#(I’ve definitely had some basements that were Not It tho for sure. finished basements weren’t the standard in my hometown.)
stat1cstarz · 1 year
𝖺𝗋𝗀𝗒𝗅𝖾 𝗑 𝗏𝗂𝗋𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗂𝖺
𝖢𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗌 𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇☃️
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Me, argyle,and the Byers decided to stay in Hawkins with the others for a few days, we had been staying in a motel near the wheelers house since nobody could afford for us to stay with them, and the wheelers house was to full. Johnathan,will,and el had a room, and me and argyle had a room. Whenever we weren’t in the motel room we were at the wheelers house in the basement, watching Christmas movies,wrapping gifts for eachother,normal Christmas stuff, which leads to now
𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺❄️—————
Me and the rest of the group headed outside while it was snowing, to mainly entertain the younger kids, all though they didn’t seem to interested. Since Eddie seemed to pretty close to them he tried encouraging them to make a snowman or have a snowball fight with him, and while the guys didn’t seem to care much, Jane decided to throw one at his back while he was rolling up the base for the snowman. Afterwards he picked up a snowball and threw it at her, which started a chain reaction,starting with Mike,will,than Dustin. Nancy and Steve were sitting on the back patio together holding hands,and Robin was inside watching a movie. I decided to go finish Eddie’s snowman for him, and bent over to roll the snowman more to make it bigger, until I felt a hard push from someone, I wasn’t sure who tho. But I had rolled over the snowman and landed on my back “You alright?” I heard Steve yelled “Not cool man” I heard Argyle yell, he was pretty chill luckily so no one got hurt “I’m fine Argyle” I said “Sorry Virginia” Eddie yelled, standing near me “I just don’t want you taking my credit for making Bartholomew” I blinked slowly at him “What did you say his name was?” I asked “You heard me” Eddie replied “I wish I didn’t” I said, as I felt someone put their cold gloves under my armpits. I looked up and saw Johnathan going over to help me up, since Argyle and Steve seemed busy play-fighting and covering each-other in snow. The younger teens were making snow forts for the snowball fight that had escalated into a war. They each argued who should be in who’s team, almost everyone wanted Eleven on their team due to her powers and others said that was called cheating and El should be on her own. Finally they put themselves into their own teams, Lucas,Dustin,and will + Max, El, and Mike. I heard panting behind me and saw argyle and Steve sitting on the patio completely out of breath “You guys alright?” I asked them, running over to check on argyle “You don’t care about me Virginia?” He asked “I think he’s had to much eggnog” Robin insisted “The wheelers don’t own eggnog Robin” Nancy added “The Harringtons do, I’ve been at Steve’s place and they got a good stash during the holiday” Robin said “Can I have some?” I asked jokingly. “You’re to young” argyle said “that would be irresponsible for me as an adult to let a 16 year old drink” argyle said “definitely lost his surfer boy accent” Nancy said “I’m ready to go in, can you guys watch the kids?” I asked “Sure, Eddie’s in great care.” Steve added “Fuck you to” Eddie yelled. I opened the sliding glass door and went back into the basement, I peeled off my winter coat and hung it over a rack, putting my pajamas on and getting under a blanket on the couch. I heard running down the stairs and decided to look back to see who it was, and saw argyle coming downstairs. He did the same as me, crawling over the couch and decided to be the big spoon, and continued to watch whatever Christmas show had been left on
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 years
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softschnappi · 5 years
Find Me Somebody To Love
Pairing: Richie and Will (DUH it’s me)
A/N: I’m very disappointed with the new season of Stranger things, particularly the Will content but at least we got some new scenes which prompted me to write a Ryers fic. Which is this. And many more. I made Mileven a thing in this because I really don’t care anymore fuck it’s lowkey tho
Warnings: there’s really no spoilers but just to be safe spoiler warning, swearing
Description: Mike tries to talk to Will about getting a girlfriend, but Will isn’t having it. He storms off, and nobody knows where he is for a few days. Worried, the party consults El to find Will and make sure he’s safe. But what they find is very unexpected…
“I just feel bad,” Mike started, licking his cookies and cream ice cream cone. “You’re the only one out of all of us that doesn’t have a girlfriend. There’s gotta be someone who you like.” 
Will took a seat across from Mike at the food court table. “I don’t know, I’m just not really interested in having a girlfriend. But I’m glad you, Lucas, and Dustin are enjoying having one.” He poked at his cotton candy ice cream bowl with his spoon. 
“Oh come on. What about Aubrey?”
Will raised an eyebrow, “What about Aubrey?”
“You’re telling me that nothing happened between you two after you slow danced together at semi-formal last month?” Mike questioned.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you,” Will said, eating a spoonful of his ice cream. “And I didn’t even dance with her. She asked me but I said no.”
“What? I totally thought you guys danced together! Why did you turn her down? She’s cute…but not your type though?” 
Will shrugged, “Yeah, wasn’t my type. And again, I don’t want a girlfriend right now.” He sighed. “Can we please just talk about something else?”
Dropping the subject, they finished their ice cream cones and began a long debate over Star Wars theories. Steve even came over on his break for some company. A while later, Steve noticed a blonde girl who seemed transfixed with their table. He waved at her, thinking that yes, his good looks weren’t fading, but she didn’t seem to notice. She was looking at someone else.
“Hey, Will,” Steve whispered. “Ten ‘o clock!”
“What?” Will said, completely confused.
“Ten ‘o clock. That blondie over there hasn’t blinked since she first laid eyes on you.”
Will felt himself flush at the thought of being the center of attention, that someone was watching his every move. “I-Um-” 
“Hey, chill out,” Mike laughed. 
“Yeah, you look like you’re about to be an entree at Red Lobster,” Steve added. “Just wave at her. Simple.”
Will winced. “Won’t that be leading her on?”
“What? No,” Steve said. “It’s just a wave. Don’t overthink it.”
Will wasn’t overthinking it. He’d already decided that he didn’t want to interact with this random girl and potentially lead her on. That would devastate both her and him. Sure, it was only a wave like Steve said, but…still. 
“I’m not,” Will argued. “I just don’t want to wave to her.”
Steve almost choked on his water. “Will, c’mon, it’s only a wave-”
Will began to get agitated. “I said I don’t want to.”
“Look at you, you’re a total babe magnet and you won’t even acknowledge the girl. I didn’t think you’d turn into such a Steve Harrington a.k.a douchebag so quickly, Will,” Mike laughed while Steve glared at him. 
Looking up from his lap, Will became even more pissed off. “Why are you trying to force me to talk to girls when you know I don’t want to and then try to make me feel bad about it?” Will stood up from the table. “I’ve repeatedly said that I don’t want a girlfriend, how hard is that for you to understand?!”
Will knew that if he stuck around, the conversations would eventually go back to being about girls like they always did. So he walked away from the table. 
“Hey, I was only joking!” Mike called, “Where are you going?”
Ignoring his friend and Steve, Will walked out of the mall, got on his bike, and rode away. 
“I haven’t seen Will in three days! Three days!” Mike complained to the party, “I didn’t think what I said made him that upset!”
Everyone agreed that Will had the right to be a little angry since Mike had been pushing his buttons about girls at the mall, but not coming to hang out for three days after the incident? It was a little suspicious. Will usually shook things off overnight or the next day. 
“I called his mom, and even she doesn’t know where he is!” Mike explained, “I told her that we’d find him. What if he’s in danger?” 
“Wait. Not even Mrs. Byers knows where Will is?” Lucas asked. 
“No! She thought he was sleeping over here, which he was supposed to before he ran off,” Mike said. “I’m worried.”
“Well,” Max chimed in, “The only way to really find out where he is-”
“Through me,” El spoke up. 
Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Max all gathered together on Mike’s couch while El sat in front with a black blindfold over her eyes. She doesn’t search for people or “spy” as some like to call it as often as she used to, as it was draining. But this situation deemed worthy. 
El took a deep breath in and tried to concentrate. When she opened her eyes, she was in the void. The familiar black water sloshed at her feet as she walked around, trying to find Will. 
A blue bed appeared in the distance to her left. She walked towards it. 
“I found him,” El said aloud. 
“Where is he?”
“Is he okay?”
As El got closer, she discovered that Will wasn’t alone. Will and another person were laying side by side on the bed.
“He’s with somebody,” She alerted the party.
Will, I’m booooored 
Sounds like a you problem. While I, on the other hand, am enjoying reading this comic book.
I read that one a thousand times so…
Lucky you
I’m still bored
What do you want me to do about it-
The other person flung the comic book out of Will’s hands and smashed their lips against his. Will wrapped his arm around the other person’s waist and fisted their hair with his other hand, responding enthusiastically to the kiss. 
“They’re,” El paused. “Kissing.”
“No way!” Mike gasped, recalling their conversations at the mall. “That’s…impossible!”
Lucas cheered, “Hell yeah, Will!”
“No freaking way,” Dustin added. “How hot is she?”
“Yeah, what does she look like?” Max asked. 
El took a closer look at the person on top of Will. They appeared to be tall, had short brown hair, a big nose, and glasses. Now that El was really thinking about it, this person didn’t look like a girl at all or even talk like a girl. In fact, they looked a lot like…
“Mike,” She told them.
“What?!” He said, utterly shocked.
“So Will’s locking lips with a girl who looks like Mike?” Dustin raised an eyebrow. “That’s…different.”
You’re so fucking cute
Shut up
I won’t
The person began to pepper kisses down Will’s neck, stopping at one spot.
Hey! If you’re gonna leave marks do it where no one can see them, remember?
“Not a girl,” El spoke up, wiping her bloody nose with a tissue. 
“If they’re not a girl then they gotta be…a boy,” Max said.
“So let me get this straight,” Mike started as he began to pace around the basement, “Will hasn’t been around for a few days and is now apparently kissing a boy? And not to mention a boy that looks like me?”
It was silent for a few moments before Dustin’s head shot up. “You guys don’t think-”
Mhm, stop sucking on my neck and kiss me for real!
Whatever my beloved Willy Will wants…
Oh would you stop calling me that stupid name already!
Whyyy? It’s cute! Just like you!
Richie, just shut up and kiss me 
“Holy shit!” Lucas exclaimed, “I can’t believe that right now, as we speak, our Will is sucking face with Richie Tozier!”
Max’s face winced in disgust. “Don’t tell me it’s the same Richie that was my lab partner for the frog dissection. The really annoying one?”
“How many Richie’s do you know?” Dustin replied. “It’s him.”
Mike took a seat on the couch and stared at the wall. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Now everything made sense: why Will didn’t dance with Aubrey, how he never seemed interested when they talked about girls, why he didn’t want a girlfriend, and why he didn’t wave to that blonde girl at the mall. His best friend for more than ten years was secretly dating Richie Tozier and making out with him at that very moment. Will had never told anyone - that Mike was aware of - that he was into guys, but now everything made sense. 
“El,” Mike spoke, “Get out of there. This is wrong.” He felt so guilty for invading Will’s privacy, even though it was just to make sure he was safe. Now everyone knew Will’s secret that definitely wasn’t supposed to be found out.
Dustin leaned back in his chair. “I can’t believe this is happening. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen them hang out and this whole time-”
“They’ve been dating right under our noses,” Lucas finished. “My mind is blown.”
El took the blindfold off and wiped her nose. What she saw must be something not right according to her friends’ attitude towards it. 
“You’re not happy for Will?” She said.
Mike’s eyes widened, “What? No! We’re all happy, it’s just…”
El gave Max a confused look. Will and this Richie person were just kissing, something her and Mike did all the time. Why was everyone acting so weird about it?
“Two boys kissing is not very common,” Max explained to her. 
“Why not?”
Dustin sighed, “A lot of people think it’s wrong, and they say bad things about it, unlike if you and Mike kissed.”
“Oh,” El replied even though she still didn’t fully understand.
“But Will can never know that you saw him and Richie,” Mike said. “He’ll tell us when he’s ready, but until then, we don’t tell anyone and just forget about it. Okay?”
Everyone nodded. 
Mike stood up and walked over to the phone on the wall. He dialed a number and waited for a few moments. 
“Hi, Mrs. Byers. We found Will. He’s alright.”
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kxlebcross · 4 years
for the quarantine asks, multiples of 2, please :)
are you fucking serious???? i’m gonna get back at you for this, i’m smol and ready to fight!!!! (under the cut >:3)
2. Grilled cheese or PB&J? grilled cheese, always... idk, maybe i’m too european for that but pb&j just seems gross to me (noah fence to anyone who likes it tho)
4.  Your go-to bar order, if you drink? usually it’s a mojito, a gintonic or a vodka-tonic, depending on the place and its’ prices... and if i’m not that low on money sometimes an absinthe slips in, but that’s really rare, i’m not that young anymore and my body just can’t keep up with the alcohol anymore dfsdfd
6. Top three cuisines? uhhhh..... italian, hungarian and..... i don’t actually have a third hdgfhsd can i just generally say that ‘asian’? tbh i tried like 3-4 dishes from various asian countries which imo is way less than enough to choose a fave, and there’s also a lot more i’d like to try sometime... but my city doesn’t have many places to go to, and the only “chinese” restaurant we have is a cheap ripoff which never served a proper chinese dish in their life.... ordered from there twice, beforehand researching each dish i ordered and let me tell u.... they weren’t even close to what they were supposed to be......
8.  What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?  i once worked at a strip club..... no, not as a stripper, i was a waiter/bartender, and honestly i wouldn’t even mind talking about it if the place wasn’t shady as fuck.... one of the national tv stations even made a full time documentary series about all the illegal shit that’s going down there..... but i never really did any unconventional jobs so there’s nothing fancy, but if i were to tell stories about what i’ve encountered during my ordinary jobs...... oh boi.......
10.  Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general? i have a signed photo with Flowsik from his Warsaw concert.... and i think that’s the only thing like that, if i ever had anything else it’s long forgotten and probably is laying in some box in my mom’s basement lmao
12. What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted? i only have bagels in the kfc breakfast offer so it’s usually some chicken, salad, cheese, egg and mayonnaise? i think? or was that the ciabatta? fuck me if i remember...... but if i could choose anything i’d probably go with smth similar, some chicken strips, veggies, bacon, cheese and moyinnaise? yeah, probably, im a man of simple tastes dsfdfg
14.  Favorite mug you own i wish i wasn’t so lazy and just take a picture of it, but i’m a lazy fuck so here i go explaining XD so its actually a middle-sized coffee mug, it’s pastel greyish-pink with two cats on it, and one of the cats is chilling on a guitar.... it was a bday present from my mums friend and it came in a cat head-like box which i kept.... it’s now on the top shelf in it’s all grotesque cat box glory..... like the ceiling cat meme
16.  Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!)  uhhhh tbh my mood is usually a blank space, apathy be fun like that... so ill just list some that i’m generally vibin’ with
Take a knife in the back, wanna feel my pain Make a slice to the wrist to reveal those veins I could see your face, man I feel insane
Such a mess when I'm in your presence I've had enough, think you've been making me sick Gotta get you out of my system, yeah
MGK - In These Walls
I just can’t get enough of you, but that’s alright Feeling like going on a joyride with you through the night I keep accelerating on the road with you at my side
Lexie Liu - Like a Mercedes
And it's nights like this when I'm on my own And I realize that you'll never feel like home No, I can't feel you now (Feel me now) And I try my best to stick around But when you're broken like me, you just gotta get out 
Bring Me The Horizon -  ±ªþ³§ feat. YONAKA (but i’m generally vibin’ with the whole album that this song is from)
18.  What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?  okay so i’m probably not gonna rewatch it ever again, but... when i was a kid there was this german series on tv and it was called medicopter 117.... so in exam season i realized that as a kid i never got to finish it so i decided to rewatch... listen, it’s a 1997 series... but damn it was actually better than some of the crap ppl call tv show now....... not gonna rewatch tho, some moments and plotlines were frustrating as fuck
20.  Do you match your socks? yes! but only because i either have them all black (which will match anyway) or funky colorful fruit patterned ones that look a bit much even on their own so i wouldn’t really wanna mix’n’match those in fear they would just look tacky as fuck
22.  What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) well for a while i was the horse kid, then the cat kid, then the car kid and then i ended up being the resident class emo with a weird obsession over Lord of the Rings.... it was a wild ride, though the emo phase sort of stuck with me even now
24.  What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)? the what? i stg i never encountered it in my life so i’m not really having an opinion on it, sorry to disappoint
26.  You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? definitely orange... apple has a weird aftertaste, tomato is gross, banana feels like having jizz in ur mouth.... yeah, we’re sticking with orange (also please don’t ask me to elaborate on the jizz part)
28.  What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now? i’m actually trying to get better with some overwatch heroes i never learned before... since the lockdown started i got a lot better with snipers and i1m actually pretty proud of it
30.  Where could someone find you in a museum? most likely in the souvenir shop trying to find the cheapest thing..... or chilling on some bench/chair after watching all the art pieces, i’m usually way too lazy to stand around and wanna get out pretty fast, but i think it has more to do with the fact that i don’t really like to hang out around people and museums tend to always have a few of those
32.  Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds? stars and clouds.... but man i actually really miss stars........ that’s the only thing that’s shitty in living at the city that i can’t see the stars
34.  Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs? i think art.... i mean i have three movie posters, an overwatch one, a religious calendar from my mum, and then a pride flag and some tacky painting the landlady insisted on keeping on the wall.....
36.  Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... okay i’m gonna admit, i’m not really into superheroes so i’m not that well-informed about their sidekicks either.... can i just hang out with loki instead or smth?
38.  Favorite mid-2000s song oh no.... assuming it was around 2005.... i was like 7 at that time? what the fuck did  i listen to back then? uhhhhhhh i’m pretty sure that was a basshunter time back then? so i’m gonna go with Basshunter’s Now You’re Gone as i remember having it on my mp3 player dfjhjkdf
40.  Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)? usually at my pc, even when i have guests over because i don’t trust anyone with the playlists...... and when i’m over at someone i usually choose a fotel or smth and lay down in it as if i’ve never used a fotel before or couldn’t sit like a normal human being.... and if there’s no fotel then i’m sitting on the armrest of the sofa because apparently i can’t sit like a normal human being sdshfghsdf
42.  A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving  it’s this one.... one day just popped up in my youtube recommended and i was like what the fuck??????? but i’m not gonna say what it is, see for yourself ;)
44.  Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online? i..... try not to post at all??? but if i do it’s either no caption or “i randomly decided to post some pictures at 3am without thinking about a concept or caption so i’m just gonna wing it” kind of bullshit, no inbetween, i just can’t write meaningful shit under my pictures 
46.  What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store? fries..... i’m a slut for fries, best food ever......... give me fries......... i think i actually might buy some later now that we’re talking about it
48.  Do you like Jello? once again i’m way too european to have an opinion, sorry.....
50.  How are you at climbing trees? when i was a kid i was doing pretty well..... now, around 15 yrs and a few fucked up joints later i’m not sure how would i do....... if this stewpid lockdown is over i might actually convince my friend to find some trees to climb and then we’ll see....... (and then i hopefully won’t accidentally k*ll myself because he will be there to catch me if i fall lmaoooo)
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