#9 of Wands Tarot
burningartwork · 8 months
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🖌9 of Wands
Now that we know the source of Madarame's inspiration (The Infinite Spring) he is being challenged by those forces for the first & final time. Exhausted from his multiple battles he transforms into his boss form to hold his place as the Japanese Master of art. His passion & creativity oppress him now from all the lives he has stolen. Will he achieve victory or will be succumb to those sentiments & pass down that burden to someone else?
🃏 UPRIGHT: Resilience, courage, last stand, persistence, grit, perseverance, close to success, fatigue
🃏 REVERSED: Struggle, overwhelm, defensive, paranoia, defensiveness, refusing compromise, giving up
🌟Artist Note: WE HAVE FINALLY FINISHED A SUIT'S PIP CARDS!!! Just Madarame & the Knight to go!!
🌟 Major Arcana here
🃏 Wands:
Ace of Wands
2 of Wands
3 of Wands
4 of Wands
5 of Wands
6 of Wands
7 of Wands
8 of Wands
9 of Wands
10 of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands
🃏 Other Suits :
Cups (Ace)
Pentacles (Ace)
Swords (Ace)
🃏 Bonus cards:
04 - Constellation (Jose)
00R - Faith Reversed
01R - Councillor Reversed
09R - Hermit Reversed
20R - Judgement Reversed
? - Shido - Hunger
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astrojulia · 11 months
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Exploring the Depths of Wands Arcana
~ Insights and Interpretations
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Introduction to Wands Arcana
In the realm of the arcana, the wand symbolizes our momentum, willpower, drive, and even our disposition. It embodies the heat of the game, represented by a courageous cudgel or baton, akin to that of a warrior. The wand is not just a physical tool but a conduit for magical forces and energies. It signifies the pursuit of victory and the path to becoming the best, the first, the great hero. Additionally, it represents the dynamics of conflicts and disputes, making it the suit of war.
Disclaimer: The way I learned to read tarot cards does not involve the use of upright and reversed positions. Instead, they rely on their symbology, positive and negative meanings, and the readings depend more on the spread rather than whether the card is upright or reversed. Also, the Court Cards will also have its separate post and I'm using Rider-Waite as reference.
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Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands ignites the spark within us, the very essence that sets things in motion. Just like a spark requires oxygen and fuel, this arcane speaks of taking what you have and transforming it into something extraordinary. It embodies a profound impetus, comparable to a roaring rocket or a sudden burst of energy. It signifies an intense desire to act, and the card depicts a vibrant, living wood emerging from the ground, symbolizing the manifestation of our willpower.
Positive Interpretation:
This card radiates the energy of the present moment, urging us to seize the opportunities that surround us. It represents the strength of now, urging us to take what we possess and embark on our chosen path. It symbolizes the energy of combustion and encourages us to take the reins of the situation and make things happen. It marks the beginning, fueled by the courage, willpower, and forward movement required for a successful startup.
Negative Interpretation:
The negative aspect of the Ace of Wands warns against impatience, anxiety, and the tendency to rush into action prematurely. It advises the cultivation of calmness and patience. It may also indicate a misguided and aggressive approach, lacking the necessary elements to produce a fruitful outcome. It serves as a reminder of the importance of courage and the perils of succumbing to fear.
2 of Wands
While the Ace of Wands represents the spark, the 2 of Wands represents the fuel that sustains that energy. The card depicts a figure holding a wand with a globe, symbolizing the potential of the initial spark, while another wand stands behind. This card signifies the interplay between forward momentum and the supporting elements. It prompts us to understand the nature of fire and its inherent oscillations.
Positive Interpretation:
The 2 of Wands signifies having the necessary support and resources to pursue our goals, dreams, and desires. It highlights the ability to handle existing responsibilities while pushing boundaries and reaching new heights. It advocates for a balance between action and rest, and it emphasizes the power of collaboration and partnerships.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 2 of Wands warns of obstacles and limitations that hinder progress. It suggests the challenge of multitasking and the inability to fully devote oneself to multiple endeavors. It reflects the notion of being spread too thin, resulting in a lack of fuel to sustain the desired outcomes. It may also indicate conflicts and opposition, both external and self-imposed.
3 of Wands
The 3 of Wands represents significant acts of courage and bravery. In the imagery of the card, a person stands at the port, observing ships depart and arrive, signifying the grandness of these actions in that era. It embodies the spirit of venturing into uncharted territories and discovering new horizons. The card suggests that with dedicated energy and effort, one can conquer anything. The two sticks in the background symbolize balanced energies that support and assist you on your journey.
Positive Interpretation:
This card signifies a strong willingness to take action and overcome obstacles. It reflects confidence and self-belief, urging you to be determined and find a way to achieve your desires. It embodies courage, dynamism, and a desire to travel and explore distant places. It represents a yearning to go beyond your current boundaries and expand your universe. The 3 of Wands heralds great adventures and significant decisions in your life.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 3 of Wands warns against recklessly pursuing any adventure without grounding yourself. It cautions against constant restlessness and a perpetual dissatisfaction that drives you to expend energy without finding fulfillment. It can indicate an avoidance of responsibilities and impulsive actions without careful consideration. It may lead to entanglements and turning away from the present and the future, ultimately causing a sense of being lost. It may also represent distant and unreachable relationships.
4 of Wands
The 4 of Wands symbolizes the union of essential elements, representing the culmination of the spark, fuel, and expansive abilities. It signifies a joyful bonfire of energy. The card features a festoon, symbolizing congratulations, and a wedding, representing the union of collective efforts for the common good. It embodies the stability of energy, celebration, movement, and the rhythmic flow of energy.
Positive Interpretation:
This card announces celebrations, unions, happiness, and harmony. It signifies successful teamwork and the creation of positive events. It represents stability and balance of energy, indicating that things are progressing well in various aspects of life.
Negative Interpretation:
The negative aspect of the 4 of Wands brings a sense of instability. It suggests difficulties in organizing events, unions, or collaborative efforts. The energies may be in friction, leading to feuds, discord, disputes, or excessive competitiveness. The uncontrolled nature of the bonfire can prevent the realization of desired events or outcomes.
5 of Wands
In the desire to be a superhero, the 5 of Wands engage in a fierce battle. It represents an attempt to showcase courage and strength, even if the ultimate goal of becoming a champion remains elusive. In the card, each person wears different attire symbolizing different elements, and they appear to be attempting to form a pentagram.
Positive Interpretation:
This card encourages you to step into the fight, to advocate for what you want, and to give your best effort. It signifies the importance of resilience, self-assertion, and taking responsibility for overcoming personal challenges. It prompts you to stand out and invest more energy in pursuing your goals.
Negative Interpretation:
The negative aspect of the 5 of Wands represents individuals who are unlikely to succeed due to their inability to work together harmoniously. It signifies conflicts, fights, and violence. It denotes situations of intense rivalry and opposing forces. It warns of stumbling blocks, disrupted sexuality, feuds, and the destructive energies associated with uncontrolled fire.
6 of Wands
The 6 of Wands represents the triumph of fire, the ability to solve problems through victory. It signifies the first attempt of the suit to become a hero. In the card, five sticks raise the sixth one, symbolizing the glorification of achievement. The white horse represents nobility, while the laurel wreath symbolizes victory.
Positive Interpretation:
This card embodies glory, success, and the recognition of one's achievements. It signifies being seen, acknowledged, and validated by others for your accomplishments. It represents overcoming problems, obstacles, and surpassing predetermined limitations. It is associated with great leadership and the ability to break barriers.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 6 of Wands announces the triumph of others while experiencing personal loss. It can indicate threats, violence, and the imposition of one's will in a way that instills fear in others. It may evoke a sense of surveillance, imprisonment, and a false sense of victory and conquest.
7 of Wands
The 7 of Wands spiritualizes the fire element, representing the inner fire that emanates from the soul and the seven chakras. It embodies the process of overcoming oneself and becoming a protector. It symbolizes great resilience and the ability to believe in oneself. In the card, a figure wields a bat, facing off against six others.
Positive Interpretation:
This card signifies the presence of energy, confidence, and necessary faith. It represents the momentum required to overcome obstacles. It is also associated with the spiritual realm and the guidance and protection of mentors. It represents a well-directed energy field where obstacles become stepping stones for progress.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 7 of Wands represents individuals who are skittish and easily succumb to fear. It can manifest as fear transformed into aggression, creating a defensive and impenetrable shell. In the spiritual realm, it signifies energetic opposition and an inability to measure one's own strength.
8 of Wands
The 8 of Wands symbolizes energy in motion, akin to the accelerating tail of a rocket. In the card, the open sky represents the vast expanse where such immense energy can flourish. This card signifies acceleration, movement, and the hastening of circumstances. It embodies the will to manifest dreams and desires relentlessly.
Positive Interpretation:
This card represents a powerful surge toward success and progress. It indicates new paths and abundant possibilities. It symbolizes the unfolding of wings to navigate through challenges. It signifies the presence of light, the advent of glory, and the imminent arrival of salvation. It encourages acceleration, speed, and the determination to reach goals.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 8 of Wands warns against aimless acceleration and the wasteful expenditure of energy. It signifies a failure to hit the intended target and an excessive use of energy without purpose or direction. It may represent disorientation and unbalanced energy, going too fast and engaging in unscrupulous acts to achieve one's goals. It can also symbolize attacks or acts of aggression resembling arrows.
9 of Wands
The 9 of Wands represents reaching the ember, a point where all available energy is needed for a specific purpose. In the card, eight sticks are shown protruding, while the ninth stick is held by the figure, signifying readiness for action.
Positive Interpretation:
This card embodies responsibility for one's actions and the ability to accomplish the seemingly impossible. It signifies the ability to undertake great works and face numerous challenges with unwavering self-belief and a sense of responsibility. It represents the strength that arises from discipline, determination, and accumulated experience. It also acknowledges the effort exerted in the face of weariness.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 9 of Wands can represent the forceful subjugation of others or becoming enslaved by one's responsibilities. It may indicate carrying burdens that are heavier than one can bear, leading to dark accomplishments and projects that fail due to lack of energy. It warns against irresponsibility, using limited energy solely for personal gain, and experiencing exhaustion or excessive excitement that cannot be calmed.
10 of Wands
The 10 of Wands signifies the fulfillment of the desire to become a great hero. It represents mastering oneself and one's own world. In the card, a lone figure carries the weight of the entire suit, symbolizing great strength and immense effort.
Positive Interpretation:
This card represents the realization of aspirations and the embodiment of bravery and nobility. It signifies the ability to take on numerous tasks and responsibilities, akin to setting fire to the rain. It denotes the capability to handle everything that comes your way, overcoming obstacles with an abundance of spiritual energy.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 10 of Wands warns against attempting to do everything independently, resulting in the centralization of activities and overwhelming oneself. It signifies the burden of excessive effort, encountering significant problems or attacks, and facing formidable opponents. It may suggest experiencing energy spikes that the physical body cannot sustain and encountering difficulties in working collaboratively or as part of a collective. It cautions against reverse leadership or assuming excessive control.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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thepigeontarot · 3 months
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Today, you need to make some choices in the direction your life is heading. You may have some regrets or anxiety based on your past. Let today be a wake-up call for you. You haven't quite yet reached your potential, and you still have a long road ahead of you. Face the world with optimism and excitement, you can still change the course of your voyage.
If this resonates with you today, be sure to like and follow for more daily tarot 🐈‍⬛️
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Card Reading - What Needs To Be Released
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In honor of Capricorn season, the theme for this pick a card reading is The Devil card.  Readings for each pile are under the read more and video version of reading is linked as source in this post.  
Pics won’t upload for some reason -_-
Pile 1/Soul Cats 
The first card for this pile was The Sun reversed.  This suggests a lack of optimism.  There may be a tendency for you to generally expect the worst from people and situations, which may be blocking you from some good things.
The second card for this pile was the Ace Of Pentacles.  This card generally represents some solid opportunity that is good for you.  The potential behind this opportunity may not be obvious at first though, especially if you are at a place where you are expecting the worst outcome.
The third card for this pile was Justice.  This card can represent karma.  Basically, getting back some of the energy you’ve been giving back.  This doesn’t necessarily mean karma coming in now, but thinking about if a mindset you’ve had lately will give you the karma that you want in your life.
The first oracle card for this pile was Innocence.  Basically, this card is about releasing heavy and negative feelings to try to look at things with an unbiased perspective without pessimism interfering.
The second oracle card for this pile was New Moon In Taurus - Prosperity Lies Ahead.  Basically, I feel like this goes along with that Ace of Pentacles as the opportunity that offers potential prosperity to you.
The third oracle card for this pile was Pounce - Decide To Act.  Basically, don’t miss something that you want or is good for you out of fear to take action.  
Pile 2/Teddy
The first card for this pile was the Knight of Pentacles.  This is a card associated with focusing on the details and thoroughness.  In this case, with the context of this spread, I feel like this may be a bit of over-attention to details.  Like making things harder on yourself because you’re picking up every small task that you notice needing done.
The second card for this pile was the 10 of Wands.  This is a card associated with feeling worn out from everything.  Despite this exhaustion, you are still persevering through it and doing what you need to.
The third card for this pile was the 9 of Wands.  This card is also associated with perseverance and not backing down.  There may be a bit of stubbornness with this card, although this stubborn behavior isn’t necessarily unjustified.
The first oracle card for this pile was Have Confidence.  This card has a lot to do with believing that you will make it through a situation.  Basically, believing that the difficult times with that 10 of Wands can/will come to an end sometime.
The second oracle card for this pile was Waxing Crescent Moon - Have Faith In Your Dreams.  Basically, I feel like this is just encouraging you to have faith that whatever you’ve been standing your ground on with that 9 of Wands.  
The third oracle card for this pile was Judgmental - Observe Your Critic.  Basically, advice to try not to be too critical with your judgments of others and yourself.
Pile 3/Rider-Waite
The first card for this pile was the 10 of Cups reversed.  This suggests some unhappiness in some close connections in your life, possibly even in your home life.  
The second card for this pile was The World.  This card suggests that something is coming to an end.  This is generally an ending that brings a sense of accomplishment and/or happiness.  I feel like this ending is something to do with that 10 of Cups reversed, whether it is letting go of connections that make you miserable or ending things that are having a negative impact on connections in your life.
The third card for this pile was the Knight Of Cups.  This card is associated with taking action on your emotions.  This may be doing things that show a more sensitive side of yourself and/or doing things to express your emotions rather than holding them in.
The first oracle card for this pile was Ground Yourself.  This card discusses finding a balance between the physical and spiritual parts of your life.  This may also be advising you to find ways to ground yourself emotionally with things like meditation.
The second oracle card for this pile was Full Moon In Scorpio - It’s Time To Release Negativity.  Basically, release negative emotions that are no longer serving you.  That easier said than done, but will likely be a step to helping you close an unhappy chapter of something.
The third oracle card for this pile was Reflection - Get Out Of Your Box.  Basically, try to look at this situation from a different perspective, such as that of the other person(s).  That may help you find any behaviors that you feel are no longer serving you.
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taisoleil · 1 year
Spiritual Music Musings 4/15/2023: J Cole - January 28th
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Just added this passage to my Sidereal Sag article here. If I ever wanna update with more things to say, it’ll be via my site: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2022/1/23/c71jk2fbkd7w3lxwap5vn1meghv9cd
J Cole got a song called January 28th. One of my favs by him btw. 1/28 is his birthday. The album was recorded in 2014, so I’m assuming that he made this song in 2014 as well. Putting perspective to this project, let’s keep his solar return of 2014 in mind. His solar return had a Sag Moon, which shares the Tarotstrology of the 9 of Wands. When we look at the 9 of Wands, we don’t talk about how this card has to fight to keep what they have despite all odds. The want to give up. The want to fold into yourself. I think the second picture of the 9 of Wands explains this perfectly. The temptation to do what everyone wants you to do while you’ve just built up what you wanted. You’re getting used to the effort it takes to maintain something. You’ll eventually have the strength to maintain it easily and what you’ve built will be able to hold its own eventually. This hones in on what I talked about previously with this card on my site. Never settle, but also keep your dignity with what you’ve created and enjoyed. It is yours.
The Moon is more so of inner work and mindfulness around what you’ve expanded upon (Jupiter energy), which can be draining. The Moon provides a gateway in which you can use this energy for yourself, but are you going to let others be the judge of it? Folding can lead down the 10 of Wands route in which one can eventually fold to others demands, carrying wands that aren’t yours. Or, doing more work than what’s intended because you felt like your personal efforts weren’t enough. This is the contrast between the Moon and Saturn. The 10 of Wands is Sag Saturn energy. With that said, we are noticing obstacles that are outside of you, creating more work. This is from Saturn contrasting Jupiter's influence from Sag. You may be doing things that may be necessary to learn, just the hard way. This can help you understand what you’ve been possibly disregarding when it comes to your inner knowing, your Moon.
“May no man alive can come damage my faction”
“Don’t give em too much you
Don’t let em take control
It’s one thing you do
Don’t let em taint your soul
If you believe in God
One things for sure
If you ain’t aim too high
Then you aim too low”
- J Cole
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infjtarot · 1 month
9 of Wands. Morgan Greer Tarot
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Strength in Reserve Stand your ground. Defense. Standing up for yourself. Activating one's defenses. Fortification. Guarding oneself. Protecting old wounds. Ability to resist an attack. Standing guard. Territoriality. A final challenge to overcome. Wariness. Protection. A defensive attitude. A strong constitution. The ability to recover from an illness. A healthy immune system. Resistance to illness or infection. Prior conflict. Protecting your rights. An unassailable position. A last stand. Another problem to overcome before victory. Inner strength. Determination. Perseverance. Necessary delay. The final hoop. On guard! It ain't over till it's over. If at first you don't succeed, try and try again. Leave well enough alone. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Don't change horses in mid-stream. Anthoney Louis.
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sigh4diamond · 1 year
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discountpunk · 9 months
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6-and-7 · 1 year
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Huevember 7 TARDIS Tarot 9 Wands / Martha Jones "I travelled across the world. From the ruins of New York, to the fusion mills of China, right across the radiation pits of Europe. And everywhere I went I saw people just like you, living as slaves! But if Martha Jones became a legend then that's wrong, because my name isn't important. There's someone else. The man who sent me out there, the man who told me to walk the Earth. And his name is The Doctor. He has saved your lives so many times and you never even knew he was there. He never stops. He never stays. He never asks to be thanked. But I've seen him, I know him… I love him… And I know what he can do."
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hermitsmirror · 10 months
TAROT DEEP DIVE 🪵 9 of Wands
The 9 can feel like an ending, but it can be the moment of pause before the suit turns.
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Finding the line between 9 and 10 can be tough, especially with the potent energy of some illustrations. 
What new insights or fun facts did you learn about the 9 of Wands in this tarot deep dive? Anything I missed?
And if you’re looking to expand your tarot reading techniques and learn how to stack layers of meaning on top of each other to find your ideal reading method, you want to learn to Read Tarot like a Nerd. It’s a self-paced class, so enrollment is always open.
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limitlessend · 2 years
Creation doesn't happen by force. It is a manifestation of love. When you allow love to flow through you without the barriers and restrictions of the mind, you will be inspired to create instead of stagnate.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Sagittarius rules: Temperance 😇
Also: 8-10 Wands
Page & Knight of Wands 🎇
Wheel of Fortune (ruled by Jupiter)
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numinously-yours · 2 years
Mid-week vibe check
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Pile 1: 3 of wands + Justice
It's time to expand and maximize your potential! You are recognizing the opportunities around you. You are prepared for any obstacles that may come your way. As long as you're living your truth, you have nothing to worry about. Final note: although you are prepared and living your truth, still be aware of how your actions will affect you and those around you.
Pile 2: King of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands reversed
Continue leading a life of intention. With the support of those around you, your manifestations will actualize and your dreams will turn into action. Start enjoying the fruits of your labor! You've worked hard and you deserve all of this goodness. Additionally, you may feel at a crossroad, but the fear of the unknown will start diminishing. As long as you connect your actions to your dreams (and vice versa), you'll be a-ok.
Pile 3: 10 of Pentacles reversed and The Hanged Man reversed
Reasses your need for stability, security, and committment. What you want in these areas isn't necessarily what you need. Unravel the idea that wealth and material things are inherently connected to your worth! I think you know that this is a conversation you need to have with yourself, but you continue to ignore it. Change your perspective. Stop resisting the inevitable. Shift your energy and you'll start to move more freely again.
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thepigeontarot · 2 days
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Today, you may be working on healing some emotional connections. You may have been feeling a little powerless in your situation, too focused on protecting yourself that your actions may have caused harm to others or been detrimental to the relationships in your life. You are healing yourself now. You've accepted what you are responsible for and are opening up new channels of communication, love, and compassion in those relationships. You are stronger and wiser emotionally and can now give those relationships the time and attention they need.
If this resonates with you today, be sure to like and follow for more daily 🐈‍⬛
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Star Card Tarot Reading
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Readings are under the read more.  Video version is linked as source.
Had to make collage of the cards cause I forgot to take a pic of them all together when I had them out.
Pile 1/Rider-Waite - *Hopes*
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The first card to come out was the 5 of Pentacles reversed.  This card is associated with letting go of a fear of loss.  Basically, you’re wanting to leave behind times where you’ve had to be concerned about money and potentially losing things that you need and/or value.
The second card to come out was the Queen of Wands.  This card is associated with confidence, as well as being bold and assertive.  Basically, I feel like this is how you want to be and that these are traits you may need to embrace.
The third card to come out was The High Priestess.  This card is strongly associated with trusting your intuition.  Basically, I feel like you want to trust yourself and your instincts more than you have in the past.
Overall, this pile seems to want to work on themselves and becoming more confident in themselves.
The first oracle card to come out was Expectation - Expect The Best.  Basically, try to hope for the best rather than falling back into old pessimistic thoughts that may be linked to the 5 of Pentacles that you’ve gone through in the past.
The second oracle card to come out was North Node - Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone.  Basically, I feel like this is encouraging you to embrace those Queen of Wands traits and step out of your comfort zone, which will likely help you to grow.  Definitely not an easy thing to do though.
The third oracle card to come out was Free Yourself - It’s Time To Take Back Control Of Your Life.  While this card came from the love deck, I feel like this applies more so just as a general message.  Basically, free yourself from where you’ve been and the concerns you’ve carried.  The fence on this card made me think of the 8 of Swords and more of a mental prison rather than a physical one.  Love-wise, this could be advising you to stay away from people that want to take away your freedom/sense of self.
Pile 2/Teddy *Hopes*
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The first thing I noticed about this pile was that all of the tarot cards were Cups.  This suggests emotions are a major part of this pile, which the oracle cards went on to support.
The first card to come out was the 4 of Cups.  This card is associated with being kinda meh.  Not much exciting going on, but nothing really bad either.  The bear lurking behind the tree holding a cup stuck out to me quite a bit, since it made me think of the Knight of Cups and Page of Cups.  This made me think that some of you are wanting someone to offer you something that changes up the norm for you.  This doesn’t necessarily have to be romance-related, but I feel like it is for the majority of you.
The second card to come out was the 9 of Cups.  This card is associated with emotional fulfillment.  You’re happy without having to rely on others to make you happy.  Their may be a bit of loneliness here though, since this bear is alone compared to the 10 of Cups which generally shows a family.  
The third card to come out was the Ace of Cups.  This card is associated with a new emotional beginning.  This cup would also fit with that 9 of Cups to make the 10 of Cups.  I do feel like this does suggest that many of you are hoping for a worthwhile relationship opportunity to come your way.
The first oracle card to come out was Friendship - Care Is There.  Basically, just a reminder that there are people around you that do care about you, especially if you may be feeling lonely or a bit hollow.
The second oracle card to come out was New Moon In Aquarius - Bring Love Into The Situation.  This card can suggest trying a gentler approach to things.  I feel for the majority of you though that this card is simply supporting the fact that many of you are desiring love at this time.
The third oracle card to come out was Attraction - You Attract Romantic Love By Enjoying This Moment Fully.  Basically, I feel like this encourages you to embrace your happiness, which will likely bring you closer to attracting a partner that you desire.
Pile 3/Nightmare Before Christmas *Healing*
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The first card to come out was the 5 of Presents reversed, which is basically the 5 of Pentacles in this deck.  This card is associated with letting go of a fear of loss.  Basically, you’re wanting to leave behind times where you’ve had to be concerned about potentially losing things that you need and/or value.  In this case, I think it’s more of situations rather than money that you’re changing your mindset about.
The second card to come out was the 3 of Needles, which is basically the 3 of Swords in this deck.  This card is associated with many negative emotions, including hurt, pain, sadness, and anger.  I feel like these are the emotions that you are experiencing and processing at this time.  While this isn’t a great place to be, it does seem like you are trying to address them rather than shove them down and trying to ignore them.
The third card to come out was the Knight of Needles, which is basically the Knight of Swords in this deck.  This card is associated with taking action on ideas.  Basically, I feel like this is you trying to avoid dwelling on the pain and negatives to try to move forward.  This doesn’t necessarily mean fully committing to any of these pursuits just yet, but testing the waters of possibilities.
The first oracle card to come out was Pounce - Decide To Act.  I feel like this goes with that Knight of Needles and taking action.  The cat on this card looks like a kitten to me rather than a full-grown cat which made me think of baby steps.  Again, just taking small steps of progress even if you feel like you should be doing more.
The second oracle card to come out was New Moon In Leo - Confidence Is Your Key To Success.  Basically, just believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.
The third oracle card to come out was True Love - This Is A Romance Of A Lifetime.  This had actually come out reversed, which made me feel like some of you had what you thought was a ‘true love’ not work out which is what has caused this 3 of Needles.  Others of you, I feel like this is the type of love that you are hoping for.
Pile 4/Chubby Bun *Healing*
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The first card to come out was the 8 of Pentacles reversed.  This has to do with changing things up.  
The second card to come out was the Knight of Pentacles.  This has to deal with focusing on the details and being very thorough.  This isn’t a very fast-paced card and doesn’t rush things.
The third card to come out was the Hanged Bunny reversed, which is basically the Hanged Man in this deck.  This card is associated with having gotten stuck in how you’ve viewed a situation.  There may be a stubbornness with this card that contributed to this stuckness.  I do feel like this is what you’re healing from and why those other two card are what you’re doing to get unstuck.
The first oracle card to come out was Instigator - Gotta Start Something.  I get more of the gotta start something aspect of this more than the instigator aspect of this card.  Basically like an antsy feeling that pushes you to need to change that perspective that you had gotten stuck in.
The second oracle card to come out was Blue Moon - Believe In The Impossible.  Basically, believe that the impossible is possible for you.  I feel like this is believing that things can be better or change by these changes and steps that you are making.
The third oracle card to come out was Reconciliation - Someone From Your Past Is Returning To Your Life.  While this is a love card, I do feel like it could be outside of love too and just a general making amends with someone.  This card had also come out reversed, which may suggest that some of you had issues with a reconciliation attempt, possibly due to being unable to look at it another way.  That isn’t necessarily a bad thing though since some reconciliations aren’t for the best.
Pile 5/Disney Villains *Hopes*
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The first card to come out was the 10 of Cups.  This card is associated with happy and healthy connections in your life.  Many versions of this card display a family on them, which suggests that many of you may desire a family of some sorts.  
The second card to come out was the Ace of Cups.  This card is associated with new emotional beginnings.  Basically, I feel like you want a new emotional offer with the potential to grow into that 10 of Cups.  This may be a new close friendship or romantic relationship.  
The third card to come out was the Knight of Wands reversed.  This card was odd to see with these cards to me.  Reversed, this knight isn’t the greatest to see in a love-type read like this.  This is someone that can be non-committal and kind of flaky.  Possibly like a player type of person or something like that.  There are two main ways that I could see this applying.  The first being that this is the type of person you usually are attracted to (or someone in particular that you’re attracted to) and you hope that they’ll change or have it in them to offer what you want.  The other is that this is you and you’ve generally been disinterested in serious relationships and settling down, but have begun changing that mindset a bit.  I feel like it is the latter option for most of you.
The first oracle card to come out was Curiosity - Worth The Risk.  Basically, something that you’re curious about is worth the risk.  This also is what leads me to believe that the Knight of Wands reversed from before generally represents you with a relationship being what you’re curious about.
The second oracle card to come out was Full Moon In Aries - A Fiery Climax Approaches!  This does suggest that something will come to an end soon for you.
The third oracle card to come out was Love Yourself First - Your Self-Respect Makes You More Romantically Attractive.  Basically, value yourself and know your worth.  This may involve not going for the typical reversed Knight of Wands type if that is who you generally go for.  
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12decks · 2 years
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9 of Wands
Upright - Eventual victory, perseverance, preparedness, recuperation, reserved strength, resilience, that final push
Reversed - Defensiveness, hesitation, ill health, on edge, refusal to fight, weak character
Timing - Nine days
Yes/No/Maybe - Yes
Element - Fire
Astrological Sign - Sagittarius
Direction - South
Season - Spring
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