n1ghtblossom · 2 months
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cosmonautroger · 5 months
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deathwi1tch · 2 years
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... I'm horny
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resalioo · 24 days
F. è una ragazza dal cuore inquieto, curiosa del mondo e delle persone, ha un'anima libera. Zaino in spalla e si parte, sempre pronta ad esplorare nuovi angoli del mondo, tra paesaggi mozzafiato e culture diverse. La sua anima vibrante trova nutrimento nell'arte: visita mostre con entusiasmo, perdendosi tra pennellate di colore e sculture evocative.
Nelle sue vene scorre una melodia inarrestabile che fa ascoltare a pochi. Canta e balla anche se non le riesce benissimo, ma la fa sentire libera, dando vita ad emozioni che si intrecciano con le note. Il suo talento si manifesta anche nel dipingere, dove linee delicate prendono vita su carta, raccontando storie fantastiche e mondi immaginari.
F. è un vortice di energia e passione, istintiva, fugace, diretta e molto dura con sé stessa e la vita. Una musa ispirata dalla bellezza, anche se complicata, del mondo che la circonda. La sua vitalità contagiosa e il suo entusiasmo per la vita sono una fonte di ispirazione per chiunque la incontri. può destare fastidio la sua irrefrenabile voglia di sapere, di ironizzare anche su cose difficili, ma preferisce il sorriso rispetto ad una tremenda tristezza che molto spesso già si porta dentro.
F. si stupisce ancora per le piccole cose, per i fiori che sbocciano a primavera, per delle carezze date con spontaneità e per un'accurata e sensibile sincerità.
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Wednesday:if you had to kill me how would you?
Enid:*sits up to look at her* what?
Wednesday:i said if you had to kill me how would you.
Enid:why do you ask questions like this?
Wednesday:you told me to take a interest into your life
Enid:that means asking how my day was or how im feeling not asking how would i kill you at 3:00 a.m in the morning!
Wednesday: Well how would you?
Enid:im not answering this,why cant you be a normal girlfriend?
Wednesday:there is no such thing as a 'normal' girlfriend
Enid:at least let me sleep
Wednesday:fine,I'll ask you again in a hour
Enid:*covers face with hands* i made a mistake,but i love her,but i still made a mistake i should know from the stalking problem i need to be careful what i say.
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sofysta · 1 year
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eva-72 · 9 months
أنا معي ورد لكن مامعي موعد
اللي مواعد حبيبه ياخذ ورودي.
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mach1nat1on · 9 months
Séraphin silently adjusts Cyrille’s wedding attire, peacefully quiet despite he busy halls outside the crown princes dressing room. Séraphin’s hand resting on the brooch decorated with the Lecair family crest after ensuring it’s secure. A sullen look on his face, barely hidden sorrow pooling in his eyes as though it’s a funeral. For Séraphin’s heart, it may as well be; his heart lost in the mountain of wedding gifts for the crown prince and a noble woman of high birth. Served with a shining ribbon in a beautiful box to be presented at the end of the ceremonies and parties.
The prince doesn’t know that though, even as he cups the cheek of his advisor, examining the younger mans face as if he could spot whats wrong. “You look like you’re sending me across the river to our deities above” the prince quips, fondly smiling as his advisor looks to him. “I just can’t believe you’re getting married before me” his advisor cheekily responds, as if his heart wasn’t stuck in his throat, desperate to string words together in a lovely confession. Yet Séraphin pulls away, and Cyrille is reminded again of how cold his hands feel when they aren’t cupping his dearest friends face.
“Best you get going, the preparations are almost done, your majesty.” Séraphin states, distant in tone as he walks to the other side of the room to act like he’s busy cleaning up a very small mess.
“already? here I was thinking I could enjoy my last moments of bachelordom for a while longer…”
“her highness is on her way, it’s rude to keep a lady waiting; especially your future bride”
Cyrille can’t help but notice the distance between them. Physically and emotionally.
“Must you be so proper? I remember when we first met. Wild and young as you climbed onto that horses back like you had done so a thousand times before” His majesty reminisces as he picks up a book, lessons from his now faraway youth. Cyrille continues speaking as he walks to Séraphin, a gentle smile on his face.
Séraphin doesn’t seem to notice, or care when he replies.
“It’s because I had, my mother had me riding horses before I could even run straight.”
“My point is my dear, you were always so free and happy, now you’re all serious and rule abiding-”
Suddenly, Séraphin can’t seem to pay attention to the books in his hand, or whatever else his majesty says after the words ‘my dear’. It makes the tips of his ears burn red, hiding his face by turning away and putting the remaining books onto the shelf in front of him. His red ears don’t go unnoticed, Cyrille’s laughter echoing in the room. Charming and warm like a stoked flame in winter. “And to think you’d turn such a lovely shade of red”
Séraphin stammers, collecting himself as he turns to his prince. “You-!”
Cyrille laughter slowly dies down again, a satisfied grin settling on his face as he looks to Séraphin with amusement dancing in his eyes.
“you better get to the wedding Cyrille! you’ll be late at this rate!” Séraphin changes the subject quickly, ignoring the flaring heat in his cheeks and the back of his neck.
“but what if I want to be late?”
“You absolutely cannot! not this time!” Séra crosses his arms, a stern look on his face. Eyeing the groom with a raised brow.
“Séra….” Cyrille pouts innocently, but it’s short lived as Séraphin winds up again.
“no! I will be the one in trouble if you’re late so shoo! you’re already ready, you just have to make it there on time!
The groom huffs, finally heading towards the door to leave. Just when Séraphin is ready to sink to the floor, his prince speaks up again.
“….yes?” worried, he looks to the prince. The door cracked open and he can simply feel the vulnerability the prince exudes in this moment.
“you’ll be with me till the end right?”
“of course, my prince.”
silence. uncomfortable silence.
“now go. go get married. do not leave the future Queen waiting”
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xinthislonelyhourx · 1 year
Is it weird that I'm craving store-bought ramen bowls you just add hot water to from the grocery store at 3:00 am? Yes, I am.
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s-atrn · 1 year
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We all have our own say of what love is, and what it is not. I just hope mine isn't another synonym for disaster.
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n1ghtblossom · 2 months
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i-fk-everything-up · 1 year
I miss you.
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yeesiine · 2 years
Lyrics hit different at night.
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resalioo · 2 months
ho capito che a me manca proprio il desiderio di restare ore a parlare con la stessa persona. magari dopo una serata in compagnia, si va via anche 5 Min prima per parlare di tutto, della serata, ridere insieme, condividere sguardi, sorrisi, baci e carezze. Sono proprio queste le cose belle della vita e quando capitano io ancora me ne sorprendo perché vuol dire che la mia semplicità e sensibilità viene capita,che l'interesse nello stare insieme è reciproco e che anche 2 Min in più insieme abbracciati fa la differenza.
piccole attenzioni nulla di più
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endlessmidnights · 1 year
When a sudden wave of depression hits at 3:00 am, and you realize you are the embodiment of a stereotypical depressed person
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