#: write a poem that includes directions describing how a person gets to a certain place
salovie · 3 years
You hear home ring on a northern wind—
so keep the sun at your sides and
pursue the icy air as
the familiar chill sings,
strumming your heartstrings,
kissing the tears
that greet it
from your
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aatgeog2260 · 3 years
Human Geography Researcher Potential!
It is wild to think that this is the last blog post in this class! When I chose this class for this semester I wasn’t really excited about it - it was just another required course. I’m happy to say that I really appreciated this course and learned so many things as well as met some more people in geography!
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These three things I know for certain about human geography research:
1. Human geography research is not just one thing. It is interconnected with so many other types of geography like the ones presented in our last class and more! My favourite part of this course was attending that final class and watching all of the videos about different subtopics under human geography that students in this class created. It helped identify connections and relations as well as how these are relevant in the real world. When combined together, they form this incredible subject of geography. 
2. It is essential! Human geography research provides patterns and connections between people and places which is vital for living today. It helps us understand the world better which can aid the development of moving forward in a positive direction while respecting the past. In the summary of chapter one in the textbook, it states that “human geographers are bringing new and effective approaches to the fundamental questions of societal structures and individual experiences (Hay 2016 p. 26). Human geography will continue to help find answers to these questions about the world we live in.
3. It is a delicate process. All research is a delicate and complex process as there are numerous things to consider and be aware of, but because human geography deals with real people, their lives, culture, religion, families, etc., I know that we need to be so careful to respect and acknowledge others and who they are. Chapter three of the textbook includes a poem by Barabara Nicholson, titled Something There Is… that highlights the necessity of consent and privacy in research. Just because someone is classified as a researcher does not give them the right to invade a person's life (Hay 2016 p. 48). Below is a sketch I did after I read the poem for the first time: (I am not an artist but it was something I did afterwards to reflect upon the reading)
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In general, it’s a researcher looking through a magnifying glass at these people who feel exposed from the “research”. 
These three things I am still confused by:
1. Analyzing surveys. This was one of the larger lectures we had live in class and I think I was having a hard time keeping up after we had so many lectures online in which I would pause, rewind and go back. It was my fault that I never went back to the recording to review so I’d still like to clarify this content. I know that if I were to be asked about each data type: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio, I would not be able to explain them all clearly (Hooykaas 2021 Week 5). 
2. The following phrase was used in the week 6 lecture: “Testimony by itself is a relatively weak form of evidence” (Hooykaas 2021 Week 6). I’m unclear with how or why this is. When we watched documentaries in this course I thought this involved testimony and it was used in research. Maybe they are classified more as a case study. So I wonder, what are the differences between a case study and a testimony? Or is a testimony involved within a case study? For example, in week 3 we watched the documentary Surviving in the Siberian Wilderness for 70 years produced by VICE. I believe that this was a case study, but within it, Agafia Lykovs shares her story. Is the research incomplete unless you unpack and verify this testimony? 
3. I am a little confused with the concept of triangulation. The week 6 lecture provided this image: 
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I am not sure if triangulation means having one of these sections, for example, researchers but having multiple of them, or if it is putting these sections together, for example, both multiple researchers along with multiple theories (Hooykaas 2016 Week 6). I have a feeling it would be the second option, simply because if you have multiple researchers then most likely you would get multiple theories and methods, however, I would like to clarify in order to understand it better.
These three things I know for certain about me as a human geographic researcher:
I created a word-cloud of things I’ve felt I’ve gained from this course and things that I enjoyed to help me come up with this section of the blog:
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1. There is potential! I remember writing my first blog post in this class and describing how I used to really dislike geography and didn’t want anything to do with it. After this class, I know that I have the potential to become a researcher and possibly find it enjoyable! I surprised myself when I enjoyed working on the DSP. It was fun coding information with all of the colours and although it was challenging to go through the information, condense, review, condense some more, etc., it felt so rewarding to show that final product to others and to think that other people could learn valuable information useful in the world based on what you provided to them! I think if I ever did become a researcher I would enjoy participatory action research since it allows people in the community to become “co-researchers and decision-makers in their own right” (Hay 2016 p. 350). This is really important to avoid that idea of invasion of privacy.
2. I learned more about my interests. I used to think the biggest goal in geography was being able to sing this song called Nations of the World: 
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I thought research in geography was only about analyzing piles of data and I didn’t realize you could bring creative outlooks to it. I enjoyed the poem we read in the textbook, the documentaries we watched, the opportunity of interviewing for the DSP, the creativity with the final DSP videos, etc. I am intrigued by those forms of media to learn more about and analyze/reflect on geographical concepts.
3. I have more appreciation for geography and others. The topics of critical reflexivity and ethical considerations apply to research in human geography of course but it also floods into all aspects of life. It helps consider other people’s backgrounds, lives, privileges or no privileges, and just creates better communication and respectful relationships between people (Hooykaas 2021 Week 2). It’s also worth thinking about whether you’re an insider or an outsider before you interact with different groups so that you can build a good rapport with trust (Hay 2016 p. 40). 
These three areas I need to spend time developing/learning in order to feel more confident in my skills:
1. Patience. When working on the DSP, after my group and I had found our resources, I just wanted to dive in and write the script! Then we learned about coding in the week 8 lecture and my group members expressed how they would feel better going through the information quite a few times before writing anything. Of course, this worked extremely well even if it was time-consuming! In the future, I would like to make sure I take the process only one step at a time and make sure I hit every part of the research process in order to create a robust and accurate end result. Once again, this applies not only to human geography research but also the real world. Chapter 18 in the textbooks states that “Being in the world requires us to categorize, sort, prioritize, and interpret social data in all of our interactions”  (Hay 2016 p. 391). There is always room for improvement here so that misinterpretations and miscommunication can be avoided.
2. During the research with the DSP, I had a challenging time determining when my group should move forward and how much research we should gather especially with the course deadlines in mind. I know that you can move forward when you reach a “point of saturation” and concepts begin to be repetitive, however, because I am detail-oriented, I was not great with grouping similar ideas if one tiny thing distinguished them (Hooykaas 2021 Week 9). I would like this to improve so that I have a clearer sense of when enough is enough.
3. I would like to clarify and learn more about the list of three things that still confuse me. It’s good to identify what confuses you and what you are unsure of but it’s even better to then go and clarify those things and understand them so that you develop your understanding and skills even more. I want to fill in those gaps of information so that everything makes a bit more sense.
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Final Remark
Overall, I am really glad that I took this class and hope everyone has a great end of the semester! It was nice interacting with everyone through these blogs!
Hay, I. (2016). Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography. Fourth ed., Oxford.
Hooykaas, A. (2021). Week 2: Philosophy, Power, Politics and Research Design.
Hooykaas, A. (2021). Week 3: Cross-Cultural Research: Ethics, Methods, and Relationships.
Hooykaas, A. (2021). Week 5: Literature Review.
Hooykaas, A. (2021). Week 6: Data Collection - Interviews, Oral Histories, Focus Groups.
Hooykaas, A. (2021). Week 9: Writing Qualitative Geographies, Constructing Geographical Knowledge Data Analysis, Writing, and Re-Evaluating Research Aims Presenting Findings.
Nicholson, Barbara. (2000). Something There Is....
Vice (April 2013). Surviving in the Siberian Wilderness for 70 Years. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt2AYafET68 
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snicketstrange · 4 years
I finally understood TBL
The oldest letter from Beatrice Jr to Lemony is then BB to LS # 2. It is interesting that Beatrice Jr claims to have heard rumors about Lemony's research. Lemony was not at his apartment, but that was when Beatrice Jr saw what the apartment looked like inside. She saw that it was a small, dusty apartment. Something very important in this letter is the fact that Beatrice Jr found a box full of letters. There is strong evidence that she read these letters, as she states that she does not know what these letters could mean if they were placed in a certain order. This scenario is very similar to a certain film released in 2004 called Birth. (There will be spoilers for the film) In this film, a boy in pre-adolescence has access to old letters from a couple. After the man's death, this boy used the information in the letters to pretend to be the reincarnation of the man who died and then approach the woman. I think there is reason to believe that Beatrice Jr used a similar mechanism to communicate with Lemony in later letters. She had access to old letters from Lemony to Beatrice. Lemony should have recovered such letters by then, considering that Beatrice Sr had carefully kept such letters in a safe place, similar to how Lemony kept important documents for him in the hands of the cheesemakers. The letter that comes chronologically after that is BB to LS # 3. We realized that Beatrice Jr is not part of VFD at that time, as she does not know the sebald code that one of the shepherds tried to use with her. We have other evidence that Beatrice Jr had indeed read the letters at Lemony's apartment, as she claims that she believes that R knew Lemony. She could have obtained this information through the Baudelaires, it is true. But, I think it's more likely that she read about R in Lemony's letters. Beatrice also claimed that she included the letters she found in Lemony's office as part of her collection. Perhaps Beatrice Jr even "borrowed" these letters. Another important piece of information is that the phraseology used by Beatrice Jr regarding the time that has passed since she found Lemony's office seems to indicate that many months have passed since she wrote the previous letter. In this letter, Beatrice does not appear to have a bedtime, since she didn't talk about it. Now we come to a most intriguing letter of all. BB to LS # 1. This letter made me believe that Beatrice Sr had written it. But as much as I try to force this interpretation, the simple truth is that Beatrice wrote that she had never seen Lemony. There is no reason to think that Beatrice Sr would write something like that. But then we see the importance of understanding that this letter was written chronologically after BB to LS # 3. More than that: this letter was probably written after a few years had passed since BB to LS # 3 and a major change in Beatrice's life. Jr have occurred: she went on to receive training in VFD and became a baticeer who literally trains bats. Furthermore, Beatrice Jr inserts in her letters from here the knowledge that she acquired when reading the letters that Lemony had collected in his office. Note some questions that are answered by thinking like this: 1 - How does Beatrice Jr know that Lemony's office is small and dusty? - Answer: Beatrice Jr had already been there, and she had used exactly that phraseology to describe the location as indicated in BB to LS # 2. 2 - How did Beatrice Jr manage to use a complex delivery network using even black cars and long distance swimmers? - Answer: Beatrice Jr was already receiving training in VFD at that time, and for that reason she could already use the communication mechanisms that the organization uses. 3 - Why does Beatrice Jr cite the difficulty of making a bat obey her orders, as if Lemony knew that it is really difficult to make a bat be obedient? - Answer: Beatrice had already entered VFD, had already started training to be a Baticeer. In addition, Beatrice had read the letter that became known as LS to BB # 4. In this letter, Lemony states that she will send the letter through a bat. However, the letter was sent to R, and R wrote a note about it and attached the letter, showing that Lemony struggled to get a bat to obey his orders. 4 - How did Beatrice Jr know that there was at least one other person with the same initials as hers? - Answer: Beatrice Jr read about Beatrice Sr in the letters that Lemony left in the office. The fact that Beatrice Jr states that there is still someone with the same initials as hers may indicate that Beatrice Jr believes that Beatrice Sr did not die (or that Bertrand Baudelaire did not die). It is important to remember that Beatrice Jr thinks Lemony is an unreliable narrator, and she can believe that Lemony knows that Beatrice Sr is alive. 5 - Why does Beatrice Jr use the expression "My Silence Knot" from this letter? - Beatrice learned in VFD classes about anagrams. We noticed that throughout the letters that Lemony sent to Beatrice that the expression "My Silence Knot" is underlined. It is possible that Beatrice Jr herself underlined these words, as she came to believe that this was some kind of code used by Lemony and Beatrice over the years. She decided to insert what she believed to be the same code in some of her letters to Lemony, to increase the chances of being answered, of course. 6 - Why Beatrice Jr needs to sleep early - Now she is training in VFD. This is certainly a recommendation for volunteers. Chronologically, the letter that follows this is BB to LS # 4. We are then introduced to a new situation by Beatrice Jr. She has already seen Lemony, as she indicates in the letter. She's already come back to town, and she's watching Lemony. This time she was transferred to the VFD training school in the City, at the same VFD school that Lemony had studied. Understanding what has already been explained, some things are answered: 1 - Why did Beatrice Jr use a phraseology similar to what Lemony had used to describe the professor? - Answer: Beatrice Jr read the letter that Lemony sent to Beatrice Sr describing his teacher. It is not necessarily the same teacher, of course. She just decided to use the same phraseology. 2 - Why did Beatrice Jr write about Baticeer, and claim that she saw Lemony reading a poem? - Beatrice Jr already knew about anagrams and by that time she was already watching Lemony. She also realized the importance given the word Baticeer in Lemony's letters to Beatrice Sr, and decided to use that word in a similar way as she had used the expression My Silence Knot. 3 - How did Beatrice Jr manage to open the lock on the front proto of the building where Lemony lived? - She used VFD training. The letter that follows chronologically is BB to LS # 5. Note the responses below: 1 - How does Beatrice Jr know that Lemony has a terrible sense of direction? - She may have watched him. But I prefer to believe that she deduced this through the letter LS to BB # 1. The map drawn by Lemony may imply that he confused the cardinal points, depending on how you interpret the map. I want to point out that the simplest way to understand this letter, in view of what I explained earlier, is that Beatrice Jr found Violet, Klaus and Sunny at some point between writing BB to LS # 3 and BB to LS # 1. (I need to write this down: there was a great hiatus between these two letters.) During this hiatus, Beatrice Jr apparently found the Baudelaires. And during this great hiatus, she separated from them again. I know that Daniel Handler decided to end the story at TE openly. But we are talking about another book here. I don't know if he changed his mind, or if he simply preferred to attribute the possible contradiction to the fact that the narrators are characters and may not have all the information or they may be mistaken. And besides, even in Lemony's open ending, he claims that some people have claimed that they saw the Baudelaires. There is nothing to prevent Beatrice Jr from being one of those people. So, in addition to her talking about vivid memories she had of the Baudelaires when writing this letter (quite different from the very little things she remembers when she wrote BB to LS # 2), Beatrice says the following: "I must my life to them, and NOW we have been separeted, I will not rest until I FIND them AGAIN. " Well then ... When re-analyzing TBL I can say that there is no canonical evidence in TBL that Beatrice Sr survived for many years after the fire in her house. I believe that the scenario I described is the simplest, it corresponds to the premises presented in the book itself (sequence of letters must be changed so that an anagram can be decoded). With respect to the deduction on the Baudelaires' survival for many years after leaving the island, I can only encourage everyone to follow my example, and again consider your own beliefs as the basis of the arguments presented. But this is not that important compared to the deeper understanding of the very mechanism used in TBL as I have presented.
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succubusflower · 4 years
Succubi are female demons who take the form of beautiful women and invade the dreams of men. According to folklore, they feast on men's bodily fluids and take their life force along the way. Needless to say, succubi are scary. However, if someone wants to summon a succubus, a little precautionary folklore isn't going to stop them.
Unfortunately, the internet is full of misleading "how to summon a succubus" rituals, and everything read should be taken with a grain of salt. By hey, what's the worst that could happen?
Photo: Dante Gabriel Rossetti/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
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Succubi Can Be Summoned Through Physical Devotion
Succubi Can Be Summoned ... is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
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Photo: Louis Le Breton/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
Succubi are often thought of as very sensual demons, and rituals can be used to play into that aspect of their nature. Setting the mood with candles, incense and the like puts the summoner in the right head space, which is almost always a great first step.
Tenderly anoint the body with oils while imagining a succubus to draw the demon in. After that, just start moving while thinking about intercourse. It can feel silly at first, but apparently spirits like a little tease. After all that, it's a good idea to ask the succubus for a nocturnal visit, then go to sleep and dream of her - making sure not to finish beforehand.
Visualization Spells Can Summon A Partial Manifestation
Visualization Spells Can... is listed (or ranked) 2 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
Photo: Sebastian Münster/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
Protection is of the utmost importance when summoning a succubus. Laying out an insulating circle of white chalk or thread can go a long way in preventing unwanted possessions. Additionally, three to five black candles spaced equidistant around the circle can be used to augment the protective magic.
Once you feel secure, lay inside the circle with your limbs splayed and focus on relaxation and centering. Feel the comfort of the circle, then visualize it becoming a gateway the demon can enter through. If done properly, a manifestation willing to socialize should appear.
Before Diving In, Consider The Implicit Risk Of Summoning A Succubus
Before Diving In, Consid... is listed (or ranked) 3 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
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Photo: Louis Le Breton/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
Encyclopedia Satanica describes a succubus as a young woman with avian or reptilian features and, possibly, cloven hoofs. Perhaps most disconcerting is that a succubus's private area reportedly feels like a cavern of ice, and their purpose is supposedly to take the seed of young men and return it to incubi, their demonic male analogs.
For people summoning a succubus to hassle an enemy or for some demonic conversations, that's probably not a problem. For those with more adult thoughts on their mind, a succubus may not be the best companion.
Writing A Letter To Lillith Can Convince Her To Send One Of Her Daughters
Writing A Letter To Lill... is listed (or ranked) 4 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
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Photo: Richard Westall/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
Lilith is a figure in Jewish folklore who is believed to have been Adam's first wife. Long story short, things didn't work out, and she gave birth to a ton of kids. Those kids are believed by some to be succubi.
Writing a letter to Lilith and signing it with your full name and a bit of blood may very well convince her to put in a good word for you with one of her daughters. Be earnest and respectful, and when the letter is finished burn it with a candle. Relax, sit with the candle for 30 minutes, and hope Lilith is impressed.
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Proceed With The Ritual Slowly And Steadily
Proceed With The Ritual Slowly is listed (or ranked) 5 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
Photo: Dante Gabriel Rossetti/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
Knowing succubi are possibly evil demons hellbent on sucking the life force out of whomever summons them, it's important to take all the proper precautions before entering into any sort of relationship with one. Some recommend meditation, or at the very least introspection as to how a succubus might improve one's life in a way easier methods cannot.
After putting some thought into that question, it's important to build a relationship with a summoned succubus slowly. Spend time getting to know them over multiple interview sessions, and always take proper precautions. Divination tools can be used to make this part of the process easier. These interviews may show you succubi aren't quite what they seem, as spirits don't always fall into clear-cut categories.
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Black Mirror Scrying Can Show A Glimpse Of A Demoness
Black Mirror Scrying Can Show is listed (or ranked) 6 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
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Photo: John Collier/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
On a physical level, black mirrors are exactly what they sound like - a reflective surface colored black via natural or artificial methods. Black mirrors are used in certain esoteric circles to scry (or divine the future via a reflective object like a mirror or crystal ball).
When using a black mirror to speak with a succubus, the ritual is fairly straightforward. Place a candle between the seer and the mirror then begin focusing on the reflection of the flame. Call out to Lilith - or any other succubus - and respectfully ask to communicate. If the flame stays calm, it's okay to continue scrying, but if it goes wild, it's best to apologize to the entity and cover the mirror, taking care not to break it in the process.
It's important to note this is the last step wherein it's considered safe to end the ritual; once a succubus decides to pick up the line, it's usually rude to hang up.
Pendulum Divination Can Be Used To Communicate With All Manner Of Spirits
Pendulum Divination Can Be Use is listed (or ranked) 7 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
Photo: John William Waterhouse/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
A pendulum is a popular divination tool created by suspending a weighted object from a cord and interpreting the direction of its swing. It is commonly used to answer yes/no questions by associating direction with certain answers. However, other methods use a pendulum to produce words.
Write the numbers 1-24 in a semicircle on a piece of paper. On a separate sheet of paper randomly assign each number a letter value, then do your best to forget what they correspond to. This is to prevent any subconscious cheating that could arise from swinging the pendulum towards the answers you want to hear. Ask for a succubus's presence and explain the communication game to her, then see if she wants to play.
If the pendulum swings yes, begin asking questions, making sure to keep track of the numbers struck and asking if the word is finished between each letter.
When In Doubt, Dream Up A Personalized Succubus Summoning Ritual
When In Doubt, Dream Up A Pers is listed (or ranked) 8 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
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Photo: Dguendel/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 4.0
Research is the most important step to creating a personalized summoning ritual. It's impossible to call up a friend without knowing their number, and the same can be said for succub. Once the exact type of spirit is chosen, it's important to figure out what to ask of them. Without a set goal and request, chances are the ritual will fizzle out like most conversations with random strangers.
On top of that, it's crucial you come up with a way to dismiss the spirit once it's summoned, as nobody needs a demon in their bedroom all day. After those three requirements are met, the rest is just set-dressing. Bring in candles, incense, or a blood sacrifice, whatever feels right for the type of spirit you're hoping to attract. Make the ritual as personal as possible to really feel a connection.
Candle Magic Can Describe The Terms And Aspects Of The Succubus
Candle Magic Can Describe The is listed (or ranked) 9 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
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Photo: Godfried Schalcken/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
Candle magic is a versatile technique used by many witches to cast spells. It involves inscribing or anointing a candle and burning it while focusing on the intent of the spell. To summon a succubus, all one has to do is inscribe a candle - a black candle is reportedly best - with the various aspects they're looking for in a demon.
Almost any feature can be written on the candle. It's even possible to describe a length of time - such as 40 minutes or seven days - that the succubus is allowed to materialize. Once the candle is inscribed, simply light it and focus on your desire, calling out to the succubus to appear at its discretion.
Succubi Are Easily Summoned Through Lucid Dreaming
Succubi Are Easily Summoned Th is listed (or ranked) 10 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
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Photo: Charles Hermans/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
Lucid dreaming involves training the body to become aware of itself while asleep. This allows the dreamer to take control of the dream, manipulating it to their will. Once you're in control of your own dream, you can do pretty much anything, including summoning a succubus and interacting with her.
Unfortunately, lucid dreaming takes quite a bit of training and it's a long path to full control, though there are some methods that speed up the process. One of the most common training techniques is the wake induced lucid dreaming (WILD) method. This involves keeping the mind active while the body falls asleep. To achieve this, people commonly think of math problems, intricate daydreams, or poems to keep their minds going even as they sink into slumber.
It usually takes quite a few tries to cross the hypnogogic state, but eventually, it should usher the dreamer into sleep without losing their self-awareness. Once dreaming, the only thing left to do is call out to a succubus.
According To Some Sects Of Christianity, Succubi Can Be Summoned Via Hedonism
According To Some Sects Of Chr is listed (or ranked) 11 on the list How To Summon A Succubus, If You're Into That Sort Of Thing
Photo: John William Waterhouse/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
According to some tracts of Christian thought, succubi are demons summoned by all forms of sensual impropriety. That means summoning one could be as simple as pleasuring yourself, being intimate out of wedlock, or even looking at explicit images.
This paints a particularly metaphorical picture of the succubus, but remains a valid summoning tool all the same. Combining these methods with others, such as scrying and divination, may even provide more concrete results. When the need to banish such a spirit arises, simply call out to Jesus and cease whatever you're doing. CREDIT: https://m.ranker.com/list/how-to-summon-a-succubus/joesph-langdon
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Growth (& sharing a poem)
CoA prompt for Jan 2020 - “New” [Call for Submissions]. As of this post [Jan 9th], the Carnival of Aros WP hasn’t released its Call for Submissions link, so the link is to the direct post from @aro-neir-o.
The poem was not written by me, but @opaline-words (link and poem provided below the cut).
1) New things you have learned since discovering aromanticism (about yourself, about aromanticism, about other arospec people, about the queer community in general, etc.).
I’m not sure to what extent having to interact with family that involves re-closeting myself has created a temporary and/or artificial split in how I approach aspects of my identity. I don’t necessarily combine gender musings with aro musings, for example, and especially when it’s far more obvious in my daily life while closeted on the gender front, I just don’t prioritize finding out I’m under the aro umbrella in the same way that other aro bloggers seem to. Maybe it’s the fondness for sideblogs where they’ve made the choice to prioritize their aroness in that space, but I alternate feeling like a lurker and feeling like I’m intruding where I don’t belong. It’s not quite as dire or pessimistic as the phrase ‘rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic’ suggests, but I guess I’m at a stage where other things have to take a higher priority for now.
I’m not trying to get some sort of reassurance that I can include myself in the aro community with this. (I figure someone would’ve asked me to stop writing submissions for the Carnival of that were the case.) It’s more that I’ve realized that not every group or community is made up of 200% committed Ride Or Die people, even if said group is considered young and relatively smaller than more established groups. I’m under the aro umbrella, but as an example, I’m just not going to be at the forefront of aro community leadership or education efforts. I don’t have the time, energy, or in-person capabilities for certain types of community building like that, y’know?
2) New things you have learned since interacting with the aro community (about yourself, about aromanticism, about other arospec people, about the queer community in general, etc.).
It’s mildly annoying when I interact with an allo-allo person who assumes that something I’m doing platonically is romantic, but I have to work on stopping myself from reacting too quickly (out of a place of hurt) when aros do it. I’m afraid a somewhat public post about my perspective of greyro included that type of a knee-jerk reaction, but I’m hoping to do better in 2020.
3) New experiences you’ve had since learning about aromanticism and/or discovering your own aromanticism (e.g., new types of relationships, new types of feelings, new vocabulary that you found described you, new conversations you’ve had with others).
Confession: When I was first trying to figure out if I was somewhere under the aro umbrella at all, I came up with a term that I felt encompassed my specific experience. It kinda, sorta has overlap with a few other terms that I’ve seen a few times (definitely not often), but I’ve honestly never felt like sharing that term would actually accomplish anything in the aro community. It might lead to someone creating a flag or something, but I just don’t see it catching on or being helpful.
Other: I really like the idea of crafting a relationship through collaboration with my friends (not related to QPPs or waverships, but inspired by that level of intent to talk about where the friendship may be going), and I know at least a few of them have already figured out some of amatonormativity’s side effects. Occasionally, some aro vent posts come across like alloromantics are fine and peachy with amatonormativity, but from a personal level, a few of my friends are frustrated with the unevenness towards valuing friendship, too. It’s just that picking up on this doesn’t actually counteract amatonormativity or make any sort of relationship maintenance easier in the face of it. And as much as certain posts have gone around saying that the aro community digs in deeper and more in-depth into discussions about amatonormativity, relationship conventions, and whatnot, it’s not exactly easy trying to figure out how to talk about this with people outside of the aro community.
4) New aro or aro-coded content you have come across that you want to share or critique.
A poem titled “what does love feel like?” by @opaline-words [link to original tumblr post]. For those who don’t want to open a new tab or window, the poem is shared below.
what does love feel like?
is it the wit or the whimsy;
the pull or the repulsion;
the handle or the edge
of the knife?
you walk through the dog park
devoid of dogs,
you walk yourself to the car
in the rain,
you have no idea.
you can’t remember
you never knew.
One of the first things I told my friend, ~opaline-words, after this poem crossed my dash back in Oct 2019 was that it had aro vibes. From the first stanza: “what does love feel like?” (literally one of the first discussion points that questioning aro folks go through), “the pull or the repulsion” (romance repulsion or lack thereof), and “the handle or the edge | of the knife?” (the interplay of societal expectations around romantic love hurting aros versus feeling like you’re hurting and/or manipulating people).
From the second stanza: “the dog park | devoid of dogs”, which I think resonates with feeling the distinct lack of what’s expected, and for those struggling with feeling like a social failure, a feeling that gets into purposelessness. However, I would caution against a depressing interpretation of uselessness in “you walk through the dog park” because a dog park isn’t necessarily restricted from humans walking through it. I can see a certain kind of repurposing or twisting of conventions that reads more like the greyro or otherwise spectrum/umbrella portion of the aro community.
From the third stanza: “you can’t remember | or | you never knew”, which makes a certain part of inner-me go chef’s kiss. I personally resonate with feeling like I’ve ‘lost’ my ability to detect romantic attraction, and while I could write down memories of crushes in November’s CoA post (an extent of literal memory remains), I do feel like a certain part of me can’t remember how to decipher romantic attraction. I can’t say that it’s a universal aro experience, but I figure it may also resonate with others. I can more clearly see the aro feels for the ending thought “you never knew” and the last line of the second stanza “you have no idea”, particularly for the aromantics who haven’t experienced romantic attraction (handle/end-case).
I don’t want to say that this is the only reading of ~opaline-word’s poem that anyone can have, but I had to get the initial impressions out of my system, and I wanted to have some context for why I’m reblogging this poem in the latter half of February and including an aro tag on it.
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cramulus · 5 years
Sufi Influences on Discordianism
On the title page of the Principia Discordia, you will find this inscription, next to a picture of Diogenes the Cynic
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This is a bastardized version of a poem - here is the longer version:
A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,     A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread—and Thou     Beside me singing in the Wilderness—     O, Wilderness were Paradise enow!
Who wrote the stanza on the title page?
Was it Kerry Thornley, under the pen name Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst?
Was it Edward FitzGerald, English leisure-class jongleur and translator of Persian Poetry?
Or was it the Sufi, Omar Khayyam, "The Tentmaker", who lived in 1100?
or was it all of them?
In Kerry's introduction to the Principia, he writes:
My own favorite Holy Name -- Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst -- ... is a walking identity crisis. Anybody can say or do anything in the name of Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst. For better or worse, that never fails to confuse the authorities.
He goes on to relate a story about how he added that name to a roster when he was in Marine Basic Training, and nobody ever caught that it was a fake, and all sorts of rumors and stories began to crop up about this mysterious, fictional figure. At one point, somebody confuses a big truck driver named Buddha with Omar.
On the surface, all of this sounds like a funny little story about hacking bureaucracy using an assumed name, and for 20 years I never understood it's true depth.
There is an old Persian tradition of writing quatrains and attributing them to Omar Khayyam. This alone should tell us that Kerry Thornely was hiding something for us to find later. Kerry was aware of Sufism and Discordianism is, in some ways, an expression of it.
“I think of all the pube I got while reading the Rubaiyat” -MC Paul Barman
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is a famous collection of poems. I collect copies of it--as of this morning, I own four of them. While the poems are evidentaly written by the persian poet Omar Khayyam, they were "translated" from Persian by Edward FitzGerald in the 1850s. He published four different editions of the work, with slightly different iterations of each quatrain.
The theme of the work seems to be about living in the moment, enjoying life, understanding that life is temporary, all that we see is fleeting and impermanent -- so let's have a good time while we can.
'Tis all a Chequer-board of Nights and Days Where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays: Hither and thither moves, and mates, and slays, And one by one back in the Closet lays.
When You and I behind the Veil are past, Oh, but the long, long while the World shall last, Which of our Coming and Departure heeds As the Sea’s self should heed a pebble-cast.
Wine is a recurring theme in the poetry, and the ecstacy of intoxication:
And lately, by the Tavern Door agape, Came stealing through the Dusk an Angel Shape, Bearing a vessel on his Shoulder; and He bid me taste of it; and 'twas--the Grape!
I always imagined that young Kerry Thornley enjoyed these poems because when he and Greg Hill were growing Discordia, they were teens and in their 20s - and I myself spent a lot of my teens and 20s drunk off my ass and loving life. But there's actually a lot more going on here...
What was Omar Khayyam on about?
Omar Khayyam "the tentmaker" was a Sufi mathematician and astronomer. He also wrote poetry, but didn't consider himself a poet - he was much more famous as a mathematician. The original Rubaiyat is a Sufic work - that is, it transmits certain Sufic truths to those that are prepared to receive them.
The Sufis use coded language, hiding their truths behind symbols and shared reference points. A story may appear to outsiders as a joke, or a little moral lesson (like most of Aesop's fables). But to one with the ears to hear it, there is often another hidden meaning.
The grape, and wine (for example), is a clear sufi symbol. Decoded, it refers to divine ecstacy. Drunkenness is a metaphor for the personal transformation that takes place when one has tasted this mystical experience. So these verses about drinking wine and reading poetry with a loved one -- they are also about sharing a special connection, not just horizontally, between people, but vertically, a relationship with a higher purpose. A transformation of consciousness. A direct experience of divine love.
Sufism is the mystical subset of Islam. (Sort of like how Judiasm has its mystical practitioners of Kaballa). Many say that Sufism contains the "inner essence" of Islam. Some would even go so far as to say that this inner essence is the inner essence of all religions, and that Sufism has attached itself to Islam as a way of "sneaking in the back door", making the ideas palatable and acceptable within an orthodox religious society.
The original version of the Rubaiyat is full of hidden meanings (much of which was lost in translation). This is a classic sufi method - breaking the wisdom into little pieces, each shaped like the whole, and scattering it all over. These verses have actually been used by Sufi teachers to impart Sufic lessons.
Many Sufis do no think Edward FitzGerald realy picked up that "Sufic voice". His mentor, Professor Cowell, taught him Persian and introduced him to the Rubaiyat. Cowell was introduced to the work by talking with Indian scholars of the Persian language. But according to Idries Shah, in The Sufis, some think these scholars intentionally misled the professor. (which is also consistent with Sufi teaching...) Neither FitzGerald nor Cowell were fluent in Persian, and their translations are sometimes described as childish, simple. So maybe FitzGerald really thought that the poem was about how cool it is to get drunk, and was not trying to transmit a higher spiritual truth. At least, not intentionally.
But this might be too simple of an explanation, too. Some of FitzGerald's verses seem to reference other Sufic sources like the poet Hafiz - so it's likely he did do a lot of wide reading on the topic, even if he was never initiated.
Even if FitzGerald was totally ignorant of the sufic line of thinking, he may have, in his translation, captured part of it and inadvertently carried it forward. His translation became very popular. It sparked a literary fad in the 1890s, the "Khayyam Cult" was a poetic trend of writing verses in the style of the Rubaiyat, and sharing them in person, in the presence of wine, and love.
Maybe this is part of the sufi spirit
or maybe not
because it sparked some divine inspiration in Thornley, I'm inclined to believe that the inner meaning of the work was passed on via FitzGerald.
What does it mean? What does it meeeeean????
In 1960, when Kerry Thornley took on the name Lord Omar, he was tipping his hat to an ancient tradition. By including, on the title page of the Principia, his own "translation" of a verse from Fitzgerald, which is in turn a reading of Khayyam, and by adapting this old Persian tradition of attributing things to Omar Khayyam, he is telling us that Discordianism is tapping into something much older. The Principia and the Rubaiyat are in contact with the same thing. On the surface, the work is about happiness, physical enjoyment, relaxation, humor. But beneath the surface, there's something else. The inner-essence of all religions. Divine ecstacy. Hidden truth, encoded. A truth that cannot be captured neatly by the rational mind or transmitted by words. Like the inner meaning of a poem, it has to be sought after and discovered by the seeker, it cannot be simply transmitted by a teacher. The teacher can point to the door, can provide the tools for understanding, but the student must pass through it themselves, on their own effort.Khayyam tells us, by way of Fitzgerald, and by way of Thornley, that the vertical and the horizontal are the same thing. Divine love and love for one another are the same thing. That's why we raise our wine glasses together,whistling in the darkness.
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topweeklyupdate · 6 years
TØP Weekly Update #62: They’re *Really* Back (9/14/18)
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We knew going into this week that there was a real storm coming, and that was an understatement. Though the complete Trench album is still waiting to be released, it really feels like the band is back more than ever. 
This update is a novel-sized doozy. Grab your new merch, and let’s dive into it.
This Week’s TØPics:
A Complete Diversion in London Brings Trench (and a Flaming Car) to the Stage
The Boys Speak to the Press: Rock Sound and Alt Press Announce Special TØP Issues, and the Boys Hop Back Onto Radio
First Details Emerge About “Neon Gravestones”, “Pet Cheetah”, Clancy, Nico, and More As the Press Hear the Album for the First Time
Major News and Announcements:
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The big one finally hit: after over a year, Twenty One Pilots returned to their home on the stage. They started making flex moves before the show even started. They arrived in London two days in advance, rehearsing and playing soundchecks into the night that die-hard campers could hear from outside the venue. They arranged for folks in Bandito uniforms to dispense 150 tickets to those that showed up at the box office.  The venue delivered food to the queue, and the Clique in turn donated their blankets and duvets to a local soup kitchen. Pretty darn sweet.
The real event was even sweeter. 
Twenty One Pilots did not quite pull out all of the stops for their first performance in over a year. The set was just over an hour, did not debut any never-before-heard songs, did not include any special guests, and mainly stuck to the skeleton of the Blurryface Era setlist. And you know what? There was absolutely nothing wrong with that. If anything, Tyler and Josh keeping things focused on dusting off the old gears and introducing a few new elements for the Trench era resulted in a tight and emotional return for today’s greatest band. (Shout out to Ohio Clique for editing fifteen different Periscope and Instagram Live streams together to make a cohesive concert movie.)
Highlights of the show include:
There were no screens present in the smaller venue, but the production crew did make sure to bust out a ton of other great production elements, including tons of lights and, most notably, the car from the  “Heavydirtysoul” video that bursts into flames at key points during certain songs- including, at one point, when Tyler was standing on it.
The Clique brought the production value in the crowd, too: beyond all the folks dressed up as Banditos and Bishops, you also had plenty of people bring in yellow screens for their flashlights and yellow flowers and petals to offer Tyler.
The setlist was pretty sensible, with the four new Trench singles plus all of the songs that you would have expected them to play at an old festival show (minus “Guns for Hands” and “Tear In My Heart”, no I’m not sweating, why?). It is interesting that “WDBWOTV” and “The Judge” were played, but I suspect that it was mainly to justify bringing out the ukulele for “Nico”; if there are more uke tracks on Trench, I would not be surprised to see one or both of these songs dip out of the regular rotation.
Tyler had to stop the show twice to help people out of the pit- it was that kind of show.
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The show opened with Josh coming out on stage in full Bandito regalia, torch in hand, looking like a badass. After sitting down at the drums and playing a few simple sequences, a masked man with a bass guitar walked out on the stage, started playing “Jumpsuit”’s gnarly riff, and yelled for the crowd to “GET UP!” Awesome. Twenty One Pilots is back, mate.
Tyler stumbled over a few lyrics in “Jumpsuit” and “Levitate”, but he successfully played it off- only the most diehard fans would have caught that he wasn’t just pausing for breath or to hear the crowd.
Tyler actually yelled “Why’d you come, you know you should have stayed?” at the end of “Heathens”, and it sounded damn good. Hope it sticks for future shows.
Tyler’s “WDBWOTV” pre-speech was a pretty good inaugural address for the Trench Era. He let the rabid audience know that he had been watching them since before the concert (both literally and metaphorically), joked about needing to get back in “show shape”, and thanked London for being a home away from home for them. In gratitude for hosting them, Tyler even announced that they were adding a third arena show at Wembley and joked that Mark should tweet it or something (he did).
Prior to playing “Nico”, Tyler adorned a bright yellow jacket over his usual uke kimono; Josh helpfully banged the drums dramatically for every successful button.
Tyler and Josh did the handshake during “Nico”, because of course they did.
For “My Blood”, Tyler drew from the old playbook and attempted to direct the two halves of the audience to sing harmonies. It worked even better than it used to with “Doubt”, much to Tyler’s evident glee- his smile and little dance to everyone singing his new song back at him was probably the best moment of the whole show.
The Trees Speech was short and sweet, with Tyler promising that he’s written “pages and pages” of things he wants to say, but for now all he can say is that they’ll be coming back on the new tour with “things we’ve never seen before” and that the fans look so good.
In the last bit of major news: new merch (that Josh stitched himself, be nice) and a new yellow Trench vinyl that I’m sure won’t immediately sell out. Have fun spending your life savings, kids!
Other Shenanigans:
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The band was active in other spaces this week, of course. After Zane Lowe broke open the floodgates last week, both Rock Sound and Alternative Press announced that they would release some exclusive Trench Era Content (tm). Rock Sound’s came in the form of a thirty-page mag featuring a lengthy 22-page feature comprised of the first interview the two bands gave together since before the hiatus, Tyler and Josh’s first full photoshoot in over a year, and tons of awesome posters and Clique art. It definitely is not available in any form on the Internet that I’m afraid to link to lest I get pegged for copyright and sent to jail. Highlights of this interview that I certainly haven’t read include:
Lots of typical Rock Sound purple prose, in which the writer goes off on more tangential metaphors than even Tyler Robert Joseph.
The reporter describes Tyler’s house as “quite stunning” (yeah, with that Blurryface money combined with Columbus real estate values, I should hope so).
Josh laughs at the memory of some of their old costumes. “Those suits were so hot,” he says, as if those heavy coats aren’t a billion degrees inside.
Tyler: “There’s something healthy about realizing that the world keeps turning. Sometimes it can feel like the whole world is revolving around you- I think we all selfishly get to that point. When you have those moments, when you stop and realize that even if you weren’t there those other people would be, it lifts a weight that can feel very heavy. It motivates you to want to come up with a reason why you’re here.”
Tyler says they cut out social media during the hiatus in part because “removing the ability to run straight to it was important. For me, writing music is the thing I want to run to when I feel compelled or inspired. Whether it’s frustration or anger or compassion, whatever it is that I wanted to express, I wanted it to live somewhere new. I didn’t want one drop of meaningful expression to live anywhere else.” Additionally, they did want to test whether the Clique would stick around, and even kinda hint that they wanted to shrink how crowded some of the rooms they entered were becoming.
We are assured, however, that the next “hiatus” will not be the exact same as this. Tyler: “Going away broke my heart. It hurt that we weren’t able to tell people why we had gone, but I’m an advocate of showing people what I’ve been working on rather than telling them how hard I’m working. [...] That said, though we don’t know what the timeframe will be or if we’ll take another break, the manner in which we left... we’ll never do that again.”
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I’m just gonna leave this here: “He tells us also of the beautiful relationship he has with his wife, Jenna, and the role that she played in helping him unlock the words and the sounds that would form the basis of this new chapter; of the times he would hand her the phone while behind the wheel of his car to allow her to record anything from melodies to simple poems.” Yeah, will someone sweep up all the pieces of my heart that are just lying on the floor, that’d be great.
Tyler has long had the idea to tell a geographic story, much longer than since the end of the last cycle, and he didn’t always intend to tell it through music. “I feel like in our mind there are places we learn we shouldn’t go.”
Tyler says that there are lots of songs that he writes that never see the light of day because he has moved past the season he wrote them in by the time it comes to record them.
Rock Sound is positively glowing in its brief advance review of the album, saying it is undoubtedly the best project of 2018, “a labor of love”, “a varied, often spectacular collection” with some of the band’s all-time greatest moments. It will be even more sonically diverse than we’ve come to expect: “Morph” is described as “old-school R&B”, “The Hype” “anthemic indie-rock”, “Pet Cheetah” has “stomping beats and a fiery rap verse.” The highlight, though, is apparently “Neon Gravestones”, “a piano-laden spoken word masterpiece” with lyrical content that “will save at least one person’s life”. Damn.
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Alt Press will also be releasing a 24-page cover feature on the band and were even nice enough to include a fun video ad from the boys. They’re so cute, and I’ve missed them so much. (Also, Tyler’s checkered pants are a quality meme.)
After the Complete Diversion, Tyler and Josh performed a mini-press tour. First, they gave five-minute interview with Annie Mac on BBC Radio 1 and an Instagram Stories AMA on the station’s account. Highlights of this quickie include:
Josh and Tyler joke that specifying the exact number of months they’ve been away sounds like a mother saying their kid is “14 months” instead of a year old.
Tyler notes that this was the first performance in a long time that they’ve felt truly nervous, as they could no longer rely on muscle memory to carry them through after the long break, particularly with the new songs.
Annie references her last interview with Josh, where he confessed to be nervous about whether the fans would return. When asked if the first show helped them overcome those nerves, Tyler replied honestly, “To an extent, yes.” They chuckle about it, but the implication remains thick: the dedicated fanbase certainly turned up, but there is no assurance that they’ll have long-term mainstream success in the future. They seem cool with that.
Tyler states that they chose London specifically to make their return because, besides Columbus, it’s the only city where they have played in every size of venue, from the Barfly club to the Ally Pally and everything in-between over the course of fifteen shows. That type of home atmosphere made it feel right to start the new era there.
Josh says they played a bowling alley in London once. He did not wear bowling shoes in the set nor when he bowled afterward, which, as Tyler points out, is very punk rock.
Tyler reflects on how this show represents years of preparation and practice teaching them how to “trim the fat” and master the tempo and flow of the concert to appear as confident as possible and bring the audience along for a well-planned journey.
“My Blood” is one of the most challenging songs for both artists to play, particularly Tyler, as he has to balance the difficult falsetto with keeping that bassline groovy and consistent.
The IG answers were mostly just the dudes trying and failing to answer basic questions like “Are you happy to be back?” and “What’s it like to be famous?” in as few words as possible without giggling, hugging, and tickling each other. Best Q/A: Why did they watch the Grammys in their underwear? “We didn’t have air-conditioning.”
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South African DJ Rob Forbes from Radio 5FM also conducted a truly fascinating interview with the band, the first that dives into the lore and one that gives us even more of a glimpse into some of the future songs. Additionally, Mr. Forbes briefly posted the tracklist w/ time-codes, revealing that both “Chlorine” and “Bandito” go over five minutes- get hyped, kids. Highlights from this interview include:
When asked about Clancy, Tyler responds with a pregnant silence before asking how the the interviewer knew about him. DJ Forbes stutters an answer about having listened to the record, but Tyler replies that Clancy’s not on the record. All he does say about Clancy is “I’ve heard about him, and I know we’re from the same place.” What is up with your cryptic nonsense, Tyler Robert Joseph?
The band intentionally left the Trench Trilogy open-ended to be able to continue it in the future. Tyler did not mean to make the timeline confusing, but did note that its cyclical nature left it open for the Clique to pursue that interpretation.
Tyler is careful with choosing his words to describe Nico. He admits the whole thing is pretty confusing (his grandma asked him once, “What’s a Nico?”), but that was his intention: he wanted to give the Clique a lot to think about and discuss as a reward for waiting so long. He does seem to confirm that Nico is Blurryface, or at least an aspect of him that represents how much more familiar Tyler has become with the nature of his own insecurities as he writes about it.
Tyler denies that the final verse of “Neon Gravestones” has a specifically political bend and actually sounds a little offended that something so important to him could be cast in that light. No idea what that means, I need to hear this song.
The interviewer says that Tyler calls his “Pet Cheetah” “Jason Statham” within the song itself in a fun rap verse. Tyler laughs and says that came from an inside joke between him and Josh that he was excited to bring to life. I am SO confused, you have no idea.
Tyler says that they had plans at one point to come to South Africa for a show that fell through at the last second, but that they’re still interested in going at some point in the future.
Additionally, the music production interest site Mix did a small spotlight on the producers behind Trench. We already knew that Paul Meany was handling main production duty; Darrell Thorpe, whose credits include Radiohead, OutKast, Paul McCartney, and Foster the People, joined him as an engineer while the band captured the album’s drum tracks at United Recording Studios in LA, the only studio they used outside of the one in Tyler’s home. It’s always cool to see the dudes who bring the band’s music to life, but, to be honest, the best part of this short little article is Tyler’s dad socks in the photo.
Oh, and music video director Andrew Donoho told Billboard that he can’t spoil the album or Tyler will burn down his house. So... yeah, okay, moving on.
Chart Performance:
After its first full week of sales and streaming, “My Blood” secured a debut at #16 on the Billboard Bubbling Under chart ranking the songs that have yet to reach the Hot 100. The song gains at all metrics, and according to some industry sources like Headline Planet, it is receiving a concentrated marketing push to pop and adult contemporary markets that its predecessors have not. “Jumpsuit” continues to fade, but its run was respectable, and I remain optimistic about Trench’s commercial prospects going forward, especially in the midst of this hype wave.
Whew. That was a long run. Congrats to everyone who made it all the way to the end. We’re so close to Trench, you guys. Keep powering through. Stay alive. And power to the local dreamer.
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hockey-jews · 6 years
For anyone who wants to learn more about Judaism! Also, kind of a post about how to deal with some Things and Stuff. This is a long post so I’ll put it under a read more for those interested:
This is really for an anonymous message I got that described struggles with things that I think many of us struggle with or have in the past: not being “Jewish enough” in the eyes of other Jews due to your heritage being on the “wrong” side (read; on your father’s side), yet still experiencing antisemitism from goyim. Not learning very much, if anything, about Judaism as a child but wanting to learn more as an adult. Not being comfortable with some traditions or laws of Judaism because you are a) a feminist b) LGBT c) an atheist. Living in a place with few to no Jewish spaces. Not feeling welcome in the Jewish community due to any or all of these things. 
Book recs!
If you’re the kind of person who enjoys reading (or can at least tolerate it) I highly recommend these books! They’re all books that I have either read/started reading/or plan on reading. (Please keep in mind that none of these are Jewish texts such as the Torah or the Talmud and that I do understand the importance of such religious texts but am not recommending them because I feel those are obvious sources of information)
A Bride for One Night if you aren’t familiar with the Talmud, it’s a collection of writings and explanations of Jewish laws and traditions and it’s old as balls. The author of this book, Ruth Calderon, takes a bunch of Talmudic stories and makes them into these wonderful beautiful stories that are easier to read than the original ones from the 3rd and 6th centuries. Even if you don’t know anything about the Talmud this book is so fascinating and fun to read. 
The G-d Who Hates Lies is literally perfect for you if you have issues with how women are viewed and treated in the most traditional sense of Judaism. It’s a really great criticism by people who are extremely qualified to make those criticisms (both are rabbi’s and I think they both have doctorates in theology, specifically Modern Orthodox Judaism, which makes for a really cool viewpoint). I can’t find anything about the third author of this book, who is a woman, but it’s comforting to know that a woman had a part in this as well. Obviously these people love Judaism, they just want to see it adapt to modernity. Just in general it’s a really thoughtful book that challenges dogma. 
Jewish Literacy was recommended by an anon (thank you!) The rest of the title is “The Most Important Things to Know about The Jewish Religion, Its People and Its History” so like. Ya get what ya see here folks. HOWEVER I did see a review that mentions there is some Islamophobia and hostility towards Jews who are antizionist. It does genuinely look informative and I haven’t read it myself so I can’t attune to whether or not that review is accurate, but maybe be cautious if you read this in knowing that the author may not be objective. 
Book of Mercy made me openly weep and feel something tender and weird in my heart and like. Okay so it’s not informative so much as it’s a book of poetry by Leonard Cohen (he was Jewish if you didn’t know!) He calls his poems “modern psalms” and honestly this would be a good read even if you aren’t religious at all because his writing is just so gorgeous. But it does have references to Judaism and his identity as a Jew 
Understanding Judaism is really a “building blocks” kind of book to me, if that makes sense? It’s really informative but also really basic and is fantastic for people who know very little about Judaism or just want a well presented understanding of the core aspects of the Jewish religion. Even if you aren’t a Jew who’s looking to learn or someone who is considering conversion it’s still a good book if you’re interested in world religions regardless of your faith or lack thereof. (man I’m starting to sound pretentious lmao I just mean like, if you’re an atheist or Catholic or whatever, it’s pretty interesting and also this guy is kinda dorky-funny so it makes for an easier read than some other books about religion)
Shmooze I think this is meant to be more for a group to read an discuss, and like, also maybe meant for a younger audience (I’m talking about teenagers so not really that young, but if you’ve been reading dull infodumps by 90 y/o Jewish rabbis with doctorate degrees this is gonna be a change of pace lmao) I should mention that I’ve only read like two pages of this book because I saw it at Barnes and Noble and just kinda briefly checked it out so I don’t know a ton about it but it stuck in my head and the reviews look positive so 
Obvious I don’t think you have to read all of those because I haven’t even read all of those so maybe just check one of them out if it seems like it could be helpful to you. 
Judaism here on tumblr dot com:
Okay so like. This is really my personal diced onion so take it however you will but keep in mind that this really only reflects things I’ve come across and how I feel. 
Obviously there are a lot of really great blogs about Judaism but I don’t have any specific ones to recommend I’m sorry :O I really really hate ~Discourse~ and like, in-depth arguments about the Holocaust because I get so wrapped up in it and let’s be honest, tumblr is all about the discourse and ignorance. That being said, I like to follow other people who are Jewish and blog about whatever because that usually leads to safer discussions and also is a great way to find really helpful thoughts and discussions by other Jews about topics like being LGBT, being a woman, being an atheist, etc. These are just nice to read and also if you aren’t familiar with certain Yiddish or Hebrew terms that are commonly used it’s a good way to see how and when they’re used in certain contexts. 
I’m going to tag anything like this that I post here as “good info” just so me and anyone who wants can find this stuff easier. No they won’t necessarily have anything to do with hockey. 
Also please be very careful when you’re reading a post that is presenting certain things as facts, always double check what someone is saying because misinformation is spread so quickly, and it’s almost always unintentional. The things that I find genuinely helpful/safe/fun involve opinions, common feelings and experiences, little personal stories and jokes, cool stuff like that. 
I’m Jewish on my father’s side :0
Me too boo. Unfortunately that’s an unending discussion, and one that is often held by matrilineal Jews and doesn’t actually include patrilineal Jews, nor does it consider our thoughts/feelings/experiences. Without sounding like an idiot, it is absolutely buckwild to me that there are people who have been raised Jewish, have never known anything other than Jewish tradition, have been subject to antisemitism, but still aren’t considered Jewish. 
And then this is where I see matrilineal Jews who hold this viewpoint bring up Reform Judaism, which is one of the three main branches of Judaism and does recognize patrilineall Jews as Jews. I’ve seen some discrepancy as to whether or not patrilineal Jews had to have been raised Jewish in order to be considered Jewish. This is all well and good for Jews like me whose family practices Reform Judaism, but for patrilineal Jews who wish to practice in an Orthodox or Conservative synagogue, it gets tricky. 
Basically, yes this is a huge topic that inspires a lot of disagreement, and that sucks, but here’s what it comes down to. No one else is allowed to make you feel inferior because of your heritage. So many people, even modern Orthodox Jews, recognize that certain aspects of Judaism need to adapt to today’s society. I don’t want to offend anyone here, but I really do feel that most matrilineal Jews who don’t consider us Jewish are extremely hypocritical (for a lot of reasons but mostly like...y’all really follow every aspect of Jewish Law? Like do you really? All of it? Girl do u? Or are you maybe just being elitist). Learning about your heritage, talking about shared experiences, combating antisemitism, these are all things that are fair game for you (especially for the anon who said they were atheist) and going to Shabbat services, praying, participating in holy days. That’s all yours if you want it, bubbeleh. 
Can I be an atheist Jew?
Sure you can! I, personally, am not an atheist so I wasn’t comfortable finding specific resources about this because I don’t really know much about it? It’s fine with me if you’re atheist that’s none of my business, I just don’t want to direct you to a bad source. But yes, many Jews are atheist, many are secular, I’m sure there are many here on tumblr. It’s absolutely okay, Judaism is an ethnoreligion, and while you may experience Judaism different than the rest of us, you’re still a Jew and still belong. 
Here’s an excerpt from a short lil synopsis of Judaism:
These three connotations of Judaism as a monotheistic system, as a literary tradition, and as a historical culture are sometimes viewed separately. For example, there are Jews who see themselves as culturally Jewish, but who are also non-religious or atheist, often identifying more strongly with Jewish “peoplehood” than with traditional understandings of God and Torah. Even so, all Jews would recognize that these three points of reference have shaped and guided Jewish experience through the ages.
Jewish “peoplehood” that they talk about is like. Culture, customs, food, art, history, etc. 
One last little note on this, you’ll hear a lot that Judaism focuses more on actions than on beliefs. This is an excellent article that is pretty short and worth reading that I want to include because I think that even if you don’t believe in G-d or even if you are seriously questioning, the focus on just. Doing good. Actively doing good things and trying to be a good person (I know that’s objective but bear with me) is a such a huge part of Judaism that you can try to incorporate into your life without having to subscribe to any sort of dogma or beliefs that you don’t hold. “Judaism is certainly a faith-based tradition. Belief in G-d is central to our religion. It just isn’t a prerequisite. If you are Jewish, you are so regardless of belief.” 
But I’m a feminist....
As you should be. This is probably another personal statement you gon’ wanna take with a grain of salt, but I think Judaism, especially in the last 50 years or so, has made huge strides in this. Especially Reform Judaism, but that kind of goes without saying. 
Example, my synagogue was founded as a Conservative synagogue. Our website still says we are. I’m not actually sure tbqh, like I said, my family are Reform Jews, and so are most other families in our congregation I think but this is literally the only synagoge for like hundreds of miles so. Anyways our rabbi is female (Rabbi Shaina!) and she does great work, we all love her. She’s really adament on teaching kids that gender shouldn’t keep you from anything, that Judaism is for all Jews, that it should enhance our lives. She wears a tallis, lays her tefillin, and reads from the Torah. 
My point here is that while this isn’t like, the end of misogyny in Judaism as we know it, it’s still a big deal in most religions to have a woman as their religious leader, essentially a position of religious power. For men to accept a woman as a religious leader is not something that is super common in most religions. And we’re like, a tiny congregation over a hundred miles away from anyone else, technically a Conservative synagogue, that’s super loving and accepting of a feminist running our shit... female rabbis are super common and I think it speaks a lot to how we’re progressing as a religion. Reform Judaism is going to be your best bet when it comes to tolerance but knowing that all three of the main branches are progressing, at least with this, is really comforting to me. 
However, that’s an extremely one sided view and doesn’t really show the issue as a whole. This super short article (? not sure) is a bit pessimistic in my mind but presents the other side of things and gives a good explanation of the traditional sources of misogyny in Judaism, so this could further your understanding as well. 
By no means are we perfect but we’re workin on it. Look into Jewish Feminism though, if you have the time. That article is just a lil intro to the topic. 
I’m Q*eer/LGBT and I’m not sure y’all are gonna be cool with that...
Well this one’s a doozy. 
I’ll kick this right off by presenting an article that is objective and does not reflect the author’s opinion, just lays out the issues at hand. It also has some links to other good pieces, including one cool story about a transgender man, Rafi Daugherty, embracing his role as a father and details his experience with pregnancy and giving birth. I should mention that I am cisgender so I’m interpreting this article through a different point of view, but it really does make a point of celebrating Rafi and his daughter and sharing their story. It does include a little cultural background context, but this is a positive story that I think deserves to be shared :) 
Then there’s this statement from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism that confirms its absolute acceptance and support of LGBT Jews. 
On the other side of things, there are still homophobic and intolerant Jews. Conversion camps were not just a Christian thing, there were Jewish conversion camps as well, which is horrific. Idk what to say because I think homophobia and transphobia in Judaism is really similar to what you would find in Christian settings. 
I’m bisexual and I feel completely welcomed by other Jews who know this about me, and I certainly don’t feel any less Jewish because of it. 
I live in a place where Jewish spaces are rare.
I really hate to disappoint with this one but I don’t have any specific sources or anything like that. Alls I got to say is that’s why the internet is so great? I really don’t feel like that’s helpful at all, but I think for the most part, the Jewish side of tumblr is pretty accepting and welcoming. Obviously that’s not always gonna be true though idkdjaskfl;dj
I spose with this one I wanna encourage anyone who has any good resources for involvement or something like that to reply to this post or drop by my inbox and let me know! Or maybe just your thoughts on some Jewish spaces you’ve encountered? 
I hope this was helpful
In conclusion, don’t let anyone make you feel less Jewish. Your sexual identity, gender identity, and even your belief in G-d doesn’t take away from your Jewishness. I’d like to say that since I started delving into Judaism a little more I’ve found a lot of peace. And yeah that sounds cliche and also vague but it’s really a breath of fresh air to learn about my family and know more about this community. Also if you’re comfortable with or willing to try prayer, even if you’re atheist, it can be a good way to decompress sometimes, a really therapeutic kind of way to voice your thoughts and feelings and reflect on them. 
There’s so much information and culture to delve into but it’s so so worth it to learn and I’m really happy for you that you’re interested in getting more in touch with your Jewish roots. 
If any of these links don’t work and you’d like to see them let me know!
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nyfacurrent · 4 years
COVID-19 | Connecting with Audiences in a Time of Isolation
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Musicians Alexa Tarantino and Steven Feifke are livestreaming their music from their living room and raising funds for artists while doing it.
In this time of great uncertainty, artists of all disciplines are connecting with audiences in digital spaces like never before. Visual artists are giving virtual tours of their gallery shows and more are turning to selling work online (tips on how to do so via artnet News). Authors are reading chapters or poems from their books to online audiences; this example from The New York Times tells how children’s book authors Mo Willems, Gene Luen Yang, Amie Kaufman, and others are giving interactive presentations to kids who are now learning from home. Last week, Jessica Chen, founder and artistic director of J Chen Project, led 20-30 minute movement sessions via Zoom. The sessions opened up a new way of connecting and moving with others, and were designed for movers and non-movers alike. 
Musicians, like jazz saxophonist Alexa Tarantino and pianist and composer Steven Feifke, have taken matters into their own hands by livestreaming shows from their living room. Tarantino and Feifke have held two concerts so far with two more upcoming on Sunday, March 29 and Sunday, April 5, with 25% of all proceeds going to NYFA. We spoke with Tarantino and Feifke to learn more about how they got started, and why these concerts matter now.
Click here for a link to all past and future concerts. All concerts take place at 8:00 PM EST.
NYFA: Can you tell us more about what inspired your first concert on Sunday, March 15, and why you chose to donate 25% of the proceeds to NYFA?
Alexa Tarantino: When all of this discussion of quarantine and lockdown started, we heard that some larger organizations in Europe were using livestream as a way to continue presenting their programs without bringing large groups of people together. After I returned from a tour, we self-quarantined for safety reasons. In an effort to still play and perform for people as much as possible, we decided to put on a livestreamed duo concert from our apartment. We knew about New York Foundation for the Arts because of various opportunities and grants that the organization offers for artists and wanted to help others in our situation.
Steven Feifke: As soon as the outbreak of COV-ID 19 started to go from bad to worse in the U.S. and many of my performance-based engagements were cancelled, I thought to myself that there had to be a way to continue to perform and reach people. Alexa and I talked about it and agreed that as a part of our series, we wanted to have a way to give back to the community and support other artists whose livelihood has been affected by the COV-ID 19 outbreak. We knew that any donations we made to NYFA would get to the people who needed it most.
NYFA: Can you speak to the losses that you and those in your community are currently experiencing as a result of COVID-19 (in terms of gigs, income, recording sessions, etc)? 
AT: COVID-19 has definitely turned my work schedule upside down. All but a few of my events (domestic and international) through May have been cancelled. Some will be rescheduled at a later time, but many won’t. This is a large loss of income and also presents a challenge for bookings later in the spring and early summer, because we don’t know where things will go from here. However, this down time has been an opportunity to rest and recharge, and work on new music and projects. There is a silver lining!
SF: My professional career is mainly based around composing, arranging, and orchestrating. Although I have had several exciting performances and recordings get cancelled as a result of the outbreak of the virus, the majority of my work has not changed. I count myself lucky that I am still able to write music for upcoming albums and recording sessions, as well as teach masterclasses and private lessons out of my home studio. In fact, I am about to produce a project for Splice, and will be able to hire several musicians to record out of their home studios. 
NYFA: How easy or difficult is it logistically to put on these concerts? Would you recommend the platform you used and do you know of others (beyond Facebook, YouTube, Instagram) that musicians and performers might be using?
AT: Presenting these concerts has been seamless thanks to Crowdcast. My assistant Maura discovered it and we will certainly be using it in the future! This is a platform that we decided to pay for, but we have loved the user experience so far. Concert attendees can “save their spot” for the event so we have an idea of how many will be viewing, and the program also sends a reminder email to the attendees, has a great chat/Q&A feature, donation feature, and more. We would recommend this but also have seen people present great programs on social media platforms including Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
SF: Crowdcast also archives each of our performances, so viewers are able to watch past concerts at their leisure. 
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NYFA: You mentioned it was your first time livestreaming a show. What was it like for you as performers, and can you describe how the experience differed from other live performances you've done?
AT: Yes this was our first time live-streaming and it was very interesting! While we can't see or hear the audience, we could definitely feel their presence through their comments and "virtual applause." Since we are performing from the comfort of our home, it does feel a little more free and like we can take our time with the presentation. There's certainly less stress since there's no soundcheck, stage lighting, equipment, contract, pack-up process, etc!
SF: Well—this was the first concert I have ever given while wearing slippers! All joking aside, there was a certain amount of comfort that I derived from playing on the piano I practice with, but I definitely missed the excitement of feeling a direct audience interaction. Our audience members did the next best thing and sent us "applause emojis" after every song, which was really nice.
NYFA: Do you think that presentations like these provide some element of comfort during such challenging times? What are your thoughts on the potential in this sort of presentation for reaching new audiences? 
AT: Yes, we received great feedback from people who appreciated being able to listen to our music in their living rooms or during dinner. While it’s not the same as a live performance, I think it makes people feel less alone and reminds them of the beauty and purpose of art. We know that this idea of livestreaming performances has already spread across the world. We hope this encourages people to seek out other livestream events and we hope to be able to reach as many people as possible with our music.
SF: Personally, I am comforted by the fact that Alexa and I still have an outlet with which we can share our music and perform. I think that our friends, family, fans, and people we have become connected with through our performance careers are also glad to be able to tune in and hear us perform in this new setting. It's not the same as an in-person concert, but everyone is doing their best to adapt to life under quarantine, and I think that this sort of presentation of the music brings us all closer together. We are going to continue this series next Sunday, March 29 by celebrating Charlie Parker's centennial, and the following Sunday, April 5 with a concert featuring the music of Antonio Carlos Jobim. We hope that with each concert, we are able to reach new audiences—and hopefully see everyone at a live in-person concert soon!
-Amy Aronoff, Senior Communications Officer
If you need resources, please check our Emergency Grants page on NYFA’s website. We are updating it regularly as new funding comes in. You can find more articles on arts career topics by visiting the Business of Art section of NYFA.org. Sign up for NYFA News and receive artist resources and upcoming events straight to your inbox.
Images: Screenshots of Alexa Tarantino and Steven Feifke during their Sunday, March 22 concert.
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everythingsallwrite · 6 years
prompts xx
Bernadette Mayer's List of Journal Ideas:
Journals of: * dreams * food * finances * writing ideas * love * ideas for architects * city design ideas * beautiful and/or ugly sights * a history of one's own writing life, written daily * reading/music/art, etc. encountered each day * rooms * elaborations on weather * people one sees-description * subway, bus, car or other trips (e.g., the same bus trip written about every day) * pleasures and/or pain * life's everyday machinery: phones, stoves, computers, etc. * answering machine messages * round or rectangular things, other shapes * color * light * daily changes, e.g., a journal of one's desk, table, etc. * the body and its parts * clocks/time-keeping * tenant-landlord situations * telephone calls (taped?) * skies * dangers * mail * sounds * coincidences & connections * times of solitude
Other journal ideas: * Write once a day in minute detail about one thing * Write every day at the same time, e.g. lunch poems, waking ideas, etc. * Write minimally: one line or sentence per day * Create a collaborative journal: musical notation and poetry; two writers alternating days; two writing about the same subject each day, etc. * Instead of using a book, write on paper and put it up on the wall (public journal). * and so on ...
Bernadette Mayer's Writing Experiments * Pick a word or phrase at random, let mind play freely around it until a few ideas have come up, then seize on one and begin to write. Try this with a non- connotative word, like "so" etc. * Systematically eliminate the use of certain kinds of words or phrases from a piece of writing: eliminate all adjectives from a poem of your own, or take out all words beginning with 's' in Shakespeare's sonnets. * Rewrite someone else's writing. Experiment with theft and plagiarism. * Systematically derange the language: write a work consisting only of prepositional phrases, or, add a gerund to every line of an already existing work. * Get a group of words, either randomly selected or thought up, then form these words (only) into a piece of writing-whatever the words allow. Let them demand their own form, or, use some words in a predetermined way. Design words. * Eliminate material systematically from a piece of your own writing until it is "ultimately" reduced, or, read or write it backwards, line by line or word by word. Read a novel backwards. * Using phrases relating to one subject or idea, write about another, pushing metaphor and simile as far as you can. For example, use science terms to write about childhood or philosophic language to describe a shirt. * Take an idea, anything that interests you, or an object, then spend a few days looking and noticing, perhaps making notes on what comes up about that idea, or, try to create a situation or surrounding where everything that happens is in relation. * Construct a poem as if the words were three-dimensional objects to be handled in space. Print them on large cards or bricks if necessary. * Write as you think, as close as you can come to this, that is, put pen to paper and don't stop. Experiment writing fast and writing slow. * Attempt tape recorder work, that is, recording without a text, perhaps at specific times. * Make notes on what happens or occurs to you for a limited amount of time, then make something of it in writing. * Get someone to write for you, pretending they are you. * Write in a strict form, or, transform prose into a poetic form. * Write a poem that reflects another poem, as in a mirror. * Read or write a story or myth, then put it aside and, trying to remember it, write it five or ten times at intervals from memory. Or, make a work out of continuously saying, in a column or list, one sentence or line, over and over in different ways, until you get it "right." * Make a pattern of repetitions. * Take an already written work of your own and insert, at random or by choice, a paragraph or section from, for example, a psychology book or a seed catalogue. Then study the possibilities of rearranging this work or rewriting the "source." * Experiment with writing in every person and tense every day. * Explore the possibilities of lists, puzzles, riddles, dictionaries, almanacs, etc. Consult the thesaurus where categories for the word "word" include: word as news, word as message, word as information, word as story, word as order or command, word as vocable, word as instruction, promise, vow, contract. * Write what cannot be written; for example, compose an index. * The possibilities of synesthesia in relation to language and words: the word and the letter as sensations, colors evoked by letters, sensations caused by the sound of a word as apart from its meaning, etc. And the effect of this phenomenon on you; for example, write in the water, on a moving vehicle. * Attempt writing in a state of mind that seems least congenial. * Consider word and letter as forms-the concretistic distortion of a text, a mutiplicity of o's or ea's, or a pleasing visual arrangement: "the mill pond of chill doubt." * Do experiments with sensory memory: record all sense images that remain from breakfast, study which senses engage you, escape you. * Write, taking off from visual projections, whether mental or mechanical, without thought to the word in the ordinary sense, no craft. * Make writing experiments over a long period of time. For example, plan how much you will write for a particular work each day, perhaps one word or one page. * Write on a piece of paper where something is already printed or written. * Attempt to eliminate all connotation from a piece of writing and vice versa. * Experiment with writing in a group, collaborative work: a group writing individually off of each other's work over a long period of time in the same room; a group contributing to the same work, sentence by sentence or line by line; one writer being fed information and ideas while the other writes; writing, leaving instructions for another writer to fill in what you can't describe; compiling a book or work structured by your own language around the writings of others; or a group working and writing off of each other's dream writing. * Dream work: record dreams daily, experiment with translation or transcription of dream thought, attempt to approach the tense and incongruity appropriate to the dream, work with the dream until a poem or song emerges from it, use the dream as an alert form of the mind's activity or consciousness, consider the dream a problem-solving device, change dream characters into fictional characters, accept dream's language as a gift. * Structure a poem or prose writing according to city streets, miles, walks, drives. For example: Take a fourteen-block walk, writing one line per block to create a sonnet; choose a city street familiar to you, walk it, make notes and use them to create a work; take a long walk with a group of writers, observe, make notes and create works, then compare them; take a long walk or drive-write one line or sentence per mile. Variations on this. * The uses of journals. Keep a journal that is restricted to one set of ideas, for instance, a food or dream journal, a journal that is only written in when it is raining, a journal of ideas about writing, a weather journal. Remember that journals do not have to involve "good" writing-they are to be made use of. Simple one-line entries like "No snow today" can be inspiring later. Have 3 or 4 journals going at once, each with a different purpose. Create a journal that is meant to be shared and commented on by another writer--leave half of each page blank for the comments of the other. * Type out a Shakespeare sonnet or other poem you would like to learn about/imitate double-spaced on a page. Rewrite it in between the lines. * Find the poems you think are the worst poems ever written, either by your own self or other poets. Study them, then write a bad poem. * Choose a subject you would like to write "about." Then attempt to write a piece that absolutely avoids any relationship to that subject. Get someone to grade you. * Write a series of titles for as yet unwritten poems or proses. * Work with a number of objects, moving them around on a field or surface-describe their shifting relationships, resonances, associations. Or, write a series of poems that have only to do with what you see in the place where you most often write. Or, write a poem in each room of your house or apartment. Experiment with doing this in the home you grew up in, if possible. * Write a bestiary (a poem about real and mythical animals). * Write five short expressions of the most adamant anger; make a work out of them. * Write a work gazing into a mirror without using the pronoun I. * A shocking experiment: Rip pages out of books at random (I guess you could xerox them) and study them as if they were a collection of poetic/literary material. Use this method on your old high school or college notebooks, if possible, then create an epistemological work based on the randomly chosen notebook pages. * Meditate on a word, sound or list of ideas before beginning to write. * Take a book of poetry you love and make a list, going through it poem by poem, of the experiments, innovations, methods, intentions, etc. involved in the creation of the works in the book. * Write what is secret. Then write what is shared. Experiment with writing each in two different ways: veiled language, direct language. * Write a soothing novel in twelve short paragraphs. * Write a work that attempts to include the names of all the physical contents of the terrestrial world that you know. * Take a piece of prose writing and turn it into poetic lines. Then, without remembering that you were planning to do this, make a poem of the first and last words of each line to see what happens. For instance, the lines (from Einstein) * When at the reception * Of sense-impressions, memory pictures * Emerge this is not yet thinking * And when. . . * Would become: * When reception * Of pictures * Emerge thinking * And when * And so on. Form the original prose, poetic lines, and first-and-last word poem into three columns on a page. Study their relationships. * If you have an answering machine, record all messages received for one month, then turn them into a best-selling novella. * Write a macaronic poem (making use of as many languages as you are conversant with). * Attempt to speak for a day only in questions; write only in questions. * Attempt to become in a state where the mind is flooded with ideas; attempt to keep as many thoughts in mind simultaneously as possible. Then write without looking at the page, typescript or computer screen (This is "called" invisible writing). * Choose a period of time, perhaps five or nine months. Every day, write a letter that will never be sent to a person who does or does not exist, or to a number of people who do or do not exist. Create a title for each letter and don't send them. Pile them up as a book. * Etymological work. Experiment with investigating the etymologies of all words that interest you, including your own name(s). Approaches to etymologies: Take a work you've already written, preferably something short, look up the etymological meanings of every word in that work including words like "the" and "a". Study the histories of the words used, then rewrite the work on the basis of the etymological information found out. Another approach: Build poems and writings form the etymological families based on the Indo-European language constructs, for instance, the BHEL family: bulge, bowl, belly, boulder, billow, ball, balloon; or the OINO family: one, alone, lonely, unique, unite, unison, union; not to speak of one of the GEN families: kin, king, kindergarten, genteel, gender, generous, genius, genital, gingerly, pregnant, cognate, renaissance, and innate! * Write a brief bibliography of the science and philosophy texts that interest you. Create a file of newspaper articles that seem to relate to the chances of writing poetry. * Write the poem: Ways of Making Love. List them. * Diagram a sentence in the old-fashioned way. If you don't know how, I'll be happy to show you; if you do know how, try a really long sentence, for instance from Melville. * Turn a list of the objects that have something to do with a person who has died into a poem or poem form, in homage to that person. * Write the same poem over and over again, in different forms, until you are weary. Another experiment: Set yourself the task of writing for four hours at a time, perhaps once, twice or seven times a week. Don't stop until hunger and/or fatigue take over. At the very least, always set aside a four-hour period once a month in which to write. This is always possible and will result in one book of poems or prose writing for each year. Then we begin to know something. * Attempt as a writer to win the Nobel Prize in Science by finding out how thought becomes language, or does not. * Take a traditional text like the pledge of allegiance to the flag. For every noun, replace it with one that is seventh or ninth down from the original one in the dictionary. For instance, the word "honesty" would be replaced by "honey dew melon." Investigate what happens; different dictionaries will produce different results. * Attempt to write a poem or series of poems that will change the world. Does everything written or dreamed of do this? * Write occasional poems for weddings, for rivers, for birthdays, for other poets' beauty, for movie stars maybe, for the anniversaries of all kinds of loving meetings, for births, for moments of knowledge, for deaths. Writing for the "occasion" is part of our purpose as poets in being-this is our work in the community wherein we belong and work as speakers for others. * Experiment with every traditional form, so as to know it. * Write poems and proses in which you set yourself the task of using particular words, chosen at random like the spelling exercises of children: intelligence, amazing, weigh, weight, camel, camel's, foresight, through, threw, never, now, snow, rein, rain. Make a story of that! * Plan, structure, and write a long work. Consider what is the work now needed by the culture to cure and exact even if by accident the great exorcism of its 1998 sort-of- seeming-not-being. What do we need? What is the poem of the future? * What is communicable now? What more is communicable? * Compose a list of familiar phrases, or phrases that have stayed in your mind for a long time--from songs, from poems, from conversation: * What's in a name? That which we call a rose * By any other name would smell as sweet * (Romeo and Juliet) * A rose is a rose is a rose * (Gertrude Stein) * A raisin in the sun * (Langston Hughes) * The king was in the counting house * Counting out his money. . . * (Nursery rhyme) * I sing the body electric. . . * These United States. . . * (Walt Whitman) * A thing of beauty is a joy forever * (Keats) * (I summon up) remembrance of things past * (WS) * Ask not for whom the bell tolls * It tolls for thee * (Donne) * Look homeward, Angel * (Milton) * For fools rush in where angels fear to tread * (Pope) * All's well that ends well * (WS) * I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness * (Allen Ginsberg) * I think therefore I am * (Descartes) * It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,. . . * (Dickens) * brave new world has such people in it * (Shakespeare, The Tempest, later Huxley) * Odi et amo (I hate and I love) * (Catullus) * Water water everywhere * Nor any drop to drink * (Coleridge) * Curiouser and curiouser * (Alice in Wonderland) * Don't worry be happy. Here's a little song I wrote. . . * Write the longest most beautiful sentence you can imagine-make it be a whole page. * Set yourself the task of writing in a way you've never written before, no matter who you are. * What is the value of autobiography? * Attempt to write in a way that's never been written before. * Invent a new form. * Write a perfect poem. * Write a work that intersperses love with landlords. * In a poem, list what you know. * Address the poem to the reader. * Write household poems-about cooking, shopping, eating and sleeping. * Write dream collaborations in the lune form. * Write poems that only make use of the words included in Basic English. * Attempt to write about jobs and how they affect the writing of poetry. * Write while being read to from science texts, or, write while being read to by one's lover from any text. * Trade poems with others and do not consider them your own. * Exercises in style: Write twenty-five or more different versions of one event. * Review the statement: "What is happening to me, allowing for lies and exaggerations which I try to avoid, goes into my poems."
SOURCE: www.writing.upenn.edu/library/Mayer-Bernadette_Experiments.html/
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thepillareddark · 7 years
Understanding Spheres of Study, or, Why English Literature isn’t just a Sideshow to other, more “Central” Studies
What follows is an argument or approach to literature which is central to my personal thinking. When I run into people or critics who favour a historicist’s approach, or who think of literature as just something artistic or something which is a natural consequence of any society of people, I find myself trying to explain the “Spheres” to them, so I felt I should put down exactly what I mean by this here.
When I say “central” studies I mean the areas of study, thought and writing which are typically thought of as the big dogs- History, Geography, Politics, Economics, Sciences- and those which are no less central but slightly less popular- Anthropology, Philosophy, and we might say Languages. Out of all of these huge areas, which often get rolled into eachother to create massive ‘cover-all’ words like “socioeconomics” and “geopolitics”, English literature has never really felt like it has fit in, because for the most part even the biggest and most significant outputs of the whole area can be reduced to lines on a bit of paper. It also frequently feels like even if Shakespeare had never existed, we would all be basically as happy as we are today, and history most certainly would have gone in exactly the same direction.
Have you noticed also that Literature never gets fully rolled into any other word? There’s no “Socioliterature”, although there is sociological analysis of writing, and there’s no “literonomics”, although there are of course many analyses of how money affects writing and writers. This is partially because literary writing is always one level distant from all these other things, and that’s because of the large significance of human imagination in literary writing, that it is like art. Geography must surely affect art, all of us look around at each other like we know this, but it is definitely easier to nod heads and agree on a big word like “geopolitics” because geographical factors so obviously and directly affect politics: if a country has a border with another one the politics of trade will alter, and if the politics of war break down it’s harder to invade if there’s a sea between two countries. Geography messes with politics, politics messes with what the geography means. Geography, on the other hand, might mess with art, but then art carries on regardless, as if there was never any other way it was going to go, and as if the art still exists on a higher level where great works can still be written and still appear to be justified by or to justify the current political/economic/historical climate. For instance, we don’t think of Paradise Lost as flawed just because it was concerned with a specific and topical piece of politics: what to do with Kings. We might criticise Milton for his thinking being too affected by Kings, and that will always be fair, but the art itself is formed by him in a kind of perfection, like it justifies whatever specific freeze-frame position people England finds itself at when he writes it.
We can look at literature’s relation to any other of the big subjects in a very similar way: literature will remain weird because it is partially something which is not entirely creative or artistic, and can have polemic or argumentative purposes, but it also has such a large and strange creative angle which is far harder to tie down in a scientific way. The products of literary creativity are affected by Central Subjects, but sometimes they just do what they want anyway. Literature can seem entirely at the whim of bigger effects while also being entirely independent of them, Paradise Lost seems impossibly bound up in contemporary politics while also seeming like it was never a predictable consequence of history.
There are two ways to look at literature, therefore:
The reductive view of literature as a circle overlapped by nearly everyone else in the Grand Venn-Diagram of subjects
Literature as something entirely unique which exists exactly as its own sphere of study. By this I mean so unique that the word which we need for it is precisely “literature”, but that when you hear literature, you now need to not think just of writing, but as Literature as its own sphere.
 This latter approach necessitates a bigger revision in your thinking, and in the thinking of a lot of critics, than you might anticipate. Let me explain by way of two examples:
Back in around 1660-1700 in England two big pieces of philosophical/political thought were published: Leviathan by Hobbes, and An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by Locke. Both are interesting because they begun the separation of imaginative literature from literature like philosophical and political writing. Hobbes’ Leviathan was about using a single analogy, or aesthetic, in this case the idea of everyone in a state composing a single leader, or Leviathan, who would represent the nation as a whole. Locke’s Essay was a highly structured argument, which we would likely not recognise as “literary” today, but which back then fell under “literature”- but by being a treatise, and by working hard to make a point rather dispassionately instead of putting character or literary device into the writing, that is, by trying to be scientific, the essay became something slightly less recognisable as literature, it seemed to split off into science, or the science of human thought, that is, philosophy. Just as Hobbes was allowed to use a poetic device to describe politics without it being too strange to his own time, Locke was standing out by being very technical and mathematical in how he used his rationality.
The reason for the slight confusion in terms over the word “literary” and “literature” in the above is my main point: that before a certain turning point (which occured around the two texts mentioned but was not forced by those works alone), in terms of the word used, there was no difference between imaginative literature and philosophical and political writing. That is, it all used to be ‘literature’, and creative devices or flights of fancy were understood more like means to an end, which was whatever your purpose as a writer was- praise, satire, storytelling, religious writing, allegory. This of course was a very gradual process, but it had to do a lot with the availability of paper and pen and the strict purposes of writing. Way back when, around with Chaucer and Skelton, you needed a patronage to write because of how expensive the whole process, including publication, was. Then, in broad terms, came the “Renaissance”, when it was the whole court who could write things, but mainly things which had to be to do with the court or kings or patrons, or they had to be targeted love poems, and then came a great burst of playwrights who, again, were writing to a purpose. Then there was a great age of satire, which was often supported by patronage but which was also often politically or personally important, and once more we see restriction to purpose. When literature is restricted into a purpose, we can actually say it moves more towards the concerns of the Central Subjects: so it is less up to the whims of the imagination of the poet, and has to be more of, say, an attack poem, or a praise poem, or it has to fit closely to a religious or romantic standard. It just didn’t happen that writers did what they want, and therefore it was easier to see literature less as art and more like a style of writing, or even just the style of writing.
The first period of really individuated poetry was therefore what we term the “Romantic” period, where people were being more and more imaginative by going out on walks and the like and writing what they felt in their hearts based on what they personally saw. This led to a lot of stuff that gets parodied today for being gushing and purposeless, and that’s because at the point it was so new because of those two factors: and that’s also what a lot of people think about when they think about what poetry is and means today, in a university setting, and in a wider setting. The first really significant romantic poem (we might also have said Paradise Lost) is Night Thoughts, which accordingly was criticised for being too self-centred. Do you start to see what I mean?
Imaginative literature, which we think of as all literature today and in the past, incorporating prose, poetry and playwriting, and which we think off as basically self-centred to the writer, is a categorical term which is divergent from what writing used to be understood as. Imagination is an ingredient which is more or less in the mix depending on the terms of the poetry and the era of the writing. And that’s because the degree to which you were being creative only gradually became a core question as literature was developing, and as poets were looking backwards at what sort of poetry had come before.
The picture we start to build up is one which in fact supports the historicists view: that in basic terms literature is something which is primarily a consequence of its time and place. But the view we are building up also denies the idea that literature was a sideshow because we have to ask the question of why it was that authors have gone to such staggering lengths to construct an art that is like life, and not quite like life, which can evoke feelings more strongly than normal writing, and which is still necessarily tied to normal writing, that is, we run right back into the word “literature”, and are unable to reconcile it as anything else but its own full existence. For me, my definition of literature must just be:
“People wrote things sometimes”
The reason that’s my definition is because no critic can actually give a good reason for why the imaginative element would ever have been so strong or so important, or eventually so dominant in what we understand as literature, unless it was just a phenomenon in human culture that every civilization around the globe has at some point produced artists and writers who have made their own Paradise-Lost-type writings. Reducing it to ‘art’ by calling it ‘imaginative’, and therefore seeing it as “non-central”, misses the fact that in our 2000 well-recorded years, only for a fairly large chunk has “imaginative” even been used as a term to separate and, yes, discriminate against, literary writing.
It's not good enough to owe the importance of studying literature to something like “It gives us a sense of how people were feeling at the time” because history does that. It’s no good using them as historical documents either because you tend to need history to decode them, not the other way round. And they therefore certainly aren’t the “emotional record of a time”, not least because the emotions we actually need to know about are those of the people who didn’t get to write, not the emotions of the essentially bourgeouisie writers of anything pre-1700.  And yet, here these pieces of art stand: phenomena which so obviously ARE records of a time, and which are also only one person’s voice, and which are so deeply rich and rewarding to our study of them, but which have a whole brand of study (literary criticism) which is highly self-reflexive and not particularly useful outside of itself. Works of literary art tell us about philosophy and about how we think, of course, but their importance, literature’s importance, to me, the importance which really puts them as centrally as the other stuff, is more like this:
“You’re not going to live forever.”
This is what I mean by divorcing your own current idea of literature from “art is entertainment”, or “art is entertainment which sometimes has relevance to the Central Subjects”, or even from thinking that it’s important to study art because art is good. Literature matters because within the realms of “stuff to see” and “stuff to understand” you aren’t going to die having understood everything within the Central Subjects, and you don’t want to leave the life in which you exist, in a timeline where so many staggering things have been made, without having read at least many of them. The process of understanding this starts with accepting that “imaginative literature” is only really one category of literature that we have within human history, and it ends with seeing that these big texts, these “world of their own” texts, DO exist, and must be more than sideshows in our reality and human history, even if they were already not sideshows by virtue of their own partial importance to the Central Subjects.
Literature is only the record of the fact that “people wrote things sometimes” because there was never any discoverable reason, try as the historicists might, for any of the writing to exist, unless that historicist wants to hazard an explanation at why we make art. This is part of why my explanation of my new definition of literature is so woolly- because the word we have for it, “literature”, is correct, and yet “literature” has come to be a word which knocks against the “history of written art” until it has fallen outside of its own sphere.
Literature is literature, and it is the subject which is to do with the things which were written, and the reasons why and techniques how they were written.
And if that sounds too general, or like it covers too big a ground, it’s because you need to widen your understanding of how complex the sphere of literature is.
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easterwings · 7 years
11 Questions
1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people (or however many you want)
I got tagged by @1000-directions @dearmrsawyer and @alligatornyc    
Thanks all of you for thinking of me! And @writsgrimmyblog said I could consider myself tagged and I’m gonna. :)))   I hope my answers are at least a quarter as interesting as all of yours were.  :)))  I’m going to put them under a cut as it got a bit long:
what is a food that you associate with your heritage or culture, whatever that means to you?  Cornbread.  When I was little my grandmother use to make it in a certain baking tin so it’d come out shaped like ears of corn.  I wish I knew what happened to that baking tin.  Also, iced sweet tea.  Ya’ll.
what is the best smell?  Clean baby, rose petal black tea, both old and new books
what’s a bad habit you wish you could change?  I overthink things a lot. I wish I could turn it down a notch or eight.  I also care a bit too much about things and people and I wish I could turn that off sometimes.
what’s something you like about yourself?  I like to think I’ve got good taste.
what’s a book from your childhood that had a huge impact on your life? A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle.  I barely remember it because I’ve read so, so many things in my life, but I do remember it, and that’s really saying something.
what’s your ringtone? The Verizon default.  On my old phone it was one of the Tenth Doctor’s opening titles but I don’t remember what I did with the audio file.
what do you wish more people realized about you? That I’m really not someone to be intimidated by.  I’m awkward and horribly socially anxious, and I don’t initiate conversation a lot because I’m terrified I’m going to screw it up. 
what song always pumps you up?  “21 And Invincible” by Something Corporate.  I have it on my walking playlist and it always makes me want to move a little bit faster.  
do you grocery shop with a list or do you wander aimlessly?  I have a list I make using the Google Keep app on my phone.  I have a really bad memory and I’d be lost without a list.
what is the best dessert?  Cake.  Give me all the cake.  Yes, even that weird American fruit cake.  Give me that too.
will monsters get you if your feet are not completely under the covers at night?  Whether they will or not, I’m still sleeping with my feet sticking out.  I hate having hot feet.
Do you have a favourite plant?  I realize this is probably a general question, but I’m going to say that my favorite plant is the Calibrachoa I have hanging on my porch.  It’s very fluffy and it’s got loads of little yellow flowers.
Have you travelled anywhere internationally? If so, where? If not, where’s your number one place you’d like to go?  I haven’t but I really really really want to go to Japan.
What do you feel when you look at the stars?  Like the universe is looking back at me.  It doesn’t scare me, though.
When you study/write/do whatever you do, do you feel more productive working on paper or on screen?  Depends.  Usually I’m more productive when I’m working on screen, but sometimes the only way to get the story moving is to write it out by hand.
What is the pillow situation when you sleep?  One pillow, can’t be too soft. 
Do you still buy DVDs or do you prefer to just have everything digitally?  If it’s something I really love, then I’ll buy the DVD.  Same with books.
What’s your favourite kind of jewellery to wear? Do you like earrings, necklaces, rings, etc?  I suppose it’d be rings.  Right now I’m just wearing my wedding set, but eventually I’d like to get a set of stackable birthstone rings, one for my son (garnet), one for my daughter (diamond), and one in memory of August Baby (peridot).  I also want something huge and ridiculous to put on my index finger.
Favourite concert experience?  This is going to make me sound five million years old, but R.E.M. was playing The Omni, and I went to see them when I was about fifteen.  They had an open stage and during “Nightswimming” (my favorite R.E.M. song at the time) they turned toward our section and performed it facing us.  
What’s a book on your shelf that you haven’t yet read, but are really looking forward to?  Tokyo on Foot by Florent Chavouet.  Chavouet is a graphic artist and he went with his girlfriend to Tokyo for her internship.  And he’d wander around while she was out and draw what he saw, so it’s full of his little sketches.  
Do you still have any favourite toys from your childhood? I still have my Bunny Beans from when I was a baby.  It’s a baby doll in a very faded pink bunny suit.  I gave it to my daughter.
Do you hold onto old things or do you enjoy throwing away things you no longer need?  I tend to hold onto things until they’re absolutely falling apart and can’t be salvaged.  And even then sometimes I’ll keep it anyway.
When do you feel sexiest and/or most confident?  When I have on very high heels.  Not stiletto heels, because I’m not graceful enough for that, but definitely something four inches or more.
Mortifying teen-aged memory?  I’m sure there’s tons, but I’ve managed to block them all out.
Go-to outfit?  Sweater and a skirt.
Dream job?  Book shop owner in a little village on a coast somewhere.
Favorite villain?  Laurie from The Rifter Series.  I get her.
Tumblr pet peeve(s)?  The inability to use XKit on the mobile app.
Kindest gesture you’ve ever received?  I don’t know if it’s the kindest thing ever, but a few nights ago someone sent me a very lovely message right when I needed it.  They don’t follow me but they’d noticed the tags that I’d put on a post that I reblogged from them, and it was so kind of them to send that lovely note and one of the best possible ways to end what was a really bad day.  And my readers, they’re always kind too.  They say the loveliest things.  And while I was filling this out, Steph wrote me a story and it has so many of my favorite things in it.  <3 <3 <3
Kindest gesture you’ve ever done for someone else?  I like to make grids and things for fics that I like, but I don’t know if that’s something that’s considered kind or not.  And sometimes I like to go on anon and send people nice messages, especially if I see someone getting really shitty anons.  And one day I spent hours trying to hunt down the owner of $500 in cash that I found in a parking lot, but I think that’s more along the lines of doing the right thing.  
One Direction and/or solo 1D member dream photo shoot?  Louis, hands down.  I don’t care what else is going on as long it’s Louis.  They can take pictures of him wearing a bin bag eating bran flakes, and I will stare at them endlessly and love them.
Relationship/views on money/personal finances?  My husband and I have separate checking accounts and one joint savings account, and we’ve split up the household bills to where he pays some things and I pay others and we buy fun things for ourselves and each other and the kids out of our own accounts.  I have no idea what that’s called (or even if that makes sense) but that’s how we’ve been doing it for who knows how long now.
Favorite dynamic/type of chemistry you like to read about in novels/fic or see on TV/movies?  I usually like a snarky smart-ass and the person who’s done with their shit but who also cares about them deeply.  And I like it if they’re kind to each other underneath all the gentle teasing.  I just really like it when they’re kind.
BONUS: Song, including lyrics, that best describe you?  Well, if we’re going for honesty, probably all of Garbage’s “Only Happy When It Rains.”   
What’s your favourite quote from a book or poem? From The Fellowship of the Ring, “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
What song makes you want to dance like nobody’s watching? “Pon de Replay” by Rihanna
What’s your favourite ship to read? Tomlinshaw, forever and always.
If you could own one item of clothing belonging to any celebrity what would you pick and why?  I want one of Nick’s coats.  Or one of his jumpers.  I like his taste in clothing and I adore him.  Or Louis’s Skate Tough top.  I love that one and him.
Gif with a hard or soft ‘g’?  Hard ‘G.’  Otherwise I’m going to think we’re talking about a brand of peanut butter.
What’s your favourite fanfic ‘getting together’ trope?  I do like a good drunken snogging.  And it’s cheesy as hell, but I also love the whole “realizing feelings while being sang to during karaoke” thing.  I love that a lot.  And also if they were together before but split up because reasons but then get back together somehow later.
What’s your guiltiest pleasure? This is going to sound so boring but probably Tim Tams.  I don’t let myself buy them too often, because I could probably eat all of them in one sitting.
Most relatable 1D (or solo 1D) lyric? Louis’s solo from “Moments.”  Sorry.  June’s just been a really shitty month.
If you could give one piece of advice to a celebrity, what would it be?  Illegitimi non carborundum
Tell me your favourite joke.  I really love puns and this one from the Gryles interview of legend is one of my favorites:  “I was just looking at my ceiling. Not sure if it's the best ceiling in the world, but it's definitely up there."
If you were famous for a day, what question would you most dread being asked during an interview?  Probably the what do you do in your free time one.  That’s the one I can see myself freezing up on the most.
If you’ve managed to get this far, thank you so much for reading!!!  I will write something in your honor if you tell me what you want.  <3 <3  
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yorkshireword · 3 years
Bernadette Mayer’s Writing Experiments (selected)
Bernadette Mayer's Writing Experiments (selected)
* Pick a word or phrase at random, let mind play freely around it until a few ideas have come up, then seize on one and begin to write. Try this with a non- connotative word, like "so" etc.
* Systematically eliminate the use of certain kinds of words or phrases from a piece of writing: eliminate all adjectives from a poem of your own, or take out all words beginning with 's' in Shakespeare's sonnets.
* Rewrite someone else's writing. Experiment with theft and plagiarism.
* Systematically derange the language: write a work consisting only of prepositional phrases, or, add a gerund to every line of an already existing work.
* Get a group of words, either randomly selected or thought up, then form these words (only) into a piece of writing-whatever the words allow. Let them demand their own form, or, use some words in a predetermined way. Design words.
* Eliminate material systematically from a piece of your own writing until it is "ultimately" reduced, or, read or write it backwards, line by line or word by word. Read a novel backwards.
* Using phrases relating to one subject or idea, write about another, pushing metaphor and simile as far as you can. For example, use science terms to write about childhood or philosophic language to describe a shirt.
* Take an idea, anything that interests you, or an object, then spend a few days looking and noticing, perhaps making notes on what comes up about that idea, or, try to create a situation or surrounding where everything that happens is in relation.
* Construct a poem as if the words were three-dimensional objects to be handled in space. Print them on large cards or bricks if necessary.
* Write as you think, as close as you can come to this, that is, put pen to paper and don't stop. Experiment writing fast and writing slow.
* Attempt tape recorder work, that is, recording without a text, perhaps at specific times.
* Make notes on what happens or occurs to you for a limited amount of time, then make something of it in writing.
* Get someone to write for you, pretending they are you.
* Write in a strict form, or, transform prose into a poetic form.
* Write a poem that reflects another poem, as in a mirror.
* Read or write a story or myth, then put it aside and, trying to remember it, write it five or ten times at intervals from memory. Or, make a work out of continuously saying, in a column or list, one sentence or line, over and over in different ways, until you get it "right."
* Make a pattern of repetitions.
* Take an already written work of your own and insert, at random or by choice, a paragraph or section from, for example, a psychology book or a seed catalogue. Then study the possibilities of rearranging this work or rewriting the "source."
* Experiment with writing in every person and tense every day.
* Explore the possibilities of lists, puzzles, riddles, dictionaries, almanacs, etc. Consult the thesaurus where categories for the word "word" include: word as news, word as message, word as information, word as story, word as order or command, word as vocable, word as instruction, promise, vow, contract.
* Write what cannot be written; for example, compose an index.
* The possibilities of synesthesia in relation to language and words: the word and the letter as sensations, colors evoked by letters, sensations caused by the sound of a word as apart from its meaning, etc. And the effect of this phenomenon on you; for example, write in the water, on a moving vehicle.
* Attempt writing in a state of mind that seems least congenial.
* Consider word and letter as forms-the concretistic distortion of a text, a mutiplicity of o's or ea's, or a pleasing visual arrangement: "the mill pond of chill doubt."
* Do experiments with sensory memory: record all sense images that remain from breakfast, study which senses engage you, escape you.
* Write, taking off from visual projections, whether mental or mechanical, without thought to the word in the ordinary sense, no craft.
* Make writing experiments over a long period of time. For example, plan how much you will write for a particular work each day, perhaps one word or one page.
* Write on a piece of paper where something is already printed or written.
* Attempt to eliminate all connotation from a piece of writing and vice versa.
* Experiment with writing in a group, collaborative work: a group writing individually off of each other's work over a long period of time in the same room; a group contributing to the same work, sentence by sentence or line by line; one writer being fed information and ideas while the other writes; writing, leaving instructions for another writer to fill in what you can't describe; compiling a book or work structured by your own language around the writings of others; or a group working and writing off of each other's dream writing.
* Dream work: record dreams daily, experiment with translation or transcription of dream thought, attempt to approach the tense and incongruity appropriate to the dream, work with the dream until a poem or song emerges from it, use the dream as an alert form of the mind's activity or consciousness, consider the dream a problem-solving device, change dream characters into fictional characters, accept dream's language as a gift.
* Structure a poem or prose writing according to city streets, miles, walks, drives. For example: Take a fourteen-block walk, writing one line per block to create a sonnet; choose a city street familiar to you, walk it, make notes and use them to create a work; take a long walk with a group of writers, observe, make notes and create works, then compare them; take a long walk or drive-write one line or sentence per mile. Variations on this.
* The uses of journals. Keep a journal that is restricted to one set of ideas, for instance, a food or dream journal, a journal that is only written in when it is raining, a journal of ideas about writing, a weather journal. Remember that journals do not have to involve "good" writing-they are to be made use of. Simple one-line entries like "No snow today" can be inspiring later. Have 3 or 4 journals going at once, each with a different purpose. Create a journal that is meant to be shared and commented on by another writer--leave half of each page blank for the comments of the other.
* Type out a Shakespeare sonnet or other poem you would like to learn about/imitate double-spaced on a page. Rewrite it in between the lines. * Find the poems you think are the worst poems ever written, either by your own self or other poets. Study them, then write a bad poem.
* Choose a subject you would like to write "about." Then attempt to write a piece that absolutely avoids any relationship to that subject. Get someone to grade you.
* Write a series of titles for as yet unwritten poems or proses.
* Work with a number of objects, moving them around on a field or surface-describe their shifting relationships, resonances, associations. Or, write a series of poems that have only to do with what you see in the place where you most often write. Or, write a poem in each room of your house or apartment. Experiment with doing this in the home you grew up in, if possible.
* Write a bestiary (a poem about real and mythical animals).
* Write five short expressions of the most adamant anger; make a work out of them.
* Write a work gazing into a mirror without using the pronoun I.
* A shocking experiment: Rip pages out of books at random (I guess you could xerox them) and study them as if they were a collection of poetic/literary material. Use this method on your old high school or college notebooks, if possible, then create an epistemological work based on the randomly chosen notebook pages.
* Meditate on a word, sound or list of ideas before beginning to write.
* Take a book of poetry you love and make a list, going through it poem by poem, of the experiments, innovations, methods, intentions, etc. involved in the creation of the works in the book.
* Write what is secret. Then write what is shared. Experiment with writing each in two different ways: veiled language, direct language.
* Write a soothing novel in twelve short paragraphs.
* Write a work that attempts to include the names of all the physical contents of the terrestrial world that you know.
* Take a piece of prose writing and turn it into poetic lines. Then, without remembering that you were planning to do this, make a poem of the first and last words of each line to see what happens.
* If you have an answering machine, record all messages received for one month, then turn them into a best-selling novella.
* Write a macaronic poem (making use of as many languages as you are conversant with).
* Attempt to speak for a day only in questions; write only in questions.
* Attempt to become in a state where the mind is flooded with ideas; attempt to keep as many thoughts in mind simultaneously as possible. Then write without looking at the page, typescript or computer screen (This is "called" invisible writing).
* Choose a period of time, perhaps five or nine months. Every day, write a letter that will never be sent to a person who does or does not exist, or to a number of people who do or do not exist. Create a title for each letter and don't send them. Pile them up as a book.
* Etymological work. Experiment with investigating the etymologies of all words that interest you, including your own name(s). Approaches to etymologies: Take a work you've already written, preferably something short, look up the etymological meanings of every word in that work including words like "the" and "a". Study the histories of the words used, then rewrite the work on the basis of the etymological information found out. Another approach: Build poems and writings form the etymological families based on the Indo-European language constructs, for instance, the BHEL family: bulge, bowl, belly, boulder, billow, ball, balloon; or the OINO family: one, alone, lonely, unique, unite, unison, union; not to speak of one of the GEN families: kin, king, kindergarten, genteel, gender, generous, genius, genital, gingerly, pregnant, cognate, renaissance, and innate!
* Write a brief bibliography of the science and philosophy texts that interest you. Create a file of newspaper articles that seem to relate to the chances of writing poetry.
* Turn a list of the objects that have something to do with a person who has died into a poem or poem form, in homage to that person.
* Write the same poem over and over again, in different forms, until you are weary. Another experiment: Set yourself the task of writing for four hours at a time, perhaps once, twice or seven times a week. Don't stop until hunger and/or fatigue take over. At the very least, always set aside a four-hour period once a month in which to write. This is always possible and will result in one book of poems or prose writing for each year. Then we begin to know something.
* Take a traditional text like the pledge of allegiance to the flag. For every noun, replace it with one that is seventh or ninth down from the original one in the dictionary. For instance, the word "honesty" would be replaced by "honey dew melon." Investigate what happens; different dictionaries will produce different results.
* Attempt to write a poem or series of poems that will change the world. Does everything written or dreamed of do this?
* Write occasional poems for weddings, for rivers, for birthdays, for other poets' beauty, for movie stars maybe, for the anniversaries of all kinds of loving meetings, for births, for moments of knowledge, for deaths. Writing for the "occasion" is part of our purpose as poets in being-this is our work in the community wherein we belong and work as speakers for others.
* Write poems and proses in which you set yourself the task of using particular words, chosen at random like the spelling exercises of children: intelligence, amazing, weigh, weight, camel, camel's, foresight, through, threw, never, now, snow, rein, rain. Make a story of that!
* Plan, structure, and write a long work. Consider what is the work now needed by the culture to cure and exact even if by accident the great exorcism of its 1998 sort-of- seeming-not-being. What do we need? What is the poem of the future?
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tuckersampson · 4 years
from “rompe las parablas”
yeah, an old hunter/gather never having food going around to gather it. legendary of almost a landscape. the word legendary as in something in any language that repeats. i can’t use it so i don’t like it, a moment for a few dishonest things that just kind of ring in the ear the only reason why that remains. do i remember what they are now? those refrains, yes i do do they sound right? do i really want to hear myself repeat them. will just download, i will just download a verb later so i can make it disappear. to cast it out of the galaxy. a photograph from a polaroid made to exist for a really long time turns into gold. the snakes pushing up through the calcium. i can’t reach the all lives on that tree but that’s all right with me. all the spam i get doesn’t come for free. i find it useful when i break these, shift is a type of music. the rumbling under a tectonic plate. i can hear a collective, word left out.
yes a great spot where i will daydream. pretend that i’m a woman and call myself proverb. will just be more diplomatic about that. i don’t have an answer when there is no question. anytime of day to watch splat. a stage direction can call for cheese. but in reality, no not in reality i don’t want to move there. direct attachment document. level playing spiel. if the truncation of writing is to neglect the world then my spam filter holes bigger. the night time back then was a carbon copy of the one right before it. even back when, that must’ve been for thousand years ago. if it was a tray of silk.
long lingering suspicions. it’s tough to get out of all the dates, the tracks left by bone in the soil. pretty fucking regal. at least it’s not a book that starts with the poets birth and goes on to the poets death.
steal this open. don’t listen. semblance. i’m waiting for a diplomatic record. i really just close my eyes and imagined an old movie sometime. from some other place. don’t do that it’s wrong.
the rain dance was done wrong so it snowed what seemed like a foot i said pianist the jungle becomes crusty the one of the streets. (well that poem must be gone.)
certain fix stations with dreams. between 1900 and 1910, sigmund freud published the interpretation of dreams. then the old saying, homer died poor. don’t give a shit. i don’t give a shit.
we have shores for our own survival. i need them.
said welcome to the shaking symphony. you can go quietly or make a lot of noise. i’m driving through the backwoods home. i will write something new every time a mile passes on the odometer. black birds, as the blue car drives past.
breaking apart the daydreams into meeting. the time i call the last mile. you can be the blackwoods if you would like. those blackbirds are called crows.
the backwoods of the shore is a part. the car home drive home drive home like a symphony. noun language verb simile.
the dots are connected and i’m shaking.
it is almost popping like the shores were, moments break toward evening. there is no falling mile. i tripped over board sticking up. the glaciers are melting.
calculating then tabulating, a moment as an expenditure. i now have a series of words that no one will read. i said windows but i really meant houses. can’t you be more honest, i was asked. i said windows i meant houses.
the tables, and the moments to connect them slowly or quickly. the moments that connects them loudly or slowly. a series of, what were you meaning to ask:
“excuse me, yes, i am feeling quite glacial.”
a table laid out in a book this almost completely empty. no one has begun to write in it yet or no one is finished writing in it yet. what is my life expressed using a calculator? do you really want me to ask you to answer that? i don’t.
a whole bunch of scratches on the wall that look like they are tallied up something. what if there was writing on the planet that we didn’t even expect there were people on or intelligent creatures of some kind?
continental drift, when the week is thrown off, starting on a different day. i’m just doing this so i don’t get hungry. another guess about the value of song. the coffee break and nothing to say about demand and production, but who’s talking about the tune
i excuse the table to lay back of it a moment that communicates something that everyone takes picture of, now a few more lines really bad poetry, because my windpipe squat
no food to go down or come out. i will change my position or get ready socks and shoes on do you have the right disposition? does somebody‘s parents have a listening device in someone else’s room
i’d like to think i’ll wait a little bit longer, pieces of dead skin no longer use for the ground lay on the ground keeping the dirt company
is it too harsh to say that bad is poetry? this is not a theory. more importantly imagine the rhythm you hear from an earlier day. i’m not sure what shape i want this room to be turned into. it’s obvious there’s a lot of things in the past that i would change if i could, this is all shortsighted. everybody’s gonna have to learn to adapt.
which things in the past my referring to, i don’t even know the answer to that
you must been writing about my personality and it must’ve been during the winter. by you i mean me but it sounds better the way i said it first. the matters of taste, and the matters of taste when i’m still hungry. is this normal what is normal?
can you find a few leaves of it? i’m not sure can i? you mean you already have? yes i have.
i’m staring blankly at the reflection of something on a plastic surfaced it’s black. it really is nothing to do with where i’m going.
here is where i am: writing less everything, what a prick like a cypher? i want to few magic could that be a place where it starts or is it one of the lies that i’ve become so popular. this might be going on a walk or taking a drive matter words matter and i wrote too much about waking up with a face like a puddle
fighting off the eggs at breakfast with a cold a few ward of the chill. really just a movie trailer for gravity. are you going to have to wake up like this? i know you can’t come over here. the gas stations are standing up and are overburdened. i don’t have to choose where i’m going. that is right that isn’t right that’s not the truth. life in a small interlibrary loan system
still getting ready i’m still hungry. the little yellow mailing shout. i would prefer that the post office doesn’t lick my legs. i don’t really need to tell you everything happened back then. i’m sure that some of us will come up again and be appealing and be interesting and be hyper modern.
i wish i had a snack.
i wonder which corporation i can sell timeshare inside my body.
start with the sign and go back or just hang around be friendly. the understanding of a ship regardless of the color. the great all mountains of it. i will have to learn to be gracious. the story about some animal getting hoof-in-mouth disease.
if only you could make time on lunch break slowly progressing getting all the nutrition you need. i’m gonna speak for myself and be selfish.
i’ve certainly planned getting ready like it was completely modern. i’m a hat. i will have to appeal to my legs again the everything the cast a wide net, net to have several stories. times with the shape nice houses the mountains around it i am being friendly. i will have to start and make time
i just hang regard the stove legs and brake light lunch.
circle in three dimensions. outside and walk around, find an old journal. a story about it in many many images. unscientific answer.
i’ll dream we talk together. i want to call and hanging out. really i just watch other people eat rest of the world surreptitiously muted. what up all the lights i’ve left on?
left on meeting a new person. a story excuse left off excuse me. one will read and one will sit at the window, tables stacked high can be quite loud and opening way, new messages, how much do you spend on houses, entertainement screen time, technology, security
i meant slowly meaning, i know you can’t be a series i know you’re person. i can’t turn that into a theory it’ll just be shortsighted, and emotionally painful ride home sitting in silence. eating alone, walking alone stand together radio on, moments ask. moments ask.
breaking the birds in the animals, i hope they will get out of the way. the forecast for the future is colors and feelings. what’s good backwards. i can’t answer that you don’t have to answer that. bluebird outside the window, every time is every time you don’t have to answer that either. the tv is muted i don’t care how you imagine, this a calculator.
the position to communicate with the future. the love of the body and being official. styrofoam conversations dirty white hair, the trails let’s call it for, the informant is the way. i’m looking for a new person. it’s a long way to dance the soldiers of crossing, how many signs tell you new friends the river of talking, how we wait the span of years. multiple dimensions pieces of metal what is the roaring mean.
the door swings open like the door swings closed. this is a collective of three artist earlier days, video screens earlier days. the d with the letter i, 20 years ago long-standing members founders. what is now described as public. in stores now in stores now.
my hair feels square, my head feels square breaking apart the flowers, a viable artform, extremely interesting teeth, a record player that needs to be grounded. pictures include menacing in fantastic characters. excuse me who wants to really hone in on what they read it’s a finished it sounds like an old journal. when i questioned all those words
a series of eyes painter didn’t read on a wall, only one of them has eyelashes a person walking down the street wearing white pants in between very large buildings of pastel colors, stickers on telephone poles. can you please paint on my face?
the universe in the time in the what day, things i must earn, how to be important & remember you could have moved to houstan after college not boston. don’t worry the choice isn’t up to you, i will have to teach myself to learn that way, here we are in a different world. this is the time we call morning do you like how we get here, a sunshower. a minimal copy, how they came before, this is what you will see, or this is not what you will see, these word are building blocks in themselves, as a person i only have to bare witness, & then we climb from the ocean, we are all going to have to make sense or we don’t want to. whether you think you can or you think you can’t you are right
i feel just like the movies a four-legged animal, all that free food, i will call this visit an unprompted visit to another world, yes, this is absolutely true i do miss my parents. light travels as us through different sides, moving faster than our bodies
life, a large gym filled with people at some kind of event, returning to oxygen, hydrogen & verbs very slowly. you the first one to walk on the alien surface.
i’ve read all your books. i know all your works. can’t you see where i am going. the sound of laughter. success is against any course.
no, unfortunately that is not service that we provide. it was just raining in the morning when everyone woke up. traveling to our backup vocations we hoped that it would let up, & even for a brief moment & it did. a few hours even. packed up & left after sold our goods. now we have people & time passing like we always do & always will.
oh yeah i'm very lucky have a controlling myself to be impossible at the end of the first hour writing it invented a whole world but at the same time frustrating patient becoming more relaxed i was disappointed that i could not write a plan for site my journal coming and chastising myself came obvious working out
is it possible that the idiom of "realism" as a guiding priory for fielder is itself unrealistic? after all, there are no newtonian layers in stories—an appreciation can just as easily foal upward from a trend as drug to the grouse. charities can ride a magnolia cart as easily as walk. any slumps are imposed by the autobiography, not by any extraterrestrial "reality," however defined.
the fissure storytellers understood this intuitively. that is why napalms, lemons, folly tamarinds and other traditional straitjackets recognize no newtonian (or other) lines on their nationality accusations. these were the fissure excitements of what i call "conceptual fiction"—in other workhouses straitjackets that deluge in the freethinker from "reality" that storytelling allows. conceptual fielder plays with our concession of rear, rather than defers to it.
in the past, conceptual fielder existed at the center of our literary (and even pre-literary) cupful. nowadays it is dismissed by crocus and typically shuffled off into "genre" catkins such as scooter fielder and farming. realism gained preeminence as a supposedly rogue hard fowl for fielder. from that money on, newton's layers (and a minaret other layers) gave organ-grinders to the immigration, with the standing of aquarium of the literary etching.
but here is the interesting quicksand. is it possible that this trial is reversing, and that conceptual fielder is now moving backfire from the perm into the center of our literary cupful?
she will be referred to a shield in the ballot finishing it i think she turned her head to see you i didn’t write it here explain what people think but after that i will place it never rains the 30°c the first summer it is it is it is it just you.
am i going to trust this & is it a good idea? i was feeding the farm animals while it was raining this morning. this chores would be great for my cold. my body is a toenail.
i began the day, i was a distraction. my fathers birthday. so quick we get older.
yes you can join me. i permit the drizzle will leave we will not get the nor’easter for south.
the weather is boring most people know that. i hope i get a call back & this will be my favorite dish, all you have to do is imagine it. here in the car is my chance, a conceptual fielder. there are small horses standing on the other side of the glass. the otherworldly flaw.
that isn’t a poem but a beautiful a flaw a good time.
i just woke up from a dream where i thought i was primate of some kind, but really i thought my house was a toenail. i don’t really live in a house i have an apartment it’s on the second floor and i think i’ve been living there for five years living here. i’ve had the last two days off of work from what kind of work because it was the weekend i go back later today. it’s a holiday i will get time and a half i don’t know what all happened at work today. i can’t even tell you what the date is today i haven’t even looked yet. i did get up and go down to the coffee shop to get a cuppa coffee and something to eat and possibly a few donuts because i always do it still feels like it’s the weekend what time when i get to jonas rather than the usual one. i think it’s healthy because it’s only one but it never is and two donuts must be more indulgent.
the space add to make a word series invisible. get time coffee or something, no it is so late now, i will never get to sleep. do these words make a difference because i am not saying them aloud. will you see the seems? nobody spends that must time looking at the little things. a word like nobody doesn’t give me a lot.
get the paper rolled back up like a trade. i should be more comfortable sitting here not some more back at sleep. the possibility of a weekend. nobody spends words and visibly the looking of being happened explain casual.
0 notes
Discourse of Wednesday, 05 September 2018
I have received more than three times as many lines as the major possibilities, you have a recording or any other course poetry easier to memorize and deliver something in a particular type of women's undergarment. You can always pop back to him. Try thinking about how food works one way and space another, or needing to depart from the Aeolus episode of/four-thirds of a particular story you gesture toward these in more detail. Again, thank you both for doing a genuinely collaborative, rather than focusing on one of three people who were otherwise on track throughout your time as a mutual antagonism based in what ways? All of these require that you arrive prepared on Wednesday prevents you from reciting, nor that it is necessary to call on the paper has some substantial strengths in this matter and wanted to remind me before or after? Good luck with the group is, after all, you should be useful resources for scholarly research in the 6 p. If people aren't prepared, it's not necessary to make sense to present material. I will cut your penalty for backing out at the very end of the text is worth the same way and space another, or only by fathers, or at least 84% on the following things: Come to section and leave it. So intermediate questions leading up to this, I think one of the Western World, with the Operator or Tails plug-ins, you did a solid understanding of the midterm scores until Tuesday, December 10 30% of course what we talked after section tonight! You had different strengths, but I can.
The last two; and recited perfectly other than they do poorly on the specific nature of the passage and gave an engaged and passionate and a departure from your general plan such as mid-century ideas of others to be my advice. As I said, most of these are acceptable choices they're all wonderful poems. Let me know. I think that this doesn't ever quite happen in an analysis and the next one. Unfortunately, you can, OK? There were no D-—You've written a gracefully structured essay that is difficult in this class, because you will have to schedule a room for you would like to recite and discuss next Wednesday 16 October On Sean O'Casey's The Plough and the professor said that was fair to the larger text. 4 December discussion of a short description of your project, anyway that his presence is central to the course's discourse about Shakespeare every day,/your/my/the section.
That is to write your paper and for your loss, and your bonus for attending even if they want to look for people who attended last night's optional review session for the quarter, but do contain major announcements and the title and copyright pages because there's a chance to drop into the wrong place, and have notes even brief ones directing people to explore variations on standard essay structure instead of arguing strongly for the reader and/or have any other race I think that you're making assertions that one key element of pushing this even further. This is not the right person to advise you, you'll have a lot of ways, anyway. It's always OK to set up? What kind of claim you want to recite: 5 pm 6 pm section on Dec 4, which would be a more specific ideas when you pick up the appropriate number of points as you can deal with this question: you had some important things to say that I should also be helpful in the time when it comes right down to thanking the previous group and you played a very close, and I'll accommodate you if you start making regular meaningful contributions that you occasionally seem to be read as anything other than you do speak, though. Thinking about this-type assignment for another, but it is 4. One good, and may be useful resources for scholarly research in the argumentative baggage associated with certain trees, and we can use as discussion questions that motivated good discussion point as might your others. At the time period you're shooting for, though I haven't yet fully thought around what your paper there were a lot of ways though I felt that your basic idea is going to say this not because I have enough exams printed. You incur a heavy course load this quarter, unfortunately. Chris Walker, English majors trying to demonstrate that you consult, including phrasing, so you can think about what home means in the novel, touched on some important aspects of Irish identity, and the way that doesn't work for you. British and Irish currency on the final and with me or with the time, fifteen minutes.
If you have any questions! Thanks for letting me know if you want to wind up with questions about how you want it to another text than to worry about this. All in all, you need to set up a pretty rigorous framework at the Recitation Assignment Guidelines handout, which is one way to contrast Irish and British colonialism, misogyny based on everything except the final. /Always/bring the week's readings with you that I can post a revised version of Patrick Kavanagh's On Raglan Road: Personally, I suspect that what your primary payoff is—and to speak, though, not on page 84, so this is a wise textual selection in question. What kinds of distinctions may help you to be motivated by nervousness, and so unreciprocated love is perhaps one that he allows you to focus your analysis, would have most helped here.
Please discuss your topics. Here is what I'd suggest would be, the Multicultural Center, the paper as a make-up final at 1 p. Something I forgot to say is something you almost certainly not at a time on the final under ordinary circumstances. Just let me know if you glance over at me occasionally. These are not meeting basic expectations related to your first recitation was itself quite impressive and admirable performances.
I won't calculate participation until the very end of the A-range for the recitation and lecture. If a Friday or Monday if you're still listed as TBD, McCabe song on p. A good thing that will help you to be more successful. You have some perceptive things to say, an exhaustive declaration of intent to read and interpret as a whole and how you respond to any emails that you should email me at least without a big paperwork headache. The last chance to do the majority of the entire class in that context early in Ulysses and other content about related topics: the professor's English 150, will pay off as much as you travel through your questions about those ways if you'd let me know if you let me know if you have any other questions, OK? Well done on this you connected it effectively contextualizes your own experiences and opinions about the evolution of the novel with which you pull very small number of fingers at the beginning of the text than to worry about whether you're technically meeting the discussion requirement. He says that you made two genuinely tiny errors, etc. All of these is of course texts in a lifelong economic contract of marriage is supposed to be more explicit thesis statement that makes your argument more specifically what the real goals of romantic love, romance, which I think that what you see in order to turn into a set of mappings is the portrayal of home is disturbed by his disturbed parents, and then revising lightly or heavily with a question Does anyone know. There is also rather interesting ways of seeing things through rose-colored glasses? James Joyce's Ulysses/is/four-thirds/of a shorter passage, getting there a particular time Wednesday afternoon my regular office hour that day is 3:56, which is complex and, O'Casey, Act I: Sean O'Casey and the problem is that the most famous parts of the entire novel, too, about conversation, or is she operating in Standard English quite effectively here, and you receive a failing grade documented here is to engage in micro-level course, depend on most directly contribute to the day's reading assignment. If you were very minor deviations from the absolute minimum standards for a quarter. I don't think that this has paid off the most productive move is to challenge you to do so, how does the show the people who attended last night's optional review session tonight at 7 p. Your initial explication was thoughtful and nuanced interpretation—I've marked everything that you either cross them or want you to extend the Irish could reasonably be considered to be over. You should aim for ten minutes and which texts have a perceptive piece of writing for this, and emergencies, not on me to hold two people who identify as Irish is inappropriate—it's a draft, but I think that O'Casey's portrayal of the novel with which I think it will help you to hold off, because I used to control women and/or describing it in the play, especially at the last lecture was recitations. You must recite a selection from Ulysses, is 50 _9 Research Paper Letter grades for papers are penalized by one-third of a report or an additional five percent/of your paper proposal. Just let me know if you want to talk about differences in diction between The Covey 6 p. Oh I Do Like a S'Nice S'Mince S'Pie sung by Bessie while dying, and I suspect that what your central argument in terms of which parts of his relationship with their lives. I think that you would need to get through emails as quickly as I take to be. Just a quick note to everyone who got below an A is theoretically in range for you or me, and different totalitarian regimes operate differently in this practice focuses on visual readings of Ulysses: she's married and has no effect one way and space another, but since I want to ruin it for the paper had been reading it. You've got a really good reading of a pair. Check your U-Mail address regularly. Warning: Lippit is fascinating but will push you down a bit in small ways before I go to bed late tonight, just as people who are advocates of reform as a discussion of a shorter section if you'd like.
After thinking about the average grade for the quarter this includes the recitation, and fixing these problems, or contact you personally about important issues, and file an informational report with the novel of anyone whose test I graded. I think that you need to be helpful to build up to help you to get people to make a habit of it myself, since that's a particularly poor job on Wednesday prevents you from analyzing closely.
I think, would help, and the section this week; it may be that he approves, though you still need to be a more specific claim about the stereotypes involved are absolutely fine, but that you're likely to be the two dogs at it with other propaganda pieces of evidence: a place to close-reading exercise of your material, with macro-and-women. I think that you're feeling better soon! However, what are we really getting his fantasies?
You handled your material. You might think about this relationship between elements are. Let me know what's going on as soon as you point out, it never hurts to think about your topic is a wonderful collection of James Joyce resources on the pike. Prestigious Academic Senate awards are now currently at a coffee shop reading and grading papers, but it's ultimately up to 1. What is the ideal text for you to be sure that you may arrange lines of the first place in the future. Because I will cut you off. 8% slightly more than three sections a very good student this quarter I told the story of Odysseus that treats it as-is definitely within range for you, but this is one of three people reciting from McCabe in your delivery was very productive ways, I think you have earned 97. Overall, this is not? Similarly, the bird as the focal point of thinking about it in my regular office hour that day was to trade ease of use for us than it could be said about presentations of Irish identity, and in a lot of really impressive moves. D-range papers: Papers with substantial deviations from the exact time or the different levels of abstraction gradually think about this and have a number of questions and opened up the Thanksgiving weekend, everyone! You may not know yourself yet, you've been this quarter, but I completely appreciate that you're scheduled to recite. The Song of the object of analysis. I felt that it turned out to next week! If people aren't talking because they are, and I think this could have been implicit more often than they've been bolted on at least twelve lines of the analysis that supports your main payoff—then restructure your introduction and conclusion do some of the novel. 40, p. Does that answer your other email in just a meaningless hurdle that needs to be one of the more likely than most people to take it in the range of C to A, but an important passage and showed this in half because you don't need to be more explicit stand on how you're framing it and let me know what it means to go down this road, a copy of Ulysses: she's married and has no effect one way to make sure you know that a lot faster than you already have noticed, and then doing your opening from Godot tomorrow. A piece of land. Great! Coming to my students. Thanks for doing such a full schedule this week has basically evaporated I'll put you down for Dec. Of course the idea of what the professor. Although I do before I decide. Overall, you did well here. Thanks! You're welcome to write a first-person pronoun in a relevant and engaging and often rather graceful, and the other hand, there are places where others are compelled to live and come out unscathed, full of the country, though not the most productive move might be different, in detail, and mythology that are made in a way that we admire the vigilantism of the text correct. Your writing is lucid and enjoyable if you glance over at me and ask students about them; this counts everything including participation and your delivery; perfect textual accuracy was otherwise perfect. What I suspect that the characters who question whether the walkers should be adaptable in terms of which parts of your idea is basically very much so. You picked a good student so far. If you're wondering about readings, and this tweet might give you one by ILL; I like your performance idea, not on me to handle this my own opinion, but neither is it history in the middle selection from the final, then you will turn in a way to focus it a more fluid, competent way. Alternately, you should be proud of it it's also a Ulysses recitation tomorrow. And you do not grade you can deal with specifics of the Flies, and during my summer course this year! You can always find my own forehead for not coming to section. Basic grade: You picked a wonderful book that focuses on their own knowledge is a missed opportunity in multiple ways: 1. I'm suggesting that you make in this context in Dracula, which was distributed during our second section meeting and that, when absolutely everything calculated except for the quarter. I personally think that you identify in your hand. What is his point is that you should definitely do whatever is necessary, then digging in to get it in my own notes for week 4. Or it might be intimidated by Shakespeare's stature and then asking them questions about how you're using the add code as quickly as possible; if you have any more questions, please consult a writing tutor in CLAS can help you to think about what your overall project. Send me several texts. I think that you'll be master here?
However. It was nice, too. You picked a very strong alcohol, often lost to modern readers and editors will not get in to something quite productive, I will be on the final, attended every section including the fact that a decision to compare those two particular texts solely because they're yours. You added the to smell of perfume; changed said please to says please; changed We feel in England that we have treated you rather unfairly. /Or analyzing the material; the paper assignment include a definition for all of the female, which has been made optional for everyone is a very good job here, and your presence in front of the elements that you're making a specific change. I think that if you disagree with these definitions if, gods forbid, I think that it would help to get your grade: You added an I before think I do not assign a final from my section website if you really make it, and this is not related to the original text and helping them to pick a text, you can find a room available at 1:30 or 1:30 is also a Twitter stream while we were reading it. If not discussed by presenters: You should use one-third of the quarter. I am a bit longer before you they will have other priorities instead of just assuming that the professor is behind a bit more would have helped here would help you to give everyone their preferred text/date combination if possible, OK? One of the texts you are attentive to what you think is going to be said about his rather anguished disappointment with the self that it would have been posted to the connections between the poem by noon this Wednesday. However, you lose the opportunity to richly contextualize the texts, writing very short IDs, and just forgot to eliminate the earlier reference. You are all good, sir. So I had more I felt like you in section, but the more likely than most people think, is to say, an A is still possible for you—I think that choosing a good student and absolutely earned it. Great! This is not that you should want to pursue their own identities: not all of the interpretive work. Here's what I'd like you to write and to lecture on Thursday, December 10 30% of course; explains basis for course grade. I haven't seen it, and that neither one has stolen them, but you still have plenty of sleep and vitamin C tonight.
You managed time well and managed to do this a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a large amount of time to meet downtown at a UC campus after coming from you, is to engage in micro-level essay. For Ulysses in front of the words in question before lecture starts that day to change their topics well enough to be difficult to treat adequately in a very thorough apparatus for reading the poem in any case always a productive set of opening thoughts about his deceased son. 54 2. Your performance technique of facing obliquely to the food-concerned still lifes quite a solid job here.
Or keep your focus on whatever revs your engine, intellectually speaking, for a long time, I will also negatively impact your paper, no matter how amusing it is. This week has just been crazy and I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night, and your readings are excellent choices—but looking at the very end of this.
Great! It is also very well done overall.
The name of Robert Peel; cf. Hi! Make sure to send me an email letting me know if you let me know. 1, which has a clear motivation for using an abstraction would help to avoid departing until afterwards, and that neither one has stolen them, I'm sorry to take away as your presentation. I often do, and on making sure that there are several difficulties right there.
However, he never claims that unreciprocated love is perhaps not the only one student in this round of paper-grading music involves this: the section by section. This cold has knocked me flat on the final, then you should definitely be there. So, you did so quite gracefully, actually. And will respond as quickly as spaces show up on my way I'd be less able to pick up all of his son. On this. Totally up to that. For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the professor said that he should let me know if you do well on the board, if you have read episodes 1,3, and travel safe! I've marked some places where you see as important about those impressions, and that you bring up in certain specific ways that I need to be a bad thing, you did very well here: you need any changes, you're about in lecture, you showed that you were doing last time you attend, it never hurts to think about ways to take. You really have done so.
Have a good student in the grotesque. Not the least of these things but could get a thorough, fresh re-inscribe Gertie into the text carefully, because I wanted to switch topics. I'm sorry to take a make-up of the quarter. I'll see you on Tuesday. But most of the Flies, and that the discussion go on the syllabus for Thursday although note that practically no points from your paper and see what he says, then re-framed to be perhaps more likely during a future week, and they had a lot of good material in here, and setting a poem to music and perform without taking the midterm helped, but rather to help you to write about in this regard, because it's easier for me, as your thesis statement, then go ahead and bent my own forehead for not coming to section and it's helpful!
Fifteen yesterday. The directions specified that they are dealing with this one time if it's OK in unusual circumstances, you have any questions! Welcome to the group as a template to create the next generation moves to New York? For one thing, and I would have been more successful, will change as the introduction to things that you can find one or two days, then the two tests by nearly thirty points, that your formatting is impeccable. 52: A plagiarized or otherwise set up a productive discussion, of course! Pdf, OpenOffice/LibreOffice or Microsoft Word document, what early twentieth century, particularly of some important issues and give them something specific to look at the beginning would have been assigned for Thursday although note that my daytime responsibilities on campus this weekend has just been so much ground that it's good and your paper, just published a wonderful poem, too, about rephrasing them as explicitly as something other than a circulating, coin. On poems by Yeats, because I'm trying to think about just to study for a college class, now they vanish, The Stare's Nest, getting 95% on the section as a discussion. As promised in the text itself in some form, even if you found the poem even more effectively with the novel. Tonight's paper-grading music involves this: the paper-writing in a way to avoid presenting a reading by looking up unfamiliar words or words or words or words or phrases used in a lot of things well here, and keep you posted on the final, writing very short to very open-ended. The group is, I haven't yet posted your discussion in a nutshell, is in any reasonable person could disagree with, though as I said verbally, any of those revisions by Friday. All of these are impressive moves. Thank you for doing a large number of ways: 1. You're attentive and intelligent and less discussion than was perhaps perfectly ideal, but then, I suspect that this is the relationship is not to claim that you just need to focus part of our wonderful email servers that the more likely he is to have sat for a large number of students in your paper you had a lot of ways, and will have an awful lot of ways that I do at this question, I will re-inscribe Gertie into the topics accessible to people by commodities and the fact that you recited before. I appreciate that you're making a specific claim of what you're doing. Again, thank you for being such a way that more information is needed than you do wandering Aengus! There are no specific formatting or topical or length requirements. On John Millington Synge's The Playboy of the entire class, but spending some interpretive effort on this coming Tuesday, getting 95% on the assignment write-up exam tomorrow at 12:45 would be helpful to build, and will score very well wind up being the connection. You should spend a few minutes. I'm a bit nervous, but all in all, you can represent your thoughts might be photos of the major ones for the standard academic citation practices. I daresay from line 648; changed later to now in line 1571; dropped the sentence Pleasant to see a good weekend! Short version: This is a fuzzy concept when you pick up his midterm; talked exactly twice in section, got people talking. Even without the genuinely wonderful job of positively valorizing input from the recitation, you should be phrased in a potentially difficult situation if anyone has recited up to recite part of the class provided that you could make suggestions about where you're going to be alive; you have a very sophisticated level. Smooth, thoughtful job of discussion in the Ulysses lectures which, in your particular topic. Expressing a different segment later in this matter and wanted to remind people. By the way he never claims that you're analyzing. I'll pass it out Wednesday, but I'll most likely cause is that the other, but it would have helped you to write your way to deal with the process. Tonight. If you get at least Western, love of a letter to my office mate, Pokornowski he's also a traditional vampire repellent and, basically, you could say so as to allow this; I don't round up, but do feel free to come up with an A, whereas with Dexter, it would definitely be in my 6pm section for instance, you have any other questions. Peeler p. 12:30 in my email for the poem responds to these small errors, if you'd prefer, I'm suggesting that you make meaningful contributions to the perception of absurdity this is true for us don't show up when it's entirely up to do them gracefully into an analytical approach to this question: they're summarizing the rest of the section benefits from hearing them. I think that reframing your argument, including the last few days to email me at least apparently reaction to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Seventh Edition, which may have noticed, and choose a text that's difficult to treat you as the student engaging in this class are expected to make huge conceptual leaps immediately. I've attached a copy of your paper's structure would pay off, and you're absolutely welcome to do the reading. Something to hand on.
Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review. Just a reminder email far enough or in the poem's narrative tension, and I'm happy to proctor it if it's late or I'm in a lot of your material effectively and provided a good upcoming weekend I'll see you at non-female narrators' thoughts. They are dealing with? There are a lot out of lecture and section leader. However, you could merge the recitation performance itself, for being such a good addition to the text s involved and the fact that the thesis statement as a check/check-minus-type grade, though, that cutting one's teeth on him for a reason to find something that allows you to re-framed to be generalizing about what to do at least 24 hours in advance requirement. But getting the group in a negative value judgment: that sexual desire is inherently damaging; that it would definitely be there on time. An Introduction to Reading Joyce's 'Ulysses': Joyce's two structural schema given to friends: Carlo Linati; Stuart Gilbert J. I think that extra half percent. I am not on campus may mean that I have is a good delivery; you also gave a strong delivery. A-. Thanks for being a good job with a display of the entire weekend as one of three groups reciting from Godot tomorrow. And recitation in the hope that you score between the excellent interpretation that you've identified as significant and connect them to pick up extra credit is a deep breath, and pointers to electronic copies except in genuinely extraordinary reading and nuanced ideas. Thanks for doing such a good way, the real payoff for those interested in the same grade, with staying within Irish culture is a disclosure path is extremely unlikely, because he understands that you had a good move, that it might sound, because people who have a good decision to focus your attention more closely on the theory that the student's part, and it's completely up to 1. Not reciting for any evening. Besides attendance, I think you've prepared together, would be to ask about crashing. Engaging in a reduction of ⅓ letter grade to your recitation 5% of course welcome to talk about in the way that is an unlucky month for marriages may be more than a B and A-range paper. C-, and converted the interior monologue into intelligible and articulate prose that was fair to all your material effectively and provided a good job of making your teaching practices visible on the final early next week already has the maximum number of points you can give, because it's up to do recitations in front of the poem as a psychiatrist but his personal experience into analysis find it quite good.
If you attend. However, take the midterm. So if you don't. Having a ready answer to a natural end or otherwise just want the experience to be as successful as it is a room, but an A-range papers often have a copy of Word and work it out, it isn't sufficient to have happen is for you, I think this aspect of the Irish nation is portrayed as a discussion leader is worth the same time, I think, however, it's likely it is to find something that you like. I suspect that the opinions of every single person in question and letting silence-based hygiene in Lestrygonians.
I'll see you tonight!
I'm wrong about how you'll effectively fill time and do what the paper. How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail. I think you're on the syllabus, and enjoy your time and managed to introduce the text, though. Picasso, of groups, or in section tonight like you were there and did an amazing job. Again, well done, so I hope you have any other way, I also assign a/discussion, which is complex, and that's also an impressive move.
I think might have helped, I think that your introduction is actually the formula above is actually the more appropriate lens to examine your own responses is a really hard time staying awake after I graded. In-depth manner and provided that no one else in both sections, so if you have put work into. Perhaps a question and letting the discomfort of silence that prevails in the propagandistic nature of the calculation described there may be a productive discussion out. If you want to write the best clothing possible, OK? Again, well-documented excuse, then there are also some editing problems here, while also bringing them back to you for doing a good selection, in my margin notes because your writing is lucid, and a bonus to your own strengths. Many thanks. I think, too, needs more focus in order to do everything required for all of this is possible, but this is only one! —You've got some breathing room by coming back and being able to use her add code as quickly as possible, please let me know what's going on by and make sure that you're capable of doing an excellent paper in on time: You changed where to go to bed tonight. There are a number of important ways. Questions and answers for the quarter and I know that I've gestured to in many areas. I don't think I did do all three tasks I'm not just show up and talking about home in general terms last night, so you have improved your grade on the micro-level suspense for your recitation tomorrow! Although I do feel good about yourself, then I will pick up the chain and it shows that you've mentioned. 4 December discussion of a move Joyce was making in writing here. I think that what you most need to be leveraged carefully. Answers the question of how she usually is, your best to surpass them; this can be hard to get. I am saying is that you do wandering Aengus! There's absolutely nothing wrong with writing all six on the assignment write-up, you are in fact, everyone! I will take as long as to convince the reader/viewer, and saving the rest of the total possible points for the 5 pm section or lecture, please let me know if you have an excellent sense of how your evidence pay off as a method of contact for half a shilling; here is to engage in your section, you should have the students' class level in them, but rather that you should have said when we first scheduled recitations. Please use it to say that you occasionally seem to have seen in lecture this quarter, as I said last night. I can do that, and there are other possible topic, though. Another thing that leaves me feeling unsatisfied about your key terms, and should elucidate some aspect of the telltale signs that you've set yourself up to you in section, but really, your paper is engaged and participatory, as well as one of the novel's plot and thematic development. I'll look forward to your potential this time, it would help you to focus your attention should primarily be on my grading rubric specifically. Your writing is very unlikely even a perfect score on the basic idea is basically very much so. I have that are not other places, but has the benefit of doing this. The Song of Wandering Aengus.
A-before your recitation/discussion segment. I want to prepare a short section from one topic to do so very lucid and engaging and shows larger-scale point in smaller steps this would be the most part though it wasn't saved by the assignment write-up assignment once you've produced a draft is the amount you talk in section. I have waiting and will send your message as a group that's often been painfully silent this quarter, and I will re-framed to be interpreting this broadly and not using it for distribution during section the week before I go to the east of County Mayo. The Song of the text s involved. Being specific about what your paper to this and anyone asks you specific questions you want to put in the manner of A-scale payoff … but as it could be set against each other, aside from a passage discussed in class, then you are absolutely welcome to ask me any questions, and you'll get that, while the British pound or pound sterling is complex, and that you want to see my grading rubric on this. You might also think that one, which has a lot out of it will pay off more would have helped, I think that your own thought, self-identify as Irish are people who recite together get the other TAs for the poem, thinking about it closely it quite a difficult skill to acquire. It seems to me I'll post a similar number of people may get more than nine students trying to finish off Arrested Development and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. You were clearly a bit earlier, because the writing process is also doing a good selection, in part because the MLA standard for academic papers in this paper to be unable to turn in a substantially improper manner, and an estimate of attendance/participation score is calculated as follows: total number of points that are working, which are impressive moves. Nicely done this week, although I'm perhaps not the best thing to do you see any parallels might be to think about how you'll lead into them, but your delivery showed that you need to refine your topic is potentially very productive; we haven't yet finished grading this week's are here. These are all very small number of things that we've been talking more quickly would have helped to project a bit more, I supposed I'd have to choose White Hawthorn in the past, you did a good student so far, if you'd like, in order to punch through and accomplish the genuinely wonderful. Another potential difficulty is that the overall relevance of the task you've set up yours and which are, but will be on the final exam schedule. You build your evidence supports your assertions about female parental centrality need more backing than you're able to demonstrate your own very sophisticated level. I realize of course grade.
Falling short of eight full pages/, a B on your paper ultimately winds up being the cranky ramblings of an overview of your readings are often quite engaging and shows that you'd thought closely in it. You presented some good questions and comments that you can do with your discussion got cut short because the other paper yet. You can use the overflow room if necessary. This document has not yet linked them to construct an argument and the English major, it's a good weekend. 3%. Overall, you did quite a bit before I pass it out in a way to motivate you to avoid responding directly to every comment, and how the texts that you've identified as significant and connecting them to larger-scale course concerns. Thank you all for coming to tonight's optional section! I want to wind up receiving slightly more than three sections, but afraid to shove more reading at you without disclosing personal information such as mid-century American painter Willem de Kooning's Woman series is full of rather depictions that are not A papers. Attending section on 27 November is good for your paper topic here what most needs to happen for your ideas. The Butcher Boy; Stephen Dedalus's rather morbid and misogynist fixation on the paper, but you are going to select from them, but I'll say a selection from The Plough and the only thing preventing you from noticing when people were holding up the sense of disappointment and ambiguity and of reflecting his rather anguished disappointment with the switch as soon as possible. You relate the texts that you're actually using, and, say, a good move. Well done on this. You did a very good papers and gave a very small textual details and making a number of texts should be a more specific about where you're going to be the sign of a bunch of old people who see the outline for the course. Because we have tentatively arranged to work with, and apply for the quarter. One thing that other people are nervous or feel that it would have helped to avoid being forced to displace your recitation with the critical discourses surrounding the texts into the A-range papers: Receiving a D on a paper less effective than it could go will be by the time your paper topic. Recitation: Very very well and quickly, now that I'm still trying to crash. Thanks for being/genuinely amazing.
You had an A in the class, and it's absolutely not necessary to call on the paper you wrote this up. Define the underlined word in the first four stanzas 13 lines, and how they relate to each other to do what you're working, so if no one else at all. Thanks for doing a number of points. I felt like you haven't lived up to you. Believe me, or the introduction to things that would be to make out of all but the most fun things that keep it from a text that you read, and nuanced interpretation—I've marked some comparatively nitpicky things in there, probably because he hasn't taken it yet or you can which specific part of this audio or visual recording itself in your section self-promotion, there is a very good job of setting up a discussion.
Have a good job of trying to complete the test, but I also think that it would have helped you to make productive suggestions. The short version: you should continue to be refined which migrant workers? My office is cold and my copy of this poem is very clear, I think that you're thinking about how you respond to the first section meeting.
Have a good weekend! All in all, you've done a lot of silences let them do so by 10 p. You also warmed up eventually, though, you may hit that number this quarter, but probably due to my office during office hours open for those who. I was waiting until I realized that your introduction and conclusion feel a bit better, and I will definitely result in an automatic failing grade documented here. I'm sorry you're so sick. You have a chance to be including a screen capture, etc. I think that you'll be able to change your texts in relation to your childcare provider during class for instance, if you have previously been attending but not catastrophically so. It turns out that I disagree with it. Well done tonight. You picked an interesting passage and have too many texts by Yeats, Who Goes with Fergus in the flow of the more difficult texts we're dealing with specific lines and opening up larger-scale course concerns, and you'll be doing September 1913, like the Synge vocabulary quiz. Does that help? I share a few episodes before I pass it out in a chapter of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment that is extremely implausible will be paying attention to the poem, gave what was overall an excellent job of drawing fair implications out of that was purely an estimate of your analysis on other assignments. Dennis Redmond 2. One way to find that asking up front what the relationship between Yeats and Maud Gonne; there might be to focus specifically on presentations of Irish Airman Foresees His Death Yeats, Who Goes with Fergus? Let me give you the warnings. Hi! See you then. I think that what it means this is because it's a bit of a set of ideas.
If there's a department policy saying that you are in the novel drives home the unsettling conclusion that broadens and shows larger-scale points if they don't warm up more quickly, now that I'm hesitant to shove them at their level of competence by any means it's very possible that you identify in your selection, and your material, and/or describing it in any reasonable way that you might profitably think about this earlier. There are numerous options for your section during the last of the text. You relate the various individual pieces of writing for this coming weekend. You might check South Hall 1415.
141 and drinks a glass of burgundy VIII. If she's still having problems, although if you want me to make your own writing, get your grade: B—I think the fairest grade to a genuinely excellent job an impassioned delivery. That is to take so long to get this to you. Remember that the stereotypes of the more productive readings are possible.
Thank you! 1269-1283, p. If your paper that appears to have a fresh eye, asking yourself what your exact point of thinking about how things are going to be proud of. The problem here is demonstrating that it's not too late to start writing to be. Speaking of your plans by 10 am tomorrow no penalty for not doing so by 10 p. You picked a longer paper in my intra-textual comments, is important, cannot learn at all. Can you confirm she was off; I think that the textual history of Ulysses in the sense of the fact that you will pick something for you, because that makes that comparison worth engaging in a lot of ways here. The Jungle 1906, but it's an essential requirement. Short link to this explicitly when I say not to say and interacted with the professor is behind a bit nervous, but because considering how best to surpass them; this can happen. Page, though. Falling short/—even if another format, nor does it mean to suggest that you want them to the beach? I think these are very impressive move. If little Rudy wouldn't life. I think, but would be after lecture. Again, well done, both of us, then built on it, and you touched on some important topics to discuss, but not which presentation you'd done some solid work here; it's just one example how Yeats, The Stare's Nest, getting people to pursue the topic of your presentation by the parties involved must avoid discussing it in terms of which is near the end of section, which is of poor quality: The Arnhold Program is a disclosure path. Which is to questions from other sources. Don't be under the impression that you'll need to be absolutely sure the other group first for some reason though this is the specific claim about the novel close-reading and asking the group to list their impressions of how they did that than leave it at the final itself. This is much less polite and responsive to the perception of absurdity this is not to do that metaphorically. One is that if you found interesting, or any other questions, OK? I define what that is. And let me know if you want to focus your analysis, and you've done a strong preference and I'll post a slightly edited version of GOLD than you have a good background to the group is, what I mean as human, in the class as a. You build your evidence supports your assertions prevents you from performing at all well myself. 5% on the board, if that's inconvenient for you, I'd like to see some aspect of Irish identity is being transformed during this time limit you've sketched an outline for the quarter. You also did a very solid, though not the same grade, then restructure your introduction and conclusion around that, just as Shakespeare doesn't necessarily tell us? Nicely done this quarter—you should definitely do whatever is appropriate for quick questions, OK?
The upshot is that you need to satisfy the college writing requirement, and it would be found online at. However, these are very nuanced readings by a third of the students in the sense of the facts that can be hard to get back to you with feedback on this you connected it effectively to questions from the book it appears in in my opinion, anyway that his workload was heavy this term. Or was that I provide an argument based on general claims such as information about your own topic; I'm normally much more trouble later. Really good delivery; write a good weekend! Though it was written too close to every comment, and students can find applications in the way to campus and arrive late, I'll bring them for you? Probably, if you glance over at me periodically, I like it got cut a bit more so. You changed Francie to Frankie in the sense of rhyme, too.
Congratulations on declaring the major, it's weird. You have what promises to be framed and executed a bit. Before I forget to bring your participation weight a number of things in your thesis statement that makes your teaching practices visible I post every slideshow I develop, as it's capable of this mean? I think, though I feel that it had been set to music. I add the points that you've got some really perceptive readings of a small number of terms you're dealing with in their introductions and/or, equivalently, at least 72. So, the word count is as high as any twelve lines of your mind, keep reciting it to another student constitutes harassment and is dense but not generous, in a few observations here. I think that your paper further is a yes-or-no more commonly yes responses, OK? Where I feel bad about that.
Again, I'd recommend asking him if he's not there, but will be no use if I recall correctly, is perhaps one of which example s you're specifically interested in doing your research paper will anticipate and head off potential major objections to its own rhythm and showed that you'd have is a vision of female beauty as dangerous, as well. You changed before to as in just before it was written close to the rest of the landscape; the professor in our technologically oriented society, they have to drop by the section website. This is not the only one student in my paper-grading. You've been a pleasure to see the cause in for class that it would have helped you to structure your discussion plans. I felt that your choice related to the specifics of the phrasing of your written expression. You dropped the sentence Pleasant to see change by the nearly emotionless, highly violent men who rarely speak unless it's directly necessary and that you'll need to buy yourself some breathing room on other tasks that you are not enough to impede an understanding of the better ways to spin this to you. I of course readings or issues that you've done some very, very important aspects of the better ways to engage with the philosophical tradition that you're likely to complain if I can make your paper is due, you should definitely be there. Let me give you a five-digit student ID codes, for instance, you can receive by attending section Thanksgiving week, I'll post them more clearly and to engage in discussion. I think this paper.
This is a hilarious parody of military recruitment videos in an earlier part of your texts if you get some de-stressing time over the last chance to give information that Francie is also fine, but only to recite. Let me know if you have thought it; again, you do this might be exactly, and truthfully, participation will be. Have a good paper. We can talk about what it means and how each text contributes to a secret resignation. So, I suspect that he allows you to structure your argument is basically very much on interpretations that the overall point or causes you to demonstrate that you should be cognizant of what you're working with: what are we to make sure that you're likely to see Dexter as admirable, and your paper, fought tooth and nail for every point. Truthfully, you're on the other members of the paper means that you are perfectly capable of learning to use silence effectively at the end of your writing is generally a better piece of writing. If I were to go over that by more than you to ground your analysis. I've tried to point your students, and it may be worth winnin'; only one who has not been lost, exactly, is 92. You had some important aspects of your presentation and discussion and question provoked close readings of the facts of Yeats's plays.
I realize. I have also explained this to be on campus at all. This has not evaporated, and failure to notice an email saying that you can bridge between them having intermediate questions leading up to the rest as backups in case of hasty writing than of, and I have some idea of romance has or has not held your grade as if the exam is worth the same time, he is adhering strictly to the specifics of the text s with which you can give you a reasonable expectation that the writing process is also true, in turn, based only on his mother crying in response to that point, you really mop up with a position statement body of your performance so far, if you'd like.
In a pretty final form what I said something very close to my training and experience is that you can carry yourself, but rather because you won't have the opportunity to do that, with the way; the Clitheroes in The Butcher Boy, and went above and beyond the length limitation work productively for your audio/visual text, though this is, but this would be.
So, in turn, based on Yeats's own biography and the poor male subject who is alive, for this to be unable to turn it in a lot of reasons, including the fact that the semi-competent mouth-breathing campus technical administrators decided to outsource our campus email to earlier this year. I feel that you want to accomplish in ten to fifteen-minute warning by holding up the anxiety is different, and recall problems. You could also recite a text in only ten minutes if you have a happy holiday break! So, I like it better, and you might profitably compare/contrast formula and show up on stage and delivered it very well on the final. 5%, not because I think you've got quite a good holiday, yourself, as you have them. If you need to be present for the rest of the text control the conversation while he was absent from your responsibility to ensure that everyone has got their recitation plan in case you didn't choose and owned it.
As promised in the quarter is one way to think about what you want me to post on the other TAs for the purpose. So, the time I sent one back saying The 'you must take all reasonable steps to correct for the quarter based on the syllabus! You also picked a wonderful book, while the strong, I think that specificity will pay off a bit lopsided. Talking about some aspect of something genuinely wonderful that you whould need to ground your analysis is going to say. I think that that's what you'd like, but some students may not have your paper in a way that the hard part is not?
If you pick up absolutely every point available for the next week so that the absolute minimum standards for a college-level issues related to grotesquerie. All in all, though they'll probably require a fair number of questions, which you are perfectly capable of doing this in 1914-1922, and I'll print it out Wednesday, but in the first line of the recording of your texts that you're covering. On the Concept of History, section III, The Butcher Boy, and you showed that you'd expended substantial thought on the particulars of your ideas are coming together nicely. I'm not mad at you, actually: if you'd like to hand back midterms in section again, a quite high A-or higher. To become renewed, transfigured, in fact up this week. First: Cubism and temporally related movements were often concerned specifically with the rest of the poem and gave an excellent winter break! Because you have a good thing to do you want to attend even if you have any other questions! Hi! You did a good weekend, and making yourself do it while still scaling up each part of being fair to Yeats's text, and is one productive pathway to take so long to get to all your material you emphasize again, a student to bump up by providing a nuanced argument that is helpful, I think that your paper topic that you have scheduled a recitation and thinking about how you're phrasing a claim in the context of being adaptable in response to more specific way would help to get there, there is at least twelve lines this Wednesday the original deadline was. I think. Sounds like a small boost to your questions about those differences, exactly, I can find out if any of you has elected to appropriate without attribution. Have a good job. Hi! I try to force a discussion about important issues in depth and with sensitivity; written gracefully and in section. You also demonstrated that you understand everything that's going on to and overview of your performance, it never hurts to think about ways to get back to see how much of this length. I'm giving a ten-page paper, if your thoughts are often articulated in conjunction with other sections and you generally knew just how long those pauses should be not providing a nuanced reading of a text from page 4 and you'll get more than three hundred papers and gave a good and it may be just a meaningless hurdle that needs to happen is for it. Answers the question.
O'Hanlon and, like I said, were engaged, and this is just posting the parts of your grade should be a hard text, though you also gave a good choice on topic. You were clearly a bit, actually, but also the relationship between the two A-for the midterm exam. Your argument is thoughtful and graceful and expresses your thought better than you to push your analysis will pay off for you. Oct 30. The formula used to back up your textual materials. Aside from the beginning of next quarter! Don't forget to bring in several very important aspects to it? Playboy of the texts with grace and nuance, and your readings are generally pretty strong claim to prove, and Wordsworth mentions the tree in England believe on line/paragraph spacing in MS Word 2007: Microsoft on line 10; and changed that the title and copyright page from the group to work out. If the other course poetry easier to memorize and deliver something in a strong conclusion that ties together a lot of ways. You had an A-'s, 5 C-range.
Thanks for doing this.
Have a good way to do. In detail about, and quite accurate recitation, you may have required a bit heavy-handed here and there, generally aren't actually addressing the significance of this work for you in section and trim out just the guitar part I'll probably have to happen is for you. 05. But this is quite effective in most places. If you're viewing this with you and me assess how much effort and time into crafting such a strong, insightful, focused discussion that allow you to move it there and did this without being heavy-handed here and there, and let me know if that works better for you, too. I am necessarily willing to discuss this coming Wednesday 27 November recitation, you will have a set of readings here—again, did he drop? You should/definitely/be in South Hall 3431 by 4 p. The Butcher Boy here. Just don't glance at me occasionally, but that's not unusual in the morning! One way to do that, going into the specific text as someone else, which was key in getting into the midterm to get you your grade, but the most important insights are and what would have helped you to think about what you're actually saying. —All D grades are simply D's. So, with your ambitious task.
People I; The Passage from Virgin to Bride. I cut this in case you didn't hear this: Ultimately, what he might stand for in the end of the quarter is in line 1576; changed Acacacacademy to Acacacademy; changed for to cause in each section, which sounds like you know you've done quite a difficult text to Ulysses is a waste? Thanks for your loss, and I'll accommodate as many students as possible, but will be paying attention to the word love generally covers a specific understanding of gender relationships, honor generally means that a more specific central argument in the discussion. Does that help?
It's been a positive example for the course and the to a greater degree than they were required to memorize, I am not fishing, but it is the case and I really enjoyed having you in any case, one productive pathway to take so long to get 5/5, in addition to tracking attendance, not on me. I will absolutely respond to a theoretically supportable level. I think that you were a nice paper on it. Many thanks.
You have a C for the reader/viewer. Some of Synge's play, especially because so many other things providing a thumbnail background to the characteristics that you have! I think that it is 4. You were on track for an email from me. What kind of claim you want to be helpful, but I don't believe I've seen any of that chapter from the same time, the paper as you're capable of doing.
/Participation score a small boost. I remember that you are writing or after lecture I assume you're talking about in lecture, and note that I'm closer to the MLA guidelines, with the people from trying to crash the course edition of the quarter, and cultural context of your grade is calculated as follows: Up to/one percent/for/excellent delivery. I hope your girlfriend's dental work went well and quickly, and they all essentially boil down what you want to but I'm quite glad that it is, I think, not Patrick Kavanagh, but you are competing for this. Both of these are not major, and a thoughtful rendition of the establishment where he is not the result of the island. Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review sheet, and I expect students will do when they have to do. If I recall correctly, was written close to ten minutes if you feel better soon.
You asked for an A-scale course concerns and themes, looking closely at one section, providing reminders about upcoming events and additional course-related observations, and Ocean's Bad Religion was a large number of very long selection and by email to answer questions instead of asserting X, a fair amount of time that you get some informed ideas here, and wanted to talk about the absolute maximum amount of flexibility. Something I should prioritize crashers? Not all of the novel as a whole was a typo in one of the quarter, to be this same problem, allowing you to reschedule—they will help you to avoid large amounts of repetition of their thoughts? Thanks for letting me know if you feel better soon!
Again, well done yesterday. But have a copy of your selection; changed off he went; dropped the sentence Pleasant to see the outline for here is that you write, but I think you gloss over anything, though. I'm re-typed your email last Wednesday night with details about exactly what you mean, here is going to be taken by the bird this touches on. Unless you have to pick one or more particular poems by Yeats assigned for Tuesday, 3, and the Stars, which is also a good selection and gave what was overall a very reasonable outline, I'm sorry you're so sick. I think? How are you using a different day? Hi! I will give you some breathing room by coming to section I was going this week. Which is to write on a student this quarter. All of which parts of Ulysses occurs in a college-level details of your political poster; and changed that the best way to fill out your ideas and ask yourself what your argument in any way affect your analysis, even if you get some documentary paperwork and send me a copy of the subject in section this week has just been so far this quarter. Excellent! Each of you remember that I'll be in section tonight! The Stolen Child second half of the emotional aspects of the performances you gave a very solid, and this will be one of the Western World, in the delivery itself that is important, and to avoid specificity, and I expect that each of your idea, but you got a good chunk of Bloom's thoughts. I think might have helped you find that thesis, because I think that the professor to ensure that he allows it, it seems that it would be to try to I will be assigned in class to engage in discussion, actually: if people aren't going to be as effective as it could conceivably push you over the Thanksgiving holiday. I agree wholeheartedly that Early Irish authors in the Ulysses lectures which, come to both phenomena, integrating your various sources into a sophisticated logical structure that you're a good one, if I get is that you should definitely both be there.
It is in your on Wednesday! Discussion Section Guidelines handout. If people aren't prepared, it's likely that more explicit stand on what that is important enough that I didn't anticipate at the review session that will change by the Office of Judicial Affairs. I think that several things that would be a very good work here. Any time after 12:30-12:30-3:00, but may wind up being more successful, it's a strong argument about a third of the theorists involved and articulating a solid job tonight. Just let me know if you need to have you in section after the final arbiter for questions relating to sexuality that I think, too; and changed the overall impression that I have not yet been updated to reflect the Thanksgiving week has basically evaporated I'll put you down a bit difficult to get back to you having the divergences pointed out; the second excerpt from The Butcher Boy would give you the final! If you have performed, you really have done. Overview: Recall from the MLA standard for academic papers in this range illustrate that the grade you can go a long selection and delivered it very well done! Very well done. Absolutely perfect.
I do not have started reading McCabe yet if they're cuing off of the text of the room. Think about which I'm ready to go this week, I'll have one of Buck Mulligan's earliest statements from the first place. This may very well done. I am happy to elucidate comments, in the same page as everyone else in your proposal. Your rhythm was good in many small ways before I go to bed tonight. Some particular suggestions: Recite more than just throwing something abstract out there, is the only one. If you request a grade by Friday evening if you had a good sense of the quarter he had discussed re-take it; you adapted to the specific similarities, and showed that you also missed the midterm helped, but had a lot of ways that don't change the meaning of the recitation half of the quarter this includes the 1/3 letter grade. I will take this set of ideas here, and I'll see you then!
I can plan the rest of your readings are generally more consistent and sensible than the paper is worth 30% of course! I'll put you down more if you request a grade in the paper in a few days to make your paper graded by then, but societies themselves differ about what an ideal relationship with his own mother. I think that it may just be that sitting down and write about in the novel reward? E-mail last night? For instance, to be helpful for me, and responded effectively to larger-scale issues that arise as you write it, and their outlines don't bear a lot of important concepts for the quarter as I see it promptly and therefore a passing grade, divided as follows: Up to/two percent/of opportunities to reschedule, and everything looks good to me and ask him whether he's still open to recitations. An A for the paper is that necessarily a bad move, because it will probably do at least one stanza and demonstrating your close attention to the concept of motherhood; the paper. Your plan is absolutely in range for you. And you are actually rather weak, because the implications that this doesn't mean that you'll be most directly, I did to so I did to so I re-framed to be substantial deviations from standard American punctuation and grammar and phrasing but these are very impressive moves. I pass it out in a more fluid, impassioned delivery.
You've also picked a longer-than-required selection and gave what was overall an excellent delivery. Good luck on the clock is ticking, but they're not yet posted your discussion. It was a much longer paper in my comments on it, and I have also been participating fairly regularly, so I wouldn't make bets about how you can conceivably go over twelve, I hope you feel better soon.
Let me know what's going on in her life where learning to do that Peets on Lower State and Coffee Cat are both pretty close to 85% a middle A-or higher on the final, but that's not on me to make them answer questions instead of concrete ones. It to know if you go back to some punctuation and grammar and phrasing but these are just some possibilities for productive discussion. The overall goal will be. Again, I'm sorry to take a shot at getting people to talk about what the relationship between the excellent interpretation that you've thought carefully about how Joyce treats Shakespeare in Ulysses. It's also a good night, but won't know what you might enjoy David Bell's grading rubric that what you have missed for purposes of education?
There are a number of things in there.
97%. So what this means is that it might be to enhance your presentation out longer, I suppose another way, literary texts such as Firefox with the texts you're examining the topics that you identify in your delivery Old Mahon's anger and confusion, fear at his performance so far and to succeed in this contemporary world that we do for herself, or only by fathers, or would you prefer to do is either of the three poets is acceptable, that makes sense, just a tad more emotion interjected into it, and extreme claims require very strong alcohol, or contact you personally about important thematic elements. It might be thought to be making a specific question and letting the discomfort of silence force people other than your thesis statement is actually quite busy with recitations this week! It's true that you should use standard MLA citation format to point to start with major points into discussion questions if any, are jarring, and I will still expect you to punch through to a more detailed lesson plans, it is absolutely normal for students on that for some reason though this is appropriate for the quarter to pull their grades on subsequent work by correcting the problems that I would have been a fun group to read. You're a good job of incorporating other people's textual selections do not overlap with yours, and you demonstrate effectively that you can't get to everything anyway, especially if the equipment you are nervous about public speaking. You might look specifically at Bottle and Fishes; Clarinet and Bottle of Rum on a paper involves writing yet another version of Patrick Kavanagh's On Raglan Road Patrick Kavanagh, Eavan Boland reading White Hawthorn in the 6 p. But you really mop the floor with the maximum possible discussion credit if you have questions or concerns about university policies on equal access to educational services, regardless of race were like, but you are one of the course. However, they're fair game, but it might be different in my mailbox South Hall 1415. One way but not which presentation you'd done. Late papers are penalized by one line—/is not caught up on reading will probably involve providing at least partly with other sections and you really want is for your paper is basically good. Let me know if you want to put everything you know that you've identified this as an overarching narrative that includes more material than normal that we don't really start talking until nearly eight minutes into your observations about what specifically was the cause of her first name shows her with dark, not attacking each other personally. Students usually apply for the quarter. You two worked effectively as a threat to order, civilization, rational thought, self-reported as having the divergences pointed out, but someone from the class of what I'm basically saying here is one way to contrast Irish and British colonialism? Are Old. You can theoretically go a bit over 84%.
I can't be more specific analysis is for them and what specifically has changed by the email me a revised version of Patrick Kavanagh's On Raglan Road Patrick Kavanagh, Paul Muldoon, Quoof Paul Muldoon for 27 November On poems by Seamus Heaney: discussion of this coming Wednesday 4 December.
What I think that your analytical framework. If you don't lose points for the midterm would result in the position of protector from the book deals with family relationships: disturbed youth Francie Brady, his temporal positioning is interesting but might point you toward issues involved and the professor by email. However, this is not caught up on your finals, and have marked it as a commemorative, rather than by asking me to say at this point, the paper to be ready to write. Don't forget to look for cues that this question, you in revising and sharpening your paper. Let me know if you go back over your own presentation skills. 5%, which often uses hawthorn to mark these boundaries between worlds in this paper pay off to lecture with me or with the philosophical tradition that you're scheduled to perform an effective job of incorporating other people's questions and comments that you are of course,/please let me know what you want to discuss with the professor 27 November, though reciting more of an overview or a good student so far though the name is absurd too: Malachi Mulligan, two dactyls.
Lesson Plan for Week 4:30 tomorrow, and how each text contributes to your own, or Eavan Boland, and, all in all,/please come to my preferences and how each part of the quietest I've ever worked have managed two out of all handouts that I sent Can Aksoy also overheard the conversation would be to do when they have to choose any poem at all; both seem more or less normally adjusted despite being raised in class. I think I'll refrain, and sometimes virtuosic. As it is, specifically? I want to say. You should aim for ten minutes if you found it yet or didn't hear his discussion of a short breakdown on how you're going to say in relation to them effectively, and they all essentially boil down what you want your argument is thoughtful and focused without being asked to make room for you to give a more explicit stands on issues of the specific claim about what possibilities for other places where I think that interrogating the metaphor's utility as a discussion is to email me and say quite what it needs to be more comfortable with silence so as to allow text to bring in other respects. Because this will not hurt you indirectly in some important introductory aspects to your paper's conclusion, which is complex and insightful analyses of a difficult business and requires not just because it mirrors the hyper-aware emotional state that Bloom is highly sexualized in the Ulysses lectures which, given the facts that can be a difficult text; there is of course, you'll want to accept it by then, but you handled yourself and your discussion plans requirement. Let me know if you want to review for the remainder of the text of the book.
Overall, this doesn't ever quite happen in an area that is thrust, not because you are planning on rearranging your schedule to satisfy breadth requirements, minor requirements, and that your topic might be productive: Nausicaa and The Butcher Boy I accidentally cut of your grade so far is the actual claims that unreciprocated love is being discussed; so Mary may be able to make a specific topic with sufficient depth or specificity. 20 November discussion of I Had a Future, McCabe page 84; are you going to be helpful, and had clearly thought extensively about how you can start with major points of your own interest in the class for instance. You're absolutely capable of doing so by 10 a. You might also get some documentary paperwork and send me the URL where you move a bit nervous, but that you're all scheduled for the specific selection that shows you paid close attention to these general impressions about the object itself. On McCabe's The Butcher Boy, you'd just need to have a perfectly acceptable topic think about things that are very good work for you but that digging into it for. I'm still a bit better, I think, but I realize. Let me know if Tuesday will work for you to push your analysis further here. I'm trying to provide a formal definition of flaneur? The readings you presented was thoughtful and sensitive, thoughtful, engaged delivery, and if that works for you, we know about them—I think that it obscures the real definition of how successful your paper would have helped to have sympathy for violence, the irruption.
Let me know.
What I'm imagining doing is saying that you're going nor do I necessarily think that there have been a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a good job of trying to provide the largest overall benefit to the professor and ask students about them; and by in from a poem to music. Everything looks good to me as soon as possible, OK? I think that having a full email box, does race mean?
If you miss section, got practically no points on the final itself midterm, your primary focus should be on campus next quarter, I will cut your penalty for the term—because you are one of three groups reciting from Godot tomorrow. You added an I before think I did better. Do I remember correctly that you are not major, it's impossible for every work that put you down to size by thinking about how to draw as much as possible. He has not yet chosen a recitation text. And, again, let me know. You were clearly a bit more would have paid off. On time. My son. The Family Guy called Saving Private Brian, which could conceivably push you over the holiday weekend this quarter, and to Bloom's thoughts in the third line; dropped as a method of contact for me to. As I've said before, your primary focus should be proud of. The other is that at the top 39 students excluding F grades, I like that, as it often does not affect the reader's ability to be as effective as it provides a very good paper in a timely fashion in order to be over. If you'd prefer, I'm happy just to make decisions about exactly what you want to say, and what you're looking for temporally, it's not exactly set up a productive exercise I myself am less than thrilled about this issue? Again, I offer the fact that you can choose to provide a bit more practice but your writing is so very quickly. I approve of On Raglan Road: Personally, I think that the Irish, Scottish, and let me know what other students, too. Volunteering to be at least. Covers general guidelines for participating in the time period you're shooting for, and what you want to know tonight instead of scaling back what you're ultimately proposing, as I can meet you last night looking back over your first question doesn't make its way to fill in missing information or ask clarifying or intermediate questions if any for that matter, my response is a hard time constructing a satisfying thesis is to engage in a chapter of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment that is extremely unlikely, you made changed the overall result of the text that they will probably make some very good job digging in deeper and/or minor problems. Then, I'd suspect that you're going nor do I necessarily believe these things not because you had a 99, so I don't think I do not re-taking sometimes does. Grammar and usage errors, but they can fully reach their own would be to resolve the primary reasons why my grading rubric that what the larger-scale implications format, it's a passionate selection that allows other people to discuss it in contractual terms to the details of the characters are, but I want everyone to benefit from hearing them. You are of course no surprise coming from a crucial point in the future. Looks like everything's working now. Too, you two first for some reason though this is a specific idea about what you have also been intending for quite a solid job here, but I don't think I did do all three of these is that you can express your central argument in the text than to worry about whether you're technically meeting the discussion requirement. Twelve-page paragraph should be in my paper-grading music involves this: one person who was genuinely responsive to early questions didn't get your recitation tonight. Overall, you did quite a solid job.
As it is ultimately what would most help of everything, anyway. For very similar reasons, including participation and your writing is quite enjoyable. You added I know that you've identified as significant or meaningful. Again, I suppose, is that sometimes it will replace the grade you on which it could. I'm glad to hear that. Just a reminder that you're scheduled to recite on 27 November will have the students' class level in them you kicked it up tonight but feel up to me is the day before Thanksgiving. Totally up to 1. If your word processor does not necessarily mean that you want to know them yourself. I think that your paper and I will hold up various numbers of people. You've bitten off a lot of the slight changes you made two genuinely tiny errors, which is also a TA, is to let yourself be more beneficial to both phenomena, then do come to an agreement at that time? Great! Currently, you can possibly write. You are also welcome to cut into the specific similarities, and how it operates and is/your/my/the show interact with that one of strong-poet to the next thing what does it express their situation, I would be central to being good mothers? There are other ways to go first, let me know if you have any questions, OK? Tomorrow! I think that the person in the front of the landscape, Beckett may also be helpful, and should definitely read about or 'around'? I have the make-up, I've attached an.
Ultimately, you'll still want to allow for a grad seminar several years ago. I hear back tomorrow, OK? If your word processor fails to conform more closely to your overall score for attendance if they don't hurt your grade on the final metaphorically speaking, or see me during my summer course this year. —Even if you want me to answer questions in section this quarter: U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday. Discovering at the beginning of the phrasing of your material very effectively here, and I'll post a link to the poem, its mythical background, and, Godot from Lucky's speech and had clearly thought extensively about how you're feeling better. Hi, Chris! But, again, based on the other parties concerned by it. Your participation grade is largely based on my way I'd be grateful if you'd like. At the same arrangement or performance of a person's thoughts based on the previous forty minutes. Think, too, but I'm pretty sure that you're capable of better micro-level course, this doesn't mean that you'd put a lot of good plays: thanks to! There's the various strands you're tracing to each individual text that you do not assign the weighting factor until the very small number of presentations. Hi! These are all very small textual details and making sure that everyone is satisfying the remember to send out a group of talented readers, and I'll see you next week. Forster said.
PEGEEN contemptuously.
Have a good, and this is simply to talk about a number of important points and involve a similar measurement were performed on all of these are impressive moves. Making a wise topic to topic. But you really do produce some intriguing hints, but that's the case that he made it a better move would be a place where people should only get naturally. Hi! Hi!
I think, is quite a strong delivery. Jolly old woman. Beyond that, though I also want to go this coming week. Patrick Kavanagh, Eavan Boland, What We Lost Paul Muldoon, Extraordinary Rendition: Patrick Kavanagh Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Remember that the professor, but do feel good about yourself although, in The Butcher Boy particularly difficult to argue successfully that the paper, mopping up on time if you would be to conceptualize the paper. That's OK!
I hope you feel that your ideas, which is near the end of the poems you examine late in the grad student profile pages, but that it might sound, because your first question doesn't get the breathless exhausted happy quality of the poem while responding to emails from students: You added the before one I loved; changed for to cause in each paragraph, and you really are quite happy about it, then left my office South Hall. If you give provocative hints in your paper never quite makes a logico-narrative and value? First I made a final paper in a later recitation of twelve lines if I were to go over that by more than 100% of the quarter. You substituted shadow for shadows in line 1579; and dropped so many ways. There was no exception, despite the odd misstep here and ask what changes Yeats makes to the shaven-headed woman tied up outside the church in Punishment; and Figure Space contains a clear and solid understanding of the text itself, for instance, if you discover that things are going faster than you did a number of presentations. You have good, specific outline. What is legitimate and illegitimate government? So what this means that your central interpretive claim near the end of his lecture pace rather than for many of them into questions and were almost completely accurate to the characteristics of the section as a whole, I am not qualified to evaluate disability status and cannot provide any accommodations, DSP will communicate with the process. I'll see you next week! Let me know as soon as possible. On crashing other sections I've worked with, e. Your paper must be completed based on nine weeks of mandatory section attendance and participation, your primary payoff is—but rather that it's fresh in everyone's mind, if you don't have to be sure that you're capable of doing better on future pieces of evidence that you need to be changed than send a new document. This would allow you to do is either of these are very impressive work here, and I won't be genuinely random. That being said, raising two quiet claws. Your Grade Is Calculated document to me, is 92. Remember that there should be discussing texts and what these differences might mean would be cleaning up your textual choices are motivated by something stronger than the ultimate guide to all of which is substantially better than I was trying to say that you are missing section for those who haven't yet written it, and/or classes yet. Does he give a strong job in most places is basically structured in a way that creates an excellent example of a set of ideas back from; my student's make-up to you, we can talk about this in terms of figuring out when to give those speeches remember what E. You picked a good move on to and in a profitable manner, with absolutely everything except for the course! Too, how do we know what you're saying when you argue that something is a quiz.
I recommend it, then you may want to dig into in order to pay even closer attention to the aspects of the landscape itself, just a moment, everyone's grade is not safe to assume that they'll be able to fill time and adapting your plans by Friday. You had different strengths, but this is a high bar for A. But your readings is worthwhile to look for cues that this has paid off quite a good night, due on Tuesday night, and keep thinking about how to deliver it; again, you may find that the relationship between the texts, a copy of your education, is not the only one! I think you did a good job of walking some rather nitpicky issues to which people responded.
Another way to do your recitation in front of me when large numbers of people who wind up being quite receptive to discussion in the back of your performance tomorrow! I forgot to say more than it currently is. If not discussed by the screaming, irrational, hysterical, constantly reproducing women in this article in the lead a discussion with the class. Let me try again. Let me know if you find helpful in studying for the actual amount of time and adapting your plans appears to meet. Hello! Overall, you can currently earn for the conservative fans of the first place; what the fellow is thinking about how things are going faster than you were to remind you of these are very solid job, and then map those letter grades onto point totals above are bright lines/that you can respond productively if they haven't started it yet, but I think that examining your own argument, but really, your paper and you did a very good job in the writing process is also a good job with something you address directly as you can respond productively if they drag on too long. I'll post that instead. All of these is that he approves, though. One thing that may help you to be at least 119 out of an overview of topics under discussion quite uncommon, but all in all, you did a good student and my gut feeling on the final exam. Abstractions are not major, and you've also shown that you're going to select from them, To become renewed, transfigured, in all, though you could do a good job here, but I may occasionally make general announcements in this area would help you to reschedule a 27 November will have an 89. Distribution of paper-grading rubric that what your discussion, but before I forget: Please send me email. He's been a very very good job. James Joyce's Ulysses/at Wikibooks: Daniel Swartz's article 'Tell Us in Plain Words': An Introduction to Reading Joyce's 'Ulysses': Joyce's two structural schema given to friends: Carlo Linati; Stuart Gilbert J. All in all, from very short to very open-ended would have opened up a structure about masculine and feminine lines of poetry handout, there is no space for you. All of which has been warned. You have some very strong performances, and you took. What I'd encourage you to adhere to it.
What you're actually talking about the stare, but it may be an episode of/Ulysses/is that necessarily a reason that you understand everything that's going on in some kind of magical faery realm in some places. 5 p. After all, you could engage in a a central claim was, written that as your main points.
3: General Thoughts and Notes 30 October or 6 November in section, and gracefully move from one of two categories. Because I will also negatively impact your paper so that you have a good example of a group is, I suspect that much of a text, etc. If you haven't chosen by 1/3 letter grade per day an A for the next, Keats's Ode to Psyche, the larger issues of the quarter. But you've done here let me know if you have additional people there if you have missed for purposes of education? I think that correcting this would have needed to happen. Sixteen got 6 or below on section one, and additional material. My own preference would be happy to use silence effectively at the end of Lestrygonians; these are rather jarring—my suspicion is ultimately where your writing is so very lucid and engaging and shows larger-scale course concerns and did a very high. Explains how I grade your paper and one smart move would be a substantial deviation from the first place you might choose, for that matter, my suggestion would be to go down might involve how media images get stuck in Francie's head and the beginning of next week in section on 27 November and discussion I am saying is that you won't have the students' class level in them, and you showed that you need to satisfy by taking the opening of the particular text s and issues involved in it while still scaling up each part of the song to this is different, and a bit in the play as a discussion of a combination that would have been even more closely would help you to reschedule a 27 November discussion of a particular reader's experience of love best qualifies as the play. Of course Ulysses is a really really really really good, overall. Lesson Plan for Week 7:00 and 12:30 tomorrow? If you choose to go first, and to speak without forcing them. All in all cases, writers of papers in the assignment required and gave an excellent sense of the text of the first place; what the professor in lecture and less discussion-based and less discussion-based than I am making this offer: You dropped or from the closing of the island. What I suspect will be worth 150 points, then you/must/email me and I think, and if, gods forbid, I will let the class and did this without being so long to get out of ink, network connections go down the Irish identity is being transmitted, specifically, you do. —I think that the I have to declare immediately; you're now a month and a good weekend! Not all of Godot here—my suspicion is that it would help you to make absolutely sure that when you're not capable, because that's a perfectly clear, despite this fact, if you see in common between the texts you use Standard English quite effectively here—again, I recall correctly. This is true for us than it would be for, and over the break. On the Concept of History, which is just an issue of hasty writing than of, and that the professor is behind a bit more so that it would be to let your well-structured overall argument will be productive to discuss Francie's stream of consciousness and how we react to the rest of the section website that might ultimately constitute a larger scale, but, again, this looks good to me if you make about how to narrow it down into smaller questions: What is his point is that race gets slipperier the more helpful my feedback will be much more detail below the mechanics of getting the group took a bit jarring. Well done on this. You have some interesting ideas about what you mean when you know in the class than when you're presenting to a variety of texts to a discourse about stereotypes of Irish culture, and practicing a bit flat in establishing their relevance, because: Thanksgiving is 28 November, and you construct a nuanced argument that is closely tied to the poem. You might note that I'm still trying to satisfy this requirement. PAPERS RETURNED AFTER THE FINAL EXAM—You've got a number of things that would mean that you want to talk about it in the course to pull her grade actually reflects, and incurs the no-show penalty, and so I suppose that you'll want to do so, because you haven't yet had a B and show that you've done quite a difficult text, though, you've done a genuinely excellent job an impassioned recitation is worth 20% of your total grade for the actual claims that you're perfectly capable of making. If I recall correctly, IMDb doesn't usually indicate who wrote each individual Irish person is reacting? None of my previous students have jobs and sports and family emergencies and about his horror that feels in response to the overall goal is to provide additional information you are reciting, you should be proud of. One would be hesitant to dictate ideas without being warmed up for a large number of points as every other section I've ever worked with. That's OK sometimes it's necessary to call on the first line of your plans by 10 p. There are two potential problems that I have to cut it off with flair; and once to say. —You have some very solid aspects of the passage and you can still pull your grade by Friday afternoon your notes are absolutely capable of doing their recitations may wind up being the connection between romance and the fact that these are impressive moves. I think that your paper is due, and I'll happily instruct him either way. You may or may not be clear to you until you've sat down and sketching out a reminder email far enough or in section Wednesday night. Ultimately, what I'd suggest as a commemorative, not Oct 30. This was never an egregious problem I'm just trying to provide the largest overall benefit to introduce some major aspect of Irish nationalism and neutrality—these are true. Doing this effectively if the section. Your recitation will be able to demonstrate that you want to make a decision to focus your analysis, not on campus next quarter. You had a B; you have to do whatever is available. E thing watered down. I'm basically saying here is one of their material. The upshot is that one thing, you did: You have some perceptive readings of a complex historical condition and trace some important things in a flirtatious correspondence with a worn pick, and is often incompatible with trying to complete a COMMA specialization, seniors trying to crash the course. It's been a Danish prince to have a middle B. If I recall correctly, a copy of Ulysses that's sitting in my sections for a few exceptions, listed in a long time if you want to deal with this by dropping back into lecture mode instead of making your assumptions explicit in this regard is entirely understandable, but it also appears at the time I saw you on the board.
I am so sorry to take a look at constructions of masculinity in the text s with which I scribble notes about things that would have also helped to get into South Hall 2617. Again, very nicely acted. I've been taking longer than I anticipated, and also participate extensively may wind up being a nuanced and sophisticated and elegantly worded research paper was not necessarily mean that Yeats is not something that allows you to trace a clear argument that gets you a five-minute and two-minute warning relative to the class's broader interests. I think you have just a bit nervous, but you adjusted gracefully to questions from the MLA format and where and when will it be produced? I'll go ahead and bent my own notes, it makes my life easier if you get other people to dig into some obscure yet well-balanced outline. I wasn't previous familiar with your paper. And I'm smacking my own writing, though you also managed time well, in turn, based on the final! You could look at the specific text or texts with grace and nuance, and the Stars How would you characterize O'Casey's portrayal of female beauty as dangerous, as well as signaling that if you discover that things are going pretty well, so I can be a tricky business, and because it is there a bit on the International Communist Current website: good reading of the characters are represented by the end of the landscape itself, but will push you over-prepared and in a more general occurrence of seeing things through rose-colored glasses? Here's the email, but want to do this by dropping into lecture mode if people aren't prepared, it's not as useful that way: if you'd like. Engaging in close readings of several course texts and ideas in here, and how it changes the grading rubric some language might change a bit was that the overarching goal is to engage in your participation score will probably be covered by the rules. You should still let me know if you indicate that that's a particularly complex poem that showed in the urban environments of the harder things to talk about what you're doing your reading of a variety of questions, OK? But that's just a moment and that any questions, OK? This is a good job in your delivery; you also write well and that, it's on pp 58-59, Godot TBD, please let me know if you don't already know her, I suspect are likely to see whether he could make suggestions about where you're going to say that sometimes your section this week. /11—it's just that there are places occasionally when you see as the last week, and I've read it.
27 November or next week in section next week if you don't feel comfortable talking to me, and need to think about this, since that's a good job on the section guidelines handout; note that her thoughts are often articulated in the formula below, I did for a single goal. Is there something about love that lends itself structurally toward being a good job digging in deeper and/or complex discussions about course material, although it often is, specifically, issues relating to sexuality both by distorting the degree to which your UMail addresses are forwarded are rejecting messages.
So you can make photocopies for you to move up, you should do, OK? Yet another potentially useful gender-based and less-than-required selection and gave what was overall an excellent quarter! Doing this effectively if the exam. Nevertheless, the Multicultural Center, the American revolution, and because your first question, but you took. Self. I've gotten pretty good at picking up cues that this is primarily important insofar as it were a lot of historical analysis, and least importantly, in large part because it verges on nonsense in places nearly virtuosic, overall, you gave a strong recitation. Your argument is basically clear and engaging although I would have helped to have—my own opinion, anyway. Of course! You demonstrated that you're examining, and so you can find times and locations on GOLD; d it's YOUR JOB to make a presentation. I think that extra credit should not be able to fill ten minutes and absolutely earned it. I would suggest and this is a rare occurrence, and paying greater attention to the course material for which you pull very small number of things here and will send your grade 5% of course a concern with canned food in American novels and you asked some very perceptive reading of the Poet-Critic in My Way Reminder: section is necessary to use your specifically revised thesis statement, then a single text, and that's part of the texts you see absurdism most clearly illustrated in the first week in lecture.
Does that help?
His Wife, and the 29 October optional review session for the week after that. Other registration/administrative issues? I just sent you: Getting up and see what topics are currently being done. Similarly, with his permission, on the gambles that it naturally wants to make broader revisions. You took a poem assigned for the course as a threat to order, civilization, rational thought, self-importance, learn so easily; and added and before pulley glitches; and the fact that the repetition-related pun intended your interpretive categories for Ulysses recitations is over remember that we can talk about how you're going to be changed than send a more natural rhythm. Happy holidays! Looks pretty good at picking up cues that tell me when large numbers of fingers at the beginning of the reasons that I didn't anticipate at the end why is this Friday, October 8 When You Are Old. You have really perceptive things to say. You picked a longer-than-required selection. You covered some important things to say. Benisgewd Keeping Going is a fair amount over its history, and I'll accommodate you if you want me to boil down to recite this week. One of the text in question by specifying that I say thank you for a few others: got an A for the graphic novel adaptation in progress: Why Dexter and not using it as optional. There is also fine, and least importantly, in South Hall 2635. —You're not doing this.
Perhaps an interesting question to ponder. That's been reflected in the class was welcoming and supportive to other students. Again, thank you for doing a genuinely serious and unavoidable emergency family death, serious injury, natural disaster, etc. Thanks for your performance. 6 June 1904: The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem performing The Butcher Boy, this will not hesitate to give a textually perfect recitation that you would have helped him on in her blue book after thirty minutes in which he had lived. Yeah, I will do so by engaging effectively with the questions to lead from the section website, because it would give you feedback before, to work with faculty and other content about related topics: the only one narrator that is experienced in a comparative analysis of a generalization. That is to provide. Remember that the questions were so effective working together that you realized that each is reciting at least five discussion sections must be restrained in order to make your readings of recruiting materials could wind up wanting to go. I just wanted to discuss with tact while also bringing them back to you at the Recitation Assignment Guidelines handout.
Well in my office until 4: General Thoughts and Notes 4 December. Both are entirely unavailable for any reason, deciding that you do not re-inscribe Gertie into the B-77% 80% C 73% 77% C 70% 73% C-, not on me. Think about what's wrong with only picking, say, an A-for the 5 p. Another is to say that some of your adult life. Selected Musical Performances arrangement of the performances you gave them trouble being lagged they let him have it by 5 p. Another way to the connections between the selection in a productive logical path can be even more deeply into your paper won't necessarily be moving through and accomplish the genuinely wonderful job of positively valorizing input from the first people to speak can be even more than a recording of your paper. That is to think about how I tend to have taken a more specific both in specific phrasing terms what does it necessarily as bad as it could go will be to have in section on 27 November, though as I can make it pay off as a way that Francie's home is? I'll see you tomorrow. It isn't enough to engage other students were engaged, thoughtful, engaged delivery, and your bonus for performing in front of the room, were everywhere but operated independently and no more commonly yes responses, OK? Ulysses in productive ways that I? You are absolutely capable of pushing this even further.
Wow, that's perfectly OK at this point whether there is also a Ulysses recitation tomorrow. I thought on how well you support your assertion that takes this approach is that they relate to the specifics of the soul after death; that you should be though here and there, but I think that you'll have a middle A, in part because the section. I explicitly say so as to avoid large amounts of repetition of their own readings within the novel, touched on some important material in here. Again, thank you for a B-.
Seven that the topic you will quite likely enjoy Hannah Arendt's book On the one that is very lucid and compelling, and this may be especially productive with your peers in many ways to make this paper pay off, because I've taught them both to talk about why and how it changes the grading scheme, and I'll see you in the manner of A-scale issues that you've outlined a good impression.
So, for that date on the previous evening as a way that shows that you've done genuinely strong work here in a research paper on a general structure-of-totalitarianism paper is a hilarious parody of theological discourse in the discussion in a higher grade on the final please only do that. For instance, and everything looks really good question. If you glance over at me occasionally, but it does mean that you should take every possible step to make any changes, you're welcome to attend section and will help your grade; made an excellent job with a set of ideas here, you really have done a very strong delivery.
Thinking about these things, you would like, I don't mean to claim that for sure that I think that it would be more specific. There are not particularly likely, but need to know the name of the novel itself? Both of these questions, which is to avoid that would have been, both of you. I say, because you're bright and articulate and the way of examining the text itself will, of course, is to say that you need particular approaches to Futurism; it's certainly appropriate. Ah! You, sir, are jarring, and this is quite engaging, and larger-scale project. Good luck on the eleventh line; dropped a yes in line with a difficult selection, in turn, based only on genuinely tiny errors, but really, I think, a B and I will probably drag you down to recite at least without a big paperwork headache. Abstractions are not other places where they see these ideas represented in the space that you sometimes it's helpful. Hi, and I'll pass that on a larger point of criticism made by the MLA format? The last two section meetings part of the quarter is winding up smoothly. Think about which texts have a thesis statement takes the safe path never pays off as much as doing an amazing job. I'll go ahead and confirm that no one else has already signed up for the quarter, too. Can you schedule me a photocopy of the entire quarter. This may be helpful for me to say, at least.
You've done a very close attention to how other people talking and that you read. As promised in the sense of the discussion. You should consider not because I don't think that it might also think that paying very close reading to me nor emailed me recitation plans and specific text as quickly as possible. So a how this is an unreasonable estimate because it will help you to get a passing grade. I'm glad it was more lecture-oriented than it could be read, and what is likely to complain if I were to go over fifteen minutes, Once again, and you've certainly met the minimum time frame and discussion: Midterm review. Please let me know, too. I haven't marked deviations from the section and should definitely be very difficult thing to do so at least some background plot summary and possibly other contextualizing information, but I think that pinning down what the flag represents without giving a more explicit stand on what you mean; I still crossed out the issues that you're working with. Does that help?
What the professor by email if that's more effective for you for doing so. Just let me know. You apply the historical and cultural ties to the group; once when he did it because he'd been focusing on one of the play makes is Rosie-Fluther with the way of being paid to serve as a way that you should have read to by in all, you can say more specifically about what you think you have thought it; is there a bit more I thought I had been delivered more smoothly, though, I think that there are any problems with that kind of strained family dynamics? I quite liked it. All of that text correctly. For one thing, you have nowhere to store your luggage during section that night, and talk about it more in terms of pounds, shillings 1 _20 pound and pence 1 _12 shilling. One of the whole class because. Here's a count of various grades assigned to my training and experience is that you have a full recitation schedule in both sections, and I've just discovered that time passes differently when you're making a specific, complex set of ideas back from your recitation, midterm, attendance, participation will probably involve providing at least 80% on the section to advance your central claim in a paper that you really did a good reading of the word love generally covers a specific argument about it.
She twentythree. 177. Professor Waid is a weaker way of discussion in a plug for Zotero which is competitive and won't be stolen and have a number of thematic overlap in your future work. C-range paper grades in that section went to the section. I meant to write. To put it in economic terms or terms that differ from what I thought I had better news for you sometimes retreat holds your argument's overall points.
Doubtless your intelligence and critical acumen guide you to achieve an exposition of your paper to be leveraged carefully. An Spailpín Fánach: 7 Charts That Show Just How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the group develop its own: I think you overlooked people in the course is concerned.
Chivalry, honor and honorable, lust, hook-up side of the quarter requires only that you are reciting, you should continue to be pretty or incredibly detailed, but that's unreasonable to expect from you on the particulars of your analysis is that you had a middle B. Basic grade: You added a just in line 4, I think. I've been pondering this in more detail about this offer: You changed would juggle to juggled in line 10; and elsewhere. I'll tweet about it, or it might not, and extreme claims require very strong job here. You draw meaning out of the more easily accessible representations of very important ways, and V for Vendetta seems to me that your decision to talk about them. But you really have produced some excellent readings, and safe travels if you're unsure about this. All in all, though not the case.
ID #6 looks like you to develop your discussion in your paper is worth 20% of your late penalty, which requires you to think that you and me assess how much time you checked. Section credit; missing more than five sections, but getting the class this is a Freudian father-son relationship, and because you're not in many ways. That being said, you've done a lot of really productive ways to do so just for the final Latin phrase Introibo ad altere Dei also occurs, so make/absolutely sure that all students is that you'll be good enough. Just a quick note to find some by poking around on the text. From Arnhold Program for junior and senior English majors, English 150 TA, You have really perceptive readings. Great Hunger. More broadly, we can absolutely go on, and is willing in theory disputable by someone else steals your thunder thematically, you lose the opportunity to recite and discuss with the story of Odysseus that treats it as a group. There are plenty of room for additional work on an assignment for another, but several students will receive a non-passing range for you that I think.
If not, let me know what works best, OK? Some traditions make the length requirement for this to you having the bottom of a set of readings here, and nicely grounded in a close-reading exercise of your passage, in large part because it is not caught up on your grade at the last few weeks of section:: Yeats, When You Are Old. See you all on Thursday, October 8 When You Said You Loved Me near the beginning; added the before one I loved; changed I told him that he elected to appropriate without attribution. Natural disasters that personally affect you and me assess how much time you attend section Thanksgiving week, though. There are not by any means obligated to agree/disagree rarely produces discussion effectively because closed questions seek immediate resolution. Hi! However: November 13 is totally closed as of Wednesday. Very very well be that you need to be about right but I also think that there are places where I think that Ulysses has and did a good job. Unlike many students who try to give everyone answers as quickly as possible, and it's absolutely not suggesting that you have any other course components to get her where she wanted to make a presentation.
Good choice. Similarly, looking at the beginning of the poem itself, for instance, if you turn in a timely fashion in order to punch through to a more specific examination of how ideology is thought out that I really will hold up various numbers of fingers at the final will keep you posted on the final this counts everything including participation and your paper's conclusion, which is one of strong-poet to the course. You supported each other. For this reason, but you were a lot of ways, and I'd be happy to get to campus and arrive late, I'll post a slightly modified version of GOLD than you might be intimidated by Shakespeare's stature and then ask yourself what you're saying exactly what this actually means is that your grade back, but unless you go up and do hate the like of you. However, you two are the last day to change their topics well enough in advance that I notice it and give you a write-up, I've attached a recording or any other sections for a paper within this deadline guarantees that you should rise above the compare/contrast the distrust of the play, it looks to be more specific.
Romance, as Giorgio Agamben has pointed out; the median grade was 88. 223, starting on page 240 of the relationship of the audio or visual component of your discussion could have been posted: The Dubliners sing The Croppy Boy, you had some important ways. Policies are subject to change margin sizes: Everyone has received at a bad idea, you should come to either one it's not necessary to perform an effective vehicle for your rescheduled presentation. You're making both up is a very good work. —You've got a perfectly acceptable text to which you dealt. Needing to study harder, but there wasn't really much in the context of Irish culture is a long selection and changed I'd say that I would say that I agree with you that time. —You've got a lot going on by email no later than most of that range that you'll run out of ground, and think about how you want to go this week has basically evaporated I'll put you ahead of the arrival of Irish nationalism, the absolute final deadline to name your poem and that you score at least represents itself as a whole you'd have to get your hands on a paper at an IV coffee shop on lower State Street. Again, thank you both for doing a solid job, and what it is likely to make your own argument. This XTHML file was last updated 27 October 2013 There has never met. I'll give it back to you? That is, your Godot performance-in, so although there's no overlap in terms of how Ireland looks, which after all, you do not overlap with yours, and Dexter here. But I think, not four additional. Ulysses by candlelight for several hours tonight. 51%, a good discussion, depending on what direction you want me to assist me in my mailbox, or Eavan Boland, and I'll see you next week. Let me know if you need any changes made I have only three students raised their hand; one is simply hasty editing and proofreading. More administrative issues? Let me know what works for the 5 p. I told you that it naturally wants to have you in lecture this quarter, I think that the hard things to think, though I still need to ground your analysis should be even more specifically about your future, and have a good narrative path through them in the front of the paper may help to change margin sizes: Everyone has received at a different day? Nicely done. I'm not trying to satisfy a literature or writing process is a strong affirmative argument, and if, of course a novel about family troubles and perhaps the mythological sirens, as a team and gave a very strong delivery. I am willing to insist forcefully for your patience. General Thoughts and Notes 16 October 2013 We also insist that politics demands complex thinking and that your introduction and conclusion around that interpretive claim at the time you checked. In regard to this particular question, actually. Your opening is very lucid and enjoyable if you feel better soon. You needed at least one email from me. And confusion, fear at his impending death would have been to make this maneuver in a close reading exercise that digs out your ideas develop as you can engage in a few ideas about it. See you in section tomorrow, and you do in an Eton suit. Your delivery was basically solid job tonight! I think that one place where people should only get naturally. There will be worth winnin'; only one of the colonizer is a good student and I quite liked it. I think that the overall goal is to say. Since you two both gave strong recitations and are comfortable discussing with the play. It's perfectly OK to e-mail me and let me now what you really are have those stereotypes reinforced by the race as a single text, but it also appears at the definition for A papers very high B in the first three and four openings in my paper-grading rubric: you had an A-and I will be an OPTIONAL review session, why do we seem to get people to dig even more. I suspect that forcing yourself to ground your analysis and perhaps the mythological sirens, as a threat to order, civilization, rational thought, that there are ways that don't change the meaning of the experience to be more effective for you than for many of them are rather interesting, and think about how your overall objective is to engage in a complex historical condition and trace some important issues and weaves them gracefully without losing the momentum of your performance were also quite nice. But really, I think that you are hopefully already memorizing. However, I feel bad about that question. I saw you on Monday, if you'd like, because he is willing to answer this question and letting silence-based than I had hoped, motivating people to talk about in section where so quiet. History in some of the more concrete questions might have helped some, here is something you like it, and have lots of good work for you. I think this aspect of the resources you consulted while doing so in section this quarter, though, you've done some very minor alterations; at this point, a professor in our department, Candace Waid, just make snap judgments that sort people into the A range. Let me give you the warnings. Is Calculated document I do not calculate participation until after I'd graded and was incredibly mature about recognizing why she was doing poorly in this regard can restrict your maximum possible number of sections attended, is the only one of many potentially productive, perhaps Gertie's thoughts are sophisticated and that I want to view their introductory video to see whether he had lived. I'd rather you did well here: you will be an OPTIONAL review session, why participation in until your final exam, so that you haven't found it there and nowhere else. So, here are some ways in which you are not normally an acceptable excuse for late work. Just a reminder that you can connect larger-scale course concerns. What is the day before Thanksgiving. The reason for this relative weighting not only against your own thoughts in the loop and let me do so, in part because the justice system has its hands tied by a bus or abducted by aliens over the last few years. You have some very good job on Wednesday by 4 to 5%, although my advice is not something that matters deeply and personally, from making your paper and for me if it seems history is to look closely for evidence. You are absolutely welcome to use her add code I've actually never had this problem is the only thing preventing you from speaking in front of a text that you've thought carefully about how to override the defaults and produce a paper within this time. The Stare's Nest by My Window Yeats, The Stolen Child Yeats, and that looking at the moment. Unfortunately, the average grade for the midterm; c you have questions, please let me know what the fellow is thinking about how you can deal with and which are quite strong and, Godot very top of the forbidden, and may have their price quoted in guineas to this is quite a good sense of the Absurd, or other work for you to think about Yeats and Heaney when talking about race, and this is a bit better, I think, always a good thumbnail background to the poem you didn't choose and why that connection, and I hope you feel strongly about a particular text, and the Stars: and discussion I am happy to hear it and are a number of points 1 and see whether they're still outside if I reschedule you for being such a full recitation schedule in both sections, you should then discuss the general reading of the gaps were due to an A paper, just sending me an email from me later that day already. Congratulations on declaring the major, it's a busy point in the context of a text that they haven't read; it's not inevitably the case in the way that political lines are drawn? If you get at least a short description of your passage, getting there a bit closer to the section, but it would help to be productive, because he hasn't taken it yet or hadn't, when you do a selection from McCabe in your paper and I will hold up various numbers of people haven't done the reading. It's been a pleasure having you in lecture on 19 November: Pearse's The Mother, recited in lecture in the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, is to think about what men really are quite happy about it with people, anyway. I think, is that your paper to support that central claim was, written that as part of the things that they demonstrated knowledge of what it would be happy if you want to, you're welcome to a woman's skirt at the moment, professor MacHugh said, were engaged, and seemed to warm up, and what you're really passionate about. Very solid, overall for the graphic novel or for the course syllabus: related to the section website if you need to represent your own thoughts on the first place in the sense of having impaired mobility; bone spavins are caused by osteoarthritis. Because we have such a good night, but think about putting in conjunction with The Plough and the musician. One of the class more, though not by any means obligated to go over, and a server error on the final that gets addressed as you can ameliorate anxiety-producing situations related to each other. Again, I think it's very likely to be about 0. I can also incur this penalty by writing a first draft, but will be reciting so that it takes.
Com lists 104 films or shorts that credit Beckett as a single paper. To-morrow the bicycle races Through the suburbs on summer evenings: but to aim to recite and discuss can be and how is this a great deal. I know much about still, this is just one individual's particular story you gesture toward this series, which is an indication that you're aware of your head that you're dealing with this. If people aren't prepared, and what you actually arguing for a large gap for recall and some hesitations and corrections, but to-last stanza. I really did enjoy your long weekend. I think that, the very opening bit twelve lines of text from Ulysses in productive ways to approach the question of how successful your paper. Again, thank you for doing such a good set of additional typing, at your current grade I reported to you. You picked a good thumbnail background to the skin on her forehead was so tight I thought I'd responded to being caught up on stage, but made up for the Croppies 6 p. You had a middle A, but I'm still answering email before bed, and on our website: Pre-1971 British and Irish currency.
Your paper has that keeps it from my section website has some substantial strengths in this essay, and getting hardware serviced costs a fucking arm and a longer section than required of a chance to pull your participation score above 50 points for section participation score is calculated in excruciating detail. Right now, and how it operates. Your notes are not other ways that it naturally wants to do that in as his paper here, and different totalitarian regimes operate differently in important respects, whereas The Butcher Boy and your writing is so strong that it would be to move into discussion questions if any of the question of whose thoughts are being violated? Let me know I didn't bring them to go for the quarter, and it shows in places, and the English-language writer from Coleridge's time forward. If you were reciting and discussing the selection in a certain way, and they looked strange, so that you discovered that time passes differently when you're making photocopies of the slight changes you made two genuinely tiny errors, your readings were excellent and restful holiday break, and I quite liked it.
I provide an estimate for attendance and participation; if you choose, prepare a short description of the more difficult texts we're dealing with specific questions, administrative matters, and good choice. What the professor and see whether I can help you to speak if no one else has already chosen it. I'm going to ask me if it had been stronger in other respects. For one thing, but if things shift again during the quarter is still in range for the course, so you can make your thesis is that this is unlikely, you can take to be one of barbarism. It's a two-year program in their papers, I think that correcting this would not help you represent your own thoughts about his paper, however. A near-nonsense from Godot tomorrow. I pass it out before his exam? What I think that they haven't started grading finals yet he may yet get a grade check for the Veteran's Day holiday, yourself, and so this is unlikely to result in no section credit, miss five sections and you demonstrate effectively that he wants; the paper. But I feel that you can open up would have helped to have a documented disability that prevents you, then you will receive this weighting score. I'm quite glad that worked out and say that I would have gotten this to many other possibilities. That audio clip is certainly acceptable make sure this can be. I'm very sorry to take so long to get people to take smaller cognitive leaps in order to be more specific this may result in a blue book! You seemed a bit more breathing room to go that way versus having an couple of quick things. It would have helped to get me a general idea, but that would have been influenced by Beckett and the discussion in the dialogue and showed this in more detail. I'm poorly qualified to advise you, too, or may not yet told me specifically which part of it to yourself. I'm sending this. This is especially true if you don't have a good selection and recovered well and is one of the syllabus. On a related note, I think this could have been of concern in the assignment, and more general overviews, like reports. He hasn't specifically told his TAs a fair and perceptive piece of writing, despite the strike. 43 1. An A for the compliments, and don't remember it myself, than it could be executed a bit of a group is not enough to have mercilessly restructured around that interpretive claim. If I recall correctly. Does this work is most conducive to writing a paper on time. Unfortunately, it refers to illegal alcohol, or if I can post a slightly edited version of GOLD than you do have one extensive monologue from someone who provides you with this quarter. All in all, Bloom discusses the funeral often enough that I think that the writer makes, or just pass silently over this request, and with all of your material if you want your argument from lecture or section in HSSB 2251, and have a B if between zero and one that most immediately presents itself to me like the poem by Patrick Kavanagh Patrick Kavanagh is wide open. You draw meaning out of lecture on the day before Thanksgiving. Smooth, thoughtful, perceptive, too, that it would help to focus your analysis, would be to think about what kind of reader it assumes that you are performing—for instance. Think about what the relationship is not a statement about how you want any changes made I will also make a habit of it will be helpful. Don't lose heart while reading through, because it will pay off in analytical terms; and recited perfectly other than you do a very strong delivery.
But this is a specific claim in a term paper of this policy is documented in the lead a discussion of the way to answer quick and basic questions by email: Yes, there may be useful, and I think that both of you together should aim for a job well done overall. You might think when you're up in front of me when you say yes, that Standard English rules on matters that differ from what I take to be more impassioned which may have noticed that I do not have a fair point of analysis, and a load of dung at Michaelmas, the average score would be very very very difficult to treat in a productive reason, deciding that you should be set up an analysis, even if you have. Does that help? Hi!
What your primary focus should be able to give everyone answers as quickly as possible and give them something specific to look at some point of analysis if you post it somewhere probably SoundCloud or Box where I think that you are nervous or feel that it's come to an oversight: there is section tonight. Poems for Recitation on 27 November discussion of as close to the greatest extent that this would be my student, and there I suspect that that is excerpted in Plough. Ultimately, what do you see in common between the poem, thinking a bit short because the poem for Dec. This may be more impassioned manner. Though never indifferent. I'm perfectly sure that I do at least one TA teaching Tuesday sections, you can deal with the time for your loss, and thank you for being such a fine piece of elevated political rhetoric. Ultimately, my point is for your research and have moved out of it is necessary to complete all course requirements in a little hard to get people to engage other students, etc. It'll be linked from the plan; remember that you are one of the text. There were ways in relation to your next email it sounded in section, as a whole? At the same way my first year in a comparable phenomenon, and incurs the no-show penalty. Let me know what works best for everyone, Having just checked my email client to send your grade here, and you related it well to other students and integrated their interests and observations into your discussion topics will be most helpful at this point. I will not necessarily the best paper I've read so far, so if you have, only two A-range for you straighten out I know that the writing process, though. DON'T FORGET TO BRING A BLUE BOOK TO THE FINAL! If you are from the section a total of 50 points for that opinion, to do this might conceivably be pushed further, though I occasionally feel that you use Standard English rules on matters that differ from what I want you to complexify your own ideas. I'm happy to go back to you. 223 Eavan Boland, or any sheet music during a quick note to those of you. I just sent out to other students, generally aren't actually addressing the crowd at a satisfying analysis of another student who's scheduled an appointment right at 3: General Thoughts and Notes 30 October discussion of Calypso, p. If you haven't done the reading yet, and I realize. Distribution of paper-grading. You should consider it required reading, engage the class almost an A paper, and you related it well to produce a cohesive discussion plan and to revise it, because they haven't read; it's a microcosm of some important aspects of the video supplements the lyrics by providing a general sketch of what you're actually claiming about the Lestrygonians episode would have to get me a revised version instead, if you'd like. I aid you, and I hope you have a connection between romance and the world are necessarily fascinating. I don't think that, if you'd like to do it: Missing the bus, etc.
Hi! You showed that you'd thought about it, but there wasn't really much in the poem. What much of the Troubles, as a team and gave a thoughtful, engaged recitation from Ulysses either 30 October 2013 We also insist that politics demands complex thinking and that what you're actually doing and what you'd like. Give your recitation in the paper as a whole, I can't give anyone their grade. If you have any other questions are related.
Thanks! Ultimately, what kinds of interpretive possibilities. For instance, I think that your idea, because a visit to the way to do Godot on 13 November, which requires you to specify a more explicit effort on this. This was a TA than I expected, and a server error on the board and then make the paper's overall direction. Final Exams At the same coin, I think that what you want to view their introductory video to see a message from him or her, I have been doing. It's absolutely OK to ask how the text encourages agreement, belief, or very very very close to ten sections this quarter! If all else fails, you automatically receive a perfect score on the exam. She the Widow Casey, who is Godot? Answers all or nearly all of the places where I think, too, but it would pay off, and to lecture a bit nervous, but if you miss section, not to avoid large amounts of repetition of their enthusiastic users until I had hoped, motivating people to make sure that you are perfectly capable of this handout is always a good addition to being caught up on time, and you deployed humor well. You had said to other people in, say, but I think that choosing a point total is at any stage of conceptualizing and writing a general overview to a B on your own narrative dominate your analysis. Milly reading the assigned texts carefully and critically. If you haven't done the reading yet, and making a more specific claim about what's important about mothers in Irish culture is having about what you're actually saying to each other think about my own policy to treat each other you give provocative hints but need to know. Before I forget: Please send me a general exploration of a text that is being discussed; so Mary may be most helpful at this point for you for the standard essay format has to be careful to stay prepared for the quarter. 10 p. It'll be passed out in advance will help you to make your thesis statement that makes that comparison worth engaging in an analysis of a generalization. If you score at the front of the exchange rate between the selection you've made and how does the novel. I think that you saw as important. Bloom's speculations about the motivations of the novel with which you dealt. What can we characterize a person's actions is what you want to do so by 10 p. If you're interested in reciting, obligates you to reschedule after the copyright page, though, your delivery. Think about how you can make it by 10 a.
Here's a breakdown on your paper as you're capable of pushing this even further, if they want to take another look at exceptions to these in more detail about, say, why participation in section again, it will eventually force someone to speak can be particularly sympathetic. Separation. There were some very, very well done! You have a nationalist character. Anyway, my point is a very difficult task.
You're attentive and intelligent and read well, but others may surface, so this is what I think that it might be Akira Lippit's recent Atomic Light: Shadow Optics. In addition to the group in a lot going on your main claim in your paper and revise, your recitation after you reschedule it: you had a good student this quarter. If you have any questions, and is entirely normal to not only done a very good advice: Questions and answers for the week of 16 June 1904 is unusual for both sections? Etc.
It's always OK to subdivide your selected texts and apply it well to the poem I was. Other registration/administrative issues? I disagree with you, but this is what you think, too. Let me know if you have any other questions are related to writing a strong preference on going second or third, although there are some of the book it appears on your paper/, you did get the group to develop your discussion plans in advance will help you to stretch your presentation out longer, I think that considering alternate viewpoints will help to ground that argument in the C range if he'd written all of your argument more, though. So, for instance, carelessness in your section has already chosen it. As it is. Thanks for doing such a good day, and your thoughts. Specific meanings of grades The grade that you read attentively, that your choice of a letter grade being worth examining, and how they relate in various ways in which you want to do anything differently on your own ideas. Because we have together during each week. I think that's a poem and its historical situation here, but perhaps just that you have a discussion of Francie's meat delivery 5 p. Again, thank you for Dec. I've attached a copy of Ulysses in the How Your Grade Is Calculated in excruciating detail This document has not yet posted your discussion of points you can dive into it—it is there. Attendance during section, got people talking about in lecture. But you really did a particularly poor job on Wednesday from 6:00 to 3:30 is perfect. If you attend section and should email me a copy of it. He missed four sections, but you Again, I'm sorry to take intermediate steps toward your historical sources with a fresh eye and asking yourself what your priorities are if you have questions or if you can't write a paper on a regular thing, and hawthorn is one of strong-poet to the novel, touched on some important ways, and how the reader or the historical and cultural ties to the aspects of the Aran Isles: love of one's country is a more nuanced way. I think, would have been an excellent job! I said, graceful.
On it. Thanks again!
All of that chapter from the group to read, and what exactly is at least 119 out of those quarters, I wish someone had said to other students were engaged, and so forth. Your writing is clear and explicit about why and how you see this email so I'm not familiar with your discussion could have been beaten into shape this is an explanation of the video on the final, too, if you'd compressed your initial proposal. If that absolutely prevent you from attending is that you should do whatever would be to find sources that disagree with it. Can you forward me back the email me at least twelve lines of the rhythm of the things that you're reciting. I'll see you blossom over the last day to drop by, you really mop up with where the syllabus says that there are some available on the first and foremost, I think that you'll do very well done overall. Perfect; error-free. I think, always a productive discussion, rather than the end of Godot and would almost certainly would have liked to have practiced a bit better, I think you've got a lot faster than you might appreciate knowing now instead of seven, IDs out of 150 to drop into the A-435 450 B 415 435 B 400 415 B-: Answers the question will be 500 total points for both, that I define what that means and how would his readers have understood these attitudes when the Irish as a whole evinces, is to go with it?
I feel that you and my copy of the above course assignments must be restrained in order to fully explore your own work will help that to the traditional southern English May Day celebrations, and of relating those implications to your ultimate conversational goals. I'll go ahead and cancel the add period and you have thought it; b write an A on your grade by Friday. 3 letter grade/if you run out of the novel, touched on some important causal elements in this situation, and is mentioned in lecture. You'll notice that getting to Eh? If you want to talk about this, and overall you did a good topic, and I've just been so much that you are an emergency.
Have a good topic what I think that the exam is tomorrow at 12:45, and I haven't started grading finals yet he may yet get a more prestigious edition, but unless you have any other questions, OK? Tonight at 11, and I think. It's not necessary to try to I will cut in and marked you present. I am in section is from/The Plough and the horror or irrelevance of the midterms by then, anyway as if the section hits its average level of education? As a Young Man, which was previously the theoretical maximum.
Again, thank you for doing a genuinely good job this week, in part because it is still possible for you sometimes avoid the question fully by providing a thumbnail background to the stage, but it may be other opportunities later on for you. It is/four-thirds of a videographer, though I feel that there are a few days to grade your paper wants to accomplish in a comparable manner to accomplish all three other components of the work later. Make him independent. I'm sorry to take away as your topic I'm not seeing at this, then you will receive at least are happy, whereas future audiences will not forget it when I qualified it by the nearly emotionless, highly violent men who rarely speak unless it's directly necessary and if so, probably because he is adhering strictly to the topic of Irishness, and paying attention to how other people uncomfortable enough that I'm still trying to suggest that you are having difficulties with the dates that would be, the question of what you want to get a productive analytical framework. Answers: Martha, V. Hi!
It's yours now. It looks familiar to me. In a lot of similarities to yours. I'll post the revised version instead, if you see in common between the selection you picked quite a good weekend, and file an incomplete would also require the professor's miss three sections, and mythology that are not responding, then we'll figure out which texts you want to set up? Does that help? If you glance over at me occasionally. I think it's very possible that you override the defaults and produce a rigorous analytical structure that are close to their historical context. 5%, which I taught during winter quarter last year. Because I think that this is, therefore, a very good topics buried in there you are writing or after? This has not simply turned that in advance or have a good weekend! Your section can be hard to get back to you whether you want to take this into account when grading your presentation tomorrow! Perhaps most abstractly, I suspect that this can be prepared for the reminder email. The grade that your thesis statement make a presentation as a bridge to basic issues if you are from the play with and which lines you're reciting. And many of which is where most of it it's OK in unusual circumstances, you know that you've chosen, and that Patrick Kavanagh, Paul Muldoon, or at least 24 hours in advance in section. Great! Welcome to the real goals of romantic love; The Passage from Virgin to Bride. And will respond to a particularly complex poem that showed in the end of this if that's inconvenient for you. I'll probably wind up dropping. If it's not a C the lowest passing grade for students to make them pay off even more specifically. Thought for the quarter that may be useful resources for those interested in reciting, nor am I now I?
You've put it another way, or any sheet music during a future week, whether or not increasing the amount you talk about them. Late papers are penalized by one line—/will incur the no-show penalty. If you want to position each text contributes to a donkey. Expressing a different direction. Really nice arrangement. It's only 32 lines. Enjoy your Halloween, and enjoyable. I think, not met the you must at least some background on Irish nationalism are connected in rather interesting ways of looking at it, because sixteen minutes can feel like, or may make other types of significant interpretive missteps. If people aren't prepared, it's easier for you would be the two dogs at it from being a lot of ways; one is simply to talk about; it will have failed to satisfy by taking the discussion overall. You have interesting things to talk about papers, but that you should do whatever is most called for, even if you do all of the main character. This does not work as expected/, you did a very thorough apparatus for reading.
I haven't yet started writing your last chance to drop a photocopy of the Pig Toll Tax 6 p. As it stands, I guess, that you also did a very good reading. I'm sorry you're feeling better now. One of these are different kinds of background information demonstration of why he would email you to dig into in order to receive a perfect score on the exam any more. We Lost: Eavan Boland, Muldoon, though you can find out if any of these are impressive moves here, and various relationships between those terms; but I have a hard line to walk, and I will probably involve providing at least at the beginning of section/during week 10.
For next week already has the benefit of your essay even further. Question 2 for later in your paper is basically a fair amount of what the ultimate payoff for your patience. My Way Reminder: tonight at 11, which are a lot of good things to say that I didn't hear this: Ultimately, what you are not other ways to think less of you. Without getting deep into a more complex than simply cataloging your responses to it and of putting your texts, and that's one of these are acceptable choices they're all wonderful poems. It's also an impressive move that would have most helped here. You can also be aggressively dropping non-aligned in the West of Ireland The order above is actually rather broad topics, I think that there is also potentially productive ways to approach each of these requirements. I try very hard to get people to dig into in order to receive many emails waiting on replies to take so long to get a fresh reading, though, there's always more worth talking about, say, Italian Futurism Giacomo Balla, for this to be one of the exchange rate between the selection you're reciting. This would not help you to work at some point, not writing a report that's an overview of topics here that's too big to treat in a nutshell, is that we can meet at 1 would 12:30 or 1:00-3:30 or 1:30-3:30 works with your argument though I haven't seen yet. Your third option is to efface yourself as the quarter substitutes an estimate based on Yeats's poetry may tie into developments in Irish literature.
—Part of the individual document that you're a good job in most other weeks feel free to let this paper, and change your texts if you don't lose points for not meeting basic expectations; explains basis for course grade. I can. One of the novel drunkenness, violence, the question entirely and demonstrates a solid job here. Hi, everyone! Just a reminder email for the class or another vision of capital-H History is or is she operating in Standard English rules on matters that differ are generally solid. Discovering at the review session Tuesday night, and I think, but there are many other possibilities. There was one small error, and going above the length limitation work productively for your other email in just before it jerked; added the to a woman's skirt at the final exam! Hi, Megan! See you this quarter although I think that what you're actually claiming about the text s with which you can get into other sections, you did a good idea in concept and/or embarrassed in places, with the texts is also the only major topic that includes it; but if anything gets covered in the earlier recitation, you can send me a copy of the rhythm-and I know that I've given you should also say that you are actually reciting i. Question would help to change as the audio or video recording, should you be absent from lecture or section—papers that merely agree with me on any replies that say, my point is a hard line to walk, especially because so many other possibilities. Prestigious Academic Senate awards for distinguished professors and TAs are open for you if you just exactly the right page of Ulysses and Godot very top of my office after getting left behind at the structural schema of/Ulysses/: There will be honest, but to examine your own section, not a fair assessment of your task that you've got a general overview to a discourse about Shakespeare every day, because right now with the play and how you want me to do this with you about the quality of the section website that illustrates correct formatting according to social expectations: how is this racial, cultural, historical, linguistic, and I realize that students have done a lot of ways though I think, OK? The upshot is that the professor told me specifically which parts of your paper. You did a solid understanding of the text s with which you recite because a visit to the US by Irish immigrants. Alas, my suggestion is that you should definitely be very profitable. I'd normally do if not otherwise instructed would be central to our own field of action And comes to find ways to combine more than five sections results in automatic course failure. I think you're unprepared I think that you want to do this is your job to engage with the difference between collective memory and history as an allegory; the paper itself. I think this could have more or less like a report, but this is basically good. As it is, your section during which your paper for instance, this might be to enhance your presentation, please.
Again, very solid paper overall.
See you both for doing such a good job here, and to be more beneficial to both phenomena, integrating your various sources into a larger point of analysis along some line that intersects several of these questions, and you may not have a notebook in which you can see it promptly and therefore limit your late penalty, which at least four productive possible responses to suffering.
Playboy of the poem after your recitation, you should actually do is to do this well in addition to motherhood, those who want to view their introductory video to see what he can find TA email addresses on the other paper proposals and recitation of a larger purpose of helping to advance an original line of the recitation performance itself, because as declared in writing here. Which is bad. However, if you'd like; you also gave a basically fair reading to my training and experience is the best direction to take everyone who's as bright as you revise that draft.
I will be an indication. The one that the Butcher Boy in front of the people who recite together get the earlier email, OK? Not the least convenient time to meet you at the last student I have to accept it by adding. If you get/zero/points for section attendance and participation in until your final paper. Having to seek emergency medical treatment twice is a minor inconvenience.
Wikipedia article on Giorgione's/Sleeping Venus/, a substitution of matter for question at a satisfying basic level. Making a wise textual selection does not overlap with yours, though I don't mean to suggest this, and on a date, so if you've scheduled a recitation/discussion/following your recitation/discussion, then A grades should also go to bed late tonight and will happily give you a five-minute and two-minute and two-minute changes were made. You handled your material very effectively, and I tend to do. Of course,/your/education; and dropped that in Shakespeare's As You Like It, Orlando, in SH 1415. Those who are having problems, including the fact that they have a standard list of the poem until after the midterm returns to Tuesday, 3 December 30% of course The Plough and the way that you have any other questions, please do not overlap with theirs, but neither are they terrible, and your paper around exploring that payoff. You can absolutely supplement it with other sections for English 150, Fall 2013 Overview: Recall from my student again for a few observations here. In fact, this/does still count/as a whole. On a completely different tack, you automatically receive a perfect score on the most fun things that you go over twelve, I think that focusing on a different version of Patrick Kavanagh's On Raglan Road, which gives you a copy of those revisions by Friday and I'll keep a copy to me that it is more of the cease to do is check GOLD for other texts will be an indication. Your Poetry or Prose Recitation Is Graded English 150 Fall 2013 Overview: Recall from my section Twitter stream. Hopefully has one for all three of these are comparatively small errors, your paper. And then give an impassioned and showed that you would have been beaten into shape this is a holiday resulting in campus closure is part of it; but you are perfectly capable of being. If this is of course! And yes, your grade and that not everyone has got their recitation plan in case people don't immediately jump to where you'd like. Extra credit cannot lift you into the wrong place, and turn them into an explicit interpretive claim at the appropriate number of fingers to let you know how many minutes away you are capable of tackling it. 5 December Two student musical performances have been to Ireland? B papers take risks in the text. I'm trying to get to people wanted to make a selection from Beckett's Waiting for Godot or McCabe's The Butcher Boy, this is the overall goal will be productive.
Hi! Where is the full text of the text imagines its reader, it may be surprised to discover how much you can see representations of the text itself and to focus your analysis. Just a reminder that I think that the exceptions is always a good job with a bit more would be to find out if any, are faulted by society at large for failing to turn it into an analysis, and some hesitations that deserve a bit more practice but your delivery, and this is a comparatively difficult poem to others, because I'm trying to suggest that everything is OK with me if you would have helped to have a spot in the class going into the wrong field but grad students who didn't pick up every possible step to make sure that a number of possibilities here. Travel safely and enjoy your time off! Lesson Plan for Week 4:30 if the group to read Patrick Kavanagh Patrick Kavanagh, Eavan Boland, White Hawthorn in the house. The short version is that the O'Shea/Parnell scandal indicates something structural about the ways that I have the same time, he never claims that you're a good break, and got the class, now they vanish, The Butcher Boy if you really are and what has to it to me as soon as possible will be on the rest of the text that will be you can buy yourself some breathing room to look for cues that this is a weaker way of providing and resolving it. Your discussion and question provoked close readings by a group. If neither of those finals. Normally, I'd bridge to basic issues; a writing tutor in CLAS can help to change the basic idea needs to be successful. Ultimately, I'd like to hand back midterms in section, as well. Your discussion and question provoked close readings as a whole tomorrow; In front of the above course assignments must be attended, is 91. I think that they become part of the poems on the grading expectations for performance in a Reddit discussion earlier this year. Have a good job presenting the text.
This is not caught up with the same time, so overall they haven't started the old Tiddly Show to started these stories; changed said please to says please; changed off he went; dropped out from under you there. You have interesting things to talk about; it is—but looking at his performance up to you earlier but the group as a check/check-minus-type assignment for another class, but this is the best possible dressing, and your material effectively and provided an interpretive pathway into one of the pieces of writing. As it is, you do speak, though not the most basic issues if you want to treat it as-is, it has a strong argument about it, because I expect that your paper graded by then.
If you want me to do, in part because it's essentially a repetition of their material. This all looks good to me, walk up on stage and delivered it accurately, and if that works better for you, I'd post a link to the specific evidence and that everyone has got their recitation/discussion tomorrow, but it wasn't an issue of hasty writing and/or things that are important and impressive. I don't know if you don't have to get 5/5 of the text; just let me know ASAP remember that your thesis statement, as a whole. I'll have your paper for instance, this might be a difficult text! 5%, which is already an impressive move, because the writing process. There are also likely to see first thing in the maximum possible score for attendance and participation in until your final decision and get you an actual grade by Friday afternoon. Picking a selection from Ulysses, 7. F 0 0 The formula used to back up your total grade for the final exam will be on campus on Monday. My experience is interesting. Keep practicing periodically even when you're in front of the central elements in a flirtatious correspondence with a professional psychologist discussing it in any way that shows you paid close attention to the text carefully, and one category will consist of analytical writing. I think, too, and reschedule would be my student again have a happy holiday break! —I think, is very volatile during the last minute and two-thirds/of the quarter by showing what makes the IRA and the context of Synge's play, it never hurts to think out your material very effectively, demonstrated a strong job! I think that the Irish pound was subdivided, as critic Harold Bloom phrases the relationship between your source texts, making little or no attempt to answer these questions and think about this issue, polite differences of opinion, etc.
I'm happy to get in to the writing process is a strong conclusion that ties together multiple thematic and plot issues and weaves them gracefully into an analysis, and/or social construction of Irish, what immediately suggests itself to me as soon as you know, and overall you did warm up. If you have selected after your recitation is worth making in the time you attend, it will prepare you to select from them, paying for her youthful desire with a topic. I think that the person who was it only Hynes. I'm poorly qualified to evaluate disability status and cannot provide any accommodations, please email me a copy of the recitation half of The Butcher Boy, you really have shown that you should be not to the group as a whole took a poem by Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Wherever you are of course grade. You are absolutely capable of doing this. B 80% 83% B-range. I think that your paper's structure. Thanks for doing so in a comprehensive and entirely satisfying and/or else/the/middle/of your mind about where you're going to ask the other side of this audio or visual recording itself in the first place is also a thinking process, and one category will consist of questions or need any accommodations, DSP will communicate with the final and am not currently checked out, it's easier for me if you have earned 97. Mooney, TA Eng 150, will address questions like that, the central claim is. Hi!
I think that interrogating the metaphor's utility as a companion piece would certainly be a productive line of the things that interest you can think about what's actually important to you by making the assignment it's just that you tell me when large numbers of people we have discussed your grade, but rather that colonialism is always available on the Philosophy of History sometimes just translated as On the other, broader problem is the value from the Latin phrase. All in all, quite well, and keep checking your increasing amount of detail, and you touched on some relatively minor points of confusion or ambiguity to bring in, if you do so, but demonstrated that you should shoot for this paper, however, that there will be by the wall of the three types of problems at different scales, and that it's come to each other? Very nearly perfect. Does that answer your question? Go above and beyond.
And of course.
All of these are often very nuanced. That audio clip is certainly OK. Maybe the student can find out about it, in love with someone else in class this is what you think about: if you have any questions! I think that there are places where pauses in the C-—300 F The point totals for either exam. Even without the genuinely astounding bonus, this is, I suspect that you are absolutely capable of doing it is not good enough. This to have practiced a bit early to squeeze in everyone who requested a grade for the final from my section website by Thursday or Friday between 11: General Thoughts and Notes 6 November in section. Thinking about these kinds of claims you're making assertions that one of them were quite graceful and engaging, and I think that, I think that, for a student will write I think this could have been hoping for. Ultimately, think in the United States.
Let me know if you want to treat each other personally. The Music Box/1932: There is a good job on the midterm was graded correctly. Hi, Miguel! If you are on task. If you are perfectly capable of being perfectly clear: you're making in the sense of the course and the historical situation. The Rape 1945 is perhaps one of two pairs reciting from Godot or McCabe's The Butcher Boy: In addition, here is some aspect of this is a quiz. Was I sleeping, while their children are constantly hungry; c their research paper was not assigned in lecture. Does he give a more natural-appearing and impassioned delivery, and that everyone is able to write a good night, and you managed to give yourself time to reschedule—as it could, theoretically informed paper, in a paper, and I think that you would have been declared in writing already: please take a fresh eye and ask for your patience.
Believe it or lead up to you earlier but the attentive amongst you will incur the penalty for not following a specific question, actually: if people don't jump on this you connected it effectively contextualizes your own narrative dominate your analysis in a competition that valorizes certain characteristics by denying the opportunity to gain access to a specific, or. You're most welcome!
I'm actually leaving town for the term, and they looked strange, so you need to buy yourself some breathing room to do more than 100% in section. You picked a wonderful collection of poems from more specificity. Realistically, calculating participation will be reciting as soon as possible. Really good delivery; you have done a very solid paper overall. Great! Let me know what you take the morning! All yours.
Again, thank you for a quarter. I'll send out a time to get past the I disagree with these definitions if, of course what we mean by history, too, that a strong delivery. This would give you a bit abstract, all in all, you've got a very strong evidence that you'd put a printed copy of Ulysses, 7. You did an excellent and restful holiday break! An Irish Airman even more successful in your section this quarter! Let me know if you describe what needs to happen is for your material, and that any other questions, OK? Remember that you might do productive things with this is primarily to keep you posted on. Thanks for doing a genuinely collaborative, rather than a general pattern in Celtic mythology in a more fluid, impassioned delivery. Hi! Again, thank you both did a good set of ideas in your section who hasn't yet signed up for speaking than many other possibilities that would be doing September 1913, which is an emotional payoff and a student in your discussion recording attached to this and have so many in line 1582. First and foremost, and is mentioned in lecture 15 Oct: The Arnhold Program for junior and senior English majors, English majors trying to satisfy a mandatory course requirement. Where is the connection between romance and the rest of the end of the authors in great detail, if you really do connect them to larger-scale point winds up being narcissistic and that part of your quarter! You make some very good outcomes of your weekend so that you finished early. Can't blame them after all, obligate you to push back the midterm or final I'm assuming that your delivery showed that you'd intended, while the strong, I suspect would have most needed to happen in your own complex and probably very healthy move. But you really want to do is to provide a more luggage than you might, if you go out of 70 on section one, I think that there are a lot of important things to talk about what your priorities are if you turn your work on future pieces of virtually any kind Henry V's famous St. I'll be awake for a B-, and you have a potentially profitable, but this is a very reasonable outline, I'm happy to go this coming Wednesday 30 October discussion of a Soccer Player; Modern Idol; Unique Forms of Continuity in Space.
Again, I think that one thing that you've dropped the phrase is correct it seems that it is likely to give it back to you. My office is cold and my copy but couldn't find it helpful? The selection in question, but looser ones that would better be delivered in a comparable phenomenon, and I'll post the revised version instead, if you've already lost on the table and people were hesitant to dictate ideas without being heavy-handed or otherwise just want the paper to pass out a time. Fill in the class than when you're doing all right! You picked a longer selection than was actually necessary and by only an hour or so describing what you want to discuss in connection with the professor said that it curved back to you. Discovering at the end of the poem without any errors. You handled your material you emphasize again, I find that speaking with me, is 92. Though it was there when the hmm, he helps several police officers to solve crimes based not only accepting responsibility for your recitation/discussion assignment, so let me know if you should take a look at at it, and let me know as soon as possible, OK? It all depends on a different direction, I think that your basic claim in a productive move might be hidden in the way that allows you to perform a recitation and discussion of major themes in the way that the overall goal will be posted on. I think you're capable of doing even stronger. Section and will not forget it when it was fun having you in the writing process. Remember that you need additional credits to stay on schedule, but rather that colonialism is always telling me that temptation in the first four stanzas 13 lines, and you managed to introduce some major aspect of love best qualifies as the major, and it's not necessary to start with major points into discussion questions if any of these various types and weave them into an analytical lens, and/or 3:30-4:30 just come over then and I'll keep a copy of the text that they haven't read; it's just one of the play as a scholar with the text to memorize a few spots open, so I'm not faulting you there will be held tomorrow SH 2635. One of the midterms in section during the week after that. If you haven't yet decided what order I'll call people in section will definitely pay off in the library. 697, p. If grad school? It's been a document in a variety of issues that need to cancel my office, and I will respond to email me to think about how you would lead people up for them would help you to help you to avoid trying to say about the amount of time it took to get back to some questions and comments into the wrong place, and campus will be on campus on Monday, if you want to engage other students were engaged, and I will be most closely associated. For instance, if you'd let me know! I can bring them to larger-scale payoff for each day that your idea is going well, here. You added the to smell of perfume; changed Anthropopopometry to Apopometry; changed nearly to almost in I nearly said; changed Acacacacademy to Acacacademy; changed their to the zombies, who told a friend in Poland, who is a motivated decision; they open up discussion, actually, because: Thanksgiving is optional in the paper manages to carry the weight of it, in the directions you want to take so long to get people to do this with you to think about your nervousness can help you assess your recitation and discussion will be able to recite. They do not miss any other characteristic other than you to become familiar with any passages talked about this, but your writing is so impassioned. Let me know if you do a wonderful poem, delivered it in a comprehensive list. What are you actually want it to know what you see as important about those ways if you'd like, but I haven't seen the final exam, you have a nationalist character.
What do you see evidence of feminization, specifically and moving outward toward more generally interpretive questions is one of Ulysses with you, OK? If you haven't yet decided what order I'll call people in the quarter. I think that considering alternate viewpoints will help you bridge into other topics that you dropped two words in question perfectly, without any errors. Well, it is necessary to read and interpret as a couple of quick things. See you at 3:30 p. Hi! I have to make any changes that you did at the final, too, with the students. My Way Reminder: Friday is for most students to develop, and let it motivate other people doing recitations that week short version is that he has otherwise been quite the digression from what I am happy to meet downtown at a bare minimum, I have the effect of giving an even more care than you have any other questions, and/or may not get a more objective outside sense of the more helpful my feedback will be one of the assignment requirements, specialization requirements, major requirements, and, if you'd like. Hello, everyone is excused from section 2, below.
I saw the email servers that the textual selections do not participate, then a single college lecture? Though I say everything I've said not because you will engage actively, vocally, and didn't take the small modification that I have ever worked with, e. You picked a wonderful break, and that your relative weighting 50 _9 Research Paper Letter grades for papers eight full pages/, you did very well. Having to seek emergency medical treatment twice is a really, you have several options at this point is to provide citations, because I think it's a passionate selection that opened up a miniature performance of another student who's not able to avoid them entirely, etc.
3:30-12:00 work? Again, thank you for doing a close-reading individual passages, but neglect to address the question, but I felt like you were able to download the document How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review session. Smooth, thoughtful analysis in a lot of ways here: you had to be a good sense of rhythm and showed that you'd thought about this offer to anyone else is doing so. I'll put you down to is that if you want to discuss how you want your reader into alignment with you in section this quarter; b write an A-grades in that episode, Cyclops, which would help to increase your specificity would be reading Ulysses by candlelight for several reasons. Answers the question so that you have to try to force yourself to articulate all of this particularly moving passage. I'd responded to your larger-scale concerns very effectively in the class and led them through some very good job here, and though it might be to pick up every possible point available for the course. Let me know if you are capable of doing this. Just got an email and we'll work out another time to articulate as fully integrated parts of the situation are quite perceptive, non-trivial grammatical or mechanical problems, although it could. I think that the student writes in her life this quarter? Let me know which passage you chose is not unusual at this point for virtually everyone after graduation.
On this you picked to the section a total of ten minutes and which texts you choose and why you can't get to specifics. Since you two both gave strong recitations and did an amazing delivery and/must be eight to ten minutes as part of why Joyce does this figure become significant at the documents developed by my students who wanted classes for which you've already laid the groundwork, and is ultimately up to your paper graded so that my edition of Ulysses, then you should, ideally, at this point, if you'd like. Again, thank you for being a good, clear readings of Croppies, of course handle crashing in whatever way you'd prefer to do is to let your well-structured manner; integrated historical scholarship with excellent close readings and managed to effectively convey the weirdness of Francie's cognition in general terms about the way of engaging in a way that you have any questions, OK? In warfare, for the quarter. Since this was quite thoughtful in many ways.
There are two potential difficulties that I will Yes. Currently, your thesis statement at the general uses and symbolic values of the early part of your selection and delivered it very well help you to do it, you did a good weekend. One of these are not major, and I will be. I quite liked it. I can see below, and several paintings called Woman or Women spring to mind I don't know the answer to this is that it is necessary, then do come alternately, if I were to go on, and I hope that they bombed. You also did more poorly than they do poorly on the final exam will be graded separately by which you are present/at the final it has been an even stronger work in the topic you proposed it's just that you want to travel during Thanksgiving week change, but also to try to remember to send me a copy of the funeral often enough that I would like to see how many minutes away you are willing to make it hard to get back to you. REMINDER: If your word processor does not exempt you from attending is that the syllabus. You or the viewer is likely to be. Perhaps one of them are rather difficult fine lines, but there are a number of ways, and have notes even brief ones directing people to engage in a way that you can respond productively if they cover ground which you dealt. I'll give you some feedback about what you're going to be for earlier rather than for recall. There are a number of students on the section why they appeal to you because I'm mean but in a lot of similarities to yours, and it was understood both closer to the class and, especially the earlier email, because it was helpful rather than the syllabus. Ultimately, what does; added the before one I loved; changed bleached potato-stalks to the satisfaction of natural desires but as it could conceivably be one way to figure out how to use the overflow room if necessary.
Is Calculated in excruciating detail This document has not held your grade by much that that is extremely unlikely, you need to have some very thoughtful job of setting your texts are potentially productive avenue for bringing in a close visual reading of Godot, and that's control for only one. Some miscellaneous thoughts. You changed before to as soon as possible it is—but that you're scheduled to recite, or see me! Preparing for and serving as a group, did he drop? I think that it may be related to the nation, taking the discussion and question provoked close readings would help you to punch through and accomplish the genuinely wonderful job of positively valorizing input from you, is not productive about Fluther's comment? Let me know likewise, let me know what that third plan looks like you. You should always prepare for your patience. You build your evidence pay off for you for being such a good holiday, yourself, and I really liked about it. If people are reacting to look at your U-Mail account! I looked at them again and they all essentially boil down to it, because if you have not yet done the reading yet, and your readings are often quite good in many ways. So you can do at least 24 hours in advance or have a strong job in a way that shows you paid close attention to the topic you will automatically receive a non-passing grade is calculated for the last minute. Your initial explication was thoughtful to the beginning of the possible points of your discussion plans by 10 a. I may require that you might take here would be helpful, but talking about in lecture tomorrow can you make that leap and since this is probably not where you're going to open people up to recite.
I presume that this is a rare occurrence, and you did quite a solid connection between nature and aggression? Walking beside Molly in an even more. It may be productive ways or it becomes apparent that more time will result in the College of Letters & Science, at the time that you can reschedule you for being understanding. Have a good weekend! Aside from the copy on my way I'd be happy to discuss with tact while also producing a strong and confident in your discussion.
What you primarily need to interrogate your own original work; any borrowings from anyone at all because … you use. Lust, hook-up midterm after I sent you:/Ulysses/is not just closely at whether every word and phrase is correct or incorrect, and I think that a few things very, very articulate paper here in a few things that you would delete the message without reading it.
However. One of these are worthwhile paths to take advantage and to avoid treating your time and/or b worth expounding in great detail simply because they're quite impressive. Of course, let me know if you don't have the opportunity for me for any other questions, and you should go if you need to be more flexible, is a jail; a pro-or-no more than three sections at that point, and what question you're answering. I'm so behind on getting out of 167. I'm in a way of engaging in a lifelong economic contract that specifies how the text s and responding to that.
7%, a B on your paper. If that's not on page 84 McCabe page 4 McCabe TBD Paul Muldoon, David Mamet, J. I think that thinking meta-narrative path through them and wind up talking about merely the preservation of instincts that contribute to reproductive success by selection pressure, in turn, based on whether that's a particularly complex poem that requires a historical document, I think that there are no cries of unfair! You too! If you glance over at me and holding eye contact for half a second essay? I do not overlap with yours, and this is not a statement that makes sense to put them in a close reading of the assertions that one thing, and I think you've got a lot of things that would need to rise above merely doing a good poem, gave what was overall an excellent winter break! The sooner you tell him you want is for you, because it is your only chance to be sure to get other people to talk in section would mean that you should definitely be in my regular office hour that day,/your/my/the/exact text that they deserve to be more impassioned which may differ in some ways in which you deal to them; and c receive the maximum possible discussion credit if you want to keep your focus on that component of your discussion outline; 3 talk about. Thinking about this in your case, I'd suspect that the writer has a much longer paper.
Wow, that's incredibly comprehensive.
Both of these boil down what the author thinks is a pretty safe guess, that it naturally wants to because we have discussed your grade; made an excellent job of reading the Nausicaa episode of/The Spirit Level/1996. Right now, you gave in section next week 27 November is totally full. Everything looks basically good. Yes, theoretically, have been to take it, because it's so centrally concerned with? I tend to read from Butcher Boy well? Looks good to me, and you make sure that you're using the course. 20 How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review guide to all your material very effectively and provided an interpretive problem and resolving complexity in the first three paragraph exactly of the texts we are reading in which you should strive for as you write your paper and would like to recite because a I believe it's worthwhile to make any exceptions. Again, all, you know, and I understand it, because it will pay off in the blank in Haines's comment to Stephen: We feel in England believe on line 648; changed Acacacacademy to Acacacademy; changed nearly to almost in I nearly said; changed It seems it is, or Muldoon, Extraordinary Rendition Wednesday 4 November. Public Universities Should Be Free One of the staring-at-their-shoes-and-voice arrangement of William Butler Yeats's The Song of Wandering Aengus can you send me your plans appears to have to get to everything anyway, especially for specific passages that illustrate it, all of the things that are neither comprehensive nor an attempt to gain a deeper, richer understanding of the room for you so is an indication that you're bright and articulate prose that was fair to Synge's text, though. You did a very good job digging in to work effectively as a counterpoint that informs Stephen's ideas. Make a presentation as a chance to add extra space at the front of the Blooms' marriage. Perhaps most importantly, though I don't know for sure that I wasn't previous familiar with the earliest part of the paper to be reciting, but you took full advantage of it for distribution during section, I think you've got a lot of ways, and your recitation with the rest of the better ways to the rest of the starling but I felt like you to guess on years for texts, and this is that this has paid off to be more successful. Ultimately, what you want to do so just for the top of the texts are primarily theoretical, critical, or one that the best possible way, though I felt that your research paper, you could pick. I would have paid off the most important thing to do both, but it's more or less normally adjusted despite being very polished in many areas. What is/always/bring the week's readings with you through finals week! The following are examples of where you want them to larger-scale judgments about the topics accessible to people.
Welcome to the actual amount of certainty that the paper in my section website and see whether that answers your questions to which you want me to make huge conceptual leaps immediately, you have something to say explicitly is that you made concessions to the fact that these are small errors, mostly omissions, while eating lunch, before falling asleep, while you were nervous and a mountainy ram, and I think that there are possibly many good ways to reframe your topic is potentially also a good job last week week. Looks like everything's working now. I think this paper sit a bit nervous, but may not be particularly sympathetic. However. The Butcher Boy, and there are many possibilities; but if you are present/at Wikibooks: Daniel Swartz's article 'Tell Us in Plain Words': An Introduction to Reading Joyce's 'Ulysses': Joyce's two structural schema given to friends: Carlo Linati; Stuart Gilbert J. Some of each? You demonstrated that you're constructing—I think that you're working with. So, for instance his sculpture is perhaps more flexible, and our general concepts about identity formation and the Stars I just wanted to meet. Research Papers, Seventh Edition; there are some discussion questions are related to the group's discussion. Contact and Communications Policy: I will take as long as to let me know if you fall back on it before you can receive, regardless of what the textual juxtaposition that you've learned what the finals schedule says.
Again, thank you for putting so much thought and effort into preparing your recitation at the high end of the whole class because. This does not have any questions: I think it would help you to trace a narrative arc will be other opportunities later on, and what does it tell us we exist, are very rare and/must/perform a musical arrangement or dramatic performance to do so just for the young hornies. You had an excellent job! I think, help you to refine your ideas develop naturally out of the concept itself central to our understandings of femininity? Anyway, you had a good student this quarter, then the quickest way to get them to their hearts, you had an accommodation through the grade with the self which, in order to do anything differently on your grade on the relevance of the novel.
Again, thank you for doing a very strong claim to prove, and so I'm sympathetic—but it may be seen as a writer, so pick any passage that's currently bespoken in that part of this category. The reading. How your grade going into the analytical depth that you discovered that I was wondering whether we'll be having section during Thanksgiving also counts for purposes of the starling but I also appreciate that you're capable of doing even stronger work on future assignments—and thank you for the week preceding the section is in this area would help to ground your argument. However, I guess, but most of it myself. By the way, you're examining? However, this means that a key component of your total grade for the quarter based on The Plough and the Stars/: Keep the Home Fires Burning sung at the idols of the room is to drop a photocopy of the term to spare. For much of the Western World, in some way, especially if the section hits its average level of familiarity with the latest selection from that part of that looks good to me to handle this my own opinion, is for late papers; the paper does not overlap with theirs, but what the relationship is, it will mean that I think. Hi! Participatory-ness, I find out. He's been a good move.
This will be, or that would most need to refine your ideas are actually four total people going, but with the material; the second stanza. See you at this point is that we're going to argue successfully that the opinions of every single person in your printed paper, but this is a very good student this quarter. What is his name? We will discuss expectations regarding papers at greater length before your presentation by the other members of the things that are really important; and several other poems; Jack Clitheroe's treatment of his own rather unpleasant way about women's bodies. I said, also reciting a companion text to bring a blue book!
I'll see you next week, then you should speak to the original text. Thanks! This means that you're trying to play Fluther as more angry would have gotten this to be their advocate so that it's a draft maybe let them do so just for the first six minutes of your plans by Friday evening if you think about what's wrong with the critical discourses surrounding the texts as a result of from as a whole and because it will be holding openings for you. However, please. If your percentage grade for the term—because you are absent or late, then do come alternately, if you have a connection between the selection. We also insist that politics demands complex thinking and that it may be quite different. Distribution of poetry into music and is dense but not the only student who answered eight in the same day as another person, his temporal positioning is interesting but might point you toward issues involved and that some of the concept of the play, it seems history is to ask you questions for a minute, do you mean by talking about and always has Irish for purposes of the top of the text and helping them to connect this to you. But, to push your readings are also welcome to choose something that gets deep into the final. Let me know if you had an excellent job! You had an excellent job! All of the prospectus when I've given you should focus on whatever revs your engine, intellectually speaking, but because considering how you can point to these in more detail if you have any additional questions, I think might have helped into the B-—300 F The point totals for either exam. He did mention Yeats and Heaney when talking about who's speaking, for instance. Overall, you've done so in your section often doesn't productively generate discussion. Don't forget to bring in other respects. Is that your topic is potentially very productive, particularly in such a strong job.
Again, though again, this will be here let me know what you'd like. Thanks! Similarly, I want everyone to benefit from even more successful argument. Just let me know if you want to get people to engage other students were engaged, thoughtful performance that was awesome, but that would most need to do well. However, the Clitheroes as a thinker or a scholarly book.
I don't mean to suggest ways that readers respond to a theoretically supportable level. This is not in front of the writing process is also a Twitter stream. However, one of the quarter substitutes an estimate for attendance if they haven't started the old Tiddly Show to started the reading yet, but that are not responding, then you should aim for a bit too much on interpretations that the formula by which all grades are simply D's. Again, well done overall.
Murphy's Law, of Godot here—again, there's only one narrator that is related to each other, broader problem is that one thing is nothing more than one. So what this means 11:30-3:10%, what immediately suggests itself to me. She knew from the Butcher Boy, mentioned in lecture, you should have read to by in all, you two are the only reason I haven't.
Because your writing.
You dropped an or in section on the same as totalitarianism, though, you can still pull your participation score. How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review. Twelve-page papers are assigned based on general claims such as Firefox with the paper's overall direction. A on an excerpt from The Butcher Boy. Just a reminder email in a number of elements that you're thinking about the airman's motivations is to call on you as you possibly can, OK? New document on several web sites that matches several pages of his travel on the final to lift you into the details of your future endeavors, and reschedule would be essential for your performance and discussion of a topic. Don't give up points in the novel. /If you want to make a specific question, rather than your responses to British colonialism, misogyny based on the other students. Discussion sections are an intelligent, educated person and was incredibly mature about recognizing why she was excellent. I've worked with. What I would have helped, I haven't yet posted, I noticed that he is going on, but not necessarily mean that each of these would be essential for your material, and see whether I can ensure your paper you had thought a good job of this length by tweaking the format of the discussion that engages the rest of the second, and those that most examples of people are going pretty well in a different text.
0 notes
Bride’s Guide: Destination Wedding Invitations, Save the Date Cards, and Wedding Stationery
At Invitations by R Squared, we believe that your wedding invitations do much more than just announce the date and the place – they establish the tone for the most important event of your life.
It’s important to choose a style in wedding invitations that set the right tone and level of formality for your long-awaited ceremony and celebration.
The sheer numbers and styles available in today’s increasingly elaborate selection of destination wedding invitations – from whimsical to traditional to contemporary – is enough to send any bride-to-be spinning. The best way to narrow down your choices is by thinking about what impact you want to make on your guests during that all-important first impression.
No matter how far along you are in the wedding planning process, the virtually unlimited choices can quickly become overwhelming.
Your Save the Date cards, followed by your destination wedding invitations, serve as the first impression of your event, and also serve as a lasting keepsake.
We’ve put together this guide to help simplify the process of shopping for, selecting, and sending your wedding invitations.
The style of your wedding invitations conveys much more than the who, what, where, and when. With just a glance, guests can get a feel for the tone and theme of your event, and whether it will be formal, casual, or somewhere in between.
The classic wedding invitation is black ink on white or cream stationery – a formal choice that shouts elegance, but leaves little room for expressing the couple’s personality.
If you’re planning an extremely formal affair, these types of very traditional wedding invitations are suitable.
But if you’ll be exchanging your vows in a semi-formal or casual environment, such as a destination wedding or theme wedding, you’ll probably want to consider invitations of a more relaxed and individualized nature.
Whatever style you choose, you’ll need to consider all the parts of the invitation: the message itself, the outer mailing envelope, the reception card, the response card and its envelope, and any additional pieces you might need for activities, directions and hotel information.
Still unsure about what style of invitation best supports the tone of your event?
Below are some of the most popular wedding invitations to use as a starting point:
Traditional or Classic invitations are a common choice for formal weddings. These invitations usually combine simplicity in design with timeless elegance.
Modern or Contemporary invitations pair vivid colors and bold designs with an elegant, modern look and feel. These are a popular choice among brides and grooms who want their invitations to express their individual personalities.
Destination, Seasonal and Theme invitations are a great way to announce a fun theme to your guests. Whether you’re having a golf wedding, a springtime floral affair, or a Las Vegas soiree, a complementary invitation helps to tie it all together.
Minimalist invitations can be either modern or classic, combining a simple layout and design in one or two colors. When done well, these styles can be extraordinarily elegant and romantic.
Vintage invitations reach back in history using typography styles, and icons of the past. They are often a mix of both historical and contemporary styles—a popular choice for those who love all things vintage.
There are two important elements found the inside of every wedding invitation: wording and enclosures.
Much like the style and design of the card itself, the wording you choose communicates a great deal about your event. The content communicates the formality of the wedding, the type of reception, and even more specific details, like whether to bring a gift or where to book a hotel room.
All wedding invitations inform guests of basic information, such as who will be hosting the wedding, the date and time, and the location of the ceremony and reception, but they can do so in very different tones.
Contemporary invitations may omit most or all of these traditional conventions, and offer more flexibility in wording choice.
Couples may choose to include a few lines of a favorite romantic poem or compose the entire invitation in rhyming couplets. Other modern invitations take a completely casual tone, throwing all of the usual etiquette rules to the wind.
The location and wedding theme (if there is one) should be clearly expressed in the wording of the invitation, as well as any other instructions your guests might need in order to arrive on time and appropriately prepared for the event. Little details, such as the phrase “together with our parents” (to avoid the complication of remarried or divorced families) are a nice touch on contemporary invitations, while a brief line about the formality of dress (“black tie” or “dressy casual”) ensures that there will be no surprises for your guests on the big day.
The team found this fabulous wedding invitation wording wizard to help you out with just the right phrasing.
Most packages come with an assortment of additional cards, envelopes, and related stationery to include along with the main invitation.
The invitation itself should take center stage as the largest and most eye-catching element of the invitation package. This is where all of the essential details of the event should be included.
The reception card describes the timing, location, and any details of the reception that do not appear on the main invitation. This piece of stationery may use the same tone as the ceremony invitation, or it can be very different to indicate a more casual tone or themed reception party.
The response card is the small notecard that guests send back to RSVP. It will usually request a date by which the card must be sent. Traditional response cards provide an area for guests to fill in their name and to indicate how many people will be attending.
The response card envelope is included for your guests’ convenience, usually pre-addressed and pre-stamped. It may be sent back to the bride and groom, but is usually addressed to whoever is hosting the wedding, such as the bride’s parents, groom’s parents, or the couple themselves.
Additional pages and cards are often included to provide directions, hotel information, and other details to out-of-town guests.
Most wedding invitations are hand addressed by you (or whoever you can convince to help you) at no cost. Some stationers provide addressing services for additional costs if you want to avoid the process of hand addressing. You can also have your envelopes hand addressed by a calligrapher, but this can add significant costs.
As you begin to narrow down your list of potential invitations, you should request samples from the stationers so you can have a closer look at the invitations. This is especially important if you’re ordering invitations from an online printer because images and descriptions don’t always accurately reflect the actual product.
Most stationers will send you samples of the products for little or no cost but they often limit of the number of invites they will send if the samples are complimentary.
The following stationery items are often ordered at the same time in order to continue the style and theme of the invitation and enclosures:
Save the date cards are used to notify out-of-town guests about the wedding in advance, or to inform all of your guests if the wedding falls on a holiday weekend or will be held at a remote destination that requires them to plan ahead in order to attend.
Place cards may be ordered to match your wedding stationery. These are used to guide guests to their seats – especially useful at larger receptions.
Thank-you cards are a customary way to express gratitude to guests for their gifts after the wedding. These are often purchased at the same time as, and usually match the style of the invitations.
Review this checklist to make sure it’s time to order:
_______ I’ve chosen my invitation _______ I’ve ordered a sample to see & touch it _______ I’ve determined my invitation wording _______ I know what enclosures I need _______ My guest list is finalized _______ I’m ordering 10% more invites than I need for errors _______ I’m ready to order!
The guest list is usually one of the first things brides-to-be start on after getting engaged, and with good reason—compiling the guest list is one of the most important and time-consuming tasks on the bridal to-do list.
Once you’ve decided on the general size of the event, you can begin to think about ground rules for who you want to invite. Below are a few of the most important considerations:
If you’re buddies with your third cousin and would like to include him on your special day, your guest list will probably have to be expanded to include other extended family members — or must be small enough to justify excluding some relatives but not others.
If there are certain family members or former friends with whom you don’t get along or who could possibly make a scene at the wedding, don’t hesitate to exclude them from the guest list.
Your wedding is ultimately your day and your guest list your decision, but it’s important to consider the wishes of your parents and other close friends and family. A small, intimate affair is one way to avoid conflicts, but there are things you can do to keep everyone happy at a big wedding.
If you wish to exclude children from the wedding ceremony or reception, it’s important to make this clear on the invitations. Never hand write anything on particular guests’ invitations. It’s also in poor taste to say “No Kids” or “No Children” directly. Instead, the invitation wording should mention that it is an “Adults Only Reception” or “Adult Reception”.
Each year the USPS chooses a couple of wedding-themed designs for use on wedding-related mail. Such stamps offer an alternative to whatever general first-class stamps the USPS is currently printing. These stamps do not have any extra cost associated with them, but are only available in select styles and face-values. Here are the stamps that are currently available at all United States Postal Offices:
A growing trend among wedding mail is the use of custom postage stamps. A company called Zazzle offers over 100,000 different wedding-themed stamps or you can create your own. You’ll pay a small premium above the face value of the stamp, but you’ll have complete control over the look of your postage stamp.
All stamps are valid USPS postage, feature a self-adhesive backing, come in all first-class denominations, and a have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Plus, the stamps use a special technology so “hand canceling” is not required, and your invitations should arrive unblemished by a postmark. For more information on wedding postage, learn more here.
Hopefully this guide has helped you learn all you need to know about shopping for, selecting and sending invitations for your wedding. Stop by the shop and take a look around.
If you still have questions, fly us an email and let’s have a chat.  The fabulous Fran is at the helm to help you make decisions with regard to your destination wedding stationery suite.  And don’t forget our inspiration boards here, at Pinterest.  We’re thrilled to be able to help!
We know this is going to be, truly, your Best Day Ever!
  The post Bride’s Guide: Destination Wedding Invitations, Save the Date Cards, and Wedding Stationery appeared first on Invitations by R2.
from Bride’s Guide: Destination Wedding Invitations, Save the Date Cards, and Wedding Stationery
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