#(no idea if that's the english name. It certainly isnt the spanish one)
auslanderklpl · 11 months
Madre Hobuna
Being a 2000s kid that had a semi decent grasp on english and a deep need to view all things non suitable for my age demographic. I found myself sinking quickly inside all things horror or supernatural.
From small, passion driven blogspots to shock sites, my internet journey landed me in places that still carry some of my major inspirations and influences for my art.
Who doesn’t remember horribly photoshop cryptids and aliens from ye olden days? I certainly do and I strive my humanoid contraptions to resemble that uncanny, almost random aesthetic of early internets photoshop.
One of those inspirations was the legend behind the 9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9 reddit creepypasta series.
At the beginning I thought of it as a homage to the Silent Hill series, like an extreme AU of the first games from its heavy womb symbolism. The interfaces scream that is a womb-mimic like the pods avatars were stored in the J.Camerons franchise. And the titular creature, the Mother with the Horse eyes only strengthens my personal interpretation of the symbolism of this series.
A deity like being that interferes with the on goings of the world and ripping and sewing the storyline together. You can argue is a successful version of The God of Furies , a being of true neutral values and ideals who strungs the pendulum of the world on its own rythm, without being itself involved in the happenings it orchestrates.
But heres the conundrum: Horses arent ussualy a motherly symbolism. In ancient Greece and Rome horses were a symbol of power and glory: values that are ussualy given musculine character. In medieval times horses were seen as a symbol of strength and noble origins: a healthy horse was expensive both to aquire and keep.
Furthermore horses arent that good as mothers in the animal kingdom go, although thats also a human fault (this is a half assed idea but from some minor research they seem to have a semi better relationship than bovines do to their calfs).
Given these thoughts, the idea of a horse to be given the title of Madre(mother in spanish) is an oxymoron, but it also makes a lot of sense. In my view, Madre Hobuna isnt a stereotypical mother deity. She isnt a Madonna nor a Maria (orthodox name of Holy Mary). She is more of a guide than a voice of reason or comfort.
And thats why i depict her as such. I dont view her as a freudian interpretation of the mother i wished to see nor as a stand in for a feminine deity.
She is her own person and she marches alone like a abandoned war horse in the sea storm that we call life, and thats why she is in my mind so many years (her creation is roughly at 2020? )
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