#. the cache { answered memes. }
omegalomania · 1 year
i got tagged in a BUNCH of stuff and i'm knocking these out cause i happened to look at my mentions for once.
like 2 months ago i got tagged to answer a thing by @softnsquishable
3 ships: none, none, and none. i have literally zero ships that i actually care about and most im just actively repulsed by lol
First Ever Ship: none!!!!!!
Last song: love from the other side by fall out boy cause i was screencapping the video lmao
Last Movie: i think i rewatched spirit the stallion of the cimarron kinda recently as in like 2 weeks ago so probably that
Currently reading: between books atm but i finished a little devil in america by hanif abdurraqib last month
Currently watching: rewatching the vinesauce tomodachi life series if that counts
Currently consuming: lemon tea with honey
Currently craving: i literally cannot read the word "craving" without my brain finishing the sentence with either "that mineral" or "my mcnuggies" so for legal reasons i cant answer this
then like 2 weeks ago i was tagged by @galactic-mermaid to post 5 songs i actually listen to so i'm gonna plug the ones ive been rotating in my head most recently
love from the other side, fall out boy
playing by the rules, red vox
omen, the damned things
empires, electric swing circus
hast thou considered the tetrapod, the mountain goats
then like last week i got tagged by @nerdangels and @ybcpatrick to answer 15 questions.
are you named after anyone? nope
when was the last time you cried? cleared my sad cache out sometime in january i think
do you have any kids? i have like a bunch of ocs do those count
do you use sarcasm a lot? i have a bad habit of using lots of sarcasm while being incapable of detecting it in others.
what's the first thing you notice about people? trick question i mostly dont notice other people im busy thinking about whatever thing im writing in my head
what is the color of your eyes? brown
scary movies or happy endings? im a huge weenie about horror movies unless theyre really specific ones so i guess happy endings
any special talents? im real fast at puzzles put a puzzle in front of me and i will not stop until it's done. also this is why i don't do puzzles anymore
where were you born? scientists havent yet been able to give me an answer to this one
what are your hobbies? gaming i guess. art and writing are also technically hobbies but they're also things i can't really not do so idk if they count
do you have any pets? nope but my housemate has a kitty cat whom i love dearly
what sports do you play/have you played? i dont do sports. as a kid i tried soccer (was too much of a weird kid and got distracted looking at bugs) and in high school i tried my hand at track and field (was too much of a weird kid and was absolutely miserable doing it)
how tall are you? 5'2"
favorite subject in school? well i loved english so much that i majored in it but i dont really use that degree for anything except overanalyzing 10 year old music videos on the internet
dream job? id love to be able to create for a living somehow. ive been hacking at breaking into publishing but cripes it sure as hell aint easy these days
im not tagging anyone cause these are all old as fuck and also there are like 3 memes here. but you're welcome to do any of them and say i sent you if you like.
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mercyisms · 1 year
Hiii, 2, 3 and 4?
2. Did you reread anything? What? Tons! I have a small cache of short fiction I reread when I want a shot of good writing, but I also reread a few novels or larger collections. We Have Always Lived in the Castle and The Bloody Chamber, two of my all-time and very formative favourites, both got rereads. I also reread a bunch of Bataille, because he rules. And I did read Nona twice, for brainworms. 3. What were your top five books of the year? Not including old faves I reread, my new bff Nabokov dominated the charts. Lolita, Pale Fire, and The Enchanter are probably all in the top five. As is Nona. I'll round the list out with Elif Batuman's Either/Or, which is really successful at what it's trying to do. 4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year? I already knew I liked Nabokov's short fiction, so I will not answer Nabokov to everything. Not exactly an author and more new-to-me, but I really loved reading Lilith's Cave, a collection of supernatural Jewish folk stories. Absolutely the good stuff. end of year book ask meme
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notarealwelder · 2 years
(Underdeveloped thoughts)
Human minds have two parts; hardware of brain, software of memes.
Was it the development of ~meme propagation conditions that kicked off success of homo sapiens? Something about communication medium to transmit with sufficient fidelity, plus whatever error correction, plus some efficient-ish memespace exploration algorithms/mechanism, to make possible evolutionary selection of beneficial memes?
(& then, hm, maybe it's possible to answer "why humans?" quantitatively: something something not that humans are special, but if you start from primates and stumble onto memetics then memes evolve much faster, and eventually you get a civilization in an evolutionary eyeblink, and humans is about where that happens)
Greatest achievements of civilization are not built by a single human. Sure a single mind (with a body) is a great optimization engine; it's still not powerful enough to build an entire skyscraper! But there's a next tier of optimization power humans can invoke; it's possible to delegate subtasks (with sufficient fidelity of success), and thereby run the optimization problem on many a brain (with access to many a resource).
(And also you can use the built-up cache of ~abstract ~easily transmittable general solutions to intermediate problems; material strength science, calculus, ..., are your friends. These parts nobody in the delegation process even computes by themselves; they......come from somewhere, but how do you model them while still separating a single skyscraper project from the whole of civilization? Maybe you can't, generally.)
However: does it make sense to say that the skyscraper is built by some single optimizing entity, a human or a memeplex or ___ ? Probably we could say that the idea originated in a human — maybe several; surely many developed it from the initial form — and that this idea took a life of its own, and....had such a form that its existence led to its propagation, development, interaction with ~~humans' values, goals and planning, and eventually, to a physical skyscraper. No human worked it through to completion though; we just have enough ~~goal-directed-planning within us and ~~robust-delegation structures around us to lift it into reality by a thousand papercuts.
(&, yeah, delegation technology is important there; money and contracts and ownership of shares of future profits (to align incentives correctly) and enough long-term predictability/stability for all that to work as intended)
Does this apply at all to AI theory?
All of this starts from the constraint where you can't scale a human directly; can't take a single mind pursuing the skyscraper idea and let it perform all the requisite planning and action within itself and through its own devices. There's not enough accessible mental hardware to parallelize on; a single human only has comparatively specialized expertise and couldn't acquire same in like 300 different fields involved in building the skyscraper; there's not enough hands to do all that needs to be done (and force-multiplying tools are expensive, and you would need a truly ridiculous number of those); usually one human doesn't even command enough resources to build a skyscraper on a whim, and would need investors.
Which parts of that can be side-stepped in a case of an AI? What properties would it need to scale like humans can't; what properties to work at all?
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extravagantliar · 1 year
[ UPDATE ]:     a letter that updates the recipient on the writer’s life, or certain on-going events that are happening in their life. for beau?
letter prompts // meme cache // accepting 
He does not write to her as much as he wishes; however, when he does, there are pages among pages about their home, their people, and of course, about her dear wayward Viscount. As an adopted daughter of the House of Tethras, she’s afforded his titles and styles. But, alas, she’s mainly in Val Royeaux, proving everyone wrong and doing more and more good. How couldn’t he be proud? It’s a lengthy letter, but before he can sign and stamp it with their family crest, there is Bran. The grim look on his face is enough for the stamp to be left in the well, letters placed aside as a ledger on Hightown pulled from another pile, a mask of work to his seneschal. 
“Bran, how can I assist you?”
Bran’s frown deepens as the words come off dismissive. Varric’s eyes flick back to the seneschal, who seems more and more uncomfortable as each moment passes, shifting his weight and avoiding Varric’s gaze. 
“I’m afraid I have received word from the Orphanage of Lowtown, your grace.” There’s a pause, Bran coming to scratch his face as if he was biding his time. The orphanage had been one of his projects to redistribute some dearly needed aid to children of any creed; so far, it had championed fosters and adoptions of all kinds. He, too, had even been a patron to some before and a few now. Bran sighs, pulling them both away from a string of their thoughts. “Miss Estel, the fosterling you patron, it seems that her adoption fell through.”
The ledger closes a little louder than intended, and the snap brings Bran to attention. “It seems, sir, that the Baron deFleur did not realise that the girl was not human.” It’s a kind way to state blatant xenophobia. Quill is pulled from an inkwell, and parchment is drawn to the centre of the desk. Bran’s voice almost wavers, “Your grace?”
“Perhaps, Edmund does not realise I am a dwarf?”
“That is not possible; he sent you a pewt-” The words taper off, Bran swallowing the rest of his thought before it too spilt over, yet other words, much more frantic, find their place. “Your Grace, I must implore you not to do anything unreasonable when it comes to the Baron of Jader; I cannot be sure that the orphanage informed him or the prospective parents!” It is a simple statement: failure to disclose was a tactic used by agencies to place children in a home when overwhelmed with too many mouths to feed. It was seen as a way to place children, but also disingenuous and perhaps callous to both parties. It was something they had been trying to fix; however, most of the time, it ended with too many broken hearts.
The quill is placed back in ink. Parchment is left unblemished and Varric sighs. “Has Estel been told?”
“Not yet, sir.” Bran sighs, shoulders relaxing, “I believe the orphanage wanted to hear from you first, to protect the young girl.” No older than five, she was a blameless young girl caught in the politics of everything. This was not the first failed adoption, but something stings with this. Estel was a bright child with eyes that reflected some fire that he had seen years ago burning in Hawke’s eyes. It was easy to become her patron, to make sure she got the education she deserved, and when she outpaced those teachers, he had found a way to make sure the Orphanage could find a way to send her to another school. The letters to Beau cross his vision once more, and he stands, pulling his coat on and pushing his chair aside. 
“Sir?” But the question is lost to Varric, lost again as he repeats it louder this time. Yet he keeps walking, lost in his own thoughts as guards and assistants step aside and out of the way as Bran continues to tail albeit comically hushed questions that Varric still fails to answer. “Varric!” 
Varric stops and turns to look back, Bran is now somewhat red in the face, and he knows it’s only half anger. “You cannot just leave in the middle of the day; if you want to adopt Miss Estel, we can have someone bring her here!” 
A thought is finally brought into the world by his own assistant, but Varric sighs. He’d considered someone getting her here, but he had promised her that the people coming to collect her would be meeting her in Lowtown to go home as a family. “Bran, I need you to prepare a room; I will get Estel.” There is not much else to say as he weaves through, Bran shouting something and then something else, alas, it’s lost over the roar of the keep and his throughs spearheading him through the Garden and down towards the home. A few things are picked up along the way, knowing that she most likely has things to come with her. 
What is surprising is that he’s met at the door by the orphanage's Matron, looking down at him with sad eyes. He knows it doesn’t fix everything, but she ushers him inside, into a small office where he fills out piece after piece of paperwork, proving his identity as Viscount and Varric Tethras. It takes more time than he cares to admit, but at the end of it all, Estel has a family, and he is led to her. She’d been told that someone important had adopted her as the family were tied to Baron Edmund deFleur. She’s excited and happily tells him she’s pleased she doesn’t have to leave her school, where she has just gotten to know the teachers and started enjoying the classes. Things will change, but Estel, with her ever-curly mop of hair, chatters, and he thinks of another joyful person across the sea. He now knows what he has to add to the letter long left on his desk. First, he gets Estel back to the keep, introducing her to the staff and his friends. She settles in, and once she’s finally asleep for the night, he can return to his office's dim light and finish up his letter to Beau. 
19th of H...  of 9:4... ( the lighting is dim ) Dearest Beau Of House Tethras,
Kirkwall continues to rebound. The docks are finally open and in full swing. Now you can come home and see the Garden along with everything Kirkwall has to offer when you are done with all the fantastic things you have to do abroad. While I will never rush you here, remember that the walls of Kirkwall are your home. In the last few months, Kirkwall has accomplished a successful trade to Antiva and restored land routes to Starkhaven. In the coming weeks, we will venture out further, advancing Kirkwall's economy. There is, of course, bad with all the good. I fight the gentry at every turn, and while I am the Viscount of Kirkwall, power is split, and I do not have the same unifying force behind me that the other Viscounts had. I want to avoid more Chantry involvement, and while I know that your work is essential to you, I do not need to take the money and indebt our city more. 
I hope you understand the position it places me in; I will borrow against myself, hoping to create a more unified front through public projects; however, the more I raise up the layperson, the more the gentry becomes angry with me. The nobles made the system inequitable, which has simply become more apparent over time. I do not want to create a divide that destabilises Kirkwall, but I do not want to fall prey to the curse of my predecessors and bring more strife and pain to her fair shores. I would instead give up the crown before letting that pass.
I am doing well, I promise. I promise Bran ensures I eat and drink; while I cannot promise I sleep enough, I will let you know the sleep I get is restful. I am trying to do better for you and Kirkwall. 
The letter had ended here; however, another piece is placed behind. 
I have done something rash.
 I have adopted another child. 
Her name is Estel. I enclosed a miniature of her so that you can see her. She was the girl I sponsored at the Lowtown Orphanage, but she is an elf. Bran may think I am mad, but Estel has adjusted well. She’s taken the room next to the one set up for you. 
Please don’t think this is a play to trick you into a visit; I wouldn’t and couldn’t be so devious. I would simply outright sucker you into one, and you know that. I would like you to come home one of these days. I’ll teach Estel how to play Wicked Grace, and perhaps we can all play a game. I’ll have both of you better than me in no time. It does feel nicer to have more folks in the Keep, the maids are laughing more, and it doesn’t seem as cursed in this dreaded Keep. 
I hope you will visit soon, there is a garden awaiting you. 
All my love, unconditionally, 
Your father,  Varric of House Tethras Viscount of Kirkwall
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
Ok so I hate Cache!ATZ already, they can fuck right off.
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travellingflower · 3 years
tags .
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equinoxsystem · 3 years
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bonsai-babies · 2 years
5 habits Sam picked up after Johnny got assimilated into the family
Now she knows a whole lot of new and exciting swear words, but it always sounds hilariously sweet in her voice because she doesn't have the angst or the rage that Johnny has. It usually takes people a solid minute to realize she just said something bad, even though it sounded like a Disney princess speaking.
She began saying: "move stupid arrow" "send it to the internet" "hashbrowns" As a meme, to mock Johnny, but now she cannot speak right and she sounds unhinged.
She answer's Johnny's "pussies" with "dickies" to provoke him and his masculinity. Always works.
Having to clean the cache and memory of Johnny's cellphone because he fills it with useless apps and videos. Very inappropriate videos.
Using 'badass' as the supreme compliment word for anything. Daniel is suffering.
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jemgirl86 · 2 years
For the writer ask meme- 6 and 10 , love your writing btw 🤗
Aww thank you 💕💕
6. What’s your favourite piece of dialogue you wrote this year?
I answered this on another post, but let me put an exchange from You’re Blowing My Mind with the Things You Say to Me that was a very close second:
“Sam.” Bucky took a deep breath and leaned forward in his seat. “Let’s talk about it.”
“Ummm… what?” Sam said, eyes narrowing. He couldn’t tell if Bucky was messing with him again or what.
“Let’s talk about it,” Bucky repeated. “I mean, I’d like to talk about it, about us.”
Now, Bucky sounded serious, but he’d sounded serious before, so…
“Right,” Sam said, sounding more than a little skeptical.
“Sarah wasn’t pranking you, Sam. I admitted I was into you; I talked about wanting to live with you,” he confessed, his face on fire. “I just — I didn’t realize I was saying it… out loud… to her.”
“Okay,” Sam said, leaning back in his chair and letting the information sink in a minute. “So, did you just not mean to say it, or did you just not mean it—
“No, I meant it,” Bucky interrupted quickly. “I was drunk, and Carlos’ moonshine should probably be added to our weapons cache, but I knew what I was saying, and I meant what I was saying,” he swore.
“Didn’t quite mean to have an audience though,” he mumbled under his breath, grimacing slightly.
“But I’m glad Sarah heard me, and I’m glad she told you,” he continued, louder this time, and it was mostly true. “Who knows if or when I would’ve gotten the nerve to ask you out otherwise.”
Bucky suddenly looked incredibly determined… and hopeful, and Sam knew without a doubt that Bucky was being straight with him. This wasn’t a joke or a misunderstanding. Nope. The fine ass grump he maybe had a thing for, apparently definitely had a thing for him too.
Huh. Go figure.
“Will you go on a date with me, Sam? Will you let me spend some time showing you just how much I like you?” He asked, sending Sam what was probably the softest smile he’d ever seen.
“Okay, yeah,” Sam replied, sort of breathlessly.
10. What, if anything, are you going to try to do differently in your writing in the new year?
Hmm I’m going to try to stay on schedule better… like not have any long gaps between updates with my WIPs.
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queen-gemini · 5 years
Tags v.0.03
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❝✧Our Guardian Angel✧❞〚Mercy Mention〛
❝a chuisle a chroí❞ 〘✧ Moicy✙ 〙
❝a chuisle a chroí❞ 〘✧ Love Interest〙
❝Logging Data Cache❞〘reply〙
❝Thank you for your contribution❞ 【answered asks】
❝I will not be denied❞ [ask meme]
❝Ar Fheabhas❞〘aesthetics 〙
❝Moira, by your side❞ 〖IC: Miora〗
❝Sláinte❞〚 ✧ art ✧ 〛
❝Táim uilechumhachtach!❞〘✵Moira Visual✵〙
❝Guinea Pigs❞ 【mobile】
❝No need to mess about❞ ﹝ooc﹞
❝I will unmake you❞ 〖rp thread〗   
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courier-sux · 3 years
“what perk would they give the player?” for the main trio 👀
Answered this for Jackal here!
What perk would they give the player?
August’s perk is Desert Terror; with August as a companion, you deal more damage to wounded enemies (You deal 25% more damage to enemies missing half or more of their HP.) No mercy for the weak.
Jace’s perk is Rank and File; with Jace as a companion, you have access to supply caches scattered around the Mojave meant for NCR soldiers (Supply caches may contain helpful items such as stimpacks, ammo, and food/water.) Soldiers help each other out, even after they end their service.
fallout oc companion ask meme
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subzerobts · 4 years
Thoughts on the Eighth Member of BTS
A/N: No pairings or warnings for this, except that it may throw you into a sudden 8th member fanfic spiral. When I tell you I was reading 8th member fanfic for the majority of my day, I mean like a good six hours. It wasn’t good.
Okay, so I feel like a lot of people have talked about an eighth member and it being a girl and stuff so I figure I should add some stuff to the ever growing cache of things about the eighth member.
This was like 2300 words and I have no regrets.
~So if there was I feel like she would be slightly younger than most of them and would have come in after their first few albums
~Maybe she was raised in New York with her immediate family being mostly Korean and hella feminist and she’d have older brothers and be super chill
~So like maybe the company would be worried about the lack of fast growing traction with the group and have a girl added in
~First things first: it would be awkward as heck for the guys to suddenly have a girl there and would make living situations even more difficult, with having to share rooms and such. So, they’d probs alternate who rooms with who and who gets the couch, especially for her rooming with a guy
~Not to mention if she catches them talking about some sort of issue with the sleeping situation and then being nervous about it
~Eventually, I feel like she’d kind of get tired of all of the tiptoeing around her and be like
~‘Guys! I don’t even care! Unless you guys have some sort of creepy thing you’re trying to avoid, just treat me like one of you guys’
~Things would chill out basically immediately. Like the next few days, the boys were super relaxed and that was a problem because they just started walking around in just underwear and she would be like:
👀😒 um ew?? Put a shirt on?
~They’d clean it up a lil bit and walk around in like boxers and t shirts, which was fine she had older brothers, she could deal with that
~She’d respectfully bow out of the choreographed hip thrusts and things of that nature at first, like maybe they’d thrust and she’d like make a gagging motion or something(only rarely because the company would be like no) at some point she’d get extremely comfortable with just doing the hip thrusts herself
~The company even found that during interactions with fans she got just as much, sometimes more, attention and screaming as the boys
~Eventually she’d get used to dressing androgynous, like the stylist unnies would put her in skirts and she’d get kinda pissed and the guys would all agree that she’d be better in just what they’re wearing(i.e. pants)
~(Also, just a quick side note, before they even realized what was happening, they’d be super protective. Like unwarranted protection.
~Especially during interviews and talk shows any heavily toxic feminine questions related to her would be met with complete headassery(is that a word?) Just any kind of bullshit the guys could come up with.
~Like it wouldn’t happen immediately, but like after a few interviews and them seeing how uncomfortable it made her to answer the weird questions(coming from female OR male interviewers) they’d kind of come up with an unspoken agreement to answer any and every sexist comment or question with an answer just as shitty)
~ Into specific dynamics now:
~I feel like she’d be evenly split to each other member’s interests because in the first few months, that’s how she bonded with them, busy finding somethings she had in common with each of them and building on it
[we’ll go youngest to oldest]
~She is close with all of the boys, but each get her undivided attention when the moment serves.
~ With Jungkook she’d notice his quiet side during the beginning and willingness to please. So she’d always assure him, in a not so obvious way, that he was accepted. Just quiet validation from her court to his.
~So she’d set up gaming nights with Jungkook when they didn’t have strict schedules or just sit around on their phones
~ The fandom would eventually come to know them as the meme lords of the group.
~Their inside jokes are way too many to count and don’t even come close to being forgotten.
~Can’t forget GCF cause she would be in every single one of them that she could. She’s endlessly supportive of the videos and wants to be in all of them, she even suggests music and things(sometimes before he’s even thinking of doing another one)
~She disapproves when he pushes himself too hard. When she knows it’s happening, she’ll involve on of the hyungs( probably Jin) or they’ll talk to a manager if things get super serious.
~That being said, if he doesn’t have the dance down, or they’re both struggling, she’s the first to volunteer to run the dance with him multiple times and is always the voice of reason.
~When he says ‘one more time’ she says ‘food first’ or like ‘how about a water chugging contest really quick?!’ (bc we all know his competitive nature) ‘Jin probably has some left overs in the fridge that we can reheat, late night snack time!’
~They definitely argue a bit about being the “Golden Maknae.” She’s a bit competitive in that aspect. Because they’re both so talented and she’s just a half of a year older than he is.
~For Taehyung, I feel like she’d grow to love art with him. His quiet adoration for things of beauty, conventional or not.
~(They have a joke,mostly his own that he refuses to let die, that she’s his favorite piece of artwork, eventually she retaliates with him being her favorite piece of artwork and it just sticks.)
~They’d be the classy duo, but with matching boxy smiles. Elegant and poised, their visuals are basically unmatched and during photo shoots, they’re always the ones finished way before the others.
~There are no bad sides for the classy duo. (I’m basically imagining model material for both of them, like just ethereal. Visual god and goddessssssss)
~Also his need to fall asleep holding something, I feel like she’d match that with just being okay with anything when she’s asleep or almost asleep(like she’d fall asleep in the car with the boys or something and be difficult to wake up, so they’d just carry her and she wouldn’t even stir)
~So Tae would lay beside her and they’d be chilling and eventually fall asleep and then later wake up holding onto each other.
~Both of them are shameless damn flirts. They’re attractive and they know it and they will absolutely use it to (not literally) kill ARMY
~Jimin is a bit harder to think about(idek why) but I feel like she’d be his buddy in quiet studying. Like he’d come find her if he wanted to do some reading, but not be alone and she’d be totally down( same with Joon but hold on)
~and either she’d read her own book or she’d do some sketching(mostly because she’d want to have her own unique thing that the others weren’t too interested in)
~Jimin would be her ideal model in these moments. She never gets tired of sketching any of the boys, but in those moments, Jimin is the least likely to change face or position and thus be the perfect study.
~she’d also ask him for homework help in the earlier days with like mathematics and he’d always be more than happy to help
~Jimin is a brat and I feel like when the two of them spend a bit too much time together, the rest of the group can only expect the worst.
~(Low key the Lil-Shit Duo™️)
~Joon is next and here’s where her position in the group comes in. Since she was raised in New York, she’d be fluent in both Korean and English and, as such, would help with the interviews and translating.
~It’s a huge load for Namjoon to carry and with her, being by his side and helping with rephrasing things to the boys during interviews really eases him.
~Along with that, he always makes sure that she knows how much he appreciates her after difficult interviews or just every good while he’s just endlessly doting and complimenting her and things. She always tells him that it’s unnecessary, but he never stops thanking her.
~So they’re like the Leader Duo™️ and are consistently doing damage control between the boys(almost like group therapy) or rephrasing the boys’ answers(in those moments where the boys give weird answers to questions in interviews)
~When not in the public eye, they are coming up with ways to better interact with ARMY or they’re expanding their horizons by reading and stuff.
~Her favorite thing with Joon is working on learning a new language or just English with Joon and making up little tongue twisters and sayings and debating proper ways to phrase things. Which brings us to:
~Being a part of the rapline. So Joon, Hobi, and Yoongi are her peeps. When she’s not entertaining the maknae line, she’s with the Hyung line.
~Hobi and her have a cute dynamic. He babies her a little bit and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t love it at least a little.
~they like coming up with dances together, even when they are supposed to be taking the day off, just goofing around and coming up with dances for little snippets of songs is fun
~they’re like the sunshines of the group. So he’s J-hope and she’s his ‘little hope’. How cute.
~She’s constantly encouraging his little quirks and things that he does(the sound effects and just being him) and being right there with him in being the lights of the group.
~I feel like her and Jungkook get the same bit of his attention. Like the cuddly bits of it
(and my heart skips for cuddly JungHope so like imagining the three of them being cozy and mellow together and just watching the rest of the group do whatever. Agh my heart)
~My boy Yoongles is next and let me tell you I’ve been excited as hell for this one.(trying real hard not to let bias love seep through)
~When moving to a more spacious apartment, they decided to give her her own room. (She’s grateful.)
~And so when she wants to tamp down the wildness in the apartment, get a moment's peace, she retreats to her room.
~While she’s endlessly supportive of all six of the others, encouraging their wild quirks, her room is the quietest. Her room has a ‘no noise’ rule.
~Yoongi shares a room with Jin still at this point and not that Jin is a bad roommate, or particularly noisy, it’s just that the maknae line patronizes him a lot. And Yoongi has very little patience for that.
~So her room is where they’ll often find him. She has a comfy couch that she took Yoongi with to pick it out(because it was basically for him.)
~Point is, she’s mellow when she wants and needs to be and Yoongi is drawn to that chill side of her.
~When the rest are wild and he wants mellowness, he seeks her out and when she wants to be a bit rowdy, she leaves and closes the door.
~He has a gigantic soft spot for her. Not even kidding.
~The boys will always pull her into the situation if they think Yoongi might get too angry or a prank goes south and does more harm than fun amusement.
~They mention that she was involved and she goes with it because she doesn’t want the boys in too much trouble and Yoongi won’t hurt her like he would the boys(not actually hurt but you know like “beat them up”) or scold her too harshly.
~As soon as he finds out she’s involved the anger either dissipates or he removes himself from the situation so as not to hurt anything(but you bet your ass she scolds the maknaes from time to time on Yoongi’s behalf)
~And he definitely helps with her mixtape which the fandom is waiting for. Basically, chomping at the bit. She gives Yoongi and Joon so much credit tbh
~They definitely nap together. Mostly because they’re up at ungodly hours during the night, either working on songs or just talking because that’s definitely a thing that happens.
~They have similar views of the world(I’m mostly thinking of Interlude: Shadow here) but being lonely while being famous is definitely a view they share and are drawn together from that. Despite all of their wants to be on the top of the world, they want to not be lonely.
~Along with her keeping up well with the rowdy bits of the group, she’s definitely introverted like Yoongi. She does what she has to to further the group, but she does get drained and just kind of shuts everyone out some times.
~This is where Jin comes in. (Not to be that cliché bitch who’s always like Jin’s the mom of the group omg) but in this case, he makes sure she’s eating and taking care of herself when she does this.
~They all have locks on their doors and she keeps hers locked a majority of the time, but Jin and Yoongi are the only people she absolutely trusts with coming in unannounced.
~Despite always laughing at his dad jokes and being totally supportive of that, he knows when to turn on being serious and not taking her bullshit about “being fine” if she’s not.
~He forces(more like needles annoyingly) her to eat even when she says she’s not hungry during those times
~Makes sure she’s taking care of herself like showering and brushing her teeth and things.
~During the earlier years when she mostly stayed with the boys, very little contact to her mother in New York, Jin absolutely made sure he had cramp medication on hand and feminine products stashed in spots around the house. Well hidden obvi so the boys wouldn’t just stumble across them, but still there. (She does these things on her own now, but she’ll never forget the thought he put into making sure she was cared for)
~She’s definitely requested a majority of the time on EatJin. ARMY just likes to make sure that she’s eating(just like all of them) and they want to see the two of them talk.
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~All in all, the boys are her family and she wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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Some people asked me what was my favorite version of Frozen, if I preferred the French version because I’m French or the English version because it’s the original version
I always answer: well, it’s not really the same movie
And they’re like ???
Let me explain!
The two versions are really different from one another due to the fact that we have to translate what is said and then try to sync it with the characters’ lips
And in France we loooove butchering movies and their plots
The thing is, you have two types of translation: translating the movie perfectly but losing the musicality of it (that would be for example the French Canadian version) and “translating” the movie and have something that sounds great
They didn’t do it for Frozen though, I’m actually sad for the québécois because Elsa’s singer is the French voice actress, which doesn’t make any sense, when Anna and Elsa sing together, they don’t even have the same “accent”! (We can’t really talk about an accent here, it’s just that they prononce the same word differently, we tend to merge certain syllables in French like instead of saying “je te l’ai dit” we say instead “j’te l’ai dit”, French Canadians don’t really do that) so it’s sooo weird!
But back to the main point, I will admit it guys, at first, I didn’t like Frozen *gaps* WAIT COME BACK, LET ME EXPLAIN
Okay, I didn’t like Frozen because the plot didn’t make any sense! And then 6 years later, Frozen 2 came out and I was like “hey, let’s watch the first movie again but in English this time” and gooood, it was better (plus, I didn’t speak English back in 2013! So that’s why I watched it in French back then!)
Most characters in the French version are so angry and bitter that I’m like “guys, just chill” and they’re so paradoxical at the same time!
I wanna share with you an extract of my favorite song, for the first time in forever reprise
Look at this:
I’m such a fool I can’t be free —> ni libérée, ni délivrée (neither free nor...free, French is so stupid, I love it. It’s a reference to let it go which is translated in French by “libérée, délivrée” just imagine the English translation, freeee, freeeee I’ll never lie again! (Yes Elsa said that in French...))
No escape from the storm inside of me —> dites moi comment ne pas désespérer (tell me how to not lose hope, okay, that’s not what she said but hey, at least it’s the right emotion)
I can’t control the curse —> Ce don est si intense (this gift is so intense (big mistake here, come on people, have you seen the movie? Gift??? ELSA HATES IT)
Anna please you’ll only make it worse —> toutes ces belles promesses n’ont pas de sens (all these fine promises make no sense, sounds a bit accusatory. Like “Anna you say these things but I call bullshit”)
There’s so much fear —> ce sera pire (it will be worse, okay, you missed a crucial feeling there. She is scared. She is panicking)
You’re not safe here —> tu vas souffrir (you’re going to suffer, okay, you missed something there too. They actually already failed it a bit earlier in the song too, in English, she clearly says “I’m the danger here, you should stay away” I’m French she is like “you’re in danger! For some reason! Don’t mind me I’m here! OH LOOK! ICE! TOLD YOU YOU WERE IN DANGER” ah and also, you’re going to suffer? It’s a weird thing to say, it sounds like a threat, or even worse, like a promise. Dark Elsa is the main character in French)
But that’s not only it! Now I’m going to talk about let it go, oh wait my bad, free free
Some lyrics are...uh, wrong. Or even worse, I don’t even know what they mean
“The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside” Le vent qui hurle en moi ne pense plus à demain (the wind howling inside me doesn’t think about tomorrow anymore...err, really poetic, but...what? Indeed Elsa, I’m sure it doesn’t...)
“Don’t let them in, don’t let them see, be the good girl you always have to be” cache tes pouvoirs, n’en parle pas, fais attention, le secret survivra (hide your powers, don’t talk about them, be careful, the secret will survive. Okay nice but in the English version, she is sarcastic, she is angry, she is slightly blaming her parents. Where is it in French?)
“Conceal don’t feel, don’t let them know, well now they know” Pas d’états d’âme, pas de tourments, de sentiments (no qualms, no torment, no feelings. Okay, YOU FAILED THIS TIME, there’s no evolution in Elsa’s behavior! After that, she says she is free, sounds a bit random! And when she removes her gloves, in the French version you’re like “ah? She changed her mind? Err cool I guess. I was so confused back then. Elsa pretty much says “I’m sad, I have to stop feeling, I’M FREEEEE”)
But even worse, they changed the characters: for example, Anna
Not sweet Anna T_T I mean, in the English version, she is sooo forgiving (a bit too much some might say)
But I don’t know guys, in French she sounds a bit selfish and accusatory, it’s gonna be hard to explain but bear with me
In for the first time in forever reprise, or le renouveau in French (the resurgence, but it also means the return of Spring , French can be really poetic sometimes)
She says things like “you have no right to run away from me like this” instead of “you don’t have to keep your distance anymore”, a weird thing to say with a gentle voice. But also, that’s not what she said??? Then Anna says “ because for the first time in forever, I finally understand”, it wouldn’t have worked in French after this sentence, so instead she says “because I want to celebrate this resurgence, that will change your fate” err okay, whatever you want Anna. And fate? Well technically the translation is destiny. It gives the impression that Elsa was doomed like a main character in a Shakespearean tragedy. You’re so a drama queen Anna. Didn’t you hear her sing at the top of her lungs at the top of that mountain? She is free, she is happy, well, temporarily but she is! ...It’s a miracle it didn’t set off an avalanche. It’s your fate that wouldn’t have been good.
And like, for some reason, she loves saying what she wants “I want to celebrate this resurgence” “I’d like a snowman”, what about your sister?
“We will free ourselves from this burden” instead of “we will head down this mountain together” wtf does it mean Anna? Is this burden Elsa’s powers? Or the secret? You’re confusing girl
“You plunged the entire country into an eternal winter” instead of “You kind of set off an eternal winter everywhere” she is sooo awkward about it in English because she doesn’t want to scare her off or hurt her feelings. In French? Pffft, subtlety? That’s for the weak. You did this Elsa, congratulations. No beating about the bush.
I’m not saying the translators did a bad job, their job is super hard and they actually nailed it on lots of things but yeah, when I talk about French Elsa, I feel like I’m talking about someone else. It gets even worse when you read French fanfictions. So which version is the best? None! (English, definitively English), that’s why I was able to watch this movie 6 times (yes, now it’s 6) in so many languages, it’s really fun to see how translators decided to translate certain things, and decided what was important for the plot, or not
Anyway, I felt like sharing this piece of information with you guys! Btw, my post is partly based on a French video made by LinksTheSun, about Disney songs. It has English subtitles so you should check it out, it’s actually really fun
Oh and of course, I have to share with you the French version of For The First Time In Forever Reprise, which is too great to miss out: https://youtu.be/z7mEF7gRGik
Wow you made it till the end! Thank you!
Here’s a stupid meme for your trouble:
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eziojensenthe3rd · 4 years
A horror story ;)
NASA reports that an alien ship has been spotted on the rim of the milky way. People start speculating and/or meming about it as it heads to each planet in our solar system, sitting there for a few days before moving on. Eventually they reach us and as people wait with baited breath, expecting the worst as probes fly through the earths atmosphere, scanning the planet before heading back to the mothership. A week goes by and nothing happens, the wait is agonizing, are they friendly? or are they planning an attack? Something gets spotted heading towards the planet, people are panicking as it hits our waters and... nothing. No explosions, no destruction. Nothing but a beacon of sorts sounding on all waves, almost inviting anyone to investigate it. A US battleship reaches it first for investigation, its not a bomb or some kind of hostile device, its a supply cache. Within it contains some books of some sort and one device with symbols on it and a screen.
After a month of thorough investigation and discussion with the worlds finest scientists and language specialists, the order is given to use the device and see what it does. The device flickers on, whirring and buzzing until eventually a bright image of emptiness is on the screen. A voice leaks out of the device, carrying an alien language which excites several scientists as they get to work translating it. “Greetings. Since you activated this device, there is hope you can understand our language from the gift we sent, and that a dialect can be established. Apologies for the lack of visual, our protocol is to establish only audio contact for the time being until enough time has passed to ensure comfort. Please use the device to communicate with us as you wish“.
A wave of relief and hope is felt, mixed with a sea of doubt and concern, were these words true? It was hard to tell at first. Although the alien ship could be seen within the sky, a tiny dot of dread sitting in the air, there has been no movement or actions done by it that can be deemed as “hostile”. Instead it could be argued that it held a “passive” presence. Questions asked were answered, queries raised that were countered with reassurance and explanation. Indeed, the experience was quite pleasant if surreal.
One day, you were assigned to ask some questions through the device, a laptop with a microphone is setup it to record and translate the aliens language automatically and with assurance by the experts that they fine tuned it for better accuracy. The device flickers on before a voice creeps out once more. “Hello, before we can begin I want to say that it has been approximately 127 days of your planets rotation since first contact if i am correct? This is enough time for our protocol to allow us to enable visual contact. With your permission, i would like to enable this”. You turned your head to the scientists who give you the thumbs up before looking back to device, pressing the symbols to type out the word “Yes” in their tongue before sending, directing your eyes to the laptop screen once more as the voice speaks again. “Very well, this will take a moment”. The device whirs again as a small piece on top of it lifts, revealing a small camera device. The device’s screen begins to change as the image turns on, beginning to focus on a figure facing the screen. As the pictures settles, you feel a sense of surprise and excitement... followed by an intense, unrelenting feeling of horror and dread. The figure was sitting in a fairly lit room, almost art deco if your not mistaken. It seemed sharply dressed or appears to be, and was definitely a humanoid. It has.... fairly tall ears, a maw and a snout, was covered in fur and has what looked to be a fluffy tail of sorts, whisking back and forth behind it, as it sits there facing the camera. “Well, I hope I am not too shocking to look at” the figure chuckles innocently, as it sits wagging its tail.
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extravagantliar · 5 years
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SEND ME A TOPIC TO WRITE A META ABOUT MY MUSE ON  // meme cache // @asteeledheart && @bornpariah​
It would be so fitting that you two would ask about two pieces so intertwined with one another.
To fully answer this question, I had to do some research into the history of fashion and the production of textiles, and it’s safe to say that with how the Dragon Age holds itself it draws inspirations from many historical points, such as the fashion houses in Orlais being inspired by high French Fashion of Rose Bertin, the mother of Haute Couture and dressmaker to Queen Marie Antoinette. For a world that is based in a medieval fantasy, much of their technology and ideas are bounds ahead of their timeline. 
Varric comes from an upper-class family, and his parents were intertwined with the royal house when they were in Orzammar. They had access to things that others did not, and even when the Tethras Family ( the codex states it was hundreds of people ) was cast out, they landed in a place of economic wealth. Varric has never struggled for money, he was well published before he cut himself off from Bartrand and earned a healthy stipend, allowing him to indulge in leather riding coats, dusters, and gloves. 
Colour is something that is used sparingly within the NPC populace, resorting to greens, browns, greys, and tans, which are the most common and cheapest colours. The companions and advisors are given a kinder treatment, however, fall into the same groups, there is a divide between the groups: Cole and Solas stick with tans and browns, with a smattering of greens, while others ( which Sera is excluded because we know she steals whatever clothes she wants ) like Vivienne and Dorian are adorned with silver pieces, gold, whites, lighter greys, blacks, patterns and textures. Fabrics have to be treated, washed, dyed and in this point of time -- hand-woven or stitched, making Varric’s various tunics adorned with gold and silver thread in multiple and complex designs EXPENSIVE, especially his infamous red tunic.
So the man has expensive taste, how expensive are we talking?
While he’s on the road, he has plated amour for missions and at least three to four different tunics. Somewhat expensive, considering the beading, buttons, belt buckles, scarves, ties and colours he has. The devil is in the details, and most things are intricate and detailed, up there with the elaborate robes that Josie, Vivienne and Dorian wear. However, the difference here is that many of these things are well worn and are from Kirkwall. In fact, he orders and only buys from Kirkwall, mainly to continue to support the fractured and dwindling economy of his home-city and these orders would be pricy since they would have to import dies and threads. 
Varric spent a considerable amount on his clothing.
As for the cut and the fabric, the fabric could be implied to be cotton or another loose and breathable fabric, something that would hold the intricate thread and wouldn’t bunch or pull unless grabbed or hooked. His duster would most likely be leather, with significant metal adornments, such as his belt buckles and the o-rings that would have to be custom installed for his canisters and Bianca. This doesn’t include the fact that his boots are custom made as well with room for a knife and a money pouch ( along with being soft-soled since he’s a rogue ). His ties, which are those pieces of fabric he sinches his tunics with when not canonically rendered with a belt or his jacket, is mainly blue, textured and patterned ( which also makes it expensive ). 
It is evident that his travel-wear, ready-wear and day to day wear is designed for comfort and practicality. His plate armour isn’t even rendered that heavy or thickly, it is still mostly his travel wear or ready-wear, but he’s incredibly put together, down to the gold earrings and necklace, the only accessories during his commission with Hawke and then later the Inquisitor. 
With this implication of dyes and how intricate things are, and how they seem to be produced --- it can be implied that the uniforms that are commissioned for the Inquisitor’s High Circle are very expensive no matter what colour the player chooses. It’s easy to infer by looking at the cut, the adornments, the cloth and the number of people they have to fit. 
So what does this mean for his tenure as Viscount? 
Well, the addition of dress robes is something, to consider since he would be the physical representation of Kirkwall. However, according to Knight Errant and the Epilogue of DAI his style doesn’t really change, he has an addition of a fur-lined jacket, but his tunic is intact and his jewellery is the same.
 Meaning that he still prefers comfortable clothing, over the couture that seems to strangle the upper-echelons of the ruling class, while still spending a considerable amount. 
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enchantingwrath · 3 years
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YOU PUSH EVERYONE AWAY.  it's not that you don't appreciate help, it just feels so wrong. you still have a hard time saying 'i love you' back. but you don't ever have to. tell people you love them by remembering little things they tell you. paying for their lunch the next time you go out. telling them you saw a movie and it reminded you of them. sometimes it's hard to remember that just because you've felt unloved before, it doesn't mean you're unloved now.
tagging: @levingale​ @makersruins​ @ahlis-xiv​ @sagittariusarrow​​ @hanakarii​ @vysaldhe​ @sand-seeks-sun​ @drunken-drk​ @alannah-corvaine​ @fair-fae​ @fletchlingfletcher​ @echopulse​ @bozjan​ @rosentides​ 
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