uncomfortable around them, they easily fell into conversation with each other and she didn’t fit in. They all seemed preoccupied with their own things last night anyways, so hopefully, they wouldn’t mind.
As she showered, she couldn’t stop thinking about the way the pogues had looked at Rafe last night. And the things Rafe had mentioned on her way home this morning. Both groups seemed nice enough to her, and she didn’t understand why she couldn’t be friends with both.
She shook the thought, rinsing the shampoo out of her hair and moving to grab her loofah. The last thing she needed was to be late for her first day of work at The Wreck.
Ellie quickly got dressed. She grabbed an umbrella, planning to walk the short distance to the restaurant but her uncle stopped her. “You got your license?”
She nodded, she did have her license but could never afford a car. That’s one of the many reasons she was so eager to work: she wanted to be able to drive around.
He pulled out the keys to his truck and tossed them at her. “Here, might as well drive then.”
The trip to The Wreck was much quicker in the truck, and Ellie had missed driving. Pulling up to The Wreck, she noticed Kie’s car as well as the same van that had been there yesterday, so she assumed it was one of the guys.
Opening the door her theory was confirmed, Kiara was stood behind the counter and the three boys were stood next to her, talking. Kie noticed her first and waved her over, “Hey Ellie!”
She walked over, greeting the group with a smile. Kiara waved her behind the counter and passed her an apron. “There’s not much to do right now, so we're just talking.” She giggled and Ellie nodded, knowing how this job usually went anyways.
“Hey, where’d you go off to last night?” JJ asked her.
“Yeah, we saw you with Rafe.” John B added, and Ellie’s cheeks flushed red.
“Oh my god.” They all knew what the blush on her cheeks meant, but Pope was the first one to speak.
“Did you go home with him?” JJ asked. All four pairs of eyes were on her now and her eyes were wide, glancing back and forth between the four.
“Uh yeah? He seemed nice.” She didn’t understand the way the pogues were reacting, nor the way Rafe had reacted. It seemed silly and stupid.
“He’s definitely not nice. He and his fucking friends beat the shit out of us every second day.” John B explained. 
“I’m a kook and even I say you should stay away from Rafe and his friends. He’s bad news.” Kie chipped in, the boys nodding along.
“Thanks, guys, I appreciate the concern, but he said the same thing about you guys.” Ellie just wanted the drama to stop.
“You have to believe us, Ellie. Rafe will say anything to keep you away from us. He’s not a good person.” Pope sounded serious, and the way he was staring at her freaked her out.
She nodded. “Okay, I’ll stay away from him.” She knew that wasn’t true, she had a great time with him the night before and wanted it to happen again. She just wanted the topic to change.
A couple walked into the restaurant and Kiara sighed, shooing the boys away from the counter. “That’s our cue,” She said to Ellie. “Time to get to work.”
John B glared at JJ as soon as the two girls walked away. “Bro if you keep acting like that she’s gonna notice somethings up.”
JJ was confused. “What are you talking about?”
“Clenching your jaw and glaring and all that shit. You look pissed.”
JJ sighed, he had hoped no one had noticed. “I really don’t like the idea of her sleeping with Rafe.”
Pope joined into the conversation. “JJ, dude, she’s her own person. She can make her own decisions. Why do you care so much anyway? We only met her yesterday.”
JJ bit his lip. “I know. She just seems really sweet, and I know Rafe is gonna hurt her. He always does.”
“Do you like Ellie?”
JJ’s eyes widened. “No! I don’t fall for people. One night, that’s it. Plus I don’t know her. Like you said, we only met her yesterday. Just don’t want to see her get hurt, is all.”
John B and Pope could both tell JJ felt something for the girl, even if it was just a little crush based mainly on physical attraction. But they both kept their mouths shut, instead waving Kie back over to order some food.
Once Ellie’s shift had ended, she drove to John B’s, punching the address into the GPS. Pope told it wouldn’t bring her straight to the house, but she’d be close enough to know where to go.
Kiara’s shift had ended an hour before hers, and she had invited Ellie to hang out with them at John B’s house, which they called The Chateau. She had happily agreed, excited to have plans and friends. She didn’t have that when she lived with her mom.
She finally found the house, if you could even call it that. It was more of a shack, with a rundown porch and a chicken coop off to the side. She could see her new friends sat on the front porch, and she parked and made her way to them.
“Holy shit. That your truck?” John B asked.
“Nope. Uncle Travis’s.” 
“You park like shit,” JJ said, grinning at her parking job.
Kiara slapped him lightly. “Stop insulting our new friend!”
Ellie laughed at the banter. “Don’t worry, I know. I hate driving a truck. I’m used to a little car.”
It was still quite early in the day, as Ellie and Kiara both had short shifts, and it was a beautiful day, so they decided to go out in boat. The HMS Pogue, JJ explained to Ellie, blabbing on and on about their precious boat.
Once they were all situated, and John B was working on untying the rope, Ellie turned towards the others. “I have a confession. I’ve never been on a boat. Besides the ferry, obviously.” 
“Hopefully you don’t get seasick then.” Pope giggled.
John B had untied the boat and started the engine. Ellie moved to sit down, but she was seconds too late as the boat lurched forward and she fell backward.
She waited for her butt to connect with the hard surface, squeezing her eyes shut to prepare herself for the pain, but it never came. Instead, she fell into someone, their arms wrapping tightly around her waist to steady her.
“Woah there!” JJ’s voice came from directly behind her, as he stepped back slightly to stop himself from stumbling over with her added weight.
The three other pogues laughed, and Ellie couldn’t stop the blush from spreading on her cheeks. “I told you guys I’d never been on a boat!”
JJ carefully lead her over so she could sit, his arm still wrapped tightly around her waist to make sure she wouldn’t fall again. Once she was finally settled down, he reluctantly removed his arm and shifted away, just slightly.
“Thank you,” Ellie said to JJ, sending him a smile that made his heart flutter.
He had never felt like that before. He wasn’t sure what it meant, but it scared him. JJ had only known Ellie for a day, yet she was causing butterflies in his stomach and his heart to beat faster. 
Eventually, they decided to anchor the boat and go swimming. Ellie didn’t have her swimsuit on, so she decided to stay on the boat. John B offered to stay with her, assuring her that he didn’t really feel like swimming anyways.
“So,” He said as he sat next to her, taking JJ’s spot. “What brings you to the Outer Banks anyways?”
Ellie paused for a minute, thinking of what to say. She wanted to keep her story a secret, at least for a little bit longer. “There were some issues at home,” She finally said. “I needed a change.”
John B could tell that she didn’t want to get any further into it, so he changed the subject. “What do you think of it here so far?”
This was something Ellie didn’t mind talking about. “I love it here! It’s so different from West Virginia.” She smiled, glancing around at the water around here. “There are so many new things for me to experience. And so far, the people are super nice. Although, I haven’t met many.
“I think I’d like to learn how to surf, but I’m not a great swimmer, so I’m not sure how that would go. Can just barely keep my head above my water.” She laughed.
John B grinned. “We all love surfing. But JJ’s definitely the best. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind teaching you!” 
Ellie glanced at JJ in the water, and couldn’t help but blush once again. She couldn’t deny that he was attractive, and being alone with him on the beach might not be such a bad idea. 
John B noticed her stare and teased her, “Checking him out now are we?”
She playfully shoved him. “Shut up!”
Ellie loved how comfortable she felt with John B. He was easy to get along with and she enjoyed talking to him. It felt like they had been friends forever, they quickly fell into conversation and before she knew it the pogues were climbing back on the boat.
John B immediately told JJ about the fact that Ellie wanted to learn how to surf, and he agreed to teach her right away. It was an excuse for him to get to be alone with her, to get to know her a little better.
JJ couldn’t help but stare at Ellie as they made their way back to land. She was beautiful, he admired the way her hair fell on her shoulders, how her eyes glistened in the sunlight, the way she smiled while Pope was talking and laughed when Kie teased him. 
Ellie’s phone chimed and she picked it up, reading the text. It was from Rafe, asking her if she was busy, and if she wanted to come over again later. She quickly responded yes, smiling as she thought about seeing the boy again.
JJ didn’t miss the way she smiled at her phone, or how her eyes lit up. He quickly looked away, not wanting to think about who made her smile like that. She probably had a boyfriend. For the rest of the ride, JJ was silent. He shouldn’t feel like this anyways. He hardly knew her. And even though he had never felt like this before, he brushed it off, convincing himself that she was just another girl he wanted to fuck.
Ellie made her way to Rafe’s house for the second night in a row. She told her uncle she was spending the night at Sarah’s again. She had apologized profusely, feeling bad that she hadn’t spent more than an hour in her new home, but her uncle insisted it was fine, he was just happy she was making friends. 
Except she didn’t have a clue who this Sarah girl she was ‘staying with’ even was.
Ellie walked up to the front door of Rafe’s house (which was much bigger than her uncles) and knocked. A blonde girl around her age opened the door and smiled at her. “You must be Ellie. Ready for our sleepover?”
Ellie frowned, looking at the girl. “Sorry?”
The girl burst out laughing. “I’m Sarah. I saw your uncle Travis at the store earlier and he mentioned you spending the night with me last night... Of course, I don’t seem to remember that but I went along with him anyway, don’t worry.”
Ellie looked down sheepishly, she hadn’t expected to get caught in her lie. Sarah continued, “I assume you’ve been spending time with my brother. It’s all good, I don’t mind covering for you. Come in.”
Ellie stopped to talk to Sarah, she didn’t want to seem rude by running away, especially since the girl was helping her out. She was extremely nice, and they even made plans to hang out sometime.
She eventually made her way to Rafe’s room, knocking lightly on the door. “Come in!” Pushing open the door, she saw Rafe sat at his desk, lines of white powder present in front of him.
He wiped his nose. “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting you for another 15 minutes.”
Ellie sat on his bed. “It’s okay,” She said quietly, eyeing the substance. It’s not like she hadn’t seen it before, but it intrigued her. She thought back to this morning when she had first seen the signs that Rafe was a drug user. 
He bent down, snorting another line. She watched closely, impressed with how effortless he made it. Ellie had never even smoked weed, terrified of falling in her mother’s footsteps. But Rafe made this look so cool, like it wasn’t even a big deal.
And maybe it wasn’t. Everyone had done coke a the parties she used to go to, treating it as nothing more than a sip of alcohol. Of course, no one had ever offered her any, knowing the story of her family. The story that Rafe didn’t know.
He noticed her staring. “Want a bump?”
She hesitated, knowing she shouldn’t. One line was all it would take. But Rafe was staring at her, a small smirk on his face, one line of powder left on the table. The look in his eye told her that he didn’t expect her to do it though, and she had to prove him wrong, she just had to. Plus, one line wouldn’t hurt. 
Ellie had seen her mom, seen what drug abuse turned into. She wouldn’t let that happen to her. A little bit of cocaine would hardly have an effect, she convinced herself, even though she knew that wasn’t true.
But she had a point to prove, and Ellie’s spitefulness wouldn’t let her say no. She knew she was younger than Rafe, and she didn’t want him to think of her as a frightened little girl. She had to prove herself to him.
She promised herself she would only do it once as she walked over to the desk and snatched the rolled bill from his hand, leaning down to the surface. As she breathed in, her nose burned slightly, the drug irritating her nostrils. Ellie stood back up, feeling slightly dizzy as she wobbled a bit.
Rafe reached out to grab her, pulling her down so she was sitting in his lap. “First time?” He asked as he reached around to brush the remains of the coke off her nose. She sniffled slightly, her nose already starting to run.
Ellie nodded, leaning back into his chest. Her head felt fuzzy, similar to alcohol, but not the same, and she found herself loving the feeling. It was better than alcohol had ever made her feel, and she wanted more, forgetting about the promise she had made herself. Her hand slightly trembled as she grabbed Rafe’s, gently rubbing his thumb. 
He turned her slightly, leaning in to press his lips to hers. His pupils were dilated and slightly bloodshot, and she knew hers would probably soon be the same. He slipped his tongue in her mouth, moving his hand down to squeeze her ass.
He pulled back. “Want to go to the bed?” 
She glanced back at the desk and the small baggie before shaking her head. “Let’s do another line first.”
Taglist: @prejudic3 @margaritatimebaybee 
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