#8 ou 80
edsonjnovaes · 28 days
Care me! 1.2
C. MENEZES – [De repente solteira]. AGO 12 2020 A boca fala do que o coração está cheio. De coisas cinzentas o mundo está cheio. Vamos compartilhar um arco-íris de cores? NICOLE GUIMARÃES – entre conversas e flores. 10 JUL 2020 in: EDSON JESUS – 31 AGO 2020 @fabriciocarpinejar – C. MENEZES. AGO 07 2020 Tenho sentido certa crueldade com os julgamentos das redes sociais. É muita gente ocupando…
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just-otter-thoughts · 11 months
Todo mundo tem segredo Que não conta nem pra si mesmo Todo mundo tem receio Do que vê diante do espelho
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ffemiart · 2 years
Hoje eu me peguei rindo quando percebi que depois de muito dizer que eu era 8 ou 80 hoje onde mais me encontro feliz é no total do 44, eu explico mas já adianto que a foto ilustra bem isso.
Eu sou aquela bagunça organizada, onde por mais que esteja tudo fora do lugar tudo está perfeitamente harmônico.
Na foto a completa incoerência entre uma combinação de roupas que servem para aquecer ou para aliviar o calor mas que juntas são meio estranhas ainda mais quando você reparar o roupão jogado na cadeira.
Da mesma forma o cabelo meio arrumado e meio sem finalizar, o corpo meio magro e meio gordo, o óculos que permite ver quase tudo mas a vista que não me permite ver quase nada.
A mesa cheia de retalhos, papéis, fitas e projetos de coisas que ainda vou terminar ou que ainda nem comecei.
Entre os personagens da parede que pertencem aos filmes fantasiosos que eu amo, da pra notar que a Alice é bem desproporcional ao Chapeleiro, mas isso não é nada quando me dou conta que na prateleira de cima tem uma bonequinha japonesa e um boneco de neve dentro do globo.
Entre eles ganha espaço o meu altar, que é um tanto quanto único e que pra quem não conhece de perto minha religião pode também não entender pra que tem uma taça, copo, caneca e pratinho ali no meio.
A árvore de Natal fora de época talvez seja a coisa mais importante da foto, estou adiantada para montar ou atrasada para guardar?
A realidade é que tudo isso é exatamente o que eu sou.
Eu sou a festa fora de época, torno permanente aquela sensação boa de presentar e estar presente, gosto da emoção que datas comemorativas despertam e crio vários motivos para comemorar (por mais que pequenos) para poder ter mais dias, jantares, passeios, café e encontros de celebração.
Sou aquela artesã que não segue tutorias e que não consegue escolher entre trabalhar com tecido ou papel. Aquela que talvez quisesse largar tudo e vender a arte na praia mas que quando lembra que vai ter que morar na praia já sente aflição, é pacato demais.
Eu sou profissional que precisa estar inserida num ambiente criativo cheio de papel e caneta colorida por mais que esteja no computador fazendo um relatório gigante e com muitos números. A pessoa que usa cadeira de escritório por pura ergonomia pois preferiria trabalhar deitada no tapete (se bem que em alguns dias eu ainda faço isso kkk).
Eu sou a pessoa que acumula lembranças e faz questão de tornar elas materiais quando seus significados transbordam o que a memória consegue guardar, isso explica minhas tatuagens, meus personagens e mais varias outras coisas da minha vida.
Eu nunca fui e acho que talvez nunca tenha me esforçado muito pra ser aquilo que se espera, por vezes eu supero expectativas e por muitas outras eu não correspondo nem metade delas.
Eu sou a pessoa que vai saber de tudo um pouco, que já fez de tudo um pouco, adoro conversar por horas sobre assuntos filosóficos ou então ficar em silêncio enquanto procuro vídeo de gatinhos e a figurinha certa pra mandar no WhatsApp.
A realidade é que conforme os anos foram passando eu fui me tornando mais o meio termo e realmente não lembro de ter sido tão feliz quanto sou hoje enquanto eu era 8 muito menos quando fui 80.
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idollete · 11 days
tava aqui vendo cheias de charme na televisão e pensando em quando eu achava o conrado um gatinho na época da novela, fui pesquisar como o ator tá hoje em dia e tomei um susto..........o homem tá meio horrorosinho queima jesus
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sunliv · 1 month
AGH tá CONGELANDO nessa sala mds
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neliodoublep · 1 month
(TEKNIK/Walter Nascimento)
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crushedlittlestarx · 3 months
ainda sinto os beijinhos nos meus lábios
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anditwentlikethis · 2 years
"Fizemos tipo 2 remates à baliza e foram os 2 golos. " Lado positivo: 100% de eficácia!!
há sempre um lado positivo😭😭 contra o Gil Vicente falhámos umas 4536 oportunidades, ontem fomos 100% eficazes... the duality de uma equipa
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virtualwhispers · 6 months
8 ou 80
quando eu e você estamos bem, nem o céu é o limite.
quando estamos mal, é queda livre.
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maridrista · 4 months
Olá, seguindo a maravilhosa @anaharae-s decidi também fazer o desafio de 12 capas x 12 meses, porém, como acabei voltando mais tarde do que no primeiro semestre, vou seguir essa regra um pouco diferente. É interessante demais ver como estamos em constante crescimento e graças aqueles capistas maravilhosos que nos cercam, sempre temos a aprender e eles nos agregam. Eu não me sinto ainda satisfeita com as minhas capas, porque sinto que NÃO tenho um estilo definido e isso me deixa bem desconfortável, porém, quem sabe esse próximo ano eu encontre? Obrigada por terem me acompanhado e quero dizer uma coisa: testem, errem, capem! Nada vai melhorar se vocês não passarem horas aprendendo, lutando e tentando entender qual a cor se encaixa melhor naquela categoria. Não desista, porque isso é o maior pecado que pode cometer como capista, nós somos o maior reflexo do vinho e queijo, melhoramos a cada dia e capa feita, então sempre se sinta orgulhoso de fazer até mesmo um píxel minusculo, porque NÃO é todo mundo que consegue fazer o que VOCÊ consegue.
Desde setembro, a minha volta ao mundo das capas, fiz mais de 80 capas, fossem pedidos por projetos ou pessoais. Então doze serão escolhas bem interessantes, haha. "Ah, mas Mari! Por que tantas?" Porque eu não capava desde 2018 e tinha desaprendido MUITAS coisas e eu sou do tipo que não descansa até aprender tudo o que pode sobre as coisas, por isso o número um pouco chamativo. Uma das minhas vitórias foi ter aprendido a fazer capa com GIF e um desabafo: uma coisa pouco ensinada por aqui.
Para sempre - FirstKhao (Setembro)
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"Mas, Mari, essa capa não tem nada de mais!" A verdade é que ela foi a minha volta pro mundo das capas, porque minha amiga estava de aniversário e eu precisava de uma capa, então fui logo baixar o PS e graças a @wynnuet temos a Mari de volta no mundo das capas.
2. Desejo proibido (Naruto) - Setembro
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Particularmente gostei de como tem dois lados dessa capa, mas infelizmente não tem nenhuma história postada com ela, está para doação inclusive.
3. Perdido (Haikyuu - Kenma) - Setembro
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Essa é a minha capa maia apaixonante em questão de cores que já trabalhei, então não poderia deixar ela de fora.
4. Recaída (Naruto) - Outubro
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Talvez o meu maior problema em 2023 tenha sido o entendimento com capas divertidas, mas graças a @kenjicopy estou MUITO melhor hoje em dia, embora essa tenha sido a minha primeira.
5. Invisible String (Naruto) - Outubro
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Ah, mas, Mari! Você não odeia rosa? Sim! Mas... eu estou melhorando, juro.
6. Cachorrinho x Gatinho (JJK) - Dezembro
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Apenas, uma das colorações que mais me deixou babando em mim.
7. Me namora (JJK) - Dezembro
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Cor favorita + GIF? Uma das minhas felicidades, com certeza.
8. Maluco (ATEEZ) - Dezembro
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Eu ODEIO fazer esse tipo de capa, porque minha mente fica muito mal fazendo, não consigo sobrecarregar a imagem em minha frente, mas acho lindo quem consegue! Eu amo essa pelo simples fato de ter sido a minha primeira tentativa de GIF.
9. Tem local? (TXT) - Dezembro
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Pelo simples fato de ser o nosso nostálgico MSN, apesar de essa capa ainda ter coisas que eu não gostei, ela é divertida e tá tudo bem!
10. Dupla face (JJK) - Novembro
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A minha capa mais conhecida e lotada de elogios, obrigada a todos que me apoiaram, apesar de ter recebidos muitas mensagens negativas sobre ela, fiquei feliz em saber que meus amigos gostaram dessa diversão.
11. Leitor de mentes (JJK) - Novembro
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Haha, se vocês soubessem como eu fiz essa capa... em ligação com o meu amigo enquanto falávamos de lost media! Eu fiz esse título do zero, pintei e ficou esse efeito diferente, demorou? Aham! Mas o resultado me deixou muito feliz. Obrigada romantiqs por pedir ela!
12. Perverso (JJK) - Dezembro
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A minha intenção com essa capa era uma e eu consegui cumprir, felizmente aparenta que o Gojo está puxando a Rapunzel para o quadro e era tudo o que eu queria. Uma dos meus sucessos e um presente para a amante de lilás aqui.
Mari, o que você tem pra me dizer depois disso tudo? O que eu disse no começo. Vá, faça, corra atrás! Eu tive capas ruins? Várias! Mas está tudo bem, ninguém nasce sabendo de tudo. Atualmente estou procurando um estilo e não vou descansar até achar. Eu acho que um dos maiores pecados atuais é ficar constantemente se comparando com os outros, e, na verdade, devemos usar eles de inspiração e não competitividade. Entendam uma coisa: capistas estão no mesmo mundo e precisam se ajudar. Aqueles que preferem manter tudo para si e eu sei que tem muitos, fiquem lá, mas aqueles que querem ajudar e deixar o Tumblr animado e tranquilo, continuem fazendo tutoriais, mostrando como finalizam suas capas, o que gostam de por nelas, tudo! Porque nós que tanto gostamos disso, abrimos um sorriso enorme quando somos ensinados por vocês. Eu não sou uma especialista, apenas alguém que gosta muito de se divertir e bater a cabeça enquanto capa.
Não estou tentando atacar ninguém ou citar nomes, até porque, não sou próxima de muitos capistas aqui, apenas amigos mesmo. Portanto, não leve para o coração caso tenha se sentido mal com algo daqui, mas caso, sim, reavalie o motivo pelo qual começou a capar e ganhar admiração dos outros. Vou deixar aqui uma lista de dez capistas que eu amo, mas é claro que para não ficar extenso, serão apenas dez.
@kenjicopy - A rainha das divertidas e meu apoio absoluto.
@aracnistaport - Capas darks e dicas de finalização são com ela.
@moonwos - Eu sou FÃ dessa aqui! Só faz obra-prima.
@anaharae-s - Não falo muito da Ana, mas é porque fico muito tempo apaixonada nas românticas dela.
@yourteght - Já chorei olhando as capas feitas por você.
@yizaicons - Se vocês querem APRENDER, tudo é com ELA.
@uchinata - Um doce de pessoa que faz capas muito LINDAS.
@tansshoku - Lembro de mostrar o seu perfil pra Carol, surtar e depois te ver no PROJETO, um AMOR.
@plttmdnigt - Oi, continua postando, é uma ORDEM!
@splendarte - Bom, o nome já fala por si só, né? Haha!
Já falei demais! Bom fim de ano e em breve meus pedidos estarão abertos. Sejam felizes em 2024, todos merecemos.
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skzoombie · 8 months
só queria um imagine do Kai sendo um papai bobão, será que é pedir muito? 😭
KAI como um PAPI
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Pai extremamente protetor e babão.
Ele teria ciúmes das pessoas que pegavam seus filhos no colo ou brincavam com eles.
Seria bem presente, teria prazer em aprender a trocar fralda, dar banho, fazer a mamadeira, entre outras coisas.
Dormiria abraçadinho com os filhos, os dois deitados no seu braço enquanto ele ficava cheirando o topo da cabeça deles.
Jongin provavelmente foi quem mais sofreu quando teve que deixar as crianças na escola e percebeu que estavam crescendo.
Registraria tudo, cada mínima conquista tinha fotos, e tudo revelado para não ter perigo de perder da memória do celular.
Adolescência seria uma fase frustrante, toda aquela energia 8 ou 80 dos filhos deixava ele confuso.
Kai era um pai extremamente parceiro mas quando percebesse que estavam escondendo coisas dele ou mentindo, ficaria decepcionado e precisaria de um tempo de reflexão.
Você poderia ser algo um tanto quanto braba(o) mas kai sempre conseguiria te acalmar.
Sempre incentivaria a conversa e odiava brigar com os filhos.
Pai que chora quando briga com eles e também chora com coisas que contavam da escola, pegava tudo para si.
Receberiam mesadas do pai porque ele queria que ambos já tivessem responsabilidade financeira.
Nos dias de folga, gostava de passear em lugares diferentes com a família toda.
Jongin ficaria na defensiva quando os dois adolescentes que tinha em casa começassem a namorar, pai no modo "perigoso".
Ele choraria quando visse eles se formando na escola.
Pai que morreria pela família.
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 4, 25 janvier 1902, Paris. No. 8. — Groupe de toilettes pour dames, jeunes filles et enfants. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(1) Robe pour fillette de 12 à 13 ans, en homespun beige. Jupe en forme rayée à mi-hauteur de galons marron foncé, fixés par un large biais piqué. Chemisette en panne marron foncé. Boléro carré rayé de galons comme la jupe. Col de panne. Manche écourtée sur un bouffant de liberty blanc; revers empire en panne.
(1) Dress for girls aged 12 to 13, in beige homespun. Mid-length striped skirt with dark brown braids, attached with a wide stitched bias. Dark brown distressed shirt. Square bolero striped with braid like the skirt. Pan collar. Shortened sleeve on a white liberty bouffant; reverse empire broken down.
Matériaux: 3m,50 de lainage; 1m,75 de panne.
(2) Peignoir simple pour jeune femme, en cachemire prélat. Des plis pincés vont du col au bas de la jupe; le devant s'ouvre sur un dessous en velours violet très sombre et sur les deux côtés se piquent de petits boutons de velours du même ton foncé. Col et revers en velours; manche évasée.
(2) Simple peignoir for young women, in prelate cashmere. Pinch pleats run from the collar to the bottom of the skirt; the front opens onto a very dark purple velvet underside and on both sides there are small velvet buttons of the same dark tone. Velvet collar and lapels; flared sleeve.
Matériaux: 5 mètres de lainage; 1m,50 de velours.
(3) Manteau pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en drap écossais de tons un peu vifs. Collet mi-long, orné de straps de drap noir dessinant des crosses; petite pèlerine très ajustée sur l'épaule par des pinces et bordée de straps.
Toquet de drap blanc garni de velours noir.
(3) Coat for young women or girls, in tartan cloth in slightly bright tones. Mid-length collar, decorated with black cloth straps forming crooks; small cape very fitted on the shoulder with darts and lined with straps.
White cloth cap trimmed with black velvet.
Matériaux: 0m,75 de drap noir; 2m,50 de drap écossais.
(4) Dos de la figure 2.
(5) Manteau pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en homespun vieux rose, mélangé, autour, straps de drap noir. Pèlerine avec croisillons de straps; col en forme et col rabattant.
(5) Coat for young women or girls, in old pink homespun, mixed, around, black cloth straps. Pilgrim with cross straps; shaped collar and turn-down collar.
Matériaux: 5 mètres d'homespun, 0m,75 de drap noir.
(6) Dos de la figure 1.
(7) Robe de réception pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen, en serge mélangée "banane". Robe princess garnie en échelle transversale irrégulière de straps de taffetas noir, grand col en forme faisant aussi revers, bordé de velours; écharpe de velours nouée devant et tombant en deux pans très longs; manche finissant au coude sous un parement Louis XV; bouffant de soie ivoire.
Chapeau de feutre beige, garni de plume de coq et de velours vieux rose.
(7) Reception dress for young or middle-aged ladies, in “banana” twill blend. Princess dress trimmed in irregular transverse scale with black taffeta straps, large shaped collar also turning up, edged with velvet; velvet scarf tied in front and falling in two very long sections; sleeve ending at the elbow under a Louis XV facing; ivory silk bouffant.
Beige felt hat, trimmed with rooster feather and old pink velvet.
Matériaux: 6 mètres se sege.
(8) Manteau pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en zibeline écossaise de tons fondus. Collet ample bordé d'un large straps de drap grenat et d'une frange. Empiècement frangé et bordé d'un straps. Col roulant doublé de velours grenat.
Tricorne de feutre blanc à bords de velours grenat; nœud aigrette en velours.
(8) Coat for young women or girls, in Scottish sable in melted tones. Loose collar edged with wide garnet cloth straps and fringe. Fringed yoke edged with straps. Roll neck lined with garnet velvet.
White felt tricorn with garnet velvet edges; velvet egret bow.
Matériaux: 3m,80 de zibeline; 0m,30 de drap.
(9) Dos de la figure 7.
(10) Costume de garçonnet de 10 à 11 ans, en serge bleu marine; culotte collante; blouse rentrée dans la ceinture; manche serrée au poignet par des plis.
(10) Suit for a boy aged 10 to 11, in navy blue serge; sticky panties; blouse tucked into the waistband; sleeve tightened at the wrist with pleats.
Matériaux: 3m,75 de serge.
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imninahchan · 14 days
nina ninoca, por que o francês centenário pelo qual você alimenta uma grande paixão tem cara de professor universitário de filosofia que fuma meio maço de derby durante as aulas? (não que isso não seja estranhamente atraente
e se não for filosofia ele dá aula de química (8 ou 80, sem meio termo) e ainda faz piadoca com os alunos sobre usar o conhecimento pra fazer substâncias ilícitas tal qual o moço de breaking bad
opinião unânime de que ele tem cara de professor universitário que fuma no pátio entre as aulas. Caso encerrado👩‍⚖️
eu sempre puxo sardinha pra minha área né, mas ele real parece muito os professores de meia idade que tem no meu departamento de clássicas. Nossa, mas só imaginar uma aula de grego ou latim com ele ME DÁ UM TESÃO (e olha que eu odeio latim. Ele tem cara de professor muito culto, que sabe citações de bibliografia de cor e que é bastante engajado. Aquele professor que tem a ficha limpinha, nenhum processo assédio em cima dele cof cof, e que encontra os alunos no barzinho mas só cumprimenta e faz uma piadinha. O professor que a matéria dele só tem uma ou duas avaliações e ele não faz chamada, passa documentário, os métodos de avaliação dele são tudo fora do tradicional, e empresta livro pra todo mundo.
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homomenhommes · 3 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … February 8
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1630 – One of the most learned men of his age, Pierre-Daniel Huet was a polymath—a philosopher, a scientist, a novelist, a cleric, and a member of the Académie française.
Pierre-Daniel Huet was born in the city of Caen in Normandy.At the age of eight he was sent to study with the Jesuits at the nearby Collège du Mont, where he immediately proved himself a brilliant student. He excelled in both sciences and letters, quickly learning Latin and Greek and also developing an enduring love for French literature, especially poetry.
In his early twenties he traveled north, first to Holland and then on to Sweden. In the Netherlands he met and had a love affair with Alexandre Morus. The two young men both had literary aspirations and encouraged each other in efforts to write poetry—enjoying some success. Indeed, Morus later went on to establish a modest reputation as a writer of Latin poetry.
Arriving in Sweden in 1652, Huet was received by Queen Christina, known as the "Minerva of the North" for her erudition and enthusiastic patronage of scholarship. Huet also enjoyed a very successful career at the French court. King Louis XIV granted him a pension in 1663. In 1670 Huet became the tutor of the king's son, the dauphin Louis, a post for which he was exceptionally well qualified.
Huet had founded an academy of sciences in Caen in 1661. There he pursued his numerous interests, studying and writing on anatomy, zoology, astronomy, and chemistry, as well as mathematics.
Huet was the author of the novel Le faux Ynca, ou Diane de Castro, probably written around 1667 but only published posthumously in 1728. He also wrote Traité de l'origine des Romans (Treatise of the origin of novels) (1666), the first history of the novel in Europe.
Noted as a philologist, Huet not only wrote poetry in Latin and Greek but also made numerous translations of and commentaries on ancient texts. His projects included Notae ad Anthologiam epigrammatum Graecorum (Notes on an anthology of epigrams of the Greeks) (1700), an annotated collection of mostly pederastic verse.
Huet wanted a career in the church from his earliest years, but it was only in 1671 that he received minor orders. He was named abbot in 1678 and seven years later was chosen by the king to be bishop of Soissons. Pope Innocent XI, who, as Philippe-Joseph Salazar puts it, "had no time for sodomites. . . nor for humanists who were too well versed in canon law," refused to confirm him in the post.
Under the succeeding pope, Alexander VIII, Huet was created bishop of Avranches in 1689. After ten years in that position he retired to the Jesuits' house in the Faubourg Saint-Jacques (a neighborhood that, as it happens, is now a center of Paris's gay community). Huet spent his last two decades in the Jesuits' facility, where, as Salazar states, "he held court, surrounded by younger men who seem to have helped him pass sweet old years, a seventeenth-century André Gide."
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1828 – Jules Verne, born (d.1905); a French author who pioneered the science-fiction genre, he is best known for novels such as Journey to the Center of The Earth (1864), 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1870), and Around the World in 80 Days (1873). Verne wrote about space, air and underwater travel before air travel and practical submarines were invented, and before practical means of space travel had been devised. He is the third most translated author in the world, according to Index Translationum. Some of his books have been made into films. Verne, along with H.G. Wells, is often popularly referred to as the "Father of Science Fiction".
Some historians and literary critics have theorized certain pederastic elements in the life and work of the writer. Jean Paulhan describes two main themes identified in Verne's work. First, that "in life we must, little by little, substitute in place of our natural father an older and better man than ourselves," and later that we will need likewise to substitute, in place of our wife, a male friend worthy of esteem and admiration. The second theme is that "the entire opus of Jules Verne has, as its purpose and secret, pederasty." His theme is picked up by a later work, that of Marc Soriano, who sees elements of "latent homosexuality, sublimated pederasty, and misogyny" in Verne's writings.
Verne's close and lasting friendship with Aristide Briand, whom he met in Nantes in 1876 when the young man was a fifteen year old lycéen and schoolmate of his son Michel, is also cited as a possible example of his attraction to youths. He frequently picked up Briand from the lycée and brought him to his house, and also used him as a character in A Long Vacation. Michel Larivière, in his Homosexuels et bisexuels célèbres points out an almost universal theme in the novels of "an older and more experienced man who offers support and affection to a young and very handsome boy." Examples of such pairs are Lord Glevanan with the young Robert Grant, in The Children of Captain Grant, the dashing Pencroft with the fifteen year old Herbert Brown, the "brave boy" whom he "loved as if he had been his own child," in The Mysterious Island, and Kaw-djer and Halg in The Survivors of the 'Jonathan,' of whose love he writes: "Halg was the only one able to move this disaffected man, who knew no love other than the one he felt for a child... Is it because they have some dim notion of this disproportion that, despite its resplendent beauty, such an emotion astonishes more than it charms other men, and seems inhuman to them, even though it is above them?"
Another indication of Verne's pederastic or homosexual leanings has been suggested in his purported lack of tolerance for women, who are largely absent from his works, or reduced to insignificance, or subjected to a ferocious misogyny. Likewise, the incident of the attack by his nephew, with whom he had entertained a long term and affectionate relationship, and which was hushed up by the local press, is held to be indicative of either a sexual relationship gone bad, or else an attack of jealousy at the arrival of a new love interest.
In a recent biography, his translator, William Butcher, in presenting evidence for Verne's homosexual leanings, also cites the fact that he only fathered one child, spent large periods of his life and both major journeys in the company of his close friend, the composer Aristide Hignard who was probably homosexual himself, and spiced up his letters to his editor, Pierre-Jules Hetzel, with double-entendres about oral sex.
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Neal Cassady (left) and Jack Kerouac
1926 – The American writer Neal Cassady was born on this date (d.1968). He was a major figure of the Beat Generation of the 1950s and the psychedelic movement of the 1960s. He served as the model for the character Dean Moriarty in Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road.
As a youth, Cassady was repeatedly involved in petty crime. He was arrested for car theft when he was 14, for shoplifting and car theft when he was 15, and for car theft and fencing when he was 16.
In 1941, the 15-year old Cassady met Justin W. Brierly, a prominent Denver educator. Brierly was well known as a mentor of promising young men, and, impressed by Cassady's intelligence, Brierly took an active role in Cassady's life over the next few years. He helped admit Cassady to East High School where he taught, encouraged and supervised his reading, and found employment for him. Cassady continued his criminal activities, however, and was repeatedly arrested from 1942 to 1944; on at least one of these occasions, he was released by law enforcement into Brierly's safekeeping.
In June 1944, Cassady was arrested for receipt of stolen property, and served eleven months of a one-year prison sentence. He and Brierly actively exchanged letters during this period even through Cassady's intermittent incarcerations; these represent Cassady's earliest surviving letters. Brierly, apparently a closeted homosexual, is also believed to have been responsible for Cassady's first homosexual experience.
In October 1945, after being released from prison, he married the fifteen-year-old LuAnne Henderson. In 1947, Cassady and his wife moved to New York City, where they met Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg through Hal Chase, another protégé of Justin W. Brierly's. He soon became friends with them and their acquaintances, some of whom later became members of the Beat Generation. He had a sexual relationship with Ginsberg that lasted off and on for the next twenty years, and he traveled cross-country with both Kerouac and Ginsberg on multiple occasions.
The volume of Ginsberg's writings to and about Cassady is enormous. He dedicated poems to Cassady and his letters are filled with his longing for Cassady.
Cassady first met author Ken Kesey during the summer of 1962, eventually becoming one of the Merry Pranksters, a group who formed around Kesey in 1964 and were proponents of the use of psychedelic drugs. During 1964, he served as the main driver of the bus Furthur, which was immortalized by Tom Wolfe's book, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. Cassady was also the inspiration for the main character of Ken Kesey's novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
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On February 3, 1968, Cassady attended a wedding party in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. Large quantities of drugs were consumed by Cassady and other guests. After the party he went walking along a railroad track to reach the next town, but passed out in the cold and rainy night wearing nothing but a T-shirt and jeans. In the morning, he was found in a coma by the track. Cassady was then transported to the closest hospital, where he died a few hours later on February 4, four days short of his forty-second birthday.
Cassady's autobiographical novel The First Third was published posthumously in 1971, three years after his death. His complete surviving letters are published in Grace Beats Karma: Letters from Prison (Blast, 1993) and Neal Cassady: Collected Letters, 1944-1967 (Penguin, 2007).
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1931 – The American film actor James Dean was born on this date (d.1955). Dean's status as a cultural icon is best embodied in the title of his most celebrated film, Rebel Without a Cause, in which he starred as troubled high school rebel Jim Stark. The other two roles that defined his star power were as the awkward loner Cal Trask in East of Eden, and as the surly, racist farmer Jett Rink in Giant. His enduring fame and popularity rests on only three films, his entire starring output. It's interesting to note one of his rare turns on Broadway included acting in André Gide's The Immoralist.
Today, Dean is often considered an icon because of his "experimental" take on life, which included what some refer to as an "ambivalent sexuality." There have been several accounts of Dean's sexual relationships with both men and women. William Bast was one of Dean's closest friends, a fact acknowledged by Dean's family. Dean's first biographer (1956), Bast was his roommate at UCLA and later in New York, and knew Dean throughout the last five years of his life. Bast has recently published a revealing update of his first book, in which, after years of successfully dodging the question as to whether he and Dean were sexually involved, he finally admitted that they were. In this second book Bast describes the difficult circumstances of their involvement and also deals frankly with some of Dean's other Gay relationships, notably the actor's friendship with Rogers Brackett, the influential producer of radio dramas who encouraged Dean in his career and provided him with useful professional contacts.
Journalist Joe Hyams suggests that any sexual acts Dean might have involved himself in appear to have been strictly "for trade," as a means of advancing his career. Val Holley notes that, according to Hollywood biographer Lawrence J. Quirk, Gay Hollywood columnist Mike Connolly "would put the make on the most prominent young actors, including Robert Francis, Guy Madison, Anthony Perkins, Nick Adams and James Dean."
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However, the "trade only" notion is debated by Bast and other Dean biographers. Indeed, aside from Bast's account of his own relationship with Dean, Dean's fellow biker and "Night Watch" member John Gilmore claims he and Dean "experimented" sexually on one occasion in New York, and it is difficult to see how Dean, then already in his twenties, would have viewed this as a "trade" means of advancing his career.
In his Natalie Wood biography, Gavin Lambert, himself part of the Hollywood Gay circles of the 50s and 60s, describes Dean as being Bisexual. Rebel director Nicholas Ray has also gone on record to say that Dean was Bisexual. Consequently, Robert Aldrich and Garry Wotherspoon's book Who's Who in Contemporary Gay and Lesbian History: From World War II to the Present Day (2001) includes an entry on James Dean.
Dean avoided the draft by registering as a "homosexual," then classified by the US government as a mental disorder. When questioned about his orientation, he is reported to have said, "Well, I'm certainly not going through life with one hand tied behind my back."
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Jack Larson with George "Superman" Reeves
1933 – The actor, librettist, screenwriter and producer Jack Larson was born on this date (d.2015). He was raised in Pasadena, California and is best known for his portrayal of Jimmy Olsen in the TV series Adventures of Superman.
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Jimmy and Clark
He has said that he found the role of the cub reporter to be a handicap due to its typecasting of him. He did not do much acting after that, mostly behind-the-scenes work — writing and production.
He was a guest actor on the series Lois and Clark as an aged Jimmy Olsen in the episode 'Brutal Youth', first broadcast in 1996. He had also appeared in an early episode of the TV series, Superboy.
He also had a quick cameo in an American Express Card commercial featuring Jerry Seinfeld and an animated Superman, (directed by David Kellogg).
In 2006, he appeared in Bryan Singer's film Superman Returns in a cameo role as "Bo the Bartender"; it was rumored prior to the film's release that his role would actually be Suicide Slum resident and Superman fan, Bibbo Bibbowski, a supporting character from the modern Superman comics. In one of Larson's Superman Returns scenes, where characters celebrate Superman's rescue of a plane, his character is shown wearing a bow tie in the style of Jimmy Olsen and hugging the film's incarnation of Jimmy Olsen played by Sam Huntington.
As a writer, Larson wrote the libretto to the opera Lord Byron to music by Virgil Thomson. Larson was the life-partner of director James Bridges. Their relationship lasted 35 years until Bridges' death on June 6, 1993. Prior to that, Larson was the companion of the acting legend Montgomery Clift.
He died on September 20, 2015 at the age of 87.
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1945 – France: The administration of General Charles de Gaulle decides to maintain the Vichy government’s decree establishing a discriminatory age of consent for same-sex acts. (straight was 15yo & same-sex was 21 !!)
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1951 – Today's the birthday of Rosario Crocetta, the former mayor of the Sicilian city of Gela, and the current President of Sicily. He was the first openly gay mayor in Italy when he became mayor of Gela in 2003. He became President of Sicily in 2012. Crocetta has received death threats in the face of his anti-mafia corruption crusades.Throughout his political career Crocetta has been a forthright proponent of the fight against organized crime in Sicily. Consequently, he has been the target of several Mafia attacks.
In 2003, a plot to kill Crocetta during the patronal feast of the Immaculate Conception involving a Lithuanian killer was thwarted by the local Carabinieri. After that episode, Crocetta was placed under security.
In 2008, a failed plan to kill Crocetta was made public by the district attorney of Caltanissetta; as a result, Crocetta was immediately placed under tighter security.
In 2010, a new assassination plot against Crocetta was thwarted, and five people affiliated with the local Mafia were arrested.
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1963 – Joshua Kadison, born in Los Angeles, California, is an American singer-songwriter, pianist, and writer. He is perhaps best known for the Top 40 hits "Jessie" and "Beautiful in My Eyes" from his debut album Painted Desert Serenade. He is the son of actress Gloria Castillo, who was the inspiration behind his song "Mama's Arms."
According to an early press release by EMI, "His maverick ways paid off in 1993 when EMI released his self-penned debut Painted Desert Serenade, a collection of introspective story songs including the break-through single "Jessie" and "When A Woman Cries," already covered by legends Joe Cocker and Smokey Robinson. "I was so used to being outside of whatever was going on that I didn't even think I'd get a record deal, much less have my songs played on the radio." This, from the young man who received the BMI Award for one of the most played songs of 1994. His international hit "Beautiful in My Eyes" is often played at weddings and peaked at #19 in the U.S. Billboard charts.
His second album, Delilah Blue, was less commercially successful. His collection of songs were closer to sonic novels than the ballads featured in his first album; he used John Steinbeck's book The Pearl as inspiration for a song of the same name. The single "Take it on Faith" failed to reach the Billboard Top 10, and shortly after, EMI voided its contract with Kadison.
In 1998, he published his book 17 Ways To Eat A Mango: A Discovered Journal Of Life On An Island Of Miracles and the 5-track-album Saturday Night In Storyville on his own label Storyville Records, selling it predominantly from his website. It was well received in Germany, where he continues to have a huge following. In 1999 he released another album via his website called "Troubador In A Timequake," which was the first CD to include "My Father's Son." He is quoted to have said that it was a song written about his father, Ellis Kadison, who had recently died.
Shortly after, he signed a new deal with EMI Germany and his album Vanishing America was released. The album, released in May 2001, dealt with his disillusionment with the lost values of America. The album was a collection of songs that told stories about people not realizing their own beauty and full potential. Ironically, the album was never distributed in the United States.
In 2005, Kadison relaunched his career on his self-run website "Radio Humanity." He later bought back his previous website address and re-launched it. The Venice Beach Sessions was released as a download-only album in two parts, including a selection titled "Over The Sad Songs;" this was thought to be inspired by his recently dissolved relationship. Kadison has long been openly bisexual, which he once made mention of on his website's forum. The discussion which ensued caused him to shut down the site for some time before it was eventually relaunched. His sexuality does not seem to have affected his popularity and sales one way or the other, and certainly has not diminished either.
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1975 – Jonah Blechman is an American actor. He has appeared in This Boy's Life with Leonardo DiCaprio and stars in Another Gay Movie alongside Jonathan Chase and Michael Carbonaro, and the sequel Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!.
He is probably most known for an infamous kiss with Leonardo DiCaprio in the film This Boy’s Life.
Jonah Blechman's acting career first began when he was just 16 years old. His career began with roles in "The Commish" (1991-95) and "Walker, Texas Ranger" (CBS, 1992-2001). He also appeared in the TV movie "Empty Cradle" (ABC, 1993-94).
Following the release of Another Gay Movie, Blechman came out as gay
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Jim Verraros (dark hair) and Bill Brennan
1983 – Today's the birthday of American singer, songwriter and actor Jim Verraros, born in Chicago, Illinois as James Verraros. Both his parents are deaf.
The responsibility of having to interpret for his parents led Verraros to relating more with people older than him, than those his own age. He discovered that he is gay when he was around twelve or thirteen years old, and his sexuality led to him being bullied during middle school. High school marked an improvement for him - he became active in theater and went on to attend Monmouth College on a theater scholarship.
Verraros was a participant in the first season of the American broadcast of American Idol (2002) and starred in the independent Gay film Eating Out (2004).
Prior to competing on American Idol, Verraros kept an online journal, in which he was open about being gay. The Advocate, an American LGBT-interest magazine, discovered this journal and contacted Fox with a request to interview Verraros.
Verraros quickly became a celebrity in the American Gay press because of a controversy that erupted when Fox Broadcasting Company made him remove Gay-related comments from his network-sponsored American Idol web site in the summer of 2002. However, Jim Verraros later stated that "it wasn't because I was gay. It was because they thought I was trying to gain more votes and have that little extra edge." While Verraros was out to fellow contestants and Idol employees, he did not mention his homosexuality on air. Following the end of the show and the subsequent tour, Verraros came out publicly in an article in The Advocate.
In 2005, Verraros met enterpreneur Bill Brennan through Myspace. After learning that they only lived twenty minutes away from each other, the two of them decided to meet in person. Four years later, on September 6, 2009, they married each other in a very small ceremony in their home state of Illinois – despite gay marriage being illegal there. They made it legal on July 24, 2011 in New York.
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1990 – US Senate passes hate-crimes statistics act, requiring the federal government to compile data on hate crimes against gays and lesbians. It’s the first US law that recognizes gays and lesbians.
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1994 – The European Parliament, meeting in Strasbourg, approves a resolution initiated by Claudia Roth, representing Germany’s Green Party, that affirms a broadly defined gay and lesbian rights agenda, including the right to marry.
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idollete · 1 month
diva, como vc acha que eles reagiriam com a leitora de lingerie em alguma ocasião? com direito a cinta liga (babilônico)
já falei um tiquinho disso aqui, então, nesse vou falar de outras pessoas do cast
💭: você resolveu fazer uma surpresinha pra eles depois de um dia cansativo
fernando contigiani: ele para no batente da porta assim que te vê, nem consegue controlar o sorriso de quem adorou o que viu (ele vai dar literalmente aquela risada do edward em amanhecer pt 1 quando a bella tá tentando dar o bote), vai te dar uma secada da cabeça aos pés, mas vai decidir que quer e precisa ver de perto, quer vez todos os detalhes rendados, a cinta liga marcando as coxas, a calcinha tão pequena que não cobre absolutamente nada. vai de mansinho até a ponta da cama, pega uma das suas pernas pela panturrilha, faz uma mensagem, encara sem vergonha alguma o meio das suas pernas, é tão sacana que umedece os lábios. "tudo isso é pra mim, é?" "uhum, só pra você" ele puxa um tico as suas pernas, só pra te deixar mais abertinha "então, é melhor eu começar a aproveitar lodo o meu presente " e a primeira coisa que ele faz é cair de boca em você enquanto te chama de gostosa
fran: esse aqui chega em casa te berrando, nem esperou uma resposta pra começar a desabafar sobre como foi o dia dele, reclamando do colega que não suporta e dizendo que precisa de um bom banho e muitos beijinhos seus pra ficar bom de novo. fran só cala a boca quando te vê deitada na cama e a primeira reação dele é soltar uma risada nervosa, vai te perguntar "que es eso, gordis?", e fica completamente tontinho ao reparar em como os seus peitos estão espremidos no sutiã e os biquinhos aparecem no tecido transparente. ele não se aguenta, vai avançar em ti e a primeira coisa que faz é enterrar o rosto no vão dos seus seios
santi: ele fica preocupado quando não te vê na sala, mas pensa que você pode estar dormindo, ele tá completamente distraído enquanto pensa sobre mil e quinhentas coisas ao mesmo tempo e quando te vê parece que a mente dele esvaziou e ele não consegue pensar em mais nada, absolutamente nada. ele não consegue nem te cumprimentar de tão mexido que ficou. o lance é que santi é muito 8 ou 80, às vezes ele toma uma atitude, mas quase sempre é você quem tome as rédeas na maioria das vezes. só que nesse dia ele te surpreendeu quando quase voou em cima de ti, te agarrando num beijo desesperado e cheio de vontade, é nesse cenário que ele perde o controle. fica completamente overwhelmed e tudo que faz é pensando que o pau tá pra explodir nas calças a qualquer momento, ele vai meter afobado, vai te comer com a lingerie mesmo, só arreda pro lado (coisa que ele nunca fez na vida) e te dá uma verdadeira surra de piroca, você é quem acaba surpreendida no final
rafa: ele tava pronto pra chegar no quarto e se jogar na cama pra ganhar um cafuné teu e o mundo dele e abala toooooodinho quando te vê. ele fica parado no meio do quarto, não vai ter atitude, porque não consegue organizar os pensamentos também. é você quem o chama com o dedinho e ele vai na mesma da hora, ainda incerto. precisa que você coloque a mão dele no seu seio pra que ele reaja, aí ele vai apertar, vai te admirar da cabeça aos pés, acabando por ficar vidrado em um detalhe da tua calcinha, que parece tão delicadinha. ele COM CERTEZA vai te pedir pra sentar na cara dele depois disso
della corte: eu tenho uma opinião de que o della corte é outro cara que é todo desligadão do mundo, então, ele vai entrar no quarto com a mente em nárnia, doido pra tomar um bom banho e ficar de chamego contigo como vocês fazem todos os dias, ele passa direto, te olha rápido e só dá um "boa noite, paixão! como foi seu dia hoje?". você não se ofende, sabe que não é por mal, e nem precisou chamar a atenção dele porque ele meio parou no lugar que tava e virou pra te encarar. é tão engaçado que você acaba caindo na gargalhada e ele fica super sem graça, te chamando de boba, quando ele é quem tá com a maior cara de bobo te encarando. você não consegue parar de rir e ele, jurando que acabou com o clima, vai te dar um puxão pela perna e é aí que você para na hora, chega se entala com o contato abrupto e percebe que o olhar dele mudou da água pro vinho, ele tá te olhando como se fosse capaz de te devorar. vai te dizer que você é a mulher mais fascinante que ele já conheceu. "eu sinto muito, porque você se arrumou toda linda pra mim, mas eu vou te bagunçar toda agora"
agustín lain: ele também é do tipo que chega berrando em casa, mas é só porque é atentado mesmo, chega te chamando e faz o maior drama quando você não responde, porque sabe que você tá acordada. começa a dizer que "é, não se fazem mais namoradas como antes, né, bem que minha mãe me avisou..." vai chegar no quarto todo bicudo, mas perde a marra na hora que te vê e você vai provocar ele um pouquinho, sim. "ah, é, agustín? vai lá dormir na sua mãe, então" e, de propósito, vai virar de bruços, dando as costas pra ele, mas exibindo também o fio dental minúsculo (ele é doido por bunda i know this for a FACT) e aí ele perde tudo, vai soltar um "puta madre..." e vai todo desesperado pra cima da cama, te pedindo desculpas e dizendo que a mãe dele só fala besteira, fica repetindo isso até você dizer "nossa, cara, cala essa boca, para de falar da tua mãe e me beija logo" e ele só responde com um "ay, dios mío", porque ele adora quando você manda nele assim (aqui nesse perfil só vivemos por agustín lain pau mandado de mulher!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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Some primary sources
I plan to add more whenever I find more.
Historie Parlamentaire de la Révolution Française ou Journal des Assemblées Nationales, depuis 1789 jusqu’en 1815
Volume 1 (May 1789) Volume 2 (June-September 1789) Volume 3 (September-December 1789) Volume 4 (December 1789-March 1790) Volume 5 (March-May 1790) Volume 6 (May-August 1790) Volume 7? Volume 8 (November 1790-February 1791) Volume 9 (February-May 1791) Volume 10 (May-July 1791) Volume 11 (July-September 1791) Volume 12 (September-December 1791) Volume 13 (January-March 1792) Volume 14 (April-June 1792) Volume 15 (June-July 1792) Volume 16 (July-August 1792) Volume 17 (August-September 1792) Volume 18 (September 1792) Volume 19 (September-October 1792) Volume 20 (October-November 1792) Volume 21 (November-December 1792) Volume 22 (December 1792-January 1793) Volume 23 (January 1793) Volume 24 (February-March 1793) Volume 25 (March-April 1793) Volume 26 (April-May 1793) Volume 27 (May 1793) Volume 28 (July-August 1793) Volume 29 (September-October 1793) Volume 30 (October-December 1793) Volume 31 (November 1793-March 1794) Volume 32 (March-May 1794) Volume 33 (May-July 1794) Volume 34 (July-August 1794)
Recueil des actes du comité de salut public Volume 1 (August 12 1792-January 21 1793) Volume 2 (January 22-March 31 1793) Volume 3 (April 1-May 5 1793) Volume 4 (6 May-18 June 1793) Volume 5 (19 June-15 August 1793) Volume 6 (15 August-21 September 1793) Volume 7 (22 September-24 October 1793) Volume 8 (25 October-26 November 1793) Volume 9 (27 November-31 December 1793) Volume 10 (1 January-8 February 1794) Volume 11 (9 February-15 March 1794) Volume 12 (16 March-22 April 1794) Volume 13 (23 April-28 May 1794) Volume 14 (29 May-7 July 1794) Volume 15 (8 July-9 August 1794)
Recueil de documents pour l’histoire du club des Jacobins de Paris Volume 1 (1789-1790) Volume 2 (January-July 1791) Volume 3 (July 1791-June 1792) Volume 4 (June 1792-January 1793) Volume 5 (January 1793-March 1794) Volume 6 (March-November 1794)
Histoire du tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris: avec le journal de ses actes. Volume 1  Volume 2  Volume 3  Volume 4  Volume 5 
Papiers inédits trouvés chez Robespierre, Saint-Just, Payan etc Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3
Oeuvres complètes de Robespierre Volume 1 (Robespierre à Arras) Volume 2 (Les œuvres judiciaires) Volume 3 is the correspondence, listed below Volume 4 (Le defenseur de la Constitution) Volume 5 (lettres à ses comettras) Volume 6 (speeches 1789-1790) Volume 7 (speeches January-September 1791) Volume 8 (speeches October 1791-September 1792) Volume 9 (speeches September 1792-June 27 1793) Volume 10 (speeches June 27 1793-July 27 1794)
Oeuvres de Maximilien Robespierre (not the same as Oeuvres completés) Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3
Oeuvres de Jerome Pétion Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4
Oeuvres complètes de Saint-Just Volume 1 Volume 2
Oeuvres littéraires de Hérault de Séchelles (1907)
Oeuvres de Danton (1866) 
Discours de Danton (1910) by André Fribourg
Works by Desmoulins
La France Libre (1789)
Discours de la Lanterne aux Parisiens (1789)
Révolutions de France et de Brabant (1789-1791) Volume 1 (number 1-13) Volume 2 (number 14-26) Volume 3 (number 27-39) Volume 4 (number 40-52) Volume 5 (number 53-65) Volume 6 (number 66-79) Volume 7 (number 80-86)
La Tribune des Patriots (1792) (all numbers)
Le Vieux Cordelier (1793-1794) (all numbers)
Jean Pierre Brissot démasqué (1792)
Histoire des Brissotins (1793)
Correspondance de Maximilien et Augustin Robespierre (1926)
Correspondance de George Couthon (1872)
Correspondance inédit de Camille Desmoulins (1836)
Correspondance inédite de Marie-Antoinette (1864)
Billuad-Varennes — mémoires et correspondance
Correspondance de Brissot
Lettres de Louis XVI: correspondance inédite, discours, maximes, pensées, observations etc (1862)
Lettres de Madame Roland (1900)  Volume 1  Volume 2
Correspondance inédite de Mlle Théophile Fernig (1873)
Journal d’une bourgeoise pendant la Révolution 1791-1793 by Rosalie Jullien (1881)
Memoirs of Bertrand Barère Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4
Memoirs of Élisabeth Lebas In French In English
Mémoires de Charlotte Robespierre sur ses deux frères (1835) In French In English
Memoirs of Joseph Fouché Volume 1 (English) Volume 2 (French)
Mémoires de Brissot (1877)
Mémoires inédits de Pétion et mémoires de Buzot et Barbaroux (1866)
Memoirs of Barras — member of the Directorate (1899)
Mémoires inédits de madame la comtesse de Genlis depuis 1756 jusqu’au nos jours  Volume 1  Volume 2  Volume 3  Volume 4  Volume 5  Volume 6  Volume 7  Volume 8  Volume 9  Volume 10
Mémoires de Madame Roland  Volume 1  Volume 2
Mémoires de Louvet (1862)
Memoirs of the Duchess de Tourzel: Governess to the Children of France During the Years 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793 and 1795  Volume 1  Volume 2
Révélations puisées dans les cartons des comités de salut public et de sûreté générale, ou Mémoires (inédits) de Sénart, agent du gouvernement révolutionnaire (1824)
Free books
Danton (1978) by Norman Hampson (borrowable for an hour, renewable every hour)
Robespierre (2014) by Hervé Leuwers (borrowable for an hour, renewable every hour)
Collot d’Herbois — légendes noires et Révolution (1995) by Michel Biard 
Choosing Terror (2014) by Marisa Linton
The Coming of the Terror in the French Revolution (2015) by Timothy Tackett
Augustin: the younger Robespierre by (2011) by Mary-Young
Journaliste, sans-culotte et thermidorien: le fils de Fréron, 1754-1802, d’après des documents inédits (1909) by Raoul Arnaud
Un Champion de la Royauté au début de la Révolution - François Louis Suleau (1907) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Camille Desmoulins and his wife — passages from the history of the dantonists (1876) by Jules Claretie
Vadier, président du Comité de sûreté générale sous la Terreur d’après des documents inédits (1896) by Albert Tournier
Mémoires historiques et militaires sur Carnot (1824)
Le Puy-de-Dôme en 1793 et le Proconsulat de Couthon (1877) by Francisque Mège
Le procès des Dantonistes, d'après les documents, précédé d'une introduction historique. Recherches pour servir à l'histoire de la révolution française (1879) edited by Dr. Jean François Eugène Robinet
Robert Lindet, député à l'Assemblée législative et à la Convention, membre du Comité de salut public, ministre des finances : notice biographique (1899) by Amand Montier
Prieur de la Côte-d'Or (1900) by Paul Gaffarel
Un épicurien sous la Terreur; Hérault de Séchelles (1759-1794); d'après des documents inédits (1907) by Emile Dard
Twelve Who Ruled (1941) by R. R. Palmer (borrowable for an hour, renewable every hour)
Bertrand Barère: A Reluctant Terrorist (1963) by Leo Gershoy (borrowable for an hour, renewable every hour)
Saint-Just : sa politique et ses missions (1976) by Jean-Pierre Gross (borrowable for an hour, renewable every hour)
The Glided Youth of Thermidor (1993) by François Gendron
Pauline Léon, une républicaine révolutionnaire by Claude Guillon
Billaud-Varenne: Géant de la Révolution (1989) by Arthur Conte
When the King Took Flight (2003) by Timothy Tackett (borrowable for an hour, renewable every hour)
Joseph Le Bon, 1765-1795; la terreur à la frontière (1932) by Louis Jacob  Volume 1  Volume 2
Resources shared by other tumblr users (thank you all very much!!!)
Resources shared by @iadorepigeons
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Fabre d’Eglantine resources shared by @edgysaintjust
Saint-Just resources shared by @sieclesetcieux
Saint-Just resources shared by @orpheusmori
Marat resources shared by @orpheusmori
My own translations
Lucile Desmoulins’ diary (1788, 1789, 1790, 1792-1793)
Charlotte Robespierre et ses amis (1961)
Laponneraye on the life of Charlotte Robespierre (1835)
Abbé Proyart on the childhood of Robespierre (1795)
Regulations for the internal exercises of the College of Louis-le-Grand (1769)
Regulations for law students at Louis-le-Grand (1782)
Belongings left by Danton, Fabre and Desmoulins after their arrest
Letters from Robespierre’s father
Robespierre family timeline
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