#(and got to be sam) (because who wouldnt want to be sam)
stainedstardom · 1 year
I am DESPERATE for some chad meeks x reader with some hints of ethan having a crush on reader
maybe some angst with the richie shrine scenes and ethan revealing himself and revealing the crush and saying something about being glad he killed chad because of reader or something like that and reader is pissed and curses him to the moon and back so quinn stabs her in the arm and ethans just like ":(" maybe reader ends up killing him brutally instead of tara with some sprinkles of fluff near the end with reader finding out chads alive
chad meeks martin x reader with a sprinkle of one-sided love on ethans side
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he was gone. he was dead and there was nothing you could do about it, what do you do when you lose the one person you truly deeply love? do you fight back or do you let yourself lose?
if you knew the answer you wouldnt be here. you wouldn't be standing in front of quinn, ethan and detective bailey as they all stood in their ghost faces robs. your hand held taras, you knew what it felt like to lost someone you loved. her with amber and you with chad.
"why? why'd you do it?" you asked ethan and he laughed. he walked towards you but you backed up. you saw the look in his eyes and you didn't like it but you wouldn't say that.
"i had to get you away from chad, he's a literal alpha named chad. fuck it felt good to kill him! now I have you to myself" he stated and you backed up.
"fuck you ethan, i wont ever be with you. i don't want anything to do with you. you're going to fucking die, you cunt ass whore" you told him. quinn stepped to you and sliced your arm
"ow fuck" you yelled. ethan had a frown on his face and you shook your head.
"RUN" tara yelled as she grabbed your hand. you held hers as she held sams and you all ran, at some point they let go and you got separated.
"ohhh y/n, where are you?" you heard and you sighed. you needed to do this , for chad.
"FUCKING ASSHOLE" you yelled as you jumped from your hiding place and punched him in the face. you grabbed the knife from his hand and you stabbed him in his side.
"i wont ever be yours" you said as you took the knife out and stabbed his other side. you stared him in his eyes and smiled
"die a virgin you fucking bitch" you said and you swiped the knife as you gutted him. you heard a gun shot come from somewheres. you looked down at ethans dead body. you dropped the knife and went to find the girls. sam held a gun as she stared at quinns dead body, detective bailey laid next to her.
"we're all alive?" sam said and you nodded. you walked forward and you hugged them. the cops were called , you walked out and there in an ambulance was chad.
"chad?" you said and he turned to you. he removed the oxygen mask as you ran over. you put your hands on his face and looked him over.
"whos blood is this?" he asked as he looked at your hands and your body.
"its ethans, i killed him" you told him and he smiled.
"and i thought that i couldnt find you more attractive" he stated and you leaned in and kissed him as he kissed you back and you both smiled into the kiss. he held your waist as you held his face.
it felt good to have him back. chad was alive and safe, he was still yours.
A/N: first chad ask and i feel so amazing.
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commanderquinn · 7 months
a list of canon ways in which lillian hart is The Fucking Worst that cora coe deserves financial and emotional compensation for:
-the basis for the big divorce counseling mission is that cora's worried for her mother's safety. that means, before going on a deep cover operation with smugglers known to kill rangers, marines, or anyone else caught trying to interfere with their business, lillian didnt leave her daughter a heads up much less a lead. once the fuck again, this woman decided that her career was more important than her daughter's mental and emotional health. once the fuck again, this woman decided she could just disappear from cora's life and then come back out of the blue without consequence
-when you go to lillian's office to look for her at cora's request, the guy working the desk knows SAM well enough to know his name and give him shit like they've got a personal history, but he??? isnt sure about????? cora's name???? word for word, he looks at her and says "it's cora, right?" you're telling me that this woman doesn't talk about her kid enough for her fellow INVESTIAGATIVE rangers to be sure about her name??? are you SHITTING ME??????? get the fuck out of here. you cant push "ranger family values" and the close ties they have in one breath then claim she likes to keep a professional distance at work in the other. you wanna have the conversation about what fresh hell it is being a working mother in a position of power, lets go, ill have that conversation all day long. but lillian hart is not a fucking example of a working mother and im gonna be pretty fucking insulted for working mothers everywhere if i catch wind of ppl trying to pull that kind of defense card. the woman's an awful parent and should be held the fuck accountable for it. you wanna know how i know????
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she doesn't say cora's name enough for the ranger watching the door to be confident in it, but he remembers alllll the stories of the captain her ex is cozying up to. and lillian is the one to confirm during the quest that she has been getting the stories from cora, so there's some clear "oh she already likes the stranger more than me." i know im reading into it because its fiction and none of these people are real, but ive also, y'know been in cora's shoes, so i can tell you from real life experience that shit does exist. idk if that was the writers INTENT, but it sure does a great job at reflecting a very sad reality
-sam points out its dumb that lillian wants to speed the ship, with her daughter on it, directly at the sydicate. idk abt y'all, but my ship was pretty dinky at that point bc i was focused on outposts, and we got ambushed by like 6 ship waves once we landed for that fight. again, i get it. game mechanics get a higher priority than realism. but this whole "we have to finish this because theres a chance you were spotted trying to rescue me" shit is so. nauseating. theres no demand to drop off cora somewhere safe, theres no "lets call in the cavalry." its this fucking egomaniac looking you dead in the eye and being like "i know i just traumatized the shit out of my kid but i need you to drive us into an ambush while she's still on board. hope you're a good shot because sam and i cant kill them ourselves." and so what that we did that????? YOURE TELLING ME IT WAS JUST THOSE SHIPS???? the rest of the organization is just going to LET IT GO???? like no fucking wonder sam sees himself as the better option even through all his fucking doubt. at least he knows when to turn the fuck around because shit is above his paygrade
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-she has custody rights. she is a decorated and respected ranger. sam being a smuggler wasnt public knowledge, but point out one person in akila who wouldnt believe her in a heartbeat over it. everyone in town gives him nothing but shit, and they all side with his dad who was definitely no picnic to live with. im guessing big emotional detachment there, lotta interrogation and persecution rather than teaching and understanding. HELL, sam would probably own up to his past if lillian outed him for it, he's that type of idiot. at literally any point she could put in the effort to get legal council involved. if she's SOOOO by the law, whats the hold up there???? i agree the kid shouldnt be on my ship while im in the middle of a space fight. ive talked with sam about it, and im not even the kids parent (as of the personal quest). what the fuck are you doing about it lillian????????? oh thats right. we cant get lillian on the phone. whomp whomp.
-she made cora cry. hyper independent, "big girls dont cry" cora coe. multiple times. worse, she made cora cry because she made cora feel like she wasn't as important as lillian's career. i dont give a fuck what criminals are doing. i do not give a fuck. i give a fuck that that little pixel child got her heart broken and there isnt a dialogue for me to call out her mother for being a huge fucking cunt to her own daughter but theres a thousand and one options for me to tell sam he's parenting wrong. he is, and i have no problem using them when they're appropriate, but where the fuck are they for lillian??? why am i not allowed to tear this woman a new asshole at any point, but there's like 20+ extra dialogue options added to every single npc you have a persuade option with???? todd my head hurts and its your fault
-"im sure sam's told you all about me. go on. ask whatever you want." yet there is no option to ask what the fuck her problem is. so, clearly, i cannot, in fact, ask whatever i want.
-"but the looks i got from my fellow rangers reading alexander dumas... we do strange things for kids." yeah hart??? thats your standard????? THATS your idea of going out of your way for your kid??? literally how did sam fall for this woman oh my god i cant even listen to her speak without wanting to use the power of bitchhood i inherited from a long line of angry irish women to ridicule her to tears. maybe then she'll fucking understand how small she makes her fucking kid feel every time she turns a moment of bonding into a little "woe is me and my comfort zone oh how unfortunate i am to have a brilliant daughter that wants to connect with me through her greatest passion"
-she openly admits that she dumped the cargo sam was smuggling not because she felt any connection or sympathy or just didnt want to destroy someones chance at life in a capitalist society, but because he was a good pilot and she didnt want that talent to "go to waste" so she could recruit him. thats not really a thing against cora i just really fucking hate that and the picture it paints of her priorities as a human being
-"if we're going to be really honest here... back when we were a team... cora would follow you everywhere, like a little adoring dog. i... just fell out of it. long before we separated."
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i literally. do not have words for how fucking disgusted i am by that line of dialogue. oh my fucking god. oh my fucking god. i. i TRULY would not even know where to start. the dog comparison makes me violently angry and if you'd given me a punch interrupt at that moment, i would have broken my keyboard punching the accept option
-go replay or watch a recording of that divorce counseling mission one more time. while you're doing it, imagine the roles reversed. imagine youre romancing a character thats a mother bringing cora into space, and the ranger standing in your cockpit asking to finish the mission is her father who took off to live at work once it was clear his little girl liked mommy better. imagine THAT while you listen to the (imo) out of fucking pocket dialogue where sam constantly praises lillian for being "a good ranger/woman." then you come back and tell me how comfortable you are with the concept of lillian hart as a character.
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mrsmiagreer · 6 months
“Hold still i’ll grab you one of mine” UGHHHH
“What do you think babe? How’s my hair?” EVEN MORE UGHHHHH😩😩😩
Yes Milo I AM laughing 😂
Vincent cut himself off, i wanna know what he wants to say :’(
“She sounded— nevermind”
wouldnt it be cool if this was like… the way of Royal Vampiric Engagement?
Vincent sounds so cute when he’s nervous 🥺
Sam’s loud ass truck rolling up lmao
I just know Sam slicked his hair back into the tightest ponytail. His formal look HAS to be super cute
“Your human” LMAO
The thoughts about seating were actually really sweet
Porter now wtf are you talking about?
Vincent’s irritation is so warranted right now 💀
He’s up to something fs
“Bye now—” AND HES JUST GONE??!!
“Hey Bud!” Awe Ash we love you
Vincent sounds like he memorized this shit😂
Eccentric he says🤨
“Blink twice if you need a way out buddy” WE LOVE YOU EVEN MORE NOW ASH
Bennet you meanies >:(
Alexander and Christopher count your fucking days
A bit formal?? This is a SUMMIT?!
Take a breath BOY?!
Stfu both of yous
“Where’s Alexis?” Anything to get YOU out of my face 😒
she’s so snarky and condescending everything she says means something underneath but she sounds so sweet its annoying
Honestly if i was tank i would think about her words all night and for a few more days after that she dug deep fr and was actually making sense
Yeah okay darlin’ calm it down, don’t wanna get my head snapped off in front of 3810 year old vamps🤨
“Pettiness isn’t childish at all” 😒
You turned him because you wanted him but we don’t all get what we want huh?
“I don’t like you, and I’m not going to” first of all, i’m so glad the feeling is mutual and secondly, this is my new favorite quote. I might not like Alexis but she ate with that one
“Oh darling as if i have a gag reflex” UGHHH😩
Sam to the rescue??
“What the fuck did she say??” “Where is she??”
I love the fact that it when tank ran away you can hear their footsteps. Since my Darlin’ is a girl, it sounds like she wore Combat Boots to the summit😭
Random message for David?
The music in the back is fucking hilarious
Quinn is coming back?? Yall knew it
William a bad person?? He’s a little shady but i think he has good intent honestly
Why does he lowkey sound like Christian’s VA?
“Don’t EVER speak to them again. Do you hear me???” Samuel don’t get me started🫦
“But playing is what I do best🥰🤭” she kinda ate with that one too
The fact that he even had to say anything along the lines of “if you care about me even a little you would do this for me” like If i was Tank i would cry because she agreed so fast😭 Like i know yall had something but like damn she still loves you?
Loser ass response 😒
Awee Asher stumbling over his words
Why is Porter in everyone’s business 😭
Milo’s protective tone when he talks to Porter is tickling my insides🤭🤭
Closeknit??! Awe here we go😟
Porter is so suspicious right now…
“Hold the fuck up” MILOOOO😩😩😩😩😍😍😍😍
“Wait what’d you do that night?—” THEY DIDN’T TELL ASHER IT’S BEEN LIKE A YEAR AND MORE LMAO
Asher still being scared of making big decisions🥺
“Babe…” 😫😫🫶🏽🫶🏽
Tank being worried that Alexis threatened him is so real
“She was exactly who she appeared to be, i was the one trying to pretend i didn’t have a problem with that” REALLLLLLL
I don’t give a damn about her beat up heart
“I don’t want you to think that i felt like you needed saving” Honestly i appreciate this line because i hate the way it feels for someone to step in for you
“Maybe I wanted a chance of my own to tell the bitch to shove it if i’m being honest” 🤷🏽‍♀️😅🥳
knock knock
oouuuuu Asher’s telling David
Asher sounds in trouble 😭 David sounds like somebody daddy fr fr
the eye contact 😭😭
Ain’t this Loveboldly? All i hear is Crux😂
“Lower. Your. Voice. ” 💀💀
Alexander is so mean to his prince😭
“You’re showing your age Christopher. Or lack thereof” Damn he snapped him up
“We’re about to have a fight. Be convincing” Uhh okay???
What the fuck is going awnnnn?!
Getting Vincent riled up for god knows what in insane💀
Glad he didn’t bring Treasure 😭
“Consider yourself crossed”😲😲😲😲
“He’s dead” 🤨🤨😟😟 ALEXIS WHAT??? HOW’D SHE KNOW?!
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helloceci · 7 months
So like side rant: it’s my birthday (I want a bunch of Lasko fans lol) and like it’s 4:00 AM and now I’m thinking
Actual rant:
I’m like looking at the timeline and everything and just following order but like I have done Jack shit recently… but might I digress I keep going back to the idea of what if Gavin didn’t get freelancer… cause (I saw from another post) if Freelancer was initially supposed to be with Damien… would Gavin end up with Lasko? I mean I see it then what would happen with Dear? Like no way they would end up with Huxley?? Cause like how though? I mean I feel like Lasko and Dear would be friends and then they’d find out Lasko is with someone else and would like Dear be single at that rate?
ALSO INVERSION I FEEL LIKE DAMIEN AND HUXLEY WOULDNT CHANGE! But Gavin and Freelancer?! I feel like they would but my mind is making up that Lasko would help him and freelancer made the speech… but like idk
Ngl I want Ivan back like he was interesting like I was in a similar situation and like ever since I watched his first couple audios and then slowly I was like “Oh god… Oh god!… OH GOD!”
I don’t know about you… but like I want to know more about Dear ngl… like like who would dare say that just because they are a water elemental they have to be strong?! Like nah man I feel you but like no don’t believe them. I’m wondering why move to Dahlia is it like JUST for business or is there a deeper reason? Or are they a latent or empowered human or human born? What is their family like do they have siblings? Like I have too many questions!!!
Also I want to just ask for personal opinions on if IF The redacted universe wasn’t magic and like all college based: what would the boys majors be?? I am in college I study Kinesiology with a minor in Nutrition For me it would be:
Huxley: Architecture and Design (I don’t know if there’s a major in construction) that or something plat science and he got scouted for a D1 team
Damien: Something that involves Social Justice since like he stands up for a lot of people
Gavin: PSYCHOLOGY!! Demons and Daemons know how to feel peoples emotions! I like see Gavin having notes only on specific things. He’s also the type that’ll hardly go to the lectures
Lasko: He’d be an undeclared but he’s do something in Education… he’d also be a TA
David: Idk I am getting stumped but something in Culinary or like some criminology major
Asher: Criminology with probably a minor in some form of Art
Milo: Another Criminology lol but like he won’t do what his dad does
Sam: Probably a form of health sciences. Either something in like lab pharmacy or like rehabilitation. Probably started his career early
Vincent: I am ngl I’m stumped on Vincent… he’d probably use to be undeclared in like a Liberal arts but he’d then switch to Culinary
Caelum: NO BABES YOU ARENT READY! He’d definitely do a psychology and because he has to do something fun do some art
Elliot: He’d be Psychology based with a minor in Visual Computer Art or something along the lines of that
I know Ollie and Guy has a degree. Guy having a degree in creative writing but I don’t remember what Ollie’s degree was… I’m pretty sure Aaron and Ivan have some degree
Anywas sorry for the long ass rant that I have a 4 in the morning have a good day yall
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stripysockstumb · 3 months
.Gewn, Alice, Lena (boss), teddy (just got another job), colin (IT), and sam
.FREDY, search engine for looking for incidents
.Already mentioned ‘dolls watching’ and ‘dolls, human skin’ the Stranger????
.The universe that the entities got pulled through to??
.FREDY started reading out certain statements in different voices around a year ago
.There are 3 voices
.Alice has named them NORRIS, CHESTER, AUGUSTUS
.NORIS and CHESTER are the most common
.Assuming this is the statement format
.Statement 1: checking in red by NORIS
.Statement reading less robotic voice, more Martin
.Could be the Burried?? Cemetery mentioned
.The Stranger? Dead dude skin/ voice
.Defo the stranger
.Taken over the dead husbands body, ‘it’
.Statement ends
.The enitites sound the same
.Partial reanimation crossreference
.Gewn seems to have a LOT of experience, sus
.Gwen and Lena in office
.Audio interference and different audio quality
.Interference by the eye???????
.Giving Elias
.Manipulation 10000
.Gwen wants Lenas job
.Lena warning Gwen about trying to take her job because of what it ‘entailes’ sus
.Colin is defo hiding something, kinda a scary dude, could be an avatar, he is trying to fix the system eg.FREDY
.Is this recorded through security cameras????? The audio keeps being different
.Also recorded by the pc cameras??
.No one realy likes colin
.Alice and Sam know eachother from uni, she got him the job
.Introducing the idea that everyone who works there has had an ‘encounter’ which leads them there
.Statement, Magnus Institute Ruins
.Statement made on April 10th 2022 3.31pm
.Manchester???? Not our version of the institute
.No pictures of it suprise suprise
.‘Realy weird place’ yeah no shit honey
.No pictures are uploading (just like the ‘real’ statements, they wouldnt be able to be uploaded onto the computer), she is realy paranoid after going there
.Was a fire about 20 years ago (so in 2000 ish)
.‘Got a realy cool vibe’ offices, old furnishings, the feeling that ‘doors would randomly shut even through most of the doorframes are empty’ ALRIGHT HELEN CHILL
.No old papers????? All files gone????? SUSPICIOUS Old graffiti???
.Symbols on the walls, stains, from a ritual??? Could be an alternate universe Institute where the Desolation managed to complete their ritual??
.The photos have disappeared off her phone
.She found an empty box with symbols on it, picture wont upload or format
.‘Photographic distortion’
.Getting threats from random people on the internet about the box she took
.Anonymous dms coming in
.‘Image removed by moderator’ she finally managed to upload a photo of the symbols at 2.01am but it was taken down
.‘Canaries should stay above ground’ the mod of the chat is incredibly sus
.People saying the picture was ‘gross’ before it was taken down????
.‘Are those eyes’
.Was potentially a gore pic about eyes
.She was banned from the chat room
.She real dead
.The thread was then locked by the moderator
.Statement ended
.No one has heard of the Magnus Institute except maybe Sam?
.Listening through a phone??
.Sam is thankful for the job, something to focus on? What happened to him
.Gwen is his ex?? Or Alice??
.Alice doesn't believe the cases are real, apparently the pay is good
.‘To new beginnings’
.Colin trying to ‘find’ someone???? He knows something, he could be talking about the voices in the server??
Overall an amazing start to the new show, so many mysteries already and im so so so exited to hear the third voice and see if its Jonah/Elias, also to find out which universe we are in and the timelines matching up with og Magnus Archives!!
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jinxiguess · 7 months
GONE characters in a british highschool
this is like the stupidest post ive ever made also disclaimer i know NOTHING about the american school system so i think half of them are probably in the wrong years also i didn't want to put all of them in the same year so ignore how some of their ages dont even match up😭
year 11
ALWAYS forgets ingredients for food tech
and then burns everything
and then forgets to take it home and just leaves it in the fridge at the end of the day
never remembers to put money in his school account and quinn has to buy him lunch every single day
sleeps through maths
has the most obvious crush on astrid and the entire school knows
year 11
made it her life goal to get head girl when she was in year 7
and got it ofc🤭
try hard in every single class
and top set in everything
always has so much stationery
goes to homework club EVERY SINGLE DAY
besties w the librarian
somehow oblivious to the fact sam likes her
year 11
always late to every lesson no matter WHAT
somehow keeps ending up front row in school fights and gets interrogated abt them
"can i go to the toilet?" and takes like 20 laps round the school before he comes back
takes 0.5 pictures of everyone
sells overpriced sweets at lunch and makes bank
threatens to fight people after school but never does
joined the football team but nobody ever passes to him bcs he cant play to save his life
year 10
accidentally downloaded a virus on one of the computers and nearly got expelled
gets squashed in the lunch queue
buttons up his blazer to look smart
makes sam join clubs with him so he isnt alone (he's scared of the year 8s)
tried to feed the seagulls outside the school
hangs out in the library w roger and denies that they're dating but literally everyone knows
so bad at pe that he doesnt even bother bringing his kit anymore n just gets sent to iso
year 11
literally never in class
vapes in the toilets w diana
ALWAYS in iso
dated quinn for like a week in year 8
somehow pulls absolutely everyone
so popular but everyone is also scared of her because one time she scrapped w drake and bashed his head in
brings alcohol to EVERY party
year 11
head boy even though he does NOT deserve it
leads the year 7s to the wrong side of the school
pe try hard (screams "WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET THE BALL" at his teammates)
year 7s all have a crush on him
acts like he caught a disease after he touches a year 8
has like 60% attendance but the teachers still love him
never goes to form
always shoving in the canteen queue🙄
gets way too competitive over kahoot
literally never been sent to iso except that one time he shoved drake off his chair in the middle of class
year 11
rolls her skirt up and always gets in trouble for it (and refuses to roll it back down)
vapes in the toilets w lana
sprays entire bottles of perfume every time shes near the year 7s
and then makes friends w them specifically to slag them off later
stalks the teacher's socials
uses xx or 💋 after EVERY SINGLE TEXT
has a pandora bracelet and wears different charms on it everyday
somehow untouched by school air
year 11
"WHAT DID I EVEN DO???" every time he gets sent out of class (he was literally jumping on the tables)
starts like half the fights in the entire school
scraps outside tesco like every single day
LOBS paninis at the year 7s
steals tesco trolleys
should probably just go live in iso atp
got kicked off the football team bcs he wouldnt stop slide tackling
literally on the verge of being expelled
year 10
1000% done w everyone elses shit
sits in empty classrooms at lunch n pals w the teachers
way too stressed abt gcses
actually really really good at music
so quiet but somehow everyone knows who she is
used to take the bus to school but decided she didnt want to have to deal w all the year 7s and stopped
got hit in the face w a netball in pe
year 9
absolutely sprints to the lunch line
gets so mad whenever someone doesnt pass the ball to her in pe
and always fighting w caine in pe
shoplifts from tesco
forgets her pe bag at least once a day n leaves it everywhere
always getting sent out for talking back
LOST the form pet hamster
nearly blew up a science classroom
year 8
always talking shit about everyone
makes those tips for year 7 videos
defo has pe first on a friday😭
snitches on EVERYONE
makes tiktoks in the bathrooms
spends half the lessons making her titles cursive and pretty
makes fun of the year 7s as if she wasnt one like two months ago
year 7
GIANT backpack
and probably gets trampled in the corridors
probably wears undertale or harry potter keychains (and gets bullied abt it)
always gets hit by paninis travelling at 1000kmph
got given a top locker and cant reach it
cries when he gets in trouble
year 8
rolls her skirt up unevenly
side eyes EVERYONE
vaped in the toilets and taylor snitched on her
REFUSES to wear her blazer
falls over in pe and everyone sighs when she gets put on their team
got put in iso for insulting all the teachers
year 10
stabs his radnor fizz w a compass and sprays it at all the year 7s
also starts like a million fights
NEVER has a pen
grabs peoples bag straps and yanks them backwards
always steals the year 7's footballs and boots them into orbit
wears black airforces instead of school shoes
and is never ever ever wearing his tie
year 9
keeps getting mistaken for a year 7
hangs out with older kids to look cool
and then brags about it
sells vapes behind the school at break
tries to break up orc's fights and gets flung halfway across the pitches
MASSIVE blazer (looks like a roblox character)
year 10
probably a theatre kid
runs to every class so he isnt late
always skips pe
that one kid who highlights EVERYTHING
somehow manages to record EVERY SINGLE FIGHT (and then sends it to everyone)
holds therapy sessions in the toilets
that one asthmatic kid who screams whenever anyone sprays anything
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kittyswags · 11 months
I feel autistic about Sammy x Norman [Normmy] so here’s a disection
So. Let’s first talk about the original BATIM game since there’s barely any Norman and Sammy content in BATDR [ RIP FANS WHO LOVE THEM ] we know from DCTL and one of Norman’s tapes that Sammy and them were around each other lot yesss [ SORRY ITS CANON NOW THEY ARE GAY FOR EACHOTHER ] and I feel like after the studio went downhill they stuck by eachother for the majority or at least a little after Sammy went insane and killed Norman mostly bc of guilt after he killed him and they both turned into inky monsters yk. But then it turned into more than genuine friendship while being completely human.
Now let’s talk about Chapter 5!!
Now we all obviously know that Ink Demon killed Sammy uh A LOT. Let’s just all agree that he was sick and tired of Sammy’s rambling bahaha and we all know Sammy came back in chapter 5 because he was all pissy at Ink Demon for killin him more than he would like but if he was truly angry because of that WOULDNT HE COME BACK LIKE IN CHAPTER 3 OR 4?? A lot sooner than 5 but AHA WE ALL KNOW NORMAN GOT INTO A BAR FIGHT WITH BENDY AND HE RIPPED HIS HEAD CLEAN OFF!! Maybe Sam Sam was more upset about that than his own deaths and wanted to seek revenge on Norman.
Let’s be honest if The Meatly didn’t mean for Norman and Sammy to have a relationship why would he put Norman’s head right next to Sammy’s cell?? Did Wilson know there was something between them and did it to torture him?? Did Sammy beg for his cell window to be closed so he wouldn’t have to see his dead ass lover’s head haunting him??
We’ll never know, anyways they are gay and in love :)
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konnorhasapen · 11 months
I think this may have turned into an oc thing💀
Lasko's listener: I just established the other day that they own an axolotl named Cella (that Freelancer is hellbent on calling "Celery" and Huxley loves her ((the axolotl))sm) and this is canon to me now. They also have a Chinese water dragon named Lotus bc I said so :)
Freelancer: do rats count as an exotic pet?? (Google says they do-) They named her Gribby. This is also canon to me.
Angel: they 100% have a sugar glider named Goblin (and David is terrified of him.) They want a fennec fox and they will get a fennec fox and they will name her Deedee. Short for Speed Demon.
Baabe: snake. They own a snake and they named her Rory and Asher loves her to death.
Sweetheart: chameleon. His name is Karma and he and Aggro are besties to the max.
Darlin': a fucking raccoon. Or a badger. Either one named Cujo.
Lovely: they own a bat named Valentina.
Bright Eyes: also owns a rat, but they didn't him Remi. They couldn't remember the rat's actual name so instead they ended up naming him fuckin Ratatouille💀
Starlight: albino ferret albino ferret albino ferret and she's named Carina :)
Seer Obscura: literally owns a barn owl named Tiresias.
Cutie: they have a couple mice they named Allen and Atlas.
Honey: iguana named Geechee, but he also responds to the name Bee for some odd, unknown reason (*cough* Guy-)
Warden: snake. Burmese python. I feel like they would want to name her, but wouldnt know what to name her, so they'd settle for Mesii (to base it slightly off "burmese")
Mentor/Baby: four ferrets. Four ferrets that are specifically named Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde.
Smartass: they have a bearded dragon named Ivy and she vibes with Aaron.
Sunshine: they have chinchilla siblings named Nimbus and Nebula :3
Anton's listener: they have 2 tree frogs named Mika and Aivo, and a chinchilla named Seria (I like my chinchillas, okay?? I've always wanted one-)
James' listener: hedgehog named Morose and he's the cutest little baby James has ever laid his eyes on.
Asset: they found a mouse in the vents one time and they've kept it ever since. They named her Thias. They like to show Thias to Anton. Anton likes to see Thias(Thias reminds him of Seria). They have also introduced Thias to Brian. Brian also likes Thias. Most of the people working with/on Asset know Thias.
Precious: they aren't allowed to own a pet. Because owning a pet means giving their love and affection and attention to someone other than Regulus.
Bonus Bits!
Damien: ...Freelancer, I think you have rats.
FL: huh?? Oh, no, that's just Gribby.
Damien: *petting Gribby* who names a pet "Gribby"?
FL: I do. Oh- don't touch her left back leg.
Damien: why? Is she hurt?
FL: I got her checked out first few times it happened, but they said nothin' was wrong.
Damien: then why..?
FL: she just starts screaming.
Damien: what.
David: Angel, I'm—
Goblin, who escaped his habitat: *zooms up the fridge and soars straight towards David, landing on his face and getting comfy on his head*
Angel: Goblin, where'd you go!? Oh! Aww! He loves you!
David: *frozen with fear*
Sam: Darlin'?
Darlin': hm?
Sam: why's there a raccoon/badger on your kitchen counter?
Darlin': that's Cujo.
Sam: ...Cujo was-
Darlin': "mEhMeHmEhMeH cUjO wAs a dOg tHoUgH" let me name my trash panda/rage skunk whatever tf I want.
Vincent: you got a pet bat?
Lovely: yeah! I wanted to name her Vincent as well, but then I thought you might get confused, so I went with Valentina instead! ^-^
Vincent: *teary-eyed* you wanted to name her after me??
Vincent: ...wait- you thought I'd get confused-
Vincent: did you buy a rat?
Bright: I found it in the trash can and he's mine now.
Vincent: o..kay. Does he have a name?
Bright: um, duh. Anyone who owns a rat and doesn't name it Ratatouille is committing an actual crime against humanity.
Vincent: ...hold on.., wasn't the... wasnt the rat's name Remi?
Bright: ...
Vincent: ... I-
Bright: y'know what Vincent?
Vincent: wha-
Bright: shut the fuck up.
Chat: you have a pet!??
Honey: yeah *fetches Geechee from his habitat* His name's Geechee
Honey: iguana*. Anyway, this is Geechee, but I've noticed he also responds to the name "Bee" and I have some speculations as to why that is.
Guy, in chat: I haven't the slightest clue what you could possibly be talking about.
Baby: I found these poor little guys in a box thrown in a trash can.
Baby: yes, we're keeping them and no, I haven't named them yet.
Ollie: ..suggestion?
Baby: I suppose.
Ollie, immediately: Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde!
Baby: *sigh* goddamnit, those are gold.
Ollie: Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde?
Baby: *nods* Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde.
Ollie: YES!
Asset: hi Marcus!
Marcus: jEsus chRIst- you scared me half to-...
Marcus: what do you have?
Asset: I found someone!
Marcus: you... found someone..?
Asset: *opens their hands to show a petite lil mousey* I've decided to name her.
Marcus: oh- y-yeah? And.. what did you...name her..?
Asset: Thias!
Asset: good evening, Anton.
Anton: good evening
Asset: Thias says hello, too!
Anton, with a tired but genuine smile: hello and good evening to you as well, Thias.
This was fun. I had much fun. This was so much fun :3
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this is just a little unfinished something (i’m not going to post it anywhere else until i edit it it’s literally a notes app fic so i’m sorry for everything)
sam is jealous of dean’s small-town girlfriend while dad goes off to hunt a ghost in missouri. he resorts to bad behavior to remedy this.
sam is a teenager but it’s sfw
they’re in pike county in the dead, dry peak of summer and there’s nothing but corn fields, fire flies, and casey’s gas stations as far as the eye can see.
but dean’s found something to do, he always does. some pretty little thing who’s dad worked at the button factory in pearl and left her alone all day to find her own fun.
looking at her makes sam want to spit. she’s got this farmer’s daughter thing going on, with long, sun-streaked hair down her back and freckles all over her nose and her shoulders. she shows dean around town, they make out at an abandoned house the neighborhood kids are scared of and she takes him to a dusty old lake where al capone supposedly dumped his mistresses aborted babies— or something nasty like that. sam tags along, because of course he does.
dad is checking out a haunting just across state lines in missouri making some old lady’s walls bleed. he told them to stay put and lay low. sam’s days stretch on; long and endless and tepid. there’s nothing better to do besides trail behind dean like a lost puppy and shoot bethany or becca or becky or whatever her name is rude glances over dean’s shoulder when his head is turned.
he just doesn’t like her. if she weren’t hanging around so much, sam reasons, everything would suck marginally less. they would still be in butt-fuck midwest nowhere, but at least they’d be able to do whatever they wanted instead of whatever she wanted. and dean wouldn’t be tripping over himself like an idiot trying to look cool to impress her.
in any case, sam took no measures to disguise his disapproval, because becca or brinley or brianna seemed to have reached much the same conclusion.
she bristled visibly when sam answered the door to the creaky, old, half furnished-by-a-dead-lady house they were renting for dirt cheap in pittsfield. sam had overheard, in muffled protests, her suggestion that sam not join them on their trip to the movies that evening:
“wouldnt it be nice, yknow, to just go somewhere just us? get some privacy? i mean—“
“i don’t see what the big deal is. sammy likes ghostbusters, he won’t talk through it or anything.”
“dean, i just think—“
and then, there was the way she sometimes (sam swore) really truly startled when sam entered her line of vision. as if he was a snake in the yard hiding under a garden hose, one you couldn’t see until you were way too close. like he was a creepy crawly scaly sort of thing.
and it was true that this summer he had been feeling more like a creepy, crawly, scaly sort of thing than anything else. oftentimes, laying out in the grass in the flat midwestern heat, he felt like something was shifting beneath his skin, lurking like a latent disease— a gene gone wrong that just needed a flip to switch and activate something nightmarish inside him.
his outer appearance revealed none of this. he was, maybe, more comely than he’d ever been. freshly grown out of his puppy fat; legs impossibly long and lean, the bones in his face suddenly coy and cervine, skin golden and eyelashes sooty and downturned like a calf. it was almost as if these two developments went hand in hand. this latent urge— this dark feeling under his skin, and his sudden metamorphosis into something desirable. he surmised that maybe a missed tick bite had given him lyme disease. or maybe it was prions from curiously prodding roadkill on the lucky occasion. either way, sam winchester felt positively terminal.
regardless of all that (ticks and prions and snakes and bethany/breanne/brenda or whatever), what it really was about was dean, dean, dean.
sam was out of school for the summer, dad hadn’t taken dean with him to missouri, and so, thusly, naturally, it was time for dean to shine upon his brother with the unwavering and uninterrupted attention he was fully capable of giving.
this had been the way, ever since they were children. their summers were famous.
last summer, somewhere in nebraska, they’d stayed for two weeks in an abandoned house sam had broken into with a pair of pliers. dad had gone to find a werewolf in the neighboring county, and the boys, tired of the stuffy motel, had made their own vacation with a mattress pad and a flashlight and the hole in the ceiling on the top floor where they could see the stars. they’d found an old calendar from 1946, and some weird canning jars in the basement that looked like a science experiment.
it was still fun even when dean stepped on a rusty nail and sam had to pull it out (with the same pliers) and swore that if dean died of tetanus, he’d take himself out, too. unfortunately, it hadn’t come to that.
summer was supposed to be their time together. not dean and brittany and their third-wheel. sam latently wished they were sewn together.
to remedy this, sam made preparations.
the next time they were at breanna’s dull little rambler in griggsville, sam snuck off into the bathroom (which smelled vaguely of jasmine, cat piss, and mildew) and rifled through the drawers until he found a lavender conair brand hairbrush with a jelly handle covered in fine blonde strands. surreptitiously, he tugged a clump free from the bristles and shoved it into his pocket.
he returned to the living room where ghostface flickered on the television that sat on the tan carpet, feeling sort of smug. it wasn’t a difficult task, but he’d gotten what he needed.
smiling wryly in the way he knew revealed the dimples on his cheeks, he climbed back onto the couch and slung his bare legs over dean’s lap, socked-feet kicking in brenda’s direction. she shifted away with a frown as dean slung his arm around sam’s shoulders, his other hand coming up to rest on his bruised knees, drumming his fingers there.
bethany sat her chin in her palm, seeming to be withholding a look of mild disgust. sam beamed.
later that night, the hair went into a jar with:
a handful of graveyard dirt
a rancid lemon
shards of glass
a rusty nail
a few drops of blood
sam pissed in it and buried it in the backyard which should, allegedly, solve the problem.
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mccall-me-maurice · 8 months
Sorry if this comes off as rude because I totally do NOT mean it that way, but I'm just curious, how did you get to shipping so many of the boys? A lot of the characters you ship are characters I don't remember a single thing about (like, ones who aren't sort of the central 7 biguns), so I'm interested in hearing about them !!
OOOOH HELLO! i adore this question hee hee because i get to ramble!
so i’ve described why i ship mauram recently, but i’m totally happy to do it again! basically, when i joined the fandom, the main maurice ship was roger x maurice. however, it just made me a little uncomfortable to ship them together because it reminded me of a past relationship i had with someone and that sort of thing steered me away from it. BUT i noticed that the twins and maurice were portrayed as “jokesters” with similar personalities. i ended up picking sam because he has always been the sweeter, more docile twin in my mind and i thought that would work PERFECT with maurice, who thrives off of a go with the flow vibe. he could give maurice the love he never had type of thing!
for bill x piggy, i’m ngl it was a mistake that started this ship. i THOUGHT that bill was the hunter that stayed the longest (up until the “party” that jack threw) with ralph and piggy, but it’s actually henry. however, while i was being delulu, i was like oh wouldnt it be cool if bill stayed so long because he had built a relationship with piggy when ralph wasn’t around, and helped around the camp doing little things to gain piggy’s friendship. and so they became a ship for me too! like the sort of vibe that is “even if everybody else hates you, i still see good in you.”
robric is,,,,, interesting…. i gave sam and maurice a pairing, so i didn’t want to leave eric hanging? i felt like he needed SOMEONE, and i’ve always been a huge fan of robert’s character. i knew he was a hunter and i knew that he had a more naïve personality (there’s a scene where the hunters literally try and kill him and he’s like ‘ow that hurt :D’). so his happy go lucky vibe countered the more protective vibe i had assigned to eric (bc he’s the older twin, so he is responsible). and eventually he became ralph’s half brother in my au which DEFINITELY solidified the idea of older brother x younger brother’s best friend which is such a good cutesy trope. and also robert would defend eric if the choir ever tried to pull shit because that’s his brothers bestie yknow? i rlly love them 😭😭
most of my other ships were pulled out of my ASS. perciberry is just,,, childhood best friends realise they have a crush on each other o fuck what will they do! they’re actually so wholesome and i adore them sm…. jalter, wilrold, etc came from long discussions with my mutuals where we were like hey… what if johnny and walter had little crushes on each other! wilfred and harold tbh was a creation from one of my mutuals and he really HONED IN on the wilrold vibe and just got me on board too.
(also this question is not rude at all! please don’t be afraid to ask me anything, i’m always open to talk and answer things!)
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stainedstardom · 1 year
HE CARES (pt 2 to i cared too much)
someone asked for this and even though its been so long since i wrote it , i couldnt help but do a part 2 and change things. 
chad meeks martin x fem!reader 
Tumblr media
you didn’t forgive them at first, they shattered your heart and left you to die but after ethan was unmasked as ghostface with quinn and detective bailey, everything changed. 
you didn’t want to live in fear of losing your life, you didn’t want to be angry all the time and you didnt want to fear the worse because you couldnt do anything else. chad didn’t either, he had spent so long hiding his feelings and making them out to be something they weren’t
“i can’t believe you forgave them so quick” mindy said as she stared at you. chad sat with a guy on the football team not too far away as tara sat with sam. chad and taras fling lasted no longer then 3 days. 
they realized it was simply a spur of the moment thing and they didn’t like each other like that. chad wasn’t over you and tara wasn’t over amber. it was obvious that the two searched for love in places they wouldnt be able to find. 
“i mean it wasn’t hard, im tired of being mad at everyone and everything for anything that happens” you told her and she sighed 
“you’re still mad about ethan and quinn right?” she asked 
“mindy come on, they’re dead. of course im still mad about them, they killed anika” you stated and mindy sighed. chad looked at you, he had been staring for the past 10 minutes. 
“ya know he does care about you” she exclaimed as you made eye contact with him and he waved making you wave back. 
“what?” you asked 
“he does care, i know that what he said was rude and mean and hurt you but he does care about you and he always has. chad is practically in love with you” mindy said 
“way to rat me out” he said as he walked over. he held his hand out to you and you sighed 
“can we talk?” he asked 
“go” mindy said and she pushed you off of the bench. chads hand shot out as he grabbed your waist and looked into your eyes 
“dont swallow each other in front of me” mindy said and you both coughed. 
“lets go talk” you told him and he nodded as he led you away from his sister who wolf-whistled in your direction and you both flipped her off. when you got far enough away, you sat down and he sat down next to you. 
“so whats up?” he asked 
“chad youre the one who wanted to talk” you told him and he nodded 
“right , right. how have you been?” 
“good, im okay. how are you?” you asked 
“i miss you, ive been missing you” he stated 
“chad” you wanted to stop him before he said something he might regret 
“no just listen to me. hear me out, mindys telling the truth. i am in love with you. im in love with your smile and the way you care and the way you laugh. i am in love with the way you walk and talk. the way you turn your body to show someone youre listening. the way you never let your hair look bad. the way you laugh at something even if its not funny so the person doesnt feel bad. i am so completely in love with you and i should’ve told you before. i regret not telling you before. if you still hate me after this, if you think that i am a horrible human being. i understand” he said and he went to continue but your hands shot up. 
“shut up” you told him
you grabbed his face and you pulled him in as you kissed him. he calmed down as his hands drifted to your waist and he pulled you in. he pulled you onto his lap as his hands ran up your back and held the back of your neck
“i love you too” you said into the kiss and he smiled at you as you smiled at him and you knew one thing 
he cares
A/N: my heart is smiling 
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gremlindoesthings · 9 months
part 2 - cw: pet play, toys, confusion, humilation
The One With The Gift
Sam had gotten home from work earlier than Liv one day and had cleaned up the house some, making sure it felt comfortable for them both. When Liv walked in, he kissed her cheek and she wrapped her arms around him tight.
"Hey, baby. How was your day today?" His arms engulfed her and he felt her sink into him.
"Not bad, just a long day. Glad to be home for sure." She finally pulled away and set her bag down on the table, now noticing the cleared off table and the gift box sitting in the middle. Her eyes lit up and her hands went to her cheeks in shock. "Is it for me?"
Sam shook his head and laughed, slowly reaching for the box. "You always ask that as if a gift that is quite clearly presented and displayed, *wouldnt* be for you. Of course its for you. Though this time, its going to be much different." He tossed the box up in the air justa bit and grinned as he nodded his head at the living room. "Come on, lets get comfortable."
Liv tilted her head in confusion but followed him the living room. He sat down on the couch and had her sit on the floor in front of him with her legs crossed as she normally would.
Liv gave him another curious look and he held the box in front of him, between his spread out legs, with both hands firmly placed on each side.
"Have you ever seen those pet subscription boxes?" He questioned but this only confused Liv more.
"Of course. But we had said-"
"Have you ever seen how curious dogs get on the first one? How they sniff it and get so curious that they toss it around or whatever else?" Sam interrupted her.
"Yes? George's dog would get really excited for them but his first box, George sent us the video of Max just jumping on it." She had no idea where he was going with this. Did he decide he wanted to go ahead? It had only been a few weeks since they talked about getting a puppy but admittedly, she still wasnt ready. "Sam, I-"
"So you know how they normally react! Perfect. Show me."
"What?" Livs head pulled back some, trying to make sense of what he said. "What do you mean? Do you want the video of Max specifically or-"
Sam gave her an evil grin and chuckled, laughing as she spoke before he leaned forward, his forearms on his knees and his body more tense than before. He cut her off again. "Guess who got a special treat today? Yeah, look- its just for you, girl. Come see whats inside."
Livs body had stiffened and her eyes were wide as she stared up at him. She had hoped that night he would take her home and they would try new ideas but he hadnt mentioned it since that day. Hearing him jump right in to it....she didnt know *why* but despite being incredibly confused and embarassed, she was also incredibly intrigued and a bit turned on. Sam sat the box in front of him and pointde at it. Liv stared at the box but didnt move, her thoughts reeling again.
Slowly she reached for the box but Sam put his foot on the top of it. "No, thats not how its done. Try again."
Liv attempted again and Sam stopped her once more. "Why was it that you told me all of these kinks for pet play and yet when I offer the chance, you cant even remember what a puppy acts like. I thought we could start at the basics but maybe we should try a good bit slower."
Liv shook her head and her brows furrowed a bit. She knew slower would be torture. An absolute hell. She looked at him and whimpered. "But I dont know-"
"How? Yes, you do. You just think Im going to hate it. But in all honesty, all i want is you on all fours, opening that box with just your paws and mouth, whining when you cant get it open all the way."
Liv couldnt help it; her jaw dropped. "But-!"
"And I think youve been watching too many cartoons because puppies *definitely* dont talk."
Liv wanted to hide. To bolt into their room, crawl under the covers, and never come back out. But she also was so incredibly turned on by the humiliation, that she couldnt leave the room even if she tried. She was too curious, too excited, too humiliated, and too wet to just leave. She glanced down at the box and shifted to her knees and then all fours. She crawled over to the box and gave a weak little push at the box with her hand.
Sam inhaled deeply and glared down at her. "Sniff it. Go on. You know *exactly* how its done."
Liv blushed but found herself letting out a small whimper of embarrassment. Sam grinned and ran his hand over her cheek.
"Aw, puppy, its okay! Its just for you. And I promise you can play with it all week if youd like."
She felt the cool of his hand on her flushed cheek and just barely kept herself from melting into his hand. She swallowed hard and looked back down at the box before finally leaning down and sniffing at the box.
"Louder. When puppies sniff around, theyre quite loud. I want everything about you to scream how good of a puppy you really are."
Liv wouldve hid under the pillow had they been in their room. Instead, she was ass up with her nose planted on a box. And now she was sniffing the box loudly. Liv kept herself from squeezing her thighs together.
"See, there you go. Good girl. Do you want to know whats inside?" Sam said as he ran his fingers through her hair.
Livs eyes darted away but she nodded in reply. She couldnt possibly care about his silly little rule when she was in such pain. Good pain. But pain, nonetheless. But Sam didnt seem to mind. He continued softly running his finger through her hair and smiled softly down at her.
"Then go ahead, girl. Its all yours!"
Liv wasnt sure she could blush any harder but if she could, her face wouldve been red as a stop sign. Liv pawed at the box and it fell to the side. She pawed at it again, rolling it a few times. She turned a bit and checked the bottom. There was no opening of paper, no lid, nothing. It was a fully wrapped box. Liv stared at it for a second and then looked up at Sam with pleading eyes. Sam only smiled and leaned back, crossing his arms in front of him.
Liv stared back down at the box with big eyes. He had meant for her to dedicate herself to this. He had made sure of it. Of course, she knew her safeties but he was making it to where she didnt have to question it. She just needed to do it. There was no other way. It was do it or dont.
Liv leaned down again and held the box with her hands- paws- as she tore at the paper softly with her teeth. After the first few tears, it didnt feel as overwhelming and she decided to go for it. She tore at the paper, ripping it off, tossing it to the side. On the last long piece, she had dropped it to the side but a small piece had stuck to her cheek. Sam smiled and chuckled a bit, leaning forward to brush at her cheek, just above the paper, with his thumb.
"Aw, puppy, you have some on your face!" He pulled back hand and gave another evil grin. "Get it off, girl. Youve got it! Use your paw, just like you know how to."
Liv stared at the floor and she couldnt help herself- her thighs squeezed together and she let out a small whimper. Her hand-paw- raised to her cheek and she softly pawed at it. She watched as the paper fell to the floor. Her eyes stayed glued to the paper until he tapped the top of the box. Her eyes darted to the box and he tipped it back and forth with just his index finger. She wanted to roll her eyes. She got what he wanted. But she didnt- Liv whimpered again and tried to push away the thoughts. She leaned forward, her feet now crossed, and made the box roll a few times. She noticed there was nothing special about the box except a handle on one end. Otherwise, it was just a box. No curves, no words, nothing. Just a white box with a handle. She finally gave up pawing and tossing the box around and settled on the answer. Take the box to him. He had even told her. She whined again and leaned down to put up the handle with her mouth. She failed at first but on the third try, she finally was able to get a good grip and crawl over to him. It had been a bit heavy but nothing big- which was as expected given the size. She placed it in his la and then leaned back, resting her butt on her legs.
"What is it girl? It's just a box. Im not sure what youre needing." Sam grinned and held the box directly on top of his groin. Liv whimpered and nuzzled the box in his lap.
"Its just the same as before; you still dont know whats in here. And puppies are so curious not to mention you tore off the paper and had no satisfying results."
Livs face pleaded with him but she felt herself shift as he spoke, her leg now wet with her excitement. Liv leaned forward, her face in his lap, hovering over the present as she loudly sniffed at it. She pawed at it a few times and then whimpered again. He seemed to have no response other than smiling and laughing at her. Finally, she huffed and gave him a pouty look.
"Aw, whats the matter- would you like to be my baby again and not my puppy? Is being my good little puppy too hard for you?"
He always teased with that. He knew it would help her embrace it a bit more and never had harm. She glared at him and then- she barked at him. At first, her expression stayed the same. But then his face lit up and she felt herself fill with excitement. She wiggled her butt some and he laughed again. Wiggling her butt wasnt new. But it was always random and always in response to something good. A moment passed and she felt the rush of embarassment flood through her again.
Sam brushed his fingers through her hair again. "Good girlll! You are *such* a good girl. Lets see whats in this box okay?"
Liv nodded and gave a small whimper as he opened the box and set it in front of her. It was a pink silicone dildo- big enough to sit comfortably in at least two of her holes. She blushed again as she read the note that rested on top.
Liv stared at the toy and then back up at Sam.
"Its your very first chew toy, girl! Go on, pick it up!" Sam watched as her eyes stayed glued to the toy. "Do you want to play now or would you like to take a break for now?"
Her eyes stayed glued to the toy but she reached forward with her hand- paw- and tipped the box to its side. The toy rolled out and almost perfectly rolled to the tip of Sam's shoe. She stared at the toy as if it had betrayed her. She had only meant to indicate she wanted to keep going by letting the toy fall out but instead, she apparently gave a full green light, courtesy of the pink dildo that was currently humiliating her to death.
Sam leaned down and picked up the toy, the set it to his side. He returned his gaze to her and studied her closely. "You've done such a good job today, baby. Im so proud of you. We can go slower, dont worry- I am so happy with how much you did. You are amazing."
Her heart fluttered as his hands cupped either side of her face and she kept herself from wiggling again. She wanted to scream that she was still okay but at the same time- puppies didnt talk. She finally opened her eyes, not even realizing she had closed them or that she was biting her lower lip as her plan came into place.
Sam gave her a curious look as she pulled back and crawled her way to his side. She picked up the dildo in her mouth and crawled back to him, between his legs, and dropped the toy in his lap. She nudged it with her nose but he simply stared at her. She nudged the toy once more with her nose but as she did, she felt how hard he was. She kept herself from giggling with pride and instead leaned back and barked at him again. This time much louder.
Sam's eyes beamed with fire and lust. She knew he wouldnt take her. Not on the first night of a brand new scene. He never did. But *fuck* she wanted him to tear her to bits. She didnt want to wait to "warm up to the idea." She knew it was smart and she knew shed be put in her place and reminded of his safety measures if she tried to push too hard. She hated having to wait. For anything. So she barked at him again. This time when he gave an evil grin, he tossed the toy across the croom. But this time, Liv was going to entertain his whims. Besides, playing fetch was one of the kinks she had marked on the pet play list. And he sure as hell knew it. So this time, she eagerly wiggled her butt and quickly went after the toy, bringing it back to him with it sideways in her mouth, and sitting properly in front of him after dropping it in his lap.
"Fuck." It was Sam's turn to be speechless.
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fictionfixations · 1 month
twst halloween
so ive been reading the events for twst all day. (like the dialogue for the stories)
SO. okay so i need to talk about halloween for a second--
so of course, spoilers for the event
deep breaths (i had started writing while reading. then i got very frustrated and it went on from there. haha. it gets long.)
unique magic Tag. something like that
Where they can mark something, and it'll have a specific tag unique to that person (it'll stay in their memory until the tag is removed or fades away, in which the memory will fade normally instead of never). They could also tag items to that person (as in it'll have that person's unique signature that ties them together).
….honestly ive been like reading the twst halloween stuff. ( SPOILERS ) and for pomefiore they're in like the mirror hall and these mfs kept taking pictures INSIDE when its NOT ALLOWED (…bruh now people know what it looks like inside! what if theres like a flaw thats been caught on camera that'd help future criminal doers do something there!?)
anyway. so i was thinking of confiscating like phones. but so it doesnt get lost, or given to the wrong person.
this random pomefiore student being able to tag people with skin contact (example: passing the phone along, light touch on, say, the hand and the phone, and thus tagging and attaching them together through a line only they can see)
and it'd also help if say that same person did something malicious like 'hey, that's not your phone!' or 'i know that person!'
sorry im just kind of really ticked off at them. and all the other magicam monsters i swear--
im angry ranting now
oKAY for one that guy who was climbing the apple tree. you realize that if you do that people are just gonna want to do that to for the views so they'll climb it evne if they have no experience in it and will probably injure themselves or worse!?
ALSO THE FLOWERS. SCREAMS in heartslabyul OH MY GOD (i think id actually get so frustrated too though like bruh. idfk. WHAT IF THEYRE POISONOUS? i mean they probably wouldnt be out in the open but like. HELLO? YOU DONT KNOW THESE PLANTS. [they're for like potions] WTF ARE YOU DOING. THEY COULD BE HOME TO A VICIOUS SPECIES FOR ALL YOU KNOW YOU IDIOT)
pictures are horrendous. savanaclaw… 1. Why the fuck did someone make up some bs rumor that putting like treasure on your head (its fake tho) would like grant you a wish? WHY? WHAT DO YOU GAIN FROM THAT!?? HELLO???? also oh my god as a person who hates everything about being in pictures (i have to be tricked to get my picture taken ugh) THAT WAS HORRIBLE TO READ. im reading on the wiki by the way because i want the context. also oh my god (im sorry im saying that a lot.) as a person who was absolutely repulsed by touch for awhile (and still kind of squeamish about it but dont have the courage to shove ppl off half the time) i think id die inside. like. okay so they're like touching his ears and his tail (i only remember the ear but i was so pissed off i dont know if i imagined the tail bit or not) and kinda his everything right? WHY? thats. like. such an invasion of privacy. like. HELLO??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING. pleASE stop???? also oh my god WHYH ARE YOU MAKING A MESS OF IT WHAT tHE HECK (they should have like those ropes that signify 'you're not allowed past this part' to make it clear HEY youre not allowed to touch that. but also some people will ignore it and they could get overrun FAST. ughhh)
i wish i could say that people have the courtesy to be careful not to do anything to harm others but i cant really no words. just. oh my god. be CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU'RE DOING . there are important sUBSTANCES HERE THAT ARE VERY FRAGILE. (they should've been made to pay for it ughhh. teach them.)
scarabia. honestly ive read a fic that went over this before. and honestly its very funny. so like yuu's just going to sam's shop where they are the teachers are nearby (stunned) and jamils just like 'I'LL BURN IT ALL TO THE GROUND' and its HILARIOUS. also bugs. shudder. i dont even know how youd get people to stop wasting the food tho. man. bruh.
(also where are there self preservation skills oh my god)
ignihyde. oh my god THEYVE DONE THE WORST CRIME OF THEM ALL. THE DESTRUCTION OF BOOKS. okay im being overdramatic but WHAT THE FUCK if anyone did that to my books id honestly be so done.
well anything else could be salvaged sort of (with the exception of the destruction of the plants, the destruction of one of the things in the lab, and this) but. this. destruction of property???????? FOR ALL YOU KNOW THAT COULD'VE BEEN SOME SUPER RARE VERY LIMITED BOOK WITH ONLY. LIKE. 10 COPIES MADE. OR LIKE. ITS ENTIRELY HANDWRITTEN BY SOME FAMOUS PERSON WHO DIED A LONG TIME AGO AND THIS IS ALL WE HAVE LEFT AND YOU DESTROY IT!
AGHHH. im so aggravated. (as a person who ADORES books. im so irritated. i mean dont get me wrong they arent that important to me. but the library is my favorite part in a school! i love reading! its practically sacred!) "Jail. Jail for one thousand years! Some of us LIKE being alone, y'know? Please, for the love of everything, just let us live our gremlin lives!" YES. (honestly. out of all the dorms. if not savanaclaw, then id probably be in ignihyde. like yes hide me away forever so i can play games and not have to interact with people)
"Y'know, for Malleus Draconia! The guy so zetta powerful that everybody trembles at his name! Getting a picture of yourself touching him is a legendary feat."
im so rrry im yttypingoifnhgfh there comes a point where im so frustrated i cant typer ight. heavy sigh
i wonder if a sort of barrier spell to prevent people from moving past (aka into the dorm) would be possible. but that might be a huge drain and whose to say they couldnt idfk take pictures through the windows? ew stalkery behavior, and not any better.
THE STATUES? WHAT THE FUCK!? that. i. AGH (people are so dumb. why. would you. post a picture OF YOU COMMITTING A CRIME!?)
!!!! POP OFF (edit: this is like heartslabyul going against the magicam monsters. id probably adore octavinelle's if i hadn't already been spoiled about it lol)
kind of off topic. but yknow what? i kind of feel like im really living up to my riddle pfp lmFAO
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(i wrote it all down on discord. i probably could've just started it on a tumblr post instead but it didnt even occur to me)
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
My dream tonight was fucking insane. I'll just write bullet points.
First off all the baki anime was getting rebooted so this time they'd fucking made Baki a furry. Not as in he was anthro, no, he had to put on a fucking suit (it was a cute big cat :) ) and i was so maaad about this change because the old outfit was iconic enough and this was being made to appeal to a larger audience or something.
Also i think they killed off Jack Hanma or something i was mad about that too
Next thing i remember I was outside, in some hike. I always dream about being outside.
I don't remember shit i did except for the fact when i was tired i decided to lay down in the middle of the fucking field for no reason and i threw a pillow and a blanket and it was a wide thick blanket this magenta color, close to this one,and i laid down i started seeing in the horizon with the clouds all going down one was coming over which very clearly brought rain and i knew rain at night while i sleep on the grassy ground was like a death sentence but i just didn't feel like moving to the house a few blocks by where other people lived because i'd fumbled it pretty hard before.
My death wish wasn't granted however because one woman and some maybe male pal of hers came over. She was blonde and had an eyepatch. I pretended to be fast asleep so she wouldnt try to move me. She didn't, instead, she covered myself with a plastic wrap (head to toe btw i got scared for a second about it but decided to just trust her y'know?)
Lady said i looked cute and retold a story about one time i helped her, something related to her eye prob. I think her name was "one-eyed Jackie" btw. Also, i didnt feel like an adult in this dream, i felt like a kid, put a pin on that.
Now cozy and safe i decided to quote a poem from memory to sleep a poem which does not exist and of which i dont remember enough to write it down but the main theme was about holding on against the unstoppable crushing pressure and this was all illustrated on a comic in a dark pool where the character (fucking PG btw idk how he didnt short circuit also im really normal yes thanks for asking) started floating but then there was no water and he was just gripping the edge to not fall and he never did but the poem ended with the repetition about gripping on. It was a somber one but bc my loving nature i just wanted to save him tm and i kept (no pun intended with that last one) thinking of two people walking across different landscapes like a documentary montage. It was nice.
Unfortunately i was almost ran the fuck over while i was trying to dream in peace.
I jumped to the side and avoided the truck but my devices were there and i told to Jackie "My phone is there :( " and she was like no they retrieved it now stop worrying about that are you ok?!
I think it was then when it fully transformed into a movie, or perhaps the earlier scene with Jackie was, either way, i am now no longer me and im instead L.L.
And for dear life I'd not explain to you what happened in this movie although i think they mentioned Sam Raimi made it? It did have some horror things like uh, a fucking werewolf. Like out of our pals, he was just a werewolf and he'd transform each part whenever he wanted. It was nuts, hilarious too.
There was a big bad and his team too at one point they set our little clown shack (bc it was the size of a letrine yet like 8 people were inside it) on fire.
The ending was nutty too actually papyrus fucking died i just remembered. There was this giant freezing mechanism and he (who btw didnt look like paps he was naked his head was very rectangular and cartoony and bigger than his arms, also he was my height) was like "i'll just wait for them to come back to talk this out! :) and i was like PAPYRUS NO! but then it was too late he was head to toe frozen with a smile still on his face....... tried to whipe the moisture from his face maybe w some heat we'd save him but a girl in my team just was like cmon we need to go so i had to leave him.
And then we faced the big bad who was literally just some guy who kinda looked like uh. Hang on. Well i cant find his name but the guy from bg3 who looks like a fucking clown and people love to hate or something. Except w longer crazier hair. And he did fucking kil my epic werewolf bestie but we managed to get rid of him locking him up Somewhere i guess for him to die.
and then we were all coming back from the intensity of it all and the girl from before is like "you gotta admit, that was the best terrible movie ever" and i didnt dare to say i actually loved it
also i forgot if i mentioned this but this movie had a fandom and fanart and somoene had drawn my wolfy pal (who my brain keeps insisting on calling trevor but im pretty sure that's an unrelated werewolf. Also this guy i remembered his looks, his fur was grey and black but he was pale and blonde w short hair sticking up, like, platinum blonde) like "yeah im a werewolf despite that never being explained ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" which is why when it happened i didnt question it, ironically.
anyway i think i brought up the poem and this is when you take off that pin because now one of my childhood friends from primary school (or a representation of her) started talking about how she wrote a following poem or maybe i was talking about a different one idk but she talked about how it opened doors in her life and she annoyed me so i went to sit somehwere else.
And i remember this scene where someone went to sleep so we were told to be silent and a friend was looking thru my drawings adn they were all things i never drew of characters that dont exist and it had this tangible mischevious energy like we were two kids trying to not laugh annoying each other who might get in trouble.
Then i finally sat down in a corner with a friend, could have been my childhood friend (only one i still talk to who's male) or my platonic partner (eye, if you're reading this, hi! ^_^) and we just started talking about friendship, with him mentioning i'd go talk to the rest in the main table instead of lingering here alone but i conter argued i'd eventually do it, it'd just take me a long time. After all, it did take me quite a bit to get close to him, did it not? this was fine.
I woke up so groggy i wouldnt have been able to tell you my own name if you asked me but that whole thing just felt like, such a peaceful story. So fun ! Sad i couldnt save the wolf but you cant save everyone out there tbh
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A/N so this is a little different from my usual works but I just sorta thought of this one so yeah. Happy holidays everyone, enjoy a Christmas, fluffy, angsty I guess, familial fic.
Have fun <3
"here you go Cass." Dean said handing him a messily wrapped present covered in gold and red shiny wrapping paper with a big bow on the top.
"for Sam?" He asked moving his present filled hand toward Sam.
"no Cass, its for you hun." Dean smiled albeit confusedly. Cass sighed sadly looking at the floor
"I don't understand." He mumbled.
"hey, that's ok Cass, it's your first Christmas, what don't you understand?" Sam asked patiently.
"I thought gifts were given to loved ones." Dean looked at him almost offended.
"hold on." Sam said to dean. "Cass, did you get us gifts?"
"I'm sorry, I see now why you would not want them. I apologise."
"no no no Cass. Ok how do we do this?" Sam asked himself.
"Cass, why would you love us and us not love you? I tell you I love you all the time." Dean said.
"yeah but... Why would you mean it?" Cass asked. "you say it when I say it first. I thought that was just social protocol." He reasoned.
Sam looked at dean shocked and outraged.
"dean! You only say it when he says it first are you kidding me?!" Sam shouted angry.
"yeah well... That doesn't make it less true or constant." He said sheepishly to Sam before turning to Cass. "you know that right?"
"how could he when he only hears it as an echo?" Sam said. He was defending Cass with avengance.
"hold on." Dean mumbled eyebrows furrowed.
"no I'm not done yelling at you yet!" He said.
"no no seriously. Stop." Dean said.
"did you say why would that be true?"
"well... Yeah." Cass mumbled.
"why?" Dean said.
"well. I'm a broken angel dean. Why would you love me? What is there to love?" cass asked genuinely, that was what really shook dean, Cass truly believed what he was saying to him, he thought himself unlovable because he wasn't what he once was.
"shut up cass." dean said.
"i-im sorry." he said looking down.
sam watched the conversation develop quietly.
"you should be.-"
"Dean-" sam started.
"how dare you. how could you possibly see yourself that way?! i love you cass! i love you so much. i dont care about that. when you were a real angel or whatever the hell you wanna call it you were a dick! i didnt love you until you started caring, until you had and expressed the emotions you were previously punished for feeling. Cass we love you so much. i love you so much. how could you possibly think we wouldnt love you. how could you think that. i am so totally in love with you cass. everything i am is thanks to you. not because you saved me from hell but because you save us, you help us, you heal us, and you heal the people i love. i dont love you out of gratitude cass, i love you becuase even wehn it ends badly you try to help people no matter what and if it ends worse off you hate yourself, you feel the guilt even when it isnt your fault. when something bad happens that knowledge kills you. like, do you rmeber when i got sick and you were human and you stayed up for almost a week taking care of me and you hated yourself for not being able to heal me?" Cass nodded slightly, "do you remember when i jumped into a hunt the second i could and ended up having to catch you when you passed out from exhaustion, dehydration, starvation because you thought that you didnt matter if you couldnt help others?" cass nodded again. "do you remeber what i said to you when you woke up?"
cass nodded again before saying, "you said that it didint matter who else was in trouble, it didnt matter that i wasnt an angel because you needed me and that you loved me. you said that i couldnt help anyone if i didnt take care of myself because id end up dead and that if that happened you wouldnt know what to do with yourself." cass finished.
"and thats why i love you, because you would blow up the very ground you stand on to make something right, you would put the life of a caterpiller before your own. i love you because no matter what happens you prioritise others and no matter what happens you never stop lovong the little things."
"and its a good thing too other wise dean would never get any action." sam joked.
"Sam! get out, im busy!" he commanded, its a good thing sam was already leaving because he was too busy laughing at himself to hear him.
"ignoring sams untrue and incorrect comment cass, i love you. do you understand?" dean asked. scootching towards cass who nodded. "I love you too." he said before wrapping him in a tight hug, cass didnt really like kissing, hugs he loved and sex he didnt ming but kissing was too strange, he couldnt stand the feeling of someone slese toung in his mouth, said it felt like worms, so dean kissed him on the forehead or on the mouth without tounge, if it made cass happy he was more than happy to comply. but cass knew he was loved and that was what he needed to hear.
"so what did you get me anyway?" he asked.
"oh cass, youre gonna love it." dean said as he handed it over. cass unpeeled the gold and crimson paper his smile positively beamed. “Merry Christmas!”
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" cass screamed, dean smiled and sam came in running.
"What is it? What happened?" he asked. he looked at cass with the bee themed pj jumpsuit slippers, eyemask and photo frame unwrapped in his lap.
"So you like it?" dean asked.
cass rushed over to dean and hugged him so hard dean had to check his ribs. he chuckled at his verocity.
"my god i love you."
So yeah. Enjoy. Just thought it would be interesting and it kinda makes sense to me that cass would have a terrible family sense given that the angels were really aggressive and not exactly loving, so yeah. Any thoughts? Let me know :)
Send me prompts please. I have no inspiration :)
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heartsoulspiritelite · 10 months
Mjf x Darby allin
Summary- Max was in the ring throwing his re-bar mitzvah, all was going great till the other 3 , Darby Allin, Jungle boy Jack Perry, and Sammy Guevara had to show up. Way to ruin everything When Darby was talking Max has to physically stop himself from staring in adoration
But no Max is not gay that's just gross
Why do you hate me so much?
Darby couldn't help but wonder why Max hated him so much. Like he knew that Max practically hated everybody, and now of course he would hate Darby more because of that segment. But why has he always hated him. Darby didn't do anything to him, like yeah since max thinks he better than everyone he could have just ignored darby but no. He goes out of his way to degrade Darby and make him feel bad about himself.
Darby was in his own world before he bumped into something- someone rather muscular. It was Max. Of course it was.
"Watch where your going dumbass" Max retorted
"im sorry" Darby muttered upset.
Something about that tone made him want to hug Darby but obviously there was no was he was going to do that. So he was about to continue walking when-
"Max why do hate you me so much. Why do you always feel the need to verbally hurt me all the time. Why can't you just ignore me like you do to everyone else. I already have enough on my plate alright. I hate myself just as much as you hate me so please stop" Darby came clean
"W-what?" Max replied taken back
"You heard me Maxwell. If you want to degrade me we can do it another way because honestly theres 2 ways we could do it. But please stop. I know you hate me even more because of what happened out there." Darby told Max
This caused Max to blush but he played off as a cough.
"Sam i dont hate you" Max told him
Darby was taken off guard on the use of his birth name.
"Yeah you do. You make it pretty clear" Darby said coldly
"WELL I DONT OKAY. I FUCKIN LIKE YOU ALRIGHT. I DONT HATE YOU I HATE THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL AND IM SORRY OKAY. Im supposed to be a ladies man alright. I shouldn't be liking a man who doesn't like me back" Max Yelled, shocked himself He took a couple deep breaths to calm down.
The yelling startled Darby and shocked him.
"What" darby asked very confused
"Are you serious?" He asked again
"Yeah.. But even if you liked me back. There's no way you could be with someone like me." Max said sadly
"Max i've always liked you. Thats why it hurt so much when would say those things to me. But i understand now why you did it. Maxwell i find you so hot, and i kinda like the way you're a jerk. I mean sometimes you're just a straight up Bitch, Which we gotta work on, but sometimes the way you act is just so damn hot" Darby confessed blushing
"So is that offer still up? Can i degrade you another way? Then show you how beautiful you because i think you need some reminding" Max asked while smirking
"Of course it is, But remember im beating you for that title" Darby told him cheekily
"Honestly i wouldnt doubt it. But please stop hating yourself, you are important to so much people darbs and you are so handsome and honestly the way you are makes me weak in the knees" Max told him softly
"Thanks Max" Darby whispered blushing
"Can i kiss you" Max asked cutely
Darby nodded and they both closed the gap between them. Thing got a little heated so they went back to the hotel and took up the offers they both left.
~Cross-posted on wattpad & ao3~
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