#30k of shenanigans
luxaofhesperides · 5 months
Ghostlights as college roommates and maybe some identity shenanigans thrown in would be so fun! Maybe dannys doing a little vigilante work on the side as well to up the secret identity mayhem
Danny would like to say his college career is going well. Gotham isn’t where he was expecting to pursue higher education, but the engineering scholarship he got through the Wayne Educational Foundation was just too good to turn down. It even covered the cost of an apartment! Although, the apartment is shared with another student who got a Wayne scholarship. 
Even with that, Danny lucked out and got a great roommate. Duke Thomas is chill, kind, respects Danny’s space and doesn’t throw wild parties or invite random people in at all hours of the day. He even joins Danny twice a week for study sessions!
Really, it would be the perfect college experience except for one thing: the ghosts.
Danny thought they’d stay in Amity Park. They had no reason to stray from the city where the portal was, and his parents are more than enough to keep most ghosts away. It took his friends, Jazz, and even Vlad to convince Danny that he wasn’t abandoning Amity Park and that the city wouldn’t fall while he took a few years to focus on himself. 
He worried right up until he got to GCU and walked the campus for the first time. Then he decided to enjoy the four years he had on the scholarship to get his degree and live his own life like a normal person.
To say he’s pissed about the ghosts is an understatement. 
The one thing he was looking forward to most is not being Phantom. Gotham is home to the Bats and they’re more than capable of handling everything in the city. It means there’s no need for him here and he can focus on school and enjoy going on invisible flights without worrying about being hunted down or having to fight a ghost. 
“Are you fucking kidding me,” he mutters under his breath as he feels the familiar chill race up his throat, A cold mist wafts out of his mouth, curling around his words, and Danny quickly ducks his head and hides it from sight. 
“Did you say something?” Duke asks, looking up from where he leans against the kitchen counter, squinting at a recipe on his phone. 
“Nah,” Danny lies. “Just stressing.” He gestures to the papers he has spread out on the dining table, then stands up. “I’m gonna take a walk. Maybe that’ll get my brain to work correctly tonight.”
“Got your phone on you?”
Danny reflexively drops a hand to his pocket, checking that his phone is where it’s supposed to be. It’s what Duke asks every single time Danny mentions going out, worried about Danny being unprepared for Gotham. It’s nice of him, though Danny does wish he can say that he’s survived a lot worse than a few muggers. 
“Got it.”
“Alright. I’ll try to work on dinner while you’re out.”
Danny nods and offers Duke a small wave before pulling his shoes on at the door. He grabs his keys and heads out, double checking that the door is locked behind him. 
Then he glances around the hallway, checking that the coast is clear, and pulls up the chill of awareness in his chest. Slowly, he breathes out, watching the blue mist waft out and lead towards the stairwell. 
“Wonder who it is this time,” he mutters to himself, going into the cold, concrete stairwell. It always feels a little off in there, as if he’s been removed from the rest of the world when the door closes behind him. His footsteps echo oddly in the space, so Danny chooses to fly instead, keeping his feet off the floor. 
A few flights down is when he sees her: pale and translucent, a faint blue glow around her. She’s a familiar face. Emilia is one of the first of Gotham’s ghosts he’s met, leading to the rather unpleasant realization that ghosts don’t only come from the Infinite Realms. There’s a strange sort of magic in the very foundations of Gotham that makes it the way it is, creating ghosts that are different enough from what he’s used to that it leaves him off balance. 
Gotham keeps her dead. Few get to pass on peacefully, and most have to wait until they grow weak and wither away, a second death, before they can be released from the living realm. The ghosts of Gotham are pale and weak, for the most part, and try to cling to him so grow stronger from his ectoplasm. 
Most want him to help them pass on, or give them a way into the Infinite Realms. Some want him to bring justice to their killers. Others want to kill him and take his ectoplasm for their own so they can continue their reign of terror in Gotham, unable to be stopped even in death. 
Emilia gives him warnings. It’s not always her, but she tends to be the one to draw him out of his apartment, pulling him into a vigilante lifestyle because he can’t bring himself to refuse anyone who asks for his help, and the dead in Gotham have no one else to ask.
“Danny,” she greets. “Nueve is out again. He’s going after the ghosts near Chantilly Street.”
“The sun isn’t even down yet,” Danny grumbles. Nueve, an old gang enforcer who died a few decades ago, cannibalizes other ghosts. It doesn’t destroy the other ghosts, not really, but it makes them feel pain when they shouldn’t be able to feel much at all. Taking their limited reserves of ectoplasm makes him momentarily stronger, and he uses that stolen strength to try to harm the living.
He’s been successful a few times. Danny makes sure to rip him apart as much as possible these days; he won’t be here forever, but he’s hoping that within his four years at GCU, he’ll be able to permanently stop Nueve.
Times like these, he misses having a Fenton Thermos with him. Though he’s not entirely sure it would work on Gotham’s ghosts with how different they are. 
Emilia follows him down the stairwell to the ground floor. Once there, Danny shoves his hand into the floor, taking out the backpack he’s hidden in it. He’s done this change of clothes so often he can do it in just a minute now, hiding his face and pulling on gloves beneath a large hoodie with old ectoplasm stains along the sleeves and hem. A gas mask is pulled on as well, covering the bottom half of his face, a necessary addition to his Ghost Work Outfit™ after he almost got caught in some Fear Gas during Scarecrow’s last attack. 
“Alright,” he says, “Lead the way.”
Emilia takes off through the wall and Danny hurries to follow, going invisible as he hits the streets. 
It’s still early evening, the sun not yet fully set. Plenty of people walk along the sidewalks and cars pass by endlessly, honking at each other as they try to go twenty above the speed limit. Danny does his best to avoid running into everyone, deftly dodging the reaching hands of a few ghosts who spot him as he sprints by. 
They only go a few blocks away from his apartment building, turning into a dead end alley where a group of teens (living, for once) are stuck with their backs to the wall, clinging to each other as they warily watch the man in front of them carelessly twirl a gun around his finger. 
The man makes a strange clicking noise in the back of his throat, and it takes Danny a moment to realize that he’s trying to talk. 
Still invisible, Danny sneaks around to stand in front of the teens, ready to bodily protect them. The man looks alive, and Danny see any ghosts around save for Emilia, standing at the mouth of the alley. There’s something strange about him; his movements seem just a little off, not quite as fluid as they should be. It’s not the movement of someone on drugs. It’s something that screams uncanny valley.
The gun’s handle drops solidly into the man’s palm. He makes another few clicks, then raising the gun to point at the teens.
“Bad idea, pal,” Danny says dropping his invisibility. The teens behind him startle, gasping and trying to press themselves further into the wall. 
The man’s eyes flash weakly and the pieces click into place in Danny’s mind. Nueve must have gotten strong enough to possess someone. That is… alarming, to say the least.
He rips the gun out of the man’s hand and tosses it aside. Then he pushes away the man’s arm when Nueve makes a clumsy attempt to punch him. With his chest left wide open and undefended, Danny takes the chance to shove his hand into the man’s chest, feeling for the familiar chill of a ghost. 
And then he wraps his fingers tight around it and pulls out Nueve, leaving the man to collapse. 
The teens behind him scream and Danny winces. 
Pulling out a faintly glowing human figure from someone’s physical body does not look good. It’s the best way to end a possession, but it does look alarmingly like he’s just ripped someone’s soul out of their body.
Keeping hold of Nueve’s ghost, Danny steps to the side. “You guys should go now. Take care.”
The teens don’t need any more prompting. They take off in a run, tripping over each other in their haste to get away.
Danny spares a glance to the man unconscious on the ground, but there’s nothing he can do with an angry ghost in his hands, so he has no choice but to leave him there as he flies up to a rooftop farther down the street. 
“How many times do we need to do this, Nueve?” he asks tiredly, shaking the ghost.
“These streets should be mine!” Nueve howls, trying to break free of Danny’s grasp. But he’s quickly growing weak, his energy fading, and Danny’s holding back his own ectoplasm as tightly as he can. “They may have killed me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still take what I’m owed!”
“Dude, you’re dead. There’s nothing here for you. Move on.”
“You don’t get to speak on this, outsider. You think a freak like you has an say over us? You can’t stop us. You don’t even know what’s coming.”
Danny squints at him. “What, are you planning a heist or something? With your gang of dead people too weak to lift a piece of paper?”
“We’re not all dead. We’ve got living folk helping us and we’ll be taking you out first when we hit the streets.”
“Good luck with that,” Danny says flatly, “Begone with you.” 
Without giving Nueve a chance to say another word, he rips Nueve’s head off his body. His ghost wavers, then dissipates like smoke, fading away. 
Another side effect of whatever it is Gotham does to her dead: their ghost forms are remarkably fragile and it takes only a bit of strength to tear them to shreds, giving him some peace before they reform again. It won’t stop Nueve from striking out again, gathering enough strength until he’s able to possess some other unfortunate soul, but Danny’s bought himself some time to figure out what the hell was he talking about?
There are living folk involved with whatever he’s planning. It’s probably another gang, maybe someone with magic who is able to see ghosts? Which is not great. Danny doesn’t know much about magic; even when facing ghosts who used magic or magical artifacts, his go to method of dealing with them is to start throwing hands like there’s no tomorrow.
It’s a problem for later.
For now, Danny needs to get back to his apartment and work on his calculus homework. Hopefully he can finish it before he gets frustrated enough that he gives up and lies face down on the floor until Duke manhandles him onto the couch, where he’s less of a tripping hazard.
He’s just about to get back to street level when his Fenton Luck strikes again and he hears someone land on the roof, just a few feet behind him.
“Hey there, stranger,” the Signal says. “You know, we run into each other so often it feels rude not to introduce ourselves. Why don’t you go first?”
Danny turns to face the daylight vigilante, standing with his arms crossed as if that would make him look any more approachable. He’s been popping up wherever Danny’s out dealing with ghosts, which is very not great for Danny’s plans to have a peaceful, normal college life. 
Biting his tongue, Danny gives the Signal a quick two fingered salute, then goes intangible and drops down through the building. His invisibility sweeps over him and then he’s running through the streets, hoping it’s enough to keep the Signal from following him to his apartment.
He skids to a stop in the stairwell, dropping his intangibility just in time to crash into the wall. Panting, Danny waits for a tense minute to see if he’s been followed. 
When the door to the stairwell remains closed, he lets out a slow breath, then pulls off all the pieces of his Ghost Work Outfit, shoving it back into his bag. He takes a moment to fix his hair, messy from the hood, then shoves the bag back into the floor, safely hidden from curious eyes. 
Then he very casually walks up the stairs to the fifth floor and walks down the hallway to his apartment. His keys clang together when he opens the door, and Duke usually hears it when it does, but just in case, Danny calls out, “I’m back!”
He’s learned to announce himself after a few late night walks almost ended with him tackled to the floor when Duke thought someone was breaking in.
Duke doesn’t respond as he toes off his shoes. The stillness in the apartment feels off, as if the world is holding its breath. Cautiously, Danny walks in, trying to find his roommate.
He’s not in the kitchen. The living room is empty. Duke’s bedroom door is open and he’s not in there either. 
Something cold lodges itself in his chest. 
“Duke?” he tries again, looking over their apartment again for any sign of struggle, or something terrible happening, or even a mess that Duke needed more supplies to clean up. 
There’s nothing. The apartment is as it’s always been, just with an empty space where Duke should be.
Worried, Danny stands in the middle of the hallway, trying to figure out what he should do next. It’s because he’s standing so still, surrounded by silence, that he hears it: a light thud outside the window. 
Danny turns and he can swear he sees something large moving outside the window, disappearing from sight just as Danny takes a step into Duke’s room to check on it. He rushes to the window and pushes it open, looking down at the street, then side to side, and finally up to the last three floors of the building.
Nothing’s there.
Slowly, Danny pulls his head back inside, closing and locking the window. “Must be my imagination,” he says, trying to convince himself it’s not a big deal. 
He leaves Duke’s room and begins pacing down the hall, anxiety building steadily in him. 
His phones in his hand before he can think his actions through, Duke’s contact pulled up on the screen. He should call. He should make sure Duke is okay, but Danny hesitates. Is this something to be freaked out over? Would Duke thing he’s clingy and nervous and a bothersome roommate? He doesn’t want to risk Duke asking for a new roommate next year when the lease renews.
But he’s worried. It’s Gotham and Danny just dealt with a violent, murderous ghost threatening him. Duke can deal with a stressed out, worried Danny if it means he’s alive.
He hits the call button before he can talk himself out of it. It rings on and on and on until Danny starts to panic about having to find Duke’s ghost to avenge his murder. 
The front door is thrown open so suddenly and so loudly, Danny jumps and his phone clatters to the floor. 
“Danny! Hey!” Duke says with a bright smile, trying to catch his breath. He’s still holding onto the doorknob, slightly hunched over as he pants for breath. “I didn’t expect you back so soon.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m totally fine.”
“Where were you?”
Duke straightens up and closes the door, kicking off his shoes. “Oh, just… out. Shopping. For dinner.”
Danny looks over his empty hands doubtfully. “No luck finding what you needed?”
“What did you need? Maybe I can go to a different store and get it for you.”
“You don’t need to!” Duke says. “I just needed… tomatoes?”
Danny blinks at him. “We have tomatoes. Did you not know we had tomatoes in the fridge?”
“Oh, do we? Good to know.”
There’s something very weird about this conversation, but Danny doesn’t pry. Duke is weird sometimes, but it’s fine because he kindly ignores some of Danny’s oddities that come from being a halfa and a semi-retired hero. 
“Do you… maybe wanna sit down? Catch your breath? I can make dinner tonight if you want.”
Duke waves a hand in the air. “No, no, it’s fine. I got this. Anyways, how was your walk?”
He definitely shouldn’t talk about the cannibal ghost and his threats to take out Danny with his gang. “It was nice. Very quiet. You know, for Gotham.” He punctuates this with an awkward thumbs up and immediately regrets it, but it’s already done so he commits to it.
“Cool! Great. Just wondering, did you see anything weird?”
“Depends on what you’re asking about?”
“Just some guy wearing black with a hood covering his face. He’s been active in this neighborhood and I saw some people talk about him online. Apparently he just appears out of thin air.”
Danny tries not to wince. That’s him, alright. Gotham’s newest neighborhood menace. “I don’t think so, but there’s a lot of people in Gotham that were all black and walk around with their hood up.”
“True,” Duke concedes. “Well, just be careful when you go out, alright?”
“I always am.” He gives Duke the same two fingered salute he gave the Signal. Duke stares at him for a moment, eyes dark and almost dangerous, then he smiles and walks into the kitchen. 
“Wanna make dinner with me? I think we can figure out this recipe together. Unless you need to do your homework.”
“It can wait!” Danny hurries to join Duke, grateful for an excuse to push off calculus a little longer. He understands what he’s doing in the class, there’s just… so much work. He doesn’t even want to think about the tests. The tests make everyone cry.
“Alright, let’s get to it, then!”
“You’re in charge, chef,” Danny says, laughingly, and bumps against Duke’s side. He expects a light shove in return, something Sam and Tucker always did, but Duke goes tense instead, letting out a sharp breath that Danny is all too familiar with. “Wait, why are you hurt? What happened?!”
He goes to lift up Duke’s shirt to inspect his shirt, see the damage for himself, but Duke smoothly moves out of the way, grabbing Danny’s wrists and stopping him in his tracks. “I’m fine, Danny. I just got hit. Lightly. Minor bruising, really.”
Danny looks at him doubtfully, then wrenches a wrist free to lift up his shirt before he can move again.
Minor bruising is not how Danny would describe the blues and purples that decorate Duke’s entire side. He can see the outline of Duke’s ribs through the bruising. “How is this being lightly bruised? What hit you?”
“A car?”
“A car?!”
Duke winces, then pulls his shirt down. “I’m fine, Danny, really. It was just from a car that didn’t want to stop at a red light. I stopped another person from being hit, but the car got me pretty solidly. You know how bad Gotham drivers are.”
“Sit down!” Danny says, pulling Duke out of the kitchen. “I don’t understand how you’re still standing. I’ll get some ice, and I’ll handle dinner. You just stay there and stop pushing yourself for no reason.”
“Playing nurse for me now?”
“If I have to.”
“Would you wear a nurse costume for me, too?” Duke jokes.
Danny looks him dead in the eye and says, “If I have to. Would that make you follow my instructions? A tight little nurse dress?”
Duke sputters, cheeks darkening, and looks away. Danny grins, victorious, and darts back to the kitchen to grab an ice pack from the fridge. 
“Maybe I’ll wear one for you anyways, once you’re all healed up. Only if you’re good, though.”
“Danny, you’re killing me here.”
“Better me than a car.”
Duke laughs and takes the ice pack, pressing it against his side carefully. “Oh, for sure. Thanks, Danny.”
“Hey, what are roommates for?” Danny shares a warm smile with Duke, then pats his shoulder and heads back to the kitchen to start making a simple pasta dinner. 
Life in Gotham is weird and stressful and full of ghosts and heroes who won’t leave him alone. But it’s not all that bad, really. He’s happy with how he’s doing in college, and he’s beyond lucky to have Duke as a roommate. So long as Duke never finds out about his halfa status, then he’s sure they’ll be able to last all four years rooming together.
He just needs to keep a secret. 
Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
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Guess who got the fancy new phone with the fancy-pants pen and can now draw doodles from anywhere? 😘
@fuukonomiko , this doodle's inspired by you!
Also @gracia-regina because I'm finally back on my bullshit again.
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ghoulsstolemyheart · 1 year
I’m still working away on Bite Back, however, I’ll be posting a little something tomorrow to tide you all over. Stay tuned.
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exhuastedpigeon · 2 months
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Buddie Hiatus Fic Recs - Month 5 Sept 16 - Oct 15
my all time favourite buddie fic is on this list. can you guess which one? 😂
Morning After by glorious_spoon / @glorious-spoonTeen | 1k The bed is empty when Buck wakes up.
you’re looking like you fell in love tonight by devirnis / @devirnis Gen | 1.1k Eddie is on top of him, clinging to him like a koala bear, snoring softly into Buck’s collarbone.
Buck’s traitorous heart soars in his chest.
Through The Open Window by inkinmyheartandonthepage / @inkinmyheartandonthepageGen | 2.1k At the reception of Maddie and Chimney wedding, Eddie stumbles across a Buckley sibling moment and overhears something he probably wasn't meant to hear just yet.
and i always will by Maira / @carrierofthepaperclips Mature | 2.3k the one where Eddie answers the wrong phone
The Night Shift by Veronae Teen | 2.3k “I think I’m in love with Eddie.” Heart pounding against his breastbone, Eddie gripped the handrail of the staircase so hard his fingers turned numb. Buck. That was Buck’s voice.
and all of my peaches are ruined for you by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Explicit | 4.1k Buck asks to breed Eddie one morning and, well, Eddie isn't going to say no.
reassure me with your praise by honestlydarkprincess / @honestlydarkprincessExplict | 5.3k the one where Buck is concerned he might be bad in bed and Eddie has a solution.
hope is a sword by jeeyuns / @jeeyuns Teen | 5.4k “Did it nick the femoral artery?” Eddie mutters to Chim, hands gentle as he cuts through the fabric of Buck’s turnout pants to get a better look. Buck has a glimmer in his tired eyes as Eddie looks up and catches his gaze. He can hear the bright laughter in his mind as Buck relays a dirty joke about getting into his pants with a twitch of his lips and a scrunch of his nose.
Make So Much Smoke it Sparks a Fire by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeelsExplicit | 7.2k Incubi and succubi are not about sex. They're about lust. Desire. The build up. Driving you so insane that sex is all you can think about, all you want, all you need. Pushing you right over the edge.
Something Dumb to Do by glorious_spoon / @glorious-spoon Explicit | 8.5k Buck and Eddie try something out together.
Hot and Heavy by 42hrb Explicit | 9.4k Five times Eddie had casual sex with someone who wasn't Buck and the time they finally got their shit together
baby, you drive me wild by wikiangela / @wikiangela Explicit | 10.9k Buck and Eddie have car sex on the side of the road.
it still beats steady (this heart i handed you for free) by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Mature | 12.8k “Have you seen Eddie?”
Albert looks up at him, frowning. “Did they not tell you?” he asks, wrinkling his brow. He wipes the back of his hand over his forehead, smearing soot and sweat and wet ash like watercolor paint. “He’s on his way to the hospital. Jonah’s with him.”
It’s Not the Roaring Dream, It’s the Silent Lightning by giselleslash / @gigi-gigi Mature | 15.2k the one where Buck is married to Eddie in a coma dream and he doesn’t want to let the dream go.
20k - 30k
Four Can Keep a Secret by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briars Teen | 20.1k When Ravi and Hen accidentally see Buck and Eddie, who are trying hard to keep their new relationship a secret, in the middle of a romantic moment, they try to make them confess without the rest of the station finding out. Shenanigans ensue.
but i can see all along, love (it was you all the way down) by diazchristopher / @captain-hen Mature | 28.8k eddie confesses his feelings for buck. buck is absolutely, a hundred percent sure that he does not feel the same way.
the universe has different plans.
30k +
Claim Your Ghost by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briarsTeen | 32.k After a near death experience on a call, Eddie starts having strange hallucinations of people who have died. There’s definitely no way he’s seeing ghosts, right? Because Eddie doesn’t believe in ghosts…
Hot Ghost Problems by ebjameston / @ebjameston Teen | 40.9k The ghost would prefer to go by Buck, if Eddie wouldn’t mind.
Even in Winter There is Eranthis by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels Explicit | 45.4k Buck is supposedly a god. Supposedly. But he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in Olympus. When he meets Christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps Chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld.
Pick a Star on the Dark Horizon (Follow the Light) by Bob_loblaws_lawblog / @buddierightsExplicit | 57.4k When Eddie learns that he's getting stationed on the other side of the country, he's faced with a reality where Buck isn't a part of his daily life. Neither of them are prepared for a life without the other. Their solution? To get married.
Month 1 (May 15 - June 15) Month 2 (June 16 - July 15) Month 3 (July 16 - August 15) Month 4 (August 16 - September 15)
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wangxianficfinder · 3 months
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Junior Centric
to make an arbitrary wager by moonsteps (G, 9k, Junior Quartet, JL & LSZ, WangXian, Post Canon, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Friendship, sizhui and the mortifying ordeal of being the gusu lan heir)
Not Yet (There As Needed) by sunrise_and_death (T, 13k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ, LSZ & JL, post-canon, family bonding, dramatic revelations)  
无别无离 | Without Farewells, Without Parting by dragongirlG (M, 30k, Junior Quartet, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Fix-It of Sorts, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, POV Alternating, Jin Ling's Hundredth Day Celebration, qiongqi path, Family Feels, Hopeful Ending)
Would You Come Home? by s6115 (Not rated, 46k, WangXian, Junior Quartet Centric, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
❤️ kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst, [Podfic] kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight by contributor-sky (deepestbluesky), esbielle was also here (esbielle), glittercracker, GodOfLaundryBaskets, jellyfishfire, kisahawklin, Koontyme, Rionaa, semperfiona)
❤️ grow by cafecliche (T, 14k, WangXian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Character Study, Post-Canon)
home is where we are by halfdemonvash (T, 17k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng are Bad at Communicating, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Age Regression/De-Aging, Angst and Feels, Hijinks & Shenanigans, accidental baby acquisition, but it's actually your older brother, references to wwx's past being homeless, and also his past food insecurity, Post-Canon, Yúnmèng Siblings Feels, Junior Trio Shenanigans)
You Bring the Colour by fuddy_duddy (rainier_day) (G, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Art School, Art Restoration)
a symbol to remind you that there's more to see by paperminds (T, 9k, WangXian, canon-compliant(ish), post-canon(ish), Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Mild/Moderate Angs, tangst with happy ending, Yunmeng Shuangjie, Twin Idiots, Reconciliation) - Jin Ling & WWX focused, with a healthy side of Yunmeng bros
Anonymous Hero by NeverEnoughWangxian (T, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern Cultivators, Inventor WWX, POV LSZ, Inadvertently Reuniting Your Boss With His Old Crush/Best Friend, Reunions, Handwavy Detective Work, Handwavy Talismans)
keeping score by hauntedotamatone (T, 6k, LSZ & WWX, Background WangXian, the opposite of reconciliation, Protective WWX, Duelling, Grief/Mourning, not for jc fans, Swordfighting, Resentment, LSZ centric, No JC & WWX Reconciliation)
Lan Jingyi's Sixth Sense by bluesloth (M, 120k, LJY & WQ, LJY & LSZ, LJY-centric, Ghosts, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, Explicit Language, Friendship, Drama, Humor, Action/Adventure, Family Feels, POV LJY, Canon Era, Minor Wangxian)
Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, graphic depictions of violence, major character death, People die but they (mostly) get better, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Because JGS and JZN suck, JC is doing his best, JYL fixes everything with soup and a baby, JZX gets it together, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad WWX, good dad LWJ, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Wēn Remnants Live, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
Important Distinctions by nagi_blue (T, 5k, Background Relationships, Fluff and Crack, Podfic Available)
🧡 Lan Sizhui Sees Dead People Series by darkbrokenreaper (T, 30k, WIP, WangXian, LWJ & LSZ, JC & LSZ, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Kid Fic, Hurt/Comfort, lsz sees dead people, Paranormal)
🔒 Lan Sizhui's Got a Crush! by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 46k, JL & LSZ & LJY & OYZZ, LSZ/OFC, Humor, Fluff and Crack, Case Fic, Gūsū Lán Juniors Dynamics, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Body Horror, Mild Gore, technically there are two cases in this fic, as a treat, the juniors acting as wingmen for LSZ, or more like they're trying to be good matchmakers, Post-Canon)
🔒 Grim Grinning Ghosts by Theladyofravenclaw (G, 3k, JL & LSZ & LJY & OYZZ, Ghost City, mxtx crossover, WWX's Birthday, the juniors shenanigans, Gambling, slight mention of gore once they enter the city, but nothing very graphic)
🔒 How to Seduce the Yiling Patriarch by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 8k, wangxian, post-canon, temporary amnesia, case fic, fluff & humor, crack treated seriously, angst, jealous WWX, YLLZ WWX, gusu lan junior dynamics, mild gore)
🔒 blue flies buzzing by RoseThorne (T, 2k, Junior Quartet, WangXian, Gossip, Rumors, Mentioned Wēn Remnants, Sect Leader Yáo Bashing, Yunmeng bros Reconciliation, NHS Is A Little Shit, POV LJY, POV Third Person, Threats, Justice, Cultivation Discussion Conferences, LWJ is LSZ’s Parent, LJY Being LJY)
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velnna · 3 months
Did u have a following before posting ur staeve stuff? / is this blog a side blog or an art only blog?
Imma be real with u I've never paid attention to what following I had on tumblr haha, I think I had like 12k people before BG3, of which the MAJORITY were bots?? Then yeah the BG3 shenanigans got me here pretty much (hovering 30k I think?).
I also don't know how managing different blogs works here so it's just the "me" blog, I treat tumblr like a social media account tbh
On other platforms though, most of my following came from the original stuff I was doing before bg3
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mypoisonedvine · 11 months
Happy 30k to one of my favorite writers!!! You’re seriously so incredible and passionate and I love your work so so much.
Sleepover request if you feel so inclined: Bill Weasley and either sex pollen, werewolf shenanigans, or having to sneak around 12 Grimmauld Place
okay this was literally me reading all your different ideas
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but I went with sex pollen and it turned out super long! and I had to rewrite it twice!
warnings: normal sex pollen stuff like dub con and rough sex, plus overstim, cheating, and creampie <3
length: 2k
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“We can’t,” he kept repeating, more to himself than to you now.  “We can’t, we can’t…”
He said it with every panting breath— each breath that made his exposed, sweaty, toned chest rise and fall, each breath that passed through his slack, plush lips…
He was on the floor, across from you, where you’d fallen when standing had become too much; he leaned his back against the wall, and kept an arm draped carefully over his lap where you knew a bulge must have been threatening to burst through his corduroys— if this was affecting him at all like it was affecting you, which it looked like it was, considering you were both laying on the potion room floor.
Because this was where it all began: it was your idea to mess with some rare ingredients for fun after a long day of curse breaking, and you had to invite your favorite-coworker-turned-best-friend, because you did damn near everything together.  Everything, except the thing you couldn’t stop thinking about now.
He knew right away what you’d (accidentally) made, and what it would do to the two of you just from breathing the fumes.  He tried to warn you, but once it started there was no way to stop it— we just need to ride it out, he’d said, but remembering that while you looked at him now just made you thinking about riding him.
“We can’t,” he panted again, his prayer.
“Right,” you agreed, eyes running up and down his form as you felt his stare all over you.  “We can’t… why can’t we, again?”
He smiled a little, barely having the energy to laugh, and you just wanted to lick his teeth.  What’s gotten into me?!  “We… we’re coworkers,” he reminded you.  “We shouldn’t.”
“Well, it happens.  Two of our coworkers are fucking already.”
His eyes widened.  “Which ones?”
“I’ll tell you if you touch me.”
“Damn it,” he groaned.  “It’s not just that— we’re friends.  Really good friends.  It’s not… it could mess things up with us.”
“Uh huh,” you nodded, even though you didn’t really care about whatever crap he was coming up with— another pang of need hit you between your legs, and your thighs clenched together.  
“And then there’s, you know, the boyfriend,” he added.  
“Right!  Yes, my boyfriend,” you agreed.
“He wouldn’t like it much if we…”
He trailed off, and you nodded.  “Yeah,” you sighed, “him.  You know, er… that guy…”
Bill sighed; “You forgot his name, didn’t you?”
“I think it starts with a ‘J’...”
He closed his eyes.  He was just as desperate as you, but he had enough logic to know that the effects would fade, and you wouldn’t be able to take back what you did under them.  And he was much more scared of you regretting this than of getting beaten up by the J-something guy.  “Whatever his name is, he… definitely exists,” Bill promised you.
As much as your boyfriend certainly did exist, you just knew that he could never make you feel like it would feel to jump Bill right now— to give in to every filthy desire coursing through your veins.  “It hurts,” you whispered.
Bill swallowed, and you watched his throat bob.  “Yeah,” he nodded in agreement.
There was a longer silence, and you shut your eyes, and you tried to think of anything else.  You tried to ignore the growing patch of wetness in your panties, the heat in the air that clung to your clothes, the way Bill looked with his shirt open to cope with the heat, the way Bill looked at you—
You bit your lip.  “Bill,” you said, and he just kept looking at you.  “I can’t believe I’m gonna say this to you right now.”
He watched you with that heavy, dark stare, and you wanted to drown in it.
“Fuck,” he groaned, shutting his eyes and writhing a bit against the wall.  “Don’t.  I have a hard enough time saying no to you already, before all this.”
“I know,” you whimpered, “and I know you can take this pain away, Bill, I know you can make it stop— please, I fucking need you right now—”
He shut his eyes tight, he hissed through his teeth, he tightened his fists at his sides and you could swear you saw his hips buck up in the air just a bit.
“I’ll be good— please, I’ll do anything—”
“Shut up,” he demanded.
“I wanted this,” you admitted, finally, “I thought about it.  Before now.”
In an instant, he was up and he was dragging you by the ankles to lay flat on the floor, under him.  “Don’t fucking lie to me,” he warned with a growl.
It was like you could feel the vibration of his voice right in your cunt.  “Never lied to you, Bill,” you promised, “I just never told you— I thought you didn’t— you never— but I wanted you—”
Before you could finish the thought, not that you’d finished any of those thoughts, he slammed his lips down on yours and kissed you so good that it already felt like a huge wave of relief; you reached up and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, desperate for more.
He groaned as his kiss moved to your neck and chest, his hands tearing ferociously at your clothes.
“You’re a better friend than me,” he admitted as he stripped you.  “I lied to you, all the fucking time— I wanted you more than anything— been mad for you since the beginning, really— god, if you’d told me…”
“S-sorry,” you whimpered, addicted already to his hands all over you, lifting your hips so he could slide your panties down your thighs but gasping when he snapped them at the side and tossed them away instead.  In a second, he had two fingers inside you, then three— you decided it was just the potion making you so wet.  
“Pretty cunt,” he decided as he scissored his fingers inside it.
“Fuck, Bill— just fuck me,” you moaned.
“Want you ready first,” he insisted.
You were thankful for the preparation, no matter how hasty it was, when he opened his trousers and got out his aching cock: it was so goddamn thick, if you were any less delirious you’d be afraid it would break you.  Instead, you just licked your lips.  “Need it in me, Billy, c’mon— need you inside me—”
He still spit on it first, even though you were dripping; maybe he just knew it would drive you just that much more wild.
It was so sudden, how he shoved himself inside you, and in a moment he was balls deep and you were arching your back up off the floor and he was holding your hips as he moaned.
There was nothing patient about it, neither of you could take that: it was rough and fast and desperate, the way he fucked you.  With him finally inside you, you had enough wherewithal to start relieving him of his clothes— his vest first, then his shirt which definitely lost a few buttons on your way, and then your feet helped push his trousers down his thighs because you just felt like being skin to skin with him was the only cure.  He seemed to agree, with the way he pressed his chest to yours and held you close and kissed you hard; you moaned against his lips until you couldn’t even keep your head up anymore and it fell back to the floor limply.
“You thought about it,” he recalled, “you wanted it.”
You nodded, dazed.
“Was it like this?”
You smiled a bit, shaking your head.  “Not quite like this— you’re so sweet, Bill, I thought you’d be sweet with me…”
“I would, fuck, I would’ve,” he promised, “but I can’t slow down— you feel so fucking good, I swear I can’t slow down—”
“No, don’t,” you whimpered, “feels perfect, Bill, fuck me just like this— fuck me like—”
He waited for you to finish, and you just choked on the words.
“Spit it out, then.”
“Like I’m yours,” you blurted out.  “Make me yours.”
He grabbed you by your wrists and pinned you down, fucking you even harder, watching you come around his cock— and he still didn’t slow down, not even when you were sobbing and writhing under him with your back arching up off the floor, not even when the only thing you could say was his name, not even when your body could barely take it anymore.
He hardly even slowed down when he came— he did, for a moment, but then he just started up again and came inside you again, and again.  Only the fourth time was he totally spent; and you, you were a total mess as he collapsed on top of you, numb inside and out and not even sure what was real and what was a fever dream anymore.
But you were right, the pain was gone.  Slowly, but surely, the delirium faded as well, and reality set in.
The longer the silence went on, the more you knew it needed to be broken.  “Has it worn off for you, too?” you asked hesitantly, and his breathing changed; he’d almost fallen asleep, you realised, and you sort of regretted waking him.
He lifted his heavy head from your chest, but kept it close as he looked down at you.  “I think so,” he breathed, “I hope so, don’t think I could go again if I wanted to.”
Another, much shorter, silence filled the air.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You nodded.  “Yeah— a lot better than before.”
He nodded, too, and there was something awkward about it, but not in the way you expected: it was awkward because you were wondering if he felt the same way you did about this.
You could feel his come leaking out of you, even with his cock still inside— there was too much to keep in you, it was literally overflowing, puddling under you.  When he tried to pull out, though, you instantly wrapped your legs around his hips to keep him in you— he gave you a quizzical look.  “S’gonna hurt,” you frowned.  “I’ll be sore, probably for days.”
He seemed to be trying to hide his reaction to that, but you felt his cock flex against your walls.  “Have to separate sometime,” he noticed, “some of us have work tomorrow.”
“Both of us have work tomorrow,” you corrected, but that only reminded you both that you worked together and this actually just fucking happened.  The lingering question that loomed over your heads grew a bit bigger.
“I… I won’t hold you to anything you said,” Bill offered softly.  “You were poisoned.  Hopefully your boyfriend will understand that, too.”
You glanced to the side.  “Yeah, that he might understand… but how long I’ve been thinking about you?  He won’t be as sympathetic to that.”
Bill smiled a bit, looking down at you with the most overwhelming tenderness in his stare.  “Tell him tomorrow,” he requested.
“So you can fuck me again tonight?” you assumed.
“No, I— Merlin’s beard, woman!” he widened his eyes.  “I just wanted a night’s head start before he comes after me, to set me straight for shagging his girl on the floor!  You— again?!  What happened to ‘sore for days’?”
You shrugged.  “Just wanted to give you a chance to be sweet with me, like you said.”
“You’ll get your sweet lovemaking in three-to-five business days,” he sighed.  “My poor cock’s gonna fall off otherwise.”
“Oh please, your ‘poor cock’ had the time of its life today,” you rolled your eyes.
“Maybe, but I would’ve rather been able to fuck you properly, not… like this,” he sighed.
“If this isn’t a proper fucking, I shudder to imagine what is,” you laughed.
“No, I mean— to take my time with you.  Savour you.”
“Yeah, like a steak,” you frowned, but he laughed.
“I can tell it’s you again, you’re being mean to me like usual,” he grinned.  “I missed it.”
“I can be mean to you in bed, Weasley— that can absolutely be arranged.”
He smirked.  “So that’s the last time I’ll get to hear you beg for me?”
Raising your eyebrows, you replied, “I never said that.”
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foolishlovers · 5 months
good omens WIPs i'm loving at the moment
i know starting unfinished fics is not everyone’s cup of tea but comments and encouragement mean so much to writers, so if you have some time to spare, why don’t you check these out
doom days by klytemnestras - 5 years have passed since aziraphale left crowley for heaven. crowley has built a new life for himself and has found some comfort in spending time with muriel & co. but then aziraphale shows up with the messiah baby, hoping for crowley to help him one last time... the found family vibes in this one are just so delightful. crowley and aziraphale have a long way to go to restore their relationship, but it surely is an intriguing one to follow 7.6k, 3/? chapters, rated T
an ineffable midsummer night's dream by the_serpent_and_the_guardian - set in 1605, aziraphale convinces crowley to save shakespeare's latest play - he reluctantly takes on the role of puck (not without some shenanigans ensuing, of course). the banter in this fic is absolutely precious, the writing is so lovely and the dynamic between our beloved almost friends demon and angel is so spot on!! 20k, 4/5 chapters, rated T
living in sin by jade_valentine offers an insight into what could have happened if aziraphale had discovered a little earlier that crowley was living in his car. yes, oh my god, they were roommates. i honestly can't wait to see how their new living arrangement will develop 2.5k, 1/? chapters, rated M
wilde flowers by rocksaltandroll is a human au! starring aziraphale as a lonely bookseller and crowley as the new, handsome florist down the street. maggie, nina and muriel are inspired to do some matchmaking, but the old men seem to be falling for each other even without their meddling... they're both nervous about starting something new, but there's so much fluff, the writing is great and frankly, all whickber street characters are such a joy to read about!! 15k, 4/? chapters, rated M
mon horrible cher by ghostrat is an enemies to friends to lovers fic that features aziraphale and crowley as teachers on a sixth form field trip to paris. they despise each other… until they don't. i have so much love for these characters, the path from annoyance to precious pining is just so good. crowley being good with kids is honestly going to break me at some point. the writing is utterly amazing, just perfect to get lost in, and there's stunning fanart included too 30k, 7/9 chapters, rated M
once upon a time by tawnyowl95 is a human au! with actors (and childhood sweethearts) aziraphale and crowley finding their way back to each other as famous comedian crowley (currently going through a rough patch) accepts aziraphale's offer for him to play the pantomime villain in his production of dick whittington. there's flashbacks to their time at high school and tons of bickering in the present time line, where crowley continues to be quite the troublemaker, keeping aziraphale and everyone else on their toes and i absolutely love it 10k, 4/15, rated E
london, libraries & love by wolftea features librarian! aziraphale and history teacher! crowley. while they're both excited to go on an excursion to london for a couple of days together, at the beginning of their acquaintance, they had quite a hard time warming up to each other.. this fic is so precious, the flashblacks to crowley's first weeks at the school are full of pranks and shenanigans between the two of them that made me laugh so very much. it's so fascinating to explore how their relationship develops over time. the pining in the present is perfectly wholesome as well!! 9k, 5/17 chapters, rated E
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merakiui · 5 months
I'm so hyped for TMDG!!!! I can't wait for the tweel shenanigans ❤️‍🔥
SOON....... VERY SOON. >:) I'm at 30k words and nearing the end (approximately three scenes away). I'm so happy you're excited!!!!! I cannot wait to publish it for everyone's enjoyment. It's filled with plenty of silly shenanigans, such as this exchange below:
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Jade just loves yapping. T_T a professional yapper. And Reader has to put up with him because this is the bed she's made, so now she must lie in it!!!!!! But don't let Jade's confident charade fool you. He's actually a cowardly eel. <3
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sappymix1 · 6 months
you already won me over, dnf, 30k words, domestic fluff with fun vampire/vampire hunter shenanigans
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The Surprised Necrontyr:
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While it rarely ever happens, you can easily identify a surprised Necrontyr by their widened saucer-sized eyes, dilated pupils (to get the most visual information possible), open auxiliary olfactory ducts (below the eyes), and flared nostrils.
However, most striking of all is the change in the ears. While usually folded to protect the highly sensitive hairs and eardrums beneath, when alert the ears lift, exposing the softest downy fluff in the galaxy; with an ability to sense things like changes in air pressure, wind currents, temperature, and even the most subtle auditory cues.
*WARNING*: Touching the ears or highly sensitive fluff is seen as an extremely intimate gesture. If you try this on a Necrontyr you are not familiar with, you will likely be smacked (or killed, depending in the circumstances)
@gracia-regina @fuukonomiko
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youcouldmakealife · 4 months
January Writing Stuff
30k in December! Only about half of it was actual writing writing (the rest was LBTEs), but still. I’m dropping down hard to 15k for January, because I’m taking a week off (woo!). I’m also primarily focused on Between the Teeth when I’m not off, so the writing goal is taking a backseat for the mo’.
Anyway, here's what you can expect this month.
On AO3:
Whalers time, bb.
On tumblr:
SOTM: Dying for a Vinny/Anton update! and TBD by Patreon poll
Patreon and Kickstarter stuff below the cut:
On Patreon:
SOTWs: 1st, 15th, 29th
SOTMs: What do the other Whalers think of James and Holden’s shenanigans? AND Mathesons & Petersens pls! Steve’s sisters melting over Jared in person or Susan meeting Stephen with Elaine over wines!
Via Email:
SOTWs: 8th, 22nd
Extras (sorry, this was supposed to be December but Jared Happened and Then Just Kept Happening) (18, 25, Feb 1)
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for...
1. A) So I was reading Come Lay Your Head Down Beside Me by Preludian_Staves and I really want to read something similar: Gusu Lan taking care of pregxian. It'd be so good to watch the Lan people panic over their Lan-er-Furen/Fujun being not so calm and not taking care of himself unconsciously (cuz WWX won't let anything happen to his children, born or not)
B) Fics where LWJ is emotionally mature and confident and very horny, very openly. It's just so sexy of him to know what he wants and to go get it, you know? @utxqia
🧡 Accidents Will Happen by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 45k WangXian, Post Canon, Mpreg, Fluff, Light angst, Mojo's post)
sweet lotus petals, unfolding in the sun by stiltonbasket (G, 33k, WangXian, Unplanned Pregnancy, Married WangXian, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Curtain Fic, Medical Inaccuracies, Mpreg, wangxian dual cultivation baby, except not how you think, Reincarnationcan, be read independently!)
有情人终成眷属 | lovers, finally wed by stiltonbasket (G, 50k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Post-Canon Fix-It, Fluff and Humor, Junior Ensemble Shenanigans, Adopted Children, Married Life, Domestic Bliss, LWJ is a smooth smooth man, Confused WWX, Happy Ending)
(our friendship) up against the ropes by daltoneering (E, 36k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, lan zhan FUCKS, Fluff and Smut, Experienced LWJ, Oblivious WWX, Mutual Pining, Friends With Benefits, Pining while fucking, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Spit Kink, Dirty Talk, Light Bondage, Praise Kink, Dom/sub Undertones, Kink Negotiation, Pride and Prejudice 2005 (dir. Joe Wright), mentions of Wei Ying/others and Lan Zhan/others)
Lans Never Kiss and Tell by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 30k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Humor, lan zhan FUCKS, Mutual Pining, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, modern diaspora au)
So He Thinks He's Straight (A Memoir By Lan Zhan) by Pancho (E, 17k, WangXian, Modern AU, Light Angst, Some Fluff, First Time, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Novel Dynamics, canon wangxian kinks, Biting, WangXian Have a Breeding Kink, Consensual Non-Consent, Blink And You Miss It Noncon Kink, Under-negotiated Kink, (but everyone is very happy with everything going on, )Mildly Dubious Consent, Possessive Behavior, Possessive LWJ, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Barebacking, POV LWJ, Dark LWJ, (kind of - he's a little sus; better to tag it), Jealous LWJ)
Always Be Closing by betts (E, 32k, WangXian, divorcing QingXian, Modern AU, America, Office, Kid Fic, Drunken Kissing, Semi-Public Sex, Sexting, Divorce, Falling In Love, Bank Robbery, Secret Relationship, Co-workers)
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation)
The Cause Of This Fair Gift In Me Is Wanting by Alliandra (E, 47k, WangXian, LQY/QS, Modern AU, High School, College/University, Time Skips, Slow Burn, Pining, LWJ POV, LWJ Fucks, WWX dates, "Straight Boy" WWX, HomophobiaNon-Graphic Violence, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Implied/Reference, d Suicide, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Overstimulation, Light Bondage, Blow Jobs, Masturbation, Getting Together, Ableist Language, WWX Has ADHD, Autistic LWJ, Queer Themes)
🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Criminal underworld AU, Fluff and angst, Crime boss LWJ, Rouge criminal genius WWX, Explicit Sex)
got your way with me by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 51k, WangXian, Friends With Benefits, Fuckbuddies, in which brain cells are barely used, wangxian/others very briefly, otherwise it's OTP all the way, lan zhan FUCKS)
all the trembling ways by typefortydeductions (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, First Time, Overstimulation, Verbal Humiliation, Rimming, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Dirty Talk, Aftercare, sex tears, lan zhan FUCKS, LZ has had previous partners but WY has not, Dom/sub Undertones, Porn with Feelings)
all of the ties that bind by Magnolia822 (E, 30k, WangXian, WQ/LQY, Modern AU, Rope Bondage, Kinbaku, Shibari, Dom/sub, Discipline, Overstimulation, Sex Toys, Kink Negotiation, Rough Sex, ballet dancer WWX, Impact Play, Didn't Know They Were Dating, lan zhan FUCKS, Friends to Lovers, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Second Chances, Self-Doubt, Past Character Death, Porn with Feelings)
the author verseau has great fics
2. itmf pining. WangXian or Yizhan but either way so much pining it's a forest. With a happy ending. Please! (Also added to the YiZhan only post)
(Planning the Day) To Meet You by Bettydice (E, 61k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Pining, Mutual Pining, WWX raises A-Yuàn, minimum angst, MAXIMUM GAY, Self-indulgent fluff, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, POV LWJ, Happy Ending, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Masturbation, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Anal Sex, Intercrural Sex)
long have you been alone by martyrsdaughter (E, 56k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, Amnesia, Curses, Hanahaki Disease, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Workplace Relationship, Light Angst, Sexual Content, Mild Painplay, Overstimulation, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Light Bondage, Mild Gore, Mild Breathplay, Brief Mentions of WWX/Others and LWJ/Others, other relationships are past tense and off screen exclusively)
A storm without a warning by Spodumene (E, 22k, WangXian, Modern AU, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Masturbation, Eventual Smut, Pining, Denial, Drunkenness, Jealousy, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Angst with a Happy Ending)
I will be chasing a starlight by feyburner, sundiscus (E, 71k, WangXian, Star Trek Fusion, Vulcan LWJ, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Eventual Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pon Farr, Mind Meld, Fuck Or Die, Anal Sex, Hurt/Comfort)
silhouettes to steal this night by moonsteps (T, 51k, WangXian, Modern AU, Assassins & Hitmen, Roommates, Rivals to Lovers, Fluff and Angst, Identity Porn, Violence, Blood and Injury, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Secret Identity)
💖 Pentimento. by orange_crushed (E, 73k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, art conservation, museums, pining, not actually unrequited love, angst w/ happy ending, misunderstandings, smut, major character injury, hospitalization, hurt/comfort, past incarceration, forgery)
Unstrictly Ballroom by Ariaste (T, 47k, WangXian, background SongXiao, Modern AU, Everyone’s alive, the gang defeats systemic heteronormativity, Stripper AU, competitive ballroom dance AU, really stupid misunderstandings, Yearning, Mutual Pining, the wrist grab, Erotic Handholding, [Podfic] Unstrictly Ballroom by RevolutionaryJo, Unstrictly Ballroom [Podfic] by esbielle)
Straight Boy Wei Ying universe Series by raitala (E, 35k, WangXian, LQY/WWX, Modern AU, College/University, straight boy wwx, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pining, Dom/sub Undertones, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Hand Jobs, Rimming, Angst and Humor, WangXian Get a Happy Ending)
You'd Break Your Heart to Make It Bigger by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 32k, WangXian, soulbonding, First Time, Case Fic if You Squint, Fools in Love, soul boning, soft fools in love, Pining while fucking)
Waiting for Spring by thievinghippo (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, slight angst, Happy Ending, for a baseball fic, there's not a lot of baseball, Sports, Baseball)
live from new york: an snl au Series by varnes (E, 105k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, Modern AU, SNL AU, slow burn, friends to lovers, pining, getting together, happy ending, Secret Marriage, Accidental Marriage, Light Bondage)
Closer Than Eternity by Netrixie (T, 26k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reincarnation, an unhealthy addiction to starbucks, Immortals, Self-Doubt, POV Alternating, Minor Original Character(s), Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Temporary Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending, not for jc fans, This is not a reconciliation fic)
3. Hey can you recommend any fics where LWJ is angry at LXC for WWX’s death—he can forgive him later but I really want LXC to work for it. If possible can you also find any fics where LXC is confronted by NHS during/after his seclusion. @maromace
4. Good day! Thank you mods for doing this. We’re so grateful you exist. I was wondering if you can recommend fics whee lan zhan is dead when wei ying resurrects and he finds out and grieves.
Your Light by StellaMozzarella (T, 18k, wangxian, LSZ & WWX, major character death, sorta temporary character death) and i think there was a recent itmf about fics where lan zhan is dead too
Over the Rotted Bridge by vailkagami (T, 314k, WangXian, Temporary Character Death, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, LWJ dies, Wei Wuxian doesn’t die, neither do (most of) the wens, JYL also lives, Original Character(s), outside pov, YLLZ WWX, Canon Divergence, CQL Verse, Illustrated, Grief/Mourning, Non-Consensual Resurrection, mute LWJ, Hurt LWJ, Slow Burn, canonical death of a child (mentioned), Survivor Guilt,  PTSD) 
The Second Siege of Cloud Recesses by Cerusee (G, 4k, wangxian, WN & WWX, WWX & LSZ, LXC & WWX, major character death)
5. ITMF fics where WWX makes it plain that he is pissed off with the world too. For all that people blamed WWX even post resurrection, there was a fair bit of wilful ignorance, selective blindness and complete lack of justice going on right after the war
Lol I would love to read someone blame WWX only for him to say that well, WWX doesn't forgive them either.
6. I'm in the mood for wangxian fics where Lan Wangji gets to be his bitchy best! Lan Wangji at his pettiest. Lan Wangji destroying people who deserve it. Just having zero patience for assholes not worth his (or his Wei Ying's) time. Not hesitating to glare at even the people he loves and walking off in the middle of a conversation he just can't be bothered to endure. You know, that flavor of Lan Wangji. Thanks muchly.
Revenge is a Side Dish Best Served With Tea by merakily (G, 7k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Protective LWJ, Petty LWJ, Fluff and Humor)
7. For the next In The Mood For, I’d love recs for everyone’s favorite overlooked podfics - ones that are further down in the “sort by kudos” than they deserve, or even that were published somewhere other than Ao3
[Podfic] A Knight in Shining Armor by thievinghippo by GrumpyC (G, WangXian, Single Parent WWX, Fluff, ridiculous fluff, rot our your teeth fluff, meet cute, Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic Length: 30-45 Minutes)
[PODFIC] With Surgical Precision by Gwogobo (T, WQ & WN, WQ & WWX, WangXian, Time Travel, Families of Choice, making slight mistakes about the reality in which you find yourself, taking irrevocable action due to those mistakes, sibling bonding through murder, Podfic Length: 2-2.5 Hours, Audio Format: MP3)
("a story for others to tell" by Deinde [PODFIC] by shizrayaji (SEHathaway) & "we became a story" by Deinde [PODFIC] by shizrayaji (SEHathaway) will be moved to the YiZhan comp ^^ - Mod C)
Podfic: The Silt or Scurvy Series by raitala (M, 13, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Urban Fantasy, Hurt Some Comfort, Hopeful Ending, impromptu washroom surgery, Podfic, Podfic Length: 1-1.5 Hours)
[Podfic] Leading Tone by silencemostofall by Beria1021 (G, 24, WangXian, QingQing, XuanLi, Podfic Length: 3-3.5 Hours, Split Into Two Parts, Audio Format: MP3, Audio Format: Streaming, Modern AU, Soulmates, Eventual Happy Ending, Music, Orchestra)
[Podfic] some good mistakes by kisahawklin (T, 30, WangXian, Road Trips, (terrible road trips), Post-Canon, POV JC, lwj and jc do not get along and they're not pretending they do, 'reluctant cooperation with person you don't like' is my favorite trope, does a fic need to have a 'plot' can't it just be 'uncomfortable conversations', Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, (ish they're working on it), Podfic Length: 1.5-2 Hours, Audio Format: MP3, Audio Format: Streaming)
8. for the next itmf, could I get fics where it's whump WWX? Some WWX/LWJ would be nice, but anything is fine. Thanks!
they who refuse to be blessed by sysrae (E, 7k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Whump, Golden Core Reveal, Developing Relationship, Bathing/Washing, Confessions, Sharing a Bed)
❤️ whipstitch by curiositykilled (M, 131k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Dysfunctional Family, Torture, WWX Lives, but basically no one else, Case Fic,   Cultivation Sect Politics, Past Abuse, WWX Whump, YL WWX, JL Needs a Hug, JL Tries, Yunmeng Bro Reconciliation, Past Character Death, Body Horror, Non-Consensual Body Modification, POV Alternating, Flashbacks,   Eventual Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, Suicide Attempt, PTSD, Depression, Not A Fix-It, Mouth Sewn Shut)
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pianist, Getting Together, Mental Health Issues, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Hospitals, Overdosing, Eventual Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Warnings In Author's Note) MIND THE TAGS, wwx recovers after a suicide attempt but it's a happy ending
let me sing to you by greybird_crookedbranch (T, 61k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, adorable Juniors, Minor Original Character(s), for plot purposes, Minor Violence, Demonic Cultivation, resentful energy, Trauma, Guilt, Protectiveness, BAMF WWX, Hurt WWX, Protective WWX, Protective LWJ, Mental Instability, Possession, Angst with a Happy Ending)
out in the garden, there's things you hid away by saltyfeathers (E, 121k, WangXian, Possession, Animal Death, mass death event, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt(s), lotta hurt lotta comfort, wwx-centric, unfortunately there's also a bodily fluids warning, there is sex and it is all in the last chapter, Serious Injuries, Angst with a Happy Ending, Post canon)
In The Dark Right Now by phnelt (T, 10k, WangXian, graphic depictions of injuries, trapped in a cave, Near Death Experience, fatalistic thinking, established wangxian, Family Feels, mention of unnamed illness of an offscreen character, Nobody dies in this fic, Modern AU, Hurt/Comfort)
salt to the sea by starmins (M, 31k, WangXian, WWX & JYL, Modern AU, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Road Trips, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Canonical Character Death)
it's your soul by syriala (G, 3k, WangXian, Misunderstandings, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Fluff)
9. Hello, re: IITMF...does anyone have any wangxian fic recs where Lan Zhan confesses to Wei Ying/makes the first move? Can be modern/canon, any rating, dynamic etc. Thanks!💚 @the-marathon-continues-nip
Always Be Closing by betts (E, 32k, WangXian, divorcing QingXian, Modern AU, America, Office, Kid Fic, Drunken Kissing, Semi-Public Sex, Sexting, Divorce, Falling In Love, Bank Robbery, Secret Relationship, Co-workers) (link in 1B)
So He Thinks He's Straight (A Memoir By Lan Zhan) by Pancho (E, 17k, WangXian, Modern AU, Light Angst, Some Fluff, First Time, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Novel Dynamics, canon wangxian kinks, Biting, WangXian Have a Breeding Kink, Consensual Non-Consent, Blink And You Miss It Noncon Kink, Under-negotiated Kink, (but everyone is very happy with everything going on, )Mildly Dubious Consent, Possessive Behavior, Possessive LWJ, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Barebacking, POV LWJ, Dark LWJ, (kind of - he's a little sus; better to tag it), Jealous LWJ) (link in 1B)
Heart at Ease by diamondbruise (T, 6k, WangXian, Love Confessions, Temporarily Unrequited Love, it's not even that it's unrequited, wwx just needs to have a, Feelings Realization, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Misunderstandings)
The Betazoid Wedding Conversation by starandrea (T, 4k, WangXian, Star Trek Fusion, Vulcan LWJ, Love Confessions, First Kiss)
The Demon of the Burial Mounds by Liebing (M, 5k, WangXian, set in universe but alternate storyline, Fluff, Funny, Swearing, Getting Together, Sweet, soft, sex happens off camera, Happy Ending, lots of flirting, Very low angst, but there is some pining)
Bait and Switch by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 14k, 3Zun, WangXian, Canon Divergence, body switch, whatif, Weird Cultivation) LWJ declares his love to WWX during a moonlit sword flight above the clouds
10. heloo, for the next in the mood for could you give me some recommendations on fics where the juniors see/experience wwx going all yilling patriarch mode?
11. hi! sorry if i missed these in previous posts but i have two requests!
A) wangxian pride and prejudice au
B) wangxian princess mononoke au
i’m not picky about how they’re set up, but pref rated M or E, and the longer the better 😁 thank you guys, ur doing the lords work out here @wen-ning
only the deepest love by occultings (microcomets) (T, 40k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pride and Prejudice Fusion, Canon Divergence, Jane Austen Fusion, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Epistolary, (briefly), Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, [Podfic] only the deepest love by papercliptiara) haven't read this yet but the author is very good!
An Uncle's Request by suzvoy (G, 1k, WangXian, Canon, Pride and Prejudice Fusion, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF)
12. In the mood for oc/jc :)
江山如有待 | It Seems the Hills and Rivers Have Been Waiting by ScarlettStorm (E, 295k, OFC/JC, Slow Burn, Post-Canon, (mostly), Transfem Character, WQ Lives, Fighting as Flirting, Fighting as Foreplay, qs also lives, demisexual JC, sex disaster jc, Femdom, switch rights, Eventual Smut)
13. Hello! May I ask for help in finding fics where Jin Zixuan and Lan Zhan are friends? Thank you!
❤️ save a sword, ride a socialist by sysrae (E, 33k, wangxian, modern w magic, college/university au, fake/pretend relationship, single parent WWX, homophobia, light angst w/ happy ending, idiots to lovers, fluff)
mating rituals by detectorist (E, 17k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, modern, college/university au, humor, pining, getting together, idiots in love)
14. I'm itmf wangxian fics where the Sunshot Campaign never happens. Maybe WRH wasn't crazy, maybe Nightless City got destroyed by a volcano, whatever. Drama and angst and whump is fine, just no war, no golden core loss. Not a/b/o please.
Impossible by Theladyofravenclaw (G, 11k, wangxian, JC/WQ, fairy tale au, cinderella au, misunderstandings, oblivious WWX, everyone lives au, happy ending) a Cinderella au set after Wen Ruohan was taken down but wwx still has his core and the dafan wens are fine.
15. for the next ITMF list, i'm looking for wangxian fics similar to cicer's spider lilies to sunflowers where one of them is trying to make a bargain and the price is their firstborn child, but of course babies can't be made alone so the other has to help! not fussed about which of them plays what role or if it's abo/mpreg, doesn't even need to involve pregnancy if adopted a-yuan counts as a firstborn. thanks so much!
16. ITMF wangxian being horny/needing to have sex as a side effect of a night hunt? Not necessarily fuck or die, but like, maybe they breathe in a horny poison or they get attacked by an erotica monster or even a simple night hunt where the adrenaline makes them excited. Merci! (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) ノ~ ♡
it's not about control by westiec (E, 3k, WangXian, Established Relationship, Porn with Feelings, Rope Bondage, Outdoor Sex, Consensual Kink, inappropriate use of bichen, Inappropriate Use of Gūsū Lán Silencing Spell, Inappropriate Use of Gūsū Lán Forehead Ribbon, Very Appropriate Use of WWX, Sexy Chasing, it's not about control [podfic] by deepestbluesky) a thrill-of-the-chase scenario
full disclosure by wolframvonbielefeld (maknaeline) (E, 3k, WangXian, Mentions of Necrophilia, NOT re: wangxian, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Lingerie, implied zhuiling, wwx is the Master of the Turnabout, Field trips, Sub Drop, Mild BDSM, WWX is a Powerbottom) WWX, investigating a fierce-corpse sex trafficking operation with LWJ, gets caught in a burst of sex pollen. Note also that WWX is cross-dressed as a courtesan
Some foreign flowers by deliciousblizzardshark (M, 30k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Case Fic, Alternate History, Sex Pollen, dubcon because of sex pollen, Trans LWJ, Mpreg, Accidental Pregnancy, Gender Dysphoria, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Humor, Non-Explicit Sex, POV Alternating, Implied Rough Sex)
Stainless by Fahye (E, 6k, WangXian, Sex Pollen, Yuletide Treat)
as amber of ember glows by occultings (microcomets) (E, 11k, WangXian, Sex Pollen, Marathon Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Mutual Pining, First Time, Miscommunication, Aphrodisiacs, pining for the person you're fucking, Getting Together, mostly)
one word from you by mme_anxious (E, 5k, WangXian, Canon Compliant, Hand Jobs, Sex Pollen, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Mutual PiningFeels, Mutual Masturbation, dubious compliance to worldbuilding, not as porny as you'd think, it's not porn unless there're Feelings okay)
as the constellations in the night sky by northofallmusic (tofsla) (E, 7k, WangXian, Sunshot Campaign, Sex Pollent, Canon Divergence, Past Character Death, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Dubious Consent, (Sex Pollen-Typical), .5 of a Golden Core Reveal)
Say So by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 15k, WangXian, Sex Pollen, increasingly convoluted excuses for not fucking your best friend, Fucking Your Best Friend, Light Dom/sub, extreme orgasm denial, Dirty Talk, Love Confessions)
🧡 Brilliant Mistake by brooklinegirl (E, 53k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sex Pollen, Mpreg, dubcon, Modern Cultivators, Dubious Medical Science)
in the darkest little paradise by martyrsdaughter (E, 4k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, PWP, Extremely Dubious Consent, Sex Pollen, One-Sided Sex Pollen, divergent at the end of ch26 aka malice part four!, Internalized Homophobia, Self-Lubrication, Size Difference, Bondage, Creampie, Somnophilia, Rimming)
Barefoot Runaway by Itszero (E, 18k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Sex Pollen, No Sunshot Campaign, Mpreg, Possessive WWX, Protective WWX, No War AU, Bottom LWJ)
miss me once the thrill expires by idrilka (E, 12k, WangXian, Modern With Cultivation, Getting Together, Pining while fucking, Curses, Sex Pollen, Rimming, Multiple Orgasms, first time barebacking, Face-Fucking)
and i'll burn with the fire of ten million stars by Lirazel (M, 11k, WangXian, Star Trek Fusion, you do not have to be familiar with star trek to read this, Pon Farr, (of course), but it's induced by a rare microbe so really it's, Sex Pollen, (statistically speaking any given trope originated in trek fandom), Dubious Consent, half-vulcan science officer!lwj, chaotic engineering disaster gremlin!wwx, let’s ignore the gender dynamics of pon farr because they’re stupid and reductive, the inherent eroticism of vulcan finger-touching, vers!wangxian because that's the only thing i believe in)
17. Hi! So after i read a fanfic about LWJ with cancer i decided that „i‘m in the mood for…“ would help me a lot with finding a fic, where WWX has cancer. So…just give me anything you have to that please. Thank you so much. @desperation-is-my-middle-name
Cure by Yukirin_Snow (M, 100k, WangXian, XiCheng, XuanLi, Modern AU, Hurt/Comfort, Sick Character, Cancer, Medical Procedures, Medical Jargon, Romance, Eventual Smut, Fluff and Angst, Love at First Sight, possible trigger warnings) if you are looking for wwx has cancer fics it seems super medically accurate, and the emotions are very realistic!! :D
some things go forward by everythingispoetry (T, 73k, WangXian, Modern AU, Hospitals, Teenage Drama, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Happy Ending, can teenagers adopt a baby, or rather can a baby adopt teenagers, papayas?) Both of them have/had cancer
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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ctrl-alt-cel · 1 year
top ten puppyshipping fics?
so thrilled about this ask...unfortunately i cant give you a list of puppyshipping top 10 without taking like 3 months to reread every joukai fic ive ever loved, but i can give you a handful that ive enjoyed recently!!
Second Chance Christmas by Elexcia (30k)
ex-husbands joey and kaiba are forced to spend the holidays together after 3 years of co-parenting and scrupulously avoiding each other. (atticus and alexis are their kids and its the cutest thing ever!!!!) theres a ton of adorable family shenanigans & how much joey and kaiba work together to ensure atticus and alexis have happy childhoods free from their own personal baggage, mixed with the most heartwrenching late-night conversations between joey and kaiba bc despite everything, they still love each other, but they remember the pain it brought them and don't know if they can endure that again. the emotions and uncertainties are so raw oftentimes i will remember a quote from this fic and my heart will ache all over again its so fcking good!!! its been on my mind ever since i read it!!!
Meeting upon the threshold by Alecto (2.6k)
"kaiba has always been his own worst enemy" -- dsod!kaiba's dimension hopping lands him in an alternate timeline and face-to-face with a version of himself he doesn't recognize. this will always be the quintessential puppyshipping fic to me omg.. the amount of characterization covered in the brief interactions the two kaibas have is spectacular, and its so cool seeing just how different dsod!kaiba's dimension is compared to a dimension where kaiba chooses jounouchi instead. hell yeah
Double Date by thegraeyone (7.2k)
GOD this fic is so funny. kaiba tries so hard to have one normal, business-related work dinner with pegasus, but pegasus is more interested in having a double date between kaiba and his boyfriend joey + pegasus with his boyfriend bandit keith, and like, what else can kaiba do? for the sake of his company, he needs to play along with the most disasterous dinner date of his life if he wants pegasus to sign a damn contract already..!!!! the comedic potential for this specific set of characters makes me lose my mind & theres so many sweet moments within the fic too. i love it so much
Most Thrilling by Alecto (1.8k)
another funny fic! a cute moment with joey visiting his boyfriend kaiba during a lunch break, and silly conversations on how kaiba really does play to win. i love the brand of slight unhinged-ness kaiba has here in regards to jou omg... kaiba is intense when it comes to everything, of course that would include his dating life😭 & i adore how he manages to come across as infuriatingly romantic in his own type of way
The Weight of Water by phant0m (2.2k)
a gentle character piece, jounouchi has just moved out from the apartment he shares with his father, and for all the newfound freedom it should entail, he feels guilty about it more than anything. thankfully his boyfriend kaiba is there to stand by him. it's a kind look into the more somber parts of jou's character and i love the scene it sets :( oh my god jou and kaiba love each other so much..!!! *dies*
Shards by jirluven (2.9k)
more hurt/comfort >:) jounouchi flinches. kaiba isn't supposed to know what it means, its one of the unbroachable topics of their close yet purposely ambiguous relationship, but they both know each other far too well for that. i really enjoy how kaiba's perspective is written, with how he's most comfortable when he's logic-ing things out and surrounded by things he can easily categorize, but hes long given up on trying to categorize jounouchi, and its most evident when pushing himself into the unfamiliar territory of tactfully trying to comfort someone he cares about
Debt to Society by Elexcia (16k)
tech acquisitions lawyer seto kaiba is sentenced to 200 hours of community service after a barfight with rival lawyer & long-time nuisance ziegfried von schroder. to meet those hours, he's assigned to represent children in court as their legal advocate with social worker joey wheeler acting as his supervisor >:) (also featuring judge yugi & the doma arc kids!!) i think this setup is genius omg. with kaiba acting as a protector for underrepresented and vulnerable kids, of course his own personal (and messy) feelings are going to get involved whether he likes it or not!!! plus i love fics where jou and kaiba are colleagues working towards the same goal and moments where kaiba has to trust in and respect joey's skills. and i cant lie. seeing a worldly joey who's good with kids is an absolute treat
Lapse by AndroideQL (4.2k)
blossoming workplace romance!! jou is kaiba's assistant (yes, everyone is surprised about this outcome too) jou & kaiba are undoubtedly attracted to each other, but theres a couple of (important!!) things about it that theyre not entirely on the same page about. the banter and familiarity jou and kaiba have with each other in this fic is sooo charmingly affectionate, and there are several exchanges that make me laugh every single time. its a refreshing and cute fic that has me hopeful knowing that no matter what communication issues they get up to, they'll eventually get their shit straight
Small and Insignificant Things by Lafae (1.6k)
one more for the office romance train >:) joey, kaiba, and the conundrum of getting a good picture for your photo ID. short and sweet boyfriend shennanigans, i love how joey & kaiba play off of each other during these mundane moments between their hectic schedules and i feel like it perfectly captures the excitement of a fresh relationship and fondly discovering the more trivial details about your partner
Working My Way Back to You by SerenaJones (10k)
during an argument between jou and kaiba, jou angrily states that he wishes they never met. kaiba soon finds himself in a universe where they never did, and meets a rougher, more abrasive jounouchi who never quit his gang who just may be the key to his way back. the worldbuilding in this fic is super cool and extensively fleshed out! its so fascinating to experience how different the cast of yugioh and domino city itself would have become if canon had played out differently, and the interactions between kaiba and a jounouchi who isn't his jounouchi but is just charming is so much fun
Orpheus and Eurydice by saiikavon (3.4k)
post-dsod joey dies while chasing kaiba into the afterlife, and by the title, you can probably imagine what kaiba has to do to get him back. very fun kaiba characterization/study here, with how quick and confident he is to challenge death itself and rebuff anything that gets in his way. and! a bit of spoilers but i love when jou gets to be a little mean (lovingly!!!!) to kaiba hehehe
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ot3 · 8 months
Sorry that was supposed to say: I love your narumitsu Christmas fic, do you ever think you’ll write other fic?
Thank you very much! and probably, at some point. god knows i have so many ideas. i really want to someday get back to writing my leverage au. I started a direct sequel to the christmas fic over 2 years ago, set 25 years afterwards for more christmas shenanigans, but there was just way way too much i wanted to cram in there like it'd probably be bare minimum 30k and it just got really daunting. I've also got a Phoenix and Trucy centric fic i've been tossing around in my brain for a couple years i'd really like to finish someday, but what's been written of it so far is just really not good.
I'm not much of a prose writer, i don't enjoy doing it a ton and i'm not super confident with the results, so it's really a last ditch effort for when an idea truly will not get purged from my brain. right now pretty much any of the time i would theoretically spend writing goes to working on my comic.
Anyway I had like the first thousand or so words of that sequel fic written up and then just stopped but ill stick whats there below the cut. YMMV.
Neither of them love Los Angeles, but they stay. Sooner or later everyone ends up back there. like a cat neglecting a sunbeam in favor of lying on the worn down arm of a highly trafficked couch, all Phoenix and Miles have to do is wait. The house feels cavernous when it’s just the two of them alone, but the days bleed by fast, sometimes distressingly so, and that emptiness only lasts as much as anything else does.
They’re alone now. Over a year or two since they’ve had a houseguest stay for more than a handful of days at a time. It makes the empty rooms feel frivolous. Perhap there’s something sad about it in the abstract, so many beds gathering dust. Miles doesn’t really mind it.
In the kitchen: Phoenix standing in front of the island chopping peppers and onions, Miles shuffling up behind him. Wraps his arms around his husband’s stomach, in the airy privacy of broad windows looking out to nothing but a generous yard. One hand slips under the hem of his shirt.
“Mmm… making breakfast?” He mumbles into Phoenix’s neck before laying a row of kisses along it.
“Yes, I’m making an omelet. For myself.”
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Miles pushes Phoenix’s shirt up a little further, and starts working his mouth across his jaw.
“I asked you if you wanted breakfast, and you said no, and to let you sleep more, and I did,” Phoenix huffs. 
“Yes, but now I’m awake,” he says, “and I’m hungry.”
One of Phoenix’s hands is still working the knife on the cutting board. The other reaches up over his shoulder to weave into Miles’ hair. Miles steps forward, pressing him insistently against the countertop.
“What? What is this?” Phoenix asks, tapping the flat of the knife on Miles’ wrist. “What are you doing here? Are you trying to have sex with me or do you want me to make you breakfast?”
“I want you to make me breakfast, and then I want to have sex with you.” It has been a long and busy week, but now that week is over. Miles intends to enjoy himself. 
“So needy! Pick one or the other, I’m not running a charity here.”
“You’re not even gonna pretend to think about that one?” He clicks his tongue. Sets the knife on the counter, turns around in Miles’ grip to loop his arms around the other man’s neck. “Don’t even have to consider if you want me more than an omelet?” 
“I’m being efficient and cutting out the part of this conversation where you pretend you’re not going to want me to fuck you in an hour or so regardless.”
“I don’t know about that. Maybe I’m finally over it. You’ve been working so many late nights, maybe the spark is gone. What if it’s now or never?” 
“I suppose,” Miles says, “that that’s a risk I’m willing to take. In pursuit of an excellent omelet.” 
“Then I guess I’m making omelets.” Phoenix disentangles himself and turns around. Picks the knife back up and – and immediately hurls it onto the floor as he startles, caught completely off guard by his phone ringing further down the counter. “Shit!”
He answers it. Miles tries to lean in and pick up the other half of the conversation, but Phoenix plants a hand firmly across his face to keep him at bay. Smudging his glasses, the nerve. On his end, Phoenix doesn’t say much. Mostly ‘uh huh’ and ‘yeah’ but he sounds excited, topping off the call with a ‘great!’ He sets it back on the counter when he’s done.
“That was Apollo,” he says, with more gravity than Miles thinks a phone call from Apollo warrants, not that he isn’t fond of the man.
“And he called to tell us that he and Klavier are good. For Christmas, I mean. They can come.”
“Is that-”
“Yeah, I think so. Pretty sure.” Phoenix starts counting on his fingers, mouthing something but not saying it out loud. “Yeah. That’s everyone.”
Miles fails to resist the urge to double check. He mentally runs over the list himself. Trucy. Franziska and Ema. Maya and Pearl, and her girls, and whatever other sprog the two of them will be bringing up from Kurain. Apollo and Klavier and the kids. Kay. That’s it. That’s everyone. How many years had it been since they were last able to wrangle all of these people in the same room? Five? Closer to ten?
“Goodness,” he finds himself saying.
“Yeah,” Phoenix says again, and then, a pause. “Yeah. Hey. We should do presents.”
“Christ. You had to go ahead and ruin it already, didn’t you?” Miles picks the knife up off the floor and sets it into the sink before handing Phoenix another from the block. “I’m not doing this on an empty stomach.” 
Phoenix offers him a shitty little salute. “There’s that holiday spirit!” ----
Later, when they’re in the shower, Phoenix is thinking about it. They don’t do presents anymore. It had just trickled to a natural stop, unspoken, as everyone had gotten older and wealthier and more traveled. Houses and suitcases ending up with less and less empty space as years went on. If you saw something and thought someone just had to have it, you got it for them, but the expectation of it had long since flamed. Birthdays and Christmases marched by without much fanfare beyond a big dinner and a few too many drinks.
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ask-emilz-de-philz · 20 days
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((HALA ))
(( ngayon ko lang na realize pag pinpoint mo anon. di na kasi ako nag notis kasi mga almost 11 years din ako na nasa 30k lang. XDDD walang moob moob yung numbers. BUT HEY LOOK. ;;-;; !!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU TO THE OLD ONES WHO STAYED AND TO THE NEW ONES WHO JOINED THIS DELULU PAGE HAHAHAH ))
(( We hope you'd continue your support to this page and its shenanigans. >////////< ALSO ))
(( YES. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO CREATING MERCH FOR THE #PLANETPUTO UNIVERSE. ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL BE MADE HERE. AHHHHHH Still in progress. >->;;; but stay tuned. ;w; thank you so much po again!!! More power to youssss!!! ))
(( To those who are new, yes I'm the artist. HaimaCheir is my personal/art page. Or you can call me HC / Hopia / Havie / Havfos / Etchsee . XDD yes, that's the "HC" initial you keep seeing on the necks of my characters. Or any illustration really. AGain thank you! ))
(( teka lang ha wipe ko muna sipon ko ))
#planetputo MAIN BLOG: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com TWITTER: @planetputo / @haimacheir2 IG: @etchsee If you like our work, please support us at: ko-fi.com/haimacheir
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