#((tumblr mobile app again didn't notify about this when it should))
fatalistyc · 3 years
@handpickedriot ha preguntado: Harumi pressed a palm to Hanzo's cheek, cradling it like a lifeline. "Come back to me," she whispered, knowing well it was not an easy thing to ask of either of them, but needing him to promise anyway. Harumi kissed him tenderly, then, adding, "I need you in my life."
For his heart has taken a lighter rhythm to move, one that spread less blood to the rest of his body, so does the pain with every breath and the ice, the ice has caused this. The world hides now behind a blurry veil, every image he sees is painted with spots of crimson and dark shapes, what is left now is the ability to sense, not even his ears can capture every sounds from the world outside of his body. Calloused hands take the effort to travel directly to the something, no, someone that stares with dark eyes at him, can hear her, can touch her face for once, the hair that adorns her, is she hurt too? “... are you... okay... Harumi?” Manages to say with his trembling voice, doesn’t care about his own state now, he can only think of her safety.
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