#(but like I can also be insensitive bc this is what I'M going through and I'm allowed to make jokes about it if that makes sense)
fragilecapric0rnn · 11 months
[series now cross-posted to ao3! stay tuned for more! ] Have been watching a lot FRIENDS lately bc its one of my and my gf's comfort shows and, of course, i cannot stop thinking about Stranger Things-ifying the hell out of it. the vision came to me SO CLEARLY [PART 2]
Sitting around the coffee shop that is basically a second home to the gang.
Nancy sits on the chair across from Argyle, one leg tucked under her, legal pad balancing on the arm, a pen being held between her pointer and middle finger, tapping incessantly on the pad. The other hand tucked into a fist and holding up her chin.
Argyle sits with his legs draped over the arm of the oversized chair, flipping through the latest Steven King book, one arm perched behind his head.
Jonathan has the NYT crossword in his lap, Robin peering over his shoulder, making him nervous.
A normal Saturday afternoon routine for the group of twentysomethings. The rain from outside softly hits the windows nearby, complimenting the soft chatter and gentle clanking of dishes.
But Robin can only seem to focus on Nancy's damn tapping.
"I'm gonna need you to stop tapping. I'm trying to beat Jonathan's puzzle."
"Just take it," he hands the paper over to her, annoyed.
"No! It's more fun when it feels like I'm beating you."
Jonathan looks over at Nancy, who is staring blankly at the wooden support beam a few feet away.
"What's going on Nance?"
"Nothing." Her pitch high, grabbing the rest of the groups attention, so much so that they all inch closer to her chair.
"Sounds like a whole lotta nothing," Argyle pulls a nearby chair up next to hers flipping it around and resting his forearms on the back of it.
Robin sits on the ground next to her and Jonathan takes a seat on the coffee table right in front of her.
"Fine!" She takes a look over her shoulder, toward the front door. "I have a date."
"Why are we whispering?" Argyle asks, also whispering.
"Because you know who could walk in any second."
"Why are we whispering and speaking in codes?" Jonathan asks, still whispering.
And as an act of divine timing, the front door to the coffee shop opens, and they all turn their heads to see a slightly damp Eddie shake his hair out and shed his leather jacket in one fell swoop. His face fixed in the same frown that's plagued his face for the last two weeks.
"Hey," the group says in unison, not moving a muscle from where they're still crowded around Nancy.
"What did I say about that tone," Eddie whines, flopping himself down on the couch that previously held Jon and Robin.
"How're you doing?" Robin asks, shifting her body, still sitting on the floor, toward him.
"All of her stuff is gone which means that all of my stuff is gone."
No one says a thing. Not even when the sound of a ceramic coffee cup shatters somewhere in the distance.
"I don't mean to sound insensitive dude, but shouldn't you be a little less depressed considering... " Argyle trails off.
"Considering what?"
"Considering you're the one that left her?" Robin finishes the thought that everyone is having.
"I didn't leave her." He scoffs.
"No, but when you tell your long-term girlfriend about recently discovering that you're gay, one might see that as you being the one to end that relationship."
"We've been over this." He balls up his jacket and shoves his face into the wet leather. The group share a look, Nancy gesturing to Eddie's state as if to say this is why I'm not talking about the date.
He chucks the balled up jacket at Jonathan, who kicks his feet out in surprise as he catches it with his chest. Eddie's hands are now on either side of his face.
"The love was there! I could've loved her if..."
"If she was someone else?"
He deflates, lets his arms slump down and his shoulders do the same.
"Eddie, my friend, my pal, listen up." Argyle moves seats for the third time, now squeezing himself into the space between Eddie and the arm rest on the couch, draping his arm over his shoulders.
"You have just entered a whole new world, my man. So, you're gay? We're in New York City, so is everyone! Welcome home! All that love you were ready to give to Michelle? You get to hold onto that and give it to someone else. Someone who makes your heart sing."
"But I knew her just as long as I knew you guys." He whines, again, gesturing to Robin, Nancy and Jonathan. "It was easy. It was safe. How am I ever gonna find romance with someone? Where we have an established - I don't know - thing! A connection! A history! How?"
Eddie stares at them like he expects them to answer, forcing the rest of the group to share glances, let the air settle with Eddie's words.
The front door flies open just as a roaring thunder booms overhead, making for a dramatic entrance.
Robin's the first one to swivel her head toward the ruckus, the only one who has a perfect view of the person who burst into the shop.
A man dressed in a tux, drenched, like, just hopped out of a swimming pool drenched. Fighting with his bow tie with one hand and running his other hand through the unforgettable head of hair that sends Robin right back to Hawkins, Indiana. Back to the summer before her senior year.
Unable to move a muscle in her body, she watches him clumsily go up to the counter and ask for her and Nancy, by name. The sound of her name sends her up to her feet and pushes her toward the man. An air of chaos surrounds him, drawing an offense amount of curiosity out of Robin as she finds her words.
"Steve Harrington?"
He turns around, his face lights up, and he does the weirdest thing.
He hugs her.
She remains stiff as he pulls back from the hug, hands still on either side of her arms.
They were buddies that summer scooping ice cream at the mall. Nothing crazy, or maybe even that memorable, but they started the summer as acquaintances at best and left as friends.
But then he left for college and she stayed and they never spoke again. A few run-ins here and there. But nothing substantial.
"I knew I'd find you here, I remembered that the last time I was in the city I ran into you guys and you're here!" He sounds drunk, but also like he drank a vat of espresso.
Clearly, it was substantial enough for him to come looking for her. Dressed in a tux soaking wet?
"And you're here, overdressed." She says, taking him in, unable to unscrew the confused look from her face.
Is that a boutonnières?
Oh no. Oh fuck.
"Steve?" Jonathan and Nancy say in unison as Robin brings him over to the couch.
Robin thinks Eddie might have summoned the ghost of hopeless high school crushes past, the way Eddie looks like he's just seen a ghost.
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yesimwriting · 5 months
A/n this is one of the fics i wrote that i then let sit in my drafts 😭,, also originally set this up to have a part 2 bc who can commit to a full one shot, that's part of the reason i left it in the drafts but with finals i thought i'd just post
Pairing: (first avengers) Loki x reader
Summary: Your enhanced abilities (that you can't quite control) make you the ideal candidate to keep an eye on Loki as he adjusts to staying at Avengers Tower. Unfortunately for you, he manages to see right through you almost immediately. It's also oddly life ruining that he's not exactly what you expected him to be.
You're not the first person that's ever considered killing Tony Stark in order to make their own lives easier, but you're probably the first person to consider it and have access to his usual morning coffee.
Not that you'd poison him. No, for this he deserves something slow and painful. Maybe you'd hit up Nat first to get some ideas.
"I'm not asking you to do this indefinitely." His sentence snaps you out of your fantasies of learning strange and untraceable Russian torture methods. You have to stop yourself from scoffing at the way Tony says asking. "Just...until things--"
"Settle?" You cross your arms in front of your chest, hating the way that this entire thing is starting to make you feel like a teenager arguing with a parent over chores or an unfair curfew. "He's a sociopath that you're letting live in the tower. The only settling is placing him literally anywhere else."
You're not one for black and white thinking. You understand that when it comes to anything involving the Avengers, there's room for morally grey and accidental loss. But that wasn't the Battle of New York.
Maybe if there was a way to wait, to keep Loki away until those that were most effected get a chance to lick their wounds and regroup. But letting him in so close to the aftermath Is insensitive and a major security risk.
"I--I won't help you do this." Your voice is decisive, your chin shifting forward less than inch as if to prove that your choice is set. "It's not fair to the people of New York, it--it's not fair to Barton."
"I'm not making you do anything." You raise an eyebrow at that. "I'm just asking you to keep an eye on Reindeer Games because of your--" Tony lifts a hand, exposing his palm and bending his fingers in an almost teasing imitation of the gestures you use to control your abilities, "Reindeer taming situation."
It's not meant to be mean. The powers you still haven't fully grasped have managed to restrain people like Loki before. Briefly, just long enough to call for backup or buy yourself a second to plan what to do next. You don't have the control you need to make it a fair fight, but it's something.
The reminder of what you can and can't do forces heat to crawl up your neck. You drop your arms, keeping your hands pressed firmly to your side.
"Having him here isn't my idea, Glow Stick." The familiar nickname makes your nose wrinkle. You're not fond of it, but it's easy going enough to distract you from your annoyance. "It's a favor for Thor."
The explanation eases you more than it should. Thor's surprisingly easy to get along with, and if Thor can see some redeeming quality in Loki, then there's at least some chance that he's not a completely lost cause. "Think of it like that--you like Thor, right?"
You sigh. Thor teaches you cool fighting moves and shares breakfast pastries with you and you're finally getting him to understand friendly gossip. You like Thor. He's a friend. "Not right now."
"I'll make sure to break his heart with that one the next time you two are giggling over breakfast."
You roll your eyes, fighting to hold down a smile. The laughter Tony's referencing had likely been at his expense.
You're not sure what the protocol is for when you're supposed to show a norse god around the superhero tower you call home, so you fall back on regular company rules. Not that you'd admit that to anyone that'd think to ask.
This is ridiculous. You're ridiculous. A few days ago he was trying to kill all of your relatively newly appointed team mates and friends and now you're making sure to straighten your comforter and hiding a basket of completed laundry that you made the mistake of not putting away immediately on the off chance that you'll have to awkwardly let him glance at your bedroom.
You're not sure how the first night's supposed to work. You don't know when he's getting here or how much surveillance is expected from you on Loki's first night. It would've been smart to get some details from Tony, but you had spent the bulk of your day avoiding him and keeping to your room.
At least you did think to put a hold on your kind of childish but mainly warranted sulking to have a short conversation with Thor about his brother. The main thing you gathered was that even though their bond is strange, you're certain it's more solid than either of them is aware of and that Loki read a lot as a child. It's not a lot to work with in terms of small talk meant to mask the fact that you're meant to be watching him, but at least it's something.
Besides, if the book shelf in your room is anything to go by, you can work with likes reading.
A soft knock snaps you out of your overthinking. "Come in."
Tony pushes open the door. A small part of you is surprised that he's the one at the door. It's not his presence that's strange, maybe he wants to give you some kind of run down before Loki gets here. The way he knocked, however, is weird. It was way too patient and professional.
You look at him oddly before your attention manages to shift to the person standing behind him. Loki.
Yeah, killing off Tony is back on the table.
It's one thing to have to play tour guide with the guy that just attacked New York and most of the people you care about...it's another to have Tony bring him to your room without any kind of warning.
"Y/n, Loki," Tony summarizes flatly, "Loki, Y/n." He sort of nods, a brief dip of his chin that seems to say that he's done all he's supposed to. "She'll show you around."
Even though this is being presented as factual, the whole thing feels painfully transparent. You're not sure what about it feels like a give away, but something about this feels way too artificial. Tony offers you a final look before turning to leave.
You adjust your posture. His silence and the way he carries himself makes it feel like you're intruding on his space instead of the other way around. It also doesn't help that he's objectively nice to look at. Which makes sense because he is a god, but it still feels unfortunate for you. It adds to the subtle intimidation of all of this.
"Hi," you finally say, voice even and as normal as you can manage. No one can say you handled this wrong if you just stick to the bare-bones of casual politeness. "I'm Y/n, like Tony said, and--"
His piercing eyes finally focus on you, overwhelming enough to pin you in time. The look only lasts a second, his eyes flitting downwards before focusing on something else in your room.
He passes the threshold of the doorway, entering your room, your space, with even, confident steps. You know that Thor and Loki are both royals, but Loki carries that authority differently than his brother. There's a sharpness to the way he wields it.
Loki passes you like your presence means very little in the grand scheme of things. Which, to him, it definitely does. He doesn't stop until he's close enough to your bookshelf to scan the titles comfortably.
"Now I know why I didn't see you on the battle field."
"Oh, I like reading, but I wasn't--" It takes a second longer than you'd like to admit to realize that the comment is somewhat a joke. A jab that's at least somewhat at your expense.
The real reason Loki didn't see you is because your abilities were proving unstable. Your focus was on protecting civilians and evacuating largely populated areas until the threat was cleared. It was similar to things that you had done in the past, similar enough that you knew you'd have total control.
"There was a lot going on," you mumble, "As one would expect when someone attempts to take over one of biggest cities in the world with an alien army."
Oh my god. You regret the sentence immediately. His actions definitely entitle you to some level of snark, but you're definitely not trying to start or trigger anything.
He turns his head enough to face you. His expression shifts, a slight raise of an eyebrows and an even slighter turn of his lips. You can't read enough to decide if that's a good or bad sign.
You hold his gaze for as long as you can. It feels like longer, but in reality, it's probably only two seconds. "That was--rude." It's as close to an apology as you can bring yourself to get.
Loki's attention shifts back to your bookshelf. With no warning, he extends a hand, carefully plucking one of your most well worn books from its usual place. He studies the cover, eyebrows pulling together as if the action requires that much deliberation.
His focus is another thing you can't figure out. You wonder if his cryptic behavior is natural to him or some form of dramaticism meant to make him even more intimidating.
"You can borrow that if you want." The comment leaves you before you realize that you've made the decision to speak. You blame it on the nerves caused by the extended silence. The urge to defend the comment is just as unavoidable, "Thor mentioned that he remembers you reading a lot."
He stiffens, the shift subtle yet sharp. Loki sets the book down quickly, like touching it in the first place had been some grave mistake. "That was a long time ago."
The way he says that almost does pull an actual apology from you.
Maybe if Tony had told you exactly what he meant by showing Loki around, you'd know where to go.
He's staying here, which means he should know the basics. The kitchen that bleeds into the living room, the training room, and the locker room. You don't think he'll be over utilizing any of these shared spaces more than necessary, but there's not much else to go over. He had told you that Tony already showed him his room...one coincidently on the same floor as yours.
You don't know what else there is to show him. The labs seem like a bad idea, but pretending that the Avengers don't exist at all feels awkward and naive. The lower clearance lab might be alright, there's nothing there except for things in the most preliminary stages of development. You're not even allowed to bring certain cauterizing lasers down there.
After some internal debate, you rule it out in favor of an office like space meant for strategizing. It's kind of lame and feels like a sort of 'baby proofed' version of actually showing him around, but it looks official enough that you think you can get away with it.
He follows you without question down the hall, the way he has this entire time. Loki doesn't even ask when you both wander away from what's clearly the residential area.
"Why are you showing me this?" The question almost makes you jump. He's spent the entire tour as silent as possible, only ever occasionally nodding in acknowledgement.
It's a fair question. This is a pretty random stop. "Uh--the office? I don't know, it's part--"
"No," he says, "Why are you showing me around?" Still not fully getting the question, you just blink. "Tony Stark is, unfortunately, not an idiot. He didn't pick one of the others, he picked you." Loki takes a partial step forward, a clear attempt to remind you of his height. "Why?"
Yeah, there's no way you're telling him the real reason it's you. My powers knocked out Wanda once for a few seconds and I messed with Thor's abilities for an even shorter amount of time...so Tony thinks it could work the same way for you if I really needed it to.
A small part of you is offended by the assumption that you couldn't possibly do anything to him. Though, you guess that's also part of the reason Tony wanted it to be you. "That's an overly presumptuous question." A flat, obvious response. "How do you know I'm not scarier than I look?"
He takes another step forward. He's just close enough to be too close. The realization makes an odd warmth crawl up your neck and the too familiar hiss of energy burn down your veins and into your palm. This is the oddest version of fight or flight that you've ever felt.
"Are you?" He punctuates the question with another small step forward.
You're not sure if you're capable of enough thought to answer. "Only when provoked."
Loki tilts his head slightly, a smug grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. The look twists your stomach. It makes you feel like he's won something. "What?"
His uncertain smile settles into a knowing smirk. "You can't control it."
It's as if all of the blood in your body freezes over. You didn't say anything. No one's said anything. There's no way he knows about what you can do, let alone the weaknesses that come from what you can't.
"What?" This time the question comes out as a scoff. You have to sound confused. You have to believe that you're confused.
The only indication that Loki heard you is the slight draw of his eyebrows that feels distinctly disappointed, like the mundaneness of your reaction's killing the fun for him. "I can help with that."
Even if you were comfortable announcing your powers to strangers, you would know better than to give any indication that you'd be willing to do that. But something about outright denial or brushing him off under the guise of pretend confusion doesn't feel like it'll settle this.
"I'm fine," you whisper, more to yourself than him, "I have it under control." Admitting that much is enough to make your skin crawl. "I was supposed to meet Natasha." A cheap, yet true enough excuse. You were planning on seeing her eventually, she's been working on teaching you different fighting moves. "I'll--I'll see you, I guess."
With that you walk past him without making eye contact. There's a lot you could think about, but the only thing your mind wants to focus on is why Loki being vaguely aware of your abilities makes you feel like you're precariously walking around shards of glass.
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sluttywoozi · 1 month
Actually I would like to talk about it.
Tw: physical and mental illness/ disorders
I just discovered I have PCOS after years and it makes so much sense bc the symptoms were all there but my gynecologist said I didn't have anything so now I have BOTH ovaries filled with cysts and I don't get my period anymore and I'm moody and also she claimed that I don't have my period because I don't eat like I'm supposed to...like she knows damn well that I have a ED fs. Also my ED has been spiraling again so I need to go get a checkup at a hospital and I hope they don't chose to hospitalize me cause that would be ROUGH.
Also regarding that TikTok of cheol and mingyu and not wanting to be in a fight with them, I actually want to express my wish to be in a fight with them bc god put me on this earth to be a problem to men 🥰 (super random but I wanted to say it)
oh baby that’s the absolute worst, i’m so sorry to hear you’re going through that :-(((
i had a similar situation with my endometriosis and the relief from getting a diagnosis was far outweighed by the pain of years of symptoms being overlooked by people who are supposed to care for you. doctors can be so dense and insensitive sometimes!
i’m also sorry to hear that your ed is flaring back up, i hope you can get the treatment you need without being hospitalized, i can only imagine how awful that would be.
and lmao i was imagining a physical fight and i know i absolutely could not take them in that arena but i think i could if it were verbal 🤔 either way i love that you’re destined to be a menace to men, it’s what they deserve 😈
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daz4i · 3 months
henlo i saw you would like asks and i'm bad at thinking of things to say so pls take this as an opportunity to scream/ramble about whatever you would like :)
or i saw you post something about bad characterizations - what bad characterization pisses you off the most? like what character getting mischaracterized just makes you wanna punch a wall lol (or you can ignore this haha)
hope you're doing well :)
ah thank you!!!! :3
this is probably the answer most would expect, but it pains me to see nikolai get mischaracterized 💔 i can't even be truly mad at ppl for getting him wrong bc like his whole point is to be confusing. still i have yet to find a fic where he's a main character that i actually managed to sit through, the vibes are always so Off esp in modern aus and such. they take away his insanity. his flavor 😔💔 or make him edgy in a way he isn't. which is just a different flavor. not my special little guy :(
chuuya suffers from it too but in another way, and that's how ppl force him into templates of preexisting tropes, like a tsundere, or a 100% hotheaded hair triggered guy, and that's just. not it. bsd characters are interesting bc despite them fitting into certain tropes, the whole point is they have way more going on BEYOND that, and chuuya is a great example for a character that just has a lot of things going on at once so it's always... glaring, when someone chooses to stick to just one facet of him. it's like a rainbow with only one color
(worst when ppl babify him tho. that's like a rainbow of a whole ass unrelated color. where did you even get that from. he wasn't that innocent and childish as a teen we know that there are 2 lns that show what he actually was like. please i am on my knees here)
also when ppl make kunikida rude and insensitive just for the sake of it. or a major stickler to the rules who loves the police. um. no? unfortunately this one's so common i am almost used to it by now 😭💔
ahem. apologies for the rant but thank you for giving me the opportunity to let it out 🫡🖤
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dream-critical · 1 year
I was going through the dream neg tag and saw some people say that Q is a coward about the QSMP and USMP. I also saw where someone say that people keep bringing up dream's skeletons but ignore Q's and I'm just like ??? what Skelton's does A have? I don't think it's anywhere near dreams level.
Hi anon, first of all, no one is ignoring the problematic things Q has done. They are mentioned quite frequently actually from what I've seen. What they mean with "his skeletons" is a video (from I think 2015? I'm not sure will have to check that later) where he made insensitive and weird jokes about Asian people, he apologized for these jokes twice on two different streams and unlike dream has not repeated that kind of behaviour since then. Which you know. Shows actual change.
While I do think going through an edgy "haha let me make racist jokes" phase isn't something to be proud of and you should be held accountable for that shit, a person should always strive to be the best version of themselves and I think Q is genuinely trying to do so.
Also I can assure you the white dream fans that keep mentioning this shit do not actually want to hold Q accountable nor actually care about what he did.
They just want to drag Q down with dream bc they can't stand to see him distance himself from a racist groomer.
The worst part is that dream hasn't even gotten out of said phase as he's jokingly calling himself racist even now.
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apollos-boyfriend · 10 months
since your playing p5 whats your thoughts on the team members so far? :D
okay so! as a heads up i have already Experienced p5r so these r not initial thoughts necessarily. but i still want to rant about my favoritest kids <3 this got long so i'm putting it below the cut whoops ladkjf
ryuji! i fucking love ryuji man. i think a lot of people write him off as just the goofy sidekick character but he is SO much more to me. a lot of ryuji's trauma gets so overlooked due to the fact of him largely being comic relief, but like. that kid has gone through SO much!!!! between his father and kamoshida and his peers like. he is SO strong. i love his characterization of "people are treating me like a punk, i may as well act like it" bc it's not even him necessarily playing a role he isn't. he is a punk! he's disruptive and counter-cultural and has issues with authority. and that's punk, but also like, those are the parts of punk that society sees and demonizes. ryuji is punk not just because of that, but because he cares about others before all else and stands up for what's right no matter what, even if it means being punished for it, because he has a super strong sense of justice and is super protective over those he loves!! i feel like a lot of ryuji's character gets kind of. skipped over by a large majority of players. because his actions and presentation is very specific to fighting against japanese culture, meaning it gets lost in translation unless you're aware of japanese culture and norms. i love this boy so much <3
i have. a lot of thoughts on ann. largely her meta-treatment by the writers as opposed to her in-game self. you can find some ramblings if u scroll down my p5lb tag, bc i have. a Lot of thoughts on that aspect of her. on a lighter note, though, i fucking love ann. i think she also kind of falls into the mischaracterization of being ditzy at times. not as badly as ryuji, but ann is a very open character. she's extremely compassionate and wants to help everyone she possibly can, even at her own detriment at times, but as we're shown this sometimes leads her to being used by others. which i think leads to people making her just. overly trusting to a blind degree. or stupid. but ann is super smart! she immediately clocked that the painting was yusuke's, not madarame's, and is shown time and time again to be able to understand others' true feelings, even if they're trying to keep them hidden. i really like how she's blunt and honest, even if it comes off as harsh or insensitive. she speaks her mind! she's not going to hesitate and risk not being heard to understood! i really love that for her
i haven't gotten him yet BUT i am on madarame so. i will sneak in yusuke. because i love him. he is truly one of the characters ever. obviously he is one of The most autistic-coded characters in the game (alongside futaba). which is detrimental to an extent. bc people often just fully mischaracterize him due to his eccentricity. for me i just really love how unapologetic he is with it. that kid has never heard of masking in his life (/pos). he's one of the characters i feel for the most because like. god. he had his whole fucking world twisted. haru and makoto had similar experiences of people they'd known all their lives becoming corrupt, but like. haru's dad wasn't always like that. and neither was makoto's sister. they HAD good intentions. madarame never did. he's the closest to mirroring akechi in that sense, except akechi knew all along. yusuke didn't have that privilege. that sense of revenge. i think his story is so delicate and difficult because how do you even go about knowing your entire life was a lie? and not even in a way you can step away from. art was still his world. it's not just something he did for madarame. the knowledge of carrying that burden. of those memories that shaped you being corrupted in such a way.
morgana is there. i guess. wish he wasn't.
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indigosabyss · 1 month
The point in the timeline I'm taking Gwen out of for QPR Gwentin Take on X-Men First Class is before she realizes she's aroace. Which means she can be a little insensitive about most people and what they expect out of certain relationships.
Even though Gwentin have broken up and settled into something more comfortable for them, I'm dabbling with the idea of Gwen trying to start up a 'fling' with Raven. And her main goal from this is just trying to make Mystique feel better, with all the shit she's going through regarding her appearance.
Raven gets the short end of the stick at every turn. She gets overlooked for she wants, in favor of what her choices symbolize. And she deserved better then. (And yeah, maybe that did start with having a partner who truly loved her. Even if it's annoying for a woman's worth being conflated with her romantic success but I think all alloromantic ppl appreciate being wanted by at least one person.)
What Gwen doesn't understand is that a few kisses doesn't exactly help that. You can't fake a relationship to bolster someone else's self-worth. In fact, it would probably make everything worse.
Add in the fact that she's queer in the comics, but has never been shown to be anything but het in the movies. This means it's likely this is her first relationship with a woman. Even more emotional baggage.
This is going to be Gwen and Julie's relationship all over again except NEITHER of them will communicate normally and there's going to be tears on both sides when the shoe drops.
Gwen's going to have to come to terms with the fact that she can't just be the person Mystique needs. That's just not how it works.
Also Quire is there the whole time, absolutely terrified because the Mystique he knows would never stand for any of this. He's waiting for some 4th dimensional chess plan on her side to be unveiled. But nope. She's just some girl who got emotionally traumatized by possibly the first 'serious' relationship she had. With his ex-girlfriend, who is notoriously mentally unstable and has made worrying comments about her own consent in these situations before.
But idk if I want to follow up on this idea, bc I think there are complexities here that I may be overlooking esp w Raven being queer, and what that would mean in the time period and everything like that.
So... Just spitballing.
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misty-wisp · 2 months
I ront know your oc but your new art popped up on the p5 tag and scratches my brain right, it might be the composition but its giving me "She is gonna make the 3rd semester even more psycological horror :)" energy, loving her hair color too
Also, about your Kasumi's post, i don't deny that Atlus tropped the ball about Sumire's arc at some point but I think Kasumi was a good sister, but also flawed. She probably had more pressure on her shoulders for being the 'oldest one' due japanese's standards, despite being just some minutes older than Sumi, so she probably also wore a mask of perfection to trick society she was what they wanted. Plus instead of just being insensitive, i read her last moment more as her being one of those people coping with humor 'my sister is sad im gonna say a joke to cheer her up :)' and it went BAD. And when Sumi belives to be her sister, she is not a 1:1 copy of the real Kasumi, she is Sumire's own cognition of Kasumi.
Tldr: i think both twins loved eachother deeply but there was a huge lack of comunication a bit due the fact they were 14 at the time and a bit due japanese norms. Also sorry for the ramble 😅
hey!!! first off i am so sorry for answering so late, i've been going through it a little as of recent😭
secondly EEEE TYYYYY i'm really normal about my oc and i can and will talk about her a LOT!!! if you're interested it should be really easy to get a good grasp on her character if you check out her ref and my many posts abt her chronicled in this tag
okok onto the sumi thing--gonna put that under the cut bc of royal spoilers
i think a lot of projection went into my post talking about the sumis tbh bc i have a LOT of issues regarding jealousy and self worth and hoo boy do i project all that onto sumi. so i end up going "grrr everyone better than me is actually awful grrr" as like this weird but natural reaction.
i do think kasumi really did love her sister!! she was just caught up in both fame, praise, and possibly expectations like you suggested. and abt her treating sumire in an insensitive way, while i'm sure she didn't intend anything malicious behind any of her actions, i'd still read what she said as fairly insensitive, albeit unintentionally. she knows sumire's got issues with self worth comparing herself to her but doesn't really try to listen and understand--sumire even points that out.
and while i also think sumire did love her sister, i still stand by my opinion that she should've bore some kind of anger or grudge toward her out of jealousy. and naturally, because she thinks kasumi's so perfect (and out of love), she'd internalize that grudge onto herself just to further her own self loathing. but even with that, i think it's okay if she did harbor that grudge--it only makes sense for you to be mad at someone you constantly compare yourself to, even if you love them with all your heart. it's really something else for her to work through and feel emotions about, bc i really don't think ATLUS let her be emotional enough in third sem.
tl;dr, i'm sure both sisters did love each other very much, one's just unaware of how to handle someone with a crumbling mental health and the other has jealousy issues she internalizes as self-loathing
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slowjamastan · 11 months
My favorite color is green. I play violin, though not very well. I love dogs, and volunteer at an animal shelter. I'm into sci fi and my favorite author is Ursula K. LeGuin.  I also like Batman comics.
And I also happen to be a FTM transgender man.  What you folks would call a TIF.
Ever since I was 10, before i even knew why, I hated my body. For years of my life, I had daydreams of taking a kitchen knife to my chest and cutting off the breasts. I tried to kill myself twice.
That changed 3 years ago.  I realized I was trans and bought myself a binder.
When it's on, I feel relief. I dont think of the kitchen knife. I'm not too depressed to get out of bed.
But after 8 hours, I have to take it off.
I plan on getting top surgery so this relief can stay.
I should note- this isn't about sexism or anything of the sort. Both my parents were outspoken feminists, and I've been fortunate enough to always live in progressive areas.
This is about people. And if transitioning can keep people like me from killing themselves? I'm all for it.
you seem to be engaging in good faith, so im gonna take you serious and not just be a dick. but man, this is my blog where i have fun and post memes. i hate doing this and am annoyed u sent this at all. theres so many radfem blogs that love discourse and im sooo lukewarm, im radfem-adjacent at best. im a fandom blogger at heart bro. who tf are you lol
first of all i do not care about your life story. youre like "please please see me as a person, we kweer transes are real people, i hope you can understand that even though youre a horrible evil t*rf. im reaching out to u because i believe theres still good in ur heart uwu" you people r annoyinggg
its not like i lack empathy, i was dysphoric and suicidal for a whole decade of my life and mostly surrounded myself with people who felt the same. what changed for me is realizing that my internal feelings about the gender-flavor of my soul didnt mean a goddamn thing and werent worth dwelling on. im a person and my body is female. at first i still wanted to change myself. i switched to id-ing as transmed, i was ready to acknowledge that i was born a girl at least but i knew so strongly that i wanted to pass as male and that it would make me more comfortable in my body. i was completely sure i was a man.
now ofc body dysmorphia is different for everyone but i really think no matter how fucked up your brain gets about how you naturally look, changing your body with medical intervention isnt the best answer. theres so many side effects and complications with each transition step. taking T in a female body can really fuck you up medically. keep yourself informed about what youre doing and think about if theres less expensive and drastic ways to go about fixing what makes you uncomfortable about the way you're perceived. and not to be insensitive, but if you have a history of s*xual assault, that can also be a very real reason for disconnect from your secondary sexual characteristics and ive met enough people that struggle with that sort of ptsd that manifests as wanting to trans their gender that i would rly think about where the desire to become male comes from. it could be a lot of things, and it can feel so real and valid dont get me wrong—but could fade away with time and/or therapy, leaving you reverse-dysphoric about your changed body
committing to being a transsexual while young is a tricky thing. i trust youve already thought it through but goddamn i promise you everything in life changes so much all the time. maybe this wont for you! but it might!!! it did for me and thats terrifying!!!!! identifying as trans is very much the current "its not a phase mom!" thing that teenagers do and you cant convince me otherwise btw. this isnt to say genuine trans people arent real and dont exist. and medically transitioned people definitely do, bc its exploded in popularity. but most of yall are a joke to anyone with a brain sorry lol most people are humoring you guys but would never admit it. this is a fate i wouldnt wish on anyone. being trans is cringe. or it will be soon, trust me
tldr i desisted from being trans myself after a full decade of self-id, various pronouns, etc. so i know where youre coming from. then when i started anxiety medication it helped boost me out of that spiral, which if u havent gotten medicated for other underlying issues i suggest you look into before jumping into hormones/surgery. ive heard that ocd can make u obsess about breasts and want them gone and stuff like that. body dysmorphia in any flavor is a bitch! im wishing you the best anon
also, read some self help literature instead of just fiction. i recommend 7 habits of highly effective people by steven covey. i read this for college and it fr made me a more functional person when i was still FtM and deeply depressed
edit: for the record im not gender conforming to femininity now. i see that misconception a lot, and forget that most ppl dont know what radfem types actually believe. i dress however i want, i just am not delusional about how i want people to address me. im just a lesbian 🫶
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margaetyrell · 11 months
The fact that people think that at this point Taylor hasn’t seen the things being said is genuinely laughable. I think she shot herself in the foot by making this public so soon and now that she’s made her bed, she has to lie in it. She’ll smile through it. I want to have sympathy since she’s gone through something but sorry it can’t be at my expense as a black woman. All this reflects poorly on her and there’s no two ways about it. There’s no reason to defend it. Even if it ends soon, it’s already happened and the glass has been shattered. If it keeps going, I think people will be valid to choose not to stick around for it. It’s a hard pill to swallow.
it’s really fucked up, i agree… i cannot even speak for it or even imagine what poc fans and other marginalised groups must be feeling rn because i’m white, but honestly we only need to have a bit of empathy and just care to listen. as people have said before, obviously i don’t hate her? but i’m deeply disappointed on her for the choices she’s making as an adult - or as a person even, and i think this is the first time i’ve felt this way about her in +10 years. i cannot help feeling so when this is the one time i cannot stand up for her.
but what pisses me off actually is people being insensitive and disrespectful about it. bc that also reflects on her? ofc she is her own person but we are her fans! and it’s just more bigoted shit to add on top of it, they’re making her image look worse instead of helping her clean it up. because no, i don’t wanna be represented by racism and i don’t want people to call me out for it bc i’m a fan, and i’m convinced most of the fandom feels the same way. as for the latter, idk what the future holds and can only speak for myself but if this continues, i'm just not the type to eat everything that comes and pretend nothing happened. even less if is a celeb like, i won’t deny i’ll keep listening to her bc her music means everything to me and it has comforted me in the most difficult moments of my life, but i’ll most likely have to stop getting involved and distance myself from her as a person, as much as it saddens me that it has to be this way.
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idyllic-affections · 8 months
HI just popping in bc of that recent post
i think it'd be really cool to see reader putting him into place but just add so much fucking angst in that too KHFKDJD, again, 2 traumatized people who meet in unfortunate times and instead of helping each other even tho both parties are aware of how fucked the other is they just... Somewhat destroy each other more?
because, as you've said, reader is so used with worse, but that doesn't mean it doesn't annoy them right? maybe reader snapped at scara because they were at the limit of their patience? I'm sure they'd feel empathy towards him, after all, poor guy is going through all of this and he's just part of dottore's bigger scheme, but the moment scara acts out, hurts them, they saw red and it just happened..
they didn't intend to do it, neither did scaramouche. they both did something that just, triggered their body's instinct because they both went through hell... I like the idea reader would be looking at their hands when scara visibly winces in pain or even sheds some tears but they clench their jaw and proceed with what they're doing. They've done worse, and they'll continue doing it because it's their just.
For scara and reader, it's just another normal day in the lab.
Sorry I just had a brain rot for that I'm so in love exploring unwell characters
HI MOOT HELLO you're so right btw i also love exploring unwell characters... the basis of every long fic i write is literally exploring Mental Illness HELSPDJSKG
scara and [name] could be so good for one another. they could be so helpful. ideally, they'd be something of a catalyst for recovery to one another... but neither of them are at that stage yet. neither of them are ready for recovery, because as you've said, this is normal for them, so they just make one another worse. constantly.
(i think dottore does this on purpose btw. it's something of a social experiment. he could do the maintenance, but... why would he, when there is the potential for a very fascinating encounter?)
[name] is very kind. it's an important theme in this fic. they're extremely empathetic, often regarded as some kind of saint among sinners by the unfortunate victims of dottore's endless curiosity. even though they have done very very awful things to keep themselves alive (which will also be explored in the fic teehee), they're regarded as just... very kind. very gentle. everything they do is always gentle.
and the day in particular in which [name] has to attend to scara's needs, they also happened to meet collei for the first time. the scared, crying, eleazar-ridden child that collei was.
they also, prior to that, were involved in a... very bloody experiment earlier in the day.
so, yeah. they've just about had it by the time they have to see scara.
they're so used to being passive all the time. they have to be. they're relatively strong, but... they can't defend themselves against any of the harbingers (or maybe they can, and they've just fallen victim to learned helplessness. who knows? 🫶), but being injured just triggers such a strong sense of fight or flight within them, because they're used to it being the segments that act out against them. they aren't used to scara acting out. they aren't used to sandrone's robots acting out (which they also help out with, just much more rarely).
put in that situation, they just can't help it when they tell him to stop acting like a fucking brat. they can't help it when they--very cruelly and insensitively--tell him that if he wants to be dottore's science project again, that's fine by them! why should they care what happens to him?!
the rest of his maintenance is carried out in heavy silence, of course. at least he stopped acting out. whoops. they could have been nicer, but they were just spread so thinly that day in particular.
they don't say anything when he whimpers after they prod a tender spot a little too hard.
he's used to it. he's used to it. he's used to it.
they just dissociate to get it over with faster. they don't like to think about being responsible for his tears. they don't like to think about how they're surely no better than their boss.
they don't really like thinking about those things in these situations, so they dissociate to fix it.
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zahrowl · 8 months
A Critique of Good Omens Season 2 by 4 Random Girls (+ for fun, a rewrite of S2's outline)
Did you feel after watching GOmens S2 with your friends that this season could have been… better?
I was excited for S2 and I had some high expectations due to spoilers (yes, I am the kind of person to seek out spoilers to raise my personal excitement for the show). But after a watch party with some friends that had me gaslighting myself into denying the letdowns of this season (I was going through the first stage of grief okay), I’ve come around a few days later to bring a list of problems, gripes, and some suggestions for improvement for Season 2.
(EDIT: I reposted this bc I originally tagged Mr Gaiman according to my friend's suggestion. That was insensitive of me, I'm sorry. Thanks to the person who commented and knocked some sense into me, even if I did get a severe increase in heart rate and my hands were literally trembling after seeing your comment)
Mr. Gaiman, if you're reading this somehow, please don’t take any of this criticism as a personal attack. Like, you’re a prolific writer, we’re just 4 girls with opinions, so I don't think you'd really need to take much of these words to heart. I know I wouldn't.
And to the fandom, well, if you enjoyed S2, good for you! I enjoyed it too! If you enjoyed it in a way you understood but I didn't, that's fine too! This is just the perspective of like 4 girls on some writing decisions we found kinda weird. We all have opinions, we can express those opinions as long as we're not attacking anyone.
Also, spoilers for S2 of course.
Anyway, let’s get to it shall we, starting with the most controversial of decisions in episode 6!
Controversial reveals in episode 6:
Halo Ex Machina
Like for god’s sake if you wanna pull that out last-minute, at least show it being used in an earlier episode in a flashback from the war
Ineffable Bureaucracy
Aziraphale agreeing to be the Head Archangel to change heaven with Crowley
Ineffable Divorce
More annoying things in S2:
The purpose of the body swap in S1 feels undermined in S2. Like, that was to scare Heaven and Hell into thinking that they’ve grown so powerful that they’ve made their own side. Shouldn’t Heaven and Hell be like, a little more cautious with these two after agreeing to leave them alone?
The Divorce really feels like it’s written solely for the purpose of milking a certain reaction from the audience rather than a natural development for Azicrow’s relationship. Also, with the amount of times these two ‘break up’, it gets boring, okay
Nina and Maggie were just kinda,, there. I’m not quite sure what themes they’re here for, I was lowkey bored anytime they got on screen. Maybe Nina’s abusive relationship mirrors Aziraphale’s relationship with Heaven, but like, idk it’s really not the best mirror. I don’t care about them, okay, they didn’t need to be here and if they did, at least cut down a bit of their time please? The part at the end where they stayed to help was kinda ehhh, the part where they had to tell Crowley about his feelings was even more eh. I’m not sure why they cared so much to tell Crowley about it. I don't hate them, I just wish they could have been written better.
Crowley just waltzing into heaven. In S1 they were undercover and it’s so nervewracking. This time a bunch of demons just see him go up into heaven and don’t even question it. And then a bunch of archangels just come down the lift with him. Like what???
The miracle that hid Gabriel was kinda handwaved away? What was up with that
What was Bee’s plan with storming the bookshop. Wouldn’t that attract a lot of unnecessary attention from the demons and angels? Is discretion not a thing?
They never really explained what was up with Az’s bookshop and the vampire entering rules like???
Angels and demons really do feel like much less of a threat this season somehow
Guess who had “I’ll Follow You Into The Dark” on their playlist? Guess who didn’t follow someone into the dark.
So, I challenged myself to rewrite S2 to make the reveals a little less jarring than them all coming at you one after the other in episode 6 like Voltaire tormenting Candide.
Things we’re building up to:
Aziraphale’s desire to change the way Heaven is run, thus accepting Metatron’s offer
I know the Job episode was a thing, but again, that was only one scenario and not a consistent running theme throughout the season. The Victorian doctors do not count — that’s Aziraphale learning to become more flexible with his morality like Crowley. It doesn’t have anything to do with changing Heaven except maybe showing how much better Crowley is than everyone/j. The magic show definitely doesn’t count.
Also to all those ppl who say that Aziraphale has religious guilt or is going through religious trauma or smth along those lines… idk it feels more like they’re projecting than that being an actual thing shown by the show. If that was the intention, it doesn’t come across like it well enough
It might be believable that Az’s indoctrination by Heaven might cause him to think that being in charge would improve things, but like,, that needs to be actually shown in the show. Show us his doubts after the end of the world. Give us better foreshadowing of his concerns over the past 6000 years, how he’s seen Crowley struggle with being a demon/how he imagines being a demon is like/how heaven has indoctrinated him. Otherwise it’s like he’s learnt nothing over these past 6000 years!
Gabe and Bee’s relationship
This really suffers by being revealed only at the end because the way they act seems suddenly out of character of how we expect them to. We’re all left kinda unsure if they’re actually in love or even know what love is.
An earlier reveal of their relationship and maybe some Bee/Jim interactions in earlier episodes would help with a more gradual acceptance of expectations vs reality
Also, would it kill to have one close-up of the fly? Or even like, Aziraphale swatting the fly away as it flies into his face when he opens the box? That thing is so tiny it’s no wonder it’s so easily missed. Please, I’m myopic
I want Crowley to snap so bad at Aziraphale. And with better dialogue than “no nightingales”. I know it’s a reference, but surely we can do better than this!
Aziraphale really caught the idiot ball this season in the most narratively unsatisfying way, and if it weren’t for Michael Sheen playing him it would be even more annoying.
What can we cut from S2?
A lot of the coffeeshop/recordshop AU
The whole storming the bookshop thing. What was Bee’s plan really
The angel-demon miracle. The damn thing was what attracted heaven’s attention anyway and in the end it was just handwaved away? Let’s toss it out, and by extension, we’ll have to toss out… (checks notes) the Archangels’ visit to the bookshop, lying about getting Nina and Maggie together and the further matchmaking attempts for them, Constable Muriel, Shax’s storming of the bookshop, and god knows what else.
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kishimotomasashi · 2 years
Complaining about the ninja show fans:
One thing I'm never gonna understand it's why S4kura continuing to go after S4suke (in Shippuden, novels aside) is treated differently than N4ruto doing the same. Idk why y'all think S4kura went after him in Shippuden just so they can be together, her reasoning is almost identical to N4ruto's.
It's so weird bc when it comes to ess en ess, y'all can look at it perfectly well through a storytelling lens and focus more on the themes and emotional beats, but when it comes to S4kura suddenly she's a real person and this has real consequences and her refusing to give up on S4suke is unethical.
Like maybe it's just me but if we want to look at both cases through a "judging these characters through what would happen irl" way, "N4ruto going after S4suke bc technically S4suke still cares about him too much so it doesn't matter if S4suke frequently says no" is a very flimsy justification for why that's okay and on the other hand S4kura is an insensitive aggressor.
Yes, in both her love confessions to S4suke she asks him to stay "if he even cares about her" which is a bit self-centered, but in both cases she was speaking in desperation!! Do y'all put N4ruto threatning to break every bone in Sasuke's post to drag him back to the village in the same way? Or when he thought to himself that maybe he was the only one who thought they were friends even though that's a strange thing to think because up til their first fight at the VotE, S4suke had been the main person initiating the acts of actual friendliness??? Or his murder-suicide speech in the Land of Iron in which he doesn't acknowledge S4suke's anger at K0noha beyond "I get what you're feeling" and thinks dying is better than condemning the village responsible for his supposed best friend's suffering???? Ofc y'all don't bc y'all correctly acknowledge that those moments are less about the actual ethics and more about the emotional significance and how it fits into the grand story of N4ruto and S4suke's relationship!! Bc y'all get that it's a tragedy!!!!!
So why isn't that same lens for analysis given to S4kura? Bc she fits within the tragedy that is Team 7, three kids who liked each other and did their best but couldn't fully appreciate this newfound relationship they'd made bc of external circumstances and the way the shinobi system destroys lives. She was someone S4suke cared about as well, and she, like N4ruto, just want them all together again bc they treasure that relationship they'd built so much.
That S4suS4ku was a clusterfuck really doesn't work as an argument either bc the ending fucked literally everyone over. N4ruto and S4suke's final fight was just N4ruto going "you're wrong, I'm right" over and over, and N4ruto quite literally tiring him out until he finally capitulates. N4ruto barely has any character development at all throughout the War Arc where he's just there to be the Saviour Messiah figure and bring everyone to his side, and yet when S4kura also gets little character development y'all give her more shit for it. It's kind of insane.
I mean whatever!!! You don't have to agree with me at all but this is something that will always annoy me.
I feel like y'all could just say that y'all think N4ruto and S4suke was done in a better and more emotionally fulfilling way than S4kura and S4suke, which I don't disagree with. I just hate when y'all bash S4kura unnecessarily for it.
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tojikai · 2 years
*Tojikai has an update
Me:  I          AM          SPEED
I read it all in a span of 15 to 30 minutes and I'm regretting it now bc I want more. This chapter is like the calmness before the storm and because of that, us reader defenseless ass (and (Y/N)) is about to be caught off in it once again. Truly, another "sike" moment from Kai.
First of all, if PM!Gojo is a frog, I would like to put him on the operation and dissect him on it just to see what's going on with this man. I know PM!Satoru is very egotistical and selffish but this chapter really shows it.
"He wanted you to open your eyes just to see you look so lovingly at him for the very last time before he runs away with someone else." This part makes me want to reach through the screen and slap this hoe silly bc while I understand that is just his wishful thinking, it shows that a part of him still wants to have his cake and eat it too. He still can't make up his mind about his feeling for her but he still wants her love despite being the one betraying her and still wanting to return to his side hoe. Pray to god that those thoughts are just thoughts bc I might gone apeshit if it happens otherwise.
“After all, you’ve always wanted her, right?”  THIS GODDAMN LINE, FOR SOME REASONS, GIVES ME SO MUCH WHIPLASH I ALMOST DISMISSED IT AS A THROWAWAY LINE FROM SATORU UNTIL I WAS LIKE "HOLD ON". Is this a confirmation from our beloved Kai? That Suguru still has a part in the competition? I know some readers want Y/N to heal first and maybe, just be happy by herself at the end of this fic. But I can't help it. Suguru has shown how much of a chad he is in this chapter for truly caring for Y/N as a friend first and putting his personal feelings aside for the sake of it. He's not like you, Satoru so maybe, keep your advice to yourself?
Y/N... Girl... Oh man, seeing her just struggling around with her wrecked mental health is just so heartbreaking. She's still yearning for Satoru and I'm pretty sure if the asshole suddenly pulled up, she would go back to him right away. She's still too weak against him. Y/N is definitely the type to get herself easily into a toxic and abusive relationship, and this is just Satoru we're talking about here. But I was glad to see that she has learned (or at least tried to) to accept that Satoru is no longer hers and tried to get used to it, and maybe move on... until the very last part which gave me so much dread bc it could regress all the deveplopment she has gone through. Satoru is going to fuck it all up and I just know it in my heart bc the bar for Hoejo is in hell. It always a party whenever you're around, Hoejo.
I never expected to be free from the hoe Rie and this entire chap gave me that false sense of security before you popped it off with the Satan herself showing up right at her stolen man's best friend's house???? Like what tf is she doing here? Okay, but I think there are two possible reasons for it.
1. Rie, being a clingy bitch herself, wants tag along and be with her boyfriend 24/7 for some reasons and maybe uses this chance to befriend and win over Suguru, his best friend, and to make up for the bad impression she has made.
2. Hoejo is just that brazen and insensitive and as far as I remembered, he, Suguru and Y/N used to have their own bonding moment which is playing billiards? And Hoejo wants to visit him to have their bonding too but with Rie this time.
....Or maybe, and I really hate for this to be true, since you have incorporated the underboob tattoo from an anon, you have also decided to give either HoeRie or Hoejo the idea of getting matching tattoos or some shit. I lean towards Rie more (I'm not biased here bc this couple can always do so much worse together) bc she's probably so insecure that she wants a physical mark, a reminder that Satoru will always be hers, and she wants to push their relationship to the stage. Also, getting matching couple tattoos feel too much of an intimacy and a level of commitment for the current Satoru to be able to handle. I mean, look at his discarded 5 years relationship with Y/N. Do you think this hoe feel comfortable enough with that towards his nearly 2-month infatuation? But he will probably go along with it anyway bc of Rie's insistence and reassure her.
I hate Rie and I know I sound like I'm being biased against her bc of that, but from what I've seen of her so far, the above feels like it can become a reality. Maybe I'm just being paranoid and thinking it up like conspiracy theories, but we will never know when it comes to you here, Kai :).
Finally, Hoejo's reaction in the last part. His seemmingly outrageous reaction... Very curious, indeed. He's shocked and mad probably bc he has misunderstood the situation (again), and it's either bc: 
1. He warned Suguru not to take advantage of Y/N in her vulnerable moments and this scene is his worries and fears becoming true.
2. Combined with the first reason, he's also jealous of Suguru. I have noticed that Satoru always emotional when it comes to Y/N and Rie, but it's even clearer in the former's case. And his ego and pride took a massive hit from seeing this.
All in all, shove its up your ass, asshole. You have no rights to be mad. You literally came to Suguru's front door with your side hoe next to you when he hasn't shown any sign of being comfortable with her yet. Do you even know shame? And although it's just a misunderstanding, you are going to take it and suck it up if you just so happen to walk into Suguru and Y/N getting it on for real.
Okay, but... OMG! NOT CLICKBAIT! SUGURU VS SATORU BRAWL IS REAL!??! Are we getting it in the next chapter??? I know it's too god to be true but with how the last part is, it's a perfect set up for that sfadghkjjljljljljljkjeas. THIS CHANCE IS HARD TO COME BY SFSDSOJPKPKPKK
There are too many possibilities for what about to happen so I will refrain from saying it in this ask bc it will be very long and it's all speculation anyway. But I know for sure how Satoru will deal with this will be incredibly important. His irrational anger was what caused Y/N to be sent to the hospital after all. And it might affect his relationship with both Suguru and Rie if he does jump into conclusion this time. I really want Y/N to stand her ground and calmly explain the situation to him but the sight of him with Rie combined with his impulsiveness probably won't allow that to happen :((. He better not getting mad at Y/N 😠. She and Suguru are innocent. Kai, when will my girl get to have her own peace? This just can't keep happening to her. She won't be able to move on if the thorns named Gojo Satoru is not getting rid of. LET HER FIGHT BACK.
Anyways, thank you for another exciting chapter and preparing us for the next ;). Also, please don't let yourself feel pressured about updating. Everyone on here has been nice so far but I know some people are more impatient than another, but they should use this chance to learn how to wait. Write at your own pace and you won't feel burn out that way. Have a good day and good week, Kai 😘😊
ooooh im loooooving thisss :> your analyses are always on point !! 👀 about yn's healing process, she has progressed a lot, albeit not even in the half, considering what happened to her, she's a lot better now. she's more carefree and her acceptance of what happened between her and satoru helped a lot with leaving her vices behind and instead focusing on whatever she has beside her, like shoko and sugu !! and yeah, the couple tattoos for rie and satoru is not impossible 👁️ and if that happens, that would definitely break yn, bc in 5 years that satoru and her were together, he never got something like that w her :(( it might take her a few steps back. and yes, how Satoru will deal with that situation can really change a lot but how yn deals with it can affect things a LOT too !! :> this is such an interesting read, you never miss!!
thank you so much for the kind words, bb~🥺♥️ much appreciated !! please, take care of yourself as well and i hope you're having an amazing week !! <33
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athena-85 · 2 years
Why go out on networks with those arguments?
How do they go on to talk about someone's womb with what right when it's a touchy problem of real people so many women struggle with fertility issues REAL people that they are seeing how a lot of insensitive people throw away "arguments" as to why a woman is worthless if she cannot have children. So many damn hundreds of years we women have fought to continue getting misogynistic comments from other women sucks.
They like so much to defend themselves saying that Elain is not real but and the people who represent themselves with Elain are not real? So many comments that she is boring and bland, so people who are nice have her personality
I'm so fed up with these damn comments I'm in the fandom why it's important to me ACOTAR took me out of a very dark place in my adolescence reading saved my life and that's why I love it and it seems like shit to me that the solution is that I have to go, the one that has to change, why if those idiots are the ones who make the fandom something disgusting.
I just need to calm down a bit because these comments really hurt me.
Hello Anon,
I agree I am fed up too!
The frustration is felt by many fans not only Elriel’s.
Sometimes when I feel that way I try to remember when fans (unfortunately mostly women) say stuff like that it is a reflection of their own inner turmoil and ignorance to their own personal prison.
They clearly have been raised to think of a woman’s worth in a certain way. SJM even makes comments about these views points through her characters within canon;
Amren: don’t under estimate Elain
Azriel talking about the Nephelle Philosophy: ““We—Rhys, Cass, and I—will occasionally remind each other that what we think to be our greatest weakness can sometimes be our biggest strength. And that the most unlikely person can alter the course of history.” “The Nephelle Philosophy.”
Feyre: reflecting on how SHE views Elain and not really happy with feelings about it in her bonus POV
Elain/ Nesta: “should I tend to my little garden?” Throwing in Nesta’s face that she can’t belittle her and then prevent her from doing more
Mor “the truth speaker”: saying to Elain how wise she is in ACOWAR when she reflects on Greyson.
Cassian: commenting on how Nesta was wrong about Elain she isn’t a “loyal dog” that she saw everything and understood why it happened.
Rhys: comments on how maybe Elain is just trying to please everyone and hasn’t had her time to be herself.
These “fans” also don’t really show up to these discussions with anything in their hands ;
What I mean by that is they currently have no good argument or evidence for what they want to happen in the series, so they lash out with cheap shots. This “gaslighting” is a way to distract from the debate
Evidence: SJM has not taken the time to build up Elain and Elucien’s relationship. She has not made it enemies to lovers she has made them both INDIFFERENT to one another. She has not connected them in anyway other than the mate bond, so this begs the question, if the mate bond didn’t exist would they care for one another?
They insist they’re right and refuse to consider facts or your perspective - “ but they are mates”
deny or scoff at your recollection of events - this is why ELRIELs are constantly made fun of for bringing up canon and posting screenshots of the books. Bc we have to show our evidence or people say we can’t read the book no” reading comprehension”
twisting or retelling events to shift blame to you- saying we interpreted it wrong, even though they are always saying “ I feel”, “ Azriel only wants her for sex” “ Azriel is like a brother to her” “ Azriel just wants any female for a mate”, Elain can’t handle Azriel he is too dark (where does it say that!!!???)
I also think that if women view the world that way it is very sad.
Sometimes when you are frustrated take a break and remember in 5 years this will all be over and none of the “noise” will matter.
I am also happy to hear anyones rants about it because I have felt that way too.
Hope your day is going better ❤️🌹🍞
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fbfh · 1 year
Hi! May I ask what your blog rules are? What is ok or not to request?
Hi babes!!!! Thank you so much for this ask!!!!
I don't think I've ever written them out but it's nothing fancy lol
General dni criteria (aka bigotry or any "beliefs" that dehumanize or harm certain groups of people)
Try to use tone indicators where you think they're necessary or needed (especially for jokes and sarcasm) bc I and a lot of other people in fandom are neurodivergant and they really do make a huge difference
My icks and squicks include: feet /sx, any bathroom related stuff in a sexual context, abusive or neglectful relationships, and cheating (especially character cheats on you then you forgive them cause they cry)
Other stuff/tropes I'm not a fan of include "character says something insensitive and hurtful then comforts you when you cry" "character reacts negatively upon finding out you're pregnant before eventually coming around" and "character has an alcohol problem/gets drunk and you don't like it but then they apologize", or any other "character fucks up (intentionally or not) and reader is hurt or put in harms way" sort of thing, I also don't write or read a lot of angst bc I've lived through enough of it /lh
Also as with most fic blogs I reserve the right to not answer asks or prompts if something in them squicks me out (I can't remember that happening yall have great vibes but just in general yk)
Aside from that you can pretty much request anything you want!! It will probably be answered as a drabble bc I'm working on finishing a series again and I make no promises for time bc I'm in a near constant state of fighting burnout but I fully intend to answer every single ask in my ask box so go nuts!!!! I love hearing from yall!!!!! You're never a bother!!!!!! /gen
Also I love niche daydream scenarios and obscure characters so go ham!!!!! Deadass!!!!
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