kar-za · 1 year
Dobija mnie poczucie zmarnowanego czasu
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besedar · 3 days
frazeološka enota dne: tresti se kot šiba (na vodi) - zelo se tresti od strahu ali mraza
(čeprav je "tresti" edini glagol, naveden v Kebrovem slovarju, se v korpusu (gigafida - priporočam!) pojavljajo tudi: "trepetati" (3 izmed 96 konkordanc), "drgetati" (2/96) in "drhteti" (1/96))
ni povsem jasno, ali je primera prvotno naša ali prevzeta iz hrvaščine/srbščine.
hvala za predlog, @brezideje !! 💛💛🌞
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morska-trava · 1 year
Ne morem se čisto odločiti med "nobena juha se ne poje tako vroča, kot se skuha" in "tiha voda bregove dere".
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wally-b-feed · 9 months
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Za Renee Kar Dua, 2023
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jujumin-translates · 5 days
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 1 - New Prologue
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Towa: (So this is Veludo Station~. It’s smaller than I thought it’d be. The exit should be this way…)
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Towa: (Umm, the map app says…)
Towa: Yeah, over there.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Towa: So this is Veludo Way…
Towa: (This is the heartland of theater, the place with the highest concentration of theaters in all of Japan… all kinds of theater companies, both large and small, are based here.)
Towa: (I’ve only ever seen it in videos, but there really is theater no matter where you look.)
Towa: (It’s amazing that theater continues all the way down the street.)
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Towa: And just beyond that is where… the Holy Land…!
Towa: Calm down, calm down. Okay.
*Camera clicks*
Towa: (I’ll let the guys know…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
momo has entered the chat.
momo: At Veludo Way rn
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Iv: congratsss. haven’t seen where you are rn in a hot minute lol
shiki: That’s Veludo Way?
Kar: AI detected
momo: But it’s legit!
Kar: Kinda blurry tho
shiki: Congrats on your long-awaited pilgrimage to the Holy Land! Happy for you!
momo: Haven’t gotten to the Holy Land yet. Gotta calm down first
Iv: lol you’ve gone all that way and still haven’t done that?
momo: It’s called the Holy Land because it’s a sacred place that you can’t just wander into, so it’d be impolite to be too careless about it
Kar: What’s with the sudden essay lmao
Iv: bestie’s trying to hit the nerd count
shiki: You’ve been working hard all this time to get to the Holy Land, so you should enjoy it to the fullest.
momo: I’ll do that!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Towa: !?
???: “--Gh.”
Towa: Huh…
Towa: (He’s crouching down? I wonder if he’s okay… is it my fault for bumping into him…?)
???: “The hell are you doing?”
Towa: (Huh? That voice, I think I’ve heard it before…)
???: “C’mon, let me give you a hand.”
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Towa: …G-GOD-za’s Haruto Asuka and Shift Arakawa!?
Shift: “It’s no use~... I can’t walk~...”
Haruto: “You drank too much.”
Shift: “My life’s a mess… I can’t even take another step forward…”
Haruto: “Quit overreacting just because you two broke up!”
Towa: (Ah, could it be… this is Veludo Way’s specialty…)
Shift: “I’m not overreacting! I’m always stuck playing a supporting role. At best, I’m just here to be used. I’ll never have a starring role!”
Shift: “If I keep living like this, I’ll just be stuck as a supporting role in someone else’s life.”
Shift: “What’s even the point of living like this…?”
Haruto: “Then live your own life, not someone else’s. The reason you can’t do that is because you put others at the center as the starring role.”
Haruto: “You’re the leading role in your own life. You’re the one who gets to decide what kind of life you live.”
Shift: “I’m the starring role in my own life…”
Towa: (I can’t believe they can do theater like this without a script…)
Towa: (I’ve only ever seen videos of street acts, but they were doing it so naturally. Amazing…)
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Haruto: Thank you very much~!
Towa: --.
Shift: Past GOD-za performances are streaming until tomorrow! It’s only for a limited time, so don’t miss out!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Towa: (It was way too lucky of me to be able to see a street act done by GOD-za’s top two here…!)
Shift: Ah, sorry for bumpin’ into ya before.
Towa: !! No! Don’t worry about it!
Shift: See ya.
Haruto: Thanks for watching us~.
Towa: Haaah~... I should’ve taken a video…
Towa: (Veludo Way really is the place to see street acts done by a whole bunch of different theater companies.)
Towa: (Maybe I’ll see them too…)
Towa: (No way, it’d be impossible to have that kind of crazy luck two times in a row, but, but, what if I really did meet my oshi…)
Towa: --.
*Paper rustling*
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Towa: (It’s something that’s way too good to ever actually happen, but I’ve decided that in the unlikely event that I do meet him, I’m going to make sure I get him to autograph this.)
Towa: (My most treasured possession…)
Towa: Ah, wait, did I bring a pen to get his autograph…
Towa: (Huh, I don’t have it. Did I seriously forget it~?)
*Wind blows*
Towa: Ah--!
*Paper falls to the ground*
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???: …?
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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absolutebloodychaos · 4 months
I just listened to Live At Stožice for the first time and I took notes while listening to it cause like I'm a nerd so here are my initial thoughts about the whole thing
Gola: ZA NAJU!!!! The guitars absolutely killed me
Bele Sanje: So fucking powerful live, the opening just AAAAAARGH, the la la la la la la
KRIS' SOLO: My brain has left my body, I have never wanted him more
Plastika: Bojan's melodrama in the the second verse and pre-chorus is INCREDIBLE, NACE'S BASS SOLO!!!!!!!, the drums at the end, Bojan's HAHAHA in the last chorus
Proti Toku: The fucking energy is ELECTRIC, the opening guitar riff!!!!!!, KRIS' BACK UP VOCALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the bridge!!!!
Dopamin: KRIS' BACK UP VOCALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, RAZUM IZGUBIL JE SVOJ GLAS!!!!!, The fucking danceability of this song I swear, ZAME SI ČISTI DOPAMIN, I LOVE THIS SONG SO FUCKING MUCH
Padam: The raw emotion, the atmosphere, Bojan's voice is just AAAAAAAARGH, this shit made me cry, full body fucking shivers
Demoni: THE SCREAM, THE BASS, I felt possessed
Katrina: Jure in the solo was INCREDIBLE, the vocals killed me, POVEJ MI KATRINA
TRUMPET SOLO: Killed me, I need to have it injected into my veins
ASTP: Full body shivers again, every fucking thing in the solo, the vocals, the guitars, it is all too much, I am dead, UGRIZNI, Bojan and Kris
Omamljeno Telo: DA ZDAJJJJJJJJJJ!!!!!!!!!!, everything about this song killed me, I love it so fucking much
Kot Srce Kri Kri Poganja: FUCKING EVERYTHING!!!!!!, MARTIN AND MATIC, the one simultaneous guitar bit before the bridge
Metulji: The gentle guitar, the atmosphere, the drums, I cried again
JAN'S SOLO: I feel touched by god, shivers
Vse Kar Vem: Made me cry so much, it hurt, THE SOLO, the pure longing in Bojan's voice
Barve Oceana: The audience chorus, had me jumping around so much, the drums 🫠
NGVOT: Two words. Kris. Singing. No other thoughts left in my head. Also the solo was incredible
JURE'S DRUM SOLO: Fucking amazing, just fucking incredible
Ne Bi Smel: Kris' backing vocals, the solo, SPET ME K TEBI VLEČE
Ona: BRASS BRASS BRASS BRASS, I love this song so fucking much it was incredible, I literally can't form words about it any more
Tokio: AAAAAAAARGH, the guitar, I was jumping, ANATA GA SUKI, WATASHI MO, this is my favourite song of theirs and everytime I hear the live version it kills me
Umazane Misli: SANJE SO TVOJEGA OKUSA, JUTRO PO TEBI MI DIŠI, KOMPAS VEČ ME NE POSLUŠA, MOJA IZGUBLJENA DUŠA, IŠČE LE U SMERI, KJER SI TI, the audio quality was amazing, the crowd choruses, Bojan's live vocal variations
Novi Val: The emotion, the crowd, breathtaking live, the vibe was so lovely
Carpe Diem: Bojan's laugh while singing Hvala Lepa, the last chorus/es, the guitar solo, I got down to the floor when he said to and my knees got sore but it was okay cause I was running on pure adrenaline at that point
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asordinaryppl · 5 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 1: New Prologue
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Towa: (So this is Veludo Station~ It’s much smaller than I imagined. The exit should be around here somewhere…)
Towa: (Uhhh, gotta open the map…)
Towa: Yup, this way.
Towa: This is Veludo Way…
Towa: (The theater center with the most operating theater companies all over Japan… There are companies of all sorts and sizes here.)
Towa: (I’d only seen it on video before, but there’s for real only theaters all around.)
Towa: (There are theaters as far as the eye can see, it’s amazing.)
Towa: And right ahead… That Holy Land…!
Towa: *gasp* Gotta calm down, gotta calm down. That’s right.
Towa: (I gotta report back to everyone…)
momo has entered the chat momo: on veludo way rn
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Iv: graaats. been a while since you updated us w shiki: so that’s veludo way? Kar: Judging for AI momo: it’s real! Kar: ain’t it kinda blurry shiki: congratulations on your long-awaited pilgrimage! good for you! momo: i haven’t started my pilgrimage yet. i gotta calm down first Iv: just get in there w momo: this holy land is a sacred place you don’t just casually dip your feet into. if you step there lightly, it’d be rude. Kar: sudden essay lol Iv: hardcore otaku so cutieful shiki: you’ve worked hard to get there, so enjoy it to the fullest momo: i will! i'm going!
[Towa bumps into Shift]
Towa: !?
???: “--Ouch.”
Towa: Eh…
Towa: (Are they crouching? Because I bumped into them…? Are they okay?)
???: “What are you doing. For God’s sake.”
Towa: (Huh? I think I’ve heard this voice before…)
???: “Come on, lean on my shoulder.”
Towa: …G-GOD-za’s Haruto Asuka and Shift Arakawa!?
Shift: “I’m done for~... I can’t walk any more~...”
Haruto: “You drank too much.”
Shift: “My whole life’s done for… I can’t take a single step forward…”
Haruto: “You just got dumped, don’t exaggerate so much!”
Towa: (Ah, could this be… Veludo Way’s infamous…)
Shift: “I’m not exaggerating! I’m always just someone else’s foil! At best, I’m the second choice, I’m never gonna be the center!”
Shift: “If I keep living like this, my only role will be to support someone else’s life.”
Shift: “Is there even a point living like this…”
Haruto: “Then live your life for yourself. Stop thinking of other people as the protagonists.”
Haruto: “Your life’s protagonist is you, yourself. Only you can decide what kinda life you’ll lead.”
Shift: “My life’s protagonist is me, myself…”
Towa: (I can’t believe this is a play with no script…)
Towa: (I’d only seen Street ACTS in videos before, to think they do it so naturally… Amazing…)
Haruto: Thank you very much~!
Towa: — —
Shift: God-za’s past performances will be streamin’ till tomorrow! It’s a limited-time campaign! 
Towa: (I’m so lucky to get to watch a Street ACT by God-za’s top duo in a place like this…!)
Shift: Ah, sorry for bumping into you before.
Towa: !! No! It’s alright!
Shift: See ya.
Haruto: Thanks for watching~
Towa: *Siiigh*~... I should’ve taken a video…
Towa: (So it’s true that all kinds of actors do Street ACTs on Veludo Way.)
Towa: (Then, they will, too…)
Towa: (I mean, I don’t think I’ll be this lucky two times in a row, but, but, if I could meet my oshi…)
Towa: —
[Paper rustling]
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Towa: (I don’t think something that good will happen, but I’ve already decided that if I get to meet him, I’ll absolutely get him to sign this.)
Towa: (My most important treasure…)
Towa: Ah, did I even bring a pen…
Towa: (Huh, I don’t have one. Seriously? I forgot to bring one~?)
[Wind blows]
Towa: Wah—!
[Paper falls]
???: …?
masterpost | next episode
(1) w is a kind of laugh often used in japanese texts, resembling lol. i kept it as w because kar uses で草 (also resembles lol), which is actually said out loud and i assume people actually say lol out loud
(2) this was a great reminder i'm pushing 30
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sregnarkroywen · 6 months
Hokej na lodzie - Polish to English ice hockey vocabulary
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league - liga
team - drużyna
roster, lineup - skład
hockey player - hokeista
line - linia
national team - reprezentacja
transfer, trade - transfer
coach - trener
referee - sędzia
linesman - sędzia liniowy
fan - kibic / fan
forward - napastnik
center - środkowy
left wing - lewoskrzydłowy
right wing - prawoskrzydłowy
defenseman - obro��ca
goaltender - bramkarz
captain - kapitan
assistant captain - asystent kapitana
rookie - debiutant / żółtodziób
regular season - sezon zasadniczy
game - mecz
schedule - terminarz
regulation time - regularny czas
period - tercja
intermission - przerwa
overtime - dogrywka
shootout - karne
final score - wynik końcowy
win - wygrana
lose - przegrana
standings - klasyfikacja
stats - statystyki
goal - gol / bramka
assist - asysta
point - punkt
playoffs - play-offy
round - runda
quarterfinals - ćwierćfinały
semifinals - półfinały
final - finał
(Polish) championship - (Polskie) mistrzostwa
gold - złoto
silver - srebro
bronze - bronz
trophy - trofeum
cup - puchar
net - bramka
puck - krążek
stick - kij
helmet - kask
jersey - bluza
glove - rękawiczka
skate - łyżwa
pads - ochraniacze
goalie pads - parkany
goalie mask - maska
goalie glove - łapaczka
blocker - obijaczka
mouthguard - ochraniacz na zęby
arena - hala
rink - lodowisko
ice - lód
locker room - szatnia
offensive zone - strefa ataku
neutral zone - tercja neutralna
penalty box - ławka kar
bench - ławka zawodników
blue line - linia niebieska
goal line - linia bramkowa
center line - linia środkowa
goal crease - strefa bramki
goal post - słupek
top post - poprzeczka
offence - atak
defense - obrona
faceoff - wznowienie
score a goal - zdobyć bramkę
game winning goal - zwycięska bramka
hat trick - hattrik
pass - podanie
shot - strzał
shot on goal - strzał na bramkę
save - obroniony strzał
save percentage - procent obronionych strzałów
glove save - obrona łapaczką
icing - uwolnienie
time on ice - czas na lodzie
speed - prędkość
forcheck - pressing
backcheck - faza obrony
check - bodiczek
deke, dangle - drybling
breakaway - ucieczka
wrist shot - strzał z nadgarstka
backhand - strzał z backhandu
rebound - dobitka
redirect - strącenie
five-hole - piąta dziura
hand pass - podanie ręką
power play - gra w przewadze
penalty kill - gra w osłabieniu
4 on 4 - cztery na cztery
5 on 3 - pięć na trzy
power play goal - bramka w przewadze
shorthanded goal - bramka w osłabieniu
empty netter - gol na pustą bramkę
penalty - kara
penalty minutes - łączny czas kar
suspension - zawieszenie
holding - trzymanie przeciwnika
slashing - uderzanie kijem
hooking - zahaczanie
tripping - spowodowanie upadku przeciwnika
high sticking - wysoki kij
cross-checking - atak kijem trzymanym oburącz
boarding - wrzucenie na bandę
interference - przeszkadzanie
spearing - kłucie kijem
charging - natarcie
roughing - nadmierna ostrość w grze
fighting - walka na pięści
delay of game - opóźnianie gry
too many men on ice - nadmierna liczba graczy
elbowing - atak łokciem
kneeing - atak kolanem
concussion - wstrząśnienie mózgu
game misconduct - kara meczu za niesportowe zachowanie
misconduct - niesportowe zachowanie
minor penalty - kara mniejsza
bench minor - kara mniejsza techniczna
double minor - podwójna kara mniejsza
major penalty - kara większa
ejection - kara meczu
penalty shot - rzut karny
Translation based on this post by @liigainenglish
I’m by no means a specialist but if you have any questions (or corrections!) don’t be afraid to DM me :))
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myanajourney0 · 16 days
Pierwsze dwa dni nie poszły mi najlepiej (bilanse miałam około 1000-1300 kcal) więc postanowiłam wprowadzić kary.
Nie ważne co muszę tutaj napisać co dokładnie jadłam, jak się będę wstydzić tak jak teraz to nawet lepiej bo będę się bardziej pilnować, MUSZE TO ROBIC
Za każde przekroczenie 10 kcal- 100 pajacykow i nie ma że mi się nie chce
Za przekroczenie limitu nie spotykam się z przyjaciółmi i zero telefonu przez 24 h, zjebałaś to koniec
Za każdy binge muszę spalic 2 razu tyle oraz nie pisze z ważna dla mnie osoba przez 2 tygodnie
Za zjedzenie czegokolwiek sama z siebie muszę się ukarać roznymi sposobami
Wiem że większość tych kar jest strasznie dziwna i glupia (niektóre się inspirowałam starszymi blogami) ale już nic na mnie nie działa. Jak mam się wziąć to sie biore muszę mieć motywacje a przede wszystkim bać się tego co sie stanie jak stracę kontrole. Nikt jeszcze nie schudnąl opychajac się jedzeniem aiec no
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lokifreign · 9 months
or wait rather than curious abt nationality i was wondering what the language was in your header, languages r kinda my own interest myself
I'm mostly American, my family sorta is sorta isn't; their culture wasn't american in the 60s & 70s but it's where I was born and reared & they've all americanized pretty heavily since then (their kids are all 100% USA namean)
when I was a child I spoke several languages & tended to run them together, Korean and German and Russian
the header is in Slovenian, which has been my special favorite language for about three years now ^_^
I cycle through language fixations; my all-time reigning favorite is Yoruba, it's sophisticated and beautiful and its accent in other languages is superb; Yoruba speakers are masters of picking up other languages too, admirable and covetous. Yorùbá sọ̀rọ̀ sókè jẹ́ ọ̀kan lára ​​àwọn ìró tó dára jù lọ tí ẹ̀dá lè dá!
Slovenian's shared words with Russian and Polish made it a natural area of study for me; I started using it in my writing and have been slowly letting it & Croatian & Serbian expand my understanding of that area of the world.
Ko govorim na glas (out loud), zveni Slovenščina zelo blizu ruščini; moja teta brez težav razume, kar je zabavno!
Cyrilica nekaterim povzroča težave, zato je slovenščina način za transliteracijo nekaterih od teh ruskih idej. The way a given language shapes my thoughts is of intense interest to me, I'm driven to find some combination of words that will work, that will fix it all.
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kar-za · 1 year
Gdybym tylko umiała
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besedar · 6 months
beseda dne: borovnica
etimologija: borovnice pogosto rastejo v iglastih gozdovih. iz besede "bor", ta iz protoindoevropejskega *bharu- (iglasto drevo), koren za slednjo besedo pa je *bhar- (nekaj ostrega, drevesna iglica, resa). najverjetneje sorodno bradi in brinu.
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sparkles-oflight · 4 months
Sorry for this review coming out this late. I know the album has been out for me for the past 14 hours, but 1. Fandom is not my life priority and 2. Yesterday I was close to collapsing due to dehydration, hunger, and lack of sleep so I hope you understand why I'm putting this out now (I'm okay)
Sunny Side Of London
I don't have a lot to comment on because we already had this song, but I'll never not say that SSOL live is so much better than the studio version ESPECIALLY because of the ending. We don't get 30 seconds of emptiness but we get a wholeass show!
The perfect transition???? I didn't notice the song changed.
I love how you can hear the people singing along
I got ads between songs -_- (3, I hate you Spotify)
Bele Sanje
Uuu u uu
Bele Sanje my beloved
no lala :(
guitars :)
Bojan's interpretation is so good.
He didn't get too invested - which could be bad because he could lose the vocal aspect - but instead he did just enough for us to get the message and keep the quality, which I love(I hope this makes sense)
Proti Toku
See, I think on this one he was close to cross the line of "too much interpretation".
Kris' voice???? Audible??? 👀
My baby <3
Inject Kris' back vocals in my veins
I had to take a break to go groccery shopping and have lunch
it's so good live...it has no right
It was the best song in the Madrid gig and I can say it sounds just as good here
You can hear the guitars so clearly
Idk if it's just me, but I would think people would be quiet during this song because it's so depressing, but it sounds nice either way.
They still need to make the break between Padam and Demoni longer, imo. We need time to process our feelings.
Don't mind me, I'm just doing a quick google search on how to have JO's discography in my veins
A sem ti povedal
My mom called me to help with shores halfway through it -_-
The isolation of Bojan's voice IS SUCH A GOOD CHOICE
Bojan stop trying to make me cry
The solo owns my life
I need Kris' voice to be louder for a true duet
Omamljeno Telo
I love you so much
Kot Scre, Ki Kri Poganja
Martin in the credits 🥹
It's such an important song to me, so I don't mind
This song is like a massage in my head. Does it make sense?
Vse Kar Vem
Live is the only proper way to listen to this song
I really wish Kris mic's volume was just a bit higher
"Brave Oceana"
Ah yes, my favourite Batman In song
I love that a SEA of people sang a part on their own.
Get it? Get i-*gunshots*
I refuse to spell the whole name and I hate that each word starts in caps
"what brings you to Ljubljana?" IT'S YOU
the fact that yesterday I was even talking about how last year I wanted to do Erasmus this year in Ljubljana and I say "nO, because nobody speaks or knows slovenian"...oh boy (sometimes I'm dumb)
"Ya ya"?
Vem Da Greš
Tbf, it's still the song I probably care for the least. I only listen to it from time to time.
Ne Bi Smel
Jure's soooooolo
so good
oh, okay, kris? wanna make this a duet?
Petition for Kris' to sing the female Ona voice
omg...what's this? AN AD!?
Tokio will never not have a special place on my heart
I want whatever universe Tokio is in my life
Umazane Misli
In my veins, nowx2
Oh, someone actually go to sing it?
Also, I love how they still let everyone sing the chorus multiple times
Novi Val
Novi Val.
That's it.
I can't describe it.
Carpe Diem
<3 hvala lepa fantje for my making my year better
The bass??? hello???
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jokeroutsubs · 9 months
Če bi radi postali del naše ekipe...
Iščemo slovenske govorce, ki bi nam lahko pomagali s transkripcijo/prepisi videov in podkastov v Slovenščini!
Niti ni tako pomembno, da ste dobri v prevajanju, ker bomo ta del prevzeli ostali člani jokeroutsubs!
Trenutno imamo čez 15 videov za katere še rabimo slovenski prepis/transkript.
Tako da če je kdo, ki ima kaj prostega časa, in bi lahko pomagal, nam kar pišite na [email protected]!
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meta1 · 7 months
reading (again) translation of vse kar vem in tipsy state was not my best decision but i'm enjoying the melodrama with tears in my eyes
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wafflessquad · 1 year
Brividi translation
I finally finished it! I don’t know if this is interesting at all since almost none of you will understand it but I thought I would share anyway 😅
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Sanjal sem, da sva letela skupaj Na diamantnem kolesu Praviš, da sem spremenil se in da Ni več luči v mojem očesu
Tvoj strah je morje, ki se Ga nikoli ne dotakneš Saj veva oba, da seks ni Pot ven iz tega, a vseeno Daj, ne pobegni od tu Ne pusti me tako Razgaljen zadrhtim Včasih ne znam se izraziti In rad bi te ljubil, a vedno grešim Biserno nebo le zate lovim In plačal bi, da bi šel stran Sprejel bi tudi samo laž In rad bi te ljubil, a vedno grešim In potem le zadrhtim, zadrhtim, zadrhtim
Ti, ki me zjutraj zbudiš Ti, ki madež z vinom pustiš Ti, ki mi kožo moriš S svojimi gadjimi očmi In ti si angelovo nasprotje in ti si boksar stisnjen v kot In ti pobegneš od tu, pustiš me tako Razgaljen zadrhtim Včasih ne znam se izraziti In rad bi te ljubil, a vedno grešim Biserno nebo le zate lovim In plačal bi, da bi šel stran Sprejel bi tudi samo laž In rad bi te ljubil, a vedno grešim In potem le zadrhtim, zadrhtim, zadrhtim Prosim povej mi, da motim se Živim v okovih svoje ječe Poskušam ostati ti blizu Oprosti, če potem zajebem samo vse Reči ti to, kar čutim, tega ne znam Za en “ljubim te” droge in solze mešam Strupa, ki ga Pljuvava vsak dan, ne bi Nič več imel rad na sebi Vidiš, da sem tukaj Na diamantnem kolesu v krogih Eden od mnogih
Razgaljen zadrhtim Včasih ne znam se izraziti In rad bi te ljubil, a vedno grešim Biserno nebo le zate lovim In plačal bi, da bi šel stran Sprejel bi tudi samo laž In rad bi te ljubil, a vedno grešim In potem le zadrhtim, zadrhtim, zadrhtim
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